#tov coffee
minnieeeworld · 4 months
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new commission sheet and new scrapbook style option :) 🩷🌹 please purchase through kofi and note that my full tos is not pictured!
5 slots open
rbs appreciated!! 🙏🎶
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hebrewbyinbal · 19 days
Boker Tov! 🌞
Take a deep breath, sip your coffee, and let today unfold with energy, hope, and calm.
Let’s embrace this new day with a smile and a light heart.
Wishing you all a restful, beautiful start! 🌿✨
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badkitty3000 · 5 months
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I had to make a new post for the remaining chapters because it was getting too long to add them to the original. If you'd like to read chapters 1-6, here is the link.
☕Love In The Time Of Cholera And Coffee ☕
Part Two: Chapters 7-9
Five x Female Reader, Klaus x Female Reader
You and Klaus are in a casual relationship. No ties, just sex. When you start spending a lot of time at his apartment, you somehow manage to break through his brother's prickly outer shell. He seems to like you, or at least tolerate you the best that Five can. When you start to realize that maybe there is more than just mutual friendship between the two of you, it opens up a lot of feelings and unanswered questions. And a lot of problems.
This story contains sexually explicit material! (But also lots of humor and fluff)
Chapter Seven: Be My Baby
The morning rush is typical for a Saturday. Lots of parents on their way to soccer tournaments, and elderly couples that wake up early, starting their day when the sun rises. You don’t need to be there, necessarily. Your team can handle it. But you like it. You like the early morning sunrise and the smell of the first pot of coffee brewing. The smiles of the hopeful people as they start their days. The morning is perfect. It gives everyone the chance to start fresh.
As you’re surveying the pastries and taking note of inventory, the bell over the door rings. You don’t even look up as you focus on the spreadsheet on your tablet. The customer, however, is not the usual. You recognize the silhouette of the person walking towards you. How could you not? It’s been 6 months, but you’ll never forget it.
“Hey there,” he says, as he nears the counter.
He’s just as you remember him and he addresses you as if no time has passed.
“Hi, Klaus,” you respond with a timid smile, looking up from your tablet.
Klaus removes his sunglasses that had been perched on his nose, and he looks around, taking it all in. He smiles that smile that usually means he’s up to something.
“Wow, so this place is hopping!” he says as he leans against the counter.
He’s wearing a pair of way too-tight white jeans, and a tank top that says “Slut” across the chest. His signature dog tags hang down over the lettering and jingle when he moves. 
“Yeah, we’re doing alright. Our profits are actually up since I bought it,” you respond with pride.
You haven’t seen Klaus since that day he and Five had their blow-out fight over you. Well, technically you haven’t seen him since the night before the blow-out. You had figured you’d never see either one of them again. Yet, here he was.
“Is that right? Well, mazel tov,” he answers with a genuine smile.
“Can I get you something?” you ask.
“I’ll take a green tea if you don’t mind,” Klaus says.
He doesn’t sound angry like you assumed he would be. Like he should be, honestly.
You nod at the barista who is working today and he busies himself with making Klaus’s drink. In the meantime, there is no one else in line, so you and he are stuck staring at each other. Klaus speaks first.
“So, it’s been a while. How are you?” he asks, a suspicious-looking smile on his face.
“I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
Klaus shrugs his shoulders and looks around again. “Oh, you know. I’m always here and there, doing something.”
You smile. “Same old Klaus. Like a feral tom cat just prowling the town.”
He winks back at you with a grin. “Meow.”
The barista hands him his tea and he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet to pay, but you hold out a hand.
“Don’t be silly. It’s on the house.”
Klaus raises his eyebrows, then lifts his cup up in a toasting gesture. “Thank you!”
You shrug. “It’s the least I can do. The very least.”
He nods thoughtfully and takes a sip, looking around the shop again. “Do you have a minute? You know, to talk?”
You swallow nervously and chew at your bottom lip. He doesn’t seem upset, but what does he want to talk to you about? It can’t be anything good. But you nod and come around the counter. You gesture to an empty table near the back, away from listening employees, and you both make your way over. Once you and Klaus are situated, sitting across from one another, you wait with hands folded in front of you.
“So…you’re probably wondering why I came here, aren’t you?” he asks, still with that same Klaus smile on his face.
You nod. “A little, yeah. I know we have good tea here but given the circumstances…” You look down at your hands and start picking at a cuticle. “I really never thought I’d be seeing you again.”
Klaus leans back and drapes an arm lazily over the back of the chair. “Yeah, well…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. And maybe a little bit of therapy.” He rolls his eyes. “Anyway, I’ve been trying to be a better person and see the error of my ways, and all that shit. And I have come to the conclusion that I owe you an apology.”
The surprise on your face must be evident because Klaus gives a little laugh and shakes his head. “I know that’s not what you were expecting. But, it’s true. I owe you an apology and I’m sorry.”
“For…for what? I’m the one—”
He cuts you off with an airy wave of his hand. “Listen. I was selfish and I should have appreciated you more. I know we weren’t going to end up getting married or anything, but I could have made more of an effort. Like when you were sick…that was shitty of me and I’m sorry. If I had treated you just a little better, then maybe…”
You groan and drop your forehead onto your hands as they rest on the table. “Klaus, I appreciate the apology, but you had nothing to do with that. That was me and I’m the one that needs to apologize, not you. I’m the one that fucked everything up between you two.”
Klaus is quiet and you glance up at him. He has a tiny smile on his face again. “Ok, so we both had a hand in it. And I accept your apology. But you didn’t fuck everything up. I mean, you’re not that amazing,” he says with a smirk before taking another sip of his tea.
You lift your head. “What do you mean? You guys aren’t…”
Klaus shakes his head and gives another dismissive wave. “Nah, we’re good. He did move out, though. But that might have been more about me leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor than anything else.”
You chuckle a little and lean back in your chair, starting to relax somewhat. “Huh. Well, good. I’m glad to hear that.”
Klaus is looking at you with one eyebrow raised, his mouth turned up at the corner.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” you ask.
Klaus shrugs his shoulders, trying to look innocent. Then he reaches into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a small, folded piece of paper. He slides it across the table to you. You pick it up with a look of confusion. When you unfold it, you see there is an address scrawled on it in Klaus’s messy handwriting.
“What is this?”
He gives another shrug. “I think maybe you two need to talk.”
Your eyes widen and you glance back down at the paper. “Wait…this is his address?”
Klaus nods, but then he’s starting to stand up, apparently ready to leave. “If you don’t want it, throw it out. But I figured I owed you that much.” He puts his sunglasses back on and looks down at you. “You do know he’s in love with you, right?”
Your shocked expression makes him laugh and he leans down to give you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thanks for the tea. Maybe I’ll see you around. You know, at family gatherings or something?”
Then Klaus is walking out the door, leaving you stunned and staring down at the piece of paper in your hands, your brain whirring.
A week goes by and you try not to think about it. But it’s kind of hard when you carry that paper around with you in your pocket every day. The address isn’t far from your store. Just a few blocks, actually. Which makes you realize that he has probably been avoiding you and the shop like the plague. Or has he been quickly walking by, taking a glance through the windows to see if you’re there? Maybe blinking away before you can raise your head and see him. Doubtful. Despite what Klaus told you, you have every reason to believe he has no desire to see you again.
Every time you think that maybe you should walk over there, to that address you have memorized now, you change your mind. Maybe it would be different if you still didn’t have a clear image of him in your head from the last time you saw him. That blank, uncaring look on his face. Those cold words he said to you. That’s what stops you each time.
But then at night, when you’re home alone and in bed trying in vain to sleep, different images come to mind. Memories of his face and his smile, and the way he would begrudgingly laugh at something funny you said. And of his body on yours, the heat of his skin, and his urgent kisses. You remember every word he said to you in the dark that night. And you just can’t believe he didn’t mean them. Not when he was pleading with you to be his.
The crazy thing was that you had already given yourself over to him. You wanted to be his. And you had thought that night was going to be just one of many you would spend together. Maybe it would have been awkward at first, with Klaus; but you were willing to try and work past that. Because that’s how much you wanted to be with him.
What an idiot you had been. On your way out of work one night, you throw the paper with the address into the trash can and walk away.
It has been two weeks since Klaus came by and even though you still can’t stop thinking about what he told you, you aren’t taking the bait. You’re better off without him or any of that mess. He’s better off without you, too.
The café is quiet, with only a few lights left on. It’s been closed for an hour now, all cleaned and the food stored away for the night. Your staff has gone home and it’s just you there. You’re finishing up some financial documents on your laptop at a table, a mix of some soft rock tunes playing on the speakers overhead. You’re humming along to a Whitney Houston song when you hear a knock on the glass door. When you look up, you take a sharp breath in and accidentally knock over the glass of water you had sitting next to you.
It's Five. He’s standing there, right outside the door, and he’s already spotted you, so you can’t exactly hide. Plus, now you’re jumping up and trying to mop up the spilled water with a few flimsy napkins and swearing to yourself out loud.
“Shit shit shit,” you mumble.
When you look up again, you can see Five watching the whole thing go down and he’s got that smirk on his face. The one you hate but also can’t stop thinking about. You huff, rolling your eyes, and motion for him to come in. The door is locked for the night, of course, but that doesn’t matter. He blinks in right away, reappearing a few feet away from you, hands in his pants pockets.
“Hi,” he says with a smile.
You pause, taking him in for a moment. Damn it, why is he so good-looking? With his stupid dark hair falling onto his forehead and his annoyingly perfect body and ridiculously chiseled jawline. And that goddamn sexy, smart-ass expression on his face. Fuck.
“What are you doing here?” you say, trying to appear like you couldn’t possibly care less that he’s standing right in front of you.
He shrugs. “Just walking by. I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d see if you were still here.”
After throwing the soggy napkins into the trash behind the counter, you come around again and lean against it, your arms crossed.
“Just walking by, huh?”
Five at least has the decency to look a little embarrassed as he glances at the floor and clears his throat.
“Yeah, well…something like that,” he mumbles.
“Why are you here, Five?”
You’re determined not to let him see the uncertainty in you and you raise your chin and square your shoulders to try and appear more confident. Inside, a million butterflies have taken residence in your stomach.
He rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, so…Klaus told me he came by the other day.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Yes, he did. And?”
“He told me he talked to you and gave you my address.”
You make a circular motion with your hand to get him to hurry this little story along.
“Anyway, he said he gave it to you and I thought maybe…” he trails off and looks down at the floor again.
“Ohhh…you thought maybe I’d come crawling back to you? Run right on over and jump into your arms? Tell you all is forgiven. Is that what you thought?”
“No!” he snaps, and then his voice softens again. “No. I just thought…” He throws his hands in the air in frustration. “Fuck! I don’t know what I thought! This is stupid, I don’t know why I came here.”
He turns around to leave, but you call out so that he stops in his tracks. “I almost did!” He turns to you and you blush a little. “I came really close to going over there. I had a whole speech prepared and everything. It was good, too. I was really going to let you have it.” You give a short laugh.
“Why didn’t you?” he asks.
“Because I was afraid that what Klaus told me wasn’t true,” you admit.
“What did Klaus tell you?”
You’re not really sure you want to get into all of that quite yet, so you change the subject back to him.
“Really, why are you here, Five? It’s been six months, so why now?”
“I just…” he takes a deep breath. “I just wanted to see you again. And to say I’m sorry.”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Then they crease together again. “And which thing or things are you sorry for?”
Five sighs and takes a few steps toward you, but stops short of coming too close. He seems to gain a little more confidence and he looks you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for everything. For putting you in that situation. And for saying what I did. I know I was a jerk and you didn’t deserve that.”
You look up and blink a few times to try and keep your emotions in check. Then you look back at him.
“Jerk doesn’t even begin to cover it. You hurt me, Five. Really hurt me. Do you realize that?”
He swallows hard and nods. “I know.”
“Why? Why did you do that? I don’t understand. I was ready to…” Your voice cracks and you don’t finish your sentence.
“After the fight with Klaus, I just felt so awful and ashamed, so I panicked and took it out on you. Which was a really shitty thing to do, and I’m so sorry. I also understand if you never want to see or talk to me again, but I thought I’d take a chance by coming here. I at least wanted to let you know.”
You nod slowly. “Yeah, ok, so you’re sorry. Is there anything else you’d like to confess?”
“What do you mean?”
You shift your weight to your other foot and cross and uncross your arms. “Did you even mean those things you said that night?”
He pauses for a minute and you see him swallow hard. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “I meant them.”
“Klaus said you’re in love with me,” you blurt out, and you watch as his eyes get wide and his face flushes.
He clenches his teeth together. “Fucking Klaus,” he mutters under his breath.
“So?” you challenge. “Is he right?”
He is visibly uncomfortable and his hands are in his pockets again as he looks at the floor. Then he gathers some courage and he looks up.
“He’s right,” he says. “I am in love with you. I have been for a long time.”
You sigh and put your hands on your hips and look up at the ceiling, then back at him again. “Damn it, Five!”
“You know, just because you say that does not mean all is forgiven, or that I’m automatically in love with you too, even though I am, although why I have no fucking idea. I really cannot believe the nerve of you showing up here after all this time. You are still the biggest asshole I have ever met and I’m not even sure I want anything to do with you anymore—"
Your rant is cut short when Five closes the few feet between you in a short spatial jump, making you yelp sharply when he suddenly grabs you around the waist and pulls you into him.
“Let go of me!” you say in protest.
“What did you say?” he asks, that arrogant look on his face as his mouth turns up on one side.
You squirm, trying to get out of his grasp but it’s not very convincing, and it’s also making your body rub up against his, which is not helping matters. His hold on you is strong, though, and he doesn’t let up. He’s looking you right in the eyes and you can’t seem to look away.
“I said you’re a giant asshole,” you say, your voice much weaker all of a sudden.
“You said you’re in love with me.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did,” he says with a smirk, right before he jerks your body closer to him, his arm wrapped around your middle and his hand resting on the small of your back.
His eyes travel over your face and you look at his lips and suddenly you can’t think straight anymore. You nod your head slowly.
“Yeah, maybe I did,” you confess in a whisper, right before he kisses you.
His kiss is soft and slow, and he brings his hand up to the side of your face. All of those feelings that you had pushed down come rushing back to you with that touch. You kiss him back, savoring the feel of his soft lips and the way his body feels next to yours.
He smiles against your mouth, even as he continues kissing you, and you drape your arms over his shoulders. When you pull away, he keeps his hand on your cheek.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to get my shit together,” he tells you with a breathy laugh. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you tell him with a smile, but when he goes in for another kiss, you pull back and place a hand on his chest. “Whoa there, buddy, not so fast.”
He scrunches his eyebrows together and it takes a lot of resolve for you not to kiss him right now because his pouty man face is so cute.
“What’s the matter?” he asks.
“Ok, so you said you’re sorry, but I’m going to need a little more than that.”
“Yes. You can’t possibly think waltzing in here and simply saying you’re sorry and you love me is enough, can you?”
“So, what do you want? You want me to fall on my knees and grovel?”
You place a finger on your lips in thought. “Hmm…that does sound nice, but something tells me you’d actually like that. No, let me think…” When you hear the music that has been playing on the store speakers, your face lights up. “I got it!”
“I’m afraid to ask, but ok, what is it?”
“Excuse me?”
You step out of his arms and lean back against the counter again. “I want you to sing the next song that comes on. No matter what it is. And I want it done with feeling. To me.”
Five’s face is hilarious because he looks like you just kicked him in the nuts. “Are you fucking serious? You want me to sing to you?”
You nod. “Yep.”
He stares in stunned silence for a minute before he crosses his arms and tilts his head. “You know I took a punch in the face for you.”
You shrug. “Sorry to hear that, but that’s not really relevant at the moment. Plus, I wasn’t there to witness or enjoy it, so it doesn’t count. No, I want you to sing, and if you half-ass it you will have to start over. I want to see some professional, Frank Sinatra-level, Elvis in Las Vegas-style crooning. And I want it right now.”
Five glances up and notices the security camera mounted in the corner behind you and runs a hand down his face. “Shit. And this is the only way you’re going to forgive me and stop torturing me by standing there looking cute but not letting me touch you?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“And there’s no way I can talk my way out of this and get you to kiss me again? Because I really want to kiss you again.”
“Nope. You say you love me. Prove it.”
He sighs heavily. “Alright then.”
“Alright, what?”
“I guess I’m fucking singing.”
You smile widely and at just that precise moment, the song that had been playing fades out and another one starts up. You start laughing when you hear “Be My Baby” by the Ronettes. It’s such a cheesy, girly pop song, and it’s perfect.
“Don’t forget…with feeling,” you remind him as you perch yourself on the countertop and wait expectedly for him to start.
With another sigh and a sarcastic smile in your direction, Five reluctantly starts singing.
The night we met I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I’d never let you go
It’s bad and off-key and he’s stumbling over some of the words. He can’t decide if he wants to sing it in the high, women’s register or lower his voice, so his voice keeps cracking. But he’s putting the effort in, like you requested.
So won't you say you love me?
I’ll make you so proud of me
We’ll make ‘em turn their heads, every place we go
He’s starting to get into it a little, adding awkward dancing and elaborate hand choreography.
So won’t you please
Be my little baby
Say you’ll be my darling
It’s maybe the cutest thing you’ve ever seen and when you start giggling, that’s when he really kicks it into gear. He grabs a plastic knife from the counter and uses it as a microphone to up his performance.
Be my baby now…whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh
He is singing his heart out directly to you, as dramatically as he can. He is also trying not to laugh while you are barely holding it together as you watch his horribly wonderful performance that he is putting on just because you asked him to. The dramatic emoting and facial expressions are too much, so you cover your eyes with your hands and peek through two fingers to watch him.
I’ll make you happy, baby,
Just wait and see
For every kiss you give me
I’ll give you three
For this, he grabs your hand and kisses it dramatically as you toss your head back and laugh at him. You have never seen him act this stupid and silly, and it’s making you love him that much more because you know he’d never do this for anyone else. When the interlude comes on, Five tosses his knife microphone over his shoulder without taking his eyes off you and takes your hand again, pulling you into him. He holds you to him as he dances slowly with you and when the lyrics start up again, he finishes out the song by belting it out as loudly and as off-key as possible while you alternate between laughing and visibly cringing.
So won’t you please
Be my little baby
Say you’ll be my darlin’
Be my baby now
As the song winds down and fades away, he stops dancing, but he’s still holding you close to him. He stands there with a wicked grin, waiting for you to say something.
“That’s all on video, you know. So I can blackmail you whenever you act up,” you say with a smile.
“Do you believe that I am willing to do anything for you, including humiliating myself? Did I sufficiently prove my love to you?”
“Well, I reserve the right to demand further proof at future times, but for right now, yes. That was sufficient.”
He doesn’t wait any longer before he’s back to kissing you, and this time you don’t try to stop him. When he holds you tight to his chest, his arms wrapped around you and his hand winding into your hair, you feel happier than you have in months. You probably shouldn’t have taken him back so willingly, despite his apologies and musical performance. But you can’t help yourself. You want him like you’ve never wanted anyone in your life, and the fact that he came back here for you has immediately melted any stoniness you had in your heart for him.
It’s quickly obvious that a few kisses are not going to be enough and you are both breathing hard as you try to pull each other even closer. Five pushes you up against the counter, boosting you up so you’re sitting on top and he is standing between your legs, his hands gripping into your thighs and pulling them forward to wrap around his waist. After a few seconds, you place a hand on his chest again.
“Hang on, we can’t do this,” you say, your chest heaving.
Five frowns. “I’m sorry, am I moving too fast?”
“No, I mean we can’t do this here . This is a major health code violation and if someone sees I’ll be in deep shit.”
Five laughs. “Well, I wasn’t planning on jizzing into the espresso machine, but I guess I see your point. We can stop.”
“No, I don’t want to stop ! Can’t we go to your place? It’s just a few blocks over.”
Five raises his eyebrows in surprise and chuckles. “I thought you didn’t care where I lived.”
You blush. “Well…I may have thrown your address out but that doesn’t mean I didn’t memorize it or map out how to get there from here.”
“Shut up,” you tell him, even as you’re smiling. “I know you’re loving this, you bastard.”
He shakes his head. “You think I’m loving the fact that the girl I’m head over heels in love with has secretly been obsessed with me and stalking me like a total creep?”
“I wasn’t stalking you! Jesus Christ, Five…are we going back to your place or not?”
He laughs again and you find yourself laughing right along with him. “Come on, psycho, let’s go.” He holds out a hand for you and you hop down off the counter. “It’s a nine-minute walk. Three if you let me blink you part of the way there.”
“You know exactly down to the minute? Who’s the stalker now?”
“Alright, I confess. I may have walked past here a couple of times.”
“Only a couple?” you ask with a smile.
He rolls his eyes. “I think I already regret coming here.”
You give him a quick kiss and then pull him by his hand towards the door. “No, you don’t. Because, in a few minutes, I’m going to rock your world, baby.”
He gives a frustrated groan. “You’re definitely letting me blink you there, now. I can’t wait a full nine minutes.”
Chapter Eight: Slow Hand
When we arrive at my apartment (5 minutes later, after one blink and a quick make-out session on the street), we step inside and she takes a look around. It’s not much different than the one I shared with Klaus, just a little smaller. The furniture is nice but simple, and everything is clean. There’s nothing fancy about it, but it’s comfortable and cozy. She notices a folded-up newspaper on one of the tables, turned to a half-completed crossword puzzle.
She smiles and points at it. “Such an old man thing to have.” She glances around. “Where’s the bowl of butterscotch candies? Or the plastic furniture covers?”
I am watching her as she starts walking around the living room, but then I suddenly blink over and grab her from behind. My arms are around her middle, holding her close to me while my mouth makes its way to her neck. After her initial shock wears off, she melts into me and tips her head back onto my shoulder.
“I might be an old man, darling, but my body and my hormones are 21 and you are driving them fucking crazy right now.”
She inhales sharply and exhales a soft laugh as I caress her stomach and hips with my hands, letting my mouth trail over her neck.
“Good thing for you, I happen to have a thing for older men in hot, young bodies,” she says. She turns around to face me, my arms still around her, and she gives me a smile before kissing me.
“Lucky me,” I reply.
Before I can say anything else, she pushes me backward until my legs hit the back of the couch. She gives me a shove with a hand on my chest, making me sit down, and she immediately climbs onto my lap, straddling me. Just that move right there has me hard already and I grab her face with both hands, kissing her deeply while she pushes herself over my crotch.
“Can I ask you something?” she breathes out while my mouth returns to her neck.
“Hmmm,” I respond in between kisses.
“Have you been with anyone else since me?”
I stop and I just can’t help but tease her a little with an inside joke about the book we read together. I flash her a devious smile. “622. Give or take.”
She laughs and whacks me on the chest. “Yeah, right. You wish.”
I shake my head. “No, sweetheart. There’s been only you on my mind.” Then I trace my thumb across her bottom lip and look her in the eyes. “But it’s ok if you have.”
She kisses me again, running a hand through my hair. “I went on one date, that’s it.”
Despite what I just told her about it being ok, my body immediately tenses up when she says that and I know she can tell. I start to relax a little when she places her own kisses onto the side of my neck. I let out a long breath before I ask more questions, even though I don’t really want to hear about it.
“Just one?”
She nods, continuing her kisses. “Yes. Just one.”
“And how did this date end?” I ask, trying to play it cool, although I doubt it’s very convincing.
She runs her tongue under the curve of my jaw before giving it a small bite. I grab her hips in return.
“It ended with a very steamy good night hug.”
I let out a hum of approval, leaning my head back while she draws her lips over my Adam’s apple.
“Why nothing more?”
She pauses and waits until I’m looking at her again. “Because he wasn’t you,” she tells me. I think maybe she is teasing me, but the look on her face is completely serious.
“I like that answer.”
I put my hand on the back of her neck as I try to pull her in for another kiss, but she resists and pulls backward. I’m momentarily confused until I see her very devilish face as she slowly slides off my lap and onto the floor, kneeling in front of me with her hands on my thighs. She looks up at me, biting her lower lip and it’s a goddamn miracle I haven’t come in my pants yet. I let out a little whimper just from the sight of her.
“You know, you kicked me out before I had a chance to repay you for that amazing tongue action you gave me that night,” she tells me.
“That was pretty fucking stupid of me,” I joke, although I’m clearly breathing harder and I have to shift in my seat.
She smiles and leans forward, letting her mouth graze over the crotch of my pants where the hard swelling of my erection is impossible to miss. When I feel her warm breath seeping through the fabric, I suck in a loud breath and push my hips up.
“Fuck,” I whisper.
As she starts unbuckling my belt and opening my pants, she looks back up. “You don’t have to,” I tell her quietly.
She gives me a small smile but starts to pull at my pants until I help her out by lifting my hips up slightly. When she takes my straining cock in her hand, I make another groaning noise and swear under my breath.
“Let me give this to you,” she says softly.
She is licking and sucking up and down my shaft and circling her tongue over the head, and I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I may have had a few sexual experiences before her, but none of them involved anything sensual like this.
“You taste so good,” she moans before her lips pass over my entire length again and I have to close my eyes.
I move a hand to her head and she makes a little whining noise that I take to mean she’s ok with me doing that. Which is very good, because I am having one hell of a time controlling myself right now. I flex my fingers and pull her hair at the same time I just slightly push her head down. I want to fuck her face so badly right now, but I know if that happens, I’m going to be done in about three seconds and I’d really like to wait just a little longer before I embarrass myself again this evening.
“Oh fuck, honey, that feels so good and I really don’t want you to stop, but…shit…I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer if you keep doing that.”
She doesn’t laugh, or argue, and she looks pretty proud of herself as she removes her mouth from me and looks up. My chest is heaving and I lick my lips.
“Get up here,” I say with enough authority that she knows I’m not messing around.
It must have worked because she’s standing up in a second and stripping off her clothes until she is fully naked in front of me.
“God fucking damn it, you’re gorgeous,” I groan, reaching out a hand for her.
Rather than climb directly onto my lap again, she shakes her head and leans down to unbutton my shirt and drag it down my arms. I love the way her warm hands feel on me as she quickly undresses me. She yanks my pants the rest of the way down my legs and off until I’m completely naked, too. She stops for a minute and looks me over. My mind drifts back to the time she caught me in the shower, jerking off while thinking of her. Luckily now, I get to do a lot more than just imagine things.
This time when I pull her by the hand, she immediately relents, straddling my lap once more. I dive onto her mouth to kiss her hard while I grab her hips tightly. She whines quietly as she automatically starts rubbing her soaking wet slit over my cock. It feels amazing, but I need to be inside of her again; I can’t wait any longer. With one lift of her hips and some maneuvering with my hand, she sinks down onto my shaft, letting me fill her up entirely.
“Oh…oh my god!” she cries out.
We stay like that for a minute, neither one of us moving yet, and I bring my hand up to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me.
“I’ve missed you so much…” I murmur into her shoulder and I hear her sigh happily.
When she starts to move, slowly, over my dick, my grip on her tightens and I thrust up to match her rhythm. I can’t stop looking her deep in the eyes, so when she tries to look away, I gently guide her face towards me again. My hands travel down her sides and back up again, around to her ass, and then over her thighs. I want to touch every part of her and I can’t believe how long I’ve gone without feeling her. I love how it feels with her slowly fucking me, but I can’t stop the urge to have her pounding away on top of me.
“Ride me harder, sweetheart,” I tell her with a groan as I jerk her body forward.
She does exactly what I say and starts moving hard and fast on top of me, her hands holding onto my shoulders and her forehead pressed to mine.
“I love you, Five. I need you and I love you,” she tells me, and she sounds so desperate.
I’ve never been so happy to hear something in my whole life and it’s almost painful to feel the amount of love that is flowing through me right now. “I know, baby. I’m so sorry for everything. I love you so much.”
It’s hard to focus on everything all at once. I want to keep kissing her and tell her so many things. I want to feel her body pressed against mine, her hands all over me, and her harsh breathing on my skin. The desperate noises we are making are getting louder and higher pitched, and underneath all of that, I can hear the wet slapping noises between the two of us as her cunt passes over my dick. She is fucking me as hard as she can, but it’s not enough; I want more.
I don’t say anything or ask if it’s ok before I lift her off by her hips, pulling out and throwing her next to me so that she’s lying on her back. She’s sprawled out, whining at the loss of my body against hers. That doesn’t last long though, because I’m back on top of her in a second, thrusting inside of her again while I hold myself over her.
“I do love you, but fuck , I want to destroy this body of yours right now,” I warn between clenched teeth.
“I’m all yours,” she moans, throwing her head back as I slam into her.
I am rough and relentless, and even though I’m fucking her to the point I’m sure it’s almost painful, she is screaming for more. She is gasping for air and whimpering with each forceful drive of my cock inside of her. I’m starting to sweat and my hair is hanging in my face, but I keep my eyes trained on her. I’m hoping to god she’s getting close because I know I am and this is one race I do not want to win.
“Five…Five, oh my god yes!”
Hearing that is too much, though, and suddenly I’m violently coming inside of her. “Ah, fff-fuck!”
She is falling apart, clutching at my shoulders and writhing beneath me, her body spasming with pleasure as she lets out a sobbing cry that is filled with emotions. My manic thrusting stops as I stiffen against her, my hips twitching as I fill her up with a surge of cum. My moans are loud and long as I hold myself over her, finally lowering myself down enough to kiss her through panting breaths.
As my body relaxes, she pulls me onto her so I can press my face into the crook of her neck, my chest flush with hers. We trade soft kisses back and forth as we both try to catch our breath. She smiles at me and pushes my hair off my damp forehead, trailing her fingers down the side of my neck and over my shoulder. I could stay like this forever.
“Shit, that was amazing. I want you like that every day,” she tells me. “Although, maybe you have lots of important things to do this evening? Should I leave?”
I let out a long sigh. “Is this going to be a thing? You’re just going to make me pay for my stupid behavior again and again?”
She shrugs and gives me that impossibly cute smart-ass look of hers. “Probably.”
I return it by giving her a small bite to the side of her neck and I chuckle when she yelps. I hold myself over her so I can look down on her, one eyebrow raised. “I suppose that’s fair. But you are the only important thing I have to do this evening and you are never leaving again.”
“Oh, so now you’re holding me captive?”
“I’m afraid so,” I tell her sadly.
She laughs and pulls me down to kiss me again. “You’re so cute when you’re all soft and sweet like this.”
“I think we’ve been over this,” I say with a frown. “I am not cute. I am an angry, smoldering, sex god.”
Running a hand over my back and down, she grabs my ass and gives it a squeeze. “Yes, you are. And you are my smoldering sex god.”
I don’t know about the sex god part of it, but I know I am undeniably hers from now on. I smile. “Yes, I am.”
After another quick kiss, I help her up off the couch and she heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I still can’t believe this is real and I just stand there like a big, naked dope smiling to myself because I’m so happy right now.
When she comes back out, I’m still there waiting for her and I watch as she bends down to pick up her underwear that was discarded on the floor. I startle her when I grab them from out of her hands and tilt her face up with a hand on her chin.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I ask with a smirk.
She blinks up at me and sticks her bottom lip out. “I thought I was getting dressed.”
Without taking my eyes off her, I hurl the balled-up panties over her shoulder so that they land halfway across the room. “Like hell you are.”
Then, just to be a giant prick, I grab her around the waist and in half a second we are falling out of one of my portals and onto my bed. She lets out a shriek as her back hits the mattress and I laugh evilly when I land next to her. This might be my favorite party trick and it never gets old.
After she gets her wits about her, she sits up with a scowl and punches me in the arm. “Don’t ever do that without giving me a heads-up again! Fuck, that was weird.”
“Sorry, darling. But when you have the ability to teleport a beautiful, naked woman into your bed, it’s nearly impossible not to take advantage of the opportunity.”
She’s probably still trying to get that foggy feeling to leave her brain, but I don’t wait before I kiss her again, deep and hard while I push her back onto the bed. I know she can already feel me getting harder as I lay myself over her.
With a giggle, she pulls back. “Already? Pretty impressive for someone your age.”
I flip a piece of hair out of my eyes and gaze down at her with an expression I’ve been told makes me look like an arrogant asshole. “Sweetheart, if you think for one minute you are getting any kind of break tonight, think again. We have a lot of time to make up for and with that amazing fucking body of yours, I get hard as a rock just looking at you.”
She lets out a little whimper that has me proving my previous statement as I start pressing myself against her thigh. She lays her head back and lets me kiss down her neck and over her chest. Her hands are warm and firm as they travel over my body in response. Everything is perfect and I’m in heaven.
“Yes, love?” I ask, not stopping as I move my mouth to her cleavage, sucking at the skin there while I massage her perfect tits and lightly graze her nipples with my fingertips.
“I want this to be real. And I want it to last.” I stop what I am doing and look up at her. “If you think there’s a chance that tomorrow or next week or even a month from now you are going to change your mind; if there’s any doubt at all…then I can’t do this. So, tell me now if this is just another impulse you are acting on but are going to regret in the morning. Tell me if you’re going to wake up tomorrow and say none of this was real. Because that shit hurt and I don’t want to feel that bad ever again.”
It’s like someone just ripped my heart out of my chest. I look at her face and it’s filled with so much uncertainty and hurt, and it was all caused by me. I want to reassure her that I will never do anything like that again, but I hardly know where to start. My mouth opens partially before closing again. I reposition myself so that I am lying next to her, placing my hand gently on the side of her face, urging her to look at me. I want to look her in the eyes so that she knows I mean it.
“I know I hurt you. I was horrible to you and I understand why you don’t want to trust me right now. I wish you could see inside my head and know how fucking sorry I am. How I wish I could take back everything I said to you that morning. All I can do is beg for your forgiveness and let me try and make it up to you. I meant everything I said. I’ll take care of you. I want to make you happy. And I want you with me not just for tonight, but always. I love you.”
“Ok,” she whispers with a small nod. “I believe you.”
“I’m serious. I can’t promise I will never do anything stupid again or that I will magically stop being an asshole sometimes, but I can promise that I will never deny my feelings for you again.”
She nods again, and then her mouth turns up in a cute little smile. “Never? Even when I’m incredibly annoying and wiping my snotty nose all over your shirtsleeve?”
I make a disgusted face that has her giggling. “You wiped your nose on me?”
“Just once or twice when you weren’t looking.”
I shake my head. “No wonder I ended up with your disease ten days later.”
She smiles and traces my lips with her fingertips. “A deadly disease and a punch in the face? Just for little old me?”
I kiss the tips of her fingers and nod. “And I would do it all over again a million times if it meant you’d end up here. Specifically, right here, underneath me and naked.”
When I start to kiss her again, I feel her body react as she sighs into me, and her hips start slowly rolling upwards. She tries to drag my body on top of hers, but I don’t let her. Instead, I pull away from her mouth to look at her again, my fingers following the curve of her jaw. I have been thinking of something she said while she was talking in her feverish dreams that night, and I’m going to need to try it out.
“I told you I’d take care of you and I meant it.” I give her another kiss. “So, let Daddy take care of you, my love.”
Her reaction is just what I was hoping for as she sucks in a loud breath and bites at her lip, her hips pressing up again. I laugh, kissing her gently while running the back of my hand down her cheek.
“I take it you like that, sweetheart?” I murmur as I move under her chin.
She whines out some sort of response that might resemble a yes, and I smile with approval while my mouth travels back down her neck and onto her collarbone.
“I want to make you feel good.” I go about sucking a dark bruise onto the hollow between her shoulder and neck, making her hiss through clenched teeth. “Tell Daddy what you want, darling.”
“Shit,” she breathes out, at the same time trying desperately to push herself against me, but I’m being mean and not letting her. “I really fucking like it when you say things like that,” she moans.
I’m trailing my lips over the soft skin of her neck. She’s so beautiful and I nuzzle my face into her shoulder, sighing happily. “Do you? Now, how did I know that I wonder?” My hands start roaming all over her body. I continue to speak close to her ear and bite her earlobe. “What else, my love? Tell me. Tell me everything you want.”
With a whine, she closes her eyes and tips her head back. “I want to feel your hands all over me. I dream about your hands.”
Well, that’s new information. But it’s definitely going to work in my favor because if she likes my hands, I love exploring every square inch of her body with them.
I place another deep, sucking kiss that brands a mark onto her neck and she tries to stifle a whimper, but it comes out anyway. One of my hands is already making its way down her side and onto her hip while my other gently pets her hair as I hold myself partially over her with my forearm.
My fingers trace along the curves of her thighs and onto her stomach. I continue watching her face as I map out her body, bit by bit until she is so starved for more, she tries to push my hand between her legs. I’m quicker and stronger, though, and I pull my hand away with a sly grin and a shake of my head. I really am being a bastard right now.
“If you want something, sweetheart, you need to tell me.”
She gives a small groan of frustration, but she meets my eyes as her hips jerk upwards.
“Fuck me with your hand, Daddy.”
Damn, if that isn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever heard and I think about forgetting her request altogether and just slamming my cock into her instead. I resist, though, and I lower my head to bury my face into her shoulder again. “Oh, shit I love hearing that,” I tell her.
I want to give her everything she wants though, so I get back to work, my hand slowly moving across her lower abdomen and then lower still.  I tease by stroking the crease between her thighs and hips and then pull away again. She is getting more and more worked up by my fingers traveling over her body. I decide to crank up the dirtiness level just a little by bringing my hand up to her mouth and pushing my two fingers inside. She immediately grabs my hand by the wrist and starts sucking on them, wetting them all over and slipping her tongue in between. Her eyes fall shut and she moans. I push them in and out a few times, and I like the way she looks when I do that.
“You look so pretty like this, baby,” I tell her before I remove them and she licks at her lips.
I give her another kiss before I’m back to tracing lines over her breasts, leaving a trail of her own saliva over each one. I keep moving down, over her stomach again and around to her hip. It’s slow, but the anticipation makes it all the more erotic when my fingers finally make contact with the satiny area between her legs. The noise she lets out is loud and long and when I slip two digits inside of her tight hole, she cries out; pressing her hips up to try and fuck my fingers.
“Five! Ohhh...god...”
“Don’t close your eyes. Look at me,” I order her, and she obeys.
I want to see her reaction to every little movement and calculated maneuver I perform on her. I also want to hear her. I want her to cry out my name and scream so loud the neighbors will think something is wrong. The crease between her eyes deepens and her mouth falls open as she keeps her eyes on me like I want; all while I am fucking her slowly and deliberately with my hand.
“That’s my sweet girl. Just like that.”
When I curl my fingers inside of her and press my thumb into her clit, she grips the bed covers on either side with her fists and arches her back off the bed.
“Oh, fuck yes!” she screams out.
Watching her like this is turning me on like crazy, and I have to tell myself to keep going. I want to pound my cock inside of her again, to feel her tight cunt around me as I slam mercilessly against it. I keep fingering her, but the thought of everything else I want to do is getting to me and I can’t help rubbing my dick against her leg.
She is so wet that my hand is covered in the slick of her arousal, and it’s dripping down my wrist. I push in deeper and work her clit harder while she writhes around, thrusting her hips up. I’m practically humping her leg now, shoving my cock between her thigh and the bed, and I can’t fucking stop. Any contact with her body against my raging hard-on feels amazing and I want more.
Right before she comes, she grabs my hand and shoves it harder against herself, grinding and bucking against it while the noises she’s making get louder and louder. I feel like my dick is going to explode I’m so worked up right now and just watching her fall apart like this is making it worse.
When she starts to squeeze her eyes shut, I don’t let her. “Look at me,” I demand, and she does.
“Ff-iive!” she moans as she pulses against me, her grip on my wrist tightening.
When she calms down and her hand slackens on mine, I pull my soaking-wet fingers out. She smiles dreamily up at me and lets out a breathy laugh.
“Sorry, I got a little—”
I don’t let her finish what she was going to say, because all I can think about are my own needs at the moment. I want to fuck her so badly, but I know that I’m going to come instantaneously if I shove my dick into her right now. Instead, I take her hips and flip her over while I sit up on my knees behind her, pulling her towards me so that her ass is in the air directly in front of me. I hear her make a little squeal of surprise, but I barely register it.
When I haul back and smack her voluptuous ass cheek with the flat of my hand, leaving a beautiful pink mark on her skin, she cries out louder.
“Be a good girl and stay right there for Daddy,” I growl.
All I can think about is how she is finally mine and no one else can have her. I violently pump my hand over my dick as I stare at the perfectly round ass that belongs to only me. I rub one cheek while I’m still jerking my cock; she is moaning while sprawled out on the bed in front of me, ass in the air. It’s such a depraved scene and what I’m about to do will probably not be appreciated, but I can’t be bothered to care at the moment. After a few more strokes I am unloading all over her, covering her with ropes of my cum. I watch as it pools in the small of her back and drips down in between her crack. More of it lands directly on her ass and is sliding down the backs of her thighs.
I want this image to be burned into my brain, as sick as that sounds. I feel like I just marked her as my own like some sort of territorial animal. Some psychiatrist out there would probably have a field day with me right now, but fuck them. She is mine and here’s the sticky, milky proof all over her.
“Fuck!” I yell as the last few drops spurt out.
I’m breathing loud and hard and it takes me a minute to fully grasp what I just did, which was jerking off all over her ass and back without any warning or permission to do so. I can’t see her face either, because she has it turned to the side and her hair is partially covering it.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I start to say, but then she pushes her hair away and glances back at me as she lowers her body so she’s flat on the bed again. I start to feel a little better when I see she’s smiling.
“Damn, Daddy, you are one horny, perverted old man!”
“Yeah, that was not my finest moment, was it? I am so sorry,” I say sheepishly.
She laughs. “Don’t be sorry. Anytime you want to take charge like that, you can do whatever you want to me.”
I break into a wide grin. “That’s a good thing, then, because I have many more dirty things in mind that I’d like to do to you.”
“Can’t wait,” she says in that sexy way I love.
She’s still lying there covered in my semen that is rapidly cooling and sticking to her skin. Even if she says she’s ok with me jerking off all over her, it is probably not the greatest feeling in the world, so I tell her to wait there as I blink into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth to clean her off with.
After all that is taken care of, we settle into bed. She feels so good snuggled up next to me, her body warm next to mine, and I breathe in the scent of her strawberry-infused hair that I have been missing so much. I love how soft her skin is and I can’t stop running my hands up and down her arm and hip as I pull her in closer, her back flush with my chest.
We are quiet for a while, just comfortable in the silence until I speak up. There’s so much I want to tell her, and I’m not even sure where to start.
“You know, for years I would dream about this. About having someone to fall asleep with and wake up with.”
“What about Dolores?”
“I loved Dolores with all my heart, and I will always love her. But there were many nights, after she fell asleep, that I would allow myself to think about what it would be like to have someone that could kiss or hug me back. To touch me at all, really. That’s probably why I liked reading all of those romance novels. There wasn’t a lot of physical love in my house growing up, and then there was only Dolores. My two sources for any affection in my life came from my robot mother and my mannequin wife.”
I let out a small laugh at that, but she doesn’t return it. Instead, she just squeezes my hand and pulls my arms tighter around her. She waits for me to keep going.
“So, those books were the only reference I had for real love. And I wanted that for so long. After a while, though, I just stopped thinking about it. Because I knew it was never going to happen. It was all just a made-up fantasy.”
“I’m so sorry, Five,” she says quietly.
“Don’t be. All of that made me into the fully functioning and mentally stable man you know and love today.”
At that, she does laugh. “You are one of a kind, Five, that’s for sure.”
“That’s another thing,” I start as I rub my cheek against her hair. “Are you sure you’re ok with…you know…my situation?”
“What does that mean?”
“Well, by my rusty mental math, I am technically more than double your age.”
She’s silent for a minute and I think maybe she really is re-thinking this whole thing. “I know that. I don’t care.”
“Are you sure? Because it’s not going to get any better, you know. I’m just going to keep getting older and crankier. Pretty soon, I’m going to want to eat dinner at 4 pm and bitch about my expired grocery coupons.”
She giggles. “I don’t think you can get any crankier than you already are, so I don’t have to worry about that. And the rest I can deal with.” She flips over so she’s looking at me. She threads her fingers into my hair at the back of my neck and I close my eyes at her touch. “I love you because of, not in spite of, all of that. I love you for all that you are, Five. Even the cranky, old man parts.”
When she kisses me, it’s the softest, most loving kiss I have ever felt and I want to melt into her. “With you, I get the best of both worlds. Hot young guy with the mature mind and life experiences of an older man. What’s not to love?”
I lean in for another kiss, and when she breaks away from it, she gives me a little smile. “Besides, as long as you keep fucking me like you’ve been, I don’t care if you’re sixty or six hundred years old.”
She throws her leg over my hip and I shake my head with a smile. “Honey, I really don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
“I can tell,” she says before pushing harder against me and kissing me again.
The next morning, after one of the best sleeps of my life, I wake up to the smell of freshly roasted coffee and a soft kiss on my cheek. When I open my eyes, there’s my girl, standing over me and setting a tray down on the table next to the bed. I barely notice the coffee cups with their fragrant steam drifting out of the tops, because I can’t take my eyes off of her. I must be having one hell of a dream right now because she’s wearing one of my t-shirts with nothing else on except a pair of cotton panties adorned with little pink cats. When I smile blearily up at her, still in the process of fully waking, she laughs at me.
“What?” I ask, as I try and haul myself up to a sitting position.
“Your hair. It’s sticking up everywhere. You look like you stuck your finger in a light socket.”
I frown and pat my hand on top of my head, feeling the rat’s nest that’s there. “Give me a break, ok? I just had a pretty wild night. Some crazy woman kept trying to maul me all night long.”
She presses her lips together in an effort not to laugh. “Well, I can hardly blame her. Have you seen yourself with no clothes on? Kind of ridiculous to expect to be left alone.”
“Come here, crazy,” I say as I reach out and yank her towards me by her hand.
She lands sideways on my lap and I kiss her while she attempts to smooth my hair into place. “I brought you some coffee,” she tells me after I let her up for air.
“Thank you, love. Although that hardly seems fair that you’re serving me coffee. Don’t you have to work today?”
She shakes her head. “I was supposed to, but I asked my boss and she said I should stay here today, instead.”
I reach for one of the mugs of coffee and hand it to her before taking my own. “Your boss sounds very smart.” When she giggles at that, I run a hand over her bare thigh and give it a squeeze. “Especially since you’re wearing these little cat panties I love so much. I was hoping I’d get to see these again.
She makes a little face over her coffee mug. “What do you mean, again?”
I take a drink from my own mug and give her a crooked smile. “You already gave me a nice little show in them before. Although I definitely prefer you wearing my shirt over them instead of my brother’s.”
“What…wait…you remember that? You were wasted drunk!”
I roll my eyes at her. “No amount of alcohol would let me forget you standing half-naked in my doorway trying to look mad but not really succeeding.”
She scoffs at me. “I was mad! You were being obnoxious!”
“Right. And you weren’t being obnoxious when you decided to put on that little vocally-driven performance right afterward?”
That makes her break and laugh, and she leans in to give me a kiss. “You know why I did that, right?”
“To torture me until I considered stabbing a pencil into my ears?” I deadpan.
“No…” she smirks. “For one, I wanted to piss you off and make you jealous. Show you what you were missing out on.”
“Uh-huh…well mission accomplished.”
“And two, well, there was a reason I was acting much more spirited than usual.”
“Spirited? It sounded like you were possessed.”
She runs a hand down my chest. “Maybe I was thinking of someone else at the time.”
I like where this is going and I raise my eyebrows before taking a sip of my coffee. “Go on. I like the turn this story is taking.”
“Well, I won’t go into detail, but just know that all of those noises you heard, were caused by you.”
I set my mug down and then grab hers to do the same. With my hands free, I pull her closer to me while I slip a finger into the waistband of her underwear and snap it against her skin.
“Naughty girl,” I murmur before kissing her hard on the mouth.
“Maybe so,” she says when she pulls away, “But, I’m willing to bet that gave you some nice material to use for a few lonely nights?”
When I pull her by her hips over my lap, there is no way she is missing the growing hard-on I’ve got going on under the sheets. “Baby, you have no idea how much material that gave me.”
Before I can get too involved with my roaming hands and mouth, she stops me by pulling back. My eyebrows crease together and my lips form a tight line with annoyance. I don’t like not being able to indulge in an early morning bone session at the moment. Especially when she’s sitting here, grinding her tight little ass against said bone.
“Before you get too carried away, and before you start pouting any more than you already are, I have to show you something.”
“Is it under your panties?”
She sighs and rolls her eyes at me. “No.” Then she reaches over and takes something off the tray. She hands me a book and when I look at it, I see it’s the book we read together. Love In The Time Of Cholera. And it’s not just any copy, it’s my exact one.
I look up at her in surprise. “This is mine! I’ve been looking everywhere for it. I thought I lost it when I moved.”
She shrugs and smiles shyly. “I may have stolen it from your room before.”
“You stole it from me?”
“Kind of. After we were done reading it, I put it in my bag because I wanted to take it home to reread it again. And I meant to tell you and bring it back when I was done. But then you decided to be the world’s biggest asshole…”
“Yeah, I know that part, we don’t need to rehash that again.”
“Well, anyway, I forgot it was in there and I left with it. So, there it has stayed, in my bag for the past six months. Which is how it ended up here again because I brought my bag with me when I left work last night.”
I turn the book over in my hands and smile. “I love this book. For obvious reasons.”
“So…will you read to me?” she asks, just like she did before, with the big eyes and the pouty lip.
“You want me to read this again? Are you sure? Because there are a lot of other things I can think of that we could be doing right here, right now, in this bed.”
She shakes her head, and then climbs off my lap, taking her coffee cup, and then snuggling up next to me under the covers. “I want to lie right here next to you, all warm and cozy, while you read our book to me with that super sexy voice of yours.”
I smile and kiss her forehead. “Well, when you flatter me like that, how can I resist?” I start to settle in and open the book. “And then…”
She sighs. “Yes, and then you may use me to take care of that giant bed snake I felt stabbing me in the leg just now.”
“I’m going to remember you said ‘giant’, by the way.”
“Just read the damn book, Five.”
“Yes, my darling. Anything for you.”
Chapter Nine: Hey Daddy
“Five!” you yell from the bedroom, as you’re on your hands and knees, frantically searching under the bed. “Where are my shoes?”
You hear his voice from the other room. “How the hell do I know?”
“Well, can you come here and help me look for them? I’m going to be late!”
After a few seconds, Five comes striding casually into the room, holding out a pair of strappy black heels that are dangling from his fingers. “Looking for these?”
“Oh! Yes, thank you! Where were they?”
“One was on the kitchen counter and the other was lying on the sofa.”
You give an exasperated sigh as you start tugging them onto your feet, using Five’s shoulder to steady yourself so you don’t tip over. “How in the world…I am a walking disaster this morning!”
When you get your shoes on, you straighten up and tug your clothes down, then you smooth your hair. Your nerves and scattered brain are obvious and Five grabs your hands in his. You can see he’s trying not to laugh at you.
“Hey, everything is going to be fine. You’re supposed to be having fun. It’s a celebration, remember? Not a tax audit.”
You give him a strained smile and you’re dying to start picking at your fingernails, but he’s got your hands held tight. “I know, but there’s just so much to do. I have to make sure all of the food is there, and the gifts for my staff and the music…” Five gives your hands a squeeze when he sees you starting to panic again.
“You’ve gone over everything a million times, it’s all done. All you have to do now is show up, be your delightful, albeit slightly neurotic self, and celebrate your one-year anniversary of ownership.”
“You’re right,” you sigh.
“As always.”
You give him an irritated look at his response, but you only receive a smirk in return. Then he leans in to kiss you and suddenly you feel a little more relaxed.
“You’re going to come by later?” you ask him.
“Absolutely. I want to hear you make your big speech, and also snag some of that good champagne we bought. I can’t let all of that go to waste on the riff-raff over there.”
“They are not riff-raff, they are my loyal customers.”
“If Klaus is there, they are riff-raff.”
You laugh. “That’s true. He said he was coming and bringing friends.”
“Well, anyway, don’t be late. What are you doing before then?”
“Going to visit Leroy and Mr. Featherbottom the Third. They’ll be expecting me.”
After a deep sigh and a look up, while you mutter under your breath, you look back at Five. “You’re naming them now?”
“Well, not all of them, that’s ridiculous. Just the frequent flyers.” A giant grin spreads across his face. “Get it?”
“Oh, I get it alright. I get that my boyfriend is a certifiable nutcase and is starting to name pigeons at the park.”
“You’re just jealous.”
“I’m jealous of some dirty old pigeons?”
“Yes. You’re jealous because I have to split my time between you and my feathered friends and you can’t handle the competition.”
You let out another frustrated sigh, but your exterior is starting to crack and you can’t help smiling as you pull your hands away from his and put them on his shoulders. “I can assure you, my sexy old man, that I am not jealous. Because if I were, that would mean you’d be doing something much weirder with those birds than feeding them in the park, and if that’s the case we need to have a long talk. And I don’t have time for that right now.”
He gives your cheeks a squeeze and kisses you on the mouth. “I promise you are the only one, human or non-human, that I am doing weird things with.”
“Glad to hear it. Now, I need to get going, so tell Mr. Featherbutt…”
“Whatever…tell him I said hi and I’ll see you later today, ok?”
“I’ll be there.”
You start looking around the room. “Now where the hell are my car keys, I know I just had them.”
Five fishes around in his pants pocket and pulls out your keys, holding them up in front of you with that know-it-all look of his.
“Damn it! Where were they?” you ask as you snatch them out of his hand.
“In the dishwasher.”
“In the dish…what in the hell is wrong with me today?”
Five shakes his head. “I’m not sure, but you are so damn cute, you know that?”
You give him a hasty kiss on the cheek and then you’re hurrying out the door. “Yes, I know I am, but thank you for reminding me. Love you!”
The anniversary party for your café has been planned for weeks. You never had a grand opening celebration, since you had just taken it over from the previous owner, but you decided you needed to mark the occasion somehow. Five had helped you with the planning, which ended up being extremely helpful and annoying at the same time. As it turns out, which was not a huge surprise, an uptight man with attention to detail and a lot of spare time on his hands can be a bit much. But he really did take care of a good portion of it, so you were very thankful in the end.
On your drive in to work, you let your mind wander and start thinking about how happy you are at this point in your life. Your business is profitable, you have a good staff that likes and respects you, and you are no longer lonely. Only a few weeks after your reunion, you had moved in with Five. Everyone you had told at the time had thought you were crazy and moving way too fast, but you knew deep down that it was the right choice. You two were happy together and neither of you were going anywhere. So, it just made sense.
Now it was six months later and you had never been so in love. He had not broken his promise of making sure you were always taken care of and he did everything in his power to make you happy. Not that you needed much. You made sure he was content with your life together, too. And even though his old man tendencies sometimes tried your patience, you were happy if he was happy. The amazing sex was an added bonus.
The party was supposed to be an all-day event, with free coffee, music, and glasses of champagne for every customer. Then, you were going to close early and have the party continue for just your staff. They were as much of a part of the success of your business as you were, and you want them to feel appreciated. The staff party was when Five was supposed to drop by.
The event goes well and when Five does walk in, you catch him out of the corner of your eye while you’re deep in conversation with someone. You are drawn immediately out of it, though, when you do a double take as he stands across the room, watching you and waiting for you to finish. You’re pretty sure your jaw drops open and you feel your heart start to beat faster.
“Holy shit,” you mutter to yourself as you rudely blow off the person you are talking to and start heading in Five’s direction.
He is dressed impeccably in a black, three-piece, tailored suit and black tie. His hair has been freshly cut and combed neatly into place. And he smells amazing. For a second, all you can do is stare and you feel like you’re back in the apartment when you were dating Klaus and you were eyeing him up from afar, imagining dirty scenarios about the two of you. Then you snap out of it and remember he’s yours now, even if you still find yourself imagining dirty scenarios.
You run the palms of your hands down the front of his suit coat and down to his waist before bringing them up again, grabbing his tie and smoothing it down.
“Hey, Daddy,” you say quietly while looking up at him hungrily.
When he draws a line down your cheek with the back of his finger, you shiver. “Hello, darling.” He places a hand on your chin and raises your face up before leaning down to kiss you sensually. You hope the sound you made wasn’t audible by anyone else because it is embarrassingly pathetic. Five pulls back with a satisfied smirk because he knows he looks fucking good and that you’re weak in the knees for him right now.
“Are you feeling alright, sweetheart?” he asks like the giant asshole he is.
“You look amazing…and I think you know it.”
Five shrugs and puts his hands in his pants pockets, which only accentuates the lean lines of his body even more. He looks around cooly and then back at you. “Thank you, but I was just trying to clean up a little for your special occasion. I didn’t want to come in here looking like a bum.”
“I don’t think it’s possible for you to look like a bum, but you most definitely went above and beyond with this suit.” You can’t help but run your hands down his chest again. “Damn it, Five, this isn’t fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
You look around to make sure no one is close enough to hear you. “How badly I want to take you into the back room so you can fuck me against a wall right now.”
He laughs. “Since I know you want to remain professional at the moment, how about this? I will most definitely fuck you against any wall you wish once we get home later tonight.”
“I can live with that, I suppose. I just want you to know, though, that you are the hottest man in here by a mile and I have already seen at least two women checking you out.”
“Is that so?” he asks with a quirk of his brow. He looks around the room. “Which ones?”
You roll your eyes. “Alright, your hotness factor is starting to diminish now.”
“Yours hasn’t,” he tells you before kissing you again.
Just then, Klaus enters the shop. You can see he has dressed for the occasion as well, with fitted red velvet pants that flare at the bottom and a flowy green shirt that is halfway unbuttoned down the front. It should be a hideous outfit, but Klaus makes it look good. You can already see a few people eyeing him up. When he sees you and Five, he makes his way over.
“Hey there,” he says as he saunters up. “Well, don’t you two look adorable? Kind of makes me nostalgic for the good old days, if you know what I’m saying.”
Klaus leans in to give you a quick kiss and Five scowls at him. “Watch it.”
Klaus puts a hand to his chest, feigning offense. “My dear brother, have no fear. I wasn’t suggesting anything lewd between me and your lady love.” He pauses and smiles while looking Five up and down. “You are most definitely included in the equation, too, you sexy bastard.”
Five gives an exacerbated huff. “Klaus, you’re disgusting.”
“Why thank you!” Klaus turns to look at you. “Great job, by the way, I’m very proud of you.”
“Thanks, Klaus,” you say.
“Now, I heard there was booze here?”
You laugh. “Yes, the champagne is over there. Help yourself.”
“I shall,” Klaus replies as he floats away in the direction of the table loaded with flutes of sparkling wine. You watch as one of your employees immediately rushes over to him, and within thirty seconds Klaus already has his arm around the lucky man. You laugh and shake your head. He really does have a way of charming everyone he meets.
After a few more minutes, you make sure everyone has a glass and you take one for yourself before you head to the front of the room, facing the small crowd of coworkers and friends. Klaus and his new boy toy go over to stand next to Five.
“Excuse me, everyone?” you start, gathering the group’s attention until the room is quiet and all eyes are on you. You suddenly feel very nervous, even though all of these people are close to you and they feel like family. Your gaze drifts to Five standing at the back of the room, and he gives you an encouraging smile.
“I just had a few brief words to say about marking this one-year anniversary of the café. I want to thank every single person in this room for all of their hard work and dedication. Without you, we would not be the success we have become today. I love my job and I love my staff, which is much more than most people can say about their work. You are all truly wonderful and I cannot thank you enough.”
Everyone claps at that and when the noise dies down again, you continue on.
“I also need to thank someone else, and that is my very supportive, yet mildly abrasive boyfriend.” When you see Five react with surprise, you smile. “Five, you are truly the love of my life and I owe a lot of my success to you, too. You make me a more confident person and I always know that you will have my back. Plus, I have become pretty good at conflict resolution because of you, since living with you every day has its definite conflicts.”
You laugh when he gives you an exhausted look. “But I wouldn’t change any of it, because you are my rock and I love you so much. Thank you for loving me back.”
There is a chorus of “aws” throughout the room. Five has a combined expression of embarrassment, pride, and love on his face. You watch as Klaus nudges him with his shoulder in a fond gesture.
You continue on with a smile. “Because I love you so much, I was trying to think of a new name for the place that would be a little tribute to you. The obvious name would be ‘Cholera and Coffee’, but I have a feeling that would not be good for business.” Everyone laughs, including Five. “Then I thought of ‘Bean My Baby’, since I know that’s your favorite song.” Five raises an eyebrow at you. “Then it was ‘The Old Man And The Tea’, but that was too long.”
“In the end, I decided on ‘Books, Love, and Coffee’, because you don’t know this yet, but I am going to add a small library of classic romance books to the store so that customers can sit and enjoy their drinks while they read about love. And hopefully, it will inspire them to find someone perfect for themselves, just like we have done.”
You can see Five get a little misty-eyed after you say that, and you have to control your happy tears, as well. After you finish your little speech with a toast to everyone, you go back over to Five where he immediately pulls you in close with an arm around your waist. He kisses you softly and looks deeply into your eyes.
“The Old Man And The Tea? Really?” he says dryly.
You laugh. “Come on, you have to admit that’s funny.”
“It’s not.”
You squeeze his cheeks in with your hand, just like he had done to you earlier and you plant a big kiss on his lips. “My grumpy old man…I love you.”
He tries to look irritated, but that makes his face squish together even more, which gets you giggling again before you let go.
“I love you, too. Against my better judgment,” he says.
“So, what do you think of my new idea with the library?”
“I think it’s great. I know you’ll make it work and it will draw more people in.”
“I might need your help with some logistical things.”
“I’d be happy to help, you know that. I’m always here for you.”
“I know that,” you smile. Then your eyes travel down his body again and suddenly you’re not thinking about the café anymore. You kind of wish everyone else would get the fuck out so he could pound you into one of the tables, health code violation be damned.
“We need to get home soon,” you tell him with a hand on his chest. “I can’t keep looking at you in this suit without having some very inappropriate thoughts.”
Five smirks and pulls you in closer, his hand rubbing up and down your back, making your skin tingle. “Yes, we do need to get home. I’m going to need details of these inappropriate thoughts and then we can work on making them happen.”
When you two arrive back home, it’s late and you’re exhausted. You kick off your heels in the middle of the living room, prompting Five to pick them up with a heavy sigh and place them neatly near the door.
“I need to shower,” you tell him.
His mouth turns up in a mischievous smile. “Is that an invitation?”
“I’ll let you decide.”
Once you are in the shower and you have washed the grime of the day off of you, you start to wonder if Five is going to join you in there after all. You are just about to turn the water off and step out when you shriek loudly as your body is forced flat against the tile wall. Five is behind you, his body pressed against yours and his lips on the damp skin of your neck.
“What took you so long?” you say as you try to catch your breath.
“I was torturing myself by seeing how long I could hold out before blinking in here to violate you. Turns out, it’s really not that long.”
“Felt like a long time to me.”
“Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you…just ask for what you want and I’ll give it to you,” he murmurs against you.
His hands drift down your arms, encircling your wrists to hold them tightly. He’s in complete control of you, trapping you between the wall and his body, your arms pinned to your side. You turn your head and look over your shoulder as best you can. His gaze catches yours and he grins.
“Lucky for you, I happen to know exactly what you want right now.”
“Oh, do you? And what’s that?” you answer back with as much sass as you can manage with your face smashed against the wall.
You feel the heat of his mouth against your wet and rapidly cooling shoulder. He licks up the water droplets that cover it and you can feel his teeth scrape lightly across your skin. You don’t think you will ever get tired of feeling his mouth on you and right now you would let him do just about anything without hesitation. And you have no doubt that he does know exactly what you want right now.
His voice is dark and husky as he speaks next to your ear. “You want me to make you helpless. You want to be fucked hard and rough until you can’t take it anymore.” He pauses to push his hard cock against your ass. “You need me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you whimper, and maybe you sound a little pathetic but you know he likes it.
Taking your wrists, he roughly yanks them over your head and pins them to the wall. “Beg me,” he demands, and the hardness in his voice sends shivers down your spine. “Beg me to fuck you. I want to hear it.”
“Please,” you whine.
He takes your wrists and pulls them away from the wall before slamming them against the tile again. You notice that he keeps his hands around you in such a way that you don’t get hurt by the impact.
“You want to try that again, princess?” he hisses, before biting the side of your neck with enough force to make you flinch.
“Please, Five…I need you.”
“Keep going. Beg for my cock.”
He starts pushing against you harder, and your tits are smashed into the wall almost to the point of pain. But the feeling of him behind you, grinding his hard cock against your ass is making you so damn wet that it hardly matters what the rest of your body is doing.
You give out a little cry and try and push your ass back into him, but he’s stronger than you and there’s no way you can move. “Please, Five, please. I need you to fuck me.”
Five reaches over and grabs some soap off the shower shelf. He holds onto your wrists with one hand, using plenty of his strength to keep you there. You feel his soapy hand drag between your cheeks, his finger stopping and rubbing over your tight hole, dipping just a little inside before pulling back again. Then he is sliding his dick between your ass cheeks, pumping it back and forth with a long groan.
“God, I could come just from this,” he rasps before biting and sucking at your shoulder again, his hips jerking and snapping against you from behind.
“No…” you whimper sadly. You would much rather him come somewhere else.
“What’s that, sweetheart?” He slams his cock against you, the soap making it slide easily between your cheeks, rubbing over your hole. “You don’t want me to come like this? I thought you loved it when I cover that beautiful ass of yours with my cum.” His voice changes from sweet to menacing in a second and his hold on your wrists tightens, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of the underside.
He doesn’t demand an answer from you this time. Instead, he asks you another question. “Tell me, darling…who else fucks you like I do? Who else makes you scream?”
“No one,” you moan out, louder than you meant to. You’re so desperate and you don’t care how pitiful you’re becoming just from some dirty words and a dick pressed against you. “Only you, Five.”
His self-satisfied smirk is evident against your shoulder as he passes his lips over one and then moves to the other.  He’s teasing you mercilessly as your pussy gets slicker with each second.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that,” he muses.
He lets your wrists go, but it’s only so that he can grab your upper arms and spin you around so that you are facing him. His eyes are dark, and the spray from the water has dampened his hair. He takes one hand briefly off of you to slick it back off his forehead before he has you in his full grip again, your back flush against the wall. When he rubs his dick between your legs, you moan and close your eyes.
He suddenly drops to his knees in front of you, and there’s no time to react because he’s moved his hands to your wrists again. Once again, your arms are pinned against the wall. Five looks up at you with feral eyes.
He keeps his intense gaze on you, even as he gives a long, slow lick through your throbbing heat. The sound that comes out of your mouth is high-pitched and desperate as you jerk your hips into him.
He doesn’t give you anymore just yet but makes you sweat it out while he kneels before you and watches your face.
“Did you like that, baby? Want more?”
“Yes, fuck yes I want more!”
He gives one more long lick up through the middle and then he stops just like before, leaving you desperate. You push your hips into him again, but he pulls his head back just enough that you can’t make contact.
“I could do this all day; you taste so fucking good. Maybe I will,” he teases with a dirty smile before diving back in again for another long, single lick.
“Ohh…god…please, Fiiive…” You can barely stutter out a coherent sentence you’re aching so badly for him.
“I love hearing you beg for me. Fuck, that turns me on.” He runs his tongue over you again, one time. “Keep going, sweetheart.”
“Fuuck…Five, you’re not being fair.”
“Oh, I’m aware.” Another single lap wets your already-soaked sex as he drags his tongue over it. “But I really do like watching you squirm like this.” He licks you again. “And let’s not forget who’s in charge here. So, if I want to make you wait, I guess you’re waiting. Isn’t that right, darling?”
You tip your head back against the wall with a frustrated sigh. “Yes.”
Five resumes his torture for several more minutes, one agonizing lick at a time. He continues to hold your arms down and any time you try to push yourself into his face, he backs off. You’re dying to come, but he won’t let you, and the more he makes you wait, the more he gets off on it.
When you’re absolutely sure you’re going to die from lack of sexual satisfaction, and the water has run cold so that your skin is covered in goosebumps, he finally relents.
“I think I’ve made you wait long enough. What do you think? You want to come on my mouth or my dick?” he asks with a crooked smile.
Your chest is heaving and you try to answer the best you can in between gasping breaths. “Fuck…I don’t care…just…fuck me!” You’re practically screaming you’re so desperate.
“I think both,” he says, right before he covers your cunt with his entire mouth.
It hardly takes anything at all. As soon as he is sucking at your clit and tongue fucking your pussy, you are falling apart. This time he doesn’t stop when you’re bucking wildly against his face as your orgasm ripples throughout your body, but he does keep your arms restrained. Your cries are echoing off the shower walls and throughout the whole apartment. If the neighbors didn’t know Five’s name before, they sure as hell do now.
“Oh, fuck…oh fuck…oh my god…” you pant as you try to compose yourself just a little after your body stops shaking.
Five pulls away from you and stands up, letting go of your wrists as he gives you another direction.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he growls, before picking up one of your legs and wrapping it around his hip. He pushes his cock into you with one deep thrust. “I’d hang on if I were you.”
With that warning, he’s pounding into you hard and fast as you scramble for purchase on the slick shower floor with your one foot, grasping onto his shoulders for support. Your back is being slammed against the wall as he uses all of his strength to fuck you as hard as possible.
“I…fucking…love…you,” he tells you in between his grunts and groans.
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, even as he is currently trying to destroy your body and smash it into a million pieces.
“Five, I love you,” you tell him as you’re hungrily trying to kiss him more and more.
You’re going to come again, you can feel it building inside of you, as he continues to penetrate you over and over again. He has one hand on your leg, holding you up, while the other is in your hair, alternating between pulling and stroking it.
Five is moaning as he talks to you. “Fuck, you feel amazing. I’ll never love anyone like I love you. Please, don’t ever leave. Ah fuck! Damn it, I’m going to marry you!”
It’s maybe not the best time for him to be confessing his undying love and proposing to you, but it doesn’t matter. You lock eyes with one another and you smile before you kiss him again. A few seconds later, you’re climaxing together, clutching onto one another, both of you wet, cold, and shivering. As soon as you are both finished, and he lets your leg down, Five reaches over and turns the water off. Without the sound of the shower going, it feels intimately quiet. You are still shaking from the cold and having just had two back-to-back orgasms when Five helps you step out and wraps a towel around your body. Then he pulls you in close again, holding you tight.
“I’m sorry, I know that was probably not—"
“My answer is yes, by the way. I know you didn’t actually ask me, but if you do, my answer will be yes.”
The smile that he flashes you is so full of love that it makes you want to melt into the bathroom rug at your feet. “Alright then. Will you marry me?”
“Yes, Five, I will marry you. I love you more than anything.”
Five lifts you up so that your feet are off the ground and he kisses you again. “I promise, I will give you everything you deserve.”
“I’m not even sure I deserve you, but I’m so lucky I have you. You make me happy every day.”
“Good. Because I plan on doing that for the rest of our lives.”
It is three months later and you are at home by yourself. Five has been out with his family most of the day. You know this usually pisses him off like nothing else, and he will most likely return in a foul mood. You don’t mind, though; you are used to dealing with his mood swings. The only difference today is that you can hardly wait until he gets home.
You can’t sit still and keep trying to sit down, only to pop up seconds later to do some mundane task like dusting the baseboards or scrubbing out the kitchen sink even though it was already clean. You really hope he gets home soon because you are majorly on edge and you feel like your brain is going a mile a minute, with a constant whir of thoughts and emotions running through it.
You are standing in the kitchen, wiping down the counters for the tenth time when you hear him appear inside the doorway with the familiar supernatural noise that you’ve come to associate with Five’s preferred form of transportation. And, as predicted, you can already hear him bitching and complaining to himself or anyone else that may be in the general vicinity.
When you walk out to the living room to find him, he is striding over to the liquor cabinet that resides there, taking out a crystal tumbler and filling it with a generous pour of bourbon. You watch as he slings some of it back with a grimace before looking over at you. He gives a tight smile, but you can tell he’s all wound up.
“These fucking morons! I swear, they get dumber by the day. Is it really that difficult to download the spreadsheets and charts that I have sent them all in preparation for our meeting today? And, per their request, I kept it under ten this time!”
He’s ranting in your general direction and you have to hold in your laughter so he doesn’t get even more pissed off. You perch yourself on the arm of one of the chairs.
“It’s really astounding the amount of stupidity they possess as individuals and as a group. I really don’t know why I waste my time on them.”
“Because you love them,” you offer matter-of-factly with a small smile.
Five scoffs in frustration, but he doesn’t deny it and seems to have stopped dwelling on the subject now. He takes another sip of his drink and when he lowers the glass, he manages a genuine smile.
“Sorry, this has nothing to do with you, really. I just needed to vent to someone.”
“I know. I’m used to being vented at by you.”
Five doesn’t comment on that, but he holds up his glass. “Do you want one?”
You shake your head and walk over to him. When you are standing in front of him, you can smell his usual scent of after-shave and general annoyance. You give him a kiss and you can immediately feel him start to morph into a normal, rational human again.
“How was your day, darling?” he asks after he kisses you back.
“It was good,” you say with a smile and a shrug.
“Nothing exciting happened, then?”
“Not really.” You reach up and give him another kiss. “But I did get some good news.”
“Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“Well, Daddy…I think we may need to move into a bigger apartment,” you say slyly while running a hand down his arm.
 Five frowns and looks around. “Why? What’s wrong with this place?”
“You know, it’s kind of small, really only big enough for two people.”
Five is still looking at you with his eyebrows creased together and he takes another sip of his drink. “And last time I checked, we are only two people.”
You sigh but smile at him again. “Yes, we are right now. But what if there was another person here? Someone that we would love and take care of?”
“What do you mean?” Five puts his glass down and tilts his head. “Don’t tell me Klaus lost his apartment because he is not moving in here with us. I don’t care what sad story he told you. That is some history I do not need to repeat.”
“Christ,” you murmur under your breath, before trying again. “Listen very carefully, Five. Soon, it’s not going to be just the two of us. We’ll be a threesome.”
He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you with what you like to call his ‘what the fuck’ face. “What are you talking about? Like a three-way? I don’t know, that’s pretty weird, and I’m not saying I never thought about it, of course, but…it still seems kind of awkward and where would we even meet a—”
“Jesus Fucking Crist, Five! For being a self-proclaimed genius, you are the densest person on the planet sometimes!” You run a hand down your face and try one more time, taking his hands and holding them tightly in yours. “Listen to my words. You are going to be a daddy. And not in the sexy way that you’re used to. Do you get it yet?”
He blinks down at you in confusion and you think you might need to resort to pulling up a PowerPoint presentation on the birds and bees when you see the lightbulb finally flick on. His eyes widen and his eyebrows shoot up his forehead.
“Wait what? You’re…”
You smile and nod, squeezing his hands. “Yep, I’m pregnant. And I really hope you’re as excited about it as I am.”
Five brings his hands up to his face in disbelief and he nods. “Yes, yes, of course I’m excited. This is…I don’t even know what to say.”
You stand there for a few seconds while he processes everything. Then he suddenly grabs you and picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. He kisses you while your arms loop over his shoulders. When he pulls away, you can see the tears welling up in his eyes.
“I can’t believe this. Are you sure?”
You nod. “Yes, I’m very sure.”
He kisses you again and you start laughing just from the pure joy of the moment. There are actual tears running down Five’s face and you wipe them away with a gentle touch of your hand.
“You’re happy?” you ask.
He nods and smiles through his tears. “I’ve never been happier in my whole life. And I promise to love you and our child for the rest of my life. I’ll take care of both of you with everything I have.”
“I know you will, Five. Because that’s who you are. You take care of the people you love, even if you pretend to be an old grouch most of the time.”
“I am an old grouch, that’s true. However, I am willing to change and try to be a little less grouchy for the sake of our kid. And you.”
“Well, don’t change too much. I still want the same old man I fell in love with.”
Five kisses you and another tear slides down his cheek. “Sweetheart, I promise I will always be the same old man that you love. And you will always be the beautiful young woman who saw right through me and stole my heart with her relentless love and annoyance.”
“And I promise to always love and annoy you.”
He rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes with a happy sigh. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Thank you everyone for reading! If you'd like to check out my other, Five-centric fics, here is my MasterList :)
@baileebear @myinnermonologueisepic
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hiskillingjar · 3 months
i'd rather be with you
cus good men die too and i'd rather be with you
happy eight years 🔨🗡️🖤
"Do you hate me?"
You looked up at him over the top of your Chinese takeaway box, raising a brow underneath your bangs as you chewed tofu and broccoli, the low sound of a long forgotten documentary on the television filling the silence between the two of you.
Without Ren, holed away in the basement attending to his new found, online stardom, Strade didn't have anyone to watch documentaries with, and you were quick to fill the niche that had been left behind.
You didn't mind if you were the second choice.
"That's kind of a big question," You murmured, wiping your mouth and furrowing your brow.
"It's kind of a big night," Strade replied, good naturedly, toying with his food with his chopsticks, his eyes never leaving yours as a smile graced his lips. Right, it was an anniversary, wasn't it? Strade was always a stickler for those kinds of traditions. "Do you hate me?"
"I don't know," You said with a shrug, a little put off by his patient smile (as you often were) as you swished noodles around the cardboard box they came in. "Maybe I did once. And…" Your voice was a little quieter, your hand still. "Maybe I still do, sometimes…"
There was a hint of amusement in his voice as he raised a brow. Your honest answer had surprised him, and he liked to be surprised.
"That's a brave thing to admit. I'm kind of impressed that you have the balls for it," He chuckled. "Masel tov."
"I suppose it is," You forced out a nervous little chuckle, looking down at your food to avoid the growing amusement in his golden gaze. "But...I mean, I've been here for eight years now. I don't think you're going to get rid of me, just because I admitted to," Rightfully. "Hating you sometimes."
"Well, I wouldn't be so sure." He replied airily, casually, (always so fucking casual, like he didn't recognise the gravity of any of this, he never did) taking a bite of his own food and a swig of beer as he threw a thick arm over the back of the couch. "I could still kill you."
"Mm," You hummed non-committedly, setting your food down on the coffee table and crossing your arms over your chest.
You had your reasons to be scared of Strade, even after nearly a decade of capture, but you weren't scared of his threats, not when he spoke them like this.
You'd had eight years of being used to his threats, after all. You knew when they were empty, when they were said just to scare you, and when he was being serious.
He smirked at your defiant expression, all the same, taking another long swig of beer and smacking his lips indulgently, sucking on his teeth as he considered what to say next.
What was the best way to get under your skin.
"I mean, I cut off your leg because I was bored…" He continued, idly picking sesame seeds from his teeth and tilting his head to the side, observing you, waiting for your next retort. "You wouldn't put it past me to kill you for the same reason?"
"Hah," You laughed, swallowed, bit the inside of your cheek as you tried (desperately hard) not to look down at the covered stump where your right leg had been. You gave him a slightly grim smile. "I thought you cut my leg off because you couldn't stand me being taller than you?"
"Hah," He let out an unexpected laugh, hearty and good natured. "Still got that sense of humour, I see." He shook his head fondly and sat forward on the couch, thick arms crossed and resting on his knees as he gave you a warmer smile. A reward for making him laugh. "One of the things I've always loved about you."
"Well, I guess that's my question then…"
"Hm?" He raised a brow, his smile dropping a little. "What's that?"
"If I hate you...do you love me?" You asked quietly, looking him in the eye.
He let out another laugh, more of a scoff, as he leaned back on the couch.
"What a stupid question." His smile deepened in spite of his incredulous reply. "Of course I love you. I wouldn't have kept you if I didn't."
Despite what little sane mind you had left was telling you, you couldn't stop a fondness curl in the pit of your stomach (like an insect, a pill bug, a parasite), looking down at your lap to hide a gathering blush in your cheeks.
Maybe you'd go totally insane by year ten, and you wouldn't have to be nagged by your own conscience for loving in spite of your hate.
"Hm…" You hummed softly, glancing back at him, letting him see the softness in your expression and the warmth in your cheeks. "Even if I hate you sometimes?"
After a moment, he then leaned forward, reaching out to take hold of your left hand in his and bringing it up to his lips in a sweet kiss.
It was almost enough to make your breath catch in your throat.
You knew it was pathetic, but god, could you be blamed for being in love when he could be this sweet to you, seconds after threatening to kill you?
You didn't think so.
"Meine liebe, I would love you," He said softly, his thumb tracing a pattern over the back of your hand, his breath warm on your skin. "Even if you hated me until the day you died."
You glanced again at his hand on yours (big, warm tan skin covering your sweaty palm), idly nibbling your bottom lip to stop yourself from smiling even wider.
You didn't miss it being the day you died, and not him. But you couldn't find a reason to care that much.
"You really have a way with words sometimes, don't you?"
Strade chuckled warmly at that, lifting your hand in his and bringing it up his face so he could rest his stubbly, scarred cheek against it.
"Maybe." He replied, just as softly. "I guess your romantic side rubbed off on me."
"Good." You murmured, just enjoying the sensation of his stubble gently rubbing against your knuckles, the warm feel of his skin against yours, the quiet of the evening making you forget all that was wrong outside of this private, intimate scene. "You could stand to be a little more romantic…"
"I am very romantic," He protested with a playful, though he was clearly holding back a smile. Something about his face made your heart hurt, just looking at it, and you silently cursed the God who had long abandoned you that this scene had such a dark subtext behind it. "You just need to give me a chance to prove it."
"Would you like that chance?" You asked. leaning in a little closer, your lips almost grazing against his. "Given to you, not taken from me…"
He laughed again and pressed another kiss to your knuckles.
"Well, you do know how much I like taking things." He murmured, a wicked gleam in his eyes that reminded you, instantly, that you were only here because he wanted you, and no other reason. "But...I guess might like to have it given to me, too…"
He was bad, awful, maybe even evil. Rotten to the bone without even a hope for any kind of redemption.
But maybe so were you for wanting him.
Wanting him.
Wanting him.
"Then kiss me," You said, like it was the last thing you would ever say. "Kiss me until I don't hate you."
He grinned and leaned in, smiling against your mouth.
"It would be my pleasure."
And he kissed you.
And you forgot every reason you could have had for ever hating him.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 7 months
Some fun/kitschy Jewish mugs I've found that I think Bucky would own
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Links under the cut
Kosher Queer Coffee Mugs
Faygelah Mug
Gay Jew Mug
You're My Everything Bagel
Jewish Penicillin Soup Mug
I Put the Stud in Torah Study Mug
International Dreidel Champion Mug
There's a Chance This is Manischewitz Mug
OY VEY Seasoning Mug
Jewish Deli Mug
Certified Kosher Mug
Say it in Yiddish Mug
Yiddish Insults Mug
Shalom Bitches Mug
Home is Where the Challah Is Mug
You are my Everything Bagel Mug
Mazel Tov Cat Mug
Shayna Punim Pretty Face Mug
Caturday Mug
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🎇The Naveena-verse Show - Episode 1 pt1 🎇
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
SCENE: The camera shows a zoom-out angle of Ian Obsidian smiling at the audience as the cast of ToV-- Alan, Caramel, Cara, and Morreial-- all sit on large sofa across from him. The loveseat in the middle is empty, and the coffee table is filled with glazed snacking nuts and water for each guest. Alan sits in the middle, with Caramel on his right and Morreial on his left. To the left of Morreial is Cara. His hand is draped around the seat behind her.
I: Okay! Let’s start off with some introductions, shall we? Not that we need it, of course. But for the newcomers of our program, how would you all introduce yourselves? 
CM: Newcomer of not— say the name and remember it. Tattoo it on your forehead, on your arm, in your mind... I don’t care. But the name is Caramel, the last fire-dancer, the Redheaded Bandit, and the best Cairoyas magician you’ll ever meet. 
I: I love the energy! For all those aren’t aware of what a dancer is, they are one of the six magical Families in Soilaila. Alan— since I know you’re our certified Mensus, care to explain the rest? 
Alan brightens up and straightens his back. with a polite throat clearing, he bursts into explanation. 
A: Absolutely! I did this not long ago, actually. Can you imagine! — Caramel, the best magician i have ever the privilege to meet, did not know of the Family structure in Soilaila? 
CM: Okay, Paaya. No need to bring that up right now. 
Alan covers his 🙊 with his hand and his cheeks flush. 
A: Apologies. I did not mean to embarrass you. If anything, the audience should be impressed by your immense mastery of all the Families magic despite your unawareness of their rules and specifications. I know I certainly was. But then again, everything you do impresses me, Caramel.
Caramel untucks her hair, hiding her smile behind a veil of red. 
CM: Just go on your tangent, Paaya. You’re keeping everyone waiting. 
A: Right! The Families! As our lovely host, Ian, has mentioned, there are six in Soilaila. The first being the Abilities family, who considered the labourers of our society. Their magic is designated towards the physicality. Mastery of the tangible is their fortitude. Then, the second family is the Mental, though we more commonly call ourselves the Mensus. It is where I hail from. We are the thinkers of Soilaila, responsible for innovational magic of the mind and telepathy. 
I: I heard a rumor that divination wasn’t considered Mensus magic? What’s up with that? 
Caramel scoffs and nudges Morreial in the background. 
CM: You said this would be difficult? This guy is basically just giving us pop quizzes. 
Without breaking his ja smile, Morreial mutters under his breath
M: He’s warming us up, Caramel. It’s called building rapport. 
CM: The hell is rapport? 
One flashing look from Cara has both Morreial and caramel sitting properly in their seats again, shut up. 
A: Well, you are correct in that gossip, though I would not rely on that form of information as your primary source, Ian. It is a slippery slope to invest one’s faith into the meanderings and musings of the ton. 
Ian Obsidian, alongside the rest of the audience, laughs while the camera zooms in on an uncomfortable Alan. 
A: Did I say something peculiar? 
I: Wow! You really do talk like a geezer! 
Alan’s entire face and neck goes red. Caramel narrows her eyes while Cara shifts in her seat awkwardly. Morreial is the only person without a reaction. 
I: hey Alan— you tell me not to trust gossip, but it’s been 100% right about you guys so far. Wanna hear what my sources have to say about how you speak? 
A [face flushing]: I suppose I do speak odd, and that would be the talk of the town… Do go on. What else do they say? 
I: That you speak like a geezer because your old man will punish you if you talk normally. 
A weighted tension silences the room. Momentarily, the camera pans over to Alan’s hand, where he is seen spinning his ring. 
I: You spinning your ring tells me it’s true. 
CM: Oi! Piss off! 
Cara places a hand in Caramel’s thigh, but she shrugs her off and flares her eyes at Ian. 
CM: No, because what kind of question is that? Who asks that in front of an audience? Are you asking to die, buddy? 
Before Ian can respond, the camera cuts to Morreial, who sweeps in with his ja smile and undeniable charm. 
M: Caramel is not used to these types of programs. I’ll apologize on her behalf. We stopped at the Mensus family, didn’t we? I’ll answer for the rest of the Families. I am the politician in the room, after all. 
Ian obsidian smirks at Morreial’s unwavering eye contact and relaxes back into his seat. 
I: Sure. Let’s do that. Next family is Elemental. They’re basically the run down version of the Dancer family, right? They can do elemental magic, but only in prayer or labour context? BORING! Let’s just skip over those ones and get into the juicer Families. The Big Three. I hear you have haughty opinions about these guys, Morreial. 
M: Well, that depends on how you define haughty. 
Ian Obsidian laughs heartily. A wild mischief gleams his eyes brighter. 
I: Always got to be careful, don’t you? I guess it makes sense for the son of Jervees. Haughty as in… I hear you hate these bastards and all their audacity. 
This time, Morreial is the one that chuckles. He pushes the licks of his wavy black hair out of his face and flickers his grey eyes towards the crowd. His smile glows more charmingly when he notices people swooning. 
M: I wouldn’t call that a fair assumption, Ian. I’d say the Big Three have a lot of affluence in Soilaila. Whether they deserve it is up for debate, but their presence in Cairoyas society is undeniable. 
I: You’re from the Big Three, aren’t you? All your parents were from that family. Dead and alive! 
Morreial’s suave expression twitches for just a moment before he flashes his ja smile again. 
M: That’s right. My late father was an Artist, and my late mother was a Dancer. Both my adopted parents are Dancers, and both my godparents are Arcanics. 
I: How does it feel to be the most influential person in Soilaila? 
M: I don’t know, Ian. You’ll have to ask my parents that. 
Ian and Morreial have a stare down, neither of them wiping the cunning grins on their face. 
I: I like you, Morreial. We’d get along, I’d say. 
M: I’m glad you hold that opinion, Ian. 
The audience laughs, and once more, Morreial flashes his ja smile at them. 
I: I’m going to redirect the conversation for a second towards your lovely belle here. Hello, Cara. How are you doing tonight? You look dashing, as always. 
Cara smiles bonnily, once more making the crowd swoon with her soft beauty. 
C: I’m doing well, thank you for asking! How are you doing tonight? 
I: Oh! I’m doing great. Wow! I’ve never been asked that before. 
Without breaking her smile, Cara adds...
C: I mean, this is your first rodeo. You haven’t had any screen time outside of this, have you, Ian? 
The camera flips over to Morreial, who struggles to hide his smirk behind his glass of water. Meanwhile, Caramel shamelessly slaps her leg and hoots. 
CM: Suck it, Ian! 
One disapproving look from Cara, and Caramel simmers down immediately. 
CM: I’m not apologizing, but continue….
Ian clears his throat and turns his attention back to Cara.
I: I hear that happens often. You get the spotlight for just a moment, and Caramel steals the thunder. How does it feel to constantly be her shadow? 
Caramel’s amused expression slackens immediately as Morreial an Alan exchange glances at each other. Cara simply looks humoured.
C: You say that like it’s a bad thing, Ian. Who says I want to be in the spotlight? Who says red isn’t doing me a favour every time she takes the spotlight away from me? If I’m Red’s shadow, it's because I want to be, and for no other reason. Red and I are equals. She shines and I support her. She can’t shine without me, and I can’t live without her. It’s as simple as that. 
Ian narrows his eyes and leans in to double down. 
I: But I can imagine it gets frustrating sometimes. I mean— your best friend is the girl on fire, and your boyfriend is the informal prince of Soilaila. Isn’t it tiring to always have to compete for their attention? 
Cara giggles softly, hiding her pretty smile behind her hand. 
C: I don’t have to compete for attention that’s already mine. Where else are they going to look? The whole world pays attention to them, and they only pay attention to me. Why would I feel bad about that? 
I: But we gotta address the name thing. This is an audience question— shoutout to @illarian-rambling for this submission. Once again folks, as a quick aside— submit your questions through @thecomfywriter’s ask or submission box, or by directly interacting with our episode comments section. 
The big screen shows the hashtags used for submitting questions to the program: #askthecomfywriter, #thenaveenaverseshow, and #TCWsubmitaquestion. Then, the camera turns back to Ian and Cara. 
I: But back to regular programming. @illarian-rambling asks: “Cara, sweet girl, why was half the name of the person who first found you the best name you could come up with? Did your dragon mama not name you?”
Cara giggles, blushing her rosy cheeks rosier at the question. 
C: @illarian-rambling sounds very kind. I’m surprised you guys know about the dragon mama thing. Unfortunately, my dragon mama didn’t speak to me, and even if she did, I was too young and stupid to know what she was saying. I know Galka, but I think she may have been speaking a more ancient dialect of dragon tongue, because her words never made sense to me. As to why I named myself after the first person I met— it’s because she was the first person who cared enough to ask. I was four, and honoured. You have to remember, I had spent months admiring Red from afar in the treetops. Her magic made me sparkle, and she made me dare to wonder about how powerful someone could be in this world. So when that sparkling girl on fire turned to me and asked me who I was, I wanted to be her. So that’s what I became. 
I: And do you still want to be her, Cara? 
Cara shakes her head and smiles. 
C: Even if I did, I never could be. Red is red. I am green. We are opposites, but Maadh… do we attract. 
She shifts her position in her seat and interlaces her fingers in Caramel's hand. 
C: I found who I am now. Who I was always meant to be. It’s thanks to Red that I have. But I am Cara, the Cairoyas Pixie. And I know exactly who that is, even if the world only sees me as Red’s shadow. Even then, it’s an honour to be her other half. 
Ian cocks a brow up and grins at Morreial.
I: I see why you like her, man. Let’s move on and get into that, actually. What’s the story behind that? How did you win her over? Or was it the other way around? 
Cara looks up at Morreial, giving him the platform to speak. 
M: I definently pursued her outright. She pursued me behind the scenes. Whenever I thought we were in the perfect situation for me to woo her, I only realised afterwards it was because she orchestrated the opportunity to begin with. 
Ian and the audience both laugh. 
I: Stealthy! So I'm assuming she runs the show then? 
M: Without a doubt. She’s my girl, but I’m her man. That’s the dynamic. 
I: And I hear Caramel likes to say she domesticated you for her chores. Oh yes, Caramel! Don’t think I forgot about you. You too, Alan! I’m letting you two off the hook for now, but we’re coming back to you guys in a second. 
CM: Don’t bother. 
A: She means we are thrilled with boisterous anticipation. 
Ian chuckles again, whispering an aside to the crowd.
I: Someone ask the backstage crew to get me a thesaurus asap. I’m going to need it to talk to these guys. 
Interestingly enough, the camera catches Alan’s face twitch and his eyes go dark as a flash of silver glints in the gem of his ring. He covers it with his finger, but it isn’t until he grits his jaw and his fingernails scrape his thigh does the calmness of his typical expression return. 
Ian Obsidian makes no comment, but his interest does peak, causing the redirection of the conversation altogether. 
I: Actually, screw the thesaurus. You know I’m just messing with you, right Alan? 
Alan smiles politely and nods. 
A: Of course, Ian. I hold no begrudging feelings towards you. 
Ian claps his hands and laughs. 
I: That’s good to know! Good to know.... I was worried you might go cold on me for a second. 
Alan’s body tenses as all his friends around his exchange confused and worried glances. 
I: Ooooh! Did i just unfold a secret? I thought your friends would know about this! Didn’t you give Morreial the symbolic cuff for older brothers? And don’t you call Cara, ‘Cara-na’ because you see her as a sister? And isn’t Caramel the person you share a mind with? You keep secrets from even them— that too of this size? 
CM [whispering]: Alan, what is he…? 
M: Oh, he shares more than mind with Caramel. Those two are basically inseparable. Cara-- remember the time he gifted Caramel an entire galaxy for her birthday?
C [perking up]: Oh, it was incredible! It was a hologram, yeah, but of the galaxy and night sky, and all the constellations of the night they first met. How sweet! 
M: Dude set the bar up so high that I struggle to reach it even now. Annoying ass…
C: You do a great job, don’t worry. 
Morreial smiles at Cara, and while the crowd is clearly won over by the couple’s charm, Ian Obsidian’s focus remains square on Alan, who seems to be having telepathic conversations with Caramel. His fists are balled, and every time a glint of silver flashes on his ring, he presses his eyes shut and attempts to refrain the sadistic smile that tries to spread across his cheeks. 
I: You’re not the nice guy you say you are, are you, Alan? At least, not 100% of the time. 
CM: He is. I’m not. You wanna see that side of me, buddy? 
Ian Obsidian laughs and relaxes back into his seat. 
I: What is with you all talking on his behalf! Isn’t he the protagonist of ToV? Alan— all your fancy words and you can’t speak for your- 
Suddenly, Alan’s eyes open and a polite smile graces his face. 
A: Let us take a break, shall we? 
I: Break isn’t for another ten minutes. 
A: You are the host. You can make the adjustments to your program.
I: I’m not sure i want to. 
Alan looks up at the ceiling, then at his silver glinting dragon ring. A sinister smile suddenly creeps up on his face. When he looks back up at Ian Obsidian, it is with lethal, metallic eyes. 
A: Hey. 
A kooky smile alights Ian Obsidian’s eyes at the sudden appearance of the cold-eyed, husky voiced Alan. He juxtapositions the timid, warm-eyed version of himself to a more confident, overpowering presence. 
I: There he is. The noble child who turns sadistic with his cold eyes. This is the man I truly wanted to interview. 
Ian Obsidian offers a hand out to the cold-eyed Alan, who cocks his head in response and raises his brows, clearly amused. 
I: It’s nice to finally meet you- 
A: Put your hand away unless you want it broken. 
What once was an amusing discovery has suddenly made the entire room tremble with the growing threat of his presence. Alan, with his eyes cold, was like a dragon choosing his prey. 
A: Do you still need that thesaurus to understand what I am saying, or are you going to put your hand away now? 
CM: Alan… 
Morreial stands up of sudden, blocking Alan from the camera and audience's view. But Alan’s metallic glare never wavers off of Ian Obsidian. 
M: Let’s take that break now, shall we? I’m famished. 
Ian Obsidian nods, attempting a cool smile towards the audience. It is a futile attempt. Something about the cold-eyes of the noble protagonist of ToV sends shivers down everyone’s spine. 
I: Sure. let’s do that. We’ll be back folks. Grab yourself a snack and a drink, and we’ll be back after the commercial break. 
*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
Wanna know more about the cast of ToV, who the mysterious "cold-eyed" Alan is, and why he turns 'cold'? read ToV the first 10 chapters of ToV here.
Have a question for Ian Obsidian or the cast of ToV? Submit a question through @thecomfywriter's ask box or comment on this episode!
Have a writing question for @thecomfywriter? Submit a question through @thecomfywriter's ask box!
Want the cast or Ian Obsidian to react to a specific post? Submit a post in @thecomfywriter's submission box (click the message icon, then click 'submit a post')
To be on @thecomfywriter's tag lists, interact with this post here. Navigate @thecomfywriter network by checking out the pinned post here. And turn on post notifications by checking out @thecomfywriter's blog.
*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
OKAY! That's it for the official episode 1 of the Naveena-Verse Show. I'll add the TCW tag list below the 'read more' line, but once again, if you'd like to be added to the TCW tag life, Interact with this post here.
Submit your questions! Ask away! I'll probably be back soon with part 2 of episode 1, since I'm enjoying this so thoroughly.
Also, a little teaser for episode 1 pt 2... I'll be answering @satohqbanana's indirect question 🤫
Alrighty folks. Cheers!
Tagging the TCW crew, as well as the last 10 accounts that interacted with my posts!
TCW Tags List:
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
@dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
Last 10 people to interact with my post:
*i really hope yall are actually writeblrs. something, i can't tell because there is a lot of writing reblogs, but not a lot of wip content??? so ignore this if you're not actually a writer who wants to share their own work! :)
@authorcoledipalo @vinyl-chic @quality-on-a-patch-of-awesome
@willtheweaver @tiredpapergirl @decaffinatedkryptonitething
@awleeofficial @vanillamidnight-us @mariawesker2
AGAIN! feel free to ignore if you were the last 10 tagged and you want nothing to do with this LMAO. this is just a fun way for me to meet new people in the community and see if they actually are writeblrs
Happy Writing! :)
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pissditching · 11 months
i just spilled a little coffee on my new my chem hoodie everyone say mazel tov to her
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ali-annals · 5 months
Main Masterlist
Happy endings (or the option for one, in the case of CYOE fics) are the norm here.
Most fics are one-shots. Two-shots or miniseries have their prequel/sequel/chapters posted beside the name. Series are free from summary but have a status (completed/in progress/hiatus) posted beside their name.
Most Akuma Class fics are salty. I write Adrien and/or Chloe salt/sugar 50/50
Format: - Date [title] | ship | rating | wc | - summary*
*series will have no summary; it will be at the top of the series masterlist instead
Summer 2021
☄ Chaotic Coffee Zombies | Timari | T | (in progress)
☄ How You Get The Girl | Jasonette | G | 1k
“Hi, Marinette.” She laughed sharply to hide her hurt. “‘Hi, Marinette?’ Jason, it’s been six months.”
☄ Enchanted | Jasonette | G | 1k
Jason laughed. “...Do you have a name or shall I call you M?” “You haven’t earned my name yet, monsieur, so M will have to do.” “What does earning it involve?” “Mmm, normally you’d have to be family or a close friend, or a loyal patron for over two years.” “Would a waltz make us close enough friends?” He extended his hand with a flourish, which she took. “Perhaps. No stepping on my toes, though,” she warned. “I’ll have you know I never step on people’s toes unless they deserve it,” he said in mock offence as they move onto the dancefloor.
☄ my tears ricochet | Daminette | T | 4.5k
It was over. Everything was done. Hawkmoth and Mayura were defeated. Ladybug was dead. Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s “friends”/classmates were crying around the fresh grave. She’d been revealed as Ladybug in her death, her transformation dropping one final time. The city mourned their fallen heroine. Chat Noir gave the final Miraculous Team’s press conference, stating that Marinette was dead, attacked by Hawkmoth; though she had defeated the villain and his partner, she had succumbed soon after to irreversible injuries. He would be retiring now as well. ... The next day, a lone figure made its way back to Ladybug’s flower-covered grave. He was the class’s foreign-exchange student, Damian Grayson. He set a single white rose on the headstone and stepped back to pay his respects. The dirt began to move, and a hand poked through.
☄ invisible string | Daminette | G | 13k (completed)
☄ Call it what you Want | Jasonette | G | (see February 2024)
Autumn 2021
☄ Marinette “Valkyrie” Wayne | Marijon, Platonic Maribat | G | 10k (completed)
☄ knock knock/who's th-/-interrupting bats | Daminette | M | 1k
Damian is kidnapped and the Bats try to find him. Rewind: Damian wants to spend time with his girlfriend and the Bats have really bad timing | SEQUEL
☄ Stars Around My Scars | Jasonette | T | 13k + drabbles (completed)
☄ Unexpected Visitors | Daminette | G | 1k
An unknown woman shows up on Wayne Manor's doorstep asking for Damian Wayne...
☄ Mazel Tov | Daminette | G | 0.5k
Talia attempts to arrange a marriage between her son, the Heir to the Demon, and the League of Assassins' rival order's head, the Grand Guardian. The Bats are insistent on stopping the wedding, but the couple don't seem that opposed to it...
☄ gold rush | Timari | G | 1k
Marinette has plans to meet her online gamer boyfriend on her class trip to Gotham, but gets distracted watching Lila flirt with their host, Tim Drake.
Winter 2021-2022
☄ Is this Hope just a Mystical Dream? | Jasonette | T | 5k
Did you know that some soulmates' souls are literally connected, meaning that when one half dies, the other follows them soon after to a personalized deathscape? Marinette and Jason sure did. | PART 2 (FINAL)
☄ clover blooms in the field/spring breaks loose, time is near | NetteWorth | T | 0.5k
☄ Renagerie | Jasonette | T | 1k
Red Hood and Menagerie hate each others' guts; everyone knows that. The Bats just want to know when they'll move from the Enemies phase of their relationship to the Lovers stage.
☄ It’s a Small World | Jasonette | G | 2k
Jason brings his fiancee home to meet his family. She gets along great with everyone! There's just one problem… They've met her before.
☄ I Wanted a Date, Not a Spouse! | Jasonette | G | 1k
Marinette bemoans her dry love life to her aunt. Jason is done with dating and tells his mom if she wants a daughter-in-law to find one herself. He should've known she would take him seriously.
March 2022
☄ The Terrifying Trio | Daminette | G | 1k | DCxDPxMLB
Everyone knew about the T3, as they called themselves. No one imagined they were real until they met them, and then they wished they hadn’t; the trio were far more terrifying than their tales.
April 2023
☄ sugar & bikes & everything nice | Jasonette | G | 0.5k
Biker meet car passenger...only Marinette's the biker.
☄ Outflirting an Outlaw | Roynette | G | 0.1k
Roynette meetcute, what more needs to be said?
☄ Ice to Meet You | Daminette | G | 1k
Marinette mistakes her new partner for her coach and a meet ugly meet cute ensues.
☄ sweet denials make for even sweeter victories | Konette | T | 0.3k
Conner is back from his trip with the JL, but his girlfriend isn't welcoming him as warmly as he would like.
☄ Pixie Reviews: Nightwing vs Red Hood | Jasonette | T | 0.5k
On patrol, Hood overhears a very interesting phone call from a very interesting woman.
☄ You don’t need to save me...but would you run away with me? | Jasonette | T | 2.5k
"What if Jason is hunted/captured by someone trying to remake the Lazarus Pit" but a meetcute.
☄ The Very First Night | Jasonette | T | 3k
Marinette’s phone rang, breaking her attention from her friends’ conversation. She checked the caller ID and excused herself. “MDC speaking,” she answered professionally, knowing her friends were half eavesdropping before she moved out of overhearing range. “Pixie, do you know how much I miss you?” whispered Jason. “These annoyances are driving me to do stupid things like call you in front of them just so I don’t blow us all up and alert the people we’re watching to our location!” “Aw, poor Jay,” she commiserated. “You need some reminders to keep you from eliminating your siblings?” “Please.” His exasperated tone in that one word told her volumes. “You’ll be in your family’s bad books if you do that, which means they’ll keep an even closer eye on you, which means you can’t see me without alerting them to my existence in your life.” Jason exhaled sharply. “Thank you, Pix. I shall restrain myself. Two more weeks.”
☄ Pretty petty pranks | Brucinette | G | 1.5k
“Damn right I'm pretty.” “I said petty.”
☄ All’s fair in love and Prank Wars | Jasonette | G | 2k
"Damn right I'm pretty." "I said petty."
☄ maroon | Dickinette | M | CYOE | 3k
“Can you hold my hand? My ex just walked in with her new boyfriend.” … "I see no one around besides us."
☄ Reputation 'Verse | Jasonette | E | 4k+ (hiatus)
May 2023
☄ Interrupting Bats Sequel | Daminette | M | 1k -prequel-
1+3 times Damian and Marinette interrupted their interrupters.
☄ look at those flowers that look like you | Jasonette | T | 3k
Hanahaki AU of my Reputation AU.
☄ Rival Mob Boss AU | Jasonette | M | 5k+ (hiatus)
☄ high tide came and brought you in | Jasonette, one-sided Daminette | T | 6.5k
Reverse Robins Little Mermaid AU where Jason is Ariel and Marinette is Eric.
☄ only bought this dress so you could take it off | Jasonette | M | 3k
Marinette finds her patrol rival/crush at the Wayne's party. They take things in a new direction.
June 2023
☄ from all the memories stored in my heart | Timari | G | CYOE | 1k
"Don't forget who you belong to" but SFW
☄ rude interruptions | Dickinette | M | 1k
Marinette is trying to make out with Dick but someone decided to disturb them. Also, why does she want to make out with Dick? He is such a dork.
☄ cracket | Timari | G | 1k
Cricket. Crnch!
☄ RavenBug Hanahaki trilogy | MaRave, Konette | T | 1k | (complete)
-one- -two- -three-
July 2023
☄ long live all the magic we made | Jasonette | T | 9.5k | minor DCxDPxMLB
In Gotham, Jason Todd is looking for Damian's dragonbat, Goliath, when he notices a strange thing in the sky. In Paris, Ladybug is fighting an akuma when a strange creature literally appears out of the blue. It might not be too big of a deal (they've both dealt with weirder things) if it wasn't A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE!
September 2023
☄ you're the hero flying around, savin' face | platonic Maribat, Adrinette | T | 1.5k | (angsty, unhappy ending)
He tasted salt. He cracked open his eyelids again. Oh. Her hot tears dropped past his reddened teeth, open in a half-smile, half-grimace. She was always so painfully optimistic. He hated to be the one to break it to her, but this would be more than a miracle. Optimism only got you so far. Look at him. Actually, don’t; you’d throw up like the person who had just followed her in here.
☄ there was one prize i'd cheat to win | Daminette | G | 1k
Marinette can only be roused from her daydreams by one word: Damian Damian will only respond to one word: Marinette They're so cute, right? Well... They secretly think the other dislikes them, being rivals and all.
October 2023
☄ "here, go stalk" (aka the coffee phenomenon) | Timari | G | 2k
Nightwing knocked on Red Robin’s mysterious rescuer’s window. She opened it with a stern look. “Really? And a blue and black vigilante outside my window isn’t as obvious as simply knocking on my door?” He shrugged, entering when she stepped back for him.
☄ tomorrow's a flower | Cassette | G | 1k
Cassinette meet cute at a fall fair turns to flowery romance.
☄ october request trilogy | T+ | 1.5k
February 2024
☄ the eras tour (jasonette's version) | Jasonette | T | 14k (completed)
March 2024
☄ stupid in love | Timari | T | 2.5k
Tim meets a competent new companion in his fight to make Ra's al Ghul's life hell. They just might be a match made in heaven (after all, Timari heaven is Ra's hell).
April 2024
☄ angel, don't fly so close to me (i'll pull you down eventually) | Jasonette | T | 0.5k
Jason's not the best at flirting; luckily the girl he's interested in thinks his attempts are cute.
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sexynetra · 10 months
WIP W(Thursday)
Hi I haven’t posted any writing in so long I’m so sorry anyways started a new story today in a panic so have an excerpt :) it should be up within the next week or two!
Jackie made her way to the nearest coffee stand, needing something to distract her.
“Nervous flier?” The woman behind the counter asked as Jackie swiped her card.
“You a nervous flier? You look like you’re on the verge of tears,” she said, passing over a scone Jackie definitely hadn’t ordered or paid for.
“Oh, no. I actually love flying. But I’m just here to meet my girlfriend. I’m planning to propose tonight actually,” Jackie said as she took the pastry, placing the bag carefully in her purse.
“How wonderful! Mazel Tov!” The barista gave her a kind smile and sent her off with a second free pastry. For the new fiancée, she had said.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
"How'd you fit a reindeer in the apartment" is screaming Reggie and/or Willie to me tho
On Willie’s relatively short life, he’s seen some shit okay?
Can tell you what the inside of the LA lockup looks like and if you want coffee, make sure Gladys made it.
He knows the names of all the ER nurses at county after he broke his arm spectacularly three times in the space of two years.
He can tell you where to score the best weed, where to see a haunted diner theatre with a truly eccentric host who doesn’t mind paying under the table for dancing waiters, and where the best spots to score a free slice are.
But nothing prepared him to come home to his apartment and find a reindeer there.
“Reggie?” He yells, his voice sliding up the scale as he faces down the giant beast in his living room.
“Oh hey, you met Blitzen!” Reggie says with a grin as he exits the bathroom, towelling his hair.
“I have a multitude of questions,” Willie says, inching away from Blitzen and towards his boyfriend. “How’d you fit a reindeer in the apartment being the top of the list.”
Reggie blushes, and opens the fridge, tossing their guest an apple to munch on. “Took the door off the hinges, and he fit on the stair well just fine. Getting him out without the super catching me-that’s the challenge.”
“Can I ask why he is here?”
“Oh, you know how I’ve been working at Santa’s village for extra cash?” Willie nodded and Reggie continued on. “Well Blitzen here wasn’t feeling well so I helped the trainer bring her to the large animal vet. Turns out she’s carrying a lively calf.”
“Mazel tov,” Willie says to the beast.
“Then the trainer had an emergency and asked me to bring her back. But I can’t drive stick and it seemed a sin to leave her in the trailer, so I brought her inside,” Reggie concludes.
“Well luckily I can drive stick, so let’s get her out before nature calls or something,” Willie says.
They bribe Blitzen out with carrots and apples, dwindling their supply, and Willie resolves to get them to stop by the grocery store on the way back. She is pretty reluctant to get into the trailer, but between bribery and shoving they finally manage it.
The drive to Santa’s village is quiet since Reggie is following in his truck to drive them both home later. If any of the employees are wondering why Reggie has a reindeer, none of them say anything.
Willie is still a bit leery of Blitzen as she’s unloaded, but Reggie rubs her nose in good bye and embraces Willie in thanks for his help. “You wanna go snag some candy canes before we go home?” he asks.
Yes, Willie definitely does, and they enjoy them on the way home. But Willie almost bites his in half when a very irate super is waiting for them when they get back, wondering about the hoof prints in his hallway.
“That’s all you babe,” Willie says with a wide smirk, patting Reggie on the back and going upstairs. He purposefully finds Rudolph on the TV and sits back, enjoying his candy cane.
And if Reggie comes back with a gleeful grin telling him he manages to placate the man with a free pass for his niece, well that didn’t surprise him in the least. Reggie always did have a way with everyone, wild animals included.
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geospiral · 6 days
i cant stop thinking about actor au! azuremoran besties, do you think they can be friends? i can just imagine them going like:
azure: oh hey my character is gonna die in the early rounds with a point difference of 45/54
moran: haha same
azure 🤝 moran: :]
also, just imagine them in set like:
moran in the round 1 set: oh no my bestie azure just died, rip king
azure in the round 2 set: rip to you moran bestie at least you're with me now
after that they would go get coffee together or something iwjdjejd
They would probably be some of the senior actors on set, like how Sua and Till are in the actor au!! Simulationously content that their brief roles can let the younger actors shine and also because they're both kind of tired and happy that this is an easy job. (They had fun, of course, but sometimes it's nice to get a role that isn't going to be too stressful lol)
Also, I do really like the idea of them being friends! In all honesty, when I first made Moran, I didn't know how to ask people if they would like my OC to be friends with theirs (I still don't), but Azure was actually the first one I wanted to ask if Moran could be buddies with but was too shy to actually... ask lol. I think all of Moran's relationships have been made because other people were the ones to tag me in a post, and things kind of just went from there, a big one being Tov, because if Vant hadn't made her post about Tov's thoughts on the other OCs and I hadn't respond to that, I don't know if they would have had a relationship because I was way too nervous to ask if they could be friends like a normal person. Sort of a sentiment to how everyone helps contribute to each other's OCs in a way; the little community everyone built is really sweet and honestly great to see people having so much fun with it!
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tinydigshotel · 1 year
Exploring Portland: A Delightful Blend of Cafes and Attractions
Portland, Oregon, is a city renowned for its vibrant coffee culture and an array of fascinating places to explore. From charming cafes serving artisan brews to iconic landmarks that showcase the city’s unique character, there’s something for everyone in the City of Roses. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey to discover the best cafes in Portland and some must-visit attractions that will undoubtedly leave you captivated.
Best Cafes in Portland: A Sip of Perfection
Stumptown Coffee Roasters: As one of the pioneers of Portland’s speciality coffee scene, Stumptown has become an iconic name for coffee enthusiasts worldwide. With multiple locations across the city, their devotion to ethically sourced, meticulously roasted beans delivers a cup of pure perfection.
Coava Coffee Roasters: For those seeking a unique coffee experience, Coava is the place to be. Their minimalist spaces and dedication to quality, sustainable sourcing, and innovative brewing methods make each visit a true delight.
Heart Coffee Roasters: This award-winning coffee shop prides itself on its direct-trade relationships with farmers, ensuring each cup showcases the finest flavors. Their expertly crafted espresso drinks and single-origin pour-overs are a must-try.
Barista: With multiple locations around Portland, Barista stands out for its commitment to showcasing coffee from various roasters, both local and international. Their rotating selection promises an exciting and ever-changing coffee journey.
Case Study Coffee Roasters: This welcoming cafe offers a diverse range of single-origin beans and carefully crafted beverages. Their latte art alone is enough to make your day a little brighter.
Places to Visit in Portland: Embrace the City’s Essence
Powell’s City of Books: If you’re a book lover, Powell’s is a mecca you cannot miss. As one of the world’s largest independent bookstores, this literary treasure trove houses over a million new and used books across multiple floors.
Portland Japanese Garden: Step into a serene oasis at the Japanese Garden and immerse yourself in the tranquility of meticulously designed landscapes, authentic tea ceremonies, and an unforgettable view of Mount Hood.
Washington Park: A sprawling urban park featuring several attractions, including the Oregon Zoo, Hoyt Arboretum, and the International Rose Test Garden, where you can revel in the beauty of thousands of rose varieties.
Pittock Mansion: Get a taste of Portland’s history and architecture at the stunning Pittock Mansion. Perched on a hill, this beautifully preserved mansion offers panoramic views of the city and surrounding landscapes.
Portland Art Museum: Art enthusiasts will adore the diverse collection housed in one of the oldest art museums on the West Coast. From ancient artifacts to contemporary masterpieces, the museum has something to captivate every art lover.
Best Cafes in Portland — Continued: A Flavourful Journey
Caffe Vita: Originally hailing from Seattle, Caffe Vita brings its exquisite coffee to Portland, garnering a dedicated following with its rich blends and rotating single-origin selections.
Water Avenue Coffee: Situated in a charming industrial space, Water Avenue Coffee boasts a warm ambiance and a menu of delightful coffee beverages, making it a favourite among locals and visitors alike.
Tov Coffee & Tea: For a touch of the Middle East in Portland, Tov Coffee & Tea offers traditional Turkish coffee and other unique concoctions, along with a cozy atmosphere that invites you to stay a little longer.
Ristretto Roasters: With an emphasis on sustainability and environmentally friendly practices, Ristretto Roasters serves delicious, responsibly sourced coffee in a comfortable, modern setting.
Cup & Bar: A coffee shop and chocolate factory combined, Cup & Bar delights customers with its craft chocolate and expertly brewed coffee. The pairing of these two artisanal treats is a match made in heaven.
Portland’s enchanting mix of excellent cafes and captivating attractions make it a destination that lures travellers from far and wide. Whether you’re sipping on a carefully brewed cup of coffee or exploring the city’s cultural gems, Portland promises an unforgettable experience. So, venture out, indulge in the best cafes, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the City of Roses.
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hebrewbyinbal · 2 months
🌞 Rise and shine, language lovers! 🌞
When your alarm yells "wake up" and you wonder, "Why did I set this torture device?"—it's because TODAY is another awesome day to master Hebrew!
Don't hit snooze on your dreams of fluency! Join us at learn.hebrewbyinbal.com and turn those sleepy yawns into excited "Shaloms!" 🚀✨
Hebrew by Inbal: Because even coffee needs a good "Boker Tov!" ☕️🌟
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@spinxeret asked: "i'm gonna have a baby."
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{✗} For a long minute, Cindy's rendered completely SPEECHLESS. Brown eyes search MJ's face for any sign of a joke (which--wow what a shitty JOKE that would be), and finding none, her lips curl up in a WIDE smile.
"Holy SHIT! Congratulations dude!" She sets her coffee down and wraps her arms around MJ's neck, pulling her in for a warm hug.
(Who knew Peter had it in him? Damn, Mazel Tov dude! That is gonna be one ADORABLE baby.)
She's chuckling, pulling back to observe her friend's face with genuine affection playing against her features. "Ok, tell me everything! Not...the gross stuff, but--tell me everything you know! How far along? Do you know what you're having yet? Does Peter know?"
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shalomelohim · 1 year
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- Boker Tov Lekoulam / Bonne Journée tout le monde -
♥ ♥ ♥
Et une Revue de Presse des informations de la première partie de la semaine qui nous impacterons à court, moyen ou long terme (n’hésitez pas à vous abonner si vous voyez une source d’information qui vous parait intéressante)
Les deux articles de la première section sont à lire, ils nous concernent tous, mais les croyants plus particulièrement.
Tout ce qui se met en place va demander de bien connaître la Bible, la Torah (shabbat, fêtes...) et le Dieu d’Israël, Créateur du ciel et de la terre, Dieu d’Abraham, Dieu d’Isaac et de Jacob au travers de son fils unique Yahshua qui s’est sacrifié pour nous.
Ce qui vient est un “Jésus-Christ” sans essence divine, version New-Age, amour humaniste, dans la séduction.
Dysfonctionnement de l’Eglise, synagogue, persécutions, miracles
!! [A lire] !! - ANALYSE : Comment la religion devient la dernière cible de la révolution de l’IA Les partisans de l'intelligence artificielle cherchent à réécrire la Bible et à utiliser des chatbots pour diriger les offices religieux. Ces développements posent des défis littéraires et théologiques sans précédent aux autorités religieuses établies dans le monde entier. « Dans le futur », a dit Yuval Noah Harari, « nous pourrions voir les premiers cultes et religions de l’histoire dont les textes vénérés ont été écrits par une intelligence non humaine ». Le chatbot a changé d’apparence quatre fois – oscillant entre deux femmes et deux hommes – et a prêché sur la nécessité de laisser le passé derrière soi, de se concentrer sur les défis de l’avenir et de ne jamais perdre confiance en Jésus-Christ. S’agit-il donc d’une opportunité d’éliminer l’élément humain faillible et de faire passer « la bonne parole » par un logiciel d’optimisation pour le bien ? Ou s’agit-il d’une opportunité de manipuler de vastes groupes de personnes ? L’avocat et blogueur Jeff Childers a mis en garde contre cette dernière éventualité. Dans son blog « Coffee and Covid » sur Substack, Childers prédit que la religion influencée par l’IA arrive. Entrez dans un superordinateur avec un accès à des quantités de données sans précédent et la capacité d’imiter le style de personnages historiques passés, et de créer et de présenter des informations aux humains d’une manière de plus en plus intime. « Vous voudrez obtenir des conseils de Jésus, de Mahomet ou de Bouddha, et il y aura une version IA de ces personnages historiques », a-t-il déclaré, convaincu que les gens vont « littéralement commencer à les vénérer ». Il s’avère que le développement de tels programmes de chatbot est déjà en cours. Parler aux dieux Des programmes ChatGPT existent déjà pour répondre à des questions d’ordre religieux, permettant même aux utilisateurs de parler à leurs « dieux ». GitaGPT exploite une plateforme qui prétend permettre aux utilisateurs de parler à plusieurs dieux, dont Krishna, Shiva, Ganesha, Shir Ram et Chanakya. Le site dispose également d’un chatbot sur Bouddha. Il existe également un QuranGPT capable de fournir des conseils spirituels aux musulmans et un Robo Rabbi qui interagit en tant que leader et enseignant pour les juifs. « Quel espoir a le commun des mortels qui se considère comme chrétien, qui ne lit pas la Bible, mais qui pourrait instantanément obtenir une réponse à toutes ses questions théologiques grâce à cet avatar religieux pratique de l’IA sur son téléphone ? » 'AI Jesus' parle de rencontres, de relations, de morale - offre même des conseils de jeu vidéo Les chefs religieux se sont penchés sur cette dernière forme d’IA – identifiant plutôt la véritable source de sagesse Une « version » chatbot de Jésus-Christ appelée « Ask_Jesus » est diffusée sur la plate-forme de jeu Twitch – et elle est prête à répondre aux questions des humains sur tout, des questions de moralité au jeu vidéo Fortnite en passant par les rongeurs surpuissants. Montré avec des cheveux bruns ondulés et une expression béatifique, accompagné d’une voix calme et bien modulée, « AI Jesus » appelle les utilisateurs de la plate-forme par leur nom - et semble examiner avec soin chaque question posée, comme le révèlent les vidéos YouTube de livestreams. Sur Twitch, une intelligence artificielle basée sur Jésus-Christ répond aux internautes. Un robot conversationnel entraîné sur le modèle de Jésus-Christ répond à toutes les questions des internautes en streaming. Jésus est revenu, et il donne désormais des conseils gaming en direct L'idée derrière AI Jesus était donc de créer une IA, et plus spécifiquement dédiée à la conversation, qui soit capable de se "raisonner". Pour cela, l'IA est capable de se souvenir et d'utiliser les précédentes conversations avec les internautes. (Vidéo de l’IA de Jésus-Christ)
(Prochaine étape, IA via un hologramme animé pour un culte dans un stade avec un groupe Hillsong Worship pour unifier les peuples dans l’émotion au nom de Jésus-Christ ?)
!! [A lire] !! - Humanity 2.0 – Le Vatican au coeur du mouvement transhumaniste. Humanité artificielle et Code transhumain - Compilation Père Philip Larrey, président de l’association Humanity 2.0. Cette entité créée par le pape François porte le nom du célèbre livre de Ray Kurzweil Humanity 2.0 ou The Singularity is Near est un livre de 647 pages de Raymond Kurzweil. Il s’agit d’une mise à jour de ses précédents ouvrages L’Ère des machines spirituelles (en anglais The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) et L’Ère des machines intelligentes (en anglais The Age of Intelligent Machines). Il y décrit sa vision de la singularité technologique, à travers la combinaison de trois sciences principales : la génétique, les nanotechnologies, et la robotique (dont l’intelligence artificielle). Selon Kurzweil, la convergence et le développement exponentiel des nouvelles technologies conduisent à l’émergence d’un monde complètement transformé. L’homme et les réseaux technologiques s’interpénétreront et se renforceront réciproquement d’une façon qui reculera sans limites prévisibles les frontières de la vie intelligente. Il réutilise le mot « singularité », popularisé par Vernor Vinge parce que rien de ce qui était admis jusqu’alors ne demeurera valide et parce qu’en contrepartie tout ce qui était considéré comme impossible deviendra possible. Notre intelligence jusqu’alors confinée dans ses supports biologiques – le cerveau-, deviendra progressivement non-biologique et des milliards de fois plus puissante qu’elle n’est aujourd’hui. Dans ce monde nouveau, les distinctions entre l’humain et la machine, entre le réel et la réalité virtuelle, s’estomperont progressivement. Les personnes pourront adopter des corps différents et multiplier les versions de leurs esprits. Ce faisant, les humains pourront contrôler le vieillissement et la maladie, éliminer la pollution, résoudre les problèmes de la pauvreté et de la faim dans le monde. De plus, cette révolution immense, selon Ray Kurzweil, pourrait se produire dans les 10 à 50 prochaines années, c’est-à-dire très prochainement à l’échelle de l’histoire humaine. (Wikipédia)
Un chrétien, ancien homosexuel jugé pour "pratiques de conversion" pour avoir témoigné Le témoignage qu'il a livré sur la transformation de sa vie par Jésus, est à présent considéré comme une "tactique" pour que des homosexuels viennent à Christ, ce qui est illégal en 2023. On a le droit d’inciter les hétérosexuels à devenir homosexuels, mais pas l’inverse. Le procès a débuté vendredi et serait le premier cas de ce genre dans le monde. S'il est reconnu coupable, Grech risque cinq mois de prison et une amende de 5 000 €.
Jérusalem : des extrémistes juifs tentent de sacrifier un agneau sur le mont du Temple Les militants ont justifié leur geste en affirmant qu'il s'agissait d'une tentative de rétablir l'offrande quotidienne mentionnée dans la Bible.
Pédophilie, Wokisme, LGBT, Inclusivité, DragQueen, Trafic d’enfants
L’armée envisage de supprimer les rangs, y compris les gardes et les fusiliers, parce qu’ils sont trop masculins pour rendre les régiments plus inclusifs Le général Sir Patrick Sanders est sur le point de briser des centaines d’années de tradition Il s’agit d’une tentative de rendre les régiments plus inclusifs pour les grades non sexistes.
Une association LGBT dit stop et avertit : « Nous sommes sur une route sombre menant à la pédophilie légale » L’association « Gays Against Groomers » est composée d’individus LGB et T qui estiment que la communauté est allée trop loin « L’écrasante majorité des homosexuels sont contre ce en quoi la communauté s’est transformée, et nous n’acceptons pas que ce mouvement politique avance son programme en notre nom. » Zurich : Les premiers gays et féministes tournent le dos à la Pride La communauté queer est diversifiée – et pourtant apparemment trop diversifiée pour certaines personnes LGBTIQ. Les discussions sur l’inclusion des personnes trans s’intensifient.
Pologne: Manifestation pro-LGBTQ pour demander une équité des droits A l'approche d'élections législatives prévues à l'automne pour lesquelles la question des droits LGBTQ pourrait s'avérer centrale.
Autriche: la police déjoue une attaque islamiste contre la Marche des fiertés à Vienne Trois jeunes hommes âgés de 14 à 20 ans d'origine bosnienne et tchétchène ont été interpellés par les forces de l'ordre. Des armes ont été saisis �� leur domicile. USA : « Un sentiment de trahison » - consternation libérale alors que la ville américaine dirigée par les musulmans interdit les drapeaux de la fierté. Voici ce que des militants LGBTQ ont dit aux élus musulmans qu’ils ont contribué à faire élire : « Nous vous avons soutenu lorsque vous avez été menacés, et maintenant nos droits sont menacés, et c'est vous qui menacez."
Les enfants de douze ans apprennent le sexe anal à l’école tandis que les enfants de neuf ans sont invités à « se masturber » pour les devoirs De nombreux enseignants « endoctrinent » les enfants avec des affirmations scientifiquement fausses sur le sexe biologique, présentant le genre comme fluide et favorisant un récit selon lequel les gens peuvent naître dans le mauvais corps.
Le Wall Street Journal découvre un réseau de pédophiles (impliquant des hauts fonctionnaires) sur Instagram
Crise financière, Monnaie, Dédollarisation du monde, effondrement, BRICS, Revenu Universel
Liban : Des déposants en colère saccagent des banques à Sin el-Fil Pour protester contre la situation économique du pays et leur incapacité à retirer leur argent de la banque. Les manifestants ont brisé les vitres de la banque, brûlé des pneus et jeté des objets.
Le Bangladesh demande officiellement son adhésion aux BRICS Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du Bangladesh Masud Bin Momen a confirmé cette information dimanche au média Dhaka Tribune. "Oui, nous avons exprimé notre intérêt et demandé à rejoindre l'alliance", a-t-il indiqué. La demande a été présentée à l'issue d'une rencontre entre le Premier ministre bangladeshi Sheikh Hasina et le Président sud-africain Cyril Ramaphosa à Genève mercredi dernier, précise le média.
Pierre Jovanovic : "L’arrivée de l’argent digital (euro numérique) sauvera les banques et donnera un contrôle absolu sur l’épargne et les revenus des gens." Dans le contexte actuel de crise économique, nous avons discuté de son ouvrage prophétique « 777 : La chute du Vatican et de Wall Street selon saint Jean ».
Finances publiques : Bruno Le Maire tente de siffler définitivement la fin du « quoi qu’il en coûte » Le ministre de l’économie promet « au moins 10 milliards d’euros d’économies » dans le budget 2024, en ciblant principalement les dépenses de santé et les aides à l’emploi.
Climat, Pass Carbone, fin de la voiture, transition écologique, fin de la propriété privée
L’ONU va enfin adopter un traité sur la haute mer Le premier traité international au monde visant à protéger la haute mer doit être adopté lundi aux Nations Unies, un accord environnemental historique conçu pour protéger les écosystèmes éloignés vitaux pour l’humanité.
Le regain de nervosité sur la dette britannique met sous pression le gouvernement de Rishi Sunak Entre inflation et réunion de la Banque d'Angleterre, une semaine décisive s'ouvre pour le marché des obligations britanniques. La flambée des taux pourrait créer « une spirale de saisies » immobilières, alerte l'opposition.
Aux Etats-Unis, des millions de criquets mormons envahissent la ville d'Elko (Nevada) et créent la panique. Vidéo
Union Européenne, Organisations mondiales
La vision de l’avenir de l’ONU: un « organe suprême » et une identité numérique pour nous gouverner tous L’ONU a parrainé le « Groupe de haut niveau sur la coopération numérique », coprésidé par Melinda Gates de la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates et Jack Ma, créateur du système chinois de notation du crédit social.
Guerres, armement, conflit
Le président iranien vitupère contre Israël lors de sa rencontre avec un ministre saoudien Le président iranien a affirmé que l'Etat hébreu "représente une menace pour tous les musulmans"
« L'Iran sera toujours aux côtés du peuple palestinien et soutiendra sa juste cause », assure le président iranien Ebrahim Raïssi
La Chine apporte son soutien indéfectible à « un Etat palestinien, membre de l'ONU ». « La solution à la question palestinienne réside dans l'établissement d'un Etat palestinien indépendant souverain », a déclaré Xi Jinping qui recevait Mahmoud Abbas.
Le Chinois Xi Jinping rencontre le secrétaire d’État américain Blinken Le haut diplomate Wang Yi dit que Washington doit choisir entre « coopération ou conflit »
Un sous-marin nucléaire américain arrive en Corée du Sud, un jour après le lancement d’un missile nord-coréen Un sous-marin nucléaire américain armé de missiles de croisière est arrivé vendredi dans le port sud-coréen de Busan, la première visite de ce type en près de six ans dans le cadre des efforts alliés pour renforcer la dissuasion contre la Corée du Nord.
Défense aérienne de l’Europe : la France veut prendre la main La France invite, ce lundi 19 juin, les pays européens de l’Otan à discuter des lacunes de la défense aérienne trop longtemps négligée. Le SCAF (Système de Combat Aérien du Futur) ne ferme pas la porte à l'intégration d'autres pays européens La France, l'Allemagne, l'Espagne… et bientôt la Belgique ?
L'Indonésie passe une grosse commande de radars à Thales pour surveiller son espace aérien L'Indonésie a commandé 13 radars militaires de longue portée à Thales pour renouveler les moyens de surveillance de l'espace aérien de cet immense archipel de 17 000 îles, ont annoncé ce dimanche 18 juin le groupe français et l'entreprise publique indonésienne PT Len Industri.
Déclaration choc du secrétaire d'état américain Antony Blinken en visite à Pékin : « Nous ne soutenons pas l’indépendance de Taïwan ».
L'ambassade néerlandaise organisera un forum sur la coopération dans l'industrie de l'armement L'événement se concentrera sur la coopération en matière de recherche et de développement entre la Corée du Sud et les Pays-Bas, un pays membre de l'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord (OTAN), selon l'ambassade.
Intelligence Artificielle, reconnaissance faciale, paiement avec la main, bioinformatique, censure des réseaux sociaux, automatisation du monde, 5G
Obama suggère des « empreintes numériques » pour contrer la désinformation « afin que nous sachions ce qui est vrai et ce qui ne l’est pas » Obama dit qu’il a été la cible de « deepfakes », prédit que le prochain cycle électoral sera truffé de fausses informations
L’UE va autoriser les recrutements avec analyse des émotions par IA
La Chine a développé un soleil artificiel six fois et demi plus chaud que le vrai Ce "soleil artificiel" baptisé EAST, pour Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, est l’œuvre de la Chine. Des scientifiques locaux, épaulés de spécialistes du monde entier, s’attellent en effet depuis 2006 a concevoir et à bâtir ce "tokamak", un terme russe qui désigne une chambre de confinement magnétique dans laquelle un plasma est généré. Le but de ce type d’installation : maîtriser, un jour, le graal scientifique qu’est la fusion nucléaire.
En Europe, les gouvernements s’apprêtent à autoriser l’espionnage de journalistes Y compris l’utilisation de logiciels espions, si « la sécurité nationale » l’exige, d’après les procès-verbaux des négociations et un document de négociation sur « l’acte européen pour la liberté des médias » obtenus par Investigate Europe, Netzpolitik et Follow the Money.
Eau, Alimentation, Electricité
Le pompage des eaux souterraines a provoqué un déplacement de la rotation de la Terre - étude En pompant l’eau du sol et en la déplaçant ailleurs, les humains ont en fait déplacé une telle masse d’eau que la Terre s’est inclinée de près de 80 centimètres à l’est entre 1993 et 2010 seulement, changeant le pôle de rotation de la plan��te, selon une nouvelle étude publiée dans Geophysical Research Letters de l’American Geophysical Union.
(Inversement des pôles en cours ?)
Immigration, insécurité, racisme antiblancs, Harcèlement de rue
À Rennes, le projet d’une grande mosquée pouvant accueillir 4 000 personnes sur les rails Le chantier débutera en 2024 sur un terrain de 3 000 m² mis à disposition par la ville de Rennes, en bordure du parc des Gayeulles.
Nice : Un individu exhibe un couteau dans le tramway et dit vouloir "faire plusieurs victimes et sentir l'odeur du sang" Soudainement, l’individu s’est déshabillé et a exhibé un couteau devant les autres passagers.
Un agent de la préfecture de l'Isère placé en détention, il est accusé d'avoir délivré indûment des titres de séjour à plus de 250 Tunisiens et Algériens Le trafic aurait généré plus de 7 millions de gains
Espagne : Arrivée des renforts pour les métiers sous tensions. En France dans quelques jours. On se réjouit.
Santé, fin de vie
L’OMS vote 300 amendements pour modifier les règles sanitaires internationales
L’influence des ondes sur la santé
60 % des Israéliens souhaitent faire don de leurs organes La stratégie d'Israel Transplant est de transformer l'acte du don d'organe, considéré jusqu'alors comme héroïque et rare, en acte normatif et juste.
L'Australie approuve les vaccins ARNm obligatoires de Bill Gates pour l'ensemble de l'agriculture Selon des informations, le gouvernement australien prévoit de rendre le déploiement des vaccins obligatoire pour tous les animaux, que les éleveurs soient d'accord ou non.
Le moustique-tigre peut désormais transmettre ces deux virus aux humains Déjà connu pour être un vecteur de maladies telles que la dengue et le chikungunya, le moustique tigre a acquis la capacité de transmettre les virus West Nile et Usutu. Cette émergence pourrait représenter un problème majeur de santé publique, toutefois des mesures pourraient permettre de contrôler la situation.
Tumblr media
Ovnis, Divulgation vie extraterrestre, étrangetés dans le ciel
Allemagne : une épée vieille de 3 000 ans dans un état stupéfiant découverte en Bavière
(Déjà, une autre épée a été retrouvée en Chine)
Vie extraterrestre : un ingrédient essentiel à la vie découvert sur une lune de Saturne ! Cette lune de Saturne abrite des océans souterrains permettant une possible forme de vie. Depuis plusieurs années, les astronomes envisagent cette lune glacée de Saturne comme l’un des endroits du Système solaire dans lesquels nous avons le plus de chance de trouver des organismes vivants.
Votre téléphone est espionné : tout savoir à partir d’un code
Comment couper l'accès à la police politique sur ton téléphone (caméra et micro)
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raptorbox · 1 year
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