#today i offered a girl a chocolate kiss
fuwaprince · 1 year
What if I held a Don't Jump! "rooftops are for enjoying the view" suicide awareness month event where we threw a fucking rooftop party and it was like... a retreat for the stressed out bitches to just be happy and get the support of their peers. There'll be lights and art and snacks and music. We'll wave at people looking up at us from the ground and invite them with friendly smiles. We'll play. We'll dance. We'll sing together. It'll be a festival on the roof. And next time someone feels like jumping they'll remember the fun we had and the friends they made that day who they could always text or call instead. Can we make this happen?
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slipping through my fingers
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pairing: ex-husband! leon x ex-wife! reader
tags/cw: hurt/comfort, smut, fluff, p-in-v (unprotected), breeding kink, chris and rose make an appearance, exes to lovers, periodic pov switch
summary: previously absent-father leon comes back into reader's life when he decides to step-up as a father to their daughter, june
a/n: this is a commission for @mikadayo !
wc: 5.3k
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It was supposed to be over. It was over. You finalized your divorce with Leon and got full custody of your daughter, June. It's hard being a single mom, but making the choice to become one was an easy one. You'd do anything for your little girl, and that includes making sure she has a stable home life, which was something she'd never get with Leon.
He had his chances to see her. You were willing to let him have her on Father's Day and New Years Eve, even Spring Break once, but he never took you up on your offers. Work was always too busy.
Whenever your daughter asks about Daddy, you tell her, "he's busy working to make sure the world stays safe."
"He's gonna make sure there's no monsters under my bed ever."
"That's right, honey. No monsters can get you because your dad is gonna make them go away."
She doesn't know about Umbrella, STRATCOM, the DSO, or why he was sick for a little while and had to go to a special facility before he could come home. ‘Parasite’ is not a word in her vocabulary.
But one fateful Saturday morning, Leon - older and more sober - stands at your doorstep.
With a coffee mug in your hand and slippers on your feet, you open your front door, assuming it's a neighbor who got your mail by mistake or a kid selling girl scout cookies. But, luck isn't on your side today.
"Good morning," he says, all cheery and nonchalant.
"What the Hell are you doing here?"
June - who seems to have phenomenal hearing this morning - chimes in, "that's a bad word, ."
"I'm an adult, so I can say bad words sometimes," you say, hoping it will be enough of a response for her, but her nosiness prevails.
Peering out from behind you, she realizes who you're talking to, and pushing past you to see him, she exclaims, "Daddy!"
"Hi, sweetheart," he says, picking her up and giving her a kiss on the forehead.
Full of excitement, she talks a mile a minute. "I missed you so much. I have to show you my Barbies and my science project and - Oh! we're having pancakes for breakfast because  makes them on Saturdays with chocolate chips and-"
"Slow down, June bug," he says with a smile identical to hers. "Let's do one thing at a time. First we have to make sure that your mommy is okay with me hanging out with you today."
"Of course she is!" June says, turning to you. "Right, mommy?"
You sigh. "Of course I am." You make a face that only Leon can recognize as annoyance. Not anger, just irritation. You wanted him to make an effort, right?
Leon listens eagerly to everything about My Little Pony and the ant farm at school while you clean up breakfast and make yourself slightly more presentable. Leon looks better than you'd like to admit, and whether it's to spite him or to impress him, you decide you need to look decent in front of him too.
"Can I talk to daddy for a minute, honey?" you ask.
"Okay, but only for five minutes because we're gonna watch a movie."
You can't help but laugh at the fact that she tries to hog her father - your ex-husband. A man who was once yours, who you used to love. 
"Okay five minutes," you tell her, as you give Leon a nod in the direction of the kitchen.
From the kitchen, you drag him out the back door, onto the porch and you can see in his face that he is prepared for the talking-to that he's about to get.
"You can't just show up unannounced,” you whisper-yell at him in the way that parents do. 
"I know, but I was in the area and-"
"No. You should've called me."
"I did, but it went to voicemail."
"A few hours ago."
"I was asleep."
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"I always sleep in on Saturdays.” It irks you how he forgets the simplest things about you, and you almost let yourself get consumed by the urge to keep arguing, but then you remember why you’re both standing here. “This isn't even about me. You can't do this to her."
"Do what? Hang out with my daughter? She's happy. Look at her."
"She's happy now, but what about when you leave? What about when I have to calm her down when she's crying because she misses you?"
"Just tell her I'll be back."
"But that's not fucking good enough, Leon! That doesn't mean anything. You've been gone for years."
"What do you want me to do? Leave now?"
You peek inside to see your baby girl smiling to herself.
"We'll figure something out, babe, I swear."
"Do not 'babe' me. We're not doing that."
"Okay, sorry."
You can't tell if his ‘sorry’ is an apology or a way to get you off his ass for the time being.
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Leon knows this isn't the ideal scenario, but he prays that the old adage, 'better late than never' proves itself to be true.
He really is sorry. 
Sorry. It never comes out quite right, his mouth is still learning how to mold itself to fit that word. He hopes the look in his eyes gives way to the fact that he means it. 
Regardless, you cut your lecture short after peering in the window at June who is patiently waiting in front of the TV for him to come back.
Leon rarely ever relaxes. His job puts him constantly on edge, waiting for the industry's latest bioweapon to tear his head off. But, with June in his lap, the two of them both fall asleep while Mulan remains on the TV.
You wake June up for lunch, which stirs Leon as well - he never likes having his sleep interrupted but when he finds out you've made macaroni and cheese (and he's allowed to have some), all is forgiven.
That afternoon, Leon feels you staring him down like he's an inmate and you're a prison guard. He feels a little guilty, though he's committed no crimes. He shouldn't be here, he should be home, away from the sacred space you've created for his little girl. If he loves her, he'll let her go.
No. He said that about you, and so far, it hasn't worked.
If he loves his little June bug, he'll hold her tight.
So, Leon comes back the next weekend, announced, like you asked, though maybe he should've been a bit more specific about his intentions.
"Are you guys gonna watch a movie?" you ask. "Or are you gonna show dad your new toy?"
"Actually," Leon cuts in, "I was thinking about taking her to the fair." 
Leon’s not a man who typically walks around with a mind full of adventures - you were always the one to plan the dates you went on together. This idea came to him when he looked up 'things to do near me with children', and found an article that mentioned the county fair. 
"The fair?" You look apprehensive. 
You were never this way with him, you would go anywhere with him - at least, in the beginning, back when you were absolutely smitten with him. God, he misses those days. 
But, maybe Leon should have considered the concerns that you might have about him taking June to the fair. However, the website he consulted didn't give him any instructions on 'how to convince your ex-wife to let you bring your child here' - the only directions consisted of an address that he could type into his GPS. 
"Yeah, I heard it's this weekend and I think it would be a fun time, you know, we could ride some rides, get cotton candy…"
"Cotton candy!" A voice from behind Leon calls.
"I'm worried about June getting on those rides, I mean, they can't be entirely safe."
"I promise, I'll make sure she's safe."
"Mommy, please." It seems to be June who convinces you, though Leon does mimic her pouty puppy dog face.
"Fine, but you need sunscreen, and I don't want you eating too much junk food." Leon tries his best to keep up with all your instructions, though he misses some, in particular, he forgets your insistence that he "keeps you updated the whole time."
"Got it," Leon tells you, overconfident in his listening skills when he's got an excited little kid pulling him out the door.
"And you better not be taking her on that bike, Leon Kennedy!"
"Can I have your car keys?" he asks sheepishly.
You grab them off the counter and hand them to him. "If you crash my car so help me God-"
"I won't." Not while his girl is with him. He drives under the speed limit with her buckled in her carseat. (You had to help him with that, and honestly, you seemed grateful that he asked you, rather than doing it himself and risking messing it up.) Leon knows you think he’s a fuck-up. 
The fair is a 5 year-old's dream. (Also, a grown man's dream, though Leon would be reluctant to admit that.)
"Can we get a funnel cake, daddy?"
“Hell yeah, we can."
"Mommy says 'Hell' is a bad word."
"She's right. I'm sorry for saying it." Maybe you'll accept a funnel cake as an apology, he thinks.
June gasps, and Leon's protective arm flies out of his jacket pocket to wrap around her, stopping in its tracks when she says, "they have fried Oreos!"
"They make those?" Leon has died and gone to heaven, he's sure of it.
The fried Oreos taste 'fucking amazing', though Leon stops himself from saying that in front of his daughter. They're truly the pinnacle of American cuisine.
The fair is like a casino, both in the sense that it drains your wallet and makes you forget how long you've been there. They have the spinning teacups, the petting zoo, the carousel, everything a child's mind could dream up.
"I remember your mom and I kissed at the top of one of these once," he tells June when they're on the ferris wheel.
"Ew! You could've given her cooties!"
"Cooties? You still believe in those?"
"Yeah, if a boy touches you, you can get it."
On second thought, cooties absolutely exist. His little girl isn't having a boyfriend until she's 25.
"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot - you can get it when you're a kid, but I was an adult when I kissed your mom, so we didn't get cooties."
He spares her the details of what really happened on that ferris wheel. His daughter will never hear that story.
That Saturday is one of the best days of Leon's life - second only to June's birth.
That is, until he drops her off at home. You are pissed like he's never seen before.
"Oh, you're alive!" You take June in your arms and kiss her on the cheek.
You do not look as happy to see him. "Leon, I was worried sick about y- her!"
He hears the almost slip of the tongue. You. You worried about them both. You worried about him.
"I'm sorry." And, he means it, really.
"Mommy, it's okay," June assures you. "Daddy won me this." She hands you a teddy bear.
"How'd he do that?"
You look at him, almost suspicious, but he gives you a proud smile, and says, "I won the game where you have to throw darts at the balloons."
"No way! Those are rigged."
"Nope. You're just not as good at them as I am." They probably are rigged but Leon's job has given him superior aim and reaction speed.
Your reluctant smile says you're impressed with his skill.
And, that smile widens when he says, "I got you something too."
"Oh yeah?" The look you give him is one he’s always treasured. He’s always dreamed about making your eyes light up like that again.
"Here." He hands you a styrofoam takeout box, and watches you as you open it.
"Funnel cake!" Though you always say June got her smile from him, he swears you smile exactly like she does.
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A funnel cake? How are you supposed to stay mad at him like this?
When Leon is about to exit after saying his goodbyes to June, you stop him. "I'm gonna go put her to bed, and then we're going to have a talk."
A lecture. Not the kind of ‘talk’ he likes.
"Mommy, I want daddy to read me a story."
Leon might have a convincing face, one that works on you nine times out of ten, but June's works ten times out of ten.
You give Leon a pleading look - something you wouldn't have expected to do since your divorce - and he says, "yeah, of course."
"I expect you to be good," you tell June when you hug her goodnight. "You know the rules: brush your teeth, put on your pjs, one story, and then lights out."
She nods, though you expect her to push the envelope. And, you expect Leon to cave to her wishes. But you have a date with that funnel cake, and maybe even a beer - you never drink when June is around, but you realize, when you find one in the back of the fridge out in the garage, that you're beginning to trust Leon. If, God forbid, you ever got even the slightest bit drunk, you know he could take care of June. 
Leon finds you on the porch with a half-finished beer and an empty box where the funnel cake used to be. You smile like a child in that you're completely unashamed, or unaware even, of the ring of powdered sugar around your mouth. 
"I thought you'd save some for me," he says. 
"You thought wrong."
"It's kinda funny that you're the one with the beer in hand. It feels like it was always the other way around."
It’s not that funny at all. 
"That's 'cause it was."
He pauses - you half expect him to apologize, but he doesn't. 
"How was she?"
"Good. She fell asleep while I was reading to her."
"The first book?"
"Are there usually more books?"
"Unbelievable! She always begs me for 'one more story', and I'm such a softie. I always give in."
He laughs. A beautiful laugh. "What can I say? I'm a man of many talents."
"She was probably tired from her long day out." You give him the 'you're in trouble' look that June never gets. 
"I'm sorry. We were having a great time."
"I almost called the police, Leon. I thought you two had died."
"Died? She's safe with me. Always." He pats his hip where Matilda resides, holstered under his jacket.
"You brought a gun into my house? Into my baby's bedroom? I don't want that thing anywhere near her!"
"Chill. The safety's on, and she can't get to it without getting past me, and I've got fast reflexes."
"Oh yeah? I could just-" You reach for the gun, but he grabs your wrist. Then, you think you can catch him off-guard with the other hand, but he's one step ahead, immediately grabbing your other wrist before it gets anywhere near the gun. 
"No, you can't."
"You expected me to do it."
"I expected the second hand after the first. I'm just paying attention."
"Let go of my wrists."
"Will you behave?"
You scoff. "Yes." 
You don't want to 'behave', you want Leon's hands pinning your wrists to the bed. You shake off that thought quickly.
To 'prove that you can outsmart him', you try to grab his gun again when he lets you go. Of course, he stops you. You've never gotten past him. Not when you used to 'play-fight', not when you tried to sneak up on him, not now.
"What do you think you're doing?" He's trying so hard not to laugh, you can see his lip twitching. 
"Fine. You proved your point."
But he doesn't let go yet. "Do you wanna know what I told June earlier?" he whispers. 
"What did you tell her?"
"When we were on the ferris wheel," he enunciates every syllable in 'ferris wheel' and you already know where it's going before he says it, "I told her we kissed on one of those a long time ago."
He must see your worry because he adds, "don't worry, I didn't say anything more about what happened."
About how his hands were under your skirt, and his fingers were knuckle-deep inside you.
“You better not have told her about that."
"I've always kept it a secret. Just between us... and probably the guy operating the ride and people waiting in line who saw your shaky legs and blushing face."
"Shut up!"
"That was my line." He lets go of your wrists, and you're too stunned to do anything. 
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It becomes a routine - Leon comes and sees June on the weekends. You know it's going to end one day. He'll leave you both behind. He always does. Sometimes it's work, sometimes it's other things (though you always tell June it's work). 
You wait for him the next Saturday. You've never really set a specific time for Leon to come over because that would be setting expectations, and you've learned that with him expectations just lead to being let down. But, he's later than usual. The pang of anxiety is a familiar one. 
Finally, he shows up, and when he pulls into your driveway, you nearly cry. You care because June cares. At least, that's what you tell yourself. 
"I think my little girl should come stay with me for the weekend," Leon says, and you wonder if saying it in front of June is a strategic move on his part. You can say no to him, but not to her. 
She jumps up and down with joy. You'd think she was just told she's being taken to Disney World, not her dad's apartment. 
"I don't know about this..." You try to shut the idea down. "I mean, you don't even have a carseat, Leon, how can I expect you to have a toothbrush for her? Do you even know how to comb her hair? And, what about her allergies?"
"She's allergic to peanuts and bees, I remember. Her blood type is A positive. She likes watermelon-flavored toothpaste. And Chris told me what shampoo he buys for Rose and how he does her hair."
You're impressed to say the least. "And what about-"
"If I need anything, I'll call you. Okay?"
"I expect you to call me anyway."
"June bug, will you remind me to call  if I forget?"
"Yes," she says, standing up straight like a soldier. 
Would you normally trust your five year-old to remember something crucial? No. But, you know she'll want to say goodnight to you. You're surprised she's willing to stay over at someone else's house, let alone excited about a sleepover. She's always been attached to you. You and June have existed as a duo since she was born. 
It takes you at least an hour to pack everything. You fill two suitcases - and admittedly, it is hot to watch Leon carry them both to the car with no trouble. 
But that rush of arousal lasts for two minutes maximum. You watch them drive away and realize June left without hugging you goodbye. She usually hangs onto your leg like a koala bear and you have to peel her off of you. You only got a wave from Leon. 
It's like her first day of kindergarten all over again - when you teared up at the bus stop watching her climb onto the school bus. 
The only thing that gives you peace of mind is that your baby girl is probably over the moon right now.
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She is, and so is her dad. 
There's a singular moment of nervousness on June's part when Chris comes over with Rose. His giant frame and resting face can be intimidating to adults, so he's like the boogeyman to children. Ironic because he's a good father figure, one Leon looks up to. 
Leon tries to coax June out from behind him where she hides from Chris, but the one who successfully gets her to feel safe enough to do so is Rose, who is only a bit older, and a bit taller than June. 
“Don't worry. He's not scary. He fights monsters."
"My dad fights monsters."
"He also plays Barbies sometimes."
Leon stifles a laugh. 
"Let the record show that I play as Ken," Chris insists.
June comes out of hiding to announce that, "My dad is Chef Barbie."
"Is that right?" Chris says, shooting Leon a look that says, 'who's laughing now?'. 
"Well, I would've been Lifeguard Barbie but she was already taken."
The afternoon consists of Lifeguard Barbie saving Chef Barbie, who cannot swim, and ends up in the hospital where she is taken care of by Doctor Barbie - played by Rose - and with a grand finale and a costume change, Chef Barbie and Ken get married. 
Dinner is pizza, which Leon did not expect to be as much of a hit as it was. You'd think he cooked a fancy steak dinner if you saw the look on June's face. 
"Mom never orders pizza at home!"
"She says it's bad for you."
"Let's not tell her about it then."
They also agree not to mention the ice cream sundaes that are served for dessert. 
Both girls fall asleep in front of the TV. Chris carries Rose to the car as she sleeps soundly in his arms. He's become accustomed to that, but it's new for Leon to get to tuck his baby girl into bed like this. He can't remember the last time he carried her. 
When the heartwarming feeling subsides a bit, he realizes he forgot to call you. Shit. He's going to be in trouble. 
Leon calls you from his bedroom, so he doesn't wake June. 
You sound eager to hear from them both, and he feels awful when he hears your disappointment that you're only going to get to talk to him. 
"Do you want me to wake her up?"
"No, no. If she's asleep, don't. I'm just glad you guys had fun."
"We did. Thank you for letting me take her."
"Yeah... Goodnight, Leon."
And, he can't hear the sadness in your voice, so he doesn't understand why you end the phone call so quickly. He expected you to want a rundown of the day, but sleep comes over him and he brushes it off. 
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It was a bad choice to watch Mamma Mia that night. You have to pause the TV to grab the tissues when they get to Slipping Through My Fingers. It hits a bit too close to home.
Why aren't you like Meryl Streep? Would it be better if you didn't know who June's father was and you moved to a small town in Greece? 
Realistically, no. 
But halfway through the tub of ice cream you devour, you're convinced you've done it all wrong. 
You were the strict parent but you were also the fun parent because you were the only parent. Then, Leon comes around and swoops your daughter up - and with his ever-present charm, becomes the light of her life.
It's the next weekend when your heart is truly broken- when June is supposed to go to your parents house for the weekend. She usually loves staying with them because they live by the lake and she's finally old enough to swim - with floaties of course. Often, it takes some convincing to get her out the door as she's apprehensive to leave her mom behind, but this time, she says something different. 
"I wanna go see daddy," she cries. 
"You'll see daddy next weekend. Plus, you had me yesterday."
"I don't want you, I want daddy!"
Though she's the child, you're the one who sobs like a baby. You consider calling your own mother to calm you down. 
You don't even feel like yourself anymore, you don't feel like June's mom anymore. the woman your daughter looked up to, the person she loved more than anyone. Now, you feel like you're no more than a woman who lives in the same house, a woman who drives her to soccer practice and packs her lunches. Dad takes her on adventures and lets her stay up late. Mom is an evil dictator who enforces bedtimes.
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You gave Leon a key to your house the weekend before. A familiar one, one with a keychain that used to be his. He used to live here. He missed it. He missed you. 
He comes over on the weekends for you both, though it takes him time to fully accept that. Leon remembers you saying that June would be at her grandparents this weekend, but pretends that he doesn't. 
When he arrives he lets himself in, and he finds you crying in the kitchen. He's not sure whether to feel better about being here or worse. He wants to cheer you up, but he worries he'll fuck up somehow. He usually does. 
"What's wrong?" he asks, though he knows he'll need to do more than that to drag the truth out of you. 
And he's right. You respond with a simple lie. A classic. "It's nothing. I'm fine. I just had a hard week at work, that's all."
He places a hand on your shoulder, comforting but begging you to turn to him. "You know I'm here for you, right?"
"You're not here for me. You're here for her. And that's all right, Leon. That's how it's supposed to be. You two still have a special relationship, but us - we have nothing anymore."
"That's not true. We might not be married anymore, but you're still my daughter's mother, and I'm still your daughter's father. We have the best baby girl. Both of us."
He looks into your eyes when he says it.
"And, I wish I could take credit for her being the greatest child I've ever met, but you're the one who raised her - up to this point."
He can tell that the last phrase throws you off. You don't cut him off, you don't try to push him away. 
"I want to be involved. I know I fucked up. Big time. I fucked up catastrophically. But, I want to be there for my girl… and for my other girl, if she'll let me."
"I'm not your girl."
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But you were, and the spark is still there. The lack of passion was not your reason for divorce. Your immense love is what kept you together for so long. You were - are - head-over-heels for him. Love - it's incurable.
Now, Leon recognizes the situation for what it is, and swears he'll step up and be a father. But people lie sometimes. Leon has a thousand times now. 
Something in the back of your mind says, one more time. Hope, delusion, optimism. 
And, June, as much as her words hurt you, you've never seen her so happy. 
You explain it all to Leon while he holds you in his arms like you're his baby girl. Because you were. Because you are. 
"She doesn't love me anymore."
"She loves you so much. Just because she loves me, doesn't mean she doesn't love you. She's got a lot of love in her heart. She's a sweet girl like her mom."
Somehow, he always manages to make you feel flustered even when you're crying. 
"You're easy to love," he whispers. 
"Are you saying that-"
"Yes, I'm saying it. I lo-."
You kiss him to cut him off before he can say it. You don't want to have to say it back - because you'd be telling the truth, and sometimes the truth is hard. 
At first, he doesn't kiss you back, and you think you've fucked up, but for once, you've caught him off-guard. 
You make out like teenagers on your living room couch until Leon insists on carrying you upstairs. "I don't care if we don't go any further than this, but I'm old - and I want to take you to bed, in one way or another."
With Leon, it never stops at just making out even though you know he'd never pressure you to do more. He makes you feel insatiable. 
"Fuck, baby," Leon groans. "I missed being inside you."
Inside you - without a condom. You love him that much. 
"I missed this too," you say between moans. "I couldn't get off without thinking about you, about what you do to me."
He lifts your legs and hooks them upon his shoulders, and the new angle makes his cock rub against the most sensitive part of you with every stroke. Your mouth falls open and your head falls back onto the pillow as you let out a gasp of pure pleasure.
"Yeah? Tell me what you've been thinking about." He doesn’t stop fucking you while he speaks, the dirty talk only spurs him on further.
You can't tell him anything. The only word you have in your mind is ‘Leon’, and even that gets stuck in your throat. He's reduced you to downright pornographic moans. 
He slows the roll of his hips. "Want you to tell me," he says. 
"Leon," you whine and reach out to grab him - but your efforts are in vain, he has you at his mercy in this position. 
"Tell me."
"Every time I touched myself, I thought about when we were trying to conceive… It was the best sex I ever had."
"We can do that again, baby. Just say the word." 
There's nothing that Leon wants more than to cum inside you, you know this. 
"You want me to put a baby in you?"
He doesn't even make you beg because he can't stop running his own mouth. His filthy, beautiful mouth. "I remember how gorgeous you looked when you were pregnant. God, I wanted to fuck you the whole time."
"I told you that you could have me whenever you wanted me, however you wanted me. I told you I wanted it rough and you wouldn't give it to me."
"I had to be gentle with you, baby. Couldn't risk it."
"You're still being gentle."
"'Cause you're so precious."
"You're not gonna hurt me, Leon. I want you to be rough with me."
And that's his cue to press your legs to your chest - you know he can fuck you faster and harder in this position, but you swear he manages to bury himself deeper inside you than before, too. 
It's a good thing you're alone in the house because otherwise Leon would have to find a way to shut you up. He could easily clamp his hand over your mouth, but he lets you whine unrestrained, begging him over and over for 'more'. 
"You're gonna wake the whole goddamn neighborhood, baby."
"I don't care. I need you."
"Fuck." He snaps his hips into you with increased vigor. He must not care either, not enough to stop. 
You try to tell him how good it feels, and moreover, how close you are to the edge, but it gets lost in a sea of moans. 
It doesn't matter, though, because your walls tightening around him tell him all he needs to know.
"You're squeezin' me, baby. Not gonna be able to pull out if you don't let up."
"Don't pull out."
"Yeah? You sure? You want me to put a baby in you?" 
It's all rhetorical but you nod at every question. You wrap your legs around him, forcing him to stay inside you, and you don't let him go until well after your high has subsided. 
In the post-orgasm haze, you say the words you meant to hold back before. "I love you."
And he doesn’t hesitate to say it back.  
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ravenromanova · 11 months
Please be mine
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Pairings: Roommate Bucky x Female reader (Best friends to lovers)
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDER 18. Daddy kink, Size kink, Fingering, Sex in a tub, Breeding kink. DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDERAGE!!!!!!!!!!
Summary: Bucky helps when youre stressed out
Kinktober masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!!
The cool autumn air hit your skin as you walked back to your apartment after finishing your last class of the day. You trudged along the way wishing that you brought a jacket today. Luckily the walk to your apartment wasnt that long so you weren’t in the cold all that long. When you made it back to your apartment your roommate and best friend Bucky was already home so you didn’t have to bother unlocking the front door.
“Hey sweets” Bucky greeted you when you walked through the door. His warm voice sent a shiver down your spine as he spoke.
“Hey Buck” Your voice was small and sounded very defeated when you spoke. Bucky stood up from his place on the couch and walked over to where you were in the kitchen. He stood in front of you and ran his hands up and down your arms in a soothing motion.
“What’s wrong sweets?” He asked causing you to bury your head in his chest and groaning. Bucky laughed a little and wrapped his strong arms around your back and started rubbing it.
“Mrs.Harkness gave us a ten page essay assignment thats due next week. So not only do i have to come up with a topic for that but i also have the paper to finish for Mr.Starks class, AND i have a test for Ms.Potts the same day the essay is due” Your words were muffled as you spoke but Bucky got the gist of it. He put his finger underneath your chin and tilted your head so you looked up at him.
“First you need to breathe before you go into a panic attack. Second i know you have a lot of work to do but you need to relax.” You were about to say something but then he put his finger against your lips. “No arguing printsessa“ He said in a little bit of a firmer tone and you didn’t have the energy to fight so you just nodded.
“Good girl now go sit on the couch and I’ll run you a bath” Bucky says walking you to the couch and then he kisses your head before he walks off to the bathroom. You sit on the couch trying not to blush and swoon from how sweet he’s being.
You and Bucky had met your junior year of high school and since then the two of you were inseparable. So naturally when you two both got accepted into NYU you asked him if he wanted to get an apartment with you. He accepted the offer telling you he’d love nothing more. And your friendship only grew stronger after that and you even started to fall for him. Your feelings grew for him each day and when he took care of you it just made then stronger.
What you didn’t know was that the reason he did all those things for you was because he was madly in love with you. Bucky loved to take care of you when you were stressed or sick. It made his heart feel all fuzzy when you would let him take care of you, the smile you would give him whenever he did melted his heart. Unfortunately you two were completely oblivious to how the other felt even though all your friends told you.
“Come on printsessa” You heard him call for you from the bathroom. You made your way to the bathroom and smiled at the setup. He lit your favorite candles, added your bath salts and bubbles, got your favorite book, snacks, hot chocolate and then laid your clothes on the counter for you when you were done.
“Thank you Jamie” The words were soft as they passed your lips making him smile. He walked up to you and wrapped you in his arms.
“You’re welcome sweets” His lips found their way to your forehead and your knees almost gave out. He kissed your head again before he started to walk out of the bathroom to give you your privacy.
You dont know what came over you but you grab his hand to stop him from leaving. He looked at you confused as you grabbed his hand and pulled him a little closer to you.
“Stay” You whispered looking up at his blue eyes. His confusion grew more as you spoke.
“What?” He asked and you wrapped your arms around his neck causing his breath to catch in his throat.
“i said stay” You repeated yourself and Bucky’s heart started racing.
“Y-You want me to stay in here while you take a bath?” He questioned making you laugh a little.
“I want you to take it with me” His eyes widened at your words and you swore he almost choked.
“I-I what?” Bucky’s voice was shaky as he spoke. It’s not that he hadn’t thought of it but he never expected you to take such a bold approach.
“You said i needed to relax…and i want to relax with you.” Your voice dropped an octave causing a shiver to run down his spine. Bucky nodded and slowly took off his shirt. You walked over to the sink with your back towards him before you slowly started taking off your clothes. He watched you undress and he swore he almost died right there. Never in a million years did he think he’d ever see you like this, naked and vulnerable. Once he undressed he walked up behind you and wrapped his hands around your bare waist.
His hands needed the soft skin making you groan in delight. He took your hands and lead you to the tub letting you get in first then he sat behind you. You laid back on his chest as his hands were around your waist again. It was in this moment the both of you knew you were no longer friends. His hands were under the water gripping and rubbing your skin with need. You rested your head on his chest and took one of his hands and moved it lower.
Bucky’s breath hitched in his throat when his fingers came into contact with your pussy. “Are you sure? Because if we do this there’s no going back. You’re mine” He said lowly against your ear causing you to shiver.
“I’m sure…I wanna be yours” You whispered looking up at him and he crashed his lips into yours taking his hands out of the water to cup your face. The kiss was everything you wished it would be with him, his lips were soft and he tasted like cherries.
Bucky turned you around and sat you over his lap so he could see your pretty face when he fucked you. His hands dipped back into the water and started to rub your pussy.
“So fucking tight” He praised sticking one of his thick fingers in you making you moan.
“Oh fuck” Your head starts to go fuzzy when Bucky curls his finger and hits your g-spot. He puts another one in making you grip onto his shoulders for dear life.
“So fucking perfect” His voice is gruff as he whispers in your ear before he starts kissing your neck. He takes his time leaving marks on your neck while fingering you with ease.
“I-I’m gonna cum-oh fuck-“ You feel your first orgasm rip through you when he hits that spot just right. Bucky smiles into your neck and continues to fuck your through your high.
“You did so good baby” Bucky praised you again giving you a sweet and gentle kiss. He then lifts you out of the tub not caring about the water all over the floor and brings you to his room. You giggle when he tosses you onto his bed and crawls to you so he’s on top.
“Are you sure you want this? We can still stop and pretend this never happened if thats what you want.” He asks rubbing his thumb over your cheek. Bucky didn’t want to stop but he also didn’t want you to do anything you’d regret and end up hating him.
“I’m sure you have no idea how bad i want this Bucky please fuck me” You beg clawing at his chest bringing him closer to you.
“Okay okay pretty girl” He chuckles moving down to your thighs. He kisses your soft skin with so much gentleness your heart melts. You buck your hips against him basically begging for him to be in you.
His strong hands grip your skin before he takes his cock in his hands giving it a few tugs. Once he’s hard he takes the tip and runs it through your dripping folds. Bucky slowly eases into you giving you a second to adjust to his size.
“S-So b-big daddy” You mewl feeling his cock hit your g-spot. He starts thrusting into you at a slow pace to ease you into it. You weren’t a virgin by any means but fuck Bucky was the biggest you’ve ever had. Your senses were filled to the brim with Bucky as he delightfully stretched you out.
“So fucking tight and warm” He praised picking up his pace. You gripped at his shoulders bringing him closer to you and bringing him in for a kiss. The two of you were fully intoxicated by each other in this salacious moment.
“Right there daddy oh fuck” You mewled throwing your head back and Bucky took advantage of your exposed neck. He sucked dark marks on your neck and smiled at his work.
“Take it baby take it like the good girl you are and let daddy fill you up” He grunted gripping your thighs with more force than before. You almost screamed at his words as they filled you will some need you didn’t know you had.
“P-Please fill me up daddy please breed me.” You begged making Bucky groan in satisfaction. He picked up his pace chasing his high.
“Such a good girl” He praised giving you another sweet kiss as you felt your orgasm building up. It didn’t take long for you both to finish with loud moans and heavy panting. Bucky filled you up with his load and fucked it into you making sure that none of it would drip out. Once he was satisfied that none would he slowly pulled out and laid next to you as you panted.
“I love you” He blurted out making you whip your heads towards him. He didn’t even realize what he said until you smiled at him and cuddled into him.
“I love you too” You said softly and he wrapped his arms around your waist and sigh happily. The two of you shared another sweet kiss before you two fell asleep in each other arms happy as ever.
~The end~
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bellesdreamyprofile · 3 months
benny & y/n : the library (part 2)
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“May I?”
After a bite into one of your chocolate muffins and a giddy smile waiting for his reaction, Benny knew that your story only just began. He had never liked relationships - the thought of being tied down to one person for a long period of time made him shiver. Benny valued his freedom and he would’ve never given that up. Especially for a woman.
But oh, how he loved your smile. The little dimples forming in both of your rosy cheeks and your bright eyes looking down, as you still had to get used to the attention he was giving you. He didn’t believe in love, but he believed in whatever he was feeling towards you.
He didn’t take you home that night - he feared that even asking you would be too forward. He was in no rush anyhow, since you had a lifetime in front of you.
“You get home safe, baby, alright?”, Benny’s hand brushed against the bare skin of your arm. His deep, blue eyes slowly meeting yours and you fought the urge to pout. How was it possible that you felt so comfortable around a man you only met two hours ago?
You nodded as his hand slowly made its way towards your cheek, rough digits brushing your soft skin as if it was made out of porcelain. Your eyes fluttered shut at the sensation and you found yourself leaning into his touch. Benny smiled softly at the sight before him - a pretty girl enjoyed his company. He almost asked Johnny to pinch him, proving that all of this was not in his imagination.
“We’ll see each other again?”, you asked, tone laced with hope. He smiled again and nodded without hesitation.
“Definitely, baby.”, he placed a kiss on your other cheek and as he pulled away, you stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours. You were almost hypnotized by the aura he exuded - his rough hands were touching your skin yet his gentle words were touching your heart.
“Y/N!”, you abruptly pulled apart at the sound of your name being called. But Benny’s hand moved to the small of your back, finding comfort in the action. 
Kathy was at the door with Felicia by her side, you couldn’t catch Martha though. She was probably with a man she stood a chance with. Kathy waved at you and nodded towards the exit, while Felicia moved her gaze away - the sight of the man of her dreams with a girl he had just met was too much for her.
Benny gently pushed the now empty container against your torso. “I’d say the muffins were a hit.”, you smiled at the compliment and looked down.
“Is my girl shy again?”, he asked in a teasing tone, a gentle finger moving your chin up to meet his eyes.
“They’re looking at us.”, you murmured, making Benny look at the girls waiting for you at the exit.
“Let them look, baby.”, Benny placed another kiss on your cheek and gave your hip a soft squeeze. “I’ll see you tomorrow, honey.”
You glanced at him for the last time tonight and gave him a soft wave, offering a gentle bye. Your heartbeat was getting ridiculously high for a little kiss on the cheek. But maybe it wasn’t the few kisses, maybe it was the way his eyes told stories like no one else’s or the way his hair was desperately begging to be brushed by delicate fingers. Or maybe it was just him.
“Took you long enough.”, Felicia muttered under her breath as you had finally reached them. You couldn’t find the strength to say anything to her or to Kathy, as your eyes were now replaying the tape of your and Benny’s first encounter.
“Ah girl. I hope that guy is worth it.”, Kathy shook her head at the sight of little hearts in your eyes. She knew very well that once she introduced you two that there was no going back. She secretly wondered if she played matchmaker or if she just signed your death warrant.
Since nobody was available for today’s shift at the library, you volunteered to stay in for the entire day. You didn’t really mind since it was your safe space — you were able to read books and drink your coffee without anybody bothering your peace. But it did a number on you that’s for sure - helping little kids picking the perfect book, placing books in alphabetical order and pulling them out of heavy carton boxes. Your feet were begging for mercy, but you couldn’t give in.
“Yeah, Kathy, I-I can’t really. It’s just me at the library today. Lilly called in sick this morning.”, you told Kathy as you were twirling the telephone cord around your finger.
“That kid is always sick. She doing it on purpose let me tell ya.”, Kathy responded and you could almost see her rolling her eyes. She was calling to pick you up and go to the bar, since it had almost been a week since you’ve been there.
“Nah, I don’t think so.”, you smiled, convinced that there was still some good in people. You looked ahead and noticed an approaching customer. “I, uh, I have to go now—“
“Benny asked about you.”, you stopped yourself from hanging up, your breath hitching in your throat at her words.
“Mhm.”, there was a slight sass hiding in her tone, but you didn’t have time right now.
“I have to go. I’ll talk to ya later. Love ya Kat.”
“Love ya too.”
You sighed and brushed your hair into a loose ponytail as you bent down to pick up the one of the last boxes that was delivered this morning. Some of your coworkers kept leaving things off until others from the next shift arrived - now it fell on you. Fortunately, it was closing time, so you could work in your own tempo.
Soft Elvis blues played in the background as you put books on top of shelves. A ding came from the front door, making you huff as a book slipped from your grasp.
“We’re closed!”, you called and picked up the book.
“Even for me?”
You looked up and noticed the all too familiar man standing by the door, two coffees in his hands alongside a small, paper box. You stood up and put your hands on your hips, smiling happily at the sight of him.
“Technically even for you, yes.”, you said, holding back a chuckle. “But I’ll let this slide this once.”, you teased and approached him.
His heart soared at the sight of you and quickly checked out the place, almost waiting for another coworker to approach the two of you. But no one did.
“Hi, baby.”, Benny smiled at you and noticed the bags under your eyes. “Tell me you ain’t here on your own.”, his eyes did another scan of the place, but in vain.
Your lips parted at his words. “I, uh, yes I am. Why?”
He shook his head and started muttering profanities under his breath. “So Kathy wasn’t messing with me when she told me you were alone the whole day.”
Your brows furrowed at his words. “So Kat was the one that told you where I work.”
“Not relevant. Where can I put these?”, Benny nodded to the goodies in his hands. You smiled at the thoughtful gesture and showed him to your desk.
“Right here.”, you patted the wood and sat on it, waiting for him to do the same. Instead he handed you the coffee cup and set the white box on the desk. “Thank you.”, you thanked him and gratefully started sipping the coffee.
“What’s in the box?”, you curiously looked at Benny and almost swore his cheeks assumed a pinkish color.
He cleared his throat and started opening the box. “I asked Kathy for the recipe of the muffins you brought last week… I don’t know… You don’t have to eat them—“
Now that the box was open, you could take a good look at what it was hiding. Scarcely frosted muffins with pink and white sprinkles on top. Benny was sure giving your heart a hard time surviving. You carefully picked one up and looked at it, an automatic smile formed on your lips.
“You made these?”, your words were a mere whisper above the soft Elvis song playing in the background. Benny nodded, almost in a shy way. You smiled at him and took a bite, the sugary and chocolatey flavor exploding in your mouth. You hadn’t even noticed you closed your eyes, and once you opened them, you noticed Benny’s hopeful gaze on yours.
“And?”, he raised his eyebrows in concern. If someone had told him he’d be baking muffins for a girl he met a week ago, he would’ve shot them in the leg. And here he was now, desperately awaiting for your review.
You looked at him with full cheeks and swallowed the sweet. “They’re better than mine.”, you said honestly with a giggle, going on for another bite.
Benny sighed in relief and let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “Goddamn. They were hard to make. Took me two tries.”, your heart almost exploded in your chest at his words.
“You’re crazy.”, you said and felt your nose dip in the frosting. “Oops.”, you laughed a little and as you were about to clean it away, Benny’s hand grasped yours.
You looked at him with big eyes, getting hypnotized by his. “You told me we would’ve seen each other sooner.”, he said lowly and you felt the guilt trapping you at the sad tone dripping from his words.
“E-Everyone called in sick this week.”, you justified in a small tone, looking down. “I wanted to see you… Like we promised.”, your eyes slowly moved to bore in his. His hands brushed the fabric covering your arm, until they reached your hair, releasing it from the cheap elastic band.
Benny brushed your hair on your shoulders — all of this giving you an opportunity to distract yourself from your racing heart. Again, you took your time looking at him, wondering who up there took their sweet time to sculpt him so perfectly.
“So you wanted to see me again? You didn’t just say it?”, he mumbled, making you look at him. You breathed out and found the courage to grasp one of his hands, the action causing his eyes to move on you.
“I like spending time with you, Benny. I really do.”, you admitted. “I like you.”, a now Elvis love song started playing, leaving you breathless in front of the man you couldn’t stop thinking about.
Benny squeezed your hand and brought your joined hands to his lips. “I like you too, baby.”, he placed a kiss on your hand. His face moved closer to yours, making your heart beat even faster than it had previously. Your eyes fluttered shut, expecting his soft lips on yours.
His lips kissed the tip of your nose, the frosting now gone. You opened your eyes and blushed furiously at your own thoughts. Benny smiled down at you, as if knowing your exact thoughts in the moment.
“I thought you were gonna kiss me!”, you almost whined on top of that old desk. Another smile made its way on his pretty face.
“You want me to kiss you, honey?”
“I do.”, your voice now a whisper as you had finally vocalized your thoughts out loud. His rough finger caressed your cheek, bringing you flashbacks of the night at the bar.
Before you could overthink anything else, you finally felt his plush lips on yours. Your hands immediately tangled up in his short, soft curls - almost like they belonged there. Both of his hands cupping your cheeks in the most loving way, making you wish for this moment to last forever.
Benny pulled away, leaving you starstruck. “Goddamn, baby.”, you let out a laugh at his words. And he went in to kiss you again. And again. And again.
A/N: i´m so single
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lovers-rck · 10 months
you want to get better at kissing, so you ask your friend ellie to give you some tips
fluff ? i guess. modern au
"how do you kiss someone?"
ellie looks at you "what?"
"do you have some tricks?" you asks
the past few months had been rough, the cold winter burned the cheeks of everyone, red noses and big scarfs were the last fashion tendency in campus. for the last few days you were drown in warm and cozy clothes, swimming through hot chocolate and watching christmas movies.
today wasn't the exception. after your last class of the day, you went to ellie's dorm and you both watched a movie in her laptop, ellie handing you her cup of hot chocolate every once in a while.
"what? no" she replies
"then how do you do it?"
"why are you asking me that? you kissed people before"
you roll your eyes "yeah, when i was like twelve years old" you make a disgusted face at remember that "he licked all my face"
ellie laughs
"i dont know. i kiss like everyone else"
"all the girls in my class talk about how you kiss them"
ellie furrows her eyebrows "i kissed one of your classmates?"
you roll your eyes "it would be easier to answer who you didn't kiss ellie"
"what is that supposed to mean?"
"i don't know" you shrug "do you have some tips for me?"
"avoid the excess of tongue"
"okay sorry!" she says, thinking "i don't know. im not an expert"
"you kissed a lot of girls"
"that means that you know something i don't!"
"how to flirt maybe"
you throw a pillow in her face, your cheeks getting red in anger "forget it"
you place your eyes in the movie again, seeing scenes and hearing dialogues but not really paying attention. you were swimming in a pool were the water was made of thoughts and questions.
"i can show you" you heard ellie say after a couple of minutes.
you swim to the top of the pool, getting out. "what?" you replie
she shrugs, her eyes still on the movie "only if you want"
you watch the laptop again, trying to process ellie's words.
"wouldn't that be weird?" you asks
"it doesn't have to be" she says and in her stomach a bunch of butterflys fight eachothers "it's for educational purposes"
you laugh softly, your fingers playing with the seam of your sweather "okay"
ellie finally looks at you "yeah?"
you nod, a funny smile resting in your face "okay" she says and moves the laptop away, making space as she taps her lap "here"
your eyes go wide "what?"
"what? i thought you wanted me to show you"
"yeah" you say "i just didn't know i have to sit in you"
"oh" she says, her cheeks getting red "you don't have to. sorry"
you nod slowly. an awkward silence sits between both of you.
after a few seconds, you start to move towards her. she offers her hand and you take it. your knees swim in the sea of blankets as you follow the path to her body.
your mind is fuzzy when you sit in her legs, her hands resting in your hip "okay" you sigh
"you okay?" she asks, looking in your eyes some answer
"yeah" you nod "you are warm"
ellie laughs and her vibrations resonate in her body, making your body shift slightly. you hold back a whimper with the faint suspicion that you shouldn't feel that way.
"im gonna kiss you now" she announces, you nod "just follow my lead"
"follow your lead" you repeat, your hands in her shoulders "got it"
ellie grabs your face with a soft grip, moving it gently to her lips.
you take a deep breath when for the first time ever she places her lips over yours. she leaves them there for a couple of seconds, warming your own before continuing. you feel her other hand caressing your waist over your tick hoddie.
ellie's kiss is soft and sweet, her lips moving against yours with such tenderness. you try to follow her, frustrated with your own inexperience "relax" she murmurs "no one is rushing us"
you try to relax. you direct your hands towards her neck, unconsciously caressing her skin with your thumb and gaining a few shivers on her part. you laugh softly, breaking the kiss as ellie laughs too "you got me there" she says, her breath hitting your lips "you want to keep going?"
you smile against her lips as you realize that you both were talking in whispers, like children sharing a secret "yes" you whisper, and this time you start the kiss.
you feel more confident now, opening your mouth a bit. ellie takes that as an invitation and turns the kiss in something deeper, moving her hand to your jaw.
you shiver as you kiss her back the same way, this time more hungry, less delicate. ellie handles your face the way she wants, moving it to the side to deepen her assault on your mouth.
you feel your breath getting louder as the seconds pass, her grip getting stronger in your body. you shift in her lap, your chest against hers , chasing that proximity and more.
the moment ellie slips her tongue in your mouth you moan softly, breaking the kiss "sorry" you murmur, completely embarrassed
"too much?" she asks, placing a strand of hair behind your ear.
you shake your head "i just didn't expect it" you replie "what should i do if someone wants tongue?"
ellie ignores the needle of jealousy that pinch her at thinking about someone else kissing you "it's up to you. if you like kissing with tongue and the other person too then go ahead"
"i don't know if i like it" you make a face "it's kinda weird"
on impulse, ellie replies "do you want to keep trying?" you look at her "to see if you like it, i mean" she adds, awkward.
you hide a smile and nod, feeling ellies mouth the very next second, wasting no time.
this time she does the tongue thing again and you decided that you like it. it's all wet and warm, and a bit weird at first, but ellie plays with your mouth in a way that makes you melt.
her hands navegate over the waist of your hoddie, trying to move you closer to her. you hug her by the neck, your fingers ghosting over her hair.
in the kiss, a weird feeling invades you. you feel weird, weird of kisssing your friend like this, of being sitting in her legs, of liking it. ellie grabs you and touch your face and kiss you and when she touch the exposed skin of your hip you realize that this wasn't a practice anymore.
"ellie" your murmur with agitated breath
and she understands, leaving your lips "sorry" her lips are red and swollen
you make an awkward smile and get off her lap, instantly missing her warm essence. you see how ellie plays with her fingers, nervous
you watch the laptop, the movie still on. outside is snowing. you feel warmth in places that you shouldn't.
"how did i do it?" you ask playfully, trying to lighten the atmosphere
ellie catch your intention and shrug her shoulders, making a funny face "i had better"
you laugh and push his shoulder lightly, pulling the blankets off her bed "i say the same thing"
"yeah, i bet that boy from when you were twelve kissed you better" she jokes and you throw a pillow to her face one more time.
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peanutbubba · 2 months
I saw that requests are open and I was to see if I can get a sanji x reader one. The prompt is the line a from the song Paris by Kate Nash (the song itself doesn’t matter it’s the line that reminds me of Sanji) The line is Said you’d lend me anything, I think I’ll have company. You know with Sanji being simp and asking reader is there anything I can get you and reading being like yeah hangout with me
Loverboy’s Dessert Kiss
Gn!reader x Sanji, bloody nose, indirect kiss, pet names, no pronouns used, 700+ words, not beta read
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Sanji would cater to your every need, it didn’t matter the details if you needed him he was there, simple as that.
There were so many times that Sanji was falling over himself trying to gain your best interest, any bit of attention you’d give him cherished like it’d be the last time you see him.
In the same sentence however, Sanji is a very busy man, being the ship’s cook it came without saying that a lot of the time he spent was in the kitchen.
He prided himself on his cooking skills, so when one meal was done he’d be preparing the next one, or when there was no need to cook he’d make sure all his kitchen equipment was up to standards, other times he’s making snacks for you and the girls.
That never stopped him from swooning whenever he was outside of the kitchen however, usually over the girls as well as you, always somehow managing to get in a fight with Zoro afterwards because of it.
Honestly, it was something that usually didn’t bother you, but there were times even when you had your own slip ups. You fancied Sanji, everyone in the crew even knew that… well almost.
For a love cook Sanji was surprisingly dense to your advances, chalking it up to you being well mannered, or of good nature, never getting it through his skull that you liked him.
Every once in a while you’d get that pissed off look about you, staring into the ocean annoyedly because you hadn’t once been able to admire Sanji, always too busy cooped up in his kitchen.
Without fail though, whenever Sanji would finally leave to tend to you he’d always act like some teenage boy, absolutely obsessed with anything you did even if he was in his 20’s.
Today was no different, giddily running out of the kitchen with a silver tray in one hand, three platters of snacks on top.
Shrill shrieks of Sanji yelling over Nami and Robin making you push your sunglasses down, looking out for wherever that torando of a man would come from next.
Jolting still when you hear him yelling about you, suddenly right by your side, “Oh you look so sexy sunbathing on the deck like that, dear Y/N!”
Snapping your head to the side you see now that Sanji is on one knee, holding out a dessert for you in offering a chummy smile on his bright pink face. “I prepared you a Chocolate Mousse dessert, love! Go on! Try it Y/N-sweet!”
With a chuckle you pick up the dessert from the tray, taking the spoon that was upon it as well and scooping up a spoonful in your mouth, a contented hum falling after.
“Oh, your cooking is always so amazing. Thank you,” turning to look at Sanji you notice how he stares at you almost awestruck, his pupils blown wide.
Shaking his head he quickly snaps out of it, nervously looking at you and speaking in a small voice, “A-ah, is there anything else you’d like, perhaps a drink?”
Nodding your head you smile, “Stay with me, Black Leg.” Patting the spot beside you.
Sanji immediately sits down, his heart clenching tightly in his chest because he was so close to you, fiddling with his fingers as a distraction.
Picking up your spoon again you scoop up some more of the dessert, then offer it to Sanji.
He stares at the spoon in shock for a moment before immediately rejecting it, words of, “I couldn’t!” And, “That’s for you!” Sprouting for his lips.
In the end you just shove the spoon in his open mouth, the first idea that came to mind when it came to shutting him up.
His lips lock around the spoon, his eyes widening immediately at the realization. When you pull the spoon from him his face finds a new shade of red red, his head immediately going back with blood spurting from his nose.
A shocked gasp falls from you, placing down the dessert to check on Sanji. He laid on the ground, his irises like those of hearts as he softly giggled, a mumble escaping his lips, “Indirect kiss… with Y/N!”
His behavior only makes you shake your head in amusement, of course he got stuck on something like that, grabbing a handkerchief and cleaning the mess on his face.
This one was shorter than usual, sorry about that!
Still, hope you enjoyed, Pea’s out!
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sw6eet · 3 months
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3 times kk arnold has made you cry . .
♡︎ ONE
you were situated in the passenger seat of the car, next to jana while kk was in the backseat next to ice.
today was already pretty hard on you, with the stress of a shitty practice and overdue assignments weighing down on you.
kk had proposed an offer to the four of you to get crumbl and go live, which you were up for, hoping it’d lighten your mood.
jana had just cut up the four cookies, and you asked what flavor was a certain cookie.
kk had forgotten at the time you were oh so sensitive, and got an attitude and practically yelled “the chocolate milkshake,”
you looked at her awkwardly before tears filled your eyes, that being your final straw.
jana immediately took notice and called kk out, “kk apologize you made her cry!”
kk looked over at you as you sniffled quietly and immediately kissed you on the cheek, “i’m sorry baby.. i didn’t mean it.”
“i-it’s f-fine..” you hiccuped, before leaning your head against the headrest.
♡︎ TWO
you, paige, and kk, had come to the gym for a “late night training session” as kk would call it, knowing the three of you would most likely fool around and do no training.
kk had passsd the two of you balls before grabbing her own, making her way to the half-court line.
“let’s do a half court shot competition y’all,” she said, grabbing the two of you eagerly and pulling you to the half court line.
you shyly held the ball, not sure if you could make it.
“i don’t know if i can..” you murmured, looking at paige and kk with a concerned look.
“just throw the damn ball and see where it goes.” kk said, rolling her eyes. she meant it as a joke, but you didn’t take it as one.
tears quickly spilled out of your eyes, and you dropped the ball.
“now kk,” paige said, shooting her a dirty look as you started to cry.
“baby.. i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean it i swear,” she said, enveloping you in a tight hug.
“it’s okay..” you said into her chest, appreciating the warmth of the hug.
“it’s too much! can’t take it!” you whined, squirming as you weakly attempted to push kk’s head away.
“shh, baby.. know you can take it,” she said, before delving back into your soaked cunt.
tears flowed freely down your cheeks as kk lapped at your cunt, her mouth latched to your clit.
when she slipped two fingers in, you knew you were done for.
your thighs started to shake and you could barely even say her name, and before you knew it you came all over her fingers and face.
“see? such a good girl for me, always taking what i give her.” she said, before placing a kiss on your forehead.
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pedge-page · 10 months
Another Joel dealing with a horomonal preggo reader, at the park:
Warnings: language, mentions of sexual content
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You always slip on your favorite pair of laced up sneakers when on the go, and today is no different. You and Joel had made a habit of taking a leisure walk through the local park on the weekends for the fresh air and enjoying each others company.
You gently lay a hand under your bulging tummy instinctually now as you prepare for your baby's delivery any week now. Joel notices your shoe comes untied, and ever the gentle man, offers to tie it up for you.
"No, Joel, I'm not a child. I dont NEED some man, I can tie my own shoes," you scoff coldly, detaching your hand from his.
He holds his hands up in surrender and watches:
At first you try to bend down as normal from the waist, but the bump prevents you from getting any closer to your shoes. Then you try to squat, but that proves useless too as you can't see past your swollen belly. You try several different ways-- bending, crouching, leaning, from one foot on the bench to almost doing a twister-crab walk pose on all fours, increasingly becoming frustrated with how neither your arms nor eyes could reach the culprit of all your problems in the world: the untied shoe lace.
You start huffing, eyes watering at how angry you're getting.
Yoy finally stand up straight and look dead ahead, and the tears start flowing like an avalanch as you tild your head back and wail into the sky.
Joel shakes his head, gets on a creaky knee and ties your shoes together, whispering praise to you and your belly "you did good my girl, I'll take it from here," and "Your body is doing miracles already," to get you to calm down as you make a giant scene in the busy park.
Joel is quick to comfort you: "No you're not, you're beautiful! You're growing our healthy beautiful baby in here, calm down, sweetie, no need to cry."
But you persist, ugly snot running down your nose as you stutter your inhales and heave your exhales. "I'm gonna— have a big f-fucking fat ass baby and h-h-h's g-gonna rip m-y fucking vagina apart!" you croak loudly, your hands unable wipe away the amount of tears blinding your eyes.
People turn their heads at your echoing voice and subsequent expletives carry over the open area—"And then —huff—my h-h-husband—that's you—won't l-love me any-m-more because I won't have—heave—have a tight s-sexy pussy ever again!" You wail, more ugly tears spilling as you scream the last part.
"Jesus," Joel says under his breath, desperately fumbling to get your shoes double knotted as quickly as possible. He's looking around and sheepishly smiling, waving off the nasty glares from a group of middle aged women joggers and parents covering their young childrens' ears as they walk by, shouting every curse and sexual thing that Joel apparently won't love about you anymore for all the world and God to hear.
He finishes the knot as you adjust to hyperventilating. "Okay okay, all fixed now see? How about we get some ice cream, yeah?" He says, rubbing your shoulders soothingly as he nods off everyone to go about their business again. He pauses quickly and stares back at you, realizing his potential fatal error. "Or—or not! We don't need to, if... if that makes you feel—" fatter.
You sniffles a bit more, rubbing your red swollen eyes before answering with a much more child-like, hushed tone, "N-no—I. I want, mmm, chocolate. Two scoops."
He plants a long kiss on your forehead before holding your hand to lead you to the ice cream cart.
Staying firmly planted, You quickly rip your hand away and shout, "JOOOEL!"
He doubles back, panic stricken over his entire body at the harsh, painful cry of his name. "What what is it?? What's wrong!? Tell me." His hands immediately cup around your belly, feeling for any signs of violent movement.
You meekly hold your foot up, barely balancing on one knee with the counter weight of your tummy. "S' too tight," you say softly, indicating the shoe he'd just spent an eternity trying to knot.
He tries to hide his sigh as he forces himself to one knee again in front of your dangling foot.
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
Guys. Guys. Guys. Carmy pissed me off this season. But Luca?
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My brain has been going
Luca, Luca, Luca, LUCA.
Since the season aired and I have to share my god damn thoughts. (This is my first time writing Luca I can’t stop myself please bite me if you think it’s not canon)
But waking up early as fuck on the boat, I’m talking before the sun even comes up- because Luca is gently rubbing your hip, lost in thought while he dreams up some chocolatey, creamy pistachio absolute out of this world dessert. Just because when he came home the past few nights- he found you curled up in bed, on tik tok, on the ‘pistachio knafeh chocolate bar’ tag, watching video after video- and when he came behind you, hugging your waist - smelling like burnt sugar and honey and kissing your jaw, asking what you were watching-
You’d go “nothing.” And shut the app quickly, opening your arms for him to settle in them, kissing the top of his head and rubbing his muscular back as the two of you rock slightly back and forth. He promised by next year he’d get you a boat that was platformed, but for now you had to deal with sea sickness but at least it was the both of you.
He’d nuzzle in the swell of your breast, kissing gently and humming “missed you today, pretty girl” as he rubbed your back sweetly. You felt your cheeks heat as you made your way to his gelled hair, breaking the product from the day
“I missed you handsome boy. Do you wanna stay home this weekend, mm? Catch up on our shows yea?” You muse and he hums in agreement, squeezing your hips and kissing your neck sweetly.
“Mm. That sounds perfect. Would you like to try something I’ve been working on for you, beautiful?” He mused, bringing a smile to your face of course.
“What, handsome boy. You know I wanna see and try” you kiss his head and he huffed a chuckle, as he grabbed the white pastry box and cracked it open, a sharp crack coming from it and then another.
“Open” he said and you obeyed. He placed a piece of chocolate on your tongue and you closed your mouth, crushing and gasping lightly as the chocolate had a crunchy filling
“Luca!!” You said happily and he nods, smiling a bit and nibbling a bit himself
“Sorry it took so long, love. Pistachio cream is strangely hard to perfect” he said and offered you another bite.
I need this man bad. So bad.
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jhdyuiee · 5 months
A wish or two
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☁︎ pairing: doyoung x fem!reader x jaehyun
☁︎ synopsis: finally! after going back and forth with Qulture Corps. you've finally landed a spot. everything seemed as though it'll be fine and dandy, however it seems like team managers, Kim Doyoung & Jeong Jaehyun, have other things in mind...
☁︎ tags/warnings: threesome!, smut!, everything is consensual!!, rough sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, oral (males & female receiving), masturbation, spanking, fingering, hair pulling, dirty talk, name calling (whore, good girl, baby), throat fucking, dumbification, impact play (pussy slapping), spitting, multiple orgasms, squirting, kissing/making out, breast play, cursing, praise kink, multiple positions, drinking, office romance
☁︎ w.c: 6.7k
☁︎ a.n: hello! jiji here, this one came up as a request by one of you & thank you so much for that!! i really appreciate any request and will try my best to make them possible. i hope you all enjoy this one, it’s actually my first writing something like this so i am a bit nervous on how you all will enjoy it. anyways stay safe and i’ll hopefully be back soon…🤍
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Everything sort of just happened.
There was no stopping either of us.
Our hunger, lust, and desire for one another was an addictive drug. One with no cure.
But I didn’t care… heck I wanted more, Doyoung wanted more, Jaehyun wanted more.
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March 20.
Finally… Finally! I can’t believe I finally got accepted! After two months of going back and forth with the company, they’ve finally hired me. Oh thank goodness, I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t hired me.
Qulture Corps. A renowned company, mainly widely known for producing some of the latest fashion and make-up trends. Since I graduated I’ve been dying to get a spot on their team. Truly, this is a dream come true!
The call I received earlier from them was nerve-racking, I thought they’d call me to inform me I didn't make the team, but luckily I did and was set to start in 3 days.
3 days. Oh god, I’m so fucking excited. ‘What am I going to wear?’ A sheer sense of panic overcame me, first impressions are always a must, especially if I’m going to be working for a company where literally fashion is at the top of its game.
“I have no time to waste,” I muttered, as I got up from my living room couch and headed off to my bedroom. I picked up my purse, slipped on my shoes, and headed off to a mall not so far away from my apartment complex.
I stormed off to every store trying to find the perfect outfit, however I just ended up picking up whatever caught my eye at every store I went to. This is a disaster.
Sighing, I headed off to the next shop, a boutique called Soltre. The store has a beautiful yet elegant aesthetic to it, it was sort of my vibe. I made my way to where a particularly beautiful and gorgeous top was racked. I inspected it, so lost in my thoughts I was unable to hear the footsteps that approached me from behind.
“That’s a beautiful top,” said a voice, causing me to turn around, startled. I was faced with a tall man with dark brown hair and dark chocolate-colored eyes. I was awe-struck, such a beautiful man was standing in front of me. “You should definitely buy it,” he continued when I didn’t respond.
I looked away, my focus back on the shirt. “I guess I’ll take you up on that then,” I finally spoke, glancing up at him again. He gave me a smile, dimples appearing. Wow. “This shop is one of the best in the mall after all,” he said.
‘He seems to know a lot about fashion,” I thought. “You sure know a lot… about uhm, fashion I mean.”
“You can say it’s my line or work per say,” he answered.
“Ah, I see. Well then, I uhm have to get going,” I said, fumbling with the top. I walked past him, but soon turned around, “Thank you.” I offered him a smile as well. He returned a smile as well, “My pleasure,” his voice said smoothly.
Once I paid, I left the store and decided that I had enough shopping for today, plus my arms couldn’t bear to handle another bag so I went back home. My thoughts though kept wondering on the mystery man I met at the store today. I didn’t ask for his name, well not that it should matter since I’ll probably never meet him again.
The rest of the day continued as normal and so did the next 3 days. Until finally, the long awaited day. My first day at the job!
I glanced at myself one last time before heading out. I decided on the top recommended by mr. stranger man, a nice gray pleated skirt, and some cute black mary janes. With everything looking fine in my eyes, I headed to my car. The drive was gonna be at least half an hour, but I’ll manage. The closer I found myself to the building the more my stomach twisted and turned. I was getting even more nervous by the second. I can’t blow this up, I kept repeating.
When I arrived, the building was huge, at most 15 floors. Once I parked, I took quick deep breaths, to calm the nerves. “Let’s do this,” I said, and headed off into whatever awaited me.
The check-in process went smoothly, I met up with my new boss, Lee Taeyong and luckily he seems like a genuinely kind and easy going boss. My nerves from earlier are now fleeting.
I rode in the elevator with Taeyong to the 7th floor, where he was to introduce me to my new team. Once we arrived, I took a look at my surroundings. There were rarely people there, this floor seemed rather peaceful. “Ah, I see you’ve noticed. This is the planning department, and where you’ll be from now on. The planning department is rather small than most companies, but that’s because we choose the best of the best. We want committed people here, creative people who aren’t afraid to voice their thoughts and feelings,” Taeyong explained.
‘Wow… I made it to such a prestigious department… I thought I was just going to spend my days typing away at a screen or answering calls. This is absolutely 10 times better.’
“Wow, I’m honored Mr. Lee,” I spoke, bowing at the man. “Oh, god no you don’t need to do all that, reading your resume I figured you’d be a perfect fit for the team. Plus the team managers thought so as well,” he said.
“Team managers?” I asked, confused. “Ah, yes in this department we have two team managers. Follow me this way and I'll introduce you all,” Taeyong responded, as he guided me to the far end of a hallway located on our left side. Taeyong briefly knocked on the door before proceeding to open it. He ushered me inside, closing the door behind me.
“Hey! You two come over here for a sec,” Taeyong said, capturing the attention of the two males sitting on their desks who then got up, walking towards us. I looked at both of them, ‘Wait a minute he looks-‘ my thought was interrupted by Taeyong.
“You two, this is Y/L/N our new worker. Y/N this is Kim Doyoung and Jeong Jaehyun,” Taeyong explained. One of the two males reached his hand out, “Doyoung,” he mentioned. I took his hand and turned to the man standing beside him.
“Nice seeing you again,” he said with a chuckle. It was Mr. Stranger man in the flesh. Who knew he’d be my new manager, well that explains a whole lot about our interaction…
“You two know each other?” Taeyong asked.
“Ah well-“ I was interrupted by Jaehyun, “We met at the mall a couple days ago when I set out to look for… inspiration.”
Taeyong looked at us, his expression unreadable. “Very well, I trust you two know what to do with her,” he said as the two males nodded.
“Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns Y/N. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the team,” Taeyong added, as he left us behind with one another.
“So, shall we show you to your office?” Doyoung spoke up. I nodded, as they led me to my desk. It was quite close to their office, ‘That’s a relief.’
“Let us know if you need anything… Doyoung and I gotta get back, we have a meeting soon,” Jaehyun explained as he leaned against the door frame.
“Thank you, you two I appreciate it,” I thanked them. They smiled, shutting my door and walking away.
I leaned against my chair, recapping my past hour. It’s only a relief that everything went smoothly, Doyoung seemed great, and Jaehyun did too. I shut my eyes, not believing this was my life now. Honestly, I could get used to this.
However… what I didn’t know was what would come of my life a month from now. The irreversible. The desire. The lust.
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1 month later.
It’s been over a month now since I started working for Qulture Corps, and so far it’s been nothing but amazing. The work has gone smoothly, and today we just wrapped up the final meeting for our upcoming Fall Collection. Although, it’s still months aways, production of the products does take some time to produce.
Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” I answered.
Doyoung appeared before me, “Hey, Y/N I just came in to inform you we're having a team dinner tonight. Would you like to come?”
I pondered for a bit, making sure I had no plans afterwards. “Yeah! That sounds fun, I’ll go,” I said.
“Great, see you at 7 p.m then. I’ll send you the location too,” Doyoung explained before exiting shortly after.
My phone then buzzed with the restaurant's location. In the time that I’ve spent here I’ve been able to get closer to both Doyoung and Jaehyun… However, it feels like something else is there between us. Something unexplainable, indescribable.
I snapped out of my thoughts, continuing my remaining work and answering emails before I decided to head off to meet them at the restaurant.
Luckily the drive there wasn’t long so I found myself a bit early. I entered and gave the waiter Doyoung’s name as Doyung had instructed me to do so. Our table was located in the far back. Later, everyone started pouring in Eunsoo, Leah, Jaemin, Mark, Chenle, Haechan, Yena, and Isabel. Surprisingly, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Taeyong were the last to arrive, you would think that host would be the one’s here first. Kinda funny isn’t it?
“Nice to see you all here,” Taeyong announced.
“Wouldn’t miss out on free drinks!” Haechan cheered.
I chuckled, Haechan was definitely the life of the party within our team. With drinks and food on the table now, everyone dug in. They truly weren’t lying when they said food tastes better when you eat with others.
“Hey~ Y/N~ you’re so beautiful, a-anyone ever told you that~” Leah slurred, she was a rather light drinker. I laughed in her embrace, luckily still a bit sober so as to not do anything stupid. I glanced up, catching Jaehyun as his eyes lingered on mine. My mouth slowly opened so to speak, utter a word, but swallowed the words back down.
I pulled away from Leah’s embrace. “I’m gonna go to the restroom,” I say, excusing myself. Although, I wasn’t going to the restroom… I headed outside, stopping by an alleyway. I wanted some fresh air, the short eye contact with Jaehyun earlier got me irritable hot.
As I took in a breath, a voice spoke up, “Restroom huh.” I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice, only for my eyes to meet with Jaehyun. ‘What was he doing here?’
I stumbled on my words, “I… I, uhm-” Jaehyun walked closer, I inhaled his sandalwood smell that radiated off him. I was losing my composure, ‘Was this the alcohol?’
“Just wanted some fresh air,” I stuttered. “Yeah?” he questioned. I nodded, silence befalling us. I just couldn’t speak. “Look at me,” he whispered. A beat, then two passed before I looked up. Jaehyun was so close, I could feel his breath, see the fire in his eyes. He brought his hand to caress my cheek, then ghosted a finger over my bottom lip.
“Jaehyun…” I whispered. “I’m sorry baby, but can I… Can I kiss you,” he whispered back. I nodded shyly, closing my eyes.
I felt as Jaehyun’s lips collided with mine, his soft lips molded so beautifully against mine. It was gentle, so beautiful that I wished time would stop, but then Jaehyun backed away. My lips feeling empty again.
“Don’t stop,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I put my lips back on his, only this time teeth clattering, tongues colliding with one another. It was rougher, that the first that I ended up pushed against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist.
We were so lost in each other we failed to notice the person standing on the front of the alleyway. Cough. I flinched, the cough caused us both pull away and direct our attention to the male standing on the other end.
“Fuck,” I muttered. I got off Jaehyun, patting myself. We walked to Doyoung who has not said a word since catching both of us.
“I was getting worried when neither of you came back so I looked for you two,” Doyoung later explained.
“Sorry about that,” I apologized. “Oh! No, not at all there is nothing to apologize… In fact, I’m sorry to have walked in on that.”
Gosh thank god it was dark because I was probably burnt red. I was so goddamn embarrassed.
“I should get going now, it’s quite late…” I proceeded to say as a means to get out of this awkward situation.
“Oh, yes of course you’re right. You should get back safely Y/N,” Doyoung said.
“See you tomorrow… Y/N,” Jaehyun said, finally speaking up since Doyoung walked in on us.
After bidding them both farewell, I rushed to my car. I wanted nothing more but to lock myself up in my apartment. A quick drive later, I threw myself on my bed. I recounted my kiss–or rather heated make-out–with Jaehyun, but then the memory of Doyoung catching us haunting right after.
I turned my head to my phone which was lying beside me. Speak of the devil. It was from Doyoung…
I unlocked my phone, opening his message. However, I now wish I hadn’t.
Doyoung: you know Y/N seeing the way you two kissed earlier got me so fucking hard
Doyoung: [ 1 image attachment ]
Doyoung just… he just… Oh my fucking… Was he really sending me a picture of his cock!? “He’s big…” I mumbled as I took another look at the image he sent.
Shit. I felt as the wetness began pulling in between my legs. I rubbed my legs together, but then slipped a hand inside, and fingers inside as I imagined Doyoung roughly pounded in and out of me. The squelching sounds echoed in my room, along with my little whimpers and moans.
First the kiss with Jaehyun and now this, masturbating to Doyoung?!
Once I reached my high, I waited until I caught my breath so to continue the rest of my night time routine. With one last sigh, I laid myself on my bed again, trying to shoo away any indecent thoughts of Jaehyun or Doyoung.
However, that proved rather harder as I ended up dreaming about not one, but both of them!
It’s been 4 days since the whole ordeal with Jaehyun and Doyoung, and everything surprisingly has been rather good. It’s like what happened between us never– happened! We were like regular co-workers again. Though, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not…
“Y/N?” Eunsoo spoke. I flinched, regaining my focus. “Huh, oh yeah what’s up?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing I was just asking if you’re okay… you’ve been kind of out of it lately,” she said worriedly.
“Yeah, everything's peachy so to speak,” I replied. Nothing was in fact peachy though. Pretending like nothing happened 4 days ago has actually been haunting me. The kiss, picture, dreams have been driving me insane. ‘Was I always so horny?’
My phone vibrated, causing both of us to turn to it. I picked it up, ‘Jaehyun?’
Jaehyun: can you come to my office?
A second later he added,
Jaehyun: like right now
“Looks like I’m being summoned,” I said. Eunsoo bid me a “good luck,” and I scurried off to his office. A million questions pondered my head, but neither of them were about what was to come in the next few minutes.
I knocked, and the followed a “Come in.” As I entered there he was, but he wasn’t alone. Doyoung was here too. ‘Great just my luck.’
“Is something the matter?” I asked. Jaehyun glanced at Doyoung, he hesitated before he spoke. “We have something we want to say to you Y/N.” I gave them a nod as to signal them to continue whatever they wanted to tell me. They gave each other one more glance.
“We’re truly sorry for our behavior that night at the restaurant,” they both said, bowing at me. I can see their sincerity, but part of my heart ached. 'Did they truly think of that night as a mistake? The kiss? The picture?’
They got back up, but neither one of us spoke up. Silence befell us. ‘I didn’t like this. No, I don't want to pretend nothing happened. I-’ “No, god no please,” I spoke up. They looked at me with confused eyes. “D-Don’t pretend nothing happened. At least I can’t. I- I…” my words got caught in my throat. ‘What am I saying?’
Doyoung then spoke up, “You what Y/N… tell us. What do you want?” ‘He’s right, what do I want? Ah, wait a minute… what I want is…’ 
“I want you… I want you both.”
Oh god what did I just say. “Oh wait uhm-” I couldn’t even speak as Doyoung's lips collided with mine. His kiss was different from the one I shared with Jaehyun, even more gentle and passionate. ‘Wait a minute Jaehyun!’ I broke our kiss, my eyes meeting Jaehyun’s. He just stood there like how Doyung did that day.
Jaehyun then smirked, coming closer. “Is that really true? You want us both,” he says.
I felt as my face heated up, I glanced from Jaehyun to Doyoung. “Yes,” I muttered. “Please, I want you both.”
No words fell from their mouths, but their movements continued. Jaehyun walked until he was behind me, and Doyoung raised his hand to my chin. “You sure you can handle both of us, right here right now?” Doyoung asked.
“Yes, please I couldn’t stop thinking about that night,” I admitted. I then felt Jaehyun's mouth ghosting near my ear. “Then make sure to not be too loud or else they’ll have to witness how much of a whore you are,” Jaehyun whispered, then kissing my ear down to my neck. Every kiss lit me up even more. I wanted more.
Doyoung then crashed his lips onto mine again with the same intensity, while Jaehyun’s arms wandered all over my body. His hands groped my breast, causing me to moan into the kiss I was sharing with Doyoung. They later wandered even further, until they cupped my cunt causing me to grind on his hand. “Impatient aren’t you?” he whispered into my ear.
Doyoung backed away, our saliva connecting. “We have time, don’t worry,” Doyoung said, as he teased the buttons of my shirt. He slowly unbuttoned each button, dropping the shirt on the floor. My bra later joined in as well, leaving my perky breasts for his eyes. I watched as Doyoung stuck out his tongue, licking on my bud. All the while, Jaehyun began working on my lower half. He successfully got rid of my pants, leaving me in only my panties.
I whipped my head towards him when I felt Jaehyun's fingers playing with my slit. “Oh god,” I whimpered when he prodded his finger in my hole. “So wet already,” he muttered against my neck. I could only let out a small whimper and he continued the movement. “S-Stop teasing me… Please,” I pleaded.
“You sure are an impatient one. Fine then take it,” Jaehyun said as he inserted two of his fingers inside my cunt. I practically sucked his fingers in, the wetness echoed around the room. “Fuck, so tight and wet,” he whispered in my ear. His pace was unbearable, he would slow down and then go fast. I was losing my mind, his fingers hit me so fucking well–  it was like he studied my body beforehand to know what my likes and dislikes were. I felt my stomach clenched, my cunt tightening around his fingers.
It certaining helped too that all the while Doyoung was working his way with my tits. His mouth would lick one and then return the same affection to the other one. He sucked on them like a child, biting down on my bud a couple of times as well. His stimulation on my tits and Jaehyun’s on my cunt were enough to have me pushing me to the edge.
“Cum. I know you want to,” Doyoung said when he let go of my breast with a pop. With a final pinch to my clit by Jaehyun, I came. I came so hard, I would’ve fallen if not for Jaehyun catching me. I watched hazily as Jaehyun licked his fingers clean of my essence, and felt as Doyoung carried me. He then placed me on the couch they had in the middle of their office.
“On your hands and knees,” Doyoung commanded. My body acted on it’s on, getting into the position. I watched as Jaehyun came in front of me, and later whipped my head around to see Doyoung behind me. “Think you can suck me off while he eats you out?” Jaehyun asked. I nodded, so turned on by what he just said that I drooled from my mouth and in between my legs. He chuckled, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock from his underwear. His cock was big. It made me doubt if I would be able to take it all.
“Don’t worry, you can take it baby or else a whore like you wouldn’t have made such a request,” he said when he noticed a hint of doubt on my face. “Now open up.”
I did as Jaehyun said, opening my mouth up for him. I flickered my eyes up to watch him as he brought his cock closer to my mouth. Once it was close enough, I started by swirling my tongue around his tip, and then wrapping my lips around his tip. I watched as his brows furrowed, so I continued my movements. I then began gliding my tongue along his shaft, up and down, down and up. He seemed to be enjoying it judging by the way he’d started groaning. 
As I began taking him even more, I felt Doyoung's tongue begin to kitten lick my cunt. Doyoung had begun with some slow licks, but would stay a bit longer on my clit which caused me to moan against Jaehyun’s cock. His cock was so big that I barely even made it halfway yet. I felt as the tears began pooling in my eyes and drool passed my lips. “That’s a good girl, take more I know you can,” Jaehyun said. And so I did until his cock reached the back of my throat. “Fuck,” Jaehyun groaned, grabbing a fistful of my hair. He started taking over, bobbing my head along his shaft.
Meanwhile, Doyoung had begun licking me even faster, occasionally sucking on my clit which just caused me to moan on Jaehyun’s cock even more. I can tell the sensation satisfied Jaehyun as he muttered incoherent words into the air.
I felt like another high was coming, so fast and quick it was almost embarrassing. As I was lost in the pleasure I suddenly felt a wet muscle poke my hole, oh god. Doyoung was fucking me with his tongue. It felt so good, enough to have my cumming for a second time while Jaehyun was stuffed in my throat. “Cumming before me? I think you deserve a punishment,” Jaehyun said.
‘Punishment? What is he-’ I couldn’t even finish my thoughts before Jaehyun started gripping my hair even tighter and increasing his speed. It was getting messy– drool and tears everywhere. As if matters couldn’t get any more worse, Doyoung landed a slap on my ass. It only caused my eyes to widen and moan on Jaehyun’s cock.
“Fuck, that feels good. Doyoung do that again since it seems like our little whore enjoys it.” I looked up at Jaehyun, with those tearful eyes of mine, in which he also looked down at me. A smirk plastered on his face. Obliging to Jaehyun’s words, Doyung began slapping my ass even more.
“Shit, I’m close,” Jaehyun moaned. A thrust or two down my throat, Jaehyun came into my mouth, my throat. I watched as his chest heaved, and he pushed his hair out of his forehead. “Swallow it all,” he commanded, which I instinctively ended up doing.
“Come here now,” Doyoung’s voice spoke up, as he sat on the couch, patting his lap. I saw as his cock stood proudly against his stomach. I crawled to him. “Put your back against me and put it in yourself,” he said. So then I turned around, grabbing his hard cock and began inserting it inside me. I felt as his cock stretched me out the deeper he went in. “Yes, just like that baby… It’s almost all in,” Doyoung groaned.
“She’s so tight Jaehyun, I guess all that stimulation did nothing to her,” Doyoung chuckled as he turned to the other male. I turned to look at Jaehyun who just kneeled on the couch, fisting his cock. Then suddenly, Doyoung plunged the rest of his cock into me. No warning, just the grip he had on hips. With him all inside me now, I felt as his cock hit my cervix. I whisper lowly, “S’ good.”
“What was that? You like that?” he said, as he began thrusting into me. Who was I to deny what he just said, I loved it. “Ye-Yes you feel so good!” The phrase that slipped past my lips only caused his thrust to become deeper and rougher. Doyoung was treating me like his personal toy. He kept ruthlessly pounded into me, until it came to a halt. “Making me do all the work?”
I turned around, nodding my head no. “Hmm, is that so? I’m tired, why don’t you do it now,” Doyoung says, a slight smirk appearing on his face. So I did, thrusting slowly at first. “Stop the teasing, go faster baby,” Doyoung whispers into my ear. And so I grip onto his thighs, bouncing myself on his cock.
In the midst of it all, Jaehyun continued watching us contently while fisting his cock, he enjoyed the sight in front of him. You, a whimpering mess who was so cock drunk already. He wanted to get a taste of that sweet, tight cunt of yours soon because if he wasn’t already, he’d go insane.
“God, Doyoung I’m cl-close.” My stomach was tightening up, so close to unleashing. “Ready to cum all over my cock,” he replied. I yelled out “yes” as I repeated his name over and over again. “Open your eyes,” another voice said. And so I fluttered them open, Jaehyun’s cock in front of me. I watched as he jerked himself in front of me. It only turned me on even more.
“Shit, you like that? Like watching Jaehyun jerk himself off to you fucking me?” Doyoung says. I tightened even more around his cock, causing Doyoung to groan. His hands roamed down to my clit. He rubbed and pinched the poor thing continuously.
Just a few more thrusts and I came for the third time this night. My back arched, eyes rolling back, and moan and after moan slipping out. However, it didn’t stop here. Doyoung brought his hands back to my hips and kept fucking me through my orgasm. It was all too overstimulating, I felt I could even cum again.
“Fuck, I’m cumming. Don’t waste any drop,” Doyoung groans, finally cumming. His warm seeds painting my walls white. At the same time, Jaehyun also came, cumming all over my breasts. All three of us were heaving, trying to gather some oxygen back into our bodies.
“Don’t think we’re done here,” Jaehyun chuckles. He gently picks me up, bending me over the couch. My hands gripping it, while my ass stuck up. I felt his hand come in contact with my ass cheek in a harsh slap, causing me to yelp forward.
Jaehyun wasted no time, plunging himself deep and snug into my cunt. “Fuck, Doyoung wasn’t lying. How are you still so tight?” Jaehyun says, as he pounds in and out of me. I don’t even know who I am anymore, I could only think of how deep Jaehyun was reaching me. He hit my g-spot so well with every thrust I could barely contain myself. I ended up squirting all over for the first time tonight.
“Making a mess,” Doyoung’s voice spoke. I tried opening my eyes to locate him, only for him to be besides me. We locked eyes, and his lips later engulfed mine. It was a sloppy kiss, but I didn’t care. It felt good, everything felt good. Jaehyun’s thrust too became sloppy, it could only mean he was close too. And so with a thrust or two later, he came in me.
My stomach feels so full now. This is what I’ve wanted. This is what I-
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Jaehyun’s POV.
“Shit, did you kill her with your dick?” Doyoung says, laughing as he puts his pants back on.
“So funny, she’s just fallen asleep,” I replied. “Think we went too far?” Doyoung continues.
“Probably, but hey she said she wanted it. Wanted both of us,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. I took Y/N into my arms while Doyoung began cleaning the couch. Luckily, the couch was made of leather so it shouldn’t be too hard right?
I looked down at her. Y/L/N. From the moment I first met her at that store, I fell in love. I know as cliche as it sounds, it’s true. There was something so captivating about her, something that made me want her. All of her.
So when I saw her that day, her first day here I knew it meant something. Fate? Whatever it was, I didn't want to waste any opportunity. Which is why that day at the dinner, I did that. It wasn’t planned or anything, but I just felt something that day. Some urgence?
However, then I learned of Doyoung’s mutual interest in her too. We talked it out, but we left it at “It’s whoever she wants. Whoever she chooses.” But to my surprise, it ended up being both of us.
I smiled down at her sleeping face. She’s cute. Everything about her was just so beautiful. Whether what just happened ends up being a regret for her once she wakes up, I hope she knows or at least has some awareness of our feelings for her.
“Hey!” Doyoung yells, capturing me out of my haze. “I finished cleaning it, bring her over here so we can wipe her clean.”
I nodded, placing her gently back down onto the couch. Doyoung began cleaning her with a wet cloth he got from our private bathroom. “Go get her a pair of clothes, in the meantime Jae,” Doyoung says.
“Mmm, be right back then.”
I exited, leaving them behind. On the elevator ride, my thoughts were consumed with questions. Good and bad ones. In particular, “What will happen once she wakes up?” I tried shrugging them off, as my answers will come once she wakes up.
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“Hm?” I stirred my eyes open. ‘Where am I? This isn’t my apartment?’
“Awake already, sleeping beauty?” A voice said. I recognized that voice… Doyoung!
“A-Ah I-” “Water?” Jaehyun says, handing me a water bottle. I gladly accepted it, my throat felt quite dry. ‘Wait a minute… Oh Shit!’ I nearly choked on the water as I remembered what had transpired a couple hours ago. I looked outside their windows, the night sky illuminating.
“Uhm… I-” Jaehyun interrupts me, “regret it?” I looked at him puzzled, ‘regret?’
“What? No, No! I… I just don’t know what I should say, what I should do…”
“Well, it’s whatever you want Y/N,” Doyoung says, getting closer. “You want us to be friends, we’ll go back to that. You want us to be fuck buddies with one another, we’ll do it. You want to put a label on it, we’ll do that too.”
Is he serious right now?! The three of us? Wouldn’t I be asking for too much? Is it greedy of me that I want that. I want to be with them. I want Doyoung. I want Jaehyun.
I look at the floor, trying to hide my embarrassment from what I was about to admit. “I- I want us to be together. Me, Doyoung, and Jaehyun.”
It went silent, neither of them spoke up. So I took the courage to then look up. I flinched, at how close they’d gotten, standing only a few inches away.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Jaehyun asks. I nod, “Yes, is it selfish of me to?”
Jaehyun nods, “No. Be as selfish as you want with us.” To which Doyoung adds, “We just want you to be happy.”
I feel like crying again, only happy tears though. How could this even be my life right now? A tear trickled down. Then another, and another until I felt both of them wipe them off my face.
I smiled, “Thank you. Thank-”
“There’s no need to thank us. We love you,” Doyoung says, smiling as well.
“He’s right. We love you Y/N,” Jaehyun adds. We all smiled, engulfed in each other's warmth.
Today might’ve just been the best day of my life. No matter what the future brought us, I would be prepared to face it because after all I wasn’t alone.
It was me, Doyoung, and Jaehyun. It was us against the world.
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I shifted to the other side of the bed, but a strong hold on me prevented me from doing so. I stirred my eyes open, Jaehyun. Ah, that’s right, this was my life now. I’d moved in with Jaehyun and Doyoung a week ago but the whole thing hasn’t really sunk in yet.
“Good morning,” he muttered. “Admiring me already?”
“N-No!” I refuted. It was barely morning and here he is teasing me already.
He chuckled, and then leaned in to kiss my temple. “Sleep well?” I muttered a small, “Yes” before snuggling against his bare chest. I’ve always felt so safe around him, and Doyoung. They made me feel so safe and loved.
We stayed like that for a while until I felt his hands come down to grope my ass. A shameless man he is. ”Where’s Doyoung?” I asked.
“Work probably,” Jaehyun says as he works his lips from my ear to my jaw. He kissed me so tenderly, every touch of his lips felt so warm; his embrace so warm. Jaehyun’s lips then lingered to my mouth, engulfing me into a tender kiss. It always went like this, he would be gentle but then go rougher. His tongue intruding, teeth clashing, and occasional lip biting.
“So I got you all to myself huh,” he whispered in my ear. I giggled before capturing him in another heated kiss that ended up with Jaehyun on top of me.
His hands roamed all over my body, from my waist to hips to breasts. He squeezed my breasts, pinching my nipples that sent an electric shock throughout my body. Oh god.
He parted from our kiss only to look down at my embarrassingly lustful state. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Every part of you baby.”
My heart throbbed at his statement, my face probably beet red. He then began removing my top, leaving my shorts and panties on. He brought his mouth towards one of my breasts, where he began licking it and sucking on my nipple. Later, he returned the same affection to the other neglected breast. I was a squirming mess, I tried getting friction from somewhere, anywhere. God, I was so fucking wet already, I could feel it as it pooled between my legs.
“Eagered like always,” Jaehyun said with a pop as he let go of my breast. His lips kissed down until they reached the waistband of my shorts. Those poor things were off in seconds, along with my panties. I watched as Jaehyun spread my legs open, “God, so wet already.” I moaned his name when I felt him tease my folds with his fingers, and then a Slap.
I widened my eyes at his action. Then again, another Slap. “You like that,” he says, coming closer to my ear. “You like it when I slap your sweet cunt.”
Slap. Oh fuck, was this good. Slap. “Y-Yes!” I yelled. He wasn’t stopping, continuously torturing my cunt. “Look at all this mess you’re making so early in the morning,” Jaehyun’s voice says, bringing his hand to his mouth. I watched as he licked his fingers clean of my essence.
“Get on your hands and knees for me baby,” he later says. I complied, getting in the position he most enjoys. I moaned out even louder when he slid his cock so easily inside me. “Fuck, so wet that it slid right in.”
Grabbing my arms, holding them from behind me, he started mercifully thrusting into me. His cock reaching the deepest part of me like it always has. I was enjoying this so much that I just kept moaning louder and louder.
“Having fun without me?” A voice rose. I quickly looked up, capturing Doyoung’s figure. Oh god.
With another thrust I moaned again. “I was wondering what was going on since I heard screaming, but it looks like our girl was just horny wasn’t she?”
Jaehyun speaks up while thrusting into me, “Yep… Mmm, she thought you… were gone and pounced onto me. Poor thing I couldn't just neglect her.”
“N-No! He- He is ly-lying,” I tried saying. “Lying? Me? You hear that Doyoung she’s accusing me of lying,” Jaehyun says smugly.
“I know, don’t you think she deserves a lesson?” Doyoung questions Jaehyun. Jaehyun chuckles in satisfaction. Oh, no…
Thus, I found myself sucking off Doyoung’s cock while Jaehyun continued pounding into me like some ruthless beast. “Just like that, a little deeper,” Doyoung groans. He watches me intently as I suck his cock into my mouth, but that didn’t last long. Doyoung ended up taking control, thrusting into my throat like I was his personal pleasure toy. Which I admit, I probably was, but hey he was mine too.
“Your pussy swallows me up so well, fuck I’ll never get tired of this,” Jaehyun groans. His thrust had gotten sloppy, meaning he was close to cumming. Good thing I was too as I started squeezing around his cock. I felt Jaehyun’s hand snake to my stomach and then further down. His fingers pinched and rubbed on my clit. I moaned into Doyoung’s cock, the sensation causing his cock to twitch in my mouth.
“I’m cumming,” Jaehyun groaned, thrusting his cock into me one last time. I also met my orgasm, cumming all over Jaehyun’s cock. He must’ve been watching as our cum mixed together, oozing out of my pussy.
“Shit, I’m cumming too,” Doyoung abruptly says, releasing his seeds inside my mouth.
Once we both caught our breaths it was back to fucking again. There was no stopping us once we started. Which was how I ended up with Doyoung’s cock buried within me. “Spread your legs wider,” Doyoung says. “Good girl, keep 'em like that.”
“Open your mouth,” Jaehyun says from the side. I opened it only for him to spit in my mouth and then start kissing me again. My lips are going to be so swollen from all the kissing, but my pussy from all the rough pounding. However, those concerns were at the bottom of my list. The pleasure they kept giving me was too blissful.
I love this. I love Doyoung. I love Jaehyun. “I love you,” I whispered, just loud enough for them both to hear. The three-word phrases elicited a small smile on their faces.
“We love you more.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: hi again! i would like to apologize for the delay. i think i have spoken up about this before but i would like to inform u all that as i am still a student, it can be hard to juggle all things at once. im very sorry for not uploading during the month of april, it truly saddens me but with school on my plate its been rather difficult. however, from now on i promise to at least post once a month. thank you for your patience i truly am grateful to every single one of you! i love you all <3!!!!!!!
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star-har · 1 month
Hello! Imagine baker au!Kento Nanami where reader gets a new perfume that smells like sugary sweet delicious baked goods, and he falls head over heels all over again- his sweet girl and his favorite type of smell all in one? Score!
Love your Gojo works, if you like this idea i would love it if you expanded on the idea!
No pressure tho, just appreciate seeing your updates. 💟
the bakery has settled into a comfortable quiet as evening approaches, the last few customers offering kind smiles as they exit, the soft chime of bells echoing in the air as the door wisps shut behind them.
nanami stands behind the counter, swiping at the tops with a damp towel, wiping away the remnants of his baking. the scent of fresh bread and sweet pastries lingers in the air, mixing with the warmth of the setting sun that filters through the windows.
he’s just about finished—he’s stashed away the left-over pastries and cookies onto plates with foil lining the trays to keep them fresh. he’s also packed away some chocolate scones for you. they’re your favorite, and nanami had purposely created a larger batch this morning to save some for you.
he moves with calm precision, his routine practiced and familiar. as he finishes wiping down the counter, he glances at the record player sitting on a nearby shelf. with a swift, fluid motion, he flicks it on, and the soft, soothing melody of frank sinatra’s “something stupid” fills the room.
the music hums around him. this song is one of his favorites, a timeless classic that always makes him think of you. he turns back to his work, the towel now folded neatly beside him as he begins to organize the freshly baked goods for the next day.
the soft chime of the doorbell catches his attention, and he looks up, his smile widening as you step inside. “hello, my love,” he greets, his voice low and warm, the sound blending seamlessly with the crooning of sinatra in the background.
his heart warms as you step in from the wintry night, cheeks red and the tip of your ears turning a rosy pink. “hey baby.” you smile and shake the snow from your boots at the mat before stepping further into the shop. “finishing up?”
“just about, sweetie,” he says, setting aside the last of the pastries as you approach. without missing a beat, he steps around the counter, slipping an arm around your waist as you reach his side. it’s an easy, natural gesture, one that you both fall into with practiced familiarity.
you push up onto your tiptoes, leaning up for a kiss, but he pauses where he’s leaning down to meet your lips. his senses collide with vanilla, and with a deeper inhale, the scent of caramelized sugar and apples wafts through him. the sweetness is familiar yet entirely new, and it wraps around him in a way that’s both comforting and intoxicating.
he tilts his head slightly, curiosity sparking in his eyes.
“what? is something wrong?” you mutter softly, your hands intertwining behind his neck.
instead of answering, he dips his head into the crook of your neck, breathing you in deeply, running his nose along the curve of your skin. the scent clings to you, enveloping him like the most delicious treat.
“did you change your perfume?” he asks, his voice a bit rough as he pulls back, a smile tugging at his rugged mouth.
you flush, cheeks reddening impossibly. “yeah! thought you might like it—picked it up from a store today.”
“i like it,” he says immediately, his voice low and sincere as he sweeps you closer to him, pressing a lingering kiss to your mouth. his tongue brushes past your lips, sliding against your own tongue with an unhurried confidence that makes your knees weak. when he finally pulls away, there’s a slight frown on his lips. “your lips are cold.”
you roll your eyes, prepared for his inevitable scolding.
“i told you not to walk here tonight. the temperature is freezing.”
your response is a shrug and a playful smile. “but i missed you today.” you pout, and he shakes his head like he’s caught you doing something you know you shouldn’t.
“missed you too, my love,” he murmurs, his voice softening as he cranes his neck to brush his lips against yours for a brief moment. “let me just finish up here, and we can head home.”
nanami attempts to pull away, but you tug him back with a sharp yank around his neck, pulling him flush against you. his chest presses against yours, and you can feel the unsteady thrum of his heartbeat.
“but you’re already finished,” you whine, your voice a soft plea as you press closer.
he laughs softly, trying to pry your arms away, but it’s a hopeless effort—you’ve trapped him against the counter. “it’ll only take a minute, y/n,” he assures you, but there’s a warmth in his tone that hints he’s not in much of a hurry to move.
“you always say that,” you murmur, leaning up to brush your lips against his jawline. “and yet, here we are.”
his breath hitches slightly as your hips shift against his, the soft pressure sending a shiver through him. he’s trying to keep his composure, but you can tell you’ve caught him off guard. “you’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters, his voice dropping to a rough whisper as his hands tighten around your waist.
this close, he’s wrapped up in your vanilla and caramel and apples, drowning in your touch and taste and smell. he loves this perfume on you, finds himself kissing you even deeper.
he’s not sure why you’ve elicited this reaction from him— he supposes it’s because of your thoughtfulness. the image of you wandering around a shop and stumbling upon this perfume and thinking of nanami and how much he’ll love it and deciding to purchase it.
or perhaps it’s because it emanates him. it’s as if everything about you, every aspect from the wedding band on your finger to the way you smell, belongs to him.
everything you are— you’re his. the thought makes his blood warm.
“i just want you to come home,” you say softly, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “right now.”
his resolve wavers, and you can feel it in the way his body tenses, his breath quickening ever so slightly. he leans down, capturing your lips in a kiss that’s deeper this time, more insistent. his hands slide down to rest on your hips, pulling you even closer as he lets out a low, satisfied hum.
“just one more minute,” he murmurs against your lips, but there’s a playful edge to his tone now, like he’s testing just how far he can push before giving in completely.
you push up on your toes to kiss him again, sweeping your tongue into his mouth and he’s quick to respond, hands on your waist pulling you closer so that your body is flush with his. it’s enough to make him pause, his grip tightening as he holds you close, his forehead resting against yours now.
“you’re making it very hard to finish up,” he whispers, his voice a low, gravelly murmur that sends a thrill through you.
“that’s the idea,” you tease, pressing another kiss to his lips that he returns lazily, feeling him melt into you. you know you’ve won when he sighs, his resolve crumbling as he finally gives in, wrapping both arms around you tighter and pulling you against him.
“fine,” he concedes, his voice barely above a whisper as his lips trail down your neck. “i’m done for the night.”
you smile against his skin.
when I write fluff I get so giggly and then I rmbr im single and lonely and I die a little inside!
thank you so much for your request and for reading my other drabbles it means so much!! i’ve been meaning to write about other characters so I’m glad I was finally able to!! thank you and I hope you enjoyyyy<3 oh and I hope u noticed the something stupid songggg and the lyric “the time is right ur perfume fills my head the stars get red and oh the night’s so blueeee,” TELL ME IM NOT A GENIUS
I just know this is filled with many errors but I am so lazy so I’m going to knockout!
har 💗
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mari-the-bimbo · 2 years
Dorm mate Sukuna: when he’s sick
A/N: Happy Friday my loves!!! <3 it’s nearly the weekend so let’s start it with a bit of wholesomeness! Enjoy! 💗
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Now it’s no secret that Sukuna is your personal driver, as well as dorm mate and boyfriend, he drops you off to college and picks you back up.
So it was part of the daily routine for you to either wake up early, ready for him to drop you off, or your lazy ass oversleeps and Sukuna has to wake you up. Today was one of those days.
You’re rudely awoken from your sleep as a harsh slap to your butt is given by the pink haired thug.
“Oi! Wake up you lazy cow or-“ but his threat is cut short as he sneezes. You snap out of your sleepy daze and notice the usually vigorous, muscular man looked slightly pale and unwell.
“Sukuna, are you sick?!” You asked in shock. Although someone being unwell isn’t a surprising idea, it was surprising when it came to Sukuna, considering you’ve never seen him sick.
“No” he says sternly as he saunters out your room, which was your second indicator that he was sick. The usual Sukuna would shamelessly suggested to watch you undress or would’ve tackled you to the bed for no reason. But it was obvious his usual playfulness was gone because he was tired.
“But you are sick Sukuna! I can hear you sniffing!”
“It’s coke!” He lies ridiculously, making you raise an eyebrow.
“No you’re not on drugs ‘Kuna, you’re just sick, I feel bad making you drive me to campus when you’re sick! Maybe I should stay at home and take care of you?” You suggest, making the man stop in his tracks.
You smile cheekily, knowing the pink haired man has a soft spot for you, and would do anything for your attention.
He turns around and leans against the doorframe of your bedroom, arms crossed against his broad chest. His tired red eyes boring into your own as he considered the offer.
“Fine” he said as you cheer, “but only if I get to use your butt as a pillow” he adds, a nasally laugh escapes him as he watches your face drop.
Nevertheless, the rest of the day went peacefully. First he slept on your butt for a few hours, as promised. Then he lay in your arms, moaning as you rubbed his muscular back for him.
Then after a few hours you made him hot chocolate. Now resting on your boobs as he drank the hot beverage. “Mm it’s good” he says as you hum happily while you traced his arm tattoos with a finger.
You look down at him to thank him and notice he’s already staring. “‘What you lookin at?” You say, imitating his voice teasingly. But he continues to stare at you silently, before his large tatted hand reaches out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, “hmm you’re cute you know” he mumbles. You ears turned red in embarrassment but you give him a bashful smile nonetheless.
“I know” you reply cheekily.
“Do you know you’re also a cutie when you’re sick?” You tease, knowing the man’s easily hurt masculine ego.
His eyebrows furrow as he frowns, “don’t test me silly girl” he says firmly. “But you are!” you reply. “You’re like a cutie patootie teddy bear!” You exaggerate, further infuriating the unwell man, you reach out to boop his nose but he’s quick to grab your hand, and roughly pull it until you were pulled closer to him. His strong grip on your hand stays and he speaks “who teases their man like this when he’s sick huh?” He asks.
“Me” you reply, biting your lips to hide your smile but it was useless. Your smile is infectious as he returns his own tired sexy smile to you. “Don’t make me kiss that smile off your face y/n.”
“Hey don’t do that! I’ll get sick!” You warn with a laugh, but it’s not like Sukuna ever listened anyway. The pink haired male returned to his menacing ways as he immediately shot up, and grabbed your face in his large hands.
“Come here” he says in his deep groggy voice, shoving his lips onto your own, kissing you feverishly until you pulled away.
“See? I feel better now” he says, licking his lips, making you giggle as he lays his head in your chest once again. “I’m glad” you say as you play with his pink hair.
And as the brute drifted off to sleep while snuggled between your warm boobs, he made a mental note to be sick more often.
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inkdrinkerworld · 4 days
HI!!! I LOVEEE your work and how you write Remus! If ur still taking requests, I was wondering if you could write something like reader tell remus about her bad experience with her ex and that’s why she’s not very touchy and kinda freaks out when he kisses her?
allusion to a past relationship that was unkind and a partner who did not respect your boundaries, but no graphic mention of it
You love physical contact. You love the feeling of someone holding you, kissing you and just being next to you.
Or at least you used to love it. When it had still been gentle and full of affection.
Remus' touch reminds you of how much affection can be conveyed in just the simplest of touches. Still, no matter how gentle and how much warning Remus gives you, sometimes it's unstoppable the way you tense against his skin.
You don't know why today it seems harder than usual to accept the gentleness and the openness of his touch, but you can't seem to get it together.
Remus feels it finally when he presses a kiss to your thigh as he makes to lay between your legs and he pauses, suddenly insecure.
"Have I done something wrong dove?" you shake your head, nibbling on your lip as you try to figure out how to tell him.
"Not you, Rem."
He frowns. "But something is wrong?"
You sigh, not liking that you're making your boyfriend worried, but also worried how your admission will make him feel. It's not like it's Remus' fault some men are rough and like to take advantage of others.
"You know how sometimes you block things out and they don't bother you till they suddenly appear a few years later?" Remus nods, sitting near your legs but not touching you. His hands sit idly in his lap and you can tell they're itching to at least hold your ankle.
"Sometimes, you'll kiss me or be so gentle and touch me like I'm made of glass that I remember not everyone has touched me like that and I get sucked back to that time."
Remus coos, "I'm sorry people have treated you less than you deserve, dove." It bothers Remus immensely that anyone thought they'd had a right to you and made you feel like you'd not had the authority to tell them no.
You shrug, it doesn't bother you anymore. Like you said, you forget about those days most times.
"Should I ask before I touch you? Would that make it easier?" You shake your head, tentative as you climb into Remus' lap- like a fawn learning to walk for the first time.
Remus keeps his hands to himself till you're fully seated and even then he waits for you to rest them on the dip in your waist. "I like it when you touch me, Remus. You remind me that not everyone is rough and mean."
He presses his forehead into yours, hazel eyes shining with love and adoration as he looks at you. "I'll always touch you gently lovely girl, you're the most precious thing to me."
You smile, flustering even more when his hands sneak up the back of your shirt. "More precious than your chocolate and books?"
Remus kisses you for an answer, lips tasting a bit like his special dark chocolate and salted caramel bar. "More than anything this world has to offer."
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
about: never one for birthdays, Bradley is quite content on a quiet night in for his birthday. the only gift he really wants is you but gets a little more than expected. tbe universe.
word count: ficlet-town (for me). 2.5k.
part of: The Boyfriend Experience universe
warnings: fluff. a bit o’ smut but mostly fluffy fluff. mindless fluff. and yeah. adult themes. but this blog is 18+, so this shouldn’t be a surprise.
it’s midnight here in the land of Oz and brb thots will be running rampant multiple timezones today, celebrate with your creators and fandom. send reblogs and comments x
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“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... Happy birthday, sweet Bradley,” you sang quietly, approaching him with a single-lit candle chocolate cupcake as he relaxed on the couch after a delicious homemade dinner and the whiskey doing down a fucking treat. With the lights low, romance was gently hanging in the air. “Happy birthday to you,” you finished simply as he couldn’t resist his grin and pink flushed the apples of his cheeks. 
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“Love...” he grumbled, embarrassed. “You didn’t have to - ”
“But I did,” you cut him off gently. “Make a wish, handsome,” you tenderly kissed the frown line between his raised dark brows.
“Thank you, sweet girl,” he accepted the cupcake and stared deeply into your eyes before letting his lids drift closed. He carefully blew out the candle.
"Whatcha wish for?” you asked sweetly.
“Don’t need a wish, already got everything I need,” he said simply as he patted his thighs and opened his arms to you. “Come ‘ere, you.”
Eagerly, you climbed aboard your favourite seat and made yourself comfortable on his lap, taking the candle and tossing it on the coffee table. “You’re such a fuckin’ softy,” you accused teasingly as he chuckled, shyly. “I know you didn’t want to celebrate, and that’s fine. But you weren’t getting away without a sweet surprise,” you admitted as he offered you the first nibble. “No, sweetheart. You’re the birthday boy. Birthday boy comes first today.”
“Comes first, huh? Sweet girl, I will always get you there,” he breathed deeply, taking an indulging bite. He hummed happily, crumbs flailing between you. “Sorry,” he admitted. “It’s real good,” he chuckled messily, trying to catch crumbs with his tongue. You adjusted your posture, a gentle grind catching his attention quick. He licked his lip, unknowingly missing some frosting that you generously tidied for him with a sweet kiss.
“Does taste good,” you agreed. “All for you, Lieutenant Commander,” you reminded him. He knew that tone. He knew it meant good things were coming. Hopefully both of you. 
He hummed, a low grumble of laughter teasing in his throat. He dragged his long index and middle fingers through the frosting and swiped against your lower lip. “Open, love,” he said, but it wasn’t a question. Your tongue delicately darted out as you kept his gaze. He appreciatively watched as tongue first, you delicately swirled around his fingers and enclosed them, taking it deep in the back of your mouth, eyes big as he breathed a raspy, ‘hmm, yes, baby. You know just how I like it...’
His other palm wrapped around you, a warm hand snuck into the elastic of your sweats and he could feel the lace under the pads of his fingers. He pouted, curiosity getting the best of him. Good things came with lace. “Come here,” he said as you let his fingers go with a pop and crawled a little further, skilfully grinding down on him. He groaned low as your sweet lips brushed wet kisses against his pulse. He was putty when you kissed him there and he willingly snapped back, eyes black with desire as he helped you raise your hoodie and discard it, a new navy blue bodysuit leaving very, very little to the imagination now revealed.
“Fuck, this is nice,” he didn’t apologise for how he groped your breast, his thumb rubbing slow circles around your nipple and he lowered his face to bite through the material, the sight too good to ignore as you sighed, you were in heaven. Dragging your fingers into his neat curls, it was hard not to fall into him. He gazed up at you with those eyes that told you how much he wanted to devour you and raised his lips to you, his big hands pulling you closer to him as your lips met, wild kisses ensued as your bodies pressed against each other eagerly awaiting what was to come next. 
He eased back on the couch as you pulled back to make light work of the belt and zip on his jeans. He whipped off his tee and quickly dragged down his jeans with his boxer briefs, long, thick and weeping with excitement for you. “Lose the sweats, love,” he ordered, his tone dark and certain as you stepped away, turned away and pushed the fleece away. He sighed wistfully. He was an ass man at heart, and your ass was pure perfection that he wanted to sink his gleaming teeth into. 
Chuckling deep, he encouraged you. “Yes, love. Show me how that thing comes off, huh?” 
Looking back, you stepped back between his wide thighs and took his hand, guiding it between your legs to where the clasps strained to be released. He nodded, but instead swiped the flimsy material to the side, his index finger pressing into the slick that always seemed to be waiting for him. 
“Look at you, dripping and I have barely even touched you,” he chewed his lip as he watched your face contort, bashful to blissed as his index finger sunk into you, then his middle finger, knees almost immediately weak. “Love, you need to be fucked, huh?” he dragged you flush against him and placed you back on his lap. 
“It’s your birthday. I just want to please you - ” you tried. Really. All you wanted to do was please him. See his face as he came. That was pure ecstasy in itself. 
“This is all I want,” he told you simply. “Let me bury myself in you, huh? You coming all over my cock is my gift.” 
“I was supposed to be the gift to you - ” you moaned as he dragged you upon him, slipping his cock in deeply, perfect for you. “God,” you muttered, resting your forehead on his strong shoulder, taking in his cologne. He always smelled so damn good.  
“I said no presents,” he growled, teasingly. “Well, okay. Except maybe for this flimsy, little... thing,” he breathed deep, pulling down the cup and letting his tongue swirl around the puckered skin. His cock was so sensitive to your sweet, warm wetness. He wanted slow and slippery, but he wasn’t going to last if this was how delirious you made him feel.
It was slow, sweet. Connecting, kissing, he held you so tight as you melded together. Perfect in its simplicity. But unlike your birthday wish for him, you came before him, quaking and milking him, dragging his orgasm out. 
It wasn’t always about the birthday boy.
Slumped against Bradley, his tongue lapped up the few beads of sweat on your shoulder and murmured how good his sweet girl was to him. “You want more, big boy?” you asked into his skin. “Ready to unwrap me?” 
He breathed deeply, trying to control his breathing. “Fuckin’ yes.” 
“Then come along. It would be rude if I unwrapped your gift myself.” 
Praying to whatever deity brought you to him, his grin ripped wide as you murmured about the mess between you both that threatened to spill. He reached for his discarded tee and skillfully tidied you up. After another kiss, he took your hand, thanking the gods for creating you for him. “Okay. Maybe one more gift...” he slipped his boxer briefs back on and allowed himself to be led to the bedroom, his big hand in both of your smaller ones and you stopped at the door. 
“Come on,” you said as he wandered in. “Get comfy, let me just freshen up...” You kissed him then headed for the bathroom as he dove on the bed, the duvet exploding around him in his excitement and an arrogant smile on his face as he placed his hands behind his head, body primed for whatever you were about to blow his mind with. 
He cast his gaze to the bathroom door you’d just disappeared through, his bedside lamp on. Meticulous in his need for organisation and neatness, he noted an envelope on the bedside table and reached for it, his name on the front - 
And maybe breathing stopped when he pulled out the contents.
And maybe his heart lurched as he realised the handwriting he hadn’t seen in years, the letter addressed to Bradley Darling x
And maybe - 
“Ahh, you saw it,” you said, reappearing and relaxed against the doorway, a small grin on your face, perfect with your messy hair and put back together in your bodysuit. Bradley gave you a confused smile.
“Love,” he sat up, and asked, “What is this?”
"Wasn’t addressed to me, Bradley Darling,” you told him, the affection you had for the name superseding any nickname you’d ever given him. “I found it in one of the boxes in the attic. Had Mav’s name on it and a cross scribbled through it violently,” you gave him a look that told him how ridiculous it sounded.
Bradley signed, rubbing his eyes bashfully. “I got a bunch of stuff from Mav after Mom died... and then the whole papers thing happened so I took out my anger on an archive box... among other things.”
“Yeah,” he agreed embarrassed.
“Want me to leave you for a few minutes?” you nudged your head towards the living room in case he wanted to read alone.
“No, stay,” he said, reaching his hand for you and you came to sit on the edge of the bed as he sat up. “Wanna read it with me?”
“It looks like it’s just for you...” you told him warily, not wanting to interrupt a private moment but you would be lying if you didn’t want to know the contents of the letter. 
“Yeah, but there’s nothing in there I’d ever hide from you. Get over here,” he admitted as you came to scamper over his body and lay back together against his pillow as he opened the letter. “Been a long time since I’ve seen her handwriting, it’s weird.”
“It’s such a beautiful script,” you admitted, never a fan of your own writing. A messy chicken scrawl at the best of times. You wrapped a thigh over his, snuggling against his side. “Smells like old perfume.”
“She always sprayed her favourite Chanel perfume on any letters she sent,” he chuckled quietly. 
“No. 5?” you reckoned. 
“Actually, yeah. That sounds really familiar. She said it was really expensive,” he chuckled quietly. His eyes went to her handwriting and started to read aloud:
My Bradley Darling on his 21st birthday.
There are a few of these we haven’t celebrated together now. It breaks my heart to know that you are alone but I know Mav is taking care of you as best as he can - 
Bradley sighed. “Guess she couldn’t predict it.”
“No, I suppose not,” you agreed, kissing his ribs but not wanting to distract him, your fingers tracing the ridges and peaks of his abs, his muscles firing, always ticklish. “Worked out in the end.”
He hummed in response and kept reading:
But I know he is doing all he can in his way to make sure you’re safe, happy and taken care of. I hope you’ve remembered your patience and consideration of all he has done for you and will continue to do, even if you don’t agree with his decisions. All Mav has ever wanted was the best for you, just like Daddy and me.
I’m writing you this while you sleep in the hospital chair across from me. My young man, so handsome and bright with the world at his feet. I hope you have gone for everything you’ve ever dreamed of. I hope you meet someone wonderful, someone who you will love like I love your Daddy. I’m so scared to leave you, but I want you to know while you have Mav here, Daddy and I are going to be watching everything you do from where we are together, devastated we’re not with you, but so damn proud of the man you will grow to be, watching from the front row.
Bradley stopped to sniff. He wasn’t crying but would be lying to say he might’ve if you didn’t distract him with the tear stains now on his chest. “Oh, love,” he said with a gentle sigh.
“This is the sweetest thing. She is very eloquent.”
“Towards the end, she was pretty out of it. I don’t know when she wrote this,” he admitted. You nodded, hoping he’d continue. There didn’t appear much more left as your eyes followed his words.
Bradley Darling, you are the love of my life. And I’m so sorry I couldn’t beat this for us. But I’ll always take care of you. I’ll be your angel watching over you, just like Daddy is for you and me now. He’s calling for me, I can hear him clear as day and I can’t wait to see him. 
I love you, my brave son. Your Momma x
“Oh, my God,” you were almost sobbing in the end as Bradley folded the paper up, placed it back on the bedside table and wrapped you into his arms. 
“There, there,” he teased, kissing your forehead. 
“That is so special, Bradley.”
He nodded but didn’t reply. He knew the weight it held and wondered if Carole really was watching, seeing how happy he was, seeing what he made of his life. A decorated naval aviator, a partner and a man with a future. A man who didn’t think he’d have a future before you came along. But he knew.
He didn’t believe in soulmates before he’d met you, but he knew his mother had sent you to him. When you were both at the right times in your life - when you needed him and when he needed you more than he’d ever know he could need anyone. 
He giggled as he kissed you, tasting salty tears. “Why are you so emotional about this?”
“I don’t know,” you protested, a bubbly laugh slipping. “Do you think she is happy at how your life turned out?”
“Yeah, I hope so. She’d probably be pushing a baby agenda,” he nudged you, teasingly as you rolled your eyes. You’d only recently just gone off the pill, rolling the dice to see if Baby Bradshaw was in your futures and Bradley would be lying to say... he was trying to bury himself in you any fucking chance he got, but don’t get him wrong, he didn’t have a breeding kink. Nooo... not at all. 
“One step at a time, huh?” he held your left palm in his and pressed a series of sweet kisses into your engagement ring, your wedding in a few short weeks with that special handful of people. Small and intimate for two fools who never saw themselves ever getting married and finding their happily ever afters together. 
“One step at a time,” you repeated, moving to his waist as he licked his lips, an entertained grin spreading across his handsome features. “Think I could tempt you for the rest of your present now, Bradshaw?” 
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A/N: happy birthday, Rooster Bradshaw. It’s been so much fun bringing you to life exactly how I see you (whether people agree or not) x
the tag list no longer exists. To keep up to date, give @notroosterbradshaw-library a follow x
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alexetbishop · 7 months
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Pairing: Kate Bishop x reader
Word count: 1.3K
Summary: someone turns your valentine's Day upside down.
Valentine's Day has never been a special day for you, preferring to stay at home and read a good book or watch a cheesy rom com while stuffing yourself with ice cream and chocolate like every other night.
You had everything laid out: snacks all over the coffee table, La La Land about to start on the TV and a fuzzy blanket on your knees.
However, your night would've been interrupted in a few seconds by none other than your best friend.
Kate was supposed to go on a date with a girl she recently met. Yet, somehow she found herself at your doorstep at 9.00 PM on valentine's Day with a half eaten box of chocolate.
"Can you open up? It's me." Kate said behind the door.
You furrowed your eyebrows and stood up from the comfort of your couch. You opened the door and your jaw almost dropped at her sight. Kate was wearing a full on black suit. Her tie was loose around her neck and her shirt was unbuttoned revealing a trace of her collarbone. A box of chocolate in her left hand and her jacket slung over her shoulder.
You cleared your throat. "What- what are you doing here?" She takes off her jacket from her shoulder and walks in, throwing it on a chair.
"Date didn't show up." She shrugged. "Chocolate?" She popped one in her mouth and offered to you the box.
"She stood you up?" You asked taking the box and putting it on the kitchen table.
"Eh, it's no big deal. Mind if I borrow some clothes?" She started to walk towards your room while starting to unbutton her shirt. "This suit is killing me."
You followed her, she was already browsing through your closet when you reached your room. "You seriously need to sort out your clothes in here. It's a mess." She took out some sweats and started changing. You lowered your head. "Not that yours is any better." You quipped. She chuckled. "Touche."
"So, what happened?" You asked her. Kate was acting weird, that's for sure. Usually when a date goes bad she would come to you crying and in need of cuddles. Today it was not the case apparently.
"Well, I got to the restaurant, waited for like half an hour until she texted me that she can't come." She doesn't seemed fazed at all. And that's probably because she was not telling the truth.
The girl did show up. And they did have a good time until they got on the girl's car to make out.
But you didn't have to know that. You didn't have to know that she imagined your hand was the one she was holding. That your lips were the ones she was kissing. She ran out of the car freaked out as she saw the girl's face instead of yours when she pulled back after a kiss. And she ran and ran until she found herself at your apartment complex.
She couldn't get you out of her mind. She tried to forget how you made her feel by going on date after date with people she barely knew. But your smile, your voice, you hunted her thoughts.
"You sure you're okay?" You ask just to be sure. You looked up but immediately averted your gaze down again as she was just in her bra.
"Yeah. Totally." She nods. "Now, I've seen you were about to watch La La Land?" She zipped up her hoodie and walked past you, back to the living room. "You've seen that movie like a hundred times. Don't you think we should watch something else?" She plopped down on the couch, taking a bowl of popcorn on her lap.
"You know I can't help it." You sat down next to her, pulled the blanket on your knees and started the movie. "And don't act like you don't love it." You grin and poke her shoulder. "Also I bet that you're either going to break out in a dance or in a concert."
She raised her eyebrows at you, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Oh you wanna bet? Fine. Let's bet then." She pops a popcorn in her mouth. "If I win I will always be allowed to steal any of your clothes and not return them."
"Wow. You're really committing to this. Fine." You pause. "Then if I win you won't be able to eat pizza for two weeks."
That made her hesitant but she reached out her hand anyway. "Lets shake on it." You shook her hand and both looked at the TV.
Half an hour passed, in the meanwhile Kate cuddled up to you, wrapping both arms around you and laying her head on your shoulder.
She had always been affectionate towards you and you were totally fine with it. Until one day you were hanging out together and she smiled at you. It was a simple smile but it changed everything. It made you fall completely and hopelessly in love with her and now every time she looked at you or touched you, you transformed into stick.
City of stars started playing. Kate began to hum under her breath. "I can hear you." You looked down at her. "But humming is not singing." She pointed out. "Mh, no. I think it is." You say back. "So I think you should shut up if you don't want to lose." Kate purses her lips, and stays silent even if you feel her move her fingers to the slow melody.
She was trying so hard to contain herself but her favourite scene came on. The sight of Mia and Sebastian dancing in the stars made her burst.
She stood up and intertwined her fingers with yours. "Dance with me." It wasn't even a question. She ordered you to dance with her. She pulled you up, flushing her body with yours.
"Kate! You're going to lose the bet!" You felt so hot all of a sudden.
"I don't care." She places one hand around your waist and the other on your neck, her thumb grazing your jaw. She wasn't even thinking about the bet anymore. She will take her chance. She's tired of jumping from person to person. She only wants you.
She twirled you around the living room, eliciting a few nervous giggles from you. You didn't dare to look up, scared that you would explode if your eyes would ever meet hers. Also because you were scared to crash her feet. But that was for sure a minor problem compared to the fire burning inside you.
"I'm over here, you know." She lifted up your face. "Just go with the flow." Blood rushed to your cheeks. She was so close you could count all the shades of blue in her eyes. She smiled softly and her eyes crinkled. Her hair was flowing around as if a breeze was following her around.
She was so beautiful.
There's no denying that. You always thought that and despite your red cheeks, you couldn't take your eyes off of her. As your feet moved on the hardwood floor her forehead connected with yours. She smelled so good, the perfume mixed with her natural scent made you go crazy.
The song wasn't even over when she pressed her lips on yours. She was hesitant at first, but when she felt your hands squeezing her waist, she went all in. She tasted both sweet and salty, probably from the chocolate and popcorn she ate earlier.
Your knees gave out and your hands came around her back.
The song ends. You break the kiss with an idiotic smile on both your faces. "You lost the bet."
"I think I can live two weeks without pizza." She shrugged. "Do you?" You lifted both your eyebrows. "Because I remember vividly you going feral after not having pizza for five days str-" she shut you up with a kiss and you melted in her arms.
"How about... I promise to kiss you every time I crave pizza?" She smirks and kisses you again. You giggle into the kiss and nod. "That's fine by me."
It's safe to say Kate never broke her promise.
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 9 months
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"To All of the Girls I've Loved Before" II Hazel Callahan x Reader
“Hazel goes to her favorite diner, ordering her favorite food and a large chocolate milkshake to go with it. It definitely helped to deal with her existential crisis on a full stomach and she eventually calmed her emotions.”
Tags: Cheerleader!Reader who is kinda mean oopsie, girls kissing, fem!reader, no use of y/n, lightly proof read
A/N: Wow, didn't expect y'all to like the first part, again this is based loosely off of the plot of "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" except it's gay and we love it. This is part two, go to the first part if you haven't read it already! Also, don't steal my writing, I only post on Tumblr.
Hazel wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for eternity. She didn’t even wait for the dismissal bell as she grabbed her things and immediately rushed home.
How did the letters even get out? She had made sure to put them all in a small shoe box in the back of her closet…
As soon as she got home, Hazel ran up to her room and searched her closet from top to bottom, but all she found was a now empty shoe box.
“Hazel? Why are you home so early? I thought you had that fight club thing today” Hazel’s mom says as she leans against the door frame in that ridiculously overpriced bathrobe.
Hazel sighed and looked up at her mom, “Yeah…they, uh, canceled today” she says quickly while holding the shoe box and running a hand through her hair in frustration.
Her mother pointed to the box, “I made sure to mail those for you so you didn’t forget, and so they didn’t sit collecting dust.” she says while taking a sip from the drink in her hand
Hazel freezes and looks at her mother, her shock slowly fading into anger, “You were the one who mailed them?”
“I mean it seemed like you had forgotten about them, so I took it upon myself” she says shrugging her shoulders like her decision didn’t cause Hazel to make some of the biggest mistakes in her life.
Hazel throws the shoe box to the floor and rushes out of the house without another word as all of the emotions start flooding her mind and she sits in her car trying to blink back tears. She hits the steering wheel in frustration and then lays her head on it which causes the horn to blare.
“My life is ruined” she groans and then leans back, closing her eyes. She then starts her car and puts it into drive.
She needs to go somewhere and think
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Hazel goes to her favorite diner, ordering her favorite food and a large chocolate milkshake to go with it. It definitely helped to deal with her existential crisis on a full stomach and she eventually calmed her emotions.
And then you walked in
You scanned the diner and immediately spotted Hazel, walking over and sitting across from her in the booth. You had your cheerleading uniform on which told Hazel you must have come straight from practice.
“Hey Hazel” you say with a bright smile which Hazel can’t help but return, a small blush coating her cheeks.
“So I just wanted to come over and talk to you about what happened at the track earlier and I also want to offer you a deal” you say with a smug grin, “I need help getting my ex jealous, so I was thinking that maybe we keep up a little charade” you say as Hazel look at you dumbfounded at what you’re saying.
“It’s perfect! I’ll get Josh back for cheating on me, and you’ll finally get noticed by people other than those girls in your little club!” you say, a little condescendingly as you mention the fight club Hazel was apart of.
Hazel decided to try and scrounge up some form of her pride to leave with, “Yeah, look, I just wanted to say that I totally do not have a crush on you, I just needed to make sure another person also didn’t think I had a crush on them” she says confidently, and she isn’t technically lying…more like she was only saying half of the truth, right?
You weren’t going to lie, that made a spike of jealousy shoot through you but were quick to push the feeling down as you looked back to Hazel with a curious expression, “Oh? And who is this mystery person?”
Hazel fiddles with her rings nervously, wondering if she can trust you, “Well…um, her name is PJ but I’m sure you don’t know her-”
“But isn’t she like one of your best friends?” You questioned as you interrupt the brunette.
Hazel rubs the back of her neck anxiously, “I mean yeah, she is, but I never really had a crush on her until that kiss during the game happened and you know things got like super confusing for a while…” Hazel rambles until she slowly looks to see you checking your nails, seemingly uninterested.
“Look…maybe this fake dating arrangement could benefit both of us, you prove to PJ that you are totally not into her and I make my ex jealous, it’s really a win-win situation” you say, trying to push the idea forward again.
Hazel doesn’t know how to respond to this question…could she really date you, kiss you, love you while knowing that you don’t and will likely never feel the same?
She looks up and shakes her head, “I don’t know…this could really crash and burn if we ever get found out” she says softly
“I mean it’s not like we’ll ever tell anyone the truth” You say before sighing, “Just think it over, ok?”
Hazel nods and you flash her a smile before leaving.
“What is my life?” Hazel groans as she lets her head fall to the table in front of her
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The next day, you were at cheer practice, running over drills when you heard a voice call your name.
You look to see Hazel walking up to you until she stops right in front of you, tilting your head up a little, you can see a devious grin playing on her lips
“Let’s do this” she whispers to you
You cast a quick glance to your teammates around you and smiled before pulling Hazel into a quick but passionate kiss.
Hazel stumbles back a little after you break away and then looks around at all the people staring, her face starting to turn a vibrant shade of red as she laughs nervously.
“Yep, that’s my girlfriend alright” she says trying to play it cool but ultimately failing as she quickly walks away, “Carry on!” she squeaks out before running away, leaving you giggling softly at how cute Hazel looked when she was flustered.
A/N: Thank you again for reading!! I had no clue that a silly little idea of mine would be enjoyed by so many. Anyways, go drink water you girl kissers.
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