#todoroki and momo are dating
manjisdollkiko · 28 days
in honour of mha s7 coming out I will be making a fic series about Dabi and reader where reader is trying to pursue her music career and is struggling deeply, luckily Dabi will be able to save her but in a way that is not expected.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Everytime a fandom ableist insists two characters who have tons of romantic chemistry have a siblings or parent and child dynamic because one of them is very blatantly autistic-coded and they think that means they're too immature and therefore 'not good enough' for their love interest,i gain a new headcanon of my ships where one is an age regressor to cope with their trauma and the other is their caregiver
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frickingnerd · 1 year
our first cosplay convention
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pairing: marin kitagawa x gn!reader
summary: marin lets you tag along to a cosplay convention, where she cosplays as momo from my hero academia!
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"what do you think of my outfit? doesn't it look super cute~?"
marin excitedly spun around in front of you, showing off her newest cosplay; momo yaoyorozu from my hero academia! she had already made you watch all episodes of the anime with her in preparation for this cosplay convention, but now that you saw her cosplay on her, it looked even better than you had imagined! 
"you look absolutely stunning, momo!"
you smiled and pressed a kiss onto marin's forehead, not wanting to ruin her pretty make up if you kissed her lips. marin squeaked excitedly at your comment, especially happy that you called her by her character's name. 
"you really mean it? oh, you're always so sweet to me! now i just need to get into character and then we can take a few pictures! oh, maybe we'll even find someone cosplaying todoroki or jirou!"
marin's face lit up at the idea of that, before she grabbed your hand and dragged you into the crowd. 
"let's go~!"
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bokunoherokomikuko · 2 years
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My @tododekubigbang​​​ pieces for @apomaro-mellow​ and their fic “The Match-Breaker”!
Rated: M (Tags under the cut)
Izuku and Shouto are enjoying dating bliss, thanks to their sneaky friends. But when Enji finds out who his son is dating, it's up to those classmates to shield the new couple.
I really like the atmosphere in this one! The fic will give you heaps of laughs XD
Tags:  Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto                                                                           Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Class 1-A, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku                Established Relationship, Matchmaking, Meddling, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Fluff            
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Okay but imagine TodoMomo and KamiJirou going on a double date but it unexpectedly turns into a MomoJirou and TodoKami double date.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
The idea of TodoMomo being this "perfect, ideal rich" couple who know how to romance each other is amusing because omg... these two would not know someone was flirting with them even if someone hit them with a sign labeled "LOVE".
They're both smart, but things fly over their heads. They take things so literal. You have Yaoyorozu "thinks of a literal box" Momo and Todoroki "if I smile then they'll die" Shoto. Do you really think these two would know how to romance each other? Their relationship would probably still be the same after declaring they're dating. Still call each other by their last names, the most they'll do is hug but like really awkwardly. Before then, it would probably take FOREVER for them to realize they have crushes on each other.
But it works. They're comfortable with how they are. Everyone else would probably be so confused, but they're happy so they don't even notice how people are questioning if they're dating or not.
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punknicodiangelo · 1 year
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TodoMomo Week Day 7: Stargazing
x x x | x x x | x x x
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night-time-writing · 1 year
Momo is Tired, Todoroki is Indifferent
Written for my friend @bakudeku-positivity
Summary: The five times Bakugo and Midoriya refuse to talk about their feelings, and the one time that Momo losses her shit. Todoroki and Momo are tired of Bakugo and Midoriya dancing around each other so they come up with a plan to get them together. It doesn't go as planned.
Word Count: 7,478
Izuku was in his dorm room laying on his bed reading one of his older All Might comics. He was moving his legs in the air, happy to have some free time just for himself.
“Midoriya, we should date.” Todoroki stated as he walked into Izuku’s bedroom, startling Izuku. Izuku jumped slightly, turning toward the door and pushing himself up into a seated position.
“Wait, what?” Izuku asked, getting off his bed to fully face his friend. “What do you mean Todoroki? Aren’t you dating Yaoyorozu? Why would you want to date me? You know I like Kacchan. Did something happen between you and Yaoyorozu? Did you break up? Are you okay? Do you need my help with something?”
“No, Momo and I are fine.” Todoroki took a step back as Izuku started walking toward him, clearly distraught for Todoroki. “If we were to fake date, it could help you with Bakugo.”
Izuku stopped walking and started to mumble to himself. “Oh, I get it. If he saw that I was dating someone then he might get jealous enough to do something and we could start dating. But of course, that’s assuming that Kacchan actually likes me back. So, it wouldn’t be worth it if nothing happened. However, at least then I would know if he even likes me. But what about Yaoyorozu, to her it would look like her boyfriend just randomly started to date someone else. Unless Todoroki told her of course.” Izuku stopped for a second and looked at Todoroki. “I think it might be a good idea, but I will only do it if you and Yaoyorozu are both okay with it.”
“It’s fine. I wouldn’t have suggested it if not.”
“Thank you, Todoroki, this will be great. Since we are already friends, we don’t really have to change the way we act. Though I do suppose that we should call each other by our first names when around others. I also know how we can tell Kacchan. My mom and I are having dinner at Kacchan’s house on Saturday. I'll have to ask my mom if you can come, but I’m sure she’ll be happy for you to come, and they always make too much food anyway. What do you think about that Todoroki?”
“Great, I’ll text my mom and we can work out our story while we wait,” Izuku said, grabbing Todoroki’s arm and dragging him over to the bed, grabbing an empty notebook and pencil before sitting down with Todoroki.
Saturday Shoto, Midoriya, and Midoriya’s mother all stood outside the Bakugo household, deserts in hand. Midoriya explained it to Shoto saying that when they had dinner at the Bakugo’s, the Bakugo’s made dinner, and the Midoriya’s made desert. Although they all ended up helping with dinner anyway.
Midoriya knocked on the door, and as he moved back the door swung open to reveal a woman who looked a lot like Bakugo. She smiled at them “I’m so glad you guys could come. Come on in and make yourself at home.” She then moved to the side to let them in.
As the four of them walked into the living Bakugo jumped up from the couch and pointed at them. “What the fuck are you doing in my house Icy Hot” he shouted at them.
“Knock it off you brat, Todoroki is our guest, Izuku invited him.” Mrs. Bakugo shouted back at Bakugo before turning back around, smiling at them. “Anyway, you boys should hang out while we finish making dinner. Later you should tell me all about how schools been Izuku.”
“Okay Auntie, come on Shoto, let’s go talk to Kacchan.” Midoriya grabbed Shoto’s hand and gently led Shoto toward the still fuming Bakugo who was yelling something about an old hag.
“The fuck is he doing here Deku. He’s not fucking family, it’s bad enough I have to deal with your shitty nerd ass.” Bakugo growled.
“Come on Kacchan don’t be like that, that’s mean. I invited Shoto because he is my boyfriend and I thought it would be nice for him to meet all the important people in my life.” Midoriya said entwining his fingers with Shoto’s and raising their clasped hands as if that explained everything.
Bakugo’s eyes widened for a second before he went back to glaring harshly at the two boys. Bakugo opened his mouth probably to start yelling at them, but was interrupted by Mrs. Bakugo’s happy shouts of congratulations. As the adults came closer to the boys to ask questions about their relationship, Shoto wondered if it was normal for people to introduce their fake boyfriends to their families.
Fucking Icyhot and Deku were dating. Katsuki was surprised by this news, but quickly recovered and started to glare at them. just because they were dating did not give Deku the right to invite the half and half bastard into Katsuki’s house. Katsuki opened his mouth to tell them such when his mom started shouting about how great the news was. Fucking old hag.
“Oh Izuku, that’s so great. I think it’s great that you felt like he should meet us.”
“I’m so happy for you Izuku. Why didn’t you tell me sooner? When did you two get together?” Auntie asked going up to Deku and pulling him into a hug. The shitty nerd didn’t tell his own mother?
“I wanted to tell everyone all at once, and we haven’t been dating for too long, at least officially, but we have been really close for years now,” Deku smiled as he was passed between the adults being pulled into hugs and the whole time he didn’t once let go of Icyhot’s hand.
Todoroki looked like a doll. He hasn’t said a single word since stepping into the house, and he just moved with Deku as he was pulled around. How the fuck could Deku date that thing. It had to be like dating a brick wall, he didn’t do anything, Deku could do better.
“Why aren’t you dating anyone brat?” the old hag demanded, smacking him upside the head, interrupting his thought, and the glare he was boring into the back of Deku’s head.
“Shut up you old hag! I am dating someone.” Katsuki argued, he wasn’t going to let Deku one-up him. At the announcement everyone’s attention was turned on Katsuki. He had to quickly come up with someone, someone who would go along with what he said, but also prove his superiority. If he said he was dating Yaoyorozu, maybe he would upset Icy Hot and show Deku that he was the best at everything, including being a boyfriend. “Her name is Yaoyorozu Momo.”
Deku’s eyes widened with shock. This pissed Katsuki off even more, was it so unbelievable that he could have a girlfriend like Ponytail.
“Well why didn’t you bring her then?” The old hag asked, disbelief lacing her voice.
“We haven’t been dating long, and I didn’t know you had to bring a fucking date to family dinner.”
“I want to know more about her after dinner is done, for now entertain our guests Katsuki. Congratulations again Izuku, I want to know all about Todoroki as well okay?” she said before turning and heading back to the kitchen leaving Katsuki with Deku and Icy Hot.
Momo and Shoto were walking to school together from the dorms. They usually left earlier than the rest of their classmates. They contemplated having Shoto walk with Midoriya to keep up the charade, but decided it was so normal for them to go to class together no one would blink an eye at it even if they were Shoto was supposed to be dating Midoriya.
“Are you fake dating Bakugo? Was that a part of the plan?” Shoto asked shortly after they were out of the dorms.
“What do you mean Shoto?” Momo asked, stopping and giving her boyfriend a confused look. The plan was to force Bakugo to confess to Midoriya by making it look like Midoriya might choose someone else if he didn’t do something about it. There was nothing in the plan about Momo fake dating Bakugo, that wouldn’t make any sense.
Before she could say any of that a hand wrapped around her wrist, yanking her to the side. “Ponytail, we need to talk.” Bakugo said, pulling her off to the side, away from Shoto. Momo gave Shoto an apologetic look gesturing for him to go on ahead, she would catch up to him later.
After they were out of ear shot from Shoto, Bakugo finally spoke up. “We are fake dating now.” He announced, giving no further information.
“What do you mean? Why?”
“Deku and Icy Hot are dating and we have to show them up. Plus, I already told them we are dating.”
“So, I have no choice in this?” he nodded. “Is this because you’re in love with Midoriya?” He glared at that. “Very well, I’ll help you.” With that Momo walked away at a brisk pace in order to catch up with Shoto.
When Momo finally caught Shoto, she resumed her normal pace and responded to his earlier question. “Yes, I am fake dating Bakugo.”
Izuku was sitting on the couch in the common area at the dorms packing up his stuff. He, Iida, and Uraraka had just finished up a studying session. Iida had already finished collecting his things and wished them both a goodnight before heading up to his dorm. Uraraka finished picking up her stuff and stood up, she then paused for a moment before turning and smiling brightly at him.
“Hey Deku, some of us from class are going to make chocolates tomorrow to give out on Valentine’s day, and I was wondering if you would like to join us. Then you could make Todoroki chocolates for your first Valentines as a couple.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize that valentine’s day was coming up. I have never made chocolates before; I could probably use the help. I would love to come, when and where are we meeting up?”
“Tomorrow after class we are going to meet in the kitchen. I’m glad you are coming, see you tomorrow.” Uraraka smiled before turning around and heading to her dorm.
Izuku finished collecting his things before heading up to his dorm. He felt bad about lying to Iida and Uraraka, but he knew that if they knew the truth, it would spread through class from either overhearing it, or from someone telling their other friends. Izuku didn’t mind others knowing, but Kacchan couldn’t find out, not yet. First, he had to figure out what was going on with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu and figure out if he had a chance with Kacchan at all.
Momo was walking back to the dorms after class with Iida, the two of them stayed behind in order to go over some things for the class, like the fact that tomorrow was Valentine’s day so they knew none of the students wouldn’t do any work. So, they talked to Aizawa and they were able to convince him to let home room become a free period, and they were going to make it up to him by working extra hard in training for the day, and doing twice as much the next day.
As they entered the dorms, Momo broke away from Iida to head toward Ochako, who was waiting for her. Momo felt a bit bad about holding up the group for making chocolates, but they understood, and Ochako decided to wait by the door for her so they could walk to the kitchen together.
As the two girls walked into the kitchen, Momo smiled at everyone. Originally when they decided to make chocolates as a group, it was just the girls but, eventually some of the boys got invited for various reasons. There was Sato who actually knew how to make good chocolate. Kaminari wanted to make chocolates for Kyoka and hang out with his girlfriend since he finally got her to go out with him. Sero, who wanted to hang out since most of his friends were here, and Kirisima who just wanted to make chocolates for class. However, as Momo scanned the room she noticed Midoriya standing next to Kirishima and they talked. She didn’t remember him getting invited but supposed that he must have been because he was ‘dating’ Shoto. She normally liked Midoriya, however, he was the only person in class that actually knew that she was dating Shoto, which meant he would have lots of questions. She knew she couldn’t answer them, since Bakugo had never even come up with a story on how they got together, at least that she knew of.
The whole fake dating thing in general was super messy now that she was fake dating Bakugo. She hopes that they will figure it out on their own and cave into confessing, so for now she was going to go along with what they did, and avoid Midoriya as they made chocolates, and hope she wouldn’t have to intervene, because their pining was getting really hard to watch.
“Well now that everyone is here, let’s start making chocolates. I was thinking we could break up into pairs and then Sato could walk around and help out where needed. If that’s alright with you, of course.” Ochako said, smiling at Sato.
“Sure, that works, I know a lot of you don’t really know how to make chocolate, and I’m happy to help where I can.”
“Great! So, why doesn’t everyone pair up and start cooking.”
Momo saw Midoriya making his way over to her when Toru started to argue with Kaminari.
“You can’t work with Kyoka, if you work together, then you will know exactly what you're getting and that’s boring.”
“But we already know what we are getting”
“Doesn’t matter, they would be from the same batch and therefore taste the same. Plus, you wouldn’t get any work done at all, so pick other people.” Toru said, clearly putting her foot down.
“Kyoka, you can work with me, I don’t have a partner yet” Momo interjected, carefully making it so that Midoriya couldn’t pair up with her.
In the end Momo was paired with Kyoka, Mirodiya was with Ochako, Kaminari was with Sero, Kirishima was with Mina, and Tsu was with Toru.
Shoto didn’t realize what day it was until he walked into class that day and saw the little bags with hearts on them and ribbons keeping them closed. Shoto never had any interest in Valentine’s day and still didn’t really care, despite having a girlfriend. Though he did suppose the text from earlier made more sense now that he knew what day it was. Earlier that morning Momo had texted him about how she felt bad she wouldn’t be able to give him chocolates in class, and she would do it later in the day. He was confused as to why she wanted to give him chocolates at all when he got the text but decided to just agree to her plan nonetheless.
Shoto was brought out of his thoughts by Midoriya, who was now standing in front of him, heart bag in hand. “Happy Valentine’s Day Shoto” he said smiling as he held out the bag for Shoto to take.
Shoto grabbed the chocolates and set them on his desk. “Thank you Izuku. Sorry that I didn’t also get you some chocolate, but I didn’t realize what today was”
“That’s fine, I don’t mind. Honestly, I probably had too much chocolate when I was making these. Uraraka and I wanted the chocolates to be perfect, so we kept taste testing them.” Midoriya laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Todoroki opened the bag before splitting the chocolates in half. He then picked up one pile holding it out to Midoriya. “Why don’t we split them?”
Midoriya smiled, holding out his hand, and Todoroki placed them in his outstretched hand. Midoriya then popped one chocolate into his mouth. Todoroki followed suit and ate his own chocolates. They weren’t horrible, so he nodded his head to let Midoriya know that they were enjoyable.
Watching Deku give the half and half bastard chocolates made Katsuki’s blood boil. Icy Hot even split the chocolates with Deku, what was that about? The more Katsuki looked at the two the angrier he got so he looked away, towards the door just as Yaoyorozu walked in the door.
She sees him looking at her and makes her way over to his desk.
Once she was next to him, she placed a bag of chocolates on his desk. “I hope you like them!” She smiled brightly at him.
“Thanks,” he said.
She smiled at him before walking to her desk. He followed her as she walked away. He then saw Deku and Icy Hot again and got angry again. He then picked up the chocolates and threw them straight at Icy Hot's head.
Katsuki watched as they flew across the room and hit half and half right in the face. He smirked as Icyhot looked up at him.
The class then went completely silent, confused as to why Katsuki would just throw his chocolates at Todoroki of all people. But then Todoroki opened the bag and started to eat the chocolates. The class then moved to continue their previous conversations.
The next couple days after valentines were decently normal. Momo was able to give Shoto the chocolates she made him, and they were able to still walk to class together despite their new ‘relationships’. Momo was also able to avoid Midoriya and all his questions.
Since Valentine's day Momo and Bakugo hadn’t actually discussed their story about how they got together. All Momo knew was that, according to Bakugo, they hadn’t been dating for long, which is information that she had learned from Shoto. Bakugo was beginning to seriously get on Momo’s nerves, but she agreed to play along, so that’s what she was going to do.
Momo was, however, pretty worried about tonight. Mina had put together a little party for the class. Momo wasn’t sure what exactly Mina had planned because she was keeping it under wraps but Momo knew it would be a lot harder to avoid questions about her and Bakugo when in the social situation of a party. They would also have to act more like a couple at the party then they had been. So far Bakugo and her didn’t really need to interact with each other. Thanks to the class and their different friend groups. There was also the fact that Momo was always helping her peers’ study, and Bakugo made the class dinner most nights, now that his friends wore him down into complying.
Momo decided she needed to go find Bakugo and figure out the plan for the party. As she was walking through the common room, she passed Shoto, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka who were all going over the homework and helping Uraraka with said homework. Momo missed being able to hang out with Shoto as much, but she knew that if their plan worked it would be worth not having to see the two boys dance around each other in their strange way.
Momo found Bakugo getting on to the elevator. She sped up in order to reach the doors before they closed and she got on the elevator with him.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“What do you mean? Plan for what?” Bakugo turned to look at Momo fully instead of the doors.
“The plan for the party tonight. If you want to convince the class that we are dating then we will have to act more like a couple. Beyond me giving you chocolates, we haven’t done anything to suggest we are dating. Plus, you threw the chocolates I made at Shoto so it’s not like it looked a whole lot like you like me.”
“Fine whatever. It’s a party where there will be dancing and food and drink, so we will dance and I’ll do all the boyfriend shit of getting you drinks and food or whatever. Happy now?” Bakugo crossed his arms and turned back to the door.
“You do realize that I’m doing a favor for you. I could just go tell Shoto and Midoriya that you lied about dating someone.” Momo then also turned toward the door. She was going to lose it if she had to deal with Bakugo for much longer. She hoped they would get over themselves sooner rather than later so she could stop this whole serenade.
“Very well, I’ll try to be nicer.” Was Bakugo’s only response before the elevator dinged and he got off, hands shoved into his pants pocket.
Katsuki was not happy to have to go to the stupid party that Racoon eyes was throwing. However, considering he was ‘dating’ ponytail, he had to go. Though, even if he wasn’t, the self-proclaimed Bakusquad would drag him to the party anyway whether he liked it or not.
Once Katsuki entered the common room Yaoyorozu dragged him over to the rest of the girls and then she continued her previous conversation. Minutes into the whole affair Katsuki was seriously regretting his choice in pretending to date Yaoyorozu. Of course, she would get super into the lie and try to make it perfect. He just wanted to piss off Deku and Icy Hot.
“I’m going to get some water, you want some?” Katuski asked, wanting a reason to get away, just for a little bit.
He walked off without waiting for a response from Yaoyorozu. Heading through the dancing bodies to the kitchen. The kitchen was equally as packed as the rest of the common room, which really pissed Katsuki. As he walked through the kitchen, he could see the disastrous state in which it was in. Racoon eyes better be planning to clean the mess she caused.
Once he was finally able to get his water and get out, he hesitated to go back to Ponytail. He knew he should, but there was only so much he could handle of the girl’s conversation. So, he chose to lean against the wall and watch the people dancing around the room.
As he scanned the room, he spotted Deku dancing with Icy Hot. Deku was smiling like an idiot as he swung Icy Hot around the room like the idiot he was. They weren’t dancing nicely but they looked happy. As they spun in another circle, Katsuki caught another glimpse of the bright smile that Deku was giving Icy Hot.
It hurt more than Katsuki thought it should to see Deku so happy with someone else. He wanted to be the reason for that big smile that took over his whole face, instead Katsuki only caused tears. Katsuki has been so horrible to Deku for years. They had only been kind of friends for a little while now. Perhaps it was for the best that Deku found happiness with someone who had never hurt him, someone who was there for him when he called. Katsuki didn’t deserve to see that bright smile directed at him. Katsuki knew this was for the best, that Deku deserved to be happy.
Once Shoto and Midoriya got to the party, Midoriya dragged Shoto to go dance. Midoriya wasn’t a great dancer, but they were both having fun just spinning around. Midoriya normally dragged one of his friends to dance with him at times like these because he didn’t like to dance alone. Midoriya was smiling and laughing as they spun in circles while the people around them actually danced. After several spins, they stopped and swayed a little bit. Past Midoriya, Shoto could see Bakugo. At first Bakugo looked so sad, it was the calmest Shoto had ever seen him, and he just looked defeated. Then Bakugo looked up and they made eye contact. Bakugo’s face contorted into anger. Shoto then lost sight of him as Midoriya once again spun them around. Midoriya stopped half way through the circle as he looked past Shoto.
“I’ll be right back.” Midoriya said as he walked past Shoto, towards where Shoto had seen Bakugo. This seemed like the right time for them to finally get together.
Shoto watched as Midoriya followed Bakugo outside before moving to find Momo. He found her talking with the other girls.
“Hey Todoroki.” Uraraka greeted
“Oh, hey Shoto, what are you doing over here?” Momo asked.
“Midoriya went to go do something, so I thought I could come over here and say hi.”
“Yeah, I think I saw Deku go outside with Bakugo.”
“I still don’t understand why in the world you’re dating him, Yaomomo. He is just a jerk. I haven’t seen him do anything nice for you, in every interaction I see between the two of you he’s just a jerk.” Jiro complained.
“Honestly, I always thought that you and Yaomomo would get together, Todoroki. She had the biggest crush on you.” Ashido said.
“I know”
The girls laughed a little at that. They then went back to their conversation from before Shoto interrupted.
“This party is starting to die out. I think it’s time to switch gears.” Ashido said as she walked away from the group.
Izuku was having a lot of fun at Ashido’s party dancing around with Todoroki. As they spun around, he saw Kacchan past Todoroki and paused. He looked so angry and upset as he turned away from the dance floor and walked out of the dorms.
“I’ll be right back.” Izuku said as he walked past Todoroki, towards the door and outside.
Once outside, Izuku looked around for Kacchan and saw him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. Izuku walked slowly over to him trying to figure out what to say. Kacchan usually avoided being vulnerable around anyone, so it would be difficult to get him to say what was upsetting him. But, Izuku wanted to try and help him anyway. Izuku didn’t like seeing Kacchan upset, he just wanted him to be happy.
“Go away Deku, I know it's you, stalker.” Kacchan snapped at him.
“It’s a nice night don’t you think? Is that why you left the party Kacchan?”
“None of your fucking business Deku. You need to stop budding into people’s business creep.”
“I know you're just deflecting because you don’t want to be vulnerable around other people. But it's okay to open up Kacchan. It’s good to talk about what is upsetting you, it’s the only way for it to be fixed.”
“What if what upsets me can’t be fixed? What if it shouldn’t be?” Kacchan got defensive and stood up, walking a few passes away from Izuku.
“That didn’t tell me anything Kacchan, I don’t know how to help you.” Izuku got up and walked over to Kacchan.
“How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone, go hangout with your boyfriend or something.”
“Okay, you don’t need to talk to me, you could talk to your friends, you have lots of them after all. Kirishima would love to talk with you and listen to your problems, Kaminari would too. You can always also talk to Yaoyorozu. She is a great person to talk to, though I guess you would know that since you guys are dating, which is great. How did you even start dating?”
“Deku, stop. I don’t need to talk to anyone. Just leave me be and go back to the party.”
“I don’t want to leave until I know you are okay. I just want you to be happy, Kacchan. I know you don’t like me and that I drive you nuts, but I want to help you as much as possible.” It hurt Izuku to think about how Kacchan didn’t want him around. He was starting to think that Todoroki’s plan wasn’t going to work, that it wasn’t a very good plan. Maybe it was time to finally bite the bullet and tell Kacchan about his feelings.
Kacchan turned to look at Izuku. He opened his mouth to probably tell Izuku once again to leave, but Izuku interrupted him.
“Look Kacchan there is something you should know. I’m-“
“Hey guys, we are switching gears to playing some games, if you want to join us.” Ashido interrupted smiling at them.
“Of course, we’ll be right in.” Kacchan said, still looking at Izuku as Ashido went back inside. “It’s time to go back Deku or your boyfriend might start worrying.”
He then turned and walked to the dorm doors. “Sure Kacchan.” Izuku responded a bit dejectedly before he walked back inside, carefully coving up his emotions so that no one could see that he was upset.
Shoto was glad that the pretending was finally over, he was glad that Deku Might finally be happy and he might finally be able to hangout with Momo since all his friends will be in relationships. Midoriya will finally have someone else to monopolize his time.
“All right, now that I have dragged Midoriya and Bakugo inside, I was thinking we could play truth or dare, and to make sure that everyone participates we will spin a bottle to determine the next person.” Ashido announced.
Midoriya and Bakugo trailed after her, not looking very happy, which confused Shoto. Perhaps they were just upset to have been interrupted. However, once they made it into the room they quickly separated. Bakugo marched over to Kirishima and Midoriya walked over to Shoto.
Ashido moved and got everyone into a circle, she then went and put a water bottle in the middle of the circle since there were no beer bottles.
“How do we make sure that everyone doesn't just choose truth every time?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugo scoffed. “Seriously, truth is lame, I might as well just go to bed then.” Bakugo stood up heading towards the elevator before Ashido stopped him.
“Okay then, what if we just do dares, then will you stay?” Ashido called after him.
“Unless you're too scared of course.” Kaminari added, stopping Bakugo in his tracks.
“ Oh it's on Dunce face, I am going to take you down.” Bokugo barked, spinning on his heels and marching back to the Circle, glaring at Kaminari as he went. Shoto expected that this was going to be a very interesting game for sure.
. . .
Momo was not excited for this game. Based on how Bakugo marched inside, nothing good must have happened while he and Midoriya were outside. She couldn't tell if he was angry or just serious about Kaminari's challenge as everyone sat down in a circle and Mina placed a bottle in the middle.
"So, who wants to start?" Mina asks as she sits between Kirishima and Sero.
"Shouldn't you go first Mina? Since it was your idea." Ochako suggested.
"Okay" Mina reached forward and spun the bottle. It went around a couple times before landing on Kaminari." Kaminari, I dare you to eat one of Bakugo's Spicy peppers.
Most everyone jumped up and ran to the kitchen. Bakugo only So that no one got into anything they shouldn't, leaving Momo with Shoto and Midoriya. Midoriya turned and watched the group while Momo looked at Shoto to try and gauge how he was doing. He seemed to be a little dejected, but that was all Momo could gather. Momo doesn't need to be in the kitchen to know what will happen. Especially when a loud cry, followed by a lot of laughter comes from the kitchen.
Bakugo was the first to march back into the room. Momo heard him mutter something about people who can't handle heat as he sat back down next to her.
Kaminari was the last to make his way back in. He had a very red face and his eyes were still watering as he sat down next to Kyoka. She then had to nudge him to remind him that it was his turn to spin.
“Iida, I dare you to try and eat a cookie without using your hands.”
Iida ended up being weirdly good at this, finishing his cookie in little to no time at all.He had pushed it off the table, grabbing it with his teeth once it was hanging off the edge. Then he just ate it in one bite.
And so on the game went.
Katsuki honestly barely paid attention to the game. He really didn't want to stay and watch Deko and icy hot any longer but he couldn't take Dunce Face calling him a coward, especially not when he wasn't afraid of these idiots. all the dars were horrible. Like, Glasses had dared Kirishima to spin in a circle ten times and then try to walk in a straight line. though he did fail that one.
The only mildly interesting one was when he got to dare Icy hot to call his dad and tell him he loved him. He shrugged, pulled out his phone and all he said was “I love you” before hanging up. his phone kept going off a couple times after that but he just ignored it.
Katsuki stopped paying attention after Round face dared Deku to sit on Icy hots lap. He decided to just glare at the wall instead. He was only brought back into the game when Dunce Face addressed him.
“Bakugo, I dare you to kiss the best looking person in the room.”
Katsuki thought for a moment before his eyes drifted to Deku still sitting there, in Icy Hot's lap leaned back while icy hot rested his head on top of Deku’s like he didn't even know what he was doing. So he chose the only opinion he could. One that a small part of him hoped would perhaps upset Deku.
He then turned and kissed Yaoyorozu.
Izuku wasn't sure if he was going to puke or cry. He was so stupid to think he could ever be with Kacchan. This whole idea had been so stupid, he shouldn't have agreed to do this now he had to watch Kacchan kiss his best friend's ex-girlfriend. That was also his fault by agreeing to this stupid idea. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu broke up because of this stupid lie.
“Hey Deku?” Uraraka said, shaking him slightly to get his attention.
He looked up at her a bit confused, looking around when he spotted the bottle. It looks like Kacchan has spun it and landed on him.
“I’m sorry, I can't play anymore. I’m going to go to bed.”
“Wait, Midoriya.” Ashido called out.
“Goodnight.” was all he said as he walked to the elevator and went up to his room.
All he could think about was the kiss, it kept replaying in his head. Izuku hadn't realized just how much he liked Kacchan. He didn't realize how much it would hurt to see him with someone else.
Once he made it to his room the tears started falling, he let himself break down. He cried himself out pretty fast, ending with tears just silently streaming down his face. That is when there was a knock on the door.
He got up and opened the door to reveal Todoroki.
“Are you okay?” he asked, confused by Izuku’s tears.
“I’m sorry about Yaoyorozu. I’m done with this. There is no reason to continue. Kacchan won't even talk to me. He just wants me to go away.”
“Midoriya, You don’t have to -”
“I’m done Todoroki. I can't keep up the lie, okay. Goodnight.” Izuku said before closing the door.
The next day Shoto was thinking of how they could go back to normal after this, when Momo came up with one last ditch effort to get them together before they decided to give up. The hard part will be getting Midoriya to go along.
So, that night when Shoto could get him alone, he proposed the idea. "We were invited to go on a double date with Bakugo and Momo," he announced.
"Todoroki, I told you I can't do this anymore. He doesn't like me, end of Story." Midoriya complained.
He knew that was the response he would get and he told Momo as much, and she told him what to say next. "I know you did, but can you do this for me? So that I can see if Momo still likes me."
Midoriya hesitated at that before he sighed and nodded.
Katsuki was absolutely pissed that he had to do this. But, Yaoyorozu wanted to, and she was right, he shouldn't have kissed her without her consent. But, wasn't the party enough torture without adding a meal where they had to stare at Icy Hot and Deku the whole time.
“Can you at least look like you're not about murder someone.” Yaoyorozu said as they were walking to the restaurant.
“I think that's asking too much, I always look pissed.”
She turned and stopped him right outside the building. “Then can you at least play nice. I don't need to be breaking up any fights tonight.”
Katsuki could see right into the restaurant and could see Deku and Icy Hot already seated and talking. Deku looked a bit nervous or worried. perhaps yelling at him the other dad had actually frightened him. not that Katsuki has ever been able to push him away in the past. Was he really staring at a life without Deku around to drive him nuts? could he stand not having Deku in his life.
He nodded at Yaoyorozu. Perhaps if he played nice everything would be fine. Perhaps he wasn't even what was worrying Deku.
Katsuki was quickly proven wrong once they were approaching the table and he could see Deku physically stiffin. and what a rotten boyfriend half and half was when he didn't even appear to notice.
Izuku somehow wasn't prepared to see Kacchan and Yaoyorozu walk into the restaurant. To make things worse Kacchan looked so nice tonight and it made it all the harder to look at him and know he would never be able to be with him the way he wanted. He hoped they could somehow still be friends but he wasn't sure how when he couldn't make eye contact with him.
Suddenly he felt a kick from under the table and looked up. He hadn't realized that Kacchan and Yaoyorozu had sat down already. Todoroki was already in a conversation with Yaoyorozu and Kacchan was looking at him.
“You started muttering to yourself and the other table was looking at you like you were crazy.” Kacchan explained.
Izuku blushed and looked down at his hands.
“What's got you worked up anyway?”
Izuku started panicking before saying the first thing that popped into his head. “Have you seen the new hero line up?”
Momo really hoped this plan would work because these two boys appear to be even more thick headed then she originally thought.
She smiled at Shoto and Midoriya as she approached. though Midoriya looked stiff as a board so everything was not off to a good start. All thanks to Bakugo being an idiot and kissing her. She specifically sat across from Shoto and started up a conversation with him in hopes of getting the other boys to talk. At first it didn't look like it was going to work as Midoriya started muttering and Bakugo just drank water awkwardly. but then they started talking about heroes.
They seemed pretty happy with this and didn't stop all through dinner. Momo was hoping they would talk about their feelings or something but the conversation never strayed from the heroes.
“Tonight is such a nice night, what if we all go for a walk around the park before heading back to UA?” She asked.
Shoto was the first to agree causing the others to agree in turn so they paid and headed out. These boys were going to get together tonight if it was the last thing she did. She wanted her boyfriend back already. The whole reason for this plan was to get more time together and yet they now had even less and she was over it.
Now that they were outside the ease and comfort of the restaurant the group quickly fell back into awkward silence. Izuku didn't know how to talk to Kacchan again. He also wasn't sure if he should try and talk as a group with everyone. Or perhaps the best thing would be to leave Todoroki and Yaoyorozu alone so they could make up.mor would that be wrong since she was now with Kacchan, though she did spend all dinner talking to Todoroki.
Kacchan then elbowed Izuku's arm. “You are muttering again”
“Oh sorry.”
“Okay, you definitely have something else on your mind. What is it?” Kacchan sighed.
Izuku panicked again, looking forward to seeing that Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were now walking a distance in front of them and they seemed happy. “Me and Todoroki aren't actually dating … anymore. I think he likes Yaoyorozu. I thought you should know.”
“Oh… that makes sense. To be honest I only asked Yaoyorozu out to piss half and half off.”
Momo started pulling Shoto ahead of the others once they were outside. In the silence they did fall into an easy conversation about school and Shoto could tell Momo was ready for everything to be over so they could spend more time together again.
Honestly, Shoto was ready as well. As much as he liked Midoriya, his relationship with Bakugo was exhausting and annoying. Plus Momo was amazing and so easy to be around. Shoto loved her company. She was as kind and understanding as Midoriya, without all the drama. Plus they had interests that aligned more. Shoto did not necessarily enjoy talking about different pro heroes all the time.
Shoto turned to Momo and gave her a soft smile. She smiled brightly in turn, reaching out and giving his hand a light squeeze.
Momo started to relax into the conversation with Shoto once Midoriya and Bakugo started talking.
She was confident that they would finally confess when they started telling each other that they were not actually in relationships.
But then it all devolved very quickly, once Bakugo confessed that he didn't ever have feelings for her.
“Wait, what? how could you play with her feeling like that Kacchan.” Midoriya huffed and stopped walking, causing everyone else to stop as well.
“It doesn't matter, it's not like she ever liked me anyway, so there was no harm.” Bakugo scoffed.
“But you didn't know that going in, right? And even if you did think so, she could have developed feelings for you and that's just cruel if you never liked her.” Midoriya was almost shouting now and Bakugo was red with anger, ready to probably put his foot in his mouth and ruin everything, which is when Momo finally lost it.
“Both of you shut the fuck up. News flash you were both fake dating us to make the other jealous and I am officially done with both of your shit. So kiss and make up already cuz I want my boyfriend to myself for once,” and with that Momo turned around, grabbed a hold of Shoto and marched off back to UA.
Katsuki and Deku were both stunned into silence as Yaoyorozu marched off with Icy Hot.
They both turned and looked at eachother. Then Deku blushed and looked down at the ground like he was the only one caught in a lie.
“I'm sorry for lying to you Kacchan. I know you don't like me but I do like you a lot and I'm sorry. I understand if you now hate me and never want to talk to me …” Deku continued but Katsuki stopped listening after Deku said he liked him.
Katsuki decided fuck it and kissed Deku, officially silencing him.
Katsuki pulled away slightly, resting his forehead on Dekus, “for the love of god stop talking. I like you, you idiot, so shut up and kiss me” Katsuki demanded. Deku smiled. “Really?”
Katsuki kissed him before he could say any more.
“What did I just say?” Katsuki asked, “And contrary to previous actions, I try not to go around kissing people I don't like.”
This time Deku silenced Katsuki with a kiss. “I guess we should thank and apologize to Todoroki and Yaoyorozu for getting us to admit our feelings.” Deku said starting to walk to UA.
“I think the best thing we could do for them is leave them alone for a while. Especially while Yaoyorozu is so angry. Katsuki said, walking alongside Deku.
Deku nodded thoughtfully as he grabbed Katsuki’s hand, already softly muttering ideas to himself. Katsuki smiled and shook his head, he was going to have to get used to that but at least kissing was a good way to get Deku’s attention.
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koishiro · 2 months
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2nd moodboard mlist here .ᐟ‪‪‬
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.ᴍʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍɪᴀ.
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— # 𝓉𝒹𝒾 𝓂ℴℴ𝒹𝒷ℴ𝒶𝓇𝒹𝓈⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
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Dating Alejandro Burromuerto 💌 […coming soon] 𓍢ִ໋🍓͙͛ ๋࣭
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peachsukii · 1 month
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₊✩‧₊ ⇢ birthday boy katsuki!
『 ♡ 』 bakugo x fem!reader (18+ under the cut!) cw; alcohol consumption/tipsy katsuki note; i know canonically it's his 18th, it's his 22nd here. i know it's a tad long for bullet point style, but what can i say? i love this man. -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
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✩ you quietly sneak out of bed at 6:30am the morning of katsuki's birthday, trying not to wake him before you get the chance to make him breakfast. he's sound asleep, a soft smile on his lips as his bare chest rises and falls peacefully. you throw on his dynamight hoodie and tip toe to the kitchen.
✩ katsuki had gone to bed earlier than usual last night due to back-to-back patrol shifts, letting you set up a little surprise for him in the living room without him knowing. normally he'd drag you to bed with him, even at 8PM, but he was too exhausted to fight you on it. you'd decorated the living room with a few orange and gold balloons, a small vase of tiger lilies, and a present wrapped in orange paper with a black bow.
✩ he's not much of a sweet breakfast person, so you opt to cook his favorite eggs - soft scrambled with signature hot sauce over rice with some toast and black coffee. you're finishing cutting the scallions for the eggs when you hear katsuki's footsteps approaching from the hallway.
✩ katsuki sleepily stalks up behind you, rubbing his eyes as he wraps his arms around your waist and perches his chin on your shoulder. you turn to kiss his cheek and turn off the heat on the stove. "mornin' baby. wha'cha makin'?" his voice cracks, still in the process of waking up.
✩ "happy birthday, katsuki! made ya breakfast, go sit down." he obliges, squeezing your ass under the hoodie before retreating to the table. you drop the plate and coffee in front of him and sit in the seat next to him. "your favorites - eggs over rice with hot sauce, toast and coffee." he huffs with satisfaction before devouring every single bite off his plate.
✩ once breakfast is finished, you lead katsuki into the living room to open his gift. it's a brand new watch to replace the one he broke months ago - one he's had his eye on since it's release date. all black with gold accents, and on the back, it's engraved with "my number one hero."
✩ katsuki's not much of a party person, so you planned an extravagant dinner with friends instead. later that night, you take him to one of the fanciest places in the city. he's greeted with a table full of friends as a surprise - midoriya, kirishima, todoroki, uraraka, jiro, momo, kaminari, sero, and mina all yell a mish-mash of "happy birthday bakugo/bakubabe/bakubro/kacchan/katsuki!" everyone laughs as katsuki rubs the back of his neck, overwhelmed by the affection.
✩ two hours and plenty of laughs, food and wine later, you and katsuki return home with a handful of gift bags. you can tell he's relieved to be home, but the rose blush creeping up his neck from under his collar gives you a different hint at how he's feeling.
✩ katsuki's unrolling his sleeves and unbuttoning his dress shirt when you approach him, hand on his partially exposed chest. "come lay with me on the couch, i'll give you a massage," is all you need to say for him to follow you silently to the living room. you lay back on the couch, turning on the tv for mindless white noise while he lays face down against your stomach, arms draped around you.
✩ he can't help but groan in ecstasy when your nails scratch against his scalp, fluffing his blonde locks before your hands trail down his neck and to his shoulders. katsuki becomes putty in your hands, melting away any pent up stress in his muscles as you work your fingers through every knot.
✩ "feel good, baby?" you ask. a muffled 'mm' into your abdomen is katsuki's only response after a hefty sigh, his warm breath heating your skin through the fabric of your dress. his fingers lazily trace your sides and down to your thighs while you continue playing with his hair.
✩ you can tell by his mannerisms and the temperature of his skin that he's definitely tipsy, relishing in the toasty glow from the red wine at dinner. the restaurant gave you the remainder of the bottle to take home - enough for half a glass each. caressing his cheek and stroking the underside of his jaw like a cat, he rolls his head to the side to look up at you. "want me to run you a bath, kats? we can finish the wine together, light some candles, maybe some music to wind down for bed." he sits up and shifts to plant a messy kiss to your lips before whispering, "yeah."
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✩ grabbing the bottle of wine, you head to the bathroom to set the scene. while the water was running, you'd grabbed a few candles from the closet and your bluetooth speaker, carefully placing them on the counter and leaving the bottle next to the tub. katsuki slinks to the doorway while you're lighting the last candle, ambient music faintly playing throughout the room. he saunters up to you, fingers immediately finding the zipper on your dress and tugging it down. you let the dress slip from your figure and fall to the floor, turning to unbuttoning his shirt and slacks in return.
✩ the two of you settle into the bath together, the sweltering water flushing your skin. katsuki reaches for the wine bottle, bringing it to his lips and letting a stream of liquid run down his chin, dripping down his neck and chest and into the water. without hesitation, you shimmy into his lap, running your tongue through the streams of wine, starting with his chest and ending under his jaw. he bites back the moan bubbling in his throat, the sensation of your tongue making him shiver in anticipation. "that's one way to share it," you purr, shifting to nibble on his earlobe.
✩ he grabs your hips under the water, pulling you flush against him as he dips his head into the crook of your neck, open mouthed kisses lingering over your collarbone and across your cleavage. his voice is low, a little slurred from his intoxicated state, hands roaming from your hips to your back. "you're so fuckin' beautiful, baby."
✩ you cradle his face in your hands, rubies gleaming up at you, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs before pressing your lips onto his, hands slinking around his neck and the water splashing between you as your chests touch. your tongues dance around each other's, the taste of red wine swirling on your taste buds. your hands wander up the back of his neck, playfully scratching at his hairline.
✩ you can feel katsuki stiffening beneath you, his cock tucked snuggly under your slit. you're hands are exploring his chest, submerging them under the water to trace your fingertips down his abs. he stops you, pulling back from your kiss with a pop and a huff. "y'don't...have to. i jus' wanna kiss and hold ya like this."
✩ your chest swells at the hearts in his eyes and how soft his features are under the rosy tint in his cheeks. you smile, pecking him on the nose. "whatever you want, babes. it's your day." you sink against him, laying your head against his chest. you can feel his chest rise and fall with a heavy sigh, cradling you as close as possible, stroking your back absentmindedly.
✩ he lays his head gently lying atop yours, soft snores accompanying the serene music in the room within minutes time. it never fails to make your heart grow three sizes anytime he falls asleep on you - the fact that you make him feel safe enough to doze off with his guard down. faintly, you squeeze his shoulder to wake him up. "let's get you to bed, kats."
✩ out of the bath, cleaned up and ready to pass out, you both flop under the cool covers. katsuki grips your hips and drags your body into his, wrapping his arms around your waist and entangling his legs with your own. his breath tickles your neck as he places multiple kisses to the back of it before settling his head on your shared pillow.
✩ you turn in his hold to face him. "happy birthday, love. i hope it was everything you wished for." katsuki scoffs, leaning forward to leave a long kiss to your plush lips. "'course it was. coulda sat inside all day with ya and it'd be enough."
✩ right after you turn back onto your side, katsuki leans close to the shell of your ear. "thank you, g'night sweets. you can fuck me in the morning." he snickers while laying back on the pillow, moving one of his hands to cup your breast playfully. you know full well it's staying there all night and drift off to sleep with a huff.
✩ the next morning, you stir awake before katsuki does. the sun from the bedroom window illuminates his flawless skin - he looks angelic, blissfully asleep. remembering his words from the night before, you begin to caress his thigh and up to his hip, slinking your hand under the waistband of his boxers. when your fingers gently glide over his shaft, his brows furrow and a grunt rumbles in his chest. his eyes flutter open when your fingers fully wrap around him, your touch featherlight against his sensitive skin. "good mornin' to you, too," he jokes, a hand coming to your jaw to pull you into a kiss with no hesitation.
✩ your grip tightens around his cock while your kiss grows passionate, a gravely moan spilling from katsuki between your lips. "fuck, baby..." he mumbles, breath already shallow from your touch. clothes are soon strewn across the floor and the sheets are a bundled mess while you both ravage one another.
✩ it's not long until your straddling katsuki's hips, sinking down on his dick until your soaked cunt sucks in every inch of him. his pecs and abs display the red scratch marks you've left, along with the pink bite marks on his collarbone. his face twists with pleasure, hands latched onto your hips as you bounce up and down in a steady rhythm. the way you moan coax out his own, his ferocious desire ramping up the volume of his whining the closer he came to release.
✩ katsuki lunges his upper body to meet yours, nipping at your lower lip to pull you down to the bed with him, not letting go of your hips as you increase your tempo. breathless i love yous are exchanged in the midst of your shared high, your hands finding purchase in his blonde locks. you tug on it roughly while he bites your lip again, one final grunt escaping him as you ride through his orgasm. your close to follow, but not before biting and sucking on his neck through his overstimulated cries while he claws at your back in euphoria.
✩ the afterglow is always your favorite part with katsuki, how his beautiful scarlet eyes twinkle with adoration and body fully relaxes. the way he wraps you up, holding you close as he peppers your hair, head, cheeks, nose, lips, neck and collarbone with kisses - it's electrifying. you lie there for a while before speaking up. "ready to go hiking now?" he laughs, wholeheartedly. "no fuckin' way. we're stayin' here until i say so."
⋆ ˚ʚɞ — happy birthday katsuki, you beautiful son of a bitch. my favorite explosive boy deserves to be spoiled & smothered with love. 💖🎀 🎆 tags; @slayfics @maddietries
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vlrspace · 11 months
0:35, todoroki x reader
wc: 0.3K
cw: no triggers
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as the lecture went on, shoto found it harder to focus. he wasn’t sure when it became his habit to stare at your back during a lecture, but he knew if he didn’t stop soon, then it’ll take a toll on his grades and that would be very unconventional.
shoto’s mind wandered to you quite often nowadays, thinking of holding you close, brushing his fingers through your hair, kissing you…
the bi coloured boy abruptly grabbed his pen at that last thought and began writing down notes in his book, furious at himself, he used to be much more collected, level headed and didn’t start blushing in the middle of a lecture because of some girl.
but you weren’t just some girl.
you were the epitome of kindness, a gentle soul who conquered his ghostly heart, filled with void and unworthiness, without even knowing. shoto knew you were like that with everyone, there isn’t a single bad bone in your body and your presence brights up the whole room. he was also mesmerised by your looks, your glowing face and radiant smile, your whole being is beautiful.
“shoto, your book is burning” momo’s voice with an urgent tone, pulled him out of his thinking process and shoto began to cool off his table and save the remaining pieces of paper, feeling many pairs of eyes on him, including yours.
“i’m sorry” he mutters quietly, but his voice was loud enough in the silent classroom for everyone to hear and they all turned back towards aizawa who blankly stared at the boy before continuing with his lecture. shoto looked down at his destroyed book, the evidence of his lacking focus laughing in his face and he wished the ground would swallow him up, leaving no trace.
though, his heart felt rather full when you showed up at his dorm on the same night, with a brand new book, filled with all of the notes he accidentally burned and a warm smile adorning your features.
shoto knew right then and there, this is his chance to ask you out on a date.
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 4 months
Hope your requests work now😁
I would like to request maybe todoroki and reader have a secret relationship and class 1-A thinks there’s something wrong with him so they follow him into a restaurant and they see him and reader kiss.
I’ll leave the rest up to you😁😊
OH MY GOD YESSSS!!! THEY'RE WORKING!! Also, thank you for your help and the request anon. Please enjoy!
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As soon as they saw him 'accidentally' burn his UA outfit on the shoulder, they knew something was wrong. Todoroki would never do something like that.
"Midoriya, ask him what's wrong." Mina pushes the boy toward his friend.
"Hey Shoto, is everything alright? You've been acting strange." Shoto perks up at this and looks at Izuku.
"What do you mean?" Todoroki's leg was bouncing.
As Izuku was about to say something else, Sero tapes his mouth shut and stands next to Izuku.
"Sorry about that." Sero pulls the boy along until Shoto goes back to studying or whatever he was doing to distract himself.
"What the hell was that Izuku?!" You find yourself listening in on the group sitting directly in front of you.
"You told me to ask him." He gets hit over the head by Bakugo and then they continue whispering.
"Let me try." Momo gets up and approaches Todoroki.
"Hey, Todoroki. Do you want to study after class is finished?" He looks up at her.
"Uh, sorry, I can't."
"Why not? You owe me study time you know."
"I'm...I'm going out with family to a dinner. Apparently, I can't miss another one of those. Sorry." His foot is tapping yet again.
You shake your head at the group's antics and continue to focus on your work. The bell rings and you quickly pack your things. A hand slams down on your desk, startling you.
"In a hurry, L/n?" You simply nod and hurry to pack the last of your belongings.
You didn't have to look up to know it was Bakugo. Bakugo quickly snatches the notebook off of your desk and holds it above his head.
"Can I have it back please? I'm really in a hurry." You hold out your hand, waiting for him to give it to you.
"I just noticed how weird you're acting too. You know anything about Icy-Hot?" He moves his eyes to Todoroki then back to you.
"Why are you asking me? We don't even talk to each other." You send him a glare and using your quirk, you grab your notebook from his fingers.
You leave the room and quickly make your way to the dorms to get ready for your date. You look at yourself in the mirror and you know you look fabulous. A ding turns your attention to your phone, a text from Todoroki.
'Check your balcony.'
You simply shake your head while letting a small laugh leave your lips and open the door to your outdoor abode. As you look around, you see an ice slide that he created for you both to escape your dorms. He was at the bottom, giving you a small wave. You wave back and then let yourself glide on the slide.
"Well, you dress up nice. Let's go!" You pull him along as you both run through the woods to get to where you need to be.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Mina runs into the living room area of the dorms where almost everyone resided and opens the curtains to show them what she saw from her balcony.
"Todoroki left!" Everyone was flabbergasted, he would never.
"What if he's just playing with us." Everyone looks at Kaminari like he just said the stupidest thing in the world.
"He doesn't know how to play people!"
"Damn! Sorry!" Mina was already grabbing her jacket and throwing on her sneakers.
"Where are you going?"
"To spy on Todoroki! Are you guys coming or not?!"
All of sudden, the people who were still awake started to grab their things and put on their shoes.
"Let's go!"
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"I'm so glad we made it to the reservation." You smile at your boyfriend lovingly as he does the same.
It was a beautiful venue, you wondered where he got the money to pay for this. probably from Daddy's wallet The stars twinkled onto the candlelit balcony where you both sat. He scootches his chair a bit to be closer to you as he holds your hand in his.
"You know I really do care about you." Shoto presses a gentle kiss to the back of your hand while looking at you.
"You're just new to this and it's okay, we all have our firsts." Your other hand is placed on top of his.
You kiss his knuckles and smile at him, the stars illuminating both of your eyes. As your hand moves off of his, he brings his hand up to the side of your cheek. You look into his pretty eyes; it was the first time he was initiating something like this.
"Can I kiss you?" You smile and watch as his lips turn into a soft smile.
"Shoto, you want to waste your first kiss on me? Are you sure?" You joke, looking away to the stars before he gently turns your face, so you look at him directly.
"I wouldn't want to kiss anyone else; I'll savor the moment forever."
That makes you smile even more until he starts to lean his head in and closes his eyes. The moment feels different than the cuddles and hugs, it's intense. Your eyes flutter shut as do his as your lips connect into a kiss. One of your hands resting on his shoulder while the other goes through his hair, messing it up slightly. His hand still rests on your cheek while the other is on your waist.
Soon you both pull away, slightly swollen lips and little grins on your faces.
"That was really... good. You sure it's your first time kissing someone?" That makes him let out a light chuckle.
"Yes, I'm sure. I want another." You both lean in again but you look to the right and see Uraraka hovering in the air, snapping pictures of you both.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
After walking to the perfect spot to watch Todoroki at his 'family dinner', they climb into a high enough tree to see what's happening and if he lied to them.
"Guys, what if it is a family gathering?" Izuku asks, playing with his hands nervously.
"Then we leave, but it's obviously not. He was acting wayyy too nervous about it when we asked." Mina tells Izuku.
The continue to sit in the tree until they see him sit at the table with-
"Oh my god! Is that Y/n?" Sero squints his eyes as well as everyone else.
Momo makes binoculars and holds them up to her eyes, pointing them at the table Todoroki sat at. Her mouth dropped and it was confirmed, he lied and he was going out with you.
"Hey, Ochaco. Wanna do something real quick?" Mina asks with a smile.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"I can't believe you guys spied on us." Your arms were crossed over your chest while you walked back to UA with the group.
"You both were acting weird, we needed to know what happened to the both of you." Mina stated.
"Well now you know."
As you approach the doors of the dorms, Mr. Aizawa was standing at the entrance.
"Thank you for letting us go out tonight." You and Shoto walk by Aizawa, he gives the both of you a small nod.
"All of you who went out will have early morning training." Everyone groans, watching the two of you walk away free.
"Why don't they get in trouble?"
"They asked."
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frickingnerd · 6 months
shoto todoroki crushing on you
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pairing: shoto todoroki x gn!reader
tags: fluff, inexperienced shoto, confession
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shoto is going to be a little bit confused about his feelings for you at first
he really likes you! he definitely likes you more than he likes midoriya or momo or any of his other friends
but he's never been in love before and he isn't sure if what he's feeling is how love is supposed to feel like
he's probably going to do some research on his own, before he talks to his friends about it
he's going to watch youtube videos like "10 signs you are in love" or "how to talk to your crush" to get a better idea
once he thinks he figured everything out, he starts to tell his friends about his feelings for you, asking them for advice how to confess to you
the poor guy has zero dating experience, despite tons of girls actively crushing on him–
izuku and the others are going to try to help shoto out with you. they'll set the two up for situation where you are alone and they'll tell him what to say or do to win you over
every time he's about to talk to you, they are hyping him up and encouraging him to finally confess to you!
shoto isn't particularly shy to talk to you, he is just unsure if he's saying or doing the right thing
he decides that the best way to confess to you is to do it the classic way: 
he'll put a letter in your locker, asking you to meet him behind the school by the end of the day
he'll wait there for you, with either a single flower or a small box of chocolate that he bought the day before
he doesn't want it to be anything big, otherwise you would noticed it right away behind his back–
once you arrive there, he finally confesses to you
he'll tell you when he fell for you, what made him fall for you and by the end of it all, he'll ask you to be his significant other…
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itallcomesfromhoney · 1 month
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TEASER - Kiribaku x Reader (friends to lovers) ft. fakedating!au
not my gif
“You really let Bakugo and Kirishima have it tonight.” Mina said giggling as you walked arm in arm back to the girls’ dorms. Momo nodded in agreement, both enjoying the drama that you brought.
You roll your eyes,
“They deserved it.”
“What even happened? Bakugo looked like he was about to snap his fingers and light everything on fire, while Kirishima looked like he was gonna pull a muscle with the expression he had.” Momo asked you, frowning a little.
“I have no idea, I was just dancing with Todoroki when they blew up at me and Bakugo called me a bitch” you shrug and scowl at the memory.
Mina scoffed, “I feel like I have a pretty good guess as to what their problem was.”
“Hm? What’s that?”
“Maybe they’re jealous of Shoto?” Mina said with a teasing tone, as if she wanted to get a reaction out of you. Momo nodded, agreeing with Mina’s theory.
You freeze,
“Jealous? Why would they be jealous, they’re my best friends?”
“Because they want to be more than just friends, obviously.” Yaoyorozu laughed, finding it funny that you didn’t understand the pink girl.
“Ah- no way, Momo” you stammer, flushing at the other girl’s words.
“It’s so obvious.” Momo continued to giggle, while Mina nodded again.
It was clear that they thought it was funny that you didn’t realize it, especially with how Bakugo and Kirishima were acting lately. You paused to think, it was true they didn’t like other guys around you, and they had sabotaged every time a guy might had tried to ask you out.
“Do you really think so?” You ask the girls.
“I absolutely do” Yaoyorozu said with a smirk. Mina nodded again.
“Bakugo has always been way overprotective of you, so it makes perfect sense when he gets this way when he sees you with another guy. Even Kirishima is acting pretty weird over the situation. Honestly, I am still surprised that you haven’t noticed it sooner than this.” She smirked as she spoke, finding the whole situation amusing.
“Well I’m not talking to them until they apologise for ruining my evening” you pout, choosing to ignore the theory flying around.
“That’s probably not gonna take long.”
“I give it a day before they both come running to you.”
“Unless I really annoy them” you muse, a plan for revenge already forming in your head.
“Oh? And how do you plan on doing that?” Momo snickered, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Mina raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“Who do we know that would piss them off the most if I started dating?” You muse “Me being anywhere near him would about give Katsuki an aneurysm”
The two of them both burst out laughing as you spoke.
“He’s the perfect choice.” Mina said, finally speaking up after several seconds of laughter.
“If you could give him my number and explain the situation I’d be so grateful, he’ll definitely be up for getting under their skin” you ask Mina.
“Oh, I would love to. It’ll be fun seeing both of them have a complete meltdown over this.”
The next day, you’re sat reading on your bed, mulling over the night before when you feel your phone buzz next to you.
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Note: Just a teaser for a fic I had knocking around! Could be a fun one but let me know if you want the actual chapter/fic!
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lowkeyremi · 1 month
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pairing: k. bakugo x fem!reader summary: Your man's birthday is coming up! Time to set up the venue for the birthday boy! Uh oh... gotta keep it on the low, I think he might be on to you. content: fluff, established relationship, bakugo is nosy, little bit of swearing, mention of other characters (his friend group) (you can find the rest of the series here!) wc: 1k
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"Shhhh!! Hurry up and bring the rest of the stuff out to the car." Kirishima and Kaminari can't seem to keep quiet while loading the rest of the supplies into the car for Katsuki's party. The two keep giggling and messing around.
"Sorry [name]! We'll be quieter!!" You highly doubt that because they said that the last two trips and if anything they've gotten louder. "Come on guys, we don't wanna give it away. You know how hard it is to actually surprise Katsuki." The boys know how much you've wanted to do this, so they quiet down and quickly take the rest of the party supplies to your car.
At this point it's almost like a challenge; to see if you can surprise him. His last two birthday parties you've tried to plan out were a major fail because Todoroki didn't understand the element of surprise and said, "Oh yeah, we're just getting everything ready for your party." and the other year he had threatened Mineta into telling him what you were plotting.
So, this year in order to keep it an actual secret, you had told very few people (kirishima, mina, sero, denki, and midoriya.) and sent Katsuki off to his parents to "enjoy his birthday with his family." His birthday isn't until a few more days but his parents were able to tire him out enough to keep him from asking questions or bothering you guys. he's currently in his room napping at 7pm.
"Alright, Sero, Can you read through the checklist once more to make sure we have everything?" Sero's quiet helpful, he'll be hanging up a lot of the decorations and what not. You had momo make a bunch of cool decorations yesterday while Katsuki was out with his parents and then sato baked a cake, that resides in the teacher's lounge thanks to Aizawa Sensei. You had also gotten the decorations that you and Mitsuki went out and bought a little while ago. She is such a big help and a huge part of why this whole plan is working.
Sero reads though the checklist and you give him a small "yeah" each time you see an item on the list.
"Okay I think that's everything let's go!"
In all honesty, Gym Gamma isn't that far away from the dorms, but carrying all of that stuff would have been a huge pain, which is why you're taking your car, with special permission from Aizawa of course.
When the six of your arrived at the gym you took charge of making sure the door was open for everyone to load everything in, and locking it behind you when everyone was inside.
Your teachers had already come up with some kind of white lie saying they were using the gym for some kind of new practice when in reality you're just setting up Katsuki's party.
So far everything's going according to plan, since Kirishima is probably the strongest one there he helps with setting up tables and moving them. While Denki sets up all the music equipment. (he, jiro, tokoyami and momo are going to play music)
Mina, being a natural leader is telling people where to put things, how high to hang up decorations and what not. She's really damn good at it too.
While you're in the trance your phone buzzes in your pocket and you hear the familiar ring tone of fireworks. When you and Katsuki started dating you set his ringtone to fireworks just to piss him off, and at first it did, but now he's just used to it.
"Hello?" In response you here a loud shuffling noise and a small grunt.
"Where the fuck are ya? Your location's off." If it were anyone else on the phone with him they probably would have thought Katsuki was being rude, but this is just how he is.
"Are you sure? I'm like 100% sure it's on." It's not. You know it's not. You aren't completely sure if he knows the gym is "off limits" because he crashed as soon as he got back. There's no way you're gonna risk it though because if he does know about the gym not being available he'll get suspicious of you being there.
"I'll check again, but I'm pretty sure it's off." His voice is groggy with sleep and he goes quiet while checking to see if you're location is on. While he's doing that you quickly mute your phone and yell out, "WHO'S NOT DOING ANYTHING RIGHT NOW?"
Midoriya is the first to respond, he runs right over to you ready to help.
"Listen, Izuku. I'm about to tell 'tsuki that i'm headed to my favorite book store on campus. I need you to take my phone and just kinda hang out there and if something goes wrong, like he tries to call just call one of the others so you can let me know, okay?" The green haired boy shakes his head furiously fast.
"I CAN DO IT!!" Even though you're slightly exhausted, Midoriya's energetic attitude does hype you up a bit.
You quickly unmute your phone, "Hey baby, I'm going down to the book store for a little while. I need to get this one book."
His bed creaks, indicating that he's just finally sat up in bed, "Alright, I'll meet ya there."
"I just need some time alone, please don't come by." You try your best to sound like you need space, because you know your boyfriend respects you and your space.
"Oh.. alright. If you want me to come get ya I will." Guilt slowly trickles through your stomach when you hear his voice drop into disappointment but you know it will all be worth it in the end.
"Love you Kats, I'll see you in a bit." The blond hums quietly in contentment.
"I love you too, be safe." With that he hangs up the phone.
Izuku quickly leaves with your phone to the book store and you + the others get back to work on decorating and making sure everything is organized.
"Okay guys! I think if we keep working at this pace we'll be done in thirty minutes or so." Everyone whoops in excitement.
It turns out you aren't the only one who wants to surprise Katsuki Bakugo.
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day 1: you make a birthday gift for katsuki - @zanarkandskylines
day 2: you invite all of class 1-A to the party - @xbabyd0lli3x
day 3: shopping for decorations- @angels-fantasy
day 4: You make a present plan 2.0! - @starieq
💖 day 5: Decorating the venue for his birthday party ! @lowkeyremi
day 6: Baking the cake for his party - @queenpiranhadon
day 7: you and your classmates surprise him ! - @cashmoneyyysstuff
tag list: @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @whezdostuff @berry-vioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
orange = can't be tagged
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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billiethepumpkin · 2 months
An Expanded Family: How They'd Be as Step-Parents
Warnings: Rated R. This content is intended for readers ages 18 years or older. If you are a minor, do not interact.
Contains: GN!Reader. Multiple family situations. Deceased parents. Coparenting. Absent parent. Blended families. Adoption of a younger sibling. Step-parent behavior.
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya. Ochaco Uraraka. Tenya Iida. Momo Yaoyorozu. Shoto Todoroki. Mirio Togata. Hitoshi Shinsou.
Author's Note: All characters are written to be adults because I am an old fuck :)
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Izuku Midoriya
It had been the first thing he learned about you. You were a parent. Parenthood was deeply engrained in the way you operated, especially in the Pro Hero space.
When you started dating, though, it became so much more complicated than that.
He started overthinking immediately.
Deku was a lot of things. A lot of little kids looked up to him. He met people every day, but the pressure of meeting your little one was extremely high.
Sometimes you'd catch him mumbling to himself, practicing how to talk to a little kid. He knew that screwing this up might mean losing you forever.
But there is literally no possible way that he could screw it up. In any universe.
He decided to go with you and your four year old son to a playground. He put together a picnic and everything.
Izuku was perfect.
You were sure you fell in love with him all over again, watching him on the playground with your baby.
He was a little awkward at first, but as soon as your son asked him to play tag, Midoriya was all over it.
Your baby had him climbing up slides, going down fireman's poles, swinging on swings, the works.
And you couldn't tell who was having more fun: Izuku or your son.
Sometimes, Deku would come over and babysit for you while you had to run off to work or to run an errand.
Izuku always just treated them like playdates or sleepovers, though.
He asks your son's permission for everything first. Especially when he's about to take big steps in the relationship, like moving in.
But when Deku asked your son if he could move in with you guys, your son got all wide eyed and excited.
"Yeah!" he exclaimed, smiling wide. "It'll be like a big sleepover!"
Midoriya knew your son had another parent, whether they were involved or not. He wasn't really trying to take over the father role.
It just fit him so well.
Soon, he found himself making pancakes and packing lunches and planning birthday parties.
Midoriya loved the life he had with you and your son. He loved it much more than he had anticipated.
And when you saw how much he loved your son, and how much your son loved him, it sealed the deal for you, too.
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Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco was surprised to find out you had kids. You were always so put together.
Not that parents can't be put together, she supposed, but you just didn't really seem like the parent type when she met you.
But whenever she came over while your twin daughters were there, she immediately saw a different side of you.
It made her fall that much more in love with you.
The first time you asked her to babysit, you were on your way to the hospital to see your sister have her own baby. Their other parent was never really in the picture, and everyone else that you would normally ask to watch the babies was also going to the hospital.
Uraraka volunteered almost immediately.
She had been with the twins and you enough times that she thought she had the hang of it.
However, they were only three years old, and whenever it came time to feed them, Ochaco realized she knew so little about children.
Nothing she offered seemed to satisfy them. It took her a while to figure out what they wanted, with their picky palates.
But she did it, eventually.
She knew the routine. Dinner. Bath time. Show on the couch. Then bedtime in the room they shared.
That night, you came home to find your two girls asleep with their heads on Ochaco's lap, her head leaned back on the couch as she dozed, too.
You merely giggled and brought your two girls to their own beds, then brought Ochaco into bed with you.
After that, it took her a while to feel comfortable watching the girls without you.
But she was very good at following your parenting style whenever it was the two of you!
And, man they loved her.
Any chance they got, they dragged Ochaco into the floor to play with them.
Coloring books, ball games, dress up, anything they could convince her to do.
With your permission, she had even floated them a couple of times.
And it warmed your heart when you heard one of them ask her, "Ochaco, will you be my Mama?"
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Tenya Iida
You only got your baby every other week.
Your son was still a newborn, and his other parent was still very much a part of his life.
You wanted to make as much of the time you had with him as possible. So originally, Iida wouldn't come over during the weeks that you had him.
However, all of that changed when his dad wanted to switch weeks for a family event that you'd had going on.
You'd been so absent minded about it that you had forgotten to tell Iida.
Tenya had offered to just go back home and to reschedule his visit for the following week. But you thought that was as good a time as any for him to meet your son.
Iida met your baby while he was sleeping.
He was quiet and attentive, taking in the entire nursery. He didn't think you had shown him that part of your house before.
And even though he loved you and your son, it took a long time for him to really feel like he was part of your family.
I mean, you were seemingly still really close with the baby's other parent. He was never going to be able to step inside the bubble of your family.
Especially because Iida never really did the whole "step-father" thing.
At least, not in the way that anybody else usually did it.
He was more clinical, more calculating, the way he was with everything.
He didn't give the baby any baths or diaper changes for the first six months that you knew him, at least. He felt like it was inappropriate for him, as someone who isn't even related to the baby, to be doing those things for him.
He would do almost everything else, though. Feeding, playing, walks, different learning exercises, cleaning, more feeding.
You knew that everything he ever said or did was only because he cared about you and your baby.
However, he was always insecure about it. He never thought he'd be able to get your ex to trust him, and he never wanted to give either of you a reason not to.
Until you had a conversation with him about it.
You had a heart to heart about how it felt like you were doing a lot of things alone in your relationship and that you needed him to do a little more.
It was then that he told you how much he worried about things like diaper changes.
After you had a long talk about it, he revealed that he had no problem with those kinds of things. He just worried that it would affect the baby's development, to have a stranger around for intimate moments like diaper changes.
After that, he started to help more. He became stronger and stronger as a caregiver for your baby.
He would never be the baby's father. You both knew that. And Iida wasn't trying to be his father. All Tenya wanted was to love both of you for as long as he could.
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Momo Yaoyorozu
You had a ten year old daughter when you and Momo started dating.
In fact, Momo met your daughter almost right away. She didn't have much of a choice because you had a really hard time finding childcare for her while you were away.
Your ex wasn't in the picture and didn't want to be. You didn't want them to be either. And your family didn't exactly raise kids the way you wanted your daughter to be raised. So it was just you and your daughter for the last ten years.
Until Momo came along.
She started out as just a really good friend.
Plus, now your daughter had someone else to look up to in her real life. Momo was smart and powerful, and you wanted your baby to have a woman in her life to look up to. Momo was perfect.
And then it became so much more than that.
Soon, Momo was over every single day. She picked up your daughter from school when you couldn't. She helped with homework and studying. She made dinner and taught your daughter everything she could about math and science and chemistry and hero work, everything she could get out of her system
And your daughter really didn't know how to feel about Momo because she just came on so strong all the time.
I mean, your daughter did like Momo.
It was just hard for her not to have some big feelings. She only had one real parent, and she didn't like any of her other family because of how mean they were all the time.
And Momo went from her parent's friend that sometimes tutored her to the person that sometimes steals her only parent.
And sure, it was cool to have a superhero as a stepmom.
But really your daughter missed the days when it was just the two of you.
When you noticed, you were heartbroken. You apologized over and over, and you promised your daughter that you could plan more days for just the two of you.
Momo was fully supportive of you having more alone time with your daughter. She knew it was important for your daughter to have that bonding time.
Momo just wasn't really sure how to react at the news that your daughter wanted her around less. She hadn't really considered how much she cared for you and your family until then.
Somehow, even though Momo knew how important it was for your daughter to have you as a support system, she still felt rejected and sad. She didn't want to leave you alone.
Momo pulled away for a while. Not because she was angry or anything, but because she didn't know how much space she was supposed to give you to be with your daughter.
Eventually, your daughter did start asking about her again.
"When is Momo coming back over?" she asked one time on the way home from school. "I miss her."
It took a long time, but you eventually learned to balance your time with Momo and your time with your daughter.
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Shoto Todoroki
You took in your younger brother when your parents passed away.
You were happy to do so. The two of you had always been close, and you were happy to be the one who takes care of him.
But he was a bitter, emotional thirteen year old boy whose parents had just passed away. And there was nothing you could do to ease his pain.
You did everything you could think of. You started both of you in therapy. You spent quality time together. You made his favorite meals. You invited his friends over. But nothing consoled him.
He was mean and angry. He was sad and anxious. He insisted on being alone the majority of the time.
And you spent so much time trying to help him heal that you ended up isolating yourself.
That was when you met Shoto. He was a good shoulder to lean on. He was never judgmental of you or your situation. He always listened and never spoke until the time was right.
Todoroki also put you first, the way that you were never able to. And you fell in love with him months after your brother moved in with you.
You were extremely careful of the way you presented your relationship to Shoto to your brother. You thought it would be too quick of a change for him so soon after the last one.
Your worry actually led to you keeping it a secret for a little over a month.
It wasn't on purpose. You always meant to tell your brother that you had a boyfriend. But at first he just wasn't responsive to anything you said.
But then he met Shoto on accident.
Shoto went into your apartment to grab something you needed for work. It was only meant to be a quick trip to the apartment, and your brother wasn't meant to be there.
But he was. Your brother had skipped school. Apparently it's something he'd been doing for a while. He would just walk home after you left for work.
Shoto found him, and they struck up a deal. Todoroki would teach him some skills in combat and he would avoid telling you about the skipping class if your brother would stop skipping school altogether.
Suddenly, Todoroki became best friends with your younger brother.
Your brother became more social, more active. He started talking to you again. He started getting better grades in school. He started joining you for family dinners.
And when you were finally able to tell your brother about the nature of your relationship with Shoto, it turned out that he already knew.
Apparently, he overheard you on the phone with Todoroki one night.
Todoroki became increasingly protective over your brother.
He took your brother to nightly training sessions to help him work off his emotions.
Your brother even convinced Shoto to try going to therapy himself, something he had considered but never actually went through with.
After that day, they started becoming closer. Almost brotherly, almost the relationship you knew Shoto was missing from his siblings.
You knew they both needed each other.
And Todoroki was so spoiling for the both of you. He took you both on trips. He bought you gifts for holidays. He took you to dinner and to his Pro Hero parties and banquets.
Every once in a while, he would work late, and he would refuse to come back to your place because he didn't want to wake up your brother.
And one day, when Todoroki had been at his own apartment for several nights after being on late night patrols, you heard your brother ask you from the other room, "When is Shoto coming home?"
And ever since then, the three of you became a happy family.
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Mirio Togata
You and your daughter met Mirio in the park.
Your daughter had been just six years old. Her other parent had passed away when she was an infant.
Your parents lived far away, and your partner's parents couldn't bear to look at your daughter now that they'd had to bury their own child. And you couldn't really blame them because of how much she looked like her other parent.
It was just the two of you, you and your baby.
Mirio had brought is own daughter, one from a previous marriage.
Their divorce had been amicable, though his ex-wife had since made some poor life choices and was no longer able to visit or take his daughter on the weekends. So they spent their days visiting parks and playgrounds.
You met because your daughter had taken quite a fall off of the swings and scraped up her hands, and Mirio's daughter had helped her up. Mirio, then, helped her find you so you could bring her home.
You were thankful, and you took your daughter home after a brief exchange of niceties.
From then on, you always noticed him at the playgrounds you frequented. Your daughter became very good friends with his, and you found it in your best interest to become friends with Mirio.
The rest is history.
You found out that your daughters would be going to the same elementary school. And from then on, they did everything together.
Meaning that you and Mirio now did everything together, too.
Mirio was particularly doting on your daughter.
He would play with her whenever she asked, no matter how silly the game was.
He would give her piggyback rides into school.
He would nurture her whenever she needed loving.
But he also never neglected his own daughter. He made sure they still went out on their father-daughter dates to cafes and parks and playgrounds.
Watching him love the kids so much created a longing in your heart that was so strong you couldn't deny that you had feelings for him.
Eventually, things spiraled until the two of you were much, much more than friends.
You hadn't exactly explained anything to your daughters yet, but during a play date, they walked in on the two of you kissing.
It was innocent enough. Nothing got remotely steamy. But it was just an innocent moment.
You both startled when you heard "OoooooOOOOoooh!" from the two tiny voices peaking around the corner.
You all started laughing, and your daughters came bounding in the room. "You loooooove Mirio!" your daughter teased.
"Yeah, I guess I do!" you said with a smile, looking at him lovingly.
Mirio was just as doting and loving on your girls as he had been the entire time.
A couple of months into your relationship, you discovered that you were pregnant. And then a few months later, you welcomed a new baby boy into the family.
At first, your girls were so loving and doting on their brother. They "helped" feed him, change him, and bathe him, which really meant just talking to him and giving him lots of kisses.
But you could tell that something with your own baby girl had gone awry.
She would cling to you all hours of the day. She always wanted to be cuddling you, right by your side every minute of the day.
Eventually, she let it slip that she thought you and Mirio loved the new baby most.
You decided that you had to do something. Your baby had to know that you loved her just as much as the rest of the family.
So you set up a special time after the baby was laid down for bed at night where you all did something together.
Sometimes you'd watch a show and cuddle under blankets on the couch. Sometimes you'd play board games together. And sometimes you would take turns reading parts of books.
You each took your girls out on solo adventures whenever you could, making sure to spend time with them just as you did one another.
You did your best to make sure that your family unit all felt loved the way they deserved.
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Hitoshi Shinsou
Shinsou actually met your eight year old son first.
You had been holiday shopping on one of the busiest nights of the year.
You knew you shouldn't have brought him with you. You knew you should've just waited until your parents could watch him.
But now, here you were, frantically running around the shopping center, waiting for your eyes to lock with his.
You couldn't help but shame yourself while you searched for him.
First, you got pregnant in high school. You knew you weren't mature enough to have a child, and all of this proved it. You were still a child yourself. You had no business raising a kid all on your own.
And then you saw it.
You saw your son being led through the crowd with a man with purple hair, and you finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Fast forward to a year and a half later, and you and that man were moving into the same apartment.
Shinsou had proven to be an amazing parent, even if he really hadn't seen himself as a parent before.
He knew he wasn't really the "step-dad" type, and he never pretended to be.
He just wanted to care for you and your son as much as possible.
Hitoshi really struggled at first.
Sometimes, when he was over, he just couldn't understand why he could wake you up in the night with some love and affection.
Eventually, you explained that your son's face was peacefully sleeping on the other side of the wall between your bedrooms. "What the hell would you do if he walked in, 'Toshi?" you had eventually asked.
The look on his face seemed like he'd seen a ghost when you asked.
It took him a long time to get used to the schedule, too.
You and your kid got up so freaking early.
And yeah, he knew it was for school. But that didn't mean he wasn't grumpy about the alarm buzzing on your bedside table at six every morning.
One morning, though, he had been awake when your son had woken up from a nightmare.
You would have been happy to wake up and be there for your son. But Hitoshi also knew this was his chance to really bond with him in a way he hadn't been able to. So he got up and led your son into the kitchen.
Hitoshi took the time to heat up some milk with honey and cinnamon mixed in, just like in that movie he had watched with you and your son recently... Oh, what was it called?... He couldn't remember.
They talked about the dream. Shinsou told your son all the ways that he remembered to be brave when he was afraid.
And ever since then, your son went to Shinsou for everything. It was like he was obsessed with your boyfriend.
Ever since then, they were best friends, always getting into one thing or another together.
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