#today's fight was like if a train hit a puppy
trancylovecraft · 1 year
YSIK Masterlist // Next chapter
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A Cherry Blossom is a pretty flower, Blooming in the spring and representing renewal and joy. However it is quick to die out in the winter, Shrivelling up with it's beautiful colour following with it. Leaving the memory of it gone yet never forgotten.
The moon shun bright in the obsidian black sky.
The light that came down illuminated a small, yet well kept gravestone.
It was old, Ancient probably, Cracks were illustrated boldly into the corners and wrapped around the granite like spider webs. it seemed it was about to fall apart at the seams, yet held strong.
Flowers of all colour bustled around the bottom, Fresh, Newly planted.
A man sat on his knees in front of the stone, the only motion he made was the light breeze running through his hair, making his ponytail sway in the wind.
This was no man but instead a demon.
All six of his eyes lay transfixed on the carving written dead-centre on the tombstone, Carved with great care and precision to get it just right.
'[F/N] Tsugikuni'
The mans face was stoic and unreadable, but his eyes were filled with great sorrow and regret.
Kokushibo's arm reached out to the stone, Clawed hands tracing over the lettering carved out.
He asked himself
'How did it come to this?'
A young girl in a blue dragon-patterned haori called out from a distance, She could of only been about four or five yet her little legs were fast and let her catch up to her older brother.
Michikatsu turned around, Mildly surprised at his sister's sudden appearance he stopped in his tracks letting her finally reach him.
"[F/N]. I thought I told you to stay at home and help mother today, You know she needs someone to help her out." Michikatsu said, A little white lie.
His mother, While she wasn't in the best condition, Didn't currently need any help and even if she did little [F/N] would not of been able to do much about it. After all, She was still very young.
[F/N] heaved trying to catch her breath from all that running.
"I know Michi-Nii! but I wanted to come watch you fight!" [F/N] said excitedly, A big expecting smile on her face.
Michikatsu looked into [F/N]'s big puppy dog eyes and sighed. He just couldn't resist.
"..Well alright.. But for the record it's not 'fighting' it's sword training, I'm not fighting anyone, Just preparing for the day when I do, When I become a samurai!" Michikatsu said triumphantly.
[F/N] squealed.
"That's so cool! When I'm a big kid I wanna fight with swords and become a sam-u-mai!" She exclaimed.
"Samurai" Michikatsu corrected.
"Samai!" She responded.
"Samurai" Michikatsu said, Extra slowly so [F/N] could pick up the syllables.
"Samrai!" She said with complete confidence.
Michikatsu snorted and ruffled the girls hair, Who laughed in return.
"Nevermind, Let's get a move on then."
The sun was high in the sky naming afternoon.
[F/N] sat on the grassy hill next to her brother, Yorichii.
They sat together watching Michikatsu over yonder train his sword swings by hitting dummies out in the field. She watched in wonder at his determination and focus to his craft
Yorichii was the middle child of the family, Michikatsu the oldest and [F/N] the youngest.
Yorichii was a mute. Never spoke or made any motion to communicate, However that never stopped [F/N]'s undying attempts of trying to.
This mostly just consisted of [F/N] following him around, Sleeping in his futon when she had a nightmare or just simply talking her little heart out to him, To which he'd always respond with a little smile and a nod, Showing that he was listening.
He was usually a daydreamer, But today he seemed just as transfixed as she was at their older brother's training.
"Yor-Nii, Where are you going?" [F/N] asked as she watched Yorichii wander down the hill towards Michikatsu.
As usual she got no answer, So she got up and followed him down.
Michikatsu was so fixated on his sword swings that he never noticed Yorichii standing behind him.
So when the physics of one of his sword slashes brought him back stumbling into Yorichii that snapped him out of his training fever.
"Yorichii? What is it?" Michikatsu said surprised. His brother had never interfered while he was training
Yorichii stood still and took in a deep breath, He clenched his fists as if bracing for impact. He opened his mouth.
"...I want to be a samurai like you!" Yorichii stammered not only in his speech but also in his stance.
Michikatsu's sword dropped to the ground with a clang!
A shockwave went through both Michikatsu and [F/N], Their brothers first words to them leaving them speechless.
[F/N] however was the first to speak up.
"Yor-Nii! You can speak! Now we can really talk to each other!" She proclaimed excitedly, Making Yorichii wobble when she jumped to hug him.
Michikatsu stood there, It was hard to tell whether he was shocked at Yorichii's sudden speech or the proclamation of his goal which happened to coincide with both his and [F/N]'s.
"Yorichii.." Michikatsu said just above a whisper.
Yorichii looked back at him with a shaky determination, it shook and swayed but despite the odds it stood strong.
Michikatsu's form deflated, Going back to his calm and stoic demeanour.
"Yorichii. You know what will happen when you're ten, Right?" He said quietly, Only hinting at Yorichii's fate as [F/N] had no idea.
Yorichii nodded. Only taking a glance down at [F/N].
"I know. But I still want to be a samurai, I want to be like you." Yorichii said, Still not given up.
[F/N] perked up.
"Me too! I wanna be a.. samurai too! Like Michi-Nii!" She said, Making sure to pronounce 'Samurai' slowly to pronounce the syllables.
"Hey, You got it right" Michikatsu pointed out, Mildly proud.
Yorichii looked down at [F/N] who still was hugging his waist, He smiled.
"Really? All of us want to be swordsmen?" Yorichii asked now a bit more reserved. He scratched the back of his head.
"Swordgirl!" [F/N] said confidently.
"Swordswoman" Both Yorichii and Michikatsu corrected at the same time.
This will take a while.
A good few years have passed since then.
The five-year old little girl [F/N] had grown into a blossoming young woman and is now a little younger than her big brothers were back then.
She still wore a resized version of her blue dragon-patterned haori, The only thing that really stayed the same and came with her through her walk of life.
"You know [F/N], I could convince your father to buy you a new haori" Akeno Tsugikuni, Her mother said to her while running a needle through her haori, resizing the fabric to fit [F/N]'s bigger self.
"This is about the fifth time I've had to refit this old thing. I'm sure your dad would prefer you to have a new one, You are coming up on marriage age after all" She softly spoke to [F/N], But her eyes were fixed on the fabric, Stitching with care.
[F/N] shook her head nonchalantly.
"No, Mom. This was a gift from you, It was homemade. You can't just buy that kind of thing from a tailor." She huffed.
[F/N] sat on the edge of her mothers sick-bed, Her mother laid propped up so she could
Akeno smiled.
"Besides, I don't even think I'd want to get married. I like how my life is right now and you know I still want to be an onna-musha, right?" [F/N] said.
True, Even after all these years [F/N] still held onto the goal of becoming a Female samurai, An onna-musha.
However it seemed like a pipe-dream. With her father's influence and strength she had never picked up a sword, No matter how hard or surreptitiously tried to steal or borrow one of her brothers swords she was always caught in the end and given a right punishment for it.
Still, This never changed her mind on the matter.
"I see... Still haven't given up on that dream, have you?" She hummed.
"Well anyways, If you're so invested into my own sowing then maybe-" Akeno broke out into a fit of coughs, She dropped the needle in favour of covering her mouth.
[F/N] quickly rushed over to her side.
"Mom? Mom, Are you alright" She said, Lightly patting her mothers back.
Akeno stopped sputtering out coughs but still softly wheezed during breaths.
"I'm.. Fine, Sweetheart" She spoke, However her hoarse throat said otherwise.
"No, You're not! You don't need to fix my haori, We can continue later but right now you should lay down." [F/N] worried.
Akeno shook her head.
"I said I'm alright but.. could you go fetch me.. Some water?" She breathed heavily as if all the air around her had thinned.
[F/N] quickly nodded and rushed out the room to complete the task.
She swiftly opened the shoji doors to her house and made her way over to the water-well sat upon the hill. She hoped to the gods above that the well hadn't dried up in the early summer heat.
She reached the small little well and peered inside, The water in the well was plentiful. [F/N] sighed in relief and proceeded to wheel the bucket on the rope down the stony passageway.
[F/N] jumped at the sound, Letting the rope slip from her grasp she watched the bucket fall from its steady pace and hit the water with a loud splash!
"No!" [F/N] yelled. The well was too far down for her to reach the bucket. She cried out in frustration and looked over at the source of noise that dominoed the bucket falling.
Over in the valley beyond the hill was Michikatsu, Still out training with his sword. It was fairly early in the morning and judging by the sweat-beads on his face and the mess of his clothes [F/N] could tell he's been up training since six at least.
That's right, Along with her, Michikatsu had changed as well.
From the strong yet stoic young man that [F/N] had grown up with he had festered into a more strength obsessed yet quiet young man than what he had been before.
[F/N] knew the catalyst well, He was her brother after all.
Yorichii from that day he proclaimed his want to be a samurai, Had demonstrated an inhuman talent for the skill. A man who was working with their father had humoured Yorichii and decided to teach him a basic stance.
However to everyone's surprise, Yorichii had landed four blows on the man and swiftly defeated him. Which is something that Michikatsu never could.
From then on Michikatsu grew a bit darker, Maybe not noticeably. Not noticeable from her father, mother or even Yorichii. But [F/N] could tell.
She barely saw him anymore, Well it was more of she never talked to him anymore. She still watched him train, at least from afar.
An idea clicked in her head.
The bucket in the well was too far down for her to reach, Yes. However it wasn't too far for Michikatsu who was a foot taller than her.
She walked down the hill, Calling out for him.
"Michi-Nii!" She called out to him.
Michikatsu stopped swinging his sword and turned around to look at his little sister with an annoyed scowl on his face.
"What? Can't you see I'm a bit busy at the moment" Michikatsu hissed.
[F/N] froze for a moment.
"I just need a little help, the bucket in the well fell into the water" She explained softly, Scared to entice her brothers wrath.
Michikatsu groaned.
"Alright." He said simply and quickly headed over to the well. [F/N] followed after, Smiling.
"Thank you, Michi-Nii!" She said thankfully.
[F/N] grabbed onto his hand to hold it, But she was shaken off by Michikatsu.
"I told you to stop calling me that, It's stupid and childish" He said, grimacing.
[F/N]'s smile was put out like a light, But she nodded. Trying to respect his wishes.
They got to the well and Michikatsu fished out the bucket with ease and handed it over to [F/N] who bowed down in thanks but with much less emotion put into it.
With that, Michikatsu walked away without a goodbye. Off to go and continue training for the rest of the day and coming back home in the dead of night, Just to go to sleep and repeat the process over and over again.
[F/N] frowned but took the bucket of water back to the house.
Sliding open the Shoji doors she entered the house, remarkably more downtrodden than before.
As she walked the halls towards her mothers room she heard two voices arguing in a hushed tone.
"She doesn't want to get married."
"Too bad. She's coming upon marriage age and if she doesn't want to disrespect this family she will do as she's told and marry the man we've picked out for her"
The two voices, Her mother and father.
She slipped quietly behind the half-open shoji door, Intently listening in on their conversation
"She want's to be an onna-musha, You know." Her mother admitted.
"An onna-musha. Really." Her father responded, A tone full of disgusted shock ran through his voice.
"That girl is too weak to even tend to the horses. Not to mention the girl's only worth will be to marry her off to a nobleman. Her being a samurai along with the men would just be wrong" He said.
There was a silence not just between [F/N]'s parents, But her too.
She's known her father hadn't particularly paid attention to her nor did he show any affection but to think he thought this lowly of her was a gut punch to the stomach.
"Don't say that, Akuhei. She could be listening" Her mother said in a whisper.
"I hope she is. She needs to learn the truth sooner or later or she'll grow up and be delusional to the real world."
[F/N] let tears flow from her cheeks, Dripping down onto the floor.
If she couldn't even get a bucket out from a well, Could she really be a swordswoman?
Something wasn't right.
It had been a good few hours after [F/N] had eavesdropped on her parents conversation and it had fallen into night-time.
[F/N] had long gone to bed but she wasn't able to fallen asleep easy. It was strange, No matter the situation she had always had no issue with falling into unconciousness.
She rolled and scuffled around on her futon uncomfortably. Could it of been the conversation earlier? No. Couldn't be that, It was something else.
[F/N] rubbed her eyes and got up from her futon. She shuffled on her sandals and quickly draped her newly-sized blue dragon haori around her figure for warmth.
She decided to go for a walk to clear her head.
[F/N] walked softly in the darkened hallways of her home, The soft moonlight illuminated her pathway through the house. She was lost in her own thoughts from the events of the day.
Her father's words, Michikatsu's attitude, Her mother's illness. It all swirled in her mind like a hurricane.
"..I like my life how it is right now"
The words she had told her mother. A lie.
She hated how everything was right now. Her dad saw her as an object to be bid on. Michikatsu acted like she was nothing but a burden to him and Yorichii was nowhere to be found.
Besides, Even if Yorichii and Michikatsu weren't talking either they were obviously the more important in the family.
They were the Sun and the Moon, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.
[F/N] wasn't a celestial deity or a celestial body, She was just the terrestrial afterthought. Yorichii and Michikatsu were both skilled and talented in their own rights, They were fawned over by the girls and even some of the boys in the village. They were praised and respected.
[F/N] wasn't even allowed to leave the house.
Now that she thought about it, There was only was her and her mother.
Her mother.
While walking she had stopped in her tracks. Light shone in through the hallway from an open door.
Her mother's door.
[F/N]'s brow quirked. Was her mother up this late as well? She should be asleep, She was very ill after all.
[F/N] peeked through the doorway, Her eyes widened.
Yorichii stood over the bed, Her mother layed motionlessly on the bed.
"Yor-Nii?" [F/N] asked.
Yorichii turned around, A strained look in his eyes. His jaw stood locked tight as if there was something painful he had to say.
"Mother has passed on" Yorichii whispered.
No, No. No no no no no. That couldn't be right, No. It couldn't be right.
[F/N] stumbled over to her mother, Shoving Yorichii out of the way to whom backed off.
"Mum, Mum. Wake up, Hey. Hey, Do you hear me?" [F/N] cried, She grasped onto her mother's limp hand, She shook it in futile attempt to wake her.
"Mum you can't, Mum please." Tears started rolling down her cheeks now, Her breathing laboured.
"Yorichii, Please did you try-"
She turned around, Yorichii was nowhere to be seen.
He had left.
He had left and hadn't even bothered to try and comfort her.
She stared in shock, Not believing her situation
She was brought back by a hand squeezing her own.
She snapped her head back down to her mother, Whose eyes lain weakly on [F/N]'s. A soft yet painful smile appeared on her face.
"Mum!" [F/N] choked.
"[F/N]..." Akeno whispered. "Come closer.."
[F/N] Nodded and leant down closer to her mother, Kneeling down now to listen closely. Her eyes never leaving her mothers
"I never wanted to be married... My father had sold me off at a young age as well." Akeno started.
"I had a chance.. Once.. To leave this place, To get out of my marriage but do you know what happened?" She asked, Looking mournfully into the eyes of her youngest, Who was now choking on her sobs and tears rushing out from her eyes.
Akeno didn't wait for an answer
"I didn't take it.. I was too afraid." A sad smile came upon her.
"My life had ended right there since I never took that chance.. And the only good thing to ever happen after that... were you three."
"[F/N].. Yorichii.. Michikatsu. My beautiful children" Akeno let tears roll down her face now, Reminiscing on her life that was flashing before her now.
"Please.. You now have a chance. Get away while you still can.." Her other hand wiped the tears off of [F/N]'s face weakly, However her hand started to fall.
"Run.. and I promise I will see you again, The kami will reunite us... I love you, [F/N]" She whispered, Her hand falling to her side and the others grip becoming limp. The light in her eyes fading.
"Mum... Mum! No! no no!" [F/N] sobbed, Shaking her mothers now lifeless corpse she collapsed to the floor and cried out for her mum to come back, to speak to her.
"Run, You still have your chance"
Her mothers voice rang in her head, It echoed throughout her entire being.
And with love and tears, She kissed her mother on the forehead and closed her dead eyes. Akeno's face displayed rest, peace.
She said her final goodbye's to her mother and left the room to go back to her own.
And with a heavy heart and a rucksack full of essentials, She climbed out her rooms window and left in the dead of night.
[F/N] trudged through the woodlands.
It was now daybreak, The sun rose upon the distance and shown through cracks in the tree's.
Through all that time [F/N] never stopped walking, Never took a break. The only thing on her mind was escape to a better place.
It was only once she appeared upon a clearing did she stop walking.
In front of her was a rundown Shinto shrine placed upon the mountainy and rocky terrain of the woods.
It had obvious that people hadn't been here in decades by the dust, cobwebs and poor conditions of all the archways and cracked stone lanterns lining the pathway up to the shrine entrance.
Back in it's heyday it would of been grand. A massive shrine that could of held a good few hundred people, As there was a large amount of corridors and a second floor.
Not to mention the vast courtyard [F/N] now found herself standing in.
She breathed in the highland forest air, Took in the birds chirping and the warm light of the sun on her skin.
She looked upon the sign hanging from the archway.
"Inari Ōkami"
The kami of Foxes, Agriculture, Fertility, Tea, Sake and Swordsmiths.
[F/N] frowned at the state of the shrine, Thinking of it as a great disrespect to Inari.
Another thought ran through her mind.
Home. A rundown one for sure, But nothing she couldn't fix.
And that's what she did.
For the next ten years that's what [F/N] did. She fixed the Archways, Refilled the stone lamps, Rebuilt the structuring, Cleaned up the cobwebs and dust all until it looked newly built.
Everyday since she came across it she would give offerings to Inari Ōkami. Ranging from nuts and fruit she would pick up while scavenging to Flowers and pieces of jewellery.
She'd light candles in their honour, Pray to them not for good fortune but for the reformation of the shrine.
She'd grown attached to the shrine, So much so that she had completely forgotten her goal of becoming a swordswoman in favour of being the sole shrine-maiden.
And in that time she had finally bloomed into a beautiful young woman and if anyone should come across her they would describe her as such.
Not that anyone came along though, The shrine was in the middle of nowhere and [F/N] had seen no one in the past decade.
As [F/N] got up for another day to tend to the shrine she wondered what her brothers were doing now.
[F/N] carried her basket full of fruits, Satisfied from a successful scavenge.
She headed back up towards the large archway that was there to greet people into the temple. It use to be covered in splintered wood but thanks to the efforts of [F/N] the archway was restored with a fresh coat of paint and smoothing of the wood.
When she got up there she stopped, Her eyes widened.
The massive wooden doors to the thick stone wall gate were left wide open.
She was sure she had closed them when she had left.
Her body stiffened and her palms became sweaty.
Who could be in her shrine? Nobody came up the mountains and the nearest village was a good few dozen kilometres away on the far other side of the forest. No one who was just wandering could come across the temple.
[F/N] slowly put the basket of fruit onto the ground, Making sure not to make a sound.
She unsheated her Kaiken from her obi and slowly made her way inside to the courtyard, Which seemed empty.
But she looked upon the main building and just like the gate doors the shoji to the main building were left wide open.
[F/N] confirmed her suspicions. Someone was definetly here.
She made her way inside, Checking the main hallways she found no one around however that never made [F/N] let down her guard.
[F/N] flinched. The sound of an object knocking over came from just down the hall she was facing. Gripping her Kaiken tighter she moved forward towards the sounds
As she got closer, She heard a duo of voices arguing.
"Stop moving, Brother."
"Argh, If you'd let me do it by myself this would go much faster."
"No. You're injured, let me do it."
"I'm told you I'm fine. It's just a cut."
Those voices..
[F/N] lowered her Kaiken. She stood, legs shaking. Heart pounding as she slowly called out.
"Michi-Nii? Yori-Nii?"
A sudden shuffling was heard in the room across from her.
The semi-shut shoji doors slammed open and out first came Michikatsu, Who had a semi-wrapped bandage around his arm with Yorichii following close after.
They were in their twenties now and were much older and their faces had changed a lot. But no matter how much they had physically changed [F/N] recognised her brothers, Who both now had surprised yet unrecognisable expressions in their face.
[F/N]'s mouth was open, Her eyes wide and sparkling with recognition.
"[F/N]..." Yorichii said.
"Yori-Nii! Michi-Ni-" She was cut off by the sudden arms pulling her into a tight hug. Michikatsu had moved so fast that she didn't see him move.
"[F/N].." He stuttered, Swaying back and forth while hugging her.
"Nii-san.." [F/N] cried, Gripping the back of his purple hexagonal hakama tightly as she buried her head into the side of his neck.
"You've grown so much.. And look at that" [F/N] grazed the hilt of of his sword, taking in the craftsmenship.
"You've both become swordsmen. I'm so proud, I wish I could've been there to see your ceremony" She whispered.
Michikatsu never responded to her words, instead going into a speech of his own.
"[F/N].. I lost you. You disappeared out of nowhere.. I searched for you for years.." Michikatsu was lost for words. If [F/N] didn't know better she could of sworn he was crying.
"I'm sorry, Michi-Nii. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went" [F/N] whispered.
The bear hug grip on her got tighter.
"Never. And I mean never leave me again. You have no idea what you put me through... You better promise" He scolded. [F/N] nodded vigorously.
"I promise."
"So this is where you've been living for the past ten years?" Michikatsu asked, Looking around the haiden.
The place was a massive hall dedicated to worship of Inari. at the very end was the main worship shrine, Which was bustling with hand-woven straw baskets filled with offerings and lit candles in Inari's honour.
"Yeah.. When I ran away ten years I came across this place and made it my home. Been like that ever since." [F/N] smiled, Proud of the hall.
It was indeed very pretty, The new refurbished decorations of flowers, candles and banner-work created a grandiose appearance. The wooden pillars supported the tall height of the room and had beams at the top connecting them all with baskets filled with flowers hanging from them.
The entire room looked like it was built and cared for by an entire team of shrine maidens, Not a single dust spot to be seen.
Yorichii and Michikatsu stared in awe at the work.
"And you maintained this place all by yourself?" Yorichii asked, Genuinely in wonder at the décor.
"Well.. Apart from the occasional seller I meet when I'm scavenging for food nearest the road.. They sell me candles, Banners and other things needed for maintenance.. It's all done by me." [F/N] explained.
"It's.. Impressive. To think how you learned all this.." Michikatsu said.
"I get all my information from the shrine's library, From then on you figure it out on the way." [F/N] responded, Completely humble to the praise she received.
She turned around to her brothers with a smile.
"What about you two? Tell me what's been happening, And how'd you get that cut?" She asked innocently, Pointing to Michikatsu's bandaged arms
The two twins looked at each other, Having a silent conversation with each other. Contemplating what they should tell. Both of them very apprehensive, they shared a knowing look between them.
[F/N] frowned.
"..Is it not something you want to tell me?" She asked.
"Well.. It's hard to believe but-" Yorichii started.
"It’s just a mistake from sword training. Don't you worry about it." Michikatsu finished.
Yorichii looked over at him, Surprised at his sudden interruption.
[F/N]'s eyes narrowed. She felt curious but decided to drop the subject.
"Well anyways.. I need to go retrieve my fruit basket from outside and do my morning rounds around the shrine. Feel free to have a look around, Just please don't touch anything " [F/N] said, bowing her head low and heading towards the exit.
"Hold on, I'll come with you" Michikatsu said, He went to follow after his sister but was stopped when a hand pulled him back.
"Go on ahead, [F/N]. Michikatsu-Nii will catch up." Yorichii said. [F/N] nodded.
She said goodbye in the form of a hug, Michikatsu then Yorichii.
Michikatsu shot Yorichii a scorning look.
"What do you want?" Michikatsu hissed, The usual irritation of his brother turned up a notch.
"We need to tell her, Nii-san. So we can help her set up wisteria around the place." Yorichii argued.
Michikatsu gritted his teeth.
"Wisteria would be a good idea. But we don't need to tell her about demons, I mean look at her! She's still young" Michikatsu said, exasperated.
"She's eighteen, Nii-san. More than old enough to know about demons, about how to protect herself." Yorichii countered.
"She won't need to learn how to protect herself If I'm there to do it for her" Michikatsu hissed.
Yorichii's face scrunched up. He took a step forward towards Michikatsu and stood steady.
"Nii-san, I know you and [F/N] were attached by the hip when she was young but you can't always be there for her, She's strong enough to survive on her own but not strong enough to survive a possible demon attack, So we need to inform her. She won't let us plant wisteria around the shrine without a very good reason " Yorichii argued, His point stood stronger than he did.
Michikatsu's teeth gritted and his face was a visage of concealed anger like they were standing in the eye of the storm waiting for the inevitable onslaught.
"You always need to know better, Don't you Yorichii?" Michikatsu spat in a low tone.
Yorichii was surprised at Michikatsu's sudden animosity towards him, He was confused. This had never happened before.
"What do you mean to imply by that, Nii-san?" Yorichii asked, Slight worry coming over him for his brother who seemed restless.
Michikatsu suddenly became aware of his sudden outburst, His shoulders dropped from their previously stiff position. He sighed.
"Nothing... I shouldn't of spoke out like that." Michikatsu said, Quickly bowing his head to Yorichii he began to leave the shrine hall.
"Where are you going?" Yorichii called after him.
"To go find [F/N]. And make sure she's alright" He responded, Leaving the hall in search of his little sister.
Michikatsu looked around the shrine for [F/N].
He walked the halls, checked the empty rooms, searched the courtyard, looked around the perimeter of the shrine and scoured through the shrine's impressively large and overflowing gardens but turned up empty.
He was frustrated. Where could she be? The forest surrounding the temple was fairly thick and shading and who knows? A demon might of been able to cover itself in the foliage and maybe she had left the shrine to pick up her basket only to come face to face with the monster and-
Michikatsu couldn't think anymore about it.
Sweat beads started forming on his head, What if she ran away? She couldn't, she sworn to him that she'd never leave him again. She couldn't of done that to him! What if she wasn't happy to see him and took the chance to leave while he was being lectured by Yorichii?
Did she favour him over Michikatsu? When you were hugging him to say goodbye he could of sworn you had hugged Yorichii just a little bit tighter than him, Smiled a little bigger, Looked a little happier.
As he searched the halls for a second time he felt another burst of envy rise up in him, Something that had been occurring more and more lately.
His thoughts stopped when he stepped on an uneven dip in the ground. He felt around with his foot and outlined a frame of sorts.
He looked down to see he was standing on a rug. He then looked up realising that he was at the end of the hallway.
He reached down and pulled away the rug revealing a trapdoor, Assumedly leading down to the basement of the shrine.
A basement? Shrines don't usually have basements, He thought to himself.
He noticed the padlock on the handle was unlocked It was also spotless without a trace of dust, Indicating that it was used often.
He opened the door with a small creak of the wood. It revealed a short stone staircase which lead down to a low-ceiling hallway.
Michikatsu raised an eyebrow. He looked left and right before going down the stairs slowly. One step at a time.
He got down to the bottom of the stairs. The ceiling was certainly low as it grazed the top of Michikatsu's head making him feel uncomfortable in the small passageway.
He walked along the tunnel, each of his footsteps producing a faint echo as he went along. The tunnel was comparably cold to the early summer heat from up top.
At the end of the passageway was a wooden door, It looked old and rigid. Looking at the rest of the shrine this was a surprise for Michikatsu as the rest of it was pristine and in perfect shape compared to the derelict looking door.
He reached the door which he now realised was opened just a slight amount.
He pressed his ear to the door, Listening intently.
The sound of cloth on metal sounded on the other side. It was a sound he recognised well, It was polishing of a sword.
He pushed the door open to find [F/N] sitting on her knees with a strange looking sword in hand, a dry cloth in the other.
"Michi-Nii!" [F/N] jumped in surprise and dropped the cloth.
She sat in a much wider room than the hallway. The stone walls were filled with holding frames and shelves, The majority of them empty but still a good few holding rather precious looking trinkets.
At the end of the room which was facing the door and [F/N] held a sort of table harbouring a headpiece stand, Which was obviously suppose to hold the sword in her hands. It was also home to a kitsune mask hanging above it with eyes that looked like it was staring right through him.
"How'd you find the room?" [F/N] said rather surprised.
"Never mind how I found it. Why are you here?" He asked sternly, As if he was scorning a misbehaving child.
"Why am I in a room inside my own shrine?" [F/N] scoffed lightly.
"More of why didn't you tell me where you were, I was worried and I couldn't find you anywhere." He asked more forceful in tone.
[F/N] seemed confused at his reasoning but chalked it up to him still being a little shaken by their reunion.
"...I'm sorry... Coming in here to tend to the artefacts here is apart of my weekly rounds." She explained. A meek look appearing on her face.
Michikatsu sighed.
"Alright then. But please, Tell me next time you wander off into some hidden basement." He said in a softer voice leading to [F/N] calming down.
"What is this room anyways?" Michikatsu asked, Examining the room.
[F/N] peaked up, A sparkle of excitement in her eyes.
"Oh! Well according to the blueprints and builders logs I've found in the library this room was specially built to hold the shrine's treasures. Oh! Wait, hold on!" [F/N] exclaimed.
She reached over to the table in front of her and pulled out a fairly tiny roll of parchment paper, Unfolding it she displayed it to Michikatsu who looked down reading it.
"Apparently one of the noble-clanswoman paying for the building of the shrine here had a really steamy affair with some hot-shot samurai who use to gift her a TON of gifts" [F/N] explained with a passion, Her eyes held a glint of story.
"So to hide them away from her husband she built this little hidey-hole so he wouldn't discover them" She finished.
"What happened to her?" Michikatsu asked, Entertaining her passion.
She only shrugged though.
"No clue, The rest of the parchment was torn and I haven't found the other half..." She said, Disappointment filling her voice.
Michikatsu nodded and looked towards the sword in [F/N]'s lap.
"I can understand the other little objects around here but a sword?" Michikatsu said dumfounded.
[F/N] shook her head.
"No! No. The only two items in the room that weren't a gift was this sword and the kitsune mask hanging over there" She said, Pointing towards the kitsune mask hung by rope.
"Then what are they doing here?"
"They're the shintai that were suppose to be worshipped here at the shrine." [F/N] stretched over and tugged the hanging mask off the rope and presented both it and the sword to Michikatsu, Signalling him to take it.
As he did she told him to be careful while holding them.
The sword was nothing similar to any Katana he's wielded, Nor was it like anything he'd seen in the country. Instead it was built like a very large medieval English sword with the only hint of Japanese influence being the blue hilt which resembled the typical katana.
One side of the sharpened blade was covered in a sort of second sharper metal which glimmered azure in the dim light of the room.
The mask however was oddly designed compared to the usual festival mask. It was made of porcelain and its eyes were carved in a sort of wide eyed stare, The whites of it being a dark black and the pupils sapphire.
Thick cerulean marks adorned the mask, Swirling around the mask and centring at the bullseye of the mask. Except for the ears which were deeply patterned with swirls and flower-esque designs culminating at the covered tips.
The two items radiated a sort of energy from both which Michikatsu couldn't place.
"They're twin artefacts. It's said in the shrines folklore that they belonged to Inari Okami themselves gifted to them by their father, Izanagi. And from the heavens above they dropped them on accident and both the sword and the mask fell to here, The mortal realm" She explained with low wonder.
"The sword is named very bluntly as "The Soul Sword". It's called that because it's said by the previous shrine maidens that when a person is killed by the blade the soul of the person is absorbed into it and prevented from passing onto the afterlife. An eternity in the blade." She told as if it was rehearsed, It probably was.
She pointed to the Mask
"The mask however isn't named but it's said to warp the body of the user to their desire, Disguising themselves completely." She said.
"And does it work?" Michikatsu asked, Studying the mask.
"Haven't tried. It's a sacred artefact of the shrine. It would be a disrespect to Inari if I did." She stated.
Michikatsu examined both of the artefacts as [F/N] rambled away on the tale of the two, They were very well kept.
"You really know a lot about this stuff. Don't you?" He said more of to himself.
[F/N] nodded.
"Yeah. I guess it's just something I'm passionate about" She muttered.
Suddenly, Their conversation was interrupted by a voice upstairs calling out.
"Nii-San! [F/N]!" Yorichii called out from up above them, Voice faint and muffled from the thick stone walls.
Michikatsu groaned being mildly annoyed at being interrupted by Yorichii. [F/N] perked up however.
"That's Yorichii. Better go see what he needs!" She said. [F/N] grabbed both the sword and the mask from Michikatsu's grasp and settling them back with care onto their designed positions, As well as rolling up the parchment paper and putting it under the table
She dusted off her beryl coloured haori and got up from the tatami mat she was sitting on.
"Come on, Better not keep him waiting!" [F/N] said making her way out without waiting for Michikatsu, Who quickly followed after.
They made their way back up the stairs to find Yorichii a few metre's down the hall. He was standing there watching them come up with an arm stretched out, A crow perched neatly on it with a small roll of parchment paper tied to its neck by a string.
"What is it, Yorichii?" Michikatsu asked eyeing the crow.
"Oyataka-sama has summoned us to the headquarters, Urgent meeting." Yorichii said, a tint of unhappiness in his voice.
Michikatsu's face scrunched up in resentment, Obviously not excited by the news.
[F/N] frowned.
"..You've got to leave?" She asked looking up at Michikatsu who looked back with her with an expression saying that he didn't want to. But Yorichii's voice maintained importance.
"..I suppose so.." He said reluctantly. Not wanting to leave his sister alone. His eyes expanded with an idea formed in his head.
"Why don't you come with us, [F/N]?" Michikatsu asked going to stand next to Yorichii. The crow once perched on his arm squawked once. And with a flap of its wings it took off out an ajar window.
[F/N]'s palms suddenly got sweaty at the thought. Her shoulders felt heavy and slumped down with her face portraying one of heavy adversion
She shook her head, Michikatsu's face fell.
"It's not a long trip if that's what you're worried about, If you get tired we can get a horse or I could carry you-" Michikatsu was cut off by [F/N]'s hum of disapproval.
"It's not the trip. It's just I really don't want to leave the shrine unattended y'know?" She asserted. Evidently after spending an entire decade in it's walls she had grown dependant and attached so much to the point she couldn't journey far out of it.
"You can leave the shrine for a few days. Just please come with us, It'll be fine." Michikatsu reasoned, a small ounce of anxiety rising up into his chest at the thought of her being left.
[F/N] shook her head again.
"No, I'm sorry. But it's not forever, You can still come visit!" She spouted in an asking tone, Waiting for him to confirm.
Michikatsu shared a look with Yorichii. Yorichii's look told him he agreed with their sister while Michikatsu's only told of aversion.
However feeling outnumbered in the situation he reluctantly sighed and agreed to [F/N]'s proposal.
With a heavy heart and bag of food [F/N] prepared for their journey, Michikatsu spared one last look to see her before heading out into the forest.
In the five months that passed from that day forward were probably the happiest days of [F/N]'s life.
Every few days her brothers would come and visit her at the shrine after a mission and they'd stay for around two days before the crow came along and the process started all over again.
She'd even arranged them their own little rooms and the crow would come in advance to announce their arrival so she could prepare them food.
It was nice to be reunited with her family after a decade of solitude. The routine they got into was nice and became sort of domestic.
Though, Over the months [F/N] couldn't help but notice a sort of tension between Michikatsu and Yorichii however it was one-sided. Only Michikatsu initiated it while Yorichii was none the wiser.
It seemed more aggressive as the months went on. Michikatsu focused more on his training similar to what he did when they were younger. He'd have more hostility towards Yorichii and weirdest of all he seemed much more clingy and possessive towards her.
However [F/N] didn't like to think of it. While she knew it was there and she knew they'd have to talk about it at some point, She decided that it'd be better to wait for the right time to bring it up.
Everyday [F/N] would get up at around seven in the morning to do her rounds, Collect food and pray to Inari for an hour or two before going out to the main wooden shrine steps to sit and wait for her brothers to return.
When they did they would eat together, They'd tell stories of their mission no matter how surface level and vague they described it. They'd train outside in the courtyard while [F/N] watched from the steps in awe at their skill.
She recalled back to her childhood and her dream of becoming a samurai like her brothers, While it was true she now favoured the shrine over that old fairy-tale it didn't mean that she still didn't ponder over it often, Daydream while she brushed the floors, Envision the swing of a sword when she spun the brush around.
However of course, It was just a pipe dream. Just a silly pipe dream. But often she asked herself: Why not both?
[F/N] watched Michikatsu from the steps as he practiced sword swings in the shrine courtyard, Taking occasional glances at his sister to make sure she was watching him. The thought ran throughout her head. While she hadn't picked up a sword before other than The Soul Sword (Which at times, She lightly swung it around before setting it down. Then right after feeling ashamed for using a sacred artefact she proceeded to pray for forgiveness at the altar)
She was sure she could try.
While Michikatsu was swinging his sword she had got up from the step with a stumble. She wobbled a little and grabbed the handle bars to steady herself.
She took a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs which suddenly seemed like a herculean task.
She set her sandal-covered feet onto the courtyard with an unnecessary effort and started walking towards Michikatsu who was only a few metre's ahead of her.
With every step she took her body seemed to get heavier. It felt like weights were being tied to her ankles every time she lifted her foot.
The distance seemed to widen between her and her brother. Her eyelids seemed to get heavier too.
And with another single undignified step her knees collapsed on her. She fell down to the floor with a thump! as her body relaxed and crumpled over on the ground.
Her eyes got blurry as she saw Michikatsu rush over to her tired body and listened to him shout out something she couldn't hear
She closed her eyes and untensed her body. Falling into the pitch black void of unconciousness.
[F/N] lay motionless in her bed.
A wet cloth lay over her forehead and a light blanket was lain on top of her.
It was two months since that day she collapsed. She was carried by Michikatsu and was rushed to the nearest village where she was seen by a doctor who gave her the diagnosis.
It was her mothers illness, Turning out to be hereditary and passed down onto [F/N]. However this seemed to be more severe and had developed into later stages quickly.
The doctor had said that she should be put in bedrest but despite Michikatsu's yelling and paranoid yelling there was no cure.
The first few days consisted of Michikatsu being hunched over her bed refusing to leave her side. Over the two months he had grown even worse than he did before.
He was angry before. Competitive, Hostile, Aggressive you name it. But now?
Now he was paranoid, Jumpy, Clingy piled on with all of those traits before.
Yorichii couldn't get through to him, He didn't hide his ire towards Yorichii now and hissed insults at him whenever he tried to speak to Michikatsu.
The first month was Michikatsu searching for a cure. He'd travel from village to village trying to find a doctor who could cure [F/N]. He scoured the Shrine's libraries and had gone mad trying.
Four days ago he had told [F/N] that he was going out again and that she was not to leave her bed unless she was going to get food or do her prayers, Which [F/N] had begged to be allowed.
He had stocked up enough food and water in the pantry for his trip when he left.
He told her that he would be back in two days, It was four now. Yorichii had been with her the first month but after he was called out on a very important mission he never came back.
When she asked Michikatsu what happened to him, He wouldn't tell her.
To say [F/N] was worried was an understatement. Michikatsu was never late, He'd always sent his crow to let her know even if he was.
Suddenly she was aware of a loud creaking. The main shrine gates.
Michikatsu must be back, [F/N] thought. A rush of excitement ran through her and overpowered the cold sweat of her sickness.
She'd gotten up from her futon and wrapped herself in her blanket to prevent the cold winter air from bothering her too much.
It was snowing outside. A blizzard had grown strong while she had slept earlier. Before when she was well in the health department she had prepared well for the winter and could survive during it, Making the inside of the shrine warm all throughout the season.
Now however that she depended on her brothers who were nowhere to be found the cold permeated the hallways and stung the tips of her fingers and nose.
She shivered and slid open the shoji doors to hobble through the hallways towards the courtyard, Ready to greet Michikatsu.
However when she quietly opened the door she wasn't greeted by Michikatsu. But instead two strange men with swords standing in the snowstorm. who hadn't seem to notice her yet
"This is it? Seems rundown." One of the men said
"According to his crow this is where he has been staying for the past few months. He must be here, Someone must pay for what he did and hiding here won't prevent what's coming to him." The other growled, Anger etched onto his features.
[F/N], A little insulted at her shrine being called run down, Made herself known by letting out a loud cough.
"Who are you? And what are you doing at my shrine?" The girl asked
The two looked up at the source. Their hands jumped to their sheathed swords as they looked up at her in antagonism.
They slowly approached her, So much so that they were now standing under the wooden porch roof.
[F/N] stumbled back in a way of getting distance between her and the men.
The one that called her shrine rundown stepped forward. He bowed down in respect to her.
"Greetings there. We're sorry to trouble you but we're looking for a man. His name is Yorichii Tsugikuni. He wears hanafuda earing's and his hair in a ponytail. Have you seen him anywhere?" He said.
Swords. Right. These must be Yorichii's colleagues. [F/N] relaxed slightly.
"Oh, You two must be his co-workers!" She exclaimed, Relief flooding her system.
She curtsied in respect.
"My name is [F/N] Tsugikuni. I am his younger sister, Unfortunately I haven't seen him for a month or two and I don't know where he's been. Apologies." I sighed.
The two men looked at each other.
"Sister? You're his sister?" The angrier one said, A hint of hostility in his voice.
Suddenly a chill ran up her spine, Something was wrong.
"Uhm.. Yes." [F/N] said with caution. Though she was tempted to lie, It just wasn't in her nature.
The angrier man now referred to as Man A gripped the hilt of his sheathed sword tighter.
"Well. I don't know if you know this but two months ago your brother... Messed up, Per se. Causing a great loss towards the demon corps..." He said. His words implied something unknown to [F/N]. The corners of her lips twitched. Demon corps? Messed up? The meaning eluding her.
"A lot of people got hurt. Including our father." Man A sneered. His face the exact visage of vengeance.
Man B behind him wasn't as such but still held a face of stone.
The realisation of what was happening hit [F/N] like a freight train. Her hands grew sweaty as they quickly rushed the shoji doors.
"I... I am so sorry to hear that. B-But unfortunately my brother isn't here right now... I've got to go tend to the haiden. Please, Come back later." Her voice trembled and shook despite how much she tried to keep her tone steady and confident.
As her hands tried to quickly shut the shoji doors the metal of a sword stopped the doors from opening fully.
[F/N] yelped and stumbled back from the door. The two men forced their way into the shrine hallway. [F/N] felt her back hit the wall.
"I'm sorry about what is to happen. But Yorichii Tsugikuni needs to pay for what he did and the death of his sister will bring about our revenge. Please forgive us." Man B said finally unsheathing his sword.
[F/N]'s feet grew light as she took off down the shrine hall, The two men hot on her tail as she careened round the corners and throughout the shrine.
She felt her heart pound heavy in her chest. Both from the almost paralysing fear and the illness coursing throughout her system.
Her legs felt weak but carried on. Her pace just a little bit faster than the men behind her despite all odds, She unconsciously thanked the hours she spent out in the woods running around for resources.
Tears burst like a dam from her eyes and flew from her eyes as she sprinted. Choked sobs periodically interrupted the heavy breaths she took from running.
The faster she ran, The more corners she turned the more thoughts ran rampant throughout her head.
Exits? Only the main gate which she was currently running away from and were closed on the way in, It takes too much time to open those doors and the men would catch up to her in no time. Convince them to stop? Impossible. The men seemed determined in their goal and no amount of talking would change anything. The hidden room? On the other side of the shrine and she didn't have the key on her
[F/N] had gained a bit of distance from the men at this point, Having shook them off her trail for a very short amount of time.
She ran to where her heart took her, To the place she felt safest.
The offering hall which use to look bright and full of flowers, baskets of food and was spotless now was empty and cold. The candles went long unlit and a bit of dust built up and went into the air when she slammed open the doors, Making her cough.
[F/N] ran to the altar with her legs trembling. She fell to her knees in front of it crying her eyes out. Her body positioned into its usual prayer formation as she choked out her sobs.
"Please! Inari. I-I'm going to die... I haven't asked for anything from the day I've got here... Please spare my life.. L-Let me live! I don't want to die, Inari. Please.. Please.." [F/N] broke down in front of the altar as she chanted please over and over again like a sacred sutra.
She wailed quietly in front of the shrine letting all her emotions out from her eyes.
She never noticed the men standing behind her as she prayed. Their expressions serious and unaffected by the girl's unheard prayers.
Man A raised his katana. Holding it in his grasp he raised it high above his head.
And with a yell he swiftly brought it down.
Blood splattered the offerings room. Drenching the two men and the girl below, The blade going straight through her back.
It was so cold.
The men had left her there bleeding, How long ago she didn't know.
She had made her way out of the shrine. Past the main doors, Past the entrance gate and the pathway and out into the main part of the forest.
The blade had went right through her chest out the other side, She gripped it tightly while the blood stained her dragon-patterned haori colouring it crimson.
It was a miracle she had got this far out into the blizzard. The tip of her nose had frozen and her jaw chattered letting out cold air.
She weakly turtled into her haori for warmth however it proved futile.
The white snow behind her left a red trail as she walked.
Soon enough it was too much.
Soon enough, She collapsed.
Quickly throughout the forest, Kokushibo ran quickly up the mountain through the unrelenting blizzard, Which never stung him in the slightest.
It had only been a few hours since he woke up from consuming that man's blood. His appearance now changed from the transformation which took three days to complete.
He carried a vial of that mans blood in one of his hands. He remembered the deal vividly in his mind.
Strength for him, A way to become stronger. Stronger than his brother. A way to avoid the eventual fate of all those who bore the demon slayer mark.
And a vial of that man's blood to save his dying sister.
He ran like hell. Snow crunching from the rapid footsteps behind him.
He stopped however, When the faintest scent of blood invaded his senses.
All three sets of his eyes widened.
He picked up his pace again. Now heading toward the smell.
His heartrate picked up. It couldn't be. It can't. [F/N] was alright. She was okay. Even now after becoming a demon, He still felt possessiveness affection towards his sister.
He came to a halt.
His heart dropped to his stomach as he tried to comprehend the sight in front of him. His eyes widened and his jaw slack open.
There in the snow, Lay a body curled up in a fetal position.
Snow had built up on it. It lay motionless buried in the snow.
He recognised it as [F/N].
"[F/N]!!" He yelled, running over to the body.
He fell to his knees in front of her and shoved off all the built up snow.
He pulled her body so her head was laying down on his lap. He shook her gently.
"...[F/N].. Wake up. Come on." He whispered. His shaking now growing more frantic to her lack of response.
He looked at the vial in his right hand.
Opening her mouth he popped open the seal and poured the red liquid into her mouth.
He watched it pour onto her tongue and down her throat. He waited for the reaction.
However, Nothing came.
He waited and waited. Nothing.
He felt his eyes water and flow out from them as the dawning realisation hit him.
He was holding his little sister's corpse in his arms.
He couldn't protect her. She had died and he wasn't there to protect her.
He yelled, Screamed and cried. In anger, Frustration, Sorrow, Guilt and mourning for his loss. He couldn't do anything.
However when he finally noticed the stab wound he realised this was murder. He could do something.
He carried his sister's body in his arms and pulled her close to his chest as he quietly grieved for her.
He brought her body back to her beloved shrine and set her down at the head of the shrine where she loved the most.
He'd deal with her body later. But for now he had to get revenge for the death of his little sister.
Using his blood demon art to make a sword he gripped it tight.
He set off into the blizzard already with a scent on the targets.
He looked back once at the shrine. The last remaining parts of his humanity dying in there with his sister
And with that he left. Never to look back again.
It was five hundred years ago.
Kokushibo began reminiscing when he sat in front of her gravestone. What he did that night.
He had gotten his revenge, The two slayers slowly tortured and then eaten by him. Their screams and their pleads for mercy when they showed [F/N] none.
He had started with the fingers and toes, Then he moved up to the lower limbs, Slowly he ate them alive. He made one of them watch him while he ate, All before he moved onto them.
He made them confess who killed her to which after a little persuasion they admitted easily.
They got the worst of it, He didn't even eat him after the torture. Just left him pinned to a tree bleeding out. He had put him up high only giving him the options of freezing to death, bleeding out or dying from the fall.
The memories rewound in his head like a film. Flashing memories of when she was born and he got to cradle her in his arms. All the way up until he only held her lifeless corpse, Killed too soon.
He had mourned for a long time after that, Never really getting over her death, Not even now as he set down the new flowers on her grave built near the house they grew up in.
He couldn't bring himself to consume her body, He could never. It was too much.
He got up and dusted himself off, Just like she use to do.
He turned away and walked into the night, Melding into the shadows as he went off to find his next meal.
The morning rays shun down on the Ubuyashiki Estate. Flowers in full bloom with wisteria ripe in the air.
Birds chirped and grasshoppers hummed in the bushes. The neatly trimmed and well kept garden a fit home for them
The Hashira had gathered and stood in front of the porch awaiting the arrival of their master. They talked amongst themselves in the meantime.
Mitsuri, The Love Hashira tugged on the hand of another. A soft smile gracing her face.
"Fujimori-san! You should really come out with me sometime, It's been ages since we've done something together!" Mitsuri teased lightly.
Fujimori laughed lightly from behind the kitsune mask with cerulean markings he (he?) wore. The medival english looking sword positioned in front of him pointing downward, His two hands gripping the katana-like hilt.
He was tall and muscular but had more of an athletic build. He had tattoo's from his neck to his lower arms describing pictures typically seen in shrine art.
His blue dragon-patterned haori that was draped around his lower arms lightly wove in the wind along with his [H/C] locks tied into a ponytail.
"What do you mean? We went on a mission together last week!" He chuckled.
Mitsuri huffed and lightly gripped his hand
"When I mean spend time together I mean like we should go to a hot spring or go out to eat together or-" Mitsuri continued rambling on as she listed off possible activities they could do together.
Fujimori, [F/N] listened intently onto her as she talked.
She (She? She.) however was only thinking of his visions: A sick woman, A woman with fox markings and a man in a purple hakama.
She'd need to figure it out later.
Next chapter
993 notes · View notes
wonwussy · 7 months
Impatience Never Pays
pairing; mingyu x female reader
notes/warnings; MINORS DO NOT ENTER DO NOT PASS GO DO NOT COLLECT 200 GET THE FUCK OUT thank you; masturbation (f), restraints, whiny pathetic gyu, sub!gyu, domme!reader, pet names (pup/puppy), ma'am is used, does this count as cuckholding?, does it even count as exhibitionism or voyeurism?, i dunno i guess that's it
word count; 1.3k approx.
when inspiration hits outta nowhere, ya gotta take what you can and run with it. i wrote this in less time than it took for the entirety of the evita movie soundtrack to play. Thank you to @the-boy-meets-evil for reading it over for me! I like your brain. And you.
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He had been impatient. Nearly begging all day for you, for your touch. You told him he had to wait. You were working, and that required your attention. Even warned him that if he didn’t, he’d be punished. Instead of listening, he sent you pictures. Showing you himself in various stages of undress, how hard you had made him at the mere thought of you, his fangs showing as smirked at you from his reflection. He knew what he was doing.
And now, as Mingyu sits up against the headboard, he knows he has to be punished for his actions. He watches you, nearly shaking with anticipation, as you cross over to the head of the bed. While the only thing he wears is his soft blue leather collar, you’re still fully dressed. His tongue swipes across his lips as you take his wrist, and hold it against the corner of the headboard, his eyes trained on your every move.
You don’t say anything as you tie his wrist to the corner, smirking crookedly as he tugs at the black silken rope. You round the bed to the other side, and repeat the action, before moving to stand at the foot of the bed. “Mingyu, what did I ask you to do today?” you ask finally, your fingers moving to the button on your pants.
His eyes are fixed on your hands, causing you to still them as you wait for his answer. He pulls in a slow breath and raises his gaze to your face, his cock twitching slightly against his thigh. “To be patient,” he replies quietly, fighting to keep his eyes from going back to your hands as they work your slacks down your legs.
You sigh as you kick your pants aside, tipping your head to the side. “All you had to do. Instead, you couldn’t wait.” You pause as you pull your shirt over your head and let it drop to the floor from your fingers. “Did you play with yourself too, little pup?” you ask him, almost mockingly as your bottom lip sticks out.
Mingyu’s bottom lip gets caught between his teeth, thinking for a split second to lie to you. Though, he knows you’ll know if he does, so he nods a little. “Yes. I couldn’t help it. I was so hard, and wanting you so badly. I just needed relief. I couldn’t wait for you to get home,” he confesses, and you can hear the slight whine in his voice.
You tsk as you unhook your bra and drop it, this time his eyes going straight to your chest as he admires you. You smile as you notice him doing so, reaching up to cup your breasts. “Poor puppy. Couldn’t keep his hands to himself, or from sending me such lewd pictures. Trying to tease me and work me up.” You pinch your nipples, before you smooth your hands over your stomach and to the waistband of your panties. “It worked, you know. My panties were soaked most of the afternoon,” you tell him as your panties slide down your legs.
He watches as you step out from them and climb onto the end of the bed, kneeling as you face him on the mattress. He tries not to look too pleased at your words, though you can see the pride there. His wrists pull gently at the ties, adjusting himself as his cock grows harder at the sight of you. “Baby, you had me worked up all day,” he replies.
You raise your eyebrows at him as you spread your knees a little, sitting back on your heels. “Baby? Now, little pup, that’s not how we address me, is it?”
His heart jumps, and he shakes his head. “No, ma’am. I’m sorry,” he says quietly.
You nod at him and smile. “That’s my puppy. Good boy,” you praise. You fall silent as you let your hands wander over your body, your eyes fixed on him watching you. Your mouth falls open slightly as your fingers find your clit, letting your fingertips brush it lightly.
Mingyu swallows as his eyes are trained on your hands, a quiet whimper escaping his lips. “Please, ma’am. Let me touch you,” he pleads, his hands squeezing into fists as he resists pulling the ties again.
You shake your head as one hand finds your breasts again, the other teasing your entrance. “No, little pup. Because you had some fun already, it’s my turn. You have to sit and watch me.” You breathe out a soft sigh as one of your fingers enters you. “It’s too bad. I really would have liked your fingers in me more.”
He groans loudly, his cock fully hard against him, and shifts again as he strains his wrists. “Oh god, ma’am. Please. Please let me help. I want to feel you,” he whines.
You don’t reply as you slip another finger inside yourself, your thumb brushing your clit lightly. Another smirk tugs at the corners of your lips as your fingers become soaked, the sound of your wetness filling the room. You can hear more whines pull from Mingyu at your actions, and it spurs you on more.
You shift a little so he can see your pussy better, watch you finger yourself closer to your orgasm. “Oh, Mingyu. I bet your cock would fill me up so much better than my fingers. Do you want to fill me up? Fuck me until you’ve got nothing left?” you ask, your fingers moving faster inside as you stroke yourself.
He nods furiously, wishing he could break the headboard to free himself. He wants to get to you, to fuck you into the mattress, fill you up like you want. “Please, baby. Please untie me so I can fuck you. I promise to be good. Let me fill you up, please. Fuck, baby. Please?” he begs as he watches you, licking his lips in hunger.
You let out a loud moan as he begs, your eyes finally closing as you can feel yourself reach your high. He whines as you pinch your nipple again, sending a shock through your body as your orgasm hits at the same time. Your moans are loud as you keep your fingers moving inside yourself, riding out the waves of your orgasm in front of him.
To him it seems like minutes as he watches you come down, your fingers finally slipping from you, pre-cum leaking from his tip against his thigh. “Fuck, baby. You’re so beautiful. That was… fuck,” he mutters through a groan.
You smirk as your eyes open and find him, looking almost pathetic as he aches to touch you. You let out a breath and crawl up the bed so you’re between his legs. You reach up to tuck one finger under his collar and tug him closer to you. “Do you want a taste?” you ask, your voice quiet.
He nods excitedly, his mouth dropping open almost obediently as he waits. He loves the taste of you, so if he can’t touch you, tasting you will be good enough right now.
You smirk as you bring your cum soaked fingers up to his lips, stopping just short before you put them against his tongue. You lean forward and whisper in his ear, your lips brushing against him. “Sorry. Only good puppies get treats.” You lean back and move off the bed, sucking your own fingers as you face him. “Naughty ones have to sit and think about what they did,” you add as you step backwards towards the door. “I’m going to shower. I’ll be back when I’m finished.”
He blinks in surprise at your actions, watching in disbelief as you exit to the bathroom. It takes him a few seconds before he snaps out of it, furrowing his brow as he tugs against the ties again. “Wait, come back here!”
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lovdlydaz · 1 year
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black!top!amab reader x bttm!koutarou bokuto
bokuto was getting more and more desperate for you, it was so bad he couldn't even wait after games. so you teach him to be patient... with your own methods.
warnings: nsfw, praise, degradation, edging, begging, permission to cum, oral (reader!receiving), impatient bo, pet names such as "puppy", master kink, hardcore musk kink, PDA if you close one eye, bdsm, multiple orgasms
a/n: i am literally so braindead over this man, he's invaded my life and won't come out. happy birthday bokuto!
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your poor little owl boy had been rutting up against you ever since he had woken up this morning. he was so desperate to feel you, touch you, have you hold him close that when he had to go to practice that day, he skipped it entirely to stay in the house with you. you didn't understand why he wanted to be so close to you, you both did live in the same house after all... you gave him so much love, so much of what he truly needed. but, he got more and more whiny every day, more whimper-y every day, more needy.
he was little a puppy in heat to you, constantly trying to rub up against you, hold you, smell you, just keep you close. he wanted to stay near you, so badly had he wanted to just crawl into your skin to be even closer to you. you didn't understand it, maybe bokuto was just a puppy in heat...
well, today was the day of his biggest game yet. it was against argentina, and he was more than pumped for this day. he had been training just for this, for his hits to be the hardest they’ve ever been. however, his neediness was up to its peak at this point, and he just kept whining and whining when you told him to get out of bed. he only had a few minutes to get ready yet he was glued to you like grease to a pan.
“bo… you gotta get off me okay? you gotta get ready for your big day okay puppy?” you sweet talked him, he wasn’t all that great with yelling or harsh tones (tism at its finest). he just kept whining, his grip around your waist getting tighter and tighter. sometimes you forgot how strong your dear boy was, now he was basically crushing your hip bones with his strength. you tapped him, but he didn’t let up.
“don’t wanna leave you,” he mumbled, keeping his face covered in your back which he loved. he loved everything about you, that was for certain. he genuinely wanted to keep you close, keep you safe. he loved you too much, way too much. but, he had to get to the game, and he hadn’t taken a shower or anything. so, you sighed, getting up out of your shared bed (by force, bokuto shoved himself into your bed and didn’t move the first few nights you stayed together).
you kept him around your waist as you walked, and he never let go of you. you turned on the bath and told him to hold his arms up, stripping him of your shirt that he wore all the time. he also wasn’t wearing shorts, just boxers. you stripped him before he latched himself against you once more, you were just in boxers since bokuto never wanted you to wear many clothes when you went to bed. you could call this toxic or controlling, but that’s just how he was. he loved your scent, your musk, he adored it. he adored everything about you, and that was prominent in everything he did.
hence that’s why he was being washed by you, while in your lap. poor boy just kept clinging to you, like you were going to leave him. you weren’t, obviously, but he always thought you would. after his relationship with his ex, keiji akaashi (yes i ship bokuaka fight me), he always thought you were going to leave him. but, you never were, it was just his attachment issues. he stayed close to you, cuddled up into your body and your well-formed chest.
“don’t wanna go,” he whined, now you were dressing him in his uniform and travel outfit. he just kept trying to hold you as you dressed him, more than once having to swat his hand away from your body because you needed to dress him properly. he was so needy for you, honestly it was a little annoying. but, every time he stared at you with those big golden eyes of his you couldn’t stay mad at him for long. he was too cute for you, way too cute. yet most of his opponents say he’s the scariest out of them all. even after sakusa, which is saying something.
once he was fully dressed you could feel a pair of rough hands wrap around your waist yet again, chuckling as you held him close. your big bo was such a doll, such a treat yet you still needed to get him to the car. “kou kou, c’mon… you gotta go puppy, i’ll be in the stands cheering you on okay?” you cooed, the white-and-black haired boy shaking his head. “won’t be close to you,” he whimpered, shushing him as you talked to him.
“kou, you know i got those really close seats, almost right next to you yeah? you’re be as close as you can to me, okay love?” you comforted him, making him somewhat relax his bear-tight grip around your waist. though, he was still clinging onto you, which you didn’t need.
so, sighing softly you just waddled to your car, basically ripping bokuto off your hips and softly placing him in the car. you sat in and put on your seatbelt, yet you find a pair of veiny tan hands wrapping around your waist yet again. for some reason, koutarou had a godly obsession with your waist. it was so small, so feminine, and fit into his hands so well. that was another thing he loved about you, how skinny yet built you were, but you could easily pick him up with no trouble. and, you were only a few inches taller than him, but he cherished the height difference so much.
"bo, i have to put my seatbelt on. do you want me to get into an accident and die? then you won't have anyone to cuddle aggressively," you spat, though you had to admit you did say it a little harshly. because you looked back and bokuto was staring at the window, leaning against the door with tears in his eyes. you felt oh so terrible, guess you had forgotten how sensitive your lover was. "oh c'mon puppy... i'm sorry okay? you just have to be more patient and wait until your big day is up okay?" you tried to comfort him, but a small whimper and a huff was all you got in response.
you felt bad, really bad. you didn't mean to lose your temper, he had just been clinging onto you so much that it started to annoy you. but, you knew why he did it, why he did everything he did. you just let it slip on accident. he knew how much you loved him, how much you cared for him. he was just such a clingy puppy, you didn't know what to do.
the drive to the gymnasium was quieter than usual, soft sniffles being heard from the dual-haired male sitting besides you. your heart cracked with every one, you felt so terrible for making your boyfriend upset, you wanted to make it up to him. but, then again, he needed to learn how to be patient. he was getting way too needy nowadays, it got so bad that his coach had to come and pull you to the side to talk about his behavior. like a teacher would to a parent with a trouble-child.
"koutarou hasn't been very focused lately. he keeps mumbling about wanting to... 'hold master' and things like 'i miss him'. do you have anything to do with that?" his coach asked, making your face flush red hot at the first part. you just chuckled nervously and nodded, scratching the back of your neck. "oh- well yes, yes i do. see, i'm koutarou's boyfriend. we have this... thing. but, i'll talk to him about it, don't worry sir!" you stumbled over your words a little, but he got the message. he smiled and nodded, waving to you while he walked out. you waved back, and that was the day you decided enough was enough.
you parked in a V.I.P spot you had bought for yourself, getting out of the car and getting your boyfriend's stuff. he got out as well, but he still clinged onto you. he could never stay mad at you for long, and you both knew that. vice versa. so, as you felt him cling to you you just smiled softly, running your hands through his stiff hair—and by running your hands though i mean just moving them up and down—made you have to carry his fucking ginormous volleyball bag that he manages to carry with him to every game/practice.
after a grueling 20 minutes of walking with your star boyfriend around your waist and his heavy ass bag on your shoulder, you finally arrived to the court he was supposed to be practicing on. of course, you were late. and, you had warned bokuto about this, so now he had to be peeled off by his coach and forced to run 20 sprints for being late. of course he did that with ease, he was a fucking gym rat and literally drooled over the treadmill (that was a red flag in your opinion /j), so running wasn't much for him. however when he was finished he looked around, not seeing you and his eyes going soft.
you had went into the stands, saving your spot down there near the court to get an up close look on bokuto. and, when you had put your stuff down you went to the concessions to get drinks and food for you and koutarou.
once you came back the boys were warming up, and you cheered your lover on when he got a good spike. his head shot backwards and he met your eyes, those beautiful locks you had swinging as you nodded to him with a smile. he grinned from ear to ear, feeling his mood visibly change and the court took note of that too. you being there made bokuto want to show off for you, even though you knew of his special ability on the court.
✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁ LOADING… ▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
the game was won 2-3, your lover's team (MSBY black jackals) being the victors yet again. with amazing defensive players like kiyoomi and shiron to tiny yet mighty surprises like hinata, you were sure this year the jackals would go undefeated. though, when you went down to congratulate your boyfriend the owl boy had the nerve to just kiss you in front of all his team, making the kiss deep and passionate. you obviously didn't object this motion, however when you snapped back to reality you pulled away from koutarou, his teammates watching you both with... different looks.
kiyoomi was disgusted due to his fear of any sort of germs (hence why he was bitchless), hinata was staring at the floor with a flushed expression, atsumu was giving you both a thumbs up and winking, romeo and the others were just staring at you two. after that whole awkward three seconds you pulled bokuto by the arm, grabbing his bag and hooking it over your shoulder as you steadily jogged back to the car with him in tow.
"hey!! i wasn't finished talking to my friends!" your boyfriend whined, but hearing your silence made him go quiet. once you both got to the car you slammed the door when you got in, looking over at your puppy and seeing those big golden eyes go soft with embarrassment. "what was that, koutarou?" you asked, using his full first name—not a good sign. he could tell you were visibly upset, yet your tone stayed calm and behaved. "w— well i— i just wanted to show you how much i love you—" he was cut off by the car turning on, then you pulling out from the gym to dart straight back to your humble abode.
you got out of the car and grabbed bokuto's things, whilst he grabbed yours as well. you both walked into the house together, tossing your shit somewhere before you had koutarou pinned against the wall, staring down at him with fierce eyes. "kou, you know how much i love you right?" your tone was sweet and mellow, but your demeanor was ragged and harsh. all the poor boy could do was nod his head, staring deep into those scary e/c eyes you were boring down at him right now. "so why on god's green earth did you make a kiss so passionate and steamy in front of all those people, plus it was streamed on live television?" your voice got harsher, making bokuto flinch. it wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, no it was the fact that bokuto had been pushing and pushing your patience, and this was the final straw.
"i— i-i... got j—jealous..." he mumbled, stuttering as blush fell over his face. "y-you were talking with someone and... and it wasn't me! it made me jealous!" he exclaimed, making you chuckle darkly. "bokuto, that was my friend. F-R-I-E-N-D. you didn't need to do that," your hand travelled to his neck, just holding it there but not squeezing. "i-i'm sorry m/n... i won't do it again!" well that was a bold-face lie. he would most certainly do it again, nobody gets to talk to you without him at your arm. "oh don't lie bo, i know you better than the back of my hand." you told him, looking down at him with a grim expression. he was shaking at this point, hot and sweaty from the game yet there was also a hard point down where his legs were that you could faintly feel through the fabric of his shorts.
raising an eyebrow you stared him up and down, smirking when you saw those large puppy dog eyes he always wore. “looks like i need to teach my puppy a lesson, yeah?” you asked, though it was a rhetorical question. he nodded, however, knowing that he was in big trouble now.
and you weren’t going to play nice.
now here he was, tied up against the headboard and back arching off the bed. his big bright eyes were glossy and filled with small tears as he looked up at you. you were torturing his cock, rubbing the tip with his own precum. he kept whimpering, more noises leaving his throat as the pleasure just built inside him. he was wearing a cockring, it was helping him not orgasm. he needed something more, something more than what he was being received. sure, he loved this, but he needed to let one out since it was right after a game.
“m—m/n… p-please…” he begged, but you weren’t letting up. “bo, you know why i’m doing this, right?” he nodded, he knew how much trouble he had caused after the game but it was all in good faith. it wasn’t his fault that he got jealous over every person that talked to you. it wasn’t his fault that he felt a need to be possessive over you. he had gained a connection with you that he hadn’t gotten from anyone, even his ex. so like hell he was going to let that go.
“but— but— please i… wan’ cum,” he mumbled, voice cracking as he jutted his hips up into your palm. he was still hard as shit, pre-cum covering his whole cock, base to tip. “you aren’t going to orgasm until you apologize, okay? and don’t make it rushed.” you were stern with your punishment, your puppy needed to learn not to mess with his master. so, bokuto’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, moans escaping him as he felt his orgasm approaching.
you took your hand off of him before he could orgasm, making him whine on so loudly. you smirked, your cock was against the bed, leaking with every noise your lover made. it was so hard it almost hurt, but you needed to show koutarou that you weren’t giving him the easy way out anymore. “y—you… bully…” he huffed, pressing his back against the headboard once more as he tried to calm down. but just in a few seconds you were stroking his cock again, making his eyes roll back and more pre-cum fall from his red-and-purple tip. he was most definitely losing his mind, and it was all your fault.
"just apologize bo... i wanna let my puppy cum, but he's been such a bad boy lately. can't give bad boys what they want now can we?" you cooed, your large hand moving up and down his large shaft. he was on the verge of tears, crying out in pleasure and jittering like a broken robot. he just needed to orgasm, his lower stomach hurt with the urge to orgasm, but it wasn't there just yet. " 'm sorry..." he mumbled, letting a small tear fall. "what koutarou?" you inquired, making him gulp down the building saliva in his throat.
" 'm s-so sorry m/n... please just— let m' cum— i can' take it n'more... i won't b-be so possessive n'more... please master!" he almost screamed, light sobs leaving his throat afterwards. you felt as though he had earned it, so you smirked, speeding up your hand and taking off the cockring. "cum kou kou, cum for your master yeah? be a good boy and cum for me," you were almost begging for it, but it didn't take long for spurts of white to escape his aching cock, making koutarou moan almost the loudest he ever had. he was seeing white in his vision, it was so euphoric to him. he needed more of that, he craved more.
you bit your lip, looking down at your big boy with a smile. "good boy... such a good boy yeah?" you praised him, and he just whimpered. he was slowly going dumb, but he wasn't dumb enough to stop thinking words. "m-more..." he whined, looking up at you wit those beautiful eyes of his. your heart almost cracked, but you had to stay strong. "more? is that what you want kou kou?" you inquired, him nodding. he wanted more, he needed more than what he was receiving. this wasn't enough, he wanted your cock inside him so bad. that's why he had been so clingy lately, because he wanted you to fuck him just like this.
"you gotta use your big boy words puppy," you cooed, making him writhe on the bed with embarrassment. but, he needed your cock so bad, so he decided to comply. "i-i... want your cock... please..." he mumbled, and you could obviously hear it but you just wanted to tease him. "hm? speak up puppy, i didn't quite hear you." you spurred on the behavior, making bokuto whine. "need your cock i-in me! please!" he squeaked, making you chuckle darkly. "that's a good boy."
you took your hand off his cock, anchoring his legs up and grabbing the warm lube. you put some on your fingers and pushed two inside, making koutarou shake his head but moans left his throat. "n-no! don' wan' fingers! wan' your cock!" he squealed, a soft sob leaving his throat as he cried out. "ah ah ah, be patient koutarou. or else you won't be getting my cock for the rest of the night," you threatened him, making him immediately shut up. "yeah? good boy bo." you cooed, pressing your fingers into his prostate.
the moan that left his throat went straight to your cock, making you have to gulp down a growl as you continued. "such a slutty little desperate whore you are... moaning over some fingers? god you're insufferable..." you degraded him, which made his cock twitch even more. "i-i'm g'na cum— let m-me cum—" he begged with all his might, but you pulled your fingers out before he could get that sweet release. he whined so loud, god it got you harder than ever.
"wh-why did you—" but before he could answer that question, you shoved yourself inside him, making his body shake as his muscles bulged. he tightened himself around you and that made you bite your lip, taking his hair and pulling on it, forcing him to arch his back. "ah! w-wh—" you didn't let him process it as you were already balls deep inside him, thrusting in and out of his ass making him scream out into the area.
"yes, good boy, take this cock," you encouraged him to keep going, keep taking you deep inside him since he needed it more than ever. he was close too, so when you hit a particular spot inside him he cried out in pleasure, staining the sheets with white. you chuckled and grabbed his sensitive organ, making the smaller beneath you whine and try to get away. only to shove himself deeper onto your cock, making him moan loudly and fall onto the bed.
you grabbed his hips and started to pound him, grinning when you saw how desperate he was truly becoming. he was just a pathetic little slut, a dumb puppy ready to take your cock any time of the day. you knew after that date where you two had sex he would be hooked, you fucked him so well and you had a cock like no other. he was addicted, he wouldn't be afraid to admit that, but he could also never get enough of you.
he whimpered and struggled, not too much though because you would smack his ass every time he did struggle. he loved the feeling of being stuffed full, with his large 6'4 self he really couldn't get that feeling on his own y'know. so, with you only being a few inches taller and with a bigger cock than his he was more than grateful to have you, and would never let go. he could feel another orgasm roll through his veins, making him clench around your cock. you could feel your balls tighten as your nonstop thrusts got even harder.
"you want this cum baby? want master's hot and thick seed deep inside your slutty pussy huh?" you grunted, going as fast as you could go. you were hitting his prostate spot on, and that was making bokuto lose his mind. he nodded his head, making 'mhm' noises really fucking loudly. you grabbed the back of his throat and pushed it down, making him choke. "speak up puppy." you growled, making his ass clench around you more. "y-yes master! wan' it s'bad!" he screamed, making you grit your teeth as you plowed his insides.
with a low groan you busted deep into his ass, making him cum around your cock. the sheets were yet again stained with white, but as he was about to get off your cock you grabbed his hips, shoving yourself deep inside him.
"oh you thought we were done?"
when he got to practice the next day, the day was filled with either the coach asking if he needed to sit today out or questions from his teammates about his condition. atsumu was the only one who was gasing on him about letting his boyfriend fuck his ass to the point of soreness in the morning, but at least he had a great ass time at practice. and you had a good day at work.
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© gg 2023. dividers were made by me. do not steal, use, or repost my work without my consent. reblogging/interaction is welcomed.
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sleeplesssmoll · 5 months
New HC: How Vertin became such a nimble gremlin. Also bonus Puppnetto.
I was hoping to have some insight on how Vertin fights or something. Apparently she never liked the Foundation's routine training. Tbh, she doesn't seem to be competive in any sense either.
For example, let's say the Foundation has a Critter wrangling competition. Vertin won't win because she's busy helping others catch the Critters. Even if she's not bad at it, her scores will suck compared to the others. While they may gather more Critters as a team, its only one Critter per person and Vertin may let her ally have it because she doesn't care or they strike a deal to share the reward.
I imagine that the Foundation tried to use exercise as punishment sometimes, like running laps, push-ups, dispatching Critters etc. Vertin will do it, but she has that deadpan look and isn't really upset by it, so that pisses off the instructor who'd make her do more physical labor/exercise just cause she didn't "learn her lesson" or because of her "attitude."
But they accidentally created the agile monster we know today who dodges bullets and can fight enemies while carrying people. The training paid off and the instructors can't stand it so they start assigning her more arcanum relevant work. Yes she needs it, but it's also something they know she'll struggle with. That's where Puppnetto steps in and starts tutoring her.
Brain rot induced HC: The Kitten and the Puppy
We know Vertin isn't only agile, she's very stealthy and does a lot of sneaking. It drives the instructors mad because they can't catch her when she's being a menace.
So they decide to sic their top dog on her.
Sonetto is a better at Arcanum, physically stronger, and she's good at tracking things down like a bloodhound. Problem solved.
Except it's not.
Sonetto is stronger, but Vertin is faster and better at predicting movements. Both of them have high endurance because of their training. In other words, it's a very complicated and drawn out game of cat and mouse.
Sonetto's Arcanum is useless if she can't hit her target (trying to stun, not injure of course). Vertin will also climb up ledges and trees where Sonetto can't reach. Sonetto will try to climb, but she doesn't have as much experience since she's used to taking things head on. However, eventually she does "catch" Vertin which is when Vertin gets bored or doesn't want Sonetto to get hurt climbing after her so she relents. Puppy shouldn't be climing trees!
The two will return hand in hand so Vertin doesn’t escape. Puppnetto isn't happy about it since it's really Vertin letting herself be caught and also wants Vertin to behave so she won't get punished.
Meanwhile, Vertin doesn’t seem to mind holding hands all the way to the office. She's used to consequences, so she chooses to focus on enjoying their walk together instead.
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evans23 · 3 months
Always and forever
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Pairing : Sinclair x Reader OC
Summary : You’re sick and Sinclair takes care of you.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : fluffy puppy Sinclair ❤️
A/N: Hello dear 😁 Hope you will enjoy the best boyfriend a girl could wish for ! No time to proofread but don't hesitate to point out any too obvious mistake.
Also read on AO3
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You had begun to cough yesterday afternoon but you were so sure it was nothing. You helped your colleagues to reorganise the library of the school where you worked. You thought it was probably all the dust you had inhaled but this morning your throat was aching, your head was pounding, your eyes were swollen and you were cold. Atrociously cold. You turned over, spreading your arm in the hope of hugging your husband but all your hand met was the mattress sheet.
You whined, disappointed to not find some relief in his arms before realising that if Sinclair wasn’t near you anymore, then you had better wake up and rush or you’d be late for work.
You jumped off the bed and walked briskly to the bathroom where you could hear the shower running down. Sinclair was still doing his morning routine, so you weren’t as late as you thought. 
He smiled at you Wilde going out of the shower, wrapping himself in a plushy towel. You tried to smile back to him but you lamentably failed, your eyes fighting against your strong will to keep them open.
“I forgot to set off my alarm,” you said with a hoarse voice. “And you didn’t wake me up,” you added with a cute pout on your lips.
Sinclair chuckled at your theatric acting. He leant on and his lips brushed your forehead. Normally, you woke up together, and took a morning shower together, when you were ahead of your time you indulged yourselves with a quickie in the shower, and then you wandered about your feminine routine which consisted of doing your hair, moisturised your face and put a good amount of sunscreen on your fragile face. No makeup, not since Sinclair told you how beautiful you were with your bare face and that beautiful face of yours.
During this long preparation time, Sinclair ate his breakfast and then he drove you to your work, even though you had already told him it didn’t bother you to take the tube, he definitely couldn’t let you be in the midst of the hot and stinky train when he could drive you there as the school where you were an English teacher was only at 15 minutes from his workplace. As you finished working around 4.30 in the afternoon, you walked every day to his place and waited for him either at the little cafe in front of his building or, when you knew he didn’t have any meetings, you went up to his office where you read or did your teacher stuff while he was working. 
Sometimes, he couldn’t finish work as usual and you had to wait until late in the early evening to go home with him but you didn’t mind. You knew how much he liked having you around him and Su Ying, your housekeeper but also your friend now as you were so fond of each other and often went on a spree shopping together was taking care of your dog, the one you had before meeting Sinclair and who has immediately been accepted by the man when you move in with him years ago, and most important, when you came back home late, she made sure the dinner was prepared for both of you and easy to reheat if needed. Not that you were into food so much, you had a petite appetite but Sinclair was really into his food.
Yet, today the mere idea of eating made you want to bring up the bile in your stomach.
“Honey, you’ve been coughing and snoring all night. I called in sick your boss and he wishes you a quick recovery.”
“I don’t snore,” you said, gently hitting his arm, ignoring momentarily his thoughtfulness.
He knew you all too well. If he hadn’t called your boss to tell him how sick you were, you would have gone to work, bravely, oblivious that your symptoms would only get worse the day after. 
“ Yes honey, when your nose is stuffed, you snore,” he chuckled, rubbing your cold arms. “And now please, indulge your thoughtful husband and go back to bed. I will bring you a cup of tea and some medications before leaving the house.”
He didn’t have to ask you twice, you came back to bed, smiling when you saw your dog had taken Sinclair place in the bed, not that your husband would mind it. He loved the dog and enjoyed the happiness your four paws friend had brought into the house.
He had such a hard time after his divorce. Not that the fiendish woman had made the divorce difficult, she knew all too well her action could send her to jail if Sinclair revealed the truth behind the divorce to his solicitor, but it had let him totally distraught. He was in his mid thirties at this time and all the future he had imagined with Natalie had been turned off. Yet, the worst for him was the culpability he felt for not having noticed signs of Natalie's unhappiness.
At the time, he also was afraid to be alone his whole life. He met you at almost 40 while you were 31 and what he didn’t know at this point in your relationship was that you felt exactly the same as him. Since the beginning of your story, you had told him multiple times that it wasn’t his fault if his stupid ex-wife was unable to talk with him about any of her troubles. Sinclair loved that about you, you were easy to talk with, and a good listener to with he could always confess everything as his secrets were yours and you never judged him for anything. He thought Natalie was his soulmate at the time but he realised how wrong he was after her affair and even more after meeting you. You came with your own failures and insecurities but together you came across everything, becoming stronger as your love for each other made your soul merge as only one. 
He came back to you with a cup of tea and a slice of fried bread with some avocado on it and medication for your throat and cough.
“Sorry honey, we don’t have anything for your nose but I’ll get you some stuff from the chemistry after work. And yes, I know you don’t eat breakfast but please, just this once, for me, eat something, it’ll do well to your throat and you need strength to get quickly over it.”
You were going to protest but his hopeful eyes and the pride on his features for taking care of you make you relinquish. 
“Thank you Sinclair. You are a really good husband.”
“Of course I am,” he answered playfully, watching you take a bite of your toast with a sense of relief as you weren’t a too difficult patient.
“I brought you water too, don’t forget you have to stay hydrated, even more when sick and it will alleviate the aching of your throat and your head. Oh, and I asked Su Ying to make you some soup for lunch. I know you’re not hungry when sick but please, make an effort and try to eat a bit. If not for you, for me, honey,” he said while looking at you with adoration.
“I will. You’re going to be late Sinclair.”
“Yes, you’re right. If you need anything call my direct line and Su Yong is there until 4 but I will come back on time today.”
“Don’t worry Sinclair, it’s just a cold, I’ll be fine very soon.”
“I know, I know, but I don’t like seeing you so sick.”
“And I don’t like you telling me I snore. Please, keep that kind of information for you, I like to believe I’m a real lady,” you teased before a violent coughing fit made you shrink in the bed.
“Here, here,” said Sinclair, holding out a glass of water for you. 
You thank him with a nod, sipping the water while he ran his hand across your hair.
“Sleep now honey, you need it. And I swear to never reveal you snore when sick,” he added playfully.
He kissed you goodbye and you let out a contented sigh, acknowledging your chance to have such a kind and thoughtful husband. You were so lucky when you met him by chance, not knowing that the rambling man who gave you information about everything and anything in less than 20 minutes would become your husband and best friend for the rest of your life. 
You woke up at the sound of Su Ying footsteps when she brought you the soup recommended by Sinclair. You did your best to drink it, knowing that Sinclair was educated and wise enough to give the best advice to make you feel better. You then drifted away again, only waking up at the sound of Sinclair’s car getting parked in the front yard, noticing he was home earlier than usual. You were sure he had brought some of his work with him to carry it out during the weekend while he would watch over you. 
You felt so much exhausted that you didn’t have the courage to go down and welcome him. You nodded on and off several times before he came to your shared bedroom to check on you. 
“Feel better honey ?" he asked genuinely worried for you.
You didn't know how pale you looked but you were clearly unwell and Sinclair was relieved to know the next day was your day off and then you will have the whole week-end to recover.
"Not really," you muttered.
"I should call the doctor."
"No, it will be…" you didn't finish your sentence as Sinclair cut you off.
"I will call the doctor and bring you another cup of tea and I've some medication for your nose too," said Sinclair firmly.
You didn't protest, you hadn't the force to do so anyway. You dozed on and off while Sinclair had a shower. You did your best to drink your tea, which alleviated a bit of your aching throat and after the physician's departure, you fell fast asleep again. You woke up by hearing your name being whispered by your husband. You open a weary eye, feeling the back of his hand against your forehead. 
"I think you have a little fever. I will run you a bath. Do you know how good is it to take a hot bath when sick ? It will help to bring down your slight fever and I am sure after that you'll feel better."
He continued rambling about all the benefits a bath could have with a sicker while you listened absentmindedly to him. When the bath was ready, he came back to help you walk to the bathroom.
"Do you want me to go away ?" he asked, eager to give you intimacy if you needed it.
"No, stay. I don't want to be alone,' you said, sinking into the steaming bath, revelling when the water has relaxed your muscles, muscles you didn't know were so strained. 
Sinclair smiled fondly, his heart swelling with affection as you took his hand. He liked how childlike you could be when sick, more clingy than usual, desperate at the mere idea of being alone while unwell. When you came out from the now lukewarm water, he wrapped you in a thick towel and dried off your long hair.
"We don't need you to be more sick," he said while fighting with the dryer cable. 
He gave you another pyjama, your previous one was wet with sweat and he ordered you to come back to bed. You didn't need to be told twice, you were too tired to even remember your own name. 
"Honey, time to eat," he announced cheerfully. 
You weren't really asleep or awake. You were in this in-between where your brain was fighting the sleep but at the same time, you weren't really conscious. 
"I'm not hungry," you groaned.
"I know, but you have medication to take and you can't do that with an empty stomach," he answered with a chuckle.
"I already ate this morning. Solely to please you," you answered back, your voice groggy. 
"Please [Y/N], just a slice of bread," he insisted, sitting down beside you with a trail that had his own food on it. 
You sighed, annoyed, even though you knew he was right and his insistence was just the proof of his concern and thoughtfulness towards you and inwardly, you felt lucky to have such a man at your side. 
"I'm not sure my stomach will keep it," you muttered, leaning up against the headboard, your head poring over his shoulder.
"Try anyway. You'll feel better after eating something more consistent than just some soup."
He started explaining to you why eating, even though sick, was important and yet again, you did as he said, knowing perfectly how right he was. 
"Good girl," he praised you with a smile.
He knew how you hated being in such a weak position but he was trying his best to make you feel better and to let you feel taken care of. 
"Do you want to watch some TV ? Or do you want me to read for you ?" he asked as you snuggled into him, finding solace in his arms. 
"Either," you answered, "choose what you prefer, anyway I'll probably fall asleep no matter what your choice is."
"Then I think I'll read a bit."
He grabbed his book, smiling when you asked him to read out loud for you. After ending up two chapters, he looked down at you to see you were still awake.
"Do you need anything ? Water ? Painkiller for your head ? Do you want me to turn off the light and stop talking ?"
"No, all I want is to be in your arms."
He held you tighter against him, kissing the top of your head.
"Continue reading Sinclair, please,” you asked gently, closing your eyes.
He continued for another hour, even though you had fallen asleep after ten minutes. He bookmarked the page he had arrived at, looking at you with a surge of love and affection, thinking how lucky he was to have you in his life. After Natalie, he thought he could never be happy again but you had proved him to be wrong. 
"I love you," he whispered, kissing your forehead and making sure the duvet covered you well.
"I love you too," you answered quietly.
Sinclair's smile widened. Yes, he was definitely lucky to have such a wonderful woman in his life, his arms, his bed. He couldn't be thankful enough to have the chance to call you his wife. 
Then, his smile transformed into a silent laugh as you began to snore slightly. Yes, you were definitely screwed up for the weekend and maybe even next week as the doctor was quite sure you wouldn't have recovered for Monday. 
But eventually, you'll get over it and he'll be taking care of you until you are better and even after that. Because you were his everything as he was yours and for you, he would do anything. Because before you he was incomplete but now, your two souls were one, always and forever. 
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,948
Tw: suggestive, mentions of trauma(?), chase play
Summary: after last nights incident, you came to Leon’s meeting and met everyone and got to the training room. He helps you train.
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You woke up, in a different clothing and staring blankly to Leon. He wore a black polo, red tie and some black jeans. He was leaning against your wall, beside the doorframe and his arms were folded.
Leon just told you about last night, you were crying and hitting your pillow repeatedly until you calm down then finally bore your eyes to Leon. “Are you done, princess?” he asked, stepping forward then sit on the edge, his hand supporting his weight when he leans, you nodded and flop nod face first.
“It’s not your fault, don’t beat yourself to it.” Leon said, he was hesitant at first but placed his hand to your thigh—giving it a squeeze, you hum at his touch but didn’t show signs of disapproval nor discomfort. You’re hugging your pillow and muffling your sniffles.
“I’m just glad you came…”
“I came, because you called.” Leon assured and his hand left your thigh and took that pillow away that’s been blocking your face. If it helps, Leon will compliment you, “Let me see that pretty crying face of yours, sweetheart.” He chuckle and use both of his hand to help you sit up.
But you added weight to stay in bed, Leon’s stronger than you so you’re pretty light to him. “Come here.” He said and open his arms, you didn’t bother to lift a finger and just bury your face to the crook of his neck—you swift your position a little and your forehead to his neck. Looking down at his tie that he didn’t tie up yet.
“Where you going?” you asked, Leon’s hand caress your back to comfort you, “I’m going to a meeting, they need me.” Leon replied, his tone low. He fights himself not to bury his nostrils to your hair and inhale your scent, it oddly calms him down. Yet, he doesn’t know why he finds solace to your scent.
“Can I come?” you plead, your chin to his chest—giving your best puppy eyes. It made Leon crack a small smile as his hand found contact with your cheeks, brushing away those tears from your eyes and tracing the tear burns away. “I don’t know, will you be good?” he asked, raising a brow.
You gave a weak nod, your chin still to his chest as he pulled himself away.
“Okay then, go get ready.”
You muster up all your energy to got out of bed, Leon even praises you for it since he knew you’re really having a hard time right now ever since last night, “my parents didn’t know about last night, right?” your words came out like a hush to the wind, Leon shakes his head and pats your head. “Look at that, you got out of bed.”
You rolled your eyes and get yourself ready.
Leon waited at the gate, his motorcycle parked. You bid farewell to your parents and catch up with him, “Leon!” you called, he turns and tuck his hand to his pockets, “ready to go?” you nodded at his question as he handed you a helmet.
“I hope you like thrill rides.” Leon said, putting his own helmet on as you got to his back, good thing you wore soft cotton pants today and a long sleeve fitted top, “what do you mean? We’re on your bike.” You spoke as Leon starts to rev.
“You’ll see what I mean, princess. Hold on tight.” You squeeze your hands together around his waist, feeling his rock hard abs, you want your fingers to brush up and down and tease him. You poke and before he starts, he leans back—grabs both of your hands and squeeze them together, pull you close as he turns to see you. “Don’t too naughty now.”
You felt your cheeks and ear burning hot, you nod and hold yourself close to him. Then took off.
The ride was okay, you didn’t quite know what Leon just said about thrill rides. He turns to look at his watch, “let’s not be late.” He mutter, “what?” your question were muffled when Leon rev again as he sped up.
Skipping lines and squeezing in to possible space to get in time, your hold tightens—your head resting to his back as he increases the speed. “Wanna see a trick?” Leon yelled for you to hear, desperately shaking your head but feels like he’s lifting the front wheel off the ground, “oh, fuck no!” you curses, causing you to hold on much tighter as if you’re now holding on for your dear life.
Good thing that nightmare finally ended, you were left shaking at the backseat. Leon took his helmet off as he could feel you trembling, “you can let go now,” he chuckle, tapping your fingers but you shake your head. Hugging him tighter, Chris came to the door, “Oh, Leon. Jesus,” His friend was surprised that he brought you with him.
“No need to worry, Chris. She’s my responsibility.” Leon assured, “you better,” Chris hates his head and gestures inside, “come on, the meeting is starting soon.”
“I’ll be with you after I calm her down.” Leon struggles to take your hand apart so you could let him go, he now has both of your wrist as he slowly guide you off his bike. “See? I warned you, didn’t I?” you hit him and weakly try fighting him because he gave you a scare for life.
“Come on, I’ll be late.” Leon smirks and get off your helmet and put it in the bike, “I’ll buy you ice cream.” He bribe and finally got you to calm down and guide you inside.
He was greeted by people, as he came to his group.
“Oh my.” Claire gasp, Rebecca supposed to say something but got cut off by Chris, “don’t worry, Leon brought her here.” Leon nodded at his words, “if anything happens, she’s my responsibility.” Leon assured.
“Hey, guys. Just so you know, meetings gonna start s—” Luis spoke and cut himself off when he laid eyes to the group, “well, well, well. Who do we have here?” Luis chuckle and asked, his eyes scanning you and Leon.
“is this the Señorita that you’re guarding?” his his hispanic tone strong as he asked your bodyguard. “Sure is.” Leon answered Luis question, “You’re doing a great job guarding a dime.” Luis chuckle and walk over to Leon and hand him a file.
You felt embarrassed at the mans flattering words, “where are my manners?” Luis said and turn to you, “my names Luis, encantado.” He flashes a smile and wave the group, “ciao.”
“Well then,” Leon put the file aside and put his hand over your shoulder, “let me introduce you to some friends, this is Rebecca, Claire and Chris.” Leon points to each and one of them, “the guy who you just met is Luis. He just introduce himself and dip.” Leon added and you could hear Rebecca chuckle at Leon’s remark, “that’s good ‘ol Luis.” The girl with short boy cut said with a smile.
“Meetings starting… I’ll be going first.” Claire dismiss herself and left, Chris followed and smiled at you before disappearing out of sight. Which left you, Rebecca and Leon alone.
“Is there a training ground here?” you whisper to Leon, you tip toe to meet his ears height, “the training room?” Rebecca shift her weight and tilt her head, “we do have one here, currently empty since meeting is being held.” She added before looking at the watch, “I’ll be off now, don’t keep us waiting, agent Kennedy.” She pats Leon’s shoulder and walk off.
“Don’t cause trouble, okay?”
“I’m not a little girl, Leon.”
“I know,” Leon shuffles your hair and look down at you, “training room at the second floor, third door. There’s a bunch of equipment there too.” Leon added, “I’ll be off now.” You nodded and waved him goodbye as you made your way to the elevator and press the third floor button.
You found the room, full of equipment, either weapons or anything to train on. It’s like half of a gym, you packed some extra clothes just incase you get too much sweaty as you train.
Remembering past lessons as you get on with it, taking off your top and revealing your sport bra—you hope no one sees you. It’ll be embarrassing for you if someone barged in as you train and workout, right?
You put on your knuckle sleeve where you beg keeps dropping hints to your father to buy you one, it took a while but at least he finally got the hint and bought you three pairs of it.
You walk to the punching bag, taking a couple of deep breaths—tying your hair up into a messy bun, giving a hit for a couple few times until anger built within you, as if the fire finally receive the fuel to burn. Your hatred and how you almost put yourself in danger because of how unaware you are and how oblivious you can be. You hated people who take other people for granted, knowing that most of them are men.
You imagine the punching bag as the guy who put fucking drugs into your cocktail, you didn’t lie when you texted Leon that you’re just drinking cocktails and never an alcohol because you would want yourself to be sober than be a wasted fool, pass out then people would take advantage on your passed out form where you are fucking vulnerable.
Fingers starts to hurt, hands becoming numb, an aching feeling in your heart—you image what would happen if Leon didn’t really made it in time, you’d be harass, kidnap or worse. Tears starts to form in your eyes, your hands red from all the strike you put your energy to. Even the knuckle pads weren’t enough to bruising your hand.
Each strike was hit by anger, despair, the pain it caused you—the trauma you gain and an experience that you wouldn’t forget as it was craved at the back of your head.
You screamed at it and give it a final blow, causing it to break and get thrown at the ground as it can’t hold the impact of every punch you gave it, tears were already slipping to your cheeks—sobbing and shaking. Looking at your hands, red and bruised. You ignored the pain, probably because you’re punishing yourself for it.
You don’t know what to do since you broke their punching bag, you don’t know how much it cost and you’d be damn if you talk to your father to replace their punching bag. You got to carried away, and you can’t blame yourself when you got too much thoughts and anger to let out.
Leon was at the door, watching you punish yourself—beating the shit out of the punching bag until it breaks and pour floor with sands. Meetings just ended and he went straight to this room to look for you.
He walk towards you, taking off his tie and putting it on the side, “hey.” He called, you heard his voice and turn around to see him, “I broke the…” you mutter, looking down at the ground as you feel ashamed to yourself for breaking something that clearly doesn’t belong to you. Leon nodded, walking up to your vulnerable figure, you fidgeting your fingers as he puts both of his hands to your shoulder. Making you shudder how cold his hands were, probably the AC was on when the meeting started.
“I’ll replace it, didn’t I say that you’re my responsibility?” Leon assured and wipe the tear off that fell down from your cheek, “say, let me help you train, yeah?” he suggested, his hands retreating and going to the opposite side. “You strike, I do defense. Let me see how well you train yourself to fight.”
You nodded to his words and chuckle, you never thought your father also hired a fucking mentor. “What’s so funny, princess? Come on, get on your fighting stance.” Leon spoke, lighting up the room, to lift your sadness and sorrows and help you improve your fighting skill—so if ever Leon wasn’t around, you’d buy him time to get to your aid when you’re in danger.
You strike, he blocks your attack with his forearm. “again,” Leon command, you hit again—giving your best hit to his forearm, “come on,” he chuckle and hit you lightly which caught you off guard, “hey! You said you’ll only do defense.” You frown, he smirk and stood straight—rolling up his sleeve to show his muscles.
“I mean, where’s the thrill in that?” you rolled your eyes at his words and charged at him, lifting your leg up and trying your best to beat him to the floor.
This turned into a play fight, which got Rebecca, Claire, and Chris curious and just watched—they feel like they’re watching two cats fighting since you’re the one throwing a fit to Leon and he’s just enabling you to fight him and make him get on his ground.
It was tiring, but you learn so much from him. You were having fun, but at the same time Leon is trying to piss you off to let out your steam of anger. You quickly learn to get which move he’ll make and you change your fighting pace.
Which finally got you on top of him as he finally was defeated to the ground, making you yelp in victory. “I got you!” you yelp, panting—chest rising up and down as Leon’s hair was a mess and full of sweat.
A whistle was heard from the door, “so much sexual tension.” Luis said before running off because Rebecca would hit him with a file in her hand, Claire backed off quickly and motion the others to leave the room.
You felt embarrassed as crimson rise from your cheeks and ears, you feel yourself pulsing. You sat on his hard abs, not to his pants or else you would’ve feel the boner that Leon has. “Get up, princess. Don’t get use to this.”
You nodded and got off of him, helping him up as both of you were covered in sweat. Leon’s polo felt tight and so is the confinement of his pants. “there’s the door to the changing room.” Leon points behind you, you turn to see as he approach your bag and hand it to you.
“go change, I’ll take you home.”
You follow his words and got change to an oversize sweater and a baggy pants, you fresh up and put on some perfume so that your father wouldn’t question the sweat that you had with Leon when he trained with you.
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You got home, got greeted by the servants again. Leon chuckle at what he thought is a tradition of this household, you called out for your parents to let them know you’re home, “Father, we’re back!” you called, but no response. You got to the stairs and called out again, “Father!”
Someone cleared their throat loudly to capture your attention, “your father and mother went out of country for official business.” The butler said, “where to?” you asked, jogging down and meeting him face to face, “I do not know, he just told me to inform you that they will be out for a while.” You nodded and mouth “thank you.”
So… you have the house to yourself. Great! You could do anything you want, dress how you want and be whoever you want. No parents to tell you what to do, tell you how to act and you could do shit without getting scolded. But one problem, Leon’s still here.
“Don’t get too excited, princess.” He said, walking up behind you—he leans and whispered to your ear, “you know I’m still here, hm?” he tilts his head, his lips dangerously close to your ear.
“You can shoo now!” you exclaim, turning around to push him away, “after all this time, you still push me away? You wound me…” you squint at him and hit him a couple of times, but you stomp on his foot which got him pissed.
“Listen here, doll.” You yelp when he growls and start chasing you, “you better run,” you could hear him chuckle and smile with amusement. You shut every door that you go but he ended up bursting through them and chasing you.
He’s having fun, but you feel your heart race.
You went to your room and hid under your bed, calm your breath and wait for him to barge in and find you. He came in, you see his shoe taking every step, you felt the excitement of this little cat and mouse chasing game but you also feel the suspense.
“come on out, sweetheart.” He spoke softly, his voice deep and luring. “Come on, you still push me away?” he teases, he finds amusement to your little playfulness.
You give out a breathy giggle and lift your feet a little to give a little small light stomp, not until you feel hands on your ankle—you screamed as you got pulled out, got manhandled, as you flop to bed with your back on the softness of your bed.
“let go!” you whine and giggle, “you like this?” he asked, struggling to catch your wrist until he puts them up your head and his nose buried to the crook of your neck. Inhaling your scent once again, you feel ticklish and his hip separating your legs, making them wide apart.
“Leon, stop! You’re tickling me. Stop poking your gun.”
He chuckle and place soft kisses to your neck as he whispers, “that’s not a gun, I don’t have it with me.”
Your heart drop.
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Next Chapter>>>
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0547 · 2 months
a/n: late bday special for childe, reader and him r still new in their relationship, im getting better at writing a bit…
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a red velvet cupcake was sitting on your desk, with a single lit birthday candle poked into the cream cheese frosting.
before you could take a closer look at it, your office door bangs open and childe enters the room, practically prancing into your private office. you don’t even look at him as you lift the confectionery in the air, eyeing it closely.
“i sent you a birthday letter yesterday in advance.” you say, plopping down on your chair, peeling the cupcake cup. “—no need reminders for me to wish you.”
you take a bite of the sweet, setting it down aside and gather today’s fatui agent reports in your hands, waiting for childe to reply.
you do finally look up at him when he still doesn’t say anything, and realization hits when you meet his pleading, puppy-like eyes.
“please?” he tries, leaning close to your desk.
“archons!” you screech, nearly missing a direct hit from the primo geovishap’s tail snap. of course, the ideal gift for your boyfriend’s birthday, spending quality time fighting a gigantic monster together.
“having fun, baby?” he giggles, striking a huge slash on one of the fat legs. you knew he was holding back for you, let’s be honest, he does primo geovishaps like normal people do hillchurls.
you hate that he thinks this all that you’re capable of, but since you wouldn’t ever agree to a one on one duel with him, this was the closest he could get to see you in combat. a genuine fascination from him you would never understand.
the beast roared in agony of it’s injuries, the sound echoing throughout the underground, causing a large sediment to fall right above where you were standing.
you looked up to see an arrow shooting through the solid earth, bursting the sediment into bits of rock and water before it can hit you. you catch childe’s eye, and you feel your heart swell, but your ears are starting to ring from the noise.
the harbinger laughs as you muster all your strength and threw your electro infused sword directly into the creature’s eye, bringing it crashing to the side in a thundering noise that made the ground shake.
you dust your hands and crouched, breathing heavily while keeping your eyes to the ground. childe’s arms were immediately around you, bringing your head close to his chest and kisses your forehead.
“you okay? was this too much? i’m sorry.” he entwines his fingers with yours, rubbing his calloused thumb against your gloved hand.
“this? literally piece of cake. hardly broke a sweat,” you lie, smiling up at him. “and happy birthday. now you know how weak i am.” you snort, kissing his cheek.
he frowns. “i don’t think you’re weak. that was pretty badass to me. you gave the final blow.” he says, looking up at the fallen monster.
logically speaking, he was a harbinger. he’s definitely seen battles more badass than your low stamina performance.
he looks down back at you, and squishes your face with one hand. “why are you pouting?”
you shake your head. “i’ll get stronger. i won’t waste this vision, i’ll train and work hard.” you say, determined.
“and then can we duel?” he asks hopefully.
“c’mon!,” he whines. “can i at least help you train? think of it as this year’s birthday present.” he tries to get closer to your face, but you push his face away.
“you already used up your birthday wish this year.” you reminded him. and he pouts at you.
[reblog if you want, as it helps me plenty.]
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Eagle under the lions paw pt 3
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You and Dimitri did end up spending more time outside of training, having meals at the dinner hall, and doing errands together. It was nice to finally know the one you were so desperate to meet all those years ago.
"So what's up with you and Dimitri? I knew you guys sparred together but you two have been noticeably closer as of late" Dorathea brought up before sipping her tea.
"We've just hit it off" you replied. You noticed her eyebrow raised.
"Just as friends of course" you blurted out.
"(Y/n) You know you can trust me to keep a secret" she assured you.
"I swear we're just friends" you replied.
"Ok, it's just I've noticed the way he's been looking at you since you arrived at the academy," she said.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked.
"You haven't noticed? He looks at you the same way a lost little puppy would. He looks at you with absolute adoration, honestly, I'm a little jealous" she sighed.
Was Dorathea right? Did Dimitri like you romantically? You didn't know how to feel about it. Yes, he was strong, handsome and kind. All qualities that a spouse should have but you didn't really see him as a romantic partner.
"I don't really see him in a romantic way" you replied.
"Then you should probably tell him, it's better to let him know soon than lead him on" she advised.
"But what if he doesn't have a romantic interest? Then it'd be embarrassing" you asked.
"Trust me, even if it's all platonic it's better to draw that line before things get messy" she explained.
That conversation has been playing on loop in your mind since then. You felt a wood tap on your hip that shook you out of your trance.
"Are you alright?" Dimitri asked you.
"Yes, sorry I was just thinking about class this morning" you lied.
"Finding it overwhelming? If you want we can cut the training short today" he offered.
"No, I can continue. After all the battle of the eagle and the lion is only a few weeks away, there's no way I can slack off now" you replied.
"You're not confident in your abilities?" He asked.
"I'm confident but I have no idea about everyone else's skills, and if I am unfortunate enough to get pitted against you then there's no way I'd win" you replied.
"You shouldn't be hard on yourself, all you can do is try your best, it is a mock battle after all," he told you. You could see why Dorathea said what she did about how he looks at you. A soft and kind expression was always plastered on his face when you were around him but it wasn't enough to be evident that he did have feelings for you.
"Edelgard and I have discussed the plan for the upcoming battle of the eagle and the lion" Manuela addressed the class as she crudely drew a map of gronder field.
"This battle will be against both the blue lions and the golden deer so we must effectively fight both teams.
"So we must separate to take on both teams," she said before drawing three arrows from the left side, one to the top, one to the right, and one to the center.
"Caspar and Ferdinand will advance north to the lions, Linhardt and Hubert will follow behind to provide support" she addressed the three.
"Edelgard and Petra will advance to the east and take on the deers with Dorathea providing support"
"This central fort is an advantage for archers so try to stop the other teams from capturing it and allow Bernadetta to claim it" she was explaining before a shriek was heard.
"No I don't want to be in the center, I wouldn't last a minute there!" Bernadetta retorted.
"That is why (Y/n) will cover for you" Manuela reassured.
"Don't worry, it should be a piece of cake Bernie. With everyone else, it makes it easier to pick off anyone who gets too close" you tried to reassure Bernadetta who was obviously stressed.
"If things get too tough I'll cover you," you said.
You signaled Bernadetta to take the position at the fort while there was a clearing.
"I hope this ends soon…" she muttered as she got into her position after hopping off her horse.
"So do I" you replied as you looked out. The golden deer had suffered a significant loss. Not that the Eagles were doing much better. You could see that both Casper and Ferdinand were walking off the field, while Hubert and Linhardt retreated to the east to form up with Edelgard and Petra.
"Bernie, you might want to start firing now" you advised, earning a shriek from her.
"Where?!" She struggled to make out.
"North, Sylvain, and Dedue are coming. You take out Sylvain and I'll stop Dedue" you suggested.
"Ok…" she replied before you moved forward to stop them getting through.
"Dedue you fall back to cover Ashe, I'll try capturing the fort" Sylvain told Dedue.
This wasn't good, Sylvain was now in a blind spot for Bernie and Dedue was leaving range.
"Hey you're the girl I've seen Dimitri hanging around recently" he commented.
"So what of it?" You asked him as you approached him.
"Nothing just realized it was you," he said as he tried to strike you and you dodged.
"You're pretty cute, maybe after this is over we could get something to eat?" he proposed. You could feel the heat in your cheeks rise. You swung your lance towards him with enough force to knock it out of his hands.
"Whoa, you're feisty!" He exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you did I" you asked, shocked that you'd managed to knock it straight out of his grip.
"I'm fine, just didn't have a good grip… I guess I'll have to forfeit" he told you as he picked up his lance.
"My offer's still open by the way," he told you before he walked off the field.
You had very little time to relax before you saw Dimitri's approach.
"Bernie fall back!" You shouted earning another shriek from her. The Blue Loins were overwhelming in comparison to your house. You readied yourself knowing you'd certainly fail but still like Dimitri told you, you'd have to give it your best shot. You charged toward him and tried to strike him overhead, however, he blocked and pushed you back. He then tried to counter but you barely avoided him as you tried to center yourself.
You tried desperately to best him but he always manages to block your attacks. You can barely keep a good grip on your lance with the force that he strikes back with. Then you hear a crack and feel his lance hit your ribs. The air in your lungs was knocked out of you as you hit the ground, unable to comprehend what happened til you tried to get up, realizing that your lance was snapped in half and feeling a horrible pain in your side causing you to yelp in pain.
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed as he kneeled to you. He looked at you with horror.
"Are you alright? Do you need help getting up? I swear I didn't mean to hurt you" he asked, panic evident in his voice. He hadn't realized how hard he was hitting with the adrenalin pumping in his blood.
"I know you didn't mean it…" you replied between labored breaths as you tried to stand.
Dimitri took notice of your pain and helped you up. "Do you want me to help you get back to camp?" He offered. But you shook your head and declined.
"I should be fine. Besides, you have to support your team" you told him. In honesty, you did need help but you didn't want to burden him, as helping you would also count him as retreating. You walked forward a bit before flagging Bernadetta to come over and support you.
"Oh goddess, he nearly killed you…" she stuttered as she let you lean on her for support.
"No, he didn't, I'm sure it'll just be a bruise" you tried to calm her as she took you to the infirmary tent.
Manuela inspected your injury for a while before giving you some medicine.
"You've got a bruised ribcage, I can't really do much except give you some pain relief and suggest you take it easy for the next month," she told you before handing you a glass of water.
"I can't believe how quickly the blue lions managed to advance. They barely gave you guys breathing space, that new professor really is something" she sighed.
You swallowed the bitter medicine she had offered and drank your water before noticing Edelgard in the corner of your eye.
"Did you get injured too?" You asked.
"No, I wanted to check up on you. I heard from Bernadetta that you were hurt" she replied with a hint of worry in her voice.
"Manuela told me I've got a bruised ribcage, I've just got to take it easy for a month" you replied trying to play it off as something minor.
"How did you manage to bruise your rib?" She asked as she grabbed a nearby ice pack and gently pressed it against your ribs.
"My lance ended up snapping in half while fighting Dimitri and his lance ended up hitting my ribs" you explained.
"(Y/n) You need to be more careful… I don't want anything happening to you" she said to you in an almost sorrowful tone, yet you still could feel her reservation.
"Edel, I'll be fine for now. But I promise you I'll be more careful, as long as you promise me the same.
A small smile formed on her lips yet her eyes showed that she was upset.
"I promise," she said as she held out her pinkie finger.
"I'll hold you to it" you replied before wrapping your finger around hers.
"And so will I," she told you.
"You should rest now, I don't want you getting hurt again," she told you before leaving.
So you lay staring at the top of the tent for what seemed like forever. A few more students entered suffering from far less than you had. From what you could hear amongst them the blue lions had a firm lead, now only Claude, Hilda, Petra, and Linhardt remained compared to the nearly unscathed blue lions.
Then you heard the sound of a horn. It was over. You wished you had just given up your position and avoided Dimitri, maybe that would have given your team more of a chance. Everyone was beginning to pack up. You sat up and surprisingly your ribs didn't hurt as much, now more of a dull pain thanks to the medicine.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" Dimitri asked as he entered the tent.
"I am, I just have to take it easy for a bit," you told him.
"I'm sorry" he kneeled beside you.
"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it. Obviously, my lance wasn't that well crafted" you told him.
"I still feel awful for it, tomorrow I'll get you a replacement," he said.
"No, you don't have to" you retorted.
"No it's the least I could do to apologize," he told you.
You stood up, trying to not express the pain you still felt.
"We should probably get going now, it'll be a long walk back to the monastery," you said as you gathered up the armor you had removed when you'd arrived.
"Thank the goddess that was a mock battle" was something you'd hear for the rest of the day. Even during dinner, you hear more of it.
"The blue lions were leagues ahead of us, they barely gave us a chance" Caspar sighed. You could tell he wasn't too satisfied with his performance.
"(Y/n) you haven't had a bite of your food yet, are you alright?" Dorathea asked you. You hadn't even realized you had just been staring at your food blankly.
"No I'm alright, I've just been thinking about today" you replied.
"Yeah… today's results have left a bitter taste in my mouth" she replied.
You ate in silence. What the others kept saying was on your mind, what if it hadn't been a mock, what if it had been an actual war? It was terrifying to imagine. All these people sitting with you would have been dead. That blow Dimitri had dealt to you could have killed you if it hadn't been a training weapon but he wouldn't do that, he cared about you deeply.
Honestly thinking about it made a knot form in your stomach. You stood up and picked up your half-eaten plate of food.
"(Y/n) are you sure you're alright?" Dorathea asked you again.
"I'm fine," you told her before leaving the table and returning your plate to the front.
You walked out of the dining hall and were on your way back to your dorm when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"(Y/n) Is something wrong?" Dimitri's voice asked.
"Dimitri, why aren't you inside? You and your class should be celebrating" you asked him.
"I saw you leave your table after barely eating, I was worried about you" he explained.
"I'm fine, just tired," you told him. You tried to leave but he reached out and grabbed your wrist, his grip was firm, like his life depended on it.
"Tell me (Y/n), I know there's something on your mind," he said. You remained silent.
"Do you not trust me?" He asked.
"I do" you replied.
"Then tell me, I promise you it'll only be between us if you wish," he told you. You sighed before finally responding.
"I've been thinking about today… What if it hadn't been a mock battle, I know it sound stupid but the thought terrifies me" you explained.
"I think almost all of us have thought about it today, but just think what reason would we have to start a war?" He replied.
You thought long and hard on what he said. There really wasn't a reason as far as you could tell.
"The isn't" you replied.
"See, so there's no reason to worry" he told you.
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Student and Teacher: Vergil x G/N Reader
Summary: Fight lessons from a certain blue devil.
Beginning Notes: If you haven’t already, please check out Vergil’s H/Cs for his outfit; otherwise, some of this won’t make sense. Bokken are wooden practice swords; in this fic, they are in the Tachi style (since I think that’s what Yamato is?? I don’t know much about sword specifics). Vergil uses the red oak to handicap himself--since they are heavy and break easier. ⚔️🤲⚔️ Vergil x G/N reader Fluff?? I think?? Sexual undertones between the two of you, which you primarily drive.
INSPIRED BY: Devil May Cry Drabble Challenge, Chapter 3--By: EmpressRhiannon 
     A small grunt left your lips as you fell face-first into the dirt, earning a small mouth full of the dusty substance. With a small huff of a laugh, you tried to stand back up, however, a heavy boot pushed you right back down. 
     "Ugh. Come on," you felt him dig his heel harder into your back, "Just let me up."
     "You think the enemy will care if you ask them to obey you?" you could practically hear his hubris as he continued to grind his boot against your back, knowing damn well you were going to feel that in the morning, before slowly removing it.
     "No,” you sat up and knelt with your butt resting on your heels, “but they would've put me out of my misery by now."
    "Is that what you want?" Vergil stood behind you and placed a sheathed Yamato against your throat "To die?" 
     You knew that it was dumb but you weren’t just going to let him be so prideful. So, you knocked your head back into Vergil’s body… hitting him right in the nuts. The blue devil jolted back with a grunt and removed Yamato from your neck. Over the years, Vergil had become relatively numb to pain, so it wasn’t that it hurt per se but he didn’t expect it. With intense irritation, Vergil shoved you back down and flipped you over to face him, pinning your wrists above you.
     His eyes narrowed as he let out a low growling grumble, “Fighting dirty won’t work on me, I assure you.”
     “Wha-” embarrassment shot across your face as you wriggled against his grip, “I didn’t- I hit you- There?”
     “Where else would you have hit?”
     “I don’t know,” you pursed your lips and whispered with a small concern, “You alright?”
     He raised a brow, “Do you think I am that weak?”
     “What- no!” you shook your head, “I mean if I got hit like that, pretty sure that would hurt.”
     “Hmph,” he broke off his stare and stood upright, “I am fine. I believe that is enough for today.”
     You sat on your butt and had one knee up where you rested a forearm, “Oh come on one more round?”
     Vergil’s eyes slowly panned down to you.
     “Please?” you pouted slightly.
     A small sigh left his lips as he mindlessly adjusted his coat.
     With a small grunt, you stood up, “What?”
     “Overworking yourself won’t make you improve faster,” he folded his arms.
     You laughed a bit, “I’m just barely warmed up, Vergil. Besides,” quickly you dusted off your lower half, not noticing that Vergil was watching you, “We haven’t even touched any swordsmanship stuff.”
     “Last time we did that,” he sighed, “everything I told you went over your head. I don’t think that you should start with me; perhaps Nero or Dante could--”
     “I already tried them both and neither of them taught me anything new. I even asked Trish, but she won’t train me.”
     “Is that right?” Vergil smirked a bit as he watched your puppy-eyed pout and, as per usual, he couldn’t help but cave, “Fine, stay here a moment,” the blue devil made a portal using Yamato and stepped through, leaving you alone. 
     Now alone, you looked around with a small frown. You had agreed to let the DMC crew use your backyard as a training area; which was greatly appreciated by everyone, however, your lawn was far from happy with the arrangement. 
     As you overlooked your war-torn grass, you noticed some small colorful spots a dozen or so feet away. Your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to meander over to it, having nothing better to do. 
     In a small undisturbed patch of grass, there were countless crocus flowers of all colors; white, yellow, orange, and a single purple one. 
     With a groan, you leaned forwards and carefully picked the lone purple flower. 
     “What are you doing?”
     “Hm?” you stood up and turned to see that Vergil had returned with two bokkens in hand; one white oak, one red oak. 
     He strutted towards you, “What are you doing?” a small curious tilt adorned his brow.
     “Oh! Here,” you smiled and cautiously reached out to the blue devil, moving his coat off to the side a bit, “Got something for you,” he watched you as you carefully tucked the flower into the chest pocket of his vest.
     Vergil chuckled softly with a barely-there smile and locked eyes with you, “You picked me a flower?”
     Your face became flush once more as you tripped over your words, “I know that- that it is kinda… childish… But I thought-"
     “It is a nice gesture,” he had returned to his usual expressionless stare, “especially after hitting me where you did.”
     You laughed slightly, unsure if he was upset about it or not.
     Vergil held out the white bokken, “Shall we begin?”
     Eagerly, you grabbed the weapon and followed him back to the open area from earlier. The blue devil removed his coat. He tossed it off to the side where he had placed Yamato. 
     The two of you crouched in a starting stance, however, Vergil stood right back up. Before you could question, he walked over to you and pushed your leg down with the end of his sword.
     “Too stiff,” he then pushed your far shoulder back, “If we are going to spar then at least make this worth my time.”
     With a small shake of your head and a roll of your eyes, you waited for him to return to his starting spot. A smug smirk tugged at his lips as he stared sharply at you, telling you he meant business. 
     It didn’t take long for the two of you to start destroying the lawn further. You had gotten a few good hits on the blue devil; given he had done the same and you had several welts starting to form. Vergil had to hold back, for obvious reasons; which left the two of you at the same level. A small huff left your lips as you folded your arms, showing that you were done.
     “Done already?” Vergil stopped only a mere foot or so from you, “All that fuss for less than ten minutes?”
     “Actually,” you pursed your lips in thought then slowly smiled, “I have a request, just for today.”
     “I’m listening.”
     “Vergil, I want to have a real match.”
     “In what regard; if you are asking for me to use Yamato-”
     You shook your head, “No, I’m not that insane.”
     “Then what?”
     “I want you to stop holding back,” you approached him and stood directly in front of him.
     The eldest twin looked away from you and gave a rough, almost insulting, chuckle, “Do you have a death wish?”
     “Come on,” you gently grabbed his bicep, “please?”
     He eyed you up and down, mindlessly playing with his teeth and tongue. Vergil shook his head and sighed, “You won’t defeat me.”
     “True, but,” you gave him a shy smile and shrug, “I want to feel you in your entirety,” you gave him a playful flirtatious wink.
     After a minute in thought, he sighed quietly, “Fine,” in an oddly careful and gentle manner, Vergil removed your hand from his arm, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Wanderer.”
     You flashed him a wide smile and moved back to your starting spot--him doing the same. Admittedly, you were semi-terrified at the notion of how hard this was going to be. Sure, you’ve fought Dante and Nero at their finest, but Vergil’s a completely different ballpark. 
     Instantly the blue devil vanished and you did a shoulder roll; dodging his attack. Springing up to your feet, you saw Vergil standing there with an oddly patronizing look of superiority adorning his features.
     “Come on- is that all you’ve got old man?” you smirked at him, doing your best to stay serious; otherwise he would stop the fight.
    With a small cocky tilt to his brow, he disappeared. You pivoted around and blocked his attack; however, because of the strength difference, you ended up flying back and landing on your ass. Quickly, you moved to kneel and defended against him. The two of you locked into a hold with him pushing down against you. Unsure how to break this, you decided to lunge forwards with your leg--dropping into the splits--and wrapped around his leg. Although you were trying to get him to collapse, you ended up using him as a pivot point and sliding through his legs.
     Up on your feet again, you decided to try some offense, which went as well as you could expect. You couldn’t even touch him. He teleported right after you swung since it gave him a small opening. A startled grunt left your lips as you felt an arm wrap around your middle and his bokken against your throat. He pulled your back snugly against him and kept your arm pinned to your middle. 
     Although it was an enjoyable position, you weren’t going to lose that easily. With all the force you could manage, you knocked your head back into his. You knew it was stupid and that Vergil is a lot stronger than you. However, the eldest twin released you in confusion at your brash action. 
     Breaking away for only a moment, you threw your weapon at him and hit him square in the chest; which distracted him and allowed you to tackle him at the hips. You had him pinned for a brief moment as the two of you tussled; inevitably, however, Vergil flipped you over. Unable to fight your laughter anymore, you let out a hearty laugh and were shocked when Vergil let out a full laugh as well.
     However, once this died down a small warmth found its way to your face as you looked up at the Dark Slayer. His hair had fallen slightly in front of his face and he was staring you down. The longer the two of you stayed, the darker your blush became. 
     Although you’d always stolen glances when you could, you’d never had the opportunity to examine his features. How he had light frown wrinkles permanently upon his brow, even though his expression was relaxed. The way his lips were slightly parted with a small happy tug at the corners and were tantalizingly close to yours. You were watching the plethora of colors in his irises when he finally said something barely audible.
     “Gotcha,” a warm smile spread across his features making his eyes crinkle just a bit at the edges.
     Your eyes widened; not only because of the odd remark but because of the very uncharacteristic expression.
     His brow twitched in disappointment at your reaction and his smile faded, “Sorry,” Vergil stood and stuck out a hand to help you up. Which you gladly took, however, you weren’t done yet. 
     You pushed him back down and pinned him again. In an instinctive reaction, Vergil’s hand shot upwards and he grabbed your neck, hard. A sputtering grunting moan left your lips as you playfully returned the action--much softer than him, that is. 
     Vergil used his other hand to push you back over and returned to pinning you like before. His hand, however, never left your throat. 
     Before you could ask why he left it, the blue devil reapplied pressure to your throat; making you repeat the same noise as prior. 
     He raised a brow and whispered, “Do you find that enjoyable?"
     With a smug grin, you matched his volume in return, “Maybe.”
     “Hmm,” he gave you a smirk in return and gave your throat a gentle squeeze.
     “Ngh,” you gave him a half-lidded look, “Harder.”
     Vergil gave you a confused and almost concerned look.
     “Come on,” you smiled and lightly teased, “Or is that all you’ve got?”
     A sharp gasp left your lips as he clenched his fingers tightly around your throat. He leaned down and whispered right into your ear, “Like that?”
     “Y-yeah,” your breathing was uneven and laced with heavy lust. 
     Another harsh squeeze, which made you let out a louder groan and arch your body; pushing yourself against him. 
     “To think you were the same person that picked me a flower merely a half hour ago,” Vergil leaned up a bit to watch your face as he constricted your neck again, “I didn’t take you to be one to find pleasure in such perverse actions; especially not from me.”
     “Hah,” your face was beyond flushed, “If you only knew half of the things I want you to do to me, Vergil.”
     Instantly, his face was bright red at your words, “I- I beg your pardon?”
     “Uh,” you began to panic, “Nevermind- Just forget what I-”
     You were cut off by a very unsure set of plush lips against yours. As quick as they connected to you, Vergil’s lips departed and he stood up. 
     “Hey-” you sat up and pouted slightly, “Why’d you get up?”
     He didn’t respond, rather, Vergil’s eyes shyly met with yours. 
     With a grunt, you stood up and grabbed his hand, “That was a crappy first kiss, ya know? I didn’t even get to enjoy it…”
     A light pink dusted Vergil’s face as he let out a meek laugh and turned from your gaze. 
     You used your other hand to turn his face back towards you. After a small pause, you slowly placed your lips against his again as your thumb gently caressed his cheekbone. It was short and sweet. The two of you shared a warm smile as you stayed with your foreheads touching. 
     Vergil moved his free hand to your hip and kissed you again. This time it was longer and more confident. Your hand moved down to the side of his neck then to his shoulder, then to his bicep where you held him. It was as passionate as it was gentle. He was nervous, that much was obvious; however, the overwhelming feeling of love from him overtook that part. Cautiously, you let go of the hand that was intertwined with his and moved it up his arm and then to his chest. Both of his hands were placed on your hips and he was kneading into you with his fingertips. 
     The two of you broke from the kiss only to return not a moment later. Vergil’s confidence increased with every passing second as he moved his lips more and more. He gently bit at your lips, asking to enter your mouth; which you allowed him to do. His tongue was hot against the inside of your mouth. You could practically feel his giddiness about this; about finally being able to touch you in such a manner. Vergil moved his hands to the small of your back and kneaded against you.
     A small hiss left your lips as you jerked against him.
     Concerned, he broke from the kiss, “Are you alright?”
     “Bad spot on my back,” you laughed quietly, “Someone dug their boot into me there…”
     “Oh,” his hands moved down to your ass and rested there, “How’s that?”
     “Mmm, better,” you leaned against his forehead and placed your nose beside his, “Hey, Vergil?”
     “Can I make a request?” A playful smirk tugged at your lips.
     “I’m listening,” he pulled you closer to him.
     “I want you to stop holding back,” your voice was laced with both nervousness and lust, which made the blue devil chuckle.
     “Do you have a death wish?”
     “I want to feel you in your entirety,” you placed a slow kiss against his lips and felt him shudder slightly.
     “Fine,” he moved to rest the side of his face against yours and huskily whispered into your ear, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Wanderer.”
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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chiskz · 2 years
▶️ 돼끼 GYM (DWAEKKI GYM) #1 & #2 | [SKZ-CODE] EP.29 & EP.30
Tumblr media
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.2k
♡taglist: @g4m3girl , @smh-anon , @neohyxn , @stealanity
《 ♡ 》
[ xxx ] - editors' notes
♡ intro
Changbin tries to motivate the members to come in. Chichi is standing next to Hyunjin, making a little ponytail. „But can we not come at all?!" She exclaims laughing. [ members really want to go home! ]
Changbin hugs the members in greeting, then pre-checking the condition of their bodies. When he hugs Chichi, he pulls away surprised.
"What? Her grip is really strong! I hardly felt the difference between her and Bang Chan!”
Chichi smiles embarrassed, the editors add a cute teddy bear sound. [ Bang Chan Junior?! ]
It's time to measure members’ biceps. Changbin wraps the measure around Ichi's arm.
"What?" The other members immediately stand by, interrupting the previous activities. Ichi looks surprised too.
Han and Felix sit down slowly. "How much?!"
"How is that even possible?!"
Chichi tilts her head like a listening puppy. "I exercise too!" [ the members never cease to surprise each other ]
Han doesn't believe it and for the rest of the measurement he stands with Chichi in the background comparing their shoulders, the girl continuing to giggle, covering her face.
♡ InBody Test
Changbin holds Chichi's results in hands.
"She really is made of muscles." Chan says, looking over Changbin's shoulder. Changbin nods.
"But there could be more body fat though."
"Then feed me better!" She exclaimed at once as a joke.
"I should start cooking for you then." Minho says and Felix nods.
„Me too.” [ CHICHI, the most spoiled fake maknae ]
♡ Flexibility Test
"Chichi gets banned from this at start!" Han exclaimed, pointing accusingly at her. "Who would win against past ballerina?!"
"Is it my fault?!" She called out in reply as she stood up and she and Han pretend to start a fight. Felix grabs her by the arms and pulls her away, laughing.
"It's Chichi who will be the judge then!" Changbin called. [ a worthy successor to coach dwaekki! ]
"But let her judge by doing the split anyway!" Said Minho, and Chichi gave him a terrified look. "Let her suffer with us!" [ one for all, all for one… ]
So, Chichi watched members’ matches all the while doing splits on the floor. Seungmin walked over to her and patted her head.
"Don't worry. You were always short anyway." [ dwaekki gym or chichi roast? ]
♡ Planks
Minho took several breaks during it, so he unofficially failed the task. Of course, he couldn't be alone in this. When Chichi was doing an exercise with Hyunjin, Minho sat on her and she fell to the floor in surprise, and she started to hit the floor as a sign that she was giving up. [ someone save this baby tiger... ] / [ "why is everyone bullying me today?!" ]
Fortunately, both were great at jumping rope, so further sabotage was unnecessary.
While Han is jumping (or trying to) on a rope, Chichi and Seungmin in the background are trying to get on one of the machines (which of course could not be physically climbed, but who will stop them?). During one of the close-ups of Jisung, a loud bang is heard in the background. In the next shot, Chichi and Seungmin are already sitting with the others, next to each other, holding back their laugh.
♡ Beginner or Advanced?
Chichi was placed in the Advanced group even though Minho, Hyunjin and Jeongin were in favor of putting her in the Beginner group. [ bullying Chichi continues… ]
♡ Beginner Level Training
As Seungmin, Changbin, and Felix do demonstrative squats, Chichi sits down with Hyunjin on one of the treadmills behind them.
"This is a better view than in a fruit shop!" She exclaimed in delight, Hyunjin laughs loudly and claps. [ what is she talking about? are butts like watermelons or melons? too many questions... ]
Chichi watches Minho and tries to do a squat, deliberately falling to the floor in the process.
"Coach, can you help me too?" She asks, pouting out her lower lip pleadingly.
"You don't need help!" Changbin called, gesticulating. "We all know you don't need help! You don't even belong to this group, get out!”
Chichi lowers her head pretending to be sad and leaves the room. [ failing to get attention from the coach ]
* EP.30 *
Han and Chichi dance tango in the background, doing a million unnecessary pirouettes. Changbin speaks about each member.
Chichi immediately runs over and stands to attention, pretending that she wasn't fooling around earlier at all.
"Chichi exercises regularly, right?"
"And she trained regularly in the past as well, right?"
"That's why you should all follow her as example."
The editors used the teddy bear sound again as Chichi smiles sheepishly, puffing out her cheeks slightly. Han and Jeongin pretend to have a cough, in the intervals of which "nerd" and "teacher's pet" is heard.
♡ Bench Press
Chichi massages Jeongin in the background as soon as he finishes his barbell warm-up, then unfazed, she does hers. When after the warm-up it was time for real weights, Chichi lay down on the bench, pouting and puffing her cheeks slightly in thought.
"60kg? 60kg…”
"Too much?" Chan asked immediately.
"Not at all!" she laughed. [ don't underestimate the spirit of the tiger! ]
Changbin glances at Chan, then back at her.
"Mhm. Let's make it 80kg."
So Chan adds weights and stands behind the bench where her head was to belay her while Changbin stood over her with his legs spread apart, with her lying on the bench between his legs. Chichi flushed her cheeks, laughing nervously.
"Yeah, I feel much safer now!"
Changbin lowered his head immediately, his blush and small cute smile were not visible on the camera.
♡ Deadlifting
"I do not like this." Chichi laughs lightly as she stands next to Jeongin and rubs her wrists. "It's a bit too boring for me."
After advices from Felix, it was her turn. She took the right position and moved her eyebrows significantly towards Chan, who immediately understood what was going on, with a smile. He added weights again and in this exercise Chichi also lifted 80kg. Changbin belayed her while standing behind her, but he looked away from time to time, pressing his lips into a thin line [ even coach dwaekki was speechless? but why? ]
♡ Squats
"I love squats." Chichi starts jumping in place like a rabbit. "That was my specialty!" She exclaims happily, the editors put a squeaking sound under her jumps [ advanced group seems a bit livelier! ]
Chichi walks over to the barbell and assumes the position, glancing behind her back at the other members. "What? Won't you cover my butt?!"
"No. There is no need." Han announced and along with Jeongin and Chan they sat down behind her to get a better view. [ Stray Perverts? ]
♡ Eating & Drinking
Changbin hands a shake to Seungmin and Chichi sitting next to him. After unwrapping her gym gifts, she and Han play volleyball in the background with a massage ball [ some kids have short attention spans... ]
"My New Year goal?" Chichi thinks for a moment. “I would love to get back into doing barbell squats. I forgot how much joy it gives me. I focused on other exercises and neglected them a bit. I would like to go back to them and beat my previous record of 95 kg.”
"I'll help you." Changbin replied as soon as Chichi finished speaking.
Chichi covers her face with her hair immedietely [ coach dwaekki, always ready to help! ]
《 ♡ 》
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authorchan · 1 year
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Pairings ❁ Sabito x Reader ❁
✎ a/n: On-going story on my Wattpad account @mindfulmoments called Lavender Haze. Readers get to vote for what happens within the story as the chapters progress. Here is a snippet from one of the chapters:
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Another day of recovery as you rest against the shade of a large tree. Sabito is swirling around the open feild before you practicing his breathing techniques. Keeping yourself distracted as you enjoy a story instead of gawking at him.
His hand reaches over as he flicks the pages you are reading. Looking up from the interesting book to meet his puppy dog eyes. His words leaving you confused, "Can you stop distracting me?"
Huffing a slight laugh at his boldness, "Me? You are the one hitting my book. I am not doing anything."
"Oh!" He shakes his head with a huge smile as he is bent at the waist in front of you. Shirtless as sweat droplets fall from him, "I am working on my fighting technique but I can't focus. You are literally sitting a few feet away from me, how can I not be distracted?"
Knowing what he is implying has you frustrated. He drops to the grass beside you rolling into his back as his head lays beside your legs. Respectful to not just land in your lap though he really wanted to do just that.
"You are just bored because Giyuu is on a mission and can't spar with you today."
He plucks a tall strand of grass to tickle the side of your thigh as he speaks with a sly smile. "Sure. Tell me, Beautiful, what are you reading that's more important than watching me?"
"It's an intriguing love story." Giggling as you snag the strand of grass from him and playfuuse it to tickle at his ears.
Sabito trembles as he catches your wrist with a gentle grasp. Tilting his head to look at you better, "Careful Darling, my ears are sensitive. What is the man in the love story like?"
Raising an eyebrow at his curiosity, "Hmm... He is described as dark hair, tall and mysterious. Very protective over his love interest. Things are definitely... heating up between them."
He gives a pouty expression that has him cuter than ever. Your breath hitches as Sabito ask, "Is that the kind of guy you like?"
Tingles in your stomach swirling and building. Heat rushing up to your face is feeling overwhelming, "Why do you care what kind of guy I like?"
The question flies out of your mouth fast because you secretly want him to confess his feelings. Just like the man in your book does for the main character.
"I'm curious. Honestly hoping you would describe me." His gaze slides away from you as he masks his feelings better his sense of humor. "You should deny that I am incredible. Far better than whatever man you are reading about. You're only hurting yourself by not allowing yourself the pleasure of basking in me."
Chuckling at hold bold he can be. Though you notice his shift in mood. The jealous over you like anyone other than just him.
Stoking his ego as your hand gently falls to land against his chest. Meeting his gaze again, "Sabito. I do enjoy your company. I'll admit it... I think you are very good-looking."
This is the energy he needs to fire him back up for a hard training session. Lifting your hand off his chest as he kisses your wrist. Rolling to his side as he jumps back up to his feet giving you the cockiest of smiles.
"I know I am handsome, but it is nice to hear you remind me. Don't be afraid to sneak glances at me between your pages." He points to the book before grabbing his sword and diving right back into perfecting his technique.
Holding your book up as you do just that.
Watching his exposed muscles flexing as he swings the sword. Sweat has his skin glistening. Hiding the fact that your biting your lip behind this story.
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inkareds · 2 years
The Book of You and I
Jason Todd
nav // dc m.list // ko-fi
✧.* word count: 4k
✧.* genre: SFW // fluff and angst
✧.* warnings: major character death, grief, Jason is both Red Hood and Robin, insignificant talks of drug use (Roy Harper lmao) (inspired by The Book of You & I by Alec Benjamin)
"There were so many chapters that we never got to write."
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“Jason! Could you please use the door like a normal person when you’re not sneaking in?!” You yelled out exasperatedly when you hear the familiar incessant knocking on your window.
As you walked over to open the blinds and the window to let Jason in, you already knew he was chuckling behind there. Just grinning to himself, probably proud of riling you up. And you were correct, there as you opened the curtains was Jason Todd himself.
All in his grinning glory. Behind him, the sun of the morning shone so brightly it made him look almost heavenly. You wanted to chuckle at that. “What are you laughing at?” His smile dropped as you opened the window to let him in.
“Nothing, you just look like an angel with all that light behind you.” You shrugged. “Well I do have angelic looks, so you’re not too wrong there.” Jason immediately winced after you hit his arm.
“You’re terrible.” You groan jokingly all the while you dropped yourself back on your bed. Now, usually, at this time, you’d still be asleep. After all, it was 8 am and you were still on your spring break right before starting your first year at University. Why the hell would you be awake?
But then came the grating noise of continuous knocking on your window, which woke you up. Though, Jason didn’t seem to be bothered at all by waking you up, knowing if he had come through the front door, you’d be more annoyed with him as you’d have to walk from your room to the door.
“But you love me.” Opening your eyes as you snuggled yourself deeper in your bed to find that amazing spot you just woke up from, you saw Jason. With his tousled hair, bright blue eyes, and mesmerising smile, just staring at you. He must’ve just finished training with Bruce or had just finished training alone. He was always such a hard worker, and from his stories of when he was still on the streets, he was a hard worker then as well.
You rolled your eyes at his puppy-like smile, “Do I? That’s debatable.” You spoke holding back a yawn threatening to leave your tired state. When Jason physically deflates you laughed loudly. “Come here! I’m just joking.”
Just like a puppy, he ran right towards you, his laughter filled your room with absolute joy. You melted into his touch when he made his way into your bed and snuggled you. Peppering kisses all over your face as an unspoken apology for waking you up. You groaned and turned around to face him. “Stop.”
Jason didn’t say anything after that, just softly snickered and rested his head on top of yours. Letting himself relax after a day of training and stress with his father. The both of you melted to sleep pretty easily after that.
“More tea?” Alfred offered you as he carried a pot of tea in his hands. It was then you were snapped back into reality. Quickly shaking your head you spoke, “No, thank you, Alfred, I think I’ve had more tea today than I did this entire year.
Alfred nodded with a smile all the while you looked back to what made you blank out.
Right now, you were in the manor, as per Jason’s invitation, not that you haven’t visited his home before. But this was the first that you were actually watching him train. You usually came over when you needed to do your homework, as you know Jason, the nerd that he was, wouldn’t let you get distracted until you’d finished everything you aimed to finish.
But here he was, not too far from where you sat in the garden, not wearing a shirt and holding a long staff. Going against Bruce Wayne. You knew he was Batman, but gods seeing how he looked under the suit and the formal attire you always saw him in was so different. Bruce practically towered over Jason, yet here Jason was, fighting with agility and precise violence.
It was terrifying to see just how deadly Jason could be. At the same time though, you wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t mesmerise you. He looked, absolutely, incredible. Lean muscle, appropriate to the flexible body of a Robin, fighting against the bulk of Batman. He was grinning despite all the injuries and bruises on his body, and from the look of Bruce. The two of them seemed to be having fun.
"I'm glad you came into Jason’s life.” Alfred suddenly spoke, and you turned to look at him confused. The old butler chuckled, “Young master Todd has always been different from master Grayson. But he has always compared himself to his predecessor. It had concerned master Wayne, and it has always concerned me.”
He paused to look at Jason, you stared at this butler in such awe. After hearing the countless stories of Jason’s new life, you can’t imagine how much distress this butler has seen over his time working in the manor. Yet here he stood, still looking at the two vigilantes training not far from him with so much love in his eyes.
“But the moment you came in, it is almost as if your love to him allowed him to realise his worth. Young master Todd never stopped comparing himself to master Grayson, maybe, he never will. The curse of the younger brother. But with you, he has realised even if he could always get better, the him now was enough. With you he was happy. A kind of happiness neither I nor master Wayne can offer him.”
Alfred then looked at you, “So, thank you.”
You didn’t reply to Alfred and he didn’t wait for your response either. After stating his gratitude, Alfred turned his heel and walked back inside the mansion, perhaps to prepare dinner.
You were left alone, blanking out once more at the realisation of the weight your presence has had in Jason’s life. You know you’ve done a lot for him, but you’ve done it all with so much love in your heart that you’ve never really seen it as helping him or anything like that. You just, loved him. And perhaps that was enough for Jason.
“Sorry it took longer than I thought it would, Bruce can be terrible when it comes to training, you didn’t get too bored did you?” Messy black hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a smile like no other. Gods, you love Jason Todd so much.
You didn’t respond, standing up from where you sat to suddenly kiss him. You didn’t know where the urge came from, except that you wanted desperately to show him just how much you loved him after he showed you how much he loved you every single fucking day. When you pulled away, Jason’s face was a dark shade of red, you know if you teased him about it later he’ll just say it was from exhaustion, even if you knew better. “What was that for?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to love you.”
Jason remembered so clearly what his last thoughts were when he watched that wretched timer count down to 0. He only had two things on his mind. One, where in the seven hells was Batman? Two, you. He thought about you struggling in your university courses. He thought about you having trouble sleeping at night. He thought about how he helped with all of those.
He thought about how, if he died now, if he left you now, who would be by your side encouraging you to continue working on your papers? Who would hug you every night you had a nightmare? Who would be there for you when you cried?
Ironic, wasn’t it? He was the one dying, but all he could think about was what would happen to you now that he was dead.
Perhaps that was why he sought you out first when he was able to stabilize his own mind after the resurrection and taking over Black Mask’s operations as Red Hood. He had to make sure you were alright. At this point, he didn’t care if you had moved on or not. He just didn’t want to imagine you crying yourself to sleep ever again. Just like it was when he was Robin, your presence saved Jason Todd’s life.
For the first time Dick was able to actually talk to Jason after finding out he was Red Hood, was because of you. Jason was having trouble locating where you were, and because of this, he became more erratic. His crime operations had become messy and all over the place, it didn’t take Bruce and Barbara long to find out the cause. You had moved away after Jason’s death, Metropolis was your home now. Much to the displeasure of a petty Bruce, but he understood why you needed to move.
Get away from everything that reminded you of Jason.
But Jason didn’t know that.
So, Dick made an agreement with him. He’ll give Jason all the information about you he wanted if he’ll sit and talk to his older brother. Jason agreed almost immediately.
And that was the first step to changing Red Hood from a criminal back to the vigilante he once was.
But despite all this, Jason was still a villain when he found you. He didn’t think he was worthy enough to talk to you. So, he watched. He watched you from your rooftop, making sure you were alright. Which was where he was now. Sitting, idly waiting for you to come home from work.
You seemed happy with your work in Metropolis, which was a good thing in Jason’s eyes. Despite his original frustration about you moving from Gotham, he now realises why this move was so important to you.
He physically had to hide when you suddenly walked to your balcony. He stared at you from where he stood on your rooftop as you looked around from your balcony. As if you were looking for something.
“God, I’m hallucinating again.” You chuckled darkly. From under the mask, Jason’s eyebrow quirked in confusion. What would make you think that? “I seriously thought I saw you, I thought I saw you watching me.”
He stiffened, did you really know he was there? Were you talking to him? If you weren’t, who were you talking to? “As if you weren’t 6 feet underground in Bruce’s mansion.”
You were talking to him. But now the him that was now standing on your rooftop. But the him that was still dead. “I wonder what you’d think of me if you could see me now. I bet you’d be disappointed.” Jason can’t help but feel as if he shouldn’t be listening to this conversation.
It seemed like a conversation between you and the old him. The one that he left for dead underneath all the rubble of Joker’s bomb. It felt almost intrusive to listen to you. But he couldn’t help it. A part of him felt glee at the thought that you weren’t over his death yet. That was a more selfish part of him. The part that still wants you in his arms, even though they were now elbows deep in the blood of others, and scarred beyond what his old self would’ve let.
Without Alfred or Bruce, his wounds weren’t dressed as properly now. He scarred more, and he let it. He used those scars to remind him of every fight.
“Here I am, in Metropolis, not in Gotham trying to change the city as you did. Flawed, angry, and absolutely furious at the fucking world for taking you away from me.” he heard the way your voice cracked and the soft sniffles that left you. You were crying. “I fucking hate you, you know that? I told you, over and over again, not to let your fucking emotions get in the way when you’re fighting! Now, look where we are! I’m screaming at the air as if you can hear me and you’re probably just rotting bones.”
At this point, Jason felt his heart twist and tear apart at the desperation in your voice as you cried into the night. “Now,” you laughed bitterly, “I’m hallucinating that you’re still here. I’ve gone fucking mad.”
He couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t take listening to you berate yourself anymore. Couldn’t take hearing you cry anymore. He has to. Who gives two flying fucks what you think about him once you find out?
Just like that, he dropped himself behind you, blocking your path from going back inside. You screamed from shock when he landed, backing up too quickly that your body almost flipped over and fell right down the balcony. If not for Jason’s quick reflexes that took both your arms and pulled you into his hulking figure, you would’ve been the one to die this time.
You immediately struggled against his hold, trying your best to get away from him, all to no avail. Jason, realising how panicked and scared you were quickly took off his helmet and domino mask underneath it.
He watched your face as your eyes watered and your entire body started to shake. “No,” you shook your head, “No, no, no, you can’t be real. This is some sick joke by some villain. What is this?! Scarecrow’s gas? Joker’s gas?!?! Luther’s new weird plan?!” Jason felt his heart shatter. How many times had you imagined him standing here in front of you for your first thoughts to be that you were hallucinating or under attack?
When words failed, Jason turned to actions. He pulled you even closer to him and simply embraced you. He needed it just as much as you.
Until now, he didn’t know what made you realise he was actually there in person in front of you. After all, he’s changed so much, and you couldn’t even feel his skin or body from underneath his costume.
Yet, despite all that, the moment you felt him press against you, just like all those times when you had nightmares or all those times after you stitched him up and he demanded hugs, you melted against him.
He was here.
Your Jason was here.
He was alright.
He was alive.
That night, the two of you had a long conversation. A very, very long one. One where Jason explained everything. He even told you about all the crimes he was doing and planning on doing. A part of him did this to make you push him away, to make you realise that he was a monster. That he was a terrible person. But all you did was listen to him and stayed silent.
After it was all done, Jason looked at you with a hardened look. He was waiting for your rejection. He was waiting for you to say that he was a monster for killing all those people. For fighting the people he considered his family. For almost killing his adoptive younger brother. But you didn’t.
“Tousled hair,” were the first words you spoke. His head quirked to the side in confusion when your hands reached up to play with his hair, especially the white tuft of hair. “Mesmerising blue eyes.” Your other hand reached to his cheek.
Instinctively, almost cat-like, he leaned into your touch as you softly caress his skin. He smiled at your soft touch, “And boyish grin?” The two of you chuckled at your statement, easing the harsh tension that settled between you both.
“You’re still him.” You whispered, “You’re still my Jason. Nothing is ever going to change that.”
Jason didn’t remember the last time he cried, not when he became Red Hood, not when he was Robin, and not when he was still a street kid. But then and there, sitting on the floor of your bedroom in Metropolis, with your hands on his face. He felt the tears slowly streaming down his eyes. Especially when you pressed your lips against his own.
This was forgiveness. This was love. He didn’t care for forgiveness from Bruce or Dick, maybe Alfred, but all he looked for was you. And this was it. This was everything he ever wanted in life.
To be in your arms, to be loved, he’ll be better.
He’ll be better for you.
He’ll try harder for you.
He’ll make the world a better place for you.
So you may always have that smile on your face. So that you will never have to cry again. So that you can feel all the love he has for you.
“I had an argument again with Bruce today,” Jason cleared his throat, “It ended quicker than usual though. Bet you’re proud of me.” He chuckled before moving on to the next story.
“I think that little demon son of his has finally warmed up to me slightly too. Damian’s a fucking handful, don’t know how either Brue or Dick deals with him. Even Roy agrees with me and he’s the one with a kid. Don’t get me wrong though, Lian’s nothing like Damian. She’s actually good-natured and not a trained fucking assassin. I swear that brat is aiming to kill me every night.”
Jason stopped to exhale, letting the winter air make his breath a puff of smoke. “Speaking of Harper, he’s actually here with me. He’s in the car though, probably doesn’t want to stand here with me in the cold. Fucking pussy. You remember the first time you met him?” Jason let out a loud bark of laughter at the sudden memory.
“You were half drunk after going out with your friends and we barged into your apartment all bloody and shit. I remember Harper being kind of impressed that you were still able to stitch straight lines even when you couldn’t even walk in straight lines. Though you did fuck up the stitch on his shoulder. He got pissy about that one when we got back. Complaining how all my stitches were perfect and he had some fucked up ones.”
He’s done this so many times that he didn’t expect anything more than silence. It wasn’t possible anyways. But every time, he wishes that what he did to you that day on the balcony would happen to him.
Jason then let out a shaky sigh, if Roy was here, he’d make an excuse on how it was because of the cold. A petty excuse and a flat-out lie, Roy would know that much. But he’d probably pretend to buy into the lie just to make Jason happy. He was a good person, an even better friend.
“We both miss you,” he struggled to say the next part, “Well, maybe me more than him. But that’s only cause he’s known you for such a short time. When both him and I were still fuck ups, you were always there. Alfred would scold me if he heard what I’m about to say but he’s not here so fuck it, right?” Jason paused, almost as if a part of him was still expecting you to answer.
Even though he knew you couldn’t.
“You were always there for us.” he choked out as his knees gave to his sorrows and buckled. He crouched in front of the stone, holding it for dear life as he placed his forehead on the cold surface. “You were always there for me, where was I when you needed me?”
“I know it wasn’t anything I could’ve prevented, but I just hoped you were able to see me now, you know? I’m not a fuck up anymore, love. I’m not-” His voice cracked, and just like every time he’s been to this burial site, he cracked and cried. “I’m not- I’m not a fuck up anymore. I’m finally back to being your Jason. Your Jason that you loved so much, and you’re not even here to see it.”
That was the moment he let everything go, sobs wracked his body as he held onto the tombstone. A simple name engraved in it, a simple stone in the middle of nowhere. The plot of land itself belonged to the Waynes, but it was far away from any of the filth and muck of Gotham.
It was his gift for you. This land will always be yours. Your final resting ground and your final home.
“You’re not here.” he kept muttering. Shutting his eyes to stop the tears didn’t help, his grief flooded through his body.
After a few years of your death, it had become rare for him to cry during his visits anymore. Even if back then he’d visit much more often. Today was a special day, the day of your death. An unpreventable death that he couldn’t have prevented. But it didn’t matter to Jason.
In a way, you had been the one to resurrect Jason. Memories of you were the thing keeping his head afloat when the memories of everything else would melt and stitch together. Your laughter was the thing keeping a smile on his face after the harshest of nights dealing with terrible people, whether that was villains or Bruce. Your touch, your love, your warmth, everything about you was the thing that kept him from going insane back when he was still a shell of a man.
You stayed with him. Every time he asks for forgiveness from you after every heinous act he’s done, you’ll always reassure him. You’ll always say you still loved him. And every single time he would whisper that one day he’ll make sure he actually deserves your forgiveness.
Like an addict finally sober. He swore to himself that if Roy could sober up, then he himself could be a better person for you. Every time, you’d say you’ll wait patiently, that you didn’t care how long it took. You promised him you’d wait till he truly believes he deserves your love.
But you lied. And that was probably the only thing Jason hated about you.
Even if you didn’t know it then, you lied.
He was better now. Sure, he, Bruce, Dick, and Tim would still butt heads every now and again. But he actually goes to the mansion every so often now. Sure, maybe there’ll be times when his violence would cause Batman to cringe. But it wasn’t led by his emotions anymore. He was, good now.
He finally believed that he was worthy of your love now. But now, you weren’t even here to give or receive all the love you both have for one another.
Jason didn’t know how long he’s been there, just crouched in front of your gravestone, crying. It was Roy who snapped him out of it. Roy placed his hand on Jason’s shoulder and told him how dark it was getting. They’d have patrol soon and he didn’t want to deal with a cranky Batman or Green Arrow if either of them were late. Jason was grateful for the unspoken words hidden between the lines of Roy’s excuse.
Because the real reason Roy wanted to get back early was so that Jason could freshen up. Get rid of the puffiness in his eyes before patrol.
The two of them walked away from the grave pretending the redness was because of the cold, with Jason’s hair tousled from the way he grabbed his roots in anger, only to then rub the remaining tears away from his blue eyes, and finally preparing to put on a shit-eating grin in patrol.
When Roy himself started crying, he commented how odd it was that it had started raining. Jason agreed.
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This genuinely made me so sad to write esp when I re read everything and I realised just how gut wrenching it was :')
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darknqlmes · 6 months
The Fighter And Puppy
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PARING: Jackson West x Teen!Reader John Nolan x Teen!Reader Tim Bradford x Teen!Reader Doug Stanton x Teen!Reader
WARNING: Fighting! Language! Blood! Teen Violence! Teen Fighting!
SUMMARY: What if Evelyn saved Jackson West from the group of guys? What if she fought them all by her self?
(Doug Stanton is an asshole. I hate him. Not the actor; he's probably really nice.)
Walking around in L.A., California, was a girl named Evelyn Jones. She was just going for a stroll on a nice day when she started hearing grunts and groans. Curious, she went to check it out. When she was at a corner, she looked and saw four guys kicking and punching a police officer. Now, most people would run away, thinking they weren't strong enough, and most times they weren't.
Evelyn was trained by ex-Russian spies. So she knows a lot. wanting to help this officer, she approached them when she saw something in the corner of her eyes. Looking in that direction, she saw another police officer just standing there, watching this happen. Evelyn was frustrated. Furious. Walking up to them, she shouted.
"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" The four men chuckled, thinking that a fifteen-year-old girl couldn't fight them. "I suggest you walk away. Before you end up like him, Evelyn looked at them with narrowed eyes. "Nah! I think I'm good. But now you have made me interested. You think you can beat me until I'm like that? Well, let's see."
Raising her fist in fighting position, she saw the four men do the same. Then they started fighting. She ducked the first few punches, getting her own with some kicks in the sides. Grunting, one of the men grabbed her in a choke hold, while the others started punching her. She elbowed the man in the chest, then brought her head down and hit his face as hard as she could with her head.
Pushing the three other men away, she spits out a little blood. "You know, you can just back out, little girl." Evelyn smirked and spit out a little more blood. "I'm good. I needed a fight today." The four men started punching and kicking. Evelyn knew how they were going to fight, so when one of them tried to kick her leg, she grabbed the leg and yanked him to the floor.
Kicking him in the face twice. Looking up at the three other men, she ran over to them, slid on the dirt, and kicked their legs until they weren't standing. Getting up, she started kicking them in the side, face, stomach, and back. Turning to the police officer, she jogged up to him and crouched down.
"Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner. I'm gonna help you." Not knowing the codes for police officers, she grabbed his walkie-talkie and pressed the button on the side. "Officer down, I repeat, Officer down." Evelyn heard talking on the walkie-talkie. Mostly asking who was on the walkie-talkie. "My name is Evelyn Jones. I helped one of your police officers; he was getting beat by a group of four men."
Five minutes later, there were police surrounding the entire place. When the police first got there, they pointed their guns at Evelyn and detained her. Not wanting to go to jail, she complied. The last thing she heard was, "Hey, partner. What happened? What happened, partner?" Evelyn, who was furious, wanted to rip his head off.
Getting up, she started approaching them, not listening to the officers trying to get her back. "You did this! This is your fault! If I wasn't here, he would be dead! You selfish piece of  shit!" The officer looked up to her, faking confusion. "What? What do you mean? I was on the other side of the building." Evelyn was fed up with the lies.
"No, you weren't! I literally saw your bitch ass over there, behind the corner, just watching this shit happen! Even when I came out to help him, you didn't do shit!" All the officers looked at Doug; he just denied it. "No, no, I wasn't over behind the corner. Don't listen to this little bi-girl." Evelyn looked at one of the older officers. "Look at his body cam. I bet it's on that, Officer Nolan." Looking up at his name tag, Officer Nolan started nodding his head and grabbed Evelyn by the arm. Lightly, bringing her to the back of the shop.
Evelyn was let out of holding after watching Doug's body camera, which showed how he didn't do anything. Evelyn was almost home when she saw a car slow down next to her. Looking over, she saw that it was Officer Nolan. "Oh, hey, officer Nolan. How are you?" Officer Nolan smiled. "I'm good, and you can call me John. Also, I was wondering if you needed a ride home." Evelyn looked at him with questioning eyes. "Really? You'd give me a ride? But I'm a stranger."
John shrugged. "Well, I can trust you. Right? You are not a serial killer." Evelyn laughed and shook her head. "No, I'm not a serial killer." Walking up to the car door, she opened it and hopped in. "You aren't kidnapping me, right?" John shook his head. "No, I'm not. I just feel kind of bad that you don't have a ride home." Evelyn chuckled.
"Yeah, well, I'm not surprised." John looked over at Evelyn. "What do you mean?" Evelyn looked over at John. "Well, my parents hate me. They love my brother more and have always hated me. They yell at me, scream at me, and make me do everything! I'm getting exhausted." John is feeling really bad for this girl. He looked over at her.
"I, uh. I know this might sound weird, but you could sleep at my house for the night." Evelyn just stares at him for a few moments. "Yeah, you are asking me. A STRANGER! If they want to sleep at YOU'RE HOUSE?" John looked over at her with sheepishness. "Yeah, now that I think about it, that sounds very creepy."
John and Evelyn sit in silence for a few moments, then burst out laughing. Evelyn did agree to sleep over at his house for the night. John already thought that she was kind of a daughter, and he was proud. But he thought that Evelyn didn't see him as a father figure. But Evelyn thought that he was a father figure, even though they had just met that day.
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geekedoutbunny · 2 years
If at all possible, may I request the following: During training with Goku, Broly is suddenly reminded of the day his father died, & takes off, & the reader finds him & comforts him as he cries because he thinks it was his fault. Please??
Broly x Reader Memories Fluff
Ooooo! A hurt/comfort fic!!?? OKAY!! OKAY!!!! Let me see what ya gurl can do for you!!! I'm not too sure what the setting is, so we'll just say that we're at your and Broly's home, and ya'll already have an established relationship.
Thank you for the request Anon, and I hope this is to your liking and that I did this story justice.
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It was a sunny day, you and Broly just had lunch about an hour ago, he helped you clean as much as he could, and your sweet little puppy was now on your lap sleeping. You yourself were on a lounge chair, a small table next to you with an umbrella, giving you shade.
You were wearing a relaxing summer outfit, enjoying the nice breeze that blew through from time to time. In the distance, you were watching Broly and Goku train with one another. It was rare when Broly trained, as he didn't too much care for violence. But today, like many other days, Goku came by asking Broly to train with him, but he always declines.
However this time around, you encouraged him to go out. He needed the exorcize and the proper training to help defend earth..... and you just simply needed a break. You loved Broly, you truly did, it's just that he was like a giant child and you needed a proper break.
So training with Goku has become a once-a-week habit for you guys to practice. They'll train for about 2 - 4 hours and then you'll both take a sweet famous 'Broly Nap'. Today was no different, they've been training for about 40 minutes now, and you've just come outside to watch them from afar and to also give Broly encouragement to want to get stronger.
"GO BROLY!!! WOOHOO!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!" You'll yell words of encouragement, and that always seemed to help him out. You couldn't hear what they be talking about whenever they have their pauses in the middle of training, but they always clashed once more, so you guessed it was just Goku giving Broly some pointers.
In the distance, they were currently training, but they were also talking.
"Is that all you got, Broly?" Goku taunted him as he dodged Broly's quick and powerful hits. Broly scowled in irritation, getting annoyed that he couldn't hit Goku. "You're really slow Broly, how are you going to protect (Y/N) when you can't even hit me?" He taunted further, making Broly growl in anger.
"GRRRRAAAAAAA!!! STOP TALKING, AND FIGHT!!!" He shouted in rage as he landed a powerful punch on Goku's cheek, stunning him, and allowing him to sledgehammer him down to the ground. You watched with a relaxed expression as Goku quickly fell to the ground, and collided with the Earth, making you reach over to the table, to hold it steady as the ground briefly shook.
"Damn, they gonna spill my damn drink before I can even finish it." You grumble to yourself. Goku shot back up towards Broly, a cocky smirk on his face. "That's it Broly, use that rage, that same burning passion that you have for (Y/N), use it in every battle, the love you feel for her, use that same raw emotion to protect her and all of Earth." He said in an encouraging tone.
Broly nodded in understanding. Goku then laughed. "Too bad your dad isn't around, he'd be really proud to see you right about now, though I wonder how he'd feel if he saw you've settled down?" Goku innocently spoke aloud, as he looked down at you.
Broly's calm expression turned into a sad one. "Father, he died, because of me." He said in a sad voice. Goku looked over at him in confusion. "Broly?" He questioned, he then gave him a sad yet understanding smile. "Broly, it's not your fault buddy, trust me." He said, going back to a time when he learned that he was the cause of his grandfather's death.
He blamed himself for a long time, but he didn't have time to grieve. Frieza appeared, and then Cell and right after Buu. He had a son and a planet to protect, so he didn't get to feel that way for long. "No, it's Broly's fault. Because of me, losing... control.... He died because I wasn't strong enough to protect him... Broly failed." He said in a somber voice, tears gathered into his eyes, memories of seeing his father's body, slumped over behind him.
"Broly.... Hey buddy, it's not-" Goku tried to comfort him, but Broly blew up. "STOP!!! STOP LYING TO ME!!! IT WAS MY FAULT!!! I SHOULD'VE BEEN IN MORE CONTROL!!! BECAUSE OF ME, A STRAY ENERGY BLAST KILLED HIM!!! BECAUSE OF ME, HE WAS LEFT DEFENSELESS!!!" He shouted in anger, feeling betrayed that Goku, his friend, would lie to him.
"Broly." Goku said under his breath. Broly said nothing, as he darted off toward the horizon. You sat there, looking at the whole thing, trying to understand what the distance shouting was about, but it didn't take learn for you to understand that it wasn't just petty anger.
Goku stayed there for a moment, watching after the area where Broly flew off to. "GOKU!!!" You shouted his name, catching his attention. He looked down at you, seeing you flagging him down. He sighed, and slowly floated down towards you.
He scratched the back of his head nervously. "What happened? Where did Broly go?" You asked him, worried about Broly. "well..." He explained what happened, and you went off. "GOKU!!! ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT!? YOU KNOW HOW HE FEELS ABOUT HIS DAMN FATHER!!!!" You shouted at him, he chuckled nervously as he stared down at you. You glared at him a little longer, before you decided to just drop it with a sigh.
"But it wasn't your fault, it's not like you brought it up, you just reminded him of it is all... Can you take me to him? I wanna talk to him, I'm sure he needs the comfort." You said in a small voice. He stared down at you for a moment, his face unreadable, before he gave you a smile. "Sure." He said in a kind voice.
Broly was off on a cliff, he was sitting on the ledge, looking over the city. His tears dried on the way there, but he still had sniffles. He wanted to go home, in his warm bed, with his little companion, and with the love of his life. He liked your cuddles, you somehow always made it all better. He missed you.
You and Goku touched down, a good distance away from Broly. You let go of Goku, quietly thanking him, as you walked towards Broly slowly. "Broly?.. Honey?.. Are you okay?" You timidly asked him as you approached him. He didn't even acknowledge your presence. You continued to walk over towards him, and once close enough, you placed your hand upon his shoulder.
"Broly, are yo-" You stopped in your sentence when Broly whirled on you and he engrossed you into a hug. His face buried into your neck and his arms wrapped around you. Your feet were off the ground, his body hunched slightly over you. "B-broly?" You called out, confused.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm not stronger." He said in a low voice. You listened to his words, soaking in what he was saying, you then wiggled an arm free, wrapping it around his neck and curling it into hair, making him relax instantly. "It's okay Broly. You're strong, very strong. Your father's death isn't your fault, you didn't know he would die." You tried to comfort him.
He shook his head. "No, I should've been more.... focused on him.... I should've been focused.... If only I didn't get angry and lose control." He said, his grip on you slightly tightening. You closed your eyes, getting adjusted to his grip. "B-Broly... it's okay, I promise. Listen to me, you're doing an amazing job, and your father would be proud of you, I promise. He'd be jumping for joy...mentally."
You said in an encouraging tone. "How do you know?" He asked, sounding like a hurt and lost child, the wavering of his voice, gave away the fact that he was on the verge of crying. "I don't.... I don't know.... I can only go off of how much he loved you... he cared for you.... and seeing you grow, into a mighty warrior, seeing you thrive, would make him a proud father." You told him honestly. His grip on you slowly loosened, and you took a deep breath.
You gently cupped his face in your hands, looking him in his eyes. "Broly, listen to me. I love you, with all of my heart. I adore you. I love your little giggles, I love your naps, I love your messy hair, and I love how gentle you are. I love you, for you Broly. And I'm sure that your father did too. He doesn't blame you for his death, you were doing his last wishes, and that was being a warrior." You told him, as you gently cupped his face.
He stared at you, his eyes wide in shock before they gathered with tears and he ducked his head. You smiled sweetly at him. "Come on Broly, let's go home, we have a baby to take care of." You said sweetly. He gave you a confused glance.
"A baby? But we have a puppy." He said in a confused voice. You sighed. "Yes Broly, that's what I was talking about." You said in a drained voice. He gave a small "Oh." You shook your head and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Let's go home." You said. He smiled and nodded, before wrapping an arm around your waist and he flew you both home, for a famous 'Broly Nap'.
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kamiimiya · 3 months
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when was the last time that the two of them actually went out ? wearing her favorite sweater and a comfortable skirt, miya looked happy today, more so than she typically does, which was saying a lot. seishu couldn't help but notice the way that she looked back at him as though she'd never seen anyone else in her life the way she saw him. they both knew it wasn't like that, and she was just comfortable with how things turned out in the end, but it was a nice thought nevertheless. both of them became complacent with the life that they'd been given, making a name out of themselves regardless. seishu worked at d&d motors, miya worked as a hairdresser. the path that they followed wasn't complicated, it was easy. it was, for the most part, carefree. both of them could've been happy like this, slowly but surely forgetting about him all together until he was just another part of their joint past.
" shu-ya, shu-ya, please, can you beat this game for me ? for that little bunny plush keychain over there ? pretty please ? " miya turned around, throwing him those puppy eyes of hers, holding onto the sleeve of his d&d motors work overalls, guiding him towards the dumb little carnival game that she was talking about like an obstinate little child trying to get what she wanted. seishu wouldn't admit it, but she was kind of cute when she pouted like this, determined for something just out of her grasp.
" you can't do it yourself ? " seishu asked, not daring to look down at the begging girl because he knew he would give in immediately and have to fork over the yen to pay for the probably rigged game.
" i tried, but it's one of those where you have to throw a ball at bottles to knock it down. i don't have enough strength in my throws. even with all of that extra fighting training that you've been giving me- " as miya explained, she let go of his sleeve, punching weakly at the air as if to prove her point. " there's no way i would be able to knock down the bottles even if i threw the ball with all of my might. but you're super good at games like this ! so please, shu-ya ? pretty please ? "
seishu knew before he even said anything back to her that he was already roped in to her whims, whether he really wanted to or not. he grumbled something about not wanting to be the one always winning things for her, but she just clung to his arm as he paid for the game and got the five rubber balls given to him. " i don't know what you would do without me. "
" i would be bunnyless, and that wouldn't be very fun, honestly, " miya giggled, trying to fake a small pout but failing, allowing herself to the damsel in distress this time. " i'll definitely win you something at one of these carnival games, just you wait and see, shu-ya ! "
" mm, whatever you say, pretty girl. "
" it's as if you have no faith in me ! i'm completely capable, you just need to believe that i am ! " miya stepped to the side as seishu got ready, rearing back the balls one by one and, sure enough, hitting every target that he set his sights on. of course he was going to be particularly good at this game, he loved most ball games, and had the strength to back up his accuracy. " i really need to train more, i think.. i dont wanna get overshadowed by you at every turn this entire date, right ? "
as the game master pulled the bunny keychain off of the racks above them, handing it to miya, who took it with a big, happy grin on her face and clipped it to her skirt, seishu heard something that he was sure wasn't meant to be really heard by anyone around them.
" tonight's the night, guys.. we gotta take out hanagaki before anything happens with brahman. with him by that senju's side... " the voice's faded out, but seishu felt his blood running cold anyways. looking down at miya, who remained blissfully unaware of the current state of things, he knew that he had to make it to draken in time before they found takemichi.
" miya- "
" you have to go, right ? " she asked, tilting her head as she looked up at him, as if she could read through every thought of his, able to articulate things that he himself wasn't able to put into words. " don't worry about me, seishu. i'm going to be leaving pretty soon after this. "
" no, there are gang members out today, i need to take you home- "
" you don't have time ! you have to go, someone's life is on the table here. if you don't go now, then you might not make it. come back for me, shu-ya. i'll be here waiting for you. don't worry, i'm not going anywhere. " she flashed him a small, determined smile, as it to prove that she wasn't going to be going anywhere. " and then we can continue this date of ours. you can come find me back in my place and we can watch a whole bunch of silly movies or something. it'll be nice, i'm sure. "
seishu took a deep breath, knowing that she was right and he wasn't going to win this argument with her, not when she'd made up her mind like this. she was always like that, always putting herself on the back burner for other people. seishu in his younger years took advantage of her gentleness, using her as a way to contact an old friend of his when he was in reform school. but never again. he wouldn't use anyone ever again, especially her. leaning over, he pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his hands on her shoulders for a second. " go home immediately. i'll see you there. "
" i'll see you there, shu-ya ! " miya grinned, her cheeks tinted pink at the little kiss that he had given her, holding onto the bunny tighter as seishu pulled away, giving her a little nod before turning his back, leaving her behind.
now, alone, she could feel it happening again as she settled down onto a nearby bench. it happened whenever she wasn't around seishu or someone else, when she was just alone with her thoughts. she thought about him, and how she picked this life for herself. this was ultimately the correct path, the way that she was going that would lead to happiness on her end. she could see it, knew exactly what was going to happen. slowly, she was falling in love with seishu. they'd both avoid the topic all together of him, each while knowing that he's still very much out there.
kanto manji. she was more aware of who they all truly were more than she let on, although she didn't know everything. she knew about the leader, mikey, and she was smart enough not to go digging around for information on him. she'd read up on the haitani brothers, ran and rindo, especially about their manslaughter charges. takeomi, kakucho, mochizuku. miya was at the very least loosely aware of all of them. but him, he was always the subject of her secret readings on the kanto manji gang. it was always her way of checking up on him without actually coming across him. she knew that he was a different person now, that he was a worse person than what she remembered.
kokonoi hajime, the man who she'd naively fell in love with first. she'd see the uniform of the members out on the street and wonder if they knew anything about hajime personally, but she wasn't stupid enough to go poking around for information about him. not when she had happiness right in front of her. not when she could tangibly hold something in her hands and say ' this is what happiness is. this is life, and i'm happy with it. ' like the rabbit that seishu had just bought for her.
" hajime.. what are you doing now ? " miya whispered to herself, looking at her hands, at the ends of her sweater that she loved so much that she couldn't bare to throw away. it was amazing that it still fit her after all of this time.
" ma'am ? can you help me ? i can't find my mommy.. " a little boy had approached her, tears in his eyes as he shook out of fear. " she was just right here and told me to wait for a second while she went for the bathroom, but she hasn't come back now. "
" what's your mom look like ? " miya asked, leaning down to get a good look at the kid. he had dark black hair, and thin, shifty eyes. he looked similar to someone she knew, and it just made her heart beat against her chest thinking about him. she knew she was supposed to go straight home, but the chances of her bumping into the wrong crowd was slim, at least, so she thought. what was the chances that this hanagaki and senju were in the same area as she was ? even if they were, she wasn't a part of this gang fight, she'd be fine. she just had to find this kid's mother and then go right back home.
" she's got black hair, like me. but its so super long, like yours ! and she's got the prettiest eyes, and she's kinda plump. mommy says not to call her that and that it's just baby weight, but i'm not a baby anymore so it can't be from me. and... oh ! she's like, uh.. short ? "
miya giggled a little at the description of the kid's mom, standing up and brushing off her sweater in case she'd sat on anything on the bench. " alright, let's go look for your mom. i'm sure she can't be too far off, right ? "
an hour later, she was still wandering around with the kid, calling out for the lady, or just looking for a park officer around. her brother was a guard at the reform school, she was taught how to look for people and when to give up rather early in her life, but this was weird. it was like everyone she met had a look in their eyes that told her that she shouldn't say anything to them. and there were no officers around, none that she could find anyways. and the crowd was getting thicker and thicker to the point that she was having to squeeze by people just to be able to move a few feet forward.
" hey, i'm sorry about this, kid, " miya explained, looking down at the kid with a small frown on her face, never letting go of his hand. " it seems like the park got really busy all of a sudden, and everyone's in a bit of a rush to get to places. but don't worry, once we find an officer, we'll have a better chance at finding your mother. "
" th-thank you, but i.. i don't know.. what if we never find her ? " the kid was crying hard by this point, wiping his tears with his free hand, no longer trying to hide how scared he was about being separated from his mother.
" we- "
" there- there's a- a man ! he's dead ! " shouting came from several yards ahead of her, and miya paused, panic surging through her. no way.. the attack on that hanagaki and senju.. it was here, of all places ?! she was right in the middle of where she'd promised seishu she wouldn't be, and now, being pushed in between the crowds with a kid in her hands, she couldn't just turn tail and run. she had no choice but to continue pressing forward, at least until she could find out something else at this moment. she wondered if seishu was on his way to her apartment, or if he was in the middle of the battle, too.
" come on, we'll go this way, a little ways around the chaos- " she urged the kid, nudging him along the best she could. the atmosphere was tense, and even through the throngs of people, she could smell the faintest scent of iron, from bullets and blood. someone had gotten shot, several times, probably. as horrible as it was, she knew that someone was going to call the cops, and if she could just keep some space between herself and the kid, and the fight going on, then police would arrive and she would be able to deliver him in hands better equipped to help him than herself at this point.
" there's an ambulance there ! come on, kid, we're about to find someone who can help you find your mom ! " while she was walking, she saw just how distraught the kid was, and picked him up, carrying him piggyback on her back while she moved forward, now able to walk a little faster without having to worry about his safety. " we're right there, it's okay. we'll find your mom for sure, no matter what. "
there, she saw an opening through the people, and she pushed herself past, walking up next to a blonde boy and a young girl, each with tears in their eyes. as she got closer, she recognized the person, takemichi, as a person who went to visit d&d motors from time to time. " takemichi ! " she yelled, her eyes wide as she saw someone tall getting loaded into the back of an ambulance. " takemichi, what happened ? " wasn't his family name... hanagaki ? and this girl beside him must be senju.. miya had a bad feeling about being right here.
" i-its- it's draken- he- " takemichi started, prompting miya to turn and look over, finally recognizing who was getting taken to the hospital.
" draken..?! does that mean, oh no.. ! " miya gasped, her eyes blown wide as tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. " draken, he... he's.. oh my god.. " she wondered if seishu knew, if he was even aware of draken's passing at this time. all of the nights she'd spent with draken and seishu, watching the two of them work on bikes and share in the little joys, all felt so far away now. the peace ripped out from underneath them like the cruelest of jokes. " takemichi ! is.. is shu-ya here ? did he come back ? "
" shu- oh, you mean seishu ? no, he's not here, i haven't seen him. "
miya knew that she needed to call seishu, needed to make sure that he was safe and if everything was okay at the end of the day. she approached the paramedics, but before she could, she heard a woman's yelling rip through the crowds of people curious about what was happening. " my son ! that's my son ! "
she let the kid drop down, watching as he ran towards a plump woman, her protective arms wrapped around him as she started to cry hysterically about finally being reunited with her son. the boy turned back and looked at miya, waving and yelling his thanks to her through his tears.
" takemichi, we should probably - "
she turned to senju, realizing that the girl needed to leave, too, especially if draken had already died trying to protect both of them. but she was talking with two tall men, arguing about something that she didn't really understand. without warning, miya, takemichi, and senju found themselves in the center of two gangs, each one yelling and cursing at each other, wishing nothing but the worst for each. it was a god damn bloodbath, and miya had done such a shitty job managing to protect herself and getting herself out of this situation.
" takemichi ! i have to go, i can't.. ! i can't be here ! " miya could feel her heart beating against her chest, knowing that nothing good could come out of this if one man was already dead. rokuhara tandai and brahman were about to get ready for an all out murder spree, and miya didn't want any part of it. not when she was comfortable where she was. not when happiness was so fucking close.
as she made moves to try to escape the tense situation, she turned her head instinctually at the sound of a loud motor coming this way, and then some silence. silence before her world shattered before her. the kanto manji gang arrived on the scene. in front, mikey, the leader, the look in his eyes nothing short of murderous. someone's blood was going to be spilled today, and miya already knew that it was mikey who was going to be the one ripping through the people like a murderous dog.
and kokonoi hajime. of course he had to be a part of this, too. it would be far too gentle of fate to let her go on with her life without having to confront the past head on like this. but he was there, she'd know that man if she were blind and he were deaf. she'd know him in a crowd of a hundred lookalikes. she knew him by the way her heart beat seemed to slow and quicken at the same time, taking in each second she was in his presence as if she were never going to live another second to see him again.
here he was, unbothered, on the opposite side of the path that she decided to choose. miya had thought so many times about what would've happened if she followed kokonoi instead of seishu. would kokonoi still hate her as much as he did ? would it have gone differently ?
could she have saved him from this fate that he chose for himself ?
" get out of here. now, " senju warned her, the girl's voice low as she spoke to just her, more than aware of how brutal this fight was going to be. " they don't care if you're a bystander. if you're in the way, you're going to get killed. "
miya didn't respond, tunnel vision keeping her frozen in place. inside she battled a war between herself and what she knew was best for her. she knew that he wasn't the man she knew, or, perhaps he was. perhaps he was always capable of murder. perhaps he was always capable of being a horrible person. maybe he always was. she didn't know. she just knew that if she didn't try now, she'd never get this chance again. the chance to speak to him and air out so many grievances about him that she'd harbored and resenting over the two years that they were apart. curse him for not coming back for her, for not even saying hello.
senju wasn't as forgiving as the others, she grabbed miya by the shoulders and roughly shoved her to the side, sending her stumbling back into some brahman men. " get her out of here. keep pushing her until she's ready to walk on her own. doesn't she have somewhere she needs to be ? now's not the time to be out of it, girl. "
with the orders of their leader, the men kept pushing her further back into the crowd, especially as the all out bloodbath started. miya tried to shuffle her way away from them, but it didn't work. there was no way she was going to be as strong as any of these brahman men, much less strong enough to stand toe to toe against them and win. but when the war got started, the shoving got less and less as she got near towards the crowd. a few hands within the crowd reached for her, recognizing her as just an innocent bystander.
she wasn't an idiot. she knew better than anyone not to get in the middle of fights between these types of people. she knew that if she didn't have the protection of her brother in the reform school, she would've ended hurt. if she didn't have the protection of seishu and hajime in black dragon, she would've been hurt. if she didn't have the protection of seishu and the toman members, she would've been hurt. her entire life, she'd been around these gangs and knew exactly how they worked, but she was always protected. to hurt her meant to hurt someone else who was much stronger than her. she knew not to go around and do stupid stuff because it would cause unnecessary problems on her stead. she knew that she was better off on the sidelines than she ever was in the middle of the fight.
but it was just her now. there was no one protecting her. she was on her own on this one, and she knew that. she knew that if she got herself hurt here, it would be her own fault. she was stupid enough to go out into the middle of a fight while perfectly knowing what she was getting herself into.
that didn't stop her from moving forward, anyways. miya knew, she just ignored the signs of danger ahead of her. or, she just didn't care. some things were more important than the possibility of getting hurt. and getting answers was one of them. she wanted to know why hajime ended up the way that he did. she wanted to help him, to save him. even if she couldn't, then she could at least go through life saying that she did everything that she could for him, even putting herself in harms way.
so she weaved through the crowd, ducking and running whenever someone would approach her. she knew that hajime hadn't moved much, not until mikey did. that's the way that hajime was. he preferred standing behind someone and waiting to act instead of doing it himself, that much she knew would never change about him.
when she finally managed to close some distance between the two of them, she found mikey in a brawl with someone she didn't recognize, although it couldn't necessarily really be called a fight. mikey was dominating, easily. but there hajime was, standing a little ways behind him and overlooking everything, his analytical eyes scanning over everything for any possible hint of the outcome of this war. but he couldn't have anticipated her.
" ha-hajime..! koko..!? " she yelled, finding her hands were shaking as she stood in front of koko, just inches away from him now. he was right there, and if they both reached out, they could grab each other's hands. instead, they remained that distance away from each other. " koko, i- i found you.. i have.. so much shit that i want to tell you. so fucking much, you have no idea, koko. are you actually a fucking idiot ? "
" miya. " kokonoi started, looking up at her, trying to conceal the surprise in his eyes, but he couldn't hide it from her. she knew, even when he thought he was doing such a good job at hiding the way he was feeling. " you sure do love sticking around like a fly. "
" says you ! you're just like me, if you couldn't tell. you couldn't give up a life that you'd lived for so long. drugs, violence, bloodshed.. and that's just the tip of the iceberg for you ! you've done it all in your lifetime, even since you were a kid ! " miya took a step forward, her hands balled into fists, but they both knew that she wasn't going to strike him. she was just angry, and venting out her frustrations after two years of being separated.
" finally, something that you're fucking right about. yeah, i've done it all. anything that paid, i was the one controlling it from the start. and you still can't see that some of us just can't go past this. this is all that they are- all that i am ! and you have the fucking nerve to come in here and spout some bullshit about me like you know what it's like ? don't fucking play with me, miya. "
" but you didn't have to go down this path to begin with ! " she grabbed him by the fabric of his shirt, pulling him just inches away from her face. " you didn't have to go about this alone ! you had people around you that wanted to help ! shu-ya, and me ! we were there ! you shut us out ! you had an escape to do something different with your life and you decided not to take it. and i just.. i don't.. i don't get it. why wouldn't you just be happy with what you had.. why were you so busy chasing something that was no longer reachable.. why were you never happy with me.. "
" miya- "
she blinked her eyes a couple of times, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at the familiar face of someone she loved so desperately it hurt her. second choice. she'd always be second choice. an after thought that people would have once their original plans went through. that's how it always was. she was good at being a side character in her own life story. she was good at being a nobody, even to the people she cared about. " why not me..? " she whispered, hands clenching his shirt tightly, head down as she cried. " i couldn't be enough for you. it didn't matter what i did to help. didn't matter if i got my own hands dirty. you'd never.. look my way the way i wanted you to. i'm barely enough for shu-ya, but i can tell. he'd prefer to have his best friend by his side than me. from the day i met you, i just wanted to help. i wanted to see you smile a genuine smile. but.. "
" giving you trouble, koko ? " the unfamiliar voice asked, cold metal pressed against the back of her head. " just say the word, it'll be quick. "
hajime hesitated, making eye contact with the man, and then back down at miya, who's eyes were still crying even with a gun pressed against her head, her face so ghostly pale. " miya. you've got it wrong, all wrong. you always were too hard on your- "
the loud rush of a bullet through the gun rang through the air, and miya's head hit his shoulder, her blood smearing on his uniform before her body fell limp in front of him, her hands dropping the fabric of his uniform, suddenly cold. " no.. wait.. " he whispered, feeling the tears bubble up underneath his wide eyes, his teeth clenched together. " you weren't.. you weren't supposed to be here. not you. not now. "
he dropped down onto his knees, finding himself weaker than he'd ever felt before, even back then. " she can't.. " he whispered, holding onto her body, head buried in the crook of her neck. " she can't even have a good life with inupi now.. "
the war of the three deities raged on around him, but kokonoi was inconsolable. the gunshot had been an accident - the kanto manji member thought that hajime needed him to end it for him, that she was just a regular bystander and that he didn't have the strength to kill her himself. murder wasn't a new thing for the kanto manji gang, most didn't even flinch at a kill in cold blood like this, especially not koko, who'd orchestrated more than one kill just for some cash. besides, he couldn't afford to go weak now, not when he was too deep in. miya's death solidified this fact to him, as if it needed reteaching to him.
she wasn't the only one who died that night, either. draken died, and mikey killed south, and almost killed takemichi, too. senju managed to stop him from killing takemichi off completely, and hajime stopped the entire fight in time, ending it all before it could escalate again. the murder count for this one fight was far too high for anyone to be comfortable. with takemichi on his back and something in his hand, hajime made a slow walk towards d&d motors, knowing he would hate the next few hours more than anything else in his entire life. no one prepared him for what he was going to have to tell seishu.
pounding on the door, hajime watched as seishu noticed him and ran to open the door. " take him.. to the hospital.. " he muttered, his breath coming in ragged as he tried to hold onto takemichi as long as he possibly could.
" wait here ! i'll get the car ! "
" make it fast ! " hajime yelled, watching as seishu sprinted away towards the parking lot to grab the company truck. when he came back, seishu opened the door for hajime to throw takemichi into the back of the van.
" what.. happened ? "
hajime shrugged takemichi into the car as he made eye contact with seishu. " draken and south are both dead.. miya is too. " hajime spat out the last words from his mouth before he had a chance to back down from saying what needed to be said.
" ..what..? what did you.. just say to me ? " seishu whispered, anger coursing through him as he took a step closer to hajime, and then, without warning, he reeled back, punching hajime square in the jaw, enough to throw his head to the side and make hajime stumble against the door of the truck. " what was she doing in the middle of the fucking fight ? what did you do to her ?! "
" i let her die. "
" you fucking.. " hajime didn't even try to fight back against seishu, letting the man throw punch after punch, breaking his nose. seishu knocked hajime down onto the hard asphalt and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, picking him back up. " are you happy like this ? with this road of violence that you chose ? is this the way you want to live ? "
" dumbass.. " hajime muttered, face bloodied and bruised from seishu's onslaught of punches. even still, while taking seishu's punches several times, he forced a fake smile, that completely betrayed the tears streaking down his face. " of course i'm happy. i chose this life for what it could offer me. "
" it took everything away from you ! away from me ! you've taken everything from me ! my sister, my home, half of my fucking face ! and now draken and... her.. she's dead, koko ! and she's not coming back ! no matter how much money you save up or how much shit you do to try to erase the past, they're all fucking gone ! "
hajime pushed off seishu with the most force that he could muster out of his already exhausted body. " following mikey is like betting on the winning horse. ...inupi. " he held out his hand, pulling out the toy rabbit keychain that he found on miya's body. " you should probably have this. you chose.. a good person, inupi. "
seishu looked at the little rabbit keychain in his hand, trying to find it in him to say something else, do something else. but he couldn't. there wasn't anything left for him to say to hajime. all he could do is hop in the truck and take takemichi to the hospital and hope that his name doesn't get added to the list of causalities, too.
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" knock-knock ! " miya called out, opening the door of s.s motor before anyone could give her a proper answer. hajime stood right behind her, in his hand was a gift for shinichiro as an offering for taking seishu away from the shop. " shu-ya, shu-ya ! " she yelled, her eyes searching for seishu when she spotted him on the floor next to the bike that he'd been working on all day. " shu-ya..! " too excited to see him, miya rushed up to him, running at full speed across the shop while he tried to scramble in time to stand up. but he misjudged just how fast she could be when she was excited, and she ended up colliding with him head first, her arms wrapped around him as they both got knocked down into a tight hug.
" shu-ya, come to lunch with us ! " she declared as the man hesitantly returned the hug, her warm body pressed against his. " shinichiro, please, can we steal shu-ya for a little while ? pretty please ? i promise haji and i will make it up to you ! "
" sure, i'm not holding him here against his will. i was actually thinking it was about time for the two of you to visit us. " shinichiro joked softly, poking his head up from the bike that he was working on. " go ahead and steal him away from me. i won't be that mad, i promise. "
" yay ! shu-ya, what do you feel like eating ? i feel like eating something from that shop we all used to frequent a lot, but haji here wants to try that new shop that opened downtown a little ways away. sugoaku i think it's called ? with the twins ! "
" sugoaku sounds good. " seishu admitted, shrugging a little while still trapped in a hug from miya. hajime knelt down beside the two of them, a small, content smile on the man's face.
" good choice, inupi. "
" of course you would agree with haji ! ugh, i swear, no one wants to do what i wanna do, " miya pouted, shaking her head angrily as she finally let go and crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at hajime and immediately breaking character. " alright ! fine, sugoaku it is. only because there's no way i can say no to the two of you. but you guys owe me a stop to the ice cream shop, too ! deal ? "
" deal. "
" then let's go ! " miya grinned, pressing a kiss onto the man's lips. " we've got to go before it starts getting dark, i promised emma i'd watch the baby for her and i don't wanna be sleepy. "
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— ♡ selfship blog | minors do not interact | kamiimiya
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nctdreamcokr · 2 years
⋆ ┊yanna’s corner: friendship talk ep. 1┊⋆
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“friendship talk” will have 22 episodes with a different member each one, the show focuses on talking about the relationship yanna has built with each member as well as notable moments and experiences they’ve had together. the order is random, but feel free to request for a certain member to come next and you can also leave a question/s for them to answer.
yanna’s dialogue = italics, ten’s dialogue = bold italics
(filmed after the last day of smtown in tokyo)
pre-filming conversations:
yanna sat in front of the camera, being given the question cards as the staff started putting food on the table.
“can i speak in english? it’s ten-hyung anyways”, she checked with the staff and the replied that it was fine. they’re just gonna translate and add korean subs on the video. she rummaged through the questions and laughed at the fan-asked ones, wondering if ten approved them and were comfortable talking about such things. the staff replied that he was and she mentioned her relief.
actual video
for a more comfortable setting, most of the staffs were asked to leave the hotel room. it was only yanna, ten & one of the managers behind the camera to help them with the questions they’re supposed to answer.
“today… is the first episode of ‘friendship talk’. we have food, so we’re just mostly gonna eat and talk about the last… 8(?) years of our friendship. how do you feel about that, hyung?”
ten could only proudly look at her
“it’s an honor to be on yanna’s corner”
of course, teasingly.
yanna only reacted by grabbing sushi with her chopsticks and acting like she didn’t hear him.
“this was a bad idea”
“i feel good. and i feel like i’ll enjoy the conversations we’ll be having. it’s not all the time that we get to talk about things like these…”
cue yanna clapping at his response, saying “as expected”
grabbing her chopsticks, the girl placed different kinds of sushi on her plate and asked which ones he liked so she could put some on his as well.
they talked about which language they’ll be using and both agreed on english but with mixed korean.
“are you ready?” “no, i’m nervous all of a sudden”
first question: “how did you two meet?”
“i remember /exactly/ where and how i met you”
cue yanna biting on her chopsticks unsure if they were remembering the same thing
“let’s say it in unison so we’ll know if we remember the same thing”
“outside the dorms because of johnny-hyung”
“after training with johnny-hyung”
yanna clapped as soon as they both answered, delighted that she remembered the same thing. ten the initiated a high-five as he smiled proudly.
“i was so scared that i was wrong”,
cue ten giving her water while laughing.
“we met because, it was after training for that day and johnny-hyung and i were going back to the dorms… ae-cha was crying outside”
yanna already covering her face in pure embarrassment.
“i really cried a lot when i was a trainee, it was really no joke”.
“you did, i was shocked. i, like, saw you a lot with mark and the others but i was surprised seeing you crying outside our dorms. i thought one of the trainees were fighting with you….”
both of them laughing at his deduction.
“i really just cried over simple things”
“she was crying and johnny-hyung got so worried so i was like (😦) too, even though we never formally, like, met. then she told us why she was crying, then-“ he stopped when yanna suddenly hit his arm— embarrassed about the next part of the story. but ten only continued.
“she had tears in her eyes, she had like puppy dog eyes when crying and she looked up to me and was like ‘who are you?’ while /still/ sobbing”
yanna pouted as she listened in on ten’s story about her, munching on her sushi shyly. she remembered that, as well as how johnny laughed saying she looked so lost all of a sudden.
“after that, we started approaching each other more. ‘cause our dance teachers talked highly of her, and i would be like ‘oh, /that/ yanna’”
“i can’t remember why i was crying…”
second question: what’s your favorite memory with each other?
yanna started clapping and laughing as she remembered hers, even raising her hand like it was necessary.
“it was in 2018”
cue ten genuinely confused, not remembering what it was.
“ten-hyung took me out to go eat bingsu…”
she glanced at him to check if he was getting where she was going with her story.
“we ate bingsu nearby our dorms and he told me that he was going to be in a new unit.”
“why’s that your favorite?”
ten still confused because he didn’t expect yanna to answer with that since it was just a random day for them.
“because you looked really excited and happy about it, after so long i saw you in that state and it really made me vividly remember how you looked like that time…”
the two turned quiet for a few seconds, making yanna shy before silently laughing.
“see, i knew this was gonna be weird at one point.”
her manager saying “you’re gonna make someone cry in one of these episodes, or you’re gonna cry” and she just continues eating while ten laughs.
“anyways, your turn”, she turned the question around and ten could only laugh even more.
“mine was back in trainee days”
“the first time you performed at the rookies show and you cried”
cue him laughing at her again.
“why am i always crying in your memories…”
“you cried, and that time you were already close with us. almost everyone. but even though that was true, you ran to me that time while crying. i, really, i was so touched”, he told her truthfully.
“i didn’t think you’d remember that….”
“i hugged hyung that time because you helped me become confident while i was practicing with mark-hyung and you seemed like you were willing to hug me, i feel like everyone else was also nervous and you seemed like you were fine.”
“but seriously why was i always crying…”
third question: what is your favorite thing about each other?
“ten-hyung liked me as i am from the start.”
cue ten smiling widely because his answer was greatly linked to that
“like, since we’ve talked about me crying a lot during trainee days, even though he knew that he never told me to be like ‘stronger’ or to stop being sensitive. with other things too, he never forces me to be like this or that. and, it’s not that other members force me to become something i’m not, but they always tell me to be stronger and that’s okay. i do need that sometimes, but ten-hyung’s always like ‘that’s fine, you’ve always been like that’. i like how he guides me that way instead of the other way.”
yanna looking away because she’s realizing it’s awkward.
so ten just answers as well while laughing at her.
“mine’s that you never change.”
yanna literally ignoring him while she drinks water.
“a lot of things changed but your heart never does, it’s just channeled towards other things now. but the way you love people is still the same, you treat those people dear to you the same. you’ve just learned how to hide yourself from people who don’t know you, but that’s okay. you needed to protect yourself a lot and that’s alright. but i really like how you never change towards me no matter, like, how far away i am and stuff like that.”
skips to the next question before anyone gets emotional
fourth question: describe each other in one word.
“are you saying i’m your fan…?”
“no, actually lovely. but that works too.”
“ten hyung’s… awesome.”
them high-fiving for no reason.
fifth question: what’s one thing you’ve wanted to do together but haven’t yet?
“ah, we want to be in a unit together! just us. and jisung!”
“right right right, we’ve been wanting to do that and we had idea back in 2020 but then jisung got injured so started just adding ideas into it even more. by now, we’ve got a great concept in mind.”
“i’ve also been meaning to take her to thailand again, just us.”
yanna agreeing while chewing on her sushi.
sixth/last question: what’s something czennies don’t know about you two?
“ten-hyung… got mad at me once, because he took louis and leon to my apartment and they didn’t want to leave.”
cue both of them laughing but also ten stuffing his mouth with sushi, slightly embarrassed.
“it wasn’t like ‘MAD mad’ but he was like ‘ae-cha, do something about it!’ and he was so irritated and i kinda didn’t wanna do anything because it was funny to me.”
it took them a while to move on before ten could give his answer.
“uhm.. yanna.. OH, yanna had me blocked the whole time i was in china!”
cue both of them laughing once again, causing ten’s water to spill all around the table.
literally a panicked yanna still laughing while wiping it with tissues and ten’s just enjoying the chaos. she then explains:
“i didn’t know i had him blocked… yangyang asked me so seriously about it like ‘did you two fight?’ and i was just like ‘no?? wait, what?’”.
“i told yangyang about it and he said maybe you weren’t feeling good and i was like ‘it’s been months though, what kind of year is she having?’”
cue both of them laughing as they remembered yangyang’s confusion.
a message to end the episode with:
yanna’s already laughing and grabbing a tissue jokingly to pass to ten while he just laughs as well.
“firstly, i’m really proud of you. you keep achieving new and better things, that you rightfully deserve. and, i’m thankful that you never get sick of guiding me despite us not having much time to be together. i really admire your hardwork and dedication as an artist, but i also admire you for being a great person and friend.”
finding it awkward, yanna starts drinking water as ten puts an arm around her and gives a hug.
before starting his message, ten told the girl to look at him while giggling.
“you grew up well, really.”
the two smiled at each other with teary eyes before jokingly punching each other to make the mood lighter.
the episode ends with a hug and pats on the back as the two kept saying “good job” to each other.
➻ requests are always open!
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