#tot questions
sweeneydino · 8 months
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Sleep deprived.
As a smol little one, he doesn't make blueprints from his mind come to life(hes still a baby). He instead creates things to entertain himself or sometimes even things he's seen in the past
Which is totally not as important as this kid possibly making a gun-
Too bad his uncle is too tired to care about the strange purple sticks pointed at him.
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iamhereinthebg · 5 months
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๋࣭ ⭑unexplainable sorrow⭑ .
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answering a couple of questions haha
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my best explanation about mikey's hair being from his mystic powers is because he's the only one who has it in the bad future and is the only on who seems to have mastered his ninpo, so i guess i just connected the two in my brain and it's been like that since lol
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i'd say that's a high probability XD (donnie sees mikey do magic and is like ???? i need this to make sense)
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jellyvibes710 · 7 months
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Let’s see where this leads
Choose carefully, for this place isn’t as it seems.
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struggling-jpg · 1 month
Random thoughts but
imagine Boothill going to the Luofu and meeting Jing Yuan and by extension Yanqing and it's like "Wow! You guys are motherfudging cool!"
But it occurs to him how young Yanqing is and he can't help but think that maybe his daughter could have grown and made friends with him. It's somewhat concerning that this little guy is in the constant face of danger. Boothill gets it, the kid's strong, but the dad in him worries just a bit.
Then maybe Boothill and Jing Yuan talk while eating (well, Boothill chewing on a bullet probably), and he brings it up casually, smoothly but the General knows what he's trying to get at.
Jing Yuan talks about how he's also feels worry, that he had thought about what it meant to raise Yanqing as a son, retainer, and a soldier. It takes some moments but Boothill finally openly talks about his daughter and how he wishes that he got to see beyond her first steps. That she could have had the chance to play guitar or ride horses or even learn to drive a spaceship. He feels afraid for Yanqing because isn't that boy still so small?
And Jing Yuan agrees with a thin, close-eyed smile that Boothill recognizes but can't put a name to. They reach a mutual understanding yet unanswered questions hang in the air.
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A few turtley doods from my sketchbook.
Those last disaster twins were inspired by @tangledinink's Gemini Twins AU's because I think about them like, at least thrice a week. They live rentfree in my head. Running and giggling.
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handledwithgloves · 5 months
How Harry Potter Ended Up With Three Dads (wc:2k)
"He's drunk," Remus says, peering through the curtains at the slumped over figure on their front porch, "We can't just leave him out there."
Sirius scowls, waving his hand dismissively, "Oh, you and your... kind heart. Damn you! Let him in then!"
Remus makes no rush to open the door but once he does, he could feel just how cold it is outside. He tucks himself further into the warmth of his bathrobe before stepping out onto the porch.
"Severus?" Remus asks warily, inching closer still to the man, "What are you doing here?"
Severus looks up then. Still the same gaunt, thin, sad face from their school days, if not worse from the drunken aura of the man. He looks as if he hasn't slept in days.
"Are you well enough to talk?" Remus asks, squatting down so he could be eye to eye with the man.
Severus only shivers in response. Remus's eyes grow wide in shock.
"Merlin!" he nearly shouts, "Your lips are blue! Just how long have you been out here? Sirius!"
"What?" Sirius grumbles from the front door, "Did he finally keel over and die?"
"Sirius, help me carry him in. I think he's got hyperthermia," Remus says, taking one of Severus's arms and throwing it over his shoulder.
"Hypothermia, Moony," Sirius smiles, taking Severus's other arm and slinging it over his own shoulders none too gently, "I thought you were supposed to be the word-y one here?"
Severus grunts as Sirius 'accidentally' smacks his head against the door. The two of them haul Severus's body into the house as Sirius shuts the door with his foot.
"Over there," Remus says, nodding his head to the fireplace.
As soon as they got him settled and the fireplace is roaring with life, Remus and Sirius finally catch their breaths. Severus looks less dead now but they still had no idea what to make of him. Sirius was the first to voice his concern.
“What the ever living fu - “ one look from Remus cuts him off before he continues with a scowl, “What is he doing here, Remus? And why is he half dead? Doesn’t the bastard know how to cast a warming charm?”
“I don't know,” Remus looks over to Severus’s sleeping body. He’s sitting up, stock still. “I didn’t even know he knew where we lived. I mean, it’s not a secret but still, I didn’t think he cared.”
“Well, whatever. We can’t keep him here. We have a - “ Sirius mimes cradling something in his arms and then points upwards.
“Yes, you don’t think I know that?” Remus snaps, “As soon as he’s better, I’ll wake him up and have him leave. Problem solved.”
Sirius sighs with attitude as he sits down on their couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Better be soon,” he says testily, “It’s near three in the morning. I’m exhausted.”
Remus sits down beside Sirius. “Oh, you’re exhausted?” Remus scoffs, “You’re not the one - “ he mimes changing diapers but Sirius only frowns in confusion, “The very fact that you don’t know what I’m doing only further proves my point.”
“Whatever,” Sirius says, “When one person in this house wakes up, we all wake up.”
“Better take what little chance we have while we have it,” Remus says, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes.
When Remus opens his eyes again, he is disoriented; unsure how he got to the living room and why he left the fireplace on. Then he focuses on an empty spot near the fireplace, alarms in his head going off that he’s forgotten something important concerning that specific area. Then there is a sudden thump upstairs and Remus leaps to his feet without hesitance. The baby - Harry!
Remus swings across the stairs skipping steps by two as he rounds the corner of the hallway to Harry’s room. The door was wide open. Remus bursts in to find Severus hovering over Harry’s crib, muttering something. Harry is awake, cooing at him as if he understood what Severus was saying. Remus draws his wand immediately.
“Severus,” Remus calls authoritatively, “Step away from the child.”
Severus tenses at Remus’s voice but he doesn’t comply. His wand is drawn and Remus steels himself to fight as a last resort, not wanting to get Harry between the crossfires. Remus opens his mouth again to speak, to lower the tension in the room, when suddenly a spell zooms past his head. Before he knows it, Harry is in Severus’s arms.
“Petrificus Totalus!” Remus shouts just as Severus darts across the room, missing him by inches.
Severus flings open another door to the room and dashes past him before he could utter another spell. Damn! Why did they have to put Harry in a room with so many doors?
“Sirius!” Remus shouts in panic, “Sirius! He has Harry!”
He chases after Severus, always just barely missing him as he darts around corners of his house, jumping through doors, and gliding through hallways. He can hear Sirius’s heavy footsteps running around somewhere, trying to find a way to corner Severus. And then he hears it; Sirius’s footsteps getting closer, louder, and faster.
“Sirius! Don’t!”
Sirius seems to understand a millisecond before colliding with Severus and Harry, barreling instead towards an unsuspecting door and crashing through it.
“What part of ‘he has Harry’ did you not understand?” Remus shouts behind his back as he passes Sirius.
“The part where you bloody let him in the house!” he hears Sirius shouting back.
He’d lost sight of Severus now, finally slowing down to a stop as he tries to listen to any doors being open or, potentially, any windows being smashed so he could escape with Harry. Sirius pats his shoulder, panting just a bit, but not from running, from anger.
“Why does he know the layout of our house?” Sirius shouts incredulously.
“Severus has always been very… complicated,” Remus replies evenly.
“Complicated. Oh, be nicer would you?” Sirius spits, “He’s mad. He’s mad and he’s got Harry!”
“Sirius,” Remus tries to calm him, “He’s still in the house. I think he was doing something to Harry, talking to him or something, before I found him.”
“Talk - talking?” Sirius waves his hands up in exasperation, “Jesus, Remus! He could’ve been cursing Harry for all we know!”
Just then, the most wonderful sound could be heard from downstairs; Harry’s laughing. Sirius moves first, shoving past Remus to get to the stairs. It takes a while for Remus to recover. He had done this. He was the one who brought Severus inside. He believed Severus wasn’t so bad and for a moment, he doubted himself but hearing Harry laugh reignited that belief.
By the time he got to the downstairs hallway, Sirius was already there, banging hard on the bathroom door and trying his best to peer in through the frosted glass. Remus had no idea why the previous owners of this house would want their guest bathroom to have a frosted glass but he’s so glad that they did because he could see the blobs of Severus Snape and Harry sitting on the floor of the bathroom, safe and unharmed.
“When I get you Snivellus, you’re going to wish you were sent to Azkaban with all the other filthy Death Eaters! D’you hear me?” Sirius shouts, jiggling the handles again just to try to scare Severus, “Worse than death! I’ll tear you to pieces if you touch a hair on that boy’s head!”
Remus was still looking in next to Sirius when a thought had come to mind and he was never happier that Sirius was far too angry to think straight. He walks back down the hall and turns a corner to the kitchen, down another hall. Then, quickly, before the door could shut, he barges into the bathroom where Severus slams the door shut with a spell. But he was too late, Remus was already inside, thanking the previous owner for their love of rooms with multiple doors.
Severus is sitting on the bathroom floor with Harry in his lap, facing him. He’s bent over Harry, muttering again, as the infant plays with his hair. He’s crying, Remus notes from the sniffling he hears coming from the man.
“Remus!” Sirius shouts excitedly from behind the bathroom door, “Remus do something! He’s molesting the baby!”
“Shut up, Sirius!” Remus shouts, fists clenching his wand at his side. Jokes like that shouldn’t be made so lightly. Remus takes a breath, trying now to sound as gentle as he could, “Severus, you can’t cry on Harry.”
“You don’t even love him.”
Remus sighs with a roll of his eyes. “And you do?” he tucks his wand away, noticing that Severus’s wand had rolled towards the far wall.
“Listen, he can say my name. Go on, say it,” he prods at Harry.
“Oh, for Godric’s sake, Severus!” Remus flings his arms frustratedly, “He’s not a talking doll! You can’t just poke him and make him say your name!”
“You tell him, Remus! Get that sniveling drowned bastard away from my godson!”
“Sirius! For the love of - Shut up!” Remus shouts.
Severus is mumbling again and this time Remus really is a bit worried he’s putting a curse on Harry but as he nears, he hears him much more clearly.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You’re Lily’s precious boy, aren’t you? Will you ever forgive me? I’m so very sorry,” Severus chatters like a mantra into Harry’s face.
“Severus,” Remus gently places his hand on the other man’s shoulder, “Severus, give me the boy. It’s his bedtime.”
Severus sniffles. “I came to apologize,” he says, “I - I never got to - to Lily.”
“I understand,” Remus sighs, crouching down and placing his other hand gently to Severus’s forearm, “but he doesn’t. If you really want to apologize to him properly, do it sober and when he’s understood everything.”
Severus sniffles again, giving a slow nod before he leans back onto the bathtub behind him. Gently, carefully, Remus takes Harry from his arms. Harry seems unharmed, thankfully. He’s smiling brightly up at Remus, generally happy. He lets himself relax, standing up and towards the door, opening it to a stressed Sirius.
“You got him?” Sirius says, peering down at Harry who’s yawning now.
“This whole ordeal must have tired him out,” Remus says with a laugh.
“Yeah,” Sirius rolls his eyes, “He’s the tired one. I swear tonight just shaved ten years off my lifespan. What happened in there? I couldn’t hear a thing.”
“We just had a chat,” Remus replies, moving past Sirius and heading up the stairs.
“You mean he’s still in there?” Sirius’s temper flared.
“Leave him be,” Remus gives him a glare, “He’s fallen asleep against the bathtub.”
“Remus,” Sirius starts, “You can’t be serious?”
“He just wanted to apologize to Harry,” Remus says calmly, “I’ve already talked him down from it.”
“We can’t let him stay!” Sirius says desperately.
“You’re welcome to stay up and watch him all night Sirius,” Remus smirks, “Merlin knows you have some sort of wild fascination with him, but Harry and I will be off to bed. Won’t we, Harry?”
Harry gives another, large yawn as his eyes droop lower and lower. Remus smiles. Not even two years on his earth and he’s already a handful of trouble, Remus sighs, placing Harry in his crib. Sirius indignantly complains about Severus’s stay and that Remus thinks he has some ‘wild fascination’ with Snape all the while they make their way to their room.
The next morning, Remus and Sirius are down in the kitchen, with Harry sitting in his feeding chair, when Severus appears with a hand to his head and seemingly looking like he’s going through the worst hangover ever experienced by man. Remus hands him a potion.
“Drink it,” Remus says, “It’ll help with the hangover.”
Sirius grunts, “Brewed it myself, Snivellus, so you better not have any complaints.”
Severus gives Sirius a sneer as he takes the bottle without question and gulps it down. He grimaces for a moment, the taste surely not the best so early in the morning. Then, he looks like his usual, depressing self.
“Compliments where compliments are owed, Black,” Severus says, placing the potion on the counter, “Though I would add just a touch more - “
“That’s enough out of you, Snape,” Sirius scowls, aiming the spatula he was using to stir their scrambled eggs at Severus, “I brewed it perfectly and you know it. You just want to be an arse.”
“Severus,” Remus steps forward, “Do you remember anything that transpired here last night?”
“I do not recall,” Severus says smoothly, looking away as a light blush flushes his cheeks.
So he did remember everything. Which means he remembers the conversation they had in the bathroom about Harry. Remus smiles. That was good. If not for Severus, then for Harry, when he’s ready to learn everything that happened that night with his parents. Speaking of - 
Harry makes a loud indignant shout, upset that he’s being kept out of the conversation. Remus watches as Severus slowly inches towards him with a face of slight disgust or discomfort. Sirius rushes forward as well, thrusting the spatula into Remus’s hands.
“Snivellus, if you even think about kidnapping that boy again - “
“Please, Black. It was hardly a kidnapping if I remained in your house,” Severus says lazily before turning back to Harry, “Pathetic little thing. Isn’t it overweight?”
“Babies look like that, Severus,” Remus says over his shoulder as he plates the scrambled eggs next to he bacon.
Sirius scoffs, hovering over Harry and pinching his cheeks, “Just because your baby pictures have you looking like a drowned cat doesn’t mean our cute little Harry is the same.”
Harry slams his fists down on the table at that, babbling to Sirius.
“Oh, Harry didn’t like that jibe towards Severus, Sirius,” Remus chuckles, “Best to apologize.”
Just then, Harry does the most amazing thing. “Sebuh,” Harry says.
Severus takes a step back, hand flying to his mouth as Sirius peers closer at Harry’s face.
“Sebus,” Harry says again, laughing and making grabbing motions towards Severus.
It was Sirius’s turn to back away in awe then, clutching his chest in shock and disbelief. Severus on the other hand was inching towards Harry again. His hand reaches out and he lets Harry grab at his fingers. Ever so quietly, they could hear sniffling coming from Severus again.
“Oh, come now, Snivellus,” Sirius rolls his eyes.
“I want to be a part of his life.”
“What?” Sirius shouts as Remus says, “Okay.”
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caseykeshui · 3 months
Random question for my Fortnite players out there, what skins do you main? I'm curious! 🤯
(FN has so many skins I sometimes forget some exist- I'd like to be reminded of them wahhaha)
I main Rust/X-Lord 🤘❤️
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and then Tot entered a vegetative state :)
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poqu · 3 months
I love your style! What brushes do you use? Or is it an original pack?
Ahh thank you!! My main brushes are mostly default procreate brushes that I tweaked to be more to my liking~
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Lines- Inking -> Mercury (i removed any blending properties so it's just a solid textured brush)
Color- Inking -> Studio Pen (kinda just a hard circle brush), Painting -> Round brush (i changed the circle shape to a textured one), an occasional airbrush
I also tend to lower the stabilization so it's more comfortable for me but that might depend more on preference!
Overall my brushes are relatively simple and you can achieve getting them in any program,, Even after so many years I never got used to procreate's blending and stabilization so my brushes end up relatively basic from removing those properties ToT
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sweeneydino · 9 months
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They moody
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 months
Dear Magisowo,
Recently, I’ve had an infestation of pixies. They’ve been giving me problems beforehand, so I looked up how to deal with them. Someone recommended giving them oatmeal to appease them, so I did that. It worked for a while, but not only are they coming back expecting more, they’re getting more aggressive (yesterday, I saw threaten me with a thumbtack). What should I do now?
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Sorry to hear of your pixie predicament! As a general precaution we recommend wearing your outer layer of clothing (coat, jacket, shirt) inside out. This is a good basic ward against their magic and influence.
As to getting rid of them, however, that may be a more difficult task. If you wish to befriend them, leaving behind a bite of whatever you eat yourself is a greater gesture of respect than offering oatmeal or porridge. They also like music and can be very helpful to humans that they take a liking to, so we do recommend continuing your attempts to appease them first.
Banishing them from your home is possible, but you will need to contact an occult practitioner to do this safely. They will also need to verify what kind of pixies you are dealing with, because the Cornish piskie is a protected species and cannot be forcibly removed from its chosen habitat.
Best of luck!
~ the MagISoWo Team  
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kazumist · 1 year
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note: reader is not rosa! btw i miss artem im so glad his bday is close <3
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it wasn’t new for artem to be home late.
he tends to work overtime so that he can finish up some other business at the law firm, and you understand that. but as much as you want to greet him by the time he gets home, you tend to doze off while doing so.
tonight wasn’t really any different. you were once again waiting for artem to come back home, sitting by the sofa with the television on to keep you entertained as you waited. as much as you want to welcome artem home once during these times when he comes back late, you can’t really stay up that late since you are tired from your day as well.
with your eyelids slowly feeling heavy, not too long after you slept on the couch—again. 
not too long after, the door was unlocked, and there entered the man you were waiting for. this was a normal sight for artem to witness when he works overtime, you sleeping on the couch with the television still playing. (and he appreciates your efforts of waiting for him, he really does. how could he be so lucky to get a partner like you?)
he grabs the remote and turns the appliance off, then proceeds to carry you in bridal style to your shared bedroom.
artem’s hand reaches out to stroke your hair out of your face as he then presses a light kiss to your forehead.
“you did well today.”
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apopcornkernel · 6 months
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TOT: “I've heard a lot about you. Charlie was quite fond of you.” HELENA: “Charlie?” TOT: “Vic. Vic Sage?” (The Question: Pipeline. Chapter 2, Part 1)
no one touch me rn.
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jellyvibes710 · 6 months
Previous choices
All choices will have a different effect, whether that be positive or negative.
TW body dysmorphia
TW blood
TW separation anxiety
TW horror
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A close call
Leo energy has been drained, he'll be easily winded but can still help once more in the need of an emergency
The dangers of this place becoming more clear,
(I'm sorry this took so long, I recently got a job and then I have an interview for another one tomorrow after i get off work, I'm gonna be so dead haha)
(Good luck and thank you for being patient with me ✌️💜)
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xelasrecords · 9 months
If you fell into the river you'd just drown because Artem would be too busy rationalising the situation
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