#toga is a little shit
In The Middle Of It by Freedom_of_speech333 on AO3
Summary: Tomura confesses to Dabi in the middle of a fight. (Also, oblivous Dabi in early parts.)
Sweet hands, scarred muscular chest, warmed Tomura’s back as they lay in a cuddle puddle at the L.O.V. latest lair. Dabi always seems to stay so close, grabbing, touching, holding him as if he was a fluffy dog instead of a man whose touch killed.
Tomura leaned into him, craving another human’s heat in the drafty room, the safety of arms that reached to wrap around him. A shutter of giggles entered the room, before everyone squeezed closer. Toga shifted to stare at Tomura’s half open eyes. 
‘So, are you gonna tell him the ‘L’ word?’
Tomura’s eyes opened into a full glare as he eyed down this stupid remark.
‘What do you mean? Loathe?’ Tomura said in too quick retaliation. Toga rolled her eyes and bopped his nose. 
‘We all know you guys like each other, just admit it already!’ Toga said in exasperation, causing Dabi to groan in his sleep.
‘I already told you sweetie, they're hopeless. ‘ Magne consoled Toga, glimmering eyes making fun of Tomura’s heating face.
Well, it wasn’t his problem. He was content, happy even, with how things were. It was… comfortable. Tomura closed his eyes and fell back into a sweet sunny dream of warmth and dogs that died by him.
The windows shattered as they heard stomping feet beat down the false images they made in the next door room. Tomura leapt to his feet with the others. Dabi groggily stood and raised up his fists.
Tomura motioned for everyone to be quiet and pointed to their emergency exit up the roof. They scrambled up on the quiet feet of grogginess. The roof had a better fighting odds for them as well as their planned coordinates to be warped out. 
Dabi leaned against him as Tomura quickly sent a message to the doctor asking for removal. They had been spying on the Hero Commision’s training grounds, evidently too close.
‘I thought you villains would be tougher stock.’ Said a voice that caused Dabi to straighten up and glower, Endeavor. It would have been intimidating, if he was wearing more than his boxers and socks. Tomura noted a future clothing supply run for his group, all half dressed and mumbling. 
‘Bwahahaha, They are half naked!’ Bunny flopped in laughter atop Pro Hero Mirko’s head. Considering she was working with them, she must have made all that ruckus to wake them up. They would get out of this alive and free, but she still had to put on show for the big gun.
This is going to hurt.
Toga and Magne kept sending imploring gazes during Tomura and pointing at Dabi. Didn’t they realize the middle of a fight was the wrong time to confess!?
 He swung back to look at Dabi, his muscular body smoking from quirk overuse. He was poised to throw a deadly ball of fire at Mirko-SHIT! Tomura forgot to tell him about the new connections! He had to make him stop….
“I love you!’ Tomura shouted, causing Dabi to stare straight at him. What was that look? Was it happy, indifferent, or disgusted?! Tomura didn’t have time to find out as a fluffy rock solid boot slammed straight into Dabi’s head.
Well, maybe brain trauma will erase Tomura’s confession. Hopefully.
Dabi wakes up on a cold, rough surface. Blinding light sends pins into his brain and causes him to wince. His eye’s refocus on the LOV around him, everyone except….
‘Where’s Tomura?’ Dabi asks. Magne and Toga start giggling over who knows what and Tomura comes to sit right next to him, head hidden in the folds of his comfort hoodie. 
Tomura takes Dabi’s hand and fiddles with his fingers before speaking. 
“So, what do you remember about the fight?’
Dabi smiles and twists his hand to bring Tomura’s glove-covered hand to his lips. 
‘That you love me.’ 
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kacievvbbbb · 4 months
The league of Villains is the biggest exercise in escalation ever put to screen. Cause they used to be such funny little guys ! And then BAM suddenly I’m not laughing anymore.
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kingkatsuki · 4 months
Be honest— Do you think your fave would get pissed off if you were to propose first?
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gay-chef-boyardee · 3 months
If we don’t get a togachako resolution I’m going to be on the fucking news
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shehsart · 1 year
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LoV if they met a little earlier.
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lunejump · 2 years
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I started watching the harley quinn show can u tell.
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summer-sapphic · 2 months
Hi I'm mad
#this is the only place I can vent about My Hero stuff#I'm so pissed that Toga is dead it's so fucked up#like everything about it is so fucked up#it started with Jin being killed#all he wanted to do was protect his friends#but Hawks mercilessly killed him while he begged for his life#and then in the big battle Toga didn't get to kill Hawks and avenge her friend#and that scum gets to live and continue being a hero#and then Toga dies too while characters with significantly worse injuries somehow survive#like are you shitting me she dies when DABI survived???#dude is a charcoal skeleton there's no fucking way he should be alive#and Uraraka went through this whole deal of questioning heroes' actions because of what Toga said to her#Toga and Uraraka finally reaching an understanding and bonding just for Toga to die is such garbage#Toga wanted to be accepted and she found it in the League#then had to watch her friends all die when all most of them wanted was just a better society#but she could have stayed with Uraraka#it would have been so much more meaningful if Toga had lived and inspired Uraraka to go into like social work#helping people who were outcasts because of their quirks#working with Toga who also knew about Spinner and Jin and Shigaraki's experiences#it's just disgusting and shows that the author doesn't understand his own world#it honestly also gives off homophobia#like he had these little glimmers of queer rep with Magne and Toga#but Magne was brutally killed#Toga died after the briefest gay moment with her and Uraraka#plus we know Jin was an ally because he threatened to kill another villain for misgendering Magne but Jin died too#honestly the only highlights of this ending for me are that Nagant and Gentle/La Brava got to live and be free#I've read this far but I honestly don't know if I care enough to finish now that Toga is seemingly confirmed dead#this is why I don't pick up shonen manga or anime anymore#toga himiko#ochako uraraka
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
My favorite characters are chaotic gremlins with a lack of respect for authority and human life that get Phineas and Ferb'd in the "Aren't you a little too young to commit crimes?" department and just go "Yes." before going off to commit more crimes. Usually arson.
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jamiethebeeart · 2 years
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krbkss · 1 year
mha 395
has anyone brought this up yet </3
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
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I am deeply afraid that this goes down a path I don’t want. I’m so so deeply afraid.
I was really hoping for yuri win…
I won’t give up hope until this fight has ended but. I am VERY MUCH faltering. It’s just the leaks and I thought this with 393’s leaks too but still.
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smolthealmighty · 2 years
*Shigaraki and Spinner got separated from the league during a blackout and are now trapped in a dark room*
Spinner: “Anyway, it’s gonna be a while until they figure out where we are and how to get us out, so we may as well get used to living in the dark.”
Shigaraki: “Hm, yeah…”
Spinner: “What?”
Shigaraki: “Well… it’s just not that great is it? I wouldn’t mind looking at the hideout again. And… maybe looking at you.”
Spinner: “Really? You like looking at me?”
Shigaraki: “Uh yeah, I suppose I do.”
Spinner: “Well… I like looking at you too.”
Shigaraki: “Hm, thanks… for that.”
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I wish the LOV were accepted more for who they actually are in Canon which is a group of damaged individuals who have such a deep self-hatred for themselves and that while they care about each other they don't make each other better because they can't because they can't even help themselves let alone each other.
And this is why they need help from outside the league and why each of them are searching for acceptance elsewhere because as much as some lov stans want the league to just have each other this is not what the league wants nor even needs.
A rant I've gone on several times, but I always feel like there are more points I can make to expand on this.
It's the self-hatred piece that's not outright stated in canon by the characters, but is heavily shown through outside forces within the story, but gets overlooked.
I think it's confusing their general acceptance of each other for prioritizing each other, which they don't.
The only League members who did that were Twice, Spinner, and Compress--and look what happened to them, and look at what their sacrifices accomplished.
Twice saved Toga, I'm not taking that away from him by any means. It was a big moment and it was a good way for him to go out. But he prioritized their happiness when there was absolutely 0 chance of their current plan of action actually bringing any of them happiness. He prioritized their happiness when...I'm sorry but none of them prioritized his--they couldn't even prioritize their own. He died thinking he had a happy life because he found the League, and yet he died without that sentiment being returned--because not a single other member of the League feels like they have a happy life, not now and not ever before--even when they had each other.
Compress got locked up, maimed himself in the name of "helping them achieve their dreams"--when none of them have any actual dreams beyond death or self-destruction. He got locked up for the sake of the League that immediately fell to pieces because Tomura getting possessed was an extensive, long-term plan that League unintentionally perpetuated and had absolutely no way of stopping at any point in time, ever. Toga was always miserable, Dabi was always suicidal, and Spinner was on his way to make more bad decisions to come that nobody was going to be able to talk him out of--because as Compress said! They don't ask questions! But man, maybe they should have, haha.
Spinner almost completely lost his mind to quirk overload. Accepted power in the name of helping Tomura. Every time he tries to "help Tomura" it's remeniscent to throwing gasoline on an already blazing fire (the blazing fire being Tomura's detrimental state), and yes I'm implying that ironically, in the name of wanting to help and support him (in so many negative ways because that's what Spin got attached to), Spin made things worse (unintentionally! but he did, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
I mean, every time the League tries to push further down the destructive path "of their dreams", they just end up hurting themselves more, making themselves more miserable, and brush closer and closer to death (in Touya's case, he's practically dancing with it, hoping it takes him). Any time one of them "prioritizes" the League or someone in the League, it just ends up making things worse and working out in a way that AFO benefits from.
It's almost like the manga is saying "man, these guys are fucked and they just keep fucking themselves over so long as they aren't receiving help from people who don't agree with their self-destructive actions!"
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abtl · 2 years
So you don't know that Cicero made several speeches saying that as a young man Mark Anthony would wear his hair long, dress up in feminine clothing and whore himself out like a prostitute (Fun fact, Nero grew his hair out long to resemble him, because he was his grandfather). Even as he grew up he wore extremely short tunics to show off his perfectly shaved, muscular legs, which Cicero probably envied, because Cicero had varicose veins and would undergo cosmetic surgeries to have them removed. Those insults are probably why Mark Anthony had Cicero killed.
...The thing about Mark Anthony being a drunk are 100% true tho, he literally came into the Senate drunk multiple times, once even with puke all over his white toga.
You cannot make this shit up. Holy shit. Roman history is just absolutely insane.
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pkmn-lillie · 1 year
uhm um uh its my bed time. but i am still playign with my ocs like dolls
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jerriisspeakingnow · 1 year
I need to be stopped and locked in a cell before I actually try to watch Vampire Knight again what am I thinking ??
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