#toddler behavior tbh
ceasarslegion · 11 months
Oh my god you made your entire personality about how much you hate the mcu? You bring up how much the mcu sucks every 2 seconds? You cant get through one conversation about cinematic art without bringing up how everyone who watches a marvel movie is just a mindless consumer drone killing all art forever? What a new concept that no one has ever done before you have such elevated tastes in film and media and everybody wants to suck your dick for that and its totally not getting tiring and annoying at all king keep defining your relationship to media with how much you hate Mainstream Thing its your key to happiness in life and everyone who asks you to stop cyberbullying them over movies is just not letting you dislike anything anymore
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gorgeousemoon · 9 months
Quote from victim: "you're literally seniors. Why." "I didn't know people acted like that outside of school"
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guinevereslancelot · 5 months
please please please let me get the job that is 11 minutes away from me on quiet roads and not have to take the one with city traffic three traffic circles and a scary turn amen 🙏
#genuinely the job im interviewing for i would turn out of my driveway on a quiet rd turn onto the road my house is on the corner of#which is also pretty quiet#then go straight for ten minutes#the other one i have to choose between a scary turn or doing three rotaries 😬#only one of the rotaries is bad but still#also!! my friend and mentor works at this other place and the ratio of kids to teachers is way better#pay would be about the same to start but im hoping they'll eventually be able to pay more#bc it seems like s pretty fancy school tbh#anywayyy#im really anxious abt the job i accepted so i hope i can switch to this other one#but even if they dont hire me i still have a job so its not the end of the world#im just such a terrible oblivious and nervous driver lol#and im lowkey worried ibcant handle the kods at the first job#some of them are very difficult and one of them has serious behavioral issues she should probably have an aide assigned to just her but ala#but the ratio of teachers to kids is 8 kids to 1 teacher which is really hard at that age#and i've never worked with such a large class before#i applaied for the baby/toddler teacher but they asked me to do prek instead which has more behavioral issues imo#but the other job w my friend is toddler#which is a fun age to work with#so hopefully i can do that#also im not totally sure but i think that I would literally be co teaching with my friend#which would be awesome bc she already thinks im the best lol and we work well together :)#and my co teacher at the other job seems kind of mean :(
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roseurer · 1 year
owning a dog seems less appealing the older I get.
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vividviverrid · 2 years
"what advice do you have for new writers?" well i could say the typical (but important!) "practice" "read books" but my PERSONAL advice as someone who's been writing since he was a toddler is as follows: feel every emotion u can & touch every texture u can & search for obscure facts or antiquated words or animal behavior or something you wouldn't normally think about. the most arbitrary things can bring inspiration. branch out! leave your comfort zone and seek things that are new & unknown to you. learn to find wonder and beauty in some aspect of the world, but hopefully many aspects. learn how to be patient tbh. fall in any kind of love with anything. most importantly treat yourself with kindness and care and forgiveness - i get wanting to write about pain, trust me, but also trust me, your writing will evolve as your perception of yourself softens. oh yeah and always have a pen on you
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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I'm just going to start talking about my celestials each month to give you all some low effort and fun(for me) content. Also doing full illustrations of them as well, with some design notes at the end.
My interpretation of loodvigg, named Fhobia Denta Latrostratous (they're one of the three celstials with a full name at the moment) is a fair bit different from other's interpretations of it for extremely personal reasons. They're a tad bit strange, and creepy looking, but overall they are a compassionate (in their own strange way, like almost everything about them) and creative individual that's held as a role model for all shadowkind. They also have a lavender colored ring around their pupils so their eyes aren't fully pink, which is the main difference from the cannon loodvigg, along with the subtly different feathers, lower body, markings on the abdomen, and scales on the arms.
They are generally unexpressive (tonealy, the main way monsters express their emotions) yet VERY emotional. Over the years they gradually became more in control of their emotions due to sheer life experience, but they are still a little more irrational and driven by emotion than most of the other celestials.
They hate being touched, loud sudden/repetitive noises, math, people or things that get too into the meaning of art and other stuff like that, and the texture of a few things like fish meat or coarse fabrics. There are very few things they have a neutral opinion on, one of which is the taste of blood by itself.
They love keeping up their appearance in most situations, for example, their hair isn't naturally like that, they use their saliva like hair jell and specifically style it to look like that, also they would be absolutely rancid smelling and filthy with their diet of fresh meat and preferred locals of wet warm caves. They spend a lot of time cleaning themselves, which is extremely rare for monsters. They also like eating more than your average monster, they eat like a toddler because of how preoccupied with eating they get, collecting/making taxidermy and other oddities, and all critters, especially invertebrates though.
They are majorly interested in biological sciences, specifically preservation and taxonomy. They gave the celestials and dof era monsters/critters their scientific names(no I don't have scientific names for the celestials yet, I've kinda ran out of ideas for scientific names tbh). They happen to spend a lot of their time in a very large cave network with a lot of different types of caves that make good enclosures for keeping critters to study.
They care a lot about the other celestials as they are siblings and gets very angry if something bad happens to them, only if they feel it's undeserved, their empathy is a bit wacky and  inconsistent.
Also most shadow monsters tend to share in its odd mannerisms, sometimes the behaviors show up in completely non shadow affiliated monsters and no one knows why.
Disclaimer (I think that's the right word), yes you guessed right, Fhobia and the large majority of the shadow monsters are autistic, the term isn't used in universe as the monsters don't have a word for autism as they aren't that into psychology and "the way that monster is" has worked in place of a proper word historically, monsters aren't into categorizing others.
as for design notes and process here it is! all the stuff in red boxes are final.
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pedge-page · 5 months
Do you think Joel would be offended when toddler Sarah tells him that he’s not her friend anymore because she’s upset with him?
TBH I don't think Joel would take it seriously because he views Sarah and Momma the same way. They get upset, they overreact and say they hate him, and then pout, and its only a matter of 30 seconds before they're crawling back to him for kisses and milkshakes.
He won't even act upset. Just goes "ah huh ok." And Sarah will tell him what a great friend he's losing, and try to make him feel guilty over it. And he's just like "ok cool." Doesn't entertain it at all.
And she'll storm around trying to get him upset until she realizes he won't crack and she misses her Dad.
Preggo Wife's tantrums last just a little bit longer, and he usually grovels if he just wants her to get over it sooner. Otherwise, Sarah and Momma are one and the same, and he knows exactly how to navigate their behavioral patterns.
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presidenthades · 3 months
I just got into your House full of daughters series and I'm crying laughing at Jeff and Daeron being the "me and my hot witch wife" meme.
Also I'm sorry if you've answered this already but how does Alicent feel about the Velagirls and by extension their relationships with her sons?
(I'm also a bit curious about Otto's thoughts on them or if he truly doesn't think about them beyond the guaranteed promise that his line will always sit the Iron throne?)
That meme describes them perfectly. 👌🏼
Alicent is generally less antagonistic in the ficverse than in canon. She doesn’t have a hangup about bastardy, and the girls’ improved relationship with the bros makes her feel less threatened and worried about their lives.
It wasn’t always smooth sailing, though. When Jace was born, Alicent and Rhaenyra were still having a rough patch, and Alicent was one of the people who initially made snide comments about Jace’s hair color. I like to think that Aegon and Jace’s Great Iron Throne Escapade helped turn Alicent’s opinion around, and that was when she began seriously thinking about them as a match. Jace shares a lot of similarities with Alicent, so overall Alicent likes her a lot.
Alicent is less fond of Luce. She was mostly OK with Luce before Driftmark, even if Alicent disapproved of Luce’s unladylike behavior. But Driftmark and Aemond losing his eye worsened Alicent’s opinion of her. I’m planning on fleshing out Luce and Alicent’s relationship in Compromised, so I won’t say too much right now.
Joff… 😅 Until about age two, Alicent felt pity for Joff more than anything. Joff was a sickly baby, and then she was seemingly slow to develop as an infant/toddler. But once Joff started talking and showing more of her personality, Alicent got weirded out real fast. 😂 Sometimes Alicent worries about Daeron possibly ending up as one of Joff’s experiment subjects.
Of all the Velargirls, Otto is most focused on Jace. He’s been the Number One Jacegon Shipper since she was born. Once he actually met her, he liked her even more because she comes off as very reasonable and cautious. TBH he probably thinks she’s too good for Aegon, but he’s gonna do his best to matchmake them anyway.
Luce and Joff are more secondary in his opinion. Luce being heir to Driftmark is interesting to him, but once Jace is securely married to Aegon, Otto feels confident in the Velaryons’ loyalty to the bloodline they will eventually produce together. If Aemond weren’t so interested in Luce, Otto wouldn’t think about her so much.
Otto is occasionally concerned about Joff’s weirdness, but usually he ignores her. She doesn’t have any inheritance of note, so she’s even less interesting than Luce on the political game board.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 2 days
Worst race in WoW rp? Human males.
I now go out of my way to avoid any rp with human males (or worgen males who rp in human form), especially if they're played by white cis men. They are the most problematic group in the game bar none.
They consistently fuck up any rp they get involved in because their character is just an egotistical projection to compensate for their personal male inadequacies. Their roleplay is either some DEUS VULT holy warrior bullshit where they godmod their racism all over any non-human characters, or they try hard as fuck to be Tommy Shelby when really they're just Tommy Wiseau with a "u wot m8" accent. OR they're a "wise old sorcerer" who exerts their intellectualism onto any young woman standing alone in the Lamb. Oh, and let's not forget the assholes who want to be as close to the rank of king as lore-abidingly possible–all adult toddlers with a raging case of megalomania.
The ego cis men imbue their characters with has singlehandedly dismantled so many public rp hubs and guilds because they HAVE to be the big man on campus. I've seen it happen time and time again, where one or more will show up uninvited to a brawl or dispute of any kind across SW because they metagamed learning about it. They HAVE to be the strongest, smartest, funniest, most vicious, most aloof, most politically savvy, and most connected, which just translates to blowhard attitudes and unnecessary conflict as they try to assert their dominance over everyone else. Women? Holes to fuck. Men who love their wives? Spineless cucks. Non-humans? Inferior or a device to be used (i.e. having a draenei as a meat shield). Everyone is an NPC and just a means to an end for their rp. Oh, and their ERP? So much attention to detail when it comes to their muscles and dick veins that it ironically borders on homoerotica.
And if you sit in vc or chat with these guys, it's the biggest stroke fest. They oocly rip on whoever confronts them, make dumb jokes about other OCs, and fellate themselves for writing 10 bAdAsS paragraphs every emote. Nevermind the unapologetic sexism, racism, and trans/homophobia that runs rampant in their discords and guild chats. And if you call them out on their toxic behavior or piss them off, they will gang up on you and gaslight you into a coma until you no longer feel safe on your own character.
Now, because I know their egos are so fragile that I expect some ragey responses and attempts to insult me or say #notallhumanmales, but tbh they can all fuck right off. I've been here 12 years and every single person I've ever known on MG has a horror story involving a human male OC. They're sexual predators–Andrew Tate wannabes–and deserve to be ostracized and ignored.
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Seventeen Reaction: Strange First Impression
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Thanks for the request anon!
Gifs are not mine! If you like them, please click through on the link and give their OPs some love!!!!
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Choi Seungcheol is the type that will bring it up all the time. He didn't even know you when he saw it happen. He was just chilling at a party and turns to see the chaos of someone having overturned the beer pong table by accident, sending cups and booze flying everywhere. He saw you covering your face in shame and laughing. He wrote you off a someone who has simply had a little too much to drink and didn't think anything else of it. But then he met you again through mutual friends. As he gets to know you, he realizes this behavior was nothing like you. So of course he brings it up all the time to tease you and watch as you blush about it. He finds it cute.
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He watches your face contort into horror and confusion as you mishear the person you're talking to. He can't help but laugh as you talk very heatedly with the person across the table from you, obviously offended not by what they said but by what you thought they said. He falls in love when he watches you burst into laughter after realized your mistake. He continues coming back to the coffee shop and is happy to see that you're a regular too. When he gets the courage to talk to you and then keep talking to you, he realizes it's a habit of yours to mishear people when conversing. He'll make a few jokes about it here and there. One day, several years into your relationship, he'll admit how he fell in love with you and what he witnessed that day.
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He watches in absolute fascination at the entire dance routine you pull out to make a crying toddler laugh. The poor kid had fallen and dropped their ice cream, and you, depsite not knowing the child at all, seemed determined to get him to smile again. He shyly looks away anytime you turn towards him, but he really can't stop watching. He finds the routine as funny as the toddler, but he's also really touched that you'd go that far out of your way to make someone else smile. The next time he sees you in the park, he asks you out immediately. He won't tease you about it, maybe only when he asks if you're going to do the routine for him when he's sad. But he feels ready to settle down with you from the very beginning.
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He's always happy to match some chaotic energy. Which is why it doesn't phase him at all when he sees you dressed in ridiculous costume in the park. It had been a dare from your friends, but you strutted around confidently. When he finds out you have mutual friends, he asks one of them to introduce you. Jun loves having the first impression of seeing you dressed up in the park because he knows you'll be on board to do lots of fun stuff. The two of you always have a very fun time together.
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Also not really phased. In fact when you're friend introduces you to each other, he'll bring it up quite casually, "Oh you're that person that was dancing around in that fruit costume on the street corner the other day!" You were absolutely mortified that he had seen that. "Yeah, my boss was trying to advertise a new smoothie we started selling." He finds how flustered you got over it quite cute. And later on in your relationship he most definitely makes up a nickname for you based off of the fruit costume you were wearing.
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Tbh, he's a bit intimidated by you. He had seen you before, volunteering to help out a street performer. The performer has you doing all sorts of ridiculous and embarrassing things to draw laughs from the crowd. But you take it in your stride, laughing along and happily going along with the performance. He's in awe of your confidence. So when you actually meet, he's a bit shy around you. But he's interested in you from the start after hearing your laugh that day. He'll never work up the nerve to tell you the first time he actually saw you lol.
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Honestly, he's a bit judgmental. Seeing you do a tiktok challenge with friends in public, he thinks of you as high energy and overwhelming. But then he actually meets you and realizes that might be good for him. Your friend had orchestrated the video, not you. But you had gone along with it. He feels like he learns a lot from you and your willingness to try anything. He admires that even if you don't go out of your way to think of new things to try but you're willing to try it out if someone else suggests it.
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Will also mention it to you right away. But in an excited way. "I know you! I saw you chasing after that squirrel to get your keys back in the park! That looked like fun!" You laugh and tell him it was not as fun as it looked. He loves telling people that story all the time. In a joking way or in a sentimental way, no matter how he's telling it, it's getting told for sure. It's in puns, in introductions, in speeches. Seokmin literally cannot stop telling everyone that the first time he saw the person he loves, they were chasing down a rodent that had stolen their keys.
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Mingyu loves when people are able to make him laugh. Your friend had been doing a public art instillation and it led to you being dressed up in some wild bird costume. But then her flyers got caught up in the wind and you went to chase after them. The first time Kim Mingyu saw you, you were running down the street, yelling at people to move as you chased down a flyer, and waving your arms (wings?) dramatically through the air. Since you were in costume, he didn't recognize you when you met each other at a party. He tells the story of seeing a person running around in bird costume as an anecdote. Your friend (who was the one running the instillation) starts laughing loudly and explains that was you. To his relief, you're laughing about the fact that he brought that up. You two hit it off right away. You're the one that tells the story of how Mingyu first saw you all the time. Mingyu likes calling you Birdy to tease you.
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Just kind of baffled by you. If he sees you doing anything strange and out of the ordinary out in public before he knows you, he'll probably avoid you lol. When he realizes the two of you are in the same circle of friends, he'll keep things polite but remain distant. But overtime he'll learn more and more about you and realize he was being a bit too much on the judgment front. He makes an effort to get to know you and not what he assumes about you. One day he'll admit his first impression of you and you'll both laugh about it.
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You know that when he sees you doing a comedy schtick to make your friends laugh, he's joining in, no questions asked. It's weird thing he sees you doing that ends up being the reason you meet. Seungkwan is down for literally anything as long as it gets a laugh. So he's so excited to meet someone as committed to the bit as him. It's the very thing that attracts him to you in the first place.
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When he connects the dots that you're the one he saw trying to fly several kites simultaneously that one random day, he is completely baffled. In day to day life you don't seem like someone who goes out of their way to do something illogical. He probably won't bring it up to you unless you do something similar again and give him the chance to reference it. He finds it really funny that most days you seem really chill, then you'll get these random moments where you want to do something completely strange.
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Would like to think that he's as spontaneous as Seungkwan, but definitely is more like Myungho. When he sees you doing something strange he's probably a bit more on the apprehensive side lol. But he's a lot quicker to warm to you once you actually meet. He'll probably be curious about what he saw you doing and ask a lot of questions about it. He thinks you're pretty cool for putting yourself out there. He doesn't really reference it unless you do first once his own curiosity has dimmed.
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Hiiii I love ur hc’s! Could you do an m!greaser w the gang who literally has to be put on a leash sometimes? M!greaser is lowkey manic and craves chaos like it’s c0caine, so he’s constantly running around and getting into trouble. He’s jus a silly lil guy w zoomies
I love this guy and it’s giving also thank you so much for the compliment on my headcanons
Chaotic M! Greaser x The Gang Hcs!
Ponyboy Curtis
-he’s the one holding the leash
-“Now, y/n, why you gotta go do things like that man?”
-he definitely gets frustrated with you every once in a while
-Especially when you behave like a toddler and he’s trying to do something serious
-He knows it’s all part of your charm, but he can’t help getting frustrated every once in a while
-Once he calls down, he just kind of gives you a short lecture
-asks you pretty politely not to do it again
Johnny Cade
-constantly worried you’re gonna get into trouble
-I feel like he would kind of try to convince you to do something
-But he’d also be more aware than PB that he doesn’t have much control over you
-he actually really likes you
-you guys contrast amazingly together
-“Let’s… not.”
Sodapop Curtis
-tbh people should fear you two together
-you guys create so much havoc
Darry Curtis
-you guys are so good
-he’s the one that bailed you out of jail
-he literally like hold you and will pick you up to prevent you from causing chaos
-It’s giving tired father and gremlin child
Dallas Winston
-he thinks you’re funny
-i just think he likes you
-a lot lmao
Two Bit Mathews
-Dallas thinks you’re funny
-but Two Bit thinks you’re HALARIOUS
-always cheers you loudly whenever you create chaos
-Think you’re an icon genuinely
-I think second place to soda he’s the easiest to get to do chaotic things with you
-You guys are the best pranksters
-All Socs look upon you two in fear
Steve Randle
-he thinks you’ve been annoying at first
-but when he gets used to it, he starts seeing the appeal in your behavior
-Sometimes he fixes cars just to look up and see you doing some crazy thing in the distance and just smiles knowingly
-like “That’s y/n for you.”
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year
Percy being isekai'd into Record of Ragnarok as a baby with her mental age intact would be terrifying for her tbh because like she literally has to go all in on the "please don't kill me uwu" strategy because she won't be fighting anyone or making any escape attempts with those toddler legs and its unlikely she'll know that Brunhilde and Mnemosyne are plotting to help her on account of the fact that I'm not sure Poseidon would ever allow them to meet with Percy privately because why would they need to meet privately with an actual toddler?
She'd be monitored almost constantly not for her behavior or anything but because why would anyone leave a helpless baby all alone in their room and unless she picks up quickly on how to walk with toddler legs, she's most likely going to be carried around almost at all times by someone whether it's her family or just one of Poseidon's servants.
The only upsides to being a baby over a teenager would be that operation "please don't kill me uwu" would work faster and she (probably) won't have to deal with anyone lusting after her. (I say probably because Persephone did say that Hades had his eyes on her when she was a baby so um Poseidon maybe think twice about letting your dear brother hold your daughter for you 💀)
all i can think about is the utter EMBARRASSMENT she'll feel when poseidon has to change her diapers and wipe her ass or when he tries to potty train her and... yeah 💀
but yeah, like you said the "please don't kill me uwu" strategy would work a lot faster since she's actually a baby! and she'll have it easier in gaining love and protection from all the gods too cuz who could resist an adorable wittle babie 🥺🥺
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doberbutts · 1 year
Tbh at this point CPS needs to be destroyed and then remade from scratch. They either seem to:
Take kids from good homes for bullshit reasons (esp. if the family is poor and/or POC) instead of giving the family actual help and resources so they can afford food/water/clothes/etc.
Take kids from bad situations and then put them into an even WORSE situation because God forbid you actually pay attention to where the vulnerable human child is going or what they actually want.
Do fuck all when a kid is actually being abused, and then when the kid inevitably dies they go "Oh we made a oopsie, sorry lol :("
Like......... I cannot fucking fathom how it's possible to be that incompetent. It's like if someone started a car company but every car they made explodes when you're driving it. You'd think at that point you would put someone ELSE in charge of making cars.
That car company exists and it's called Tesla and for some reason people still act like it's the best car company ever to buy from and suck the owner's toes about it.
A fairly significant portion of the problem is that CPS is A: a law enforcement program, not a social services program and B: human-made and thus filled with human problems of bias and bigotry. It is not made to help. It is made to enforce the law. Since kids occupy a weird space between "property" and "person", and since laws regarding raising kids are deliberately vague to allow for a broad range of cultural and religious sensitivity, we get a lot of interpretations of the law being wildly different depending on who is enforcing them.
Children playing in their quiet cul-de-sac while the parents work from home inside the house with the windows open so they can hear what's going on... is that an "unattended child" or not? How about the toddler that learns how to let themselves out of the playpen during mom's shower? The teenager that sneaks out while dad is asleep? The ten-year-old that got left home alone with microwave meals and some toys because auntie got called into work and couldn't say no?
You're a teacher. You're a mandated reporter. You notice that one of your students is constantly coming to school hungry in the morning. You put in a call. Is this student being provided breakfast by the parents? Is this student simply refusing breakfast and then showing up hungry as a consequence for not eating before they left (me)? Is this student diabetic or hyperthyroid or taking steroids for a health concern and thus is constantly hungry anyway? Is this student neurodivergent and tends to eat as a coping behavior?
Mom shows up to the hospital with a broken cheek and a black eye and two kids in tow. She swears the dog headbutted her, her husband isn't even home. Both kids verify the dog headbutted her, dad's not home, and he'd never do such a thing anyway. You're a doctor or a nurse, you're a mandated reporter. Do you call? You're the CPS agent who showed up at the house. You looked into the family's record and you see that dad's had the police called on him a couple times within the house with neighbors citing a disturbance, and once the kids called 911 due to a fight between them getting out of hand and actual blood spilt. The kids seem fractious with each other when you arrive. Mom's face is black and blue. What do you do?
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Curious to hear why you see Ghost, in-game, as acting like a child. (/gen, neutral tone)
It's mostly the fact that they're a very curious entity who, much like a child explores everything with their mouth, explores the world around them with their nail. Obviously how a player controls them affects their behavior, but that doesn't account for stuff outside the player's control, such as the fact that Ghost can break stalagtites/mites, fossilized bugs, and sculptures, as well as break signposts or damage architecture. They know how to control it well enough to not hit friendly npcs (or their mom, for some reason), but they'll still hit the grubs or kill Menderbug, and those moments give a very heavy sense of mistake, like they weren't sure of the connotations of their actions until they happened. They also flail about in a panic when they fall into acid, they get mad at Millibelle and the Pale King and beat them up in a fit of spite, and their fighting style compared to Hornet and the Hollow Knight is an unpracticed mess of swings and blobby spells, basically like what you'd expect from a child with a sword. They are easily fooled by things that lure their curiosity, like Nosk, and are also very, very attatched to their siblings. They didn't come back to Hallownest because they wanted to save it- they did so because Hollow called to them, and Hollow is their sibling. Coming across the Broken Vessel also seems to be very impactful to them (especially since the game encourages you to try to kill the lightseeds before they can control their corpse), and the whole sequence with Hornet in Greenpath is meant to emulate them going '!!!' and making a mad dash for her, which is very juvinile in nature. And we know that they come to care deeply for Hornet, too, because the winged nosk in Godhome takes her form, and they only do that to a bug's loved ones. They have that very linearly-focused, not-so-big-picture sort of drive that feels like how a kid might act even though we can't really see their thoughts. Which, sure, you can argue that an adult character might act like that as well, but the way that Ghost deals with things just gives off a major vibe of naiive, childlike clumsieness, especially when compared with their siblings.
(Also select npcs like Mato, Ogrim, and hell, even WL after her perception on them is challenged speaks to them in what I'd consider to be appropriate to a child. It's not like toddler talk or anything, but it's similar to how I'd speak to a very solemn 8-year-old with a sword and a mission, which helped contribute to that vibe. Not all npcs do this, but I'd def. blame the diversity of insect sizes and their eerie vessel nature for that.)
I think they're supposed to give off a mix of 'eldritch being who knows more than they should' as well as 'child with a sword', tbh. They're not in toddler territory, and they're obviously not analagous to a human child- more a kitten, really, or one half of a set of haunted twins- but they're still very much a child. I kinda think they give off that specific vibe from that one child jesus comic floating around tumblr (where he's spouting off full bible verses despite being like, six), in that they know far more than they should and have a soul older than you'd expect, but they're also like, 8. A very serious 8-year-old, but still 8.
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nothing0fnothing · 4 months
when i post things about narc abuse on my blog i occasionally get ppl being like "don't classify all ppl with npd as abusers!!!" when i didn't say that? tbh on the whole "is narc abuse ableist" thing i defer to my best friend's wisdom, he recently graduated with a BA in psychology (im so proud!!!) and he said smth to the effect of "if you're trying to diagnose them with npd to demonize them then yeah not good but also narcissistic is a word independent of that diagnosis so context is important" its like how ppl without depression can still say theyre depressed or someone without anxiety can say theyre anxious yknow? context matters! i call my parents narc abusers bc it "fits the bill" as in from the medical studies ive read from professionals, all this criteria fits their behavior, not bc i actually believe they have npd. their actions are narcissistic but actually having npd is a question i can't answer.
the point being: im sure you get a lot more comments like that on your blog than my own. the few i get make me upset for a while bc it feels so invalidating (or maybe im just chronically online lmao.) how do you deal with it all? i'm sure the answer is just "block" but does it go deeper? it must feel awful to be called ableist when all you've done is try to spread awareness about a very real thing that happened to you. i could use some of your strength bc your blog is still going strong even amidst the hate 🙏
This ask was actually so lovely to read. You're eloquent and educated and if you'd like to dm me please do any time I'd love to chat with you and check out your blog.
You're absolutely right about narcissism and NPD. Narcissism is a personality trait. One that most healthy people posses. You can't diagnose someone a narcissist, because "narcissist" isn't a disorder.
There's a misconception that NPD is the clinical diagnosis for excessive narcissism. Actually, the diagnostic criteria for NPD is very clear that one does not even have to have narcissistic traits to be diagnosed with it. And it has nothing to say about abusing others, so how recognising abuse is considered a drive by diagnosis of NPD is beyond me.
Saying your abuser is narcissistic doesn't mean you think your abuser has this specific disorder. We know this so to us it's common sense. Unfortunately common sense isn't so common, especially in the narcissistic positivity side of this app.
It's so easy to feel provoked when you know all this, and you're educated and you just want to make content that will connect you to a community of other survivors. Only for some asshole who barely knows what NPD is, decides they're going to make your trauma all about it. It's not chronically online to be made upset by behaviour like that. People like to tell us the Internet isn't real, but when it's our connection to communities of people who share our niche experiences, it is real. Don't undermine yourself when you feel upset like that. Words can hurt anyone, even when they come from an ignorant low life who thinks they can clean up the internet, one trauma support blog at a time.
Me personally? I like to wait to hit the block button till after I've goaded them into an absolute breakdown. It entertains me to no end to watch them rage like toddlers as they start to realise they know next to nothing on a topic I've absolutely schooled them in. It sounds cruel but I have no sympathy for arseholes, especially when they're intentionally spamming random accusations and slurs on my vent posts in hopes they can get a rise out of a vulnerable person. I might make a "narcissists rage at facts and logic" compilation for my own amusement... But that's not really helpful advice to anyone who isn't a bitter hag, like me.
When I first started on this platform I kept my most common response paragraphs in my notes and clipboard to paste and post when I got the same asks day in and day out. It really helped me to reply in a measured way I knew was proof read and edited without having to exert the mental energy it takes to type out a whole reply every time you get one. This of course is if you're so inclined to engage with them.
I also have a limit for how long I'll engage. Usually my rule is I stop responding when they stop asking questions, because my blog is here to be supportive, not to receive criticism from the pro narcissist community. When they stop being coherent and and start being belligerent, that's when will always I block them and that's usually the end of it.
I did have one guy who I'd blocked on 3 or 4 seperate accounts for being belligerent. He was making new accounts every time to spam my asks and reblogs with increasingly ridiculous, heinous and obviously ragebaity shit. I just reposted his replies onto reddit where the crowd is, let's say, more critical of behavior like that. He had an epic meltdown and I've never seen his username ever again. If you're not comfortable doing that, let me know and I'll do it for you. You'd be doing me a favour because I'm a little shit and I love to watch the fireworks.
My last bit of advice to you is to make mutuals and make them friends. I struggle with being sociable in any consistent way, but a few messages back and forth to foster a good relationship with the community is so helpful. It makes your blog feel like an actual supportive environment. It puts your content across the dashboards of more sympathetic people and less losers thanks to the algorithm. Most importantly, when you have friends on this app they're more likely to back you up when an absolute cretin who snuck onto earth decides to pick on you for no reason. Having that back up is invaluable to blogs like ours and it's so important to have it when you're just starting out, especially if you're already getting the narc apologists in your notifs.
That being said, I genuinely do hope you reach out to me. I'd love to be able to send you some more of my strength when you need it. 💛🤎💛
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nblatinotails · 2 years
Been thinking,, Tails is probably small
Like, we don't know exactly what happened on Westside, but a lone 4 year old probably isn't a stranger to some form of food scarcity, no matter how smart he is. We also have no clue how long he was on his own before he met sonic and had a somewhat consistent eating schedule,,, no reference of when mobians typically begin eating solids or any developmental milestones. A few consistent fan hc are that he was just completely alone (neglect, parental death, abandonment, etc.), or that he ran from mistreatment (orphanage, family, etc.). In multiple cannons he's implied to live in the forest or be completely alone, independent of a village. That wouldn't be so strange as it seems a lot of kids hit it out on their own, but again, he's usually 4 ish when they meet, and from the way he acts, he's been alone for a while. The toddler years are very important developmentally, and kids who go hungry at this point tend to lag behind their peers for the rest of their lives. It messes with physical development like height and weight regulation, can contribute to cronic illnesses and blood pressure, and often effects behavior and anxiety levels.
Even after he meets sonic and gets taken under his wing, we don't know how stable of a diet these two crime fighting street kids could maintain. I remember a wonderful post breaking down the portrayal of food instability in AoStH, while I can't seem to find it, I remember they mentioned tails specifically showing a lot of signs of food hoarding and over eating, and the OPs own experience with these traits as a result of childhood hunger.
..Y'know, sonics probably in the same boat,, they both probably have to eat more than the average person because of the amount of calories they burn running,,, and while we don't know exactly what sonic delt with in game cannon, I know theres a few different examples in comic and show cannons. Unfortunately I never read any comics and I've only really watched 1/2 of AoStH so that's where my sonic knowledge ends, but I'm sure it varies.
There's also the issue that we have no clue how tall they're supposed to be,,, at their current age AND when they grow up. Like, shadow, amy, and sonic all seem to be around the same height rn (~100 cm / ~3 ft 3 in, Amy's a little shorter at 90 cm / 2 ft 11 in, but she's also a few years younger), so maybe sonic is on the right track, but do we know if they're supposed to get taller? Like adults in the sonic universe are wildly inconsistent from cannon to cannon??? Like, Vanilla is ~25 (age varies sometimes) and is approximately 130 cm (4 ft 3 in) while Vector is 20 yo and 180 cm (5 ft 11 in), and Big is 18 yo and 200 cm (6 ft 6 in). In Sonic Underground, Queen Aleena, his mother, was ~50 yo and ranges from source to source, but apparently is around 130-145 cm (4 ft 3in - 4 ft 9 in) while comic heights for other adults or parents are harder to track, but seem like they tap out around where the kids are now. So is height relative to species? Maybe?? Big is bigger than vector, and yeah, his name is big, that's kinda implied, but is he just an outlier or is that normal?? storm the albatross is 19 and just a little taller than vanilla at 140 cm (4 ft 7 in) but albatross' are fuckin massive compared to rabbits and cats so maybe species does play a part in height?? But also charmy and cream are the exact same age and height at 6 yo and 70 cm (2 ft 3in) ?? OK, wild, cool, whatever it's bringing logic into a fun world of brightly-colored cartoons and that's not always applicable, but I still think these mfs should be short.
I think tails should realistically be a behind in height, and prolly will stay that way, I think sonic should be shorter too tbh. With the early childhood hunger and intense world ending stress they have now, these kids should not be growing rip them
So hc that both sonic and tails are shorter than they should be, but Tails is, like, borderline concerningly small because of his EXTENSIVE history of stress, abuse, and hunger, AND as a result of that that he's kinda skittish and gets sick more often than kids his age should prolly
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