#today's episode 25/05/2023
evenyouyouweirdo · 1 year
I don't usually think I could do better at a task because I think I would be a combination of Victoria and Ivo on a good day lol But THIS TASK was SO frustrating! The give a one minute lecture on the random year you've unknowingly picked like HOW THE FUCK WERE THEY ALL SO BAD!
And Kiel got 1500 which is right after the Renaissance starts in most of Europe . And I mean even if I don't know specifics details about the middle age dates Ivo and Mae had like they couldn't find anything more to say about the middle ages? LIKE WHAT!
I'm also weirdly pissed on Frankie's behalf because I think they should have given him the there must be some sort of brutal English bastard as a king 'cause c'mon from a Scottish (and rest of the world perspective tbf) it's more than probably true. (and after checking that King was Henry V so that checks out completely)
19 notes · View notes
the-conversation-pod · 8 months
The VIIB Awards 2024: Top Tings
Continuing with Part 4 of 5 of the Very Important Internet BL Awards, we are handing out our awards for our favorites!
We will be awarding our Best GL, Best Genre Romance, Best Workplace Romance, Best Second Chance Romance, Best High School Romance, and BL of the Year.
Join us today and for the rest of the week as we continue tomorrow with our Special Class Awards. Tell us your winners in the notes!
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00 - Welcome 01:23 - Introduction 02:29 - Interlude: The very best in nosy neighbors from Big Eden (2000) 03:02 - Best GL 05:03 - Best Genre Romance 10:18 - Best Workplace Romance 16:02 - Best Second Chance Romance 21:20 - Best High School Romance 34:45 - BL of the Year 40:09 - Outro
The Conversation Transcripts!
Thanks to the continued efforts of @ginnymoonbeam as transcriber, and @lurkingshan as an editor and proofreader, we are able to bring you transcripts of the episodes.
We will endeavor to make the transcripts available when the episodes launch, and it is our goal to make them available for past episodes (Coming soon thanks to @wen-kexing-apologist). When transcripts are available, we will attach them to the episode post (like this one) and put the transcript behind a Read More cut to cut down on scrolling.
Please send our volunteers your thanks!
00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation About BL, aka The Brown Liquor Podcast.
And there it is. I’m Ben.
I’m NiNi.
And we’re you’re drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie here sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
Four times a year we pop in to talk about what’s going on in the BL world.
We shoot the shit about stories and all the drama going into them. I review from a queer media lens.
And I review from a romance and drama lens.
So if you like cracked-out takes and really intense emotional analysis…
If you like talking about artistry, industry, and the discourse…
And if you generally just love simping…
There is a lot of simping on this podcast…
We are the show for you!
[fanfare sound]
01:23 - Introduction
And we're back. It is now time for the final segment.
That's the Top Tings, and I know that you just said the final segments and not the Top Tings because you can't say “the Top Tings.” It makes you feel weird. [laughs]
I feel like I'm making fun of my cousins to the south if I say it!
You get a pass this one time. [laughs]
So, we have changed, actually, our entire Top Tings segment from. Last year, we did awards by country, and we had a long discussion this year about what would be the most effective way to award the best of the best. Based on just the sheer volume coming out of Thailand, it would neither be fair nor appropriate to segment this section by country. So we have revamped and reworked the segment. We’re looking at sub genres within the BL genre.
02:29 - Interlude: The very best in nosy neighbors from Big Eden (2000)
Widow Thayer
“Yes, that, that Thanksgiving business.”
“You're wasting your efforts, Pike.”
“My efforts? My efforts! I'm just cooking food here!” 
“If only that were true.” 
“[sighs] I… I just want things to be… nice for him. I—I know it sounds foolish, but I just want things to be nice for him.”
“Thing is, Pike, uh. We want things to be nice for you too, buddy.”
03:02 - Best GL
We start with a sub genre that is not in the BL genre, but it's still an important genre to us, and that is Best GL. 
Y’all, we were so excited for GL this year and then basically, very little GL actually happened, so there isn't actually really much to award this year. We've got one award to hand out—no runner up. 
So the winner of the Best GL this year is GAP the series? [fanfare sound]
It really is the only show.
It was the only GL this year that we saw that we truly thought made the grade, that took the genre seriously. So GAP, what can I say about GAP? We cried. We laughed. We cackled towards the end. Ben suggested that somebody use somebody else like a bat. It was just so much fun, and that was what I wanted out of the first big GL to come out of Thailand. I wanted to have some fun. I wanted the girls to be gorgeous. I wanted all new tropes that had nothing to do with BL. And we got all of those things in GAP.
We did. We got “Let me taste the lipstick that I just put on you.” That's great. Good job, girls.
Fantastic. No notes. [laughs] 
GAP was so fun. It was so fresh. It felt so different. It didn't feel like a BL in GL clothes. It felt like a GL. And, so, it wins the Best GL of the year. 
Hopefully next year we do better.
05:03 - Best Genre Romance
Moving on. Our next category is Best Genre Romance, and this is a category to award romances in the action, horror, mystery, sci-fi and fantasy realms. 
The runner up for best genre romance is Be My Favorite. [applause sound] 
I am the resident Be My Favorite cheerleader. Ben likes the show, too, but I am the resident Be My Favorite cheerleader of this podcast. Really, what sells this is how Be My Favorite utilized its core conceit: its time travel element. It was so legible. It was simply designed, and it tied into both the structure and the characterization.
For me, in a genre story, the conceit matters to the way the story is going to unfold. It can't be an incidental part, and the way that time travel mechanic informs the story that's unfolding is really one of the stand out plot devices of the year. They never use it as a cop out, and I think that is one of the reasons why I was positive about the show more than anything else.
It's not a cop out. It's not a deus ex machina. It is a Macguffin, but it is not a useless Macguffin. It is an incredibly impactful mechanic. There's two points in the story where it really stands out as an excellent use. The first one is when Kawi goes forward the second time, and his life is completely changed and he's miserable. And the second time that it's used, I think to incredible effect, is when Pisaeng travels back in time. The time travel mechanic itself and the way it was used in the story really resonates. 
So the runner up for best genre romance is Be My Favorite in the sci-fi subcategory for its time travel mechanic. 
Ben, who's the winner?
The winner of best genre romance this year is The End of the World With You [fanfare sound] because they used an impending apocalypse story as a way to do a really fucked up second chance romance. 
The world is ending and the characters we have are so messed up that they don't care or despair about this at all, because they have all stopped living in one way or another. They have given up, and so the fact that this story is about those characters choosing to live while staring into the abyss… It's just really so, so good. 
I really like that The End of the World With You uses this really well-executed end of the world coming soon setting to force these characters to reckon with the harm that they inflicted upon each other and themselves, and recognize that they don't just want to give up on life because they had a bad run of it. Your first losses can be really, really difficult. I don't want to ever downplay anyone's pain or suffering. But we're still here. This is our shot. You gotta take it. You have to get up. I don't know what getting up looks like for you, but you gotta get up. It's not over.
Just thinking about The End of the World With You always makes me incredibly emotional because it is about the desperation of hope. It's so easy to just give up, and to give up in the face of what feels like absolutely impending doom, and then instead to say, “Actually, no, I'm not going to give up,” and then to have that work.
It's funny because we award Be My Favorite for doing, like, hard science fiction really well, by having a very straightforward conceit and following the rules of that conceit. But here we're awarding this show—we're kind of doing, like, a soft magic thing, where it doesn't matter what the rules of Yuma’s powers are. It's just he is a teenage boy with the ability to rewrite reality, and helping this teenage boy manage his own angst is how you save the world. [laughs] So fun.
Save the world by becoming gay dads to a teenage boy who, along the way, falls in love with somebody experiencing gender. It's fantastic. No notes.
10:18 - Best Workplace Romance
We're looking now at Best Workplace Romance, and I gotta say, I think 2023 was kind of the year of the workplace romance. There were a lot of them this year. Some worked well, some did not. [laughs] But I think what we have here is two of the best, and again, I'm going to engage in a little propaganda for one of my favorites. 
So for me, the point of setting a workplace drama is that you're either gonna be examining power dynamics, diverging goals and motivations, or queerness at work. To me, the best workplace romances in the BL genre deal with all three of these, and that's how I picked the winner. But before we get to the winner, I'll let Ben talk about the runner up.
So the runner up for this year is going to be Love in Translation. [applause sound] I generally do not like that most workplace romances are about the power differential between the boss and their employee. It irritates me to no end. It's a form of wish fulfillment that feels a little grounded in a dynamic where men make more money than women, so you're trying to romance your boss to kick up your social status a little bit. It feels a little heteronormative in BL, and it's rare that I feel like the queer dynamics of this are explored well at all. 
Love in Translation really works for me because the show goes out of its way to make the two characters equal by using Thai law to make that happen. And the two of them have to work together to make this functional. Working towards the goals they have for why they even agree to be part of the business enable them to grow closer with each other, and recognize that the thing that they're finding in each other is probably what's more important for them at this point. And the show ends by turning the whole franchise into a worker collective. How cool is that?
I enjoyed Love in Translation and I definitely understand what the things are that you're looking for in a workplace BL, but for me, if you're not examining what it means to be in a romance at work, then the workplace just becomes a setting. It's not integral to the subgenre at that point. It's just a backdrop. I appreciate that, of the three things that I said that I'm looking for in a workplace romance, what Love in Translation does explore is this idea of divergent motivations, because they both want the store to succeed, but they have different means of doing that and they have different reasons for doing that. And sometimes their reasons, butt up against each other. That to me was a fascinating workplace element of setting this in their little store. I thought it was really neat. I thoroughly enjoyed that, and I think it absolutely deserves the runner up. 
The winner—the controversial winner—of the Best Workplace Romance Award. It's gotta be Step by Step. [fanfare sound] If we're talking about these three elements: examining power dynamics, looking at divergent goals and motivations, and looking at queerness at work, Step by Step does all three, and I think it did them remarkably well. In fact, the parts of Step by Step that I thought were really well done were the parts that had to do with the workplace dynamic. 
The workplace dynamics and the workplace setup of Step by Step mattered. The fact that this romance was happening at work, it mattered. The way that work came in between Pat and Jeng in the end, that mattered. The way that for Pat and Jeng to reconcile, they had to move away from the workplace, that mattered. That resonated, and I think that that was all incredibly well done, and that's before we even get to Chot. What Chot represents in the workplace. 
One thing I will say about Tee—of that darling angry little man. When he wants to talk about queerness and capitalism, queerness at work, power dynamics and queerness, he gets it. And so, to me, the Best Workplace Romance for 2023 has to go to Step by Step. Flawed as it is—and we did give it a Girl You Tried award this year—it was still the best workplace romance that we saw this year.
I'm giving it an award as a workplace show, not as a workplace romance.
[laughs] Ben’s in the corner here, grumpy.
We had a lot of discussion about this particular category, because there are quite a few shows set in workplaces this year. We ended up eliminating them for specific criteria reasons, but I do hope that the workplace becomes a more effectively used setting going forward. I'd like to have a different conversation next year about shows set in workplaces.
16:02 - Best Second Chance Romance
Our next category is Best Second Chance Romance. Second chance romance was also a pretty hot topic this year. Usually when we get into the second chance romance well, it is time fuckery versus head fuckery, but it is all head fuckery here at the top. Second chance is really also divided into. Romances where people didn't take the first chance, and romances where people fucked up the first chance. 
In terms of romances where people fucked up the first chance and our runner up, it is The End of the World With You. [applause sound] As a second chance romance, I find this incredibly powerful. Masumi and Ritsu had such a rending when they broke up. Masumi's entire life has been conducted in the wreckage of Masumi and Ritsu’s breakup. Masumi hasn't really been living since then, and Ritsu has been—we find out at the end of the show—living with serious regrets about what he did to Masumi. The way that the apocalypse gives them both the space to, in a way, seek each other out because, again, we find out at the end of the show that Ritsu deliberately went to the library because he knew Masumi would be there and he might run into him. And I think that Masumi subconsciously went to the library because he told Ritsu that that would be what he did if it ever came to the end of the world. I think that these two wanted to find each other again. I think that they wanted something to give them the space to reconnect and the apocalypse did just that. There's so much in the structuring of The End of the World With You. We know that Yuma technically caused the impending apocalypse, but there's also some argument as to whether Masumi and Ritsu brought it on. as well. 
It's an incredibly good writing of the second chance romance trope and the way that it ends up playing out in terms of how these two come back together, how they make their apologies, how they forgive, and how they reconcile. I just think it's so cool.
Moving on to our winner, the Best Second Chance Romance this year is Our Dating Sim. 
[fanfare sound] 
This was the winner. There was gonna be no debate about that. Second chance romance is the gayest subgenre of romance because gay people have to have second chance romances because of homophobia. It's Lee Wan’s inability to believe that Shin Ki Tae could feel what he's feeling, and then he panics in the moment and runs away. Under BL considerations, Wan is the uke who wants to be pursued by Shin Ki Tae. And he essentially punishes both of them because he confesses, which is not his role. The seme, realizing what he was supposed to do late, does not give up on the uke and spends seven years looking for him, and then meets again and then aggressively pursues this time. 
From a queer standpoint, Shin Ki Tae was not necessarily fully aware of his feelings for Wan when they were kids, but then discovers it very quickly after Wan runs away. Struggles with this realization and then resolves to find him again. What happens when people who were together once before get back together, they kind of regress a little bit, and they start going back into the dynamic they had before to try and figure out what was there. I really loved that the end of one of their dates was them hanging out and playing video games and reading manga because that's what they did as kids. And they talked about how there was maybe a gay thing going on even then and exploring what that means and revisiting some of the earlier moments that they have with each other properly. There were a couple of attempts at second chance romance this year that spent way too much time in the angst of it all and not in the second chance of it all. This show, with the least time, did it best for me. Particularly because it doesn't pretend that everything is okay. One of Ki Tae’s issues is that he has a fear of abandonment when it comes to Lee Wan that he will be working through for quite some time, and I love that the show played that out. 
This was an excellent example of what gay second chance romance should look like that also plays with some BL trope expectations.
21:20 - Best High School Romance
Moving on to Best High School Romance. Now, it seems like BL is always in here, but when we look back, BL doesn't actually touch on high school that much. I feel like a lot of the reason that people think that there's a lot of high school BL is because they tend to flash back to high school? That is a pretty well-worn trope. I think that a lot of people have conflated those flashbacks with high school romance stories. 
Almost every goddamn BL [laughs] flashes back to high school at one point or another.
Exactly! And I feel like that gets conflated with these things being set in high school. It gets tarred with the brush of, “Oh, there's too much high school BL,” when actually there isn't that much. Anyway, all of that to say, one of the reasons we wanted to do a high school romance category is we think there were some really good ones this year. 
High school is becoming more fertile ground for some good romances. As a person who had a fairly typical high school experience and feels the nostalgia, I guess, radiating off of some of this stuff, I enjoy high school romances. Ben has slightly different views, I think. 
In terms of what I'm looking for in a high school romance, to me, a high school romance requires some of the coming-of-age, loss-of-innocence elements to be included, along with falling in love. And it's supposed to feel outsized—big dumb love. That's what I am looking for in my high school romances. 
Ben, what's your criteria when you're looking at high school romance? 
So…I went to an all male Catholic school and I was a refugee for a full year of high school. I was also deeply in the closet. I don't remember high school fondly, particularly when it comes to romance. The bubbly version of high school is not what I remember? I remember the angst. I remember the crises I was having about what this truth about myself meant for my life. The bubbly version of high school is 100% fanciful to me. Sometimes it hurts to watch that—you go, is that what I was supposed to have? Why didn't I get to have that? 
So, we went into this category with very different lenses. We ended up really struggling with awarding in this category. The things that NiNi is connecting to are very different from the things that I am connecting to with the two projects we ended up settling on when we were trying to decide who to award. 
I think this is the first award that we've ever come down to where we genuinely considered a tie [laughs] just because what we were looking at was so different and not really reconcilable. But in the end, we did choose a runner up and a winner. 
So Ben, I will let you tell us. Who is the runner up for Best High School Romance? 
The runner up for High School Romance goes to I Cannot Reach You [applause sound] from TBS in Japan. Many pointed out that we don't get a lot of high school romances in BL, actually. We also do not get friends to lovers that often. Most of the time the boys are not really friends, they're just dating. The big thing with friends to lovers is that there are stakes. The friendship you have is an important relationship and wanting romance and or sex from that relationship. does strain it. In the concept of BL, you're talking about people being gay, being gay is going to change the way you interact with the world. Part of why I Cannot Reach You works for me so much, is Yamato doesn't want to inflict queerness upon his friend, despite how deeply he wants to be with him. And it's very rare that a show captures that properly. 
The show has Kakeru’s exploration and accepting of Yamato's feelings and what that means play out in a way that is really earnest. And even though there's this whole breaking point with them where you can't go back, Kakeru later admits that he wasn't upset about it. He was just surprised, which is also a very real boy conversation. And I like that the show ends with things they get together, but they fight a lot, because they're friends. They are still going to be sorting out their relationship for a while. Because they have other baggage they bring to it from just how they've gotten used to knowing each other. 
I Cannot Reach You and our winner are two really special projects from this year in terms of actually exploring what it means to be young and trying to deal with some of this shit. I am always going to be more sensitive to the shows that are willing to stare directly into the hellishness of being gay and young. Because I try to be fun and entertaining for all of you, but I was a very sad little stressed boy throughout my adolescence, and I like when BL is cognizant of what it means to actually be gay and young and trying to sort your shit out. 
Ben is right that the best high school romance takes you back to what it felt like to be young, and to be dealing with this shit. For him, that skews in one direction, and for me that skews in entirely another. 
Our winner of Best High School Romance is My School President. The realism for me, from my perspective, of having a group of friends at the end of high school. There is so much coming down the pike, but you got one last year that one last chance to just be a bunch of dumb fucking kids and maybe, maybe have a dream come true before you go out into the real world and it kicks you around. To me, that is what My School President captured. 
I mean, these kids are idiots and they are still allowed to be idiot kids at this point in time. That's not gonna last forever. There's a sense of things being there and not at the same time, of this idea of youth slipping away slowly and quickly, all at the same time—this idea that things will never be like this again and so you kind of have to grab what you can—that permeates My School President. And I found it just the quintessence of what a high school story should be in that regard for me, anyway. That wave of love and nostalgia that takes you over that sense of impending doom that's happening at the same time, that excitement for the future and at the same time, the fear of it looking back at the things that you may have done or not done, because this is sort of the first big reflection point of your life, coming to the end of high school. And for that to be happening along with the first real love. They cooked that shit up in a lab just for me. 
Gun and Tinn, to me, are the perfect high school romance because it is that mix of innocent and serious, that sense of them being kind of playful puppies, but at the same time there are these very deep, very real, very serious feelings that need to be treated in a deep, real, serious way. I tend to talk about how important I think love is—if you are a person for whom romantic love is important—how important it is at every stage of romantic love at every stage of life and every way that romantic love happens to you. And again, if romantic love is something that is part of your identity. People tend to dismiss first loves, young loves and all of that because these things don't tend to last very long. But to me, just because something doesn't last, just because it is a short lived, beautiful thing, doesn't make it any less real. 
And one of the things that I really appreciate about the couples in My School President, particularly Gun and Tinn, is that Tinn has had this crush for a really, really long time on Gun. Gun is in a journey of self discovery, and he finds something in terms of how he feels for Tinn. And even if this doesn't actually pan out, even if this doesn't last the summer, even if this is something that doesn't go beyond or too far beyond the end of high school. It's still real. It still matters. Everything that they felt, everything that they said to each other, it's still all there. It still all matters. It's still all incredibly real. I really resent young love and first love being treated as less important. I think actually that your first love is incredibly important. Because it sort of sets up how you are going to conceive of love going forward. And I think that in terms of setting up particularly Gun and Tinn, and to some extent, Sound and Win, as first loves, you kind of get a sense of how the future trajectory of these characters’ individual love lives will go, whether they stay together or don't stay together after high school is less relevant. What happens with the romances now? What happens with them in high school? How they fall for each other, how they talk to each other, how they treat each other? These are all things that are being set in them for the future, and to me, that's, like, the big part of high school romance. You're learning how to be in love. You're learning how to treat somebody in love. It’s bubbly. It makes me feel good. They're so cute. Cute as a big part of high school romance to me as well. It has to be adorable, and My School President was. It's a winner. 
With Gun and Tinn, part of why I am amenable to My School President is Tinn is doing the thing that little gay overachievers [laughs] always do. He doesn't know how to romance Gun except by just trying to support him. And I think that that is genuinely really sweet. The question for you always is why are these two little homos gonna be together. Tinn just likes to see his little loser boyfriend try really hard at the things he likes, and is willing to go out of his way to help him with those things. And he likes the determination that Gun brings to the table, and I could appreciate that. And I like for Gun that part of his journey is accepting that he will need someone else in his corner besides his mom. There's a sense that since he lost his dad, he's been missing someone else in his corner. 
I liked both of these shows, and it was really tough to award this particular category. 
34:45 - BL of the Year
Moving on to BL of the year. Whoo! We argued a bit. 
For, like, months! We've been arguing about this since April. 
And we were arguing, really, right down to the end. And in the end, the reason that the winner wins is because I went back to last year's BL of the year. And I listened to how we conceived of and discussed BL of the Year. So the main crux of the argument that we had this year about the BL of the Year is about whether this award is about the past or the future. Is this an award about pioneering? Or is this an award about perfecting? The award, in the end is really about influencing the future of the genre. 
The runner up for BL of the year is My School President. [applause sound] Everything that BL has been doing from Love Sick in 2014 until now, this first decade, has come to a head and been truly perfected in My School President. I think all the churn, all the experimentation, everything that BL has done in the last decade came down to this. This is the first wave BL. This is the proto BL and that's why for me it was the runner up for the BL of the Year. 
So Ben, who's the winner, who has pioneered their way into winning BL of the year this year. 
Let's talk about the role of pioneering here. I come from a queer cinema lens. The genre is always advancing. My School President doesn't exist without the work that came before it that pushed the genre to be something other than it was at the time. I like to focus on the work that I think is challenging the genre itself the most. 
The winner of BL of the Year for pushing the genre is La Pluie. [fanfare sound] La Pluie is special for me because it's the only show this year that pushed me to write every week for eight weeks beyond just doing my normal Stray Thoughts reactions. I felt a need to advocate for this show. One of the struggles that I've watched long time fans have is we bring too much genre expectation to it. La Pluie was so legible. More than anything, La Pluie was asking about the nature of romance itself. 
So much of what's wrong with all the characters in this show is romance itself. Tai is a goddamn mess because the boy reads too much romance. He's got too many issues about his parents not having the perfect romance that they were supposed to have. This also impacts Saengtien, as well. He's kind of got similar hang ups about how he thinks things should go. Maybe he doesn't express himself the way he should because he also brings a lot of presumptions to this. But La Pluie asks you. Are you willing to do the work to be in the romance? Like, if you see the tropes lining up for you perfectly and you're vibing with somebody? Are you gonna show up and do the work to be in that romance with them? Or are you just gonna get mad at them for not doing what you expect them to do because you've watched 200 BLs [laughs] and now you feel like you understand romance and what human interaction should look like? 
My favorite thing about La Pluie this year was they never faked out when it came time to deal with sexual tension. Like, and then, the fact that they were releasing the sexual tension led to more interesting complications and things to unpack in the relationship. It is so much more interesting when we let the characters have a little bit of sex and then deal with the outcomes of what that means and what the sex signified to those characters. In a show that's about romantic desire that plays around with sexual desire, that is super important for me. 
So congratulations to the entire team at La Pluie. I saw what you all did and it was fantastic.
40:09 - Outro
Hoo! So Ben, we've gotten through our Top Tings. I think that the people will have noticed that there were a few things missing from the awards. That's not because we didn't see these things or we're not going to talk about these things. We've got a bunch of Special Class awards coming at you tomorrow—again, if the editing holds up—tomorrow [laughs], we're going to be talking about our Special Class awards in three categories. We've got Honorable Mentions, we've got a very special actor award to give out. And we have got our Standout Queer Narratives of the Year. 
Look forward to that coming at you tomorrow. Until then, we out! Say bye to the people, Ben.
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disneytva · 1 year
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October 2023 Programming Highlights
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Friday, Oct. 6 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Stink, Stank, Stunk!/Dia de los Muertos” (2-15) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:05-12:25 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Stink, Stank, Stunk!” – When Mickey and the gang try to rid Majestica of a mysterious smell, they discover the Grand Pumpkin must be returned to Halloweenville before it rots away.
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“Junk Junkie” – Desperate to ensure his family’s future security, Bill becomes a hoarder. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “I Like To Move It!/Hive Got An Idea” (1-21) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “I Like To Move It! – Kiff and Barry agree to move a piano for Helen in exchange for a wish, but can’t agree on the wish.
“Hive Got An Idea” – Kiff shows a new kid around school but can’t stop his family from interfering. TV-Y7
Friday, Oct. 13 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “The Mayor Mover/Bobby’s Balloon Blunder” (1-16) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:40 a.m.-12:10 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Mayor Mover” – When Lloyd goes out of town, Pupstruction builds a cart with wheels to help move the mayor around.
“Bobby’s Balloon Blunder” – Lickety Split builds a hot air balloon but gets stuck and asks the crew for help. TV-Y
Saturday, Oct. 14 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Big City Greens “Handshaken/Coffee Mates” (4-04) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Handshaken” – After being mocked for his handshake, Cricket trains for a Western-style handshake duel.
“Coffee Mates” – Gloria combines her work life and social life by hiring her friends as employees. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “You Can’t Handle the Tooth!/Blooper Quest” (1-22) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “You Can’t Handle the Tooth” – Kiff has a lot to do today, but brushing her tooth is not on the list.
“Blooper Quest” – Kiff, Barry and the crew set out to make a movie so they can have a fun blooper reel, but blooping is hard. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Nano a Nano/The Ultimate History of Dr. MedusaSaurus” (1-24) (10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT) “Nano a Nano” – On a school trip to a robot factory, Gretel encounters a nanobot.
“The Ultimate History of Dr. MedusaSaurus” – Gretel and Bailey meet a strange paleontologist at a museum. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “I Know What You Did Last Slumber/Lady and the Trampoline” (1-17) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “I Know What You Did Last Slumber” – When Hailey’s innocent sleepover prank goes awry, she must choose to live with the guilt or come clean.
“Lady and the Trampoline” –  When Hailey must face her fear of trampolining, she learns not to let worries about her appearance get in the way of fun. TV-Y7
Saturday, Oct. 21 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Big City Greens “Iced/Chipped Off” (4-05) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Iced” – Gramma butts heads with Nick when he crashes her special family hockey outing.
“Chipped Off” – Chip Whistler recounts what happened to him since “Chipocalypse Now.” TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “When You Mow You Mow/Harry’s Maturity Crisis” (1-23) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “When You Mow You Mow” – Reggie is the first kid in Table Town to mow his own lawn, and Kiff wants to be the second.
“Harry’s Maturity Crisis” – When Harry runs away, Barry and Kiff do anything they can to bring him back. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “No Sprain, No Gain/Finding Professor Ex” (1-25) (10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT) “No Sprain, No Gain” – Kevin is stuck at home with a sprained ankle as the rest of the gang tries to stop a strange jewel thief.
“Finding Professor Ex” – When Professor Exclamation goes missing, Gretel and Nordle try to find him. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Scott’s on a Roll/Bye Bye Birdies” (1-18) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “Scott’s on a Roll” – In a competition where the winner has a sandwich named after them, Hailey is pitted against Scott.
“Bye Bye Birdies” –  When Hailey must be truthful for a day, she ends up delivering a comedy roast. TV-Y7
Saturday, Oct. 28 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD The Ghost and Molly McGee “Welcome to NecroComic-Con / Fit to Print” (2-16) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT) “Welcome to NecroComic-Con” – Ollie struggles to have the difficult conversation with his parents and reveal that he is friends with a ghost.
“Fit to Print” – When the school newspaper is in danger of shutting down, Molly goes on a mission to save it. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Silly Moods/Chatterley vs Chatterley” (1-24) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “Silly Moods” – A trip to Table Town Museum is threatened when Kiff and Barry get into a silly mood.
“Chatterley vs Chatterley” – When a leftover slice of pizza goes missing in the Chatterley home, they must settle the matter in family court. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Bayou Barb/The Great Pillow War” (1-26) (10:00-11:00 a.m. EDT) “Bayou Barb” – The Grant Gomez family goes on a bayou vacation where they encounter a local legend.
“The Great Pillow War” – Kevin and Gretel battle it out in a huge pillow fight. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Frankly Fabulous/The Pin is Mightier Than the Swole” (1-19) (11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT) “Frankly Fabulous” – Hailey enters Frank the Flamingo into a bird show and they run into his former mean trainer.
“The Pin is Mightier Than the Swole” –  Expert bowler Hailey struggles with a list item that requires her to lose to her dad at bowling. TV-Y7
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Critical Thinking Witch Con 2023 Sept 29th - Oct 1st
Connect, learn, and get involved with community of science-minded witches and seekers from around the world at this 3 day virtual convention.
All-Access Pass - $35/40
Saver Pass - $25/$30 ! Tickets on sale now! We can't wait to see you there!
Tickets and virtual convention schedule available here
Apply to be a vendor here
Apply for a scholarship here
(full Con schedule under the cut!)
All times in Eastern Time Zone (UTC-4). Agenda subject to change and adjustment.
Download agenda PDF >>
Day 1 Friday, Sept. 29 Witches' Ball
4:00 PM - Welcome and Opening
4:30 PM - Critical Thinking Witch Collective Glossary
4:50 PM - Group Spell: Safety for Those Seeking Refuge and Protection
5:05 PM - BREAK!
5:15 PM - Community Connection
6:20 PM - Cauldron Talks: Responsible & Accessible Witchcraft
6:55 PM - Thank You and Closing
Day 2 Saturday, Sept. 30
9:30 AM - Welcome and Opening
9:40 AM - Panel: The Scientific Method and Building a Craft (Explore, Experiment, Learn, Repeat)
10:25 AM - Group Spell: Safety For Those Seeking Refuge & Protection
10:40 AM - BREAK!
11:00 AM - Panel: Publication and Sharing Knowledge
11:45 AM - Live "episode" of Hex Positive: Stardust Sessions!
12:25 PM - Community Connection
12:50 PM - LONG BREAK (with looped recorded content)
1:50 PM - Panel: Found in Translation - Shared Meaning from STEM to Spell
2:35 PM - Panel: Witch Businesses and Community
3:10 PM - Movement Session with Tesni
3:25 PM - BREAK!
3:40 PM - Cauldron Talk: Responsible & Accessible Witchcraft
4:20 PM - Community Connection
4:50 PM - Closing & Goodbye (for today)
Day 3 Sunday, Oct. 1 Witches' Brunch/Supper
10:30 AM - Welcome and Opening
10:40 AM - Cauldron Talks: Witchcraft and Connection
11:20 AM - Workshops: Crafting in the Craft (25 min. each: pick two)
12:10 PM - BREAK!
12:20 PM - Panel: Materiality - Witch Accessory Gradient
1:00 PM - Movement Session with Tesni
1:15 PM - BREAK!
1:25 PM - Group Spell: Safety for Those Seeking Refuge and Protection
1:45 PM - Shadow Work (Presentation & Demonstration)
2:20 PM - BREAK!
2:30 PM - Cauldron Talks: The World Within Your Reach
3:10 PM - Panel: Partnering with Your Local Environment
3:50 PM - Community Connection
4:15 PM - Thank You and Closing
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip [First 30 Archive] - 25/05/2023
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SECOND WIND ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 2
Ripped by Slime Girls
Though the hard work of the ripping team is what the channel is built upon, the direction it heads in is often decided by chance, a series of happy accidents that the community and creators take to drive the channel forward. There’s no better example for that than Season 3’s King for a Day Tournament - an event planned just to give the creatives behind the channel something to do whilst uploads to the channel were restricted for a month. Despite its haphazard nature, its popularity grew to make it one of the most defining parts of Season 3, with its sequel - the King for Another Day Tournament - effectively being synonymous with Season 4 as a whole. Rippers and audience have repeatedly worked in tandem in this way for the channel’s future and its a huge part of its appeal to me.
Yet what really gets to me, is when full-on storylines are spun, just from how the audience interacts with the content. With Geno’s unfortunate loss in the original King for a Day tournament, he became seen as the fallen hero of the channel, someone who longs for a place in the spotlight yet never given a proper chance to shine. Completely seperate from any of his canonical content on the SiIvaGunner channel, there came to be a sort of sorrow to the character itself, his fans knowing he lacked a realistic chance at winning the tournament yet rooting for his happiness althesame.
Through some twist of fate, with King for Another Day’s massive list of guest contributors, Geno wound up with an arrangement from a creator more tragic than himself. Slime Girls, real name Pedro Silva, was one of the lead composers for Omori, and has effectively left online circles after admitting to having emotionally and physically abused past romantic partners. In their last posts online, they described further how they’ve been trying to make things right since, both seeking therapy for themself and donating a large part of their earnings to abuse victims worldwide. Its a situation we’re very much in the dark on yet remains terrible for everyone involved, a battle with no winners.
Its a complicated subject to approach. Speaking personally, I really hope Pedro is sincere in their promises to better themself. And speaking as a SiIvaGunner fan, it upsets me that one of the channel’s most arresting, beautiful pieces has such a tainted, complicated legacy tied to it. As a tribute to a character made icon by the fans, DEARLY BELOVED… made every fan stop to pay their respects. It was the perfect rip, with the perfect tone, at the perfect time, and the perfect emotional impact. I urge you, if nothing else, to listen to the video whilst reading some of the comments still up from the video’s premiere in 2019. It hits different.
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spoilertv · 10 months
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phamviettienhg · 11 months
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Drama XO MV CHANNEL Drama Pham Dung Drama Phan Dung Drama Pham Viet Dung Drama Phan Viet Dung Hành khách cuối cùng O Último Passageiro El Último Pasajero Programa 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Pjp0458 The Last Passenger Next Influencer TCAN The Lyrics Board Runaway Gtct Education Comedy Pham Viet Dung Phan Viet Dung Pham Viet Dung & Phạm Việt Dũng & Phạm Viết Dũng Trò chơi âm nhạc Tro Choi Am Nhac Phan Viet Dung Phao Viet Dung SD HD MỸ PHẨM VIỆT DUNG Gio TCAN How To Rock Badger Lane Ô cửa bí mật Lab Rat Brat O Cua Bi Mat Drama Hài Kich (Chính kịch) Today NO Tomorrow Yesterday Quest For Glory Tonight Degrassi The Next Generation Rat A Tat Radio iong Long Lham Lhan Lhao DRATV VOICE VOZ 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020s 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030s 2030 2031 2032 Hãy Chọn Giá Đúng Hay Chon Gia Dung Huinfig Huinfigs Le Grassi Legrassi Les Parent Les Sisters Saison Episode Learn Single GTCT 2468 KM Pdung 654 in The Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes 8 9 10 11 Quinfig Wuinfig Euinfig Ruinfig Tuinfig Yuinfig Uuinfig Iuinfig Ouinfig Puinfig Auinfig Suinfig Duinfig Fuinfig Huinfig Juinfig Kuinfig Luinfig Zuinfig Xuinfig Cuinfig Vuinfig Buinfig Nuinfig Muinfig Uinfig 1Uinfig 2Uinfig 3Uinfig 4Uinfig 5Uinfig 6Uinfig 7Uinfig 8Uinfig 9Uinfig 0Uinfig Turned Uinfight PHAMVIET872018 PHANVIET872018 PHAOVIET872018 AMIGUINDY AMIGUINDYS GVIETPHAO PHAMVIET555 PHAM VIE TUNG 2 4 PLUS ONE Thử Tài Thách Trí THE VOICE LA VOZ
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trifriendheroes · 1 year
Today we’re talking Legend of Zelda spinoff games—from shooting, to fighting, to dancing, or… just being Tingle… Zelda spinoffs explore what the series could be. Please make a Zelda Snap game, Nintendo. 👀
Thanks for listening! 💖 See you November 1st for our final retrospective discussion of the Legend of Zelda series to date.
Send questions for our finale episode by October 20, 2023: DM on X: @trifriendheroes Tumblr ask: @trifriendheroes Form: https://www.staytogetherpodcast.com/contact  Email: [email protected]
Timestamps for content 00:00:00 - Greetings & intro 00:06:12 - Tingle games 00:19:30 - Hyrule Warriors games 00:47:09 - Link’s Crossbow Training 00:54:50 - Cadence of Hyrule 01:00:00 - Super Smash Bros 01:15:22 - Conclusions 01:22:49 - Bonus content: Typing of the Dead 01:25:36 - Bonus content: Pokemon spinoffs 01:32:37 - Bonus content: Scott Pilgrim talk 01:35:05 - Bonus content: no TOTK DLC?!
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ltgrise · 1 year
You Dont Have To Run Through A Million Relationships To Resolve Problems #short #fy #relationships
You Don’t Have To Run Through A Million Relationships To Resolve Problems #short #fy #relationships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnLZM0d7A3w #relationshipadvice #lover Follow @ltgrise For More “ The Man That Is Hasty To Point Out The Woman’s Flaw, Is The Same Man Running From His Own.” Check out today’s episode as we discuss what we can learn from Fresh N Fit Being Demonetized. There is a relationship crisis in this country and these guys had a very huge part in creating and contributing to it. Learn how we should overcome our inner problems and not project them onto the women in the world so that we can make America a place for people to be in love again. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more insightful content on personal growth, relationships, and emotional well-being. Together, let's foster healthy connections and empower individuals to build fulfilling and loving relationships. ✅ Subscribe to The Channel The Way To Rise with L.T.G to learn about real things that real people really go through: https://www.youtube.com/@ltgrise ✅ Stay Connected With Me. 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/2KoYWsD 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/9E6RGU5 👉 TikTok: https://ift.tt/23kzEtV ============================= via The Way To Rise with L.T.G https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChpVR1y95ujuXPIosN6KCdA September 25, 2023 at 05:00AM
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notebooknebula · 1 year
Disrupting the Real Estate Market: AI, Automation, and the Future of Investment With Steve Trang & Jay Conner
In today’s episode of the Raising Private Money podcast, we have a fascinating discussion with Jay Conner and Steve Trang. Discover the secrets of effective communication through understanding tone and pace!
Jay Conner kicks off the conversation by highlighting the importance of adjusting the speaking pace to match prospects and clients. He shares insights on intentionally slowing down and using pauses and repetitions to convey empathy and care. It’s incredible how a slight shift in tone can transform a conversation, as Jay gives an example of how a different tone can come across as sarcastic and uncaring.
But it’s not just about business; Jay emphasizes the importance of being there for family over money. He contrasts a respectful and understanding tone with a rude and insensitive one, reminding us that seeking to understand is the first step in any relationship.
In this episode, we also dive into the intriguing background of the Real Estate Disruptors podcast and movement. Steve Trang shares how the name “Real Estate Disruptors” came about and offers insights into the impact of disruptive innovations in the real estate market.
The interview delves into the current state of AI technology and its potential applications, including its role in real estate wholesaling and negotiation.
Steve’s extensive experience as a coach and mentor shines through as he discusses the importance of understanding objectives and guidelines to provide exceptional service. He reveals his coaching philosophy and shares success stories of clients who have transformed their businesses through negotiation coaching.
This conversation is not one to miss if you’re seeking to enhance your communication skills and revolutionize your real estate endeavors. Join us for an enlightening discussion on the power of tone, pace, and disruptive innovation in real estate!
00:00 – Real estate disruptor creates 100 millionaires
03:39 – Real Estate Disruptor: A Magical Name and Inspiration
07:54 – AI’s influence on real estate investment today.
10:00 – Is AI really a big help for real estate investors?
16:22 – Natural charisma limits growth; coaching is crucial.
19:45 – Mirroring builds rapport and gains trust.
25:07 – Tone and pace convey empathy or sarcasm.
27:59 – Understanding goals, objectives, and parameters is vital.
31:48 – JCPenney’s success: Hire nice people.
33:05 – Connect With Steve Trang: https://www.SteveTrang.com
34:07 – Get a free guide to Raising Private Money: https://www.JayConner.com/MoneyGuide
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Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
Join the Private Money Academy: 
Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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mikumanogi-blog · 1 year
2023-09-01 "August 32nd" Tereblog #113 [ENG]
Hello, I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa. When I went to click on the calendar the numbers were a little weird. Thank you for coming to read my blog today ✔🗓
Today I’m going to talk about Radio programs. <J-WAVE-san> I’ve become a regular on J-Wave “INNOVATION WORLD” Today, August 32nd, better known as September 1st, I was a part of the broadcast!
Today was my introductory episode for the “KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE” cornger. The broadcast is from 21:40 to 21:50 please tune in to listen m(_ _)m
<Nogizaka’s NO-san>
I was asked to be the MC for September’s episode of “Nogizaka46’s NO” on Bunka Housou. Up till now all the 5th gens have been MCing in order and so I’m really looking forward to it! I’m also really looking forward to talking with the senior member who appears as a guest.
The broadcast is every Monday from 18:00 to 18:30. MC Ikeda will have her first broadcast on September 3rd. The guest on that episode will be Yoda-san 𓃲𓃵 Since it’ll be Yoda-san that will be joining me I feel as though it’s going to be a wonderful episode.
<Nogizaka46 ANN-san>
I’ll be participating in “Nogizaka46 All Night Nippon” on Nippon Housou! I’ll be appearing alongside Yoda-san and Tamura-san, since it’s going to be my first I’m going to do my best
Every Tuesday from 25:00-27:00, the next broadcast will be September 6th 🦅
I appeared on the last episode after the performance at Jingu, I’ll also be appearing in the Summer Holiday SP for “Radirer! Sunday” on NHK Radio.
■ NHK Radio 1 “Radirer! Sunday Special Nogizaka46 5th generation member Summer Holiday Free Study”
Broadcast September 3rd (Sunday) 20:05-22:55. Aruno, Naonao and I will be attempting a radio drama at 20:00! Script, was arranged and produced by everyone (The content is still a secret (´・x・`) Please have a listen. I’m so glad to have been blessed with so many amazing jobs.
I’m going to do my best this September
Thank yo-yo for reading this far ( ・_・)/-------◎
Ah, I didn’t play with a yo-yo at the summer festival this year.
I’m going to try next year.
I’ll write again
Today’s song of the day → Tsugakuro/Whiteberry
#tereblog #113 (1003 Hertz’s whales)
This summer break’s homework, surprisingly if you don’t submit it the day after the summer break it’ll be fine, just make sure you show up okay.
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Plandemic script revealed, re-education camps for those who do not comply
Shocking details are emerging today about the government's FEMA cover-up of Hawaiian children burned alive, as well as more details on the scripted "plandemic" scam that's scheduled to begin next week.
We have astonishing video clips, news analysis and an interview for you in today's episode of Brighteon Broadcast News.
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phamviedung · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Drama XO MV CHANNEL Drama Pham Dung Drama Phan Dung Drama Pham Viet Dung Drama Phan Viet Dung Hành khách cuối cùng O Último Passageiro El Último Pasajero Programa 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Pjp0458 The Last Passenger Next Influencer TCAN The Lyrics Board Runaway Gtct Education Comedy Pham Viet Dung Phan Viet Dung Pham Viet Dung & Phạm Việt Dũng & Phạm Viết Dũng Trò chơi âm nhạc Tro Choi Am Nhac Phan Viet Dung Phao Viet Dung SD HD MỸ PHẨM VIỆT DUNG Gio TCAN How To Rock Badger Lane Ô cửa bí mật Lab Rat Brat O Cua Bi Mat Drama Hài Kich (Chính kịch) Today NO Tomorrow Yesterday Quest For Glory Tonight Degrassi The Next Generation Rat A Tat Radio iong Long Lham Lhan Lhao 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020s 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030s 2030 Hãy Chọn Giá Đúng Hay Chon Gia Dung Huinfig Huinfigs Le Grassi Legrassi Les Parent Les Sisters Saison Episode Learn Single GTCT 2468 KM Pdung 654 in The Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes 8 9 10 11 Quinfig Wuinfig Euinfig Ruinfig Tuinfig Yuinfig Uuinfig Iuinfig Ouinfig Puinfig Auinfig Suinfig Duinfig Fuinfig Huinfig Juinfig Kuinfig Luinfig Zuinfig Xuinfig Cuinfig Vuinfig Buinfig Nuinfig Muinfig Uinfig 1Uinfig 2Uinfig 3Uinfig 4Uinfig 5Uinfig 6Uinfig 7Uinfig 8Uinfig 9Uinfig 0Uinfig Turned Uinfight PHAMVIET872018 PHANVIET872018 PHAOVIET872018 AMIGUINDY AMIGUINDYS GVIETPHAO PHAMVIET555 PHAM VIE TUNG 2 4 PLUS ONE Thử Tài Thách Trí 
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celtfather · 1 year
Fire In The Glen #611
Piper and singer with Fire In The Glen, Rod Nevin takes over this episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #611
Fire in the Glen, Corey Purcell, Arise & Go, Sean Heely & Colin McGlynn, Hamish and Fin Moore, Chris Gray, Kalos, Old Blind Dogs, Brass Lassie, Sylvia Platypus, Tim Cummings, Iain MacHarg, and Elias Alexander
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
0:06 - Fire In The Glen "Whup Jamboree" from Cutting Bracken
3:42 - WELCOME
6:00 - Corey Purcell "Jock Stuart” from Undaunted
10:43 - Arise and Go “The Sound of Sleat: Wee Michael’s March / Lord MacDonald’s / The Sound of Sleat” from Meeting Place
16:37 - Sean Heely & Colin McGlynn "Shetland: Christmas Day I'da Mornin' / Sleep soond I'da mornin' / Da New Rigged Ship / Donald Blue" from Homeport ~ Port na Dachaigh
20:47 - Hamish and Fin "Fin Moore & Sarah Hoy  -  Jimmy 'n' Jigs" from The Piper and the Maker II ~ Celebrating C
25:52 - FEEDBACK
30:32 - Chris Gray "She's Sweetest / Castle Kelly / Back to Belfast" from Fuist!
34:27 - Kalos “The Brakeman’s Daughter” from Headland
38:15 - Tim Cummings “MacAulay’s” from The Bird’s Flight
41:42 - Old Blind Dogs “Highland Lassie Part 2” from Knucklehead Circus
44:56 - THANKS
49:12 - Fire In The Glen “From Amish to Irish“ from Cutting Bracken
52:39 - Iain MacHarg “Chi Mi Na M​ò​rbheanna” from Ce​ò​l Na Beinne ~ Music of the Mountain
56:35 - Brass Lassie "Grianach" from Brass Lassie
1:03:03 - Sylvia Platypus "Last Hurrah" from Last Hurrah
1:05:14 - CLOSING
1:09:48 - Elias Alexander “Filleted Fxsh (feat. Anna Colliton)” from single
1:13:07 - CREDITS
This episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Rod Nevin,  Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am  - not -  Marc Gunn! Marc is a musician and podcaster out of Atlanta, Georgia.  I’m Rod Nevin and I’m a bagpiper and singer in Reading, Pennsylvania.  Marc asked me if I’d like to host an episode while he’s having his wonderful excursion to the emerald isle, and of course I said Yes!  I’ve handpicked today’s lineup of wonderful musicians  -  all of my favorites, and I hope they’ll be your favorites too.
This Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
Hey Celtic Bands, I’m looking for new music and stories in 2023. To submit your band, just complete the permission form at 4celts.com. You’ll also find information on how to submit a story behind one of your songs or tunes.
Get a free Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music eBook. email [email protected]
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $10. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos.
In 2023, we’re going on a Celtic Invasion of County Mayo in Ireland. We’re gonna explore the area and get to know Grace O’Malley, the Pirate Queen. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Or how about a picture you took of a band that you saw.
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail, message me on Facebook, or contact me through Mastodon @[email protected].
​​Luke Miller said: "Hi Marc, For St. Patrick's day Kathleen and I are both taking the day off work. We are going to spend most of the day at a local Irish Pub that is having live music all day including the band Beltaine which has been on the podcast. That night we are seeing The Gothard Sisters in concert."
Bart Creedon emailed: "Hello Marc  -  1. Living the life of Reilly, since I was fortunate enough to be able to retire last July. 2. I'll sport a little green, consume a little Guinness and look to stay out of too much trouble.  3. I've been listening to Delia Murphy's recordings.  My curiosity was piqued having encountered a fictionalized version of her in Joseph O'Connor's "My Father's House", a novel primarily about Hugh O'Flaherty's exploits during WWII in Nazi - occupied Rome.  I also discovered that Joseph O'Connor is brother to Sinead O'Connor, one of my favorite Irish singers. Thanks for asking."
DawnMarie Sharit replied: "I listen while I am doing tedious work, because it gets done so much faster, and I typically have a huge smile on my face, if not a wistful tear in my eye!"
Kelly Frenette replied to my email: "Let's see.... Of course I'd love a bonus episode! What are you doing while listening? Wood turning, resin casting or driving. I'm keeping my ancestry alive and remembering the celtic history. I always have it playing in the background while I work."
  Check out this episode!
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jfradioshow · 1 year
05/25/2023 PODCAST Episode #655-658 TODAY'S GUESTS: Mark Earley, John Mills, Corey Lewandowski, Tom Tiffany, Glenn Sturtevant, Kelly Loeffler, Amanda Chase, Matt Strickland, Patrick Assalone + America Speaks - YOUR CALLS! at 1-888-480-JOHN (5646) and GETTR Live! @jfradioshow #GodzillaOfTruth #TruckingTheTruth
Want more of today's show?
Episode #655 Fredericks Blast DeSantis’ Grifter Clown Show Launch
Episode #656 DeSantis Campaign Crashes & Burns, Worst Launch Ever
Episode #657 Sturtevant Blasts Chase & Chase Fires Back
Episode #658 Matt Strickland – The Embodiment of the Populist Movement. “I’ve Got Your Back”
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phamviettienhg · 11 months
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Drama XO MV CHANNEL Drama Pham Dung Drama Phan Dung Drama Pham Viet Dung Drama Phan Viet Dung Hành khách cuối cùng O Último Passageiro El Último Pasajero O ÚLTIMO PASSAGEIRO Hoy Tanda Comericales Programa 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Pjp0458 TCAN The Lyrics Board Gtct Education Comedy Pham Viet Dung Phan Viet Dung Pham Viet Dung & Phạm Việt Dũng & Phạm Viết Dũng Trò chơi âm nhạc Tro Choi Am Nhac Phan Viet Dung Phao Viet Dung SD HD MỸ PHẨM VIỆT DUNG Gio TCAN How To Rock Badger Lane Ô cửa bí mật Lab Rat Brat O Cua Bi Mat Drama Hài Kich (Chính kịch) Today NO Tomorrow Yesterday Quest For Glory Tonight Degrassi The Next Generation Rat A Tat Radio iong Long Lham Lhan Lhao DRATV VOICE 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020s 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030s 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040s 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050s 2050 2051 2052 2053 Hãy Chọn Giá Đúng Hay Chon Gia Dung Huinfig Huinfigs Le Grassi Legrassi Les Parent Les Sisters Saison Episode Learn Single GTCT 2468 KM Pdung 654 in The Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes 8 9 10 11 Quinfig Wuinfig Euinfig Ruinfig Tuinfig Yuinfig Uuinfig Iuinfig Ouinfig Puinfig Auinfig Suinfig Duinfig Fuinfig Huinfig Juinfig Kuinfig Luinfig Zuinfig Xuinfig Cuinfig Vuinfig Buinfig Nuinfig Muinfig Uinfig 1Uinfig 2Uinfig 3Uinfig 4Uinfig 5Uinfig 6Uinfig 7Uinfig 8Uinfig 9Uinfig 0Uinfig Turned Uinfight PHAMVIET872018 PHANVIET872018 PHAOVIET872018 AMIGUINDY AMIGUINDYS GVIETPHAO PHAMVIET555 PHAM VIE TUNG 2 4 PLUS ONE Thử Tài Thách Trí 
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