bernieshoot · 8 months
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Your Total Guide To Adaptogens | Part 9 | Eleuthero
Your Total Guide To Adaptogens | Part 9 | Eleuthero Your Total Guide To Adaptogens | Part 9 | Eleuthero Eleuthero, also known as Ci Wu Jia or  Wu Jia Pi, Siberian ginseng, or Russian Root, is an adaptogenic herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Its scientific name is Eleutherococcus senticosus, and its pharmaceutical name is Radix et Caulis…
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spacesl · 2 years
養腎護腎牢記“6做3不做” 養出兩顆好腎臟 提升先天之本!
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
The biochemical properties of raspberry leaf tea and its effects on the female reproductive system🌸🌿
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Raspberry leaf tea, derived from the leaves of Rubus idaeus, has been traditionally used to support female reproductive health. This article delves into the biochemical properties of raspberry leaves, focusing on their potential mechanisms of action within the female reproductive system. We explore the active compounds, their pharmacodynamics, optimal timing for consumption during the menstrual cycle, recommended dosages, and duration of use.
Raspberry leaf tea is widely regarded in herbal medicine for its benefits on the female reproductive system. The leaves are rich in bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, which are believed to positively influence uterine function, hormone regulation, and menstrual health.
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Biochemical composition of raspberry leaves
The leaves of Rubus idaeus contain a variety of active compounds:
Flavonoids: including quercetin and kaempferol, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and estrogenic properties.
Tannins: primarily ellagitannins, contributing to the astringent and tonifying effects on the uterus.
Alkaloids: fragrine, known for enhancing uterine muscle tone.
Vitamins and minerals: Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex, along with minerals like calcium and magnesium that are crucial for reproductive health.
Mechanisms of action
Uterine tonification
Fragrine, an alkaloid found in raspberry leaves, enhances uterine muscle tone by modulating calcium channels in the myometrium. This action promotes mild contractions, which may prepare the uterus for labor and potentially reduce postpartum hemorrhage by improving uterine strength.
Hormonal regulation
The flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol exhibit estrogenic activity by interacting with estrogen receptors. These compounds may modulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) by balancing estrogen levels. Additionally, their antioxidant effects help reduce oxidative stress, a contributor to reproductive disorders.
Menstrual cycle modulation
Tannins in raspberry leaves provide astringent effects that can regulate heavy menstrual bleeding by promoting vascular constriction and reducing capillary permeability. The anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids also help alleviate dysmenorrhea by reducing prostaglandin synthesis, which is responsible for menstrual pain.
Antioxidant protection
Raspberry leaves are rich in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, which protect reproductive tissues from oxidative damage, potentially mitigating conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Optimal timing and dosage
Phase of the menstrual cycle
Raspberry leaf tea is most beneficial when consumed during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (from ovulation to the start of menstruation). During this phase, the uterine lining is preparing for potential pregnancy, and the tonifying effects of raspberry leaves can support uterine strength and reduce PMS symptoms.
Additionally, raspberry leaf tea is commonly recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy to help prepare the uterus for labor.
Recommended dosage
The typical dosage is 1-2 cups of raspberry leaf tea per day. Each cup is made by steeping 1-2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves in 250 ml (about 8 ounces) of boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
Duration of use
For menstrual health: begin drinking raspberry leaf tea from the day of ovulation and continue until the start of menstruation. This typically lasts for about 10-14 days per cycle.
For pregnancy: start drinking 1 cup daily from the 32nd week of pregnancy, gradually increasing to 2-3 cups daily as the due date approaches. Continue until childbirth.
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Potential clinical applications
Pregnancy support
Raspberry leaf tea is recommended during the later stages of pregnancy to strengthen uterine muscles, potentially leading to more efficient contractions and shorter labor.
Menstrual regulation
For women experiencing irregular or heavy menstrual cycles, raspberry leaf tea can help regulate the cycle, reduce menstrual flow, and alleviate PMS symptoms.
Postpartum recovery
The tea can support postpartum recovery by promoting uterine involution and reducing the risk of hemorrhage. Its nutrient content also aids in replenishing vitamins and minerals lost during childbirth.
🌿🌸Article requested by @gracefulchristiangirl🌸🌿
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[photos from Pinterest]
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue June 1963
Celia Hammond wears a light green silk oraganza evening dress by Leslie Morris. Photo Horst P. Horst. Vogue June 1963 Celia Hammond in a ruffled light green silk organza evening dress, dotted with white poplar leaves. empire waist and slightly fitted in front, waved in the back. A design by Leslie Morris, made to order at Bergdorf Goodman. Beauty note: Clairol color and toners. Hairstyle by Ruel of Coiffures Americana.
Celia Hammond porte une robe du soir en oraganza de soie vert clair par Leslie Morris. Photo Horst P. Horst. Vogue juin 1963 Celia Hammond dans une robe du soir d'organza de soie vert clair à volants, parsemée de feuilles de peuplier blanc. taille empire et légèrement ajustée devant, ondulait dans le dos. Un design de Leslie Morris, réalisé sur commande chez Bergdorf Goodman. Note beauté : coloration et tonifiants Clairol. Coiffure par Ruel de Coiffures Americana.
Photo Horst P. Horst
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regimepure · 2 months
Perte de Poids Après Accouchement
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La perte de poids après l’accouchement est un sujet qui préoccupe de nombreuses nouvelles mamans. Après la joie de la naissance, beaucoup cherchent à retrouver leur silhouette d’avant la grossesse. Cet article vise à fournir des conseils pratiques et détaillés pour aider les mères à perdre du poids de manière saine et efficace.
Comprendre les Changements du Corps Post-Partum
Le post-partum est une période de transition où le corps d’une femme se remet de la grossesse et de l’accouchement. Il est crucial de comprendre que chaque corps réagit différemment et qu’il faut du temps pour que le corps se réadapte.
Les Hormones et la Perte de Poids
Les hormones jouent un rôle essentiel dans la perte de poids post-partum. Pendant la grossesse, les niveaux de certaines hormones augmentent, ce qui peut ralentir le métabolisme et favoriser le stockage des graisses. Après l’accouchement, les niveaux hormonaux fluctuent, ce qui peut affecter l’appétit et l’énergie. Comprendre ces changements hormonaux peut aider à mieux planifier la perte de poids.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Régime et Perte de Poids Après Accouchement
L’Importance de l’Alimentation Équilibrée
Manger Sainement pour Allaiter
Si vous allaitez, il est essentiel de maintenir une alimentation équilibrée pour assurer une production de lait suffisante et de haute qualité. Une alimentation riche en protéines, fibres, et vitamines est cruciale.
Les Aliments à Privilégier
Fruits et Légumes : Riches en vitamines et minéraux, ils sont essentiels pour la santé globale.
Protéines Maigres : Viande blanche, poisson, œufs et légumineuses.
Grains Entiers : Riz brun, quinoa, avoine.
Produits Laitiers : Sources de calcium et de vitamine D.
Boire suffisamment d’eau est crucial pour la perte de poids et la santé en général. L’eau aide à maintenir le métabolisme et l’hydratation, surtout pendant l’allaitement.
Activité Physique et Perte de Poids
Exercices Post-Partum
L’exercice régulier est une composante clé de la perte de poids après l’accouchement. Il est important de commencer doucement et d’augmenter progressivement l’intensité.
Exercices de Faible Impact
Marche : Une excellente manière de commencer à bouger.
Yoga : Aide à renforcer les muscles et à améliorer la flexibilité.
Natation : Un exercice complet et doux pour le corps.
Renforcement Musculaire
Le renforcement musculaire est également important pour augmenter le métabolisme et tonifier le corps. Des exercices tels que les squats, les fentes et les poids légers peuvent être intégrés progressivement.
Le Rôle du Sommeil
L’Impact du Sommeil sur le Métabolisme
Le sommeil joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation du poids. Le manque de sommeil peut augmenter les niveaux de cortisol, une hormone du stress qui favorise le stockage des graisses.
Conseils pour Améliorer le Sommeil
Routine de Sommeil Régulière : Aller au lit et se lever à la même heure chaque jour.
Siestes : Profiter des siestes de bébé pour se reposer.
Environnement de Sommeil : Créer un espace calme et sombre pour dormir.
Soutien Émotionnel et Social
L’Importance du Soutien
Le soutien émotionnel et social est essentiel pour la réussite de la perte de poids. Parler avec des amis, la famille, ou rejoindre des groupes de soutien peut être bénéfique.
Groupes de Soutien Post-Partum
En Ligne : De nombreux forums et groupes sur les réseaux sociaux.
Locaux : Cherchez des groupes dans votre communauté.
Gestion du Stress
La gestion du stress est également cruciale. Le stress peut entraîner une alimentation émotionnelle, ce qui peut saboter les efforts de perte de poids.
Techniques de Gestion du Stress
Méditation : Prendre quelques minutes chaque jour pour méditer.
Respiration Profonde : Utiliser des techniques de respiration pour se détendre.
Activités Relaxantes : Lecture, musique, ou toute autre activité qui vous apaise.
Suivi et Patience
Établir des Objectifs Réalistes
Il est important de se fixer des objectifs réalistes et atteignables. La perte de poids après l’accouchement prend du temps et nécessite de la patience.
Suivi des Progrès
Journal Alimentaire : Suivre ce que vous mangez peut aider à identifier les habitudes à changer.
Mesures Corporelles : Prendre des mesures régulières pour suivre les changements.
Consultation Professionnelle
Il peut être utile de consulter un nutritionniste ou un coach sportif pour obtenir des conseils personnalisés et un plan adapté à vos besoins.
La perte de poids après l’accouchement est un processus qui demande du temps, de la patience, et une approche équilibrée. En adoptant une alimentation saine, en restant active, et en se reposant suffisamment, vous pouvez atteindre vos objectifs de manière saine et durable. Souvenez-vous de l’importance du soutien social et émotionnel et n’hésitez pas à demander de l’aide si nécessaire.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Régime et Perte de Poids Après Accouchement
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ener-chi · 4 months
Mini-Update Time! TL;DR Learning a bunch of super cool techniques at a Teishin Workshop at my school, getting a very interesting tool, and joys of the day (:
I went to a day-long workshop at my school today to learn about something called a Teishin. Basically, using a Teishin allows for a form of needle-less acupuncture, and is used for acupressure as well. For more information on the Teishin and its' history, you can visit this site.
Anywho, they were selling some Teishins on a major discount today and here's what I snagged!
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I got the copper one because I needed that length for my big hands, but also copper is anti-microbial, and I've heard that copper is able to conduct energy and qi better than other metals (gold is supposedly the best, though). Also, the short one is made of silver (not sure the carat). But the teacher sent in the order to his blacksmith, but something got screwed up somehow, and they were made like this on accident. However, they found that for some reason they are EXTREMELY sensitive to energy, and to Qi. It can with great accuracy help you find acupuncture channels and individual points as well.
I tried it myself, and I was honestly kind of shocked - the only time I ever felt a strong response to energy from something else like that was from strong crystals. This was like that, but like I said, this has an accuracy that crystals do not. There are apparently only like. 10 in existence. So I had to snag one ofc xD
But yeah! Learned some very cool techniques. Most of it is super gentle - you literally can barely even feel that there is metal there. There is some tonifying abdomen work that amazingly relaxes the whole body after some quick passes. And also there is a technique that we learned created by a Japanese neurosurgeon that is actually very pokey and stimulating, but is great for pain and numbness and regulation of the autonomic system.
Overall, I got what I came to the workshop for - I learned ways to work with and use acupuncture points, without needles. I learned how to tonify and reduce, and how to do that to channels, too. Being able to do it without needles means that I get to better experiment with points before I get my license (can't needle at home before then), but it also gives me a modality to treat people that can really be done anywhere, anytime, and is less invasive and painful for people that are needle-sensitive.
Other things from today - I also learned a technique to improve the sensitivity and energy capabilities in the hands - I will work on it and probably try and post it sometime. Also, my partner at the workshop is also a classmate that I've talked to basically twice in one of my other classes. Anywho, we chatted briefly and she casually mentioned that she does Reiki. I seem to be attracted magnetically to the people in the program that do Reiki haha that's so funny to me xD
While I'm at it, other Joys of the Day:
-Had Dave's Hot Chicken for the first time today, and it actually was really good
Got a really nice tall mirror, and another box fan! Just in time for the Summer months! I can't believe that so many wonderful and needed things have been finding their way to me, and I am extremely grateful for it (:
-Grateful for my partner and the love and companionship they provide
-A warm cup of tea in the morning (:
-TOTK! Definitely one of my favorite games ever. Love tucking into it at the end of a long day
I think that's it for now! Hope that everyone has a wonderful evening!
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
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Deeply Revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for their ability to prevent premature aging - Goji Berries are packed with Antioxidants and Polysaccharides with benefits ranging from Vision Optimization, Neuro Protective Properties, Replenishing Vitality, Tonifying Yin Energy, and Protecting against Oxidative Stress. This Yin Enhancing Berry has been used in Chinese Magickal practices to promote Harmony and Heal Discord as well as offering #Prophetic Insight regarding an Individual’s Ultimate Goals and Purpose. To offer Clarity on the nearly Mythological effects of Goji Berries on Longevity - One must understand that to access the Divine Energy is, in essence, to Realize true Unity of the Soul with all of Creation. And that my friends - is True #Immortality.
Native to the Ningxia Hui region of China, this Miracle Berry has thousands of years of traditional use in Chinese Medicine and Culinary Creations! It is said that the region in which Goji grows, produces 16 times the Centenarians (humans living over the age of 100) than the rest of the country. Goji Berries, originating in the Solanaceae or Nightshade Family, are known by many names such as Boxthorn, Wolfberry, and Matrimony Wine.
High quantities of Proteoglycans, Flavonoids and Carotenoids appear to be the Pharmacologically relevant compounds for Goji’s Longevity properties. The Immunostimulatory Activity is attributed to Goji’s AntiTumour properties! This Super Fruit will offer you relief from Fatigue and allow you to Live a Vital Existence of Divine Potential. This plants nourishing Kidney properties Improve your Mind / Body Balance and Optimize your Well BEing.
This plant can be found in our Divine Elixir and used as a Daily Tonic for its Longevity magick!
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Jessica Biel pour Eclat Magazine, Canada - Printemps 2003
AUX COTES DE Jessica Biel
Ex-vedette de 7th Heaven, Jessica est comblée : études supérieures, carrière en pleine ascension et un petit ami qui la dorlote.
Origines: Jessica est née au Minnesota le 3 mars 1982 et a grandi au Colorado. Elle vient tout juste de quitter l'Université Tufts de Boston pour poursuivre ses études en Californie où elle a acheté un condo.
Surnoms: Jess ou Jessie. Personne dans mon entourage ne m'appelle Jessica. C'est trop long et trop formel
Révélation: Le rôle de Mary Camden dans 7th Heaven décroché en 1996. (Désormais hors de l'équipe régulière. elle y fait quelques apparitions en tant qu'invitée.)
Où l'a-t-on vue? En adolescente rebelle dans Ulee's gold; la conquête de Freddie Prinze Jr. dans L'Amour à coup sûr; en étudiante sexuellement aventureuse dans Les lois de l'attraction.
Bientôt à l'affiche: En octobre, dans une reprise du classique Massacre à la tronçonneuse (1975). « Je suis fana de films d'horreur. Ç'a été génial de travailler sur ce projet. Le rôle et le tournage ont été les plus exigeants de ma carrière.
La proposition rêvée : jouer dans une comédie musicale à Broadway, comme Rent. (L'année dernière, elle figurait dans une production universitaire de Tommy.) *La musique a toujours occupé une place énorme dans ma vie depuis mon enfance. C'est ma plus grande passion.
Études: Aller à l'université n'est pas une question de diplôme mais, avant tout, une expérience. J'y apprends des choses que je n'aurais pas pu apprendre autrement. Enrichir mon esprit me rend plus forte..
"Quand mes cheveux m'ennuient, je change de couleur. Mais, je les teins aussi suivant les rôles. Pour l'instant, ils sont brun foncé et, dans quelques jours, je passe au blond."
Une peau superbe en cadeau : À l'âge de 12 ans, j'ai reçu de ma mère, à Noël, un ensemble de soins pour la peau. Je me souviens avoir pensé : "Me voilà une femme maintenant!". Je ne pourrai jamais la remercier assez de m'avoir montré comment prendre soin de ma peau. Aujourd'hui, je suis une vraie maniaque: nettoyant, tonifiant, hydratant, plus une crème pour le contour des yeux. Et j'applique tou- jours-toujours - une crème solaire pour la journée. »
Confidences : Mon petit ami (Chris Evans, la vedette de Pas encore un film d'ados!) a horreur du rouge à lèvres, alors j'ai adopté le baume.
Plein d'énergie : « L'exercice est un excellent antistress. J'ai l'impression de pou- voir me débarrasser de tous mes tracas si je me dépense à fond. Je fais du ballet tous les soirs-c'est épatant pour renforcer et étirer les muscles. Le jour, je cours dans Santa Monica, je-vais au gymnase ou je fais une séance de yoga bikram; j'adore ça!»
"Si vous êtes aussi fervente de la coloration que moi, il est important de revitaliser vos cheveux en profondeur. Une fois par semaine, je me couvre la tête de revitalisant que je laisse agir sous un bonnet. Parfois, je me fais donner un traitement professionnel."
Sport à gogo : J'aime presque tous les sports. Si quelqu'un joue à quelque chose, je le rejoins. J'ai joué au soccer pendant toutes mes études; j'aimerais bien faire partie d'une ligue adulte. »
Musique : « Je connais un tas de musiciens avec qui j'aimerais former un groupe. Je me fous de faire un tube vendu à un million d'exemplaires. Je veux simplement jouer de la bonne musique qui fait du bien.
Linge fétiche: Les maillots de corps pour hommes, blancs et très grands. Ça va avec tout.
By the side of Jessica Biel
Former star of 7th Heaven, Jessica is fulfilled: higher education, thriving career, and a doting boyfriend.
Origins: Jessica was born on March 3, 1982, in Minnesota and grew up in Colorado. She has just left Tufts University in Boston to pursue her studies in California, where she bought a condo.
Nicknames: Jess or Jessie. Nobody in my circle calls me Jessica. It's too long and too formal.
Breakthrough: Landing the role of Mary Camden in 7th Heaven in 1996. (No longer a regular cast member, she made guest appearances on the show.)
Where has she been seen? As a rebellious teenager in Ulee's Gold; Freddie Prinze Jr.'s love interest in Summer Catch; and a sexually adventurous student in The Rules of Attraction.
Upcoming projects: In October, she will star in a remake of the classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1975). "I'm a horror movie fan. It was great to work on this project. The role and the filming were the most demanding of my career."
Dream proposal: To perform in a Broadway musical, like Rent. (Last year, she appeared in a university production of Tommy.) "Music has always played a huge role in my life since childhood. It's my greatest passion."
Education: Going to university is not just about getting a degree, but primarily an experience. I learn things there that I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Enriching my mind makes me stronger.
"When I get bored with my hair, I change its color. But I also dye it according to the roles I play. Right now, it's dark brown, and in a few days, I'll go blonde."
A beautiful skin gift: At the age of 12, my mother gave me a skincare set for Christmas. I remember thinking, "Now I'm a woman!" I can never thank her enough for showing me how to take care of my skin. Today, I'm a true fanatic: cleanser, toner, moisturizer, plus an eye cream. And I always, always apply sunscreen during the day."
Confession: My boyfriend (Chris Evans, the star of Not Another Teen Movie!) hates lipstick, so I've switched to using lip balm.
Full of energy: "Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. I feel like I can get rid of all my worries if I exert myself. I do ballet every night—it's great for strengthening and stretching muscles. During the day, I go running in Santa Monica, go to the gym, or have a Bikram yoga session; I love it!"
"If you're as passionate about hair coloring as I am, it's important to deeply revitalize your hair. Once a week, I cover my head with conditioner and let it work under a cap. Sometimes, I get a professional treatment."
Sports galore: I love almost all sports. If someone is playing something, I'll join in. I played soccer throughout my studies; I would love to be part of an adult league."
Music: "I know a bunch of musicians with whom I'd like to form a band. I don't care about creating a million-selling hit. I just want to play good music that feels good."
Favorite clothing: Men's white undershirts, oversized. They go with everything.
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shadowealth · 1 year
00Continued talk on breasts00 :: Cosmo Martha Walsh
Various collected data over summer ‘23
~ this summer, my area xxperienced heavy plasmatic thunder/lightning storms with insane winds causing tornado like damage within a matter of minutes. During one of these storms, I was caught driving in my car and was downloaded with information and moved to listen to Marsha Walsh, the voluptuous heavy set Queen whose voice is as electrifying as the storm I was in.
From that I gathered that some women are born full of adipose because it grants them the blubber (like a whale) to withstand large amounts of electricity. Hence, #HerVoice :: #Sonar
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~ xxplained to a male that they are attracted (really fetishize) the big breast wman due to an unconscious desire 2 xxperience her bellowing Milky Way [[&& I had to correct him as he said the most divine woman is petite, no sir. Man’s categorization of #HerPower is now rendered impotent in this Age]]
~ had a discussion wit my sis on the big heartedness of a woman wit a voluptuous chest (no mistake, this does not mean that she is nice/friendly or even a good person. I’m speaking energetically, not moralistically). At the same time we was having an intersecting conversation on iron(red)-copper(blue~green spectrum) metabolism, and copper’s connection to Venus, the heart, the thyroid, & Libra(Saturn::Justice::Balance) ~ Taurus’s (🌑🌘🐂🥛🌌) natural opposition as Venusian ruled signs. Copper is highly conductive:: remember what I said about adipose, blubber and high amounts of electricity. Copper soothes this exchange between Iron and Oxygen (which is highly reactive), giving blood it’s charge. Prepare to see Methalyne Blue touted as a supplement within health and bio hacking spaces. Prepare to see more about the light environment and mitochondrial health.
~ another discussion wit @themadsorceressgrimoires, this time about spiranolactone which is administered to patients for several reasons. We discovered the presence of spira lactones exist in several plant species, and that the LACTONES are the tonifying (root word, tone) milk (root word, lac) that refines the unrelenting Spira (which stands for spiral).
~ Ms. Webster’s word play 🕸👩🏾‍💻🕷🤭😆
Lac (a red resin [[hidden within milk]]::Lacto- [ever flowing milk, which is why they also gave us the word lack::lock, as means to impose limits on this nourishment]::Galaxy::the Gal (girls) + XY (& boys) within Galaxy, playing together making up Her Milky Way:: Buddhists, the ones who mock the Tibet Mthr, called this Way the TAO (anagram) OAT; from this, see OAT MILK, AvenUS SatiVA, warm milk over frayed mylein sheath; lions mane mushroom; nourishing latexes, polysaccharides, and steroidal compounds)); OAT axis (ovary, adrenal, thyroid) within mammalian species):: DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations) coming with Web3 are named this way for a reason as A.I. is a replica of the O.I. (organic intelligence)::galactagoge [herbs that stimulate breast milk]::lactones::lactic acid produced by muscles::etc. etc.
~ my childhood bestie breast feeding her first daughter and the changes to her breasts. Her transformation and how oh so beautiful my god daughter is 🤍 TT loves u Cucamelon
~ the TT (which stands for auntie) also stands for Titties::as Auntie loves & fortifies her god babies, nieces & nephews from unseen places
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Traditional Chinese medicine talks about tea, have you been drinking it correctly?
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When I was young, I only knew of two types of tea: "big bowl tea" and "Biluochun" tea. Later, I learned about tea because of studying traditional Chinese medicine and discovering that tea is also a type of medicine. For example, the Chuanxiong tea blend is recorded in the "Essentials of Materia Medica": "Tea leaves have a bitter and sweet taste. They enter the Hand and Foot Shaoyin, Taiyin, and Jueyin meridians. They are effective in clearing the heart and lungs, purging the intestines and stomach. When combined with chamomile, it can treat headaches; when combined with ginger, it can relieve water retention and stimulate the bladder and kidney meridians when consumed after drinking alcohol." However, tea is ultimately cold in nature, and since my body constitution is weak and cold in the spleen and stomach, I remember drinking Pu-erh tea once and having to go to the bathroom halfway through, so I rarely drink tea. But one chance encounter changed my perspective.
Recently, I went to visit a small shop near the Wudaoying Hutong next to the Beijing Yonghegong Temple. The shop owner is a good friend of mine who invited me to try Biluochun tea. This is a type of green tea, and at the time it was dinner time, so how could I dare to drink green tea on an empty stomach? So I politely declined. But my friend said, "Just take a sip, I guarantee it won't be too cold." She said that this tea comes from an 80-year-old tea tree growing on a sunny mountain in Dongting Lake. This is the first crop of early spring tea picked by hand and processed with firewood, so it is not like other green teas. Unable to resist her persuasion, I sat down and tasted the Biluochun tea. After drinking a few cups, I was surprised to find that my stomach and intestines felt slightly warm and comfortable, with no signs of diarrhea. I let out a few belches and felt quite comfortable, and even had a slight feeling of fullness. I stayed until 8pm, drinking the tea on an empty stomach, without any discomfort, and even feeling slightly full without hunger. The warm tea entered my stomach and I broke out into a light sweat, feeling very comfortable. Later, my friend gave me some Biluochun tea, and every time I drank it, I felt the same way, so it seems to be no coincidence.
This chance encounter changed my understanding of tea, especially green tea, and reminded me of an elderly person who once said that his father, who was over ninety years old, had been drinking tea his whole life and lived a long and healthy life, as did many other elderly people. At first, I thought it was due to their physical constitution, but now I see it's not entirely the case. Recently, I've been thinking carefully and have had some realizations.
Although the nature of tea is generally cool, ultimately its temperature can be influenced by two factors: first, the growth environment, whether it is in a relatively yin, cold, and humid area or a warm and sunny one. Just like the difference between grapes grown in the north of China and those grown in Xinjiang, or the difference between two types of Chinese medicinal herbs called niuxi: Sichuan niuxi promotes blood circulation, while Henan niuxi nourishes the liver and kidneys. Similarly, ginseng grown in the northeast is warm in nature, while American ginseng is cooler. These differences in nature are due to their different growing environments, including temperature, sunlight, soil, and planting methods.
Second, the processing methods are also important. Most teas need to be withered and then undergo a process called "kill-green," which involves roasting with fire. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that medicinal herbs and raw herbs that have been processed by fire have different cold, hot, warm, or cool properties. For example, raw licorice has a cold and cool nature that can clear away heat and detoxify, while roasted licorice can tonify the spleen and supplement qi. Raw rehmannia has a cool nature that can cool and activate blood, while steamed rehmannia has a slightly warm nature that can nourish the kidneys. Most herbs that have been processed by fire tend to have some warm properties, depending on the specific method of fire processing, which can even vary between using firewood or an oven.
There are many steps involved in tea processing, and many of them involve using fire, either by roasting or steaming. The tea processing method determines the warmth or coolness of the tea. I used to think that fermented teas, such as black tea and Pu-erh tea, were not cool, but that was because I didn't understand the fermentation process of tea. Tea fermentation is usually done by spreading the tea leaves flat and letting them sit at room temperature of around 25 degrees Celsius, so it's different from using fire. Therefore, to sum up, the warmth or coolness of tea depends on the environment and processing method.
In light of this, people with a cold constitution are not necessarily unable to drink green tea, while some fermented teas, such as Pu-erh tea, may not be suitable. Therefore, finding the right tea for oneself and knowing the principle of moderation is the key to health.
Author: Zhang Dong, Chief Physician of the Cardiovascular Department at Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.
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barbiemonamie · 2 years
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Le bain ! 
Prendre un bon bain de temps en temps (au lieu de prendre une douche)pour se libérer de tous les soucis du quotidien et se concentrer sur le calme du moment présent. 
Utilisez une brosse de bain vous permet un nettoyage efficace et tonifiant, elle élimine les petites peaux mortes et laisse votre peau douce et propre. 
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my-wellbeing · 2 years
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tcmherbaday · 2 years
🌿Glehnia root is a powerful tonic herb that nourishes the Lungs and Stomach Yin, helping to clear heat and generate body fluids. It's sweet and slightly bitter in taste, and has a slightly cold temperature, making it perfect for those suffering from Lung and Stomach Yin deficiency.
🌿If you're dealing with dryness, weakness, or fatigue, Glehnia root may be just the tonic you need to boost your energy and nourish your body. Just be sure to avoid using it if you're dealing with wind-cold or empty-cold conditions.
🌿The recommended dosage is 9-15g, and it can be taken as a decoction or in capsule form. Give Glehnia root a try and see how it can support your overall health and well-being! #glehniaroot #beishashen #tonifyingherbs #lungyin #stomachyin #nourish #generatefluids #clearheat #healthyliving #herbalmedicine
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue February 1, 1968
Marisa Berenson wears a 24-karat gold “earring” created by Argentinian artist Eduardo Costa. Beauty Note: See-Through Lipstick, Toning Gel, Go-Bronze, Youth Blend Blush, by Estée Lauder. Ara Gallant hairstyle.
Marisa Berenson porte une « boucle d'oreille » en or 24 carats créée par l'artiste argentin Eduardo Costa. Note beauté : Rouge lèvres See-Through, gel tonifiant, Go-Bronze, fard à joues Youth Blend, d' Estée Lauder. Coiffure Ara Gallant.
Photo Richard Avedon
vogue archive
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Gamme hydratante - Spot TV M6 Replay | Sothys
Reines BeautéModelage Facial 75005 Paris. Le modelage du visage permet d'éviter d'avoir les traits tirés et une mine terne. Les mouvements réalisés par l'esthéticienne permettent un lâcher prise, stimuler les vaisseaux sanguins, raffermir la peau du visage, redonner de l’élasticité, retarder l’apparition des rides. Après la séance, vos traits paraissent plus lisses et vous vous sentez apaisé. Ces manœuvres manuelles ou mécaniques, exécutées de façon méthodique mais « choisies » sur le visage, le cou et le décolleté ont pour objectif de mobiliser, modeler, tonifier, relaxer dans un but esthétique et hygiénique. Comme on sculpte sa silhouette avec le sport certaines méthodes faciales vous « remodèlent un visage » tout en vous procurant un pur moment de bonheur. You-tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjTywnZi_bx-xhTjpKEllSw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG4Bq9np50Y
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