#top megatronus
crazylife1997 · 1 year
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(Megatronus+Soundwave→Orion Pax)
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
On one hand gladiator angst is nice and all
on the other hand little moments like the fucking merch and Soundwave & Megatronus having several different matches with each other (whether against each other or working together)
[Soundwave: going easy on Megatronus]
"Show that again but a little closer this time"
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
I have this idea that just kept me thinking. Buddy and TFP Soundwave are sparkmates/conjunx endura and Buddy almost has the same personality as Soundwave, being extremely silent and all that. Buddy probably has some kind of ability that gives them some form of sonic scream, and it would be so angsty if Buddy was an Autobot and they both had to fight.
This is an interesting concept and welcoming challenge.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Autobot with a sonic scream who's Conjunx is Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Romance, mentions of violence but nothing graphic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy met Soundwave as a fellow gladiator.
Soundwave had just gotten back from his battle and was trying to head to the infirmary when he nearly fell on top of Buddy.
Normally Buddy would have shoved him off, but he looked pitiful.
Buddy decided to take him to the med bay themselves.
This was the start of a beautiful relationship.
Buddy didn’t have access to see Soundwave’s battle due to their…abilities.
Buddy’s sonic scream.
Because of their ability, they were placed in special fights for the higher ups.
This meant they would have more access to the med bays and a bit laxer on free time.
Only because the fights were always against opponents that were like her or simply mutated bots that had lost their minds.
Buddy had the power of almost shutting down any bot if they screamed loud enough, that’s where the shock collars came in handy.
The shock collars were placed under the managers of the fights, whenever Buddy looked like they were going to use their scream they would use the collar effectively stopping Buddy from screaming.
That way the fights would go on for longer.
Buddy always finished off their opponents by the time limit.
This sold more tickets and raised prices on gambling mechs.
Soundwave and Megatronus often sneaked off to go see Buddy’s battles.
They absolutely despised these collars.
Buddy sitting on a med slab while Soundwave worked on trying to patch them up.
Megatronus was in the corner pacing.
Megatronus hitting the wall startling the other two.
“It’s not fair!”--Megatronus
Buddy looks sadly at their friend as Soundwave finishes his work and gently holds onto Buddy’s servo.
“That mech nearly got you killed for the sake of a couple more shanix!”--Megatronus
Buddy motions him to come closer.
Megatronus slowly comes to Buddy’s side.
Buddy attempts to hug the two mechs from where they were sitting.
Their optics looked at the two of them as if to say ‘everything’s going to be okay’.
Megatronus sighs a bit in defeat letting Buddy hug him while he patted their helm. Soundwave gladly joins the hug.
“I promise you Buddy, things are going to get better. And one day you will get to walk around without fear.”--Megatronus
Buddy just pats him on the back in reassurance.
Lucky for the three of them, the managers didn’t care where Buddy ended up if they were always accompanied by someone.
Now that Megatronus had risen the ranks, he could be trusted in keeping Buddy out of trouble and placed back home.
This made outings between the three a bit easier.
On their free days, Megatronus would often invite the two to go meet up with his archivist friend.
Orion Pax.
Buddy and Orion almost clicked instantly.
It bothered Soundwave a bit.
But he knew that Buddy wasn’t interested in him.
Soundwave looking at Buddy and Orion standing a bit too close for his like while looking at a data pad.
Megatronus taking a place by him.
“Is there something you like Soundwave?”--Megatronus
Soundwave just crossed his arms as Buddy broke out a smile at something Pax said.
Megatronus chuckling while patting sSoundwave on the back.
“You know there is no need to worry about Soundwave. They are just friends.”--Megatronus
Soundwave turns to him and points to Orion and back at him.
“Point taken.”--Megatronus
It was the night before he would pledge his oath of silence the two became Conjux Endura.
Buddy was so overjoyed they almost let out a scream, but they quickly clamped themselves shut.
Instead, they simply jumped into his arms and stayed there listening to his spark.
Soundwave simply held them close and didn’t let go.
Nothing changed much between them in front of others.
In private they were much more affectionate, just how they liked it.
There were some little arguments between the two concerning Orion and Megatron, but nothing escalated between them.
Buddy and Soundwave lying in the same berth together.
There is a slight space between the two.
Soundwave slowly reaches out to link one of his digits with theirs.
Buddy tightens the link a bit before looking at him.
Soundwave looks back.
Buddy closes the little space they had and throws their arm around Soundwave’s chassis pulling him close.
Soundwave returns the hug with the same force.
Buddy had their last fight on the day of the Senate meeting.
They wanted to come and support both of their friends, but the managers had booked them another fight that would be taking place as the meeting.
Soundwave wanted to be with Buddy now that he had much more freedom than they did, but Buddy insisted for him to at least give moral support for Megatron.
Soundwave regrets doing that now.
He followed Megatron out of the Senate trying to calm him down.
They had walked far away when they heard a sharp bang in the air.
The two of them followed the crowd of bystanders.
The crowd led its way to the arena.
The arena Buddy was supposed to fight in.
Megatron and Soundwave looking around the cratered arena.
The whole thing was nearly unrecognizable.
Soundwave was silently panicking a bit.
Megatron turns to the nearest mech.
“What happened here?!”--Megatron
“Some bot threw a bomb in the arena! The poor bots didn’t know what hit them.”—Random bot
Megatron pauses.
“Did they find the bodies?”--Megatron
The mech laughs bitterly.
“Find the bodies? There were pieces everywhere! The cleaning bots already went around cleaning the scraps, I recon they’re in the incinerator by now.”—Random bot
The mech leaves leaving Megatron stun,
Soundwave sways a bit after hearing the news.
Megatron quickly catches Soundwave and holds him up right.
Megatron can feel his frame shake.
He wants to cry out, shout, do something!
But for now, he needs to help Soundwave.
For Buddy.
Soundwave mourned in silence for years to come.
Megatron did mourn with him for a bit, but the war soon took a hold and Buddy was pushed to the back of his mind.
Now obviously Buddy was alive.
Buddy was in the arena when it was their time to go, except one of the managers told them that the scheduled match had been cancelled due to the rally in the Senate.
The manager also forgot to place the shock collar on again, Buddy kept quiet the whole time.
They would have to be transported back to the quarters before they could resume the match.
Buddy was a couple miles away from the arena when they heard the giant noise.
Buddy let out a yelp sending the transport vehicle flying into a nearby building.
Buddy quickly got out of there before the guards could figure out what went wrong.
They ran and ran until they reached the docks ports.
Buddy hadn’t gone to these docks before.
Curiosity took a hold, and they started looking around.
They were looking at some of the latest stasis pods when a horrible thought struck them.
Soundwave didn’t know where they were!
And the explosion!
He might have thought that Buddy might have been hurt.
They needed to get back now.
Before they could take a step back, something shoved them into the stasis pod.
The sudden movements activated the stasis pod and its launch sequence causing a now stasis Buddy to fly off into space.
Buddy would arrive on Earth a few thousands of years later.
But their pod hadn’t opened leaving Buddy still in stasis.
It would take another couple of years before the Autobots would stumble upon the mossy escape pod. They took the pod back to base since they weren’t sure if someone or something was inside. It would have been safer to open it with the right tools on base.
Buddy was just confused by everything around them.
 And why in the world was there a buff Orion Pax in front of them?!
Buddy slowly climbing out of the escape pod.
Optimus optics widen as he offers them his servo.
Buddy looks at the servo slowly taking it.
Buddy looks at him in freight and confusion.
“Hello old friend.”--Optimus
Buddy’s optics widen.
Buddy looks over to see Ratchet behind him.
Buddy reaches out to hug the old medic, slightly shaking.
Ratchet just holds them as Optimus stands behind them patting their back.
Buddy nearly breaks down in the med bay when they hear all the things that had happen since their supposed death.
What had happened in the chambers.
To Megatron.
To the Autobots and Decepticons.
To Cybertron.
To Soundwave.
After hearing what both sides stood for, Buddy with a heavy spark chose to side with the Autobots.
There was no way they would eradicate the organic life forms of this world or destroy this world.
They lost two homes already; they are not adding another to the list.
It takes some readjusting for Buddy to get used to the base.
Good news for them; the team was welcoming enough to help them adjust to their new surroundings.
The team did notice how quite Buddy was and assumed that they had voice box problem like Bumblebee.
Buddy carrying Raf in their servos.
“Hey Buddy!”--Miko
Buddy turns to Miko and Jack on the little ledge.
They put Raf down with them and tilt their helm.
“When are you going to tell us about how you lost your voice?”--Miko
Jack flicking Miko in the back of her head.
“Miko! That’s rude!”--Jack
Buddy grabs a data pad and begins tapping on it.
They give the data pad to Raf.
“You can read this stuff, right?”--Miko
“So-so, but I’ll give it a try.”--Raf
Raf adjusts his glasses and reads out loud.
“I can talk, but I shouldn’t. Bad things happen when I talk.”--Raf
“Wait so you could talk this entire time!?”--Smokescreen
Buddy jumps a bit at Smokescreens sudden presence.
The others join in.
“Of course, Buddy can talk. But its not recommended unless you want to have bleeding audials.”--Ratchet
Bumblebee winces a bit.
“What Ratchet means is that Buddy is an Outlier.”--Optimus
Most of the bots nod in understanding.
“What’s an Outlier?”--Jack
“They’re bots how have unique abilities when they are created.”--Arcee
“So, like superpowers!”--Miko
Buddy nods.
“What kind?”--Raf
Optimus looks at Buddy as if asking for permission.
Buddy nods in approval.
“As we have said before, Buddy was once a gladiator back on Cybertron. They were placed in a ‘special’ fighting arena for Outliers and mechs who had lost their minds from the pychpatches.”--Optimus
Buddy rubs their arm a little.
“They had the ability of sending their opponent flying, literally through the arena. A sonic screech was what they called it I believe.”--Ratchet
“They can not talk without something flying away or getting destroyed in the process.”--Optimus
“…and when were we going to let know on this?”--Wheeljack
“I sent it on the memo last week.”—Ultra Magnus
Wheeljack having a flashback of chucking it into the garbage.
“…I think I remember it now.”--Wheeljack
Buddy facepalms.
Per request Buddy asks to take on training and any covert missions.
They had a slight frame adjustment to not be as recognizable.
Optimus and Ratchet became their crutch while adjusting to everything. Being the only two mechs they knew from the past, Buddy quickly latched on to them like a lifeline.
It wasn’t until a mission gone wrong that Buddy let out a screech.
The Autobots were losing badly to the overwhelming reinforcements coming in. Buddy was called from the base to help in the fight, but even that didn’t do anything.
Buddy made one sign to the team.
‘Take cover.’
Lucky for the bots, they had time to get proper cover and turn off their audials.
Unluckily for the Vechicons who didn’t understand what was about to happen. They were sent flying through the air. Some crashed into boulders or trees.
Some had boulders and trees land on them.
Buddy had completely leveled the field from debris and plants.
Just a dirt crater was around them.
The bots tried to get Buddy back to the groundbridge before any con could make out Buddy was there.
The bots making it through the groundbrigde.
“That was…”--Bulkhead
Buddy looking down a bit.
Buddy looking up in surprise.
Smokescreen sling an arm around Buddy while Bulkhead and Wheeljack pat their back.
“Who know we had such a powerhouse on the team!”--Wheeljack
Buddy beams a bit a bit bashful from the attention.
“I’m telling you Prime we need them on the field more than the base.”--Bulkhead
Buddy starts fidgeting with their digits.
“That won’t happen as long as Soundwave is on Earth.”--Ratchet
Wheeljack turning serious.
“That Con do something to Buddy?”--Wheeljack
Optimus looks at Buddy for approval.
Buddy hesitates a bit before nodding and walks to their berthroom.
“Soundwave is their Conjunx.”--Optimus
“He’s their WHAT!”--Wheeljack
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Oh my god oh my god OHMY GOD
Megop in TFP, BUT. Hear me out! Orion only met Megatronus when he was already a gladiator. What if miners were still tiny? Still very smol and compact and food for getting in tight spaces in briefly opened energon veins?
When D-16 gets thrown into the gladiator pits, he gets granted a t-cog for the sake of more interesting combat. He grows and evolves and by the time he's on top and delivering speeches, he's the full size hulking warlord we know now? Orion meets him when Megatronus is nearly double his size.
Fast forward 4 million years onto earth, and something happens to Megatron. Relic? Rogue weapon? Starscream?? No idea! But the point is, he winds up back in his original, teeny tiny body, and Optimus just loses his mind from how cute he is. Whether or not Megatron's mind remains the same or reverted with him is up to you
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theforestghost · 2 months
As the title says, I need some help finding some fanfics I read a while ago that I just can’t seem to find again! I know I don’t have a lot of followers but if anyone can help with reblogging this to get it around I’d appreciate it!
There are three fanfics I’m currently looking for, all are MegOP centered.
First one has been found than you!
The second one is more IDW or Gen1 I think. Another AU and I can’t remember all of the details but I know it’s got Optimus being blind and seeing using his field. He saves a bunch of Decepticon sparklings, ends up a prisoner for them but all of the warframes love him because he’s basically their type with his personality. I remember him fighting Cyclonus in it as well in a friendly match.
Last one was either Prime or IDW, maybe a mix, but it had Orion getting lost in Kaon and captured by the mech in charge of the gladiator ring Megatronus is in but instead of fighting, he’s forced to act like a trophy on this mech’s lap basically and Megatronus basically kills the mech to save Orion or something like that. I remember he is at first offered to the gladiators as a prize but then either the mech in charge or one of the top gladiators joins in last minute to win Orion proving he was never going to be given to the others.
If you recognize any of these, I’d love to find them again! The second I remember being a rather short fic and the later I read not too long ago but can’t even remember if it was completed or not tbh. Thanks for looking!
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deecotan · 5 days
transformers one thots
Watched this movie last week since it premiered early in my country, so now that it already premiered in the US I decided to post my thoughts. Spoilers below
Brian Tyree Henry and Chris Hemsworth did a great job as D-16/Megatron and Orion/Optimus respectively. But I'm especially biased towards Henry because his performance is SO good. When D-16/Megatron gets emotional/passionate, I really felt that
The portrayal of D-16 and Orion's friendship is really great, which makes their divorce even more painful
Speaking of divorce, their divorce scene is so much WORSE than I thought it would be. Literally clutched my chest watching the whole scene because it was so good and so god damn devastating. D-16 in the brink of tears desperately holding Orion... and then turning into Megatron and letting him fall. I felt that pain in my CHEST
The parallel between D-16 turning into Megatron by taking Megatronus's T-Cog and Orion Pax turning into Optimus Prime by taking the Matrix of Leadership… absolute cinema. The soundtrack fucking slaps. Top ten divorce scene of all time
Sentinel is a fucking dick. I'm sure we all knew that already but they really nailed his assholery in this one
I didn't expect Shockwave to be so FUNNY. He only had a few lines but I laughed at almost every single one of them. The scene where Elita threatened him is my favorite oh my god he's so GOOFY
Speaking of Shocky, the fact that the Wavehusbands are together for like 80% of their screentime made me so happy like I don't care if they rarely interact with each other they're standing together and that's ENOUGH for me they're in LOVE (delulu)
JAZZ MY BOY. He and Bumblebee are going to be besties I just know it
Malewife Optimus and girlhusband Elita is canon sorry I don't make the rules
One ick that I have for the movie is that IMO the High Guard aka soon-to-be Decepticons aren't established quite enough. I guess I get it since there are time constraints and all but I wish they had more scenes that really explained who they are and how they arrived at their predicament at the moment of their first appearance, especially since their backstory as Sentinel's (and the original Primes!) allies is really interesting
So no cassette? (smashes phone)
I'm sure there's an analysis on how D-16/Megatron is portrayed here and how his origin stands compared to other incarnations of Megatron… One thing I note about his characterization is that, unlike Orion who already had his doubts about Sentinel, D-16 starts off blindly trusting and glorifying him like any other citizens. The one thing that sets him apart is probably his idolization of Megatronus & his friendship with Orion… with the latter subsequently becoming the indirect cause of him learning about Sentinel's lies. I think it's an interesting take of Megatron's character, being someone who started off as almost naive in a way instead of the one who had doubts in the first place (esp compared to IDW Megatron), and I'm sure there's someone out there who can comment on this better than me LOL so I'm just gonna wait for that
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mychlapci · 8 months
Orion pax stripper / slut era?
We have Ratchet’s slut era, and everybody loves the dear ol party ambulance, i’d suck his spike and say sorry if he begged for more.
But back to my baby orion pax. In multiple universes optimus has some slutty ass waist, him and Ratchet have known eachother for a lonng time. Tfp and bayverse have basically been competing on the daily for who’s prime has a sluttier waist, who would look better full of bitties, who’s matrix is more annoying. Blah blah blah.
The one thing they have in common is that the REASON of the sluttiest waist known to Cybertronian kind is that Orion Pax was a stripper.
Megatronus and his buddies walking into a club vaguely disguised as a bar in downtown kaon. Taken offguard to see the sweet, innocent and helpful Orion pax not hesitating to have his gorgeous, but quite small titties on display to an entire club of drunks, walking through crowds and he looks fabulous, each titty pierced through with tiny golden piercings in an X position, thin golden chains looping each corner, only his valve out and pierced with shiny, multicoloured piercings that glimmer separately when the club’s lighting changes colour or brightness, it puts some colouration to the greyish-blue mesh, a thick loop piercing through his node, dribbles of Lubricant rolling in thick beads down his thighs, it doesnt deter him because he knows he looks fabulous
He’s slipping round drunk mech and femme alike, ignoring groping hands as he moved with such fluidity. His armour was much slimmer then any of the gladiators remembered, despite how he’d saw them a little less then a week ago, biolights running up his stomach from his hips, ending at where his titties meet his chest, Absolutely covered head to toe in glitter, maybe some shanix tucked between the armour he does have on, showing how well his curves suit this job.
Megatronus and (probably) soundwave are even more surprised when it turns out he works here on weekends, completely sober and willing, One part is because he absolutely loves showing his frame off, the second part is so he can keep an eye on the biggest whore on Cybertron *cough cough* Ratchet *cough cough* so he doesn’t get himself kidnapped and drugged in an alley way, also it pays well and times are hard!
The matrix just seems to make everything worse but better at the same time, so its a win/win for Optimus.
oh my god yes. slut era Orion Pax should be talked about more. And slut era TFP Orion? So brave. But hey, I mean, if he's friends with the ol' party ambulance then they've gotta have something in common, and frequenting trashy clubs can absolutely be one of them!
Megatron and his gladiator buddies walk into a club and get hit with a full-face of Orion Pax titties. He's surprised to see them but ultimately, Orion's a professional. He gracefully sits up on their table, pretty hips propped up, and they can see the intricate, almost hypnotic patterns painted onto his soft, perky tits in great detail. Shy, polite Orion from the archives shifts a little on top of the table and they can see that his valve panel is open, the pretty piercings tempting Megatronus to just touch 'em and pull. Maybe then he'd get to see Orion blush, if being bared in a dark bar full of strangers won't.
Clearly he's enjoying himself too, his node twitching and valve wet, grinning dumbly when people call him over to tuck shanix into the inseams of his hip plating, groping his frame with reckless abandon. Orion just playfully shakes their hands off of him, and keeps moving through the club to entertain the rest of the horny drunks. 
Oron giving Megatronus a dance, all in good fun, but there's a hint of a flush on his face-plate as he rocks his hips, all of Megatronus' friends watching, staring, wanting to have a piece, rough, battle-worn hands itching to touch that soft, polished plating and give it a squeeze. Orion wouldn't let them. Megatronus wouldn't let them.
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rubypasha1 · 4 months
I’m going to be honest and say I had some bad experiences in the Transformers fandom. I wrote fics for it, admittedly very bad but they were my first. Had to learn somewhere. Thing is I enjoyed the writing, actually I loved it and it made me realize my passion for writing fiction.
But that didn’t stop the bad experiences. Mostly people. I won’t go into detail but for the love of god please don’t ask or encourage a 12 year old, who has clearly stated they are one, to write smut. And don’t send them very explicit, dead dove do not eat fics without at least staying “hey, there’s some messed up stuff in here so just be warned” instead of “Here’s some inspiration!” And constantly asking when smut will be written.
I swear Ao3 saved my creativity. I pretty completely left Wattpad after that, didn’t touch transformers content again till recently this year.
And I’ve made a decision. I’m going to write a transformers fic. Not now, only next year it’s my last year of school and stuff is hectic. But I’m going to write it. To prove to myself I can write a good transformers fic with good characterization. And a reader or oc that has a bit more depth.
Anywho, @ss-shitstorm fic “Breaking Bread” heavily inspired me and actually was the reason I got back into the Ttansforemrs fandom. I highly recommend it it’s one of my new top favorites and has a terrifying attention to detail. Great characterization, hilarious reader insert that’s basically a very stressed out certain magical princess who’s got a knack for science and baking. And a crazy dog. And sassy bird. Who likes Fluttershy. It’s amazing.
Did I mention there’s actual science stuff in it? Stochiometry my nemesis.
And it’s got me thinking about making my own. Maybe more of an oc fic but still written like ny other reader ones.
I’m thinking of doing one where a human is put in a cybertronian body, TFP universe. They have basic knowledge of TFP, watched it but couldn’t remember everything. But they knew enough. Definitely enough o know that cybertron being alive was before the war.
They’re placed in a cybertronian body before the deception uprising. Still around the time where Functionisin ruled and they were in a kind of ‘presenter’/‘video camera’ alt mode.
Except they have anxiety, often freeze up with a panic enduring lack of social skills driven from their natural personality and the fact they’re a human soul shoved into a metal body. Completely alone and forced to adapt to a society that bases value on an alt mode.
The were an artist while human and over time through constant stress and a lack of familiarity with materials on cybertronian, they loose their love of painting and creating art.
But it’s reignited. They find a underground club where mecs and Femmas of many alt modes come together to anonymously submit art ranging from poetry to music and more. And that’s when they find it, a piece of writing that captures their soul. Something so deep and beautiful they feel their own spark reigniting, and they try their hand at creating again. Even if small.
They keep going to the club, building up courage to place art pieces on view. They don’t get much attention, except for a mech who seems curious and stands beside them as they pick apart every little detail.
They talk for a bit. Share a few critics, nothing too crazy. Turns out he’s the one who wrote that lovely piece of writing that inspired them. They turn around, gasping and thanking him for creating something so inspiring-
Megatron stands before them.
Or rather, Megatronus.
The gladiator had just begun his days of battle in the arena but the end was inevitable, the reader knew who he was and fled in terror leaving a confused (and proud, it felt good to know his words inspired at least one person) Megatronus behind.
Readers in a panic, but it doesn’t end there. Their ‘job’ forces them to begin recording the gladiator fights, particularly the rising star Megatronus leading to the eventual meet up of the two again.
But it doesn’t stop there. Soundwave came soon after and, shockingly enough, Ratchet after some unfortunate events (who is far flirtier and leaves the reader thinking “Oh my god he’s so smooth but whyyyyy”)
And it gets worse. Megatronus clearly wishes to se ether atrworks, one of the few along with Soundwave who sees something more than just a waste of time or hobby.
A relationship is formed, tentive on the readers side. They see him and Soundwave less and less like the terrifying deceptions they would become but rather who stood before them. Mechs bashed by a cruel system, they’re creativity forced to writher in their sparks painfully, smothered by a need to fight for the entertainment of others or die by the claws of the system.
They care about them, they eventually realise in horror. And on an unfortunate night they broke down and revealed to Soundwave a horrible truth. War was coming, and they knew what he would become. What All of them would. They beg him, plead to not take things too far. Life was precious, organic or not and taking those of innocents . . .
Soundwave was an outlier himself, but he remained somewhat skeptical. It wa shard to not belive them, the raw emotions they displayed showcased fear and he was good at reading others frames.
The little cybertronian was odd, but intriguing. A friend he had grown to care for, to wish to protect as his closest companion Megatronus insisted, over time. But if there was truth to their words they must know things that could endanger all of cybertron. Soundwave didn’t see himself as a activist nor rebellious but even he couldn’t deny the waters were churning.
Things happen, yada yada yada, reader gets kidnapped and put into stasis just as the war starts and wakes up many years later to the face of a human child se knew very well from a certain TV series.
All out panic ensures
OR, the other fic idea:
Human wakes up as a vehicon . Says “nope”, tries to get away and accidentally becomes the leader of a vehicon rights movement.
The autobots it’s are confused, the decepticons are angry and the reader just wants to get some dogs or cats dammit.
Of course, a dog does gain interest in them. And by that I mean a terrifying metal dragon who decides this trembling little con would be the perfect way to help him attain details on how to resurrect his kin.
He is very mistaken. Reader can’t even be in the same room as one of the deception lieutenants without rattling like a tin can.
Honestly don’t know if it would be a Soundwave or Megatron x reader. Definitely will be friendship developing there. Maybe both? I’m a sucker for tall dark and creepy guys who have a soft spot for tiny
Second idea is just all the vehicons lining up to get names form reader. All very human ones. . “Bill” “John” Matthew” Thomas” “My names already Steve” “Jenny” “Bucket”
And Reader is just stressing cause they’re not running a rebellion or anything. They’re running a daycare for a bunch of guys who do not care about their own safety and lives at all and she constantly has to tell them, no you cannot go to the Autobits the will shoot you on site. No, wanting to sacrifice yourself isn’t a good idea- CANDICE GET AWAY FROM THE FRAGGING WRECKER GOD DAMMIT DO NONE OF YOH UAVE ANY WILL TO LIVE?
Chaos ensures
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fascinationex · 3 months
Having just written my tf fic idea post about Optimus Prime's desire to be rescued and overwhelmed by a being of Megatron's tremendous might, I am going to contemplate my own s1e26 thoughts that go along with that concept:
TFP Optimus would love to have Megatron take responsibility for his whole entire body so he can finally stop thinking about it. If Optimus trusted Megatron even in the most situational, transactional way, he would melt into a buttery puddle of "Oh, someone else can carry this weight," every time he saw him.
We actually do see this during their brief S1 team up! Which is why I mentioned that episode at the top of this post! He leaves Megatron tripping dark magic balls and fully armed right at his back while he goes to expose Unicron's spark to the matrix, and he doesn't even say anything about it. Megatron did not even need to BE there for that, right? He could have opened that door to Unicron's spark and stayed outside while Optimus Prime did his matrix magic inside. It would, in fact, have been more sensible for him to stay outside and join the fight with the embattled Autobots.
But instead, he stays, and Optimus says nothing. He just goes in and kneels there. And he knows Megatron is being influenced by the dark energon and therefore Unicron, right? But he still lets Megatron test his own willpower against, you know, the god of destruction that they both know is trying to control him.
He isn't even defending himself when Megatron walks up behind him with his giant sword bare on his arm. Optimus Prime doesn't even twitch about it!!!! He just either a) has absolute faith that Megatron's going to win that contest of wills, and will not cut him down, or b) recognises either outcome is possible and surrenders himself to Megatron's sword.
Obviously I like the reading where Optimus Prime has as much faith in Megatron as Megatron shows he has in Optimus when he keeps saying stuff like, "Optimus Prime... you never disappoint!" But either reading is honestly still great.
Also... No wonder Megatronus used to like Orion Pax so damn much. >_>;
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
I think TFP Soundwave is the most feral of the Soundwaves.
While he shares his other iterations of great competence and loyalty, this fucker was a full-blown gladiator in the Pits of Kaon. As well as the only other fighter to actually force Megatronus to a draw.
Similar to Megatron, he has flair for dramatic showmanship. Just look at the fights against Airachnid and Wheeljack. But where Megatron leaned into an aggressive and powerful persona, Soundwave did a different approach.
I think it was deliberate that his modern design invoked an otherworldly cryptid-like vibe. His lack of plating isn't a weakness. If anything, it's a taunt.
He leans into the creepy/horror factor. To the point that Ratchet described Soundwave as Cybertronian unlike any other. (But let's not forget that Ratchet, and the Autobots in general, have their own biases.) There was a Tumblr post analysis on how TFP Soundwave may have been mimicking a sparkeater's frame and behavior.
And that is what gives him a greater edge over the other Soundwaves. He purposely remodeled himself to act as a terrifying supernatural beast of yore. Soundwave is the Sparkeater to Megatron's Slagmaker.
It also says something about the environments that shaped both him and Megatron and the Decepticons as a whole, especially with the imprisonment scene where Soundwave basically went Fuck You to the Autobots and Bulkhead had thought he actually offed himself. It's that of perpetual brutality and violence.
No matter how charismatically affable and social TFP Megatron is, we also see he doesn't spare a rough hand upon his subordinates. Yes, he cares. But it's warped in a way that bridges the methods that formed his escape and rise to power and gets results. It isn't just physical violence. There's also emotional and psychological as well. (The Orion Pax arc, clawing over Knock Out's finish, Megatron and Bumblebee, Jack and Megatron, how the kids were kept in vials to trade for the Omega Lock, the attempt and taunts of "Gilded" Earth, and that's at the top of my head.)
They were shaped by it, and they continued it.
So I honestly think Soundwave would respect absolutely raw acts of savage violence. Someone tearing out a throat with their own teeth like an animal wouldn't induce horror and disguist. More like approval and appreciation that others aren't afraid to throw off their own fragile, cultured masks of civility to really get down to bare struts of what they are truly capable of.
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melishade · 4 months
Not sure if this was asked and you can answer it or not but: what would happen if Orion and megatronous met ymir in peaceful timeline?
This is a very interesting case with an actual stake.
Because while Optimus and Megatron in the main Peaceful Timeline don’t have to go back, Orion and Megatronus absolutely need to go back. The war is over for Optimus and Megatron, and they would want to live out their lives in peace protecting the family that they have built. However, Orion and Megatronus have people on Cybertron who need them and are worried about them and their safety making the decision harder to stay protect Ymir.
But let’s get into it.
So Orion and Megatronus would get sent to the AOT world 2,000 years ago. There probably wouldn’t be too many timeline shenanigans needed for everything to line up, since this is there younger years, but Cybertronians do live for a ridiculously long time.
How they get there, probably some shady shit Alpha Trion does. But they end up near the battlefield with Ymir in her Titan form. Orion and Megatronus are obviously trying to figure out what’s going on, but King Fritz spots them and orders Ymir to attack them. Megatronus has to push Orion out the way before engaging Ymir in combat. Meanwhile, Orion thinking that the Eldians are the enemy, tells the Marleyans to run for their lives.
During this debacle, Orion does manage to pick up on Ymir’s crying through her screams of rage. He ends up looking back at the battle to see Ymir attacking erratically while Megatronus is attacking with calculated precision and ease. Orion shouts for Megatronus to not kill Ymir, stating that something is wrong, which catches Megatronus off guard allowing Ymir to land a direct hit against him. Now it’s just her and Orion, and Orion is scrambling for his life, trying to appeal to her while the humans are screaming at them both. Ymir ends up grabbing Orion and tries to squeeze him, earning cheers from the Eldians and strangled cries from Orion.
And as Orion is getting crushed, he still here’s Ymir’s cries and sees tears streaming down her skull of a face. He pleads his case with her, saying he and Megatronus can help her and set her free. Ymir loosens her grip at that but Megatronus fries at her hand, forcing her to drop Orion and for Megatronus to catch him. Megatronus ends up pulling Orion out of the line of attack.
Orion is frantically saying that Ymir is a prisoner and they need to help her, but right now, Megatronus is seeing her as a combatant, especially since she attacked Orion. But Orion keeps insisting he hears her crying and begs for Megatronus to just listen. Megatronus is uncertain of this, what with the chaos going around and the Marleyans fighting the Eldians but he opens his spark and he listens. He does hear Ymir’s cries of pain and fear, and he also hears someone barking orders at her. Megatronus finds the noise and see King Fritz screaming at her to follow his commands. He sees the way Ymir flinches at him, despite her size and her might. Megatron hated how familiar that was. How it reminded him of the slave masters forcing the lower caste to do hard labor with force, or forcing them to fight in the gladiator arena. It angered him.
Megatronus merely leaves Orion and walks over to King Fritz, Ymir tries to attack but Megatronus merely shoots at Ymir’s arm without even looking. He continues walking towards the Eldians, towards Fritz. He notices, and is now afraid. He orders his men to protect him, and they try to, but their weapons merely bounce off of Megatronus and he crushes them through his walk without a second thought. Fritz tries to bark an order to Ymir just as Megatronus is right on top of him, but Orion gets her attention by gently cradling her massive face, requesting that she look away. Ymir listens to those kind hands and that gentle voice as Megatronus lifts his pride and crushes Fritz with it, getting his blood and guts everywhere. He steps on the remains one more time before sliding his pede across the ground, smearing his blood everywhere. The Eldians and even the Marleyans are shaking in fear at such a cold hearted act. Megatronus snaps his helm to the Eldians adorned in blue and says one word to them.
The Eldians scramble, and the Marleyans quickly run after them once they realize that Megatronus wasn’t going to do anything to them. Megatronus spots Orion still dangerously close to Ymir and bolts towards the both of them, grabbing Orion’s shoulder and pulling him back before aiming his blaster directly at her. Orion reasons with Megatronus that she’s no longer a threat. Megatronus challenges that. How is Orion so sure? They then see steam coming out of the back of the neck and see Ymir’s human form stumbling out of it. She ends up slipping and falling down, but Megatronus catches her on reflex. He’s a little bit weirded out at the sight of her, but he feels sympathy once she looks at him with tears in her eyes.
Helos ends up looking back as they chase the Eldians down and see Orion and Megatronus handling Ymir with such care. Orion ends up glancing back at Helos, and tells Megatronus they should go while they were distracted. Megatronus agrees and the two transform and drive off together, taking Ymir with them. (Note: that Megatronus’ previous alt mode before the war was a tank, or at the very least a ground vehicle.)
A few notes:
-The Marleyan take spin includes both Orion and Megatronus. Orion being the god of compassion while Megatronus is the god of war/justice, since he was the one who killed Fritz. Not Helos.
-If Optimus and Megatron have limited knowledge on humans, then oh boy, Orion and Megatronus don’t know jack shit! When Ymir shows signs of bringing pregnant, they don’t know what’s happening and Ymir doesn’t have a proper education so of course she doesn’t know how to properly explain. The best she can communicate is that she’s fine and that this is normal.
-Orion and Megatronus decide to take Ymir to refuge in an abandoned Cybertronian ship, since they don’t have holoforms and think that a place that could house all three of them is the better option. Obviously, it’s not comfortable for Ymir. She doesn’t have the proper clothes. She’s cold, she’s experiencing pregnancy pains.
-Also, because they don’t completely understand the importance of disguise, they end up coming across Solveig in their bipedal mode while she’s foraging. She’s surprised at the sight and thinks they are gods.
Orion: We’re not god.
Megatronus: Well-!
Orion: Megatronus!
Orion ends up asking Solveig for assistance and shows Ymir to her, and Solveig immediately gets to work checking up on her and giving her fresh plants that are safe for her to eat.
Solveig: God damn it how did you not know this?! How are you even born?!
Orion: Our souls come out of the ground to inhabit a body!
Solveig:…I take it back, you’re not gods. You’re idiots.
Megatronus: HEY!
Solveig basically take Ymir in and coaches Orion and Megatronus on human anatomy.
-There’s obvious concern between both Orion and Megatronus, considering that they have a revolution to return to. And they have no idea how to take care of Ymir. Honestly, if Solveig didn’t intervene and welcome her into her home, they might have accidentally killed her. Megatronus and Solveig do talk with Orion present, suggesting that she take care of Ymir while the two of them return home. Solveig calmly states it’s a bad idea, but Orion reluctantly lists out the reasons they can’t stay and how they could harm her. Solveig says to run it by Ymir and see her point, so they do, and Ymir immediately panics. She begs them not to leave her. Begs them to stay and that she’ll do anything in her weak and broken voice. She says she’ll help them fight, hearing them talk about their conflicts. She’ll work for them. She’ll do anything! Just don’t go!
Orion is doing his best to comfort her while Megatronus is stunned. They were so terrible at taking care of her but-! Solveig reminds Megatronus that they saved her. That can influence a lot of emotions.
-The village ultimately finds out about Orion and Megatronus and there is some worship.
(Okay that’s all I have for now.)
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has optimus ever been horribly sick before? (other than cybonic plague)
Short answer. Yes. I am primarily an angst writer, of course my dear blorbo has suffered from illness.
Before and during the war as a general rule, Optimus never really got sick. His health was always kept as a top priority while he served under Alpha Trion and he was swarmed by medics enough during the war to ensure most plague could not touch him. That said, there were two instances where he was ill that were worthy of note, one pre war and one during.
Back when he was not yet a Prime, Orion only travelled to secure locations if he travelled at all. He was an archivist, he did not go into the dark and gritty parts of Cybertron. If he made journeys, it was to other archives across Cybertron to collect and corroborate data. His firewalls and immune systems were specialized to handle the viruses found amongst the middle and high caste mecha. He could quite easily walk off a software attack, system glitches, and all sorts of other viruses intended to weaken the fine and sensitive parts of a mech. But the things that targeted hardware and the frame as a whole? He was not at all prepared for those when he made his trip down to Kaon for the first time.
He was so focused on speaking and coming to agreements with Megatronus that when his venting started to sputter and he felt cold, it came as quite a surprise. He tried to ignore it, being far too enthralled with speaking with the mech he had been looking up to that when he finally collapsed after attempting to get up, he was left in shock. Megatronus saw the signs of ventilation failure and thankfully booked Orion to the nearest medical center with Orion offering paperwork as needed to allow the gladiator to move as needed.
By the time Orion actually made it to the hospital, he was already beginning to suffer from full ventilation failure. He spent the next three cycles confined to a berth hooked up to both a heater and a set of ventilators. His frame was unable to regulate its own temperature as his immune system fought off the virus attacking his systems. It was its own form of agony and he could barely move without feeling as though he were cooking alive or being frozen to death. There was no comfortable middle for Orion Pax. Thankfully Megatronus came to visit him in the hospital after forcing his way in. The gladiator apologized for Orion's situation to which the archivist laughed. Orion should have known better than to visit a new city state without getting proper firewalls installed. He made that quite clear, and soon enough, despite Orion feeling like total slag and hardly being able to speak without wheezing, he and Megatronus has a pleasant time discussing everything and anything as they were before Orion grew ill.
Orion had to wear a ventilation filter over his vents and had a heater strapped to his back that was similarly fitted over his vents for a stellar cycle afterward. However it was of little consequence as the situation repeated itself but in reverse around a vorn after the incident when Megatronus came to visit Iacon and got a nasty case of protocol override virus attacks. The gladiator was lift reeling and Orion was there all throughout to converse with him and make light jokes regarding his own prior stint will illness in Kaon.
During the war there was no such levity when it came to illness. Optimus was a Prime and fitted with enough firewalls from the Matrix to keep just about any virus for touching him. But of course, as the Decepticons began their biological warfare program, old firewalls were rendered useless. Optimus was on the frontlines when it happened, and thus he was one of the first to be rendered bedridden by the prototype cybonic plague. It most certainly wasn't lethal, but the mecha who had it were left purging their tanks unable to keep energon down and left in agony as their very energon was corroded. To handle it their energon had to constantly be drained and replaced via IV's to ensure they survived. It was a form of torture, but one Optimus took fairly well all things considered.
He continued to move around and work once the worst of it wore off and merely carried a bucket around with him so that when his systems demanded a purge he could walk off for a moment and do what needed to be done with a degree of grace. He was miserable, but he was functional and carried around an IV and energon pack hooked up to his fuel lines as he worked on internal affairs' as he recovered. All that made the situation better was Bumblebee, who was still very young at the time, drawing Optimus pictures and making him 'get well soon' cards. It was sweet and made enduring the suffering of the prototype virus easier to bear.
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anony-man · 21 days
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Chubformers drabble #91!
Characters: Megatron (& Soundwave - TFP)
Word count: 842
The arena was alive with shouts and cries as Megatronus prowled. They had come here for a fight, and for his success by the chanting of his name in the air. A fight is what they wanted, and a fight is what he would give them.
His success had crossed the boundaries of Kaon and drawn in hundreds, if not thousands, of bloodthirsty and sadistic viewers. His gruesome successes and fiery speeches caught the attention of just the right bots, it seemed, and while he was still aiming for the abolishment of Cybertron’s awful systems, Megatronus was starting to gain more than just a crowd of curious audials and willing viewers.
The sway of his belly followed each thundering step he took around the ring, and Megatronus swung his helm back and forth in a show of aggression as he searched for his next willing opponent. The pits were about putting on a show and nothing less, and he’d grown accustomed to doing just that.
His name wasn’t the only thing growing these days, and neither was his growing victory streak. Gartering attention from those above him meant making a statement, and Megatronus had discovered a foolproof way of doing just that. Megatronus was great, but his reputation would be greater.
What better way to gain the attention of his people than to gain himself? The crowds loved it, his opponents mocked it, and Megatronus came out on top every time.
“Who out there is brave enough to fight against me, Megatronus, reigning champion of the gladiator pits?” he shouted, pounding a fist against his protruding chest as he studied the crowd.
The people roared, servos pumping the air and fingers pointing as a new figure crept through the entrance. Megatronus watched, waiting curiously for the first sign of his next victim.
“Well?” Megatronus continued, servos on his pudgy hips as he waited. “Show yourself, coward! Come face me!”
Unlike his past opponents, the new arrival was hardly cocky in his approach towards the ring. Each step was crept forward with calculated movements, and the bot’s face—a full visor covering his expression—bore no sign of the ridicule or shock Megatronus had received before.
A fair fight, then. Megatronus had been dying for one of those.
He waited for a battle cry, or a speech, or a show of power, but the only thing he received was the mech pausing at the center of the arena and lowering his helm, allowing Megatronus to make the first move.
Easy work then. At least, that’s what he had thought.
It took all of ten minutes for Megatronus to force his opponent to the floor, but when he went in to pin the mech beneath the weight of his belly, he hesitated. The crowd around them was up on their pedes and shouting his name in a chanted mantra, desperate for the cry of war and success he uttered after every defeat, but this… this was no success. It was no simple fight, either.
The bot beneath his belly made no attempt at a struggle as the weight of Megatronus’ massive frame was rested atop him. Instead, he merely gave in and allowed himself to be pinned. Strange, he thought, but the fight was still on, and the people were hungry for a show. There was no time to linger on such an occurrence, no matter how badly he tried.
“I am… victorious!” he shouted, and the silent crowd began screaming his name.
“I am victorious,” he continued, leaning into the pinned mech beneath him. “And I will continue to succeed. Hear my name and mark my words, for I, Megatronus, will bring about a change to Cybertron as we know it!”
All optics were on him, just as they were meant to be. Megatronus reveled in the attention and soaked up the joy of the moment, but never once stopped thinking about the silent, submissive bot he’d defeated that still lay beneath his belly.
Even after the fight had ended, and after the bot had crept back into the shadows to nurse his wounds with only a brief glance back at the fat gladiator who’d defeated him, Megatronus couldn’t get it out of his processor. There was something different then, something different about the fight, and about his opponent, and about his reputation that had changed then.
He was still Megatronus, the fearsome gladiator of the pits of Kaon, and his days would be lived in the light of his success. Even so, he could hardly forget that blank visor staring back at him. With every downed opponent and every mech torn apart with each bloody battle, Megatronus could only wish more and more for that familiar yet foreign face to be the one staring back at him.
Soundwave, he later learned. Soundwave was the mech who had caught his attention, and it would be Soundwave standing by his side who would put an end to the reign of fruitless fights and empty victories of crushing bots beneath the weight of his frame.
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hello! First time requester and long time lurker! Just wanted to request a story for a opposite personality kid buddy with megatron (tfp) similar to the optimus and Ratchet ones you have done! They are my new favourite thing lol
Also would love some possible best uncle soundwave bits in it!
Its fun to see the Bots and Cons interact to their daughters with opposite personalities, but I saw this request and chose pain. Fair warning there may be tears or not.
Megatron is not going to have a fun time when he realizes that his daughter's personality is a little like someone he knows...
If this isn't what you wanted, please let me know!
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron with a daughter who has the opposite personality of his own
SFW, Angst, mention of injuries, Platonic, Famialil, Cybertronian reader (Buddy is a minicon)
Buddy was Megatron’s dumpster baby.
Megatronus was out in one of the dirty alleys of Cybertron when he heard a noise coming from the piles of scrap.
He thought about ignoring it… but something told him to at least check it out.
There sticking out of the pile like a beacon of light was a tiny sparkling. Perhaps a minicon sparkling.
All alone dirty and crying.
Megatronus didn’t have the spark to leave them their alone and picked it up.
“Hello there little one.”--Megatronus
Sparkling stops crying and just looks at him with her big optics.
“Some one left you here? No surprised with how everyone is… What should I do with you?”--Megatronus
Sparkling grabs one of his digits.
“There is always the sparkling care unit…”--Megatronus
The sparkling yawing and curling into his servo to take a nap.
“…Great… I’ve gotten attached to it… but you can’t stay with me in the gladiator’s quarters just yet. Too small for your own good. But there is someone who can help.”--Megatronus
Orion opening up the door to his habsuite revealing Megatronus holding a small sleeping sparkling in one servo.
“…Megatronus… please tell me you didn’t kidnap this sparkling.”—Orion
“What! No!”--Megatronus
The two mechs created a plan.
Orion would watch her while Megatronus was at work and the Megatronus would come by and pick her up during the free times he was now given with the rising status as a gladiator.
Orion in the meantime would house and help feed her. There would be times where he had to take her to work, but no one seemed to mind.
The sparkling was quiet and to top it off had become increasingly interested in some of the data pads in Iacon.
“Orion? What do you have there?”—Alpha Trion
Orion holding Buddy in one servo and an energon cube in the other.
“An energon cube?”--Orion
“Pax you know what I mean…”—Alpha Trion
It was a bit rough at first, but they made it work.
Buddy was her given designation after her friendly nature around bots.
Megatronus didn’t mind it at all.
Soon enough Megatronus started introducing some of the gladiators to Buddy, though he wasn’t quite ready to have her move in with him. It still was no place for Buddy.
Out of all the gladiators Buddy got to meet, she clearly had a favorite.
Having already a small team of minicons with him, Buddy was easily welcomed into the group.
Some even made jokes about Buddy being Soundwave’s kid too.
Soundwave loved Buddy’s light.
He swore an oath to protect her.
During the first meeting.
“Buddy, this is one of my closest friends, Soundwave.”--Megatron
Buddy from behind Megatronus’s pede peeping out.
“Go on, just like we talked about.”--Megatronus
Buddy slowly walks up to Soundwave.
“Hello! My designation is Buddy! I like blue, red, and purple. You’re purple, I like you.”--Buddy
Soundwave internally promising to offline anyone who harms the little one.
Orion soon introduced the sparkling to Ratchet.
Ratchet loved seeing the little sparkling around he thought it was Orion’s sparkling for a while.
Until he saw the clear favoritism the sparkling had when she saw Megatron.
Ratchet watching Buddy speeding over to Hug Megatronnus’s pede.
“Wait she’s not yours?”--Ratchet
“No? What made you think of that?”--Orion
Ratchet remembering the number of times he ‘s seen Buddy sleep over at Orion’s place, go to ‘work’ in the archives, near identical friendliness.
“…No reason… but… did he kidnap her by any chance?”--Ratchet
“Ratchet!... Well, I thought that too, but no!”--Orion
Then the debates with the Senate began.
Megatronus felt so betrayed by Orion’s words he stormed off, enraged.
So filled with hatred and betrayal, he almost forgot that Buddy was with him.
There was no way that he was going to let Buddy anywhere near that traitor again.
“Where’s Uncle Orion?”--Buddy
“We are not seeing him again.”--Megatronus
“What!? Why?!”--Buddy
“He has done something unforgivable. I will not have him influence you.”--Megatronus
“What did he do?”--Buddy
“…He betrayed me. He is no longer your ‘uncle’, Soundwave is your only ‘uncle’.”--Megatronus
“Can… Can at least say ‘good-bye’?”--Buddy
“Life doesn’t let you say ‘good-bye’ Buddy. Learn from that.”--Megatronus
Then the war started.
Megatron made sure that Buddy was going to be always stuck to his side.
Other times it would be with Soundwave.
As Buddy grew up in the dark corridors of the Nemesis, she decided to pick up on basic patch work.
Maybe do something to fix her father.
She had been told hundreds of times that her uncle Orion, now Optimus Prime, had started the war.
He was the cause of all this destruction, of all this death.
Buddy believed it for a while.
But as she got older the more, she would begin to hear more unfiltered pieces from the Autobots. More things from their side.
She knew that the truth wasn’t going to be pretty by any means… but she just wanted to know what happened to her sweet uncle Orion.
Megatron soon began to be haunted by the ghost of his former brother in the shape of his own sparkling.
Their personalities were scarily similar.
Too similar.
Megatron tried to change this in his own way.
He began training Buddy to fight, but this didn’t help too much.
Buddy frame shaking from exhaustion.
“Get up! We can not have the Future Leader of the Decepticon’s kneel on the floor!”--Megatron
Megatron looking at Buddy, for a split-second seeing Orion in her place.
“…Can I please have a break? We’ve been at this for more than 2 hours.”--Buddy
“I said no!”--Megatron
“… Megatron… Its me Buddy, Orion is not here.”--Buddy
“… 5 minute break then we are going back to training.”--megatron
Even if she was a minicon, Megatron treated her like any other soldier.
He began sowing the seeds of the future into her helm. About leading the Decepticons if anything were to happen to him.
He had subconsciously placed a near unbearable weight upon his daughter’s shoulders.
She did talk to her Uncle Soundwave about this.
“What is he thinking Soundwave? Me? The future Leader of the Decepticons? Yeah right, like Starscream or some of the others would take orders from a lowly minicon like me.”--Buddy
“I know that, but why… just why…”--Buddy
Buddy started to sniffle, Soundwave wrapping his arm around Buddy as she buries her helm into his side.
“Why… why…”—Buddy
“You—have—Soundwave—everything—is—going—to be—fine.”—Soundwave
“… I miss your voice sometimes Soundwave. I know you wont because of the oath… but I do miss it.”--Buddy
Soundwave just holds Buddy closer.
Soundwave grew a bit more protective of Buddy seeing as not many minicons could survive on their own for long.
He should know…
Sometimes he’ll have Lazerbeak watch her or keep her company when he is unavailable.
Then Megatron disappeared.
Buddy never felt so much pressure or sense of guilt in her life.
As Megatron’s successor she automatically assumed control as Leader of the Decepticons.
Soundwave always by her side as was Starscream.
Soundwave never let Buddy alone with Starscream under any circumstance.
Starscream did find some insult in this but understood. He was constantly trying to overthrow Megatron, even going with murderous attempts.
But even he had some standards as to not killing the kid… yet.
Buddy did attempt to contact the Autobots while in command to talk, but all attempts never reached them. She wanted to make some peace negotiations before any more energon could be spilled.
All her hard work went down the drain when Megatron came back.
“Megatron! Meagtron you’re back!”--Buddy
Buddy going in for a hug, but Megatron moving aside completely missing Buddy’s hug.
“How have the troops been?”--Megatron
“Everything is good, just as you left them. But shouldn’t we get you to Knockout? Just to make sure that everything is okay with your systems.”--Buddy
“Megatron, its highly—”--Buddy
“I’m sorry did you just speak back? You are no longer the Leader of the Decepticons anymore, learn your place.”--Megatron
Every Decepticon within hearing distance optics going wide.
“…Right, my apologizes… Lord Megatron.”--Buddy
“Better. Now get ready for our sparring session. You’ve grown soft and we cannot have that.”--Megatron
Things only got worse between them after the reunion, after he plunged the dark energon into his chassis.
Megatron seemed more and more obsessed with Prime. He nearly ignored more and more of his duties as Leader. Buddy, Soundwave and Starscream had to pick up after him.
The sparring was getting more and more intense.
Many of the Vechicons had reported to Soundwave or Breakdown to get down and stop the sparing matches because of the screaming they keep on hearing. It sounded more and more like a torture session than sparring session.
Knockout organizing his wax bottles when Breakdown and a Vechicon come in. Buddy in the Vechicons arms near limp.
“What happened!?”--Knockout
“Take a guess.”--Breakdown
Vechicon placing Buddy on the med slab.
“Thank you, Steve…”--Buddy
“Commander Buddy—”--Steve
“Don’t call me that okay. We’ve talked about this Steve. It’s just Buddy. No titles, no nothing, just Buddy.”--Buddy
“Okay… Buddy.”--Steve
“Okay Steve you can resume your duties, thanks for the help.”--Breakdown
“Of course, Breakdown. Bye Buddy.”--Steve
Buddy trying to wave back but wincing.
Knockout is already getting his tools out.
“Training, I’m guessing.”--Knockout
Silence in the med bay as Knockout finishes up the patch work.
“Megatron is lucky this time it looked worse than what it was. He needs to be more careful… we only have so many minicon parts right now…”--Knockout
“It’ll be all right Knockout.”--Buddy
“And how do you know?”--Breakdown
“Hope. Cause that’s all we have right now. Hope and a whole bunch of ammo.”--Buddy
“Heh. Guess you’re right about the ammo part.”--Breakdown
“And… your done! Now don’t go and ruin that finish missy!”--Knockout
“Or what? Its not like Optimus Prime is going to ruin it.”--Buddy
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brandwhorestarscream · 3 months
Please imagine Orion going out with Megatron and his gladiator buddies for a night at the local bar. Its a shitty hole in the wall place, but it's Kaon so every place is a hole in the wall. The big ol warframes are knocking back shots and mugs like no tomorrow, and little Orion is a little unsure on what to order. None of it looks familiar.
Finally, he decides to just have a shot. One of the warframe shots is as big as his whole hand tho, and as he reaches for it a semi-drunk Megatronus snatches it away from him. Saying "No no no Orion those are WAY too strong for you."
And one of his friends chimes in, "Aw c'mon glitch, he can handle it!"
He downs half the shot and gives Orion the other half, and even THEN his little civilian bf ends up absolutely wasted on half a warframe-serving shot of strong high grade. Orion climbs into his lap, kissing all over his neck and trying to slide his hands into Megs' panels. He's so drunk he's lost all his inhibitions, and forgets or perhaps doesn't care that they're in public. Who cares if someone sees that he loves a warframe? He's not ashamed! He's not sorry! Megatronus ends up carrying him home thrown over his shoulder, and once they get back to his tiny allotted room, Orion climbs on top of him and rams him into the mattress ❤️
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dannymultipersonaje · 7 months
Au all the decepticons believe that Orion was kidnapped by the government and turned into Optimus Prime
"Megatronus? Where we are?". I was so excited, I was ecstatic and vibrant, PRIMUS WAS GOING TO FAIN!, and cry from relief, from pain, from happiness, I was going to… so many things, so many emotions, but above all adoration and happiness, he is here, he is here , Orion was back. His spark went around, everything, everything, EVERYTHING was INSIGNIFICANT. Maybe that's why I can't be less than honest and his consciousness module activated. :: Orion Pax is alive, the return of the nemesis :: he commanded Soundwave, as the trip to the ship ended, his not-so-little friend seemed about to fall, disoriented and his field was total anguish. So Megatron said nothing as he turned around looking at the entire display room, his archivist was sometimes a cliché of his kind, delighted to examine, analyze and categorize everything, to be treasured of course, as much as he wanted to give it the everyone's first hug. But as fast as a wish Ravenge would come, slowing down only when he saw the obvious structure of Prime, he could even hear her growl, which did not stop the twin cassettes from jumping on the first red-blue thing they saw, Rumble was the first to realize that something wasn't right. "Optimus Prime?!". Even the scream that will alert an agitated Soundwave was also not the best look when he decided to hug the Prime husk without even asking him. Megatron pulled Orion away from Soundwave and his brood… well, he tried, Orion's field was so expressive that doubts about who he was fell away with Soundwave close enough to feel that entire field hit his center, of course he squeezed. the hug, and in the most adult way possible he slapped Megatron away, swears that when ravage overcame his main suspicion and jumped on Orion's shoulders, without knowing how to control his weight and with the 4 mechas on top of him he fell to the ground. floor. Using Megatron who was still behind him as a buffer. "Stop monopolizing Ori- AHG!" Megatron almost managed to order before receiving a bite.
A visor arranged in its place, and a pack of cassettes, namely ravage, Frenzy and Rumble, were all in the command place with Orion sitting on Megatron's throne, watching how the mechas fought because to do with him, he was so lost, It was confusing how everything was happening, Megatronus had more wounds on his face, his hands were much sharper than I had seen in cycles, Sounwave was… too thin! Even with the few rations that the Gladiator Circle gave he had never been. Seen like this, I wouldn't call him emaciated but it was worrying. Prrr lowered his head, the twins and ravage seemed the same, he scratched behind the beast changer's right ear, when he heard the change the little black mech with golden eyes that he knew gave him some, he was still distraught, what had he missed? ? Were they like this because he decided not to go to the meeting with the Council? And if it was, is it because they are like this? What happened to Megatron? What happened to Soundwave? Has Shockwave also lost weight? Were the High Sire's fears of him realized? What happened? Prrr. Orion looked down, now despite his much quieter and almost non-existent engine he had Rumble and Frenzy in his legs next to ravage's weight, hugging him by his waist much smaller than it should be, he felt like nothing was right. …but he tried to keep his field gentle and kind, as one of the other Soundwave boys approached, he could feel Laserbeak's gaze from somewhere nearby. He didn't know why, but he felt a strange tug on his spark.
Sorry, I'm using Google Translate, I don't know how to write English and I can barely read it, so sorry if it's not understood :(
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