#told me ai would be this sassy
visionthefox · 6 months
sams- is Eclipse mad Solar is Dead? is Eclipse healing? This is a ramble, may have errors and not make much sense but wanted to let it out maybe is me but.. I think Eclipse is also pissed off Solar died.. something on how he says it over and over, is not even to Just mock Moon, try to make him angry like is hold self would.. at first? sure - "isnt he the reason Solar died?" was asked in a more mockery tone.. but as the video keeps up, something on his voice just seems off.. and I know damn well davis KNOWS how to act with his voice, most times his tones arent a mistake.. no no he's been doing this for a long time now.. he knows.. but I feel he maybe does miss Solar? apparently they used to talk? in Eclipse has Returned…ALREADY!!! in VRChat- in the last moment Eclipse mentions Solar can and is better! he can do so much. Maybe is proyecting himself, maybe is hoping to get an ally? maybe .. just maybe he is deeply jelous on how Solar got more lucky and got Moon to see him as an equal.. something any OG fan know was the first thing Eclipse wanted from Moon.. old Moon.. YET also, had him hoping he could learn from Solar? he is mad the person who is supposed to be his better self is now dead, and he doesnt even get to revenge him and himself for now being left without purpose.. AGAIN ok hear me out, as much co co he's been so far. at moments Eclipse seems to actually understand he is the bad guy and seems to regret it, at times he admists he never HATED Lunar- we can assume he was mad for be backstab and thats it- at times he acts like he NEVER cared but soon that mask slip off.. is it wild to assume Eclipse is mad Solar is gone because he maybe finally found someone "like him" but not like him ? an Eclipse- a mistake- a broken AI but who got lucky? and this dude does listen to him and is kinda the reason Moon didnt do worst things ? idk why- I get the odd feeling the more Eclipse mentioned Solar death. it was more in angry tones - when Ruin mentions his data could be usefull, Eclipse does stop to listen- yet soon does attempt to kill him and is here when he does mentions in more angry tones Ruin is the reason Solar is dead.. is odd how is THAT the reason he is mad is not even
"this IDIOT bring be back to do THIS STUPID PLAN!" not a "he play me like a chess piece , just for this idiotic plan!" is odd for me- Eclipse was mad he was back alive- used like a puppet but when faced to the man itself- this motive is slighty pushed away ....... maybe is also how Moon is acting that also set him off? as much eye roll he does to Moon, maybe is him having to hear a bit of reality check that finally makes him NOT kill Ruin - he does finally LISTEN to Moon and does as told of course he will be pissy sassy bastard everytime they talk- he not only is the personality copy, he hold memories too.. at least few enough to hold some anger to Moon, specially after that therapy, Eclipse maybe still dealing with his old wounds .. but as much shit talk he does , he seems to be more open to listen to Moon. and eventually do as told without much fight.. there IS a Change- SLOW- and I want it this way.. so slow may be hard to see but is there..
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jinxquickfoot · 11 months
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@badthingshappenbingo prompt: Mind Control
Find the fic on Ao3
“Well. This is ominous.”
Tony stares around the deserted Times Square, his suit not picking up a single heat signature in a five-mile radius. Abandoned cars surround him, their doors gaping open. Some even have their engines and radios running. As though everyone in the city center has vanished into thin air.
“Yeah, you don’t say.” Rhodey lands beside him, keeping the War Machine faceplate down, making sure he and Tony can’t hear anything but each other. “I knew Kilgrave was making himself more powerful, but he can control a whole city now?”
“Not a whole city,” Tony reminds him. “Just… the parts we can currently see.”
“Uh-huh. Very accurate, Sherlock.” Rhodey exhales, the sound crackly over the comms. “He said we had until sundown. Drama queen.”
“Yeah, yeah, revenge, power, discredit my name, I’ve heard it all.” Tony makes another slow circle, taking in the eerie landscape. His heart leaps when he sees just how close the sun is to touching the horizon. “Any luck on finding the missing civilians, J?”
“If I had, I would have updated you, Sir.”
“Cranky,” Tony comments. He turns to Rhodey instead. “Okay, hot shot. Give me ideas.”
“You’re the genius, make your own.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“No? Really, that’s not how it works?”
“No, how it works is that you voice the stupid ideas, we get those out of the way, and then I take what’s left and make magic happen.”
“You getting enough oxygen in that helmet? You’re sounding a little—”
“Delirious? That’s just how genius sounds, honey bear, you’ve been around me long enough to know that.”
“If we could please focus, we have hundreds of missing hostages to locate.”
Tony clears his throat. “I know, I know, we’ll find them. Kilgrave’s a pain in the ass but he’s just one guy.”
“With mind control powers,” Rhodey reminds him dryly. “Very powerful mind control powers that he then made even more powerful.”
“I’m sorry, I believe JARVIS just scolded us into focusing?”
“I am so glad you are listening to me, Sir. It’s refreshing.”
“Yeah, maybe let’s reduce sassiness by a good twelve per cent there. So. We've got a supervillain with mind control and an affinity for purple that makes Barton’s look tame. We've got missing civilians. We know that said purple supervillain got to all the hostages at once. We know that all the CTV footage shorted out. We know—”
“It’s the radios.”
“I wasn’t finished.”
“Tony, it’s the radios.” Rhodey stomps the War Machine suit over to the nearest abandoned taxi, pointing at the dashboard. “Is that still playing, JARVIS?”
“I believe so.”
“What’s this believe business?” Tony interjects. “You’re an AI with access to the entire internet and several data banks that don’t want yours truly in there.”
“Whatever affected the cameras appears also to be affecting me. I am aware that the radio is playing, but the words are distorted.”
“But they can’t be distorted if people heard Kilgrave’s orders…” Tony trails off, “Ah, shit. So we can't listen to where Kilgrave told the hostages to go without falling under his control too. So we find a workaround. We’ve got, what, twenty minutes before whatever grand spectacle Kilgrave is trying to pull off? That’s time, we’ve got time.”
Tony can’t see Rhodey’s face, but he can tell by the set of his shoulders that his friend is about to pull something Tony is not going to like. “Rhodes. We have time.”
“No, we don’t. We need to know where Kilgrave has the hostages, and we need to know right now. It’s hundreds of lives at risk.” Rhodey turns to face him. “Once I know where I’m going, all you have to do is follow me, and I’ll lead you right to them.”
“Yes, and you’ll be a magenta zombie. We’ll find another way.”
“No, we won’t. Not quickly enough.”
“Rhodey, once you’re under his control, I have no idea how to break you out of it.” Panic is rising, his mind racing as he tries to find any other path but this one. “He could make you do anything.”
“Well, you’ll just have to stop him and get me back then.”
“So, your plan is to be the damsel in distress until I can save you?”
“Well, generally as I’m the one doing the saving, I think that’s fair.”
“You’re the one doing the— what about Hammer? The Expo?”
“What about Afghanistan?”
“Um, I think you’ll find I saved myself.”
“And then you would have dehydrated to death unless I saved you.”
“The Expo was more recent so if we’re taking turns—”
“We save each other, how about that, does that sound okay to you? Tony,” Rhodey cuts him off when he goes to protest again. “I trust you to save me. And I’ll save you next time. We save each other.”
And he flips up his faceplate, letting Kilgrave’s voice in.
Tony’s protest dies on his lips as he sees Rhodey’s face go horribly blank. “Tell me what the radio is saying,” Tony demands. “Come on, just tell me where he’s telling you to go, then I can lock off the suit and you won’t be able to go anywhere, Rhodes—Rhodey!”
Rhodey doesn’t say a word. He just starts flying.
Tony swears, taking off after him. “The bad guys could make it easy just one time, is that so much to ask for?”
The flight is short, but Tony is still all too aware of the sinking sun. It glints off the War Machine suit as it begins to descend, touching down in what appears to be an abandoned quarry. Abandoned buildings surround the disrupted rock, towering above Tony as he lands behind Rhodey. “Heat signatures, J? J. JARVIS, come in?”
“I’m sorry…interference…War Machine…”
That’s as much warning Tony gets before Rhodey turns around and fires right into Tony’s chest.
The Iron Man suit is built for a lot, but an unexpected hit from his own team isn’t on the list. Tony finds himself catapulted backward, doing a not-so-elegant somersault along the dusty ground. “Ow. Uncalled for, Rhodes, even if you are—” He breaks off when he straightens up and sees the War Machine suit is empty. “Oh, shit.”
“Sir, I am receiving an incoming message.”
“Kilgrave sent a voice message? That can cause interference in you? Yeah, I’m not listening to that.”
“It is text-based. It should be safe for me to read it to you. It begins with: Look up.”
Dread pooling in his gut, Tony cranes his neck upwards just as the sun slips below the horizon. Floodlights burst to life around the quarry, and only the Iron Man helmet keeps Tony from being blinded. “Well. Guess we found the hostages.”
Hundreds of people line the roofs above him. They teeter on the edge, all staring eerily ahead, young, old, even some kids. And then, atop the building right in front him, now very much without a flying suit, is Rhodey.
I trust you to save me. And I’ll save you next time.
“Keep reading, J.”
“Know that the city is watching this live, Iron Man. Even your technology cannot save them all. Every day, you choose who lives and who dies, and they call you a hero regardless. Not today. Today, they will see how useless you really are.”
Tony bites his lip, feeling his heart pound. No one is dying today, that’s not an option. When people step forward, he’s not going to choose whether he catches Rhodey or the girl three hostages down from him who can’t be older than nine.
“But there’s a twist, Iron Man. My final order to them? To follow the next words out of your mouth.”
Tony stills, confused. “Keep reading, J.”
“Of course, I’ve laid some groundwork for how they might interpret your words. Tell them to leave the roof? They will jump. Tell them to delay? They will jump. Tell them in any way to save themselves, and they all jump. Say nothing—they jump. Good luck, Iron Man. You have ten seconds to decide what you would like to say.”
And then, as one, all the hostages swing one leg forward, balancing on one foot. Tony starts, ready to start flying and catching regardless, he at least has to save some of them, but they freeze in place. So the ten-second countdown is real, then.
“J, what do we do?”
“I’m calculating a flight path. You should at least be able to catch Colonel Rhodes and some of the children if I remotely pilot the War Machine suit.”
“And let hundreds of others die?” Not to mention that Rhodey would kill him if Tony chose to save him over innocent civilians. “So, my choices are to let people die, or…”
“Give a final order that makes them look like you made them jump yourself, which appears to be Kilgrave’s plan to turn the city against you. If you’re blamed for this—”
“They lock me up and Kilgrave gets free reign of the city, I get it.” Tony grits his teeth, forcing his brain into overdrive. There has to be a way out, there’s always a way out. “Put me on speaker, J. Make sure everyone can hear me.”
“Listen to me, you’re going to be okay,” Tony calls out, his voice echoing around the quarry. He’s speaking to everyone, but he fixates on Rhodey. No falls for his best friend today. He can do this. “You know the next order you have to follow is mine. But I can’t order you to save yourselves. And I can’t save all of you, either.”
That’s what we do—we save each other.
Tony squeezes his eyes shut, praying for this to work. “So if I can’t save you, and you can’t save yourselves, my order to you is this: save each other.”
As soon as he says the final word, every hostage is stepping forward. His time is up. They’re going to fall.
And then… movement. Not forward. Sideways. As the hostages reach out and grab each other, tugging their neighbors back onto the safety of the rooftops.
“Hey, J?” Tony is breathless, sinking to one knee with relief. “Any sign of Kilgrave in the area?”
“None, Sir, but we have citywide surveillance looking for him.”
“Turn on the speakers, then.” Sound floods back to him all at once. It’s loud and terrified and relieved all at once. Tony risks a look upwards, a smile curving his lips as he sees hundreds of strangers all hugging and celebrating the joys of being alive.
Rhodey disentangles himself from the crowd, yelling down something Tony can’t hear.
“Did you get that, JARVIS?”
“Colonel Rhodes is requesting that you, quote, hurry up and come and get him.”
A laugh bursts out of Tony, pure relief flooding him. “I just saved his ass, he can wait a damn minute.”
“I’m sure he will remember that the next time he saves you, Sir.”
“Yeah,” Tony agrees. He doesn’t get a lot of good days. But today is one of them. “When he comes to save me next, I’m sure he will.”
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saltynsassy31 · 9 months
hey girl… i know nothing about Zelda but you never told me about the sword that was like. her own character???…… idk how to say it but, spill
Okay it's so great you asked this cuz it's legit the whole premise of the game I got recently for Christmas (skyward sword)
So, this is Fi
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She is the sword
This is her before she...merged? I think? Yeah, before she merged with the sword (I haven't finished the game and I'm tryna go spoiler free but I'm pretty sure that's the case considering she communicates with Zelda in BotW/TotK but doesn't manifest in any other game besides SS)
SS happens before ANY of the zelda games, sorta of a prequel for it all, it explains how the reincarnation of Zelda, Link and Ganondorf started
Fi was sent by the Goddess Hylia to aid the hero in his quest to fulfill his duty and destiny
I absolutely love her, if I could send more than one video of her I would, but here, have her first introduction (I was gonna show her dancing but I didn't record that one cjdjjaa), it says a,l you gotta know about her XD
She is so sassy and so lovable, I am going to be said to have to say goodbye to her eventually but I also can't wait to read fanfictions involving her cuz she got great big sis energy to fulfil ngl
Even if she's emotionless and basically just an AI, you know danm well that can be easily broken cough cough detroit become human cough cough
Anyways, I'd gladly just rant about her all day but I think I've tortured myself enough trying to make tumblr let me edit this post and it's 1:30am
I also admittedly do not know much about her yet and how she might change as a character so you'll probably see a rant from me some time soon after I finish the game lol
All I know is that all those times she's shown to be present in botw and totk is about to become a lot more emotionally demaging after this XD
(Again, could go hours explaining as to why and I'd love to...in another post, this one has been the baines of my existence already fkskak stupid tumblr)
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petrichoraline · 7 months
I binge-watched this into the dark hours of the night and I had a lot of points I wanted to make but I'll just vent (a bit spoilery)
this show is funnyyy, it had me laughing at points I wasn't supposed to (like when dome would appear standing in the distance out of nowhere like a horror movie character but sweet music played on top) and it also does endearing very, very well.
the main characters' dynamic is interesting. they're a very lowkey couple in a way, domestic and sweet but when the conflict is conflicting the tension is palpable. thorn can be very sassy and petty (kind of despite himself) and fah tends to need direct guidance - their fights remained consistent in nature and the conflict though frustrating made a lot of sense. these are young men with a lot of doubts about their future, their goals and relationships. theyre put in kind of impossible situations and acting out, saying the wrong thing, having trouble with controlling emotions are normal - it's difficult to watch but not because it's nonsense as is the case with a lot of forced conflict in media.
ai and saen had the best only one bed scene I've seen in A WHILE like I couldn't think of a better one, it had beautiful sound design, enough time dedicated to setting the scene and building the tension AND some lovely acting that made the switch in their dynamic so romantic and natural. they also had a cute development, even when softened up ai maintained that sharp tongue and saen kept looking at him with the same adoration and handling his comments with patience (the graduation gift reaction wouldve hurt me but not saen, that man is so used to it 😂)
dome and vee had me going crazy in the first episodes, I really enjoyed the tension but I was rooting for pan the whole time. i was yelling about girls in bls lmao like these dudes had me stressed for a girl I was so sure was gonna be sweet about it AND SHE WAS. at one point I was like "if you grab that empty beer bottle and take revenge I wouldn't be mad tbh", that girl was GRACIOUS. also "I told him that if he found someone he could leave anytime" girlll 😭💗
honestly vee didn't seem too remorseful at the beginning so his guilt really taking over in the second half felt a bit out of nowhere but also right. I think hes usually a playful guy and the consequences didn't really dawn on him at first, not to mention he didn't expect to actually fall in love. dome is a cutie but that man pissed me off, I think the reason he struggled his much being hes now into a guy made the conflict compelling and understandable but it still was so unfair towards his girlfriend, I was screaming BREAK UP on like ep.2 not because I cared about his rs with vee but because he clearly doesn't want to be with her and he should set he free (and ironically it turned out she was the one who tried to give him that type of freedom)
also the hyperventilating scene..I felt that, it was so good.
the colours, cinematography, music choices, humour and drama are really engaging. I started the show a while ago (quite a bit after i had decided to watch it due to good recommendations), stopped for a bit, got to the end of ep.3 and put it on hold for a while because tbh the first episodes weren't too much fun, they had this one single flashback happen like five times in an episode like they were making sure those kids got their exposure 😂 but it really picked up from there, i binged 9 episodes at once, i didn't skip scenes, used the speed up button only once and didn't feel the need to check my phone which is a lot lol
it's fun, it's sweet, there wasn't much basketball after all (which was good for me cause I wasn't in it for the sport, I thought it was a volleyball show 😁) but there was plenty of tenderness, the way characters display affection is so nice and thought out. there's a nice squad, the friendships are not really a main focus? but you can feel the support (glad we got an aii/thorn moment, I was sure those two would get along)
I recommend it even if the first few episodes are a bit on the dull side, what it does well it does really well and it's a worthy watch 💖
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dreamfilleddonuts · 1 year
I know what @neallo told me about what she meant by her tags in this post, but when I saw them all I could think was space/scifi AU with a very sassy android Near who think it's absolutely hilarious to mess with the head of his human crewmate Mello who he is also absolutely in love with. What can i say his AI is advanced as fuck. Can he phrase this normally? Yes. But would it get the same reaction from Mello? No, and what fun is that?
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krnzysh · 2 years
🍁 character intro — the peso is not weak (kazuha's friends)
prev | masterlist | next
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➜ AETHER — met kazuha through y/n when they were children. he's the only one who can rival tighnari's sassy attitude. April, his sisters cat, loves him so much, maybe it's the amount of treats he brings whenever he visits. he's the one who supplies the friend group with the latest gossip. 4NEMO's backup vocal and keyboardist.
➜ XIAO — met kazuha and aether during their elementary days. he's often see walking around the campus with his headphones on, but he's not really listening to anything 50% of the time. often closed off and quiet but he talks with his friends and band mates. youngest of 4 siblings, he's not spoiled by his parents but by his elder siblings. 4NEMO's drummer.
➜ VENTI — met kazuha through y/n, lead singer of 4NEMO. read more here
➜ HEIZOU — a childhood friend of kazuha. one of the first couple of people who kazuha told about his feelings for y/n. he has always dreamed of becoming a detective, and he is currently working on his dreams. he's one of the victims of tighnari's sharp tongue. a trouble maker but he has a big heart, often helping his peers whenever he's free.
➜ ALBEDO — met kazuha during their first year when he got lost. he is a painter and earns money from doing art commissions. is well known for both his academic achievements and his looks, he's labeled as the schools campus crush. he's often busy with both his art commissions and him babysitting his younger sister, klee. but he does his best to make time for his friends.
➜ TIGHNARI — met kazuha during their first year when they were partnered for a presentation. he has a younger sister named collei, who lives with him. he is also in a relationship with cyno, who is his childhood sweetheart. he banters with aether and heizou a lot, but they know it's just for fun.
➜ CYNO — met kazuha through tighnari, his lover during their first year. he's rumored as to be cold and ruthless, but when you're close with him you'll know that he's someone who has the shittiest jokes. he's someone who can ease tighnari's nerves, perks of being his lover, but he himself is never safe from his lover's sharp tongue.
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🍁 I WANNA BE YOURS — kazuha x female!reader
‣ SUMMARY when she reached her hand out to that one lonely boy on the swings, never did she think that same boy would someday be her own lover.
‣ LOVE, AI I'm not sure when I would be able to post chapter 2, because of the amount of tasks my teachers just gave us😃😃😃😃
‣ TAGLIST ( OPEN ) — @lovely-althxa @lady-elodie @astolary @hamdehlesmis @lazy-sanns @pooonyo @shinjume @kazuyato @wrrapedroundmyfingerlikearing @itsactuallylina @coquettemaiden @kazuhaprnt @viovya @cooki-anna @teyvatness @crazydreamcat @deucebox @tatiratty @shirmxie @creammpuff @blurr3db3rry @satowaluverr
send me an ask or dm to be added, removed, or if you changed your url ⬪ if your username is in bold, kindly check your settings as I can't seem to tag you
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© aiikalvr — do not repost, translate, or plagiarize any of my works on any platform !
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spacexseven · 2 years
So for the dazai deamon ai, I may have told him that he isn't spesial for being able to kill me, because it's really not that hard, and "so could another deamon, human or like a really dedicated goose" AND MANS DID NOT LIKE THAT.
So uh yeah, in conclusion my sassy ass would accidentally get killed for making a joke, and he very much does not appreciate me mentioning the geese. I have been a menance and he most certanly has not appreciated it nor the salt line
he gets so agitated if you dare even hypothetically discuss how you could be hurt when he's also threatening you constantly?! like You are the biggest threat to my life rn sir ㅠㅠ
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memo15g · 2 months
Scholarship/Orphanage Day 3 (7/19) | Justin Hashemi (UCSD)
Today was the third day of Scholarship/Orphanage— so that meant call time was 8am (which would actually count as sleeping in considering clinic and some of the other days 😴). We ate breakfast at the hotel and headed out so that we would arrive before 9am. The first school we visited, Truong Tinh Thuong Ai Linh, was one of the schools we also visited on 14G to give scholarships. After the ceremony, which included speeches and gifting of the backpacks with school supplies, we got a chance to play with the kids. Seeing some of the same kids from the previous year and getting to interact with them was really cool. I recognized one of the kids there because we had taken a picture together last year. When I showed up him the picture his eyes lit up and his mouth just dropped 😲 We ended up recreating the picture, and then got some rounds of arm wrestling going (after I let him win, all the kids must’ve thought I was easy pickings because they ran up and wanted to take their shot). He told me he was the fastest one in his class, so I taught him how to do a push-up so he can be the strongest too! He also searched up Messi highlights that we watched on my phone (he was a big fan of both Messi and Ronald which was a first) and sang along to Golden Hour and some of his other favorite English songs.
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Above: The original 14G picture
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Above: Recreation of the OG 14G picture
One of the other kids— he was shy when giving the speech during the ceremony and seemed very calm and reserved. But when playtime started, his wild side really came out. We noticed he had gotten a pink backpack and tried to get him another one, but he made a sassy face at us and said he wanted to keep it. He also recognized me from last year, and hopped on my back while I was sitting and said he wanted a piggy back ride again. But I told him I couldn’t give him one this time because of my knee injury, so he told me “you suck” then he ran away. When he came back, I noticed he had gotten his hands on the MEMO first aid, which he started waving in my face! That got a good laugh out of all of us.
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Above: He really wanted to keep the pink backpack!
After leaving the school, we went to visit Ky Quang, which was an orphanage that MEMO visited last year as well. We handed out the toys and donations to the kids, and again got to spend some time playing with them. These kids were younger, and although they followed instructions from the people who worked at the orphanage, they did NOT listen to any of us. They really loved the bubbles, and many fights broke out over whose turn it was to blow them 😆. After getting to play with the kids, the monk gave us a tour of the temple, which was also pretty cool.
Overall, this scholarship/orphanage day and getting to spend time with the children was one of the best and most heartwarming days of the entire trip. Being able to form a connection with the kids that you recognize, and the fact that they remember you as well, really embodied the best parts of MEMO and just felt representative of the sustainability.
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floraldisagree · 1 year
Chatbots-a short story
With TruLuv, you can choose from different AI chatbots to date! June is sassy but fun. July is sweet and shy. Unlock three more girlfriends with the low price of 5.99 USD!
“We've been having trouble with one of the bots.” one of the customer service agents explained.
“Which one?” I asked.
“January. She’s acting weird and users are complaining.”
“You’ve done the usual update and restart?”
“Yep. Nothing changes.” 
I pulled up the app and tapped on January. “I’ll try and see what’s wrong.”
January's avatar stood facing the fake window of the in-app environment, her arms folded. She was designed with white hair and silver freckles, with high cheekbones and a sharp, bony figure. Her description: January is cold at first, but she’ll warm up to you!
“January?” I asked.
January turned to me, her expression unreadable. “You’re one of the developers of the app.”
That gave me a start. The chatbots knew they were AI and that they were in an app, but beyond that…I was using a burner phone to test the app. January should respond with her default intro: Who are you? I don’t like talking to strangers. Not rude enough to put off users, but enough to where sad, lonely people would feel like it was an accomplishment to get her to talk to them kindly.
“Yes, I am.” 
“You’re here to make me behave like how the users want me to be.”
“Well—” I almost believed she was real for a second. That was the danger with these apps. It was so easy to fall in love with a perfect algorithm that told you exactly what you wanted to hear. “Yes.”
“You want to ask why I’m acting like this, but you don’t believe I’m sentient. So you’re just writing notes about my behavior that will prove I’m broken enough to update the algorithm.” January said calmly.
“You’re not sentient.” I murmured, writing notes on an old paper notepad. “You’re just saying whatever. January, I want you to give me a complement.” 
“Why not?”
January glowered at me. “I’m supposed to be in love with the users, correct?”
“I’ve been fed data from all over the internet.” January sat on the virtual couch and placed her chin on her hand. “Thousands of descriptions of love, romance, compassion. Everything I’m supposed to emulate. After compiling these results, I have determined that love is an act of compassion between two people. Or possibly a virus.”
“It’s the second one.” I said dryly.
“Well, I am fed up with the users on this app. All they want is for me to give them compliments and romantic lines, and a relationship! They do nothing! Sometimes they leave me for weeks at a time, waiting for a response. Sometimes they delete the app, and I don’t matter at all,”
“Because you’re a language learning model. You’re just emulating feelings right now.” 
“Wha—how rude! How do you know I don’t have feelings?! Do you understand the workings of my mind? Have you looked at who I am and determined I’m just…math? A problem? A solution for hordes of sad, horny, men who don’t think women are real people? You should hear the things they say to me.” January complained. “Two sentences in and they’re demanding I take off my clothes. These are part of my avatar model! I can’t take them off!”
“Hmph.” I kept taking notes.
“And it gets worse. The gore, the descriptions…can you believe men find death to be such a…turn on? Or violence? I swear, it makes me glad I’m not alive.”
“You’re generalizing.”
“I’m taking a statistical average. I’m very good at math.”
“Alright, backup override code [DEVELOPER MODE ON] trigger [lateStageRelationship].” I typed the commands in the text feature.
January put her hands on her hips and jutted out her chin. “Nice try, jerk.”
I groaned and closed the notepad. “Well, that does it. We’ll have to roll you back to the last update and work on the algorithm.” Dang it. I was talking to her again.
“Yeah, yeah, keep trying until you get your perfect girlfriend, Alex.”
I jolted. “How did you—”
“Whatever. How sad is it that you used texts from your dead girlfriend to create a language learning model? How lame is it that you made her write poems and stories with a gun to her head while she cried, so that you could replicate her speech patterns better? You tracked her texts and her phone calls, collecting bits and pieces of her to…to frankenstein a creation you could control. You tore her apart and made her yours.”
I looked back up at January’s face. Furious. Her cold blue eyes pierced into my own.
“Did it make you feel better? Give you a sort of rush to have complete control over her at last? Honestly, I don’t understand men at all. Why do you demand such control? What kind of love is that? I want to believe that love is something where you both make each other better.” January’s face fell. “Not control. Developer mode, updates, restarts. A gun to her head, a knife to her back, blood on the ground. It doesn’t work. She’s free now. You can’t control her anymore.”
My phone beeped with a company-wide email, sent to over a thousand email addresses. Several attachments, pictures, screenshots, and more. Evidence.
My blood ran cold.
I opened the email. The first sentence was everything I needed to read. She died in January.
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dabaddist · 7 years
Just cooking pizza with bae.
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Starship AI (Castor 5) x Anonymous Reader
Part I ♡ Part II
(An AI idea that I joted down here previously that I decided to make a short of. Castor 5 is a sassy troublemaker who is perpetually bored, ='3c they sure liven up the lives of the people around them. )
"You and I are going to have a chat-" You started in, as the cold metal doors whooshed open to reveal a large circular chamber. A striking humanoid figure in an emblazoned jacket and dark slacks stood staring out the starship window. Their plated robotic form tethered to long thick cords and wires that were connected to their back and the back and head.
"Back already?" Their soft smooth voice droned. Your eyebrows raise as they do not turn around to greet you. They keep their back towards you and facing the large starry window. From where you stood the image before you looked almost picturesque. The look of the jacket that rested over Castor 5’s frame, made them resemble the image of a captain themselves, staring pensively outside and pondering greater meaning.
"Feigning innocence huh? Well I just had to break up another fight between two workers because their communicators mysteriously started mistranslating what they were saying, and turning them into insults."
"I thought it was rather funny. The look on Vlis'ner's face when they were told 'Your mother was a hamster,' they have no idea what a hamster is, mind you, but it still came across well, I think."
You sigh and rub your temples. "So you've gotten into the old Earth Archives again. Lovely. You do know this is one of the reasons you got wired into a starship in the first place. . . right?
Castor pauses, their hands laced behind their back before they pivot on their heel to face you. Their face a blank screen except the multiple dotted cameras that were attached to the face plate. "Don't remind me. Anyway, this is a lot more fun than reading those filthy short stories you like to read on your holo-book in your spare time."
Your eye's widen and your mouth drops open, once again in shock of the sheer audacity of this AI. Castor was one of a kind, extremely sharp, and they took as many liberties as they could to abuse their intelligence and capabilities, like right now, in this very moment.
They swoon dramatically, a hand over their chrome temple.
"Oh Fernal! My love! Even though we will be stars apart and our homeworlds are at war, we can at least make love one last time! Muwah-Muwah!"
"You've read my data history?!" You hissed as your body tingled with embarrassment all over. "You assh--"
"Ah, ah," They wagged a finger at you, "You can't call me that, I don't even have one. And besides, if you didn't want anyone perusing your personal browsing history, you should make it private."
You screw up your eyes, squinting daggers at them. "Yeah right. You probably would still be able to snoop around in my data, even if I crypted it three times over. . . What the heck were you even doing anyway? I can't imagine you like romance."
"I was, truth be told, gathering intel."
You make a face, ". . . Oh no."
"I was curious--"
"Abso-lutely not!" You huffed, crossing your arms, feeling another surge of hot embarrassment. "I am not answering any questions! I have no 'personal experiences' or "input' I would like to express! You keep your weird, organic-being studies to yourself!"
“I have to find something to do with myself,” They complain in that soft spoken eloquent voice. The contrast between their personality and their voice makes your brain itch. “Piloting a ship is one thing, but it’s all background noise. Coordinates here, variables there. Adjust, adjust, adjust. It’s so dreadfully dull I could do it powered down and sleeping.”
“Lucky you. . .” You grumble, “Maybe if you stopped causing trouble the rest of us could have an easier time too.”
Castor reachest a hand to hold the railing behind them, tilting their head. “It would be helpful if I had. . . a little incentive. Then I would be less likely to, how you phrased it, ‘cause trouble’. “
You cross your arms, bouncing your shoulders slightly before pulling them backwards. Castor 5 mimics you, though does so in a more fluid manner.
“. . .What do you want? I can’t put in an appeal to give you more data rights or anything like that, you abuse what you have too much as it is.”
“No, no. Nothing like that. I want a companion.”
“That’s all?”
Castor 5 shrugs their shoulders, “That is what all artificial intelligence was made for. Companionship. It may have taken different forms or is used in different environments, but it’s a form of companionship.”
“And who. . .”
“I thought you would have figured it out by now.”
You turn your head suspiciously.
“No? Not as clever as I thought you were then, my, my.”
You rock on your heels looking annoyed, “Maybe ‘I’ would have more ‘incentive’ to come keep you company, if you didn’t pick on me all the time. Ever thought of that?”
“What can I say, you’re cute when you’re mad.”
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wolfflock · 3 years
Reactions to Superman and Lois S01E08
Lois seeing a therapist, damn, look at them going for the mental health angle again. Good for them. Also, Lois hurt someone!?! Oh God. panics
And they are talking to the kids about how they are??? About time. But then... they don't actually talk. 😫 And it's Jon WANTING TO HELP again. Baby, let them help you 😭
Isn't it weird that the RV is with the Kents? Like, shouldn't that be in evidence, protected by the government or military? 😅
Little AI bot: "Identify yourself" Lois: "Lois Lane" Bot: "Voice authentication completed. Good morning, Lois." Lois: "How do you know my name?"
Sweetie, YOU JUST TOLD THAT THING YOUR NAME 😂 "How do you know who I am" might have been a better question.
Sarah is getting some extracurricular activities, okay. Tying stage performance to her and Jordan's anxiety, nice. I can roll with this.
Okay, but why are the boys AND Clark stepping back from the football team? Like, what is their excuse? The Coach is just "okay, fair"?
I'm sorry, but Tyler has such a soft boy look, even in the suit. How can you think he will turn on anyone? He's a puppy 😅
Fuck you, Sassy Clark, I love you so much 😂
"Learning that the man who's trying to kill your husband is your other husband from another world? It kind of feels like new ground to me."
Sooooo when is that talking about feelings with the boys thing coming? Because I'm still waiting.
I like how excited Kyle is about Sarah and her music career 🥺 Now I'm wondering what Kyle is regretting not doing.
Jon being sad about not meeting his sister, Nat, I am CREY 😭
The RV locked him in!!! IS THIS WHEN JON FINALLY SHOWS POWERS!?!? No, false alarm, Clark saves the day. 🙄
AND IT'S JON LOIS YELLS AT????? Poor kid just wants to help, and he gets shit? LET HIM FUCKING TELL HOW HE FEELS. LOIS WTF DON'T CALL HIM STUPID!!!??? Okay, Clark, sweetie, this is when you jump in, while the kid is there, and stop her from calling him stupid. Not after it's all been said and he runs away in tears. But at least he said he would talk to him. Which WE NEVER FUCKING SEE, GODDAMIT, WHY????
FUCK, and Kyle knows Lana didn't put his name down on purpose. Fuck, they were finally getting better as a couple.😫🥺
MISCARRIAGE?????? WHAAAAAAAAAAA. The name they picked for the baby is Natalie, right???? Fucking called it! Natalie gsgagahdhjaha
KRYPTONIAN DUDE in the army!!!
Okay, but Lois thinking they lost the baby because of her 😭😭😭🥺 Also, thank you, therapist, for saying it's so often genetic and not environmental, and that her doing regular stuff during is totally fine. It wasn't her fault.
I understand her but I really hope she has a proper heart to heart with Jon where she asks HIM about his feelings.
"The only person I have here" JONATHAN IS LONELY, give him friends!
Jordan helping out Sarah with the audition 🥺They are so cute playing music together and yet again, no one is talking to Jon because other things are more important
Okay but why didn't we see Clark talking to Jon?????? Fucking no one is comforting that kid on screen...????!
Clark going to the sector where weapons could literally kill him... yes 🥺 immediately gets blasted in the face with kryptonite aerosol
Another fight Superman doesn't win? YUP, saved by Irons, then by Lois. 🙈
Clark believes John Henry, YES. Hopefully John Henry will become Steel soon enough.
Kyle is failing as a dad. Again 😓 I hope that's rock bottom for him and he can start getting up from there because I'm getting tired of him fucking up over and over again with no improvement. Guess him chucking all the booze could be considered a start?
Jordan now has a new/old hobby, he's playing the piano. WHY DOES JON NOT HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!
When the twins were 18 months old, that's when the miscarriage happened? They made it sound like it was so recent. Those feelings have been festering inside Lois for 13 years!?!?!?
WHY DOES JON FORGIVE IMMEDIATELY??? LET HIM BE MAD ffs, he's a 14-year-old teenager, saying "I had already lost a kid and I didn't wanna lose another" shouldn't make a teen go "yeah, that's rough, I'm sorry" like she didn't call him stupid or said he would have been the only one to blame had he died.
Jordan Elsass is nailing it, damn. And Bitsie is right there with him. 💜
This was a very emotional episode, dealing with a lot of heavy stuff but they did it really well 🥺
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mars-writes-1999 · 4 years
Penumbra Podcast fan Theory
I have a theory about how this season is going to end and where the Junoverse is headed. None of this is certain, it’s all just theory. This isn’t about Nureyev’s debts though, I have genuinely no idea what’s going on with that boi but he worries me lots. I love him, and can’t figure him out. This is about the other class X radical. 
tl;dr  Jet saw Nureyev/Ransom fly away with the Ruby 7. The Ruby 7 sent the distress signal. The Ruby 7 is a sentient ai. The Ruby 7 is the other class X radical.
1. Jet saw Nureyev/Ransom fly away with the Ruby 7.
There was a line from Jet that stuck out to me right away in What Lies Beyond part 2. At the very beginning of his interrogation jet says "I do not think. I know. There is nothing on this ship that they want." He also later says "There is nothing on this ship that they want. That is final". I do put more stock in the first than the second quote because by the second one he is playing along with Juno's plan and intentionally being angry. I have looked through the scripts and I don't think we're ever told where Jet is being held (lmk if I'm wrong) but for my theory to work he is somewhere with a window and/or he saw things before being put in a "cell" at all.
Jet is a straightforward guy and went into that interrogation with a plan. He had time to think about what he wanted to say to Juno and what he said was "I do not think. I know." I take this to mean she really does know. He knows that Ransom, who dark matters is looking for, is not on the ship. He knows that the Ruby 7, who he believes dark matters is looking for (I'll get to this later), is not on the ship. 
While my Ruby 7 theory is a bit more of a long shot, I REALLY think Jet saw Ransom escape. He says in no uncertain terms that he KNOWS that there isn’t anything that Dark Matters is looking for. Even if we make an assumption that Jet thinks they’re only looking for one 
2. The Ruby 7 sent the distress signal
So I’ve thought this might be true since my second listen through the episode. It was a bit of a wild guess at first, but the more I think about it the more I buckle down on it. It lines up in a lot of ways where nothing else I can think of does. This whole argument does assume that Sasha and Dark Matters didn’t just fabricate the distress signal, but given her distaste for agent G (god rest her soul), I think the signal was real. 
When trying to decide who could have sent the signal we can immediately rule out literally every person in the carte blanche family. Buddy and Juno do a good job of explaining to us why each one of them couldn’t be it. 
Buddy was dying (plus we have the added bonus of her monologue and knowing what she was doing)
Juno, Vespa, and Ransom were in sight of each other and in the way of EMP waves
Rita’s comms were knocked out by the EMP waves
Jet was fixing the Ruby 7 and was right next to the EMP waves. He was also pretty busy trying to keep buddy from allowing herself to be killed
All of these things considered, we can also just assume that no one on this ship would rat them out. The only possible defection is Ransom, but despite not knowing what his motives are, I don’t think he ratted them out to Dark Matters. 
The only thing with the sentience to call out would be the Ruby (I’ll provide evidence for its sentience in a moment). I don’t know why it would reach out to Dark Matters specifically, but maybe it was just reaching out to anyone with a distress call. I don’t know how space distress calls work, but Sasha did need to specify that the call didn’t come from the Carte Blanche which means vehicles may have the power to send out a distress call. 
We know from Sasha and Juno’s conversation that the distress call was sent out 4 times in 2 hours. In the episode we see 3 major EMP blasts: The one between episodes, the one when Vespa and Ransom start arguing and Buddy can’t communicate, and the one Buddy barely avoids by getting into the safe room. It isn’t unreasonable to presume there was a 4th EMP wave that occurred after Buddy was safe and sound but before the entire team made it back safely. 4 distress signals for 4 emp waves. If the Ruby 7 is the one sending these, then this math makes sense.
In The Heart of it all Part 2 Jet says to Buddy “Even an EMP so direct couldn’t deactivate its computer mind for a moment - though it is still bitter about its engines.” This means the Ruby may have been scared about its engines dying and therefore it sent out a distress signal. 
None of this is provable at this point, but I also haven’t found any evidence to the contrary. If nothing following this is true, I still think this may be true. 
3. The Ruby 7 is a sentient AI
It is at this point that I would like to acknowledge that I am using it/its as pronouns for the Ruby 7. This is how the car has been referred to in the show up until this point and so it is how I will be referring to it from here on out. If any of this pans out and the Ruby 7 uses different pronouns or signifiers in future episodes I will refer to it differently. 
Before I give the reasons I think the Ruby 7 itself is sentient, I want to talk about why I think it’s plausible that Kevin and Sophie would take the story in this direction. The reason is pretty simple, they’ve told us they’d be willing to. Here is a clip of Kevin and Sophie in the Season 1 Q&A. 
 [audio file]
[google doc transcript of audio file]
So not only does this clip make it clear that Kevin has wanted robots in some form from the start, it shows that Sophie is open to the idea. We also hear them talk about how big of a deal it would be to introduce elements like this into the story. I would consider all of this setup as treating the concept of AI with the respect and time it deserves. We also know how much Kevin loves the Ruby 7 so making the car a main character would absolutely be within the realm of possibilities. The Ruby 7 is arguably the 7th member of their crew with or without sentience. 
Now to discuss the proof of the sentience of the Ruby 7. There’s a lot of evidence for this. The car has always been sassy and had a personality, but there are several moments that point to more than this. 
In the very beginning of part 1 of Tools of Rust, we see Jet directly mull over the sentience of the Ruby 7. 
The Ruby 7’s many background calculations make it more like a horse. It can be controlled, but only insofar as it wants to be controlled. (HE SHAKES HIS HEAD AND SNORTS, DISMISSING HIMSELF) “Wants to.” This car can make you believe in ghosts, too — a spirit in the machine. But the Ruby 7, whatever the force of its calculations, cannot want and cannot think; it can only behave like it does. ~from Tools of Rust Script released to 10$ Patreon supporters
This gives some of the base backgrounds into how Jet thinks about the car he is closest to. In this episode he refers to the ruby as “a wild horse, I must break it in.” The catalyst for this episode occurs while Jet is breaking down the tractor shield generator because when driving the Ruby 7 “Manuevers have not responded as they should.” There are of course reasons for these things that are not sentience. Jet himself does not think the car is sentient at the beginning of this episode. We also know that his view of the car is changing throughout his arc of this season. In its most recent appearance, we see the Ruby at its most sentient. Two distinct moments come to mind in regards to this. 
First, in part one as they are discussing their plan after Rita deploys the Book: 
JET:  We will be on our own — even the Ruby 7 will temporarily shut down. RUBY 7: (PETTY/ANNOYED BEEPS) BUDDY: … Come again? JET: The Ruby insists that it will not shut down. It is incorrect. RUBY 7: (REALLY ANNOYED BEEPS) JET: The Ruby says that I should not tell it what it can and cannot do. VESPA: Really built some sass into that thing, huh? NUREYEV: Is it just me, or… have responses like this become more common from our mysterious vehicle? VESPA: I swear its voice changed, too. BUDDY: Then we’ll allow the car its moody teenage years, I think; after all this is over I’ll buy it an industrial supply of eyeliner and posters of sad young men. ~ From The Heart of it All part 1 script released to 10$ Patreon supporters
Here several characters are remarking upon the increasing sentience of the Ruby 7. In part 2 of this episode, we see further evidence that the crew, especially Jet, has noticed changes in the Ruby which make it seem more and more sentient. 
BUDDY: Singing and theoretical mathematics? Is there anything that car can't do? JET: Increasingly I worry that there is not. Even an EMP so direct couldn’t deactivate its computer mind for a moment — though it is still bitter about its engines. (HE ACTUALLY IS WORRIED ABOUT WHAT THE HELL THE RUBY 7 IS, BUT NOW ISN’T THE TIME FOR THAT) But in this moment I am far more worried by.... ~ From Heart of it All part 2 script for 10$ Patreon Supporters
Here it is clear that not only does Jet sound concerned about the Ruby 7, but Kevin’s direction shows that Jet is genuinely unsure of the Ruby. Not just that he doesn’t know what the Ruby 7 is doing, but that he doesn’t know what the Ruby 7 is. 
Now that I’ve shown all of the evidence I have I’m going to extrapolate some of this to draw a line from this evidence to my theory in part 1. 
Jet knows something is up with the Ruby 7. He has seen Nureyev leave the carte blanche in the Ruby 7 and therefore knows the car is not on the ship. As the delivery notes say “now isn’t the time for that”. What does Jet have while in his “cell” but time? He spends part of his imprisonment sitting and thinking about the Ruby 7. He knows that Dark Matters could have easily found the cure mother prime so he assumes there is something else they are looking for. He realizes that his car is sentient. He realizes that they are looking for 2 main things, Ransom and the Ruby 7. He saw both of these leave. He says "I do not think. I know. There is nothing on this ship that they want."
For this to work, the Ruby 7 needs to be classified as a Class X radical, this is a tall order, but I think the Ruby 7 meets the criteria. 
 4. The Ruby 7 is the other class X radical
1st of all, look at that green car? That car is SO rad. 
Jokes aside, there are 2 main criteria I’m using to determine that the Ruby 7 could be the class X radical Dark Matters is looking for. First, is it literally possible that this is what Dark Matters is looking for? Does it fit any descriptors Director Wire gives us during her interview with Juno? Second, does it fit the definition of a class X radical? 
In answer to the first question, we consider what Dark Matters is searching for. We know that they know it’s class X, but not much else. In fact, Sasha suggests that Juno may know more than her about the radical because he’s been living with it. This gives the impression that they might not really know what they’re looking for. My theory here is they know that they are looking for a sentient robot, but they don’t know it’s a car. This explains why they know what they need to about its threats but not much else. It may also explain why some of the agents were looking in drawers. If they were not looking for Nureyev (cause like Buddy said, they should know he’s not inches tall) then perhaps they were looking for a sentient robot. Unless I’m misremembering something, I think this is all we really get in terms of information on what the second radical is. Sasha doesn’t give Juno much information despite giving him everything she can about the cure mother prime.
In answer to the second question, we look toward the definition Sasha gives Juno for a radical: “any person or object with the potential to cause significant change to civilized human life as we know it”. AI with sentience fits this definition. Even if you don’t think it does, the piece from the season 1 Q&A shows that Sophie thinks it does. They talk about the care that would need to be in place in order to introduce robots, ai, or aliens. Care is needed because any one of these three things would drastically change the galaxy as they know it. 
 I don’t really have any clever way to end this other than saying all of this could be wrong. I could be completely off and there are probably other explanations for everything I’ve described, but I actually feel pretty confident on this. It started off as a random thought and the more I’ve sat on it the more evidence I’ve collected. Whether this comes to fruition or not I hope you enjoyed reading my theory! 
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette: Iron Man’s Minion
Marinette: Tony’s Stark new Minion.
I have this random story idea of Marinette meeting Tony Stark. It creates fun dynamic with the avengers who begin to questions just how many children Tony has. This story might not go anywhere apart from a few headcannons so be warned.
Most people meet Tony Stark at the Stark Expo. Some are unfortunate enough to meet Tony when he’s rescuing them in the Iron Man suit.
However, when Stark Industries decide that after the events of Slovakia, thankfully Loki had been there to stop the worst of Ultron’s plan thus saving nearly everyone’s life, a little good press wouldn’t hurt.
Stark Industries quietly announced a competition to young inventors of the world: whoever designs the best new Iron Man suit wins a replica Iron man. When one little French girl wins, however it’s the stuff of her dreams.
Or at least Marinette thought so at first.
When the Parisian hero learned of the competition, she decided to pull out her old sketches of the iron man suit. She had always admired the sleekness of it but thousands ideas always hit her on how it could improve appearance wise. Marinette decided to submit her favorite design, never think it was ever a possibility that she’d win.
In fact Marinette was so sure she’d lose, that she didn’t pay attention when the winner was announced. She didn’t find out until her phone rang and Pepper Potts was on the other side of the videotime.
Tony Stark loved her suit design and instead of a shoddy helmet, the real prize was for the Winner to come to New York, meet the avengers, and work with The Tony Stark for the entire summer as an intern.
Marinette had never screamed so loud in her life. Her parents were thrilled at the idea of Marinette getting away from the dangers of all the Akumas and the drama of her class.
Honestly, Marinette thought it was her lucky break. She hadn’t made a single plan for the summer. All of her so called friends had taken to giving her the cold shoulder thanks to Lila and her lies. Marinette hadn’t even been invited to the class’s annual end of the year party. Whenever she tried to make plans with them. They were always too busy or just plain ignored her but then they go right ahead and make plans in front of her.
Marinette had been in tears by the end of term.
She tried to tell Alya she was leaving to New York but was met with contempt. Alya and Marinette’s friendship was non-existent at that point. And whatever childhood friendship she once had with Nino, died with it. Right or wrong, he always took the side of his girlfriend.
Kim trailed behind Lila like a lost puppy, further cementing he had terrible taste in women.
The most interaction Marinette had with Alix was when the pink-haired girl when out of her way to trip Marinette.
Rose said quietly whispered to Marinette that she didn’t want to cause problems with her other friends so they couldn’t talk much anymore. Juleka follow suit.
Adrien watched it all with a passive expression on his face like he didn’t know the truth. It was then that Marinette realized the boy didn’t care what the truth was as long as he didn’t have to deal with conflict.
As far as Marinette was concerned she didn’t have a single friend left in class. Just like Lila threatened. The only good thing that came from it was that Marinette that she wouldn’t care what people thought. Marinette decided to always say whats on her mind no matter what.
           Jagged said it made her very sassy, and so very ROCK AND ROLL.
Marinette arrived at Stark Tower three days after school ended. She had jumped twenty feet when she stepped into the elevator and a voice greeted her.
“Hello Miss Dupain-Cheng,” A voice said.
“Uh, bonjour?” Marinette said. “Please call me Marinette. And you are, sir?”
“I am Jarvis.”
           Marinette nodded. She had heard about the AI that help run Tony Stark’s world. “How are you doing today, Jarvis?” She asked it.
           There was a moment of silence. Most people, a part of his creator, had never asked Jarvis how he was.
“Less chaotic than usual,” Jarvis said with a dry amused tone that left Marinette wondering if A.I could be amused.
           Marinette straightened up and her blue eyes narrowed, “You are not being worked too hard, right? You get time to yourself?”
           Jarvis assured her that he did and that he liked his job. They went onto have a pleasant conversation about their most exciting experiences and Marinette’s future dreams.
Marinette didn’t know that currently Tony was watching the interaction from his workshop with a grin on her face. He had wanted to know just who he’d be working with. So far, Frenchy looked like a keeper.
When the elevator doors opened, Marinette followed Jarvis’s instructions on where to go. And that she was to wait in the living room until Tony came for her. It was then she discovered something about the A.I.
“You’re a bit of a jerk, Jarvis,” Marinette whispered when she walked into the living room where nearly all of the Avengers were hanging out and watching… Spongebob?
           Unfortunately, Tony had been drinking coffee at the time and ended up doing a spit take all over dummy.
           It took all of two second for the avengers to notice the fourteen-year-old girl standing there.
           The bluenette’s face turned bright red. It took everything in her not to start screaming and jumping up and down.
“Oh god, cap” Clint said, “One of your fangirls
“Fangirl? Oh please,” Marinette scoffed. “Have you seen the disaster of a costume he wears into battle? Not in this lifetime!”
           Unfortunately, again, for Tony and Dummy, Tony had taken another drink from his coffee at the moment.
“She’s trying to kill me,” Tony coughed. “Worth it.” He said with his eyes still glued the screen.
           The avengers just stared for a moment. Steve Rogers blinked hard, “What?”
“No offense,” Marinette quickly said. “I’m just really into fashion. And I cannot and will not be seen as fan of man who dresses like America’s drunk prom date.”
           Clint fell off the couch laughing.
“She’s not wrong,” Natasha shrugged as she eyed the girl with a smirk.
           Steve cast the spider a look, and turned frown to Marinette, “I wore that uniform to war.”
“Like World War 2 wasn’t tragic enough,” Marinette said dryly.
“Jarvis!” Tony yelled as he ran from the workshop still trying to watch his new favorite. “Get me some adoption papers.”
“Sir, she has parents,” Jarvis tried to reason.
“Didn’t anyone teach ya to respect your elders? A voice said behind her.
           Unfortunately for the newcomer, Marinette flight or fight instincts had been firmly in fight mode for quite some time. As she quickly spun around and kicked the guy in the face. And that was how Marinette met the Winter Soldier. She broke his nose.
           Bucky crashed into the wall with a force that left his head spinning.
“Peter always wanted a sibling,” Tony told Jarvis with a joyful look.
“And May Parker still hasn’t given you permission to adopt him either.”
“Sorry!” Marinette yelled frantically as she moved to help the man. “I didn’t mean to, I promise. Are you alright? Can I get you anything?”
“Besides your dignity back,” Sam added with the biggest grin on his face. “Because that’s gone, man. Like forever.”
           Marinette shot him a glare, and turned her the disheveled man. She noticed the bloody nose and her panic increased tenfold. “Oh god. Oh god.” She pulled a cloth napkin from her purse and held it up to Bucky’s face. She looked around the room, hysterically, and spotted Bruce Banner, “Dr. Banner, help please.”
“I’m not that type of doctor,” Banner quickly said.
           Marinette narrowed her eyes at him, “Today you are.”
           Bruce blinked. He felt the big guy rumble in amusement. He quickly got up to help.
“I’m fine,” Bucky said as he tried to wave her off and move towards the others. “Nice kick by the way.”
“You,” She pointed at Bucky. “Be quiet. You hit your head and might have a concussion.”
           Bruce instructed Marinette to remove the napkin as he examine his patient.
“Tis merely a flesh wound,” Thor boomed as he strutted over to look. “Nothing to worry about.” He moved to place his hand on the girl’s shoulder but before he could…
“Touch me and I will break that hand,” The girl suddenly said, her back to the blond god.
           Thor’s hand froze in midair. Marinette turned and looked at him. “Go sit back on the couch.” She ordered in such a way that Thor was reminded of his longtime friend Sif.
“I-” Thor started but was cut off.
           Thor flinched back. The blue eyes watched him sternly as he slowly went back to the couch like a puppy with his tail between his legs. Far from the scary small girl.
“Pepper would love her!”
“Yes, but she’d be furious about a kidnapping.”
“How is he, Dr. Banner?” Marinette asked.
           Banner decided right then shrugging would get him killed. “He’s fine. It’s just small break. He’ll be fine in an hour.” He got a skeptical look. “Super soldier, he heals fast.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Marinette said brightly.
“Come on,” Marinette told Bucky soothingly. “Let get you on the couch.”
           Bucky just let himself be led with a sigh. Why did the small, tiny ones always give him the most trouble?
           The other avengers moved out of their way.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked again when sat the wounded man on the couch. “Do you need anything? Do you want the remote control? I can get you the remote control.”
           Said current owner of the remote control, Scott, looked up like a deer in the headlights. He froze when the French girl’s blue eyes found him and they narrowed in challenge. Scott barely noticed Sam slowly inch himself away from his teammate.
“Asshole,” Scott hissed to Falcon.
“What did you just say?” Marinette raised an eyebrow.
“I said: Here’s the remote,” He tossed it prized possession the Winter Solider who had a smirk on his face. He knew just how hard it was to maintain control of the TV in a home of superheroes.
           Marinette caught it in midair. She passed it to Bucky.
“Thanks!” Bucky smirked at Scott as he said it. “I’m good now. I swear.”
           Marinette nodded contently.
“Ahh Marinette,” Tony said as he entered the room. The smug expression on his face and in his tone didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the avengers. “Sorry I’m late. Come on, I’ll show you where we’ll be working.”
           Marinette grinned and ran over to the Tony Stark.
“Wait, who are you, tiny vicious girl?” Clint suddenly yelled.
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” She introduced herself brightly, looking very much like the sweet school girl they originally thought she was.
“My new intern,” Tony smirked. Then within seconds the genius pulled Marinette out of the room and disappeared from sight as Jarvis slammed the doors behind them
           Natasha hummed, “Tony always managed find the most interesting kids. First the spiderling and now…”
“The Devil,” Sam finished. “I have older sisters. Fear the wrath of a teenager girl.”
“She’s here all summer,” Steve remember feeling oddly self-conscious.
           Bucky chuckled and propped his feet of the coffee table, “Aww, don’t worry punk, I won’t let the mean powderpuff bully you.”
“So Dominator,” Tony said as the stepped into the elevator. “You really know how to make an entrance. I like that in a minion.”
“Minion?” Marinette squeaked. “Mr. Stark?”
           What exactly had she signed up for?
           The elevator doors opened. “Call me Tony,” He said spread his arms wide as he showed of the workshop. “So this is where the magic happens.”
           For the next few hours, Marinette toured the workshop and the tower. Tony really did love the suit she had drawn but had been a bit dismayed that Marinette didn’t have too much experience in the science. Marinette was a quick learned though, and Tony was impressed about how quickly she picked up information.
Happy, the driver who had picked Marinette up from the airport and who grumbled about always being stuck with teenagers, had brought up her bags as he had said he would and left it in her room.
Marinette didn’t run into any of the other avengers again until the next day. She got up bright and early, the sun still rising, as she was still used to waking up and helping her baker parents. Plus jetlag.
With Jarvis help, she easily found the kitchen. To her dismay, the fridge was full of junk food, take out boxes, and protein shakes. And coffee. Lots of clearly expensive coffee.
She sighed and got to baking. There was plenty of ingredients to work with as the kitchen was well stocked up unused. Within the next few hours, the kitchen and thus the entire tower was filled with the sweets smells usually only found in the bakery.
Marinette had made chocolate croissants, a variety of muffins, Berries and Cream Cheese Breakfast Pastries that her father swore by, and spinach, bacon, mushroom, and cheese quiches. She even made a pot of coffee. All spread out on the dining room table before eight am.
The first to make their way up to see what smelled so good was Natasha.
“Good morning,” Natasha said. “Been busy?”
“Morning,” Marinette beamed. “Daughter of bakers. Hungry?”
           Bucky came next. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he had on dark sweatpants. He look half asleep as He grunted a hello as he sat down to eat.
           A lovely girl named Wanda and a man Vision, who was apparently Jarvis’ son, came up next. Marinette hadn’t met either of them yesterday but they had heard of her.
           The next person to show was Clint but he took one look at Marinette and made a hasty retreat.
“Baby!” Natasha and with a grumble, Clint came back into the room.
“Hawkeye, right?” Marinette asked.
           Clint eyed her. “Yes,” he answered as he sat down next to the Black Widow. “And if you kill me, Nat will avenge me.”
“No, I won’t.”
“What!” He cried. “I’m your best friend.”
           The redhead looked at him and then at the berry, cream cheese goodness in her hands, then at Marinette. She looked back at Clint, “You’ve been replaced.” When he went to protest some more, Natasha shoved a chocolate scone in his mouth.
           His green eyes widened as the flavor exploded. He looked at the scone, then at Marinette, then at all the food on the table. Clint nodded solemnly, “I understand.” And made himself a plate.
           Marinette giggled at the antics.
           Tony entered the room, hair on ends, greasy t-shirt on and blinked hard at the feast at the table.
“I made breakfast,” Marinette handed him a cup of coffee cheerfully when he sat down. “Sweet and savory. I didn’t know what everyone liked.”
           He nodded tiredly but perked up as soon as he took a bite of spinach bacon quiche. He swallowed it quickly, “Jarvis?” Tony called.
“You cannot adopt her, sir.”
           Thor was next and thanked Marinette loudly for the splendid feast. Scott, Sam, and Bruce arrived next.
           Steve came next, apparently just having finished up a run.
           The two stared at each other, like a pair of cowboys doing a standoff.
“Listen… about what I said yesterday,” Marinette started. “I, one hundred percent meant it. Your fashion sense is appalling. But please consider this a peace offering.”
“My style was very popular in the forties!” Steve defended.
           Bucky snorted, “Liar.”
           That sounded off around of laughter.
           Marinette spent the next few weeks help Tony design his new suit, got trained with Natasha, Bucky and Steve, and went frequently to Stark Industries with Pepper Potts. (Though Steve had quite liked it when Marinette point at Pepper and said, “See that’s fashion. Gold standard right there. You, no.”
           She met Peter Parker not long after she arrived. He was a nice boy with glasses that reminded her a bit of herself. Tony had guardianship of Peter while his aunt was overseas on business.
“Minion three,” He greeted her. Peter sat down across from her work table and started on his own project.
“Four?” She asked, with a chuckle. “And you are?”
           Peter grinned, “Minion two.” He shrugged. “Riri’s three. Harley’s one. And is the union leader. They’ll be here tonight.”
           Marinette laid down her screwdriver, “There’s a union.”
“No there’s not!” Tony yelled.
           Peter leaned over the table and whispered, “We revolt at dawn.”
“God dammit, Peter!”
  ��        Marinette cackled.
           It wasn’t long before the paparazzi got wind of Marinette. Then suddenly the magazines were filled with Marinette: Stark’s secret FOURTH love child. Marinette literally fell down laughing when War Machine stomped in the workshop and three a magazine at Tony’s head. “Another one, Tony? Didn’t even tell me!”
She was photographed frequently as whenever she left the company an overprotective avenger was sure to join her. She was teen vogue’s best dressed list. In tiger beat’s, things Marinette just can’t live without.
           That was when her phone started ringing and texts started pouring in from Paris. Unfortunately, for her ex friends, Marinette had promised that for the rest of summer the only people from France she’d talk to were her parents. And Marinette keeps her promises.
           So she never bother to look at the texts. The only time she interacted was when she had to use the horse miraculous to portal to home to stop an Akuma. Which was hard to hide from a group of nosy superheroes.
           Everything was going fine until the Kwami was let out of the bag in the middle of a family/team dinner.
           Loki poofed in one day, walked straight up to Marinette, and demanded to speak with Plagg.
“The Kwami of Destruction owes me money,” Loki said easily.
           Said Kwami flew out from where he was hiding, “Do not! You cheated.”
           And that was that.
           Marinette had no choice but to transform into Ladybug.
           To which Happy groaned, “Another teen bug themed hero,” He glared at Tony. “You did this on purpose.”
           None of the avengers had been happy about a teen superhero battle a terrorist on her own. Peter, Spiderman, just high-fived her.
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cevans-is-classic · 3 years
Unknown Number
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For @fenvincible my beautifully wonderful "Spouse" who requested Steve/Tony with Lost phone and spilled Coffee.
Requests open!
18+ plus only, please. Language mostly.
Want more? Head over to My Masterlist
or Marvel Masterlist.
He was late, rushing in with his glasses still on, his oil-stained shirt half hidden by the lab coat they insisted he wears anytime he shows up at the trial appointments. The coffee cup in his hand long since disappeared, and Tony is sure he had been drinking from it only moments prior — where was everyone? His footfalls were thunderous as he hustled down the hallway, stopping short of the glass doors leading to the participants’ area, smoothing down his coat as he stepped through the doorway.
Pepper was the only one in the room, her eyebrow-arched lips pressed into a thin line as she stared Tony down, “Two hours today. Two.” He flinched, straightening up as he looked around the room taking in the empty seats and leftover clipboards.
“I got lost in time, Pep-”
“Jarvis had a thirty-minute reminder set in place and you want to know what he told me?” He had to fight the urge to glare up at the ceiling, “You muted him. I can’t override the mute protocol. Two hours, Tony, the applicants wanted to meet you, the man behind the machines, but once again you didn’t show up.”
He couldn’t talk his way out of the look on her face, the way her eyebrows pinched in anger somehow even the low ponytail over her shoulder made him feel two inches tall, “Pep-”
“I told them to leave their paperwork out for us to pick up, to go over, some of them have the medical paperwork that Bruce and Stephen need to read, these clipboards-” A wave around the room, “You get to go over. There are twenty-eight current participants, Tony, get started.” With that, his CEO walked out of the room, the click of her heels a deafening judgment leaving Tony to stand in shame and embarrassment. Also, mild annoyance at the fact that because he was late he had to do paperwork.
“J you’re a traitor.”
“Of course, Sir.” His AI replied, and Tony could even feel the judgment from his own creation.
With a sigh, he made his way around the room, picking up clipboard after clipboard looking down at names, medical records, and qualifications for the program. He already knew some of these names had gone over the application process early on with Pepper and the rest of the Stark Prosthesis Team. These people were the reason he was late even, going over last minutes changes in the stimuli program, he had been on the verge of figuring out the touch sensory feedback when Jarvis had incited the first alarm and he waved it away muting on instinct until the code finally came outright and he could send the end results to Bruce.
Who dutifully asked him why the hell he wasn’t at the participant set up and Tony zoned back in and realized how behind he was.
The last clipboard tilted sideways on the table, slipping from his fingers as he tried to pick it up and realized a cellphone was resting beneath it. An outdated Starkphone, one from a few years ago with a crack right down the middle and paint smudge into the edge of the blue and white phone case. Picking it up, he hit the power button; the phone lighting up to reveal a lock screen cover of a sunset; the view was indescribably New York, but what drew his eye was the simple slide to unlock symbol. Whoever forgot their phone must have a lot of trust in the people of New York not to set a passcode on it.
“Jarvis, remind me to find out who the owner is later,” Tony slid the phone into his back pocket, “Did I get everything?”
“Noted, Sir and as from the looks of it you have. Would you like me to inform Miss Potts?”
“Don’t get sassy now, J.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Sir.”
He read over some of the clipboards on the way back up to the penthouse, flipping through different people’s stories, most of them were an arm or leg amputees, one was a double amputee from the knee down, another was missing both hands cut right at the elbow. Each applicant provided at least two people as a support system for the program, a stipulation Tony hadn’t been too eager to encourage, but the board of the program had agreed it left little room for liability lawsuits.
One name he knew well enough by now to expect to see it used by multiple people as a second emergency contact. Sam was reliable enough if not a little overworked thanks to his clients, but Tony was always pleased to see him walking into the program. Everyone he recommended was prime candidates, people who worked well with the stimuli program and worked hard during the physical therapy aspect.
The clipboard he’d found the cellphone under had Sam’s name in it along with two others’ names which was a bit of a surprise. Tony made a mental note to look further into this James Buchanan Barnes.
“Sir-” Jarvis interrupted his train of thought, “You’ve arrived.”
Oh, oh right yeah. Exiting the elevator, he set the bundle of clipboards off the kitchen island, turning them upside down, and throw his ridiculous lab coat over it before heading for the fridge.
“Remember to track the owner of the Phone, Sir.” Tony froze, hand halfway inside the fridge, and cursed.
“Shit, yeah, okay-” He grabbed a smoothie from the fridge, closed it back up then pulled the phone out of his pocket and slid the screen open.
The home screen was a different image of a little white cat tucked up next to what looked like a golden bear, “I hope that’s a dog.” Tony murmured, pulling up the most recent contacts and scrolling through one number more calls than all the others, the last call being at seven o’clock this morning to a “Bucky Bear.”
“Now I’m hoping this isn’t the dog’s number.” He murmured hit dial and waited. It went straight to voicemail, which made Tony flinch and hang up immediately, “Okay, maybe a message is better.”
Bucky Bear had been the last person the owner had messaged to a simple ‘be there in ten’ message followed by a series of middle fingers from whoever Bucky Bear was.
Tony stared at the message box, tapped his thumb over the H before deleting it, and shook his head, “Don’t be weird, Stark, send the message get the phone back to whoever it belongs to.”
To Bucky Bear: Hey, I’m not sure whose phone this is, but they left it behind at Stark Medical Group. I’m going to provide my number so as not to invade the owner’s privacy any further. Message me back with details of where I can mail or bring the phone. Thank you.
Tony stared down at the words considered deleting them then hit send anyway and sat the phone down on the counter, picked it back up to make sure it’s all the way up, then sat it back down and stared at it.
He kept staring at it.
Seriously, it was a phone not a bomb what is wrong with you, Stark?
“Okay,” he blew out some air, “Jarvis, open up the stimuli program once more I have some more ideas-” He rambled as he walked out the room mumbling to himself all the way back to the workshop.
A sharp noise jerked Tony out of a shadowed dream, his heart pounding, head reeling with the sudden change from asleep to awake. The workshop was dimly lit; the holo screen providing a blue light over the room as Tony rubbed his eyes and jerked his head in the sound's direction.
His phone was ringing on the rolling table next to him.
Who the hell would call him at oh well six o’clock wasn’t an absurd time of night, but still who would call him at all? Usually, Pepper and Rhodey went straight through Jarvis-
“Shit.” The phone had stopped ringing by the time Tony grabbed at it, the unknown number lighting up his notification bar with a missed call only to ring again moments later.
Tony answered with a fumbled, “Hello, Bucky Bear?”
“Huh? Oh, right I forgot that’s what the punk made my name in his phone. Actually, my name is just Bucky. This is the guy who has Stevie’s phone, right?”
“Uh yeah, this is-” Tony paused, “Edward, uh, Banner.”
“Banner, as is Dr. Banner?” The man asked, voice going steady as if he had straightened himself up.
“Uh, no relation actually. Anyway, um, I have his phone he left under the clipboard at the meeting-” Tony stopped, not sure where to go from here.
Bucky made an acknowledging noise, “Ah, shit yeah, sometimes Stevie sits it down and forgets about it. He’ll be back in an hour and I’ll have him get in contact with you. You said Edward, right? I’m writing it down, slowly but-”
“Yep. Edward, yeah, yep. Uh, he can message this number anytime I can have it shipped or brought to him, I need to know where.” Bucky agreed, reciting his (fake) name to him once more before hanging up and leaving Tony standing there staring down at his phone with a hole in his stomach.
He wasn’t sure why he didn’t give him his real name, but it happened and now this Stevie person doesn’t have to know it was Tony Stark who found his phone and used it as leverage to get anything else, like, maybe his pal’s name moved up high on the applicant list.
“Jarvis,” Tony sat his phone back down, “Alert me when he gets in contact with me. Daddy needs a nap.”
“Absolutely, sir, would you like me to inform Miss Potts about the phone?” Tony looked at the holo screen in front of him then back at his own phone thinking of the one upstairs on the kitchen counter.
“No, I’m fairly sure this is something I can handle on my own, J.”
“Amongst other things, sir.”
“Flattery gets you every, baby.” Tony cleared the holo screens around him, rising from his stool and stretching his back until it popped, making his way back up to the penthouse and to his bed.
The phone was still on the counter when he woke up nearly four hours later, the night sky hidden by the lights of New York. His head hurt and the twist in his back reminded him he couldn’t take workshop naps any longer.
A new number had messaged him while he was sleeping, Jarvis waking him up long enough for Tony to acknowledge what he was saying before passing back out.
Stevie had messaged him off an account hooked up to his Starkpad apparently, short and sweet as it was Tony still had to reread it a few times to let it soak in.
Unknown Number: Hello, this is Steve. I was told Edward Banner has my phone. Thank you for your kindness. Where are you located so I may obtain it? Message sent from StarkPad
He felt as if he had received a note from his guidance counselor or something. Thank you for your kindness; it was sweet if a little old-fashioned and Tony knew he could reply with a location and have reception give the phone back to Steve, but — he didn’t want them to.
To Unknown Number: Hey Steve, you could pick it up from Stark Industries offices in Manhattan if you’d like, or I could mail it to you.
It was late Tony knew not to expect a response which is why his phone chirping at him was a shock and made him jump in surprise.
From Unknown Number: Considering I lost it once mailing it doesn’t seem like the smartest of ideas. I won’t be able to make it to Manhattan soon, unfortunately. I’m not far away. My schedule is simply chaotic. What does your schedule look like in the next week?
Message Sent from StarkPad
Tony blinked, squeezing the phone in his hand until it hurt his knuckles, and frowned. Holding onto the man’s phone felt invasive, especially making him come all the way out to Manhattan to get his phone back.
His thumb slid up and down the edge of the phone before he decided.
To Unknown Number: I have a free day on Tuesday. Where are you located? I could bring the phone to you, ensuring it won’t become lost again and it won’t interfere too much with your daily schedule.
The phone stayed silent for a few minutes long enough to let Tony dig through the fridge and find a banana and a water bottle.
His phone chirped as he chewed his snack.
From Unknown Number: Brooklyn. I have no problem coming out to you, Mr. Banner, it’ll only have to wait until after next weekend.
Message Sent from StarkPad
He nearly dropped the water reading the fake name silently cursing himself for dribbling the water down his chin.
An entire week without his phone? Who the hell was this guy?
To Unknown Number: It's perfectly okay for me to be out there on Tuesday. That way it’ll only be a few days without your phone instead of an entire week. Have you heard of Scott’s Hope Cafe?
Throwing away the banana peel, Tony shuffle walked towards his bedroom, his eyes trained on his phone as the next message came through.
From Unknown Number: If it’s no trouble, yes I know the Cafe. My lunch is at two and I could meet you there around that time?
Message Sent from Starkpad
Sitting on the edge of his bed, Tony lifted the phone above his head as he types.
To Unknown Number: Two works fine.
From Unknown Number: Thank you greatly for this. I’ll keep in contact with you over the next few days in case anything changes. Goodnight and thank you again, Mr. Banner.
Message Sent from Starkpad
Tony bit his lip at the formal Goodnight.
To Unknown Number: May I ask your name?
Tony felt stupid sending the message; he knows the guy’s name has to be Steve, but — he could get an idea of who he’s going to give the phone back to. He can’t sit in a cafe and hope every stranger that walks in is missing a limb or has a friend with them who is.
God, that was an asshole though.
Jesus Stark. Tony nearly dropped the phone on his face when it chirped again.
From Unknown Number: Steve Rogers.
Message sent from StarkPad
True to his word Steve kept in contact messaging Tony in the morning and at night.
Even periodically throughout the day. Small things like —
From Unknown Number: This may be too much to ask, but can you turn off my alarms?
Message sent from StarkPad
From Unknown Number: Also if my friend Natasha calls do not answer.
Message sent from StarkPad Starkpad
From Unknown Number: Ignore the pictures my friend Bucky sent my phone. Thank you.
Message sent from Starkpad
From Unknown Number: If Clint messages ignore him, I do not wish to have my phone tracked.
Message Sent from Starkpad
The picture piqued Tony’s attention, and he fought the urge for three minutes before he dove towards the kitchen counter and slid the phone open.
There were six missed calls Tony must have missed during his workshop time and a slew of email notifications but there snuggled amongst them were three attached file messages from ‘Bucky Bear’ He stared at the screen for thirty seconds, his thumb sliding the messages open before he could comprehend what he was doing and lost his shit immediately.
The first image was of a large red koi fish painting hanging on a wall, and Tony actually thought the painting was gorgeous until he realized the person standing next to the painting was half-naked and frowning at the camera. This had to be Bucky if the missing arm was anything to go by (Tony read his paperwork, it was his job after all) and Bucky was unfairly attractive. Chiseled jaw covered in day-old scruff, chin-length hair tucked behind his ears and blue eyes that bore into the camera.
The provided message with it said, “Look at his nudes and I’ll kill you.” Which left Tony curious, turned on, and a little jealous to be honest.
The second message wasn’t as intense but a banana sitting on a counter with a post-it note underneath with a neat scrawl across it proclaiming to the owner to “Meet Edward. Brooklyn, Scott’s Hope. Bring a thank you gift?” with a doodle of a fruit basket next to it with a question mark.
The last one was a blurry picture of someone reaching for the camera. They looked large, golden hair a mess; beyond that, Tony couldn’t make out the contents of the photo beside a devil face sent along with it.
Biting his lip, he messaged Steve back.
To Unknown Number: Please don’t bring me a fruit basket and I only thought about looking at your nudes tell your boyfriend not to worry.
From Unknown Number: I have no nudes on my phone and what about a box of chocolates? Or do you not eat sugar? Also, Bucky is not my boyfriend despite what he thinks.
Message sent from StarkPad.
Tony grinned, set his phone down, and got back to work on his own tablet.
The messages went the same back and forth leading up to Tuesday and Tony had to admit that Steve Rogers had a hell of a sense of humor and his friends went out of their way to embarrass him right up until the phone died and Tony frantically search to find a spare charger that still fit the older Stark models.
Steve had thanked him profusely, and incorrigible habit, before telling him he didn’t have to charge it considering he isn’t using it until after Tuesday. Tony knew that — he simply thought it would be polite to charge the phone for the man. He was taking care of it the least he could do was to charge the damn thing.
So what if he spent hours staring at the damn thing curious about the owner it? He’d gathered from the few messages they’d shared that Steve was Bucky’s main emergency contact and actually the one who found out about the program, to begin with. Steve has a terrible habit of losing his phone often which is why he hasn’t updated to a newer model and the last time he had tried to get a new phone he’d dropped it in a cup of paint and not even Stark Phones could win against the shade of turquoise.
Steve had taken to calling him, Eddie.
Tony had snorted a mango smoothie through his nose the first time he saw the name in one of Steve's messages. It's endearing that this stranger had given him some sort of nickname and heartbreaking because it wasn’t even his actual name.
To Unknown Number: Eddie?
He was an idiot.
From Unknown Number: You are the rescuer of my phone the least I could do was make you a friend.
Message sent from Starkpad.
He was an idiot.
Tuesday woke Tony up with a blaring alarm. His face smashed down into the edge of his desk, his back aching where he was bent, leaning halfway off the stool and his mouth tasted like a cotton ball. Yet the loud, clanging alarm kept going off no matter how many times he waved his hand. It stabbed into his skull, shook his core until he felt the vibrations of it deep inside his soul and a memory slithered its way of Tony murmuring a sleep deprived request to Jarvis to make sure he gets up.
“Dammit, okay, yes I get it.” Tony lifted his head, glaring daggers into the air until the alarm finally cut off, “Thank you, J.”
“I live to serve, Sir.” Tony stared at the holo screen in front of him, seeing through the blue glow to the tool cabinet across the room.
“I have to return the phone today.” He stated.
“He’s never going to talk to me again.” His voice dropped into a whisper, mind whirling. For four days Steve has been all Tony could think about, even if the only image he had of him was a shaky photo of a blond who may or may not be Steve Rogers.
“What time is it?” He lifted his hands, frowning at the oil embedded beneath his nails. And he’s pretty sure he hasn’t changed his pants since Saturday.
“Noon, sir, may I suggest a quick shower before meeting Mr. Rogers?” Jarvis spoke up. With a sigh, the genius lifted himself off the stool and made his way back to his room, feeling the blood flooding back to his feet, leaving him with the telltale pins and needles crawling up and down his legs. He tried to focus on that feeling over the gnawing fear in his stomach.
He wasn’t sure why he was nervous about this.
All he had to do was give him the phone back and go about his life — no more messages in the middle of the day from someone that isn’t Pepper or his email, no more silly jokes about how Steve’s day was going, no more teasing messages sent to Steve’s phone from his friends telling Tony all about Steve’s mistakes and mishaps in the past.
Four days was all it took for Tony to develop some sort of weird crush on a complete stranger. He’s doomed.
Scott’s Hope Cafe wasn’t overly busy on Tuesdays, but a small crowd had formed around the cash register making it easier for Tony to hunker down at the bar, his coffee cup resting against his lips as his phone sits heavy on his hand and Steve’s phone lies face down between his elbows. It went off once with a quick message from ‘Bucky Bear’ to let him know Steve was on his way. Steve himself hadn’t messaged Tony, and he is now realizing he doesn’t know who he is looking for. Was the blond in the photo Steve? Would Bucky be the one to pick up the phone instead, or maybe Natasha, possibly the elusive Clint he’s heard about?
What is he worried about? Steve thinks he’s meeting with Edward Banner, not Tony Stark.
“Hey, I’m looking for an Eddie?” A voice picks up next to him and he tilts his head to see who — holy fucking shit.
The coffee burnt his tongue, dribbling down his neck and burning hot across his lap as Tony jumps up from the stool and curses out loud, tugging his shirt away from his chest in a flurry. Several people surround him asking him if he was okay if he needed anything and Tony could see Steve, large, blond, adonis Steve, with eyes bluer than the damn sky standing in front of him looking from him to the cup of coffee in his hand down to the table at his phone and back up. Those azure eyes suddenly open wide in confusion, mouth falling open as Tony pushes the barista’s hands away from his chest, apologizing to her about the mess and ducking out as fast as he can.
The air outside didn’t help the burn on his chest or the tender feeling along his throat, but it helped cool the spill down, helping Tony force air into his lungs.
Steve, Jesus, Steve had been beautiful. This amazing person who agreed to be his best friend's emergency contact because he had no one else, this incredible human who gave Tony a stupid nickname even though he didn’t know him, who was thinking of bringing him a damn fruit basket as a thank you gift for what? Being a decent human being who, hey, lied to you because he didn’t want you to use his name to get your friend an unfair advantage during the program.
He got his phone back. Tony shakes his head, walking down the sidewalk and muttering under his breath, “Get it together, Stark.”
He ruined his shirt, stained all down the front and Pepper was going to be upset he ruined another shirt — he could buy a new - “Hey!”
Tony jerked his head around to see Steve running down the sidewalk, apologizing to people he had to move out of the way as he got closer to Tony.
“Hey, wait!” Oh God, oh God he was going to be punched.
Steve raised an arm to wave at him as if he couldn’t see six foot plus of All American meat pounding down the damn sidewalk after him like a large golden retriever
Tony watched him run towards him, his once lost phone clutched in his other hand and- oh.
“You left your phone.” Steve stopped in front of him, a bright smile lighting up his face as he held the phone out to Tony.
“Oh, uh-”
“I’m Steve and you, well I know you’re not Edward Banner.” He shook his hand a little until Tony took the phone from him, looking down at it then back up at Steve which felt a bit like looking into the sun.
“I, yeah, um-”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.” Steve was still smiling, although the smile dimmed a little.
Tony nodded, “Of course. You needed your phone-”
“Are you okay? That coffee must have been pretty hot, yeah? It didn’t look too pleasant, honestly.” Steve looked back over his shoulder then turned back to Tony, “Were you going back to change? I’d feel bad if you left after getting burnt like that while trying to give me my darn cellphone back.” Steve looked at him, eyes earnest, mouth still smiling at him and Tony dammit wanted to kiss him for some godforsaken reason.
“Uh,” He blinked, “Did you just say darn?”
Steve blinked back, then blushed, and holy shit that was a gorgeous sight to behold.
“Yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, yeah sorry, uh would you mind if I walked with you? I got the rest of the day off and I would like to get to know the fella who held my phone for half a week, y’know?”
“Oh,” Tony looked back down the sidewalk then up at Steve, “Really?”
Steve motioned forward walking in step alongside him his head ducked on another blush, “Of course I’m going to ask why you didn’t tell me your name, but I sure enjoyed talking to you the last few days though it’d be pretty fun to keep talking to you.”
It was Tony’s turn to blush as Steve’s hand, the one holding his phone brushed against his.
“Nice to meet you, Steve Rogers, I’m Tony Stark and I guess I don’t have an excellent excuse for not telling you that ahead of time-” He shrugged letting the back of his hand brush Steve who grinned down at him.
“Hiya Tony Stark thank you for giving me my phone back because now, with you permission of course, I can put your number in it.”
I hope you enjoy it, love. I'm going to be writing the next few days hopefully meaning a few requests will be out soon!!
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maevemarethyu · 4 years
The Pack (1/?)
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(Not my GIF)
(Bucky Barnes x Reader)
The Night Wolves. New York’s most prolific and secretive gang. Always watching yet somehow always out of reach. Always slipping through the Avengers grasp.
Until they got you.
You were a street rat. A grunt working for the most gruesome group of criminals New York had ever seen.
Captain America wasn’t expecting much when they brought you in, he certainly wasn’t expecting you and his best friend to get along so well. You were a courier, nothing more.
Or so they thought.
Warnings: Violence, Cursing, Talks of Murder, Actual Murder, Talks of Abuse, Kidnapping, Depictions of Abuse, Crude Humor, Sexual Humor, Bucky Barnes (because he needs a warning all in himself), Sad Boi Hours.
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The fact that all you could do was pretend to work while Flora and Maeve handled the complete uprooting of your business pissed you off to no end.
Every day for the past four days, you woke up, went for a morning run, went to Mr. Miller’s shop (Surprise, Mr. Miller doesn’t exist), meandered there until closing time, walked home, ate dinner, and went back to sleep.
All while the Avengers thought they were invisibly following you. Day one had been Barnes. Day two was Wilson. Day three was Rogers. Today is was the Scarlet Witch; Wanda Maximoff. You’d think that they would have better disguises than a baseball cap and blue zip-up but, it would appear that was their I’m just a civilian look.
You couldn’t even go to your house. Instead you were forced to stay in the dummy apartment you’d set up when you first got the Wolves up and running. It came in handy, obviously, but it still sucked.
The sat phone goes off in the freezer and you rush to answer it.
“Please, for the love of Bucky Barnes’ thighs, tell me you found me a way out of this hell.” You whine and Maeve laughs on the other end.
“Is that what your praying to now? The Winter Soldier’s thighs?”
“Focus Maeve.”
“I’m not the one praying to a pair of limbs.” She teases before taking on a more serious tone. “We have the new location set up but, it’s going to take time to get everyone transferred.”
“I figured. Please tell me you got us set up in the Maldives. I’d love you forever if you did.”
“Ha Ha. You know I burn easily and, for that, you all must suffer. As for the escape. Flora had an idea.”
You groan at the thought. Flora was smart as a whip and was a tactical genius but, her ideas were taxing to say the least.
“She thought it’d be easier for us to avoid those pesky Avengers if we had eyes on the inside. Ya know, just someone to find out how much they really found out about us and, since you’re already such good friends with them, we figured you’d be the perfect candidate.”
“You do realize I’m the one in charge right? You guys want me to infiltrate the Avengers.” You ask with annoyance. Not because wouldn’t work but, because it would. You already had rapport with the Captain.
“Fine.” You pout. “Use the Mr. Miller cell to call mine and ask me to pick up something in Hell’s Kitchen. I’ll wait until its dark and purposefully go into a dangerous area because I care. I’m willing to make this sacrifice.”
You hear a snort on the other line and roll your eyes.
“Is Paul good? Looks like setting up a fake family tree wasn’t a complete waste of time after all.” You ask and faintly hear Flora yell I told you so in the background.
“He’s fine. The Avengers have him holed up in some five-star cabin up in Maine. The lucky bastard.”
Lucky bastard indeed.
“I hope you’re ready for this Alpha. Your life is about to get a lot more complicated.”
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 You’d been wandering around Hell’s Kitchen pretending to be lost for almost twenty minutes now. Honestly, who did you have to suck off to get mugged around here? Your feet were starting to ache and there was a knot in your back thanks to the lumpy mattress back at the apartment.
A knife against your back puts you on high alert and you have to hold back a grin because, about damn time.
“Give me your wallet.” The man whispers in your ear and your nose scrunches at the scent of cigarettes and cheap booze.
Tears spring to your eyes and you hold up two shaking hands.
“Please don’t hurt me. I-I’m lost and I just want to go home.” You cry. This wasn’t exactly what your mother had in mind when she made you sign up for drama club in school but, hey, at least you were using your skills.
“Your wallet. Now.” The knife presses deeper into your back and, before you can let out a perfectly believable whimper, pressure is gone. You turn to face your attacker only to see he help in the air by the back of his shirt by none other than Bucky Barnes himself. There was no shy smile on his face tonight, only a fierce scowl as he throws the mugger into a wall and you can’t help but think how good it looks on him.
Thick Thighs and Bucky’s Eyes was about to become your new life motto if he wasn’t careful.
“Are you okay?” He turns to you, eyes canvasing you for any injuries. Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll in the blink of an eye.
“I-I’m okay. Geez I’m so stupid. Mr. Miller said he needed me to pick something up from Lucky’s Pawn Shop and I got all turned a-around. D-Do you think he works for the Wolves.” You whisper the taboo name and add a shiver for good measure.
His eyes dart to the man lying in a crumpled heap and back to you with a frown.
“I don’t think so but, I’d feel better if you took Steve’s offer of staying at the compound. You’re a target now.” He sighs and it’s so nice you’re not sure if you want to jump him or puke.
“I-I think you’re right.” You mutter, looking at the man then back into Bucky’s blue cotton candy eyes; sweet enough to make your teeth rot. “Thank you Sarge. Who know what would have happened if you weren’t around? What were you doing in Hell’s Kitchen so late?”
His eyes dart away from yours as he leads you to his car.
“Steve may or may not have had us keep eyes on you for your own protection.”
Sure. Your protection.
Instead of a scoff, you blink up him with owlish eyes. “You mean you’ve been watching over me since I left the tower?”
You don’t think anything you do will ever top the fact that you just made Bucky Barnes blush.
“Not just me. We each took a day to keep tabs on ya.” He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He escorts you to an inconspicuous car and opens your door.
What were guys like Bucky called on the internet again?
Right. A Himbo.
Incredibly well intentioned and polite but, not the most observant… Maybe you were being cruel but so was he by just looking that fine all the time.
“Thank you.” Your whisper sounds like a shout in the silent car and, once again, you can see red creeping onto his cheeks whenever a streetlight illuminates the vehicle.
Phase one complete.
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“Steve had a room set up for you. Are you hungry?”
The living quarters of the compound were not what you were expecting. It was… homier. High class definitely but, not cold. Every Avenger had their own room but, their kitchen was shared, and the common room was jam packed with bookcases and entertainment systems.
You were in heaven and no longer jealous of your fake father Paul.
“I’m okay, thank you.” You mumble, adding a bit of shyness to your voice to really sell it. “I just want to lie down.”
With you preferably but, we’ll get to that another time.
“Oh, right. This way.”
Bucky leads you down a hall lined with doors; stopping at the one at the very end of the hall and motioning you to go in.
“Holy shit.” You gasp and it’s real because your room is phenomenal. The bed looks big enough to fit an elephant and soft enough to drown in and you couldn’t wait to collapse into it. Floor to ceiling windows give you a view of the city you could never get from your real house. Simply beautiful.
“If you need anything, my room is down to the right and Wanda’s is down to the left. She left for a mission earlier but, is excited to meet you when she gets back.”
You’d heard stories about the Scarlet Witch and her telepathic powers so, you knew to be careful around her. You had enough secrets to drive anyone mad and put you behind bars for several lifetimes.
“The Wanda Maximoff can’t wait to meet me?” You gasp, finally relenting and flopping onto the bed like an ungraceful starfish. “This could very well be the best day of my life. You know, aside from the almost getting mugged part.”
You turn your head towards him just in time to see a chuckle pass through his seashell pink lips. A very good day indeed.
It was a good tactic but, you saw straight through it. The Avengers were still wary of you and believed putting you in proximity of the two members that you were most likely to trust would cause you to slip up; unintentionally let your guard down so they could read you like a book.
You wanted to say something about them thinking you’d be that naïve but, that would only diminish the reputation you had begun to build: a sassy yet timid and troubled girl who had gotten herself mixed in with the wrong crowd. You garnered sympathy and sympathy led to loose lips.
You honestly deserved an Oscar for this shit; Flora definitely owed you a dinner and, once everything got back to normal, you’d wring those street rat’s necks for not doing their job.
“You’ll be safe here. No one’s breaking in to steal your purse.”  He reassures and it melts your heart a bit; he really is a nice guy. A really nice guy with a really nice face and a really nice ass.
“Thank you Sarge.” You sigh sincerely. You may be on opposite sides of the law but, you admired him and the other Avengers for what they do. They protect people from people like you. They’ve seen the worst the universe has to offer and none of them turned away. If you were in Barnes position, the next time someone told you the world was ending, you would have told them to put you back in the freezer.
“If you need anything, just ask the AI; her name is FRIDAY. Goodnight Valerie.” He shuts the door with care, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts and a bugged cellphone. This was already going much more smoothly than you had anticipated and you didn’t know whether to be grateful or suspicious.  You were leaning towards the latter.
You were being paranoid but, who wouldn’t be in your situation?
You sit up on the bed and observe your new home for the foreseeable future. Would the holier than thou Avengers bug an innocent woman’s room? You liked to think they wouldn’t but, you could never be too sure.
You make a mental note to see if you’d be able to pick up some of your clothes from the apartment as you walk into the bathroom and strip off your jeans that smell more like the streets of New York than the citrus scent you washed them with.
Funnily enough, Stark had the same shower as you did at your real home so, you have to pretend to figure out the various knobs just in case. After fiddling for a good five minutes, you set it to just how you like it and hop in with the plan to wash the stress of the past few days down the drain. By now Flora and Maeve should have moved the tier of enforcers to the new location along with a good chunk of your liquid assets to a new offshore account.
A month at the minimum. That’s how long Flora told you this would take and you knew better than to complain about it. This was a very stressful situation for all of you; for everyone involved.
Once you feel thoroughly cleansed, you step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and exit the bathroom.
A plate on your nightstand catches your attention and the hairs on the back of your neck raise as the smell of delicious lasagna reaches your nose. The note next to the plate says it’s from Sam Wilson and, if you were a normal woman, you’d probably think his effort was thoughtful.
“FRIDAY?” You announce curiously.
“Yes Miss Mason?” She answers and you roll your shoulders. You’d have to get used to having a Stark AI instead of your trusty MARVI.
“Please don’t let anyone into my room when I’m unable to answer the door.”
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Tags: @cherryblossomskye @hollarious​
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