#tony Tony chopper
themetalhiro · 2 days
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If he had any.
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zoolitsky · 1 day
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This is a kinda old comic I made a while ago, but I still wanted to share! Sanji is so pathetic he is a walking disaster I love him so much…
(Also ignore the fact he wouldn’t realistically be worried about smoking, we all know his lungs are decaying and he doesn’t actually care)
Can be seen as any ship!! Not gonna say who I was thinking of when making it but if you know me you can probably guess lol
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invizz · 2 days
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chopper says its okay to be sad 💛
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s0lemnhypn0s · 2 days
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hey guys. its me. the devil. im back.
i spent like a day and a half on this.
bone apple teeth bon queef the kief osteoporosis etc
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straws9654 · 2 days
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Skypiea redraw !!
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sunnixsunshine · 2 days
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Wouldn’t it be devastating if Sanji lost his leg in a fight and Chopper couldn’t save it? Wouldn’t it be gut wrenching for Sanji to lay bed rotting for a month in a pit of depression because now he feels like a useless burden to the crew? Because every time he’d hypothesize this exact scenario he was always so sure he’d be calm, he’s adjust quickly, he would be so sure of himself—but it’s the complete opposite when the imagination becomes reality. He’s lost and he doesn’t know what to do….
+ pose practice and Zosan while I play around with this style more lol 😜
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hannahspoonsart · 23 hours
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Mindless doodles accidentally turned into a shapes exercise
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xjokesonux · 2 days
I'll draw the other guys eventually...
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every-chopper · 2 days
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maniaemagna · 21 hours
Chopper: So you hate men...?
Sanji: Yes! They don't compare to women.
Chopper: So you hate being a man?
Sanji: ...
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zoolitsky · 11 hours
One Piece Doodles from last night 🤯🤯🤯
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Brook singing Chopper to sleep hehe
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Sanji crying (it got desaturated for some reason but yayaya I love making my boy suffer!!!)
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keenzinemugstudent · 2 days
Trafalgar Law x Black reader. Let me mend your broken heart. (WARNING THIS IS LONG 😭 I'M SORRY)
You had feelings for your best friend Ace but he gets together with your stepsister Vivi Main while her ex-boyfriend Law sees this as a win-win situation. ⚠️ warning Angst, rejecte⚠️
Everyone is in University
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You were in your room lying on your bed staring up at the ceiling, you feel your phone vibrate but you don't bother to pick it up, you already knew who it was, you just didn't want to answer, you just wanted to be left alone why didn't anyone understand that?
you look at the stuffed teddy bear that you got from Ace and throw it across the room near the trashcan hiding your face in your pillow.
"Y/n come on you're going to be late for work!"
Speak of the devil herself. You get out of bed opening the door, There stood your stepsister Vivi looking at you with a frown on her face.
"Vivi I took the day off why are you knocking on my door?"
"Oh well I wanted to see if you were feeling okay."
"I'm fine."
"You sure? Because Nami said you haven't been answering your phone and everyone was kind of worried?" You let out a tired groan.
"My phone was off didn't want to be bothered today." You say hoping she'd leave you alone but she just stood there still staring at you with a frown.
"You know if something is bothering you-"
"Like I said before I'm fine Vivi! So just leave me alone already damn it!"
She flinched at the tone in your voice, before she could say anything you closed the door in her face leaning on the door and letting out a loud sigh.
" Great now you've done it she's probably already texting Mom and telling her that I yelled at her for no reason."
You glance at your mirror and there is a picture of you and Ace at the fair making you feel sad all over again, there is a reason why you didn't want to answer any of your phone calls from your friends or from Ace
You stare at Ace who has a big grin on his face with a blush.
"I asked out Vivi isn't that great?"
When...when did you even-?
"After I got off work I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes I was surprised that she'd even consider a guy like me!
You just stare at him like not know how to process this information the feel your whole world go crashing down
"Y/n? Hey, you okay?"
"Uh yeah, I'm sorry but when did you even start liking Vivi?"
"I've kind of always liked her when she first moved into your place but I was too scared to really say anything."
Okay, that just made you feel even worse he's liked her since we were kids? When you first met Vivi and her dad, she was 14, you were 12 and Ace was 13 during those whole years growing up Ace never showed any interest in liking her at all at least that's what I thought.
"Does anyone else know?"
"Huh? Oh well, I guess everyone knows I told Marco, Sabo, and Luffy who then probably told his friends."
"And when was this? "
He looked at you with a nervous look on his face.
Monday?! So last week?!
I got up from the table Ace looked at you concerned.
"I'm sorry Ace I just remembered something really important came up I got to go oh uh but congrats on your new relationship!"
You give a thumbs up with a forced smile and speed walking out of the cafe he calls out to you but you are already out the door when you are out of sight of the cafe you hide in an ally way holding your chest and trying to breathe that's when the tears started to fall down your face the worse part it started to rain.
End Flashback
Maybe if you would have told him your feelings sooner but then again this was you vs Vivi we were talking about here. She was beautiful while you were just plain and boring, Nami said you were pretty too even the guys would say you were cute and any guy would like to have you as their girlfriend, pretty sure they just said all that to make you feel better. Even your own mom would boast about how great, smart, and beautiful Vivi was it would always hurt your feelings a bit because she made it clear she would wish Vivi was her real daughter instead of you she never said it but she sure as hell didn't try to hide.
"Hey! Y/n!"
You turn to see Nami running towards you with a really pissed-off look on her face if you got a closer look you could steam coming out of her ears.
"You idiot why the hell didn't you answer your phone?!
"Sorry, my phone wasn't working."
"For five days?! Bullshit!" She says stumping her foot on the ground you frown as people pass by seeing the two of us yelling some even whispered making you embarrassed.
"Okay, okay I'm sorry Nami look I didn't get any sleep last night and I'm here now so please let's just forget about it."
she didn't like that reply and grabbed your shoulders shaking you back and forth and making you dizzy.
"Forget? Are you kidding?! You hade us all worried and don't get me started on Ace-!"
"Not now Sanji I need to hey where'd she go?!" She stared at the spot you were standing in and noticed that you were gone.
"Y/N!!!!!!" People backed away from fear as the ginger was surrounded by fire she was pissed
((Now back to you))
You ran into a classroom hiding from the raging ginger-haired woman who definitely would kill you if she found you. As much as you loved Nami she was scary as hell when angered!
"I should have stayed my ass at home." You say not noticing the other person in the room until they spoke.
"Me and you both..."
you turn your head and see a man wearing a fur hat and a uniform sitting at the front desk holding a medical book your eyes widen when you realize who it is.
Yep that right people the one and only Trafalgar Law another University student who you've seen around campus a couple of times but you also knew him as Vivi's ex-boyfriend.
"Hi." You gave an awkward wave still sitting on the floor.
"Let me guess hiding from your friends?
"Yeah, I kind of pissed one of them off sorry for interrupting."
"I haven't seen you on campus or at the music store, everything good?"
"Oh uh yeah just need to take a break from everything ya know? Wait how did you know I worked at the music store?" You didn't even think he would even notice you not show up to class let alone at your job. Hell, how did he know where you work?! He just gives you a shrug getting up from his sit walking towards you.
"I've passed by there a couple of times on my way home from the hospital."
"Oh, that makes sense!" You stood up dusting yourself off trying to look halfway decent.
I'd forgotten he worked at the hospital which is a couple of blocks away from your job Law had a name for himself at the hospital and on-campus people called him the surgeon of death which was pretty cool you didn't understand why Vivi broke up with him he was smart, cool and pretty hot if I do say so for myself. I mean the dude was tall had tattoos on his chest and arms pierced ears and a tan he also had bags under his eyes probably from lack of sleep but he was cute.
"Ah, so my reputation has reached that far huh?"
"Oh yeah! Luffy wouldn't stop talking about how awesome you were helping his grandpa at the hospital pretty impressive."
"Thanks even though you're not the first person to say that it's nice to hear it from you Y/n ya."
You feel your cheeks get warm at his comment which causes him to smirk at your flustered expression.
"W-well it's just I always thought you were pretty cool!"
"Oh really? Was that before or after I was dating your stepsister?" He asks leaning on the wall next to you you look at him surprised a bit that he didn't refer to Vivi as your sister like everyone else does even Ace does it he tries to get you to warm up to the idea of Vivi being your sister but you just really all up to it you respected her sure but you didn't see her as a sister.
"Before. Honestly, I was surprised that she broke up with you I mean you're a doctor for God's sake, and...." You glance up at him his grey eyes already looking at you.
"You're...kind of attractive."
You shyly look at the ground trying not to let him see how flustered you were he just gave a chuckle.
"Well thanks and don't worry you're not the first to say that, my friends also said the same thing but I didn't really care that much to be honest."
"What do you mean?"
"We only went out for 3 weeks it was fun but we weren't that serious."
"Huh but weren't you the one who asked her out?" He gave you a confused look crossing his arms.
"No, she actually asked me out."
He let out a scoff getting closer to the point where you could feel the warmth coming off him.
"I want to ask you something."
"Well I'll be stuck here for a while so ask away!"
"Is the reason why you just disappeared off the face of the earth because of fire fist right?" You flinch at the question and glare at him.
"No and last I check my relationship with Ace is none of your business."
he held up his hands in defense backward a bit.
"What do you know about me and Ace anyway?"
"I know you've had feelings for him for a while and now his dating Vivi."
Your face went from anger to embarrassment looking away from him he then gave a sigh.
"I don't blame you though when I found out I was kind of annoyed." You looked back at him confused.
"Why would you be annoyed? I thought you said it wasn't that serious so why do you care about who she dates?"
"You're right if it was anyone else I wouldn't have a problem with it but because she's with Fire fist knowing your feelings for him puts me in a bad mood."
He stepped closer now into your personal space, what he did next made you freeze. He moved his hand up and touched your cheek moving a braid from your face to see your eyes which were still puffy from crying all week.
"You shouldn't be crying over that idiot."
You didn't say anything but look at him feeling your heart beating fast he was making you feel nervous and his hand touching you didn't make it any better.
"Instead of wasting your time on him, you should find someone more suitable."
"Oh and who do you suggest Mr surgeon of Death?" You ask him in a mocking tone to cover up uneasiness. He looks into your eyes his thumb rubs your cheek leaning down a bit to the point both your noses touch my eyes widen thinking he is going to kiss me but he just backs away from you walking back to his desk to pick up his bag and books.
"After classes are over me meet me at th front gate yeah?"
all you could do was nod your head face still on face, he give a smirk walking passed you. Leaving you standing there like a statue.
What the hell was that?!?!
The whole day you couldn't get what happened out of your head. Why did he do that? Why did he touch my cheek? Was...was he flirting with me? No way!
"Y/n? Hey, pea for brains answer me!"
"Is she dead?"
"What? No, she's probably just exhausted!"
"Maybe she needs meat?"
"Luffy not everyone is a greedy glutton like you!!"
you felt someone flick your forehead making you snap out of your thoughts you looked up to see Luffy and Zorro standing in front of you.
"Finally the princess awakes from her slumber."
"Yeah, you were really out of it Y/n!"
Luffy wrapped his arms around you in a hug you just pat his head. You always thought of Luffy as a little brother and always used to babysit him when Ace and Sabo couldn't he even called you big sis once in a while. So he was probably bored that you weren't around to play with him or give him food.
"Sorry just haven't been getting any sleep."
Zoro gave you a frown arms crossed.
"That's why you didn't show up for the last couple of days?"
You nod
"Or answer any of our calls?"
Again you give a nod not looking him in the eye, he gives an annoyed sigh making you look at him he holds his head in his hand.
"Hey Luffy? Sanji said he had food waiting for you."
With that Luffy ran out of the room leaving you and the green-haired man alone he sat down next to you.
"I didn't want to say anything in front of Luffy but is this because of the whole Ace and Vivi thing?"
You hesitated but gave a nod no point in lying to Zoro of all people he could read you like a book.
"Geez Y/n I knew you were upset but-"
"I'm fine really it's just I'm still not sure how I didn't see it. "
"And you're upset we didn't tell you?"
"Maybe a little? I mean I know it's partially my fault too for not confessing my feelings sooner but it just had to be Vivi of all people like seriously?!"
"Yeah I was a little surprised too "
"So we good?" He looks back at you bumping against your shoulder you give a grin.
"Yeah just need a bit of space for a bit." He give a nod understanding he let out a yawn getting up from his seat.
"Okay, fair enough but fair warning Nami is still very pissed."
That made me shiver in fear of the image of Nami rage coming your way.
By the end of the day you turned and felt your heart drop to your stomach there at the gate stood Ace who was laughing and grinning at Vivi who stood there blushing with a smile on her face holding his arm tightly. You debating on walking towards them or trying to walk past them but then Ace would probably try to bomb you with multiple questions on why you didn't answer any of his texts or calls or why it didn't show up on campus you honestly did not want to deal with any of that today before you can turn around and head back the other way you heard someone called me for you.
"Oi! Y/n ya!"
You turn to see Law standing there waving his hand at you, you glance and see your friends (the straw hat crew Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, Nami, and Luffy) looking at you as well as the happy new couple. You nervously speed walk over to Law holding your books in your chest.
"Ready to go?"
"Uh, where are we going exactly?"
"You'll find out when we get there.
"Wow, what a subtle answer."
He noticed your hesitation it looked back behind you raising an eyebrow.
"Or would you rather be here and get a ride from the lovely couple?"
"Bike ride on the death trap it is then!"
You took the helmet out of his hand put it on then got on wrapping your arms around his waist. You stared back and you saw Vivi's confused and red face possibly from anger, your friends were also shocked but Ace's face looked lost and his mouth was open. That was the last thing you saw before Law sped off in an unknown direction far away from campus, away from your friends. The whole time he was going fast making you hold onto him tighter he glanced over at you.
"Alright then just try to hang on tight okay?"
You give a nod holding him tightly with eyes closed, you could have sworn you heard him give a small laugh over the wind. An hour went by before you knew it you were at the beach.
"You brought me to the beach?"
"Seemed like a great idea at the time." He helps you off the bike holding your hand you can't help but notice how warm his hand is or how much bigger they are compared to your own.
"Want some ice cream?"
"I didn't bring any money with me."
"I'm paying don't worry."
We got some ice cream and talked for a bit it was nice to clear your mind of everything and the ice cream was so good it was sweet of him to take you here but couldn't help but wonder why? I mean this is Law we are talking about here he's not nice for no reason right?
"How you feeling?"
"I'm okay, thank you for bringing me here, it was really sweet of you Law." You smile at him he gives a hmm looking to the side so you won't see him blush.
"I'm glad I could help but there's actually a reason why I wanted to bring you here."
We stopped by the shore you could hear the waves and feel the wind on your cheek it was nice.
"I have something to confess." You turn to look at him and he looks a bit nervous?
"Is everything okay Law?"
"Yeah just I know this is gonna sound a little bit weird but..." He rubs the back of his neck not looking at you he was silent for a couple of minutes before clearing his throat.
"Y/n I like you, will you go out with me?" You stood there silently blinking up at him.
"Huh? Huh?!?!
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"I'm guessing you weren't expecting that?"
"Of course I wasn't expecting that!" You stared up at him face flustered from his bold confession, like come on what kind of guy asks out his ex-girlfriend's step-sister? It's like I'm in a TV drama or something!
"Yeah, sorry guess that was stupid."
"Oh no no of course It's not stupid! It's just a bit of a surprise!" You rub your arm looking down at the ground face getting even more warm than before this was a lot to handle.
"We don't have to go out right this moment but I want to get to know more about you, if that's okay with you?" He took off his hat so you could get a better look at his face he had a soft expression and a look of determination, your heart was beating fast from this like super fast, were you having a heart attack? No of course not! But you didn't know what to say to him and besides it would be so awkward.
"You don't have to say yes...But I want you to know one thing." He took a step closer to you gently grasping your hand into his own.
"I'm not doing this because of Vivi. What I said before was true I don't care about her or who she dates."
"But...why? Why me of all people?"
"Because I like you Y/n, I know it's not much but please just give me a chance."
"I just don't know, don't get me wrong I'm flattered that you decided to confess your feelings but aren't you worried about what everyone else will say?" He let out a small laugh.
"I could give a damn about what they say but let me guess you're worried about what Vivi will say? Or is it because of Ace?" You frown at the mention of Ace.
"Ace is someone I care about and I know I may sound pathetic when I say this but I can't help but still like him."
"It's not pathetic. You have a right to feel that way, no one has the right to tell you otherwise." You couldn't help but give a tiny smile at his words.
"Though I'm still a bit upset about him and Vivi I have to accept the fact that he will never see me in that way."
"So I'm willing to accept your offer." You stared at him with a shy smile. He raised an eyebrow staring down at you with a smirk on his face.
"Oh really?"
You give a nod still holding his hand but this time having a tighter hold.
"Mmh I want to get to know more about you too Law, so please let's get to know each other okay?" He lifts up your hand to his lips and gives your knuckles a gentle kiss causing you to blush.
"Sounds good to me Y/n."
"Woah there boy you keep this up and I might pass out!"
"Don't worry sweetheart I'll take care of you I wouldn't be a good boyfriend or doctor if I let you pass out."
"B-Boyfriend?! Hey now I thought we were supposed to be taking things slow!"
"We are and I'll start by mending your broken heart."
Wow I guess I am now in a relationship with Trafalgar Law, oh boy something tells me this year is going to be crazy I just wonder how everyone's gonna react to this
(with the crew)
"Hey Nami?"
"What's up Usopp?"
"I bet you 50 bucks Law took Y/n on a date."
"Eh? Nah make it 200!"
"I don't have that much! I'm broke!"
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To be continued maybe? I honestly have a lot of fun writing this I kept having a lot of writer's block cuz of Life kicking me in the ass so I'm happy I was able to finish this it took me a couple of months but it's done I hope everyone who reaches liked it so far sorry if there's a couple of grammar and spelling mistakes
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one-idea · 1 day
Reverse Strawhats Master list
In a parallel universe where Ace meets Whitebeard early and much like Luffy and Shanks makes a promise (to one day surpass Whitebeard) when he sets out to sea he meets with Kuina, Nojiko, Kaya, Reiju, and many others. They go on the strawhat journey (with some twist and turns)
One day (maybe in the Wano fight maybe not) a devil fruit activates sending Luffy and the strawhats to this world. Allowing for Luffy and Ace to reunite, but also Robin and Olivia (her mom) Chopper and Dr. Hiriluk, Law and Rosinante and many more.
Official Fic
Part 1 East blue / Arabasta
Part 1/2 loguetown and copycats
Part 2 Olivia’s backstory/skypia/water7
Part 3 three years of growth. Target Luffy
Part 4 planning to get Luffy back. Crew Separated. Luffy’s time in impel down
Part 5 Thriller Bark and Yorki
Should Kuina get a second sword?
Kaya’s weapon
Kaya’s role on the crew
Possible backstories for Reiju
Reverse Strawhat crew relationships
Ace and the East Blue crew
East Blue crew’s relationship
ASL and AceDeuce plans
What about Sabo and Deuce?
More about Sabo and Deuce
What about Luffy and Ace’s fruits?
Dressrosa, the sun god, and ASL reunion
Sabo and Joyboy
AceDeuce and bounty posters
Garp and his role at Marineford
Rough draft of the reverse Strawhat crew meeting the Strawhats
Things to think through/still making decisions
What are their pirate names?
Help me name the crew?
What happens to Luffy’s strawhat?
Where is Luffy buried?
The original idea
Art of the the reverse Strawhats
Dr. Hiriluk’s reindeer design by @onepiece-treasurecove
All of the following designs are done by @majestick-posts-op
Kuina’s design
Nojiko’s design
Kaya’s design
Reiju’s design
East Blue crew’s barrel moment
Dr. Hiriluk’s design
Nico Olivia’s design
Iceberg’s design
Yorki’s design
Kuina’s design by @mangoesbread
My designs for this AU
Kaya - Syrup Village to Drum Island
My Kuina design
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wesleysniperking · 2 days
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Rough sketches of each Straw Hat from a modern day AU.
I’ll add Franky, Brook, and Jimbei soon.
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garbagechuteeee · 2 months
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his chiropractor
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