#tony stop making me cry it's not ok
scarlethexelove · 8 months
Your newest fic was amazing!! It hit me right in the feels. Is there a possibility of doing a part 2 where R is healing and struggling with having Wand and Natasha back in her life? A happy ending would be nice.
What About Now?
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Pairing: WandaNat x Reader, Carol Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 3590
Warnings: A bit of angst(I guess), Fluff, Medical stuff that may not be right, mention of not wanting to survive
Part 1 I Don't Even Know You Anymore
A/n: Ok so finally got this done. It has some unspecified time jumps. I wanted to kind of leave it a surprise on who Reader will choose so you will just have to read to find out. Hopefully it's good.
It’s been a week since you woke up.Your mind reeling at the news that you will never be an Avenger again. Your injuries were extensive. Your head injury with your new found stutter which you are really hating. Doctors believe that those effects can be reversed with speech therapy. Along with that it was discovered that a bullet had grazed your spinal cord. While they did test your reflexes they came back weak. Your lower half is feeling slightly numb and tingling. With physical therapy they are hopeful for improvements but with the prognosis things will be difficult. There was also nerve damage that will cause ongoing pain. It comes and goes and some days are worse than others. But you’re alive and that is all that matters. 
Your mind goes through all the questions you have in your head. Will Tony make you leave? How do I tell everyone? How do I stop the pity? Was I better off not surviving? All these questions and you have no answers. No one knows of the news you got today leaving you alone with your thoughts but with this news you prefer it. 
As your mind plays through all the questions you don’t even hear the door open. But you're drawn to it when it shuts. You look down at your hands not meeting the eyes on you believe it is Wanda and Natasha who have visited frequently. “P-please leave. I c-can’t with this to-today.” You fiddle with the ends of your sleeves. “Well I did travel across six galaxies to see my best friend but I guess I’ll have to come back later.” Your eyes snap up and you're met with a soft smile from your best friend. “Ca-carol?” The tears start to well up in your eyes before a broken sob breaks through. Carol is quick to move towards you. Climbing onto the edge of the bed and pulling you into her chest. 
You sob for what seems like hours until your sobs turn to soft sniffles and hiccups. But Carol never leaves hugging you tightly against her as she rubs your back and kisses your head softly. Cooing in your ear to help calm you down. “Y/n/n do you want to tell me what is going on? I heard you were hurt so I came straight here.” You nod, pulling away to look at her before letting it all out. Telling her what happened from when you got back from your mission all the way until earlier today. She intently listens to you and lets you speak. There is no pity in her eyes, only love and compassion, no malice even when talking about what Wanda and Natasha did to you. Only concern for you and your wellbeing. That was why she was your best friend. She knew you better than anyone. 
Once you are done she finally speaks. “I wish I was here. I wish I could have been here for you, to take care of you but I’m here now.” She kisses your forehead again lightly. Her lips linger just a little longer than they should but you don’t mind. Her warmth comforts you. “W-what about m-mi-mission?” She shakes her head. “I’m here for you. Y/n/n you come first.” Your heart melts. “Nick granted me time off.” She smiles brightly at you. Your joy and excitement to have your bestfriend back. 
From all the events of the day and crying your eyes out you start to get tired. You're nuzzling into Carol's chest as you let out a yawn. “Get some rest sweetheart. You need it. I’ll be here when you wake up.” She kisses your head again and pulls you closer to her. You give her a gentle nod nuzzling closer to her before you close your eyes. Drifting off into the most peaceful sleep you have had in almost a year. 
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In the months since waking up from your coma and Carol’s return you have grown even closer to Carol. Tonight just like any other night or so you think. You and Carol are sitting in your bed watching a movie for your weekly movie night. Your head is laying on her shoulder, her arm wrapped around you tightly keeping you close. You let out a giggle at something in the movie causing Carol to smile at you. What she does next you don’t expect. She places a finger under your chin gently directing you to look at her. She leans in and gently kisses your lips. You're too shocked to kiss back at first. But once the shock wears off you start kissing her back. It feels strange but good. The kiss deepens her hands cupping your face as you grip at her waist. You didn’t even realize how long you two had been kissing until you're forced to pull back panting and catch your breath. Her forehead pressed against yours as your breaths mingle. 
You don’t want to admit that your feelings for Carol have grown with the more time you have spent with her but you're not sure if they are romantic or not. “Carol” You whisper between you two. You lean your head back and look into her eyes. “I-I don’t know. I’m not ready. I don’t know how I feel. I’m sorry.” You look down disappointed in yourself but you know that you need to understand yourself before you can decide anything. Natasha and Wanda are still trying to prove and make up for everything they have done. You still have love for them but you also have love for Carol even if you aren’t sure what that love entails. 
Carol gives you a soft smile. “It’s ok Y/n/n. You don’t have to explain. I just wanted to kiss you so bad and I couldn’t help myself.” You blush at her words. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” She adds looking at you, her smile turning sheepish. “No it’s ok. I-I liked it.” You tell her your cheeks are still dusted with a light pink. This was not how you expect your night to go but it was a nice surprise. “Do you want to keep watching?” Carol asks. “Hmm oh y-yeah, of course.” You say turning back to the movie. Your head back on her shoulder and her arm wrapped around you tightly. 
So far the only people who know about your prognosis are Carol, Tony, Bucky, and Steve. You have asked  them to not tell anyone else until you are ready. Tony has let you stay in the tower citing that you have given up enough of your life and you deserve to keep your home. You are grateful for his kindness. No matter what people say you know Tony has a big heart and cares more than he lets on. 
As for Natasha and Wanda they have been helping you as much as they can even if you don’t always want it. They are trying to prove to you that they are truly sorry for what they have done. They even started to go to therapy in hopes of proving it to you. They have even invited you to multiple sessions. At first you didn’t want to go but you wanted to see if they had actually changed. So you tagged along after turning them down a few times. But now that you have gone you have joined them multiple times. Seeing that they are trying. 
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Currently Carol is away for a small mission. Fury forced her to go but luckily this one is on Earth so she shouldn’t be gone for too long. You're in your bathroom when you feel a sharp pain in your back which causes your legs to give out. You fall to the ground with a loud thud and a cry of pain. You try to get up but a shooting pain runs through your hip causing a small whimper to fall from your lips. When you can’t get up you love to sit against the counter. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y?” You call out. “Yes Miss.Y/l/n?” F.R.I.D.A.Y’s robotic voice is heard above. “I-I need help.” You say back. Shortly after F.R.I.D.A.Y responds “I have informed your emergency contact. Miss.Romanoff and Miss.Maximoff are on their way.” “W-wait, N-” You’re cut off when the door slams open, Natasha and Wanda with a frantic look on their faces when they see you on the floor. You had forgotten to change your emergency contact from the two after everything, but it’s too late now the women are here. 
“Oh Milaya, what happened?” Wanda kneels down next to you. She hesitantly reaches out for you and when you don’t pull away she takes your hand in hers. “I-I fell and I can’t get back up.” You mumble looking down. You expect to see pity from the woman so you can’t bring yourself to look at them. Natasha makes you look at her with a soft smile. She holds out her hands for you to grab and to help you up. You place your hands in hers, she starts to try to lift you up but you cry out in pain. There is a terrified look on her face in fear that she may hurt you somehow. “I’m sorry Y/n.” You shake your head. “Not you. I think it was the f-fall.” You tell the woman. “We’ll take you to the med bay. We need to make sure you are ok.” Natasha scoops you gently in her arms and takes you towards the med bay. Wanda close behind the both of you.
Once the three of you are there Natasha puts on the exam table in front of Bruce. He was luckily already in the med bay when you got there. “What can I do for you?” Bruce takes off his glasses looking at you three. “I fell and I think I hurt my hip.” You tell him and he nods. It is a short time before he is done with his scans. Natasha and Wanda never leave your side throughout the process. Bruce moves to look at your chart and scans. You watch him as he reads through. You can see the slight change in his demeanor and the quick glance he gives you before looking back down quickly. You know what he just saw. 
There is a gasp that draws your attention. You look over seeing Wanda with her hand over her mouth shocked and a sad look in her eyes. “W-Wanda.” Your voice quivers slightly. “You weren’t supposed to find out. Not this way.” Natasha looks confused as she looks between you and Wanda. Bruce shrinks back trying to blend in with the wall. “I-I’m sorry. His thoughts were so loud I didn’t mean to hear.” Wanda pleads, a look of remorse on her face. “Will someone tell me what is going on?” Natasha asks finally and you sigh knowing that you can’t hide it from them anymore. “W-when I got hurt my injuries were more extensive than what was originally thought.” You gulp down the tears that threaten to fall. “I won’t be an Avenger again.” A tear rolls down your cheek as you look down. 
The room falls silent with the news until Bruce breaks the silence. “Y/n I have your results. It looks like you have a hairline hip fracture. It should heal on its own with rest. You will have to stop your physical therapy for a few weeks but then be able to continue.” With Bruce's words you nod, willing the tears from the previously intense moment to go away. Bruce gives you some pain medication to help before taking his leave, leaving the three of you alone in the room. 
The tension in the room could be cut with a knife until you speak. You explain everything to the woman. Tears rolling down your cheeks as they comfort you. It’s an emotional time as you tell them. Their comfort in this moment means the world to you. It is something that you have missed dearly. They vow to help you in whatever way they can. They help and comfort making you feel loved. Making you question all of your feelings for them and for Carol. 
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It’s been a few weeks and you're healing. You can move around again albeit slow and with the help of a cane. You're making your way to the common room when you stop at the entryway. Leaning on the wall watching all of your favorite people in the room. No one has noticed you yet as you watch. Your eyes landing on Carol as she laughs and talks with Thor. A smile on your face watching the two interact. Your gaze then makes its way to Natasha and Wanda who are cuddled up on the couch. They are playfully arguing with Clint. The sight widening your smile. You see that Carol’s eyes land on you with a giant grin on her face. At the same time Wanda and Natasha spot you giving you a warm and inviting smile. And in that moment you know that you need to make a decision. To either take a chance with Carol or forgive Wanda and Natasha. To build a lasting relationship with either the pair or your best friend. It will be one of the hardest decisions of your life and one you never thought you would have to make. 
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The door swings open as the keys jingle in the door. The sound of feet padding on the ground, wails of glee from the kids. “Mommy! Mama!” Three children yell in unison. Their attention is drawn to the open door. Their bodies smashing into the woman causing them both to laugh before crouching down to their heights. Holding them closely to their bodies. A blonde falling back into the couch with a huff watching on. Green eyes landing on the woman and giving a nod. The blonde nodded back. 
The kids pull away and look at the woman. “Where’s Momma?” Natasha asks, her green eyes looking at her son. The boy shuffles a bit with a sad look. “It’s a bad day. Momma called Aunt Yelena to help.” Natasha kisses his head, she knows it is hard for the kids to see you in pain just as much as it hurts her and Wanda. She looks to Wanda who gives her a sad smile. “Have you been good for Aunt Yelena Billy?” She smiles down at him trying to brighten his mood. “The niblets have been just fine.” Yelena interjects from the couch. Natasha raises her brow at the word. “What? I heard it on the tiktok.” Yelena says with a wide grin proud of herself. Natasha rolls her eyes and puts her attention back on the kids. Billy, Tommy, and Alexandra nod along with Yelena. Causing both women at the door to laugh. Wanda kisses Tommy and Alexandra’s head. “Thank you for being good for your Aunt. How about we…” Wanda ponders for a moment. “Pizza for dinner.” The kids erupt in cheers which brings a smile to their faces. “How about you three go play while me and Mama go check on Momma?” The three nod and scurry away. The two women stand up and start making their way towards the bedroom. “Thank you Lena. Are you okay still watching them?” Wanda asks before leaving. Yelena waves her off as the kids pounce on her and she laughs. “I’ll make you some mac and cheese later.” Wanda yells from down the hall. They hear a loud yes from the woman causing them to laugh as they make their way into the bedroom.
It’s dark as they enter the room. They can see your form on the bed cuddled under the blanket. They see your shoulders gently rising and falling as you breathe. You must be asleep as you don’t hear them enter. The woman takes their shoes off before joining you in bed. Wanda slides in behind you, her arms wrapping around you gently, not wanting to cause you any added pain. Natasha shuffles in front of you. Moving your hair from your face. She smiles as you start to blink your eyes open. “Natty? Wands?” You question as your eyes begin to focus on the woman in front of you. Wanda gently kisses your shoulder as Natasha kisses your forehead causing you to let out a small giggle. “ You’re home early.” You say sleepily moving your head to nuzzle into Natasha’s neck. She smiles, running her fingers through your hair. “Mhmm we couldn’t wait to get back to you and the kids so we worked quickly.” Natasha kisses your head again. 
“Billy told us you’re having a bad day.” Wanda kisses your shoulder again gently. You let out a small hum. You hate to admit it sometimes but you know your family just wants to help. “How about we get you in a nice hot bath. Yelena is still watching the kids. We can then have a nap with you.” Natasha smiles at you and you nod. “Wands also promised the kids Pizza for dinner and mac and cheese for Yelena.” She chuckles as Wanda pushes her shoulder which causes you to giggle at them. 
Natasha and Wanda slide out of the bed causing you to whine at the loss of their bodies.  “Shhh detka.” Wanda says softly, helping you up and picking you up into her arms. You wrap your legs around her waist and bury your head in her neck. You let out a small whimper at the movement. “I’m sorry milaya devushka.” She holds you close and you nuzzle into her neck causing her to smile. “N-not your fault.” You mumble in her neck, placing light kisses on her neck. “I know. I just don’t like seeing you in pain.” She kisses your head as she takes you into the bathroom. Natasha is already in there and has started the bath. Wanda sets you down gently before helping remove your clothes. Natasha finishes getting the bath ready with an added bath bomb. Both women take turns stipping down to join you, one always being there to give you support. 
Wanda steps in the bath and sits down. Natasha then helps you in. Your back pressing against Wanda’s front before Natasha sinks into the water in front of you. You give Natasha grabby hands and she moves closer to you. The three of you settled into the warm bath. Nothing sexual, just love and understanding between the three of you. After a bit of soaking the woman help wash you and your hair before focusing on themselves. 
Once you're all done they help you out and dry you off. Natasha goes and gets clothes for all three of you. She puts you in a pair of her sweatpants and one of Wanda’s hoodies. You inhale the scent of Wanda on the hoodie letting out a content sigh. Natasha then lifts you gently into her arms and takes you to the bed. Helping you before getting in herself. You snuggle up to her and nuzzle into her chest. Wanda sliding in behind you. The moment was so soft and sweet. The women are still kicking themselves for what they did to you all those years ago. Thankful that your kind soul forgave them and gave them another chance to earn your love and affection. Now you're all a big happy family with three beautiful kids that mean the world to you all. 
The silence is peaceful as you relax feeling a wave of exhaustion. Natasha breaks the silence, her voice soft and low. “Detka we have some news for you. A surprise of sorts.” You lift your head from her chest and look up at her. A glint of excitement in your eyes as you wait for the woman to continue. She smiles gently before continuing to speak. “That was our last mission.” You sit up slightly ignoring the twinge in your back. “What?” You question. You hope this means what you think it means. “Dorogaya we are retiring. That was our last mission. We want to be here with you and the kids. We are done with that fight, all we want is your love.” You turn to Wanda as she speaks, happy tears filling your eyes. You can’t help as the tears fall and you hug them both tightly. “I love you both so much.” You let the tears fall. Your family is complete and you can all have the life you have always dreamed of. It isn’t what you expected it to be but with these women you can do anything. Over the years they have loved you at your best and at your worst. Stuck by you through every bad day. Your love grows for them every single day that you are together and you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
Each of them kissing your head. “We love you too.” They say together. “We want to spend the rest of our lives with you. Making up for our wrongs and earning your love.” Natasha gently kisses your lips. “Y-you already have.” You kiss Natasha before turning to Wanda and kissing her. The day started out terrible but the two women you chose to hold your heart one last time have proven that you did in fact make the right choice. 
A/n: I know that some if not most will not be happy with my decision to have WandaNat as end game. I went threw a few different idea's and always came back to them. So even if it is hated it is what I wanted in the end. Thanks for reading though.
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marvelavengerspovs1 · 6 months
Pairing: Bucky x F!reader
Warnings: No warnings, just fluff!
Length: 725
Summary: Bucky takes care of you while you have a migraine.
A/N: This was a request, which is the perfect excuse to say that my requests are open!
Request: “Can you write one where Bucky takes care of the reader when they have a migraine”
I do not give consent for my work to be translated, copied, or sold!
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Bucky knows you better than you know yourself. He knows when you’re getting sick, he knows when you’re about to start your period, hell! He even knows when you’re having a bad day before you know it.
It could be because he’s a trained assassin, made to be very observant. Or it could be just because he is the world’s best boyfriend. Either way, he lives to make sure you are taken care of.
As you sit in the meeting room listening to Tony and Steve explain the next mission, you feel a pang behind your left eyeball. You let out a small sigh and rest your head on your hand, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. You feel a hand on your left knee and slightly look up.
Bucky looks at you with his eyebrows scrunched in concern. His face was asking if you were ok. You give Bucky a small smile and grab the hand on your knee. Bucky isn’t convinced that you are ok but he didn’t pry, he just made sure to hold your hand tight.
Once the meeting is over, you try to stand up but wobble. Bucky quickly gets up to help but you put a hand out to stop him.
“I’m alright Bucky, I’ve just been sitting down for too long.” You give him a tight lip smile.
“You’re not alright Doll, I’m pretty sure you’re getting a migraine.” Bucky looks at you with concern.
“I’m alright. I’m just going to take a nap before we have to go train.” You tell him before leaving for your shared room.
Bucky follows behind you to make sure that you are fine. He knows your migraine symptoms but he also knows you’re too stubborn to do anything about it.
You sit on the bed and look at Bucky. He’s sitting on his side of the bed, watching you. You roll your eyes and face away from him.
“I’m fine Bucky, you don’t need to worry about me.” Bucky lets out a sigh and leaves the room.
He knows that once you get up you’ll get nauseous, you won’t be able to look at anything that has a screen or is too bright, and you won’t be able to see anything clearly. While Bucky loved that you were stubborn, he thought that it was your downfall.
Not wanting to fight with you, Bucky stays silent and watches you as you fall asleep. He listens for your breathing to even out before getting up. Bucky knows that you are going to be miserable when you wake up so he wants to make sure that he can make you feel better instantly.
Bucky grabs you some migraine medicine and your favorite blanket. His heart hurt that you wouldn’t be able to watch your favorite movies or listen to any music but he knew that you would fall asleep right after.
While going back to your room, he made sure to fill up your water bottle with ice-cold water and prepped a mug of hot chocolate. You would feel too sick to eat but a comforting beverage would help you fall asleep.
10 minutes after you fall asleep, you wake up. You let out an agonizing yelp and cradle your head.
“It’s ok, Doll, I got you.” Bucky quickly comes to your side with the water and medicine.
You thank him as you take the medication and cradle your head, feeling tears well up in your eyes. No matter how many times you get migraines, you refuse to acknowledge the symptoms.
“Thank you, Bucky.” You tell him quietly, your eyes closed.
“Don’t cry, Doll. You’re too beautiful to waste your crying on some stupid migraine.” You laugh at his words but immediately regret it.
“Will you lay with me?” You ask him with your arms out.
“Of course Doll, you never need to ask.” Bucky gets under the covers and you lay your head on his chest.
Bucky rubs your back and you wrap your arms around his waist. It’s moments like this that you fall more and more in love with this man. He would hang the moon and the stars just for you.
“Just rest Doll, I’ll take care of you.” He tells you and you fall back asleep, the comfort of the man you love making it easy.
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scar-lie · 7 months
Omega Pt. 11 [Natasha]
Summary : Natasha finally have a genuine smile on her face
Pairing : Alpha ! Natasha Romanoff x Omega! Reader
Warning: Nothing
Word count: 1,215
{OMEGA PT. 10} {OMEGA PT. 11} {OMEGA PT. 12}
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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“So basically the cure is Natasha?” Tony said with still frown on his eyes, Bruce are trying to calculate the situation while the team keeps listening
“That explains why Omegas dying after breaking the bonds, so Nat I would like for you to stay as close as you can get to Y/N until we figure out her case” Natasha nodded, happy that at least she could help in you
“How about the meds we're giving her?” Bruce asked looking at Cho who's getting up to leave the room
“I-......I think it's best if we stop it, and see how her body progress, maybe the meds we're giving her can be one of the reasons why she keeps crashing”  Bruce nodded and follow Cho out of the room
“Hi” Wanda come inside your room after a few hours, seeing you cradling one of your pups but her sudden action alerted you while Natasha is right outside of your room
“Hey hey, it's just me” Wanda show the tray full of delicious foods she made, you let her walk towards you and rest the tray in the table before sliding it in front of you
You eye her and the food not saying anything sp Wanda sat besides you and gave you a small smile
“Don't worry I didn't poison it, you should eat to gain your strength” then Wanda pointed to the pup in your arm that you quickly shield with your body
“Oh….I just thought to hold him for a bit while you eat” you give her a skeptical look, sure you know her pretty well but you just can't find in yourself to trust anyone other than yourself
“Don’t worry I’ll be right here with him” you give her a small nod and hand your pup to her looking at them making sure that Wanda stays besides you in the chair before you start to dig in
“He's such an angel, the three of them they have both yours and Nat looks, a good combination” Wanda admire him while a smile form in your face
“They are wonderful” you mumble getting a big smile on Wanda then there's a knock on the door, making you alerted especially when Natasha peak her head, making you growl
“Hey, I was just checking but….I think it's not a good time” Natadha smell a little, sensing that you don't want her in the room
“Oh no, I was gonna leave since Y/N already finished her meal” Wanda give you your pup so your get him and cradle him in your arm
“Just took a baby step, she's adjusting” Wanda whisper patting Natasha's shoulder before she exit the room
You keep your eyes on Natasha, every move she make didn't get unnoticed to you and that makes her even nervous, making her hands sweat
“Hi…..uhm” Natasha pointed to the chair
“Ca-can I sit there?” you didn't give her any sign, just looking at her in cautious
“O-ok….uhm just gonna sit ….there” Natasha pointed to the couch, far enough for your liking but close enough to see her perfectly
“So how are you feeling?” Natasha trying to start a conversation but you just keep looking at her  until your son cry in the crib, taking your eyes off her and to the pup, laying in the crib
Out of instinct Natasha stand up to calm her pup down but she instantly stop when you growl in her way
“Hey, I-I just want to calm him down” Natasha put her hand up and you try to get out of the bed, hissing because your body is still in pain
“Don't push it, you need to heal, I prise I just want to calm him down” you contemplate but after a few seconds when your son scream are getting louder, you give her go signal
Natasha carefully approach her son and smile seeing his redden face so she took him in her arms, smiling widely while looking at him, like all her worries and problems vanished just because of the little pup she created with you
“Shhh it's ok my little prince, I’m here shh I know” Natasha start to bounce him a little while gently swaying then she can feel that someone's looking at her
Her gaze then turn to you, seeing how worried and scared you are seeing your pups in her arms, this broke her heart but she knows you have reasons but also she can see the longing and curiosity in your eyes
“Can I sit there?” Natasha offer to sit in the chair but you quickly scooter over to give her some space to sit in, this makes her smile knowing you want her to sit besides you even knowing it's because of your son
But Natasha didn't hesitate and have second guess, she quickly sat besides you and show you your other pup
“My other baby boy” you whisper smiling, caressing his chubby cheeks
“This little prince is the naughty one between them two” Natasha said smiling too, seeing how soft you are
“Why?” Natasha's chuckle thinking of the things he did to his brother
“He has more energy than that prince, he sometimes kick or punch his twin, he also talkative then the other one, and he's the one who cry first making his brother cry too” you giggle imagining the scenery, happy that they are safe and happy
“And her?” You whisper looking at Nat then to your daughter
“She's lovely, she's not bubbly like this two but she likes squeezing our fingers” you nodded still eyeing your daughter
“You want me to wheel her here?” You quickly nodded so she careful wheel the incubator next to you
“She looks like you” Natasha whisper sitting besides you again
“She's beautiful” you compliment smiling
Natasha is loving this moment, she feel safe and contended but also happy, happy you're finally awake, happy that you give her a consent to hold his son and talk to you and not pushing her away but that quickly stops when Tony come in
“Hey, Wanda said you're awaker, I just want to see it myself” Tony said getting inside
“So ahh I talk to Cho, she said that tomorrow you can discharge from medbay but needed to still stay in the compound to monitor and observe you if your test performed well so, I already organized everything, your room, everything you need are all set up, so basically we’re gonna put you to your room but still getting medication you needed” Tony explain standing still in the door, you shake your head to him
“No, I will here, with my pups” you then grab Natasha's wrist, Incase she stand up and leave, you just want to be sure
“Oh no worry they will be with you in the room, no need go worry about them being taken away, we will never gonna let it happen” you just look at him not sure if you will trust his words
“Oh and Natasha Fury asked you” Natasha nodded putting the oup in her arm in the crib then roll the crib besides you
“Thank you” Natasha nod before she leave with Tony to talk to Fury outside your room, away from your window
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Safe and Sound
“Sweetheart, if you keep running like that, you’re gonna fall,” you advised your overly confident 4 year old as she raced through the squad room. Sure enough, just as she was about to turn the corner, her feet got tripped up and she took a small tumble. Nothing you were worried about but Tony had just happen to see and your daughter knew that if she started crying, he would come running. So that’s what she did.
“Oh no, did that evil carpet trip you?” Tony picked her up off the floor and sat her on his hip, wiping her crocodile tears away. You made your way over, smiling and setting a box of take out on your husband’s desk.
“She’s got you wrapped around her little finger Tony. All she wants are those Italian crackers you keep in your desk.”
“Crackahs,” your daughter mimicked, proving your point.
“Ah yes. The cracker tax will be paid, fear not young padawan,” Tony told her while setting her down in his desk chair and opening up his drawer to pull out the little stash. You shook your head and smiled as your toddler happily munched on her favorite snack, dropping crumbs all over Tony’s desk.
“Where’s Jethro?” you asked, also noticing the other missing agents.
“He’s with Bishop questioning some lady who might know where our suspect is hiding. Been gone a while, shouldn’t be too long of a wait.”
Jethro had told you their day was a bit slow since they hadn’t had any new leads so you decided to surprise him for a late lunch. You knew he wouldn’t want to leave the office so you brought food from his favorite Chinese restaurant. Figured you 3 could eat in the conference room or something.
“Oh, would you look at that. Bishops calling me now.” He picked up the phone while sitting at the edge of his desk. “Your ears must be burning Bishop-
He stopped his joking as his face got serious, catching your attention.
“What happened?….Did he get away?…..What hospital?”
You hoped to God they weren’t talking about Jethro as your worst nightmare started playing in your head.
“Alright. I’ll grab Ducky and Palmer and meet you there.”
He hung up the phone and you waited for his next words.
“The suspect was hiding out at the house. He shot Gibbs in the shoulder but he’s fine. They brought him to Sibley Memorial.”
Without another word, you were out of your seat and scooping your daughter up before heading for the elevator.
“Where we going mommy?” your little girl asked from the backseat as you drove.
“We’re gonna go see Daddy sweetheart. But we gotta be really gentle when we see him because he just got a big ouchies on his shoulder, ok?”
“Ok. How come Daddy got an ouchies?”
“Sometimes he gets ouchies when he’s working. Remember the ouchie he had on his knee?”
“From the bad guys!” she resolved proudly.
“That’s right. But don’t worry. Daddy got the bad guy.”
She didn’t ask anymore questions after that thankfully. Sometimes it was difficult explaining Jethro’s job but she actually understood a lot of it, making it easier. She got all the smarts from Jethro you’re sure of it.
Once you arrived, you headed straight for the nurses station.
“Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He’s my husband, I believe he was brought in a little bit ago.”
The nurse typed a bit on the computer before nodding. “Looks like he just came out of surgery. Room 323. Third floor.”
You showed her your ID and received your visitors sticker, your daughter taking it immediately to stick it on herself. Then the two of you made your way through the hospital till you found his room. You were surprised when you saw him out of bed, buttoning up his dress shirt.
“Leaving against medical advice again Jethro?”
He looked up surprised and gave that half grin when he saw you two.
Your daughter dropped your hand and raced over to him as he crouched down to her level.
“Remember be gentle honey,” you reminded before she reached out for a hug.
Jethro picked her up easily with his good arm and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“How’s my princess? You learn anything new at school?”
“We did numbers. And colors!”
“Wow. You are so smart, you know that? You’ll be taking Uncle McGee’s job before you know it.”
You just watched the two of them have their conversation with a smile. She loved talking with her dad. Whether it was about her favorite show or asking him what every one of his woodworking tools did. She was definitely more of a daddy’s girl than mommy’s. But you loved it. You loved the way Jethro’s face lit up everytime he saw her. He could be having the worst day at work and she would be the one to make him crack a smile.
“And mommy got you food,” she continued.
“She did? Well I’m hungry as a bear. And if I don’t eat something soon, I just might eat you!”
She squealed in laughter as he gave her kisses and walked over to you.
“You gave me quite a fright today Mr. Gibbs,” you chastened as he set your daughter down.
“I’m sorry about that Mrs. Gibbs. I’ll try harder not to.”
You two kissed deeply, happy that his injury wasn’t too severe and he was safe.
“Did I hear my daughter correctly when she said you bought me food?” he mumbled against your lips.
“Mm-hm. It’s at the office. Room temperature, just how you like it.”
He chuckled and gave you another kiss before taking your daughter’s hand in his and leading the way out of the hospital.
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
What you left behind | A Fantilli
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based on this ask
You’d heard them talking about you at the Hobey award ceremony.
“I feel bad acting like everything’s ok! Y/N has no idea”
“Adam should’ve told her before she flew all the way out here”
“I can’t believe he’s breaking up with her”
Your heart dropped and you walked away before you heard anymore. You sat throughout the whole ceremony with a wary smile.
By the end of it you had excused yourself on account of not feeling well. You were so ill and knew fine well why but now this was making you feel worse.
When Adam did return to your hotel room that night, bustling around while you faced the wall in the darkness you were deciding if you wanted to address the situation or not.
It wasn’t until he got into bed that you spoke
“I know you want to break up with me”
Adam sighed and turned on the bedside light “Babe it’s not you-“
“Do not say it’s not you, it’s me! God, Adam I thought we were better than this!”
“I don’t want to hold you down while I’m away!”
You were now stood up from the bed “You want to go to Columbus! It’s like four hours from Ann Arbor!”
He groans “I could end up literally anywhere and I don’t, I don’t want to drag this relationship with me while I’m starting off in the NHL!”
You gasp lowly “You think this relationship is a drag? Adam there’s something-“
You were crying now, getting yourself upset thinking about how your entire world was crumbling around you.
“Listen let’s just call it ok? You’re clearly getting upset and-“
You laugh ironically “I am getting upset because my boyfriend is breaking up with me and I’m trying to tell him I’m p-“
“I get it, you’re pissed but I think this is for the best I’m going to stay in Luca’s room for the night” Adam finishes, almost infuriating you as he picks up his hoodie and phone before kissing your forehead and leaving the room.
When the door clicked shut you sat down on the bed and let out a shaky breath and placed your hand over your belly “It’s just me and you kid, eh?”
You were packed up and gone before Adam got back to the room the next morning, leaving him feeling somewhat disappointed.
He had tried to call but you’d blocked his number. Eventually he gave in and stop trying to contact you to apologize for how it all went down.
You on the other hand were too busy in the summer break preparing for the baby’s arrival in november.
It felt weird being home all summer. Typically you’d be spending your time split between vacations, lake houses and this year was supposed to be spent by Adam’s side as he was drafted.
Now you were knee deep in baby sleep suits, stuffed animals and diapers all needing to be organized into boxes.
The summer was hard, you’d been contemplating not going back to college now you would ultimately be single parenting and how difficult that was going to be.
It had taken a lot of thinking but you knew you couldn’t give up on school, not now you were all your daughter had.
The new school year looked a lot different. You’d moved out of dorms with your best friend and into your own apartment, you’d dropped out of your position as social admin of the hockey and lacrosse teams and even changed some of your classes to better align with better paid positions post graduate.
It only took the boys a day to notice your absence from the team.
“Where’s y/n? There’s no way she left us because Adam broke up with her!” Dylan whined as the team got changed after their first practice.
Luca just shrugged “I haven’t seen her, I don’t even know if she’s back this year”
“She wasn’t in our sports management class this morning” Mark adds “And her best friend has a new roommate”
Luca then became a little concerned. He’d gone from seeing you all day, everyday to not even knowing where you were.
That was until that evening at Tony’s, the pizza place you, Adam and Luca would go every Tuesday. It seemed as though you guys were keeping to the tradition as you both stood in line to order your pizza.
“Y/N?” You froze hearing his voice, slowly turning around with a coy smile
“Hey Luca” You reply sweetly, not missing how his eyes were now glued on your now seven month pregnant belly.
“Hey so-“
“You’re pregnant?”
You tut “Yeah it looks like it” you joke “so don’t judge when I tank a whole pizza alone I’m technically eating for two”
He softly laughs before he asks “Is it Adam’s?”
You can’t hide it and you know it so you nod “Yeah, it is”
You expect Luca to yell at you but he doesn’t. Instead he grumbles “and you didn’t tell him?!”
His anger takes you back a little and you sigh sadly “I tried Luca”
“Not very hard!”
The tears started the gather in your eyes as you thought back to that night you and Adam broke up and you tried to tell him about your little baby girl.
“Luca You don’t know anything ok? I tried to tell him but he was too busy breaking up with me! You know what Lu, pretend this interaction never happened!” You scoffed, taking off out of the restaurant.
Only five minutes after you got in your apartment the doorbell rang and you waddled to the front door, very unamused and hungry.
On the other side of the door stood Luca holding your order from Tony’s.
“I’ve got pizza?” He smiled and you gestured him in.
The two of you ate the pizza and garlic knots in silence until Luca asked
“Is It a boy or girl?”
You wiped your hands with a napkin before you said “A little girl”
He smiles “and you’re due?”
“November, middle of November”
He nods before he reaches across the table to squeeze your hand “I’m really sorry you’ve done this alone, but I’m sure Adam would want to know he has a daughter”
You retracted your hand from his and scoffed “He didn’t want to be ‘held down’ Luca! His words! So no, I’m not telling him because when I tried, he shut me down so this is his loss!”
Luca wanted to fight you, to stick up for his little brother but he knew better so he gave in. He knew which battle he wanted to pick
“Can I… can I be in her life? She is my niece after all I want to be in her life”
You softened “Of course you can Luca, you can be as involved with her as you want as long as you don’t tell your brother”
Luca reluctantly agrees and so he begins a part in this secret.
Over the following weeks he spent nights over at your house, helped you set up the nursery and was helping you study in your new classes.
He’d slowly stopped speaking to Adam as the secret was getting harder to keep and Adam had noticed.
When Luca didn’t go to Columbus with the rest of his family for Adam’s birthday, Adam knew something was wrong.
So when I’m November the blue jackets played Detroit, Adam, Nick and Kent took the trip to Ann Arbor to watch their old team play.
You wouldn’t have gone to the game that night had you known he would be there but it was too late. You saw him in the crowd. You’d been sitting in a seat, wearing Luca’s jersey so nobody else on the team could see your bump when you spotted Kent closely followed by Adam.
After that you made a mad dash out of Yost, but not before Adam saw you.
He watched you leave, watched you walk out and never said a thing. He had conflicted feelings about seeing you again. He knew it was a possibility but he didn’t know for sure not after his friends told him you’d basically distanced yourself so far from the team, what caught his eye though was his brothers name and number on the back of your jersey.
After the game Adam found his brother outside the locker room
Luca looked surprised to see him, looking around cautiously for someone else by the looks of it “Adam, what’re you doing here?”
“Dropping by to see the team, what’s wrong? You seem on edge? Looking for someone?” Adam wasn’t sly with his questions.
“No I just-“
“Not my ex girlfriend? Not Y/N? Who left by the way”
Luca looked panicked “you saw her?!”
“Yeah i saw her leaving, wearing your jersey! Dude are you fucking y/n? How could-“
Luca scoffs “I’m not fucking her!”
“Well what’s going on? You haven’t come to visit, we hardly talk, she’s walking around here in your jersey and you seem really agitated about her right now so cmon dude spill it! I’d rather you just told me straight but I’m gonna be mad you know I’m still in love with her!!”
Before Luca can even defend himself and you, his phone starts ringing. It’s you.
As soon as he picks up the phone he can hear you crying “what’s going on? Talk me y/n”
That peaks Adam’s interest.
“I fell Luca! I fell and I need to go to the hospital I’m bleeding-“
“I’m coming, I’m coming just hang in there you guys are gonna be ok is the ambulance there? Ok just go and I’ll meet you at the hospital”
Adam is traipsing behind him still demanding answers when Luca shouts “Just get in the car Adam! I don’t have time to deal with you right now”
Adam can feel Luca’s stress and it’s confusing him, a lot.
When they arrive at the hospital he finally asks “Why are we here? What is going on? Who’s hurt?”
Luca sighs, pinching his nose and just praying you’ll understand why he did it
“Y/N is pregnant” he states as if it was the simplest thing while Adam’s entire world just exploded.
He was still in love with you and you were having a baby.
“Is It yours?” Adam asked “Because if it is I’m gonna let you call mom before I fucking kill-“
Luca holds his hand up to his little brother “The baby is yours”
Adam is going through every emotion possible at the moment, stuttering out “Why didn’t you tell me? She didn’t-“
“She tried Adam, the day you broke up with her”
He feels horrible, he feels heartbroken.
“And Why are we at the hospital? Do we need to go in? Is she ok?”
“She said there’s been bleeding, that she fell after the game. That could be bad Adam so just don’t go in there guns blazing when she could have lost her baby”
Adam’s heart breaks even further for his baby; who’s existence he’s only known of for a minute who might now be dead.
The brothers make their way up to the ward and ask for you to which the nurse smiles sympathetically “It’s family only, sorry boys”
Luca hurries “He’s the babies dad, she’s pregnant-“
“Actually, miss y/l/n had a turn in the ambulance after she was picked up by paramedics and she is no longer pregnant” Adam and Luca both gasped lowly, heartbroken when the nurse continued “She delivered her babygirl in the ambulance on route here. Congratulations dad, head on down its room 103”
The two shared glances before Luca patted his little brother on the back “You’re a dad, man!”
“I’m a dad…” he repeats, almost in disbelief.
When Adam got to your room and walked in you were laying in the hospital bed holding your little girl in your arms mumbling something to her. When you looked up and saw Adam the smile on your face dropped
“What’re you-“
“Is she ok? Are you ok?” He interrupted, walking over to you both.
You looked surprised “Luca told you?”
He nods “the cliff notes, we were in a rush”
You nodded understandingly “She’s perfect, all eight pounds of perfection”
You watch Adam step closer and closer to you both when you say “Adam, do you want to hold her?”
He nods, sitting down in the chair next to your bed and taking her into his arms. You watch them as Adam whispers sweet words to her.
“Hi babygirl, I’m your daddy”
When he finally puts her in her bassinet, Adam turns to you “I’m so sorry you went through this all alone, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you that night and I’m sorry I just abandoned us… I regret it everyday”
You smile softly “Do you miss me?” It was a lighthearted jab but Adam grabs your hands, seriously and says “So much, everyday I’ve thought about what an idiot I was to let you go. The love of my life”
“Adam you really broke my heart, I’m not sure how I would’ve survived if it wasn’t for her” you say gesturing to the baby asleep next to you.
He squeezes your hands “I know and I can only apologise and beg you to understand I acted on stupid judgement. We could always make long distance work and you have never held me down ever, you make me a better person y/n, I guess now you both do”
Eventually around eleven your nurse manages to sneak Luca into your room. He fully expected you two at each others throats when he entered but instead he found you both sitting on your bed holding your daughter in your hands just adoring her.
“Hey guys, she’s beautiful y/n congratulations”
You smile “thanks uncle Lu”
“So what’s princess called?”
Adam looks at you to tell him and you take pleasure when you say “This is Lucia, her name is inspired by our role model. Both of us”
Luca crouches down by Lucia’s sleeping body and brushes his thumb over her cheek “Hi Lu, I’m your uncle Luca. I love You so much already and I don’t even know you yet”
Your head absentmindedly rested on Adams’s shoulder and he kissed the crown of your head and mumbled “My girls, my whole world”
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ashdreams2023 · 8 months
hello i love your blog, this may be random but can I please request avengers x reader who is an empath? also could u pls include Loki as her s/o?? 🙃🙃
Lol ok
Avengers x empath reader
you have a kind heart, they swear they know and promise it’s not a big deal how you act
Natasha is the one that always feels amused when you get all emotional over something random
Loki once saw you cry over a pigeon nest because the wind blowed it away
"Darling it will make another one later" "but it worked so hard for it! And they don’t know better…"
Everyone comes to you to rent, Tony jokes is that they should start paying you for therapy sessions
Loki doesn’t like when people don’t take you in consideration just because you’re nice and patient
Too patient at times "Dove you don’t have to put up with this just because they have a bad day!"
"It’s ok, it was just a slip, I can tell they are just frustrated with themselves, give them time to get back into their senses"
Thor thinks you’re the sweetest soul for seeing the good in Loki before anyone else could
"My brother is very…misunderstood and I am grateful he found someone as compassionate as you are"
The second you say you don’t feel right about someone new, they immediately become on the watch list
You’re one of the few people that can calm halk
"Y/N what are you doing?" "Oh I’m just booking for a rage room" "should I ask why?" "No."
Loki likes to take you out on nice dates where it’s only you two in nature, it feels more comfortable than being in crowded areas where people either step all over you or you might get distracted by someone who’s energy is not that good to be around
"Why did you give me a chance?" "Because I can tell, you’re not really a bad person"
Bruce and you go on his off day to buy ice cream and talk about his temper
Sometimes Tony would take you into interrogation rooms just to see if you tell who’s being genuine or not
Clint is very protective of you as well, he stands behind when look is not around and gives deadly glares at anyone who think they can just be nasty to you
Although you are a kind hearted person Loki likes to tease you until you get frustrated with him and show some of your anger, it’s not much but thinks it’s healthy
"Loki! Stop being annoying!" "You’re so sexy when you’re angry"
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littleseasiren · 1 year
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Summary: Your long-time crush Bucky has a secret, a tiny white kitten. She's the cause of some interesting situations between you and the handsome super soldier. When Bucky's secret gets out, will it bring you closer together or break you apart?
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Mainly fluff, mention of animal cruelty, threats of revenge on the abuser, Tony being an idiot until the reader makes him see sense.
Words: ~ 5800
A/N: Grammarly is my beta reader, so any mistakes are my own. Comments and reblogs will be appreciated. Please let me know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list. Thanks for reading!
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"Bucky!" Your voice echoes in the empty hallway. 
The super soldier looks like he is going to ignore your call but halts after a few seconds. He turns around, eyes wide open in innocence.
"I didn't do anything..." he mumbles softly. "I gotta go."
He turns around once again and starts walking to his room, his steps rushed.
"Wait!" You run in front of him. When he doesn't stop, you walk backwards, keeping him in your sight. "Where were you? We were supposed to have lunch together?"
"Crap," he sighs. "I'm so sorry doll. I got held up and forgot."
"It's ok. I saved you a plate. Why don't you come with me then you can eat it?"
"I, uh... can't." 
"Why? What's wrong?"
His eyes don't meet yours. "I just don't feel well. I gotta go." 
He sidesteps you when a strange sound comes from his zipped-up hoodie.
"Bucky, what was that?" You run after him, his strange behaviour making you suspicious.
"It's nothing." When he sees you don't believe him he rubs his forehead in apprehension. "Uh, it was my stomach."
"Bucky, for a spy, you suck at lying to me." 
When another sound is made, you realize it kind of sounds like a meow. When your eyes widen in shock, he firmly pulls you into his room and locks the door.
"Please, don't tell anyone." His eyes beg you, the blue seeming to hypnotize you until he carefully zips down his hoodie and pulls out an ivory-white ball of fluff, and holds it in his hands. The ball of fluff meows and turns to look at you. You gasp when bright blue eyes meet yours, the kitten seeming tiny in Bucky's large hands.
"I know we're not allowed to have pets. Trust me, I didn't plan on getting one. She just happened."
"She? It's a girl? Are you sure?" You move closer to him, reaching out slowly and rubbing the little cat's head and ears, making her purr softly.
"Yeah, I had to take her to a vet. He confirmed it." Bucky shifts his hold and that's when you see it. A small pink cast is on the kitten's back leg, along with a bandage on her small tummy. You can't stop gasping. Something bad had to happen to the little girl.
"What happened to her?" You ask Bucky as you both move to sit on his couch. From his hoodie, he pulls out a small bag and puts it on the table next to him.
"Humans happened to her. I was on my jog when I saw this car speed into an alley. He threw a box into the dumpster and just sped off. At first, I just thought he was a prick that needed to throw away some trash. But then I heard a faint noise. The closer I got to the dumpster the more I could hear. The box he had thrown away? It had her in it, all bleeding and crying for help. I couldn't just leave her there. So I took her to the vet to be patched up. Thought maybe they would be able to look after her, but since it's the holidays, they are full. So I had to bring her home." 
You can't help but tear up at the thought of what the little kitten had gone through. "People like that should never be able to have pets, ever. They should cut something off too, just to remind him what he's done."
Bucky chuckles next to you but his eyes are dark with anger. "If I get my hands on him, he'll be lucky to make it out with his life. People that abuse animals belong in the ninth circle of hell."
"That's for sure." When she cries out loudly, you both startle. "She must be hungry. Did the vet say what to feed her?"
"Yeah, he said I have to give her this formula for now." He picks up the bag and shows it to you. "He says she's almost 4 weeks old, but since she's a bit malnourished, I need to feed her a little bit every 3 hours. I need to gradually begin to increase the time between feedings before I start introducing wet foods too."
When she cries again you both chuckle at how cute she is. "Guess it's feeding time," he smirks at you as he stands up and walks to his small kitchenette. "Do you want to hold her?"
You almost squeal in delight, your smile lighting up the room. "Yes, please!"
Bucky decides to call the kitten Alpine, due to her snowy colour. You completely agree with him, the name fitting her like a glove.
The two of you work together to feed Alpine before you offer to go out and buy toys and kitty litter for her, secretly hiding it beneath bags of clothes.
When you come back, the two of you set up her supplies and settle in for a long evening of watching movies and feeding the cutest cat in the world.
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You wake up to warmth beneath you and a small pressure on your lower back. 
You moan softly, feeling safe and peaceful when a gentle touch runs down your side. Your eyes blink open in surprise and find blue eyes smiling up at you.
"Bucky, I-" you move to get off the big supersoldier but he stops you by grasping your shoulders gently.
"Easy doll, Alpine's going to fly off you if you get up. She's laying on your back."
"Oh," your eyes widen at the situation you find yourself in. You're laying on your stomach, your head on Bucky's shoulder as he lays beneath you. Your stomach to his chest, legs intertwined with a sleeping kitten on the small of your back. 
You've never been this close to Bucky before, seeing for the first time the sprinkle of tiny freckles on his face, his full lips and perfect white teeth open in a smile. Why is he smiling?
Your cheeks burn in humiliation as you realise you've been staring at him and he's noticed.
Before you can apologise, he's talking, voice a little hoarse. "I'll lift Alpine then you can climb off. Just give me a second. I'll try not to wake her..."
"Ok," you whisper, eyes unable to meet him. When his arms creep up your sides, you have to hold in a moan that threatens to burst out of you at his touch. The man you had a crush on for months was touching you, but not in the way you wanted him to.
You pretty much hold your breath when his biceps sandwich you on both sides as he gently scoops up the sleeping kitten in his hands then holds them high in the air as you wiggle out from above him.
When he whimpers you look up at him but his eyes are the epitome of innocence so you must have imagined it. There was no way he liked you too, you weren't so lucky.
His muscles ripple beneath his shirt as he slowly stands up and walks to the new cat bed you had bought earlier, softly laying Alpine down as she continues sleeping.
When Bucky straightens and your eyes meet, you can't help but smile at how gentle he is. A lot of people think he's a miscreant, a bad man born from years of fighting, but he is the sweetest, kindest man that you have ever met. And Bucky holding a small kitten in his hands, so gently like she was made of glass? It just made you love him more. 
The heavy look between the two of you is broken when someone knocks on his door. 
"Bucky? It's me," Steve's voice calls out from the door. You freeze, not knowing what to do. You quickly duck down next to the sleeping Alpine, hidden from view by the couch.
You hear Bucky walk to the door and crack it open slightly. 
"Hey, what's up?" Bucky asks casually, making you smile at his words. He's definitely picked up some slang since he joined the Avengers.
"Hi, Buck. Is Y/N here with you?"
"Uh, no she's not here. Why would she be?"
"Well Buck, unless you started wearing her perfume then I'm guessing she's here." You can hear the smirk in Steve's voice.
You take a deep breath and rise from your position behind the couch. "Hi Steve," you say with a small wave.
"She was...uh...helping me with something," Bucky says to Steve, arms crossed in discomfort.
"I bet she was." Steve's grinning like an idiot, his eyes twinkling with laughter. 
"Tony needs your help on a project," Steve says to you as he looks around the room once again. "Are we going on our run?" He asks a brooding Bucky.
When it seems like Bucky is going to object, he quickly continues, "We'll be quick Buck. Thirty minutes tops."
Bucky sighs but relents. "Fine. Give me ten minutes then I'll meet you downstairs."
Steve winks at you as he exits, gleaming.
Finally, you and Bucky are alone again, neither of you knowing what to say.
The silence is broken by a small cry, Alpine letting the two of you know it is feeding time.
"You go doll. I'll quickly feed her then meet Steve and come back as soon as possible. Hopefully, she'll sleep while we're away." He smiles at you, his blue eyes twinkling with some emotion that you can't place.
"Ok, I'll try and be quick too, but with Tony, you never know. See you soon," you add as you exit the room.
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A little more than half an hour later, you're back in Bucky's room, calling out softly but no one answers. Thinking he's not back yet, you enter his bedroom in search of Alpine.
She's on his large bed, napping peacefully when the bathroom door opens and Bucky walks out in what appears to be the tiniest towel that he owns.  
"Oh, hey doll. Didn't know you were back yet. I just forgot to grab my clothes."
"Uh-huh." You nod automatically, eyes focused on the beautiful man in front of you. His sculpted chest is the first thing you see, his muscles so much bigger up close. In the corner of your eye, you notice his scarred shoulder where it meets his metal arm, but you gaze away quickly, knowing it makes him uncomfortable when people stare at it.
Your eyes focus on a bead of water in the centre of his chest, slowly rolling down his sternum and between his well-defined abs, the ridges causing the drop to roll slower and slower until it reaches the edge of the towel he's holding in a clenched fist.
When he clears his throat, you snap out of the trance his amazing body seduced you into. Cheeks on fire, you glance up at him, seeing a confused smile on his face. 
"You alright doll?" His voice is rough, husky even. 
You bring an unsteady hand to your beating heart, hoping he won't hear how hard it's pounding. Eyes wide, you stare at him. How long had you been ogling him? Before your treacherous eyes could dip down again, you take a small step back.
"Me? Oh, fine." Your hands clench together as you do your best to concentrate on your words. "The, uh, cat... Yeah, I need to feed..." Crap, your eyes move down on their own, this time noticing just how large his right arm is, the muscles bulging as he holds onto his small towel.
"You need to feed... the cat?" He's smirking now, his blue eyes shining in the morning sun.
Focus! "Uh huh," you mumble before turning around and starting to walk out of the room. It takes you a second to realise you forgot one crucial element to your plan as you spin around again and pick up Alpine before shutting the bedroom door behind you. 
You catch your breath as you lean against the door, Alpine reaching up with her small paws and rubbing her head against your chest in comfort. "Oh, Alpine. My mind went completely haywire in there."
The second you said the words, anxiety fills you once again as you pray that Bucky didn't hear you speaking to Alpine. Having a super soldier as a friend was sometimes very tricky...
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When the bedroom door opens, you're busy playing with Alpine, making her run after a feather tied to a string. You feel his eyes on you but you do your best to avoid looking at him. He watches the two of you for a moment before his voice fills the room, his body moving towards the door. 
"Um, I'll go get us some food. You must be hungry?"
"Thanks, Bucky. That will be nice." You look up at him and give him a quick smile before moving your attention back to Alpine.
"Ok, I'll be right back, you two." He says as he opens the door then stops instantly, seeing Steve standing outside.
"Uh, hey Stevie. I'm gonna go get some food, you want to join?" He mumbles quickly, trying to distract Steve from what he had said earlier. 
"You two?" Steve's eyes are wide open, a look of astonishment on his face. "Please tell me you don't have two women in there?" Before Bucky can say anything he continues. "You've always been kinky, but two at the same time? Maybe you should see-"
"Steve!" Bucky shouts, breaking Steve's tirade. You watch the exchange, too stunned to do anything. Steve is instantly silent until a loud meow comes from in front of you. 
Bucky sighs as Steve pushes through the door and drops down next to you. "Why is there a cat in here?" He whispers to you.
"Bucky rescued her. The ass that had her decided he didn't want a cat anymore and threw her out like trash. Bucky saved her and brought her here." You inform him as he sits cross-legged on the floor. 
"I know we're not supposed to have pets, but I couldn't just leave her. And the shelters are all full." Bucky joins the two of you on the floor and smiles as Alpine rubs her head on his knee before moving to Steve slowly.
The kitten looks up at him before slowly moving closer as Steve extends his hand, giving her a chance to sniff him before she rubs her side on his stretched fingers.
"Hi sweetheart," Steve says as Alpine climbs into his lap slowly, the cast on her leg making her slow. "She was injured then?"
"Yeah, I took her to the vet before I bought her here. I swear if I ever see that-" Bucky clenches his jaw so hard, you're afraid he'll break something. You reach out and hold his hand, showing him you understand. "I'll throw him out like the trash he truly is. Except he won't be alive when I do." He huffs out.
"You've always had a soft spot for animals, glad that hasn't changed Buck." He scratches Alpine's head before he starts giggling. "So, technically, I was right. You do have two women in your room. One's just a feline."
"Yeah, we all know what you were thinking Steve. So much for Captain America being a gentleman." 
"Haha, I am a gentleman. I just never said I was innocent. And neither is he. I know him, he's still kinky. There was this one time one of his dates asked him to-" 
"Steve!" Bucky whisper-shouts. Steve just winks at you in reply. Just what did she ask Bucky, you ponder.
Bucky blushes when his eyes meet yours for a second.
"Why don't you leave me with the cat and you two go grab some food? The others are becoming suspicious of your absence." Steve says as he strokes Alpine softly.
You and Bucky glance at each other and nod in agreement.
"Her name is Alpine," Bucky says on the way out. "She's been fed, so just keep her company. Thanks, Steve."
"And please don't tell anyone about her, she's our little secret," you add on the way out.
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Bucky's making his way to the kitchen when you pull him to the side. If your hand stayed on his arm a few seconds too long, you chose to ignore it.
"Um, maybe I should go in first, then you follow in a few minutes? Or do you go in first? If they see us entering together..." your voice trails off, the implication of your words clear to him as his eyes widen and his breath catches.
"Uh, yeah sure. You don't want to give them the wrong impression." His jaw clenches for a second, eyes turned down before he continues. "Maybe I'll check if Sam is still in his room first." He turns around and starts walking in the opposite direction, his sudden departure astounding you. Just what was his issue now?
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He and Sam enter the kitchen a few minutes later, his gaze fixed on the plate of food he fills. 
"So Bucky, haven't seen you around today," Natasha says in a sultry voice. You know she's with Steve, but you can't help your hackles rising at her tone. Were you jealous?
He glances at the two of you swiftly before focusing on his food again. "Yeah, I've been busy."
"Very interesting... Y/N's also been busy today."
"Well Nat," your voice is full of irritation, "we are Avengers. So we should all be pretty busy, don't you think?"
The beautiful redhead just looks at you before bursting out laughing. After a few seconds, you can't help but join her. 
Sam and Bucky just look at the two of you in confusion.
"That was good honey," Nat says between giggles as you continue eating. 
By the time lunch is done, Bruce and Tony had made an appearance too. 
You were just grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge when Bucky approached you,  the others having left earlier.
"Doll, I gotta ask," Bucky says as he bites his lower lip, "Before when you said I make your brain go haywire... did you mean that in a good way or in a bad way? I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes..."
You suck in a deep breath, your heart racing. So he did hear you earlier. You start to deny it when you see the look in his eyes. Did he really think you could ever think anything bad of him? 
"Oh, um. I had hoped you wouldn't hear that." He's standing close so you have to tilt your head up to look him in the eyes. "But I meant it in a good way." When he doesn't seem to believe you, you continue. "Bucky, you were standing in front of me with just a tiny towel on, of course, I meant it in a good way. You know you're attractive..."
Blue eyes light up as he smirks at you. "So you think I'm attractive huh? So when can I see you in just a tiny towel? To even the odds?"
"Keep dreaming big guy," you reply as you gently punch him on the shoulder.
The two of you giggle together before Bucky looks at you with adoration in his eyes.
"Maybe I will..." 
When you don't answer he clears his throat softly.
"Um... hypothetically, if I stopped being a wuss," he swallows hard, "and I asked you out on a date, what would your answer be?"
Some part of you wants to tease him and make him suffer, but you don't. "Hypothetically, if you asked, I would say yes. Definitely yes."
"Yeah?" His smile is huge, making the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
Sam appears in front of the two of you, trying to reach for the fridge.
"Sam, not now!" Bucky groans at the man, lightly pushing him away.
"But I want a cupcake!" Brown eyes cry out.
"You just had lunch! You'll get indigestion! Now buzz off!" Bucky forces him to turn around and pushes him forward, making Sam huff in frustration.
When Bucky looks at you expectantly, you simply nod in answer. "Yeah, Bucky. But you still have to ask me," you tease him.
"You little minx! Fine." He takes a deep breath, "Will you go on a date with me? Tonight if you're free?"
"Of course Bucky." Your smile drops, making Bucky anxious. "But who's going to look after Alpine? Can we ask Steve?"
"Yeah, he and Natasha can look after Alpine." 
You stare at Bucky, trying to understand him. "Nat and Steve?" You inquire.
Bucky snorts in reply. "There's no way that punk hasn't already told his lady about Alpine. The fact that he's dating a spy hasn't helped him be able to keep secrets. Not from Natasha."
"Are you sure of that? I think we should give Steve the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure he can keep Alpine secret for a while..."
"You wanna bet doll? $100 says she already knows."
"Sure, but let's make it interesting. Let's see," you tap your index finger on your chin, "if I win, you have to... take me shopping."
Bucky groans in defeat. You know he hates going shopping. "And if I win? What do I get?"
You eye him up and down, "What do you want?"
The corner of his lip lifts in a half smile. "You really shouldn't be asking me that."
"Keep it PG, Bucky!" You say as you tap his shoulder. 
"Fine," Bucky lifts his hands in defeat. "If I win, you have to kiss me."
"Deal!" You're way too fast in your answer, making Bucky laugh. "Come on, let's see who wins!" You hook your hand into his elbow as the two of you make your way to his room.
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Steve's guilty look is the first thing you see when you enter the room. Natasha is lying on her stomach next to him, running her finger on the floor, laughing as Alpine chases after it.
"Steve! How could you?" You cry out in mocking anger. "I defended you, yet you caved so easily?" 
"Sorry! I tried but she saw right through me!" 
"See doll? I've known him forever, he's a weakling!"
"Well, it's true isn't it Steve? You lasted like, what, two minutes?"
"Five," Natasha giggles next to him. "Good thing I like that he can't keep secrets from me."
Bucky's eyes are beaming with the promise of your kiss. "So, when do I get my reward?"
You grab his shirt and pull him down to you, clasping your hands around his neck. You lean in closer, your breath mixing with his, before you lean to the side and kiss him on his cheek. 
You're giggling as you pull back, a look of astonishment on his face. "Hey, that's cheating!"
"Sorry Bucky, you never specified where the kiss had to be." You giggle as you join Nat on the floor. Your gaze fixed on Alpine stumbling around.
Bucky is smiling as he joins the small group on the floor. Alpine's movements become slower and slower before she admits defeat and climbs into Bucky's lap. A tiny white ball of fluff on Bucky's thick thighs.
"Guess it's time for a nap," Steve says as he helps Natasha up from the floor. 
You know you're in trouble when Natasha's green eyes meet yours. "I think it's time we had a chat."
Bucky picks Alpine up slowly, making sure not to wake her as you, Natasha and Steve depart.
"So, what's going on with you and Bucky?" Natasha asks as soon as you are far enough away to prevent Bucky from hearing. Steve had left to get lunch.
"He asked me out on a date," your stare ahead, a big smile on your face.
"Finally! You two have been pining for each other for months! And the kiss on the cheek?"
"That was a bet. He believed Steve had already told you and I thought he would keep Alpine secret a little longer. So he won and I owed him a kiss."
"Uh-huh. Anything else happened with him? I picked up some tension between the two of you at lunch."
"Um, I might have fallen asleep with him last night. When I woke up I was lying on top of him with Alpine sleeping on my back. We had to wiggle to get up without waking her." You bite your lower lip, "Then this morning I was looking for Alpine when I kinda walked in on him getting out of the shower in a tiny towel. I swear Nat, seeing those muscles up close almost made me pass out!"
"Seems like Alpine is the perfect matchmaker! She's getting the two of you into great situations!"
Natasha is bubbling with laughter as the two of you make your way to the training room. You are eager to work off some nerves before your date.
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 "Ok Alpine, what about if I take her to a fancy restaurant for dinner?" You hear Bucky's voice softly through the door, a small meow being the only answer. 
"Yeah, you're right. It's a bit normal for a first date right? I don't want her to think I'm boring." It's quiet for a second then you hear his voice again. 
"A movie?" Another meow, softer this time. 
"Nope, she won't be able to sit still unless it's a very interesting movie. So what then?" 
"I know, I'll -" 
You knock on his door, not wanting to hear what he has planned and spoil all his fun.
You hear him say something on his way to the door, and Alpine seems to agree enthusiastically if her loud purr is an answer.
When Bucky lets you in and closes the door, you see Alpine sitting on his shoulder, nails holding onto Bucky's shirt for stability.
"Hey, doll. Watch this!" He's beaming as he takes a seat on the couch and removes Alpine from his shoulder. He puts her on the couch and wiggles his left hand. She drops down into a crouch then runs up his metal arm, her back leg struggling along, nails fitting into the grooves of his metal arm perfectly until she's back on his shoulder again, a loud purr coming from her tiny body. "Pretty soon she's going to be able to do all kinds of things. There's no stopping this lady!"
When Alpine's gaze falls on you, she meows and rubs her head against Bucky's neck then stares at you again.
Getting the picture, you move closer to the two of them and bend down to rub her adorable head. Her tail is curled around Bucky's neck as she leans forward into your touch, purring loudly in happiness. 
Bucky pulls you softly forward, making you sit on his knee, his arm around the back of your waist holding you close. His smile is enchanting, a similar grin forming on your face. When he leans down closer, your breath catches. This is what you've been waiting for, a kiss from Bucky Barnes will certainly kill you with pleasure. You've barely begun to feel his lips on yours when his bedroom door shoots open, Steve's imposing figure standing in the doorway.
"We got a problem, Buck." He hastily says as he closes the door and moves closer to the three of you. You climb off Bucky's lap and sit down next to him, watching as Steve approaches.
"Wanda and Vision just came back from their mission. Wanda has a concussion so her powers are a bit wonky. Natasha and I were busy whispering about how to help you keep Alpine a secret. Wanda heard our thoughts and got so excited that you have a cat that she repeated it out loud and... Tony heard. He's on his way here now and he doesn't look very happy."
You gasp in surprise and turn to see Bucky running his hands over his face, knowing what is to come.
"Maybe we can hide her?" You begin to say but are interrupted by the knocking on the door. 
"He won't believe it," Steve sighs in defeat.
"You two just stay out of it, ok? I can take whatever he throws at me. He hates me already anyways." Bucky stands and walks to the door. Alpine held onto his shirt, cuddled up into his neck. 
Tony looks Bucky over, eyes hardening in anger. "Barnes, I give you food and shelter, pay you for going on missions, I take care of you even though I can't stand to see you some days. And all I asked for were a few rules to be followed. One of those rules was no pets. Am I correct in my assumption that that is a cat on your shoulder?" 
Wanda, Natasha and Sam creep into the hallway, watching the scene unfold.
"Yes, Tony. I'm sorry. I found her and the shelters are full for Christmas. I didn't have anywhere for her to go."
"Well, either the cat goes now or you both go. Your choice." Tony doesn't even blink when he gives his ultimatum.
Bucky's brows drop in concern, eyes wide open. "You can't be serious Tony. Give me some time-"
"I don't care Barnes. The cat goes right now."
"Tony you can't!" You shout from the doorway, Steve behind you.
"I can do whatever I want. This is my Tower in case you've forgotten that. I'm willing to overlook your involvement in this but don't make me regret it. Any of you." He says as he faces the others.
"It's ok doll," Bucky says softly as his fingers rub your hand for a second. When he faces Tony again his jaw is clenched with anger. "I'm not going to abandon her too. Alpine and I will be out in 10 minutes."
Bucky walks into the bedroom, his meaning taking a few seconds to sink in before everyone pushes into the room, talking a huffing Tony with them.
"Bucky no," Steve calls out as Bucky grabs a bag in his room, starting to fill it with a change of clothes.
You face Tony, your anger making you shake with adrenaline. "I thought you were better than this Tony. Bucky found Alpine being thrown away like trash, her leg broken, ravenous with hunger. She's barely a month old. Now you're going to punish him for doing the right thing? For following his heart and taking care of a helpless animal? You are an asshole if you punish him for that. You're just letting your anger towards Bucky cloud your judgement. If Bucky and Alpine have to go then so will I."
"Doll don't-" Bucky starts but you interrupt him.
"No Bucky, I don't want to work for someone who hates innocent animals and would prefer to keep them on the streets. I refuse to work for anyone like that. I'm just disappointed that the mighty Tony Stark is like that." You glare at Tony, brown eyes meeting yours for just a second.
"Don't leave without me Bucky. I'll be back in five minutes." You start to walk out of the room but Tony stops you. 
He stares down at you for a moment before he sighs in defeat. "Her leg's really broken?" 
"Yes, it's really broken. Bucky saw a man stop in the alley and throw the box in the trash, luckily he heard her cries and rescued her. He took her to the vet and the vet fixed her up. She's a tiny kitten, Tony. If it was you who found her, would you have just left her there?"
He doesn't answer you as he turns to Bucky's bedroom. "Let me see her."
Bucky gently wraps his large hands around her tiny body, being careful of her cast before he softly puts her in Tony's outstretched hands. He watches Tony like a hawk, analysing his every move to make sure he doesn't hurt his baby kitten.
Tony brings her closer to his chest, his right hand stroking her head softly as sky-blue eyes gaze at him in appreciation. "I don't hate animals. I just can't have everyone running around with their pets. This is a dangerous place, and we can't have dozens of animals staying here. If I allow one person to have a pet, the others would want them too."
"Maybe Alpine can be the Team's cat? She already has a bond with Bucky but animals have so much love, they give it to anyone who loves them in return." You grasp Bucky's hand and give it a squeeze. "Besides, a cat has a mischievous side too, the more people who engage with her, the more fun she'd have. It'll help her stay out of trouble."
"You'd be willing to share her?" Tony asks Bucky hesitantly. 
"Of course, I hate having her cooped up in my bedroom, the more she can explore, the better. Besides, this cutie needs all the love she can get. Together we can show her that not all humans are bad."
"Fine, Barnes and Alpine can stay." Tony relents, making the others cheer in response. "But I'm cuddling with her in the living room first!" Tony calls out as he walks out of the room, mumbling to Alpine that he will buy her the best of everything, including a big climbing set as soon as her leg gets better. The rest of the team follows Tony, each adding to the list of what has to be bought for the best kitten in the world.
"So Bucky, you get to stay, after all." 
"Thanks to you, doll. What you said was amazing, I've never seen someone rip into Tony so easily." Unsure blue eyes meet yours. "Would you have left with me? If he hadn't changed his mind?"
"Yeah Bucky. I would have. What I said was the truth. I'd go anywhere with you." 
"You're so sure I'm worth it? That I'm good?"
"Bucky, you saved a helpless kitten. You did it because you cared, not because you wanted praise or attention. Hell, you tried to keep it a secret! Anyone who cares so much about animals that they are willing to walk out on what they know just to keep them safe can't be bad. It's impossible. You're the best Bucky. And now that Alpine has a whole family to look after her, I think it's the perfect time to go on that date you owe me."
"Of course, doll. Anything you want."
"Anything?" You smirk at him, wickedness in your eyes.
"Anything," he replies as he drops his head down, hands wrapping around your waist. Your arms circle his neck as you stand on your toes to meet him, kissing him like you've wanted to for months. And he's all too happy to reciprocate.
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sosa2imagines · 10 months
I had my dance and now I'm where I belong. Part 2
----------------------------------------------------- Warnings- Angst, cheating and little bit of fluff ----------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 -----------------------------------------------------
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After you left the tower, you checked into a hotel and once you enter the room you called Nat who along with Wanda and Sam were waiting for your call. When you were done with the call loneliness crept in slowly you started to freak out and the emotions you were hiding since the confrontation till now all came out, you dropped to the floor and cried your heart out. After a week you got the news the happy couple made it official how one cheater got another cheater you told your reflection in the mirror smiling for a bit then crying again. It was true what you told yourself Bucky does not know that Sharon had cheated on Steve and that's the reason he broke up with her and you had promised him not to tell anyone. All of your dreams crushed and thrown out the widow because he couldn’t keep it in his pants. Every single day was painful the hurt was too much years of love gone just like that.
One month later. "Hello?" "Friday where is everyone?" "Captain Rogers welcome back Mr. Barnes is in his room and the others are in the common room" "Thank you Friday" Steve was nervous he knew everyone would bombard him with questions on his decision to leave and come back again but at the moment it all can wait he needed to see his love his best friend you first he wanted to tell you everything even the dance he had. So he rushed to Bucky's room knowing you would be there but god he was so wrong he wished he had knocked on the door but he didn't and because of that he was dumbfounded by the view "Bucky? Sharon? what's going what the hell why are you guys Sharon for god sake put your shirt on" Sharon roll her eyes. "Where is Y/n?, Bucky tell me dammit" Bucky was scared of what Steve's reaction would be so he went with the little white lie "We broke up I'm with Sharon now" "What? Broke up? why? you guys were so good, why did you guys break up? And Sharon no Buck you are hiding something" "Steve you have no rights to interfere in our lives they broke up deal with it" Sharon was quick to answer. "I'm not talking to you so shut up!" Steve yelled. "Don't yell Steve, she is right you left us ok you don't know what happened so accept this." Steve was shocked by Bucky's behavior he had never seen Bucky standing up for you like he was for Sharon he immediately knew something was wrong he left the couple behind and went to search others. "Where is Y/n?" "Steve?" Sam rushed to hug his friend, Nat was teary eyes seeing her bestfriend back. "Steve you are back" she hugged him as much as Steve was happy to see them and grateful for them welcoming him back he couldn't stop thinking about you. "Nat please I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude" Nat shook her head finishing his sentence for him "Y/n left for some alone time Steve, she was suffocating here" "Yeah man everyday she was dying here" "What happened after I left?" Sam and Nat told him everything Bucky did and how Tony does not fully know the truth that you hid for Steve's hard work of making him trust Bucky. Steve's heart broke even in pain you didn't think ill of Bucky. "Where is she?" "I'll give you the hotel address and don't worry we let her leave only on the condition she calls us everyday" "Thank you Nat if she calls don't tell her I'm coming to her" Nat nod at him and Steve left for you.
Your head was a mess, your emotions were all over the place you spent the nights crying asking yourself why. You did call the team daily not wanting to go back soon, you locked yourself in your hotel room trying to wrap your head around the entire situation. The love you had just went down the drain like nothing. You had your doubts but we're blinded by his love and now paying the price it's been almost a month you barely ate and slept cold showers did not felt cold. You were lost in your own world when someone knocked on the door and thank god you opened the door you were shocked eyes glossy as soon as you whispered "Steve" he was quick to hold you in his arms as you cried and fisted his shirt, when Steve saw the state you were in his heart broke. He couldn’t help but feel guilty after all he was the one to introduce you two only for you to suffer. "Why did he do this to me Steve why?" Steve kept rubbing your back to comfort you "Everything hurts Steve please make it stop take my heart out I can't take it no more Steve please help me stop this pain" Steve's heart broke completely he blamed himself if he had not left you would have not been in this situation but that does not mean he didn't learn from his mistake seeing you beg him to stop your pain Steve silently promise to protect you and heal your heart he swear he will not let anyone hurt you not even his best friend Bucky on that day Steve decided you are his and when the time is right you will know about his love but for now you needed your best friend and that's what he was going to be. After crying for hours in Steve's arms he finally managed to put you to sleep Steve's own eyes were teary he was angry at Bucky, angry at himself he was facing back and forth until his eyes fell on your personal diary he knew it was wrong but he had to know so respectfully he skipped all the parts and just saw the last few pages he was fuming in rage how dare Bucky pack your bags and tell you to leave the audacity to lie to him, he put the diary back in its place and texted Nat to come over. As soon as Nat came Steve told her to look after you and he will be back quickly. Steve for the first time broke traffic rules drove like a madman he literally ran up to were Bucky was and as soon as he saw him Steve's mind flashed your image the hurt and pain you were in the words in your diary he was fuming in rage "You bloody liar" with that Steve punched Bucky hard on the face, Bucky was shocked Steve punched him again and again calling him liar and a cheat Sharon didn't dare interfere Sam had to hold the captain back only after Sam talked about you Steve stopped but not before warning Bucky for the last time " You stay away from her and mark my words Bucky you will regret this" All Bucky could say was sorry and how he is happy with Sharon, Steve chuckled at his stupidity "one cheater got another cheater no wonder you two make quite the couple" with that Steve left a very confused Bucky alone with Sharon in the tower.
As for Steve Rogers he had his dance and now he is where he belongs that is with you and the first step towards your happiness was to shift you from the hotel to his apartment in Brooklyn time to take you home.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------(to be continued, also thank you all you guys are awesome lots of love to you all, initially it was supposed to be a one shot but it turned out into a series the next part might be last depends on how the story goes take care and feedback is appreciated 😊❤️) ----------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
----------------------------------------------------- TAGLIST- @vicmc624 @sapphirebarnes @cjand10 -----------------------------------------------------
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crazyunsexycool · 11 months
My Little Love
Chapter 29
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!reader
Word count: 3.5k
warnings: MAJOR ANGST, sad kids, crying kids, sad Bucky, Reader being tortured (nondescript), being tied, blood, stabbing, non descriptive bombs, reader is a fighter ok, Lorraine (reader's mom) being a complete and utter monster, talks of having an abortion(not reader)
A/N: I am so sorry for this one.... 😬
Series Masterlist
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Bucky almost collapsed once his feet were on the ground. The compound was destroyed. It was obvious the missile hit the living quarters. There were injured people everywhere on the lawn and parking lot. It was a mess but he intended to go into that building and find you. Or he would if it wasn’t for Steve holding him back. 
“Let me go, I have to go in there. I have to find them.” He fought against his best friend’s hold. 
“Take a breath and look around you.” 
Bucky did just that. He looked around. There were hydra agents in handcuffs. Shield agents armed and standing guard. He then noticed Maria Hill making her way over.
“Where are they? Were they hurt?” Bucky cuts her off. Impatient and desperate for some news, any news really.
“They aren’t here.”
“Where the hell are they?” 
“Charlotte saw this happen hours before it did. Y/N found me and we made a plan. Hydra was after the kids so she made plans to head to the tower. She said she’d wait for you there.” 
Bucky could breathe again. You were safe and so were the kids. He should have known you would have kept them safe, that his girl, his doll would have seen this coming. 
“You see they’re fine. Let’s go see them.” Steve pats him on the back. 
Tony is already working on the next steps with Bruce. The rest of the team is waiting for news.
“They should be at the tower.” Steve announced and the team relaxed a bit. “We’re going to head there now. Nat back us up, everyone else stay here and help where you can. Keep comms open and both teams will update each other as we go.” 
Everyone nods and start heading their separate ways. Bucky heads to the garage with Steve and Nat following behind. 
Soon three motorcycles roar to life. All three of them weaved through traffic with ease. The closer they got to the tower the easier Bucky could breathe again. But it wouldn’t be enough until he saw you and held you, all three of you in his arms. That need made him go faster and be a bit reckless. He didn’t care though. He was just around the corner and all of his worries would disappear once he could talk to you again. 
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Bucky practically drove the bike into the building. He left it on the sidewalk but he didn’t care. When he walked up to the main doors he ripped them open and almost pulled them off their hinges. An alarm blared as he stepped inside and scanned the room. Security guards scrambled to get the alarm to stop as one of them made their way to the trio. 
“Is agent Y/L/N here? She should be here with two kids.” 
“Daddy!” Henry yelled from across the lobby. The people that had been caught inside the building when it went into lockdown all parted for him. “Daddy!” 
“Bubs.” Bucky choked out as Henry ran into his arms. 
He fell to the floor as he hugged his son. His kids were safe, because of you. Henry cried into his chest and Bucky soothed him the best he could as his own tears spilled. 
“Doll. C’mere.” Lottie soon joined the pile on the floor. 
Bucky didn’t care that others were watching as he kissed and hugged his children. His kids were safe and far away from hydra’s reach. Very little scared him but losing them and you terrified him. Above him Nat stood by, her eyes scanned the crowd looking for anyone that might be out of place and informing the team of what was going on. Steve stepped away with the head security guard to discuss something in a more private area. 
“Buck.” Steve called and nodded in the direction of an office. The same place the kids had come from.
With both kids clinging to him Bucky stood and followed Steve. The moment he stepped into the small office his world crumbled.
“Ed?” Bucky looked at your father. He had red rimmed eyes and a grief stricken look. “What are you doing here? Where’s Y/N?” 
Lottie straightened herself to look up at her dad. “Bad man take mama.” She whispers with a trembling pout. 
Just as quickly as he had gotten hope it was pulled right from under him like a rug. Steve takes Charlotte in his arms, Nat takes Henry. Ed steps closer to Bucky and places a hand on his shoulder. He shakes Bucky to get his attention and pulls him to sit at one of the chairs in the room before telling him everything you did. 
“How long ago was that?” 
“About four or five hours ago. She asked me to bring the kids here and that’s what I did.” 
Bucky gave him a nod but he was only half listening by this point. Lottie is back in his lap and she pulls and twists the straps on his uniform. When he looks around Steve and Nat are gone.
“They went to see if they could find anything.” Ed fills in.
“I’m sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for, boy?”
“She shouldn’t have had to sacrifice herself if I had been there.” Bucky says sadly.
Ed just shakes his head in disapproval. “You know my girl, she’s a fighter. If you’d have been there she would have gone with you just to make sure you were safe.” 
Bucky gives him a sad smile because he knows it’s true. You were the one who held this family together. He would be nowhere without you. 
“Yeah doll?” He looks down at his girl.
“Want mama.” 
“Me too. We’ll bring her back soon.” Bucky holds her tighter as he makes a promise to himself and to you. He will find you and bring you back. No matter what it takes.
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It’s a nightmare, that’s the only explanation. Except your mother’s voice rings clearly in your head as you were dragged away and placed in a small cell. It wasn’t just small, it was tiny like a closet. So you breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth and your eyes closed to try and keep your composure. That way you can imagine you’re somewhere else. Like in bed with your three favorite people piled on top of you and trying to cuddle. Yes, that’s a nice thought while you pop your shoulder back into place. 
You zone in and out of consciousness as you try to sit as best as you can. The cell you’re in isn’t metal so you can’t break out of it. It doesn’t even have nails in it. Had they been ready for you? They must have been. 
Your thoughts go back to the woman you had called mother. If she was hydra, was the rest of your family hydra too? Had you handed your kids to another hydra agent? You shook your head to get rid of that thought. Your father wouldn’t betray you like that. He taught you what it meant to be a good person and to do the right thing. There’s no way he could be hydra. Right? It made you question every person in the family you came in contact with. Sadly knowing your mother was hydra, made perfect sense. What she said kept repeating in your head though. 
“I had lost all hope that I could turn you into what you were meant to be.” 
The door opens letting bright light into the dark space. You lift your hand to shield your eyes from it and rough, calloused, unforgiving hands pull you out. 
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“Anything?” Bucky stood from the couch he had been sitting on. 
Since showing up to the tower Pepper had arranged for the team to be set up in the apartments there. When everyone had finally come in from the compound they were exhausted. Nat was the last person back after having gone to track you down, or at least try. 
“Your SUV was blown up.” There was no need to sugar coat anything. She pulled out her phone to show him the pictures she took. “No sign of her, I’m sorry.”
Bucky hadn’t expected anything different. Charlotte had already told him your fate. He looked over at the kids wrapped up in each other’s arms as they slept. Afraid that if they let go the bad men would take them. Bucky sighed and gave a nod. 
“I’m gonna go put them to bed.” 
With a heavy heart Bucky stood and grabbed both Henry and Charlotte and headed toward the apartment Pepper had offered him. He set the kids in the master bedroom and covered them with their blankets. With a kiss to each of their foreheads he stepped back out to the living room to sit. Bucky wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that you were somewhere out there. 
Ed places a glass on the table in front of Bucky and then fills it with whiskey. 
“What’s the plan?” 
“We’ll look for her until we find her, I’m not giving up. Not until I bring her home.” 
“And the kids?” Ed asks before finishing the last bit of whiskey in his glass. 
“I- I don’t know.” 
“Well it’s a good thing I’m retired. I also spoke to the twins and Luke and Molly. They’re willing to come in and help while you go out and look for her.”
“They’d do that?” 
“Of course. That’s their sister and those are their niece and nephew. Besides, I think having Olivia here would be a nice distraction for Lottie and Henry. And Tony said that until we get Y/N back and end this it would also be better if they stayed close by.”
Bucky nodded just as a blood curdling scream came from the master bedroom. He rushed in, gun in hand ready to stop whatever was making Charlotte react like that. 
“Daddy, she’s seeing something.” 
Bucky moves to Charlotte’s side of the bed and tries to comfort her the best he can. She babbles but the only word he can make out is ‘mama’ and ‘hurt’. It makes him sick to his stomach to think that not only are you being hurt but that Charlotte has to see it happen. You wouldn’t want that for her. 
“Can you get Wanda?” Bucky asks Ed who nods and disappears. 
He holds Lottie closer to his chest and comforts her as best as he can. When Wanda walks in he’s relieved.
“Can you make her forget? Just for a little while.” 
“Of course I can.” 
Little sparks of red light move from Wanda’s hand to Lottie’s head. It doesn’t take long for his girl to lose the fight with consciousness.
“This is only a temporary fix.”
“I know, but she’s been through so much already, she doesn’t need to see her mother get hurt.” Bucky says as he gently caresses her cheek. “C’mere bubs.” Bucky says as he gets comfortable on the bed and opens his arms for Henry.
Wanda walks out and Ed closes the door to the room. He’ll do his best to look out for the kids but he feels unqualified. You’d know just how to comfort them. But he was drowning in a sea of worry and anguish right alongside them.
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Pain radiated from your wrists where your hands were bound, down to your shoulders as your arms were held up and over your head by some hook. They had you dangling in the air and whenever you didn’t answer their questions or told them to fuck off you’d receive another blow.  
“Get her down.” A man somewhere behind you said. 
You were angry and tired but you would fight them every step of the way. When one of the guards did get close and had started to unhook your hands, you took the small amount of strength you had left and swung yourself onto his shoulders. With your hands free you wrapped the rope your hands had been tied with around his neck and then you tightened it until he crumpled to the ground. 
This was your moment to fight your way out to at least make enough of a disturbance that someone somewhere would think to come looking. More guards made their way into the room, people you knew. They had been part of the Strike team. Knowing them didn’t stop you though, you managed to get four more guards down before someone grabbed you from behind. 
“I see the kitten still has claws.” 
“Rumlow. I thought you were dead.” You grit out as he pulls you down the hallway.
 You fight against his hold and he slams you against a wall. He hovers over you as you lay on the floor. His skin was marred with burn scars. His eyes still held that same anger and resentment toward the world and it was now directed at you. Rumlow wraps his hand around your throat. 
“I’ve wanted to get rid of you since our first mission.” 
You claw at his arms as he tightens his grip. The light hits a chain he has hidden under his shirt and your focus moves to that. You manipulate it and turn it into a spike and you jam it into the space between his shoulder and neck causing him to loosen his grip on you. Then you run. Unsure of where you’re going but that doesn’t stop you. An alarm goes off and there’s shouting behind you. None of it slows you down, not until you have to duck into some room to take cover. 
Fortunately for you it’s an empty lab. You leave the lights off as you move further in. The first thing you did was move the security camera. Then thinking back to all the time you spent with Bruce you look through the room for anything that could be used to set a fire or an explosion. Anything that will be distracting enough to give you the chance to flee. 
You found everything you needed and you made a makeshift bomb thanks to some late night talks with Tony. He had rambled about so many things that night and now you were so grateful for it. There are footsteps that stop right outside of the door. With quiet movements you take your place hiding as best you could. When one of the agents walks in you don’t wait and throw one of your bombs in his direction. He screams and you take the opportunity to run. 
There is no way for you to know which way will take you out of the building or deeper into it. The only thing that keeps you going is the thought of Bucky and the kids. You pushed forward through guards and agents. Using the supplies you had acquired carefully. It was the most tragic of outcomes. The exit was just right there, a few feet away but you’re dragged away by your hair back down the hallway. 
Rumlow was waiting for you. His arm twitched as blood ran down it. You must have hit some nerves.
That bastard deserved more than that. Once his men have thrown you at his feet he takes a knife out.
“You really are a dumb son of a bitch aren’t you.” You spit as the knife flies out of his hand and into the throat of one of the men that dragged you back. 
You manipulate it and swing it towards the other guard. It buries itself into his chest and you twist it until he’s on the ground. 
“That’s enough.” Your mother’s voice rings out from the end of the hall as you move to finish Rumlow. 
She moves quickly to stand over you. You meet her cold hardened gaze. Lorraine’s hand connects to your face. The knife follows the motion and cuts her across the cheek. She grabs it from where it’s moving back in her direction. 
“Take it you idiot and get out of my sight. Send someone else here now.” She says over her shoulder to Rumlow. 
“You continue to be a disappointment, but don’t worry I’ll have you fixed right up.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“My my, do you kiss your children with that mouth?” She chuckles as she looks down at you. “Take her to the exam room.” 
All you felt was pain. The leather straps were digging into your skin and the surgical table they had you on was cold. It didn’t help that you were completely naked in a room of strangers, your mother being one of them. They enjoyed the screams they ripped out of you as they began their work. Doing what? You weren’t sure. The drip they had you on kept you conscious enough to feel everything but drowsy enough that you couldn’t fight back. 
After hours of what felt like them pulling you apart and then putting you back together they stop. You cried just from relief until your mother stepped into your line of sight. She pretended to be a mother by wiping away the sweat off your forehead with faux concern on her face. 
“Why?” You asked. Your voice was hoarse from the screaming. 
“You have to be more specific.” 
“Why are you doing this? Why did you join them?” 
“Join them? No,” Lorraine shakes her head. “I didn’t join them, I was born into it. I’m a legacy and so are you or at least you will be when I’m done with you.” 
“Legacy?” Your head hurts just from having to think. 
“Yes, your grandfather was hydra too. Actually he was part of the team that helped create the winter soldier’s kids, including the two you stole.” 
“What?” You looked up at her with horror. “Is that why you had us?”
“It’s a bit complicated.” She moves around the table doing who knows what before she steps back into your line of sight. “I guess I should tell you the truth huh? It’s not like you’re ever getting out.” 
“My team will, they’ll come for me.” 
“If you think so.” She laughs and waves her hand dismissively. You always hated when she did that. “Your brother Luke was a mistake. I was young and dumb and on a small leave from my job here when I met your father. It was only meant to be a weekend fling. Then a few weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. My first thought was to get an abortion but my superiors thought that we could use the baby for some testing. Maybe even create the next super soldier. They gave me a shot and then sent me to find the baby’s father. Unfortunately the shot they gave me didn’t work, Luke didn’t have any abilities, no enhancements. Then my supervisors ordered me to have another child. Gave me so many shots to prepare me better and somehow things stuck and here you are able to manipulate metal.
You should know that I didn’t hate you at the beginning. I was very proud that you would be hydra’s next weapon. But you ended up being stubborn like your father so I had to try and teach you obedience. It obviously never stuck. That won’t matter soon though we’ll make sure you can’t go against us ever again.”
You were reeling from all of the information. 
“The twins?” 
“Hydra wanted more so I gave them more but the injections didn’t work like they did with you. You must’ve had some kind of mutant gene or something but we never got 
A chance to test it. Unfortunately your father was around too often for me to sneak you out of the house for a couple of days.” 
Was everything in your life a lie? A tear escaped you. 
She sighs. “Crying is for the weak. We made you strong, there is no need for tears. You should be proud that you will be the next weapon for hydra. Then we will get those two brats back and reprogram them. The three of you can go out and kill as a family, won’t it be wonderful?” 
Lorraine starts to walk away. The fear of the kids being brought back to something like this grips you and you’re begging for her to come back. She looks bored when she steps beside the table again.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t go after them.”
“Whatever I want?”
“I won’t fight the guards any more. I’ll let you do whatever tests you want on me but you have to promise that you won’t go after the kids. Let them be.” 
She looks like she’s thinking it over and looks up to someone behind you then she smiles. 
“Fine, you’ve got yourself a deal. You let us prepare you and we’ll leave those brats alone.” 
“Ok.” You whisper. Relief washes over you although you know you can’t trust her. If she leaves them alone you’ll go through whatever you have to until the team finds you.
You’re dragged away from the exam room and this time you’re placed in a better cell. This one has a bed, a table and a chair. The guards throw you on the bed and then leave dirty, tattered clothes on the floor for you. You just curl up on the thin mattress and close your eyes. It won’t be long before the team will come for you.
Bucky will save you. You know he will. 
Ch. 30
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callmissrogers · 7 months
There For His Girl | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short
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Summary: Y/n has reached her limit. Work has been difficult. People have been short, and some just mean. It all brings her back to her childhood, and right now, she just wants to pretend to be ok. So determined to pretend she tries to push her concerned husband away.
WARNINGS ���️ This contains mentions of a toxic relationship with the reader's mother and quotes some of their arguments. If this is a trigger for you, please DO NOT proceed. It also contains angst, fluff, and comfort. Also, very little editing and wrote on my phone.
Steve Rogers x wife reader
Word count: 1,370
Notes: The next part in the That's My Girl series will be going up today or tomorrow. I was feeling the need for some comfort myself, so this is what I wrote. Hope you like it!
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Y/n slammed the door, tears streaming down her face she pressed her back into the wall and slid down until she was a small ball on the floor.
"Why do I do this?" She sobbed hating herself.
Y/n had had a rough few days. It seemed like no matter what she did or said, people were short with her. Everything was going wrong, and after one mistake, which led to a snarky backhanded compliment from Tony Stark himself, well, Y/n was done. Usually, it didn't get to her like this anymore, but her emotions frayed to a breaking point.
Her dad always told her she wore her heart on her sleeve but she just thought her mom was right and that instead of enduring this made her a nuisance.
Why should she be so bothered when people utter unkind things to her?
Why can't she pull herself together?
"You're always start crying! Stop trying to make me feel bad"
"You're stabbing me in the back by trying to do something different"
"Don't you know I need you here? Stop thinking about yourself and making everything harder on me"
This and many other instances where y/n would be belittled, ridiculed, screamed at, lectured for two hours at 1 in the morning, and reduced to making herself as small and as unseen as possible while being a sobbing mess, had made her what she is today.
Too sensitive. At least that's what she told herself at times like this.
And why couldn't she just talk about it like a normal person instead of blowing something trivial out of proportion?
Literally five minutes ago....
Steve had come home the night before. Poor guy had been so tired that he fell asleep in uniform on the couch.
Y/n had been carefully tiptoeing around the kitchen so as not to accidentally wake him up. Intending to surprise him before heading to work.
She was supposed to be going over mission plans with Vision today. This was the kind of work that excited her. None of the agents would bother them while they were working, which meant that she could just disappear for the day.
She platted up breakfast and carried it over to set it on the coffee table in front of the sleep soilder.
Tho he didn't actually wake up until she set down his mug of coffee.
Eyes fluttering open he peered up at her groggyily. "Hi" He mumbled, pushing himself upright. "Hey sleepy head." Y/n said, trying to make her voice sound chipper.
Steve sighed contentedly as he stretched out his muscles before standing up.
"Mind if I go change clothes before I enjoy this masterpiece?" He asked. Y/n turned to face him, attempting to smooth down his wild bedhead and then said, "Go ahead"
He was back a matter of moments, settling down next to her and drinking deeply from his coffee.
"Thank you for this," He sighed leaning over and gently kissing her on the cheek. Y/n just nodded, trying to keep her mind on a healthy track she focused on eating.
"Did you sleep well?" Steve asked. Taking another bite, she thought about lying and telling him that she had had the best night sleep.
"Sorta" She said trying to stiffle a yawn. "What does sorta mean?" Steve asked turning to look at her. "Nothing really. I'm good! Nothing some strong coffee won't fix."
Steve placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him. He studied the dark circles, the faint tint of bloodshot in her eyes, how she held herself and her fiddling hands.
"Hm," He said, his voice low in his chest.
Y/n knew exactly what he was doing, shaking his hands off her shoulders and standing up she said, "I should probably get ready for work."
Steve stood up, grabbing her wrist and stopping her. "Y/n, you look exhausted." "I'm fine" "You're twirling your hair, which means you're not telling the truth." "Steve, c'mon I don't have time for this" "Y/n, it looks like you've been crying" She pulled his hand off her wrist and started to walk away from him, "I'm going to work." "Sweetheart, please just tell me what's - " "Steve! Please just listen to me and leave me alone!" She yelled, cutting him off. She ran off to the bedroom, and that's when the door slammed.
Steve stood there a moment, thinking about honoring her request and leaving her be. But his protective nature overtook him and he decided that the best thing to do would be to be there for his girl.
In the bedroom.
Y/n sat against the wall still crying into her hands, body trembling, thinking hateful thoughts about herself.
She heard Steve knock on the door, saying "Sweetheart, can I come in?"
When she didn't answer him, he slowly opened the door and stepped inside.
She could feel him kneeling down in front of her, "Sweetheart," He whispered, trying to tuck her hair behind her ear to which she only buried her face further.
The next thing that happened, was Steve scooping her up into his arms and settling down in the arm chair that sat in the room.
Somehow this just made her cry more.
"Oh honey, come on now. Take a deep breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth." He soothed.
After about ten minutes of this, her crying settled down, breath becoming rhythmic.
Once he was sure that she had calmed down enough to be able to communicate with him, he asked his voice low and rumbling through his chest, "Do you wanna talk about what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
She nodded against his shirt. "Everything" she gasped. "Everything?" He asked, pulling her back so he could look her in the face. Dabbing away the leftover tears.
"I'm too emotional. Everything the last few days just hurts. I let everything get under my skin... I just. . Lately, people and Stark are just mean, or maybe I'm just too sensitive.. and now I've yelled at you, too." She said, trying to get up.
"Now hold on a minute, " He cooed, keeping her in place.
"What did Tony say?" "Nothing. I messed up and he was being sarcastic, but I'm such a mess that it hurt" she said her voice breaking. "Alright. Listen to me. One, you are not too emotional. The world tells everyone to button up and be cynical. You, my dear, are a light in all that mess. You do care and that's a very good thing -- I don't want you to listen to anyone that would belittle that, ok?" He asked getting a slow, uncertain nod in response. "Ok. Secondly, people can be mean, especially Stark. People also have power trips and want to pull people down to make themselves feel stronger or better. This means there's one thing you can always be certain of: Do you know what that is?" "What?" "They're wrong. Anyone who would belittle you to make a point or to win an argument or for any other reason, is just a bully." "But what if-" "ah. No what ifs. Thirdly, and this one is the one that's most important of the three." "Then why'd it come last?" She asked clearly beginning to feel a little bit better if she could tease him now. Steve simply rolled his eyes and continued,
"I want you to remember that when you're upset, you can always talk to me. No matter how silly it might make you feel, your feelings are safe with me." "Steve I just yelled at you for no rea-" "No. You had a reason. You were upset. I can see that and you know what that means? It means I can take it too. When I put this ring on your finger," He said taking her hand in his and running a finger across her knuckles. "I signed up for this. I'd rather have you get emotional than bottle things up and hide them from me."
Y/n looked down at their still intertwined hands and then back up at him. Nodding again and breathed out an "ok"
"Ok." Steve replied, giving her his usual comforting smile and kissing her forehead.
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parisiterileymoon · 5 months
Angel dust x male reader
Set in the 40s, Im a sucker for a good forbidden romance. (We are all freinds of Dorothy here;])
C/W:mafia, period accurate homophobia, suggestive material(implied fornication), murder, someone gets dragged by the hair, major character death, guns, google translate Italian.
Anthony. His name rolled of the tongue. Anthony. An~tho~ny. When you looked at him, your stomach twisted in knots. You both got out of having to serve in the war due to belonging to the mafia. If anyone found out about your little affaire, you would surely be killed. You looked down to see your beloved Tony curled in the fetal position away from you in bed. "What, was I that bad?" you asked him, only half joking. "Nah toots, I'm just tired. It's...damn what time is it?" "uhhh- how do you not have a clock somewhere in here?" you rolled out of bed with a thunk, pulling on a pair of boxers and looked for your watch. "HA! Found it. Itssss 1:00 AM? Good god!" you laugh, placing your watch back on the floor with the rest of your clothes. All of a sudden you hear footsteps. Not like light and quick like Molly's but heavy and slow like... Henry. Anthony's father. You see, Molly was the only person who knew about you and Anthony. You frantically look around, hopping into the closet. His father bursts into the room. "Anthony, who is in here." you watch your lover panic. "Nobody, pa! I swear! It's just me!" "Questa è una fottuta stronzata Anthony e lo sai, don't lie to me boy!" he begins to look around and his eyes land on the closet. It's as if he can stare straight through your soul. Your palms begin to sweat and tears well in your eyes. Henry pretty much tares the door of the closet off. He pushes you to the ground. "YOU! YOU TURNED MY SON INTO A QUEER" you look at Anthony, sweet Anthony. For a split second you look in his eyes and feel safe. But than Henry kicked you in the stomach and grabs your hair. "PA STOP HE DIDN'T DO NOTHIN'" Anthony cries and drops to the floor, cradling your face. Henry kicks him away from you and begins dragging you outside. "NO PLEASE- PLEASE LET ME GO I'M SORRY" Anthony tries to run after you but his father pulls a gun out of his back pocket "you step one foot closer to me and I shoot you and the fag." "no..." tony falls to his knees. "No pa please..." "anthony I'm gonna be ok" you say, crying. Henry Yanks your hair. "WHO SAID YOU COULD SPEAK QUEER" he pulls you outside and throws you into the mud. He points his gun at you. "No son of mine... No son if mine will be a damn queer. I'm doing the world a favor by making sure you turn no more good men. Any last words?" you look over Henry's shoulder at your lover, screaming and protesting for his father to stop, and you smile at him. "Anthony," you reach out for him "find me on the other side". The last thing you see is your beloved Tony sobbing as he falls for his knees, crying your name. Your life flashes before your eyes as you feel a sharp and unbearable pain in your head. Than, almost like magic, you feel an odd sence of peace. You feel warm and comforted. You see a light. It was almost blinding. Somehow you knew... This... This is heaven.
Would he find you? No. No he wouldn't.
A/N: if you have any gripes, please comment! Constructive criticism is highly appreciated<3
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 6 months
Falling In Love
Nick Jackson X Fem Reader
Summary: Y/n and Nick grew up together. They had been best friends since they were teenagers, trying to make it big in the world of wrestling. Deep down inside Y/n and Nick always had feelings for one another but never admitted it, afraid it would ruin what they had. They both ended up with other people but were never truly happy with their partners. What happens when fate brings them back together and both are single for the first time in a long time? What happens when after 17 years Nick realised he’s still in love with Y/n? 
Mentions: of death (reader is a widow), injures,
Main Masterlist (Word count: 2k)
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I sat in the private Elite locker room crying into the chest of one my best friends in the whole world, Nick Jackson. We met when I was 16 and he was 17, starting our wrestling journey together, wrestling in the backyard promotion his older brother Matt started. I loved Nick, we spent our whole careers together. He has been there for me through EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. The past few months have been hectic. The Elite which consisted of myself, Matt, Nick and Kenny had recently made our triumphant return after the whole suspension thing and ever since my life has been a living hell. 
I had made my return a few weeks earlier than the boys at AEW’s first Canadian show. I begged Tony Khan to let me do anything on the show. I had been working for years to bring the show to Canada, nonetheless my hometown of Toronto. After countless meetings and paperwork, I somehow managed to show up in Toronto. I still get goosebumps thinking about the Pop I got from the audience. I made an open challenge to fight anyone and Tay Conti answered it. During my match, I somehow managed to pull the muscles in my abdomen. Unfortunately for me, Aubrey Edwards had no choice but to call the match due to my injury. I didn’t want the match to end but I could not stand, and therefore it was out of my hands to make the call. 
That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I’ve wrestled matches with broken bones and had death matches, but I injured myself by botching a tiger roll. I was making my return, trying to put what happened behind me but of course, it’s never that easy. It was even worse when I started crying as I was practically carried out by staff. Out of the 16 years I’ve been wrestling I had only gotten a match stopped two other times. Both of which I was knocked out and had to be carried out on a stretcher because I almost died. 
But that was in October, It’s now May and once again I am injured. Nick just held me in his arms and said nothing, knowing I just needed to get this cry out. 
“What’s wrong with me Nick,” I said sobbing uncontrollably 
“Y/N, there is nothing wrong with you” He replied in a soothing tone
“Yes, there is, how come out of all of my years wrestling I barely ever get injured but ever since I came back all I am is hurt.” 
He said nothing
“October, I started crying in the ring which I have never done before and almost gave myself a hernia, February I almost shattered my ankle and I still have this nasty ass bone bruise. Now, It's May and the Doctor told me if my shoulder doesn’t get better soon I might have to get surgery. I can’t be out for months with a shoulder injury” 
Nick knew everything I said was true. These past few months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone. The boys regained their Trios championships then lost it and I won the Ring Of Honour women's championship the past December at final battle. Not to mention the unexpected loss of one of our great friends and my baby daddy James. The last thing is the main problem. My mind was constantly thinking of James and that I am a fresh single mother with an 11-month-old was enough to throw me off my game and cause my injuries. 
“Y/N..” Nick says my name almost in a whisper “Whatever happens, I just want you to know that I am always going to be here for you. No matter what happens, ok. I love you, always.” He then placed a delicate kiss on my forehead and rubbed my back, something that never failed to help me calm down. 
Just then Matt and Kenny walked in. The four of us were family, being there for the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Kenny was holding my daughter, Elizabeth or as I liked to call her Lizzy. It was the name James picked out, she looked exactly like him. He handed her to me and I held her close to my chest. It pained me knowing she would never get to know her father. She was only 5 months old when he died, my only child, our little miracle, and I had no idea how I was going to do this on my own. Luckily I have some great people to help me get through it. 
That night after dynamite I went back to my hotel room, exhausted. Lizzy was upset. There were too many people, it was loud, and not to mention all of the fellow wrestlers wanted to hold her. My little angel was just like her father, not a people person. That meant the evening consisted of me holding her tight as she was wrapped around my chest. Liz wouldn't let Britt or even Dana hold her without crying again so that meant I couldn't make it ringside for the boy’s match. Once I returned to the room and somehow managed to put Lizzy down for bed before having a shower and getting ready for bed. I stood in the mirror looking at my right shoulder, although I was able to move it more (thanks to some crazy rehab) the nasty bruising remained. The “Cody Boob” as I liked to call it as it looked similar to Cody’s torn pectoral. Just as I was lost in my thoughts I heard a faint knock on my hotel room door. I was surprised when I saw Nick standing there. 
“Hey” Nick whispered 
“Hi” I replied, tiredly
“I just wanted to check on you, see how you are doing. I heard about the little situation with Liz”
“Oh, that. She’s fine. Too many people I guess….Do you wanna come in?”
As I invited Nick inside my hotel room I noticed something different about him. I wasn’t too sure what it was. He was freshly showered, and I could smell the evergreen scent of his body wash on his skin. He wore black sweats, a black T-shirt along with a pair of Jordans. All normal things, yet something was different. Was it the way his icy blue eyes looked at me? Was it the way he leaned on the doorframe? A million different things went through my mind as I finished in the washroom before returning to him. He sat on the bed, flipping through the channels as I joined him, snuggling close to his chest. I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up in the morning he was gone. 
Nick’s POV: 
As I sat in Matt’s and I’s shared hotel room all I could think about was Y/N. I know how hard things have been for her recently and I was genuinely worried for her. 
“And then I was thinking we could do…, are you even listening to me, Nick?” Matt said in annoyance. I didn’t even notice I drowned him out
“Yeah, I think that’s a great idea man” I replied, not even knowing what he had said.
“What’s wrong, is something bothering you?” he asked
“I’m fine Matt, just worried about Y/N,” I told him truthfully
“I think you worry about her too much. If I am being completely honest with you, I have no idea how you two never ended up together. You two wo-” “I’m getting a divorce” I cut Matt off. I could see his face drop at my words. 
“What? What do you mean you are getting a divorce?” Matt said confusion and fear all over his face. “A few months ago, I filed for a divorce Matt, I am getting a divorce” I admitted ashamed of myself. “Why?” The tone in Matt’s voice was soft. He no longer looked shocked, he looked almost pained. 
“To be honest with you I have no idea”. My marriage had always been rocky from the beginning, that was no secret. The long-running joke on BTE was that one day I would end up leaving my wife for Y/N. Everyone and their mother wanted Y/n and I to get together, they swore at some point we must have slept together but it never happened. 
“Do you love her?” Matt asked the one question I had been dreading for years 
“Who?” I played dumb
“Y/N, do you still love her?” I may or may not have told Matt that I was in love with Y/N after I was high on anesthetic after surgery a few years back and he’s never let it go. 
“I need to get some air” I left before Matt could stop me. 
My brain was going a million miles an hour, I just needed some time to think. I didn’t even notice that I ended up at Y/N’s room. I wanted to go back, but it was too late. I knocked quietly on the door. Hoping not to wake the baby up. When Y/N opened the door I felt some relief. Her hair was wet and she was wearing a robe. She must have just come out of the shower. My brain imagined myself in there with her. I mentally cursed at myself for thinking that, she was my best friend. She invited me inside and I sat on the bed, unsure what to do. ‘Why am I so nervous?’ I thought to myself. I decided to find something on the TV while I waited for her to return. Once she returned she rested her head on my chest. We were always very affectionate towards each other (sometimes a little too affectionate) so this wasn’t something out of the ordinary. So why did I feel so nervous? 
We didn’t say anything, we just lay in silence. It was calming, I felt relaxed. I was going to move to be closer to her when I noticed she was asleep. Y/N looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Matt’s words replayed in my mind. “Do you still love her?” I always loved Y/N, but did I LOVE LOVE her? For the first time in a long time, the both of us were single. Y/N was the first person to know about my divorce, and her reaction was similar to Matt’s. I wanted to protect her, help her raise her daughter, I wanted her, I needed her, I wanted to be with her forever, I loved her and I hate myself for not doing anything about it. For the past 17 years she has been in my life and for the past 17 years I have been in love with her. Instead, I ignored my feelings and got married to someone else to ignore my true feelings. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my mind going a million miles an hour. I was lost in my own thoughts, a text from Matt broke my trance. 
“Where are you?” he asked. Shit, how long had I been gone? I looked at the clock and saw it was almost two in the morning. I wanted to stay with Y/N but Matt wouldn't stop texting me. So I had no choice but to leave. 
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ircn-dad · 2 years
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i don't-
what in the house of sanity is happening.
1) Tony is not responsible for Wanda. She's an adult and she is responsible for HER SELF. Stop treating her like she's a baby who needs someone to cuddle her. But if we want to take a look on how he treated her sure... let's do it.
She didn't faced any consequences after Ultron. Who do you think made sure she wasn't arrested and imprisoned for the rest of her life? Pietro's Ghost? Tony took care of every avenger's reputation and payed for everyone. He let her stay in the compound AND when she was accused and people wanted to incriminate her he wanted her to stay safe in her house. Not a room with only a bed, a whole building with the man he loved. Just to protect her from hate.
But yeah, he's an horrible person.
idk if I should laugh or not at this... he literally made Peter's life safer because if he never met him Peter would still wearing that unsafe pajama fighting the crime. Or maybe not, he would directly be dead.
If we want to blame tony for bringing a child during a fight, then we are all dumb. THAT-WAS-NEVER-MEANT-TO-BE-A-FIGHT.
Peter just had to web Team Cap to make sure they didn't escape (AND THEN BECOMING CRIMINALS Y'ALL, TONY WAS SAVING THEM), it's not tony's fault if Steve didn't changed his mind. Was it kinda irresponsible? yes. He is a bad model because he brought a kid to Germania? no. Peter was already a superhero, Tony didn't make him one. And Peter was excited to be there, so I don't really know what's y'all problem.
In homecoming was he distant? yes, but because he needed time to heal. at the same time, he was always looking after Peter and always helped him when he needed it the most. He just wanted Peter to be safe and to be just a friendly spiderman. Y'all wanted Peter to be like Raimi!Peter but when Tony also wanted that, you get angry. Ok.
I won't speak about infinity war and endgame because all he did during that movies was to care about Peter, protect him and save him from death. But yes, sure, he's abusive.
3) Harley.
Have we watched the movies or...
Let me start with saying Harley didn't need Tony like Peter needed him. Harley had a mother and a sister, what should have Tony done? Staying with him and leaving everything behind? let me remind you that he HAD to leave him, or, y'know, not a big deal, Aldrich would have won. Also, we're all forgetting how Tony payed for Harley's house and his little sister's watch. Yeah he didn't care about him either.
Second thing. Did you watch endgame funeral? Harley was invited. Pepper would never invite a kid tony met ten years earlier. they must stayed in contact during the time. But no, let's say he's a bad model because he didn't adopted a kid who he just met and who already had a mother and a sister.
Was the comment about being a pus*y kinda cruel? Yes. But it's a joke. J-O-K-E. And it doesn't look like Harley was crying because of this. Just because he made some jokes, he gets hate. Okay.
4) This one is the worst.
Y'know, I can almost see why you can say the first three things. Almost. Because you only saw what's bad about their relationships, okay.
But on this one I don't really understand.
Every interaction they had was showing how much tony cared for the kid. You're saying pepper had to take care of her, but we didn't even see a scene of them before the funeral. Tony was a Caring and lovely father, not like his own father. Morgan loved her dad, she didn't act like a kid around an absent father and I myself have an absent father since I was born and I never acted like that with him. He treated her like a princess, and he was ready to not help everyone because he didn't want to risk his daughter's life.
Are we watching the same movies or
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
toni i am absolutely smashed rn and saw that u said we could rant in your inbox so here we go it will just be me gushing about how absolutely cool you are like ur account was one of the first i ever found after returning to tumblr since like 2015 and it’s really cool and you write so well and i’m GOBSMACKED that someone like you exists. hello?? beautiful. sunshine. stunning. the highlight of my day seein those lil toni drabbles on my page. embarrassing enoigh i was talking about cod with some irl friends and now we all read ur shit like a lil gaggle of groupies ha ha good stuff mwah never stop being so FREAKING cool (please accemt my proposal, i have ring pops you can have the green one it’s the best) also for the sake of sober me shhh pretend this never happened ok hve AN AMAZING!!! Day night morning evening afternoon.
peace, love, kyle garrick is so freaking sexy,
take this simon art
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sorry i scribbled out my oc ok i’m SORRY remember to hydrate and continue on being FREAKING beautiful 🥰🥰🥰💖
idk how to delete that man i’m so sorry i figured out how to delete that last image it was a picture of an apple if you wanted context maybe i should add it back okay no i won’t
anyway sometimes i think about how badly i want biblically accurate ghost to love me and then i think about how i would probably cry if he breathed on me and then gag the second man starts cookin shit like beans on toast?? the fuck is that.
over and up and out,
elle aka elle
i don't remember the last time i had a ring pop but i'll accept it so long we get eloped i don't want a big ol thing but if we dont go to herculaneum then our marriage will be nulled faster than kim k's with that big brute from the NBA.
kyle is so freaking sexy i agree. i don't use that word cuz it gives me the heebies but for you, since youre one drink/edible away from gazing upon a biblically accurate angel in the flesh. feathers? eyes??? he's A CRAZY SEXY BABE and i'd let him stalk me :}
and i also think about BA!simon a lot.
lmfaooooooo beans on toast comment has me screaming
and you're SO real for scarring him up. i need simon with jagged scars that have puckered edges and some of them pull some skin taut and--
you get my picture. that man is simply grotesque and it makes him all that more alluring. like yes king, tell me all about how you got those scars.
+ his like resting bitch face is what i'm here for.
incredible art wish i had that kind of talent but alas all im good at is getting bruised like a peach and throwing my arse in a circle for fictional men 😔
drink your water or you're gonna have one killer headache lmao.
all blues with no clues,
toni ❤️
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thebaileybugle · 2 years
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Pairing: L. Jethro Gibbs x reader
Warning(s): Anxiety/Panic attack, loss of breath, language
Request: Can get Gibbs/Reader where the reader is having an anxiety/panic attack, and is shaking violently and is having a hard time breathing/catching her breath and then starts to cry, and Gibbs notices and helps her, then ends taking her back to his place.
A/N: Let me know how I did, I really love this idea and though I’ve had many anxiety attacks in the past, I always have trouble explain how I feel and what’s going on in my pov in that moment
It was your fault, it had to be your fault.
You were to cover Tony as he ran into the warehouse but a guy none of you anticipated to be there came out of nowhere and shot him before you could even react. And now your friend and co-worker was in surgery as the doctors slaved away to try and save his life.
Gibbs, Ducky and the rest of your team did everything to reassure you that none of what happened was out of your control but at that point nothing could make your mind come around to that conclusion.
The team had gone to take a walk to distract themselves, but since you were sitting in your chair almost lifeless, Gibbs decided to stay to keep an eye on you.
He was about ready to doze off from the uncomfortable two days he hadn’t sleep. (You told him to he and he refused like the stubborn marine he is). Though he was jolted back to full consciousness when he heard a sudden quiet whisper.
It’s my fault. It’s my fault. He wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. I should have triple checked. I should have- I should’ve-
“Y/N?” You didn’t hear him through your numbing thoughts. Though you did feel a welcomed comforting warmth on your shoulder.
It should’ve been me.
“The hell.” The silver headed man murmured from the seat next to yours.
Your hair was disheveled from running you hand through it, the lightly applied make up gone, and your eyes hung like three milk jugs in a grocery bag.
It pained him to see you like this. To see you so deep in pain and regret. He wished he could take it off of you, your shoulders, your mind.
He stood from his seat and crouched down in front of you to match your eye level. And from his proximity he could hear the words that feel from your lips in a silent whisper.
Why didn’t I do more? Why couldn’t it be me? It’s my fault. All my fault.
Your words didn’t entirely shock him. He’s been been in your place multiple times but to see you in it knocked the wind out of his chest, and not like the first time he saw you on your first day as an Agent.
“Hey.” Gibbs tried to bring you out of your trance in a soft tone. Though when he saw that you didn’t hear, he place his hands on your shoulders. “Hey!” He called to you a little louder which made your eyes open.
Though when they did, you couldn’t look at him, your mind was racing too fast. Your eyes bounced from everything in the room except your boss who was inwardly more panicked than you.
“I should’ve- what if Tony- he could-“ Your breathing was jagged which cut your sentences. It also didn’t help with the fact that your mind was moving faster than a jaguar hunting it’s prey.
“Ok I’m gonna need full sentences from you sweets or else we’re not gonna get anywhere.” He brushed your hair covering your face and tucked it behind your ear. “Look at me Y/N, please.” He softly pleaded. You took in a large and and held a blink for a few seconds before exhaling and opening your eyes once more.
You were instantly met with the other piercing crystal blue gaze of Gibbs that held a comforting warmth. The feeling of his gaze holding yours brought your nerves and spiraling thought to a slow stop.
“I got ya?” You nodded. “I need words, Y/N, come on.”
“I’m here, you have me. I’m… ok.”
“Good.” He leaned up a bit and kissed your forehead before meeting your eye level once more. “He’s going to be fine. Might be in a bit of pain for a few, but what haven’t we faced so far? Now, nothing I say will change your mind about this not being your fault- even if it isn’t. You have to come to that conclusion yourself, but even if you don’t, I and the rest will be here to talk about it.”
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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