#toronto wigs
wigsandhairpieces · 1 year
Wigs - A Testimony of Emily's Journey to Confidence and Self-Love
My name is Emily, and I want to share my story with all the women out there who may be going through a similar struggle. You see, when I was in my twenties, I was diagnosed with alopecia, a condition that caused me to lose my hair. It was a devastating blow to my self-esteem and confidence. I felt like I had lost a part of myself, and I struggled to accept this new reality. For a long time, I…
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toffoliravioli · 2 years
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not the bayang
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topoet · 9 months
City of Valleys - 50
April David The phone rang. “You ready humpie?” Godwin giggled. “I’ll be right down.” He flicked a thread off the jacket. The shine from the green satin lapels played along his cheeks in the mirror. He went down to the street. Godwin held the back door of the limo open for him. “You look splendid, babe.” Godwin pinned a red rose into David’s lapel. They got into the limo. “Excited?” “I…
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neoxghoul · 11 months
Melanie makeup for Toronto!!
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foreverknightalways · 2 years
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Nick's voice coming over the radio, Hi, Toni. Matthew says, Fantasy, huh? The caller Toni says, I'm not afraid. Nick says, Great, talk to me. Toni continues, Well, my fantasy is being in the elevator at work... Nick's voice, In the dark. Toni says, Oh yes. Matthew dials the radio station on the phone and sets a stopwatch down by the phone.
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wigsforwomen123 · 1 year
womens wigs canada
Find the perfect wig for you in Toronto! Look no further than our comprehensive list of womens wigs canada stores in Toronto, offering the highest quality wigs at the best prices. Shop now and find the perfect wig for your style!
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thebowieconstricker · 9 months
Stagedoor Sparks! (Matthew Patel x Reader) ✨🔥🔱
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I’m so glad to see people hyped up for my pathetic pirate boy. Please enjoy and if this goes well I may turn it into a series lol
We’ve got a gender neutral reader, idiots in love, I saw someone say pathetic x pathetic and YES, theater kid lingo, mild swearing, and your favorite cutie pie. ⚠️Also, this is heavily based on Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, so spoiler warnings for that if you haven’t seen it! ⚠️ Enjoy!
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“Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Musical”, was what the bright lights of the massive sign on your local theater boasted. Recently, your coworker Julie had been telling you about the ridiculous life of this ‘Scott Pilgrim’, ranting about the conga line of characters that filled his (frankly, pathetic sounding) existence. She had also alerted you to this… musical. A musical that had been written about his life.
You sighed to yourself and adjusted your bag. Making your way to the golden, elaborately designed doors, just barely dodging all the paparazzi (why was there so much paparazzi?), you somehow successfully made your way into the main lobby of the theatre. Ivory and gold filled your vision as you observed the plush red carpet that lined each of the three floors. You had visited this theater before, and it’s gorgeous grandeur never failed to amaze you.
Now, you did not at all care about this guy. Yes, you had been silently internalizing every minuscule part of this random guy’s daily shenanigans, but that was because you were being a good friend to Julie! This Scott guy seemed like a tool, and you weren't particularly interested in listening to a…?
You checked the playbill the usher had just handed you.
…THREE HOUR MUSICAL?!? You almost started laughing right there.
But anyways, you weren’t here for this Scott guy.
You were here for musical theater. You had always been drawn to the fantastical world of lights and costumes and music. Plus, this was a community production with actors from Toronto, and you were always happy to support your local theater kids.
As you finally made your way to your seat, you sat down in the plush red chairs and opened your playbill to the cast section. You didn’t see any names you recognized, but one stood out to you.
Matthew Patel - Scott Pilgrim
Obviously, Scott Pilgrim was the lead role, but what really caught your attention was the picture attached to the name. Matthew Patel, you respectfully observed, was mad cute.
The lights suddenly began to dim and you settled in for whatever was in store, keeping a keen eye out for this ‘Matthew Patel’.
~~~ Holy shit, this is the best thing you’ve ever seen.
From the moment Matthew Patel walked onstage, you were absolutely smitten. He wore a bright orange wig that clashed horrendously with his dark skin, and an oversized jacket, but he was the hottest thing you had ever seen. Also, holy shit, Matthew Patel could sing. From the first line, you were completely enraptured by his high tenor belting. As you watched him onstage, you saw literal sparks in his eyes, his excitement and passion for the stage radiating off of him.
At the curtain call, you stood and enthusiastically clapped for each of the cast members, but hooped and hollered for Matthew especially. Even though you knew he couldn’t see you from the stage, you found yourself blushing at the thought of him looking at you.
That’s when it hit you: You’ve gotta book it to stage door to meet this guy.
~~~ Matthew Patel was completely exhausted. As the curtains flew closed, he sighed and turned around to smile at his cast mates. Although he was drained by his performance, he always took this opportunity at the end of a show to look to his fellow caste mates.
And hopefully someone would invite him with their group to an after show dinner.
He walked through the crowd, giving pats on the back and thumbs ups as he made his way to his dressing room. Lots of smiles, lots of “great job!”’s but… no invitations.
Slamming the door to his room he quickly took of his wig and put on his regular clothes, deciding that he would take off his stage makeup at home (aka the makeup he regularly wore but no one cared enough to know that). His room had a window where he could look down at the stagedoor line, the line that had been non-existent since opening night. He didn’t take it personally, since this musical was for a very specific audience of people and he understood that outside of them, no one knew or cared who Scott Pilgrim was. But still, he was onstage. He was singing and dancing and his art was being celebrated. Yes, he was lonely, still, but life wasn’t too bad right now.
As he did every day, he quickly glanced out his window to check for audience members at stage door and, sure enough, no one-
Someone was there?
He did a double take and physically walked to the window, his hands placed against the glass and his now quickening breath creating a fog.
From high up in his dressing room, he saw a small figure holding the bright red playbill of his show. They seemed to be moving back and forth on their feet, bouncing excitedly. From so high up he couldn’t see their expression, but could make out what he thought was a smile.
He broke out into a wide smile. Running around his room, gathering his things and throwing them into his backpack, only one thought raced through his mind: He had to get down there.
~~~ As you waited, the cold Toronto air stung against your flushed cheeks. You were still high on endorphins from the show, the songs already worming their way into your head as you tapped your feet in anticipation.
Suddenly, and without warning, a man burst out of the dark black door you were waiting out, out of breath and panting. He was so hellbent on running out the door that he ran right into you, knocking you over!
“AH-“, you both made the same sound as you fell, the man directly on top of you.
“Oh- apologies, ma’am, I uh-“
You would have said a number of rude things to this man but, seeing his face, you were starstruck.
“Matthew Patel?”
His eyes widened in shock. Carefully, he got off of you and onto his knee in front of you. Gently, he took your hand and pulled you up, the both of you now back on your feet.
“You know me?”
You couldn’t help but notice the faint blush on his cheeks.
“Of course! Well- I mean, you know, you’re Scott Pilgrim! You were absolutely incredible up there, just amazing! My jaw was the floor the whole time! I mean, your voice and your dancing and the fight scenes-“
As you rambled on and on, Matthew was unable to snap himself out of the trance you had put him in. Visually, you were breathtaking, so much so he didn’t know how he had ever found anyone else attractive. But more so, you were genuinely complimenting him. He was never complimented on his theater work. He’d get the rare one from his cast mates, but never an outside fan.
Noticing his silence, you suddenly stopped talking.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to rant, it’s just- one theater kid to another, you were so amazing.”
He shook his head at your apology. “No, don’t be sorry. You’re- you’re very kind. Thank you. And I’m sorry again for… running you over.”
You laughed- a leitmotif to rival Sondheims to Matthew’s ears- and looked at him with a goofy grin.
“Would you sign my playbill?”
“Would you like to have dinner tonight?”
The two of you spoke at the same time, and one’s question made the other blush furiously. Matthew’s entire body tensed in embarrassment that he had been bold enough to ask you out like this, not even knowing your name.
You were absolutely over the moon.
“I- uh- yes. Yes, I would love to.”
Your smile got impossibly wider, and the sparks in Matthew’s eyes that you had noted during his performance returned. With a huge grin, he reached out his hand to take your playbill. You handed it to him and a marker appeared in his other hand as he quickly scribbled his signature.
“What’s your name?”
You told him and his blush deepened. He turned back to the playbill and scribbled a bit more, then handed it to you. You squeaked in excitement and looked at what he had written.
To my biggest fan,
Looking back up at him, you were certain this was the start of something new.
“So… do you like Italian?”
~~~ HEY MATTHEW FANS TAKE THIS FIC! GO, FETCH! This’ll make a lot more sense if you like musicals, so have fun! Like I said at the start, if y’all want more and I’m feeling up to it, I’ll write more! Happy holidays, folks!
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operafantomet · 3 months
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Susan Cuthbert, Toronto (1989-1992): She started out with brown wig and it's also what her official photos shows. But soon she was fitted with a blonde wig, and it can be seen in some very few curtain call / backstage photos.
Emmi Christensson, West End (2014-2016): Whereas her 2016-2017 Stockholm wig was exceptionally dark, her West End wig was all blonde. Quite the contrast.
Renata Krassy, Budapest (2003-2023): The Hungarian Christines originally wore their own hair, with the addition of large curly extensions hidden under a braid. This meant that many different haircolours was seen. Renata Krassy was definitely the blondest.
Linda Kiraly, Budapest (2003-2004): Another of the original Hungarian Christines. She also featured her own hair over the forehead/braid, but more highlighted and with darker areas and lighter extensions.
Hanna-Liina Võsa, Tallin and Tartu (2014, 2017-2018). The original Estonian production featured one blonde and one brunette Christine, who alternated equally in the role. Hanna-Liina was the blonde one. For her run in Finland she wore a red wig.
Hanna Ulvan, Kristianstad (2023). Whereas the original Christine in this production wore a red wig, Hanna Ulvan wore a fairly classic curly blonde one. This as a contrast to her Stockholm replica wig, which was fairly dark brown.
Irina Ioana Baiant, Bucharest (2015 / 2022-2023). She is possibly the only Christine to feature two different blonde hairdos in two different non-replica productions, but in the same city. For the original Romanian production she wore her own hair, curled and draped up at one side. It looks like she's still wearing her own hair in the new production, but longer, and with the hair pulled back over the forehead.
Mira Ormala, Oslo (2018): When the Romanian production was revamped for Norway, Christine got a wig. A quite curly one, with hair asymmetrically draped over the temples. She also wore an own bead-decorated updo wig for Masquerade.
Astrid Giske, Oslo (2018-2019): When Astrid Giske took over as principal from Mira Ormala, she wore a similar wig, but a hint darker, and with bigger, thicker locks. She also donned the updo wig for Masquerade. Her understudy Charlotte Brænna was seen with the same look for her one Christine performance.
Amy Manford, Thessaloniki and Athens (2020): Whereas Amy Manford wore a regular curly brown wig in West End and the Restaged Tour, her Greek look was a big blonde wig with styling not too unlike the replica wigs.
Celinde Schoenmaker, Thessaloniki and Athens (2020): She and Amy Manford shared the role, and they also wore fairly similar wigs. Celinde had previously worn an auburn/honey-coloured wig in West End.
Harriet Jones, Athens and Thessaloniki, Middle East and European Tour (2023-2024): She has worn so many different Christine wigs it's not even funny! For this production she first wore a long, sleek blonde wig with more waves than curls, and with a middle-parted hairdo - reminding of her original light auburn West End wig, except of course the colour. After Greece she was fitted with a shorter and much curlier wig with side drape. Her co-Christine (next) as well as u/s Bridget Costello, Jessica Hackett and Grace Chapman also donned this style.
Georgia Wilkinson, Athens and Thessaloniki, Middle East and European Tour (2023-2024). Sharing the role with Harriet Jones, they have worn similar wigs too. Georgia also started out with a long, sleek blonde wig, hers being more platinum blonde. After Greece she donned the same shorter, curlier wig with side drape. This as a contrast to her Sydney look, which was darker brown and styling wise somewhere in between.
Talía del Val, Madrid (2023-2024): So why do I list Talía del Val and not Amelia Milo, who originated this look? Good question. Even if both of them have an undefined brown/blonde honey shade, Talía just appears a nudge blonder to my eyes, while Amelia's wig is more ashy blonde/brown. But only cosmetically so. They could both be listed - but here's Talía.
Judith Torbella, Madrid (2023-2024): Like the wig of Talía, this wig is a borderline case. It can look honey blonde, it can look more brown. But I include this one too as an example. Also interesting to see how much lighter it is than the understudies, for example Laura Enrech's reddish brown wig.
NOTE: This is not a complete list. There is a long row of lovely understudies I could not depict due to photoset limitations. But I hope it shows some of the main styles and productions out there.
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skippyv20 · 2 months
Let’s take a peek into MM’s diary….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Dear Dairy,
AHHHHHHHHHHH! I have no words! I’m so mad I am spitting nails, throwing dishes, and ripping my wig hair out! Someone has placed a curse on me, because they are jelly of me!
As you know, I had created Scam Jam. I thought it would do much better than it has, but no…it seems that people are stupid, and they don’t like blueberry jam. I mean come on…oh, sorry…strawberry? Or was it raspberry? Whatever! People are just plain stupid, that is the only explanation it failed. So, ever resourceful, I went to my long, long list of upcoming products and settled on Dog Cookies…
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It took me like two seconds to come up “Milk Bones”…I know, genius right? Anyways….i even took a few promotional pictures to advertise my recipe book…below picture is Bob and Bob the bakers,
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My Grenfell cookbook did so well, I knew this would be a hit…that’s why the little cookies are heart shape…eye catching right? Why are they easy you ask? Another brilliant PR strategy of mine. Easy…makes any fool believe they can make cookies? So, they will try…and fail each time….finally their dogs will demand ready made…Milk Bones! It’s brilliant! See I think of everything!
Ok, I can’t keep this secret any longer. I have come out with a new “perfume”. Yes, that’s right. I am only showing you dear diary…King C thinks he can compete with ME????? Really? I will show him!
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Ok a couple things….note the name…”Perfume”….what a brilliant marketing strategy. See where I am going with this? It’s straight to the point of what the product is. Every time someone hears “perfume”…when they go online….or to fine department stores like Target, Walmart….they will see MY product. I am brilliant. Why is it tree shaped you ask? Saving money! I bought 15,000 of these tree shipped things. A couple of things here….one they are shaped and look like Christmas trees…(won’t have to invest a penny for marketing at Christmas time). And….they already come scented! I am brilliant. Oh, I will say I “invented” it, and as usual…I will be believed. Another great product from ME! Look, I want to change lives! I want women to smell like women! I want women to feel empowered because they smell good. I want women to know when they walk in a room, all eyes will be on them…because they smell good! I want women to feel confident! I want women to use their voice, and that is what they will be doing when they wear Perfume! I know many will say, women are only buying this Perfume because I have created it…that would be true, I know…but I can’t help it! I am a woman that encourages other women! I want women to thrive, and smell good doing it.
Well, I have to because I am so busy. I am checking out awards for sale. I think I will buy the next award for me. Harry attracts toomuch negativity when he does anything. He is so done. I do have bigger plans for MY future, and sadly….my plans don’t include him. Sadly for him…not me😂. I deserve better! I demand better! I AM a DuchAss and should be treated as such! I get invited to every major event I am that popular. I may have to arrive incognito. Here is my next outfit…
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What I have to do to stay out of the public eye! It’s important I don’t draw attention. The crowds can be too much!
I have written a couple of new books…
Come Scam With Me
Me and Betty Crocker Cooking Tips
I Was A Famous Movie Star But Hit Rock Bottom And Married A Useless, Classless Prince
If You Could Read My Mind….You Would Be Terrified
I Inspire All Who Meet Me, Now They Want To Be Me
Dress Like Me….And You Will Stand Out In Any Crowd
How To Betray Family and Friends and yes, Pets Too
If I Can Fake It, So Can You
Word Salad Puzzle Book
If I had A Friend These Are The Secrets I Would Share
Recipes I have Stolen From A Toronto Chef
Who Will I Be Today and Tomorrow
Learn My Secret: I Don’t Feel Pain…I Create Pain In Others
If My Yacht Hat Could Talk
How To Raise Invisible Children
How To Pretend You Have A Family
How to Make Past Family And Friends Suffer When They Don’t Follow YOUR Rules
New Charities:
Well Dear Diary, time for me to move on! So many to do, I mean so many to see. I am having lunch with a very important person. I think I can fool this one….no, not taking Harry! He messes up everything. He can stay home and do the windows. Anyways, as you can tell I am so very busy. I don’t even have time for my merching these days. I will always have time to Empower Women, To train Women to use their voice, their bodies….whatever it takes. I am an excellent role model. I can change the direction of young women’s lives. Hey, maybe not for the better, but….oh well! I am going to start running seminars. I can create the next generation of young female business owners, like myself! I want women to help women! I will have guest speakers to come and speak on a variety of issues that women are facing today and everyday, and every tomorrow. When I was 11 I changed the face of Dove Detergent! I made sure that women would not be stuck in the kitchen doing dishes. I was 11 years old! I have been making a difference in people’s lives since then. Maybe not always a positive difference, but a difference. To change people for the better, or even to bring out the worst in a person….is a change.
I Love ME! Xoxoxoxoxoxo
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wigsandhairpieces · 11 months
Get Ready for the Biggest Black Friday Sale of 2023 at Hair and Beauty Canada Wig Store!
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prettyebonylux · 9 months
YouTuber’s I'm Taking Into 2024:
Adama Lorna {self-development, finances, self-care}
Afrifitness {dance, workout, exercise}
Alexa Raya {books, book reviews}
Aliyiahsface {beauty, vlogs, fashion}
Amani Rakeia {vlogging, self-care}
Andrea Renee {haul, self-care}
Anne Renns World {beauty, wig tutorials}
Annika {self-care, vlogs, faith}
Ashley Plays {sims 4, gameplay, entertainment}
Ashley Sinari {luxury, self-care, beauty, vlogs}
Ashleysayque {fitness, weight loss journey}
Athina {vlogs, beauty, wellness}
Atozy {commentary}
Ayesha Noelle | Affirmations {Affirmation}
BeautifulBrwnBabyDol {self-care, self-development,fitness, beauty}
Black Women Making Money {finance, self-development}
Breanna Anastasia {beauty, fashion, vlogs}
Brick Science {legos, creativity, entertainment}
Brown Skin Gurls {tech, self-development}
Buns {sims 4, gameplay, entertainment}
Chrissie {commentary, pro-bw}
Classical Ballet and Opera House {ballet, opera, entertainment}
Cocoa Styling - For Dark Skin Women {fashion, color theory}
Conceptually Yours {jazz music, vintage music}
Cooking with Tammy {cooking, baking}
Creatively Designed Presents {pro-bw, entertainment}
Daisy Keech {exercise, health}
De’arra Taylor {vlogs, entertainment}
DIDI DA DON {commentary}
Doing Life Alone Diaries {self-development, self-care}
Dr.Alexis Stephen’s {self-care, skin care tips}
Dr Cheries Types {commentary, entertainment}
Elicia Goguenard {leveling up, self-development, self-care}
EmilyOandbows {vlogs, fashion, travel}
Enny {vlogs, beauty, lifestyles}
Eugenia Berg {commentary, pro-bw}
Eva Rose Rankin {beauty}
Fatima Bah {vlogs, self care, beauty}
FBK1976 {fashion}
Forbes {wealth-building, education, finance}
Frank Automotive {cars}
GreenBeauty {hair care}
Growwithjo {health, exercise}
Hailey Gamba {leveling up, self-care, self-development}
Hannah Adkins {vlogs}
Heidi Priebe {self-development, healing advice}
Iconicallyiconic {commentary, fashion}
Icyaffect {entertainment}
Isawelly {health, pilates, exercise}
Island Vibes Cooking {cooking, baking}
Jackie Aina {lifestyle, beauty, fashion}
JadeWadey 180 {skincare, wellness}
James Turner {sims 4, gameplay}
Jami ThatsMe {commentary, entertainment}
Jamila Musayeva {etiquette, self-development}
Jaz Turner {beauty, level-up}
Jennifer Cynthia {asmr}
Kaice Alea {natural hair, self-care, beauty, vlogs}
Kameron Monet {lifestyle, vlog}
Kelly Stamps {entertainment}
Khalilah D. {books, book reviews}
Kirah Ominique {vlogs, beauty, fashion}
Klassically Kept {hair-care, fashion}
KMA Therapy Toronto: Psychotherapist {self-development, mental health}
Ky Lashaii {vlogs, self-care, self-development}
Laili Mirza {fashion, luxury, vlogs, beauty}
Lavishly Jackie {beauty, fashion, lifestyle}
Leah Gordone {pro-bw, crime documentary}
LeonoraSmee {vlog, lifestyle, fashion, beauty}
Life with Symone {storytelling, entertainment}
Lilsimsie {sims 4, gameplay}
Lizzy Lew Food {cooking, baking}
MackZBoss {commentary}
Maleeka, is my guardian angel {self-development}
Mark Rober {entertainment, engineering, physics}
Marrissa breann {self-development, faith, self-care, vlog}
Maryhia Layla {luxury, vlogs, self-care}
Master Key Society {books, audiobooks}
Maya Galore {vlogs, self-care, beauty, lifestyle}
MedCircle {mental health, self-development}
Michaela Bento {lifestyle, self-care, vlogs}
Miss Feminine {self-development, leveling up}
Mocha Mommy {self-development, pro-bw, lifestyle}
Montrella Bee {self-development, lifestyles}
Morgan Dionne {beauty, lifestyle}
Mossonyi {visual storytelling}
Most of Miree {commentary, self-development}
Motivation2Study {motivation speeches}
Mountain Rug Cleaner {ASMR}
MsAaliyahJay {vlogs, lifestyle}
Mélanique {lifestyle, vlog}
Naomi Kong {weight training, health, exercise}
Nicole {self-care, lifestyle}
Noir {entertainment, pro-bw}
Octavia B {vlog, lifestyle, beauty}
Olivia Yang {self-care, lifestyle}
Patrick Boyle {financial education, economic updates, self-development}
PCOS Weight Loss {health, exercise, womanhood
Psych2Go {mental health}
Queen Chioma {commentary}
Robert Greene {self-development, education}
Sabrina Shanghie {skin-care, beauty, self-care}
Samí Moon {ballet, fashion, pink aesthetic}
Saudiah B. {beauty, vlogs, lifestyle}
Semide ASMR {asmr}
Soft Life Through Christ {faith, commentary}
Sophie Shohet {luxury, fashion, hauls}
Study To Success {studying tips, uni-life, education}
Taliyah Joelle {health, weightlifting}
Tamara Kalinic {luxury, fashion}
Taylor Miree {beauty, lifestyle, fashion}
TD Bricks {legos, entertainment}
Tea Renee {self-care, vlogs, beauty}
Teaira Walker {beauty, fashion, vlog, lifestyle}
The Chic Maven {luxury, fashion}
The Danni Rose {cooking, baking}
The Economist {economics, business, education}
The Learmann Twins {uni-life, vlogs}
TheKenyaAlysia {vlogs, beauty}
Thewizardliz {motivation, self-development}
Tiffany TV {self-care, self-development}
Tom Bilyeu {motivation, self-development}
TotallyCluelessTV {entertainment}
Transmuted Living {self-development, pro-BW, self care}
Treadchic {health, exercise}
TRINDINGTOPIC {self-development, self-care, leveling up}
TroyceTV {commentary}
Vicky Justiz {health, exercise}
Vogue {beauty, fashion, self-care}
Women Love Power {feminine archetypes, womanhood}
Your Vintage Lane (Jazz music, vintage music}
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glassprism · 4 months
Hi glass! I was wondering if the new Vienna Revival, does the part in All I ask of you where Christine’s does the high note during “Say you love me”? I know they did it back in 1991-1993 or somewhere around there.
Christine singing "Say you love me" as a higher note (listen to it here) was something of a production-wide thing, so the dates would more accurately be from 1988-1993 (which is as long as the production ran). That said, it also seems to have been up to the Christine - while most of the original Vienna Christines did it (Luzia Nistler, Claudia Dallinger, Janet Chvatal, and Colleen Besett), Joke de Kruijf did not. It's also worth noting that Lisa Antoni, who performed as Christine in the Vienna concert some 25 years later, did not do it either.
As for the Vienna revival, I only have audios of two of the Christines, Lisanne Veeneman and Lillian Maandag, but neither of them sing the higher note, and I honestly did not expect them to. That note, as well as the other little orchestral and lyrical quirks, feel very much like something that was limited to the original Vienna production and the freedom they were given since I guess it was still so early on in the show's time, kind of like, I don't know, Susan Cuthbert getting a blonde wig as Christine in the original Toronto production because brown was not yet established as the color for ALW Christine's hair. Plus, the Vienna revival is the restaging and it also feels like it's own beast, with it's own creative team, in terms of orchestral and lyrical changes here and there.
Hope that helps!
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starry-mist · 6 months
S6e12 thoughts:
The brief flashback…okay we didn’t get the Charah and Rex meet cute, but I have conceded that aging Charlie down would be far more challenging than it was to just throw a wig on Mayko to bring back Sarah’s s1/2 hair.
The “hostage” situation somehow took even less time than I thought it would.
Holy crap. That nonverbal communication between Charlie, Sarah, Jesse, and Rex in the first scene. Just, wow. But in particular I loved Charlie’s quick thinking, the way he indicated to Sarah where Rex was with just a glance, her barely-perceptible nod, and the takedown. The takedown was a thing of beauty.
I love the subtle reassurances between Charlie and Sarah, again mostly with their eyes, but also with the tiniest hint of physical contact, and the brief moment when Charlie’s mask slips with the “you didn’t know that…I didn’t know that” lines when Sarah is talking about how she was never in actual danger.
A house scene! Yay! They were so cute and flirty. I will extend it with fic. (I’m also developing a headcanon based on all of two scenes as to why Sarah didn’t like working with Det. Porter, which might make it in.)
I picked out the killer right away, but my suspicion as to motive was incorrect (I figured it would have something to do with Gabriel being trans, so the “actually I kidnapped my daughter and he found out” kind of came out of left field.)
Sarah working to exonerate the guy who held a knife to her throat, because of course she would, because she’s Sarah. Ugh I love her so much.
Charlie…not that I’m complaining, but is there no dress code for him anymore? Because the number of undone buttons just to expose that extra little bit of chest hair…again, not complaining, but he’s gone totally feral.
And Charah once again with the workplace PDA. I am forever here for it. (I would be especially here for it leading to a baddie targeting one or both of them thanks to knowing their weakness but I am a complicated light whump/heavy angst-loving being.)
Next week’s promo:
I want to be excited for the travel to Toronto (which might actually be filmed more in Hamilton, IDK) but it looks like Charlie and Sarah will likely spend a lot of it separated and I don’t know how into that I am. I’m doubting the wife is really the “bad guy” (my money is on Stuart from Letterkenny who we saw in the promo.) I’ll be happy if they end the episode with Charah in the big city together for a scene or two but I’m not going to get my hopes up.
Also, honestly, how many best friends does Sarah have now? Because it’s starting to feel like a lot…
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foreverknightalways · 2 years
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Matthew explains, One of the orderlies... used to listen to your show. He used to bring this little radio in on his night shifts. That's how I first heard it. It was like talking to you. Hearing your voice in the night. Wonder what they're doing without you. Probably running a tape. Christina sees a curly blonde wig sticking out of a brown paper bag under a chair.
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wigsforwomen123 · 2 years
Wig stores in Toronto
Are you looking for a high-quality Wig stores in Toronto? Look no further! We have a wide variety of wigs in stock, from human hair to synthetic, in a range of styles and colors. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you find the perfect wig that fits your lifestyle. With our unbeatable prices, we guarantee you will find the perfect wig for you. Visit us today and experience the best Wig stores in Toronto!
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operafantomet · 28 days
I’m curious, what is the reason a production will give a Christine actress a blonde/different colored wig? I know smaller productions often have a blonde Christine (I think at least) but like- London for example, I thought they had a few Christine’s with a blonde wig, I assumed because the actress was a blonde but I swear there were some blonde Christine’s that also had a dark wig as well. Is there any reason for this? Or is it just random?
I the earliest days of POTO there was a will to adapt the 'Degas' wig to whoever played Christine and Meg. Whereas all three original Christines in West End followed the Sarah Brightmanesque look with big brown curls, they did feature Patti Cohenour on Broadway with a much lighter brown wig, to adapt to her colouring. It wasn't blonde, but it was a light auburn / reddish brown:
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For the original Toronto production they also changed Susan Cuthberg's wig from brown to blonde during her run, making her the first blonde ALW Christine out there. This too was due to it being closer to her own colouring:
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Equally, Janet Devenish started out with a very red Meg wig in West End. Later in her run it was changed to a blonder one. It's the blonde look that's stuck on Meg, but interestingly she was a redhead first!
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A final example from early POTO days is that original Australian Meg, Sharon Millerchip, started out as a blonde, but it was decided that a brunette wig looked better on her. Once again to adapt to the actress' natural colourings.
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But later in the 1990s the general formula stuck. Christine as a brunette, Meg as a blonde. A handful of Christines in West End was featured with auburn wig to match their own colouring, and one or two Megs got a brown wig, but they were definitely the exception rather than the rule. Especially in the US and the World Tour the Christines has worn a general dark brown wig completely unrelated to what hair colour they have in real life. This is what is generally done for the replica production, as the design indicates brown curls, but with some exceptions here and there.
With the first ever non-replica production, in Hungary 2003, their Christines partly wore their own hair, braided, with extensions in the back. This meant that a variety of colours has been seen there: Vanilla blonde, darker blonde, auburn, brunette. Here's barbara Fonyo (auburn), Renata Krassy (blonde) and Andrea Maho (brunette):
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The non-replica productions that followed chose different strategies:
The 2008 Polish production emulated the 2004 movie, with curly brown wigs
The 2013 Restaged Tour did a less curly, general brown wig
The 2014 Estonian production featured their Christines with their actual hair colour (one brunette, one blonde)
The 2014 Czech production stuck fairly close to the original design, with long brown curly wigs,
The 2015 Finnish/Swedish production tried out different shades of red; first strawberry blonde, then flaming red.
The 2015 Romanian production and later Norwegian/Greek/Tour version went blonde. The Romanian production featured the actress' own hair, while the others has done wigs. But there's been different shades of blonde, different lengths and different curls. Gaston Leroux has been mentioned as inspiration.
The 2017 Serbian production also featured their Christine with their respective hair, which gave one blonde and one brunette.
Ditto for the 2019 Bulgarian production, ranging from light brown to black hair.
The 2020 Swedish production first went red for Christine. I have read they thought it was never done before and that's why they wanted to try it out (but as seen above, the Finnish/Swedish production beat them to it). When a new principal Christine was cast they gave her a blonde wig, to better match her colouring.
The 2022 Sydney Harbour production did fairly classic brown curly wigs.
The 2023 new Romanian production also feature Christine with her own hair - like the original Romanian production, and incidentally the same actress. But it looks like there's a bit of extensions going on as well.
Last, but not least, the 2023 Mediterranean production premiering in Italy did somewhere between honey blonde and auburn.
So in large, a non-brown Christine wig seems to be a way of adapting the hair to the actress - whether a wig is in use or not. In some cases it's also a way of actively differentiate the look from Maria Bjørnson's original design (as well as the iconic Mary Philbin look).
In replica production the 'wildest' things they did in the 1990s and early 2000s was auburn Christine wigs, and primarily in West End. But in the later 2000s more variations started to appear. The very light brown wigs of Janine Kitzen in Stuttgart and Robyn North in West End comes to mind, and Anne Görner's fairly redhead wig. Then Harriet Jones' first auburn red wig in West End, and them going all blonde on Emmi Christensson. Again the overall strategy seems to be to match the actress' own colours and the wig. Left: Anne Görner in Essen, and right: Emmi Christensson in West End.
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In recent years there's also been a will to adapt the texture of the curls. From recent West End examples there is Lucy St Louis, Beatrice Penny-Touré, Paige Blankson and Chumisa Dornford-May with afro-textured hair. Ditto for Emilie Kouatchou on Broadway. Here's Lucy St Louis with Killian Donnelly:
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And then the recent wig change for Eve Shanu-Wilson in West End, which is meant to closer reflect on her heritage. Though the Phantom historian in me also thinks it brilliantly reflects on the 1990s West End wigs, so I'm doubly happy...
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So yeah. Usually the variations in wig colour and curls is due to a will to reflect on who the actress is and how she looks in real life. But the wig is of course also a tool to create a certain look for a certain role. Which means that every wig is an interpretation, and a negotiation between wanted look and the many possibilities for adaption.
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