#toxic boywithuke
w3ath3r-0f-sw34t3rz · 7 months
lyric of the day ˚♫⋆。˚ ⋆
"i fell into your river that's where you told me lies you said that i'd feel better but this is where good guys die"
toxic boywithuke
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meshandhash · 3 months
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eman-e11 · 1 year
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Today's a dancing alone in the kitchen while scream-singing BoyWithUke kinda day
anyways, i'm in a really good mood rn and this song is a bop
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milkyplier · 2 years
No one:
Me: *owm to go bother @merriclo like the gremlin that I am*
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This is a BoyWithUke appreciation post.
If you like BoyWithUke like and reblog
The new songs that he released are really good
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I’m going to regret this BOYWITHUKE SONG ⬆️‼️
Uhhh me singing boywithuke song
(Yes the ukelele guy that sang “toxic” I love him)
I only did 2 takes, this is the one I like more, so uh yeah, and yes I’m hesitant to sing bad words loudly because my parents are home and I DONT want to be yelled at thank you.
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most.
NPT: @the-real-obby, @azalea-korita, @blessed-pizza, @mysteryampharos, and @justabeewithapen + anyone wants to participate in this! Tag yourself! Have fun!
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lilislegacy · 5 months
It’s me again. Hi.
So my favorite artist BoyWithUke (yes, he’s the guy who sang Toxic and went viral in 2022 on Tik Tok) has some songs that are very Percabeth coded, and I wanted your opinion on them. I’m only going to do five, but he has a lot more, and a lot more that apply to different characters.
The first one is Falling for You. There isn’t anything specific about it, it just reminds me of them.
The second one is called Bad Things, and it’s kind of what I hc things were like Post-Tartarus. He also said in an insta post he wrote it about his girlfriend when he was going through a time of severe anxiety/panic attacks, and it just felt very Percy. (I’m actually writing a fic about it)
The third one is called Camouflage, and it reminds me a lot of Annabeth in the first five books. Some of the lyrics are just so fitting.
The fourth one is Hazel Eyes, which applies a lot more to the show version, but also just had those same vibes as them.
The fifth one is Prairies. It goes back and forth between him and another singer (so boy and girl) and it’s so Percabeth it’s crazy.
Honorable mention goes to Tired of Wanting You. It’s kinda Percy in the og books, but if he was a little more aware that he liked her lol.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you these songs and see what your opinion on them was!! If you’re curious in some of the other ones I have for certain characters/relationships (platonic or romantic) let me know:)
thanks for the ask @justanothernamelessauthor!
aww, these were all great!!
the 2nd one was SO good! the lyrics are amazing. the internal conflict is so percy
same thing with the 3rd one. it definitely gives annabeth vibes, and how she carried the burden of knowing the prophecy and meanwhile was faling for percy. the lyrics “you’re making it worse, but i want to see you again” is so similar to percy saying “I was glad to be with her, but it also kind of hurt, and it hurt when I wasn't with her, too.”
i really like the 5th one with the back and forth! this was probably my 2nd favorite!
honestly my favorite was the honorable mention lol, tired of wanting you. it actually gave me the most percabeth vibes. because in BotL and TLO they are both just so angry and frustrated all the dam time because they have such big feelings for each other but aren’t acting on them.
i love these all. thank you!
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spookystoner · 3 months
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tbnrpotato · 6 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 4
Separatist attack! After the destruction of the outpost on the Rishi moon, General Grievous and Asajj Ventress plan an attack on the planet Kamino, home of the cloning factories. Meanwhile, aboard a Jedi cruiser, Jedi knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi examine an intercepted message from General Grievous.
Rex comes into the barracks soon enough, and I'm showing Fives and Echo this new song on the holonet called "Toxic" from Boywithuke when Rex walks in. My helmet's sitting at the side, I trust Fives and Echo enough to not reveal my secret to the Kaminoans.
When Rex walks in, Fives and Echo stand at attention and I'm just leaning against the wall behind them.
"I'm guessing you have something to tell us?" I ask Rex.
"Mhm. Separatists are planning an attack on Kamino. We're going home."
And then Rex walks out of the room.
"Kamino?! This just got personal," Fives says, Echo agrees with him.
"I'm guessing I'm gonna be the only one out of you three looking at the bigger picture and not just personally," I roll my eyes. "As much as I hate that place, if it's destroyed, the production of more clones will be stopped, and we will definitely lose the war and all of us will die."
"Hey, you're not the only one looking at the bigger picture," Fives nudges me in the side.
Soon enough, we head out of the jedi cruiser with the other troopers, as usual I'm walking behind the rest, my helmet on.
So we take a stroll through Kamino, a place that I never wanted to go back to.
"Ah, look around Fives. Feels like yesterday we were here," Echo says as a group of younger clones pass us. "Heading to target practice."
"Heh, remember that?"
"Do I ever."
"Feels like yesterday I was here, heading to cleaning duty," I mutter under my breath.
And then in front of us I see 99, struggling with carrying a few guns, dropping a few on the floor. I run over and help him pick some up, he doesn't recognize me with the helmet on.
"Hey, 99!" Echo calls out.
Well, 99 can recognize them, but not me.
"Heh, you actually remembered us," Fives sounds slightly impressed.
"Oh, I remember all my brothers. Is Hevy here? Where's he?"
I don't even think he remembers me.
"Hevy's dead. Sacrificed himself on the Rishi outpost," I explain for Echo and Fives. I can talk about his death so casually now, I get over these kinds of things quite quickly.
"He saved our lives, but he gave up his own," Echo continues.
"Oh, uh, I see," 99 says, showing Echo and Fives some random medal thing that they probably got in the past.
"Hevy...gave you his medal?" Fives asks.
99 closes his eyes for a moment, before asking,"So, why have you returned to Kamino?"
"Wasn't my choice," I tell him. My helmet's still on, I can't take it off with all the Kaminoans and other troopers here.
"The Generals received word of an impending attack here," Fives explains.
"Well, how can I help?"
Fives and Echo give each other a look before nodding at each other, and they tell 99 the plan.
"So uh, 99, do you remember...me?" I ask.
"Not with your helmet on," 99 replies. "Why not you take it off? We're safe for now."
"Not safe for me. I have no interest in going back to cleaning duty."
"It's you...you're that female clone, aren't you? So...you're a soldier now?"
I nod. "Keep your voice down, we don't want others to hear that."
"Oh right, sorry," 99 whispers. "So are you gonna join those...yknow...group of different clones?"
"You mean the ipad kid, the one with dog shit for hair, the buff af one, and the old man?"
Fives and Echo hold in their laughter, but I can see it on their faces.
99 chuckles, "Yea, you ever thought about maybe joining them?"
I think for a moment, and as I'm about to reply, the lighting turns red, signaling an attack. I see other troopers running to the front, and Fives and Echo are called in by the commander, and I follow them.
We reach the dude that sent for Fives and Echo. 
"Sir, you sent for us?"
"It's a dangerous assignment, but I want you two up on the bridge in sniper positions."
"Yes sir, we're on it."
And then as Fives and Echo head up to the bridge, the dude stops me before I can run off with them. 
"Aren't you a bit young to be fighting?" he asks. "Get in there with the others."
"With all due respect sir, I can handle myself," I say. "Besides, someone's gotta cover Fives and Echo." Without waiting for a response, I run off to the bridge.
I can hear the blaster fire already starting, I don't look back, I just keep running.
I reach Fives and Echo, where they're dealing with some of the droids already. I narrowly miss a blaster bolt to the face, and take cover next to them.
"There's gotta be a better defensive position than this, this place is shitty to snipe from," I say as I start shooting at the droids down below.
I see 99 coming up behind us. "I...I brought you some ammo," he says, dropping the bag on his shoulder.
"Is there a better spot than this, a better defensive position we can take?" Fives asks.
"Droids! Behind us!" Echo shouts, and Fives pushes 99 to the ground to let him take cover.
I notice that there are grenades in the bag that 99 was carrying, which is now lying on the ground, so I take one of them from the bag and throw it at the droids.
The grenade explodes on contact, knocking all the droids down. 
"There's more," 99 says, pointing at where the smoke is clearing.
Echo, Fives and I point our blasters at that area, until I see some kids walking out. They look like 12 year olds, 2 years younger than me.
"Cadets, what're you doing here?" Echo asks.
"We got separated from our group," one of the kids says.
"Where were they taking you?"
"The barracks."
"Oh, I know the best way there," 99 says, and we all follow him as he half-runs to the barracks.
We reach the barracks and the kids sit down on the beds.
"What are we gonna do?" one of them asks.
Fives and Echo look down at the floor.
"A separatist victory means...death...for all of us," 99 says.
"Oh hell nah I have no interest in dying today," I lean against a wall.
"The cadet is right. What are we gonna do?" 99 asks.
"We fight."
I look to the side, and see commander Cody and Rex taking off their helmets.
"Ayyy Rex, what took you so long?" I ask when I see him. Rex rolls his eyes. 
The cadets stand up. "But our training's not finished."
Fives steps forward. "Look around. We're one and the same. Same heart, same blood. Your training is in your blood. And my blood's boiling for a fight."
"That's one of the most useful things you've said today," I nudge Fives in the side.
"This is our home. This is our war," Echo says.
"What about weapons?" one of the cadets asks.
"The armory," 99 suggests. "It's just a few corridors away, here in the barracks. I can retrieve all the firepower we need. So who wants to blast some droids?"
Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo and I give a downwards nod of respect to 99 and Rex, Cody and I head to the armory with 99.
"Here it is, everything we need is here," 99 says, he's panting a bit. 
Rex and Cody get some weapons and I get a few pistols, a few grenades, and just stuff them on my belt, running out of the room and passing a few to the cadets.
"What about you?" one of them asks as I hand them my second last pistol.
"I only need 1 pistol."
I hear one of the droids shooting at the door to the barracks, and as the door opens, we start shooting at them through the door. As the droids advance, we back up, finding whatever cover we can get behind boxes or the beds.
I hear some blaster bolts whizz past my shoulder, and I take cover with Fives and Echo, shooting at the droids. As they advance, we continue backing up, taking some more cover behind the boxes. Rex throws a grenade at the droids, which misses, and I can feel the force of the explosion from here.
"Cadets, now!" Rex shouts into the comlink and the cadets start shooting at the droids from the high ground where they were initially hidden from view. They manage to knock down quite a few droids, making it much easier.
Cody throws another grenade at the droids, and as the smoke clears, more droids start coming in.
I hear 99 get shot, and he's tryna make his way to the armory. I run towards the droids, strafing so that I avoid blaster fire, and I try to slice up the droids as fast as I can with my sword, and when Fives and Echo help me shoot down the last one, I look back and I see 99's body on the floor. It feels like someone tightened their grip on my stomach, and I run to 99, kneeling beside him as Echo holds him in his arms.
"We..." Cody sighs. "Lost a true soldier."
"He really was one of us."
I bite my lip under my helmet, I can feel the tears coming but I don't let them flow, so I just walk away and sit on one of the beds, looking away, softly singing under my helmet to distract myself from 99's body. ("Toxic" from Boywithuke my new fav song lmao)
Later, all of us start walking out to the outdoor platform, the battle has ended. I'm leaning against a wall, watching Echo and Fives do their thing. I still have the grenades clipped to my belt, I'm throwing my knife up in the air and catching it, just like I always do.
I see Rex motioning for me to come over with Echo and Fives, and we all stand at attention (I'm just following what Echo and Fives are doing, just because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do)
"You all really stepped up in the heat of battle," Cody says.
"We did what we had to do, sir," Echo says.
"What any clone would've done," Fives continues.
"All of you showed valor out there. Real courage. Reminds me of me, actually," Rex says.
"Don't flatter yourself, we all already know," I smirk under my helmet, Rex chuckles a bit, looking at me.
"Echo, Fives, Aris, you're officially being made ARC troopers," Cody says. Echo looks at Fives, and we're all kind of a bit in shock.
"I don't think the Separatists will be coming back anytime soon," Rex says. "But if they do, Kamino will be lucky to have clones like you defending it. Good job, men."
Rex and Cody salute and Fives and Echo does the same, so I just follow them.
As I walk away with Rex, he pats me on the back. "Good job ad'ika."
"Rex, I don't wanna be an ARC trooper," I say quietly.
"Why not?" Rex looks confused.
"Too many expectations. I'm not like Fives or Echo. I'm just a kid. And besides, I don't deserve this, 99 does."
"Kid, 99's-"
"Dead, yea I know, and I've accepted that, just don't make me an ARC trooper, okay?"
Rex sighs. "Okay, ad'ika."
I nod at him. "Thanks dad."
Rex chuckles a bit.
"Okay fine, you can call me that."
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darkfictionjude · 6 months
[Singer MC] How would the family react to one of MC's debut album songs (since they didnt know MC could sing or where even making a debut album)
The album is called No Man's Land the deluxe edition has 5 extra songs which makes it in total a 20 song album the deluxe it's also called No Man and Woman's land the sounds of a town called Croun and the album cover is MC's dismembered naked body in the woods and the important bits are Covered by dirt and leaves aswell as the album tittle.
The song that their listening to it's called Mad House and the music video was recorded in the family mansion while everyone was away and basically highlights how messed up abusive and toxic their family life is, how their mother treated Orla like a doll, how Percy was used as a punching bag by their father and how Sal crossed MC's boundaries and put them in horrible positions when they didnt want to and neglected giving Orla and Percy the love and care they gave them.
What truly makes it worse is the delivery of the lyrics since its in the whole everything will be alright toxic positivity mindset of Sal.
The whole album is pretty much MC venting their hole life story out their and current events aswell as their feelings about events in the past and present if i where to compare it would sound like an Oliver Tree album or a BoywithUke album with how catchy the songs are.
I feel like mc could not release an album with that cover in the early to mid 90s with the satanic panic just recently dying down 😭 it’d be censored to shit
Now onto what I usually say: how much do you think mc’s parents will care? Orla? Realistically do you think they’ll feel sympathy? Compassion? More like anger.
Victor: anger, annoyance, feels like mc is ungrateful and a big mouth
Prudence: furious that the interior of her home was used for what she deems self-pleasuring demonic trauma porn. Thinks mc is making a fool out of themself
Sally: is hurt that mc thinks like this about him and rather betrayed that mc would expose their relationship that sally views as sacred to the masses
Percy: would sue mc. Would sue the shit out of them and if he doesn’t hit them he would never speak to them again. Believes that mc can talk about their own shit but talking about his abuse is crossing a line they have no right to
Orla: rolls her eyes. As if mc has it worse than the rest of them. At the very least no one in the family make their dirty laundry public for a bunch of fucking strangers. And who gave mc the right to talk about her and Prudence’s relationship? That’s her fucking business
In summary: no one would be happy about this
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Far Away • Long Drives • Let Me Down • Prairies • She Said No • Heart of Ice • IDGAF • Contigo • Understand • Scared of the Dark • Toxic
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
(for"sendacharacterandilllist"askgame) DREWWWWWWWWWWWWW
ok so drew !!!
favorite thing about them
everything. But if I had to choose then maybe his attachment issues or those little spiky strane of hair above one of his ears
least favorite thing about them
just the fact that his backstory is not revealed yet. Like I hope the whole "he has family issues and feels detached from them making him have a complicated and toxic view kn relationships as well as attachment issues" headcanon ks revealed to be canon otherwise, if he's acting the way he is just bc he does, then he makes for a pretty boring character no matter how "realistic" it would be (which it kinda wouldn't but whatever that's a separate discussion). so yeah like the lack of traits rather than the traits themselves ig. Though rosyclozy said season 2 is druffering 2 so I am EXCITED
dria. draisy. dracy. idfk which I should pick. endless possibilities. and they all parallel each other in one way or another and I fucking love them platonically but I'm not interested in them romantically if I'm gonna be honest. they'd all fix him
this is so unfathomably predictive and obvious of me but Drake/PlumPeach like come on a) I relate to Drew's "I'm in love with my best friend but they can't know and they're in love with someone else" situation heavily,there are endless analyses to be made and written, endless fic potential, SO MANY songs about breakups that just Fit Them, they make each other worse and also interesting characters. Someone once called me an abuse apologist that should never date anyone because I shipped them? LMAO. that was like 3/2 years ago though. without drake drew just like... wouldnt have character. Which says a lot. Second OTP is HOT TAKE droey. I made a whole fucking post abt them please don't @ me o can explain themselves - also droey angst. Also they're complicated af as well. But they are also pretty annoying so I'm not sure lmao. Dria rules too but prefer it platonic
Idk drelliot .?? It's so unfathomably cliche and stereotypical toxic yaoi material and I hate it but I also think it's funny so idk I don't really have notps unless it's siblings or bad age gaps cuz they make me uncomfortable
random headcanon
do I have to share only one? I want more so I'll do more. I think he's Filipino, he had one of those glow in the dark shoes in elementary school and flexed them HARD, he has major depressive disorder and maybe borderline personality disorder, he hyperfixates on video games, listens to mostly emo rap, spends most of his time inside during summer, gets a new iphone every year, cyberbullies little kids on roblox, also still plays roblox, gets expensive watches just to flex and also bc he measures his worth by wealth his parents give him bc that's the only love they show him LMAO, and thinks furries and weebs are cringe, and also i love him
unpopular opinion
he actually loved/loves zoey
song I associate with them
ok how about I drop my whole playlist for them instead
Alex G - Nintendo 64
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
Annika Bennett - Boy Who Has Everything
Billie Eilish - Wish U Were Gay
BoyWithUke - Toxic
Conan Gray - Heather
DoshVO - Dear Jake
DoshVO - Do You Wanna Bully Hailey?
DoshVO - Like a Six "Zoey Diss"
DoshVO - Move Along
ElyOtto - SugarCrash!
Fran Vasilić - eyes blue or brown can't remember
5 Seconds Of Summer - Teeth
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
Jack Stauber - Cupid
Kaden Mackay - Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You)
Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger
Laufey - From The Start
Laufey - Promise
Laufey - Second Best
Liana Flores - papercut
Mitski - Old Friend
Olivia Rodrigo - drivers license
Olivia Rodrigo - traitor
Olivia Rodrigo - vampire
Regina Spektor - Two Birds On A Wire
Rex Orange County - Best Friend
Rex Orange County - Sunflower
Rex Orange County - Television / So Far So Good
Steven Universe - It's Over Isn't It
The Front Bottoms - Be Nice To Me
The Vaccines - Heartbreak Kid
The Walters - I Love You So
...wow. I really thought I had more - whatever, more to be added w time, dw
Also the song "you better move on" I have no idea who made it ???????? I just listened to the cover by Frank Wattkinson lmao
favorite picture of them
ooof this one's heard. I mean hard. shut up
ok ok so I like this one .
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cuz he's just done with him. looks angry but probably suppressing his years so fucking much. leaving Jake behind after such struggle and effort to keep him... dam (and it also shows their height difference lmfao)
Or one of these !!
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Another ones from the finale, he's just laughing and smiling from the sheer pain he's in and the utter irony that is his friendship with Jake and he's so hurt but he's probably doing this to keep himself from crying but he's also probably just laughing at how pathetic he is for trusting Jake or believing that they really had something when it all turned out to be a huge lie and he just can't believe in himself or anyone anymore
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this one's just him being jelly like eurgj. 😠😒
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this one's a funny reaction image concept
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and I also love this one cuz like, first of all lol at his eyebags he's either been crying or not getting any sleep or BOTH, he'd also in a call with Zoey trying to get him back and he's just looking at the side like he's mad at her and he's hurt by her but he also looks like he's trying so hard to resist idk how to explain it man he can't deal with her but he can't deal without her yknow what I mean
Thank you for asking !!!!!!
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loaflovesdoodling · 1 year
Sorry for my inactivity, you guys! I promise I'm not dead, haha.
I was just practicing a new artstyle for humans, as my previous one was getting a bit old.
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Bonus sketch of BotW Link in memory #17 because he is so angst material and I love him very much
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(drew this while listening to 'Toxic' by BoywithUke)
I'll probably be back tonight with some Star Trio doodles to make up for my absence :)
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alureafw · 18 days
Hello everybody! So i know this is a really late intro but I wanna have a intro.
Name:Alurea famedah winarano, I think I spell it right anyways you could call me Lea.
Pronounce: she/her.
Gender: female.
Fav color: blue.
Likes: reading books, books,watching the TV, talking, random singing,music, food, drawings, looking at fanart and headcanon.
Loves: reading books, watching the tv and playing with my phone.
Dislikes: ads, bullying,bullies, waiting,worms and hate Post.
Fears: worms and falling (maybe.)
Language: Indonesia is my first language and English is my second.
From: Indonesia Jakarta.
Fav food: Rendang (a spicy meat from Indonesia).
Hobbies: reading, watching, sleep and playing with my phone.
Music: my music type more random than a lottery but I like toxic, world smallest violin,to the bone and Melanie Martinez.
Type: i dunno. bad boy maybe cuz I think so.
Fandom: Hobbit, the Lord of the rings, Percy Jackson and Dream SMP.
School: GSPA
Lives: Indonesia Tangerang.
Birthplace: Jakarta.
Birthday: 6 October.
So English is my second language because I'm Indonesian so sorry if there any spelling mistake.
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