ancientorigins · 9 months
Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. Health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive.
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Toxoplasma by Sabrina Calvo
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Après la Révolution, l’île de Montréal est assiégée — ses ponts bloqués par l’armée fédérale. Internet disparu, une Commune improbable s'y organise, redoutant à tout instant l'effondrement du monde.
Au coeur de ce chaos, Nikki Chanson, détective pour chats perdus et spécialiste de films de série Z dans un vidéo-club à la dérive, enquête sur des sacrifices de rongeurs. Entre hallucinations en VHS et cauchemars de forêt détruite, son quotidien s'engouffre bientôt dans une conspiration dont elle ne percera le mystère qu'avec l'aide d'une coureuse de bois virtuels et d'une marionnette d'un show pour enfants.
Thriller proto-cyberpunk, déclaration d'amour aux canars d'horreur, Toxoplasma est un roman poétique et politique, qui réussit à aller le burlesque à la tension d'une intrigue fantastique. Il a reçu le Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire 2018 et le prix Rosny aîné 2018.
Mod opinion: This sounds so interesting and I would love to read it if it is ever translated.
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ambient-sanctuary · 4 months
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📆 June 2023 📰 Latent toxoplasmosis impairs learning and memory 🗞 Nature
Tachyzoites are the rapidly-multiplying form of T. gondii, with capability to invade the excitable cells in skeletal muscles and nerves in which they differentiate to encysted bradyzoites. Bradyzoites are the semidormant, slowly-dividing form of the parasite, which persist inside the cells for the entire life of the host and form the chronic latent phase of toxoplasmosis.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Made to Move
Estimated to infect around 30% of people worldwide, Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread parasite with a peculiar life cycle: it reproduces sexually only in its main hosts, wild and domestic cats, but can also infect and replicate inside other species, including humans. The ensuing disease, toxoplasmosis, can cause flu-like symptoms before settling in as a generally symptomless chronic condition, although it becomes more dangerous during pregnancy and for patients with weakened immunity. Toxoplasma’s superpower is its ability to hijack the immune system, infecting macrophages, which normally gobble up pathogens, then altering their behaviour. Infection with Toxoplasma (pictured, in red), changes gene expression inside macrophages (in green, with nuclei in blue), reprogramming them to become more mobile, so they themselves help to spread the parasites. Recent research revealed that Toxoplasma uses a protein called GRA28 to re-organise DNA in the macrophages’ nuclei, suggesting a new target for scientists investigating potential treatments.
Written by Emmanuelle Briolat
Image from work by Arne L Ten Hoeve and Laurence Braun, and colleagues
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Image copyright held by the original authors
Research published in Cell Host Microbe, November 2022
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no doctor I deny toxoplasma my love for her is entirely organic
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montecruzfoto · 1 year
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25.04.2023 - Toxoplasma live at Club SO36 - Kreuzberg
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'Zihin kontrolü' Paraziti: Toxoplasma Gondii
‘Zihin kontrolü’ Paraziti Toxoplasma Gondii Hakkında 10 Şaşırtıcı Gerçek T. gondii, Dünya üzerindeki en yaygın bulaşıcı parazitlerden biridir, ancak aynı zamanda hakkında bilgi edinilmesi en ilginç olanlardan da biridir. Toxoplasma gondii , insanlar da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli konakçı organizmaların hücrelerini istila eden ve toksoplazmoz olarak bilinen bir hastalığa neden olan tek hücreli bir…
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bread-is-bread · 1 year
If he doesn't most likely have toxoplasma then I don't want him
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bei-bedarf · 1 year
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Rock am Kuchteich 2023 
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Toxoplasmosi: il pericolo che rappresenta tutt'oggi e gli sforzi in campo per combatterla
Toxoplasmosi: il pericolo che rappresenta tutt’oggi e gli sforzi in campo per combatterla
Molti medici avvertono le loro pazienti in gravidanza di evitare le feci di gatto; anche la lettiera dell’animale domestico di famiglia è off-limits. Il motivo per cui le donne in gravidanza sono avvertite di rispettare questo ammonimento, è perché potrebbero contrarre la toxoplasmosi, una malattia causata dal microscopico protozoo Toxoplasma gondii. Questo microbo infetta quasi tutti gli animali…
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reportwire · 2 years
Parasite Infecting Up to 50% of People 'Really Likes The Retina', Scientists Say
Parasite Infecting Up to 50% of People ‘Really Likes The Retina’, Scientists Say
Toxoplasma gondii is probably the most successful parasite in the world today. This microscopic creature is capable of infecting any mammal or bird, and people across all continents are infected.   Once infected, a person carries Toxoplasma for life. So far, we don’t have a drug that can eradicate the parasite from the body. And there is no vaccine approved for use in humans. Across the world,…
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bootleg-nessie · 6 months
I feel bad for the people that don’t know that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between domestication of cats and the development of advanced human society
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jimbr549 · 6 months
Common cat-borne parasite is positively associated with frailty in older adults https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-11-common-cat-borne-parasite-positively-frailty.html
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drethelin · 7 months
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A vole I saw running around in circles, probably doomed by toxoplasmosis
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