#traffic defence law
jbcorbanlawyers · 1 year
JB Corban Lawyers Provides Best Criminal Law, Family Law, Traffic Law Services in New South Wales
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Unlocking Justice, Empowering Families, and Navigating Roads with Precision — JB Corban Lawyers, your trusted partner for unparalleled legal excellence in New South Wales! Discover the pinnacle of criminal law mastery, the heartwarming touch of family lawyer in New South Wales, and the road-clearing brilliance of our traffic law services. We don’t just offer legal services; we craft life-changing solutions. Join the ranks of our satisfied clients who have experienced the JB Corban difference — where every case is a masterpiece, every challenge an opportunity, and every client a cherished part of our success story. Your future deserves the best — and JB Corban Lawyers delivers it, passionately, every step of the way.
Click Here To Know More: https://jbcorbanlawyers.blogspot.com/2023/09/jb-corban-lawyers-provides-best.html
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gotocourt · 2 years
Brisbane traffic lawyers providing legal advice for traffic law offences.
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lundenloves · 1 year
a mixed selection of headcannons for ghost, not all dad ones although 50/50 ‼️
I was pacing around my kitchen as I wrote these. Back and forth, and back and forth. I need him like Man City need Gündogan. Tears.
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This bitch is awful at having his phone on him. Like he ain’t never got it, yet always jumps to his own defence when you bring it up. “You never fucking pick up the phone.”
“Yes I do.” Complete with a frown.
Go into his missed calls and it’s just you 💀
Sometimes you have to phone Johnny just to get a guaranteed where a-bouts of your husband. They’re always next to each other anyway, “Oh he’s right next to me, aye.”
Road. Rage.
He cannot handle the slightest bit of traffic. Like a two minute setback? Overtaking. Sometimes even undertaking. This man is above the law.
He’s the person who steals money in Monopoly.
Tries his hand at every dad activity with full confidence in himself. Getting violently humbled when he can’t understand how to heat up baby milk. “It doesn’t have clear instructions.”
“It’s milk, not liquid nitrogen. It doesn’t need instructions.”
“Fuck off.”
Uses his height to the best advantage, holding shit above his head like an evil fucker.
His kids ask him to do their BeReals and he’s like what the absolute fuck— before being shoved into them anyway. The comments were encouraging to say the least. “Dilf”
They definitely have Soap on BeReal.
His are the best.
“R u mad?” His kids getting fucking trust issue from his texts when that’s just the way he types 💀
And then his excuse will be “I was driving” or some shit, knowing fine well he just couldn’t be bothered replying.
He’s probably a car nerd to be honest. Lmfao. Look at him. I know that man could tell me about my wheel rims.
I know he can tan WELL. Like the sun hits him for one second and he’s already been on a two week holiday to the Maldives. Albeit primarily a t-shirt tan that you make fun of, it’s still impressive.
Will pick up your FaceTimes (when he’s got his MF PHONE) on occasion and just have a huge laceration 💀
So concerned for him.
His kids try and show him Animal Crossing on your switch. They invite him to their islands and he’s so unimpressed it’s ridiculous 😭 Bro just runs around and accidentally shakes the trees. “Dad. Stop.”
“I don’t know what i’m fucking doing.”
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simon 'ghost' riley taglist: @vamppxncess @freakonfilm @crowbird @misshoneypaper @tallrock35 @fluffmonster @islanderr @blueoorchid @abbugaduu @lea3773 @coldflapjack @rayhawk05 @han11dh @liishook @melovetitties @fallonx @rvjaa @fuckmelifesucks @bhayatsara @takeomisbitch @local-spidey @konigsblog @penutjuice @babychoi03 @sheluvzeren @sparklingtragedy @maviee @wiserebelpartypie @daddylorianisastateofmind @bhayatsara
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bangtanficsforyou · 24 days
Hello, Love! (JJK)-02
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, probable smut (we don’t know yet lololol)
Rating: 18+
Summary: You had a plan when you returned home, seven years later. However, falling in love with your sister’s fiance wasn’t it.
Word count: 5.6K (approx)
Warning: mentions of drug addiction, familial neglect.
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I'll add all the links in a few days time!
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It’s six in the morning when the doorbell rings.
Hurried footsteps make their way through the hallway and to the main door. The door is opened to reveal a long queue of people and one by one, everyone starts filling in. Anyone could have been fooled into thinking that this was afternoon.
The quiet apartment is now filled with excited greetings and a constant low murmur in the background.
Now it finally looks like there’s a wedding in the house, Jungkook’s mother thinks silently, with a small, satisfied smile. 
“Can’t believe our Jungkook is getting married!”
“I know right! I’m so glad that it’s a love marriage!”
“Have you looked at Riya’s photos? She’s so pretty.”
Had it been in Busan, I would have booked the costliest bungalow for them. But no, they wanted a destination wedding. Jungkook’s father thinks as he looks at the newly arrived guests chatting among themselves.   
Don’t get it wrong, the rented apartment is more than sufficient. But excuse him for his thinking. It’s his youngest son’s wedding after all. The father in him wanted to put the connections he has made over the years as the police commissioner, to good use.
“I am thinking of wearing red on the day of the wedding and saving the yellow for the reception.”
“I am confused as to what I should do with my hair.”
“We can simply book a stylist for a few days.”
I need to be out of here, comes the big conclusion in Jina, Jungkook’s sister in law’s, mind.
Her lack of patience could be credited to the fact that she is five months pregnant.
Jina is undoubtedly happy about the occasion of Jungkook’s marriage. How can she not be? Jungkook is like her own little brother, after all. But please excuse her for not wanting to be a part of the conversation as to who’s wearing what, when she feels like a boiled potato.
Jungkook will take care of this, Ju Hyun thinks, the moment his eyes meet his wife's. After seven years of marriage, one becomes an expert at deciphering their partner's expressions. 
Ju Hyun looks at Jungkook, who's currently been crowded by the kids. “Jungkook?”
Jungkook looks up, and silently sighs to have found an excuse to escape. 
“Yes, hyung?”
“Please take Jina out for some fresh air.”
Jungkook looks at his sister in law, and the reason behind his elder brother's request becomes very visible to him. 
“Why can't you take her out?” Jungkook whispers. 
“I have a case file I need to go through.” Comes Ju Hyun’s short and simple reply.
Before Jungkook can reply, his phone rings to notify him of an incoming call. 
“Can you come to hotel Delta?” Greets the voice as soon as Jungkook answers the call. 
“Hotel Delta? Where is it?” Jungkook asks. 
“I'll send you the address and please try to be as quick as possible. I need to go back to shooting.”
“Don’t worry, I'll be there in ten minutes,” Jungkook promises, even before checking where and how far the destination is. 
As he ends the call, two expectant gazes, meet him. One that of Ju Hyun’s and the other that of Jina’s. 
Oh right.
“Sinu-i, don't worry–,” Jungkook does a quick scan of the room and his eyes halt when they land on Jimin, relaxing with a cup of tea in his hand, “–Jimin will accompany you.”
Jimin looks perplexed, having no clue why his name just got mentioned.
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Jungkook spots a fast-pacing Riya and curses in his mind, knowing damn well he’s late. In his defence, it isn’t an easy task to get out of a house full of relatives. Not to mention the traffic.
“So, this is your ten minutes?” Riya asks on spotting Jungkook, with a face that clearly reads that she is not impressed at all.
“I’m sorry, there was a whole lot of traffic on the way.”
Riya sighs and motions Jungkook to follow her. “Suzy called me, apparently no venues are available on the date you suggested.”
A frown appears on Jungkook’s face. “Is that so? But that date is very auspicious for marriage. It comes once every seven million years.”
A scoff. “Seven million years ago only dinosaurs got married.”
It takes Jungkook a moment to realise that it wasn’t Riya who spoke the words.
“Jungkook, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Jungkook, he will drop you off.”
“Hello,” Jungkook greets politely, waiting for you, who's sitting comfortably, to look up from the menu card. 
“Hi,” you look up and give Jungkook a brief curt nod and return to the pages of the menu card.
YOU. It’s you!!!! Jungkook’s mind exclaims. The t20 girl.
“You drop her off at the address I mentioned, there you will find Stuart. Stuart will take Y/N to the hotel,” Riya gives off the instructions and quickly bids her goodbye.
Jungkook looks around a little, feeling awkward and a little clueless as to what he should do now. Seeing that you are so invested in the menu card, he decides to take a seat and ask you whether you would like to have something.
“Would you like some coffee?”
“An espresso with a shot of cream,”
The quick and brief answer surprises Jungkook. He blinks and waits for something more–what, he does not quite know (well, maybe you looking at him and acknowledging him would have been nice).
Pushing his surprise aside, he orders two coffees.
He looks around some more, because you refuse to leave the menu card even now. Out of curiosity, he subtly leans in and takes a peak to figure out what could be so interesting in those pages.
Huh? There is nothing out of the ordinary.
Are you perhaps memorising the prices of each item?
Well, shouldn’t you be showing a little more interest in someone you met seven years ago?
Jungkook averts his eyes like a thief being caught in action, when you flip the page. He sighs in relief though when he realizes that you have not caught into his little peaking. However, just moments later he feels stupid because what exactly is he doing?
“Do you remember we met seven years ago?” The question slips out from Jungkook’s mouth with a hint of hope and excitement.
You look up.
First blink.
Second blink.
Third blink.
And then you are back to your beloved menu card.
“T20 cricket? Remember we talked about the different formats of cricket?” Jungkook pushes, hoping something would click.
You look up, again.
First blink.
Second blink.
Third blink.
Jungkook deflates. Your eyes were blank. You truly do not recognize him.
Minutes pass as the order arrives and both of you have sips from your beverages. Surprisingly and much to Jungkook’s annoyance, your attention has now shifted to the view outside as you peer through the window right next to your seat.
“Shall we leave?” Jungkook queries as soon as both of you are done.
You give a nod and before Jungkook can even get up, you have your luggage on your shoulders and are heading out through the door.
Jungkook remains astonished with his mouth parted slightly as he looks at your retreating figure.
Isn’t he supposed to be the one guiding you out?
He shakes that thought away and quickly gets up with the intention of catching up with you before you get lost.
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The car is filled with awkward silence. Thankfully, it does not bother Jungkook anymore. He has gotten used to it but for some reason, Jungkook finds it a little disappointing.
Maybe his excitement was simply rooted in the fact that he was meeting someone he never expected to meet again, that too after seven whole years.
Or maybe a small childish part of him thought, you two would hit it off again, like you did the last time. Maybe he had also entertained the idea of you two becoming good friends. With Riya being a common link between the two of you that thought was not much farfetched.
Wait. How do you and Riya know each other?
Jungkook looks at you but right as he’s about to voice his curiosity, your phone rings.
His eyes focus back on the road, with the knowing that he will have to wait to ask the question.
” Fāshēngle shénme?”
“Gàosù tāmen wǒ hěn kuài jiù huì gěi tāmen qián.”
Is that…..Mandarin?
“Qǐng bǎozhòng.” You end the call.
It is Mandarin!
“You know how to speak Mandarin?” Forgotten is the question about the connection between you and Riya. Your fluency with the foreign language now has his attention.
You look at Jungkook and nod. Then you are back staring out of the window.
Huh? Do you only speak with nods? And what is with you and staring out of windows? Jungkook thinks, his annoyance sparking again.
“I think this is the place,” Jungkook announces, after ten more minutes of driving. Having stopped the car, he looks around through his window.
The sound of a car door opening echoes and Jungkook is startled to find that you are already out of the passenger seat. As you open the back door to take out your luggage, he quickly speaks, “Wait, let me call Stuart.”
“No need, I can see him,” you answer confidently.
Jungkook frowns in confusion and watches as you cross the road and pause in front of a short young man. Quickly taking out the number Riya had given him, he dials it.
To his relief, it is the man across the street that picks it up.
“Take ma’am to the hotel carefully and make sure she has everything she might require.”
Jungkook thinks that for a brief moment, Stuart looked confused. But he ignores it thinking, he cannot be sure about a man’s expressions from across the street. With a confirmation from Stuart, he ends the call.
He waits in his car until the both of you are out of sight.
With a sigh of relief, he starts the car engine. As the tires get moving, his thoughts drift to you and how odd of an encounter it was.
He would have said you were not your usual self but then what does he even know about you? The only interaction he has had with you prior to this was seven years ago, a conversation that lasted for about ten minutes. People change. Maybe you did. Or maybe you were always like this and that one particular evening you happened to feel chatty.
Who knows.
As he turns off the engine after having parked his car in the garage, his phone pings.
Riya: Thanks :)
A content smile spreads over Jungkook’s face and forgotten is the weird encounter he just had with you.
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 “Your letter is T.”
The groom’s side discusses among themselves as to who would continue the game further with the letter T.
“Aunty, why don’t you sing two lines?” Seema, the bride’s sister suggests.
Jungkook’s mother visibly shies at the suggestion and mutters a bunch of ‘No’s to deny the request. This only urges the bride’s team to request her even more.
After much hesitation, Jungkook’s mother takes a hold of the mic. However, the moment the microphone is in her hands a look of determination spreads over her features and a switch is flipped on.
…….and then takes place the onset of a classical song.
Both the teams are equally caught off guard by the sudden change of……atmosphere.
Jungkook, who was watching from a distance, finds great amusement at the scene unfolding in front of him. People find out about his mom’s expertise in classical music in the funniest of ways.
Knowing pretty well that the classical music will go on for some time, he decides to take a little stroll around the place. Since, Jungkook’s extended family have finally arrived, tonight is supposed to be a grand celebration of the engagement.
Some ten minutes later, he finds himself in a small circle of men involving a few of Riya’s industry friends.
“Shooting has been incredibly hectic these days,” groans Vikram.
“Last day, we shot till four in the morning,” adds Chris.
“With how busy the schedule is, I am just thankful that I can attend Riya’s marriage,” Jay, a rather close friend of Riya’s , comments.
Jungkook hums and nods along, only adding words when required.
“Isn’t that Trisha?” Vikram queries, squinting his eyes to figure out if his guess is right or wrong.
“Yes, it is,” Jay confirms.
“Oh god, she is drunk. Hope she does not cause a scene.” Chris’s words have the opposite effect as at that very moment, Trisha collides with a waiter and causes the tray of mocktail he was carrying to fall on the ground.
“You can never trust Trisha and Y/N to not cause trouble.”
“Y/N?” The mention of your name takes Jungkook by surprise. Why are you getting mentioned out of nowhere? And how do Riya’s friends know you?
“You have not heard of Y/N? She is Riya’s younger sister.”
Okay, whoa, Jungkook did not see this coming.
“Y/N is Riya’s sister?” Jungkook asks, just in case he had heard things wrong.
“Yeah, they are five sisters, Seema, Kriti, Riya, Neena and Y/N.”
He is well familiar with the other four names. He has met them, talked to them and sees them quite often at family occasions. But, you? You are the fifth sister?
The noises around Jungkook fade as his mind processes this newfound information.
He did not think that his curiosity about your and Riya’s connection would be answered this way and that you would turn out to be Riya’s sister.
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Jungkook has been trying his best to sleep.
His attempt, so far, has remained unsuccessful.
His mind has been going in circles about you.
It’s not like he didn’t know that Riya has four sisters. But he knew the one sister who he had never had the opportunity to meet with, as Mita. To add to that, he had never seen a single picture that you were a part of.
The name Mita is still explainable. Maybe that’s a nickname given to you by your family. But what makes Jungkook feel doubtful is your reason for absence. Common knowledge was you were abroad studying and doing research work. You were busy and never got the time to pay a visit.
But Jungkook doubts that someone going abroad would leave their home the way you did; climbing over a wall. And for some reason, he is sure that, that was the day you left because you are only back now. Had you visited before, Jungkook is sure that he would have known.
 However, now your presence that day made sense to him. You were the bride’s sister.
Bride’s sister climbs over the wall and takes a cab to the airport on the day of the wedding. In no world does that sound normal.
Jungkook turns around, pulls the blanket up to his chest, stares at the wall and sighs.
This whole thinking and trying to figure out why he did not know you were Riya’s sister, any sooner is only an attempt to cover up and ignore the fact that he is worried.
But can he really be blamed? How can he not be worried?
Dropping off your fiancé’s friend to a place is one thing and dropping off your fiancé’s sister to a place totally unknown to him is one thing.
Are you eating alright? Are the services there good? Is the place clean?
Jungkook sighs again.                                                         
Fuck this.
He removes the blanket, puts on a shirt and grabs his car keys.
He needs to know for sure that the place you are staying at is good and safe. Maybe then, he will be able to sleep peacefully.
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The signboard reads. Except, the ‘A’ and ‘O’ are missing and the signboard is crooked.
It isn’t just the signboard though. It is also the overall isolated aura this place has, that makes Jungkook wish he had checked the place you were staying at while dropping off.
Still, he checks the address on his phone one last time, hoping that he has got the wrong place and that you are not actually staying here. The address on his screen, however, remains unchanged, confirming that this indeed is the place.
With a sigh, he walks in through the gate. Ain’t no way he is letting you stay here any longer.
“Miss Y/N,” he gives your name to the guy at the reception, who looks barely awake.
The guy looks at Jungkook and takes out a register.
Register? A DAMN REGISTER?!!!! Who even uses a register these days? This place does not even have a computer!!!!
“Room 112,” the receptionist guy informs, after flipping through some pages.
Jungkook keeps standing there. However, when the receptionist just goes to sit on a chair and yawns, Jungkook loses it. “What do you mean by room 112? An unknown man is asking you for a woman’s room number and you just give it? Don’t even ask how I am related to her, don’t even care that I might just go up to her room right now. What on earth is wrong with you?”
The guy is the least bit bothered. “Do you want to meet her or not?”
Oh, fuck it. Arguing with the guy is useless.
Without another word, he climbs the flight of stairs to find room number 112. Thankfully, it hardly takes him only a minute or so to find your room.
He raises his fist and knocks on the door. However, after the very first knock, he realizes that the door is unlocked.
Gently pushing the door open, he turns on his mobile’s flashlight and calls your name. “Y/N?”
No response.
“Y/N, it is Jungkook.”
No response.
“Y/N, if you are here-“
Then he spots you. You’re sleeping on the floor, all curled up from the cold.
“Y/N?” he kneels down and gently shakes you by your arms, to wake you up. “Y/N? Please wake up.”
“Mm?” You make a small noise at the back of your throat, and slowly, very slowly open your eyes.
“Get up and pack your bags.”
You’re still not fully awake and it takes you a moment to process what he is saying. “Why?”
“You’re coming home with me.”
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“Idiot, what kind of a place did you take my guest to?” At some point, Jungkook just could not take it anymore and ended up calling Stuart, to give him an earful. “Forget about good services, there is no security!”
“Sir, I am sure they let you in because you look like someone from a good family,” comes Stuart’s reply, from the other side.
Jungkook scoffs, finding so many flaws in that logic. “Do you have any idea the amount of mosquitoes that are there in this place? What if she had caught dengue?”
“Sir, don’t worry, the dengue mosquitoes don’t bite at night.”
“Oh yes, malaria is so much of a better option,” Jungkook replies sarcastically and cuts the call.
“Mosquitoes don’t bite me,” you offer in a soft voice.
“I am sorry, Y/N. Had I known this was the place, I would have never let you stay here,” Jungkook apologizes for the umpteenth time.
You offer him a small smile and shake your head. “Don’t worry, it’s fine.”
You both walk to his car and get in. Once inside, Jungkook offers if you’d like to listen to some music, which you politely decline.
“Did you have dinner?” He asks, wondering if he should make a pit stop on his way to a food outlet.
You reply with a small nod of your head, letting him know that there is no need for that.
As the car gets moving, you sigh and relax in the passenger seat. The roads are empty, which is to be expected considering it’s well past midnight. A result of which, is the cool breeze that hits your face, something that you admittedly find really enjoyable.
You see the roads passing by and it suddenly occurs to you that you are out in your hometown after a really long time–seven years to be exact. The roads feel the same except for the fact that they are entirely different.
The place reminds you of the days when you were younger and–
You take a deep inhale, trying to distract your thoughts from going in that direction.
In the last couple of days, you have surely been out of that little dingy place that runs under the name of a hotel but you were never out like this. Maybe that is why thoughts and feelings you have wanted to avoid and bury, are trying to say their ‘hello’s to you.
“Actually,” you begin in a soft mumble, “some music would be nice.”
“Sure,” Jungkook turns on the radio and soon a soft melody fills the air.
Thankfully, the music does serve as a sweet distraction as you refuse to focus on anything but counting the rhythmic drum beats, blocking any other thoughts and feelings in the process.
Unbeknownst to you, at some point your eyes start feeling heavy and you start dozing off. You would never admit it out loud, not even to yourself, but you hadn’t been getting good sleep the past few days. And for some reason, the car seats seem really comfortable to you.
What wakes you up after what could possibly have been ages, is a soft call of your name. You slowly open your eyes and with a blurry vision register that Jungkook is speaking to you.
“We are here,” the words reach your ears and you let out a small hum.
With steps like that of a drunk man–or mayhaps that of a toddler–you blindly follow Jungkook into the building. If someone were to ask you what floor the elevator stopped at, you wouldn’t be able to tell.
When you both enter the apartment, you hardly take your environment into consideration and speak rather loudly; “Can I have–“
A hand abruptly clamps down on your mouth and causes the rest of your words to come out muffled. The next thing you know, you are being dragged into a different room.
The sudden movements are enough to clear your drowsiness and you’re back in your full senses.
“Shhh,” Jungkook for the first time tonight, looks annoyed. “People are sleeping. You will wake them up.”
“Sorry,” you whisper, realising your mistake. “I just need a wet towel.”
Jungkook nods, about to get you what you just asked for but then pauses to look at you. “Wet towel? A dry won’t work? Just soak it in water.”
“That will work too.”
He nods again and opens a cupboard to fetch a towel. “By the way, what will you do with a wet towel?”
“Placing a wet towel on your stomach kills hunger.”
Jungkook is perplexed at your words and the annoyed frown on his face, melts into that of disbelief. “I asked you whether you had dinner or not.”
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“This is the only place that is open at this time.” These are the words that Jungkook introduces the small street-side restaurant, with. “One thing I can assure you is, the food doesn’t disappoint.”
You give a small shy nod, feeling guilty for letting it slip that you indeed did not have dinner. In your defense, you really did not think it was necessary to meet the needs of your empty stomach. The other two nights, the wet towel technique worked just fine.
“I’d have survived the night you know,” you offer lightly as a joke but actually meaning it.
“I know you would have,” Jungkook offers and for some reason, the reply shuts you up.
As you both occupy the seats of a two-seater table, you realise that the entire place is empty except for a young couple occupying one of the corner seats.
“Butter chicken and chicken chow mein are the only two food items available at this time,” the waiter informs, looking like he is ready to retire for the day.
“Two half chicken chow mein,” you decide.
“I won’t eat—,” Jungkook is cut off by your feet harshly slamming on his, under the table.
“Two half chow mein,” you confirm. Once the waiter is gone you lean forward and whisper, “Two halves are always more than one full.”
Jungkook’s mouth forms an ‘o’ and he nods in understanding, admittedly impressed by your little tips and tricks.
The time it takes for you to finish the two half plates of chowmein is embarrassingly short. It briefly makes Jungkook wonder whether you had anything to eat yesterday—as a matter of fact, the day before yesterday—but he decides not to dwell on it. He makes peace with the fact that you will go to bed today with a full stomach.
Once you’re done, you release a sigh, almost having forgotten to breathe in the process. Sometimes, you don’t realise how hungry you actually were unless you have filled your stomach to the brim.
“Thank you.” You speak, genuinely grateful for everything that Jungkook has done for you.  
“You’re welcome,” he replies. “Next time, just be honest if you’re hungry.”
The words cause you to let out a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Once the bills are paid, and you have had your fair share of collecting the sugar coated fennel seeds in a napkin, the both of you find yourselves back inside the car for a third time tonight.
This time, there is no music and you don’t feel a need for a distraction either.
Your mind is rather occupied with the events of today and what it means for your tomorrow.
You didn’t think things would take a turn like this but admittedly it makes it easier for you to accomplish what you came for. The only thing you perhaps feel guilty for, is causing Jungkook trouble. Heck, you are not even sure whether Riya knows that Jungkook has offered for you to stay in his place.
Actually, you know. There’s no way Riya knows about it. Had she known, you wouldn’t have been sitting here.
The thought makes you briefly look at Jungkook and you suddenly find yourself feeling sorry for all the trouble you’re undoubtedly going to cause between him and Riya. But more than the guilt, you feel grateful for his kindness.
Jungkook seems to have a very genuine, welcoming aura. Despite everything he has done for you, you have not felt as if he is doing a favour on you. He seems like the kind of person who would tell you on your face, if he was annoyed or if you were being too much. That saves you from the guessing game.
Maybe if you were not in so much of a rush to leave, you and Jungkook would have made good friends.
When you leave, you should probably leave a thank you gift for him, as a token of your appreciation.
Your train of thought is broken by the sound of a hiccup.
“I am–,” a hiccup, “–sorry.” Jungkook apologises, feeling a little shy.
“It’s okay.” You make a mental note to offer him a bottle of water at the next signal.
However, after the fifth hiccup, a soft mumble of the word Riya reaches your ears and you soon realise it is repetitive in between each hiccup.
“What are you doing?” You ask, confused.
Jungkook glances at you from the corner of his eyes. “It is said you get hiccups when someone is thinking of you and who else could be thinking of me, but Riya? So, I am taking her name in hopes that the hiccups go away.”
“In that case you should definitely take my name,” you suggest. “From the moment that I have sat in the car, I have been thinking of you.”
Jungkook looks at you once again, momentarily caught off guard by your honesty but then decides to take up on your suggestion.
You tsk and shake your head. “You see, a hiccup is essentially an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm which causes sudden closure of the epiglottis which creates the ‘hic’ sound.”
“And the remedy for that is to just let it be, but if it lasts too long, take medicines like maloperidol, nanoclopramide and florpromazine, which isn’t in the car–” your chew on your nails briefly, recalling other solutions, “–there is another way....it is called the swimmer’s remedy.”
You press the tip of your little fingers against your nostrils, blocking the free passage of air. Simultaneously, you widen your eyes, stick out your tongue and exhale loudly.
“But you can’t do that either, because you’re driving,” you murmur, more so to yourself.
Well, minus the hand placement and the tongue, Jungkook’s eyes are fairly as wide as yours were.
“And the third way is–”, you sneak a glance at Jungkook to ensure that his eyes are focused on the road. Out of nowhere, your hands take a hold of the steering and you swiftly turn it in the other direction causing the car to take a sudden turn.
You release your grip and look at him, mildly apologetic. “The third method is shock.”
Jungkook looks confused, the suddenness of your movements still having its effect on him. However, after a few moments of silence, Jungkook puts a hand on his stomach and realizes that the hiccups are indeed gone!
The realisation causes him to chuckle. “Are you a doctor?”
“Nope,” you reply, shaking your head, glad that you could be of help. A few beats later, you speak again. “By the way, do you remember we met seven years ago? T20 cricket?”
The turn of Jungkook’s head towards you is a slow one and he wonders if you really did say that.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 6 months
Certain things are never justified
One of the reasons I am captivated by the Bae vs Bay dillema is that it perfectly exemplifies the difference between "pure" utilitarianism on one hand and rules-based utilitiarianism as well as deontology on the other.
To put it simply, under "purely" utilitarian ethics, actions are judged solely based on their outcome. Ends justify all means.
Under rules-based utilitarianism, actions are generally judged based on their results, but with some exceptions. Some actions, which violate fundamental values and principles, can never be considered justified, even if they would bring about positive results.
And under deontological ethics, actions are judged based not on their outcomes, but rather based on whether they conform to the moral duties resting on the person performing the action.
Do you see the difference? Under "pure" utilitarianism, ANY action can be justified, as long as it produces the result you deem positive. Doesn't matter how vile the action is, it can be justified, as long as the situation is "exceptional" enough.
Under the latter two approaches, certain actions are so reprehensible, that they can never be justified, no matter what outcome they would produce.
Now, you'd think that murder, that is intentionally causing the death of another human being outiside of the context of self-defence, is something so reprehensible that we'd all agree it's never justified. Unfortunately, the Bae vs Bay dillema, the fact that it even is a dillema, proves that some people are able to rationalize even murder, "for the greater good".
And yes, Max intentionally taking Chloe from the safety she enjoys on Friday and thrusting her back in front of a barrel of a gun on Monday, is murder. Bay Max intentionally, as a result of her conscious decision, causes Chloe to die. She willingly causes Chloe's death, which wouldn't happen otherwise. If Max does nothing on Friday, Chloe lives. It's Chloe's death that requires Max's conscious input. It doesn't matter it's Nathan who's pulling the trigger, the same it doesn't matter it's not you behind the steering wheel if you push someone into traffic.
If Bay Max ever stood trial, her action would be classified as murder - she intentionally caused another person's death with her actions. And no, "destiny" is not a valid defence in criminal court. And no, the fact that Chloe was originally in danger and it was Max who saved her life doesn't matter, because it doesn't make Chloe into Max's property that she can freely dispose of. It matters that on Friday, when the final choice is made, the original danger has already been averted and it requires Max's conscious decision and intentional action to recreate that danger and push Chloe into it. And no, nobody can "okay" their own murder. Especially a depressed, abused teenager.
At best Bay Max could try to claim the defense of necessity, arguing that she committed a criminal act in order to stop great harm from occuring. But that defense involves acknowledging that the act the defendant stands accused of was in fact a crime, but due to the unusual circumstances of the case, the accused should not be punished in this specific instance.
In contrast, if Bae Max ever stood trial, she would be acquitted. Because to be held responsible for something, you need to at least be able to predict the consequences of your actions. Max had no intent to destroy the town, which is why she couldn't be found guilty of murder. She couldn't even be found guilty of manslaughter, because on Monday, when she performed the action which brought about the Storm, it was impossible for her to predict that would be the result. You can't retroactively ascribe Max's state of mind from Friday to her action on Monday. To find someone guilty, the action and intent have to exist simultaneously.
Bae Max wouldn't have to argue necessity or any other specific legal defense. Her action (or rather inaction) was simply lawful, as it didn't contain the necessary elements of any crime on the books. You are never under a legal obligation to take a life. So by refusing to take a life, you cannot possibly commit any crime.
To my chagrin, a lot of people are willing to justify murder. To them, utilitarianism excuses even the intentional taking of another person's life, as long as it produces a result which they consider "a greater good" or at least a "lesser evil".
So I'm going to give a different example, which hopefully will illustrate to everyone that "pure" utilitarianism is a flawed ethical system, leading to monstrous, inhuman conclusions. There's one thing that hopefully nobody would ever try to excuse.
TW: sexual assault
Let's consider a hypothetical scenario, in which the terrible crime Max saves Chloe from on Monday is not murder, but rape. It's not a far-fetched scenario, since the "photo sessions" Jefferson and Nathan subjected their unwilling models to were a form of sexual assault. Given Jefferson's ramblings about "taking away the innocence and corrupting" the teenage girls he abducted and how both him and Nathan kept calling their victims "whores" and "sluts", the repulsive sexual undertone of their violence is clear. And who knows what Nathan would've done to Chloe had she not mustered the last bits of her strength to flee from his dorm room?
So in this different scenario, Max has the option to push Chloe from the safety she enjoys on Friday back into danger on Monday. But not to be murdered. To be raped.
I beg of you, please tell me you wouldn't still choose the Bay in that different scenario. Please tell me you at least find rape to be so evil of an act that you would always prevent it, without even considering the results from a utilitarian perspective. Please tell me you would never let someone be raped, not even to stop a tornado with multiple fatalities.
So if we agree that there's at least one act so vile that it can never be justified, no matter how "exceptional" the situation might be, no matter what the consequences of preventing that act might be, don't you think that murder should also be considered an unjustifiable action? It's not appropriate or even possible to compare different types of atrocities, but you could make an arguement that a victim of rape at least has a chance to overcome their trauma and continue their life. A victim of murder has no such chance.
Why is the clash of "pure" utilitarianism with rules-based utilitarianism and deontology so important? I apologize, I know I'm going to fulfil Godwin's law, but I think it's warranted this time.
Some SS and NKVD members were simply sadists, relishing at the opportunity to murder and torment others with impunity. But some were people who bought into the deplorable, false narrative that in exceptional circumstances, like war or revolution, great sacrifices simply had to be made. That some people, whose continued existence was a threat to the nation, had to be removed. Regrettably, they had to be killed. But their murder was justified, as it would produce a greater good for the rest of society.
If you're a "pure" utilitarian, you can be persuaded to commit any atrocity imaginable. If you are willing to intentionally take a human life outside of the context of self-defence, then under right circumstances - war, revolution or some other calamity - you could do anything, as long as a persuasive arguement is made that it's "a lesser evil" or that it will lead to "a greater good" or that it simply "has to be done".
But if you acknowledge that there are some actions, like murder, which are never justified, then you remain immune to such arguements. No matter the circumstances, you would never commit certain acts of evil. You have at least some basic red lines. And that makes you a moral person.
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head-post · 3 months
Hundreds rally in Tel Aviv to demand release of hostages, Israeli offensive continues
Eight Palestinians were killed and several others were injured when the Israeli army shelled the Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, local media reported. (Updated at 12:27 p.m.)
IDF strikes civilian targets in Gaza
The Palestinian official Wafa news agency reported on Tuesday that the Israeli army shelled the Al-Alami neighbourhood in Jabalia, the largest refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, killing at least eight Palestinians and wounding others.
Overnight, Israeli airstrikes also reportedly hit five homes in Gaza City, killing and injuring people. Health authorities have not yet commented on the airstrikes.
Israel, which has defied a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, has come under international condemnation for its ongoing brutal offensive on Gaza since the October 7 Hamas attack. Since then, more than 37,700 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, most of them women and children, and nearly 86,400 others have been injured, according to local health authorities.
More than eight months into Israel’s offensive, vast swathes of Gaza lie in ruins under a brutal blockade of food, clean water and medicine.
Israel has been accused of genocide by the UN International Court of Justice, whose latest ruling orders it to immediately halt operations in the southern city of Rafah, where more than 1 million Palestinians were sheltering from the war before it was seized on May 6.
Israelis demand an end to war
Meanwhile, hundreds of Israelis protested outside the defence ministry building in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, demanding an end to the war and the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip.
The demonstrators, among them hostages’ families, marched from Habima Square to Begin Road, where the ministry is located, the Israeli media reported.
They blocked Begin Road in a southerly direction. The demonstrators held placards with slogans such as “Stop the war,” “Agree immediately,” and “Return all prisoners.”
The demonstration organisers criticised in a statement the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for being preoccupied with legislation such as the conscription law while 120 hostages are held in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government, they said, is “preoccupied with everything except the captives.”
Addressing Netanyahu, they added:
Faced with a man who insists on continuing the war and returning some captives, we ask: end the war and bring everyone home.
Netanyahu caused a political storm and anger among the hostages’ families on Sunday night when he told Channel 14 that he was ready for a “partial” deal to return some hostages held in Gaza.
On Monday, he retracted his statement and told Israel’s Knesset, or parliament, that “we will not end the war until we return all the hostages,” adding that Israel was “committed to the Israeli proposal (for a ceasefire) that was welcomed by US President Joe Biden. Our position has not changed.”
In total, Israel says Hamas took 253 hostages on 7 October 2023. According to the latest figures, including those who were freed in a deal last autumn, 129 hostages remain. At least 34 of the IDF considers dead.
Foreign ministries call on their citizens to leave the conflict zone
German and Dutch authorities are asking their citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.
The German Foreign Ministry said:
Germans in Lebanon are urgently asked to leave the country. The situation on the border between Israel and Lebanon is very tense.
The Dutch government has done the same. They ask their compatriots to avoid travelling to the country and to leave while there is still an opportunity. Politicians fear that the risk of escalation could lead to the suspension of air traffic in Beirut.
A day earlier, Ottawa issued a similar call. Citizens were asked to seek consular assistance at the Canadian Embassy in Lebanon.
Lebanon escalation
More than 20 people were injured in an overnight Israeli strike on southern Lebanon.
The attack hit a residential building in the centre of the town of Nabatieh. Seven people were injured in the strike and 14 were injured as a result of “panic, stress and suffocation”, Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reported. None of the injuries were described as serious.
Nabatieh is far from the border with Israel and has been hit infrequently since exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and the Israeli military began in October in response to Israel’s war on Gaza.
Israel did not immediately say who its military’s strikes were targeting. In February, an Israeli attack on Nabatieh killed ten civilians.
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stars-and-darkness · 1 year
week #9
okay, we're back into the 'things i wrote, but unless it's here, it's very likely they won't see the light of day' file. i'd fiddled some with a possible sequel to nyctophilia., but ultimately decided against it. there are some gems in that doc, though, so:
Stefan had been so focused on dreading a werewolf hunt with the Original Family he’d completely forgotten to dread going on a road-trip with (a truly astounding number of) siblings. Considering the brother he has, he should really have known better.
And it becomes pretty apparent that though his (captors, slave-drivers) companions are almost all over a thousand years old, they have yet to grow into bearable road-trip buddies. The minivan they’ve procured for this occasion is top-of-the-line, brand new, but it still isn’t enough to comfortably host six vampires (and their egos), a coffin (because they apparently wanted their eldest brother with them, but not enough to actually wake him from the magical coma-death-thing the dagger put him in), and three different mini-fridges (one for blood bags no-one but Stefan drinks from because they all hate the plastic aftertaste, one for snacks they religiously re-stock and label with marks of ownership, and one for booze that ranges from cheap root beer to several-thousand-dollars-a-bottle liquor).
Honestly, though. The snacks are sacred. When Rebekah asked him (batting her eyelashes in a way that made him vaguely uncomfortable, both because he loved Elena and because he’d just gotten back his memories of loving Rebekah) what he’d like, he’d said something non-committal about not giving a damn. In retrospect, he regrets it, because the first time he tries to grab some of her Red Vines, she nearly rips his head off, newly re-awoken love or not.
Klaus just laughs from behind the wheel and pops a fistful of Reese’s Pieces into his mouth. They change drivers every three hours because it’s six of them, and even though they could all go on for days, why should they? He has so far learned to dread Kol’s (a damn maniac if there ever was one, he seems determined to find out if vampires really can’t get heart attacks and Stefan is his lab rat) and Elijah’s (the other end of the scale, unfailingly keeping to every single traffic law to the letter, though he thinks it’s just to annoy Kol) driving skills. The others, surprisingly enough, seem fairly reasonable drivers. No-one lets Stefan behind the wheel, though. Something, something, they fear he’ll drive them off a cliff and then they’d have to get a new minivan.
Well, Stefan wouldn’t. Maybe he’d take a wrong turn when no-one is looking, but he wouldn’t crash. It’s a waste of a perfectly good minivan, and even more perfect extremely pricy liquor in the mini-fridge number three.
“Okay,” Rebekah says, face hidden by a massive map, on which she tracks their progress and the path they’re still to take with a black permanent marker. “There should be a motel a few miles down the road.”
Stefan frowns. “A roadside motel? Seriously? Aren’t you people, like, loaded?” It’s not a real question; he knows they are. It is fairly obvious.
In a moment, Rebekah’s in his face, veins climbing up her cheeks. “This is the first road-trip my family has undertaken since the seventeen hundreds, so you’d do well not to comment. This will be a perfect trip. And nothing will ruin it.”
He raises his hands in defence. Next to him, Kol roars with laughter. He’d been chewing on Lays Chips obnoxiously loudly the whole time; Stefan suspects it is also to annoy the hell out of him. Elijah sighs; it’s the long-suffering sigh of someone wiser and more reasonable, which Stefan thinks is rich considering he tried (and failed) to snap Klaus’s neck when he tried to steal one of the property of E. Mikaelson-labelled bottles from the mini-fridge number three. But Elijah is also the one who rolled up in an Armani suit to a road-trip. (“Werewolf hunt,” Klaus literally growled, eyes bleeding gold and double fangs dropping. “Family trip!” Rebekah returned, smiling in a way that let them all know she knew exactly what she was doing. “A way to drive a man to suicide is what it is,” Kol sighed. No-one paid any attention to him, except Caroline, who smacked him on the back of the head.) Worse yet, they’ve been driving for hours and the bastard doesn’t even look the least bit rumpled. How is that fair? Traitors who hand girlfriends over to be sacrificed on an altar of fire don’t deserve to look good after hours in a mini-van.
Stefan, meanwhile, actually looks the part of being on the road the whole day, and so does everyone else. That, at least, is consolation, pitiful though it is.
“Pull over, Nik, we’re here,” Rebekah orders.
“Here?” Klaus sounds extremely dubious. “You’re sure?”
Stefan understands his apprehension. The house rising above them looks like it walked straight out of a Scooby Doo episode, down to the eerie quasi-Victorian architecture, windows that creak in the wind, and the roof that looks like it’s a strong breeze from caving in.
“It’s very … vampire?” he offers lamely.
“Oh, no,” Caroline informs him primly. “Do you know what is very vampire? Wealth accumulated over several generations that goes into houses that don’t look like a Disney villain’s lair.”
“I can go on,” Klaus offers, looking at the motel—oh, look, there’s even a sign, MOTEL, in big glowing red letters, except the T and the L keep flickering so it looks like MO E more often than not.
“We will not!” Rebekah growls, stomping her foot on the ground. “I want a legitimate road-trip experience, Nik, you owe it to me for daggering me for twenty years!”
Klaus rolls his eyes, but he obediently parks into an empty spot. Not that it’s hard. They’re all empty.
Kol’s eye twitches. “I swear to God, Bekah, if the manager ends up being a serial killer—”
“You’re a vampire, you’ll just eat them!” she protests.
“I am a bit pickier than that when it comes to my meals!”
“Fine, then I’ll eat them!”
“Don’t steal my food; Rebekah!”
“You literally just said you didn’t want some crusty old serial killer!”
“How do you even know the manager’s gonna be a serial killer?”
“I don’t—you—arghhh!”
With Rebekah looking at the verge of ripping her own hair or maybe Kol’s liver out, Elijah intervenes. “Kol. Rebekah.” There is something about his voice that invites obedience. Probably the fact that he always looks like he is better than you and knows it. “That’s enough.”
“Kol started it.” Rebekah crosses her arms over her chest.
“Oh, for God’s—” Klaus hisses. “That’s it—everyone, to the bloody motel. Stefan’s gonna be nice and carry our bags.”
“Am I being demoted to butler?” he asks, just to be contrary.
“Don’t be ridiculous. That’s a job for a footman, Stef,” Caroline says, tossing golden curls over her shoulder. She’d gotten into the habit of using that name for him, the name only Damon ever used, and he isn’t sure what to feel about it.
He’d always been Stefan to Father, said with flinty eyes and a cruel cut of his lips. Stefan to Mother, with her lost doe-like look and pale, white hands gentle on his shoulders. Stefan to Elena and Katherine, spoken in an identical voice yet infinitely different.
But Damon—to Damon, he has been Stef for as long as he can remember. He used to think Damon must’ve chosen it the moment Stefan was born, when he held his tiny squealing infant of a brother and decided to love him.
He spent seventeen years sure of his brother’s love, then a hundred and forty-five thinking he hated him. Now, he doesn’t even know which it is anymore. All that he knows that when the choice came between letting Damon die and handing himself over to Klaus, it was never really a choice to begin with.
He takes the luggage.
Thankfully, he’s not required to balance that with opening the creaking doors of the motel for them. Klaus handles that—or better said, he opens the door for Caroline, and she gives him an indulgent little smile. Then he enters too and slams it in Kol’s face, evoking a string of words in a language he doesn’t know, though they all sound distinctly filthy.
“Language, Kol,” Elijah says coolly, while Rebekah is too busy laughing at Kol’s predicament to make a comment.
He is suddenly very thankful to Giuseppe and Lilian for only giving him the one sibling, no matter how endlessly frustrating he’s proven to be.
By the time they are finally inside the dark and mouldy lobby, Caroline is unleashing the full force of her temper on the receptionist—a sleazy-looking man whose face doesn’t appear that old, but what little is left of his sparse, shoulder-long hair is more grey than black.
“She’s angry there are only two rooms available,” Klaus informs them with the dreamy sort of smile he gets whenever Caroline does anything.
“What do you mean, only two rooms?” And now Rebekah is by Caroline’s side, arguing just as passionately. The receptionist doesn’t seem deterred, which is really a testament to his nerve.
“They do know arguing won’t change anything, right?” Stefan questions, meeting each of the men’s eyes in turn.
“Oh, yes.” The gleam in Kol’s sends shivers down his spine.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Two protesters were “reasonable” in calling Iain Duncan Smith “Tory scum” outside the Conservative party conference, the high court has ruled, in a rejection of an attempt to overturn their acquittal.
Lord Justice Popplewell and Justice Fordham said no fault in law was made by a senior district judge last November in finding Ruth Wood, 52, and Radical Haslam, 30, not guilty of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent.
In response to a request for a judicial review from the director of public prosecutions, the high court found that Judge Goldspring, who is also described as a chief magistrate, had made the important finding that “the use of Tory scum was to highlight the policies” of Duncan Smith, and that this was relevant to the “reasonableness of the conduct” in relation to the rights of freedom of expression and assembly.
There was nothing to undermine Goldspring’s conclusion that criminalising the words “Tory scum” would be a disproportionate interference in the two protesters’ rights, the high court ruled.
Tom Wainwright, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers representing Wood and Haslam, said the judgment represented an important defence of the right to freedom of expression.
He said: “Just the idea that someone can be convicted for saying this is bizarre in the first place. The director of public prosecutions was trying to put the burden on the defendants to show that they hadn’t crossed the line – the crucial question of when free speech crosses the line into something that is criminal.
“What this judgment confirms is that it is not for the defence to show that, but it is for the state to show that there is a good reason to restrict free speech and that a conviction is the only way that could be done.”
Wood and Haslam were outside the Midland hotel in Manchester, where the Conservative party annual conference was taking place in October 2021, when Duncan Smith, a former welfare secretary, emerged to walk to the Mercure hotel for a conference about Brexit. He was accompanied by his wife, Betsy Duncan Smith, and her friend Primrose Yorke.
As Duncan Smith crossed the road, an individual ran up behind him and placed a traffic cone on his head. The former Tory leader removed the traffic cone, called the protesters “pathetic” and continued on his way.
Haslam and Wood had followed Duncan Smith from a short distance. They separately called him “Tory scum”. Wood added:“Fuck off out of Manchester.”
Wood defended her comments on the grounds that her job working with homeless people in her local community meant she felt very strongly about the impact that Conservative party policies were having on people’s lives.
Haslam’s comments were made in a speech in which he cited child poverty homelessness, and a lack of action over the climate emergency as reasons “why people hate you, why people call you scum”. He added: “It doesn’t come out of nowhere. It comes from what you have done to ordinary people’s lives … shame on you, Tory scum.”
Neither of the protesters had been aware of or encouraged the act of putting a traffic cone on Duncan Smith’s head.
Their comments came after Labour’s deputy leader, Angela Rayner, had been recorded at her party’s conference describing the Conservatives as “homophobic, racist, misogynistic … scum”.
The high court ruled that the defence needed to set out the facts for a “reasonable conduct defence” in relation to the freedom of expression and assembly rights in the European convention on human rights, but that it had been up to the prosecution to demonstrate the proportionality of an interference with those rights, which it had not done.
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NAME: Layla Estelle Hawthorne.
AGE: Forty years old (born September 9th, 1983).
ZODIAC SIGN: Virgo (and she does fit the stereotype, the poor perfectionist).
PRONOUNS: She/her.
SPECIES: Creaturewitch.
LOCATION: Nightshade Hollow, Virginia (though she lived in Baltimore for a while, but that… didn’t end well).
OCCUPATION: Public defender (Nightshade Hollow’s only practicing lawyer, who mainly handles traffic court cases and DUIs; not that she minds, she loves her job).
FACECLAIM: Christina Ricci.
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ABOUT: The first child of David and Maria Hawthorne, Layla’s parents were more than thrilled to have had a daughter like her father had wanted for some time, and even more relieved when their little girl turned out not to be a bloodwitch. No, their little Layla Estelle was a creaturewitch, as they discovered when a little three-year-old Layla had proclaimed to them that the family cat had a bladder infection they had even fully realized it was in pain - she could speak to animals and sense their emotions, more connected to the world’s beasts than any other type of witch would ever be with even their own familiars.
However, just because Layla wasn’t the current Hawthorne bloodwitch did not mean she was fully free from the burden of the family’s curse. The reveal of her younger brother Addy’s witch type had added considerable tension to the Hawthorne household, with David and Maria incredibly worried about being able to protect their son and, as a result, sometimes neglecting Layla in the interest of keeping her brother as safe as possible.
(Examples of this included leaving Layla to play outside longer than was probably reasonable while they researched the strongest protective wards known to witchkind, and that one time David had accidentally left Layla at a gas station because she’d gone in to use the bathroom and he’d seen a suspicious-looking woman eyeing Addy in the backseat of the car. Layla still hasn’t quite gotten over that last one.)
And while Layla didn’t resent her parents or her younger brother for any of this, knowing the risks that came with the Hawthorne curse - and indeed, she would often babysit Addy and Dante, once he was born, while David and Maria researched - it did make her start to long for new horizons, places beyond Nightshade Hollow where she could make her own life away from the struggles of being a Hawthorne witch. As such, as soon as she had finished high school (valedictorian of her class, of course) and been accepted into the University of Baltimore’s law school (regrettably without a scholarship, but she was willing to work part-time to pay it off), Layla departed from her little Virginia town and headed off to Maryland, ready to make a life of her own.
Layla’s years in Baltimore were some of her happiest; while studying to become a public defence lawyer, she made many friends both magical and human, and even met the woman who would become her fiancée. Annabelle was a spiritwitch, like Layla’s cousin Olly, and had run a small café in downtown Baltimore that Layla had frequented in order to assuage the stress of her new public defender position with caffeine. The two young women had made an instant connection, beginning to date after two years of knowing each other and moving in together quickly, and eventually Annabelle had proposed, getting down on one knee and popping the question on Layla’s thirtieth birthday and receiving an enthusiastic and tearful yes.
But their happiness hadn’t lasted - in between arguing about plans for the wedding and Annabelle spending more and more time at work, eventually Layla found that they had been engaged for two years and had made very little progress. And it all came to a head when Layla had come home early one night to find Annabelle sharing a bed with her assistant manager at the café, resulting in a bout of tearful shouting, a thrown engagement ring, and a sobbing Layla calling her mother from a motel room later that night and saying that she didn’t know where to go.
Of course David and Maria, who despite completely supporting their daughter had missed Layla terribly, where happy to welcome her home, Layla couldn’t help but fear that returning to Nightshade Hollow meant being a coward and simply running away from her problems. Even so, she couldn’t stand to be in Baltimore any longer, what with all the memories of Annabelle it held, and so Layla made her way back to her hometown, back to the woods and the small-town atmosphere and the family that, despite loving her life in Baltimore, she really had missed.
It took some time for Layla to get used to being in a small town again, but eventually she got back into the swing of things, relearning how to do her “hunting” in woods instead of dirty back alleys and taking over for the county’s former resident public defender, who had been looking to retire for some time. She even managed to find an awesome paralegal in the form of Sky Moorland, sibling of Nightshade Hollow’s police deputy, who also quickly became Layla’s best friend. She even adopted a beautiful little black-and-white cat she named Marilyn, who, despite not being her familiar, became a trusted confidant to Layla due to the creaturewitch’s ability to communicate with animals.
But then, so shortly after Layla had started getting her life back together, came the deaths of the Hawthorne siblings’ parents, which almost broke her cleanly apart. It had taken weeks for Layla to be able to even get out of bed and do things for herself without Sky’s prompting, and despite how hard she tried to remain the strong older sister for her brothers, she couldn’t even look at a picture of David and Maria without bursting into tears. Even now, she’s still not fully okay, but took months for Layla to climb out of the pit she’d fallen into and slowly get back to work, leaning heavily on her family (as well as Greer, the young shapeshifter Addy had recently adopted as a familiar) and Sky in order to, but by bit, piece herself back together.
Six years later, and Layla’s life has mostly gone back to normal - she works her public defence cases with Sky’s help, does some spellwork and goes hunting when she needs to, and does her best to keep her brothers from doing anything too stupid (an undertaking she and Olly get together to commiserate about quite regularly). But given everything that’s happened in her life so far, and the memories of the warnings her parents always gave her, Layla has never been completely confident in this happy period in all their lives being something that lasts.
And Christ, she will reflect later as the dangerous force pushing its way into Nightshade Hollow gets stronger and stronger, this might be the one time she takes no pleasure in being right.
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Confession time: I know Addy’s going to be the focus of the main storyline, but I honestly think Layla might be my favorite character in this universe. She just loves so fully and fiercely and would do anything for the people she cares about, and I really hope you guys love her as much as I do!!
Tagging the slasher OC fam: @raraeavesmoriendi, @jmathesonandsiblings, @shadowworldwanderers.
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earthdeep · 2 years
it's been several years now since I finished writing the honorary gavin, and honestly I'm still very proud of it. it was definitely an important benchmark work for me, and it mostly holds up exceedingly well.
that said, I think with the benefit of hindsight and more years of longform writing, I can see its weakpoints with more clarity. I was never truly satisfied with parts of its ending, with how the final crime was stopped. back then, it made perfect sense and was congruent with the background plot while I was planning it out, but when it came to writing it, the limited narrator had no way of actually expressing any of that so the entire thing got lost. instead apollo got away by coincidence, and the final irony of kristoph's actions are disjointed from the rest of the case.
of course, it's been half a decade since then, and I've become a lot more practised at plotting with a limited narrator in mind. and now have a much better idea of how to fix it up. I'm putting the rest of this under a cut for both length and also spoilers. (if you're newer here, you may have not read my most popular work, so I am going to shamelessly shill it here, lol.)
so we're picking up late into the story, in chapter 38. apollo has gone to gavin law after hours to investigate kristoph's stalking, only to be caught by the man and knocked the fuck out. as far as I'm concerned, this is fine. he's drugged and shoved into a car boot, and kristoph drives him off. fun stuff.
now for how I would do it now.
apollo comes to, on the blurry edge of death, just in time to experience the vehicle he's in pulling to a stop, jostling him as it's parked partially on the curb. something is clearly wrong, as he can't quite wake himself up even with the help of the harsh motion.
the boot opens, and he's dragged out of the car like a sack of potatoes. kristoph doesn't say anything, but apollo can tell it's him, even with his hazy mind and the low light of background streetlights.
kristoph struggles to heft him down the street - short as he is, he's still a full grown man - but in his current state there's not much he can do to escape. he can barely interpret his surroundings, where his boss is taking him. ...people park?
but then, just as the threshold is crossed, apollo's is dazzled by a sudden burst of light. he slumps out of kristoph's grip and onto the floor as the man turns in surprise.
the gateway to the kitaki mansion is thrown open, light from the house spilling out around the silhouetted figures of the kitakis themselves. and they have god damn swords (which, for the record, are decorative antiques, officer, and perfectly legal to own thank you very much).
kristoph is on his own, unable to do shit as more minor Family members traipse out into the open, pissed from being woken by an alarm being raised. apollo is picked up, and the last thing he sees before the sleeping pills get the better of him is the cute fox logo of the kitaki bakery's company van.
apollo wakes up in hospital, to learn the equally unnerving facts that kristoph gavin has been admitted into police custody, and that he apparently threw up in the bakery van on the way over.
it's clear in court that kristoph can do little in his defence but attempt to discredit the kitakis via their shady past. but he can't hide how much he underestimated the family, and how they genuinely care for their own. so unlike his own regard for them as lucrative customers.
he completes the pattern. the pattern of failing to frame the kitakis for murder, and the pattern of apollo's victory. even if he didn't manage to put together the perfect case, the evidence snatched from his fingers by his assailant, he is safe now. and he has people who have his back.
coda. apollo's first case as an ex-member of gavin law is contesting the speeding fine big wins picked up while driving him to the hospital. it goes nowhere. the world of traffic law is a cold and unforgiving place.
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mattpinsker · 1 year
Can you be imprisoned in Virginia for speeding
Many people are shocked to discover that speeding can result in criminal charges, even though it is a common infraction in Virginia. You need a skilled attorney to protect your rights and reputation if you're charged with speeding.
A conviction for speeding may also result in points being added to your driving record and a license suspension in addition to the penalties. These factors may have an impact on your insurance costs and employment prospects.
Depending on the specifics of the offence and how it was done, you may or may not be sentenced to jail time for speeding. Generally, the riskier your offence, the more likely you are to receive a prison sentence.
According to Virginia law, reckless driving is defined as travelling at speed higher than what would be considered reasonable under the current conditions and circumstances, regardless of any marked speed limits. This misdemeanour offence carries a maximum one-year prison sentence and a six-month license revocation.
If you are a military member and your employment or career relies on clearing your military or commercial driver's license, reckless driving can be a severe problem. Receiving a conviction may make it more difficult for you to obtain financing or housing.
Speeding is a transportation infraction in Virginia that carries a fine. The acceptable quantity varies according to the location and speed of the violation.
You could be charged with reckless driving if you exceed 20 mph over the posted speed limit. This misdemeanour carries penalties like jail time, fines, and license revocation in the state.
The punishment increases with increasing speed. You might also be required to pay court fees and a fine.
Virginia utilizes a point system, like many other states. Your driving rights may be revoked for months or even years, depending on how many points you rack up.
You might have to pay fines and go to prison if you're found guilty of speeding in Virginia. The severity of the punishments varies based on the facts of your arrest and your criminal history, but most offences are considered misdemeanours.
Your driving rights may also be suspended or revoked in addition to fines and jail time. This could be a serious situation that has long-term effects on your existence.
The best method to keep your driving privileges intact is to hire an accomplished attorney to help you fight the charge. Your traffic citation can be contested using a variety of defences, according to an attorney. Contesting the DMV's suspension notice is one of the primary tactics.
Speeding is regarded as a serious driving offence in Virginia. However, driving so quickly or recklessly is a class 1 misdemeanour that it perils other motorists' lives.
This offence carries a fine, loss of driving rights, and jail time as penalties. (up to 12 months). It carries six penalty points and is recorded on your driving record at the DMV for eleven years.
Your future life and car insurance rates might increase if you have a criminal record. It also makes it more difficult for you to get a security pass or enrol in a program at a school that does.
You should be aware that a sentence for reckless driving may affect your ability to drive in other states in addition to these possible repercussions. This is so that data on charges and punishments from other states can be shared, as most states take part in the Interstate Driver License Compact.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
An unknown number of right-wing extremists have traveled from Finland to Ukraine to take part in its defence against Russia's invasion, according to Kuopio's Savon Sanomat and other papers carrying an Uutissuomalainen news group report (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
According to the Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Supo), individual far-right volunteers from Finland are on the front lines in Ukraine.
"Even though Russia's war of aggression has not attracted a significant number of extremists, there are potential threats of radicalization associated with the participation of even individual persons," Milla Meretniemi, Supo's communications and public relations manager told Uutissuomalainen.
Meretniemi said that time spent in a conflict zone and combat experience can have a further radicalizing effect.
For operational reasons, Supo has declined to say whether it is aware of any combatants who have returned to Finland from Ukraine and who were radicalized at the front.
Supo stressed that it is only interested in those who have gone to Ukraine who it knows support some extremist ideology or are seeking to gain combat experience to increase their capacity for violence.
"The vast majority of those who those who go [to Ukraine] are therefore not of interest from the point of view of national security," Meretniemi added.
The paper noted that volunteers fighting in Ukraine do not represent the Finnish state or the Finnish Defense Forces in any way.
As a rule, the Finnish Security Intelligence Service does not monitor those leaving Finland for conflict areas. However, it estimates that dozens of volunteers from Finland have gone to fight in Ukraine.
Supo said it is not aware of a single confirmed case of a Finnish citizen who has died fighting in Ukraine.
Rail strike threat delayed
The union representing railway engine drivers on Thursday rejected the national mediator's proposal for a settlement of its contract dispute with employers.
The economic and business daily Kauppalehti reported (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that the union stated that the biggest reason for rejection of the settlement proposal was that it did not include text changes that would improve working hours.
With talks bogged down, Employment Minister Tuula Haatainen (SDP) stepped in to postpone a rail drivers' strike scheduled to begin 6 March.
The union, RAU, has issued a new strike warning for the period between 20 March and 31 March. The strike will stop train traffic if an agreement is not reached before then.
Mediation in the dispute is to continue at the beginning of next week.
Burnout still a problem
Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) reported that although Finland's legislation on occupational health and safety obliges employers to take steps to prevent employees' mental exhaustion, compliance with the law leaves much to be desired.
An update to the law that will enter into force in June also mentions psycho-social factors and specifies what it means in terms of the content of work, work arrangements and issues related to the social aspects of the work community.
Päivi Laakso, the head of the occupational health and safety department of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency pointed out that employers already have an obligation to act in such a way that mental factors do not pose a danger to the health of employees.
"The employer should systematically find out which of these [mental load risk factors] exist and assess whether they cause health harm. These can be an excessive amount of work, too many interruptions to work, unreasonable time pressures or stress caused by working schedules," she explained.
According to Laakso, two to three thousand on-site inspections are carried out annually to check on compliance with these rules. Last year, employers were given notices of non-compliance at two-thirds of those worksites.
A typical situation is one where, following an organizational reform, the work is distributed unfairly or the actually tasks that fall under job descriptions have remained unclear.
Winter's return
Iltalehti reported to its readers (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that the warmer weather we've been enjoying of late will soon be a memory, with nighttime temperatures at the start of next week again plunging to -10C to -20C around the country, and as low as -30C in the north.
According to the latest forecasts, cold air will dominate the weather for the next couple of weeks, and no warming is expected in the 10-15 day forecasts.
On Friday, a low pressure will be rolling in from the west, bringing snow showers to the southwestern and southern parts of the country.
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autumngogogoat · 1 year
Machines in the town
There are a few differnet robots, some quite specilised for the jobs, others more general purpose.
Three of the main types we see in the town are:
1. Dog - (like Boston Dynamics Spot) - robot dog with swappable appendages like big arm or a plunger, or sometimes a flamethrower if they need one. 2. Bird - flying robots with tasks that include surveillance, defence and logistics. 3. Snake - modular robots that are interchangeable and slither along the floor. Often seen crawling down pipes to do plumbing
There are a few larger robots used in the farms.
There was once a time Kiki was arrested and had to spend a few nights in the towns jail because the automated systems didn't understand how stupid that is. (was a silly crime like J-Walking too many times despite there being no traffic). She was later able to argue with the town's Ai that she was basically the mayor because there was no one else in the town so her standing and voting for herself would be an automatic victory. The Ai was pretty adamant about waiting another year and three months till the next election though before she could. This did give her the privilege to change laws the Ai was bound by, making things a little easier. Some of the Ai's behaviours could be perceived as the unwavering persistence to commit to programming, but truthfully the Ai is often fully aware of his obtuseness and in fact has total ability to ignore such rules. He just likes being a jerk.
The technology in the town was invented by the tech company owned by my pony OC; Anthony. Incidentally, his daughter, Clear, is the empress of the demons, but that's another story.
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nextlaw · 2 days
Distracted Driving Charge or Ticket? Lawyer Up Now!
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Distracted driving, a leading cause of accidents and fatalities on Ontario roads, has seen a surge in recent years due to the widespread use of smartphones and electronic devices. In response, Ontario has implemented some of Canada's most stringent distracted driving laws, with severe fines and penalties for offenders. When facing a distracted driving charge in Ontario, the decision to hire a lawyer is a crucial one. While it's possible to represent yourself, there are compelling reasons why retaining legal counsel is often the wisest course of action.
Here are six key reasons to consider hiring a lawyer:
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1 - Navigate Complex Laws and Procedures Ontario's distracted driving laws are intricate and nuanced. Under the Highway Traffic Act, using hand-held communication and electronic entertainment devices while driving is illegal. However, exceptions and technicalities may apply in certain situations. An experienced traffic lawyer will have a deep understanding of the relevant statutes, case law, and legal procedures surrounding distracted driving charges. Your lawyer can help you navigate the court system, ensure all proper procedures are followed, and identify potential legal issues with your case. They'll know how to file the necessary paperwork, request disclosure of evidence from the prosecution, and guide you through each step of the legal process. This expertise can be invaluable, especially if you're unfamiliar with traffic court proceedings. 2 - Explore Possible Defenses While distracted driving charges may seem straightforward, often viable defences can be raised. An experienced lawyer will carefully review the circumstances of your case to identify any weaknesses in the prosecution's evidence or potential violations of your rights. Some possible defenses may include: - Challenging the officer's observations or evidence - Arguing that you were using the device for an emergency purpose - Demonstrating that the device was not actually in use while driving - Showing that you were legally parked when using the device - Proving that your actions fall under an exemption in the law Your lawyer can assess which defences may apply to your specific situation and develop the most robust possible legal strategy. Even if the evidence against you seems overwhelming, a skilled lawyer may be able to find angles you hadn't considered. 3 - Negotiate for Reduced Charges or Penalties One of the most valuable services a lawyer can provide is negotiating with the prosecutor on your behalf. In many cases, it may be possible to have the charges reduced or penalties lessened through skilled plea bargaining. An experienced traffic lawyer will know how to approach these negotiations and what deals may be available. For example, your lawyer may convince the prosecutor to reduce the charge to a lesser offence with fewer demerit points or a more minor fine. They may also be able to negotiate for alternative sentencing options like traffic school or community service instead of harsher penalties. These plea deals can save you thousands of dollars in fines and insurance increases while protecting your driving record. 4 - Protect Your Driving Record and License A distracted driving conviction in Ontario severely affects your driving record and license. You'll face a fine of $615 to $1,000 for a first offence, three demerit points, and a 3-day license suspension. The penalties increase dramatically for subsequent offences, with fines up to $3,000, 6 demerit points, and license suspensions of up to 30 days. These penalties can have long-lasting impacts on your driving ability and insurance rates. An experienced lawyer can help you avoid a conviction or minimize the effect on your driving record. This can be especially crucial if you rely on your license for work or have previous traffic violations on your record. 5 - Save Money in the Long Run While hiring a lawyer does involve upfront costs, it can often save you significant money in the long run. The fines and increased insurance premiums associated with a distracted driving conviction can add up to thousands of dollars over time. By reducing or eliminating these financial penalties, a skilled lawyer may save you far more than their legal fees. Additionally, a lawyer can help you avoid missing work for multiple court appearances by efficiently handling your case. They may be able to appear on your behalf for certain proceedings, saving you time and lost wages. When you factor in the potential long-term costs of a conviction, investing in quality legal representation often makes financial sense. 6- Reduce Stress and Uncertainty Facing any legal charge can be a stressful and anxiety-inducing experience, especially if you're unfamiliar with the court system. Hiring a knowledgeable lawyer can provide a sense of relief and peace of mind, reducing the uncertainty of your case. Your lawyer will be able to explain what to expect at each stage of the process, answer your questions, and advocate for your interests. Having a legal professional in your corner can also help level the playing field when dealing with prosecutors and the court. You'll have someone with expertise and experience fighting for the best possible outcome in your case, empowering you with a sense of control and confidence. This support and guidance can be invaluable in navigating a confusing and intimidating legal process.
What do I do now?
While it's possible to handle a distracted driving charge on your own, the potential consequences are severe enough to warrant careful consideration of hiring a lawyer. An experienced traffic lawyer can provide numerous benefits, from navigating complex laws to negotiating reduced penalties and protecting your driving record. Investing in quality legal representation is often the wisest course of action when you factor in the long-term costs of a conviction and the stress of dealing with the legal system alone. If you're facing a distracted driving charge in Ontario, consulting with a knowledgeable lawyer should be your first step in mounting an effective defence and achieving the best possible outcome for your case. Remember, the specific circumstances of your case will determine the best legal strategy. An initial consultation with an experienced traffic lawyer can help you understand your options and decide on the most appropriate action. Don't let a momentary lapse in judgment behind the wheel derail your driving privileges or financial stability - seek legal advice now and give yourself the best chance at a favourable resolution. Read the full article
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techz-111 · 3 days
Exploring Different Types of Criminal Charges Handled by Singapore Criminal Defence Lawyers
Singapore criminal defence attorneys handle a wide variety of criminal matters, each needing a different strategy from the others. Whether it involves drug offenses, white-collar crimes, violent crimes, or traffic violations, these lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring their clients’ rights are protected throughout the legal process.
In this blog, we will explore the different types of criminal charges that defence lawyers handle and the legal strategies they employ for each.
1. Drug Offenses
Drug offenses in Singapore are among the most serious criminal charges due to the country’s strict drug laws and zero-tolerance policy. The possession of restricted substances as well as the fabrication and trafficking of drugs are examples of offences. The penalties are severe and can include long-term imprisonment, caning, or even the death penalty in cases involving large quantities of drugs.
Legal Approach:
When managing drug cases, criminal defence attorneys frequently concentrate on refuting the prosecution's evidence. This can include questioning the legality of search and seizure procedures, ensuring that the chain of custody of the drugs is intact, and examining whether the accused was aware of the presence of drugs. In cases of trafficking, lawyers may argue that the accused was a mere courier or was unaware of the nature of the substance they were transporting.
2. White-Collar Crimes
White-collar crimes refer to non-violent, financially motivated offenses, such as fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, insider trading, and bribery. These crimes often involve complex financial transactions and carry significant legal consequences, including hefty fines, imprisonment, and loss of professional licenses.
Legal Approach:
For white-collar crimes, singapore criminal defence lawyers often employ a forensic approach, analyzing financial records, contracts, and other documentation to identify gaps or inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case. They may also negotiate plea deals or settlements in cases where a full trial may not be in the client's best interest. Defence lawyers often bring in experts to testify about industry practices, financial regulations, or accounting standards to strengthen the defence.
3. Violent Crimes
In Singapore, violent crimes like murder, manslaughter, robbery, and assault are punishable by harsh laws. Depending on the nature of the crime, defendants can face imprisonment, caning, or the death penalty. These cases are highly sensitive and often garner significant public and media attention.
Legal Approach:
In defending violent crime charges, lawyers focus on self-defence, mistaken identity, or lack of intent. In some cases, they may argue that the accused acted under duress or mental incapacity, which can reduce the severity of the sentence. Lawyers in these cases also work closely with investigators to gather evidence that can cast doubt on the prosecution’s version of events, such as eyewitness testimonies, CCTV footage, or forensic evidence.
4. Traffic Violations and Offenses
Traffic offenses in Singapore include a wide range of violations, from driving under the influence (DUI) to reckless driving, speeding, and causing accidents that result in injury or death. While some traffic violations result in fines or demerit points, more severe offenses can lead to imprisonment and the revocation of the driver’s license.
Legal Approach:
In cases involving traffic offenses, singapore criminal defence lawyers often challenge the accuracy of breathalyzer tests, speed detection equipment, or eyewitness testimonies. They may also examine whether the arresting officers followed proper procedures during the investigation. In cases involving accidents, lawyers may focus on proving that the driver was not solely at fault or that extenuating circumstances contributed to the incident.
5. Sexual Offenses
Sexual offenses in Singapore include charges such as rape, sexual assault, molestation, and sexual exploitation. These cases are highly sensitive and often involve complex issues of consent, credibility, and evidence.
Legal Approach:
In defending clients accused of sexual offenses, lawyers focus on gathering evidence that disproves the prosecution’s narrative. This may involve presenting alibi witnesses, challenging the credibility of the accuser, or bringing in forensic experts to analyze DNA or other physical evidence. Defence lawyers may also explore issues surrounding consent, communication between the parties, and the context of the alleged incident.
Singapore criminal defence lawyers handle a wide range of cases, each requiring a tailored legal strategy to protect their clients' rights and interests. Whether dealing with drug offenses, white-collar crimes, violent crimes, traffic violations, or sexual offenses, these lawyers must thoroughly examine the evidence, challenge the prosecution’s case, and employ specialized tactics to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients. Navigating Singapore's legal landscape can be challenging, but with the right defence lawyer, individuals can receive the support and representation they need in the face of serious criminal charges.
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