#too creepy for words
diana-andraste · 8 months
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Clown by Crafty Dogma
“A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid and very luminous...finely molded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy.” ― Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall of the House of Usher
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Fuck it! Funky Sun design dunno what i will do with him but the tape recorder is important!
This Sun is a little fucked up actually
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brucie-baby · 9 days
"if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more" is so fucking bruce it's unreal. the way he always knows what to say as succinctly as he can but the second emotions are involved, coherency is nowhere to be found. he says, "Bad form, we're going over that until you get it right," and he means, "I cannot bear to see you hurt and I need to protect you in the only way I know how; I love you." he says, "Take Robin with you," and he means, "I trust you with something far more important than my life; I love you." he says, "If you want to stay, I won't stop you," and he means "Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me; I love you, I love you, I love you."
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ruthytwoshakes · 6 months
holy freakshow I tototally forgot to show off my new epic fursona deisgng
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bask in her glory whyis this image so large
her name is Ruth becuausde my name is awesome and it stands for ruthless unstoppable terrorizing hellspawn . She’s 16 and wants to kill you but she can’t because she has braces and it hurts to bite. She glows in da dark because she’s really cool and her favorite food is caramel apple lollipops.
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Just comparing the drafts of these covers. 💚
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hamletthedane · 22 days
Day 963 of night terrors: all efforts to seduce the sleep paralysis demon have failed. I will now attempt to engage in theological dialogue with him instead.
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velvetjune · 6 months
that moment when saga fights against the darkness in her mind place and opens the door to leave and it starts to pan out—showing nothing but stars just like the Night Springs intro before she appears in the dark place’s new york. Traversing the void in between worlds just like her dad. cinema!!
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smaeemo · 2 months
What do you mean “Fantasy doesn’t count as real literature.” Great, Thanks. Have fun reading another white man complain about fincial issues and how women are “too promiscuous these days.” I’m going to go read a cool werewolf book, and guess what, it’s all a metaphor about racial inequites specifically via schooling as a result of colonialism. AND it has a cool map at the begininng. So suck it.
Also, even if I were rereading twilight, atleast im not pretending to enjoy myself reading catcher in the rye. I read 40 books last year, predominantly classics and basically? Not a single one was as interesting as Edward and Bella. 🤷
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queencaramilflinda · 2 years
Everyone during neverafter 15: oh my god these social interactions are going horribly they’re all doing so bad!
Me, neurodivergent and cannot read social cues: idk mostly these seem fine
#like… Pinocchio overshared for sure#but I didn’t think the rest of them were too bad? like they rolled poorly yes but the actual conversations went fine? I thought?#i at least didn’t think they were as bad as everyone else seems to think#like… with ylfa. when you are a young girl and you meet an older woman who is Like You and successful you are drawn to that#her questions didn’t seem invalid if a bit personal#like ‘how did this happen to u? how do u find the answers and the strength to be successful when your like this the way we are now?’#that was fair to ask! there was a moment before that where they even clocked eachother as beasts! and then ylfa asked about Pib#which seemed fine to me. like she was genuinely asking advice and she got shutdown with like a one word answer#I feel like la bête did worse in that interaction than ylfa did#none of the stuff with gerard was really his fault within that interaction. Brennan surprised Murph with the read the cards outloud thing#he handled it the best he could under the circumstances#Pib did great. Pinocchio overshared but his intentions and actual words were sweet! traumabonding!#Rosamund did great! she was kind and she said what she wanted like yeah! not too bad!#i don’t think Ally intended to actually put dirt in the cookies Brennan kind of pushed that and I don’t think a lot of what he said was bad#I think ally could’ve handled it better in the sense that they could’ve just told the truth and been vague abt the questions being abt#the book but the stuff about being so overly nice and a bit unnerving seemed like an accurate and not very offensive way of putting it#even before they knew about the nihilistic princess cabal stuff they thought rapunzel was creepy#cienna talks#neverafter
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charlieslowartsies · 2 years
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finished Ink Demon! I planned to have him share his page with Bendy’s on model form, but then I didn’t. They’re all the same Bendy tho!
Beast Bendy’s character sheet The Projectionist’s character sheet
(Make Believe series)
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luluwquidprocrow · 11 months
like a row of captured ghosts
kit snicket
2,568 words
Kit Snicket visits a house in the city.
for @asouefanworkevent's woevember day 2, the baudelaire mansion! featuring my enduring headcanon that the baudelaire mansion was previously the snicket mansion, and b+b get it when they marry lemony. i am 100% willing to admit it is Unlikely, however let us not forget kit saying “our families have always been close”, so, yknow
title from welcome home by radical face
Kit could get in if she wanted. She’d been given lockpicks expressly for the purpose, because the locks on the house were special, but she didn’t need them. She knew the statue in the back of the garden had a hairline crack in one of the hands – she didn’t remember which one, but it wasn’t as if there were many options – that, when pressure was applied, opened a brick in the patio. Under the brick was a lever. If one were to pull the lever, the little window in the hidden attic opened, roof shingles shifting out of the way, and one could wiggle themselves in, with enough effort. Her grandfather had put a number of clever little secrets in the house, and Kit had gone looking for them when she was very, very young, so she knew a decent amount of them. Few others did. 
(The lockpicks confirmed that. If they thought that was the only way someone could get into the house, Kit was not going to correct them. And there were worse things, weren’t there, than simple theft, things for which no real defense existed.) 
Night air bit at her ankles, her fingers, her neck. She wasn’t dressed nearly warm enough for November, having grabbed her blue spring jacket in her hurry, but the cold was of little concern to her. The mansion stood across the street, set back from the road, with that winding brick path up to the front doors, the maple trees scattering their leaves around the yard. It was in the heart of the city but in a place one would never know unless explicitly looked for – a turn off an erroneously marked dead end, then another, to an old avenue along a river with more trees than houses. Her grandparents had picked it on purpose. Presumably safe, but close enough. 
They had added to the windows. Neat, decorative ironwork, curled into hearts and vines. 
Kit put her hands in her pockets and crossed the street, her footsteps the only noise. 
The fence out front had been replaced as well. Kit’s grandmother had done most of the architecture, and Bernadette Snicket had favored a simplistic, practical style in her work, but the new fence matched the intricacy of the window grates. That just-too-big space in the bars a person could slide themselves through if they desired, that Kit had, years ago, when she’d – that was gone. Kit walked the length of the fence twice, considering. She couldn’t linger long. There was a light on in a downstairs window, glowing soft behind the drawn curtains. Kit could not put it past them to eventually see her. She walked down the sidewalk one more time, picking up her pace. There was no way around the fence. Climbing over it didn’t seem like an option. The points at the top of each iron bar looked sharp, glinting in a stray hit of light from the streetlamp over near Kit’s car. 
(Kit wondered how much was a choice – how much was a needed decision – how much was meant to erase. She couldn’t judge Beatrice and Bertrand for that. Not without damning herself, which Kit was not, overall, in the habit of doing.) 
Of course there was a sewer grate nearby, and of course Kit pushed it up soundlessly and slipped down inside. 
Her grandfather had three boxes – one Kit had already taken some years ago and given to Bertrand, for reasons better left unsaid. One had been given to Lemony. The third was still in the house and held a very specific map of the city. Headquarters wanted it, among other things. And if Kit came across one of those other things, she was at her liberty to take them. 
(She and Beatrice had argued, Kit remembered. The sewer was dark and icy, and Kit shivered hard, grinding her teeth together. They’d argued about those other things, and Kit had not been able to give Beatrice, or herself, a satisfactory answer. It was one of the last conversations they had, if not the last. Most likely the last, if Kit was honest. Beatrice had made it clear where she and Bertrand stood, and where Kit stood, and that it was no longer in the same place. And it never would be. 
Kit told herself over and over that she would never do it. There would always be another option, as long as Beatrice and Bertrand were alive to emphatically refuse. Right now, there was this option – Kit was going into the house. She was taking the box back. Nothing else. And the box wasn’t even going to headquarters. There were other plans for that box.) 
The box would be in the downstairs office, under a floorboard. Probably Bertrand’s office. The windows were one of the ones her grandmother had put the stained glass in, and shards of blue fell over the green floor when the sun sat just right in the sky. It was a good room for thinking, and Bertrand likely did a great deal of it there. Kit swallowed and hurried further through the sewers, past the names that didn’t matter, and started scanning the curved ceiling. If one knew where to look, there was a sloped hatch up there that led up into the passage between the house and 667 Dark Avenue. Kit would open the hatch, get inside, go into the house, and then leave the same way. And there it was. Tucked in a shadow, just waiting for her. Kit reached up for the wheel, ready to heave the door open. It was going to stick with so little use. 
The wheel turned easy under her hands. 
Kit jerked back, her whole body seizing up. Someone had been here. Someone who was not her. Someone who wasn’t just checking. Kit spun the wheel frantically and the hatch fell open. 
(She’d brought Olaf here. Her grandparents hadn’t cared who knew the location of their house, but their generation had been different, and Kit’s parents had stressed, when they could, the importance of keeping this secret. Her associates thought it was a safehouse, one they could never quite find the location of, and wrote off as another ruse. She’d driven Olaf, pointing out landmarks the whole way, because she’d thought – 
Kit was not foolish enough to think she’d get married. But Olaf was important to her, and she was foolish enough to think he’d stay important, and that when Lemony inevitably married Beatrice and they took the house, Olaf would be there too.
They crept in through the fence. Olaf chased her around the maple trees. Kit took him into the house through the font doors and showed him what her grandparents built. And he understood what the Snicket mansion meant, in the way he had to understand what the Count’s mansion meant. Some time later, Kit realized he had not. 
Olaf’s memory was shit, except where it mattered. Except in the things she wanted him to forget. He’d remember where this house was and it was only a matter of time before he – before anyone – got their hands on the Baudelaires.)
Kit hoisted herself up into the passageway. She tugged the hatch closed behind her, then felt around in the black for the dip in the center. Her fingers kept slipping, shaking, pushing into metal that wasn’t right, nicking her nails, her heart thudding faster and faster in her chest and rising to a crash in her ears – where was it? There. She found the button and jammed her thumb into it. The metal hissed as it sealed from the inside. It wasn’t enough, Kit knew. Nothing would ever be enough now. But it would have to do. 
She ran along the passageway, keeping one hand on the wall. It came to an abrupt end, and Kit had her hand ready to pull open the trap door into the office when her mouth went dry. She swallowed, and then did it again. Once more. She let the trap door fall open and climbed into the Baudelaire mansion. 
The office was dark, as expected. Bertrand kept his desk by the windows, because of course he would. Not because Kit’s grandfather had, but because Bertrand would obviously like the view. The bookcases still lined the walls, but the books must surely be different. Kit wondered what he kept there, but there was no time to get into it. She could see the strip of light hovering under the door. It was poetry, probably. He probably kept poetry. Fairy tales he read to his children. The chair at his desk was different than the one her grandfather had there, perfect for sitting in and telling stories. She turned and faced the wall.
The floorboard was in the far left corner, at the front of the room. Kit moved slowly, quietly, barely breathing. Bertrand had covered the whole floor with a thick, heavy carpet, so at least that was in her favor. She bent down, tugging the corner of the carpet up, and lifted the single loose floorboard. 
(She always wound up doing this, she thought, in a voice that sounded stunningly like Lemony’s, wry as he ever was. Sneaking into someplace to steal something important. At least now she had experience.) 
There it was. Just as it had always been, another secret waiting for its time. The small, jeweled box with the complicated lock with the code her grandfather had taught all three of them. Kit tucked it inside her jacket and replaced the floorboard. 
It hit her like a shot, her breath catching in her throat. The sewer hatch locked only from the inside. She couldn’t go back that way. She whirled around, clutching the lump in her jacket to her chest. The best way to leave – the closest way out – that was through the library, two rooms down, through the passageway in the wall and up to the hidden attic. But that meant leaving the room. Standing in the hallway. Walking to the library, unseen. 
(She did not have experience. That voice sounded like Jacques, if Jacques had ever been so straightforward in his disappointment. She had to get out of this house before she kept thinking.)
Kit waited. Listened. She couldn’t hear anything from here in the office. She went through the map of the ground floor in her head, the foyer at the front, into the parlor, the living room to the left, the kitchen to the back, the dining room to the right – the hallway behind the kitchen, with the office, the billiard room, the library. The left wall in the library, where the hidden door was. Conceivably, it was easy. Wasn’t it? 
She turned the door handle and left the office. 
The hallway was half-lit from the living room at the end of the hall. Now she could hear the phonograph, playing a jazz record she didn’t recognize. Beatrice and Bertrand had to be in there, and it was right across from the library. Unless they were in the library. Unless they were – Kit gave herself a shake. She wouldn’t know anything until she moved. She just had to move. She just had to move. Kit just had to move. 
She couldn’t see the green floors. Beatrice and Bertrand had rugs everywhere, in elegant red and ivory. Kit tiptoed over it, hesitating. Paintings hung in groups down the hallway, flowers and little portraits and framed children’s drawings, scribbles of the garden hung with the same care as the art. They must be Violet’s. The jazz record kept going. Kit’s grandmother had liked oil paintings of flowers. She’d had a few in the hallway herself in her time. 
(Katherine, Bernadette Snicket had said. 
No, Kit insisted. How old was she then? Four? Just Kit. And her grandmother had looked pleased, like Kit had passed a test. Everything was a test and always had been, tests she’d completed perfectly, and why did it hurt? How far had Kit gone down the hall? The box sat against her ribs like another heart, heavy. Everything ached, especially her jaw, clenched shut like her life depended on it. And it did. This life around her she wasn’t a part of anymore, this family, this safety, Kit’s life existing outside of this place, everything depended on Kit, on her walking out of here alone, back to her apartment. The whole series of events spooled out in front of her as a nightmare unraveling. Was she crying? Why was she crying?)
Kit took another step, then another. The library was one foot away on the right, a mile away, mere inches, an eternity. The passthrough to the living room on her left gaped open.
Bertrand hummed a bar of the jazz record. And then – 
“What’ve you got there?”
Kit froze.
“I knew I left it somewhere in here – ha! That book I was looking for, for Violet and Klaus.”
“You really want to do the cob, don’t you?” The smile was clear in his voice, and Kit pictured Bertrand leaning forward in his chair, his hand on his chin, gazing at Beatrice and bursting with delight. 
“I absolutely do! I get to do a fake death scene and everything. How many kids books are going to give me that kind of opportunity, Bertrand?” 
They were alone. Their voices were far enough into the room that they shouldn’t see her at the doorway. They joked like she remembered, exactly like she remembered. Did they joke like that with their children? Would they have joked like that with Lemony, here, like they used to? With her? Would Olaf have – would her grandparents – wasn’t Kit supposed to be here too, not because it was hers, that wasn’t what mattered, what mattered was – 
Kit held her breath and didn’t let it out until she’d slipped into the library, until she’d rushed to the wall, until she’d nearly slammed her hand into the door hidden in the dark wallpaper, until she was safe in the narrow passageway. She wanted to run, to keep running. But they’d hear her in the wall. She took it step by step with her chest burning, traveling up two floors to the hidden attic. There was the little window in the roof, waiting for Kit to wiggle her way out. She did. The climb over the roof and down the trellis was harder, with her whole body trembling, but she made it. 
She stumbled through the garden, racing over the brick path back to the road, to the fence – she shoved her heels into the ironwork, scrambling over it, the tip of a bar slicing into her calf and her palms. She slipped on the way down the other side and her hip met the sidewalk, pain skittering through her leg and up her side. Get up. Get up, Kit. And Kit did, back to her car across the street, into the driver’s side. 
Kit took long and deep breaths. In and out, until her head was back on straight, with the plan set right in her thoughts, as it was supposed to be. Everything was as it should be. She set the box down gently on the passenger seat. She did not look at the Baudelaire mansion. She would patch herself up later, when she had time. She took another breath and put the key in the ignition. 
She had to go back home.
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creepyscritches · 7 months
blood donating experiences/wisdom for your followers:
-if the bag isn't filled a certain amount like 15 minutes in then they stop the draw because the clotting stuff in the bag won't work right (was dehydrated and they used my weaker vein)
-menstrual cramps and post-blood donation is a really bad time. I saw spots and puked and fainted and had to sign a waiver because I didn't want them to call an ambulance
-a dedicated blood donor center is kept pretty cold. Trying to recover from donation when it's warm is also a really bad time (Texas summer afternoon sunshine) BUT most places have those cool instant ice packs that you snap to activate
-ideally they'll have TVs playing a cooking show otherwise use your free hand to explore the internet
-there are actually lots of little in-chair exercises you can do while donating to help prevent those post-donation episodes! Lots of flexing and stretching of your leg muscles, and most clinics have a handout explaining the exercises
-nutter butters are the elite choice of post-donation snack AND red powerade if they have it
-for all the kinda scary things I just said I'm still a regular donor (O pos!) and really proud to have donated a lot of blood in my life and would highly recommend it to anyone able to do so. I've only had post-donation incidents a handful of times, and the most important things you can do to prevent that are to hydrate aggressively and eat a good meal before you donate.
Thank you for sharing such great insight!! Blood donors are literally the lifeblood of healthcare!
I have never needed a transfusion, but I'm so glad so many step up to make sure there's supplies for everyone's first (or umpteenth) transfusion. ❤️ Looking forward to when I'm well enough to donate myself! Luckily I'm not barred forever, I just need to reach a point where I don't have antibody activity (maybe will happen, maybe not).
And YEAH nutter butters are the elite choice of snack in most situations!!!
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had another weird-ass dream last night and since this apparently a pattern now, there was a new rob design in it.
so it is with great honor that i now present to you all…
“robsune miku”
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(my boyfriend wanted miku to be saying this lol)
he (she?) actually called himself (herself??) that in the dream. no idea how my brain came up with that or why “robsune miku” was half dragon but okay. cool. thanks brain.
she (i’m just gonna say she cuz its miku) was actually pretty cool in the dream. i think i had to fight her at some point and she became fully dragon halfway through the fight. it was super kickass and i think she killed me
drawing this also reminded me of how much i like miku! what a marvel of engineering! how far we've come since the IBM 7094! and how poetic is it that when setting out to make a digital person, humanity first gave it a voice!
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flowerprintundies · 1 year
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Some recent niche Jeff media I consumed
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artichow · 10 months
I want to practice drawing kisses of any kind (sfw) so if you'd like pls send me ships or just characters you'd want me to draw exchanging a little smooch (can even be ocs of yours!!)
(I might take a long time getting to those requests because I have way too many wips already)
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fallen-hero7 · 2 months
people are fascinating
but my interest in people is usually seen as "creepy" and "intrusive" cause when I want to know people, I usually go for the wounds and then the normal, surface stuff. I like to know little fun facts too, like habits and thoughts and philosophies, beliefs and functioning-!
People truly are fascinating!! From a cis straight white rich man to a queer furry fella who's just vibing, everyone has such interesting things to say about their lives and their thoughts and the way they perceive the world, the way they perceive others and the way they perceive themselves!! I love to see from other's point of view, to converse with others and to get a good feel of what it is to be them. Humans truly are fascinating, and just so you know, there will always be someone out there who wants to know you :)
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