#today was a bad hard day but. will try again tomorrow. and i managed a few hours of crochet so thats something
cutearose · 2 years
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wabblebees · 2 years
#warning: long complaining rant abt my day incoming#now that saturday is officially over here where im at#can i just say fuck yesterday?? yeah. fuck yesterday#day started with finding that my betta died last night:( hed been sick as fuck for a while but id been trying rly hard to help and i rly#thought hed started getting better this week but. i guess not... to the person who msgd me & wished him well thank you very much<3<3<3#i really really appreciated it even tho i didnt know how to respond at the time#but. yeah. hhhh.#and bc of. all that:( i was an hour+ late to work this morning -- & as always im the only one scheduled to work up front for saturdays#so i felt so fucking bad for keeping my boss waiting up front instead of letting him go out to the fields like hed planned#and then we were busy as SHIT all day holy fuck. but i was very very lucky that the weather was ok & everyone who came today was super nice#and my ride to take me home was an hour+ late to pick me up -- so i stayed clocked in until they finally got there. & the coworker who was#supposed to be my shift relief didnt show up until 5 minuted before my ride did bc THEY were an hour+ late to work too#but i had so much shit i needed to do today after work and i just fucking COULDN'T bc being at work that long took all of my goddamn spoons#bc i was switching btween manual labor & so fucken MUCH human interaction & then back as soon as i had 30secs w/out someone talking to me#and again!! they were all so so nice!! if i wasnt already having a bad day im sure it wouldnt have taken NEARLY as many spoons. but i didnt#want to talk to anyone and i didnt want to do my usual cheery-chirpy shtick i automatically use bc of the adhd-masking+social anxiety shit#that always makes my coworker laugh bc apparently my customer service voice is just ''tour-guide barbie up an octave''#but like. yeah. that ate up every goddamn resource id managed to scrounge up after an already difficult week#which is. going to be a problem for tomorrow+next week!!! aaaaaaa!!!#i havent even made a DENT in the packing i have to finish before noon todayyy#im so so so excited for tmrw bc im FINALLY getting to see my partner after more than a month bUt im ALSO going to be spending the day with#their family and im so fucken nervous bc i love them and i already REALLY like their family but what if i fuck it up somehow. idek what to#WEAR bc its a party but when i asked their mom abt dresscode she just said ''come comfortable!🙂'' which one would THINK would make it EASY#but nOoOo bc EYE'VE never been COMFORTABLE at a social gathering in my LIFE#and then monday that ive gotta go drive back to my stupid SCHOOL bc ive got a 10-day JOB up there and im ALSO nervous about THAT#even tho ive done it twice before!! but this time IM gonna be the only student on the team thats ever done it and im 😬#hhhhhHHHH. and ive sat here shaking and typing this for 30 minutes instead of packing. still. bc im exhausted but havent done JACK SHIT#if im being fair to myself i will say i DID manage to take a shower and do laundry. which were both necessary steps! but also. the damn#fuck-ass dryer DIED HALFWAY THRU. bc fuck me ig. lmfao. life is a comedy of errors and im the damn player getting laughed off the stage#bee speaks
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Okay, hear me out. I can't stop thinking about how hard it would be trying to surprise Izana. So I needed to write something about it!
Headcanon + a little drabble of Izana x gn!reader.
Warnings: it's Izana so... Yandere tendencies (I mean, it's kinda canon that he's possessive as fuck xD)
English is not my first language, be kind please 🙈
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Usually, you don't mind how clingy Izana can be.
You love spending time with your boyfriend, so even if he can be a little or a lot overprotective and possessive you're okay with it.
Except, when you want to give him a surprise.
Buying a present for Izana in secret it's almost an impossible mission.
Even if you manage to go shopping alone (how? Who knows), he would make some Tenjiku member follow you around.
Well, he would make Kakucho follow you around. He doesn't trust anyone else with you.
Luckily for you, Kakucho realizes what you're doing and ends up helping you to choose the perfect present for Izana (really, Kakucho have too much patient with his king, he deserves the world).
After that, you always ask for Kakucho's help when you are planning any type of surprise for your boyfriend.
Izana wasn't happy.
At all.
He was planning on spending the afternoon with you, cuddleling together. But, apparently, you didn't have time for him.
How dared you? Izana was your boyfriend, why on Earth he couldn't be resting on your lap right now?
So, of course, Izana was raging.
After beating up a few idiots that had the bad luck of existing "too loudly", he was venting to Kakucho.
"I don't get it! What could be more important for them than me, exactly? They are mine!"
Kakucho just sighed, completly used to Izana's tantrums at this point.
"Izana, today is 13th of February."
The scarred boy replied calmly, hoping his king would take the hint.
"That means tomorrow is Valentine's Day."
Just like that, Izana's wrath disappeared completly. A soft smile on his face.
His gang could breathe again.
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mxmmyprentiss · 3 months
Bad Mom
Summary: Emily has always been better at this mom thing than you are. Sometimes, you actually envy her for how good she is at it. She was a natural while you’re a disaster. And maybe your daughter knew that. Genre: Fluff Pairing: Emily Prentiss x female reader Warnings: none Word count: 1.6K
A/N: Just some little fluff piece I wrote to get back to writing. It's not proofread so forgive me for mistakes and errors. Likes, comments and shares are welcome. Enjoy! :)
You and Emily Prentiss have been married for over five years now. You dated for two years prior to your marriage. And in those years that you’ve been together, both of you have gone through ups and downs together. Emily has never left you to deal with your problems alone.
Except today.
And that problem was your 3-year-old daughter having temper tantrums at breakfast.
“I don’ wike t’is!” Eleanor, your daughter, slammed her tiny hands on the dining table. She was clearly furious at you for trying to feed her vegetables instead of her requested chocolate cereals.
In your defense, it’s all she wanted to eat lately and you just didn’t want her to be diabetic early (or at all). 
“Ellie, please. This is yummy and healthy, baby. You can have cereal again tomorrow.”
Ellie shook her head and continued slamming the table. Her face was flushed from yelling and arguing with you for the past ten minutes or so. “No, mama! Ce-yals today!”
You sighed weakly. Ellie was such a good, easy  kid most of the time but can be a real pain in the ass when she wants to be. And in those times, only your wife can get through her stubbornness. After all, she is Emily’s daughter too.
“Mommy will be mad. Do you want mommy to be mad?”
“Mommy not he’e!” She pouted.
“I know, but she will be mad once she finds out you’re giving Mama a hard time.”
Ellie folded her arms to her chest and displayed a sulky pout. “I wan’ mommy!” She fiercely yelled at you. “I wan’ mommy he’e!”
“I want mommy here too, baby, but she is fighting bad guys and she will come back to us soon.” You tried to offer her another spoonful of mashed vegetables. To your surprise, Ellie grabbed the spoon and tossed it to the floor. “Eleanor Prentiss!”
“Mama bad! Bad!” Ellie screamed before storming off to the living room and played with her puzzles.
Your eyes fell to the mess your daughter made on the table and the floor.
God, you wish she was here. Emily has always been better at this mom thing than you are. Sometimes, you actually envy her for how good she is at it. She was a natural while you’re a disaster. And maybe your daughter knew that.
After cleaning up the mess, you gave up and fed her cereals instead. It’s still better than Ellie not eating anything at all.
Your phone buzzed and it was from your wife.
Emily: Hey, babe. Just got back from Chicago. How are you and Ellie?
You: Ellie and I are enemies at the moment. She’s not eating her veggies and she’s asking for you.
Emily: I’ll be home in 30. Just have to finish this last paperwork then I’m out.
You: See you later, babe. I love you.
Emily: I love you too and that little self-willed kid of ours.
You have no doubt about that. In all the years that you’ve known each other, not once did Emily make you feel that you didn’t matter to her. Even when she had to leave you for days or weeks to travel to different states for her job. She never made you feel that her job was a priority over you; it’s just something she had to do. Emily would call you every night to check on you. Most times she would have food delivered at your door or at your workplace so she’s sure that you’d eaten. And when your wife comes home to you, a bouquet of hydrangea - your favorite flower - would be found on your bedside table.
But when you and Emily decided to adopt Eleanor three years ago, everything changed.
Emily was just promoted as BAU unit chief six months before Ellie’s adoption while you stayed home for a while to take care of your newborn. Your wife managed to spend less hours in the office and made a strict rule to not be interrupted during her off days. During some of these days, you would caught her teaching Ellie different languages and the then two-year-old girl was just staring at her wide-eyed.
Your wife had made sure to spend her annual leaves with you and Ellie. Emily would take you and Ellie to Disneyland and other theme parks she researched about. She would never bring her family to places she deemed unsafe and family unfriendly, especially places the BAU has worked abduction cases with. 
Long story short, the change in your routine was all for the better.
Emily is a great mother, the best even. And she is just as great as your wife.
The problem lied with you though. You can’t seem to get through to your daughter like Emily did. It feels as if Ellie didn’t like you, or just liked her other mother better. Of course, you still loved that kid to death and you would do anything for her. But sometimes, at times like this one, it feels like you’re a failure of a mother to her.
Ellie was still ignoring you and your attempts to play with her. If you had a bingo card of her mama no’s, you would have won by now.
Maybe your daughter hated you.
You settled on watching your daughter have a tea party with her stuffed animals. Her dark curls tangled with the golden plastic crown she wore and her dark brown eyes focused on her white bunny. She was doing her best in re-telling them the bedtime story you told her last night.
The front door opened and Emily entered the living room, holding a big bouquet of pink and lavender hydrangeas and a tiny bouquet of white lilies.
“Queen Emily has arrived!” Emily announced, referencing the last story she told Ellie the night before she left for the case. “How’s my lovely sunshines?”
“Mommy!” Ellie exclaimed and ran to Emily. The little girl tightly hugged her mother’s leg. “Miss you, mommy!”
“Aww, I missed you too, sweet cheeks.” Emily knelt down to kiss her daughter’s cheek. She handed her the small bouquet. “This is for you, baby girl.”
Ellie jumped in joy and hugged Emily. “Thanks, mommy! They pwetty!”
“Yes, they are. Just like you, little one.” Emily playfully pinched her nose. When Ellie ran back to her tea party - boasting to everyone about the pretty flowers that her mother got her - Emily turned to you. “Hi, beautiful.”
“Please, I’m a mess.” You said, smiling faintly.
“Oh, you could be wearing a trash bag and I’d still find you the most beautiful woman on the entire planet.” You couldn’t help the blush that crept on your cheeks. Damn, this woman. Emily planted a kiss on your lips then handed you your bouquet. “This is for the best wife and mom in the world.”
You gratefully accept her gift. “Best wife? Yes. Best mother? Hmm, you’ll have to ask Ellie that.” You kissed Emily’s nose. “Your daughter hates me.”
“Our daughter,” Emily corrected you, slightly offended that you would ever say otherwise. “She doesn’t hate you. She’s just a stubborn little girl.”
“Wonder who she got that from.” You teased, earning an eye roll from your wife. “I made breakfast for you in the kitchen. You should eat.”
“Best.” Emily pecked your lips. “Wife.” And another peck. “Ever.” And another.
“I better be ‘cause I’d be the only one you’re getting for the rest of your life.” A smirk formed at your lips.
“One and only, babe.” Emily winked at you.
You and Emily spent the entire day playing with your daughter - having tea parties, dressing up her barbies, Emily making up silly stories about your family running an entire kingdom of stuffed animals. Eventually, your wife made sure that Ellie eats the mashed vegetables you prepared for her, proving only a stubborn could get past another stubborn.
Later that night, you and Emily tucked your daughter in. Emily was carefully brushing her hair while you set up her starry night light. Like most kids her age, Ellie didn’t like sleeping in the dark.
Ellie looked up to you. “Mama, pwease tell me ‘nother stowy?”
Your eyes met Emily’s. She smiled softly and nodded at you to go along with your daughter’s request.
You’re about to grab a book from Ellie’s cabinet when she stops you. “Don’ wan’ books. Wan’ mama and mommy stowy.”
“Our story?” Emily clarified. Little Ellie nodded. “Oh, mama, she wants to know our story.”
“I’m telling this one because we cannot trust mommy to tell the whole story, right?” You giggled as you tickled your daughter. “Okay, where do we start, hmm?”
“Start when you saw me across the room and fell in love with me.”
“I think that was the other way around, honey.”
“Touché.” Emily carried Ellie on her lap and hugged her. “Mama’s just so pretty that mommy cannot help but fall in love with her.”
Ellie giggled. “Mama pwetty!”
“That’s right, she is.” Emily smirked. “Mommy’s lucky.”
“Mommy, you pwetty too!”
You grinned. “She is. And you are our pretty little baby, Ellie.” You leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I love you so much.”
Ellie reached out and hugged your neck. “Wuv you, mama.” She planted a kiss on your cheek. “Sowwy I stubbo’n ‘bout veggies.”
Your heart swelled with love for your daughter. Emily squeezed your hand when she noticed the tears pooling in your eyes. “It’s alright, honey.” You said.
After telling your daughter more of how her mothers met, with a little too much protests from your wife about the inconsistencies about your story, Ellie eventually fell asleep hugging her stuffed giraffe.
“I told you she doesn’t hate you.” Emily spoke once you’re both in your bed, snuggling from behind and wrapping her arms around you. She planted a kiss on your exposed shoulder. “Don’t ever think that you’re a bad mom. Ellie is lucky to have you, and so am I.”
You didn’t say anything. Instead, you relaxed in your wife’s embrace.
And you believe her.
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Is it perhaps ok to ask for a single father reader? Like his child is still young, like 2-3, and reader is kinda like Tanjiro and Ubuyashiki from demon slayer? I would really like to see all the characters but I’d definitely like to see Tecchou, Jouno, Atsushi and Chuuya the most, I hope this isn’t too much or bad
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Single Father! Reader
Self-Aware! BSD Cast x Male! Single Father! Reader
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Description: It was supposed to be another normal day. Until your phone start glowing.
Warning: OOC, English is my second language
It was 9 pm, when you finally get home.
Before entering your apartment, you take a few breaths and put a smile on your face. With a knock, you turn your keys and opened the door.
Immediately you heard a sound of small footsteps. A three-year-old toddler waggle towards you.
Mrs. Greenhill, sweet old lady, your neighbor, followed after them. You were Incredibly lucky, that she agreed to look after [K/N], while you were at work. You nodded at her.
"Good evening, Mrs. Greenhill"
Your crouched down and hug your kid.
"Hello, [K/N]."
[K/N] giggle. They hugged you.
"Daddy home!"
Mrs. Greenhill's voice was soft.
"[K/N] were a good kid today. They were well-behaved in a daycare, ate their veggies and draw you a picture, [Y/N]."
Your kid giggle again. They wiggle out of your hold and, after taking your hand, start walking towards living room.
"Gift for daddy! Look!"
You followed [K/N], but turn your head towards Mrs. Greenhill.
"Thank you so much, Mrs. Greenhill. Have I ever thanked you for..."
Old lady raised her head.
"Every day, few times a day. Don't be nervous, [Y/N], you aren't looking ungrateful. I am happy to help."
You smiled again.
It was hard to be a single parent. Your parents were against you keeping [K/N] and insisted on giving them up to adoption. When you refused, they cut all contacts with you. The rest of the family were either on their side, or ignored both you and them.
So, you and your kid were living in a small apartment, that you rented, and you were working from dusk till dawn to earn money on a dead end job (with minimal wage), so your kid can have a happy life. You, once again, mentally thanked Mrs. Greenhill for agreeing to babysit [K/N]. She was a true savior.
🐾 As usual, you insisted on Mrs. Greenhill staying for dinner. As usual, after she left, you played with [K/N]. As usual, you two watch some cartoons, you read [K/N] a bedtime story and put them to bed. As usual, you prepared for tomorrow's day. As usual, you spent thirty minutes before bed to read some manga and play some games on your app. As usual, your phone glow white. As usual, BSD Characters appeared in your flat...
🐾 BSD Cast were expecting disbelief or shouting. Not heavy tired gaze, and "Congrats, [Y/N], you went crazy, what a pity...". And they didn't expect you to turned out the light and went straight to bed.
🐾 Next morning, you wake up because of delicious smell. Your yesterday's hallucinations were still here and they were cooking breakfast. What nice hallucinations. Or you are being robbed by a nice burglars.
And then you heard it. [K/N]'s voice. They were giggling. And giggles came from the kitchen.
You saw white. Without second thought, you ran into the kitchen. You grabbed first person who got into your way and growl.
"Let go of my kid!"
🐾BSD cast looked towards you nervously. Kunikida's glasses almost fall down from his nose, while he was trying to get away from your grip. Oda, despite looking at you, somehow managed to feed [K/N] a few more spoons of porridge. Your kid was giggling.
🐾 It took thirty minutes to calm you down. After that, BSD Cast finally explained, what was happening. And what they were planning to do next.
About how grateful they were. About wanting to live together, promising to make sure, that you and [K/N] will always have helpers and enough money.
And, if you don't want to stay with them, they promised monthly payments, so you could support you and your kid for the rest of [K/N]'s life.
Halfway through story, you noticed, that you were incredibly late for work. Well, you guess, you should start searching for a new job.
And then you heard Fitzgerald plans on paying you for your kindness.
The situation was too bizarre. You need fresh air. And a walk with [K/N] through the park.
You hopped, that you will think about, what to do next.
🐾 The next few days were busy. You packed up all your things, officially quitted your job, says goodbye to Mrs. Greenhill and moved to a new house with your new friends (a.k.a. new uncles, aunts, grandparents and siblings for [K/N].
And BSD Cast start learning about new side of you. About Dad [Y/N]. And about being a big family.
🐯 Atsushi act as older brother figure for [K/N]. He took it upon himself to pick them up from a daycare.
After realizing, how much you were doing for your kid and how hard it was, start respecting you even more.
📒 Kunikida is helping to teach [K/N] new things. Try to teach them about planning, but [K/N] asked "Uncle Kida" to play instead. [K/N] used puppy dog eyes. It was super effective.
🩺 Yosano is making sure, that [K/N] is healthy. And she is monitoring your health, to make sure, that all this month of overworking didn't cause any damage.
🌨️ Junchirou makes dessert for Naomi and [K/N]. He uses his ability to make [K/N]'s games more interesting.
👩🏻 Naomi took the role of big sister very serious. Makes sure, that kid are doing great.
🍵 Kirako took [K/N] to play with cats.
🛏️ Katai is finding computer games and kid cartoons for [K/N]. Monitor kids nap time.
🐄 Kenji is teaching [K/N] about farm animals and gardening. Immediately got a cow, so everyone could have fresh milk every day.
🐰 Kyouka is another big sister. She is a little bit more awkward, than Naomi, but she is doing her best.
🕵🏻 Ranpo is mischievous older brother. He is seeking candies for [K/N].
👘🗡️ You and him are members of Tired Dads(tm) club. Helps you to look after [K/N].
🪢🦀 Dazai is a fun uncle. He tries not to joke about ending his life near kid.
💉 Mori is another member of Tired Dads(tm) club. Buy your kid everything he can buy.
🍷 Chuuya is another fun uncle. He competes for kid's love with Dazai.
Respects you for being a young caring father. Ready to help you at any time of the day.
🌂 Kouyou became a mother figure for a kid. Helps you with tips on how to take care of a child.
🇫🇷 Verlaine is more distant uncle. He plays with kid and acts as a bodyguard for you and [K/N].
🎧 Rimbaud is another bodyguard. Will do anything for a kid, even play in snow during winters.
🏍️ Albatross bought at least dozens toy cars for a kid. Can't wait for a kid to grow up, so he can take kid on a motorcycle ride.
🧑‍⚕️ Doc is another doctor for a kid. Will make cast, so kid could draw on it.
🧊 Iceman is a quiet uncle. Will took kid for an ice cream, while uncles Chuuya and Dazai are arguing.
🗣️ Lippman will prepare kid for kids shows in a daycare/kindergarten. Will took thousands of pictures with mini-actor [K/N].
🎹 Piano Man is another guardian. Plays with kid almost every day.
🧥 Akutagawa tries to act as soft as he can near kid. Will be the one, who protect kid from bullies.
🔫 Higuichi is picking up cute outfits for kid. Wants to go to Disneyland with them.
🚬 Hirotsu is kid's grandpa. Takes kid for walks.
🔪 Gin is another big sister. Learn little dances with a kid.
🩹🧲 Tachihara is another big brother. And took his seriously. No one would dare to make kid cry in his presence.
🍰⭐⭕🚸 👧🏻 Aya, Oda's kids, Kyuusaku, Elise and [K/N] created a kids club. They play and have fun together.
💎 Karma is trying to look after kids. Often got sucked in their games.
🍋 Kajii will teach kid about science. He is very careful and only shows harmless experiments.
🍛 Oda is another member of Tired Dads (tm) club. Main babysitter for all kids. Very good at taking care of the kids.
💰 Fitzgerald is paying for everything. He also can't help, but cancel his plans, so he can play with [K/N].
🦝 Poe writes simple stories, so kid can practice their reading skills. Proud uncle, will treat everything kid wrote as a masterpiece.
🐋 Melville is another grandpa. Tells kid stories about sea and travels. Will play pirates with kids.
🐙 Lovecraft let kids climb over his monster form. He literally became a playground.
🍇♊ Twain and Steinbeck are taking kid on small"adventures". On a small works in forest, where they hide treasure chests with toys and candies.
☕ Lucy is another big sister. Try to compete with Kyouka for kid's love. Annie's room became a playground for a kid.
🪶 Alcott is quiet aunt. She is planning trips with kid, so they would be happy at the end.
👒 ✝️ Hawthorne and Mitchell control others, so they won't over-spoil the kid. Make sure, that kid are well-behaved and good.
😷 Pushkin read stories for a kid. Surprisingly nice and soft towards kid.
🫖 Goncharov prepares lunches for a kid.
🐀 Fyodor is playing cello for the kid. It feels strange, to hear cello cover of "Baby Shark" song.
🦇 Bram is another member of Tired Dads (tm) Club. Look after kid. Sometimes, will fly, while holding kid in his arms.
🤡 Nikolai is teaching kid magic tricks. Will always try to make him smile. Kid's partner in crime.
🃏 Sigma teaches kid new games. Shares cookies with them.
⚔️ Fukuchi is the last member of Tired Dads (tm) Club. Will be the one, who will deal with adults, who tries to make kid cry.
👧👩👵 Teruko is a spy in disguise. Will use her, ability to pretend to be a preschooler, so she can protect kid from bullies.
🌸 Tetchou will always gives kid piggyback rides. Will also play sports with kid.
Want you to teach him how to be as mentally strong as you are. You became his hero.
💧 Jouno is making sure, that Tetchou didn't overdo himself. Will play with kid hide and seek.
He thinks, that you are a very strong person. He will always remind you about your strength, when you became sad.
⛩️ Chief Taneda is another grandpa. Teach kid about different cultures.
💻 Ango play simple computer games with kid. Protective over them.
🥷 Tsujimura is playing spies with kid. Want to show kid her favorite spy movies in a future.
🕶️ Ayatsuji is making paper dolls with kid. He has a whole shelf of dolls made by kid in his doll collection.
👻 Mushitarou plays with kid. Plans to told them scary stories when they became old enough.
⌚ Gide keeps his distance. But he will be the scariest one (after you), if someone hurt the kid.
🐉🍎🍏 Shibusawa collects cool rocks and shells with kid.
🐈‍⬛ Natsume will play with kid in his cat form.
🤖 Adam became literal "robot-nanny". With Chuuya's help, he is becoming better and better.
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adventuringblind · 4 months
Medication Mishaps
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Fluff and Crack
Summary: When a mix-up in meds leaves her without any, Lando and Oscar are there to her navigate without them.
Notes: for @norizznorris. Sorry I don't do male readers! Regardless, I hope this is what you wanted! :)
Side Note: This one made me laugh the entire time while writing it. My fiancé is unmedicated and very high on the ADHD spectrum. Every day is an adventure!
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Ah, the joys of being neurodivergent. When somehow the world is to much and simultaneously to little. When the nagging impulsive thoughts and continues need for caffeine aren't enough, then the interests that lay dormant for years come back swinging; upset they've been neglected for so long.
Medication helps. Which - of course it does - it's engineered brain chemicals in the form of a chalky pill designed to help someone function in a world where only one kind of brain is excepted. It's better than it was, the world has come further in recent years.
yet here she is, taking her last pill from the bottle. A little piece in her cries knowing she'll have to go pick up her new meds today. The pharmacy feels like to much and she'd rather lay in bed and give into the executive dysfunction. Then she remembers she's flying with Lando and Oscar to their race tomorrow.
With that thought in mind, she groans and hauls herself out of bed. The boys are doing factory work today and won't be back until later. Plenty of time to come home and waste away the hours in bed and pray her energy comes back.
She lied to herself earlier. Any optimism for the day has just disappeared.
"What do you mean you don't have my meds?"
"There was a mix-up with the orders, but we'll have them in a few days." The pharmacist gives her a sheepish smile.
She just sighs and turns on the balls of her feet. How she's going to tell her boys, she has no idea yet. The insecurity of them not wanting her around the paddock because of in burns in the back of her mind.
She still has today at least. Maybe she'll just ride it out and not tell them.
That plan fails miserably the second they walk into the flat. The sight of her visibly distressed on the couch alerts them that something is wrong.
The sit down on either side of her. The question trying to escape their mouths. She beats them to it. "There was a mix-up with my meds. I won't have them until after we get back."
"And we'll help you manage, yeah? You'd do the same for us."
"Lan... she has done the same for you, like, daily."
Sometimes, she's convinced she lives on a different planet entirely. Like the brain and body she has are simply not meant to be here and there must have been a mistake with the storks.
Lando hands her a Redbull, courtesy of Max since he has to many. "I figured this might help?" Seeing as she nearly just threw hands with whoever was chewing unnecessarily loudly, caffeine might help.
She looks at Lando and Oscar, between the three of them, there are seven drinks. Only one of which is the Aussie's. "Oscar is being boring again."
the man in question huffs. "Water is good for you."
"But it's wretched to taste sometimes."
Lando nods at her in agreement. "See Oscar, boring."
"Nothing is ever boring with you two."
The beginning wasn't bad. Not like it is right now with her brain only wanting to do one specific things, she hasn't remember to eat since early this morning, and the tag on her shirt makes her want to pull her skin off.
Oscar looks at her curled up in his drivers room with a horrendous amount of care and sympathy. He slots in next to her and leans his head against the wall. "Hard day?"
"I need like - five pounds of dino nuggies and a nap."
"Anything I can do to help right now? We'll work on food when Lando is done."
She curls up in Oscar's lap like a cat. The lack of regulated sleep finally catching up to her. She's on the verge of sleep when Lando busts through the door yelling about something.
She throws a pillow at him in annoyance. "You owe me food."
Lando pauses. "That sounds brilliant."
Oscar shakes his head in defeat later that night as Lando gradually sneaks food off her plate and pretends they can't see him. If he's not caught then it didn't happen and Jon can't get mad at him.
She hasn't stopped talking with Lando for the last two hours. What exactly they've been going on about, she has no idea at this point. Their original conversation led to rabbit trails and other distractions that got in the way. The original story now long forgotten as they discuss the possibilities for new shoes.
Her phone dings, an automated message alerting her to her refilled meds. She shows Lando in excitement. The joys of functioning like a human again are nearly in her grasp.
Lando and Oscar both look at her in amusement. The latter has been using their conversation as an excuse to read. He sets his book down, a look she hasn't seen before crossing his features.
"Have you ever thought what it would be like if you didn't have to take meds?"
Lando shoots him a nasty glare. "Oi, she can't help-"
"Not what I meant." The Aussie crashes onto the bed with them, book now tucked away. "I just mean that having a different kind of brain shouldn't be such a difficult thing for the world to cope with. But the second someone is different-" He looks at Lando. "-Like they struggle with reading or processing information." Then he turns to her. "Or they struggle to with focusing and sensory things. They are ready to create some kind of fix to make those brains work like theirs." The genuine concern and sadness from him is almost heartbreaking.
"In a perfect world, yes. For now though, I think me and Lando can both settle for having someone who cares as much as you do."
"Just wish I could do more."
Lando hums and, quite literally, rolls over onto Oscar. "Just like our best is enough, so is yours."
"However, if the world could provide me with free drinks, I wouldn't be complaining."
Oscar chuckles and drags her closer despite Lando's weight on him. "I'll make a note of it for when I become ruler of the world."
"You never said you were planning that!"
"It's been my secret plan this whole time."
"... It's always the quiet ones."
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doc-pickles · 6 months
waking up in vegas | matthew tkachuk x hughes!sister (pt. 7)
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series masterlist
summary: you work through some doubts before Matthew comes home from his road trip
warnings: none :)
a/n: i knooooooow you all wanted smut in this chapter and I promise you’ll get more but not today. I hope you enjoy!!
You’re in overthinking mode.
It’s been nine days since your first phone call with Matthew. And every night since then you’d both enjoyed your nightly phone calls a little more than usual. The way his voice is able to bring you to orgasm is driving you insane and you can’t wait for him to be home tomorrow.
And that’s where the overthinking comes in.
If you and Matthew hook up (which you most definitely will) what does that mean for your relationship? Sure you’re married and having a baby and living together but… All of those things seem separate rather than conjoined as they would be for a couple.
Yes, you’re married but it was an accident that you were still trying to correct.
Yes, you’re having a baby but it’s the product of a lot of tequila and bad choices.
Yes, you’re living together but it’s only because of said baby.
If you sleep together again, will it complicate your… whatever you had with Matthew? You don’t think it can constitute as a relationship, but just calling it a friendship seems like a disservice. You and Matthew had a long history together that would now be intertwined forever with your child. And even though you didn’t know what that would lead to you were excited to see where the two of you ended.
“We have plenty of time to worry before Daddy comes home tomorrow,” you smile down at your baby bump. It seems to have popped out lately plus with the way the baby had been kicking you nonstop it was hard to ignore the little one growing beneath your skin.
To keep yourself occupied you clean the house for the first half of the day before you decide to make cookies. They’re a chocolate and peanut butter recipe that Matthew used to beg you to make during the summers when your families would be at the lake house together. More than once the two of you had snuck out to eat a plate of them on the back porch together.
The smell of the cookies brought back some of your favorite memories of your youth with Matthew and all your siblings. Hockey games, late night ice cream runs, lake house shenanigans, countless holidays, and shared vacations all flash in your mind as you stand in the kitchen scrubbing dishes. Your situation wasn’t ideal, being pregnant and married to someone you weren’t really in a relationship with. But you realize with a start that you love Matthew, you have for years. And while that love might not be romantic, you knew it would be more than enough to carry your unconventional little family through whatever came your way.
You’ve just pulled the cookies out of the oven when you hear the security alarm beep before the front door opens. You check the time with a frown. It’s a little after 6 PM and Matthew isn’t due home until early tomorrow. It couldn’t be him coming into the house, but you weren’t sure who else it could be.
And then you hear him call out your name.
“Baby, where are you?” Matthew calls out from the front room. His voice is laced with a level of need and desperation that you feel deep in your soul too.
You round the corner, freezing as you see Matthew standing in the entryway. It only takes a second of the two of you staring at each other before he’s sporting a wide smile. Overcome with emotion you waste no time in covering the few feet between you and launching yourself into Matthew’s arms.
“I missed you so much,” you manage to say as his hands caress your back. “I thought you were back tomorrow?”
Pulling back you meet Matthew’s eyes, noticing the wide grin on his face, “I caught an earlier flight. I couldn’t stay away any longer.”
Every negative thought and worry you’d had earlier in the day slips from your mind as Matthew holds you. Without a doubt you know that no matter what happens between the two of you that he’d never let you down. The boy who’d begged you for cookies and the man who caught an early flight just to hold you a few hours earlier would never hurt you.
You lean into Matthew’s gentle touch, brushing your lips against his as you share a soft and gentle kiss that melts all your worries away. When you pull apart he’s wearing that little smirk you love so much, holding you close to his body as if you’ll slip away if he doesn’t hold tight enough, “Matty I’m not going anywhere, you don’t have to hold me so tight.”
“I’m worried if I let go this will all be a dream and I’ll wake up in a hotel room lonely and missing you all over again,” he mutters against your neck. “Please tell me this is real, that I’m not imagining things here baby.”
You lean back a little bit to meet Matthew’s eyes, “It’s real. So fucking real. I’m here Matty, right in front of you and I’m not leaving.”
The two of you get lost in another kiss, simply holding each other and being content with each others presence. When you finally pull back Matthew furrows his brows, “Did you bake something?”
“I made my chocolate peanut butter cookies,” you laugh as Matthew releases his hold on you to bolt toward the kitchen. When you follow him he already has a cookie in his mouth, a delighted groan leaving his lips. “Good?”
“If I wasn’t already married to you I would propose right now,” Matthew moans out as he takes another bite. “And they’re still warm? Fucking hell woman.”
A deep laugh bubbles out of you as Matthew finishes his cookie and wraps you in his arms again. This time his hand comes down to cup your ever growing bump, “How’s Baby T?”
“Kicking me all the damn time,” you huff. As if to prove a point the baby kicks against Matthew’s hand. “Must get that from you.”
Matthew laughs and kisses you again, this time squeezing you tightly as he holds you close. He pulls back with a smirk and you can’t help the blush that instantly covers your cheeks.
“Why’re you blushing baby,” Matthew runs his fingers across your darkened cheeks. “You miss me?”
“So much,” you breathe out as you lean towards each other, foreheads touching. “Matty?”
“Take me to bed.”
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b0r3dtod3ath · 7 months
mother is mothering.
A/N: A little drabble I came up with while washing the dishes :)). I'm gonna re-read this and edit it tomorrow.
Word count: 665
F1 masterlist
Today was exhausting. Daniel left for a race weekend leaving you with your two tribble twos. Sure, you love them with whole your heart and would protect them with your life but they were a pain in the ass when their dad wasn't there. They started off the day with waking up way earlier than usual causing you to end your sleep. During the breakfast they refused to eat and had a food fight causing the kitchen to turn into a mess. While you were cleaning up they had an argument and one of them started crying because the other didn't want to give them a teddy bear back. Other than that, their dad hasn't called all day which made them even more fussy and left you with not having exchanged a word with an adult for some time now. After over a hour of trying to put them to sleep it finally happened. You quietly made your way downstairs to quickly clean everything. You put away the tv remote, collected some toys and folded the blanket. You turned on the kitchen light and let out a long breath when you saw a pile of dishes in the sink. You stared at your nemesis for a moment and you started washing them trying not to make any sound. The comforting silence was interrupted with a ring of a phone. You picked up with your hands a bit wet just to end the noise that could wake up your kids. "Hi, honeeey. How are you doing?" Daniel's happy face filled the screen. "Hey, badger. The kids just fell asleep and I'm organizing here. Wait, what is that on your face?" You said noticing something different. "Oh you mean my mustache? You don't like it. I thought you loved my facial hair." You laughed under your breath and he talked to you about his day as you continued to do the dishes. Once his rambling about the car and teammates ended, comfortable silence filled the kitchen once again. He looked at you for a while. "Is everything okay?" he asked with a more quiet, soft tone. "Yea, I'm just a bit tired. Twins really got on my nerves today." you quickly said not looking away from the dishes "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone to work" he said as a sudden wave of guilt rushed over him. "No, it's not your fault. We knew what we were signing up for but everything's fine. It was just a rough day, okay? Tomorrow is going to be better." "You are such a good mother and the best wife I could ever ask for. I'm sorry you have to do this alone." He felt really bad for leaving you with twins though even when he was there it was still hard. "No, Daniel. I said it's not your fault. It really isn't. You're great and you do a lot. You are going to be back in a few days and everything will be alright." You said with a faint smile. He adored that even when you were tired you managed to have a bit of optimism left in you. "I swear I'm going to make it up to you once I come back." "No need to but okay, Ricciardo. Now shut up, I'm going to the bedroom so don't make any noises and don't wake up the gremlins". He laughed and pretended to zip his mouth. Once you reached your bedroom you said "I call that a great success." "God it felt like years ago, remember? When I was at work and you used to call me at night and later sneak into the kitchen trying to not wake up your parents?" "God, I was trying to be sneaky but I swear they knew. Alright, I think I'm going to sleep." "Want me to stay on the line for a bit?" "Yea, that would be perfect." You placed your phone on a pillow next to you. "Goodnight, honey" "Goodnight, super mom".
November 2 2023
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lou-struck · 2 months
A Helping Hand
Hajime Iwaizumi x reader
~After a long day at work your muscles ache something fierce, luckily your boyfriend is there to lend a helping hand.  
W.C: 1.5k
A/n: a bit self indulgent since I thought this up after working a double and would kill for this to happen to me. 
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Your feet feel like they are made of concrete as you climb the creaky staircase to your unit. Invisible pins and needles prick your sensitive skin as you drag your fatigued self up to the third floor. 
When your tired eyes come to rest upon your front door, you feel like you just reached the top of Mt. Everest. The silver keys in your hands jingle as you slip them into the small round lock. When you hear that heavenly click, you throw your weight against the door to open it, and you stumble over the threshold and into your dark, empty apartment. 
With your partner going for the past few days on a work trip with one of the teams he gives treatments to, the only sign of life in the place that usually feels like home is the high pile of dishes in your sink that has accumulated from the last few days. 
You know that the mess is completely your fault, but work has been killing you this last week. They have been short-staffed staffed, and management has encouraged you to be a 'team player' and work doubles the last five days while they sit in their office and play Sudoku or Words with Friends.
After spending the last 14 hours of your day on your feet at work running around the building like a chicken with their head cut off, chores are the last thing you want to do. 
But now, you are completely pooped. Your jelly legs seem to shake as standing is now too exhausting for you. With a wince, you drag yourself to the light blue second-hand sofa and lower yourself onto the citrus-scented cushions that embrace you like an old friend. 
As you are welcomed home, you kick off those stupidly uncomfortable black, nonstick work shoes, flinging them across the floor and not caring when they thud against the wall way harder than you expected them to.
 The sound of rubber soles against the drywall rattles off of your eardrums as you lay back and press your face into the little decorative pillow. 
You probably should change, or make something to eat, or shower. But now, all you want to do is shut your eyes and forget that today's shift from hell never happened.
You haven't been lying down long when a familiar voice reaches your ears. "Bad day?" it asks, laced with warm concern. The welcome intrusion stirs you from your not-quite slumber. 
"I'm never going to work ever again." Your whine is pitiful coming from the couch cushion as you feel the sofa dip as your beloved boyfriend, Hajime Iwazumi, sits down next to you. 
His large hand gently comes to rest on your back as his fingers gently tickle your skin through your work shirt. "I'm sorry, love." When he feels one of the deep knots of tension that lay hidden under your skin. He pauses his movements and gives the stiff lump a curious poke. 
Just the little prod is enough to make you wince, and you try to wiggle away from the discomfort. "That hurt," you whine, lifting your face from the slightly pokey pillow. 
He chuckles and kisses your forehead softly as an apology. "M'sorry."
It's okay," you groan, grabbing his hand, "I'm glad you're back, I thought you weren't going to be home until tomorrow."
"Had a change of plans and decided to ride back with one of the assistant coaches instead of taking the bus," he says. 
"That's good," you say, creaking open your eyes. He looks a bit tired from the travel, but other than that, he looks like a million bucks in that black t-shirt that makes his arms look huge.
His olive gaze looks down at you with concern as he cups your tired face, the callous in his fingers scraping against your dry, tired skin as you lean into his embrace.
 "You look exhausted," he frowns, inspecting every inch of your face.
"I think I pushed myself a bit too hard this week," you chuckle. "My back, no, my everything is killing me."
"That's not good; there's a difference between working hard and neglecting yourself. How about you get changed into something comfortable and I can help make those muscles of yours feel a little less sore."
The idea of getting a massage from your athletic trainer boyfriend sounds heavenly, but the idea of getting up on your own and changing out of your uniform sounds like an impossible task."
"Can't move," you mumble dramatically. "It's too late for me."
"No, it's not," he scolds gruffly. Despite his stubborn tone, he gently scoops you up off the couch and carries you down the hall. 
Those muscles of his are not just for show. 
He sets you down on the edge of the bed and disappears into the closet door. 
"Here, put these on," he says, tossing lumps of fabric in your direction. Surprisingly you manage to catch them in your tired state. Unfolding each garment you see that he has given you one of his sleep shirts and those super cozy gray pajama pants that you love. 
As you wordlessly peel off your disgusting uniform to change into something fresh, clean, and completely yours, Hajime sneaks out of the room. 
His shirt smells like home, like him, as you slip it on over your head. The fabric is littered with holes, and the elastic on your sweats doesn't really work anymore, but damn, are they comfortable. 
As you walk back into the kitchen, you find him hunched over the kitchen sink, scrubbing away at your dishes. As that untouched responsibility disappears beneath the suds, your heart feels tender. 
"What are you looking at?" he asks, sensing your presence behind him.
'Just you." you hum. "Do you know how incredible you are?"
"Clearly you're delirious," he chuckles, placing another plate on the drying rack. "Go sit down for a bit, babe. Dinner is on the way, so let's just relax."
Your body moves slowly, and by the time you sink back into the couch cushions, Hajime has finished up with the last of the dishes. He dries his hands and slides behind you on the couch. 
"Is this okay?" he asks, letting his warm palms rest on your tense shoulders. You feel his grimace as he finds the small treasure trove of knots littered under your tender skin.
"Yes, I'm ready," you breathe. Your teeth grit in apprehension as he starts to rhythmically dig his fingertips into your flesh.
"Let's start here," he murmurs gently. His expert hands coax your hard-earned tension out like it's second nature to him. "How does that feel y/n?"
"Good," you say softly, enjoying the spoiling that you truly do deserve. "How was your trip?"
"It wasn't too bad," he replies, relaxation evident in his tone. Perhaps helping you out is helping him settle in. "There weren't any major injuries this time around, just one rolled ankle and a few jammed fingers to tape. Honestly, the trip was kinda boring without you."
"You missed me?" you mumble, trying your best to listen to him. But his low voice is just so soothing and gentle you can't help but start to zone out."
When he notices how you are nodding off, he lets out an amused snort and pulls you closer to his warm chest. "How do you feel?" 
"Like m' about to fell asleep," you answer. He snorts at your response and lightens his touch just a tad.
"Are you trying to make me fall asleep?" you mumble, enjoying the warm fuzzy feeling that he is giving you. 
"And so what if I am? He muses. You have been working way too hard lately."
"So have you," you mumble. "You've been traveling like crazy with your teams. You should rest."
"I will," he replies simply, once I work this grapefruit of a knot out of your back."
"You're as stubborn as ever, aren't you Haijme." you tease as he continues working a giant knot out of your left shoulder. 
He chuckles, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. "And so are you, you little hypocrite." 
"But you love me for it," you smile. 
"I do love you," he says tenderly, returning to the task at hand. His hands pull at the tense spot, creating a strangely soothing pinching sensation on your skin. The warmth of his hands and the care in his motions almost bring tears to your closed eyes. But suddenly, the knot in your shoulder seems to twitch, and you hear a clicking sound under your skin before it completely disappears. 
"Oh my god, you exclaim, jolting upward, "Did you feel that? It clicked, and now it's gone. I'm alive."
"Looks like I got that one." he smiles, "now lay back down; you have at least eight more of those knots in your back that I plan on getting out before we go to bed."
Tagging: @enchantedforest-network
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Saw your requests are open and thought I’d stop by! How about an Echo x Reader with a bit of angst about Tech’s death??? Thanks!
One Day
Echo x Reader
Summary- Echo is, understandably, not taking Techs death well. Comfort ensues!
A/N- Thank you for requesting, hun! Echo is SO underrated, I love my little half-human <3.
Word Count- 801
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Echo looked mournfully to the seat next to him. The Pilot seat sat empty. To Echo it would forever be empty. For, the man who filled it was dead. Dead and never to come back.
The thought sunk Echo's stomach. Sitting alone in the cock-pit, just his thoughts to keep him company. The negative and destructive thoughts. He had considered revenge, but what would that solve? It wouldn't bring his brother back...
The only thing he could do is swear to not let the Empire get what he loved. At least not again. He now thought of you. How losing you scared him.
He gave a small sniffle, one he hoped no one heard. He tried to be strong, the rock you could count on.
Just as he choked down a sob, you entered.
He couldn't face you. Knowing he would break down if he did, settling for a 'Hmm?'
"It will be okay. One day, it will be." You tried to place a hand on his upper arm, stepping closer to him.
Your heart thumped loud in your ears, especially when he shrugged your hand off.
"It will never be the same." He managed to speak, his words wavering.
"Poor thing..." Instead of trying to touch him again, you moved to his front. Forcing him to look at you, his eyes filled with tears.
"I wish I could make your pain disappear." He just stared, now at the floor.
You sighed, while you were grieving yourself- Echo was much closer to Tech. He had known him longer than you.
"He was your brother, no one can take that away." You built the courage back up to rest a more gentle hand on his knee. This time he let you keep it there.
"I am so sorry, Echo." You couldn't imagine what he was feeling. "You've lost so many... What can I do?"
He swallowed hard, "So many clones- brothers have given their lives up for the Empire, for the Jedi, for-" He let out a small sob, immediately covering his face with his hand.
"I know, I know." You stood up, cradling his head to your stomach. You rubbed his back, trying to soothe him. "Shhh."
He started to mumble, muffled by your body, "Tech died for us. Not some Empire." Tech died... That was the first time he had said it out loud. Another sob overtook him.
You just held him tight, praying he would feel better.
"He was very brave. Very, very strong." You praised Tech's name. Echos head slightly moved up and down, nodding in agreement.
He gave a sharp inhale, leaning back. You quickly wiped his stray tears away with your sleeve.
"He's gone, forever." Echo plainly stated. This time he didn't cry, simply void of emotions.
"But he's not. We will always remember him. Always carry on his legacy. His sacrifice will not be in vain. We will make sure of that..." You rested a hand on his cheek, moving back and forth over his cheekbones. Your thumb occasionally smearing an extra tear.
"It won't be today. It won't be tomorrow, but one day. One day it won't hurt so bad. I promise..." You spoke softly, knowing he was in a vulnerable space.
A slow kiss to his lips showed him you were there for him. With closed eyes he spoke, "Thank you."
"We have to try and be half as brave as Tech was. Clones will soon have freedom. Freedom to do whatever they like, not listening to orders." He met your eyes, a little more hopeful this time.
"They could settle down, find a cozy planet. One where war and fighting won't follow them. Even have a few baby clones if they want... Ones named after their dads brothers-in-arms..." You bit the bottom of your lip, a little scared for his reaction.
"Is that something a clone like yourself would want? Away from death, away from sacrifice." You lifted your other hand to fully cup his face.
"I can't leave-"
"No, no, baby. After it all. After it doesn't hurt so bad..." All he could respond with was a lasting nod.
He so desperately wanted all the fighting to be over. He'd sacrifice himself if it meant no more of his brothers died.
You cradled his head once more when he started to sob again. Simply holding him, whispering comforting words to him.
"Yes, yes." He repeated, you just held him tight.
"Hey, look at me." You slightly pulled back.
He looked up at you, doe eyed. "You will get through this, I promise."
He responded with a sniff, he was unconvinced. Though, one day It would be okay. You'd end up naming your first child Tech, in honor of the man. Your second Fives.
"I love you."
"I love you too..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I fear this wasn't my best work </3. I LOVE Echo, he needs more attention, and the prompt was so angsty!! I hope I did it justice, let me know if there is any way I can improve!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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ninigummysmile · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲 - 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞́
Summary: Everyone thinks Rosé is naive, but you discover that she's not so innocent when you read her diary
Sub!Rosé x Dom!Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 1.700
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You are not one of the most studious students, who gets the highest grades and who manages to answer all the exercises. But you don't do too badly either, you have relatively good grades, an average student and you do what you can to pass the year.
That's why you're not in Rosé's circle of friends. She is an exceptional student, who gets top marks in all subjects and is always praised by teachers as an example to be followed.
You've watched her from afar and like everyone else, you can deduce that she's a sweet, kind girl who tries to help however she can. And that's why there are people who take advantage of her, leaving her with a reputation for being naive and trusting others very easily.
Do you really believe that she is the exception to "the quiet ones are the worst", because as someone who doesn't go to parties, just studies and dedicates herself to it and usually doesn't react to certain mean jokes made in class can have a polluted mind?
You snap out of your daydream when the bell rings and slowly start to pack up your stuff, briefly saying goodbye to your friends, you get up and sling your bag over your back when you spot a small book under a chair. It probably fell when someone was putting his stuff away and didn't notice it missing.
You pick up the little book and on the first page it says “This diary belongs to Rosé ” in a pink glitter pen.
Thinking it disrespectful to pry into someone's life in this way, you keep the diary with the intention of returning it first thing tomorrow morning.
During the afternoon you tried everything in your power to forget about the damn diary kept in your backpack. What could be more in those pages? Probably just reports of what her days are like and important memories she doesn't want to forget...
You know you'll be invading her privacy if you read something that personal, and you feel bad just imagining yourself reading it. But you were always so curious, stubborn and that when you want something you go to the end. You decide that you will only read the first few pages with the certainty that there will be nothing dark and if you start reading something too intimate, you will stop immediately.
You place the diary on top of your bed and after long minutes staring at the cover, you open it again to the first page and read the small name again. “Rosé”. You're about to learn things about a classmate that you've never seen speak openly about herself to others.
Turning to the second page, the title “Thought 23” appears large. You realize that this must be the second version of a diary. In cursive it reads:
“Today she was biting the top of her pen while she was concentrating on paying attention in class and I couldn't help but imagine that same mouth biting my nipples.”
You stop for a second wide-eyed and trying to decipher if that's what you just read. Does Rosé, the innocent, sweet, kind girl just write that kind of thing when no one is around?
Your eyes automatically return to the paragraph and continue:
“With your hands trailing all over my body while your mouth plays with my breasts. I already imagined her beautiful lips on all parts of my body, especially on my pussy, but I can't deny that the sight of her swallowing my breasts must be magnificent.”
You swallow hard. So Rosé imagines herself with another girl? And it's not just thoughts, to begin with there are more than 20 and for her to write, they are more than imaginations, it's a desire that she unconsciously wants to really happen.
On the third page, a new title, “Thought 24” occupies the first lines.
“Y/n. It's all that occupies my mind. Y/n, Y/n and Y/n.”
That's what you read? Does Rosé think of you? Is the diary about you? Are these imaginations all about you?
“Y/n, who has a pretty face when she's trying to solve an exercise and I wonder if that's the same look she has when she's about to come. With her furrowed brows and a little pout that makes me want to kiss it away.”
Your breathing quickens and you are momentarily dizzy, absorbing that the diary concerns you. The book is not all complete, looking for the last filled page, you find “Thought 32”. You ponder whether from the beginning this is about you or what page it started from.
After reading everything, you don't know how you're going to return the lost diary, you don't even know if you can look her in the eyes and pretend you don't know anything.
The next morning, you hope to find the blonde hair in the hall before you enter the classroom because that way it will be less embarrassing. You catch them from afar and when she approaches you say “good morning”.
“Good morning” she replies with the same shyness as always and staring at the floor.
“Can we talk?” she nods and you walk into a room that you know won't be used during that time of day. You take the diary out of your bag and hold out your hand for her to take. “I found it yesterday under your chair, I believe it fell and you didn’t notice”
You can see her cheeks flush and her hands grab the material quickly putting it inside her bag. “You read?” her voice is weak and full of shame.
“No” you reply and take a deep breath. “Yes, I read it” you confess. “I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have, but my curiosity increased tenfold when I found out it was a diary!"
She doesn't know what to say, she just wants a big hole to form around her and swallow her whole. She mentally already makes plans to change schools and not need to look at you ever again. Maybe she'll even move out of town.
“You know…” you break the silence. “When I read all of this stuff you write about me, I couldn't deny how wet I was. I didn't know these thoughts would make me so excited”
You can see by her face that her mind is completely blank and you can't hold back a little laugh. “C’mon, baby. You're not going to play innocent now, are you? This same person standing here in front of me is the same person who wrote so many impure thoughts about me”
“I didn't think you'd ever know about all this” she says quietly, but you can hear her.
“But now I know. So, just ask me, your wish can come true”
“Serious?” you smile, she is very cute.
“All you ever had to do was ask me. You don't know it, but you always had me in the palm of your hand” you tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and slowly your lips meet. What started out as a gentle kiss quickly turns into a fierce and battle for dominance.
You separate with shortness of breath and you command “sit at the table”. She obeys and opens her legs for you to position yourself between them.
The buttons on her uniform are undone one by one and the fabric slides down her arms, your hands deftly unclasping her bra. “Is this how you imagined it?” you ask before biting down on one of her nipples and she throws her head back.
Trying to put as much of her breast in your mouth as possible, your hand that was playing with the other one starts to explore and slide over her body, exactly as described in the diary.
You make her lie down on the cold table and unzip her skirt, tossing it beside your feet. You see her stain marking her wet panties and without a second thought, your tongue licks her entrance over the thin fabric. She tries to suppress her moans by biting her hand, but you can still hear her whimpers as you circle her bundle of nerves.
You remove her panties and almost groan at the beautiful sight. “That's the most beautiful fucking pussy I've ever seen in my life”
Rosé can swear this is just another one of her dreams and that when she wakes up she'll have to relieve herself, but when your tongue teases her clit and her eyes roll back deliciously, she's sure this is really happening.
You can swear that you would spend hours eating her out, in all possible positions. She tastes sweet, her swollen clit makes you want to devour it, and her beautiful, tight hole contracting around nothing makes you want to make her come over and over again just to see her contracting around air, just asking for something to fill it more and more.
You insert two fingers and they are swallowed by her soft and tight walls. The sound it makes when you move them in and out is pornographic and addictive.
Your mouth goes back to sucking on the bundle of nerves and you're determined to make this the best orgasm she's ever had.
Her legs begin to shake violently and when her eyes slam shut, you know your reward is coming. When her juice comes into contact with your fingers, you help her through orgasm before pulling them out and cleaning them with all the thirst in the world. Her pussy twitching, begging to be filled again, almost makes you come back with your fingers, but you settle for cleaning it with your mouth, knowing she must be overstimulated.
You bite and mark her thigh as her breathing returns to normal and she can come back to reality.
“There you are” you comment helping her to sit down.
“That was amazing”
“Yeah? How did you imagine?”
“Even better” she says and you smile.
“Good, because you can expect more like these. I want to make every page of that a fact and not just a thought” you wink and help get her clothes back on.
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number1mingyustan · 1 year
April Showers Bring May Flowers ☾ ♡
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bf!jun x fem!reader
Warnings: established relationship, fingering (f.), mutiple orgasms, slightly nipple play, breast sucking, explicit smut, penetrative sex, shower sex, improper use of a shower head, kissing, cursing
Summary: A steamy shower sesh with your boyfriend? Who could turn that down?
Word Count: 1k
You needed this, so badly. Work’s been kicking your ass all day and you wanted nothing more than to go home and rest.
You allow the heated water to run through your hair and down your body. It’s relaxing and much needed. There’s nothing better than a nice warm shower after a long day.
The heat helps relax your muscles and puts you at ease. You tip your head back, eyes closed as you allow the water to flow down your face. The water trickles down your body, providing you with a much-needed warmth.
You're so busy basking in the shower to fail to hear the door open and the rustling of clothes as your boyfriend joins you in the shower. It's not until his hands touch your back that you're aware of his presence, completely startling you and making you jump.
“Relax baby,” he presses a kiss on your wet shoulder. “It’s just me.”
You nod softly. “Sorry, you just startled me a little bit.”
He hums in acknowledgment. "Didn't mean to startle you baby," he presses another kiss on your skin. "I just got home and I called your name and you didn't respond. Realized you were in here and I thought you heard me come in."
"Got a lot on my mind," you sigh. "Sorry."
You allow your eyes to fall shut once again as the water covers your body. Jun's hands begin to wander, fingertips touching your sides suddenly, causing you to flinch.
“Why are you so jumpy today?” he questions.
You sigh as his fingers continue to caress your wet skin. “Sorry, I’ve been so stressed at work lately and today was so bad. It’s been hard to relax and I’m trying to.”
“Poor baby,” his hand dips between your thighs as he listens to you.
You let out a breathy moan. “Jun.”
He hushes you, placing a trail of kisses along your wet back. “Don’t worry baby, ‘m gonna make you feel so good you’ll forget all about it. Can you let me do that?”
You nod eagerly.
He tsks. “What did I tell you? Use your big girl words pretty girl.”
“Yes,” you whine. “Please just touch me.”
"Anything for you pretty girl," he smirks.
He presses your back against the wall as he kisses you. Your tits are pressed firmly against his chest and his hand is slithered between your thighs. His thumb is rubbing your clit in small circles, which has you moaning in his mouth.
He pulls away from the kiss, lips trailing down with the bend of his neck. He kisses your boobs before taking one of your nipples in his mouth. Your head tilts back into the shower wall as his mouth latches onto your hardened bud and his fingers are pressed inside of you.
He's slipped his middle and ring fingers into your soaked cunt, pumping quickly in and out of you.
"Oh fuck," you whimper.
You're so wet, his fingers fuck you with ease and have you falling apart in minutes. He releases your nipple from his mouth, tall stature grinning down at you as he watches you fall apart around his fingers.
He slips his fingers out, allowing you to come down from your high before he turns you around and runs his cock along your entrance. You don't even get a chance to beg for it before he's pushing his cock inside of you.
Your tits are pressed firmly against the foggy shower as he takes you from behind. Your hands lay flat against the transparent shower wall, slipping as you try to grip onto something to manage his pace.
He’s pounding you like there’s no tomorrow, cock hitting deep inside of you.
“Feel good?” he asks, lips dangerously close to your ear.
“Yes,” you moan.
He presses your body more firmly against the wet wall. He snakes his hand around the front of your neck, squeezing softly with the right amount of pressure. Your moans are more strained with him choking you, but it feels so good.
“So tight,” he groans.
Your legs are starting to grow shaky and numb as he fucks you. You allow your hand to slip between your thighs, fingers circling your clit as you feel yourself getting closer.
He tsks, grabbing your hand and pressing it against the shower wall. "Don't worry about it, 'm gonna get you off."
Before you even have time to process his words, he's turning up the water pressure and grabbing the shower head. His hand is snaked around your front, aiming the shower head perfectly against your clit.
You feel your knees buckle at the sudden rush of pleasure. You're a mess, moaning and panting desperately as he fucks you. The bathroom is steamy and hot and your moans and his groans are echoing and bouncing off the walls. You can feel your orgasm building up in your lower stomach.
"Gonna cum–oh fuck, gonna cum," you warn him.
His hips pick up in pace, snapping back and thrusting into you harsher. He pounds you against the glass, flicking the water pressure up to its max. You fall apart almost instantly, crying out his name as you reach your high.
Your vision goes white for a moment and your body twitches as your orgasm washes over you. He fucks you through it, thoroughly until reaching his own climax.
He pulls out, stroking himself a few times before releasing on your inner thigh. He hangs the shower head back up and holds your limp body in his arms.
"Feel better?" he asks.
"Mhm," you nod.
"Good, now let's get you cleaned up properly and tucked into bed."
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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roosterforme · 2 years
The Deployment Diaries Part 3 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley both come to realize that waiting is the hardest part.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, angst, adult banter, mentions of sex
Length: 2700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! Check my masterlist for the reading order!
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You'd been spending a lot of time at the Hard Deck, and it was so obvious that Bradley had asked the other aviators to look out for you. Everyone was constantly asking how you were getting along without Bradley around, and asking if you needed anything. You thought you were doing pretty well, all things considered. You were nearly two weeks in, and you were hoping to get a phone call from him in the next day or two. You and Phoenix had painted the living room a color you hoped Bradley would like when he got home. You'd been spending a lot of time with your friends. And you'd been going to yoga, which was already making you more flexible, something you were certain Bradley would enjoy when he was back.  You positively floated around the Hard Deck in a haze of Rooster induced love after receiving an email from him. All it said was, i miss my home with you, baby girl. But it set your heart pounding every time you looked at it.
It seemed like everyone was at the bar tonight. Bob and Phoenix gave you tight hugs, and Hangman invited you to play darts with him. Then you got a beer from Penny and sat down with Mav. "How are you doing while Rooster's gone?" he asked you, insisting on adding your beer to his tab.  "Not too bad, Mav. I had a video call with him last week," you said dreamily to the Top Gun instructor. "I'm hoping he'll call me again tomorrow." Mav chuckled and shook his head. "He's very serious about you. You know that, right?" Your insides turned to goo, and you got goosebumps. It was one thing to hear Bradley tell you over and over again how much he loved you, how much you meant to him. It was another thing entirely when somebody else said it. You set your beer down and looked at Bradley's uncle of sorts. He was studying your face as you said, "Today is our four month anniversary. I've dated other guys for longer than this without feeling a fraction of what I feel for Bradley. I know he asked you to keep an eye out for me while he's gone, so you can go ahead and report back to him that I am very serious too, Mav." Maverick chuckled and nodded his head. "I know I missed out on a lot of his life, but I'm glad he's got you now." ------------------------------------------ It was two and a half weeks in before Bradley got to call you. He was a little afraid you'd be at work, but this was really the only time he could manage it. Your boss seemed pretty cool and all, but surely it was a bit of a stretch to reach you at this time of day. Your phone rang and rang, and he was about to give up when he heard your breathless voice. "Bradley?" "Sweetheart." "Hi! I miss you! I didn't know you'd be calling now! Hang on!" Bradley waited patiently, listening to your muffled voice talking to someone else as you shuffled your phone around.  "Roo, are you still there?" "I'm here, Baby Girl. If it's a bad time, I can try again another day-" "No! I'm here! I can talk! How are you?" "Missing you like crazy. It's making me a little grouchy, if I'm being honest." Your laughter filled his heart, and he tipped his head back with a deep sigh. "I miss you so much! I've been a little grouchy too," you told him. "Where are you?" Bradley looked around the small room he was allowed to call from. "Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. That's about all I know at the moment. I'm flying a mission in two days, so I wanted to talk to you before that." You were silent for a beat. "Anything that would make me worry?" Bradley gritted his teeth. Fuck, he didn't really know what to expect, but he wasn't going to tell you that. "Of course not, Sweetheart." "Oh, okay. That's good at least. You making any new friends, other than Reuben? Or have you been too grouchy for anyone to want to talk to you?" Bradley's mind briefly flashed to Amaya constantly prancing around the gym in front of him, and he immediately hated himself. He was on the phone with you, for fuck's sake, the fucking love of his life. But Amaya had turned out to be more annoyingly persistent than he could have predicted.  He cleared his throat. "My bunkmate is pretty nice, so there's that. But really, just Payback. Which is leaving me with more time to spend in the gym." You giggled a little. "Are you trying to tell me that you're going to look even hotter when you get home in less than four weeks?" Bradley smiled, knowing you had a countdown on your phone. "You got it. I'm going to drive you crazy, cleaning the kitchen and scrubbing the shower in my underwear." The moan that came through the phone had him practically drooling. "Where are you, Baby Girl? You moaning like that for me while you're at work?" "Yes, I'm still at work, but I walked out of the lab to talk to you. I'm actually outside now. And don't be coy with me, Bradshaw. You know what we did that one time when we were at work... in my new office... bent over my desk." "Fuck, Y/N. You make me crazy." "I can't wait until you're home again." -------------------------------------- When you didn't get an update about Bradley's mission results right away, you called Maverick. You were a nervous wreck, but Mav talked you down gently. Communication from the carriers was spotty at best, according to him. Plus it wasn't unheard of for aviators to get pushed lower on the list for facetime communication and phone calls, because they generally had fewer deployments annually than other crew members. And oftentimes mission deadlines weren't as stringent as the Uranium Plant mission had been, so it could have been pushed back.  Your heart leapt with joy a few days later when you finally got a slightly longer email from Bradley.  i love you. payback and i just got back from our mission. they changed the dates on us at the last minute. was stressful but ended just fine. all safe and sound here. my name got pulled for facetime for next week. when i have more details i will let you know. be a good girl.  So you kept doing everything you were supposed to do. You paid the mortgage, went to work, did chores, watched all of the shows Bradley didn't like, and you continued to miss him. But it honestly felt like part of your life was on hold, just waiting for him to return. How did people do this continuously? Was it healthy to be worried about him nonstop? How did people bring kids into this? Now there was a specific thought nagging at the back of your mind almost constantly. What if you weren't cut out for this? ------------------------------------------- Bradley had started inviting Payback to go to the gym with him, hoping to have some sort of a buffer. It wasn't that Bradley preferred to have company during workouts, but he definitely didn't want to find himself alone with Amaya. So he and Payback acted as each other's spotters during bench presses, and then they often grabbed both rowing machines and chatted while rowing.  It seemed as though Amaya had managed to memorize Bradley's schedule. He hadn't actually spoken to her since that first time in the gym, but she always made sure he knew where she was working out. She always tried to get a machine near him, and her clothing seemed to be getting skimpier. And he could frequently feel her eyes on him.  She was hot. He wasn't going to lie to himself about that. But he could barely remember hooking up with her. Possibly because your body and the sounds you made had taken over his mind so thoroughly at this point. His physical reaction to you was almost pathetic. He craved you nonstop, missed your body and your voice. He knew Amaya, or any alternative really, wasn't going to cut it for him, and it would be nice if she understood that too. Still, he wasn't looking for an additional conversation to explain that to her. "Hey, Rooster, that girl is seriously trying to get your attention," Payback told him after Bradley stood up from the rowing machine.  "Yeah. I know," Bradley replied, never taking his eyes off the bottle of cleaner as he wiped everything down.  Payback chuckled. "She's pretty hot, dude. I take it you're not interested at all?" Bradley shook his head and wiped his sweaty face with the bottom of his tee shirt. "Not even slightly." "Hey, good for you, man. I guess you don't cheat on the kind of girl you plan to marry?" Bradley chanced a glance at Amaya, and she bent herself lower at the stretch bar. "Add this to the list of things I never thought I'd say... but, I kind of feel like I'm in pre-husband boot camp or something. And the fact that I only want Y/N is making things really clear to me. I never knew I had this in me."  Payback barked out a laugh as he wiped down his rowing machine. "So you don't mind if I introduce myself to her?" he asked, nodding his head toward Amaya. "Not at all." ------------------------------------------- As you were waiting to facetime with Bradley, you worked on making yourself dinner. You were actually craving some Marry Me Rooster, but there was no way you were going to cook that until he was back home. It would taste better while you were sitting on his lap at the dining room table anyway. It would taste especially good eating it cold, straight from the refrigerator, after several rounds of sex with him.  So you made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and paced around while you ate it. You were not doing well today. You were so horny, and you couldn't seem to take the edge off. You hadn't been sleeping well either. You were only nine days away from seeing Bradley again, but each day now felt like a full week. If there was some way to make this easier on yourself, you needed to figure it out. Because the next time he was deployed, you didn't know if you would be able to handle it.  You looked down at the skimpy crop top you had on. If Bradley were here in person with you, he'd have taken the damn thing off you already. "Fuck," you muttered, glancing at your phone again. You paced and paced some more before your phone rang with his incoming facetime call.  "Bradley!" He was wearing his flight suit and his smile made you feel weak as you sat down at the kitchen island.  "Hey, Baby Girl. Sorry I kept you waiting. How are you?" he asked, rubbing his hand over his eyes. "I'm fine. You look so tired, Roo," you gushed, because he really did not look great at all.  He grinned at you. "I'm exhausted. Went on a twenty hour bombing defense and I haven't made it to my bed yet. I wanted to talk to you first though, especially since we already had a time scheduled." "Bradley, you need some sleep! Twenty hours in the cockpit! Holy shit, you must be so sore!" He chuckled and said, "What I really need is to have you making a huge fuss over me in person." "Nine more days, sexy," you said with a smirk. You watched as his eyes roamed over your face, neck and chest, his gaze catching on your necklace. He licked his lips before saying, "I can't stop thinking about everything I want to do to you." You had to bite your lip, but it didn't stop you from moaning as you squeezed your thighs together.  "I love all those little noises you make. Drives me crazy," Bradley whispered. "Don't make any plans for the day after I get back. Understand?" You nodded your head vigorously, still squeezing your legs shut.  A dark, possessive look filled his eyes. "Y/N, I want to hear you tell me that you understand that I'm going to keep you in our house with me for two days straight. I want to hear you say you understand that I'm going to make you scream my name over and over." Your mouth was hanging open. You were able to recognize that much. And you were also possibly panting. He was waiting for a verbal response. You swallowed and cleared your throat twice. "Bradley," you whined.  "Yeah, it'll be just like that. Only louder," he told you with a smirk. "Now tell me you understand." "I understand," you whispered.  "I'll see you in nine days."  --------------------------------------- Bradley could handle nine more days, no problem. And he felt better after seeing your face just now. You looked beautiful, as always. It also made him feel better to see that you were doing okay without him.  But at the moment, he was fucking exhausted. He would have to forgo the gym today and probably tomorrow as well. His body was aching from being strapped into the cockpit for so long. He wasn't sure he'd be able to do much besides shower and pass out for ten hours.  He yawned almost the entire walk back to his quarters. When he rounded the corner and approached his room, he saw Amaya was waiting for him. "Jesus," he muttered under his breath. She was standing directly in front of his door.  "I heard you had a long day, Rooster," she practically purred as he took his key from his pocket. "I just came to offer you a back massage." "Nah, I'm all set, Amaya. Thanks anyway." He stood in front of her with his key in the air, waiting for her to move.  She didn't budge. "I can tell you're sore. Just a massage, nothing else," she said as she ran her fingers along the zipper at the front of his flight suit. It felt kind of good, the way she was touching him. "Unless you changed your mind? Nobody has to know," she whispered.  "I need to get inside and get some sleep," he said. "Alone." Her fingers hadn't moved from his suit. "Amaya, I'm not going to change my mind. Please move." She kept touching him, and it felt too similar to the way you touched him and made a fuss over him when he was in his flight suit. Bradley reached around her with his key.  "What if I told you that I already sent your bunkmate away? Told him I was here to fuck you?" Bradley froze. This felt like a trap. This felt like something that could jeopardize his reputation on this deployment, or worse, his relationship with you. People would automatically assume he was cheating on you. The only ones who could back him up would be Payback or Trent, and what was he going to do if neither of them were here? He unlocked the door and got ready to push it open.  "If my bunkmate isn't inside when I open the door, then I'm going to have to go sleep in the lounge or on the floor in my buddy's bunk. Because I won't have anyone even thinking we hooked up today," Bradley growled, seething as he pulled her hand away from his body. "And I'll go from feeling indifferent toward you to feeling pretty fucking angry, because I just want to collapse into my bed. I told you already that I am not interested. I know we hooked up before; I get that. But it was only one hookup, and now I have a girlfriend who I am in love with." Amaya took a step back, eyes wide, and Bradley opened the door to reveal Trent sound asleep in his bunk, wearing his eye mask. Bradley sighed in relief and shook his head. "Not cool, lying like that. Have a great night," he said, brushing past Amaya and closing the door behind him.
How do we think they are each doing on their own? Bradley will return from this deployment in the next chapter!
Part 4 is here!
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morganski-19 · 19 days
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 18: Tomorrow
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 17
Present Day, May 1987
Julie sits down at her lunch table, unpacking her lunch and picking at the bread of her sandwich. Wondering if today is the day where she can eat all of it. Instead of just taking a few bites and throwing the rest out. Preferring to pick at the other snacks in her lunch than eat something in whole.
Hoping that she can just start acting normally again instead of really fucking weird. That when El asks her a question, she can respond without stuttering. Without reacting. That her cheeks will remain unflushed when El inevitably gives her a compliment. Her hand will stop fidgeting while she sits there, waiting for something to happen. Act nonchalant. Like nothing is wrong.
Even though a lot is. Her mind battles each day with thoughts that she doesn’t want to have. She didn’t ask for this feeling to come. Nor did she want it. But it’s here and she can’t’ seem to get rid of it. No matter how hard she tried. And she tried.
She tried doing something every time she thought of El. Something monotonous, something she hates. Like doing the dishes or taking out the garbage. To make some association in her mind that would make the crush more unfavorable than it already is.
She tried avoiding being alone with El. Only hanging out with other people around so Julie could fade into the background. There would be other things to focus on then. Things to distract from the thoughts that gave her butterflies.
She tried just ignoring it. Every time Julie thought of El, she pushed it down in the depths of her mind and tied it up. Trying to get it out of the way, hoping to leave it there to rot. But without fail, it managed to return a million times worse than it had been before.
The thing was, no matter what, it never worked. Doing the monotonous tasks only left space in Julie’s brain to wander. Think of something funny El said that made her laugh. No matter what, El made sure Julie didn’t fade into the background. Always pulling Julie to sit next to her, engaging in conversation. Falling behind with Julie when she was trailing behind the group. And ignoring it just flat out didn’t work.
It's a crazy thing. Now that’s it’s happening, Julie can say that she’s never had a crush like this one before. One where the laughter sticks in her mind so much that she tries her best to draw it out. Where the smiles shine a bit brighter than they did before, and the most miniscule of touches ignites her heart. Makes the blood rush to her cheeks and forces Julie to curl into herself. Turn away.
No one can know that this is happening. No one can know that Julie is like this. She doesn’t want to be ostracized from the only friend group she’s ever had.
Not that she thinks they would care that she likes girls. She actually knows that they would be ok with it. With half of them already asking her when Steve and Eddie are going to finally admit that they are dating, to Will coming out as gay a few weeks ago, it would be positive. What’s different is this crush on El. She doesn’t know how they would react to that. How El would react to that.
The thing about her place in this friend group is that it’s not cemented like the rest of them. They all have some sort of bond that Julie doesn’t understand. Probably will never understand. Something that connects them beyond years of friendship. Something deeper.
It’s probably connected to when Will went missing a few years ago, or to the mall fire that they were all present for. Or something completely different that makes Steve scream out in the middle of the night. Makes Robin’s or Eddie’s, sometimes even one of the kids’, voices shake when they call in the middle of the night, begging for Steve to answer. Something Julie’s grateful that she didn’t have to witness but wonder what it really was.
What was the bed thing that El couldn’t tell her that night? Why was it so bad that she’s better off not knowing? And how did these kids become so unfortunate to witness it all?
“Your hair looks nice today, Julie,” El compliments as she sits down.
She’s wrong. Julie’s hair is pulled back in a French braid, hoping that it hides the fact that she hasn’t washed it in days. The same things she’s been doing for the past few weeks. Still, her head ducks to hide the red of her cheeks.
“Thanks,” she mutters. Taking a bite of her sandwich to stop herself from talking more.
The rest of the group sits around them. Dustin sits next to Julie, probably to bug her about the next book he’s forcing her to read. Well, not forcing. They apparently have very similar reading tastes. But she’s not really listening. Stuck in some form of trance. Feeling weird about herself and staring.
It just happens to be at the person sitting across from her. That’s what she tells herself. It's not because of everything else. Definitely not because El’s outfit is really cute, and Julie wants to say something about it but is afraid that it will come off weird. Complimenting a friend is something completely natural. Normal even. But there’s a line she’s afraid of accidentally crossing. So afraid to do anything that would make El suspect that her feelings have changed.
Afraid that anyone will find out that her feelings have changed. She can’t have that happen.
“Julie,” El’s voice breaks her trance. “Can you come?”
Julie blinks, forcing her head to meet El’s eyes. “Sorry?”
“We were going to have a movie night at Max’s house tonight, can you come?”
She swallows the rejection that forms on her tongue. “Uh, sure. Are we going right after school?”
“Yeah,” Max adds. Giving Julie an interesting face. Like she can tell that something’s off with Julie. Hear the uncertainty that runs through her voice. “Some of us already have rides if you need one.”
Julie feels her body stiffening, trying to act normal. This is anything but normal. “Uh, yeah, I would. I biked here today.”
The bell rings, saving her from any other awkward interactions. She gets up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and rushing out the door. Throwing away the mostly untouched lunch on her way out.
There’s a tap on her shoulder before she makes it too far. Dustin giving her a look like he’s trying to read whatever’s going on in her head. “Are you ok, you seem off?”
Julie nods, not selling anything. “Yep, totally ok. That's for checking in.”
She turns on her heel and rushes down the hallway to her next class before he can get in another question.
. . .
Steve gets home before Julie. Heats himself up some leftovers for dinner and settles on their new couch in front of the TV. Relaxes after a long day of meetings and telling customers that no, he can’t wave the late fee just because they don’t want to pay it. Telling them very sternly that they could at least rewind the tape if they don’t want to return it on time.
It’s the only reason he’s back so late. He let Robin go home and leave him to finish up the afternoon shift. Helping out the next person working by taking all of the unwound tapes into his office to rewind in there while filling out some paperwork he’s been avoiding. Telling himself that it’ll all be worth it once he gets his paycheck.
When Julie gets home, she drops her backpack on the living room floor, dramatically falling onto the couch with a groan. He snorts, trying to hide it. But honestly, seeing her act more like herself is a relief compared to a few weeks ago.
“It’s not funny,” Julie protests, sitting up. “It is far from funny.”
“You’re right,” Steve says, trying to hold in his laugh. “Long day?”
Julie glares at him. “Yeah, long day. I can barely act right around El and now Dustin has picked up that I’m acting weird and keeps asking me if I’m ok. Which I’m not, but he doesn’t need to know that. And it’s all just,” she makes and explosive gesture in front of her, leaning back into the couch.
“Good luck, he’s not one to let things go.”
“I know. It’s basically a daily thing now asking if you and Eddie are together. Which I had promised to tell him if I knew something was going on. And now I do but it’s not my business to tell him.”
Steve thanks her for that. Not quite sure how and when he’s eventually going to tell the rest of the group about him and Eddie. He promised that as soon as the court case was over, he would. But as that date keeps slowly creeping up on him, he doesn’t know if he’ll be ready for that.
The thing was, once everyone knew about it, it wouldn’t be just his and Eddie’s relationship anymore. There would be the jokes and the talking. The reactions of how everyone thinks about it. Support and surprise. Maybe some disdain. He’s not sure.
Steve has been weird about relationships for a long time. With every relationship, it would spread like wildfire through the high school hallways. Whispers of his night life following him as he walked. At first, he liked it. Wanted the reputation to spread, wore it like the crown that metaphorically rested on his head.
But as he grew up, as his relationships became more intimate. More sacred. He didn’t like the rumors anymore. Sure, he wasn’t one to shy away from PDA. Loved to wear his heart out on his sleeve, show everyone how much a person meant to him.
It was different, though, keeping a relationship a secret. Made it more special in a way he’s never experienced before. With the way this town would react to his relationship, it would always have to be hidden on some level. Kept between their small group of people.
It’s been so long since he’s been in a semi-public relationship. He doesn’t quite know how to go about it anymore.
“Talk to him about that book he lent you, that’ll shut him up for an hour or two.”
Julie sighs. “Don’t you think I’ve tried that.”
“I have nothing else to help here, good luck.”
“It’s not like it’s all that bad. It’s kinda nice to know that he cares enough to check in, make sure everything’s ok. I just wish he knew how to give me some space until I’m ready to talk about it.”
Steve hums. “Yeah, never quite got around to teaching him that.”
He lets the silence fill the room before changing topics. “So, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about. And I know you already have a lot to think about, but I want you to just start thinking about this. You don’t have to give me an answer right away.”
“Ok,” she says concerned.
“I’ve been talking with Sarah over the last couple of weeks, discussing what the next steps could be if you wanted to move forward with this. But I haven’t really filed for anything yet because I wanted to ask you first.” He takes a deep breath. Nervous for some reason he doesn’t really know. “Would you, maybe, want me to try and get permanent guardianship of you?”
“Yes,” Julie answers without missing a beat. “I would very much want that.”
Steve’s not sure why he thought she would answer any differently. “Ok, good. I would want that too.”
She smiles. “Good. What would that all mean, then?”
“Well, I’d be putting in to be your guardian, officially, until you turn eighteen. Then like everyone else, you’d be an adult and can make your own decision. But it would take going in front of a judge, proving I'm fit to fill that role. Then it would be official.”
Sarah says it would actually be a very smooth and easy process. Since Julie’s much older than most of the kids that go through this, and is already acclimated to living with him, it would be a bad decision not to grant him the guardianship. Plus, with the money that Rebecca left for Julie, she’s pretty much already cared for after high school. Steve just has to worry about getting her through until then.
Which should be fine. Now that he’s finally getting the last of the furniture, the expenses are starting to even out. There’s more money sitting in his account and his savings are starting to grow again. Everything is working out better than he planned them to.
He’s happy in this little house. With Eddie lying next to him on most nights, coming through the door before the sun goes down now that Julie knows. Julie finding her way back to herself after the roll of emotions dies down, becomes less present in her mind. Steve finally letting go of the thoughts that plague his mind, make him think that everything’s going to fall apart the minute he messes up.
And he does, no one’s perfect. But he’s found people that understand that, call him out in a way that’s needed but full of love. Full of understanding.
It’s all that Steve has ever wanted.
“So, you’d be going to court again. For this. I don’t want you to do that if it’s too stressful.”
Steve shakes his head. “It wouldn’t be. Sarah is pretty confident that the judge will look at us for twenty minutes and just sign the papers. And if it’s longer, I don’t care. I want this to happen. I don’t mind, really.”
Julie nods. “Ok, only if you’re sure about it.”
“Believe me, I am.”
. . .
Two weeks later
Steve wakes up on his birthday with Eddie’s face pressed between his shoulder blades. Arms holding his torso in a death grip. He ignores the need to get up to sit in it a while longer. The clatter of a familiar metal bowl hitting the kitchen floor breaking all hopes of staying in bed any longer.
He pries Eddie’s arms off of him, leaving him still asleep on the bed. Wandering into the hallway, he makes a stop in the bathroom before seeing what’s going on in the kitchen. Finding Julie squinting at a cookbook with a pile of ingredients on the counter.
She jumps when Steve clears his throat. “Sorry, did I wake you?” Julie tries to move in front of the counter, doing a poor job of hiding what’s behind her.
“No, I was already awake. What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” She avoids eyes contact. “Why don’t you just go back to bed.”
Steve continues walking into the kitchen, watching as Julie shifts to hide the stuff behind her. He swiftly reaches behind her to grab the book, seeing it open to a pancake recipe. Julie makes a sound of protest as she tries to grab the book back.
“You’re making pancakes,” Steve says with a surprised smile. “That’s what you were trying to hide, you can make breakfast anytime you want.”
“Yeah,” Julie says, defeated. “Thought it would be nice for you to not have to make breakfast on your birthday.”
“Yeah, that would be kind of nice.” He hands the book back to Julie. “Call me if you want help.”
“I’m not completely helpless in the kitchen.” Julie rolls her eyes. “Happy birthday,” she calls down the hall as he walks away.
Steve returns to his bed. Eddie blearily pulling him close before falling asleep again. He somehow falls into a light sleep. Getting up when he hears the dishes clanking in the kitchen, each one thudding on their new table.
He shakes Eddie awake, watching as he fights to keep his eyes closed. Face squishing up in protest, rolling away from Steve and gripping the blankets close to his chest.
“Come on, Julie made breakfast.”
Eddie doesn’t move, faking snoring.
“You don’t snore like that.” Steve sighs, getting out of bed. “I’ll save you some.”
He walks back out of the kitchen, watching as Julie sets a plate piled with pancakes on the table. Finishing with pouring some coffee into mugs and pacing them at each spot.
“It looks good,” he says, startling her.
“Jesus Christ, a little warning would have been nice.”
Steve laughs, sitting down. “Sorry.”
“They’re a little lumpy,” Julie explains while sitting down. “And some might be a little burnt, but they’re good.”
“I’m sure they’re fine,” Steve assures, stabbing some with his fork.
Julie does the same, topping them with some maple syrup. “Is Eddie still asleep?”
It’s nice to talk about him with someone else. Act like they are a couple in his own house. Not having to keep them so secret anymore. “He’s pretending to be.”
Halfway through breakfast, Eddie finds his way to the table. Hair tangled and frizzy. He stops them from trying to talk to him until he finishes his first cup of coffee.
After breakfast, Julie insists on doing the dishes herself, almost having to push Steve out of the kitchen. But he lets her, goes to get changed so he’s not hovering around the kitchen. Eddie comes up behind him, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
“Happy birthday. Now we both can buy alcohol legally.”
Steve laughs. “That’s the first thing that you think of.”
“That’s the first thing everyone thinks of when you turn twenty-one. Not just me.”
“Sure.” Steve turns around to give Eddie a kiss. “Thank you.”
“How about we go see a movie, do something just the two of us.” Eddie releases Steve to rummage around in the dresser to find something to wear. Pointedly avoiding his own drawer to find one of the shirts that Steve had stolen. Stealing it back.
Steve pulls a polo over his head. “Is that because you want to, or because Robin told you to get me out of the house so she can throw a not-so-secret surprise party.”
“I was definitely not told to keep you far from the premises between the hours of two and five o’clock. But I could just want to spend time with you. Is that such a crime?” Eddie walks over to Steve and presses something into Steve’s hand.
Steve looks down at the metal chain in his hand. “What’s this?”
“Your birthday present,” Eddie explains, walking over to the dresser to pick up one of his rings. He takes the chain from Steve’s hand and unclasps it, threading it through the ring. “So you can wear this, if you wanted to.”
The ring is the one Eddie wears on his right hand. The silver band and dark stone. “This mean anything?”
Eddie shrugs. “Not really. Just wanted you to wear something of mine that isn’t a piece of clothing that I severely miss.”
“You won’t miss this, you wear is every day?” Still, Steve slips the chain over his head. Letting the ring settle in the middle of his chest.
“I have others, just don’t wear them that much. Plus, now I’ll never lose it because you never lose anything.”
“No, I just never throw things in a corner and expect to find it again.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Seriously though, want to see a movie? Get lunch? Literally anything?”
“Yeah, sure. A movie sounds nice.”
. . .
The house is full of unorganized chaos. Robin is frantically running around trying to make sure everything is perfect. While Dustin and Lucas keep getting into small arguments about who knows what. Max is sitting off to the side either laughing at them or telling them to shut the hell up. Mike is just sitting on the couch, refusing to do anything while Nancy keeps trying to get him involved.  The only people being helpful at all are El and Julie. And even then, they keep getting in their own way or Robin’s way.
It’s a mess. Food is haphazardly placed in the kitchen and across the coffee table. There are streamers all over the floor with only some of them making it to the ceiling. Somewhere, balloons keep popping and the music keeps being changed over and over again.
“Can you two quit changing the station after each song is played, Jesus fucking Christ,” Robin yells in the kitchen. Pouring a bag of chips into a bowl.
“I would if Lucas stopped putting the stupid sports radio on,” Dustin argues.
Lucas groans. “I’m trying to hear the scores. It’s a big game.”
“You and your stupid sports. This is a party we’re planning here.”
“Yeah, badly,” Max comments, crossing her arms.
“You can’t even see how bad it is,” Mike mutters.
Max glares at him. “I’m blind not stupid, idiot.”
“Why don’t we all just take a breath,” Will suggests, trying to calm everyone down.
Lucas changes the station again.
“Would you just-.” Dustin starts to scream. The group getting into an argument.
Julie sighs, starting to pick the streamers off the floor and handing them to El. She sticks them to the wall with an extra piece of tape, making sure they don’t fall again.
“Are we sure Steve even wants this party,” Julie asks. “The only reason I even found out about his birthday was Robin telling me two weeks ago.”
El shrugs, taking another streamer out of Julie’s hands. “I do not know. This is the first time we have ever thrown one for him. I think that is why Robin is so upset.”
“And going slightly insane,” Julie adds. Watching as she rips the radio out from between Dustin and Lucas and places it on top of the cabinets. “Did you guys really not know it was Steve’s birthday?”
“Yeah,” El takes Julie’s hand as she steps down from the chair they were using as a stepladder. “He was secretive about it for a long time. Told Dustin the wrong day and everything. We only knew the real date because Robin stole his driver’s license to find out.”
Julie’s trying to ignore the way that El continues to hold her hand when she doesn’t need it. “Maybe this was all a bad idea.”
“It’s not,” Nancy interrupts. “I told him about it a week ago.”
“What. Why?” Robin complains.
“Cause he hates surprises, and his birthday. And walking into his house looking like a tornado hit it.”
“It’s looking better,” Julie defends.
Nancy tilts her head to the side, looking over to the mess that still sits in the living room. “It could just use some finishing touches, that’s all.”
Finishing touches was setting up all of the food in the kitchen with the exception of a few bowls of chips. It was for the radio to return to the spot in the living room with the promise of it staying on one station and one station only. Nancy glaring at Lucas and Dustin until they agreed. It was Mike getting off his ass and helping straighten up. Until the party looked a little like a party.
Now they were just waiting for Steve to arrive.
“You are wearing your hair down today,” El comments.
Julie wasn’t wearing a French braid or a ponytail today. Her hair actually cooperating with her this morning, not drying in a weird wave pattern. So she wore it down. It probably won’t stay that way much longer, her hair can only get into her face so much before it gets annoying.
“Yeah,” Julie tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thought I could do something different today.”
El smiles. “It looks really nice. I wish my hair was as long as yours.”
Julie looks at the short curls that crown El’s head. A colorful hairclip pulling back some of the longer bits right above her ear. “I think your hair’s cute.”
She wills the flush rising to her cheeks to calm down. It wasn’t meant in any certain way, she just felt it was true.
“Thank you, but I am still letting it grow. The longest I have ever had my hair was around here.” El places her hand right below her shoulder, showing how long it was. “I miss that hair.”
“Did something happen that made you cut it?”
The question seemed harmless, but El’s face falls. “Yes.” Is all she says.
Julie ignores the need to ask more. Thankful that the door opens, forcing the mood between them to shift.
Steve stumbles through the front door, Eddie’s hands over his eyes. Waiting for the cue to remove them. When Robin gives him the thumbs up, Eddie removes the hands on Steve’s eyes. The group yelling an out of sync surprise.
The smile that catches Steve’s face is contagious.
“Thanks guys, this looks great.”
“Thank god,” Robin dramatically says. “I was scared you were going to hate it.”
Steve throws his arm over her shoulder. “Yeah well, I did have some warning. And I can say this exceeded my expectations. It takes a lot to wrangle them to help out.”
“Not if you threaten them enough,” Nancy adds.
The party officially starts. The group forming little clumps as people get food and start conversations. Julie ends up on the couch squished on the end of the couch with El next to her.  
It feels different than the hangouts they would have in the other house. Where the rooms separation was finite, and the noise only carried so far. Here, with people in the kitchen spilling out into the living room, the sound filling the walls and probably leaking outside. Everyone feels so close, even if they aren’t directly talking to each other.
The group somehow includes her in all of this. Making a space for her, welcoming her in. It’s breathtaking how it all happened.
“What happened to your ring,” Dustin asks Eddie.
Eddie looks down at his hand, the ring he normally wears gone. He shrugs, saying something along the lines of he lost it. Steve with a smirk on his face, silently asking Eddie something. It goes unnoticed. He's about to do something.
Steve pulls at a chain around his neck, revealing the missing ring from underneath his shirt. “I think I found it,” he smirks.
Eddie widens his eyes, surprised. “I thought we were going to wait until after court?”
Steve shrugs. “Fuck that, this was way more fun.”
Dustin seems frozen, eyes squinted at the chain. Like he has to make sure that the ring is the one he was talking about. Robin and Nancy are not so silently cracking up on the other side of the room. The rest of the kids with varied reactions.
“Fucking finally,” Max says annoyed.
El leans over to whisper to Julie. “So I was right? They are together.”
Julie snorts. “Yeah, they are."
Dustin catches this. “Wait, you knew?”
Julie wants to sink into the couch. “Kinda.”
“You were supposed to tell me about this. We made a pack.”
“We did not.”
Dustin makes an explosive gesture. “Yes, we did. I said I thought something was up, you said you agreed. Then you said you would tell me if you knew anything more. You knew something and didn’t tell me about it. Breaking the pact.”
“That is not a pack, dumbass,” Max butts in. Laughing at this whole situation.
“It really wasn’t,” Julie defends. “And I just got, like, official conformation about this a little while ago. I just didn’t get around to updating you about it.”
Dustin crosses his arms. “How long was a little while ago?”
“Like, three, maybe four weeks ago.” Julie shrugs to try and lessen the impact.
“So a month ago?”
“Yeah kinda.”
Dustin gaps. “How fucking dare you.” He picks up a stray pillow and throws it gently in Julie’s direction. Missing her entirely.
Lucas starts laughing. “You make fun of me all I want for liking sports but at least I can throw a pillow and hit something with it.”
“Don’t you start right now.”
Eddie and Steve start laughing, falling into each other. Looking totally and completely relaxed.
“That went way better than I thought it would,” Eddie wheezes.
“I know right.”
A few hours later, Robin starts to slowly convince the kids to clean up. With Nancy standing behind her making sure they actually listen. It shouldn’t be Steve’s responsibility to clean up his own birthday party.
Julie’s hair keeps falling in her face every time she bends over. She finally goes to tie it back, but the elastic breaks as soon as it stretches.
“Damn it,” she whispers under her breath.
“What?” El asks, wincing when Julie shows her the broken band. “Here,” El reaches into her pockets and pulls out a barrette. Sliding it into Julie’s hair, pining half of it behind her face. “That’s better.”
Julie can feel the heat rising to her face faster than she can try to stop it. Her hand coming up to touch the barrette, it radiating warmth. “Thanks,” she says impossibly soft.
El smiles before walking away to say goodbye to Max. The party slowly dispersing.
“What was that,” Dustin asks, dumping a pile of paper plates in the trash.
Julie sighs. “Can’t you mind your own business for once in your goddamn life?”
“That’s rude. I’m just looking out as a concerned friend. You're the one who’s acting weird whenever El does-.” His face lights with recognition. “Oh my god.”
Fear shoots through Julie’s veins. “No.”
“Yes,” Dustin whispers loudly. “That has to be.”
“It’s not what you think it is.”
Dustin gets a smug look on his face. “Oh, I think it is. You’ve been acting weird for weeks,” He starts to list out points on his fingers, “but only when El is around. Whenever she gets close to you, you either start stuttering or getting cagey. Your face becomes part tomato any time she says something nice or touches you. There's only one explanation.”
Julie tugs his arm away from the group. “Would you quiet down for two seconds.” She pushes him into her room, shutting the door behind her.
“Woah, your room is nice. I haven’t seen it since the move.”
“You cannot try and make this better by changing the subject.”
“So there’s a subject to change?” He crosses his arms proudly. “You like El, don’t you?”
Julie rolls her eyes. “That’s not something you can just ask about like that.”
“But I’m right?”
“Yes, you’re right,” she exclaims, sitting on her bed. “It’s so stupid.”
Very stupid. But true.
“It’s not stupid.” Dustin sits next to her.
“Don’t lie to me just to make me feel better. It’s very stupid.”
Julie reaches up to feel the barrette again. Knowing exactly which one it is. Feeling the bumps that form the small row of multicolored flowers. Replaying the feelings of El carefully gathering the strand of hair that was too stubborn to stay out of her face. Her hand resting just a second longer than it could have. Making sure it was perfect.
“That’s one of El’s favorite barrettes. She wears it all the time,” he comments.
“I know.”
“Do you know why?”
Julie shakes her head.
“El loves wildflowers. It was one of the things she missed most about Hawkins when they lived in California, other than the town and her dad. The other people she left here. And I’m not trying to give you hope or anything, I don’t know what she’s thinking, but she only gives wildflowers to people she really cares about.”
Julie doesn’t even know how she feels about this all the time. Some days, it feels kind of good. Other days, it feels crushing. But still, the idea that El cares about her, on any level, fills her with a warmth that is indescribable. Unmatched. Something Julie’s never felt before.
Something that feels so good that she’s not sure how she ever thought it was a bad thing.
She touches the barrette again. “But it could just mean she cares about me as a friend.”
Dustin shrugs. “Yeah, it could. I’ve seen Max wearing it a few times.” He takes a breath. “But it means that El cares about you, no matter what. Even with this.”
Julie smiles. “Thank you. This has been really hard for me.”
“I’m sorry. I hope it gets better.”
“Yeah, me too.”
When El hugs her goodbye that night, Julie’s able to return it. Part of her satisfied with knowing that she has her as a friend. The other pulls just enough on her heart to make the moment sour. For the want to overshadow the joy enough to make an effect.
But another person knows. Another person accepts it. Didn’t judge her for it. Maybe soon, she’ll be able to stop judging herself for this. Making it worse than it needs to be.
Let the good feeling be the good feeling.
. . .
June 1987
Julie sits in the row right behind the prosecution stand. Eddie and Robin next to her, the rest of the kids and their families filling the rows behind them. Steve talking with his lawyer, getting the final details all in place. All of them waiting for it to start.
And for the defendant to arrive.
The sides of the courtroom were completely uneven. Steve’s side filled with people scattered through the rows. Almost strategically placed to make them seem larger. It wasn’t hard, there wasn’t a soul seated on the other side of the court.
The large doors open, three people filing down the aisle. Taking their place on the defendant’s side. The lawyer pulling out papers from his briefcase. Mrs. Harrington sitting with her eyes glazed over, looking bored. Richard Harrington staring daggers at Steve. Trying to get him to react. Do anything.
All Steve does is continue to talk to his lawyer, pretending like his dad isn’t even there.
This is the first time Julie’s seen her biological father. Having only heard of him, and seen old photographs. The ones that haunted Steve’s old house. Created an unsettling feeling once anyone walked through the door.
Now here he was, glaring, taking it all in. Stalking it like a predator hunting prey. Wanting to find the weakest link just to watch it break.
His eyes find her in the crowd. Staring. She doesn’t give him the satisfaction of a look back. He doesn’t deserve it.
She wonders if he recognizes her. Sees her mother’s features sewn together with his. The sharpness of her jawbone, the curve of her nose, the brown of her eyes, all from him. Mixed with the dark brown hair from her mom, the similar build, fairness of her skin. Does he see Rebecca in her? Does he hate Julie for reminding him of his past?
It doesn’t matter to her. What matters was the family he left behind. The family she knew. Her mom. Steve. Everyone else. The people surrounding her, all here to show their support for Steve. That is what mattered.
Especially now, as the judge takes the stand, and it begins.
The opening statements are made. Evidence is brought forward. Witnesses take the stand, questioned and cross examined. Each item telling a tale of a young boy that was left to his own devices way too soon.
That was the main point of the case, at least. The emphasis of the age Steve was first left alone is the heavy hitter. How he was left alone for hours on end, with an entire house to himself. No supervision. No check ins. Anything could have happened. This town wasn’t as safe as everyone thought it was.
When Steve takes the stand, having to face the questions and badgering from his father’s attorney, the jury looks pissed. As he recounts the times alone in the house, how scared he was as a kid. As the tears come to his eyes, but he doesn’t let them fall. Not wanting to waste a single one more on his father. Showing the strength that someone of his age shouldn’t have.
He talks about his medical visits. The concussion he was sent to the hospital for in his freshman year after a bad fall on the basketball court. Brings up the ones after he was a legal adult, while he didn’t technically need them there anymore. It still didn’t look good.
Nothing changes the reaction in the defendant. If anything, it just makes him smugger. Him not understanding how any of this was bad. How bad he neglected his son.
It wasn’t until the verdict was read that the smirk was finally wiped off his face.
It was a unanimous vote. The plaintiff won.
. . .
The first thing Steve feels when the verdict is read is relief. Freedom. It’s over.
His lawyer pats Steve on the back and explains how he’ll take care of the transfer of funds. Will call to set up a meeting once the paperwork is filled out. Steve couldn’t care less.
He was believed. He fought, and won. Richard Harrington has no hold on him anymore.
As soon as he walks out of the courthouse, he’s met with more hugs and congratulations than he can count. People who came to support him, testify for him, believed in him.
People come over to the house that’s in his name. Bought for the people he cares about. Who care about him. A drink gets passed to him, someone turns on the radio. Voices flood the house, laughter, joy. He’s having a conversation with someone. A few people. Not being able to get a smile off his face. the feeling of disbelief sitting under his skin.
Tomorrow never looked brighter than it does right now.
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis,
@ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi,
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet,
@steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy,
@connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso,
@crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @melonmochi
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ceilingfan5 · 9 months
taz musical theater au, please :O??? -ise (currently listening to broadway Anastasia and going buckwild again /lh)
"So," Kravitz says, the door closing behind him dramatically. He doesn't put his bag down like he usually does. Instead he looks stiff and frustrated and confused. And cute. Still painfully fucking cute, as always. "I was surprised to see you at the casting call today."
"Why? You've been talking about it since I moved in last month." Taako kicks his feet off the edge of the couch and keeps pretending to read the magazine he stole from the dentist yesterday, as revenge for having to be there. It's months old, but some of the recipes are still interesting.
Kravitz makes a face like he is trying, with all his might, not to telegraph how confused and frustrated he is. Too bad. Consider that code morsed, buckaroo. Tappity tap tap, you've betrayed how you feel. Better luck when the telephone gets invented. 
"It's just," he says. "I did not think you were interested in musicals. Or this musical, specifically. Or being in the musical that I am running, and taking very seriously, by the way."
"Did I do a bad job in my audition?" Taako audibly turns a sleek page, and pretends to be interested in Cheez-it encrusted lamb nuggets. "You don't have to give me a call back if I'm not right for the part."
"No," Kravitz sighs, shaking his head. He clutches his bag close, like it will be a weapon against the great unknown of Taako's mysterious motives. "You were–amazing. I was afraid we weren't going to have a villain this round. You- Taako- " Kravitz walks over and grips the back of the couch. Taako looks So Very Incredibly Casually up at him, smirking. "You absolutely bodied your audition." 
"Cool," Taako says, like it doesn't matter at all. Like, oh, chips were on sale? That's nice, maybe we'll make some dip. Maybe not. "I thought there was uh, a process for letting people know they're in." 
"There is!" Kravitz stresses. "But we live together. Taako, we live together, I've known you for almost two months now, I've been talking about this musical all summer, and I've never heard you sing! What- I didn't know you even knew where the playhouse was!" 
"Google maps," Taako provides helpfully. He closes his magazine thoughtfully. Maybe tomorrow he will get some Cheez-its. Lamb nuggets can't be that bad, can they? 
"That's not my question!" Kravitz looks, get this, confused and frustrated. It's hard not to laugh right at him.
"What is your question?" Picture of innocence. Stock photo of a sky-blue day. Motives? What motives? 
"Why did you try out for my musical??" 
"Bored. Sounded fun," Taako says with a shrug. 
"Are you interested in musicals??" Kravitz looks like the unhingedness of this line of interrogation is dawning on him a little late. 
"Who isn't?" 
"Taako!" That grip on the couch is so tight. Fuck, he's gorgeous. Maybe a little dim, though. 
"Kravitz!" Taako grins. "Did you not want me there? Is there a problem? I thought this roommate thing was going okay." 
"It-" Kravitz throws his hands in the air and huffs. "You're allowed to be there!" 
"Oh good," Taako says, playing as stupid as he can manage with a straight face. "Not gonna get arrested today. Probably." 
"I mean you never know," Taako adds conversationally. "Always good to be prepared." 
"Are you going to take this seriously??" 
"Course," Taako says, and shrugs. 
"You're not just doing it to fuck with me??" Kravitz. Darling. Really? Your first guess is that he's being mean, and not trying to follow you to a second location because he doesn't want to miss out on his Kravitz time? Sabotage, and not ooey-gooey crush the likes of which an adult ought not have to suffer?? Has Taako been Too Subtle? 
"Why would I do that?" Taako tosses the magazine onto the side table. The two of them watch the whole pile of shit slide slowly onto the floor. Sheet music and snacks and playbooks and photos and maybe the lost remote go all over in slow motion. Taako looks back at Kravitz. Kravitz looks pinched. Calzone of a dude here. Dumpling, even. What's in your pocket, guy? What savory morsels are you withholding? 
"I don't know," he says, after a long, painful moment. "But I'm going to find out." And he turns and marches toward his room. 
Wuh oh. Maybe they got two very different messages on what this story is about. Should he say something? 
Then again…Taako doesn't mind an enemies to lovers plot. Not one bit. 
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nevernonline · 3 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #16; the part we play.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 1.5k
note: in-between photo sets is some writing!! xo
masterlist ▸ 015 leave it to the cullens (part 2). ▸ 017 happy trails.
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Jumping out of bed and throwing on a random pair of sweatpants scattered on her floor in what y/n referred to as her “stress pile” of clothes, she ran down the hallway to the front door to check who she had kept waiting for over ten minutes. 
Much to her surprise it wasn’t one of her obnoxious friends waking her and her overnight guest up so early, but a shady one. Joshua. 
“Y/n? I know you’re here, I asked the front door man if he had seen you leave yet this morning? Hello?” 
And with a couple more knocks pounding in her brain, she swung the door open to reveal a smiling old friend holding a bouquet of wild flowers and a box of pastries. 
“Sorry. Hangover. Why are you here?” 
“Tomorrow is your birthday?” 
“Right. But, it's also 7:30 in the morning?” 
“I thought I’d come by today so I didn’t disrupt whatever plans you have tomorrow with Seokmin and Jun. That’s okay?” 
“So.. Can I come in? Or do you not want to have a chocolate croissant?” 
“I do, but coffee! I’m out of coffee. Can we go get some? I can’t possibly have a pastry without it, silly.” 
“Yeah, of course. Mind if I use the bathroom?” 
“Why don’t you just use the-” 
In all of her attempts at protesting Joshua walking through her apartment and finding the boy hidden in the guest room, he still managed to somehow find a way in. Just like he was doing to her heart. She knew she shouldn’t even entertain the idea of spending a day with him and pretend that she has no idea the amount of blackmail he had a hand in, but a part of her couldn’t help it. 
In all her daze of thinking of the moral repercussions of his and her own actions. She didn’t even notice him slipping back by her side. As she rapidly texted the man she unnoticeably had hidden in the room down the hall it was his time to sneak out like a secret to be kept. 
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“Uh, yeah. Let’s go.” 
“So, how was Wonwoo’s event?” 
“Well for starters I had no idea that gamers drank so hard, I felt like I was back in freshman year of college trying to keep up with drunk Soonyoung and you at those dumb ass Dream Boy parties you used to take me to.” 
“That hard, huh?” 
“Yeah, I haven’t drank like that in so long. It’s fun once and a while I guess.” 
Walking into the white walled coffee shop with Joshua felt like some sort of omen, but y/n couldn’t decide if it was a good one or a bad one just yet. 
If Joshua was honest about his play in the game with Mimi, maybe someday down the road she could forgive him and patch up their friendship one last time. But, the more he waited to say anything, the more he lied and kept his secret the less she even believed he’d own up to his actions. 
“What would you like?”
“Just a drip coffee please, large, no sugar or milk.” 
“Okay, I’ll pay.” 
“Wow. Thank you so much.” 
Sensing y/n’s sarcasm, he smiled and turned towards the register placing their matching order and grabbing the cups as he handed her the steaming cup of fresh coffee and made their way back to her apartment. 
Waiting to cross the street her front door opened, walking out was Minghao dressed in his same outfit from the night before, catching y/n’s eyes, as she quickly turned Joshua around to look at a dog passing by so Minghao could make his quick exit without any suspicion. 
When she was sure he made his exit and got out of the line of sight, with Joshua by her side they headed back up to her apartment, announcing she needed to go use the restroom fast and search the bedroom that once belonged to another untrustworthy friend. 
Under her laptop sitting on the desk, a small note was placed with just the corner of the purple sticky note sticking to the side. 
‘Swan, by midnight tonight you’ll be one year older. I hope another trip around the sun brings you peace of mind and the happiness you truly deserve. See you tomorrow, MH.” 
Placing the note under the cover of her laptop, she smiled to herself and decided now was the time to confront an elephant in the room. 
She walked back up to Joshua sitting on her couch, the plate of chocolate croissants placed on the glass coffee table, two cups of coffee on either side. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah. Can I talk to you about something?” 
“Of course.” 
“I need you to listen to me, like really listen and don’t deflect. I need you to tell me how you got my journal to Mimi.” 
“I didn-”
“You did. I know it was you who took it, I just want to know why?” 
“Just listen. I didn’t take it to give it to Mimi. I actually took it before she even got back in touch with me. And I didn’t just stumble upon it on my own time. Minnie showed me it, she wanted me to know how much I hurt you and how you felt about me because you never told me. You kept all those cards so close to your chest, I felt like I had to read more. So, the night of Mingyu’s bar opening, I had Mimi over at my house after, we were just catching up, talking, nothing too serious, she had just moved back and needed somewhere to stay for the night. She was the one who found your journal and took it and concocted the entire plan.” 
“Why what?” 
“I guess why didn’t you just tell me all of this at the beginning?” 
“I was just going to bring you your diary back and ask you out, I had feelings for you too. I still do. I eventually was going to tell you everything. But, it just got so complicated and the day I came over and saw Minghao here, I got so pissed off at you for trusting him after he hurt me, I figured he’d hurt you too.” 
“But he didn’t. You did.” 
“I know. I should’ve just told you the truth from the beginning, but I was scared to lose you.” 
“You already had lost me. How am I supposed to even believe a word you’re telling me right now?” 
“Because, I have proof. The only reason I even still talk to Mimi is to make sure she doesn’t go too far.” 
“Why did you fight with Minghao then?” 
“He pisses me off. Simple as that. I knew he had helped Mimi. I knew he was being deceitful to you as well, but so was I. It was just a matter of who owned up to it first.” 
“Alright. What else do you know?” 
“I know that Minnie is helping Mimi. They’ve been in contact with each other for quite some time, even before Mimi moved back. I can’t tell you why only because I genuinely have no clue. But, I have a feeling she's trying to hide something about herself and not exposing you.” 
“And Mingyu?” 
“No. He has nothing to do with it.” 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Mhm, sure.” 
“Do you think we can ever get past this? Even if we just stay friends or see each other once and a while?” 
“If what you’re telling me is a hundred percent true, then I think we can. But, if I find out you’re lying to me, I will never speak to you again.” 
“I can show you the texts. Between me and Mimi, Minnie, Minghao. Anyone involved.” 
“Who sent me the bouquet? You right?” 
“Yeah. It was just a warning to be careful about the people around you.” 
“Okay. Well. Thanks for telling me, I guess.” 
“There’s something else.” 
“Uh, alright?” 
“Tonight. There’s a party at Mingyu’s bar that Minnie was throwing for your birthday. I came over here initially to invite you. They told me only you’re invited. No Seokmin, Jun, or anyone else.” 
“They wanted me to take you as a surprise.” 
“My party is supposed to be tomorrow night?” 
“So they have something planned for me and I feel like it’s safe to say it’s not good.” 
“I don’t know what it is, but it’s safe to assume that yeah.” 
“Okay, if you want to make it up to me. You’ll help me sneak Minghao and the dorks into the back of his restaurant.” 
“Call Jeonghan, tell him everything. Get him to cause a distraction so they can come inside. Text Minnie and ask if it’s okay you invite Seokmin to come with you and I. It's believable I wouldn’t go anywhere on my own without him and I’ll handle the rest.” 
“Are you going to tell me what the rest is?” 
“Yes, eventually.” 
“Okay, let’s hurry, we have about three hours until I’m supposed to bring you.” 
“What’s the dress code?” 
“Formal. It's some sort of mask party.” 
“So you’re still friends with Hao?” 
“Yes, idiot. I heard you jiggle the doorknob this morning. Come on.” 
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taglist: @sun-daddy-yoriichi @hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee
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note: hi me again!! lol. I hope you enjoy this messy lil installment. not my favorite (everyone says this sometimes ik ik) let me know what you think our resident traitor mimi is up too 👀
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