#tom wiggins
callmeanxietygirl · 1 year
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Historias Negras, porque negro es mi color.
El niño n39r0 y ciego que se convirtió en un famoso pianista.
Blind Tom' Wiggins fue un prodigio musical afroamericano. Nacido ciego, cuando era un bebé, Tom Wiggins fue vendido como esclavo, junto con el resto de su familia.
Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins (1849-1908) fue un pianista y compositor estadounidense. Nació ciego y esclavo en Georgia. A pesar de su discapacidad, comenzó a tocar el piano a los cuatro años y se convirtió en un prodigio musical. A los 8 años, comenzó a dar conciertos en todo el país y se convirtió en uno de los artistas más populares de su época. Wiggins compuso más de 100 piezas originales y fue uno de los primeros músicos afroamericanos en ganar fama internacional.
Blind También sobrevivió al intento de asesinato ya que no tenía ningún valor económico para sus dueños. Sin embargo, Tom tenía acceso a un piano y su talento para percibir, recordar y reproducir sonidos se hizo evidente de inmediato. Muchos historiadores también creen que Tom estaba en el espectro del autismo, lo que podría explicar su extraordinaria memoria. Continuaría actuando en conciertos en todo el continente americano y Europa. —Thomas Greene Wiggins nació el 25 de mayo de 1849 de Mungo y Charity Wiggins, esclavizados en una plantación de Georgia. Era ciego y autista, pero un genio musical con una memoria fenomenal. En 1850, Tom, sus padres y dos hermanos fueron vendidos a James Neil Bethune, abogado y editor de un periódico en Columbus, Georgia. El joven Tom estaba fascinado por la música y otros sonidos, ya los cuatro años podía tocar las melodías en el piano. Hizo su debut en un concierto a los ocho años, actuando en Atlanta. En 1858, Tom fue contratado como esclavo-músico por un precio de 15.000 dólares. En 1859, a la edad de 10 años, se convirtió en el primer artista afroamericano en tocar en la Casa Blanca cuando dio un concierto ante el presidente James Buchanan. Sus piezas para piano "Oliver Galop" y "Virginia Polka" se publicaron en 1860. Durante la Guerra Civil, regresó con su propietario para recaudar fondos para la ayuda confederada. En 1863 tocó su propia composición, “Battle of Manassas”. Para 1865, Tom Wiggins, de 16 años, ahora "contratado" con James Bethune, podía tocar obras difíciles de Bach, Chopin, Liszt, Beethoven y Thalberg. También tocó piezas después de una audición y memorizó poemas y textos en idiomas extranjeros. La publicidad afirmaba que Tom no había recibido instrucción, pero de hecho fue instruido por un profesor de música que viajó con él. James Neil Bethune llevó a Tom Wiggins a Europa, donde recopiló testimonios de los críticos musicales Ignaz Moscheles y Charles Halle, que se imprimieron en un folleto "The Marvelous Musical Prodigy Blind Tom". Con estos y otros patrocinios, Blind Tom Wiggins se convirtió en un artista reconocido internacionalmente. En 1868, Tom y la familia Bethune vivían en una granja de Virginia durante el verano, mientras realizaban giras por los Estados Unidos y Canadá el resto del año, con un promedio de $50,000 anuales en ingresos por conciertos. James Bethune finalmente perdió la custodia de Tom ante la ex esposa de su difunto hijo, Eliza Bethune. Charity Wiggins, la madre de Tom, fue parte de la demanda, pero no obtuvo el control de su hijo ni de sus ingresos. El ciego Tom Wiggins dio su última actuación en 1905. Murió tres años después, el 13 de junio de 1908, a la edad de 59 años, en la casa de su manager en Hoboken, Nueva Jersey.Según un artículo de Classic FM, Blind Tom comenzó a tocar el piano a los cuatro años y aprendió a tocar escuchando a otros músicos y componiendo sus propias piezas. A los cinco años, compuso su primera pieza, "The Rainstorm", inspirado por la lluvia en su techo. A pesar de su discapacidad visual, tenía una memoria musical prodigiosa y podía reproducir cualquier pieza que hubiera escuchado.
Espero te haya gustado
Gracias por leer hasta aquí, aprecio tu tiempo y te comparto un historia real.
Saludos estimados
Giovanny Cevallos 😉
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coyoteprince · 2 months
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You ever see a photo of someone of the long gone past and recognize something deep and profound in them that you can't quite explain?
I found that in Tom Wiggins, an enslaved man with an unfortunate story. I instantly knew from a glance that he was some manner of autistic.
Tom, a local legend and master pianist, was native to my current home of Columbus, Georgia. The first time I saw his photo at our museum I was immediately transfixed by an overwhelming sense of recognition between us, despite being of different times and situations.
It was, to me, something spiritual. But like it's often said and what I certainly believe: like recognizes like.
Tom referred to himself in the third person, often only parroted phrases, had other "odd" manners, taught himself the piano, and could not live on his own.
On a small museum plaque surrounded by copies of his show posters and music sheets he is marked as being "possibly autistic". Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any recordings of his original playing, something I yearn to hear.
Tom was, unsurprisingly, taken advantage of by his enslavers his entire life. You can read more about that elsewhere, but I wanted to touch more upon the intense connection I feel as a fellow disabled & autistic person and remind others of his existence.
If you'd like to learn more about Tom Wiggins, you can visit in person the Columbus Georgia museum or see his Wikipedia page.
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unidentifiedprimate · 9 months
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Mazes and Monsters (1982)
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mias-playground · 11 months
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Thomas 'Blind Tom' Wiggins (1849–1908). Born blind, as an infant he was sold into slavery, along with the rest of his family. He also survived attempted murder as he had no economic value to his owners. However, Tom had access to a piano, and his talent for perceiving, remembering, and reproducing sounds was immediately apparent. Many historians also believe that Tom was on the autism spectrum, which could explain his extraordinary memory. He would go on to perform at concerts throughout the Americas and Europe. His extraordinary music has inspired lovers of music worldwide, including Elton John, who composed a song in his honor.
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The Prophecies - Part 2
Episode Recap #54: The Prophecies - Part 2 Original Airdate: October 7, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Fritz Weaver as Asteroth Marie-France Lambert as Sister Adele Jean Brousseau as Father Decroux Steve Monarque as Johnny Ventura (as Steven Monarque) Tara Meyer as Chris Davis Madeleine Pageau as Sister Francis Lee J. Campbell as Mr. Burt Davis Nathaniel Moreau as Young Ryan Robert Desroches as Mr. Thorez (as Robert Des Roches) Jacques Tourangeau as Lieutenant Marceau (credit only) Jill Frappier as Elizabeth Dallion Guy Provencher as Blind Beggar Joshua Labelle as Jimmy Dallion Huguette Oligny as Housekeeper / Theresa
Written by Tom McLoughlin Directed by Tom McLoughlin
Part 2 picks up with a recap of Part 1. Then we are back in the streets of Marie-Mere, with Micki finally finding Ryan, who seems dazed. He said he tried to get the book but was knocked out. Micki is worried, since it has been over an hour. He insists he is fine. She says they should check on Jack. Ryan wants to see Adele, but Micki says they will after seeing Jack.
Asteroth goes to a cemetery crypt. He breaks in the stone door via magic. Inside, it is a huge space. He breaks open more crypts, exposing skeletons. He tells Lucifer the place of his return awaits and laughs.
At the church. Christine and her father sit and pray. She's worried, asks him to pray for her.
Micki has been going through Jack's papers about the Book of Lucifer. She gets frustrated by Ryan just staring out the window. He says it is a waste of time, he needs to see Sister Adele. Micki says no one can see her. Ryan acts weird and then leaves.
Later, Ryan is outside the church as Asteroth reads the next prophecy. Ryan heads forward. He gets inside, upsetting the other nuns with his insistence on seeing Adele. She says it is okay, he's a friend. Ryan says he has to speak to her in private. Uneasily, Adele takes him to her room. Ryan tells her he met Asteroth. Adele knows Ryan is under Asteroth's hold and tries talking to him, then grabs her crucifix and begins praying. Decroux and the other nuns try getting into the room as the possessed Ryan attacks Adele. Asteroth speaks and laughs through Ryan, opens the door and tells Decroux that Adele is dying for her faith. Then he runs off. Decroux and the nuns find Adele and pray to God.
In an alley, Ryan is lamenting what he just did under Asteroth's control and finds the 666 on his chest. He screams.
At the hotel, Micki calls Johnny who's at Curious Goods, worried about Ryan's odd behavior. Ryan's mother shows up at the store. Johnny tries to calm Micki, who asks him to come to France. He agrees, then tells Mrs. Dallion it will be okay.
Cops bang on Micki's hotel room door, then barge inside, looking for Ryan. They take Micki with them.
Johnny talks to Ryan's mom, who is worried about him, thinking he must hate her. Johnny says Ryan loves her, and everyone deserves a second chance. She says she can't lose another son.
Ryan slips into the hospital and goes to see Jack. He begs his friend to wake up, telling he killed Adele and doesn't know why. He begins to cry, thinking his life is over now. Jack lays unconscious, Ryan asks why he couldn't help him this time. And tells Jack he needs him as he continues to sob.
Asteroth is chanting his evil prayers over a skeleton, and Ryan is again possessed, leaping out the hospital window as nurses rush in. He runs off into the night.
Next day, Micki is still being interrogated by the police. They don't believe her claims of strange events and she doesn't believe their claim that Ryan killed Adele. They won't let her leave or make a phone call.
Asteroth continue his work in the crypt, with Ryan at his mercy. He makes an upside cross on Ryan's forehead and says a child of God will be Lucifer's vessel.
That night, at a candlelight prayer vigil, Adele's body is carried through the streets. Johnny arrives via taxi and goes to the hotel, where he finds out Micki was arrested.
Ryan watches the prayer from the streets.
Johnny demands they let Micki go if they aren't charging her, and is shocked with the allegations against Ryan. He tells the detective they are leaving to look for Ryan, and they head out.
Ryan spots Christine and her father in the prayer group, and takes the girl, her father rushing after him.
Decroux begins a prayer over the body of Adele for all of those present. He tells them Satanic powers are at work to destroy their faith.
Ryan rushes with a protesting Christine as Micki and Johnny search frantically. Christine's father tries to stop Ryan, but Asteroth possesses Ryan, who tosses the man to the pavement.
Decroux continues to pray, saying Adele was killed because she was a symbol of good. He tells them they should have faith and pray. As they do, Jack has memories of what happened, what Adele had told him about her faith, and finally awakens, saying "The child."
Ryan brings Christine to Asteroth in the cemetery crypt.
Micki and Johnny still search, then go to see Jack, who is gone from the hospital.
Asteroth continues to read from his book, as Christine prays on her own. Asteroth tells her Lucifer is the true ruler, but she is brave and keeps praying. Asteroth uses his magic to heal her legs for Lucifer's arrival.
Jack finds Christine's injured father, who tells him Ryan took Christine. Micki and Johnny come upon the men, thrilled to see Jack. Micki fills Jack in on what she read, and Jack realizes the place of the dead mentioned must be the cemetery. Before dying, her dad asks them to save Christine.
Asteroth continues his plan to bring Lucifer to Earth. Asteroth has Ryan pull Christine to her feet, to show her what his faith in Lucifer has done for her. She can now stand on her own and walk. Christine listens to Asteroth, but refuses to praise Lucifer, so Asteroth makes her legs give out.
Decroux and the crowd continue to pray, as wind begins to blow.
Ryan is forced to hold Christine down as Asteroth works to use the Book to bring forth his master. He picks up a sharp skeleton bone, and says since she won't accept Lucifer, he will kill her and Lucifer will be resurrected in her body. He lifts the bone over her.
Jack, Micki and Johnny race through the cemetery looking for Asteroth and Ryan.
Christine appeals to Ryan, trying to get through to him. He looks at her and is flooded with memories of his late brother. Just as Asteroth brings the bone down, Ryan screams and puts his body between it and Christine, Asteroth stabbing him in the back. Micki, Jack and Johnny arrive at the same moment. Ryan, out of Asteroth's control, asks Christine to pray for him before falling to the ground.
His body is wracked in pain and transforms into young Ryan. Asteroth says the prophecy has been fulfilled, thinking Ryan will be the vessel for Lucifer.
At the funeral vigil, wind blows and a bright light appears in the sky. All are in awe.
The light even reaches the crypt, worrying Asteroth, who is burned reaching for the Book after struggling with Johnny. Christine stands in the light. Jack rushes to her. Asteroth stumbles to avoid the light. Jack finds the unconscious boy on the ground and picks him up. Micki is confused. Asteroth again tries for the book but it bursts into flames, then he does as well. He thrashes about before turning into his demon form and exploding. Micki holds the boy, and Christine says they must get him to the shrine.
They get to the shrine, still bathed in the bright light. Ryan begins to thrash about. Decroux prays over him, hoping to rid him of the influence of Satan. Christine kneels and prays to the Blessed Mother, asking them to return Ryan to what is God's will. A visage of a woman appears, the light becomes blinding and Ryan screams.
The light dims and fades away, and the boy lies calm. Jack talks to Ryan, who asks who he is. Ryan remembers Jack as a friend of Uncle Lewis. Christine introduces herself, but Ryan doesn't recall her. She thanks him. Ryan asks where his mother is. Christine tells Decroux that the Blessed Mother wants her to stay, and the Shrine waters flow again. Ryan asks if Micki is okay. She tries to get him to remember her, but all he can recall is a cousin named Micki, with red hair. They hug.
Back in the airport in the US, they all arrive home. Ryan runs off, Jack says he didn't say anything to Mrs. Dallion because it would be hard to explain. She is there, waving at them. Ryan comes up to her, calling her mom, but at first she thinks he's looking for someone else. Then she recognizes the boy her son used to be. Ryan says she looks different. She is shocked and Jack tells her this is Ryan, as hard as it is to believe. Micki tells Ryan she recognizes him, but he looks a little different. He says she is still the prettiest mom in the world, and them embrace, as Jack, Micki and Johnny look on.
My thoughts:
As I said last week, this is written and directed by Tom McLoughlin, who was the man behind Friday the 13th: Part VI - Jason Lives!, one of my favorite in the film series. He did a great job in opening the third season, while finding a creative way to write out - but not kill off - Ryan. I commend and thank him for that.
I remember the first time I watched this episode. I had graduated high school around the same time as the season two finale. Was working nights now, and was harder for me to be there each late Saturday night. I recorded this and watched it a few days - maybe weeks? - after it had aired. Like I said, no pre-information. It was, to me, just the season three opener. Little did I know.
Ryan becoming possessed and killing Adele is so much. But, as it was with weekly shows, you assume they will somehow over come this. Ryan won't be sent to prison! Then he sacrifices himself for Christine, and you think this will either wound him and also redeem him or kill him. But he's back for season three, they won't kill him off.
Imagine my - and other fans - shock. Ryan is turned back in to a child… and stays that way! Yeah, he isn't killed off. But LeMay is gone? What does all this mean? I was stunned. Ryan and Micki were so big to me as a lonely, awkward teen. How could Ryan be gone from this group?
We had no answers this week. Just this ambiguous end. I remember after watching this, going to let my dog out and just standing, looking out at the bare trees and feeling the end of something. Like I said, I'd graduated and was working. I'd begun to miss episodes of the show and had to play catch up. It all just felt like an end had begun for something that had been so special and important to me. And I had no clue what the future held, for Ryan, for Micki and Jack, and in my life, for me. A weird, very personal, nexus point of life, I guess.
Johnny, as we know now, took over the younger male lead role. They play Johnny here a little different than before. Less harsh and horny, and more friendly and helpful. I don't mind Johnny, but Ryan was irreplaceable.
The religious motifs here are huge, and it makes sense. The show always focused on the demonic and Satanic, so it was interesting to see the flipside of that. But, I have to wonder if this big season opener, with God, and prayer, and nuns and Lucifer combined with airing in more prime time slots, opened the door for more tight ass religious zealots to see and condemn the show. Is it a coincidence that this ended up being the final season?
All in all, a great big movie of a season opener, with the show's status quo truly shaken up. Glad Ryan was left alive, for a possible return. Never happened, unfortunately. Only in my fanfic. Maybe I'll share that one day, if anyone would care to read it.
Good-bye, Ryan.
Next week: Demon Hunter
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oughttobeclowns · 2 years
Review: As You Like It, @sohoplace
Review: As You Like It, @sohoplacelondon Plays interesting with gender and access
Josie Rourke’s As You Like It plays interestingly with gender and access at the brand spanking new @sohoplace “I’ll have no husband, if you be not he” Though I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive new theatre @sohoplace for sitting on the grave of the much-loved Astoria, it really is a lovely intimate space, the Donmar on steroids with something of the aesthetic of the Bridge in there too. As You Like It…
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View On WordPress
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zonetrente-trois · 6 months
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Laara Saddiq in Happily Ever After
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badmovieihave · 8 months
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Bad movie I have Greyhound 2020
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warrenwoodhouse · 1 year
Cliques - Bully Guide (Game Guides) (Guides)
List of all of the cliques in Bully and in Bully: Scholarship Edition.
Main Game
Algernon “Algie” Papadopoulos
Bucky Pasteur
Earnest Jones
Melvin O’Connor
Donald Anderson
Cornelius Johnson
Fatty Johnson
Thad Carlson
Beatrice Trudeau
The Library
The Observatory
Chad Morris
Gord Vendome
Parker Ogilvie
Tad Spencer
Derby Harrington
Bif Taylor
Bryce Montrose
Justin Vandervelde
Pinky Gauthier
Harrington House
Old Bullworth Vale
Glass Jaw Gym
Johnny Vincent
Ricky Pucino
Hal Esposito
Lefty Mancini
Norton Williams
Peanut Romano
Vance Medici
Lola Lombardi
Auto Shop
Kirby Olsen
Casey Harris
Bo Jackson
Damon West
Dan Wilson
Juri Karamazov
Luis Luna
Ted Thompson
Mandy Wiles
Football Field
Swimming Pool
Gary Smith
Peter “Petey” Kowalski
James “Jimmy” Hopkins
Constantinos Brakus
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Pedro De La Hoya
Ray Hughes
Sheldon Thompson
Trevor Moore
Angie Ng
Eunice Pound
Christy Martin
Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams
Zoe Taylor
Bullworth Academy
Russell Northrop
Trent Northwick
Davis White
Ethan Robinson
Tom Gurney
Troy Miller
Wade Martin
Bullworth Academy
Carpark - Bullworth Academy
Edgar Munsen
Clint (aka: Henry)
Omar Romero
Otto Tyler
Zoe Taylor (before re-attending Bullworth Academy)
Mr. Doolin
Miss Abby
Old Bullworth Vale
Officer Williams
Old Bullworth Vale
Bullworth Town
Prefect 1
Prefect 2
Prefect 3
Bullworth Academy
Carnival Folk
The Siamese Twins
The Last Mermaid
Billie Crane’s Traveling Carnival
Dr. Crabblesnitch (Principal)
Mr. Burton (Gym Teacher)
Mr. Lionel Galloway (English Teacher)
Mr. Hattrick (Math Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Mr. Luntz (Janitor, Shop Attendant)
Mr. Matthews (Geography Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Neil (Shop Teacher)
Dr. Slawter (Biology Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Dr. Watts (Chemistry Teacher)
Mr. Wiggins (History Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Miss. Danvers (Secretary)
Mrs. Carvin (Librarian)
Edna (Cook)
Mrs. Danica McRae (Nurse)
Mrs. Peabody (Girls’ Dorm Hall Monitor)
Miss. Peters (Music Teacher) (Scholarship Edition)
Ms. Deidre Philips (Art Teacher, Photography Teacher)
Bullworth Academy
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seanhowe · 9 months
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THE THREE FACES OF CHICO (Warner Brothers, WS 1344) 1959
Chico Hamilton (d), Eric Dolphy (alto sax, bass clarinet, fl), Nate Gershman (cello), Dennis Budimir (g), Wyatt Ruther (b), plus Paul Horn (as), Buddy Collette (ts), Bill Green (bar) & String section.
Los Angeles, February-August, 1959.
Notes by Chico Hamilton
We've called this new album "The Three Faces of Chico" because I play three roles in it. I guess this set may surprise some people. and it even may annoy others. But I hope there's something of real interest in it for every jazz fan.
First of all, I guess I'm best known as a drummer. And that is one of the roles I play here. There are three tracks that are unaccompanied drum solos—Trinkets, Happy Little Dance, and No Speak No English, Man. On each of these I haven't tried to prove anything. but have tried to inject a little humor into some listeners' thoughts.
In regard to these drums tracks. I can only say that it's diffient for a drummer to play anything different than any other average drummer; although each drummer does have his own individual styling. I used the standard equipment I have with me whenever the Quintet takes the stand: two cymbals, sock cymbal, snare drum, tom toms, and bass drum. I didn't use tympani because I'm not a tympanist ... and I just don't carry them around. Instead, I work with sticks. mallets, and brushes to obtain different sound textures.
On Trinkets. for example. I worked eyclusively with brushes. It's a welcome change of sound. For Happy Little Dance, I used mallets throughout. And this one could be danced to, if you dig folk dancing. For No Speak No English, Man. which is a sort of wild thing, I worked with sticks, and played a lot on the rims. I wanted to get a sound like Indian drummers talking to each other.
We did these solos in one take each. I didn' work from a score but laid the sequences out in my mind before we started the tape rolling.
The second face I wear on this set is that of a singer. Now, this is a new thing for me on records, although I've done some singing on the floor with my group, mostly Foggy Day, because that was the one song I knew all the way through.
But having worked with such singers as Lena Horne, Billie Holiday, and Billy Eckstine, I felt I could do it. Actually, what I'm really interested in is phrasing. That's the most effective thing for a singer. That, and good material. I figured that if I was going to sing something, I'd better sing something everyone knows, so they could recognize the tune, if not the melody.
I used a reed section because I wanted to bring back the old Jimmie Lunceford sound with reeds. It's not often you hear a reed section playing ensemble choruses. Gerry Wiggins arranged The Best Things in Life Are Free, and John Anderson scored the other vocal sides: She's Funny That Way, Where or When and I Don't Know Why.
There's not much more to say about my singing, except that I hope you like it.
The third face I wear is that of the leader of the Quintet. My group consists of Wyatt Ruther on bass. Eric Dolphy on flute and reeds. Dennis Budimer on guitar, and Nathan Gershman on cello. Quite frankly, of all the Quintets I've had in the past, I think this one is the swingingest.
On these tracks, you hear a little different Quintet than what you've been used to. The Quintet is four years old and we've been constantly trying to broaden its range. Some may resent the hard swing we're going after, but one thing for sure: in the future we're going to try to please everyone's musical appetite with regard to the Quintet. Music and sounds don't stand still; you have to progress with the people. We play some hard swingers, but in our own intimate way. They're different than the average because of our instrumentation. Our old audiences, we feel, are still satisfied because we play numbers out of our o!d book. Then there are a lot of new people who are following us, and these hard swingers seem to be what they get excited about.
The only way to really broaden the range of the Quintet is by hiring new writers to write for it. In this set, we're introducing three. More Than You Know was arranged by Herb Pilhoffer, a pianist originally from Germany and now located in Minneapolis I think he captures the mood of the song and the Quintet very well Miss Movement is Eric Dolphy's first attempt at writing for the Quintet. Being an exciting player, he'd write an exciting kind of jazz tune. Kenny Dorham is a wonderful trumpet player and he's also a wonderful writer. Newport News is his first chart for our book. It's typical of the inventive, fine arrangements that I'm always grateful to have come my way. Without these, Chico would have no face at all, let alone three!
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jabbage · 2 years
Ok hold on tight fellas, a few months ago I was basking in the glory of the Tom and Jerry meet Sherlock Holmes movie having surprisingly gorgeous animation and a Holmes and Watson with genuine chemistry.
I've got a new favourite "Why in the world does this try as hard as it does" animated Sherlock Holmes adaptation.
Sherlock Holmes and the Great Escape (or sometimes i've seen it translated as the Great Jail-break?), animated in Hong Kong, released in 2019.
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What you need to know about this movie:
For some reason, Sherlock Holmes is cosplaying as Yellow Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist throughout. In fact, there are a number of shots that I think are direct references to Fullmetal Alchemist. I have no idea why this decision was made.
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Watson is a rather effeminate pink cat who sports this delightful bow tie/bowler hat/cropped trousers ensemble. He is somehow still definitely John Watson, transmogrified into a femme anime cat person.
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Despite being a world full of multicoloured anthropomorphic characters, characters can be murdered in this movie? There are actual guns that look like guns? Systemic causes of poverty are considered? The law is not always just? Prisons do not work? I mean I'm not saying any of these issues are addressed in an especially sophisticated way, but I wasn't expecting them to be addressed at all!
Actual Moments of Pathos?!!! !!!!!!!
These characters aren't actually called Mrs Hudson and Wiggins, but they are definitely Mrs Hudson and Wiggins.
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There is an Arsene Lupin-esque gentleman thief character who I genuinely like.
As part of the mysteries there are animated illustrations of basic physics, like what happens to molecules when water is frozen or air pressure changes. Science education ++
Pink Femme Catson gets a Reichenbach moment where he gets to scream his Sherlock's first name dramatically. Of course.
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This happens:
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"It seemed to me that in that moment, my dear friend anthropomorphic anime Edward Elric ripoff Sherlock Holmes was more nearly moved by the softer emotions than I had ever seen him."
So yeah that was an unexpectedly wild ride.
EDIT Also Pink Kitty Watson sets the bar punishingly high for Watsons not taking much nonsense from their Holmses
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autistpride · 5 months
BIPOC autistic people, content creators, blogs, and pages!
This post was one that I was unsure how to write. I'm white and I am very aware of my privilege.
I wanted today's post to highlight and center the voices of autistic BIPOC individuals and honestly, I couldn't just talk about a few. I wanted to put as many names out here for people to follow.
For those who want to follow and learn and for those who need to find these wonderful people in their community.
When researching and working on my list, I came across a post made by Autistic, Typing in 2019 as they had made a list of Autistic Black/ Indigenous/ People of Color & Latinx Advocates to follow.
So today's post is a link to this amazing individual's link, https://www.faceook.com/share/p/VMWG2wURiVWuTP2r/
This link contains all their hard work and emotional labour, a comments section FILLED with people adding others or themselves to the list, as well as a google doc form to add/ edit/ remove autistic creators. So please, if you are one, go fill it out and have yourself added to the list!
Below are some people/ creators/ pages that I thought should be mentioned. I tried to just add the ones I didn’t see listed, but I know there is overlap and tried to point those ones out.
And PLEASE send me any others! I want to follow as many as I can.
Famous People
Anita Cameron- one of the original disability rights activists of the US.
Angela Weddle- artist (mentioned on the post)
Dr. Sarai Pahla- MD and medical translator
Dr. Angel Durr- CEO of DataReady DFW
Burnett Grant- senior lab tech at ZoomEssence Inc
Bernard Grant- Phd in English
Stephan Wiltshire- architectural artist
Lauraen-Rocelle Fernandez- Founder of Mask Off
Michael Buckholtz- music producer for acts such as MC Hammer
Jade Logan- comic artist
Elise Nicole Bowen- music composer who can be found on spotify
Avery Ahmer- tik tok influencer who talks about autism
Kayla Smith- Black Autistic Disability Rights Advocate and creator of #AutisticBlackPride
Kris Young- writer and blogger at Black Neuroqueer Punk (mentioned on the post)
Jackie Pilgrim- Board of NAMI
Armani Williams- professional Nascar driver
Morenike Giwa Onaiwu- advocate and public speaker co-edited All The Weight of Our Dreams and Sincerely Your Autistic Child (mentioned on the post)
Michael Fuller- music prodigy
Melissa Simmons- founder of MisTaught and the creator of Black History Month for Dummies & White Teachers (mentioned on the post)
Lamar Hardwick- the Autism Pastor. Writer and advocate (mentioned on the post)
Kambel Smith- artist known for complex architecture sculptures
Ronaldo Bryd- artist
Ikea “Syance” Wilson- artist and musician
Kris McElroy- writer, artist, and advocate
Talia Grant- first female actress who is autistic to land a mainstream role on British television
Kalin Bennett- first autistic person to receive a division 1 scholarship to play basketball
Tom Wiggins- former enslaved person who was an amazing musician
John Howard- martial arts competitor/ MMA fighter
Morgan Harper Nichols- storyteller and influencer
Questlove- musician and songwriter and collaborator for Disney Jr “Rise Up, Sing Out”
Lois Curtis- artist and plaintiff in the 1999 Olmsted Supreme Court Decision
Tyla Grant- found of Black and Neurodivergent (BAND) and host of the one percent podcast
Nik Sanchez- actor
Benjamin Banneker- naturalist and mathmetician
Talisha Johnson- writer and director of Too Autistic for Black
Joshua Beckford- child prodigy and youngest person to be admitted to Oxford at 6
Breanna Cook- Paralympic athlete
Marcela Collier @highimpactclub
Black Neurodiversity @blackneurodiversity
Autistic Black Woman @autisticblackwoman
Ryse @teachingwithmxt
Caro @disrupt_yuh_feed
Jessie @momma_lips
Nadia @autisticblackgirl
Kayla Smith @BeingKaylaSmith
Tiffany Joseph @nigh.functioning.autism (mentioned on the post)
Tiffany Hammond @fidgets.and.fries (mentioned on the post)
Lauren Melissa Ellzey @autienelle
La Fille Dani @myneurotype
Tim Boy @blackinfinityking (mentioned on the post under previous tag name @BlackAutisticKing)
Raven Derose @confidencewithrae
Danielle @zelue
Ahylaysia @ahlaysia
Rosalie Babette @theautisticgiraffe
Dr. Kofi @autisticallykofi
Jonteugbeye @jonteugbeye
Nia Patterson @thefriendineverwanted
Anansi @dreadfulrebel4x
Gianna Rose @usagi_rose_universe
M’Nda @melaninmaven97
Lina’s brain @ndwellness
The Activistic Autistic
The Art of Autism
Fidgets and Fries (mentioned on the post)
Not Your Mama’s Autism
The Kisha Project
Autism in Black
Neurodivergent Rebel
Black Neuroqueer Punk (mentioned on the post)
The Color of Autism
Sincerely Your Autistic Child
NeuroClastic- PLEASE pass along their post A Letter to Black and Indigenous Autistic Teens
Autistic, Typing- They have the amazing list of Autistic BIPOC Advocates here!!
Morenike GO
Black Autistic Lives Matter
Autistic People of Color Fund
Autistic People Of Color, Indigenous People, and Mixed-Race People - this is a private FB group highly recommended I can not comment on it
Neurodiverent Black Women- another private FB group recommended but I can not comment on it
Other Amazing Neurodiverse People
Simone Biles- olympic gymnast ad most decorated gymnast with 32 metals
Amada Gorman- youngest inaugural poet in US History
Clary Chambers- founder and CEO of SparkClarity
Solange Knowles- singer and actress
Harry Belafonte- singer, songwriter, actor. First Black person to win an Emmy.
Maya Angelou- poet and activist. Write “I know why the caged bird sings” and the poem “On the Pulse of the Morning” that was read at the 1993 presidential inauguration
Danny Glover- actor, director, activist. Prominent roles in Lethal Weapon, The Color Purple, and Angels in the Outfield
Octavia Spencer- actress, author, producer. Worked on The Help.
Brandon Marshall- former NFL player
Kelly Rowland- singer, songwriter, actress and member of Destiny’s Child
Jumaane Williams- politician and activist in New York City
Magic Johnson- former professional basketball player and one of the greatest 50 players of NBA
Clarence Page- journalist who has won a Pulitzer Prize
Mohammed Ali- professional boxer and activist
Black Girl, Lost Keys
Tumi Sotire @TheBlackDyspraxic
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Xover Possibility: Scooby-Universal-Doo
This is a limited crossover series I'm now considering.
Scooby and the gang have teamed up with several celebrities and a few famous characters in taking down ghosts and solving mysteries under WB's commission, but let's see what happens if they end up in the Universal Pictures cyber universe and end up doing…well, pretty much the same formula, except with versions of the Universal animated characters.
Here are some possibilities I thought up.
Franchise: Despicable Me Characters teamed up with: Felonious Gru, Lucy Wilde, and three of the Minions Type of monster/ghost: Chronology: before Despicable Me 3 or Despicable Me 4 Guest Voices: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Steve Coogan, and Pierre Coffin Chase scene song: "Chuck Berry" by Pharrell Williams (from Despicable Me 3)
Franchise: the Lorax Characters teamed up with: Ted Wiggins, Audrey, and the Lorax (whom Mystery Inc believes is a mascot) Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Michael Cera, Ashleigh Ball, Danny DeVito and Chris Renaud Chase scene song: n/a
Franchise: the Secret Life of Pets Characters teamed up with: Katie, Max, Duke, Gidget, and Snowball Type of monster/ghost: Note: The pets will be able to communicate thanks to a translation device Gru briefly lets the gang borrow Guest Voices: Patton Oswalt, Eric Stonestreet, a Kevin Hart soundalike, Jenny Slate, Ellie Kemper, and Lori Alan Chase scene song:
Franchise: the Road to El Dorado Characters teamed up with: Modern-day lookalike descendants of Miguel, Tulio and Chel with the same names Type of monster/ghost: Stone Jaguar Guest Voices: Kevin Kline, a Kenneth Branagh soundalike, and Rosie Perez Chase scene song: n/a
Franchise: Shrek/Puss in Boots Characters teamed up with: Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: ??? Chase scene song: ?
Franchise: Wallace & Gromit Characters teamed up with: Wallace & Gromit Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: ??? Chase scene song: a UK rock band song
Franchise: Kung Fu Panda Characters teamed up with: "furry cosplayers" Po and the Furious Five (minus Mantis) Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Jack Black, Kari Wahlgren, David Cross, Lucy Liu, and a Jackie Chan soundalike Chase scene song: Dumpling Warrior Remix (instrumental) from Kung Fu Panda 2
Franchise: Megamind Characters teamed up with: Megamind, Minion, and Roxanne Ritchi Type of monster/ghost: Note: Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate and its TV series would be ignored Guest Voices: Keith Ferguson, David Cross, and Tina Fey Chase scene song: "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osborne
Franchise: Mr. Peabody & Sherman Characters teamed up with: Who else? Mr. Peabody and Sherman Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Chris Parnell and a male child actor Chase scene song: "Way Back When" by Grizzfolk
Franchise: Rocky & Bullwinkle Characters teamed up with: Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Kath Soucie, Tom Kenny, and any voice from the 2018 cartoon Chase scene song: ?
Franchise: Captain Underpants Characters teamed up with: George Beard, Harold Hutchins, and a reluctant Benjamin Krupp/Captain Underpants Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Jay Gragnani, Ramone Hamilton, Jorge Diaz, and either Nat Faxon or Ed Helms Chase scene song: "Captain Underpants" by Weird Al Yankovic
Franchise: the Bad Guys Characters teamed up with: the Bad Guys Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Sam Rockwell, Awkwafina, Marc Maron, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos, Alex Borstein, and Lily Singh Chase scene song: ?
Franchise: Ruby Gillman Characters teamed up with: Ruby and Agatha Gillman Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Lana Condor, Toni Collette, Colman Domingo, Sam Richardson, Blue Chapman, Jaboukie White-Young, and Will Forte Chase scene song: n/a
Franchise: Mario Characters teamed up with: Mario and Luigi Type of monster/ghost: Bowser Koopa Guest Voices: Chris Pratt, Charlie Day, Jack Black, Jessica Diciccio, and Sebastian Maniscalo Chase scene song: Mario video game music
Franchise: Curious George Characters teamed up with: Curious George and Ted the Man in the Yellow Hat Type of monster/ghost: Guest Voices: Jeff Bennett, Bill Chott, and Rolonda Watts Chase scene song: n/a
I'm not absolutely certain I'll do this, as I'm already committed to other things. In fact, I might give this series idea to someone more qualified to write crossover mysteries. But still, if anyone would like to suggest types of monsters or ghosts Mystery Inc and their new co-detectives would be facing, I could try to think of the episode plots for them. Also, don't suggest the villains' identities unless through private note, otherwise it would kill the mystery.
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longitudinalwaveme · 8 months
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Golden Glider....and all of the siblings of the other Flash Rogues that we know about.
L to R: Golden Glider (Lisa Snart), Claudio/Clyde Mardon (Weather Wizard's older brother), Geraldine Rathaway (the Pied Piper's younger sister), Tom Harkness (Captain Boomerang's older, maternal half-brother), and Walter Wiggins (Captain Boomerang's younger, paternal half-brother).
Also featuring one of the Rogues' hideouts and as many easter eggs and Flash references as I could fit. How many can you spot?
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
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Storia Di Musica #259 - The Shaggs, Philosophy Of The World, 1969
Kevin Costner è il protagonista di un bellissimo film del 1989, L’Uomo Dei Sogni, in cui il protagonista, un agricoltore dell’Iowa, sente una voce nei campi di mais che gli chiede di costruire un campo da baseball. Da qui parte una storia magica che è una sorta di viaggio spirituale e di redenzione per tutti coloro che ne faranno parte (il film è bellissimo e vale la pena di essere visto o rivisto). Una cosa simile successe a Austin Wiggin, di Fremont, New Hampshire. Anni prima, durante una fiera di magia, la madre gli lesse la mano e gli predisse tre cose: lo sposalizio di una donna bionda, tre figlie dopo che lei fosse morta, e che le sue figlie avrebbero formato una band di successo. Scatta qui una scintilla in Austin, perchè in pochi anni le prime due cose si avverano, e come un predestinato dal Fato decide che le sue tre figlie, Dorothy "Dot", Betty e Helen diventino una band. Compra gli strumenti, paga qualche lezione di musica, e sicuro che il destino si compia le fa suonare insieme: in realtà Austin avrà anche un’altra figlia, Rachel, che tenta invano di inserire in questo progetto, ha un carattere pessimo e cresce le ragazze nel totale isolamento sociale e culturale. Nel 1968 inizia a organizzare dei concerti pubblici nella piccola città dove vivono, Exeter nel New Hampshire, chiedendo la sala pubblica del Municipio come sala eventi. Stabilito che le sorelle hanno una certa amalgama, battezza il gruppo The Shaggs, le Arruffate, per via delle chiome delle tre componenti. Tutto è pronto nel 1969: Austin, che in realtà lavora in un mulino e non è certo ricco, affitta i Fleetwood Studios di Revere, Massachusetts, per far registrare l’album della consacrazione alle tre figlie. Dando fondo a ogni risparmio, sicuro che il destino lo avrebbe aiutato, paga in anticipo anche 1000 copie del disco a  Charlie Dreyer, che li farà stampare dalla Third World Music. Le registrazioni avvengono in un solo giorno, l’album ha pure due singoli per un 45 giri. Fin qui sembra la perfetta storia del sogno americano. C’è un grande, gigantesco “ma”. Ascoltando Philosophy Of The World si capisce che le tre ragazze erano tutto fuorché capaci di suonare: tecnica primitiva e improvvisata, la sensazione che non esista davvero la cognizione di ritmo, melodia e armonia, colpi di batteria che spuntano così, all’improvviso, la sensazione che le peggiori esibizioni al Karaoke non siano degne di questa scaletta. Si racconta che sbigottiti gli ingegneri del suono si guardassero tra loro quando le ragazze, convinte che una di loro avesse fatto un errore, si fermavano, ne discutevano per un attimo e continuavano a cantare. Eppure certi passaggi hanno un potenziale, e se non si sapesse la storia, le canzoni strampalate che suonano (tutte di un paio di minuti circa, che parlano di temi adolescenziali come uscire con gli amici, la festa di Halloween, le domande esistenziali tipo Who Are Parents?, Why Do I Feel? o  What Should I Do? stemperate dalle idee e dai sogni di Things I Wonder,  I'm So Happy When You're Near) potrebbero passare per un esercizio di avanguardia musicale. C’è pure un lato umano terribile: Dreyer stampa solo 100 copie, e scappa con il resto dei soldi. Con profonda umiltà, Wiggin le distribuisce alle stazioni locali, che le abbandonano sugli scaffali. Imperterrito, anni dopo, nel 1975, organizza una nuova sessione di registrazione, che però finisce quando Austin Wiggin muore per un infarto. Le tre sorelle abbandonano ogni altre idea musicale. Ma stavolta avviene l’atteso cambio di trama parziale: in primis, il Maestro Frank Zappa, da amante delle stranezze, compra una copia e diventerà un sostenitore di quella musica, tanto che in un famoso show televisivo suonerà due pezzi delle Shaggs; due grandi musicisti, Terry Adams e Tom Ardolino, che suonavano nella New Rhythm ‘n’ Blues Quintet, (NRBQ) possessori di una copia originale del disco, convincono la loro casa discografica a ripubblicare Philosophy Of The World. La ristampa del 1980 viene recensita da grandi giornali, con Rolling Stone che lo definisce “il disco peggiore di tutti i tempi” ma anche “il ritorno dell’anno”. Lester Bang sul Village Voice scrive: ”Come suona? Perfetto, non sanno suonare! Ma soprattutto hanno avuto l'atteggiamento giusto, che è tutto ciò che il rock 'n' roll è sempre stato fin dal primo giorno.” Tuttavia si riaccende un piccolo culto sotterraneo, e la riscoperta della musica “naif” di quegli anni aiutò la musica delle sorelle ad arrivare a vette incredibili (almeno di soddisfazione): è certo che Kurt Cobain designò Philosophy Of the World tra i suoi 5 dischi preferiti, e persino The New Yorker dedicò una storia di copertina alla vicenda delle sorelle Wiggin, nello stupore generale delle tre donne che consideravano un’esperienza orribile quella storia. Ci sarà perfino un album tributo, Better Than The Beatles: A Tribute To The Shaggs  del 2001, e un musical dieci anni dopo, nel 2011, tanto che le due sorelle Dot e Betty, dopo la morte di Helen nel 2006, decidono una reunion con alcuni concerti insieme alla band del musicista Jesse Krakow. In un articolo su uno di questi concerti, un giornalista del The New Yorker scrive: “Le sorelle Wiggin non hanno affatto misura e divertimento a stare sul palco (...) Cosa significava celebrare un errore? Se l'arte accidentale viene ricreata di proposito, che cos'è?”. Rimane una delle storie più incredibili della musica moderna, e suggerisco almeno un ascolto (che ammetto è un’esperienza davvero diversa) per capire come qualche volta è meglio non tentare di prevedere il futuro.
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animesickos · 1 year
The Anime Sickos present: Sicko Shock 2 - A Miniseries in Six Episodes.
In the year 42069, humanity survives in the last livable place on Earth: the domed cyberpunk dystopia Sicko City. In Sicko City, all citizens are required to jack in to cyberspace every day to view and engage with content generated by “Posters,” mega-celebrities who live like gods. But beneath its shimmering surface, five forgotten people are about to make history...
Tor Client is a shaper. On their pirate streams, Tor evangelizes the revolutionary potential of the Internet. But how much transfiguring freedom is there on a platform that exists solely for state-mandated Posting? It’d take some kind of divine revelation for Tor to fully understand the potential of their ideology...
STARRING Lexi Conwell as Tor Client Dave Le as Force Recheck Carlos Rivera as Password Reset Diana Helen Kennedy as IRC Client Mike Paine as Public Address System Voice Dylan Mullins as Jordi
Additional voices by Paul Starr, Kevin Johnson, Chuck Rios, Devon Price, Tom McHenry, Alex Borkowski, Terence Wiggins, Zach Caton, KC Green, Rachel Callagher, Taylor Moore, James Medley, Mike Hasier, MinvoskyArticle, Chris Hutton, Zac Gorman, Marquez, Angela Quinton, Andrew Piechota, Eddie Feeley, Aleks M, Molly Starr, and Codex Melcher.
Episode 5 art is by Evan Dahm.
Sicko Shock 2 is recorded where possible by Geramie Causley at Mystery Street Studios in Chicago Illinois.
Audio editing is by Eric Garneau.
Special thanks to Chelsea Harfoush, Aleks M, Tom and Sara McHenry, and Adam Goron.
Sicko Shock 2 was made possible by support from our Patrons. You can support Anime Sickos at patreon.com/animesickos
Sicko Shock 2 is written and directed by Tom Harrison.
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