#tozier twins
so many tropes in so many movies would be so much more fun with the Losers.
for example:
the lost boys???!!! but with the losers trying to defeat this crazy little california towns vampire issues after like Richie becomes a vampire or something (most comparable character to Michael other than like richie’s sibling) (my favorite tbh i would watch/read the hell outta this)
Jaws! and yeah sure we can keep all of the silly older guys just fumbling around and such until killing the shark works, but maybe at the same time this group of seven kids is just… following them around without them knowing. (extra points if one of the losers was a kid of brody’s or hooper’s)
the thing. thats all i have to say i mean COME ON. BUT ITS WHEN THEY’RE ALL ADULTS LIKE OH MY GOD
the losers just like? replacing the Torrence family in The Shining. like as adults. some of them are just workers. I mean it is literally canon that Dick Hallorann had known Mike Hanlon’s dad. like richie is the one that goes crazy, eddie is the one that gets caught in it’s path, bill is the one seeing all sorta of crazy shit because he explored too much, mike already knew what bill did and so he was kinda his only friend, stan is the guy on the phone, ben and bev are rescuers, etc
Twin Peaks. like need I say more?? Eddie as Cooper, Richie as Truman, leland palmer is Bev’s dad, Laura palmer is bev, bob is pennywise, Mike is log lady, Ben is bobby, shelly is also bev? Nadine is stan, etc etc or eddie is shelly, richie is bobby, stan is james, bill is truman, mike is cooper, ben is andy, bev is lucy, etc and tbh any loser could be any character, i’m stating these in a relationship sense.
anyway i could go on about this for hours
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peachtozier · 5 months
long hair richie my beloved
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You are my king; now and forever!! 🥰❤️
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mcuxhp777 · 5 months
You can't tell me that Richie wouldn't do this just to make Mike jealous
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heliojip · 6 months
so much happens on my tomodachi life island you dont even KNOW . cooper and harry from twin peaks are married and have a kid named Snoopy, ryan and min from infinity train WERE married but got DIVORCED 🧎 and i tried to get francesca and meg toegther but fran had a crush on richie tozier from IT chapter 2... absolute chaos ... heres a pic of mabel pines and herbert west chilling and danbert bonding time (dan wanted a unique hat)
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Season 4 poster looks so cool!!
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Whenever Eddie gets drunk with the losers, all he does is talk to Richie or about Richie. If Richie’s not there, he’ll just talk about how much he misses him. Not in a romantic way (as far as Eddie’s aware, the poor clueless boy), he just gets drunk and immediately wants best friend time because that’s his person! He has the BEST time with Richie, and it’s so easy and fun to talk to him that why would he want to bother with anyone else?
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tisforpterodactyl · 2 years
the trend of bill hader characters wearing zip up hoodies while going thru a depressive episode >>>
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sonofthemoon2 · 1 year
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A little doodle of Mike and Richie (from "You Stayed, and I Went. But We Always Come Home" by @mrhalloween2ficpage)
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billhaderpolls · 6 months
do you like bill hader !? consider participating in the billhaderpolls project ‼️‼️‼️
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bill hader* needs you to answer anonymous questions about your deepest perceptions and desires. for free!
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greenpidge101 · 2 years
This is an expansion on my post about how Bill can dance for hours straight. I wanted to touch on the other losers a little more :)
Ben, Mike and Stan are the Babysitters, they have been taking care of the others since they were teens stealing alcohol to be rebellious.  
Ben is the only one who doesn't drink at all, 100% sober. He struggled with alcohol in the past and he’s ashamed of what happened after Mike called him. (Sometimes he can still feel those lemons) the losers are super understanding and help him get sober. Ben doesn’t mind being the DD, as long as his friends are safe he’s good.
Mike usually has one or two drinks at the beginning so that he’s fine by the end of the night. Mike is definitely a heavyweight so the two drinks don’t do anything anyways. He will go dance or do karaoke and cheer on Richie and Patty when they go head to head. The man is high on life.
Stanley is a wine mom. He nurses one glass of wine the whole night and is content. He has to anyway because of Patty. I like to think that one year of college Stanley got so drunk at a party that Patty had to peel him off the floor. Stanley then vowed never to drink like that again. He’ll never admit it but he enjoys being a babysitter. He has so much blackmail on all of the losers.
Eddie is the resident lightweight, that man has one fruity drink and he is gone. He’s also clingy af, you’ll find him hanging off of Richie, sitting in Mike's lap or cuddling with Bev. By the end of the night he is out like a light. The losers have found him in the weirdest sleeping positions. (Their favorite was when they found him on top of a haystack on Mike's farm)
Beverly isn’t necessarily a lightweight but she isn’t a heavyweight either. She likes to think that she’s at Richie, Patty and Bill’s level but deep down she knows she’s not. Bev is the type of person to start random fights when she’s drunk and is all over the place.( think Leslie Knope in snake juice) by the end of the night she is either having to be calmed down by Ben or sleeping.
I’ll add a little more for Bill. (I thought what @reluctant-fandom-participant​ commented about Bill not even being hungover the next day made me giggle so i'll add that). The man is truly an enigma. He can do multiple shots of hard liquor, dance for several hours and feel great the next morning. Bill is also oddly confident. He’ll flirt with all the loser’s especially Mike, who he forgets is his partner. The Losers don't know how he does it and frankly Bill doesn't know either. He helps take care of the hungover losers with Ben, Mike and Stan the next day.
moving on to our party animals
Richie and Patty are crazy. They're the type of people who know their limits and actively try to push past them. You'll find them at the bar challenging each other on how many shots they can take or on the dance floor having a full blown dance battle. Neither win, of course, because they both equally suck. They always get blackout drunk and end the night glued to the toilet. The next morning they'll wake up on the floor of one of the loser’s bathrooms, not knowing how they got there with the worst hangover. But that doesn't stop them from going out again the next night.  
part one
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crimsonshadow323 · 2 years
Y'all i need help. So there is a Stranger Things/It crossover fanfiction (unfortunately i don't remember if it was on Ao3 or FFN buy my money is on Ao3) that i desperately want to read again. Only problem is i have no memory of what it was called or which site it was on.
I'll give a summary and hopefully one of you will know which fanfic I'm talking about so please help 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ok so what i remember from it is Mike and Richie are twins. Mike is shocked and i think runs after finding out about being adopted. (Karen was Maggie's sister and had a still birth, and when Maggie asked that she take one of the boys because she didn't feel like she could take care of both Karen took Mike) Hopp finds him and idk what the convo was but Mike says something like "she's not my mom"
Richie is shocked that he has a brother... Um also i think Went and Maggie either die or get put into rehab (idr which) so Richie has to go and live with his aunt Karen. Idk if the losers know where Richie moves to... i can't remember...
Anyways so the majority of the fic is Richie getting to know the Party and his new family. There's some really cute stuff where Mike stays up with him through nightmares and also stands up to bullies.
Mike, it also turns out, has ✨powers✨ he finds this out one day during class when El connects with him psychically because she started her period and thought she was dying.
Towards the end of the Fic Karen takes Mike and Richie to a psychiatrist and they both are diagnosed with PTSD. Richie has ADHD and Mike has depression i think. They start to go to therapy but Mike is like Totally Sus about their therapist at the start...
For good reason as the fic ends with that same Therapist KIDNAPPING the two.
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Imagine being this close to Billy…I’d die, for real!! I just can’t even!! Oh Anthony Carrigan, I envy you!! 😍❤️
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riveatstoes · 8 months
the idea of finn wolfhard’s roles being somehow related has been beaten to death already but i do enjoy the concept of richie tozier and mike wheeler being twins separated when they were young, and then being forced to endure their own interdimensional horrors with their groups of Loser Buddies.
i also like the idea of how they’d react to each other’s aforementioned interdimensional horrors. personally i think if richie had to deal with anything remotely upside-down related he’d Flip The Fuck Out and just scream a lot. if he came face to face with a demogorgon he’d try to hit it with a baseball bat or a stick or something, and then max or lucas (or maybe even el) would have to go out of their way to save him from his own dipshit decisions.
alternatively i believe that pennywise would be a cakewalk for mike and the party. mike would simply hit it with the “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls 🙄” and it’d be so confused it would have no choice but to back off. i also am a firm believer that if the losers club had max with them they would’ve fully defeated pennywise in the first movie. she would’ve figured out the “make it small” shit SO FAST.
at her core max mayfield is a Thirteen Year Old Girl and i applaud her for it. i love her.
anyway i’m working on my own twins!richie and mike fanfic so we’ll see how that goes. i don’t want to post it before i have something super solid because i have a tendency to abandon fics if they don’t interest me enough the entire time. we’ll see.
bonus—some stranger things/IT pairings that i want to see more of in crossover fics:
STANLEY AND WILL!!!!!!!!! trust me
bev and el
dustin and richie
if you’re gonna do the bev/max thing i also strongly suggest doing lucas/ben as well because what’s the point of writing the ginger girlbosses without their Stupid Goofy Men?
bill and mike w
idk i just feel like eddie k would just hate eddie munson. crossover where the losers club have to climb through that portal in the munsons’ trailer and eddie k refuses purely because of the state of eddie m’s mattress
i get the feeling that stanley would be the one constantly being stuck with steve and robin and forced into ridiculous tasks. imagine the stranger things 3 russian elevator scene but instead of dustin trying to set up robin and steve it’s just stan uris panic-reciting bird species
stan’s first thought would be “oh she has a bird name :) nice” and then the rest is “what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck”
honestly any pairing other than reddie/byler because even though i love those boys to death it’s just so OBVIOUS atp
and also i can appreciate that they’d relate to each other but mike hanlon and lucas is far from the best mike h pairing. for example imagine him being stuck with (throws dart at board of ST character names) murray
erica sinclair and eddie kaspbrak world domination
adding onto the richie/mike twin thing the idea of nancy having to adjust to +1 brother is both funny and interesting to me. i think she’d lose it one way or another
jonathan byers and bill denbrough guilty older brothers bond
also imagine hopper reacting to a Second Mike being in his general vicinity. i think that would force him off the edge, ESPECIALLY after getting to know richie
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gaylittlerichie · 19 days
Any fic recs?
boy do i ever! these are all reddie which im assuming u wanted if u’ve seen my blog lol!
• in fact, everything’s got that big reverb sound by dystopiary
3 chapters, 46k words
my all time fave! pure slice of life character study, just a few days in 14 yo richie toziers life in all his bonkers self destructive glory. follows the canon compliant timeline, on the cusp of the losers splitting up and forgetting. ive actively read ppl in my life passages aloud from this bc it’s so delicious.
• dinner at the kaspbraks by knightnight7203
3 chapters, 11k words
more rambley richie character study goodness, wherein the main plot is sonia catches richie climbing out of eddie’s window and has him over for dinner to teach them a lesson & all their unspoken gay foolery is brought out in the open. miscommunications ensue. this has a really strong character voice to the narration that captures richie beautifully.
• before pennywise by david_ginsberg
8 chapters, 7k words
each chapter of this is a snapshot of the original 4 losers’ lives primarily through the eyes of their parents. gives so much love and time to fleshing out went and maggie in particular which im always an extra big fan of. flows great and really easy to read while still being super detailed + well characterised, which is hardcore personal writing goals.
• recovery position by fluorescentgrey
oneshot, 7k words
the whole series this is from (lifes rich pageant) is WONDERFUL but this one’s my personal favourite (followed by beachcoma). it has eddie as richie’s trip sitter while he’s going nuts on lsd, the writing is so stylised and insane to reflect the acid trip it’s perfect! impeccable weird vibes! read this when i was 17 and I’ll confess i’m long overdue for a reread but it set little me’s world on fire.
• ready to grow young again by moichi
2 chapters, 7k words
first chapter is a flashback to teen reddie blatantly dancing around their feelings for each other and the second sees them reuniting adults and finally addressing them. this has a delightfully distinctive, spot on eddie portrayal (and he has adhd! this is huge for me!) and his and richie’s back and forth/chemistry is just excellent, has a very warm feel to it.
• coke bottle glasses by theliteraltrash
one shot, 6k words
a study on blind!richie throughout his life. i rediscovered this fic very recently after having read it back in high school and was so happy to come back to it, it’s super thoughtful and the characterisation is razor sharp accurate! also gives richie a twin sister which is a concept i truly never get tired of seeing ppl’s take on. incredibly unique!
• missed signs by rea_of_sunshine
oneshot, 2k words
super fluffy little fic where a dude hits on deaf!eddie and richie has to act as interpreter for the interaction. this is just really sweet and made me happy as hell, featuring a flawed & jealous richie too which is just generally my lifeblood.
as a bonus some fics-in-progress ive been following along + loving recently are best summer ever by @t4tozier (slasher style au where college losers are summer camp counsellors and there may or not be a werewolf on the loose. need i say more) and rich & eds’ excellent adventure by @beverlysclown (adult richie and eddie are sent back to the 80s…shenanigans ensue)
i also have a fic rec tag that i rb good stuff as i find it into :)
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