#to the people saying its not for them but whatever
genericpuff · 2 days
i find it funny that one of rachel’s drawings of herself in the afterword that just went up is just fully persephone. is that something she does a lot?
Alright so I've been making it a general rule for myself to like, not harp on Rachel in any way outside of LO as much because frankly the horse is dead now and there's not much left to say outside of what can be analyzed in hindsight. I think despite everything I have to say about her and her work, she still deserves to get away from this nonsense and I don't wanna spend eternity hovering over her shoulder.
But the afterword was posted within the LO series and is clearly meant for readers of LO in the functioning of being an afterword so let's just call it fair game LOL
I will say, on the whole, it does feel very honest and sentimental and I can respect Rachel for taking the time to write out and illustrate her afterword in a way that was personal to both her and her fans. I can understand why she went at it from the angle that she did and I'm not gonna fault her for that.
But there's also something that feels deeply... disingenuous about her approach right from the starting gun. I will say, before I continue, that I'm well aware I am biased towards Rachel as a creator, and I fully acknowledge that I could very well be reading too much into things. This is just my opinion, take it with mountains of salt.
I can get looking back on your own childhood, your past self, whatever, and going "see! it all got better!" because sure! For a lot of creators like Rachel, it must be wild to look back on where they came from and there's a lot of sentimentality on expressing that through an afterword like this where she reflects on where she came from. Though she STILL didn't acknowledge her other comics outside of LO, I can understand if she wants to leave those skeletons in the closet.
But I feel like her drawing herself as a child who's being given an Eisner by her adult self and all that just feels like some gross attempt to disarm any criticism of her because "don't make fun of me, I'm just a sad lonely baby girl!"
She's not a child. Child Rachel didn't grossly misappropriate Greek myth into their own self-indulged vanity project. Child Rachel didn't claim herself a folklorist of a culture's works only to bastardize them completely. Child Rachel didn't create a hostile environment within her fanbase by bullying anyone who she perceived as a threat, sneaking into critical spaces to try and cause trouble, and writing her own clapbacks into her comic. Child Rachel didn't claim to be challenging misogyny and purity culture only to reinforce misogyny and purity culture through her own self-insert baby-virgin-gets-rescued-by-rich-tycoon power fantasy that regularly glorified abuse towards women and the lower class.
30-almost-40-year-old Rachel did though.
At best it comes across as really cringe sentimentality from a Greek-weeb (heh, greeboo) and goes to show how much Rachel inserted herself into Greek myth without ever absorbing its messages or cultural contexts, it was all about her and her feelings as a sad New Zealand girl with dyslexia who thought Persephone's story was about another sad girl being rescued from her "horrible childhood".
At worst it's an active attempt to play on people's heartstrings by drawing herself as a child who people will naturally not want to criticize. I don't want to assume she's doing it intentionally, I really don't want to leave her afterword on a bad foot, as I can definitely understand as both a creator and a person who struggled with learning disabilities in their own childhood how and why she wants to pay homage to her past and where she came from... but let's just say, as someone who's also gotten way too "lost in the sauce" concerning personal self-reflective projects, I think there's a lot to say about how this confirms that Rachel made LO entirely for herself, about herself, without any actual intention to respect the original myths, because she never truly separated them from herself when she was a child. And, in my humble opinion as someone who has Been There with the self-insert OC's and self-reflective angsty plotlines, I can fully attest to the fact that that's not fucking healthy. Even with personal projects, you NEED to learn to get your head out of the sauce, you NEED to learn to objectively separate yourself from the narrative so the story doesn't fall apart under your own hubris and ego, you NEED to learn to draw a line if you want to have any sort of identity as a human being outside of what you make for people. And that's with just normal original stories, this was a story based on Greek myth which doesn't belong to her.
And this goes for a lot of the things she's said and done in the past, so much of her own "sources" even are tethered to things that she read / watched in her childhood and only vaguely remembers, as if she never mentally left her childhood at all, which just... if the point was to highlight her past and the traumas she went through and how they contributed to her present, an Eisner isn't going to validate those experiences. And drawing attention to her past through the lens of her childhood self absolutely 100% does not absolve her of the negative effect her work has had on the modern Greek myth zeitgeist nor the things she's said and done as a 38 year old woman who should absolutely know better.
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The community she entered and took from will forever remain changed by her influence and taking, in many ways not for the better. She has the privilege of walking away and never having to think about it again, with all the awards and accolades that were bought for her, the bravado that she built around being a "folklorist" with zero credentials, and the platform she was given over many other creators struggling to even be heard.
That "place" she claims to have now was built entirely on inserting herself into another culture's works and doing nothing but taking, taking, taking, while offering nothing in return but vanity and lip service. That "place" was paid for and brought to you by Webtoons.
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starlightomatic · 2 days
ok now i want to be dafka and design a teacup mikveh ritual that would ping as within jewish continuity
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tyunn1ngz · 2 days
Yeonjun being your ceo hubby and you both got in a argument but had to go to a party so he spent the whole night talking with other people and you got bored so you went to go dance with a guy and Yeonjun pulled you back saying
"I know we aren't in good terms at the moment but if you think I'm gonna let you be touched by another man that isn't me the you are fucking crazy"
And either you tell him to fuck off and it turns into angry sex when you both get back or he drags you out the party and he drives to a empty car park and you both fuck in the backseat 😁
UR INSANNEEEEEEEEEEEE. cw hes kinda mean and hypocritical ? idk also i got so carried away w this dont ask me why its 1k words i literally dk what happened,,,,
no bc i imagine it would be something sooooo petty, something that clearly needed to just be chatted about but the time just slips and suddenly your attitude is just through the roof while you have to converse at this stupid party with a bunch of snobs who you decide in the heat of your anger he’s just like (you know he’s not)
and every word yeonjun speaks just serves to piss you off more >:( that dumb smile on his face like he didn’t upset you and then cater to everyone else with such ease. pretending like everything’s okay, like how dare he ! 🙄
the final straw being that maybe he laughs a little too loud at one of his employees jokes, leaned a little too close in to hear them, allowed touches that linger too long to be friendly intentions; all while he’s almost completely ignored you all evening, when you were only here for him anyway— all dolled up just for him to argue with you and then ignore you.
so you take your interest elsewhere, allowing whatever guest next hits you with a ‘no pretty little thing like you should be pouting like that’ to be your entertainment.
it doesn’t work as intended at first, your eyes consistently darting back and forth between this stranger and yeonjun, who seemingly doesn’t pay you any mind. you deflate a little, chugging back the rest of the champagne in your glass.
and then, this stranger, who you have yet to gain the name of, tries to touch you. he starts with a click of his tongue, grinning as he tilts his head a little. ‘come on, darling. don’t look so sad. i’ll keep you company… get you another drink?’ and his hands begin a slide for your waist.
alas! he’s abruptly stopped by a grasp on his wrist, tight and practically a chokehold around the limb. you know those fingers anywhere.
‘they’re fine. thanks.’ yeonjun says, composed and completely nonchalant on the surface of his tone. but you can see his grip must hurt, can hear the dip of frustration in his voice.
and then you’re being lead by his hands, gentle loving touch ever not present, until the breeze of night air bites at your skin. you frown, and pull yourself free from his clutch, standing before him looking just as frustrated as he seems to feel.
‘the hell are you doing?’ to which he scoffs a laugh, cold as the temperature that wisps at your face in bursts of wind.
‘the fuck are you doing?’
your brows furrow, anger settling under your skin again, your whole body tense. ‘what the fuck’s that supposed to mean?’
‘were you just going to let him lay his hands on you? you seemed real comfortable.’ he’ll tell you, tongue in cheek. it’s unbelievable, completely ironic that you feel maniacal.
‘you can’t be fucking serious,’ you smile despite yourself, ‘you cannot be fucking serious, yeonjun.’
silence falls over you two for a moment, every ticking second he just looks more and more pissed. you stand there practically urging him on, disbelief written across your features in such clear displays. yet, he’s still quiet, and somehow it scares you just a little. but fuck, he’s such a hypocrite! you’re the bad guy when he had hands on himself all night with no protest? you are the one in trouble like he didn’t ignore you all alone at his work party?
‘let’s go.’
you’re broken from your reverie of rageful stomping thoughts, the build up of all the mean things you want to scream at him quickly fading. now a little thrown off by the calmness of his voice, tone void of any actual emotion, your mouth drops open a little despite nothing to say.
‘i said, we’re going.’
dumbfounded, you find yourself tugged along again, towards the car park where you think an awkward, tense ride home will await you. where you expect a pillow and spare blanket thrown haphazardly over the couch by the end of the night.
the last thing on your mental list to expect is being pushed up against the passenger side door, caged in with a finger under your chin, a hand on your hips. your eyes are frantic in search of explanation as you look up at your husband in shock.
his thumb moves to your lips, pressing into the soft flesh where you've already parted in a quiet gasp. yeonjun grins a little, eyes dark and full of mirth.
‘you've had an attitude all day, baby,' he'll say, 'you know well there's nobody else for me than you, hm? no matter how bratty you get with me.'
you gently bite as his finger in retort, 'still doesn't explain your sudden work wife, does it?'
his grin widens, a tad scary in terms of trying to provoke a more negative response. 'just like you throwing yourself at my coworker, yeah? bit desperate for attention, don't you think?'
you bristle, 'he was keeping me company while you whored yourself out, but okay.'
he doesn't falter like you want him to, but his hands tighten on you. he tilts his head.
'yeah? why don't you go back inside to him then? think he could fuck you right, sweetheart?'
you twitch a little, breath exhaled less confident than before, and he's quick to notice it with such a smug smile. you want to wipe it right off his face, but you fear everything you've built yourself up with tonight is quickly crumbling down.
'maybe he could.' but he can hear how unsure you sound, and he laughs. he's condescending you now. yeonjun hums, leaning closer.
'you don't sound so confident. what makes you think he could handle your attitude, anyway?'
you lack the words, the bite, falling so quiet as he stares at you intently. eyes trained on every tiny change your body language gives him. your eyes stare back, already glassy while your lips start to pout. but you snark once more.
'fuck you.'
it's a haze. because before you can even begin to think of saying anything further, he's got you in his backseat. you're bent over, his chest to your back, your attire completely dishevelled and underwear ripped down your legs, as he fucks into you so hard you know you'll feel it for days to come.
he pants hotly right into your ear, ‘you can be mad at me all you want, baby, but nobody touches you except me, you understand that?’
you can only mewl in response, already too fucked out as the pleasure turns your brain into mush. however, he’s not satisfied with that, and with a grunt he reels his hand back to lay a loud slap on the fat of your ass.
‘i asked you a question, i expect a fucking answer. or are you already too fucking stupid on my cock to talk?’
you sob, nodding your head frantically while you try to hold yourself up on trembling limbs. ‘yes, yes. i understand’
his thrusts manage to grow rougher, and you fall forward until your face presses into the leather of the seats.
‘so cute when you cry. you ready to apologise to me? hm? tell me you’re sorry for being such a brat to me.’
‘m’sorry!’ you cry, another spank this time landing on your thigh, ‘m’sorry, ‘jun. won’t happen again.’
he laughs as he throws his head back, hands on your hips to fuck you on his cock. he’s breathless but it’s so so hot.
‘liar. i’ve spoilt you too much. all you know now is how to get what you want. and this is what you wanted? for me to fuck some sense into you?’
you know it’s technically not true, he knows that too, but you start nodding frantically regardless. the haze of your pleasure renders you to his complete mercy.
‘yes! i’m sorry. just need you. always need you.’
‘you have me, angel.’ he grunts on a particularly harsh jolt of his hips, cock hitting a deeper angle as you cry out so loud you almost miss his words.
‘y’always have me. let me prove it to you? want me to knock you up? m’gonna make you a mommy.’
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synopsis// both of you stuck in a time loop until you can accept each other. you can not make it out alone no matter how hard you try.
pairing// katsuki bakugo x gn!reader
word count// 9.6k
contents// no quirks, angst, fluff ?, they r idiots, slow burn-ish? at least at first, profanity. like a lot. i stg they cuss every other sentence, it’s like i was a middle school boy who just discovered cuss words writing this, ooc bakugo probably, ages aren’t specified but they r adults, pure cringe but its mha and coming from me so did u expect anything different..?
notes// my last mha draft... im finally free.... anyway i wrote this ages ago but i rlly love this and it may or may not have been inspired by a fnaf song..... (it totally was)
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You wake up with a gasp, sitting up quickly to find everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up.
You throw your legs over the side of your bed and reach for your phone, hoping for something different but getting nothing. There are no notifications, no services, and no matter how long you stare at the time, it never changes. You would know considering you’ve done this routine a hundred times. You throw your phone back onto the nightstand and slip your shoes on, the repetitiveness of it all making your head spin. You’ve got to be going insane; what other logical explanation could there be for reliving the same day over and over again?
"I don't know what I did to piss the universe off, but now it's pissing me off," you mumble as you walk out of your empty house—you'd know because you've checked every nook and cranny for the past hundred times. The minute you step outside, you shout at the air, the sky, the universe, the gods, whatever put you here, “Is this what you wanted? pay back? You fucking got it!” 
You stand there half hoping that something would happen, whether someone appeared or a voice would say something to you, but nothing; it’s just complete silence apart from the wind whooshing by. though that’s not to say people weren’t here. If you went far enough into the city, there were crowds of people walking around with no destinations; they seemed like NPCs. The only difference is that you can interact with NPCs, whereas the shells of humans you see in town don't talk, at least not to you. They don't even acknowledge you. It’s almost as if you’re a ghost, which is ironic considering how, when you were alive—no, that's not the right word, sentient maybe? Whatever the point is, when you were a productive member of society, you longed for something exactly like this. To slip by people like the wind, like a ghost, yet now that you have it, you wish for anything but this.
"God, if this is what the afterlife is like, I don't plan on dying anytime soon,” you mutter to yourself as you walk deeper into the city. “Maybe this is the afterlife? or maybe this is hell.”
You stare at your feet as you walk until you hit the point where there are empty husks of humans walking past, and at this point you lift your head, starting to wave at them and standing directly in front of them in a futile attempt to get their attention. Of course it serves to be useless when they walk right past you... just like they have the last hundred times you’ve tried. After a few more futile attempts, you begin walking past them toward a forest. This has been your routine for the entire time you've been trapped here, wherever here may be.
You check your home, walk outside, curse a higher being and ask what you've done to deserve this, contemplate life—or lack thereof?, walk into the city, try to catch someone's attention, and when that doesn't work, you walk off into the forest, spending the whole day there— or you would if time worked properly here—and eventually finding yourself at some random, poorly placed door deep into the forest. You stand right in front of the door; it mocks you, and you imagine yourself tearing it to shreds if it weren't for the fact that the minute you touch it, you're back at square one. You opt to sit in front of the door, just merely studying it; it’s not like there's really much else for you to do.
You don’t know how long you just sit there going back and forth between staring at the door and tearing out the grass from under your hands; had time worked properly here, you’re sure that the moon would have been out by now. You finally admit defeat—for the hundredth time. You stand up and wipe your hands clean of the dirt now laid upon them before you look around the door once more, hoping for something new to appear behind it or beside it, but nothing—the only thing behind the door is more empty forest. So with a sigh, you begrudgingly touch the door handle, and you immediately find yourself waking up with a gasp, sitting up quickly, with everything in the room in the same place it was the last hundred times you woke up again.
This time, though, you don't get up immediately; you lay back down in your bed with a sigh, pulling your blanket up to your chin. You’ve always been alone. This wasn't new to you, but at least before it was your choice. It wasn’t like people didn’t want to be your friend; you just didn’t want to be theirs. In some fucked-up way, you saw your hyper-independence as superior to how other people seemed to need and want friends. but now? Now you want nothing more than to be annoyed by your coworker; you want nothing more than to walk outside and run into someone who will acknowledge you; even if it isn't a positive interaction, it's still an interaction. and after being stuck here for ages, you would kill for an interaction. You throw your blanket off of you as you begin your routine, finally having enough of your pity party.
Check phone? Check.
Put your shoes on? Check.
Search every inch of your house? Check. 
Step outside and curse the universe? Check. 
Find yourself surronded by people where you cant tell if you’re the ghost here or if they are? Check! Wait—Is that a new person?
You've been here long enough to have memorized or at least vaguely remembered every single person in the crowd, but this new face in the distance isn't one you've seen before; it's unique, you'd remember it, so who is this? Is this a sign your time here is coming to an end? In a frenzy, you push your way through the crowd, ignoring all your thoughts. You stop a few feet in front of him; he’s still a bit away as you study him. His brow furrowed in a scowl, and he's muttering something under his breath that you can't quite make out, but you can tell he's frustrated by his facial expression and the way his hands are curled into tight fists at his side, knuckles paper white at this point.
He finally reaches you but ignores you as he walks past you, and you sigh, wondering why you thought he'd be the one to acknowledge you.
you frown, mumbling aloud to yourself in disappointment, “Do I really need any more NPCs here?”
suddenly though, he stops dead in his tracks like he heard you and he turns around to face you. Holy shit, he heard you?
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
You stare at him blankly before looking to the sides of you and even behind you. “Uh, are you talking to me?”
He looks at you like you’re stupid as he takes a few steps toward you, and subconsciously, you take a few back. “Of course I'm talking to you; who the fuck else would I be talking to?”
You put your hands out in front of you in a stop motion briefly, your face scrunching up in disdain. "Chill the fuck out, asshole, it was just a question."
“Chill the fuck out?” He repeats in disbelief and takes another step forward, while you stand still, tensing up to appear tougher. “I'm stuck in some weird ass place where, up to this point, no one except for your dumbass has even acknowledged me and you’re telling me to chill the fuck out?”
You roll your eyes at his outburst and ask curiously, “You just got here, didn’t you?”
“What the hell do you think? Where even are we?”
"A time loop of some sort,” you say nonchalantly as you shrug, though everything you’re feeling right now is anything but nonchalance.
He scoffs. “Time loop? You expect me to believe that stupid shit?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Believe what you want, either way, you’re still stuck here, idiot.”
“Oh, Im the idiot for getting stuck here? What about you?”
“Me?” you scoff.
“You seem like you’ve been here longer than I have, and you’re still not out. So who’s the real idiot?”
You cross your arms and look away, grumbling, “Maybe I like it here.”
He looks you up and down before rolling his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I doubt that.”
Your gaze returns to him with a glare. “Fuck you, I was going to help you.”
“I don't need your fucking help,” he sneers. "You obviously have no idea what the fuck you're doing in the first place."
You walk away, flipping him off, and he does the same, both of you going your separate ways. Though once you hit the edge of the forest, you turn to look back and see if he’s anywhere near, but it’s like he never existed at all. back to the routine.
Enter the forest and walk for an unreasonable amount of time? Check. 
Reach the out of place, uncanny door deep in the forest? Check. 
Stare at it and imagine ripping it to shreds until it's nothing but dust? Check.
Finally sit down and accept your fate for a bit? Check. 
You sigh as you poke at the dirt, the patches of grass you pulled out last time returning to normal as if you had never ripped them out in the first place. Remember what you said earlier about wishing for human interaction? You changed your mind after meeting that random guy, who quickly reminded you why you disliked it in the first place. Although you’ve made up your mind about hating him, you can't help but wonder what he’s doing here in the first place. Obviously, you have no idea why you’re here either, but why did he just pop up after doing this a hundred times or more already? Why is he the only one who can suddenly acknowledge your existence? Maybe there was a glitch in your eternal hell; maybe this was an accident, and he’d be gone by the time you did this all over again. Back to the routine.
Stand up and clean your hands of dirt? Check. 
Touch the door handle and wake back up in your bed with a gasp? Check!
You groan and grip your head slightly; the action of being in one place only to suddenly be in another never fails to give you a slight headache. Today, you go through your routine quickly in order to get into the city faster. You want to know if he's still here so badly that you almost seem desperate. much to your dismay, and his—he’s still here and groans at the sight of you.
"What the fuck did you do?" he demands angrily.
You narrow your eyes at him. You regret coming here. “excuse me?”
“One minute I'm walking, and the next I'm back here."
“It’s called a time loop for a reason, idiot.”
“I don't fucking care what it’s called, just stop doing it," he snaps.
“Oh yeah, like I fucking control that! Let me just stop this whole time loop while we’re at it, huh?”
He says nothing; he merely flips you off and walks away, and you do the same.
Just like every other time you find yourself back at the door in the forest, this time you don’t wait to touch it; you immediately go for the handle and restart the time loop in spite of him snapping at you. He comes into your time loop and has the audacity to complain? No one told him to invade your eternal hell. The first handful of days (if you could even call them that) go the exact same way. Wake up, check phone, slip on shoes, check house, curse the universe some more, go into the crowd, argue with the blond-haired boy who seemed to piss you off beyond words, go your separate ways, go into the forest, find the door, think about tearing down said door, sit on the floor for a bit, and then finally go to touch the door only to do it all over again.
The next handful of days were similar, except you and the invader of your eternal hell eventually stopped arguing; you two still acknowledged each other, but only with a scowl and a flip of your middle fingers, walking straight past each other to do your own thing. You can't say you were upset with the arrangement because at least you didn't have to listen to his whining any longer. You just hated how something was added to the time loop yet it seems like nothing has changed at all. you're still stuck, and the door still won't budge. What exactly are you even supposed to be doing? How do you escape? Can you even escape?
You wake up with a gasp for what now seems like the thousandth time, and you're starting to feel the effects of being here for so damn long. You’re exhausted, your bones ache, and you feel like you could drop dead at any moment. Then again, who’s to say you aren’t already dead? You lazily go through your routine; everything is as it should be until you get into the city. The crowds are still there, but someone is missing. The only person who has acknowledged you is missing. Part of you is happy that he’s gone; it’s not like you two have had a productive conversation in the time he's been there; if anything, he was hindering your escape. but the other part?
The other part is a tad bit disappointed, for two reasons. that one, he managed to get out before you, and two, you’re all alone again. As you begin walking toward the forest, you groan. Who cares? It’s not like you needed him or wanted him here anyway; you could get out on your own. Sometime lost in thought, you finally made it to the entrance of the forest, stopping and resting against a tree. You wonder if the longer you stay, the worse you start to deteriorate, like whatever this place is doesn’t want you here in the first place. You frown, it’s not like you want to be here anymore than this place wants you here; you didn’t ask to get stuck in some stupid ass time loop.
“I’ve had enough of your games! let me out!” You scream into the woods, half expecting someone to respond, and someone does.
“Do you have to be so loud?” A deep voice comes from beside you, tone full of annoyance.
You jump slightly as you turn your head to the side to see the owner of the voice, and you’re almost disappointed to see it’s the blond boy with a permanent scowl and jaw clenched tight.
“What the fuck, you’re still here?” You ask breathlessly, still trying to calm your racing heart from his slight jumpscare.
He rolls his eyes and leans against a nearby tree to mimic you. “Where the fuck else would I have gone?”
"I thought you got out or something..."
"Clearly not," he says, tsking. “What is this?”
“A forest. What does it look like, idiot?”
“No shit, I mean, why are we here?”
You stare at him as blankly as your voice comes out, "We? How the hell did you even get here?”
“Followed you,” he says as he crosses his arms. 
“You... followed me?” you repeat curiously.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
"Why?" you ask softly, catching him off guard. You almost miss how his eyes widen at the sudden shift toward him.
He sighs and looks away, preferring to take in his surroundings, which mainly consist of the seemingly endless forest. "I've looked everywhere else and there's nothing, so I'm assuming you've found something if you keep coming here."
You hum, so he’s not just an angry idiot after all; he’s an observant idiot too.
“So?” he asks with a small bob of his head. 
"So what?"
He scowls, which takes you by surprise because you thought he was already scowling... must just be his face then. “So, did you find something?”
“Oh,” you say. "Yeah, I did, kinda.”
He seems to perk up, impatiently asking, “What is it?”
You go silent briefly, unsure of how to explain a random, uncanny door deep into the forest. "uh- it's difficult to explain," you admit sheepishly.
“Just spit it out already, idiot.”
“No, because you probably won’t even believe me!” you snap in frustration.
He rolls his eyes and pushes himself off the tree. “Then show me.”
You stare at him with wide eyes as he walks into the forest. “What?” 
“Show me dumbass!” He barks back at you, not pausing to slow down.
You push yourself off the tree in a hurry, yelling as you run after him, “Can you fucking wait! You don’t even know where you’re going!”
He stops, but not without groaning dramatically, which makes you roll your eyes. You caught up to him quickly because he wasn't far away, but that didn't stop you from bending over and placing your hands on your knees as you breathed heavily in and out.
He looks down at you in slight disgust. “You didn’t even run that far, why are you acting like you're dying?”
“Because,” you breathe out heavily. "It takes a toll on you when you've been stuck here as long as I have!"
“Whatever, just hurry up.”
After a moment, you stand back up fully and jerk your head toward the forest, silently telling the boy, “Let's go.”
The walk is quiet; awkwardness hangs heavy in the air as you sluggishly lead the way. It makes you wish he had escaped, because then you wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.
“How long have you been here?” He asks, breaking the silence, which takes you by surprise, but you’re sure anything he does that isn’t just him scowling or yelling could take you by surprise at this point.
You clear your throat. “I dunno…. long.” 
“You don’t know?”
"I stopped counting after the hundredth time the loop reset," you shrug.
“Jesus christ, you’ve been here that long?”
“Unfortunately,” you sigh. 
Another moment of silence lingers between the two of you as you walk through the forest, but at least the awkwardness has subsided. Though how slowly you're walking is starting to irritate him. 
“Can you walk any faster?” he asks harshly. 
“I’m tired.” 
“Not my problem.”
“You know what?” you say, stopping dead in your tracks. “I think I’m actually gonna take a break.”
“What?” he asks as he watches you sit down on the floor, leaning back against a tree.
you smile up at him mockingly. “Yep! I’m super tired; I need a break.”
He scoffs. “Fuck you, get up.”
You shake your head. “Nah, I don’t think I will. If you wanna get there so bad, find it yourself.”
He glares at you, his lip twitching with the threat of turning into a sneer. “Fine, I will,” he says through clenched teeth.
You’re still smiling at him as you wave goodbye and watch him walk deeper into the forest. He won’t find it. You know that because the door is still a ways away—you've done this walk over a hundred times—he has no chance of finding it without you, so you'll just sit here and relax until he comes running back to you. Lord knows you need it.
Sometime during your relaxing, you ended up falling asleep. Which you didn’t even know was possible here, but nonetheless, it was well appreciated. You would have continued sleeping if it hadn't been for something softly kicking your legs. You frown and try to swat whatever is kicking you away without opening your eyes, wanting to sleep more, but the kicking doesn't stop. You finally, and begrudgingly, open your eyes to find the boy (who you knew would come back) is the one kicking you.
"Oh, you're back already," you yawn, rubbing your eyes.
He stared at you curiously. “Already?” 
You nod as you stand up. “I knew you’d come back.”
“Fuck you, you don’t know shit.” 
"Then why are you back?"
He tsks and looks away. “Whatever.” 
“That’s what I thought,” you say triumphantly. 
He says nothing; instead, he waits for you to start walking ahead so he can follow you. Your walking is much faster now, and although you're still exhausted, it’s much more tolerable now. It's as if the fog around your head has lifted, and you can function normally now. If time worked properly here, it would have been about an hour or two after you guys resumed walking when he finally decided to break the long silence.
“Jesus christ, do you even know where you’re going?” he asks in frustration.
You roll your eyes. “Of course I do. I'm not an idiot.”
“Debatable,” he mumbles under his breath.
You decide to ignore that and sigh. “We’re almost there chill out.” There's another lull of silence before you ask, "What's your name?"
He turns to look at you briefly with narrowed eyes before settling his gaze back in front of him. “What? Why the fuck would I tell you that?"
"We're stuck in a time loop together, so I thought it would be nice to know your name, but if you just want me to keep referring to you as an idiot, I'd be more than happy-"
"It's Bakugo," he cuts you off, clearly annoyed.
“I'm y/n,” you say with a grin—wait, you’re actually smiling at getting to know someone? That's odd; you would never... But you guess you could allow it just this once, considering the circumstances.
“Didn’t ask.”
You ignore him. “We’re almost there, by the way.”
“Fucking finally, what even is it?”
You’re close enough that you can see it in the distance. you point at it as you speak, “a-“
“A door?” he erupts, cutting you off and beginning to run off toward it.
You quickly run after him. “Bakugo wait, don't t-“
You suddenly awake with a gasp.
“Don't touch it,” you say to yourself with a groan. "Fucking idiot," you mutter as you roll out of bed, ignoring your routine and simply slipping on your shoes and running off into the city to find him again.
Once you arrive, like yesterday, you can’t find him, and you frown as you start walking toward the forest, because if it’s anything like yesterday, he’d end up there. At least you're hoping he’s there, because if he actually managed to get out before you by doing the same thing you’ve done for a hundred plus times, you would be furious. You arrive at the forest to find him already there, leaning against a tree, and you sigh out in relief as he stands up straight once he sees you.
"What the fuck happened?" he asks when you reach him.
You exhale heavily, slightly frustrated, a dull pain in your head adding to your frustration. "Well, if you had let me explain, I would have told you that touching the door resets the time loop."
"Oh,” he says blankly. “Sorry.” 
“You’re apologizing?..” You ask in slight disbelief, he doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would, but then again, you don’t even know him. Who are you to judge him? Wow, you’ve been here so long that you’ve actually gotten to the point of not judging people; maybe you are going insane.
“You don’t seem like someone who would.” 
He shrugs. “I wasn't, but, uh, I’ve been trying to work on it or something.”
“I’m not either,” you confess. “But, uh, for the record, I guess i’m sorry too… for you know, yelling at you?” 
A range of emotions seem to slather themselves onto Bakugo’s face. first anger, then confusion, and then disgust before his usual scowl returns. “Whatever. What now?” 
“Now we go back to the door.”
“And do what?”
“Stare at it? I don't know,” you sigh. 
“I’m sorry?” he says in confusion as his eyes immediately narrow in on you. “Is that all you’ve been doing? Staring at the fucking door?”
You throw your arms up in the air dramatically as you defend yourself, asking, “What the fuck else am I supposed to do? If I touch it, the time loop restarts!”
His eye twitches. “So we’re just gonna stare at it. Until what? We fucking die here?”
“Who’s to say we aren’t even already dead?” you mumble under your breath in annoyance. “Besides, do you have any better ideas?”
Bakugo stays silent. 
“Right, that’s what I thought.”
He tsks and starts walking into the forest. “Whatever, let's just go.”
You find yourself biting back a smile at what you consider a win, even if this wasn’t a challenge; you just have a terrible habit of seeing everything as a challenge... but nonetheless you find yourself walking with him side by side quietly. The walk was, of course, long, but not as long as last time considering you didn’t stop to sleep this time, so the two of you quickly found yourselves at the door. Both of you just stand there staring at it.
“Maybe it’ll actually do something this time,” Bakugo says, tilting his head at the door as if trying to look at it from a different angle.
You drop yourself to the ground, sitting down with a soft groan. “Try whatever you want in a little bit; doesn’t the time loop being reset hurt your head?”
Bakugo looks down at you and shrugs. “Haven’t noticed.” 
You laugh, though it comes out more like a huff of air. “You will eventually.”
Bakugo stares at you curiously, what you said having piqued his interest, as he plops himself down on the ground next to you. “How long have you been here?” 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “You’ve already asked me that.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’m asking again.” 
“I don’t know. My answer's still the same.” 
He nods slowly. “What was it like?” he asks. "You know, in the beginning, all alone?"
“You actually care?” you ask, wide-eyed and in slight disbelief.
He tsks and returns his attention to the door in front of him. “I don't,” he says harshly. “I’m just trying to make conversation; what the fuck else are we supposed to do?”
"Fair enough," you say, nodding slightly. "At first, I kinda liked it here."
“I liked being alone.”
“That’s fucking stupid,” he spits out. 
You frown. “You don’t look like the type to enjoy other people’s company either.”
“I don’t.” 
“Then what the fuck?”
"I don't like people, but I also don't like being alone," he says softly.
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Whatever,” he says. “So what? Do you not like being alone anymore?”
you shrug. “If being alone meant I didn’t have to deal with your dumbass anymore, then yes, I still like being alone.”
“Fuck you; you just complained about being alone,” he grumbled.
“I did not complain,” you explain. “I’m just saying I like being alone when it’s on my own terms.”
He hums. 
“And you?” you ask. 
"And me what?" he asks, his eyes narrowing at the door.
"What was it like when you first got here?"
“Oh,” he says before he thinks for a moment. “I don’t know; annoying more than anything. I have shit to do in the real world; this doesn’t help.”
You pull your knees in toward your chest. “Where do you even think we are?”
"Fuck if I know," he says, shrugging. "I just want to get the fuck out; if I was stuck here as long as you, I'd probably go insane."
You stare at him blankly. “You’re already insane, and I'm already insane.”
Bakugo side eyes you. 
“What other logical explanation is there for us being here? We’re obviously crazy.”
He huffs and you almost find yourself mistaking it for a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so.”
You feel your heart race a little, and although you two still bicker a bit, you can’t deny how much you're starting to appreciate his company. It's an odd feeling, really, appreciating company for a change instead of immediately trying to get rid of it. As you push yourself up onto your feet, you sigh. “Round two?” 
He nods as he copies your actions by standing up. “Guess so.” 
You take a deep breath before touching the door, only to gasp as you awaken, but this time there's another gasp. You look beside you and discover Bakugo in your bed, which causes you to fall out of it from shock.
"Jesus, why are you in my bed?!"
“Why are you asking like I fucking know?!”
You immediately rose to your feet, rubbing your head because, if the headache from the reset wasn’t enough, you also hit it when you fell out of bed. “What the fuck is going on…”
Bakugo quickly gets out of your bed and tsks. “Why’d it change?”
“Maybe the time loop likes us working together?” You ask rhetorically because it's not like Bakugo has an answer either.
“Yeah, or it hates us working together.”
“Whatever it is, at least something changed finally. Maybe other things changed too?” you wonder as you go to slip on your shoes.
“Do we plan on just going back to the stupid ass door every time?”
"It's not like we have any other options, Bakugo. Are you ready?”
“I fucking guess.”
The two of you venture off into the city, with nothing seeming out of place or changed, and it becomes obvious that the only thing that changed was Bakugo being in your bed when you end up reaching the door.
"So much for something changing," mutters Bakugo, frustrated.
You drop yourself to the ground again. “This is annoying.”
He mimics your actions. “No shit.”
A moment of silence falls between you two before you speak up. “Are you even real?”
Bakugo’s face scrunches up in annoyance and confusion. “What the fuck do you mean am i real?”
“I don't know! Maybe I have gone insane and just made you up!”
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, I'm real. I have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” he turns his attention to you, “Are you real?”
“Yes, I also have a whole fucking life outside of this place,” you snap back.
He hums, almost like he doesn't believe you, but he doesn't outright say it, and you quickly respond with a hum of your own before laying yourself down on the grass, looking up toward the never-changing sky. It's so blue and there are so many clouds that it almost looks fake, which makes sense given that this entire place appears to be fake, an empty husk of the real place that exists somewhere else outside of here.
"How was your life?" you inquire, seemingly out of nowhere.
Bakugo looks down at you. “Boring,” he says with a sigh. "It wasn't as boring as this place, but it was still fucking boring; at least I had friends and could do shit there."
You can't help but giggle. “You had friends?”
He scowls at you and flips you off before turning away and nodding. “Unlike you, I'm sure.”
You shrug, though it looks more like a jolt. “I prefer being alone.”
“You say that, but you’re not all that convincing.”
“Oh, fuck off and tell me about your imaginary friends,” you snicker and ignore his very wrong—very right— comment.
He bit back a smirk in response to your jab at him. Normally, Bakugo would despise anyone who dared to fight back, but right now? It was actually nice? which, the feeling within itself, made Bakugo want to hate you even more.
“Bakugo?” you ask after a few moments of silence. 
“Shut up, I'm thinking,” he snaps. "There are only three people I consider to be my friends."
You laugh. “What?”
“The rest are just.. acquaintances.”
You hum in content, your hands behind your head. “Tell me bout em.”
“There's this nerd; I've known him since we were kids,” he begins to explain. “I was a douche to him.”
"I can believe that."
Bakugo gives you a look that either says he wants to murder you or for you to shut up, and you merely grin up at him.
"He somehow forgave me, and yeah, we've been friends since."
“And the other two?”
“Some dumbass with shitty hair and another dumbass with pink cheeks,” he explains vaguely.
"Wow, I'm sure they really enjoy being called a dumbass," you state flatly.
He shrugs. "They should if they want to be my friend."
“Those are your only requirements? Tolerate being called a dumbass and anyone can be your friend?” you tease. 
“Shut up, at least I have friends.”
“I already told you, I like being alone!” you defend with a pout.
He hums as he lays himself down. “And I already told you I don't believe you.”
"Believe what you want," you say as you turn to face him, only to find him already looking at you. “Besides, what do you care?”
He shifts his gaze to the sky. “I don’t.”
You follow along with him, looking back up at the sky, mumbling, "Sure you don't."
Bakugo doesn't bother replying, and you don't bother trying to keep the conversation going. The two of you just lay there, staring up at the sky and listening to the trees sway in the wind.
You suddenly find yourself being woken up with small kicks to your legs, and you groan. You try to open your eyes only to be blinded by the sun.
“Jesus Christ!” you wince.
Bakugo groans as he places his hand over your face to shield your eyes from the sun. You finally get them to open, and you mutter a small thanks to him.
“Did I fall asleep?” you ask as you stand up. 
Bakugo shoves his hands into his pockets with a nod. “Yeah.”
"It's fine," he says, shrugging. “Round three?”
You nod as you stretch, which is a pointless action when you're about to be thrown into your bed, but you do it anyway. Bakugo touches the door, and you find yourselves immediately waking up with a gasp in your bed.
You jump straight up and rub your temples. “God, I will never get used to that.”
"Yeah, because the day you get used to that is the day you lose your mind."
You slip your shoes on and roll your eyes. “Ready?”
He stares at you blankly.
"Stupid question, my bad, damn," you quickly add, realizing he's not going to say anything.
When the two of you walk out of your house, Bakugo's steps are loud, and you can tell he's annoyed just by them. Bakugo tries to walk into the city only to be stopped by something.
"What are you doing?" you ask, watching him stagger backwards.
"It's not me," he snaps as he extends his hand in front of him, only to be stopped by something that isn't there, he kind of looks like a mime.
You hold back a laugh as you join him by his side, reaching out only to be stopped by an invisible wall of some sort; this makes your face drop. “What the fuck?”
“So what? We aren't allowed in the city anymore?”
"I guess not." Bakugo groans, annoyed. “Is there another way to the forest?”
You don't even get the chance to reply when the two of you hear rumbling. Both your heads snapping toward the noise only to see a newly carved out path to the forest in the distance.
You swallow hard, blinking at the scene in front of you. “You, uh, you saw that right?”
Bakugo nods slowly. “I did.”
You laugh nervously and extend your hands as if to show off the new path. “After you.”
“Fuck no, after you.”
“What are you scared? Coward.”
Bakugo glares at you. “Fuck you,” he says before starting to walk toward the path, and you smile in triumph.
The two of you are silent the whole walk, taking in your new surroundings for anything suspicious. This walk seems longer than the one from the city, but it's not like you expected anything different, and it doesn't matter when you finally get to the door.
"Why are things changing so suddenly?" you wonder as you stare at the door.
"Hell if I know," mumbles Bakugo, joining you in staring at the door.
“Do you think we’re doing something right?” you ask as you turn your head to look at him.
“Or something wrong.”
“God, this is so weird,” you sigh in frustration as you take a few steps back and sit down. 
He turns to look down at you, perplexed. “Oh, now it's weird? It wasn't weird the first hundred fucking times we stared at this door?”
"You know what I mean."
He rolls his eyes as he sits down a few feet in front of you. “Whatever.”
You both sit there in silence, your minds racing with confusion. Why are things changing now, and are they changing for the better or for the worse? You sit there picking at your nails while he sits there staring at the door like he’s trying to make it explode with his mind. After a while, Bakugo sighs, and this catching of your attention makes you look up at him. When he speaks up, you're about to ask if he's okay.
“What was your life like?” He asks out of nowhere, and you certainly were not expecting that to come out of his mouth.
“Oh,” you say in slight confusion. “Um, fine? I don't know; I mean, I didn't have friends-“
“Knew it,” he chimes in with a smirk. 
“Fuck off.”
"So, what did you have if you didn't have friends?" He asks flatly, not as if he really cares but as if he's just trying to avoid silence, which could be him caring in some ways.
“I had a job at a little coffee shop,” you recall with a small smile.
“I thought you would've worked from home or something.”
“Because you hate people and like being alone?” He says it almost condescendingly, like you should have already known the reason why.
“Huh,” you say flatly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Maybe you were subconsciously yearning for social interaction?
“I'm always right.”
You hum and lay yourself down. “What’s your full name?”
He lays down with you. “Why the fuck do you wanna know? You gonna stalk me?”
“You wish.”
“Katsuki Bakugo.”
“That’s a nice name.”
He closes his eyes. “I know dumbass.”
“You could’ve just said thank you.”
“Thank you,” he says harshly, like he's mocking you, but you ignore it and smile. “What’s yours?” he asks quietly.
“Y/n L/n.”
“My name is better, but yours is alright, I guess,” he says under his breath, like this is his best attempt at a compliment.
You laugh softly, and the noise causes Bakugo's cheeks to warm, which he tries to ignore and blames on the sun. You don't bother responding and close your eyes. Both of you are just laying there with your eyes closed, enjoying each other's company, or at least you're enjoying his. Which is odd; it makes you slightly nauseous to think that for once, you’re actually enjoying someone's company.
Had someone told real life you that you'd be enjoying someone's company, you would have laughed in their face and probably insulted them for not being as “independent” as you are. But despite all of that, you can't actually say you hate it—not at all, actually. but for the time being, you're blaming that on the circumstances. After a while, you find yourself opening your eyes, slightly wincing at the bright sun, but turning your head to look at Bakugo, who is staring up at the sky without a scowl on his face. Huh. You thought that scowl was permanent, though he actually looks surprisingly nice without one?
“Are you dead?” you ask out of nowhere.
Bakugo flinches slightly, taken aback by your voice. “Being dead would probably be better than this.”
“Rude,” you huff.
“I mean the situation, not you.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you tease. “Round four?”
He sighs defeatedly. “Yeah, I guess.”
You nod as the two of you stand up and quickly dust yourselves off. You step toward the door and find yourself hesitating.
“What are you waiting for?” Bakugo asks impatiently.
You shake your head and touch the door. You both wake up with a gasp, but you're not in your room; instead, you're back on the forest floor where you were just moments ago.
“What the fuck?” you exclaim aloud.
"Did you touch it?" asks Bakugo, looking down at the ground beneath him.
“Of course I did!” you explain. “I don't understand?”
Bakugo quickly stands up and offers a hand out to help you out. You hesitate to take his hand, making him shake his head as if to silently ask, “What's the problem?” You sigh as you accept his help.
Once your up, Bakugo pulls his hand away and asks, “Should we try to go back to your house?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, that's a good idea.”
Bakugo nods back, and you find yourself walking out of the forest, a strange feeling given that you're always walking in, never out; it's eerie in a way. You’ve only been walking for, what you assume, a few minutes when he speaks up.
"Is that actually your house?" he wonders. "Like in the real world, I guess."
You shake your head. “Nah, I just call it that considering how long I've been here, you know? I actually live in an apartment.”
He hums. “Me too.”
"You too?"
“Yes? Why the fuck do you sound so shocked?” he asks with a confused shake of his head.
"I don't know... I guess you seem like the type of person who would say they're too good for an apartment," you explain with a shrug.
“It’s cheaper, and because I have a roommate that makes it even more cheap.”
“Oh!! Let me guess!” you speak up excitedly. “Is it the nerd? Or the shitty hair? Oh or the pink cheeks?”
He finds himself chuckling at your use of his nicknames for them, and the sound goes straight to your stomach. Butterflies immediately begin to grow there. “It's the nerd,” he says once he’s finally composed himself.
You nod with a smile. “My roommate is a cat.”
He hums, and before he can respond, he walks straight into something, just like the last time, except this time it's not the invisible city wall he walked into but the middle of the forest. You immediately find yourself frantically grabbing at the invisible force.
“Are you serious?” you fume. “Now we’re trapped in the fucking forest?”
Bakugo finds himself walking toward the sides, only to find that those are blocked off by nothing as well. “So what? we can’t leave?”
“It doesn’t want us to leave,” you correct him. 
“Who the fuck is it?” Bakugo asked with a confused glare.
“Whatever the fuck is doing this.”
Bakugo sighs out in defeat as he places his hands on his hips, letting his head drop as he just stares at the floor. “Now what?” he mumbles.
You rub your face in frustration. “We go back to the door, I guess.”
He lifts his head and tsks. “Great.”
The walk back into the forest is tense, but since you two had only made it halfway before being stopped, it wasn't that long. Still, the air between you two had become suffocating from your respective frustrations with being trapped here, his more so than yours. Finally, you two arrive at the door, and Bakugo collapses to the ground with a loud groan.
“This sucks,” he seethes.
You shrug as you take a seat in front of him. “It could be worse.”
“What?” he asks harshly. “Please, please, please enlighten me on how this could be any worse.”
You keep your gaze on the ground, nervously pulling out the grass as you speak. “Well, I mean, yeah, of course it sucks! like, really bad! and like, yeah, sure, the universe seems very against me right now, but at least I have you?”
"Huh," he says blankly before remaining silent for a moment, and you grimace; you should not have said that. Why the fuck would you say that? “Yeah.”
Your head shoots up to see him already staring at you softly. “Yeah?” you repeat. 
"Yeah, you're right," he says slowly, almost painfully so.
You can't help but break out into a wide grin. “Bakugo? Are you actually starting to care about me?”
He bites back a smile as he rolls his eyes. “Oh fuck off.”
You laugh and lay yourself on the grass. “Lay with me.”
He hums curiously at you yet listens, laying himself right next to you, leaving only a small space between you two. You ignore the strange urge to take his hand in yours.
“Do you think we would’ve been friends in, like, real life, I guess?”
“I never agreed to being your friend,” he points out flatly, ignoring your question. 
“Shut up, Bakugo.”
He snickers. “Probably not though.”
You feign offense, or you feign feigning offense, because that does actually hurt your feelings slightly. “Rude…”
“Shut up. I don't mean it like that,” he reassures. “I mean, you even said it yourself—you don't like people, and I only consider like three people my friends.”
You frown. “I guess you’re right.”
"It's futile to think about that shit now; I doubt we'll ever go back," he mumbles, disappointed.
You ignore how much you’re not disappointed that you might not ever go back anytime soon. “Round five?”
Bakugo nods as he stands up. “Yeah.”
You try to get up, but he stops you. You stare at him curiously.
“If we’re just going to end up lying back down when it restarts, maybe if you’re already lying down, your head won't hurt as much?” he questions thoughtfully. 
You ignore how warm your cheeks feel at his concern and lay back down. “Yeah, maybe.”
Bakugo nods at you before touching the door, and still, both of you end up waking up with a gasp in your positions from a moment ago, but your head doesn't hurt this time.
Bakugo ignores the disappointment swimming in his stomach and turns his gaze to you, who appears shocked. “Did it work?”
You nod slowly before looking at him with a smile. “Yeah, it did! Thanks Bakugo..”
He presses his lips into a tight line as if to stop a smile or ignore how hot his face feels. “Yeah, whatever. Uh, should we go see how far we can make it out?”
You stand up and extend your hand to him, and he quickly accepts it. “Yep!”
The two of you don't even make it ten feet away before being blocked by an invisible wall. The two of you stumble back and stare at each other wide-eyed before both of you immediately start walking out toward the sides, only to be stopped again.
"Oh my fucking god, it boxed us in," Bakugo barks. 
You laugh out nervously. “Um, so, like, is it just gonna keep getting smaller?”
Bakugo's head snaps toward you in concern as your voice shakes, and he notices you beginning to tremble.
"N-not that it's a big deal; I'm not claustrophobic or anything, I'm just curious." You panic, your chest heaving up and down.
Bakugo immediately runs up to you (not that he has to run far) and places his hands on your shoulders, roughly gripping them in some poor attempt to ground you, which works slightly because now you're staring at just him, getting lost in his eyes.
“It’s fine, It's gonna be fucking fine,” he says harshly. “I’ll get us out of here, okay?”
You just stare at him, blinking at him blankly.
He shakes you gently. “Y/n?”
you swallow harshly. 
You flinch. “Y-yes?”
"You're going to be fine," he assures, softly smiling at you.
And although you know he can't guarantee that, he can't guarantee that you'll be okay or that he’ll get you guys out of here, you still believe him.
you nod. “Okay. I trust you.”
He nods and returns his hands to his sides before walking back to the door (not that he has to walk far) and sitting down, patting the ground in front of him to invite you to join him. You two sit in comfortable silence, but you can't stand it; you need to talk about something or you'll start spiraling at the thought of the invisible walls closing in on you.
“Do you think we’re supposed to be learning something?” you inquire, pulling your knees into your chest.
He leans back on his palms as he stares at you through furrowed eyebrows. “What?”
“Like a lesson?” you elaborate. "Isn't that why most people get trapped in time loops?"
He gives a half-shrug and thinks for a moment. “I guess? Do you think you’re learning a ‘lesson’?” 
“Maybe?” you say as you place your head on your knees.
Bakugo stares at you, and when you don't say anything, he bobs his head as if to tell you to go on.
“I don't think I like being alone as much as I say I do.”
"Oh?" he says, tilting his head at you with a cocky grin.
You roll your eyes at him through a smile. “Shut up… I'm just saying you’re not so bad; your company is actually enjoyable?”
“Of course it is; It’s me,” he boasts. 
“I regret saying anything.”
“I get it, though.”
“You do?”
He nods. “I mean, I get it through my lesson?”
You bobbed your head at him in the same way he did at you.
"Maybe I don't hate having or making new friends as much as I say I do," he admits quietly.
“Of course you don't; it’s me,” you mock with a shit-eating grin.
He stares at you just smiling fondly, not even a laugh, or a fuck off. No, he's just staring at you as if you're the best thing that's ever happened to him, as if you created the universe—no, scratch that, as if you are the universe. But before you or he can say anything, you hear something rattling, specifically the door handle rattling.
Both of your heads turn toward the door, watching it rattle before looking back at each other and slowly rising in unison.
“Get behind me,” he whispers harshly. 
“I can take care of—“
“Y/n,” he snaps through clenched teeth in an attempt to hush his voice.
You sigh and begrudgingly agree, placing yourself behind him as you two walk toward the door.
He takes a deep breath before whispering, "Round six?"
You nod slowly. “Round six.”
You gasp and sit up quickly, instinctively looking to your side for Bakugo, but you're met by your cat.
He paws at you, and you just stare blankly at him, your chest heaving up and down rapidly. Your cat climbs onto your lap, and you begin to pet him as tears sting your eyes and you take in your surroundings. Though your moment of realizing you're back home is ruined by a phone call. You immediately pick up.
“Bakugo?” you say breathlessly. 
Your coworker clears her throat awkwardly. “uh what? It’s mina, y/n. Where are you? I mean, I know you don't like me, but at least come to work!"
You exhale heavily and rub the tears from your eyes harshly. "I'm so sorry, Mina- I'll be there as soon as I can."
“Oh, uh, it’s fine. Take your time. See you soon!” She says it softly, obviously taken off guard by your apology and lack of hostility.
You hang up quickly and sniffle. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath. How long has it even been? Has any time even passed here? When you look at the date, it is the same as it was before you were thrown into the time loop. It could have been months there, but here? It had been merely seconds, if that. You feel your heart break at the lack of Bakugo here; you had been stuck with him for probably weeks, and now you’re... not. And you’re supposed to just go back to being a productive member of society like nothing happened? Like he didn't just single-handedly change your view on being alone? You sigh and shake your head as you pick your cat off of you, now is not the time to have an existential crisis, you have a job to get to. You set your cat down and practically dash to get dressed, not caring enough about even looking presentable as you grab your things and run out the door, getting to your job in record time.
Mina is surprised to see you almost break through the door. “I told you to take your time,” she says with a frown.
You shake your head and bend over as you catch your breath. “No, it's okay,” you say through ragged breaths.
She just stares at you silently until you calm down and approach her behind the counter. “I'm sorry,” you say once you've reached her.
She laughs. "It's fine; being late isn't such a big deal."
You frown; god, she's really gonna make you say it, isn’t she? “No, I mean, I'm sorry about, uh, always being an asshole towards you and stuff,” you start mumbling toward the end, of course you mean it but you still find it quite embarrasing. 
“Oh! Thank you? Um… Did something happen?”
You let out a breathy laugh that almost sounds sad, if that's even possible, and if it isn't, you're making it so. “Uh, yeah, you could say that.”
Mina notices how your demeanor has wilted and places a comforting hand on your shoulder while giving you a small smile.
You return her smile before sighing. "I'm gonna go put my things in the back."
While in the back, you hear the shop bell ring, indicating that a customer is approaching, so you hurry and put your belongings away to assist Mina. Once you're back out there, you don't notice how the customer is waiting by the counter, where you would hand them their coffee. Your main focus is just on making the drink as Mina hands you the cup with what they want written on it. You make quick work of it as Mina starts taking other orders from people beginning to walk in, and in record time you finish the drink, walking to the side of the counter where people pick up coffees. You turn the cup around to look for a name and feel your heart drop when you see it.
Your brow furrows as you mumble, "Bakugo?"
When he hears your voice, Bakugo's head snaps up from his phone, and he doesn't even try to hide the smile that has now appeared on his face. “Y/n?”
"Holy shit!" you exclaim excitedly as you lose your grip on his drink and it splatters everywhere, Bakugo laughing at how half of it is now on your clothes and you can't help but laugh along with him.
“You plan on remaking my drink?”
You nod quickly and hurriedly speak, “Yes! but, um, can you stay after?”
He smirks. “What, was our time together not enough for you?”
You roll your eyes playfully at him. “If I agree, will you stay?”
You sigh. "Yes Bakugo, our time together wasn't enough for me."
Bakugo chuckles softly. 
“Yeah Y/n, I’ll stay.”
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mourninglamby · 1 day
pondering Again. but ur one of the only people i know who actually gaf about this stuff so i thought id say it here: the way the abuse in dsmp is never actually acknowledged for what it is... never said aloud.. is so interesting. like it sucks, its enabling the fandom to continue being abuse apologists and making it seem, correctly, like the creators have no idea what they are Actually writing. Thats obviously bad.
theres that... and then theres looking at it from a story standpoint. it genuinely intrigues me so much. it exemplifies the sort of horrific realism and... obliviousness, i guess, that this story has. of this story naturally and un-purposefully unfolding from some creators just playing around in a server together and then Attempting to form a semi coherent plot. i dont quite know how to explain what i mean. like, this story at its core is about abuse right? primarily about a kid being abused by so many of the adults around him and struggling to find allies. the way he makes sense of what happens to him. with c!drm, the abuse is acknowledged by other characters primarily when it is convenient to Them. it is addressed in vague words like "he hurt him" and such. c!tommy insists to everyone around him that what has been done to him was bad, expressing many times how it made him feel and a few of the specifics, and is brushed off repeatedly. all the while he himself seemingly cant phrase exactly What it was.
and dont get me started on cwilbur, whos NEVER full held accountable or treated as an abuser by the narrative, or even c!tommy. even when other characters insist that what ctommy went through was bad, it seems like hes the only one who Realizes that somethings wrong a lot of the time. desperately looking for someone to agree with him and tell him hes not just loosing it in a world that fails to actually call it what it is. again, its really upsetting!!!
yeah i dont know if im wording this right or whatever but i just think its interesting. i sometimes find myself be unable to hate many of the writing choices within the context of the story unless its in a real world or writing critique way. instead it just makes me sad. hardly any characters have ever felt so real to me. wanting to "save a character from their narrative" has never applied so strongly.
I know I said I wouldn’t post more anons until I finished my essay, but this one is pure peak …. Weaponized incompetence will be the word of this millennia of parasocial online fandom. Nothing else to add to this u just got it in one
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mimiriko · 2 days
gojo x reader. reader is described wearing makeup & a dress. little writing exercise to stretch the old fingers!! mdni this is a 18+ blog.
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Gojo has permanently finalised in his mind that his teenage years were the best time of his life.
Every memory is dipped into a thin film of honey, saccharine and sticky. The residue of his school life followed him into his adulthood as a sort of reference for his categorised “fun”. Something along the lines of loud karaoke, public stunts, or hours in gaming cafes.
Being above twenty has its perks though—he does feel more himself, strangely. It isn’t a product of intentional effort or self improvement, unlike Suguru, and yet the skin on him fits better. His voice sounds better on his ears and Suguru doesn’t have to help him flirt anymore.
But despite it, people and places and things that remind him of being seventeen years old again hold a special place in his heart. It’s a time capsule like no other.
That’s why, he thinks, he must be so attuned to you.
The bar is a personal favourite of his and Suguru’s. It’s dim enough for his eyes, and classy like those yakuza films they used to watch. High leather stools around a massive, circular counter; clinks of glasses and distant conversations blending into one another, mixing with the faint music playing overhead.
It’s not filled with sharp, neon lights and mobs of people like the clubs and bars he used to frequent when younger, but it’s lively enough to get him going. He doesn’t drink regularly and appreciates the decent length of non-alcoholic drinks offered too.
It also brings in the best women he’s ever seen.
You’re eyeing him. Almost shamelessly from the corner of the room, leaning slightly out of your seat at a booth. There’s someone opposite you, a tuff of black hair he can barely discern and it almost makes him visibly preen that you’re checking him out instead of the date in front of you.
He moves to make himself look better. He spreads his legs tastefully on the stool, making sure his thighs bulge a considerable amount against his black pants. (They fit him perfectly, he’s almost giddy he picked them for tonight.)
The whoever he was talking to prattles on about his business plan and the funds that he needs, and Gojo lifts his chin directly at him, hoping to give you a nice, clear view of his jawline. Sturdy and sculpted. The man stutters over his words, and he smiles widely at that too.
Over the next five minutes, he’s taken a total of three glances at your table over the hustle and bustle of people. Two times your attention was on him, the other was on the person you were with.
A win for me.
Being a homewrecker can feel like ecstasy at times. The thrill of it gives him a high like no other, similar to electricity zapping his nerves and singeing them black. He especially wouldn’t mind helping you cheat.
He doesn’t say it often, no one hardly deserves his praise, but you look good. Like those porn mags he used to jerk off to in high school, the same ones filling his drawer next to his underwear. On nostalgic nights he pulls out the earliest one he owns—the first mag he bought fresh as a fifteen year old, out of mere curiosity than anything.
He’d heard about it, the apparent sex on paper that had collections of girls who looked so ravishing with their lingerie sets on, so incredibly curated to whatever fantasy you liked that it was impossible not to buy them. Of course, in the throes of his multiple nannies and advisors, servants and guards, he couldn’t sneak any of them into his estate. His school life provided him that kind of freedom too.
And my god, did you look straight out of the earliest, most precious collection.
With your makeup done all dewy and pretty, the lights overhead accentuating the glitter across your eyelids; your hair styled best to frame your face with a delicate clip on the side, glimmering jewellery that brings your look altogether.
Your figure is hugged by deep red wine colored dress, and he thinks of how you would look standing and walking up to him, with your hips swaying and your eyes never leaving his.
His crotch area feels uncomfortable. There’s a lull in the talk he was half-heartedly having with the business man, and he figures there’s no point in keeping up an useless conversation.
He looks over to Suguru and sees him close, much too close with another woman. It gives him a boost of courage to smoothly manoeuvre himself until he’s facing you entirely.
Your eyebrows shoot up to the sky, and you look away shyly. Something in him yowls, splitting him with an ache. You would look so perfect between his teeth, skin soft for him to touch.
It’s been so long since he’s had such a teenage moment in his life. He’s never not been looked at, but never… this innocently. A cat and mouse game of who looks over first. Who catches the other first.
You converse while keeping your eyes on him, his body. There’s a look in your eye too, like you’re trying to figure him out. He can almost see a pout forming on your lips.
His fingers twitch.
He wants either you to come over, or the man to leave so he can slide in next to you and finally see you up close.
Suddenly, you stand up.
It’s so out of the blue that it knocks his heart to a faster pace. He puts an arm on the counter, leaning. A lazy smirk crawls its way on his face, and his eyes are alight behind his glasses, eager and restless.
You’re full of surprises because you interrupt his opening line altogether, and with curious, good-natured look, you ask,
“Excuse me but where did you get those pants? I think my boyfriend would like them.”
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pookietv · 3 days
number one fan | george clarke
this was requested! and i couldn't resist the end lmao so !!
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george had always been supportive. he liked to consider himself his friends biggest fans, always turning up to whatever may be important to them, from arthur's tours, to his home friends graduations, he always wanted to be there and be able to show his pride in the people in his life.
so when he began dating a singer, it was to no one's surprise that he became the biggest fan out there.
your music a staple of the household, to the point where an intervention was called by arthur and chris.
"geooooorge can we not put on different music now?" chris said with a slight smile on his face as he rolled his eyes jokingly.
"you know we love y/n's music but george, this is a little excessive," arthur agreed, giggling to himself a little.
"just let this song finish! its the best one," he protested whilst cooking at the kitchen island, earning a joking groan from arthur.
"i'm convinced that just by living in this house we may know her lyrics better then she knows them," chris laughed, and george just shrugged with a mockingly innocent look.
when you first got signed by a manager, changing from original songs uploaded to youtube to a real publishing plan.
"george?" you grinned to yourself as you went into his room, having been let in by arthur, seeing him sat at his desk, seeing you and pulling his headphones off his head.
"hey, you! didn't know you were coming around today," he said, standing to press a quick kiss to your hairline, and you could barely stop yourself grinning at him like the cheshire cat.
"what's that look for?" he asked as he pulled away, quirking his head slightly as a small smile approached his face too.
"i got offered to be signed! by a real label! they actually want me to be under their label!" you practically babbled out, watching george's grin grow wider before wrapping you in a hug, practically lifting you from the ground.
"no way! that's amazing, darling," he muffled into your hair, his arms around your torso only wrapping tighter, "i'm so so so proud," he beamed, pressing another kiss to your cheek.
"thank you george," you smiled back, your cheeks glazed with red, "you've been so supportive, and i appreciate it so much,"
"so, now can i convince you to write a whole album about your biggest fan?" he teased, and you playfully pushed his chest.
"well, maybe i could write a song for arthur, i mean he was so lovely letting me open for his tour, he definitely has been a loyal fan..." you teased in return, pretending to ponder, causing george to mock pout.
"hey, hello, i am your biggest fan you muppet!"
when your first album released, and it was all george could yap about for at least a month afterwards.
when he featured on his bach and arthur's podcast? practically the first thing to leave his mouth.
"yeah, so i've not been up to too much, y/n was really busy recently so we decided now she's done and the album's released, we might try and go away somewhere - the album's out now on all streaming platforms! go listen, she's brill," he says with a cheesy grin on his face.
"what was the timer on george mentioning y/n there? under five minutes?" bach laughed, george's face going slightly red as he shrugged.
"it is a good album, in his defence," arthur laughed a little.
when he's in one of chris' videos? practically every goal he scored was backdropped by the beat change of one of your songs.
"if you miss this one, we're not letting you aux the flat for a week," chris chided with a grin, and george rolled his eyes as he placed the ball down, lining it up and kicking it in.
"see? he's the biggest fan around! the second the thought of not playing y/n's new album 24/7 is unthinkable to george," arthur laughed, before continuing, "i don't even live with you guys and i think i've heard y/n's music more times then i have actually met her in person."
going to your first big concert?
you had offered him to be backstage, but he had said no - of course he wanted to be in the front, seeing you perform like he was anyone else, he wanted to see you properly, from the floor.
"you're sure you don't wanna be backstage?" you had asked him on facetime earlier that day, when you were already at the venue for sound checks but he had assured you no.
"we're all coming in the pit, we've gotta see it like a normal concert!" he grinned down the phone, and you rolled your eyes playfully.
"you at least gonna stand at the back so you guys don't get like, mobbed or squashed or something? 'cause people might ask for photos," you said, slightly concerned for him, but he just shook his head.
"we can take photos afterwards with whoever wants one - i'm not standing at the back and barely seeing anything just cause some people may try and be rude and take photos with us whilst you're performing, that's not fair to you," he hummed slightly down the phone, "plus, chris wouldn't be able to see from the back and you know that," he laughed a little at his own joke
you cracked a small smile as you shook your head, "you're so stubborn, george, you know that?"
and when he showed up to the concert, with both of the arthurs and chris, all stood as close to the front as they could be, and before you could even notice anything else, you saw george's shit eating grin at his shirt, which he wore in a teasing sort of pride, that just said 'i fucked the singer', and as he saw your eyes roll, you could hear his laugh from the crowd.
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babymochibeargyu · 2 days
[Babymochibeargyu 100 Followers Event]
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I honestly can't believe we reached this many in the span of 44 days? Like I said before, I didn't think I would even be writing so many fics after my first two as I was just doing for the plain fun of it, but after seeing how well received my works started to get, I just decided to continue and here we are. anyways enough of my rambling lets get to the event🥺
As you guys know I usually have been writing for Gyu on here, because he's been really living in my head rent free and I have just so many fluff thoughts to write about.
But for this event, I'm letting you guys choose who you want to see in my fluff/whichever genres you guys want me to write about[as due to a recent poll you guys seem to be deprived of the other members hence I decided to do this]
here's how things will go:
1st Event
pairings: 1 txt member x reader
genres: any genre is fine(I'll try my best to write whatever you guys give me)
genres can be :fantasy, hybrid,enemies to lovers or just plain fluff, whatever your heart desires!!
no smut/nsfw(im not confident😭),SA,rape,sexual harassment, incest
no. of entries per person: I'm not sure how many will participate(but I hope you guys do >_<) so I'm just gonna give you guys max of 5-10 request per acc![ if yall would like, you can send more, but they will be looked to afterwards, so as to give everyone a fair chance]
(those that I do not reply to during this event, may be turned into a future fic)
how do I get my entry to be written? : if your entry inspires me, then you'll definitely will be seeing it turn into a fic
also tip, I usually get heavily inspired if there's pictures!!
i just found out that if you are using laptop and not anon, you can insert pics otherwise[you can copy and paste pics into the asks(if you wish to remain anon), it will also give me a clearer sense of which direction I should go for]
entry duration: currently i will be giving it 2-3 weeks[from today 23June - 15July] unless theres an overflow of entries then i may end the event earlier so fastest fingers!!(also im not really sure whether when my next milestone will be so if you wanna see your ideas come to life please send them in now 🙃)
opened to who?: anyone who's following or isn't(yet): since the tags will include all members, it will appear to those who isn't following me too. so if you do send in an entry and aren't following (yet), do think about it and join in the fun :') because all is welcome!! [so that you can also see whether your entry got picked!!]
rules for sending an entry:(please please please read before sending anything!!)
Updated: moving forward any anon request that I receive during this period, if without emoji and without stating that its for the 100 Lovelies Event💗i will take it as its a separate request and will look at it only after the event(so don’t say I didn’t warn you if you’re wondering why your asks hasn’t been chosen!! As i cannot be updating and finding out all the time on my blog thank you, and im pretty sure its quite clear in my rules already)
it would be nice if i know who I'm replying to, however if you want to be anonymous, please at least put 2-3 emojis with it
in the event somehow the emoji's chosen gets repeated at least with more than 1 emoji I'm able to identify that you are different people
this is so that I know how many entries you have already sent in! if there are no ways for me to identify you, I may not write it for the 100 followers event, so as to be fair for everyone participating)
for the fics please state (member x reader, genre, settings/prompt of what you want to see. and I'll continue from there)
if you only state member x reader and genre, your entry will be ignored(so please state!! i don't want to ignore any of your entries!!)
also please write in your entry :100 Lovelies Event, so that I know that your ask is for an entry
I will choose up to 10 entries to write from(is the current goal i have but if im in a feel good mood i probably will write more). Sooo let me know your heart's deepest desires and let your imagination run wild LOVELIES~
~ all the fics written during the event will be under the tag of [100 Lovelies Event💗] and can be found under the main masterlist as well.
2nd Event(update)
- if anyone would like, you can request a short song cover from me(I’ll try my best) and I’ll upload it to my yapping blog under the same tag!!
- this doesn’t count as an entry for the 100 Lovelies Event💗so it doesn’t matter how many song request you sent in!! I just wanted to do something that’s personal to me too
But anyways let’s get this fic party started🥳
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bbyplutosblog · 1 day
ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ - ²² (ᴀʀᴍᴀɴᴅᴏ ᴀʀᴇᴛᴀꜱ x ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
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“𝙸𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝚊 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚢 𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗 𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚘𝚏 a 𝚜𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚑.”
WARNINGS: Death, murder, violence, trauma, sociological behavior, sexual situations.
Chapter III
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Solana settled into one of the swiveled desk chairs provided for her as she pirouetted the firearm between her fingers using its trigger guard. The weapon was unloaded, and the magazine was positioned before her. Her and Lowrey arrived at the A.M.M.O. compound at approximately six in the morning, congregating with the assembled team. Marcus sought out to bunny hug her until kingdom came, so it seemed, reiterating how he convinced himself that "she went out like a bad motherfucker." As a response, Solana flippantly puffed out his already pointy ears. 
Solana was moderately reclusive with the rest of the team at first, particularly Rita, considering that she couldn't regard anyone as substituting Howard’s role as captain. Nevertheless, getting a distinctive view of how Mike and Marcus fraternized with them and the evolving chemistry there, she warmed up quite nicely. 
Solana was persuaded into recounting the chain of events pertaining to Basílo, and it was punishing, to put it mildly. She and Mike spent hours swaying Rita to co-sign the resources she needed. Rita threw a curveball at Solana, wearing her heart on her sleeve and expressing empathy. She explained to her that she, too, fell in love with someone who wouldn't change. 
“I think I can get you everything you need, but it has to be done very secretly. I'll make a few phone calls and see if I can get you a federal aircraft, but it has to be a one-way stop. I can't risk my job more than I already am for this. I’m only doing it because you, at least, deserve some closure. But whatever you do, don't let this shit blow up in my face.” 
Rita's heels clicked over the concrete flooring as she strutted off to endorse the supplies. Dorn conspired at his headquarters, trumping up multiple pseudo-passports and I.D.'s, while his girlfriend and fellow team member, Kelly, watched him work. The older men flanked Solana on each side as she continued to dangle the Glock. Perturbed by quietude, Marcus severed it by blurting out: "Hey, ‘Lana, you know, I know it's been a minute, but you can still join the team.”
Mike shot him a gritty side-eye. Solana looked up at him. “I know you've been through a lot, and I’m not saying right this second, but c'mon. We need the “G.I. Jane" back in the game to show these young thunder-cats how it's done, baby." Solana couldn't help but crack a smile, as did Mike. 
“Thanks for the proposal, Marcus, but I still have some deep, deep healing to do. A lot of things are weighing heavy on my heart right now, and I can't afford to throw myself back into this again." 
Marcus nodded, slanting his head down as an indication of his respect for her choice. Mike placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, which Marcus tapped, showing gratitude. Solana dreaded disappointing the people she loved most. She needed to lighten the mood. 
"Plus, are you even qualified to recruit for the A.M.M.O. squad, Mr. Burnett?” His fleshy cheeks mushroomed into a smile.
“Yes,” he whispered, “but don't tell nobody else.” Solana giggled, placing the Glock on the table beside the magazine. “At least say you'll think about it. Together, we were like firecrackers out there. Boom, you know? Nothing could stop us. I’ll kill to have that fire back.” 
She smirked, peeking over at Mike. He shrugged. “I’ll think about it. Are you happy now?”
“Better than happy. Group hug.”
Solana groaned, moping over to him and coupling their arms together. Mike remained glued to his spot. Marcus widened his open arm, waving it like a madman. "C'mon, Mike. Don’t be like that." Mike growled and stomped over to them, completing the three-way hug awkwardly. "Ah, all love, baby. All love." 
Just then, Rita drew attention to her return with the clucking of her heels. "You're in luck," she said, holding up her phone. "The department is granting us access to a federal plane. I told them it was urgent, and we that only need it for a few days, so we have to drop you off fast, Solana, and we can't look back. Dorn, were you able to contact Armando through the transceiver about this?" 
"Uh, negative. It's weird. I can connect to the receiver, but he won't respond when I say "copy." I'll try again."
"Please let me know if you get something. Wheel's up at nine a.m., so be ready for pickup. Micheal, you owe me." 
"Yes, I most certainly do. I really appreciate this, Rita."
"We both do." Rita's eyes shifted towards Solana, who was inching up on her. "Thank you, really. I'm grateful for your help. I don't know how I'll repay you, but I'll find a way." 
Rita evinced a sly grin, whispering, "You can repay me by beheading that piece of shit." Solana was rattled by her tone of voice.
"I have to go. See you all in the morning." She walked out of the compound, leaving Solana to dwell on her words. The overt sincerity in each syllable speared her even further into her decent of avengement.
"I like her."
In the interim, more than five thousand miles north of Miami, Armando subsisted in a stealthy and under-the-radar conduct. The instant the McGrath situation was alleviated, Mike masterminded Armando's transit to a secluded location in Male', Maldives. They would maintain punctual contact through a radio given to him. 
Docking soon after, Armando took refuge, sustaining a culture shock as he interacted with the Maldivian people and their customs. It took some time to normalize his new life. The language barrier wasn't as thick as he imagined, with him attaining a handful of Dhivehi words every week. It wasn't bad at all. Locals were benign for the most part. He kept to himself, taking constant outings to the boundless ocean, floating as the pompous waves bobbed across his body.
Currently, he was standing in front of a farmers market, eyeing what fruit he wanted to purchase. He decided on a stalk of bananas. He paid Rufiyaa currency to the man behind the fruit stand and journeyed back to his ratty apartment, four blocks away, nibbling on one of the bananas. 
A native woman, not much older than he was, strutted past him, flaunting the flexure of her hips and gawking at him. He couldn't help but smirk and nod at her. "Hola, amor." He winked. She covered her mouth with her hands and giggled to herself, scurrying off. 
He entered his apartment building, greeting a fellow resident as he trekked up the stairs two at a time. Once he reached his apartment, his heart thudded against his rib cage. The door to his apartment was ajar a silver, to where you could see the margin of his small kitchen. That was unusual. He knew he had deadbolted the door behind him before he left. Someone was in there. 
He seized his handgun from its holster, training it forward. He used his boot-clad foot to kick the door open, causing it to thwack against the wall. He prowled through the space, checking each perimeter, leveling his gun, and preparing to shoot. As he reassessed the perimeters to confirm it was clear, he lurked towards his bedroom door. Armando pressed an ear to it, vetting out any sudden movements. Nothing. 
Irate, he shouldered the door agape, spotting a figure sitting on his bed, a womanly figure, her back facing him. He kept his weapon fixed on the unknown woman. "Who the fuck are you?" He questioned. The figure didn't react to this. This angered him even more. "I said, Who the fuck are you?" 
With a leaden pace, she turned to look at him, her own gun stationed at her ankle as she curled herself in a hunched position. Armando couldn't recognize the mysterious, bronzed woman. Who was she?
"My name's Solana. I used to work with your father; he sent me here at my request." Armando lowered the barrel. 
"For what?"
"Basílo murdered my husband, my unborn child, and other innocent people because of his jealousy. I need his head, and I know you know where he is, and you're going to take me to him." 
A/N: Hey guysss here’s another one!! I chaged Armando’s location from Nepal to Maldives because Nepal was a bit too traditionalist. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if I should kept going with multiple chapters or stop at a certain point. xoxo
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olderthannetfic · 1 day
I'll be honest i have a lot of……..activism burnout? ok, that's not a good word to use in this context, but I have 'whatever the less serious version of that is', in regards to AI.
Like, I'm not saying AI is good or that I enjoy seeing it or that I'd use it for fandom stuff. But this whole paranoia about it is just….i dont care. And I know that I should. And I DO I care, I guess, in some ways, but this whole "OMG AI IS EVERYWHERE" "AI IS KILLING FANART" "THIS FIC SOUNDS LIKE AI" (which can be used as both an accusation and also as criticism).
like, sorry, i genuinely do not care that there's AI art on pinterest or that there's an AI fic in a ship tag or that Kids These Days use character.ai as opposed to talking to real people. (with a caveat of "if AI is banned on pinterest/ao3, yeah, you have the right to bring up that specific factor." i ALSO don't like it when AI users give themselves more credit than they deserve, by saying like "omg look at this art i made with AI" no bestie you did not in fact make that art.) but this whole thing where people are weirdly obsessed with loving to hate AI is just exhausting and it really makes me not care.
it really isn’t that deep and it's not a topic i give a fuck about it (i say after having just written several sentences on the matter). like i dont like ai art and i really really dont like fucking AI chatbots on technical support websites or whatever, but also i dont think the world is gonna end because someone had chatgpt write them a story or a recipe or a cover letter or something like that.
i get that AI is annoying and that 99.99% of the time anything made by AI is gonna be dogshit compared to something a human made and that it can be very disappointing to see AI after AI in a tag or something but also the asshole part of me is like. 'oh, you hate ai? you think it's killing fandom culture? awesome, great, should we throw a party? should we invite nikola tesla?'
i think part of why ai wank pisses me off so much is cuz its everywhere, as its the hot new topic, and i'm aware that there is a lot of hilarity in me contributing to this argument especially considering my opinion is very much the unpopular one that people will not like, but even with blocking words like "ai" or "gpt" or whatever it's impossible to fully avoid cuz opinions will still slip through the cracks somewhere, or show up on a website where you can't filter, or some rando is always gonna be talking about it in offline settings or whatever, and it's all in the news, and i'm just tired of hearing about it constantly.
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batboyblog · 3 days
I know you get a lot of this but like. Thank you for the Biden posts. I see so many people who are like "I'm not voting!" and "both parties are the same anyways" and like. Half of them are bots that crawled out of the walls, and the other half are people that seem to purposely be ignoring everything shown to them about how bad Trump is. So maybe, showing what actual progress Biden has made will help with that, I can hope... Thank you.
So of course I see every tag, comment, reblog etc of these posts and of course I realize its a non-scientific sample etc, but I will say I see a lot of people who've been talked into by the vibes or whatever thinking Biden is somehow bad in a way they can't really articulate, but clearly they don't really believe it? on a gut level? but they don't want to be caught saying he's good, but are looking for a way to say they're voting for him.
so just to say I think there are a fair number of people who've seen the vibe among people who are very on-line and they want to be "cool" but they're grounded in reality and need an excuse to be like "hey but I like X, thats what I'm voting for, not Biden" and whatever gets you there, if you're voting to save the planet from climate change or student loan forgiveness or whatever else, good for you.
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The Hunted becomes the Hunter
𖤐Pairing: Vampire Hunter! Alex x Vampire! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, angst, language, mention of blood, fighting, gore, and self-harming, reader has power of illusions, female masturbation, blowjob, P in V, manhandling, groping, nipple play, aggressive behavior, kind of toxic,
𖤐Summary: Alex was called in to help stop a Vampire from killing off people livestock, he sets up traps and everything to try and catch the beast, but he stumbles upon an abandoned castle and finds himself stuck with a vampire
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“How many dead?”
“My whole livestock, Alex. I came out ready to feed them and I notice blood thinking maybe one of them probably got stuck in the barb wire but when I came around they’re all dead in the barn.” Farmer Dan shows Alex all of his livestock stacked on top of each other dead, blood drained from all of them.
“What the hell?”
“It’s getting worse Alex, Joni down the road lost all her hens and roosters, Mark a few houses down from her lost all his cows, you need to catch whatever this thing is.”
“It can’t be working alone, there has to be more. But I’ll see what I can do, do you anyone who might still have their livestock? That’ll probably be its next target.”
“Umm~ Jacob up the road, you might have passed him, he’s still got everything, go check with him.”
Alex loaded back into his truck and heads back down the road to see Farmer Jacob. Farmer's for the passed month have been losing their livestock left and right, and it's been getting worse, normally they would have lost 2 or 3 animals, but now it's a whole herd of animals.
To the people they thought Alex was a trapper they didn't question his methods or anything, he has caught a few beasts in his past but Alex is a Vampire hunter, it runs in his family, and after seeing the drained animals in Dan's barn. he knew he had a vampire on his hands.
The question is, how the hell is he going to trap possibly more than one vampire?
"Jacob, I just came from Dan's farm, have you lost any animals last night?"
"Nope, none, I just came out to feed them and they all seem fine, why, what's going on?"
"Dan has lost all of his livestock, I have suspicions your farm might be next. Could I set up a trap here?"
"Sure, anything to stop whatever it is killing livestock."
Alex has spent all day working on the trap making sure it was good and also making sure it was animal proof, he didn't want animals getting tangled up in his trap.
"And this will work?" Jacob asks.
"And if it doesn't?"
"You have every right to sue me or kill me," Alex says.
Alex hops back into his truck and notices the large woods behind Jacob's farm.
"Hey, Jacob, could I set up kind of a base in your woods?"
"Sure, by all means," he says as Alex followed a dirt path into the woods. He stops at the edge of the woods, getting out and finding a place he could pitch a tent and stay out there for the night, cause if he's right and it is a Vampire, he'll probably get to it first before the trap does.
Night rolls around Alex sits by the campfire, gun at his side and he's been on edge since the sun went down and the moon came out. His mind was wondering when this vampire might show up.
"I need to take a leak," he says, placing his gun down and heading a bit deeper into the woods away from his camp. He finds a big oak and unzips his pants.
As he was mid stream he could hear the sounds of cracking branches, and leaves being crunched. He finishes up and looks around before making it straight to his camp.
He must have taken a wrong turn or something, because his camp wasn't out of his sight but when he turned his back, he couldn't see his camp and when he looks up into the sky, he couldn't see the smoke from his fire.
"Where in the hell am I?" He questions, he quickly placed his hand on his holster, empty. "Fuck," he left it at his camp. He placed his hand on the other side feeling a wooden steak, he pulls it out.
"I hope you know wooden steaks don't kill me? That's just some myth," he hears a voice say from the trees, he looks around but couldn't see anything.
"You're a coward, hiding in the trees so you won't face me."
"I'm not a coward hunter, but I would just like to let you know...you are now the hunted," as the voice was gone a murder of crows all launched themselves at Alex, he blocks his face and once the crowds were gone, he sees his campfire.
"An illusion?"
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Alex curses as he runs out of the woods getting into his truck and heading to the farm. "Dammit, it fucking tricked me."
"I...I don't know what the hell happened? I was in the woods and then it was like an illusion or something?"
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"We're dealing with a vampire here."
"A vampire?" Jacob laughs at Alex. "No one...no one had dealt with vampires since the bubonic plague, they would be dead and oh they don't exist anymore?"
"They do exist, I promise they do."
"I'm hearing a bunch of bullshit, please get off my property-"
"Let me do one more thing."
Alex was at the woods again, whatever it was, he must have been close to it's domain. Alex had his gun on him and used a flashlight to guide his way to where he was.
"Come on, where was it?"
Alex looks for the tree which he soon did, touching it and looking around it, maybe he set off a trap of it's own which let it know who was near it's domain, but he couldn't find any wires or anything.
He walks a little farther into the woods, he looks around and didn't notice a sudden drop. Alex falls down rolling a few times before landing on his back on flat land.
"Motherfucker," Alex cusses holding his lower back and sitting up. "Fucking hell," he says as he slowly but surly gets up.
He clicks his flashlight, it wasn't working, he says a few more curses before stuffing his flashlight into his bag and walked blindly. He didn't know this part of the woods, it all looked the same to him. Where was this beast?
Alex bushed some bushes from his face and saw a big, tall castle, it looked abandoned or so he thought, he sees a few lights on in the castle.
"What the fuck is this?" He walks to the castle, the main door was cracked. He pushes it with making as little sound as possible. The lights in the main room flickered on and off, and he could hear humming for a room.
He tip-toes to the room, fire was lit in the fireplace, a chair sits in the room, he walks in drawing out his gun ready to fire at whatever it was in the chair.
"I figured you would find me sooner or later, hunter," a voice says from the chair and a loud caw from a crow. The crow swoops at Alex and lands on the chair facing him giving him one more caw.
"Face me."
"And if I don't?"
"Then I hope you like led between your eyes."
"Hmm~ what a threat, I've dealt with you humans long enough to know..." the figure stood up. "You will hesitate," the figure turns and faces Alex. She was gorgeous, piecing eyes, fangs on full display as her tongue grazed them.
"I will never hesitate when it comes to killing your kind."
"Wow, harsh," she sounded sarcastic but didn't care. "Then go on...do it...you have a clear shot, I'm not fighting back."
Alex points his gun in her face, he was hesitating, why the fuck was he hesitating.
"What a shame, my turn," she gives him a wicked smile and lunges at him, pushing him to the ground getting on top of him and her hands go around his neck as his try to go around hers.
"I haven't had human blood in ages, I usually stick to animals, they're getting boring, human blood is sweet, savory, and fucking delicious," Alex was starting to lose his breath, he tries to find his gun but it was out of his reach, so he digs around for his steak and soon got a hold of it, he brings it up and stabs her in the side.
She gets off of him, bleeding out, hot tears filled her eyes as she tries to pull it out of her side. Alex quickly stood up grabbing his gun and pointing it at her.
"Do it, hunter...FUCKING DO IT!!" She yells, the gun goes off but the bullet landed next to her into the wood flooring. "Who's the coward now?"
Alex doesn't say anything but glares at her, he may live by a life of code, but...something about her...intrigued him really. He bends down seeing the blood leak from her and immediately her wound was healed.
"I'm gonna go on a lime and say...you were turned...you weren't born like this..."
"Why the fuck does that matter?" She says.
"Because ones that were turned are still human inside...you only drink animal blood is because you actually hate human blood, all that bullshit you spat out was to make me afraid of you...but I'm not, I've dealt with vampires all my life to know who was born one and who was turned to one..."
"So what? You feel bad for me now?"
"I didn't say that-"
"But your actions say otherwise, you missed on purpose, you hesitated because you knew, so what? Just fucking kill me already. I've been waiting for the day someone did."
"You cause illusions because you want to be feared, but you fear yourself."
"Is it?" Alex stood up and put his hand out for her to take. She swats it away.
"I don't need your help."
"That's fine, but when another hunter comes along, they won't be as nice to you," he says, walking out of the room.
"Wait," Alex smirks when she called for him. "Why are you doing this?"
"I'm bored, I guess. I live by a code, you are a vampire, I'm suppose to kill you, but there's something in you...that makes me feel bad for you."
"Great, a hunter taking pity on me, how nice," sarcasm again.
"So what if I am?" She stays quiet.
The vampire sat on the chair the crow swooping at Alex again.
"You live here alone?"
"And the skeletons in the basement..."
"Right," Alex walks to the fireplace and looks at the vampire, she looks at Alex. "could I help you?"
"With what?"
"You seem...lonely," he says.
"Because I am, my only friends are crows..."
The vampire walks up the stairs Alex behind her, he was amazed by the castle, even though it was abandoned and lights could barely work, she's kept it pretty maintained.
"Tell me...when did you get turned?"
"When I was 14...I was a stupid little kid, played in the woods and didn't understand don't follow strangers, and I did. It was around 200 years ago, though."
"So how old are you?"
"214 years old...I think, I've lost count a few times, I could older, I don't know," she says as she pushes a door open. "I sleep here," it was like a normal bedroom.
No coffins, or anywhere she could hang upside down.
"I know what're thinking."
"Huh? You don't know-"
"You thought I slept in a coffin or hung upside down."
"Damn...maybe I was."
"Funny," she says, shutting the door. "You should be lucky I allowed you to stay."
"And you should be lucky I didn't stick a bullet between your eyes...I never caught your name?"
"It's Y/n...do you really think people won't know you're gone?"
"People don't know where I live, they call me when something is wrong, so no one will even notice," he says.
"This room hasn't been used in years, so make use of it."
"I'll try, Miss Vamp."
"Don't call me that."
Hours, weeks, months have gone by, Alex is still here at the castle with Y/n. She does everything in her power to avoid Alex, but sometimes she isn't lucky. It was already worse enough she's letting a vampire hunter stay with her.
Alex was outside chopping wood as Y/n looked at him through her bedroom window. She plops on the cushion looking at the shirtless Alex. Her thighs squeezed together like they had a mind of their own.
She started to feel wet, her fingers slide down her chest to be in between her thighs, she was being risky touching herself by the window where Alex could easily see her, all he had to do was look up and it was all over, but he didn't he was focused on the wood and piling them up.
Her breaths were shaky, as her fingers teased her wet folds, she moans as she keeps watching Alex. She hates the fact she's doing this, but he was...something else, a vampire hunter living with a vampire like it was nothing.
Like Alex wasn't ever told the vampires are dangerous and they all must be killed with no hesitation, he disappointed his ancestors, but they're dead, Alex doesn't care, it's time to start a new era.
She then gets off from the cushion and plops on her bed, her legs trembling like she was teasing herself and trying to hold back from touching herself. But she couldn't help it, she needed to do it.
She removes her shirt and pushes her skirt off her lower half, the cold air just touching her now. She sits up on her elbows and moves her fingers back between her folds, pushing them inside of her, moving them slowly at first. She moans and thinks about Alex and how her fingers were his, but they weren't the same.
She was getting frustrated with herself, moving them a faster now, but it was feeling the same.
"Hey, I got the fire wood chopped," Alex says from the other side of the door, she groans and gets up from her bed.
She opens the door but used the door to also shield her bare body from him.
"Good, now leave me alone," she says.
"Hey," he puts his hand on the door. "The hell is wrong with you? You allow me to stay with you, but you avoid me, what's going on?"
"Bullshit, tell me."
"N-No," her fingers were back between her folds as he was talking to her, she was just trying to hide her moans now. "F-Fine, I'm fine," she says.
Alex takes a deep breath and pushes the door open now, he watches Y/n fall to her knees, completely bare before his eyes, he swallows a lump in his throat.
"W-What?" She stutters. "Never seen someone touch themselves before," she asks looking at him through her sweaty hair.
"I-I have."
"I'm just frustrated, I can't reach it."
"Want help?"
"Now," she demands, Alex walks to her, picking her up like nothing and setting her on her bed, he started to unbuckle his pants, Y/n helping him, once he pushes his pants down she could see his soft dick through his boxers. She looks up at him and starts kissing him through his boxers.
"Hey now."
"You're soft..." she says.
"I know that, I can get it hard myself," he chuckles, but she doesn't listen. He takes a hold of her hair and makes a makeshift ponytail using an old ponytail holder he found.
After a few more seconds, Alex's dick was standing and impatient Y/n pulled his boxers down, his dick sprung out making her kiss his tip, he moans throwing his head back.
"Fucking hell."
"Am I doing okay? It's been so long since I've done something like this."
"You're doing just fine," he says, placing his hand under her chin. "Keep going," he says.
Her hands wrap around his dick, deep throating him a few times, his tip hitting the back of her throat. She hums around his dick, the vibration from her throat made him want to cum faster.
She moves her mouth and opened her month pumping him a few times as cum leaks from his tip and squirt a few times landing on her face, she smirks and licks the rest from his tip.
She moves to be on the bed, she lays on her stomach and lifts her ass up in the air slightly shaking her ass, he smirks, and lines himself at her entrance and pushes himself inside of her.
"AHH~!" Y/n moans, Alex looks down at her, his hands on her waist, he starts moving a bit quicker, his tip just barely hitting her spot, she moans when he did it. She couldn't reach it herself, so now when he does it, she feels amazing.
"Fuck," she moans again, tossing her head back, Alex leans down, hand under her chin and he starts kissing her temple and kissed her lips.
"God, you feel so good," he moans when feeling her gummy walls clench around his cock.
"A-Alex," she moans out his name, sitting up and wants to kiss his lips again, he smirks leaning down and kissed her lips. His hands then move to her chest gently squeezing her and pinching at her sensitive nipples.
He then sits back up, hands on her hips and he then pulls her wrists behind her back, she sits up and Alex takes her legs pushing them to her chest. He was starting to just become a bit rough with her. She moans when his tip was just hitting her, just right.
She throws her head back, cupping his chin and getting him to kiss her some more. He sits on his knees using everything he has from falling face first. Alex kisses Y/n's neck as he feels her starting to clench around him, they both gave a few more moans before Y/n ended up coming first.
Alex smirks as he keeps going, he hasn't cum yet, he starts to become rough with her, pinning her back on her stomach, pounding even harder and faster into her.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! A-Alex!"
"What? I haven't come yet," he growls near her ear and bites her earlobe, she moans when she feels cum shoot up inside of her. She collapsed on the bed and Alex fell next to her.
Y/n was in her bed, silk sheets covering her bare body, she stayed asleep as Alex was up next to her, his back against the headboard of the bed. His finger moved some hair from her face. He moves under the covers with her, placing his hand on her waist and kissing her forehead.
He was always taught to kill the enemy and the enemy was vampires, but now he just had sex and is sleeping with the vampire. He didn't care, it was like a switch went off in him when seeing Y/n look so peaceful when sleeping.
"Sorry, if I woke you."
"It's okay...could just hold me," she asks.
"Sure, little vamp."
"No, not that nickname," she says, pushing off him.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, sure, I'll hold you darling."
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How to spot a scammer in the loa/shifting/void communities. 🚩
I know that there are so many people desperate to see their manifestations come to pass, to get into the Void, or to shift to their DR, so these communities are easy-pickings for anyone who wants to financially take advantage of people anonymously. I'd like to talk about a few red flags that you should look out for when people begin offering their "services" to you for a fee.
1. They make claims that seem too good to be true. 🚩🚩🚩
"Your manifestation will come to pass in 3 days, guaranteed! And you can have ANYTHING, because everything is possible with God!"
To quote our Neville: "Every vision has its own appointed hour it will flower; if it seems long, wait for it – it is sure and it will not be late. Some things will grow overnight, and some things will grow in a week, then in three weeks, and then in a month, and some things will take years."
I want to say this loud and clear, regardless of what anyone wants to say about "limiting beliefs":
No one can "guarantee" that your manifestation will take place within a certain time frame. No one.
Everything has its appointed hour, and we have as much control over the "when" as we do over the "how." I'm sure you've often heard that you shouldn't worry about the 𝘸𝘢𝘺 a manifestation will take place, because God has a higher perspective than we do and knows the most efficient way to deliver it; the same goes for time frames. We hand God our intentions, and our part is done. Our manifestation is then delivered in God's way and in God's time.
A scammer would say that if I want to be a 30ft tall antlered cryptid with lasers coming out of my eyes, they'll make it happen for a fee, because anything is possible with God, right? And when I don't wake up in 3 days like Alice here, too big for my house... then what?
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That leads me to the next red flag...
2. They leave themselves a loophole to evade responsibility for their wild claims when they predicatably do not manifest. 🚩🚩🚩
"You can have everything and anything you want for a small fee, guaranteed to be delivered within 3 days... 𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴."
Ahhh, well well... isn't that convenient? They're making outlandish promises that they can't keep, so when the manifestations naturally do not come to pass, they have a clever way to explain it:
After all, they did 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 part...supposedly. I mean, you can't 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦 that they sat on their bum watching TV and eating Pringles rather than visualizing for you, or affirming 10k times, or whatever. And the people who would pay for these "services" are so insecure about their own abilities already (hence the whole reason the poor things are paying someone who's claiming to be an expert) that they'd probably think, "Yeah, I guess it must be my fault. I'm not good at any of this."
The scammer has now taken your money without taking 𝘢𝘯𝘺 responsibility for what they'll deliver. Think about how subtly manipulative that is: they can make ANY wild claim they want to, because at the end of the day it all relies on you correctly doing "𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 part." They're making you pay for your own labor and putting all the responsibility for the outcome on YOU! Pretty slick.
3. They advertise a low fee, but when you talk to them privately, the fee is much higher. 🚩🚩🚩
I recently saw this happen: when the fee was discussed in private, it went up to nearly 10x the advertised price! We all know that hidden fees and false advertising are dishonest; you might even say it's "Shady Business Dealings 101." If you get to the point where you're about to pay and suddenly the fee has gone way up, you're being taken advantage of.
4. They're very defensive and even rude when asked to explain themselves or elaborate on what they're offering, and delete comments questioning them. 🚩🚩🚩
People who are open, honest and professional don't do this. You should be able to discuss what you're paying for, ask for proof or testimonies, and submit general questions without being treated like dirt. Instead, they act like you should be grateful to be 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘥 to pay them money. After all, don't you know who they are? They're an anonymous Tumblr blogger with many followers!
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5. They don't offer a refund option if nothing ends up happening. 🚩🚩🚩
You should have some protection and recourse if you pay for something that doesn't work. Often with scammers, there will be no refund option; after all, if it didn't work, they've already stated that the responsibility is on YOU.
"But what if people get their manifestation and ask for a refund anyway?" This could happen, but I think it's very unlikely. If someone got good results - if their eyes changed overnight from brown to green or something, as they asked - they'd be RAVING about it to everyone and simply 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 money at the blogger for the next manifestation. They would not be asking for a refund.
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Anyway, these are the really obvious red flags I could think of off of the top of my head. If you reblog this and can think of other red flags, please include them in your reblog.
Sadly, what happens in the end is that people transfer money, nothing happens, and then the scammer just stops replying to the person and that's the end of it.
It's awful to see people taken advantage of this way. Let's spread awareness about these red flags to prevent anyone else being manipulated going forward. 🩷
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kit-williams · 2 days
Yandere 40K Guilliman is very interesting to me.
Because he’s just trying to find someone sane, someone who doesn’t fall into a religious fervour whenever they see him. Someone who can use common sense, an ability nearly 90% of the imperium seems to have lost.
But when he finds that person, someone who doesn’t immediately start sucking up to him in his presence, who will actually call him by his name, ‘Roboute’…..
Well then they’re his.
There going to be his reprieve, how he takes out all his anger and stress that’s accumulated from seeing the sorry state that the Imperium has become. He’ll release all that pent up aggression by fucking his new paramour unconscious. By taking brief breaks between his endless meetings with them in his lap, taking whatever liberties he wants with them.
There no other course of action. He is the Lord Commander of the Imperium, and if what he needs to handle the problems of the Imperium and lead them to victory is to have this one person stay by his side, then that’s what he’ll get.
It won’t be all bad, his paramour will be treated to an unpredcented life of luxury, all they have to do is ignore the fact they now solely belong to Guilliman and that there is no changing that fact of their new reality.
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This is EXACTLY what I was hinting at with mentioning about 40k yandere Guilliman. His playfulness is still in there he wants to woo you like he normally would he's unhappy with how he has to get you by his side but he NEEDS an outlet! He needs someone to fixate on because he's running himself ragged.
He was in hell. As he was trapped in his armor most of the time... stuck with insane people all around him! Anyone who dared have some semblance of a spine around him were far too important for him to sink his teeth into. He was stuck... he was lonely... he was tired...
And then you came along. You were in awe but you kept it in check... you listened to him and unlike the fear and confusion at his more atheistic sentiments you hardly reacted simply replying "You're the God Emperor's son of course you don't worship him. Besides you know better than me." You were being humble and normally this would rouse such a playful response from him like a large cat playing with its meal. But he had no time for this.
You flitted in and out of his life and eventually his mind thinks of you often. Thinking over the words you say to him... thinking over the way you smile at him... the way you laugh; sometimes you even laugh completely unflatteringly much to your embarrassment. You accidentally seal your fate when you see him outside of his armor of Fate and the joy in your eyes as you gasp with delight, "Roboute! You're out of your armor." It was the first time since being allowed to call him Roboute that you used it.
You damned yourself by having your eyes sparkle seeing him out of armor... looking at him like a man...
You whimpered into his mouth as you try to wriggle free suddenly feeling the weight of his focus on you. Those blue eyes of his looking at everything like a mad man. He keeps apologizing as his face rubs against yours... rubs into your skin... you've seen this face a few times when he's pushed to his limit and you try to calm him down... you're crying by now... he keeps apologizing.
He needs this he tells you... he begs to a piece of comfort between your legs... perhaps if you knew what was to follow you wouldn't have been fooled by his just plea for feeling like a man. You might not have agreed to treat him as you have been... perhaps if you rejected his offer you'd still be free... you doubt so... you weren't anyone highly important that should you go missing things would collapse without you.
You're certain if anyone knew about you... they would simply thank you for your service to the Imperium.
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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auckie · 3 days
Dude I am so sick of people’s attitudes towards wild animals. They are not domesticated they are not pets they will not be happy as pets and even if they are you are either going to be unhappy or have to deal with their impulse to breed and do what they would be doing in the wild, which is shit and tear your house up and probably bite you. If it works out. Well hey! Cool.
I’ve befriended this adorable cotton tail and been able to keep it alive, a miracle because they’re difficult, and it adores me and I love it but once I’m able I’m going to put this fucker outside around other cottontails and hope a hawk doesn’t swoop it.
And seeing as it’s so trusting, that very well may happen. Not a lot of juvenile wild rabbits make it to adulthood. The hawk gets to live and that’s fine by me. They’re not endangered and while I’m glad I could keep it alive I have severely handicapped its ability to fear, which is vital. As it gets older it may regain its original, instinctual sense of terror and anxiety, and I hope it does for its own sake. It’s the very same people who insist I put a bow on it and breast feed it and all that stupid shit who would probably fail to research where to get cecotropes and be confused when an unspayed adult female rabbit starts becoming aggressive towards them and dies early from being confined indoors, if it even makes it that far.
I mean. Even if I’ve been doing a good job it could literally drop dead any moment. Rehabbed rabbits do that constantly without warning. And it’ll be sad but that’s just the risk. I’m not a professional but I’ve had experience with squirrels and frankly while I know it’s illegal in some states, i also know that’s to prevent a lot of random people from nabbing cute baby animals and not doing any research and attempting to keep them as pets. But I also think, that like agriculture, carpentry, tailoring— they’re skills you can and should learn. It’s like in human DNA. Are you gonna be a licensed professional? No, I mean probably not. Animal husbandry is the same. Buuut, it’s alive. So you gotta respect that.
There’s an in between of the ardent scare tactics professionals use (rightfully so) to deter laymen from say, putting a brachypelma tarantula on their face. It will probably be fine to do that. I’m not recommending it bc it totally could bite you, or kick hairs into your eyes and nose. But like, it’s probably gonna be fine. But don’t it. Don’t take a baby Robin from its nest but like if you have to for whatever reason, be good to it, do your research and send it to a rehab center probably but you totally can learn to care for it. And if you do, you should be ready and willing to attempt to reintroduce it to its natural habitat. And it might die. It could at a rehab center too. It’s not a baby eagle*, but it’s a living creature that serves a niche in the food web and it’s important to try and put it back into that place even if it means it gets predated.
*sucks to assign animals like. Priority levels but you can and should step on Japanese garden beetles should you see them on your knock out rose bush. You find a dying bee yeah give it honey water or whatever. Don’t fuck with the mantids. You get the gist.
I don’t regret taking the little feller in at all but I also will not regret trying to acclimate him back into his natural habitat: my yard lol.
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greenbergwrites · 1 day
oh wait wait wait hang on one more
temple attendant steve, dressed in wispy white tunics, quietly cleaning and caring for the temple and the supplicants by day, always so sweet and tender for the people coming to beg the god for children or whatever other things they are praying for
and by night getting thoroughly railed by his hungry god
I wrote like 1500 words to this and my computer decided it did not want to work properly anymore. I managed to rewrite what I’d lost and then get to this point before my computer decided to stop working completely. I had to wait to post this at work XD
So. Like. I meant to change the way it ends or at least write more but I don’t know when I’ll get the home computer situation fixed so I figured I’d just throw it up here for your enjoyment.
It is weirdly angsty, Bucky is hardly in it, and it's minor character focused for something that was supposed to be a porn prompt. But I still like it.
Warnings for a famine situation and all that goes with it and mentions of fertility issues.
Also, if anyone can’t tell, I’ve been scouring my inbox all week for goodies. This one’s from 2022 based on this post and then this story.
Alpha Fertility God Bucky, Take #2
Steve was born an Omega runt and we’re not going to enlighten this ‘verse, either, so that’s bad. His birth pack gives him to the temple as a babe and that’s where he grows up.
He could grow up bitter and angry, but he doesn’t. Somehow, he turns out kind.
Each morning, he is the first to greet his Alpha Lord in the temple. The sun’s rays have barely peeked over the horizon when he slips through the columns of the great hall, heading toward a smaller back chamber.
In his teens, the birth rate in the village rose for several years. During that time, the temple saw a boom. The priests received enough money to enlarge the temple and build a new statue of their god, one seated on a huge dais, glittering gold and taking up most of the wall.
Steve does not approach this statue, though he takes the time to pause and bow to it as he walks.
No, the statue he greets every morning is the one that had been there when he’d been given to the temple. It’s in a small chamber now facing the eastern horizon.
Some of the younger attendants call it the morning god for the way its bathed in light each sunrise. 
Steve carries with him a tray, which he sets at the statue’s feet.
The first step in his morning ritual is to kiss the statue on each cheek.
“Good morning, my Lord Alpha,” he murmurs, bending to light the incense. “Did you sleep well?”
Statues do not sleep, of course, but Steve always asks. He hopes that perhaps, somewhere in the great universe, his lord hears a whisper on the wind and knows that someone cares.
The incense burning, Steve picks up a small, decorative bowl filled with perfumed water. Dipping two fingers into it, Steve sets about spread the perfume upon the statue.
When he was a child, he watched the High Priests perform this ceremony to this very statue each morning. Now, they do it to the new statue, but they wait until the doors are open and the village people can witness their dedication.
It is a show performed for the peace of mind of the villagers. This is not a show. It is worship.
“The drought continues,” he says as he works. “Three weeks since the last rain. The farmers worry too much of the food will rot in the fields and we won’t have enough for winter.”
The statue perfumed, he sets down the bowl and opens the last item on the tray: a small cloth tied into a knot. Inside is a small chunk of bread and cheese, the two of items together no bigger than his fist.
“We’re asked to reduce our offerings,” he continues. “I understand. Babes need food and I think you would rather see them eat. But I cannot let you go hungry, so I brought you this. It’s from my breakfast, so no one will will suffer.”
With everything set out, Steve kneels once more, closing his eyes as he leans his cheek against the statue’s knee. He stays there, allowing himself this peace, until the sun warms his back and he hears others in the great hall. Only then does he begin his day.
He began temple life as a cleaner. It is the easiest job for children and the attendants were always good about keeping them away from the statues when they were too young to comprehend. 
He did that job well, but the problem with cleaning is it is a mindless task. It was so easy to listen in on what was being said around him and through that, he heard the pain of the people in the village. What was he to do but offer comfort?
Too many times being caught by the priests and finally, they made it his job. He now helped the villagers with their offerings, listened to their stories, offered whatever comfort he could. 
It was not much in the grand scheme of things, but it mattered. It was a job he could be proud of.
When the great doors opened, the first thing Steve hears is the familiar sound of a wooden cane striking hard earth.
Old Man Erskine is the oldest Omega in the village. Every morning, he makes the trek from his little hut to the temple and leaves a modest offering of dried fruit seeds. They are never for himself; always, he offers in the same of someone he thinks can use an extra prayer.
For the past decade, he’s had trouble with his hip. The walk hurts him but he refused the notion of giving it up or asking another to make the offering in his stead. His only concession seems to be allowing Steve to help him from the great doors to the altar across the room.
“Who is it for today?” Steve asks as they make the trek.
“My granddaughter,” Erskine says, his breathing hard and labored with the effort. “The eldest one. Her sisters have all born children, but she and her mate are still without. She’s a good girl and I know she’d make a good mother. She deserves this.”
Steve smiles, squeezing Erskine’s hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a trio of seeds.
“To add to your offering,” he murmurs, tipping the seeds into the Omega’s open palm. “It isn’t much, just from yesterday’s snack. Perhaps with these, my lord will hear your prayer and grant her a blessing.”
Erskine’s own offering is meager, a scant few seeds, but it must be. They are all struggling in these times.
His eyes shine as he lifts his gaze to Steve. With his free hand, he touches his palm to Steve’s cheek.
“Bless you, boy,” he says. “What a joy you are.”
He bends his head, kissing the seeds and whispering a prayer before he flings them at the statue’s feet. As they fly through the air, Steve closes his eyes and adds his own prayer.
When the old man leaves, another takes his place and then another, and another. 
At some point in the morning–and he doesn’t know when–Steve becomes aware of a lurking presence in the shadows of the great hall.
He’s a tall, broad Alpha male dressed all in black, a sword at his hip and his hood pulled low. There is an air of power and confidence surrounding him that Steve has never seen before–not even in the richest of men.
The scent trail he leaves behind is intoxicating, heavy and dominating. It holds an undercurrent of arousal, as if the Alpha is on the cusp of his rut. It might explain why he’s in the temple at all, though he never goes to the altar.
Steve means to talk to him–to ask if he can offer guidance–but he is waylaid at every turn. 
First a new mother coming to thank the god for her easy birth and then a string of new brides hoping to be blessed on their wedding night.
The latest is a young boy, perhaps only eight. He’s too young to present yet, but Steve sees the Alpha in him already. The poor boy worries too much for his family, a weight of responsibility on him that should not be on one so young. The boy’s mother is set to give birth within the month and someone’s filled his head with the horrors of labor. 
Steve doesn’t ask who; he’s afraid that if he knew, he would hunt them down for hurting this innocent.
He kneels with the boy at the statue's feet, stroking his hair.
“I don’t have anything to give,” the boy whispers, watching others lay down their offerings. He turns to Steve, staring up at him with big brown eyes. “I didn’t…I didn’t know I needed anything.”
Steve smiles and kisses his forehead, reaching into his robes to pull out a silver coin.
“Here,” he says. “Give him this and tell him your fears.”
He would’ve used the coin to buy material for a new tunic. Some would call it a sacrifice, giving the coin away, but Steve doesn't see it that way. Alleviating this boy's fears is far more important. 
“It will be a wasted blessing, though, I think,” he muses. “The mother of a boy so strong and good could not fall to the labors of bringing his sister into the world. I’m sure of it.”
“Sister?” The boy looks up at him in surprise. “Do you think?”
Steve hums, carding fingers through his curls.
“Yes,” he says decisively. “Only the most worthy big brothers are given little sisters, and I can’t think of a big brother more worthy than you. In a month, your mother will be fine and you’ll have a sister to look after. You’ll bring them to the temple so I can meet them, won’t you?”
The boy beams. “Yes,” he vows.
Throughout it all, the stranger in black is an ever lingering presence in his periphery. The Alpha walks the edge of the room, a silent, intimidating presence. Watching.
It’s curious that no one has asked him to leave yet, given the fact that he has offered no prayer or trinket or even supplication to the god. This is a sacred space, it isn’t for gawkers. 
Steve has only just decided that if no one else will do it, he will ask the stranger to leave, when he sees the woman.
She’s another of the villagers, though not one that he ever remembers seeing. Her clothes are threadbare and worn, dark bags under her eyes and her hair neglected and unkempt. She’s far too thin, especially for someone with a growing babe in her arms and two small children trailing behind.
It takes such energy to care for the young, but this woman looks like she has nothing left to give. She’s exhausted, on the verge of tears, defeat showing in every line of her body.
Steve, the stranger in black forgotten, approaches her with open hands and an encouraging, sweet smile.
“What blessings do you ask for today?” He asks by way of greeting.
The woman hesitates, looking from the child in her arms to the two hiding behind her skirts. She looks back up at Steve, a little lost.
He understands. Whatever she’s here for, she doesn’t want the children to hear. He beckons another attendant over, bidding them to watch the children while he takes the mother across the room.
They kneel together at the altar, the mother staring at her lap unseeing. Her eyes brim with tears, her knuckles bloodless where she clutches her dress.
“It’s not right,” she murmurs, her voice coarse. “It’s not right to ask what I’ve got to ask.”
Steve touches her hand. “That’s not for us to decide. Go on. He will understand.”
She takes in a ragged breath, shaking her head just once as a tear slips down her cheek. She sighs the sigh of someone too burdened.
“The little one,” she says, “he’s six months next week. His Daddy’s already talking of another. He comes from a big family, you see, and he wants one of his own. I wanted to give him that, once upon a time. I did. But it’s too many mouths, my lord. The field’s aren’t yieldin’ what we need. One of us’ll be dead before winter’s through if we keep going like this.”
She closes her eyes, rocking against her hands.
“It’ll be me,” she whispers. “It’ll be me, ‘cause I won’t see my children starve. I won’t. But if I’m gone, who’ll care for them?”
Steve’s stomach drops. Suddenly, her thin frame makes too much sense.
“When’s the last time you’ve eaten?” He asks softly.
“Doesn’t matter,” she says, cutting him a hard look. “I won’t see my children starve.”
The fire in her dies as quickly as it came. She reaches into her skirts with shaking hands and brings out a tattered cloth. When she unfolds it, it holds only a single slice of apple.
“It’s all I have to give,” she murmurs. She looks to Steve again, but this time, she’s uncertain. “I’ve never offered before. Never needed to–the babes came quickly, one after another. What do I do? Just leave it here?”
Steve swallows roughly.
“What is it, exactly, that you ask for?”
She trembles, her fingers spasming around the cloth. She has the look of a woman who knows that if she speaks the words out loud, she can never take them back. But she knows she has to.
“Make me barren,” she whispers. “I’ve had three, let me have no more. I don’t care if it makes him hate me, I can’t watch them waste away.”
She hesitates, her breathing ragged, before breathing out, “And I don’t want to die.”
Steve gathers her to his chest, squeezing as tightly as he can.
“You won’t,” he whispers. “You won’t, I won’t let you. Wait here, I’ll help.”
He lets go, thrusting himself to his feet and taking off toward the back rooms of the temple. Underneath the main chamber, the kitchens are situated. He runs through the halls until he reaches them, taking up a basket and filling it with anything he can find.
There must be something in his expression because none of the kitchen workers try to stop him, though many give him hard looks that say they will be telling the high priests. He doesn’t care. He will take whatever punishment they dole out, but he will not let a mother or her children starve. 
They have plenty, what is it for if not to help those that serve his lord?
He comes to a halt when he enters the great hall again. The woman still kneels at the altar, but the stranger in black is with her now. He squats in front of her, smoothing down her unkempt hair as she drinks from his waterskin.
Her burden is gone. Life had weighed her down only minutes before, but it’s seemingly disappeared. She stares at the stranger with a dazed expression.
The stranger stands, helping her to her feet. He kisses her knuckles and then her forehead before bidding her back toward her children. 
A shaft of light catches her face and to Steve’s utter bafflement, she no longer looks haggard and worn. Her once sallow skin glows with health, the bruises gone from her eyes and with it, her palpable exhaustion.
Steve starts to go after her, but the stranger intercepts.
“What have you done to her?” He demands, trying and failing to look over the stranger’s shoulder. “Move at once! She needs food before she keels over.”
“Be still, little one,” the stranger soothes, taking Steve by the shoulders. “She is well. She will not starve, I give you my word. I have seen to it.”
Steve looks up at him, confused and a little dazed himself. The stranger’s hood has been removed, the lines of a strikingly handsome face revealed. His scent is overwhelming, crackling like the atmosphere before a lightning strike.
“What did you do to her?” Steve asks again, softer this time.
“I did nothing but take her burden,” the stranger promises, touching his cheek. “She will have nothing more to fear.”
Steve frowns, looking down at the basket in his hands. He tries to peek around the stranger again, but he cannot find the woman.
“Truly, she will be alright?” He asks, scanning the crowds. “She will not starve?”
When he looks back to the stranger, it’s to see a sweet smile spreading across his full lips.
“You care very much, don’t you, little one?” The stranger asks gently.
“Of course,” Steve says, affronted. “These people trust me. They trust my Alpha Lord. What would I be if I took that so lightly?”
“Unremarkable,” the stranger answers, as if the question were not rhetorical. “And unfortunately common. Not many take their service to the gods so seriously.”
Yes, Steve thinks sourly. He knows too well.
He has seen it too often in his short lifetime, not just from other attendants but from the priests as well. His fingers tighten around the basket.
He will need to return it to the kitchens if the mother will not need it, but he can’t seem to find it in him to do it now.
“What brings you to the temple?” He asks instead. “You have been here a long time, but have made no offering. Do you have nothing to give?”
The stranger smiles at him again, strong fingers brushing along Steve’s jaw.
“If I said that I did not,” he murmurs, “would you give to me the way you have given to all the others?”
Oh. Steve blushes, the heat rising in his cheeks quickly.
The stranger has been watching him.
“Yes,” he answers truthfully. “If you tell me what you’d ask of my lord, and if it is not blasphemy, I would help in whatever way I can."
The stranger leans forward, his lips brushing the shell of Steve’s ear.
“That's good,” he murmurs, “because what I desire, little one, is a mate."
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