#to those who are curious about what is going on
cherrylovelycherry · 18 hours
𓂅new order. "tarte aux fraises and uh... a éclair au chocolat."
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How un.fortunate
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pairing. Boothill x fem!reader cw/genre. angst, misunderstood, crying, disappointment, frustration, bittersweet ed, some fluff synopsis. he heard part of the conversation with your friends, exactly a bad part. full menu
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"Isn't he cute?" One of your friends, Elisa, blurted out. Who carried a small baby in his arms.
"Oh…yes he is!" You spoke, excitedly, taking his small hands in your fingers.
How you loved babies and children in general.
"Can I carry it too?" You asked this time looking at another of your friends, Laila, who was the little boy's mother.
"Sure! Just be careful with his head and neck."
"Hello little one." You spoke to the baby as you held him in your arms as Laila instructed.
Together with your friends, you had met after so many planned outings, which in one way or another ended up being canceled since one was always busy.
Recently one of them had another child. Of your small group of 4 friends, you were the only one who didn't have children until now.
Even though when you were in your student days, you and your friends said that you would be the first to have children.
How unfortunate.
"Oh…he's so fragile." You commented with a soft and cheerful smile.
"He's too cute!" Elisa commented looking at the baby.
"Yeah. And he cries so much." Laila commented in a tired tone. as she gave a soft yawn, it seemed that she was quite tired of the baby, which she had been looking after all the time.
"What else do you expect? He's little." Elisa spoke.
"Is he very noisy?" You asked, curious.
"He keeps us up all night with his crying, you have no idea." Laila responded.
"Sure it's cute at first," said your friend, Myre, "but when you have to deal with them for real… It's a whole other story."
"Are your children also a hassle to you?" You asked with a slight chuckle and curiosity.
"Nah, I love those little ones with my soul." She said, slowly sitting down in the chair at the table where the four of them were sitting. She had to be careful since she was 7 months pregnant.
Your friends, except for Myre, groaned at this.
"How can you say something like that when you're going to have more children?" Laila asked in a tired tone.
"Haha I do not know." She said, laughing, "And I didn't even want to have children."
They all laughed, commenting on one or another trick to make parenting easier. While you stayed talking to the baby with a soft voice. You rocked him in your arms calmly.
"Oh, and wouldn't it be a good idea to put our children in the same academy, just like we planned when we were younger?—" Elisa's words were cut off by a gentle nudge from Myre.
As if to try to silence her.
"Uh…sorry" Elisa's tone of voice was low and with some embarrassment.
You knew very well that in a certain way they felt sorry for you, refusing to talk about that kind of things in front of you.
You really tried not to let it affect you.
"Oh, no. It's totally fine, girls." You spoke, smiling somewhat embarrassed, keeping your gaze on the baby that you still held in your arms.
The baby began to let out soft cries and to move his little arms. You had no idea why.
"Oh, he must be hungry." Laila said, taking a small bottle of breast milk from the bag she had brought with her.
Putting some hot water in it from another thermos that she also brought.
"Here." She handed it to you.
"Are you sure you want me to do it?" You asked, looking at Laila.
She just smiled and shook her head.
You couldn't help but smile at him in response, as you brought the bottle closer to the baby's little mouth.
Then, the baby started drinking his food from the bottle you were holding.
Your friends smiled in reassurance, understanding that you were fine.
"Dear, I had a question actually…" Myre spoke slowly.
"Go ahead." You responded, curious to know what she would ask.
"What about your boyfriend?"
The question made you a little nervous. You had a small worry on your mind, a worry that you've told no one about. Your head was full of thoughts at that momen, it became a sudden silence in the table.
"Uh…well," You let out an awkward chuckle. "Recently we haven't seen each other much." That was the truth.
Lately you had seen your boyfriend less and there was a reason behind it. Boothill was not one to stay on one planet, as he was a galaxy ranger. But that didn't stop him from deciding to stay on your planet for a long time. I went and came back to be with you.
"Well, not all couples see each other every day." Elisa commented, taking a sip of her hot tea.
You were currently residing on a planet that orbited near Jarilo-VI. Or at least that's what Boothill told you.
"She's right, after all not every couple is the same." Laila commented.
They all remained silent, giving each other slight glances.
Of course it didn't go unnoticed by you.
"…We just want you to be a happy girl, sweetheart."
"Um…what's this all about?" You asked, looking at Myre, who after handing the bottle to Laila, took your hand.
"We're worried about you and your situation." She said, looking into your eyes.
"Why…?" That was all you could come up with.
"Lately you've been quite… Distracted or down." This time Laila spoke, with a worried expression.
It was true, you were sure that you had been acting distant lately, at least for the last two weeks. You didn't want to but they had noticed.
"I'll be honest, you're scaring us, sweety girl." Elisa spoke, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes with them.
"You really don't look happy, dear." Myre, after saying that, squeezed your hand tighter, as if she wanted to give you comfort.
"We care about you, you know."
The others nodded as well, you had a feeling what was going to happen, they were very obvious.
They all cared about you, you had known each other for long time after all. You knew what they were going to say.
"The truth is that we don't know if that cowboy is the best choice for you." Elisa's words made your heart feel a little heavy.
They knew almost perfectly who your boyfriend was. They knew that being more metal than human, it was impossible for you to have children.
"Dear," Laila started to speak, "You've told us time and time again that you want children of your own. And you know that he can't give you children…"
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat. That was what hurt the most.
She was right, maybe too right.
How unfortunate.
Your gaze was now positioned on the baby, who was now being carried by Elisa.
How much you longed to be able to hold your own children just as you held your friend's child moments before.
You couldn't stop your eyes from filling with a thin layer of tears.
You looked down at your legs, in an attempt to not let them see your face like that.
You let out a silent sigh.
Of course, you knew it wasn't going to be possible to have a baby with Boothill. He was more made of metal and circuits than a living being.
The only way you could have your own children would be to have them with another human. It didn't matter how hard you tried, there was just no way.
Something you didn't know was that the person your friends were talking about was right around the corner from the cafe where you were.
His happiness at seeing you was suddenly turned off, as if it were a switch.
He had heard what they had been talking about.
He saw your reaction.
You didn't deny anything, nor did you say anything in response to your friends' words. In his eyes, you just lowered your head.
If he had a heart, he would have thought his heart was falling towards his now nonexistent stomach.
The beautiful bouquet of flowers that was going to belong to you was now in an alley, exactly in a garbage container.
You took out your key to enter your house, you were tired.
You chose to return on foot.
You inserted the key, unlocking the door lock. Entering calmly.
It was a great surprise to see Boothill there.
He could enter whenever he wanted since you had given him a spare key that you had.
It was good for you that he returned to your planet, you really needed his affection now. You were a little down because of the conversation you had with your friends.
"Hello, love." You said, smiling softly at him.
Your eyes were still a little red from the crying that your friends had to witness and comfort.
You fully entered your house and closed the door behind you, approaching your boyfriend so you can kiss him.
Your lips met briefly. You couldn't help noticing that this time it was a much colder and dry caress than usual. He even seemed a little uncomfortable.
He was expressionless, but you could still see something of disappointment hidden behind his eyes.
"Hey, are you alright?" You asked, in a low voice, stroking his cheek with your hand lovingly.
He moved away from your touch, as if it burned his face.
"How unfortunate, isn't it?" He asked as he looked at you.
How unfortunate? The hell was he talking about…?
You took a step forward in an attempt to be closer to him. But he, in response, just took a step back and away from you.
"Don't touch me with those hands."
Those words hurt like a stab in your heart.
Hands… those hands you tried to use to comfort him, caress him.
His look of disappointment was replaced by a look of frustration.
"What do you mean…?" You asked, confused, with a worried expression.
"Oh, you know…" He said, faking nonchalance.
"You can't make your greatest dream come true with me." His words sounded cold.
Your expression dropped, tears slowly filling your eyes, at that moment you remembered the conversation you had with your friends.
"You hear..?" You asked, in a low, broken voice.
You were trying to compose yourself.
Boothill just responded with a chuckle, that hurt you more.
"It's funny how you try to hide your disappointment and your frustration when you see others living the life you want, but you'll never be able to have."
It was the truth after all. A truth that no matter how much you want to ignore, it hurt you more and more.
You tried to open your mouth to speak, but just a small incoherent sound came out.
"No matter how many nights we've lived together, you'll never bear my children."
It was the cruel truth, a reality that you were aware of, but still you let yourself live that lie.
You wanted so much to have his children.
Yet he couldn't give you what you desired.
You took a deep sigh trying to calm the turmoil of emotions that were going through you.
"Boothill…" You whispered, trying to keep your voice from breaking any more than it already had.
His name came out of your lips like a mantra as you were drowning in tears.
"Stop crying." His tone of voice sounded sharper this time, which hurt you even more.
He was acting completely different than usual. He wanted to hurt you?
No, he wanted to get away.
But the pain was too great, tears began to run down your eyes.
"Maybe your friends are right."
"Maybe you should consider looking for someone else."
The tears were falling down your cheeks like a river and your sobs were getting worse.
Those words were so cold that they made your body freeze, your breath came out shaky.
"Please don't say that." You just managed to speak through sobs.
With those words, you walked towards your boyfriend in an attempt to hold him tight and kiss his entire face. To hold him close to your body. But as you were approaching, he just took a step back.
"Just admit it." He muttered in between his teeth.
That filled your head with questions. Admit what?
"Eh?…" You blurted out, giving him a confused look. With your hand you dried the tears that stained your cheeks.
"You also think the same as them."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
"You're disappointed, you're frustrated… aren't you?" This time his tone of voice was much calmer, as if he was more tired.
You couldn't respond.
"Say it."
"It's not like that, I'm not—" Your words were interrupted.
Boothill laughed lightly at your denial. "Be honest."
Your brow furrowed slightly. What had he heard then to make him say that?
"You didn't say anything when they told you i wasn't good for you, that you weren't happy."
So he had heard most of the conversation.
But not exactly everything.
"You didn't say anything when they said it was better for you to look for someone else, someone human."
Again you wanted to try to speak but his words were a constant punch to your heart, your body felt heavy.
It was a cruel reality.
You knew that if you stayed with Boothill, you would never be able to have children.
But that didn't matter, it didn't matter to you. You loved him, more than anyone could ever understand.
You loved him, more than your own life.
You didn't want to lose him.
He was the person you wanted by your side for the rest of time.
"I did say something, you didn't fully hear how the conversation went. We can sit down and talk." Your voice rose and fell in pitch as you tried to appease the lump in your throat.
He didn't respond, lowering his gaze to the ground for a moment, as if he was taking the time to think about what he would do next.
"If you're not going to make the decision, I'll help you decide."
He proceed to give you the spare keys to your house.
You stayed still before that, feeling how your eyes were filling with tears again.
Wait, hold on.
"You should search for a human male, someone who can give you what you desire more than anything."
Your body had gone completely tense.
The keys were now gently placed on your palm. Your eyes couldn't process what was happening at the moment. "I'm not going to come back."
As the moment passed and his words and his action were processed in your mind, you slowly managed to raise your face to look at him.
You felt as if at any moment your heart would explode in your chest.
He was going to break up with you. He wanted to break.
Boothill was going to leave you.
"I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill your desire." He started to speak again.
You could hear the disappointment in his words.
"That's it?" You asked through your tears.
That was the last thing he was going to tell you?
Your question was ignored.
"Take care… Darlin'."
In response you didn't manage to say a single word.
You just watched him leave your house.
As you watched the door close, your legs betrayed you and you almost fell to the ground, but managed to hold on to the furniture.
It was impossible for you to contain your tears as they now fell like waves, your breathing became heavy and the sobs were now unbearable.
You had a terrible time that night, that week, that month, that year.
How unfortunate.
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"Be careful. Hold on to the ice cream you might drop, dear."
You let out a soft sigh looking at the little girl.
Your little girl.
The little girl was full of energy, you always wondered where she could get so much energy.
You adored her with your life, thanks to her you were able to stop being stuck in that hole of hopelessness in which you were.
You really wonder what things would have been like if you hadn't had the opportunity to raise and care for this little girl.
Currently it has been 6 years since your relationship ended.
Every time you stop to remember what the first 2 years were like, a chill would run down your spine. You basically left yourself abandoned. You weren't living anymore, you just survived. Your dreams of having children faded over time, you decided to give up on that dream.
You could say that it had been a difficult year, with many ups and downs.
At the end of your second year, your friends tried to cheer you up. They tried to get involved with other people, but it was all in vain, in the end they were just people who wanted to take advantage or make use of your body.
So you also chose to stop that. In your mind, you still had hope that one day he would return. However, you saw it as impossible. Because he left, it's not like it was the first time they had disagreements or big misunderstandings.
Quite apart from that, he also noticed your actions, becoming more and more discouraged with the passage of time.
For the third year, one of your friends who worked in a hospital, told you about the most recent crisis she had attended to while she was on duty.
The mother of a girl who was about 1 year old had just died and there were no records of family connections or anything.
So the hospital staff tried to take care of the little girl as much as they could. Since they knew that child care centers were not the best at taking care of children.
You don't really remember how things happened. By the middle of the third year, you were trying to get custody of the girl.
Things turned out well for you, everything happened too fast.
You were more than dedicated to her, going to new parent courses, reading books, watching videos, among other things. It was like the world gave you another chance.
You were finishing ordering your own flavor of ice cream, holding a baby carriage with one of your hands. Yes, you also fought to get the adoption papers for the baby who was barely 9 months old.
"Mom! I dropped it!" Your little girl's small voice shouted, sounding worried and sad.
You finished asking, turning your head towards the scream, sighing and laughing softly. "Leave it there, honey. Come, I'll buy you another one."
She came running again, smiling that she would have another new ice cream.
"This is the last one I bought, be more careful this time." You spoke to her with a somewhat stern voice as you watched her jump with joy, extending her small hands towards the employee who was handing her her new ice cream.
"'Kay!" She let go quickly and ran again in the opposite direction from where you were.
You shook your head as you went back to paying for the ice cream.
The little girl left the games, moving a little away from the initial place where she was. She was a little distracted, walking while happily eating her ice cream.
In one of those, she turned her gaze, opening her small eyes in surprise, now running again in that direction.
He approached a tall man, who seemed to be in his own world at that moment.
With all the daring in the world, the little girl spoke. "You look like my daddy!"
The girl's voice caught the man's attention, looking at her with complete curiosity. "Um…" He looked up, looking around, looking for his parents.
When he didn't find anything, he got a little worried. "Where are your parents?"
The little girl was more than amazed analyzing the man. "My mommy is over there." She said, pointing in the direction she had come from.
Meanwhile, when you finished paying for the ice cream, you looked for your daughter.
Not seeing her nearby, you thought the worst, adrenaline rising through your veins little by little. You started looking for her while shouting her name out loud and asking people near the playground if they had seen her.
You were so scared that your hands were shaking, you had left your freshly bought ice cream on the store counter.
Approximately 5 or 6 minutes passed until in the distance you saw a Little girl running towards you.
A strong sense of relief filled you.
By the time she finished running, coming to stand in front of you, the first thing you did was to bend down and hug her.
“Clementine! You scared me, honey.”
The little girl slipped her arms around you, reciprocating the hug. Then, as if remembering something, she pulled away as she turned her head back.
“Look mommy, that man looks just like daddy.” She spoke, excitedly.
You looked at her in confusion, picking yourself up off the floor, grabbing the baby carriage with one hand again. You looked up, and saw who your daughter meant.
You felt as if all the air in your lungs had disappeared. Your eyes could no longer open.
Your heart was now beating painfully hard in your chest.
Why is…? How…? Is it…? Your mind was a complete chaos of thoughts, all of them racing through your mind and making it feel like it would explode. Your head feels light and you feel dizzy.
You were so shocked that you couldn't even react, not blinking again or being able to move an inch.
You couldn't take your eyes off him. He was there, standing in the distance, looking back at you.
His white hair now tied in a low ponytail. His gaze, piercing and intense, remained the same, just like your memory.
He felt so many things at once. Even how fate came to work at the perfect time for you to name your little girl that name. The same way he named his daughter.
A mixture of surprise and disbelief had taken hold of him, but his body betrayed him.
His body, without even processing in his mind what he was doing, began to approach slowly.
You seemed as if you were frozen in time, he watched you as if no time had passed. Your appearance was almost identical to how he remembered you 6 years ago. The only thing was your hair, which was now short, almost to your shoulders.
"Lil' lady."
Boothill's voice sounded in the small space, watching the young girl turn her gaze towards him.
He held out his hand in front of him, letting the little girl take his fingers. “I'm Boothill, dear. May I know what's your name?”
He introduced himself to her, since moments before he had not had the opportunity to do so.
She looked at him intrigued, squeezing the fingers that held her as she raised her face to speak.
"I'm Clementine!" She replied excitedly, raising her shoulders in an excited gesture.
Your daughter, turned her little head towards you, still holding Boothill's metal hand. "Mommy, he even has a name like daddy!"
No matter how much you tried to formulate words, nothing came out of your mouth.
The child's innocence was endearing.
He just laughed softly, a warm, somewhat nostalgic smile forming on his face. “Yeah, we got the same name.”
The fact that there was a little girl right there who was calling him "daddy" and he had no idea what was going on was a complicated situation. But, he also couldn't help but find it so cute and lovely that he couldn't stop smiling even if he wanted to.
He turned his gaze to you, taking a few seconds before speaking.
"Can we talk?" His tone had a hint of imploration.
You nodded your head weakly in response.
As you did so, you heard your daughter speak again, this time in a more shy and embarrassed manner.
"Dadd— Mr. Boothill!"
"Yes, darlin'?" He tilted his head to the side, focusing his gaze on the girl in front of him again.
"Can you hold me?"
"Clementine!" You reproached her for her question, she didn't even know Boothill well and she was already being open with him. Besides, you didn't want him to get upset about it.
He was a little surprised by such a bold and direct request, but he couldn't say no, of course.
"Hah, sure, why not?"
He had to kneel down to take her gently in his arms.
Seeing your daughter in his arms was one of the most surreal scenes you had ever experienced.
Once he picked her up, she put her arms around his neck, feeling a little safe and comfortable being held in his arms. He gave you a warm smile to reassure you so as not to make you more uneasy than you already seemed.
Although that gesture of his made you even more uneasy. You avoided his gaze, looking at your baby, who was still sleeping peacefully in the stroller.
As you started walking towards your house, you could hear how people nearby whispered as they pointed at the scene.
"He's so tall!" "What a cute girl!" "It looks like it's his dad…"
You bit your tongue lightly, trying to ignore all the sounds.
Looking at his expression, you could tell that he was confused, maybe even a little overwhelmed. The way his eyebrows knitted together and there was a slight frown on his face.
He had that same nervous look on his face as before. He was as bad at hiding his emotions as you.
You remained silent throughout the small stroll of approximately 10 minutes. You could feel his gaze on you, but you didn't dare look at him. There was no doubt that a tense aura surrounded you.
You arrived at the front of your somewhat large house. It wasn't the same one you had 6 years ago, you moved because you needed more space for your children.
You unlocked the door, and let him in, he still had Clementine in his arms as the girl had her face hidden in his neck since she had fallen asleep.
Once the door was closed, you looked at her for a moment, a soft tender look filled your features. After you finished observing her, you turned your gaze towards him.
The room had a warm and cozy atmosphere, with a pleasant temperature that made it easier to breathe.
Both you and Boothill stayed quiet for a few seconds before you spoke again.
“Can you lay her down on the couch?”
You told him as you squared your other baby's stroller. Taking him out of this and carefully taking him to his room, so that he could continue sleeping.
He obeyed your request, carefully laying her down. He took a few seconds to take a good look at the child's face.
He noticed how her small chest rose and fell steadily on the surface of the couch’s pillows, letting out small and soft sighs in the process.
By the time you returned to the living room, he was sitting on the couch, frowning a little and deep in thought.
You let out a quiet sigh, trying to mentally prepare yourself for what was coming.
You also sat on the couch, only on one that was almost in front of him.
Seeing you close to him left him breathless.
Now he was able to see you much more closely.
The same bright and unique eyes, the same small and soft lips.
The expression on your face was a mix of nervousness and discomfort.
He remained silent for a couple of seconds, still trying to process everything.
He parted his lips, finally starting to speak.
"You managed—"
"Sorry for—"
You and him literally spoke at the same time.
You immediately became silent for a moment, feeling a little nervous and embarrassed.
A small, almost unintentional chuckle escaped his lips. Despite everything, the situation was somewhat funny and entertaining.
“You go first.”
He spoke in a gentle, almost sweet voice. His gaze remained focused on yours, paying attention to your expression.
You could feel your mouth going dry, the words not wanting to come out of your throat.
You fidgeted a little, feeling somewhat guilty about what you wanted to say.
"Ah, I'm sorry…" A small gasp escaped your lips as you tried to find the right way to say it. "…for the fact that my daughter said you looked like and had the same name as her dad."
You wondered where the security had gone and the many words you had thought and even rehearsed saying to him the first time you saw him again.
“Oh, nah, that's alright."
He chuckled again, sounding somewhat calm and even amused.
Your nervousness only grew as you felt embarrassed. You thought maybe he would get mad or upset.
The room was silent again.
It went like this for a few minutes until he spoke.
"You managed to have children." He said, with some nostalgia.
"Yeah…I managed."
Your voice came out shakier than you originally planned.
You didn't want him to know how nervous you were, you didn't want him to know that your heart was racing a thousand beats a minute and that you were thinking over and over again about so many scenarios, most of them bad.
He seemed to notice your nervousness, even though you tried to hide it.
He gave a reassuring smile before continuing to speak.
"It…surprises and makes me quite happy." He admitted with sincerity.
You only chose to smile at him in response in a somewhat shy manner.
"By the way, your husband won't be upset that I'm here?" he asked.
“Upset? That's an interesting choice of word.”
A slightly sad expression appeared on your face. Your lips curved downward and your eyebrows frowned.
He had misunderstood you.
You didn't know if you should clarify his comment, if you should explain to him or if you should keep quiet.
You sighed, deciding to speak and be honest with the cowboy.
“Boothill…I don't have a husband…”
The cowboy's eyes widened at the sound of the words coming out of your mouth.
He couldn't tell if you were just kidding or if you were saying it seriously. He was really confused.
"Did you divorce?" he asked.
You shook your head. You lowered your gaze, staring at your fingers on your hands that were clasped together.
“That…” You hesitated for a few moments, searching for the right words. “That implies having been married in the first place. I was never married."
You spoke as you raised your head again, looking at him with a small smile.
"…I'm a single mom, Boothill.”
The cowboy was surprised at the news. He expected many possibilities, but he certainly hadn't thought of this one.
After letting this information sink in, he looked at you with a confused expression.
"But your daughter said I looked like her father—"
Despite all the clues you gave him to understand the situation, he still didn't reach the true conclusion.
That gave you some humor, you assumed he would be nervous.
You let out a small laugh, looking away from him for a moment.
"I adopted my two children." You said once you stopped laughing, looking at your daughter, who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch next to you.
"And…maybe I made the mistake of telling Clementine about you."
He was silent for a few moments as he continued to process the information you had just given him.
The expression in his eyes changed from one of confusion to one of surprise.
His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly in shock as he seemed unable to form any words.
He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt and guilt at all the conclusions that passed through his mind.
A few uncomfortable seconds passed before he continued. "Why do you say that?"
"Uhm…" You also took care to organize your words, so that they were direct.
And, before you could answer him, your baby, who was sleeping in his room, started crying. Probably because it was time for him to eat.
You quickly got up from the couch, smiling apologetically at him as you left the living room to enter your other son's room.
He watched as you ran into the room.
The cowboy was so distracted with the news you had told him before leaving that he couldn’t help but hear the whole exchange that was going on in the room next door.
Your voice was low and gentle, almost singing to soothe the baby’s cries.
It was like a rollercoaster of emotions.
He leaned back against the backrest of the couch, covering his face with his free hand.
He had to digest all that had happened.
Not only did you manage to have children, but you never married and on top of that you got custody of two children that you did not give birth to.
After a few minutes, you were able to finish feeding your little baby.
The crying had stopped, leaving him in a calm state.
You were able to leave the baby's room once again. Only this time with your son in your arms since he didn't want to sleep again.
As soon as you reentered the room and saw the cowboy’s position, you laughed internally, letting out a soft sigh.
You sat on the couch, but this time next to him. Placing the baby in your legs.
"Sorry for the delay."
You stayed quiet for a while, watching as your son grabbed your fingers and played with them.
"When she was younger she found a photo of both of us. And well…I had to tell her about the relationship we had." You sounded a little embarrassed, however you were no longer nervous, on the contrary, you were calm.
He dropped his hand from his face and turned to look at you, but you continued to look down at your baby.
He listened to your words for a few seconds, now putting his hand on his chin, pondering the new information you had given him.
"And she thought I was…?"
He wasn’t quite sure how to say it without being too frank, but you had a small smile on your lips, guessing what his words would be.
You nodded your head, looking up at his face and watching his expression change.
His initial surprise soon turned into something else.
Your little girl believed and thought that a cowboy like him was her father.
How cute.
You still remember when you had to tell him about your past relationship. Your daughter was barely 2 years old when she found letters and a photo. Specifically from you and Boothill.
Before her gaze full of curiosity and many questions she asked you, you were transparent with her and told her about what your relationship with him was like.
That afternoon, she began referring to him as her dad.
You, who couldn't imagine that in perhaps other circumstances you could have considered starting a family with him, you let him call him that.
Telling him more things about him, that he didn't always stop on your planet, etc.
You allowed yourself to remember him that way, since over time you managed to stick to his words; "I'm not going to come back."
The room fell silent. Your gaze focused on the baby in your legs, as he held onto your fingers, his gaze locked on Boothill.
"I assumed you would never come back so I let Clementine continue calling you that." Your voice sounded somewhat bitter as you spoke.
He remained silent for a few moments before a small laugh escaped his mouth.
"That explains why she said I looked like her dad." His own words had made it all make sense to him at that moment.
You both remained in front of the other in an awkward silence, you didn't really know how to continue the conversation.
Your daughter's words kept replaying in your mind.
“You look like my daddy! “ She said it was as if no time had passed. In your head you couldn't help but think that it felt like 6 years ago, it felt like the first time you met him…
You were so immersed in your thoughts that you felt a shiver run down your spine.
His eyes, watching you so intensely, felt like they were burning you from within.
“Why didn't you get a partner?…” he dared to ask, in a tone of voice you couldn't identify this time.
You didn't expect that question.
It was the only thing you could articulate, since once again you were at a loss for words.
You avoided his gaze a bit, looking at a random spot on the floor. You didn't know how to answer that, or rather… you didn't know if you wanted to answer.
When you didn't answer, Boothill thought you didn't want to talk to him. He understood he was probably overstepping a line.
"It's okay, you don't have to—"
But he was interrupted by your voice, after finally finding the words that were lost inside your mind.
“Because I was waiting for you." Your voice came out slow. Fragile as a whisper.
You had been waiting for it. Past time.
Again you avoided looking directly at him but you could practically feel his stunned gaze on you.
He hadn't expected that answer. Instead he had expected many excuses.
'I'm not interested in a relationship.' 'I focus on my children and myself.' 'I never found the right person.'
Anything, anything. But not that.
She waited for me…? He thought.
He continued to analyze you with a stunned expression, seeing the state you were in, and then a pang of regret hit him.
He wanted to say many things. He wanted to apologize.
But his own words felt caught in his throat. His mouth parted open a little, but he couldn't say anything. His mind went totally blank.
Faced with his other lack of speech, you chose to go straight to the point this time.
"Why did you come back?" Bitterness and nostalgia.
"…What do you want of me?" Frustration and sorrow.
Those were your emotions that predominated in you at that moment.
What were you looking for? Did he want to leave you in ruins again? You didn't want to feel vulnerable again. Even though now you're feeling that way again.
Those words hit him like a punch in the face.
The frustration and sadness in your voice only made him feel worse about himself, his guilt increased as every word left your mouth.
He couldn't find the words he wanted to say. His mind was a mess, and every time he tried to start speaking. Only some incoherent sounds came out of his mouth. He tried to speak, but his words died in his throat.
His eyes watched you desperately, not knowing what to say. He felt how in those moments he had become a total idiot. A completely lost man.
"I wanted to see if you were okay." His voice also sounded like a whisper, calmly.
Your words sounded almost like reproaches, which they truly were.
There were so many things you wanted to tell him, so many questions that you wanted answered but you were holding back. You just couldn't find the words as well.
"I…" He started again, with difficulty.
"I never forgot about you."
At his words, you couldn't help but frown.
You were now even more frustrated. Frustrated with him, and even more frustrated with yourself for still feeling this way about him.
"It is unfair." you said, your eyes now filling with tears, you were holding back the urge to let your feelings out.
"After being gone for 6 damn years, you come back and tell me that?…" You refused to look at him, because if you did, everything you had been ignoring, your feelings and sorrows, were coming to the surface.
"It's too unfair…" You felt your vision now blurry and the salty taste of your tears on your lips, which simply came out without delay.
Your baby, who had stopped seeing Boothill, was looking at you, as if sensing your discomfort, grabbing your fingers with his small hands, bringing them to his small face.
The cowboy was beginning to understand your frustration, he was frustrated himself, he felt guilty that after so much time he was back in your life, and that you had to cry because of him.
He could say that you looked more vulnerable than he remembered, with your body shaking as you cried and your voice breaking and filling with frustration, despair and sadness.
You couldn't stop the tears from coming out like a waterfall.
You felt a lump in your throat as you tried to keep yourself from sobbing as much.
Each time you inhaled to take a breath, your exhale became a small broken sob.
You never thought that the reunion would be like this. When you dreamed of his return, it was always a happy dream, a warm and emotional reunion.
But it wasn't, it was the opposite.
The last time he saw you, you were crying, and now that he saw you again, you were crying again.
He brought his hand to you, trying to wipe the tears that were now freely falling from your eyes.
His touch alone sent a small shiver through your body.
You moved backwards away from the touch, shaking your head as if telling him not to do that.
His touch brought you too many memories that you'd tried to bury for a long time.
It made you miss him even more, miss the good times you had when it was just the two of you.
That simple thought caused another sob that escaped from your lips. The tears continued uninterruptedly.
"Please no."
He wanted to hold you, embrace you tightly, wipe away your tears and tell you that he wouldn't leave you again, never again.
But just a minute ago you had tried to keep away from his touch, so the only thing he could do at the moment was to keep his hands to himself.
Seeing you in this state, crying bitterly and being speechless and motionless, made him not want to move from his place. As much as he wanted desperately to hold you, he just stayed there, watching.
"Darlin', I-" He spoke, being totally interrupted by your daughter, who had just woken up.
His words echoed within you, calling you darlin'…
"Mommy? Why are you crying?"
Her small voice cut through the tense, silent atmosphere of the room. Like an oasis in the middle of the desert.
You were surprised, since you hadn't even realized that your baby had woken up, probably because of your small cries.
You turned your head quickly, looking at her as she rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up properly.
You wanted to speak, but all the words seemed to have escaped your brain. The only thing that came out of your mouth was a strangled sigh, trying to calm yourself as you wiped away the tears that continued to fall.
Until you finally managed to answer her, "I'm fine love, don't worry.", with a small, forced smile. Trying to convince her that you were fine, even though your face was red and tearful.
With one hand free, you managed to run your hand over your face, wiping away the traces of tears.
Your little girl's face was troubled as she looked at you.
You let out a sigh, asking her to come closer.
She did and you brushed a small unruly strand of her hair behind her ear.
“Honey, can you take your little brother to your room with you?” your voice to her was always sweet and soft.
“'kay, mommy.”
Despite your still teary eyes, you laughed softly at your daughter's obedience. “What a good girl.” You said in a whisper.
Just as you said, she carefully picked up the baby in your arms and walked with slow steps to her room.
Once she disappeared after closing the door to her room, you covered your mouth with your hand, in an attempt to stop the sobs that arose.
You felt his gaze on you at all times, which made your eyes sting even more. Maybe you should have refused his proposal to talk.
“Please.” At first his voice faltered a bit, being more of a whisper. Almost afraid of being expelled from his mouth.
Suddenly you felt the couch move quickly. By the time you realized it, he was already holding your face.
The metal of his hands made the heat in your cheeks from crying cool down.
With an undaunted look, he spoke again, “Please…”
Oh, if he had a way to cry, he'd be doing it right now.
“…give me 6 more years.” Even though he couldn't feel the warmth emanating from your cheeks, its softness that he only felt when your face and his face collided. He wanted you to feel his touch, soft and caring, like a piece of porcelain.
You stood still, not struggling to release his grip, your eyes focused on his.
He knew he didn't even deserve to make a request, but he wanted to try anyway.
“Give me those years you lost to try to make up for.” Just by looking at him, you could sense that he himself was two words, “please” and “sorry”.
You were terrified by his proposal, you were afraid that a similar situation would happen again. Your brain did its best to reason, while your heart gave itself totally to him, to accept his proposal.
Your mouth opened slightly, looking for words to come out, but nothing came out. Not even sobs. The only ones that came out were tears.
He didn't stop talking, he was letting the feeling that was eating him up inside take over him. “And… if in that time I don't make up for how bad you felt, I'll stop trying.”
He felt like a dog with its tail between its legs. Begging, but in a way more shameful. He was putting his pride aside by giving you this proposal.
And yes, he himself believed that only 6 years was not enough time to be able to ask for forgiveness in appropriate ways.
Your shoulders moved involuntarily and you finally started sobbing again. Even though you wanted to yell at him like you had done in the past on some occasion, you were too overwhelmed to even do that right now.
His words affected you more than you expected.
As much as you struggled to hold on to reasons, your heart longed for his presence every day for the last 6 years.
All the suffering you felt, the tears you shed, and the times you wondered what your relationship was worth to him.
It was painful. Thinking of all those things made your chest ache.
Even in such a delicate conversation, he did not release your face, still holding it tightly in his hands.
He gently wiped away your tears with his thumb for a few minutes, as if he were cleaning a mirror, which was useless and ridiculous, but he didn't care. He hoped to at least make you comfortable. He could tell how hurt you were from the tears, and it shattered his heart into pieces, leaving no trace behind.
He was scared. He was scared that you didn't want him again like before. And he understood you if you didn't.
“Let me try, please.”
You could see a deep regret in his eyes as he caressed your cheeks.
Those feelings.
You closed your eyes tightly, trying to avoid seeing that look on him.
You couldn't think, not when he was touching you that way.
His touch, a feeling that you thought you would feel no more.
You felt your heart contract at his words, his proposal echoed in your mind, repeating itself continuously.
Despite the fact that you didn't give him a direct answer, you made him close his mouth, pressing your body against his.
You really longed for it for so long.
You still weren't entirely sure if his proposal would work, but it was at least worth letting him try. Who knows how things would turn out this time.
He didn't expect your reaction, but when your body was pushed against his, his chest felt so full. He reciprocated quickly, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
He felt like he had you all to himself again. It filled him in a way he couldn't describe.
He closed his eyes gently, burying his face in your neck. The scent of you still hadn't changed, it still felt the same.
He let out a shaky breath, his arms not loosening their grip on you.
Now it only depended on time for things to get better. Time and him.
Maybe he could even really become the father of your little ones. Who knows.
How unfortunate he felt.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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lihhelsing · 3 days
"Can I get your coffee order?"
STWG daily prompt 6/2/24 (let's pretend it's not two days late): Coming Out Pairing: steddie | tags: coming out, coffee shop au, modern au, meet cute, fluff
Eddie was used to seeing the same guy in the coffee shop every day. It was impossible not to notice him because he was gorgeous and Eddie was a simple man who liked to admire beautiful things. 
So Steve would come in every day and always at the same time, ordering the same thing. Double Espresso with a shot of Vanilla. It suited him, Eddie thought, but he would always see him looking at the menu as if he was considering ordering something different, just to end up with the same thing every day. 
It was kind of cute. 
Sometimes he would sit alone for half an hour, face buried in his phone. Sometimes a loud brunette girl would join him but then they would never stay for long. Eddie didn’t like those days even if he thought she looked like a nice person. 
And then sometimes Steve would come in and order for two, then he would proceed to sit at a table and in a few minutes a girl would join him. Always a different girl, which told Eddie none of them were his girlfriends. 
One could even think this was some sort of job interview because it was pretty clear Steve wasn’t fully into the conversation. He was trying, sure, but after an hour the girl would inevitably excuse herself and leave. Steve would hang out for a few more minutes and then leave too, not looking back. 
And he’d do it all over again on a different day. 
Eddie couldn’t even feel guilty about paying attention. Steve always came in when the rush hour had passed and the coffee shop was mostly empty, and Eddie didn’t have much to do. And yeah, sure he was also a little obsessed with him so he was curious what was all that about. 
Surely Steve didn’t seem the kind of guy to have dating issues. 
The day Eddie noticed something was different was when Steve came in and ordered a Chai Latte. For anyone else, this might mean nothing, but Eddie knew better and he had watched Steve for long enough to know that if he finally changed his order after months, something was up. 
He didn’t want to look like a creep so he smiled like he always did and thanked the fat tip Steve left him, like he always did. And maybe Eddie flirted a little, but who could blame him? Steve was just too handsome for his own good and Eddie was just a man. 
Eddie gave him his drink and politely waited for a few minutes just to make sure Steve wasn’t expecting anyone, and then he finally moved in. 
“Hey, how’s your drink?” Eddie asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. Steve looked up at him through thick eyelashes and Eddie wanted to die a little. 
“Oh, it’s good. I never had one of these so I can’t really compare it to anything else, but I like how it tastes.”
Eddie hummed, “Well, tell you what, I make a mean Matchá if you ever feel like broadening your horizons.”
Steve chuckled and nodded, “I might take you up on that, actually.”
They stood in silence and Eddie was ready to accept his defeat when Steve spoke again. 
“I just… Started to realize I might want to try different things.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, “how so?”
“Well, I used to drink the same coffee every day and it was good, don’t get me wrong. But I kept looking and looking and it felt like I was... Missing something,” Steve frowned as he spoke, almost as if he was talking about coffee but thinking about something else. 
“It’s what they say, don’t knock it til you try it, am I right?”
Steve chuckled and Eddie was under the impression he was just being polite. 
“For sure. It’s just hard sometimes, to try new things. Even if you are… Curious.”
“I say just go for it. The worst that can happen is you spend a few bucks on something you will never want to drink again, but if that ever happens I got you. I’ll get you something different on the house,” Eddie said and then he winked because he was a sick little man. 
The blush that crept onto Steve’s cheek was beautiful, though, so he was only half-sorry. 
“Oh, what if… It’s not coffee that I want to try?” Steve said, not meeting Eddie’s eyes. 
Eddie smiled and motioned his hand to the drink menu, “Lucky for you we have an assortment of drinks like refreshers and matchá and even some teas-“
“I mean, what if this isn’t about drinks?” 
Now Eddie was completely lost. He looked back to meet Steve’s eyes and there was an intensity behind them that gave him chills. 
“What do you mean?”
“I, um…” Steve looked around as if making sure the place was empty and still lowered his voice a little. “What if I’m not as straight as I always thought I was?”
Eddie tried to contain his surprise and forced his expression to remain neutral, not wanting to spook him. 
“That’s ok, too. Lord knows I’m gay as it comes and it took me a few tries to figure it out,” Eddie chuckled, but Steve’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “I mean, you don’t have to be gay either! You can be bi or pan or-“
“Sorry, I made this awkward. I’m sorry. I’ve just been having these feelings and Robin says I can always talk to her but it feels that if I even ask it will be real and then if I turn out to be just confused then she will be disappointed because she always said I was her straight token friend but I know she would be happy if I wasn’t-“
“Hey, hey,” Eddie moved his hand and touched Steve’s shoulder lightly. He just hoped he wasn’t crossing a line. That definitely wasn’t the first time a customer said something incredibly personal out of the blue, but it was the first time someone was coming out to him like that. 
Steve looked up at him with huge brown eyes and Eddie felt his insides melting a little. Here it was, this cute guy having a sexuality crisis and just looking even cuter. 
“I don’t know you and obviously don’t know this friend of yours. Robin, is it? But if she loves you, and I’m assuming she does, she will love you no matter what. Even if you have to come out to her as… Straight?” Eddie said that and got a snort back from Steve. 
At least that was better than the desolation he had in his eyes before. 
“I guess you’re right,” Steve said, nodding his head. 
“And hey, you can definitely try things out and figure out you were straight all along, but from my experience, straight people don’t usually question their sexuality or even feel the curiosity to do so. They just are. So my best bet would be on you being one of us. Assuming your friend Robin is also not straight.”
“Oh, definitely not,” Steve said, laughing and he just looked so much better like that. 
“Well, ok Steve, then my job here is done! I’m sure Robin will have much better advice to give to you, but you can always count on me to try different coffees,” and there it was, the fucking wink again. Who did Eddie think he was? 
Steve blushed again and now Eddie could see they were pretty damn close. He slowly pulled his hand from Steve’s shoulder as to not make him uncomfortable, but it seemed that Eddie’s pep talk had done the trick because now Steve had this glint in his eyes. 
“Can I buy you coffee?” he asked, smiling slowly. 
“Uh, what?”
“You know, since I’m already trying things I thought it would be nice to try uh… A Matchá, you said? And a… Date?”
Holy fucking Jesus. Steve was fucking smooth. Eddie felt his cheeks getting warm and he looked around to conclude they were still alone at the coffee shop. There was not a single reason for him to turn this down even if Steve ended up figuring out he was straight. Yeah, fat chance. 
“Lead the way, big boy,” Eddie motioned for the counter and Steve smiled, nodding and following him right into their first date. 
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merakiui · 2 days
I just can't keep the thought of wrapping my legs around a mer-eel waist⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️↕️↔️↪️⤴️⤵️🔃🔄
Like just think about it, with their prehensile dicks and everything 🛐🛐🛐 Or maybe even... a Naga Jamil waist🤌🤌🤌🤸‍♀️🛌👩‍🦽👩‍🦽‍➡️👩‍🦽👩‍🦽‍➡️👩‍🦽👩‍🦽‍➡️
Ngl the stealth sex would be going wild with that yk🤠🤠🤲🤝👐🙏🫦
AAAAA OMG…….. being an eel mer as well,,,, it’s like that one meme of that person who found two snails (or maybe it was two insects??) wrapped around each other and they found out that those snails were actually mating. T_T that same concept but with you and Floyd or Jade. Being wrapped around him and an unknowing diver finds the two of you curled up close and thinks it’s just the mer eel version of innocent cuddling. Really, it’s just him fucking you full of eggs. :)
Or with a naga Jamil… the way he could have you coiled in his tail, warming both of his cocks, while you take every egg he gives you… all while any onlookers are oblivious to what’s actually happening.
The same with Azul!!!! Maybe it looks like an octopus who’s caught his prey, but the reality is that he’s just fucking you hehe. Aaaa maybe this same concept with Azul and the human he’s grown infatuated with. Everyone on the beach just thinks the octo-mer is being overly curious, but they don’t know the tentacles are inching closer and closer to the space between your thighs, crawling beneath your swimsuit. >:)
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hi! i don't know if this ask has been done before but do you have any comedy fic recs? i've had enough of angst for a bit and i just want to read aziracrow bicker and laugh out loud :))
Hey. We have #humour, #humor, #crack, and #bickering tags, for all your laughing needs. Here are more to add...
Seamstress of Soho by GayDemonicDisaster (M)
Season 2 spoilers! When Mrs. Sandwich spots a suspicious new guy apparently lurking on her turf, the misunderstanding leads to an unlikely friendship between the ‘seamstress’ and a demon. So in episode 6 we see that Mrs. Sandwich is clearly at ease with Crowley and he with her, enough to share a joke together. Combine that with the curious sign on her door which might just be referring to Crowley, and we have a little buddy comedy in the making. I decided to explore the backstory of how they came to know one another between season 1 and the beginning of season 2. While this little comedy is about sex workers, there is NO sex in it, and rated M solely for oblique references to things like contraceptive devices and so on - honestly it could get away with a “teen and up” rating but I like to err on the side of caution.
Pass the Remote, Angel by Mrs_Cake_Is_Here (M)
Aziraphale has returned to Heaven, leaving Crowley a tv binge-watching wreck. However, healing can come from the most unlikeliest of places. While Muriel has been instructed to provide daily reports of the demon’s emotional state, they find that sharing time together, even by watching a scary show, can be the catalyst that builds friendships. And they’d probably both be couch potatoes by now if the Supreme Archangel hadn’t just gone missing.
Christmas Lights by FuzzyGoblin (T)
Christmas Lights is on the agenda at the monthly meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association, but it's not the only thing on Mr Brown's, of Brown's World of Carpets, mind. As he pines for the mysterious bookseller, his efforts are thwarted by the tall ginger goth.
The Book Thieves by ThingsJustHappenSometimes (T)
“Did they steal it? Professional book thieves, probably going around in their car stealing books.” Be careful what you tell an adolescent antichrist who has the ability to warp reality, he might just make things real. - - - Featuring: A confused ineffable duo in ridiculous costumes, a presumed relationship, overpowered magical books, meddling humans, multiple chase scenes, and a generally all around silly action-packed time. - - - [If you like 1920s Costumes, Indiana Jones, Isekai Vibes, and/or That-One-Auction-Heist-Scene from Uncharted 4, you’ll like this story.]
Rattle Those Pots & Pans by Mackaley (M)
“My instructions…” He parted his mouth as he searched for a word. “Instruct that I just get right into it. You all have been brought here tonight because you have one thing in common: you’re all being blackmailed.” A tense hush fell through the room. “You’re all paying what you can afford - in some cases I’m sure more than you can afford - to prevent your secrets from being exposed. And none of you know who is currently blackmailing you.” Gabriel scoffed. “This is ridiculous. I’m an upstanding member of the international finance community - what could I possibly have done to be blackmailed about?” “You’re a member of the international finance community,” Crowley drawled. ----- A Good Omens Clue (1985) AU
through the tides by viperinz (T)
With that thought, Aziraphale takes to asking experts if his feelings are something more or just love for his dearest, most sweetest friend. If he wasn’t sure himself, then surely the experts on the internet will have something for him. Which brings him to the front of his computer, ready to search something up on the search engine he has pulled up. He’s not one to ask too many questions, but he supposes it won’t hurt. He starts typing, and is satisfied with his search of "Am I in love with my best friend?" Straight to the point, and very concise. Aziraphale has no doubt he’ll find what he’s looking for. He presses enter on the keyboard, and a bunch of results flood in. “Oh, dear,” he gasps at the mass amount of answers. Where is he supposed to start?
Aziraphale discovers the wonderful world of online love quizzes and WikiHow, all in the process of wooing and confessing his love to Crowley.
- Mod D
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the-muppet-joker · 13 hours
could you elaborate on your choices for the 4 horsemen for the ponies? i’m deeply curious about your wisdom and insight
Very well.
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Famine = Luna
Both are black horses
When Nightmare Moon takes over, there is no sun. Crops cannot grow under these conditions. Her reign is a reign of famine and no harvest.
Additionally, in the episode Cutie Re-Mark, it is shown that under Nightmare Moon's domain, Timberwolves roam free. While they are not directly tied to famine, they have symbolism regarding Harvest as they are known to howl at the first zap apple and attack those who try to harvest them if they are nearby, hindering people's ability to gather fruit.
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War = Cadance
Naturally, a pony red with the blood of those slain in war is generally not marketable to little girls, who are unfamiliar with bloodlust and afraid of violence. They settled for a close second: pink.
She is the princess of love. Are you familiar with the phrase "all is fair in love and war?" Wars are acts of passion and bloodshed. Passion? Blood? Both symbolically related to the Heart. And what is her cutie mark as well as the sacred object that gives power to her kingdom? The Crystal Heart.
The Crystal Kingdom, Cadance's kingdom, is frequently under threat of was throughout the series. Queen Crysalis and the Changelings. Sombra. Again, in the episode Cutie Re-Mark, we see a timeline im which Sombra had won. And what is the state of Equestria? A mirror fucking image of how other countries in real life are affected by war. We literally have soldiers Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and we see Apple Jack working tirelessly to ship out apple mush to feed soldiers for the war effort. This parallel is so clear and frankly I could go on.
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Conquest = Celestia
Yes I know the image says strife. I wanted the pictures to be in a consistant style and they used the word strife but it says conquest in the Bible. Anyways, they are both white horses.
I mean. Do I need to spell it out? Celestia is an imperialist. She spreads her and her nation's influence and ideology as far as she is able. Cadance is installed as the leader of the Crystal Empire under her direction. They have conflict with the changelings, so they promote a leader more sympathetic to their nation. The school of friendship? Teaching other species the way to act and behave? Are non-ponies unfamiliar with friendship? Propoganda. And she is the Princess of the Sun. THE SUN. NEVER. SETS. ON. EQUESTRIA'S. EMPIRE. Sound familiar?
Do not make an enemy of Celestia or you will be punished and then brainwashed into submission. Luna? The moon. Discord? Stone. Sombra? Tirek? The list goes on. Again, I feel this is a clear parallel that needs little explanation.
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Death = Twilight Sparkle
Indeed this is the most subtle connection. After all, she is not even close to the right color. She is purple! No relation to death whatsoever........ right? WRONG. In the Catholic faith, the calandar is divided into different seasons with associated colors. Purple is the color of death and mourning; priests will exclusively wear purple robes for mass during Lent to symbolize Christ's suffering and death on the cross.
Twilight has a very important role as she and her friends are the bearers of the elements of harmony, with Twilight in the lead. The power of this clearly escalates throughout the series, as the mane six progress from turning Discord to stone to completely destroying Sombra after he is initially resurrected. We watch them become a force that could take away anyone's life force, Twilight especially. And let's not forget the form the elements later take. The tree of harmony. Reminiscent of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, from which humanity committed its first sin and thus were kicked out of Eden, gaining the ability to die.
Twilight will outlive all of her friends. As an allicorn, she is immortal. We see in the last episode that she is in her prime while all of her friends are elderly. How can one be a Princess of Friendship if she sees all her friends to the ends of their lives like a benevolent Reaper? After so many years of standing at the deathbeds of loved ones, she will feel detatched from others. A Princess of Death.
And yes Flurryheart is the fifth Princess but she is a clear allagory for the Antichrist so I did not include her
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nofomogirl · 1 day
We need to talk about body snatching
I'm not a massive fan of the 1827 minisode - if you're curious why it bothers me, I've explained it in my post about two GO canons - but there's no denying it does an amazing job at exploring the complexity of morality and moral choices. It starts with a very black-and-white two-dimensional image and gradually adds shading and perspective, making it harder and harder to judge as we go along.
I think it's worth digging into (pun not intended but I'll take it).
Layer 1: body snatching bad
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We learn someone did something
It's those first few seconds where we see a person robbing a grave, and since we know that robbing graves is a crime and generally not a good thing to do, we can quickly form a tentative conclusion that this is wrong.
Okay, in this exact instance, we immediately get enough context clues to see that this kind of judgment would be oversimplistic and superficial. Only Aziraphale, who for some reason acts as if it was his first day on Earth after a thorough memory wipe, is ready to condemn Elspeth based on just that.
Nevertheless, this is the first layer - the deed itself with no context.
Layer 2: body snatching acceptable
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We learn about the person who did the thing
That's the whole journey with the first dug-up body where we get to know Elspeth and become privy to her circumstances - she's desperately poor, she has another person depending on her, she robs graves to survive. Aziraphale's suggestions that she might earn her living by selling books, weaving or farming just serve to prove how inaccessible more honest and dignified professions are to her. In turn, her comment about how she's not hurting anybody who isn't already dead hints that from the realistically available options, Elspeth could have chosen something much worse.
Technically this layer is a significant step up from layer 1 but it still isn't really challenging. Things are spelt out really loud for us, and most importantly everything we learn about Elspeth is just attenuating circumstances. To top it off both she and Wee Morag are immediately endearing. The takeaway is that sometimes things that in theory are bad can be excused which is important but the verdict still comes without any second thoughts.
Layer 3: body snatching complicated
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We learn the larger context around the thing
This mostly happens when Aziraphale and Crowley discuss body snatching with Mr Dalrymple. We learn that the stolen corpses are used for a medical study that can advance human knowledge and make it possible to save living people and that surgeons have no legal means to obtain enough of them for their research - hence their need to buy them from body snatchers.
At first glance it's just more of what we got in layer 2 - more agruments in favour of body snatching that aren't all that nuanced and don't really give us any pause - just from a larger perspective, beyond Elspeth's individual experience. But if you glance more than once you'll notice this is when things stop being straightforward and easy to judge.
The moment we enter a proper grey area is when Aziraphale asks why Mr Dalrymple doesn't acquire the bodies himself. This is a very valid question - while we might easily agree that studying the human body to further medical knowledge is a good thing, and with just the slightest hesitation admit that it's acceptable to resort to using stolen bodies if that is the only way the research may continue, it's not as easy to excuse taking advantage of the poor and the desperate to do the actual stealing that we know is very dangerous.
The moment we know without a doubt we are in a proper grey area is when Mr Dalrymple laughs at Aziraphale's concern.
Objectively, the surgeon is right that it's more effective if he doesn't risk his own life in the graveyard and uses his time on actual research, teaching students and saving lives. But it's also clear he doesn't exactly see people like Elspeth as actual human beings and feels he has every right to use them. On the one hand, he is paying, on the other, he happily benefits from the cruel class system and is not even one bit remorseful about it. On the one hand, he takes risks too, on the other he has a chance of rewards Elspeth will not benefit from. It's not the poorest whose lives will get bettered by the progress of medicine, even though they're the ones who pay with their lives for that progress. And if Mr Dalrymple gets lucky and is knighted for his work (we know he wasn't in the end but it was a possibility), the poor still won't be pardoned for stealing for him. Nevertheless, he has no issue with that.
As I said, things get nuanced.
Layer 4: it's different when it's someone you know
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The thing actually happens in your life
I think you'll all agree that the turning point of the minisode is when Elspeth decides to sell Wee Morag's still warm body. This is what finally leaves us speechless.
That's because up until now we've been approaching the issue intellectually. It's not that we didn't care about the characters, but we were allowed to keep a safe distance. The whole thing was like a problem to be solved - "Is body snatching right or wrong? Discuss in 500-1000 words" - and everything we've learned so far was data for this assignment. I believe that one of the reasons why this detachment came naturally was that there was a very thick line between people involved in body snatching and the bodies that were being snatched. The former were, well, people, obviously. The latter were inanimate objects.
It isn't until Wee Morag is to be sold that we are forced to see a person in a dead body. This is also when real emotions enter the equation.
This shift forces us to question our judgment for the first time. It was easy to justify Elspeth when she was selling a nameless corpse. But the fact that she decided to sell her closest companion - and most likely lover - shocks us. Something inside us strongly objects to how quickly she makes the decision.
And then there's the transaction, and it is also different when it's someone we know. The fact that we knew Wee Morag fully exposes Mr Dalrymple for the heartless jerk that he is. The way he treats Elspeth is the absolute worst and if you haven't realized he was a hypocrite earlier, you should be disillusioned by now.
But at least Elspeth is not a hypocrite, right? It may seem cold that she sold Wee Morag but it just proves she simply believed it's all right to sell a dead body, doesn't it?
Well, about that...
Layer 5: it's different when it's you
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You are forced to face the thing happening to you
This layer is reached when Elspeth plans her suicide and asks Aziraphale and Crowley to bury her "somewhere where no ghouls will ever dig her back up again".
It turns out Elspeth McKinnon really was a filthy liar.
Not long ago she was insisting that body snatching doesn't hurt anyone who isn't already dead, and asking why she should let Wee Morag rot in the ground when she starves. But she wants to make sure it doesn't happen to her own body. The idea that someone might dig her up terrifies her and she calls people who do it ghouls. So why was digging up other people okay again? Why should she rot in the ground while other people suffer? There were other people living in the street where she and Wee Morag hid. Why not ask Aziraphale to give the money to them? Or just anybody in need? Why not ask to sell her body as well and use the earnings the same way?
Also, if you look at it from a certain perspective, Elspeth betrayed Wee Morag in the worst possible way. Wee Morag believed that if someone's body gets cut, that person's soul cannot enter Heaven. Yet Elspeth sold her to Mr Dalrymple, claiming that Wee Morag would have wanted her to have the means to survive. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps Wee Morag would have made that sacrifice. But then Elspeth decided to kill herself and use the money she got for Wee Morag's body for her own funeral.
But does it make Elspeth wicked? Certainly not. She's simply torn by grief. I seriously doubt she's been planning to commit suicide when she was taking Wee Morag to Mr Dalrymple. She might have genuinely tried to carry on but the reality of what happened caught up to her. Mr Dalrymple's cruel words certainly didn't help her cope with a personal tragedy. I even suspect one of the reasons she sold her friend was that she had no idea what else to do with a dead body.
Does this excuse her actions? Kind of, but not really.
Elspeth was a tragic character, not an innocent lamb with a heart of gold.
The point is - can any of us really judge her?
Which, coincidentally, is a question that the original Good Omens book toyed with quite a lot.
If you've reached this far, thank you for reading!
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r0-boat · 23 hours
Hello there (general kenobi)
SO! I was wondering if i could request the kings reacting to Kings, MC having mental breakdown or like crying all alone somewhere but suddenly hide it (at least try to) when they discover the crying
I just had a good cry so i got curious later to how they would React
Thank you! Luv u ! And love your writing! 💕😍😍
Whb Kings reaction to:
Mc having a mental breakdown and crying
Cw: angst, hurt/comfort
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The memories of Gabriel killing your best friend playing your head You had been so strong up to this moment... Why... Why now?
Nonetheless seeing a murder in front of you would be hard on any human especially one who had lost their parents in a homicide.
You try to tell yourself that he's okay and you will be okay. But it's hard to believe when the same angel is hunting you down and his mark shows crystal clear on your skin, a mark you try desperately to wash off. Soon everything came crashing down being being ripped from your home to an unfamiliar place the smell of blood and bodies angel and devil on the streets of Gehenna. You locked yourself into your room unable to hold back your emotion.
He practically ripped the door off its hinges. Even though you have the door locked he can sense you are in distress locked door or not you are in danger and he is not going to let it stop him.
You weren't in danger no angel has broken in, You are not hurt You are not bleeding but you still cry, scooping you into his arms It doesn't matter what you were crying about You are still crying, You are still hurting, And he will cradle you into his arms until those tears dry. Put the soft voice he'll ask you what's wrong He knows he cannot use his normal voice because he'll just scare you. Through your broken sobs He knows you're talking about Gabriel and the war. He clutches his teeth anger is bubbling inside him but he keeps it down. He swears that he will protect you and that the lives lost will not be in vain.
Those angels will pay. Gabriel will pay.
He immediately cradles you holding you close your small frame against his large chest. He picks you up carrying you to his bedroom laying you down on soft silk he lays next to you. A sad human must be pampered.
Mammon is not a good talker but he knows how to take care of the things he loves. If you need your alone time he understands he'll make sure your treatment today will be of utmost importance. If you want he will stay with you being there to be a big teddy bear for you to hold and cry and an ear to listen. You'll be bathed in his bathroom tonight You will have all of your favorites prepared and delivered. You will not leave his room You will not leave his side.
He walks in your room more like barges into your room. Locks do not exist in his castle. Only for him to freeze his eyes going wide when he sees you crawled up crying. He feels his heart sink into a pit in his stomach.
He feels like shrinking into a puddle He knows part of this was his fault. But he doesn't know how to talk to people. He doesn't know how to console you He doesn't know how to help!!
He leaves the room ordering his servants to do anything to make you feel better or else they'll get hanged. To hell with his jealousy, you come first in times like these!
You know what makes him feel better? Going out and having fun. However sometimes that doesn't work with certain people. As his nobles do what they can to console you. He barrels through the door. loads of snacks in his arms (He didn't know which one you wanted so he just got everything)
Sometimes some people rather just be left alone during that time but feels about just can't knowing that you're on the other side of the door hurting. Knocking at your door constantly checking in on you. He's just worried.
Once you calm down he will listen to everything you have to say while the two of you eat snacks.
Lucifer is not well versed in mental health of humans So whatever he does he goes by the book whatever his books on human say he does. Being the extremely direct demon he is He will directly ask you if something is wrong and what has you so sad. However since he is not well versed in human mental health he is kind of scrambling, He is trying everything trying to stay calm. In the end he sits next to you petting your head until you calm down.
He does not like when you shed your tears in sorrow, They do not feel as good as when you shut them not of anger or pleasure or fear.
Oh boy if he hears what Gabriel did He will personally deal with his brother himself. Lucifer does not take kindly to angels or devils that hurt his beloved one move over Satan Lucifer needs a 'family reunion' with his brother.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
59.) "Are those friends of yours? Are they your everything?" Prompt for yandere platonic Bendy who grows attached to reader who snuck into the studio with their friends (if u wanna go dark , I’m all for it ^^)
Of course! Here's what I came up with :) Using my view on Bendy for this.
Yandere! Platonic! Bendy Prompt 59
"Are those friends of yours? Are they your everything?"
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Violence, Murder, Blood, Jealousy, Sadism, Kidnapping, Dark themes, Delusional behavior, Mind break, Forced companionship.
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Exploring abandoned places wasn't something you should've gone along with... yet it was exhilarating.
When you were in school you had found a group of friends who made a hobby out of exploring old and abandoned places. Anything from old schools to abandoned parks, it was so odd to see beloved places devoid of life. Originally you found it unnerving.
But now it was just exciting.
Today your friends had suggested exploring an abandoned animation studio. The idea was harmless enough. After all, what's dangerous about an animation studio?
You and your friends were just young adults doing stupid things. It was all for a bit of fun. You saw nothing wrong with it.
Just don't get caught, yeah?
The studio smells deeply of ink and rotting wood. There's an undeniable wet smell in the rooms as you creak through the hallways with your friends. The whole area seems so empty as you all split up to explore.
As you walk through the rotting halls of the studio, something follows you. Joey Drew Studios isn't your typical animation studio. You had no clue, unfortunately.
Not until things were too late.
Your eyes sweep over posters of various cartoon characters. A wolf, an angel, a devil... all typical stuff for the time period in your eyes. You couldn't help but feel uneasy as you linger in the studio, however.
The further you went you saw how dilapidated the building was. Ink pooled from the walls as though the building was bleeding. The footing underneath you even creaked as though it would break.
Thinking about turning tail to tell your friends it isn't safe, you turn. That is... until you heard scurrying. You jump in place, hearing a wet sound and small footsteps.
Surely wild animals would be a common sight, right? That's normal... a small raccoon or maybe a skunk- You've been to abandoned places before...
Yet when a small shiny black creature peaks from behind a wall, you just about freeze.
Your eyes narrow to try and see it better, the small creature about the size of some toddler as it inches into view. A devilish grin is on its face yet it looks at you curiously. Part of you manages to tell it looks similar to the posters you saw earlier.
"Wow! Visitors aren't a common sight here...!" The creature chirps in a curious yet mischievous tone, looking you over with a flick of its tail. "I thought I would just be left here."
"What the Hell are you!?" You find yourself losing your cool, the inky creature jumping at your harsh tone for a moment as your voice comes out in a squeal.
"I'm Bendy!" The living cartoon answers excitedly. "Bendy the Ink Demon! I'm a cartoon... technically."
"How?" You ask, keeping your distance. Adrenaline creeps into your veins yet you remain calm, still just... bewildered.
"How? I was born from the ink machine here, friend! It's been a long time since anyone was last here...." 'Bendy' answers, looking melancholic before perking up. "But you're here!"
You wanted to not believe it. You wanted to ignore the proof of a living cartoon. Yet Bendy here was undeniably real. What was this about an Ink Machine?
You know things were somewhat real when you touched Bendy's head, the ink staining your hand a deep black... and Bendy just seemed confused yet curious.
"What was that?" The ink demon tilts his head, looking at your stained hand.
"It's hard to believe something like you is real." You admit, Bendy perking up.
"Aren't I unique~?" The demon purrs. "Do you want help exploring? Are you going to stay? Can we be friends!?"
The rapid fire of questions by the demon catches you off guard. Fortunately, before you can give any answers, you hear some of your friends coming to check on you due to your scream. You go to prepare to introduce Bendy, but the demon has already scampered off like a scared cat.
How odd....
That was, unfortunately, not the only time you crossed paths with the ink demon. No, Bendy was intimidated by your little friends... but not enough to let you out of his sight. Why would he?
You were friends in his eyes.
You don't meet Bendy again until you explore deeper into the studio. The further you got in, the more you saw cardboard cutouts and odd pentagrams. If Bendy wasn't enough proof that this studio wasn't normal... this was.
"Heya, friend!" The familiar voice of Bendy echoes as he appears again. You turn to see him, the ink demon staring with childlike curiosity. You see his tail flick and wonder if he really is real.
He has to be, right?
"Hey, Bendy...." You greet, the demon's gaze never leaving yours.
"If you don't mind, friend, I have a question." Bendy hums, following his new friend's exploration.
"Like what?" You ask, looking at the creaking pipes of the building.
"Are those friends of yours?" Bendy asks like a naive child. "Those other people you came with, I mean...."
"Yes, they are." You confirm. "I explore places like this with them all the time."
Bendy ponders your answer for a moment, deep in thought. Friends... he missed when he had friends. Now all his friends are gone...
He wants new friends...
He wants to be your friend.
"... Are they your everything?" Bendy whispers, inky black eyes staring up at you. The question is odd, making you pause your search.
"Pardon...?" You ask, Bendy looking up at you innocently.
"Does having friends mean a lot to you?" Bendy repeats, envious of the connection. "Do friends make you happy...?"
"I... yes, yes they do." You answer, Bendy going quiet for a moment before grabbing your attention again.
"... Can we be friends?" Bendy asks. He has called you friend, but he says that to many others. He wants to know if you're really friends. You ponder the question, smiling softly.
As strange as he was... Bendy was quite cute.
You wondered if you were going high off the ink fumes.
"Sure." You smile, the demon perking up. "We can be friends."
Bendy makes a noise akin to a happy squeak. Friends mean a lot to you and you're a friend! Which means... he means a lot to you!
He has a new friend!
You go to continue exploring, only for Bendy to cling to your leg. The ink demon rubs his head against you like a cat, tail wagging. The sight is... adorable...
Yet you know you can't stay....
"You said friends mean a lot to you...." The demon whispers in a sad tone. The fear in your eyes didn't matter to him right now. "So why would you try to abandon me?"
You feel ink and blood stain your clothes as you press yourself into the wall. The demon in front of you... it didn't feel like the cute cartoon demon you met. If anything...
This was an actual demon.
"No... you wouldn't do that, would you, friend?" Bendy asks, tilting his head. The beast leans closer, the scent of blood and ink creating a toxic concoction in your nose.
"You wouldn't abandon me... those other friends of yours were trying to take you away!" Bendy chirps, still managing to sound like his old self despite his new form. "Pretty crummy friends if you ask me...."
You shut your eyes, tears rolling down your cheeks. This couldn't be real, right? No... Bendy wasn't real... and the blood isn't your friends.
A low growl comes from the beast in front of you. You yelp when he leans over, ink dripping onto your skin. You can't deny reality much longer....
"But that's okay... it's all okay!" Bendy purrs. "I got rid of them since we're friends now...!"
You feel nausea kick in when reality finally sinks in to taunt you. Within a few hours your friends were torn apart by the demon. The very same demon who held you in such high regard for saying you were friends.
You begin to think there was a reason he was left here... alone.
"You... still wanted to explore, yeah?" Bendy tilts his head. "You said you did that for fun with friends, right, friend?"
An inky claw picks you up from the ground, ignoring how you go limp at the touch. Bendy stands you up, a grin on his face. In this form it looks far from innocent.
"Let's explore then, friend!" Bendy coos, dragging you off as you fight against the sticky skin he has. "I'll lead the way, just the two of us on a little adventure!"
As Bendy drags you deep into the studio, you can only focus on the blood coating the floor and walls....
It took one fun little trip to lose all your friends, your mind and heart crack a little...
But maybe Bendy can fill such a void, not like you have much of a choice.
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Never Meant To Be
Beron Vanserra x Reader
Summary: an elite member of the society and a poor girl from the lower part of the town are destined to never be.
A/n: this is a beron fic. i do not in any way support abuse irl, but i wanted to rite for him. if you dont like beron, please dont read 😭
also. BIRTHDAY GIFT FIC FOR MY BELOVED @fell-in-luvs 🥹❣️
(dividers by @tsunami-of-tears <3)
anywho. enjoy!!
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Drip. Drip. Drip.
Y/n paused midstep, curious eyes peering over the railing, trying to find where the sound was coming from. Hands tightened on the wooden bannister of the stairway, eyebrows furrowing. Maybe she should have brought a candle with her. The room was too dark for her to make out anything but the window in the far wall, lit up with the moonlight that spilled in, liquid and shimmery under the cover of night.
Breath escaping her lungs, Y/n descended the rest of the stairs, carefully tiptoeing so as not to wake her father sleeping on the floor above. By this point, she could recall the creaky steps from memory, and it was easy to avoid them. What she was more concerned about was bones lying around. Those sharp bones that flew around as her father butchered animals was the only thing Y/n was concerned about, really, considering she was barefoot.
Quietly, she made her way towards the window, slowly pulling open the drawer where she kept the candles. By the time her fingers wrapped around the waxy stick, her eyes had started drooping already. It hurt to keep them open, to the point she considered just returning to her room and ignoring the dripping liquid. But the area she lived in was poor, and the people here could not afford to waste resources. Water was precious, most of it being used up by the elites of the society, whatever little was left flowing down to the lower suburbs where Y/n resided with her father.
She brought out the candle, shutting her eyes tight before blinking them open again in hopes it would help her shake the fatigue that began weighing down her shoulders. Lifting her fingers to the wick was a task that seemed impossible, but she somehow managed to light the candle up. With that, she hurried towards the faucets in the kitchen, squinting. Sure enough, water dripped from the tap. A breath escaped Y/n as she reached her hand out, grabbing the handle and twisting until the water stopped dripping.
She turned, wondering if she should take the candle back to her room.
Y/n blinked, wincing. What was that? She made her way back towards the window, peering out. As her gaze wandered out towards the street between the crowded homes, her eyes narrowed. A group of what looked like… higher up males messing around.
Scoffing, she turned away, ready to just go back to bed.
Alas, the males had other plans for her as the moment her attention flitted away, the sounds of howling and loud, obnoxious cheers reached her ears.
Pompous snobs. Rolling her eyes, Y/n decided that her father waking up because these boys who lived on their daddy’s money thought it’d be funny to be loud in the night, when everyone was sleeping, was not worth it. Her father was always so tired, and the few hours of rest he got were precious.
She yanked open the window, leaning her head out. "Hey! Shut it!"
The four males turned to look at her, their eyebrows raised. They all looked young, maybe around four hundred years old. They had expensive looking embroidered jackets on, their hair either slicked back or pulled into a ponytail.
"Oh? And what will you do if we don’t shut it?"
Jaw clenched, she studied the males. Two of them had dark hair, blue eyes, and the build of a teenage mortal. Possibly more into studying arts and literature than being a warrior. One had long, flowy blond hair, his eyes hooded and green like the skin of a toad.
That thought brought satisfaction to Y/n.
The one who looked the oldest among the fae, the one with short length auburn hair, stared straight at Y/n, no emotion on his face. The others had sneers and taunting smirks plastered on their faces, but not this one. He stood stoic, his eyes fixated.
She stared back at him for a few moments, unable to look away. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she somehow knew him. That she was supposed to know him.
But then he turned away, dismissing her. She stared at his back in bewilderment, her temper rising, sleep long forgotten.
Who did he think he was?
She wanted to call him, demanding an explanation. But that would have consequences, and neither she nor her father could afford it. Not to mention that if any of these males were a part of the high lord’s court, it would mean a death sentence or banishment.
Squeezing her eyes shut, Y/n retreated, blowing out the candle and shoving it back in its drawer before she stomped her way back to her room.
Y/n was mad because of the males behaviour, but more than that, she was mad at the fact that she was so bothered by the red headed male turning away from her, like she meant nothing. Like she was less than the dirt on the bottom of his boots.
Fuck him.
Sleep evaded Y/n for the rest of the night, her mind too busy trying to dissect her reaction to the male.
It was unusual for her. She never really cared for what people thought of her, having learned long ago not everyone would be nice to her all the time. But this male. He stayed on her mind, refusing to leave.
Morning came earlier than it should have. And with the first rays of the sun came her father’s booming voice, yelling at her to stop sleeping and to get her ass moving.
It grated on her nerves, and she had half the mind to yell back at him. But she pulled herself together, donning a simple dress. She did not help with the butchering, not really, but she did have to go out every morning to get some extra water from the creek nearby.
"Father! I am leaving!" She called out as she slid on her boots. A grunt was the only answer she got in return.
Early mornings were a precious time, for most of the people only started to leave their houses once the sun was higher in the sky. That meant that Y/n was all by herself at the creek.
Silence, cherished and peaceful, surrounded Y/n, only occasionally broken by the chirps of birds flying overhead in search of food for their younglings. The sun peeking out from behind the distant hills bathed Y/n in a soft warmth, warding off the early autumn chill. She was grateful for the sun’s loving embrace and its company as she settled down at the riverbed, the wet soil under her legs soft as she started to fill up her bucket.
Water gushed around her hand as she broke the water's current, filling up the vessel in her hand.
Y/n’s body locked up, her heart rising into her throat at the sound. No one should have been here. Not at this time. It was too early. Her instincts roared at her to get up, to flee. But she did neither.
She turned her head, glancing over her tensed shoulders to look for the predator that had decided to make her their prey. Because this was a predator, Y/n knew in her bones. Be it fae or animal, it was a predator.
Her eyes wandered, cautiously landing on the immaculately dressed male.
Amber eyes met her own.
Auburn hair. Amber eyes. Embroidered, expensive jacket over a silk tunic and tailored pants.
The male from the previous night stared back at Y/n, a sadistic glint in his eyes.
"Think I lost my way." He called.
Y/n narrowed her eyes. There was no way he didn’t follow her.
"What do you want?" Y/n questioned, getting her feet under herself, trying her best to not have her back facing him.
A corner of his mouth lifted. "Nothing, really." At her skeptical expression, he chuckled. "Did you have a good night of sleep last night?"
Y/n narrowed her eyes. "Is that all you came here for?"
He took a step forward, grass bending under his boots. Y/n took a step back instinctively, a lump rising in her throat. Muscles rolled and moved to try and accommodate it, but swallowing did not help as he continued to come closer.
"No. That is not all." Y/n glanced behind her, realising she stood at the very edge of the bank. One step was all it would take for her to tumble back into the water, and she’d rather be yelled at than drown in front of him.
"I wanted to make it up to you."
Y/n blinked. "I… what?"
He smirked, barely inches between them when he next spoke. "Did you not hear me the first time?"
Blood rushed to Y/n’s face. Now that he was so close, she could make out the shadow of a beard on his face, like he hadn’t shaved in days.
"I don’t understand how you are going to get me back my sleep."
His head tilted to the side, animal like. "How old are you, little fawn?"
Her chin lifted, refusing to budge under the intense gaze of the predator. "Twenty three."
The corner of his lips lifted higher, and for a moment, Y/n could not help but stare.
Eyes flitted away after a moment, realising she had been staring. "Twenty three? You’re basically a child."
Muscles rolled in her neck, then she met his eyes. "And?"
He shook his head, leaning back. "Let me make it up to you, beautiful. Meet me at the town square at sunset."
She blinked. "Why would I do that?"
He smirked. Shrugged, his jacket moving with the movement of his wide shoulders.
Then he turned, and stalked away, leaving her gaping at his back.
What just happened?
She did not have the answer to that question, but she did know she was not going.
Quickly, she composed her thoughts and set to filling up her bucket again, already dreading the scolding she would receive from her father because she took too much time to return home.
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"Was he at least rich?"
Y/n froze, her fingers curling tighter into the sponge she had been rubbing against the pot. "What?"
"The male who wasted your time this morning. Was he one of the elites?"
Cold eyes turned to look at the weathered butcher, his eyes fixed on the meat he continued to whack with his knife. But Y/n knew his attention was fixed solely on Y/n and her answer.
Blowing a collected breath out of her nose, Y/n turned back to the pot she’d been scrubbing. "Maybe. How would I know?"
He scoffed. "Don’t play coy with me, girl. Do you want to keep all his riches for yourself?"
Eyes wide, she turned back to stare at him. "What do you mean by that?"
"You cannot expect me to believe your lies. A male just approached you out of nowhere, talked a little, then walked away, with no ulterior motives in mind?" Y/n simply stared at his back, and he finally dropped his knife, meeting his daughters eyes. "He obviously wanted to do something with you. He either wants to marry you, or he wants to use you for one night. Surely you can’t be that naive?"
Huffing, Y/n placed the pot back in the sink, throwing the sponge next to it and washed off her hands, trying to calm down her rising temper as she watched the soap suds vanish slowly.
"I’ll be outside."
"Go wherever you want, girl, as long as I get my share of money!"
Her eyes closed, a frustrated sigh puffing out from between her lips. Deciding that she needed more than the fresh air outside her walk, she began walking towards the town square mindlessly.
Not realising that it was almost sunset.
The square was busy, filled with males returning home from work and people who just wanted to have an early start to their nightly activities. The area was so crowded that Y/n debated turning around, but the thought vanished when she remembered why she was here in the first place.
To get away from her father. Maybe sit with some older ladies and have a chat.
"Going somewhere?"
Y/n glanced over her shoulder.
The male from the river side.
Her eyes widened, realising what time it was. He simply smirked and stalked forward, the crowd automatically parting for him. He didn’t even seem to realise that there were people around him.
"You look surprised." He mused.
Her eyes narrowed. "Maybe because I am?"
He chuckled. "You look like you’re in need of a distraction."
Y/n turned away. "Do I?"
He hummed. "I can provide a distraction."
She shot him an incredulous look. "No thank you."
She turned away, beginning to make her way through the crowd again. But… 
Maybe it would be a good idea to indulge him. At least for some time. Maybe she could even figure out why his nonchalant attitude bothered her so much.
"You know what? Humour me…"
A smirk spread across his lips, the first genuine expression Y/n had seen on him. "Beron."
Her brows furrowed. She knew she had heard that name somewhere.
There could be so many more males named Beron, She tried to reason with herself.
"Hmm. Let's see what you can do, Beron."
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Being a four hundred year old heir was a hard job, one Beron excelled at. His father was a fucking monster, but at least Beron could forget about the asshole when he snuck out with the bastards who kissed his ass every chance they got. Beron knew that they did not really care for him. No, they just wanted a shiny title once Beron became high lord.
Beron never really considered himself a nice male. He knew he was going to turn out just like his father, and if he was being honest, he was fine with that fact. He had no interest in becoming a better person.
But then Y/n pushed her way into his life. Or maybe he simply dragged her in. All that mattered was her, and nothing more.
She was a shiny gem.
Beron was a dragon.
And he wanted her in his collection, no matter what it took. Beron would gladly take all the torture his father made him go through if it meant at the end of the day he would get to see her. Maybe fuck her. But she made him come alive. And for the first time in all his four hundred years of existence, Beron wondered.
Wondered what a family with her would look like. Maybe he would become a better man.
But if there was one thing Beron wasn’t, it was delusional. He knew it was all wishful thinking. She was a nobody, a poor butcher’s daughter from the lower clans of autumn court. He was destined to take over ruling the whole court. They were never meant to be.
But in the cover of night, within the safety of the four walls of his room and under his blanket, Beron let his thoughts run wild, letting himself imagine a world where his father was a better man.
Of course, his hope was dwindling down day by day.
Particularly after his run in with his father that morning.
"You summoned me?" Beron muttered, his eyes lowered in deference.
The high lord hummed. "Come in." Lungs expanding, Beron made his way to stand in front of his father. "I will save us both time and get to the point."
Beron blinked.
"The peasant girl you’re fucking. I don’t want anyone finding out."
His blood chilled, eyes flying to fix on the relaxed figure of his father. "What?"
The high lord snorted. "You think I am naive? dumb? Listen closely, Beron. You are most likely going to be chosen by the magic to be the next high lord. I don’t want you marrying a good for nothing peasant. Fuck around, sure. But if I were you, I would make sure she did not fall pregnant." He finally looked at his son. "Oh and, start preparing. I have set up a marriage for you which will be beneficial for everyone."
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Nothing ever surprised Y/n. And if it did, she was good at hiding it.
It was a surprise to Y/n when Beron showed up at her house every day since then, but he was one of the elite families in the autumn court. So that meant he was never denied anything in his life, so it came as no surprise when he thought he was entitled to her time.
But what did surprise Y/n when she actually wanted to spend time with him. So she just went along with his plans, often spending time together sitting at the cliff sides, watching the sunset.
He just… pulled her in. He enchanted her, and she was grateful he did. He had bewitched her, body, mind, soul. And she never wanted to go back to what she was before he came along.
She was aware that their union was improbable. Maybe impossible. But no one could fault her for being hopeful.
The crisp autumn air swirled around Y/n as she made her way to the hut outside of the town's borders, invisible to the fae passing because of the cover of trees around it. Shivers wound up her spine, leaves crunching under her boots. She pulled the scarf around her neck tighter, already anticipating wrapping herself around her lover when she got to his secret home.
He had revealed the place to her late one evening, handing her the keys to it. Later Y/n found out he had brought the place specifically so the two of them could meet in peace.
Moments passed in silence, only broken by her steps and the movement of the trees, animals and spirits around her in the forest. She hurried on, eager to tell Beron about the kitten that had started following Y/n around the previous day, only slowing down when the wooden structure came into view.
Along with it came dread.
Why, she did not know.
The surroundings were eerily quiet, like even the wind was holding its breath.
Confusion dug its claws in, along with doubt and fear. Was Beron home?
The door creaked open, and she tiptoed inside, a resounding click echoing behind her. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness inside, she stopped breathing.
What happened here?
The whole interior of the house looked like a storm had been inside. Shards of glass, cutlery, plants, wood pieces littered the ground, a dark stain covering a small area on the opposite wall. Hell, even the dining table was upended.
Her heart slowed, then resumed its hard pace. "Beron?" The sound of the name was shrill, panic evident as she discarded the basket in her hand next to the door, running deeper. "Beron? Are you home?"
And then silence.
The door to the bedroom was cracked open, and the closer Y/n got, she could hear heavy breathing from the other side of the wood. Steps slowed, air rushing in despite the barrier in her throat as she peeked inside.
The first thing she noticed was the blood.
A lot of blood.
Dripping from his fist as he stood there, staring at the shattered glass at his feet.
"B- Beron?"
Wild, primal eyes met hers, mad intent in them. Fear started to seep into her blood the longer she stared back at him. And if she hadn’t been watching him so intently, she would have missed his whispered words.
"I’m getting married."
Ice. So cold, so numbing, took over any other emotion in her body, overriding her senses.
"Oh," deep breath, "well. Congratulations then."
And with that, Y/n turned away, ignoring his incredulous laugh echoing through the hollow walls that surrounded her.
"Go on, run away! Everyone does."
His words followed Y/n all the way to her home, haunted her all night. That laugh, the crack in his voice, the emotions that ran rampant in his eyes. All of it kept her up. Pained her, dug its claws into her heart and ripped her apart from the inside.
It felt like someone had cut open her body and lit a fire to her organs.
And she deserved it.
She hurt all night long, the tears running down the sides of her face and back into her hair burned too, like acid. But growing up in the lower parts, she was used to ignoring all pains. That's what people did when there were things to be done.
Ignore the pains during the day, cry about it at night. But keep it all inside, don’t let anyone find out.
So when the sun’s rays broke in through her windows, she made herself get up. Got changed. Stared at herself in the mirror until she was sure there were no cracks.
And then she went about her day, ignoring the shards of her broken heart that poked at her flesh.
Just like she had ignored the shiny, golden string that tied her to Beron.
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The females had been whispering. Everyone around Y/n seemed to know what was going on. She could not be quite sure what they were talking about, but from an overheard conversation between two housewives at the town square, Y/n drew the conclusion that the high lord had passed.
And the heir was going to take over soon. He was also getting married in a few hours in the sacred temple in the middle of the town, and anyone was free to come see and give their blessings. As Y/n had expected, her father jumped at the opportunity to even be breathing the same air as the elites.
Y/n knew he also wanted to go and see if he could find a male willing to pay in exchange for Y/n’s hand.
"Y/n! We will miss the wedding! Can you be any slower?"
Deep breaths. She reminded herself as she fixed her skirts, eyes fixed on the mirror. When she deemed herself fit to be presented, she turned.
Her father looked livid as he stood outside the house, and Y/n knew a tantrum was on its way. But to Y/n’s surprise, he turned and walked away, leaving her to run after him to catch up.
The air was unusually humid the closer they got to the clearing in the forest where every high lord had held important events.
It seemed like everyone had come to see the new high lord get married. Every few moments, an elbow would hit Y/n in the back, in her ribs. Anywhere, really.
It was by the time that she was sure that her skin was going to bruise that the high lord came into view.
And Y/n’s lungs turned into rock, refusing to expand to let air in.
Amber eyes surveyed the crowd, landing on hers with unnatural precision.
Eyes prickling, Y/n watched him glance at his bride, who nodded along to the priestess, before returning to her.
A silent, long moment passed. And then his eyes widened, shining with so much emotion. She had never seen him this bothered.
And finally, the empty, cold void that had been on the other side of the golden string that had laid dormant in her chest filled, light and fire filling her chest.
But Y/n turned her head away.
She was not someone he should have even talked to in the first place. She was far beneath his level. He would not forfeit his throne for her. And she could not forfeit the simplicity of her life for him.
They were simply not meant to be.
And the light that had just reached her slowly diminished, the life going eerily quiet. She knew she hurt him, but she could do nothing to fix him, even as her chest started filling with numbness, anger and resentment pouring in from the other side.
With one last glance, Y/n sprinted away, back to the little hut she shared with her father.
She would never be able to forget that look on his face. The hrd angels that seemed accentuated by the weeks worth of stubble on his jaw, the fury that seemed to age him another century.
But they were never meant to be.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 21 hours
I found this on the Descendants subreddit:
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What do you think?I dunno I feel about this.
For starting orders, are these from the Descendants guide book??? Because if so, I didn't know that was potentially out yet...unless these are preview pages??? If so, kinda weird Red or Chloe didn't get their pages previewed...unless they contain spoilers and can't be shown unlike Mal's and Uma's and the page on transformations... Not gonna lie though, these preview pages are kinda making me wanna buy it...soley to see how the fuck Descendants explains ANYTHING in its universe at this fucking point.
But to answer the question: let's get transformations page out of the way first, because uh, I find it the most meh lol- its just basic knowledge about transformations and Maleficent, Mal and Uma being the only characters so far to have that ability...though confusing how its surprising to Auradon, since they a fairy tale kingdom, transformations shouldn't be a surprise really... Though they really gave a list of shit Mal did with her dragon but then said 'oh and Uma can transform too I guess' like they really did not care to go into Uma much there, though curious why they saying its only via necklace she can do that as I assumed it was Ursula's magic/DNA in general that allowed Uma to go octopus form... Plus lemme just add: 'battled Uma' last I checked all Mal did was fly around and blow FIRE at WATER and that's it, Ben handled that shit more then Mal did really.
Now onto Mal's....first: United States of Auradon...okay nice to know I guess Beyond The Isle Of The Lost definitely ain't gonna be connected to the film at this rate because there they called it United Kingdom of Auradon, but now we back to the film title here, aka United States of Auradon. But heyyyy! We can celebrate that they actually resisted the urge to blame Ben for Mal's problems for once! ...It's sad I consider that an absolute win, really, but its Descendants so... "Confident and natural leader"...wait is that meant to be serious or...because I kinda laughed there given how much of a 'confident' and 'natural leader' she was in D2 and D3... "Particularly because she felt guilty about the VK's she'd left behind" Yeah, she felt so guilty in fact that she literally showed zero fucking concern in D2 about the VKs when treating the Isle like a get away place, let alone showed zero concern when Evie did on the Isle about the VK's and in D3 basically went, "Fuck those kids, my happily ever after is more important-", when choosing WITHOUT HESTIATION to close the barrier and punish the VKs for crimes they didn't do and still intended to do this even during the lies revealed scene...so clearly guilty about leaving the VKs behind, guys. "Eventually, she helped convince the Auradon citizens to accept all VKs into Auradon Prep." And by that, I mean likely everyone else did the work but Mal's being given credit because main character and Descendants wants you to believe she actually gave a crap about the VKs after that council meeting scene lmao. "Mal is talented in a lot of areas, both in artistic endeavors and in spells and magic"...wait we NOW remember shes into art???? Because D2-3 did not fucking remember that detail well before making her into generic main character for personality and shit- but also where's being a bully and getting away with it and other crimes like love spelling someone and lying in those talents? She's very oddly good at those, even after she's meant to be good. "mess with other students" Well, that's a brutally honest description of what Mal was like with magic in Auradon Prep lmao. "the queen she was always meant to be" I...Do I need to point out saying Mal was always meant to have a form of power over people isn't great, given what she's like, or...? Like, taking someone who had a form of power on the Isle and used it to be a bully and shit and giving them power over a kingdom when they haven't even changed much isn't great, but Descendants seems to think Mal's the greatest so no wonder they acting like it was simply destiny she was always meant to be queen... Also I guess Mal still has the ember and didn't donate it to the museum so uh, there's that...also why does Hades' image look the most awkward lmao???? Did they not have a stock character image of Hades like Maleficent and Ben or...
I...really don't have much to say about Uma's page lmao- not because its meh or bad, its just not giving me much to complain about as it didn't at least villainize her like Descendants normally loves too...though interesting choice to say Uma only wanted to go to Auradon because she was envious of Mal and not because she wanted to free the villain kids...but I guess we can't let someone else care about the villain kids when we pretending like Mal gave a shit about them suddenly! But uh, guess this is confirmation that Fairy Godmother fully retired??? She and Ben's parents really do just like to ditch their jobs at the nearest chance and hand it off to the nearest young person- though I still really don't get why Uma would want to be a head mistress of a school, like I know she'd want to help villain kids and such, but like, she can do that outside of being head mistress technically, it just feels random for her character. Also niece of Uliana...are they actually gonna address this fully in the film or...we know Uma captured by Queen of Hearts so like....sigh, Uma suffering more in plot bullshit, first it was Mal's plot bullshit, now its Queen of Hearts bullshit, she cannot catch a fucking break. And one last question: when did the Isle of the Lost become a KINGDOM??? It was called a prison last I checked, why does it count as a home kingdom now??? If I was a villain kid and asked my home kingdom, I wouldn't say the Isle of the Lost, because that's a prison I was stuck on for existing basically.
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destiny-islanders · 2 days
Back once a bloody gain with another question about z'ahra, (this one's mainly brought on due to all the fantastic art I've seen on tumblr lately). If he had a Pokemon team, what would it be, and what would his ace pokemon be? (It's funny, when I see some characters it's a question that pops into my head sometimes.)
hmmm this one's tough since i only played yellow
z'ahra would be a very laidback pokemon trainer who doesn't really go out of his way to catch pokemon or battle them or even really learn about them. like he'll be walking in a forest and maybe a pokemon is curious and wanders over and z'ahra's just like "oh. am i your trainer now?" and then yeah he's their trainer now.
i think he would definitely like cute and fluffy pokemon. maybe just an assortment of eeveelutions. he feels bad keeping them in pokeballs too so he's just constantly covered in an assortment of eevees.
tying into his rpr stuff, i think amongst all those eevees he'd also just have. a really creepy ghost type like a ghastly that terrifies everyone around him. but it's one of z'ahra's best frens and he loves it
i also really love the idea of him having like a legendary pokemon but not knowing how rare it is because he's actually one of the dumbest and most uninformed pokemon trainers to ever live. so he's just walking down the street with a mew hanging over his shoulder and not understanding why everyone's staring
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emotionalcadaver · 3 days
I'm curious. What is the one thing you don't want to happen? /I read tags
lfkjdhkljfhk I was actually just debating whether or not to make a post about this! 😂
I don't normally express my *opinions* on Lizzie and Lizzie x Tommy here because I absolutely hate the feeling of raining on other people's parades, but I don't think that this really counts as bashing, so I'm just gonna leave it here and put it under a cut so those who don't agree can just scroll on by. This is just my opinion, guys! No hard feelings or anything if you feel differently!
I really don't want Tommy and Lizzie to get back together in the movie.
Lizzie's character went through so much development in finally accepting that Tommy can't be who she wants him to be and breaking free from him, and I feel like it would be a massive disservice to both characters, but particularly her, to force them back together. That storyline was closed pretty definitively at the end of season 6, and I honestly don't think that there's time to be reopening and focusing on it when we've only got about 3 hours max to work with as far as runtime. And there are just so many other aspects of the story that I think would be far more interesting to explore.
She was so miserable the entirety of their marriage, and deserves to be free of the Shelbys and their bullshit and to either be happy on her own with Charlie or go find that nice, normal man that she so badly wanted Tommy to be post season 4, and finally have some peace and happiness.
And Tommy deserves to not be locked in a marriage with someone who only loves the fantasy of him that she's projected onto him, or to be weighted down by feeling like he's failed her by not being able to be someone he's not. I think that they could be happy co-parenting Charlie together, but outside of that, I really feel like they should go their separate ways.
I always had the interpretation that Ruby was the only thing holding them together. And that the moment she died, so did their marriage, effectively. I do think that they cared for each other, but I don't think either of them really were in love with the other (as mentioned above, I think even Lizzie only loved her fantasy of Tommy, and not who he actually was). And by the end they both just seemed to bitter and resentful of each other. So it's really hard for me to root for them to end up together.
Anyway, I've always gotten the feeling that most people in the fandom strongly feel like they are *the* couple of the show and are passionately in love and should be together, so I shall now go hide under a rock to avoid the barrage of shouting likely to commence in my comments and inbox 🙃
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simplydannie · 2 days
Previous The Escape
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Inspired and and written for @meadow-hearthfire. Based on their ask: Can you imagine Bruce's reaction to seeing Floyd with an unconscious Veneer when he and his brothers found them? Can you imagine Bruce's thought process throughout the past two days Veneer was unconscious? Can you imagine the conversations Bruce has with Floyd about V&V in those two days?
Floyd is found next to an unconscious Veneer who has just been shot…all his brothers don’t understand why he cares so much about the kid, on why he bothers in trying to save him at. The only one to see the truth behind Floyd’s eyes, is Bruce.
“We’re almost to Mount Rageous!” John Dory exclaimed as they neared the city. From afar, the lights of the city emerged through the clouds.
“A little over the top isn’t it?” Branch asked as the lights came more into view.
“Rageons tend to be over the top.”
“How will we know where they are?” Clay asked trying to peak through the windows, “The place is huge compared to us! We’re like ants in a cornfield compared to that place.”
“Good old Rhonda has the scent! That letter that was left to me has the scent of the two Rageons we’re trying to find. We find them. We find Floyd.” JD smirked proudly.
Suddenly, Rhonda halted, the Trolls were confused at her sudden maneuver, “Hey, what gives!” Branch said loudly.
“She’s… picking up something I think… Rhonda?” JD grew curious, but she remained completely still. She made a noise and bolted the opposite direction.
“Rhonda no! To Mount Rageous! Rhonda!”
But nothing stopped her. She had picked up a scent, it was the scent JD had showed her before, she knew it was. Rhonda ran quicker and quicker…. Suddenly she came to halt and settled down.
One by one, the Trolls unmounted the armadillo bus. JD went around and looked at Rhonda straight in the eyes. “What gives girl? Mount Rageous remember? Velvet and Veneer?”
“John look!” Clay motioned. The Trolls looked around to find themselves surrounded by mist. Trees were overhead. The mist slowly evaporated to show a clearing that lead to a river bank…there! That’s when they saw a motionless figure…. It looked like…
“It’s a Troll!” Poppy exclaimed as she got closer. The others followed her lead. Growing closer and closer, the little figure became clearer… the small Troll kneeled next to a larger body, his hands folded over his knees, a sad look in his eyes.
“FLOYD!!” Branch ran straight for his brother. Floyd turned around to find himself being engulfed in an embrace by each of his brothers. “Floyd oh my gosh! You’re out! You’re free!” Branch held him tighter. Floyd let the sadness melt away for a moment as he let Branches love just engulf him, one by one he felt their love…. His family was back again… they were alive, they were safe.
“You guys are alive… you’re okay… I went back and… everyone was gone.” Floyd cried.
“We’re here, bro. We’re good. And we’re together again. Let’s go! Let’s go now! We’re to close to Rageous for your own good.” JD pulled Floyd’s arm, but he hesitated, he stalled.
“No! No I can’t! I can’t leave him.” Floyd said pulling away. He walked over to a bigger figure laying on the ground. The Trolls hadn’t noticed, they thought it was just something there… not an actual person. The rest of the Trolls got closer.
“Oh my gosh.” Poppy gasped, “It’s… it’s a Rageon.”
“Not just any, I know that stringy hair. That’s Veneer. Floyd how’d you escape him.” Bruce said.
“I didn’t. We escaped together. He’s hurt, he’s hurt bad.” Floyd walked up to the boys chest… there was blood… “I tried to cover it with what I could, but he’s still bleeding out. He’ll die.” Floyd jumped down attempting to pull on the boys sleeve causing him to move a little. “Please, what can we do? I need to save him.”
All the Trolls looked to Floyd in confusion. Why would he want to save him? This was his captor, the one who imprisoned him and had been torturing him. Why?… All but Bruce thought that. Bruce automatically knew the tone of voice Floyd carried, the hurt in it… this was much more.
“….Hustle Time.” Bruce said. The Trolls looked at him.
“What?” Branch was the first to ask.
“You guys said the Bergens are our friends now right? Hustle time to them. Bring them here. They have something big enough to carry a Rageon.” Bruce stated.
“Really?” Floyd asked with a glint of hope in his eyes.
“You’re seriously thinking of helping him?” Clays voice sounded. “Isn’t he like the bad guy in this story?”
“No! No he’s not. Trust me. I’ll explain everything, just please help me save him….. please.” There was a desperation in Floyd’s voice.
“I’ll help you!” Poppy exclaimed.
Bruce crossed his arms and nodded, “I second that.” He turned to face the rest of his brothers. JD let out a long sigh.
“Rhonda girl get over here. Let’s see if we can move this big guy away from the water bank first.”
Between them and Rhonda, the Trolls pulled Veneer as far off the river bank as they could, as deep into the brushes that his weight allowed him. He was loosing blood quickly, they thought he couldn’t get any paler, but he was, everything about him began to loose color.
JD, Clay, and Poppy went off with Rhonda to find the Bergens…all they could hope is that they wouldn’t be too late.
Bruce and Branch remained with Floyd. The little Troll never left the Rageons side. His brothers marveled how attentive he was, he was trying to sooth him, trying to wake him up.
“I don’t get it.” Branch said.
“I think I do.” Bruce responded. He saw the hopelessness in his brother’s eyes as he sat there by Veneers side. Bruce had so much to say and so much to ask, but he knew right now wasn’t the time. “We need to be here for him Branch. I’m sure he’ll explain everything one day, but right now, let’s just be here for him.”
Hours upon hours passed. The Trolls did everything they could to keep Veneer from bleeding out of his wound. The boys breathing began to grow staggered, and Floyd began to grow more hopeless.
“No. No. No. No. I can’t loose him! I can’t. Is there anything else we can do?” Floyd said.
“We’re doing our best. We have to wait for the others to come back.” Branch reassured.
Floyd threw his hands in the air, “We’ve waited to long! Look at him!”
“Floyd. Freaking out is not going to help him. We have to be calm, for him.” Bruce said. This seemed to calm Floyd down a bit, but he was growing weary… Veneer was so close to death….
That’s when they heard the sound.
Looking up they saw a vehicle approach. At first they were hesitant, but then they a familiar face popped out.
“He’s taller than we expected! Hopefully he fits in the back.” King Gristle stated.
Floyd never left Veneers bedside. He remained by the drawer staring down at the boy. Bruce walked in and saw everything. Floyd had not left his bedside since they arrived. There were times where he asked JD to take him back, something about seeing if she followed, he assumed he was talking about the kids sister. Bruce hopped up and sat next to Floyd.
“You doing okay, little bro?”
Floyd shook his head and remained silent.
“They say he’s stable. He’s going to make it Floyd.”
“He’s not waking up.”
“He will. He will.”
“Floyd I…”
“When is he going to wake up Bruce!! When! You don’t understand, you don’t.” Floyd buried his face in his hands.
“I think I understand a little more than you know. I know that look. I have it when my kids are hurting.” Bruce said. Floyd looked at him, confusion on his face.
“What? Kids? Bruce, he’s not my…”
“But you see him that way, don’t you? Something happened back at Rageous. You wouldn’t just protect or feel this way about anyone who’s held you captive.” Bruce told him.
Floyd fell silent. He stared at Veneer… they patched him up, gave him liquids, now it was just a waiting game. If Floyd hadn’t tried to abandon them, leave them like he would’ve, then maybe this would have never happened…. The twins would have never have to spend those months of torment under that vile woman, “I promise I wouldn’t leave them… and I almost did… I blamed them for something they knew nothing about…I told them that they weren’t my….family.”
“Keep going.” Bruce said.
“…. After leaving, I tried coming back, but everyone was gone. I found my way into Rageous, well, Under Rageous. I was caught, but then…they let me go, they saved me. It’s rough down there…so I stayed with them, hoping one day I could find a way out and bring them with me. We…. We…”
“Became family.” Bruce finished. Floyd looked at his brother, then at Veneer.
“We did…. And I messed that up.”
The brothers stayed a moment in silence before Bruce decided to speak, “I’ve seen you passionate bro, but never like this. These guys are 100x your size, yet you don’t see that, you see the kid in them still. The way you were looking at him at the river bank, here in the hospital… the same love I look at my own kids with.” Floyd opened his mouth to protest, “Don’t deny it. In your own way, you’ve adopted these two as your own…. It may take awhile for the others to understand, but I’ll help you with that. As a father, we want to guide are kids in the right direction. Sometimes that won’t happen, sometimes they’ll mess up…. But as a parent, we got to be there for them when they do. Fatherhood ain’t easy, bro, but it’s a beautiful journey.”
Floyd stared at Bruce, then turned his gaze towards Veneer… Bruce was right. Unknowingly he had began to see these two as his own. Maybe that’s why he got so hurt and upset when he found out what the Mistress was doing. He had felt betrayed… but in the long run, Floyd was the one to betray them. Now here he sat, waiting for Veneer to wake up… hoping Velvet would’ve followed…
“What do I do now?” Floyd asked.
“Learn and wait. This kid will wake up… and the girl will make it out. We’ll find a way to help her, I promise you. Besides, if she had you in her life, then that means she’s a fighter. One thing at a time, little bro.”
Floyd wipes the tears that had unknowingly been falling. But for the first time, he wasn’t crying because he was sad…. He was crying because for the first time since all this happened..Floyd had hope.
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local-crying-boy · 1 day
ℂ 𝕆 𝔻 𝕞 𝕖 𝕟 𝕙 𝕖 𝕒 𝕕 𝕔 𝕒 𝕟 𝕟 𝕠 𝕟 𝕤
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How they are like in a relationship pt2
Characters included: Alex Keller, Philip Graves, Nikolai, Hadir Karim
A/n: I don’t know a lot about other CoD characters that I have not written this headcannon for, so I apologise for my lack of knowledge and that the others are missing <3
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Alex Keller
Our little American is the sweetest man here.
He’s one respectful, kind and loving man (not like the others aren’t) but he’s the type who just knows what’s going on with you by a simple look
He calls you names like ‘baby’ ‘sweetheart’
He’s got a list of jokes he wants to tell you, and has told you the CIA one a few times in hopes that it does soon become funny
Loves it when you tell him stupid jokes as well
Phillip Graves
Pet names like ‘sweetheart’ ‘honey’ ‘doll’ ‘baby’. Stupid little ones you expect southern Americans to use (for obvious reasons)
He doesn’t like leaving for missions when you and him got together, he wanted to be with you and give you all the love you deserve
So, since he can’t always be there, he would drown you in gifts and affection the minute he got home.
He usually tries to show this all the time, but you know that sometimes he just simply comes back completely and utterly mentally and physically exhausted.
He can’t say much about what he does, but he can still somewhat confine in you (as much as he insists he’s okay)
King of forehead kisses. You cannot tell me otherwise.
He’s talk asf (well, he’s taller than me and I’m short asf), so he can just tower over you and plant soft kisses over your head.
He’s older too, so he’s screaming major respect and being a decent man that you might not find in younger lads (for example the boys my age -.-)
He was also reluctant at first to be with you, his age was one thing as the age gap between you and him was a little too large for his liking.
However, you heavily grew on this man and he couldn’t help but FINALLY admit his feelings.
Most of the time you don’t know what he’s called you, but, hey-ho, at least it’s something.
Has, at least once, insulted you in Russian without you knowing and covered it up as a pet name (you never heard him call you it more than once)
Hadir Karim
Hadir knows how it feels to loose those who are close to him, he’s practically lost his entire family due to the war going on in Urzikstan.
When he first met you, he wasn’t planning on falling in love with you, let alone date you.
However, one things leads to another and the two of you ended up getting together (yipeee)
His worst fear is losing you, after everyone he’s lost, he doesn’t want to lose another.
If you’re a solider, he’s mostly watching out for you when you’re fighting, waiting for the moment that he might have to jump in and make sure you don’t die.
It’s an extreme, of course, he knows you are completely capable of taking care of yourself, but caution didn’t kill the cat, curiosity did, and he’s happy to admit he’s not curious to see if you could survive the worse of the worst.
Speaks little sentences to you in Arabic, he doesn’t care if you understand or not (he hopes that, one day, you’ll be able to catch onto certain phrases and words)
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hazelfoureyes · 7 hours
Angel’s Alastor
「Warnings/Promises: Angel x Alastor, bondage, rutting into beds, rutting into pants, Alastor keeps his dick in those pants, kisses, smooches, tentacle fucking, masturbation, cum eating implied??, karaoke reference」
Angel imagines Alastor is his co-star in a naughty film. Luckily he has just the toy to help him get into the scene.
MinoRS DNI 👨🏻‍🏭🙅🏻
The offer to fuck on camera was partly a joke and partly an invitation.
Angel had the ability to later say it was just self deprecating humor to even allude to wanting to fuck Alastor. The radio demon. The strawberry pimp.
What a laugh, Tall Dark and Creepy? Famously, whether he had a term for it or not, disinterested in sex?
When he stopped to think about, watching Alastor sip a whiskey and stare off into the void, what would that even look like?
Sex with Alastor, that is.
Angel watched his mouth part and peeked at his tongue. He sure did talk a lot, maybe his tongue had some skill. Wagging all day made for a strong muscle.
And he was strong. Not a hunk by any measure but he could tear apart airships and summon minions with a snap. Kinda hot. Power always added a level of attractiveness. 
Alastor’s ears … twitched. Perhaps a bug had landed on one. Angel’s head tilted a little as his eyes followed down Alastor’s long neck. Did he have chest fluff to match the ears? His happy trail… red? Black? What about his backside? A little tail?
Hooves…. Angel could take them or leave them. But he lingered at the calves and arms. Where he knew the black faded into the tan pallor of his face.  Did his cock fade too? A gradient Angel could squeeze and try to feel through his skin.
“What about you, Angel?”
“Oh fuck, I totally zoned out and forgot we were … we were doin’ something. Sorry Charlie.”
Charlie’s fingers templed, “We were having a conversation. About how you think redemption is going?”
Angel blinked away the tingle up his spine as Alastor’s attention turned to him, “Yeah that sounds great, sign me up okay? I’m headed out,  I gotta go for a walk or some shit.”
It was ‘some shit.’
A couple drinks, a few rounds of karaoke, and a quick make out session with a very generous stranger and Angel found Alastor had disappeared entirely. Until he curled into his bed to let the spinning room rock him to sleep.
And he wondered…
If Alastor was one of the guys in his shoots. The big bad who kidnapped him….
Angels arms were tied behind his back—
No, Angel stopped, Alastor would never go through the motions of tying someone up.
Angel's arms were held above his head and behind his back by writhing and curious black tentacles. A dark and smoky room, Alastor standing pretty as his shadows did all the work. 
“I’m going to need your cooperation, Angel Dust.”
Angel struggled, “Not a chance. Val would kill me and he’s a lot scarier than you.”
“Now now, you’ve barely let me explain the details.” Alastor took four swift and long strides to be within touching distance. “You report back what the Vees discuss. No theft, no clandestine recording devices.”
Alastor had to look up to meet Angel’s indignant gaze. 
“And what’s in it for me?” A smirk. 
“That depends, what do you want?” Alastor’s clawed hand touched his hip, “Anthony.”
Angel peeled off his shorts and vest. He’d found a fun narrative, one he wanted to see through. A hand wrapped around his still half soft cock and began gentle tugs.
“You don’t have what I want.” Angel bit his lip. He watched the radio demon’s brow arch, a challenge. “So why don’t you stop playin’ and either let me go or get your dick out.”
A laugh he’d heard a hundred times before bouncing off the walls he hadn’t bothered to imagine, “Dirty mouth for an ‘angel’.”
“Oh you don’t even know the half of what my mouth can do.” His tongue rolled out and beckoned Alastor closer, “And I ain’t no angel.”
His dark eyes stayed calm as new appendages began ripping off Angel’s clothes. “Oh that’s right. Angel Dust. You’re a drug. Cheap and addictive.”
“Aww and I thought you didn’t watch my movies!”
“I have no interest in filth.”
“You sure ‘bout that? Seem interested enough in  me.”
“You, Anthony, are not filth.” Alastor’s hand slid down Angel’s stomach, past his erection and balls. “You are art best seen up close. Intimate viewings only. Where patrons can take their time to admire the details.”
Alastor’s fingers pressed gently at Angel’s puckered hole. 
Angel tried to slow the prodding of his now lubed fingers at his entrance. Alastor would be frustratingly slow. But he wanted Alastor to rush in, to hurt him a little. But then why even think of him? Anyone could do that. Everyone does do that.
Alastor’s middle finger slipped in. Angel wanted a kiss, wanted anything more but the overlord didn’t allow him any movement.
A second finger. Quick and sloppy thrusts, poor preparation but more than some. A third finger, Angel moaned Alastor’s name. 
Once he started he couldn’t stop, “Alastor. Alastor. Alastor!” Every time he said it louder it made his fingers feel like they could truly belong to Alastor. Leaking and fully erect, his dick was pulsing in reply.
“Oh fuck, Alastor. I know you have more for me. Come on, daddy.” Angel’s ass was rocking against those quick fingers. “Gimme more. Ya can’t break me.”
A wicked grin, Alastor’s free hand coming to rake through Angel’s chest fluff, “Oh, I absolutely can. But, luckily for you, I’m not interested in seeing you in pieces.”
Three fingers slipping in and out with slicked ease, Angel rummaged in his side drawer feeling around for the shape he was seeking. Tongue out with concentration until he felt the little bumps and the curve he needed. 
He’d rarely used the tentacle dildo, but suddenly it seemed like a very convenient purchase. The tip was so thin, the base so wide. 
From point a to b, Angel lost track of the storyline. He just needed to skip ahead, quick fingers to hungry tentacles working in time with the real life toy. A taper that allowed Alastor to reach deeply but still stretch his hole with enough burn to keep Angel’s attention on where they connected. Could Alastor feel him? How much was he able to sense through his shadow appendages?
His face didn’t let on, no slip of what he was feeling. 
Angel’s soul was his own when outside of Val’s studio, time he’d happily sell to Alastor to see the man so much as break a sweat. But he could, at least in his head.
“Would it kill ya to kiss me?” Angel wished he could hide his need better but even in his dreams he was melting for a chance to feel Alastor. Skin to skin, wet warmth anywhere on him. “I could make ya see stars behind your eyelids.”
A hum, hand slipping up his neck and to his jaw, “Dear I don’t need to close my eyes to see a star.” Angel held his breath as Alastor leaned in, a slow tilt of his head threatening to pull another moan from him. His eyes closed and he waited for that feeling of soft lips against his.
And he waited.
With a huff he opened his eyes to complain about the hold up, but his words got caught in his throat when he saw the expression on Alastor’s face. Knitted brows and heated cheeks, he’d never seen such a needy look.
A look that twisted back to its usual smirk when a thrust into Angel pulled a shocked whine from the spider demon. Even in his dreams he would be made to beg. 
“Do ya want my help or not?” His voice was huskier than before, struggling to keep his reactions to a minimum. 
“Oh? A kiss is all it costs? There’s the cheap part.”
“And I’ll show ya the addictive part if ya hurry up already.” Maybe Alastor was loosening the restraints, maybe Angel was just adept at escapes, but he managed to pull a hand free. 
Grabbing hold of the smaller demon by the ear he pulled Alastor into a kiss. 
Another moan. He felt the heat of the blush reaching his own ears; it was just a kiss. But it made him twitch at the idea. Even as the long black toy bottomed out, his mind was on the ghostly pair of lips he could almost feel. 
Like a man with time to kill, Alastor didn’t let Angel slip his tongue in until he heard the hunger in his breaths. And as Angel’s tongue reached deeper into his mouth, so did the tentacle in him. His knees began shaking, finally both holes full of Alastor. 
Angel’s tongue danced behind his teeth, going through the motions. He wanted more friction. Rolling onto his stomach, Angel began rutting into his bed. 
Alastor pulled him close, grinding his crotch into Angel’s leaking cock. Every roll of his hips pulled a gasp from the porn star.
“You're gonna get your pants all dirty.” Angel’s mouth left Alastor’s long enough to comment but Alastor’s leaned back and out of reach when he tried to return.
“Hmm, I’ll have to make you lick them clean after.”
Angel’s head fell back, he gripped the toy with five fingers around the base and pumped it in and out. Every return to his tight heat seemed to stretch him a little wider, prod new depths no dick had ever managed to reach before.
If it wasn’t Alastor, he’d be scared. But the two hands holding his hips in place as his precum was smeared into the overlord’s pants felt like a safety net. Alastor wouldn’t go too far. He was a master at pushing limits and that was it.
Angel’s mouth hung open, drool sliding down his chin as his hips picked up speed. A hand came between his legs and began stroking his shaft. He wanted to cum.
He needed to cum. He dropped his head back down and let his free hand slide across the lapels of Alastor’s suit.
Twisting the toy, he hit it.
“There!! You’re hitting my spot. Don’t stop.” Angel’s body shook. The radio demon grabbed him gently by the neck and gave a testing squeeze. 
Angel’s hand tightened slightly on his throat. Just enough to make the pressure in his head become noticeable. 
“Alastor please, I’m close. Don’t stop, don’t ya dare fuckin’ stop,” his slit was sliding across the precum soaked fabric. It was rough, but made him cry as he grew harder and more sensitive. “Gonna cum soon.”
His cock was still rubbing into his silky blanket despite his hand’s direct help. He pulled a throw pillow into his mouth and screamed. Every ounce of his brain’s focus went to his dick and caused his hand to slow the thrusts into himself.
He was pulled into a breath stealing kiss. With Alastor’s mouth on him again, exhales across his skin, Angel came with a cry. Alastor’s tentacle buried deep in him as his cock pulsed lines of semen across the demon's pants.
Angel‘s hips kept thrusting, smearing his seed into the blanket and across his knuckles. He took his hand off the toy and let the spasms of his twitching hole push it out and back onto the bed. 
Alastor’s tongue swiped up Angel’s lips. He didn’t stop rubbing his lap into the groaning demon even as his tentacles all withdrew. Angel fell to his knees before long and thin fingers pulled his chin up.
“Now, lick.”
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theshiftingcafe · 19 hours
⇢ ˗ˏˋ shifting pick a pile ✧˖°࿐ ꒰"what am i like in my dr?"꒱
hello! welcome to the shifting cafe!
for today's session, we'll be tackling about what you are like in your dr and people's perceptions of you.
i know a lot of you must be currently curious on how you are seen in your drs, so, i hope this simple pick a pile brings you comfort and leaves you with at least a little bit of clarity
pick from at least one of these pictures:
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∘₊✧───────────── pile 1 ─────────────✧₊∘
you are the definition of sunshine and almost everyone, if not all, in your dr agree as well! you’re seen as someone who’s so full of love and is ready to give it to anyone whenever wherever and however you can. there’s this aura around you that brings comfort to anyone who sits beside you or even confides in you. i’m seeing you also serve as a “figure” to a lot of people in your dr. whether it be parental, fraternal/sororal, or even as a child-like figure, and much more, you’re just surrounded by people who adore you wherever you go. oftentimes, you also have this relaxed, peaceful, and nurturing demeanor that makes you all that easy to approach and befriend. you make people easily feel welcomed and loved even when you just met a second or two ago.
there is a possibility that you were once a vibrant energetic person, however, you’ve changed over time due to numerous events. this resulted in you being a more quiet and closed off person. you often have times where you struggle with internal battles that not a lot of people understand. at first, people mistake you for someone who’s uninspired and unmotivated from doing anything, but you quickly prove them wrong, sometimes over time.
having a troubled past has numerous effects on someone and you are an example of it. The cards sense perhaps some familial problems (could be either familial problems in this reality or your dr.) that has caused you to be a lot kinder to everyone around you. you know what it has been like to lose your power and be voiceless, and that is the opposite of what you’ve given and continue to give to others. radiating from you is confidence and a voice that can speak for those who can’t. safety has never been given to you growing up and you took the shot in the dark of now giving safety to those who didn’t get it the same way you did.
hardworking is an understatement on how to describe you for you truly are admirable and inspirational to everyone. the cards tell me that your backstory could be a “rags to riches”-esque. you’ve built an empire almost out of nothing and that’s what most people even know you for. a sense of accomplishment is carried on your shoulder 24/7 and rightfully so. the trials and tribulations you have encountered to get to where you are now in your desired reality took a lot of time, patience, and numerous sacrifices.
many saw you as “reckless” and “naive” when you made the big decisions to get to where you are now, but ultimately, it was all for the better. you disregard what was considered the “societal norms” and embraced how different you were from the rest. now, everyone is learning to embrace you and their own differences as well. this could not only symbolize your journey in your dr, but as well as your journey in your cr (or this could be a piece of advice from the cards to stop trying to fit into a box when you’re meant for so much more.)
that is all pile 1! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 2 ─────────────✧₊∘
a lot of people mistake you for being overly possessive and somewhat of a “snob” from how much you’re often protective of your resources. this could be due to the fact that you’re scared of getting taken advantage of, but not a lot of people understand that. you understand the concept of life and how it can be unfair most of the time so you feel as though that it is “better to be safe than sorry.”.
what they don’t know is that you are simply nostalgic when it comes to your memories and often live in the past rather than the present to bother. that does not signify that you are unlikable though. in fact, you are seen as someone with a sentimental and kind heart. materialism is something you prioritize last even if people mistake it to be the other way around. perhaps you’re “materialistic” not because of an item's value, but rather, the emotional attachment you have with it. there’s a sense of tenderness and empathy that comes from you. you help people reflect and comfort them with a sense of affection and reminiscence.
a lot of people see you as an emotionally open and compassionate individual. you have this soft empathetic gaze that easily pulls people in. calling you an empath would either be the perfect term or an understatement. you put love over everything else and that’s what sets you apart from the rest of the world. a light in the dark is a good example of how everyone sees you. you help heal those who are wounded (either physically or emotionally) and give so many people hope for the future.
you like keeping your peace and despise conflict, which is one of the things that makes you liked a lot. however, you do try your best to find peaceful ways to confront them if ever you do encounter these challenges. you also seem to despise competition, which could be the opposite nature of your dr (which oftentimes does have a competitive side.). you serve as a reminder to many that peace is always an option no matter the circumstance and almost are the reason why everyone remains “civilized.”.
overall, you’re seen as someone full of light and joy within themself and inspire those who don’t have much. you have an unwavering belief of a brighter future no matter the current situation and you share that hope to everyone around you. reflected to your appearance is inner peace and harmony within yourself that attracts people into your serene space.
that is all pile 2! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 3 ─────────────✧₊∘
if anxiety was a person, a lot of people would immediately point towards you. you struggle a lot with your inner self which could make you appear “weak” and “helpless” to many people. decision making is also not your strong suit, so people tend to underestimate your abilities. things considered acceptable normally society is something that is not your main priority for you have bigger fish to fry. i’m lowkey getting an undercover-ish vibes here, perhaps a superhero dr? like you’re living a double life in your dr. resulting in you to always be on the lookout 24/7.
the reason you don’t exactly belong with everyone else is because you know that you are meant for something more. you feel like you’re always on little quests and currently on a journey to be something greater. you’re driven by the sense of completion in achieving authentic experiences. not in the adrenaline junkie way (however that could be the reason as well if it resonates.), but more on a metamorphosis way. there is a version inside of you that wants to come out and show its beauty to everyone, and having this second identity allows you to show a majority of it.
as to how everyone sees you, everyone adores you! majority however are somewhat more as a fan rather than as someone who truly knows you. people see you as the life of the party and all eyes are on you the moment you step into a scene. from your radiant smile to your welcoming and friendly demeanor, you serve such a big influence and inspiration to so many people. contrary to what your personality truly is, the mask you wear gives you ways to further express yourself and actually feel accepted by those around you.
aside from the fact that you’re one to often socialize and be confident, another aspect of you that pulls people in is your nurturing and creative mannerisms. you always know how to soothe those who are troubled and always come to the rescue to save the day. harmony and balance is what you prioritize the most and that fits very well with your reputation. you make a lot of people feel loved and cared for and they return it right back at you.
despite all this, you still crave for more. in fact, there are times you feel disappointed in yourself for not achieving much–or rather, not achieving enough. you often compare yourself to other people in the same line of profession as you do and constantly wonder if you will ever be as great as them or more. you have millions of dreams and ambitions that you feel has “died: over time and you don’t know how to properly grieve them or get them back. this is more of a reminder to be content with yourself. don’t live long enough to become the villain.
that is all pile 3! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
that is it for today's pick a pile session! thank you so much for everyone who decided to participate/stop by and picked their piles for some guidance. i hope these resonated and i have interpreted them well for all of you.
if you have any suggestions for future pick a piles, please feel free to request through messaging me or leaving an ask!
for a personal tarot reading session, check out my carrd and order from my google forms!
thank you so so so much and i'll see you all soon! happy shifting!
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