#trailer discussion
skysiren41 · 6 months
My thoughts on Kung Fu Panda 4 trailer
So kung fu panda 4 finally released its first trailer and too say that people have been split on it would be an understatement. All and all I'm still keeping my expectations modest I thought this trailer was actually pretty ok, I've have seen a few people say that it looks awful and while I do think it's a bit overblown, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't still worried about this film, so I wanna share my thoughts in the most neutral way possible while also being fair with both its positives and negatives as a Kung Fu Panda fan
●I've seen a few people say that the animation is a downgrade from the others I have to disagree. From what I've seen it mostly looks similar to the third film, the colours especially are quite nice, though I did notice some on the movement be a bit janky. I've also seen some say that the models look bad but I don't see it, there are some changes like they seem to be a lot more expressive but I wouldn't go far as to say that it's a bad change
●One criticism I do agree with is that the furious five seem to be absent in this film, not even Tigress. I do hope they do appear or at least explain their absent because it is weird not to include or even mention them but there apparently gonna have both of Po's dad's appear (don't get me wrong I love Mr Ping and Li Shan, it just I don't think they have a point to be in the story from what I've seen)
●The Chameleon honestly has a lot of potential, not only is it nice to have a female villian in the film, but also the whole concept of her being able to bring people back to life but also even transform into her enemies is such a brilliant idea and really plays into her species
●Tai Lung fans are eating good tonight with him finally being on screen again since the first film. I'm curious if he's only gonna appear in that one scene we see only to be sent back to the spirit realm after the Chameleon takes his powers. If that's not the case I'm curious if there gonna go with the route of giving him a redemption arc. I've always been split on the idea, on one hand I think the tragedy of Tai Lung and how he could've changed is what made him a fantastic villain as well as show the flaws of Shifu as a character, but on the other hand GIVE THIS BOY A HUG! HE DIDN'T DESERVE WHAT HE WENT THOUGH!
●In general the movie seems to be keeping the lighthearted tone from the first film which I'm kinda mixed on, don't get me wrong I like the third film but I do wish they went with a similar tone with the second film, where it was able to be both funny but also wasn't afraid to get dark. I understand that Kung Fu Panda is for the most part lighthearted but its shown multiple times to be able to be lighthearted while also handling mature themes
To close this off I think there are some people are overreacting when they say that the trailer is awful but I also see why a lot of people are unsure about this forth film myself included
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napoleondidthat · 11 months
If you have some time to sit in on a discussion, this video is well worth your time.
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i-must-not-fear · 1 year
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Does anyone have any idea what this scene in the trailer is about?
I have 2 but I'm not sure either works:
The person on the ground is Paul in the spice agony. Someone's attacking him and Chani defends her unconscious lover
No idea who the guy on the ground is, the 2 fighting are Paul on the right and smuggler Gurney on the left just before Gurney realizes it's Paul he's fighting.
I'm unsure about 1 because to me it looks one of the people fighting, the one on the right without a helmet, is Paul. But wouldn't Gurney at once recognize him and put his weapon down instead of picking it up?
So what else can this scene be?
The harkonnen raiding a sietch where Paul, Chani and baby Leto live and Paul desperately tries to defend his family?
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Loki Season 2 Trailer Discussion: Andres Pop Culture Talk
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marvelpluschannel · 11 months
The Marvels Trailer 2 Discussion:Marvel Plus Talk
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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thinking about these 21 frames btw. if you even care.
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smedenn · 1 month
I actually think Stolas calling Blitzø “Blitz” and not “Blitzy” is positive character development- HEAR ME OUT
I’m a linguist. So when I think about the addition of the -y on his name, that is known as an English diminutive, which is an affix added to a word to make the it smaller / cuter. Some examples of this are: Dog -> doggy, Cat/Kit -> Kitty, etc.
This is how we got a lot of English words like “tiny” “teensy” “baby” “stubby” “mini” “itty bitty” and more because that -y (or the -y sound) at the end indicates smallness.
When considering the political context of Helluva Boss, adding the -y to Blitz name could be seen as degrading, or emphasizing his smaller place in the world. Especially when it accompanies other nicknames that Stolas uses in season 1 like “little ones” “impish little plaything” “itty bitty imp” to refer to Blitzo and other imps. It’s like he’s constantly reminding Blitz of how small he is.
So from Blitz perspective, he could see this nickname reminding him of his “place in the world” which, in the context of the show, is “inferior.” And each time Stolas uses “Blitzy” it feels degrading and belittling.
Especially when Blitzo works so hard to fight against that box that Hell places him in. In the Harvest Moon episode, Striker tells him how it’s impressive that he started his own business, because not many Imps do that.
So these nicknames and this attitude from Stolas might also indicate him not taking Blitzo and his business seriously. His business is something we know Blitzo values above most things.
Which is why I think Blitzo hates it so much.
And thus I like when Stolas uses “Blitz” instead- I feel, from Blitzo’s perspective, it more respectful. Using his name makes it seem like Stolas really does view them as equals.
But that’s just a theory-
A helluva theory
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visbluehairedbaby · 11 days
Caitlyn has this blue diamond pendant on her hat…. her mom wore blue diamond earrings
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
Allow me to explain: I want to watch any and all Murder Drones episodes blindly without knowing or seeing anything on them. In fact, that's how I enjoy watching this show. Why, you may ask?
Because that's how I first watched the pilot.
I knew literally nothing about it. I didn't know who voiced in it, what it was all about, who created it... nothing. I just saw a thumbnail for a show that had to do with robots on the internet, and decided to watch it on a whim.
I was blindsided by everything. The first thing I did when N spoke was to very loudly exclaim "MICHEAL?!" And you know what? I enjoyed what I saw! It may have taken me two separate occasions to finish, but I enjoyed my experience watching it!
Did I know episode two came out? I was hyperfixating on something else at the time, so I only found out about it months later. And like with the pilot, I knew nothing about it. I hadn't seen any teasers or anything on it, so once again, I was blindsided by everything I witnessed. So on and so forth, for each and every episode.
It was easy for me not to see anything, because I didn't have reliable internet at the time. Therefore, I was completely unaware of release dates, I didn't see any teasers, I didn't see anything for any episodes.
Obviously, I could not avoid the one featured in GLITCHX, so it was unavoidable and is therefore the only exception to this rule. I am willingly choosing to commit to how I watch these next episodes, because it's been an enjoyable experience for me to get slapped in the face by every episode of this series so far.
And I'd like to keep it that way.
Okay, this is turning out longer than I meant it to be, so let's get to the point I wanna make: while this is the first news we're getting in a long while and it's certainly exciting, I am purposely trying to avoid seeing it so I can continue enjoying it this way.
Anyway, here's N playing the trumpet as an apology if I came off as aggressive at the start there. :3
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wait shit was it murder drones related i blacked out when i wrote this
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heyclickadee · 5 months
Screw it, I need to get this out of my system. A thought about the guy in the Clone X armor on Pabu:
So…okay. I’ve seen people pointing out that there are resemblances between Tech and the mysterious clone x guy we see standing in front of the Archium in the trailer. And, honestly, they’re not really wrong.
There are some very, well, Tech-like shapes to this guy’s outfit (the dotted lines are ones I wasn’t so sure about):
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They’re not an exact match, because some of the line proportions of the similarities I pointed out are different, but the similarities are there. There’s even a similar effect—not shape, but effect—to the lighter green outline around the eyes calling attention to the area as Tech’s goggles had—the difference being that we can’t see this guys eyes behind the glass.
And, yes, this mystery man does have a really similar build. And shoulders. And general proportions. And there’s that freaking shin pouch. They gave him a shin pouch!
And then, of course, the basic silhouette of the Clone X helmet is very similar (not exactly the same, but similar) to Tech’s helmet, minus the visor and the ear cuffs:
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Now, there are major differences as well. The Clone X armor is much more streamlined and less bulky than Tech’s; the pauldrons have similar proportions but a much more rounded shape; the breastplate fits a bit tighter and is also significantly shorter; the overall shape and muzzle of the helmet is very similar, but the Clone X helmet muzzle is about half the length because the covering for the eye-ridge area juts out that much farther, and it has more of a fluid “backswept” effect overall; he’s only got a few pouches, two, maybe three if the arm-band works as a pouch.
But the overall effect of this particular Ckone X character is that he reads as a somewhat Tech-shaped individual. And I have a few thoughts on this.
First, I do think this might be on purpose. Yes, the base armor, minus the shoulder and arm straps and the pouches, is basically identical to the Clone X armor we see in season two. I think it’s more or less standard issue to clone assassins and, apart from a couple little tweaks (again, the straps and the pouches), is not at all unique in that regard. That said, if the production team knew what the story was doing with Tech in advance—and I think they did, I don’t think this show was written from beginning to end at the start, because that doesn’t happen, but I suspect they had the major story beats outlined before moving forward—it’s possible that the design team used Tech’s armor as the template from which to derive the clone X armor for season two. I’m not saying that happened, but I am saying it’s possible.
Second, I’m not saying this is Tech. I’m not sure if it is. I’m leaning that direction right now, but I might lean otherwise in an hour or two. We’ll see. What I am one-hundred percent sure of, however, is that these shots of this guy are Grade A Tech speculation bait—and intended that way. I think we’re meant to speculate about whether this is Tech or not. The TBB team gave us absolutely no indication that Tech is dead for real, nothing final, just the same shot of Tech’s ambiguous fate with a Sad Filter, and then they offered up this very mysterious and Tech-shaped person standing in front of an emotionally poignant location. Whoever he actually is, even if he’s just some random guy, Mystery Clone X guy is here in the trailer to drive Tech discussion during the lead up to season premiere.
Third, if this is Tech, if that’s him, then I think the trailer is being incredibly misleading about what he’s doing there. It looks like this Clone X is leading a squad of stormtroopers in an invasion of Pabu. I’m not sure that’s what’s happening—the stormtroopers are probably there to wreck Pabu, but I’m not sure this Clone X is leading them or even on their side. I don’t think we’re getting an imperial or brainwashed Tech scenario, especially not with how late in the season this shot is probably happening. I think it’s a lot more likely that this outfit originally belonged to the Clone X guy we see speaking in the trailer, Tech jumped him, used the guy’s armor to disguise himself, added some pouched because of course he did, and then inserted himself into a situation to see what he could do to help out. And I don’t think they found Pabu because of Tech, either—the empire has plenty of other ways of doing that.
Fourth, if—if!—we do get a brainwashed Tech, I think it’s going to be short-lived and, hopefully, very different from Crosshair’s situation. I almost wonder if it’s going to turn out to be a bit of a schlocky b-movie mind control helmet situation (I notice that the Clone X from season two only took the face of his helmet off). Like the clone x helmets interface with the inhibitor chips somehow, and it doesn’t work with Tech, because he doesn’t have one, but he plays along so he can get something else done and have a chance to escape. Or something. I’m thinking out loud. Anyway, whatever happens, even if we get an imperial/brainwashed Tech scenario, I think he’s going to be fine and himself well before the end of the series.
Fifth, brainwashed Tech is probably my least favorite of the Tech-lives options. I don’t like it. But this show has a habit of getting me on board with plot choices I did not want, so. If they go that route, I’ll see how they do it, and evaluate from there. I still don’t want it right now, though.
Sixth, there are lots of reasons for it not to be Tech at all,
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witheredoffherwitch · 7 months
Speculations and Spoilers: A Breakdown of the Trailer
Overall, here are my initial thoughts on the trailer: it exceeded my expectations. I was prepared for the rumoured "leaked" version but I am pleasantly surprised with what we got instead. The aesthetic of this season has already improved - the colour grading, costumes, and makeup all seem to have upgraded from previous seasons.
Now let's get to the trailer itself. I won't analyze every single scene, but rather focus on a few intriguing ones and share my own theories. Just a heads up, there may be some spoilers mentioned in the following observations. So, proceed with caution!
The first shot of Rhaenyra is absolutely heartbreaking. She appears shattered and defeated, likely searching for her son's body by the Shipbreaker's Bay:
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Both shots seem to be part of the same sequence as she is wearing the same outfit.. and the first shot could be the aftermath of her unsuccessful attempt to find her son's remains.
In the next scene, we are presented with two dragons on opposite sides: Syrax and Rhaenyra on one side, and Seasmoke on the other. This will potentially show Addam or Laenor swearing allegiance to Rhaenyra's cause.
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The third scene I wanted to highlight is Alicent caught in the midst of a riot. While many assume it will occur during the funeral procession, I believe it takes place much later in the series. One hint is from the leaks revealing Alicent's funeral attire, which looks quite different from what we see here.
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The first image is from the leaked footage, while the second one is what we see in the official trailer. It's possible that they may have reshot the scene with different costumes, but it seems unlikely. In the second scene, which I assume will be set much later in the season, it seems likely that they might finally introduce the Shepherd. Personally, I will be thrilled if they bring him into the series earlier on as he becomes one of the most prominent voices against House Targaryen. His early introduction will showcase his growing hatred for their dragons, and his sermons will only become more antagonistic as Rhaenyra's rule progresses. Eventually, it will lead to the infamous storming of the dragon pit where the mob will eventually slaughter all of their remaining dragons.
A brief glimpse at Helaena's scenes with B&C and her attending Jaehaerys' funeral procession:
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The second scene captures her gazing upwards, likely indicating one of two possibilities: 1. she is giving the command for Dracarys to Dreamfyre, or 2. she is looking up to see Aegon on Sunfyre, who may perform the final rites himself.
In addition to Rhaenyra's dragon-riding scene, we are shown Baela and Aemond on their dragons. Baela is decked out in armour, possibly indicating her involvement in a war. This supports the popular theory that she will be present at Rook's Rest.
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Baela's scene has many fans speculating that it may be when she witnesses the death of Rhaenys.
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Moving on to the Aegon scene, I am thoroughly amused by his attitude. I was afraid we would be stuck in another sombre period with Aegon, but thankfully we have moved on and entered his cunty phase.
Lastly, I won't delve deeper into these two scenes since I've already addressed the question here.
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However, I have heard the theory about it being a dream sequence, which is something I personally prefer over the idea of it being about Alys.
Now, my final thoughts: Rhaenyra looks more pro-active as most of us had expected earlier. However, I still doubt if they will include her in any of the war sequences. Her role will be much more covert (which the maesters wouldn't have known to record in the history texts.) On the other hand, Alicent appears to have given up this season altogether. A side note: both women look stunningly beautiful in the trailer.
Aemond continues to dominate as the most interesting character, and it seems we can anticipate his reign as Prince Regent this season. Even in his brief appearances, he manages to captivate our attention and leave us wanting more. Aegon will be taking charge and we can expect a major comeback now that he is leading the Green faction.
AND that concludes everything for the time being! I may come back to this post later and make some revisions, but for now, this is all.
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ridhistory21 · 1 month
Trailer analysis & helaemond theory-
I am sharing my whole trailer reaction after seeing everyone's opinion on Twitter and Tumblr so read fully before misinterpreting-
firstly lemme clearify that these two pics are not from same scenario. These two are quite different
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this girl is not the one in left pic. Scenes are very much different. It's clear she's only in episode 1 as dancer, she is not Alys rivers or anyone else bc I saw many people claiming this stupid theory. This actress kika green already announced this.
Now this pic is very much gives vibes of aemma arryn as she was about to have a small comeback in s2 and this women gives Aemma more than Rhaenyra or Helaena and I seriously don't think this scene is supposed to be some hot sex scene.
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It's very much Viserys & Aemma in someone's vision or dream. It can be anyone's vision or dream though whether it's deamon, Rhaenyra or Helaena.
Either it's deamon or someone else old checking on Rhaenyra whether she's fine or not. Or
Lemme prepare myself for worse😭 that it can be blood touching Helaena ( least expected but show runners said it's going to be worse and why least as girl in this looks more Aemma/Rhaenyra than Helaena in ep2 from pics)
I am not a top helaemond shipper, I like Rhaemond more than alysmond and Helaemond but 👀👀👀👀 there are very very slight chance for helaemond just trying to catch the dots from S1 & s2. -
Now again these two can be or very can be not from same scene, I am tired people thinking all these pics are from same scenes as they don't seem to, though they can be🤷🏻‍♀️
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this pic of aemond lying in lap of someone can be very much brothel madame as people claim that mark on hands, yes my first reaction was this it has to be her but are we sure that she's the one going to fuck Aemond episode 1 or any other episode as that actress is there for 4 episodes in s2 and this scene can be very much from any episode
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this is all what that brothel lady actress Michelle bonnard said about her role in s2 - " But more recently two amazing women, directing on the same series #HouseoftheDragons - the brilliant @clarekilner and @geetavpatel - and working with them, I thought fuck me - I love what these women do... and I got a bit naked. How do I feel about that? Who knows? But I had power, because the world is changing. ". She only said that she got bit naked now that means if -
she is going to have hard core sex with Aemond and Aemond is actually a milf lover
Or she is just warming up Aemond with affection and love who might not be in good mood
or ...... another theory is that is she going to have that kinda scene with only Aemond or someone else because -----
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This actor Kieran bew is playing hugh hammer a dragonseed is also gonna be pervert who might be seen in silk Street and she posted alot of pics with him so....🤷🏻‍♀️
If she is for 4 or 5 episodes there then there are many chances to see this actress in alot of scenes of brothel. So that scene with Aemond can be with her in any episode or slight chance that there can be someone else.
Only slight chance why because that hand can belong to anyone, that vein or scar is not giving any extreme clue. Though I very much think it's gonna be that lady anyhow but how it's gonna happen we don't know.
Now why helaemond because just see-
That girl kika green is going to play in episode 1 as dancer and that's only possible for aegon's party for Aemond in cock inn on killing luc and it' almost confirmed that first episode we are going to see them celebrating and it's Aegon so whores are going to be there, him giving Aemond whores to fuck as a gift is very much Aegon thing.
Now my earlier thought was that this new girl is for aegon to get distracted, a plan by mysaria. That's the reason Aegon would be so pathetic as he fucked a random girl instead of staying with his wife and his kids that night. This is what my thought is.
But also they are showing her as such mystery and my question is ---
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that why it was specific white haired girl or Valerian blood girl required for aegon because
as we know Aegon in book and show both alot, he is not the one to have valerian girl fantasy. He likes & fucks anyone. Also in the show they said 'his is less discriminating' and he doesn't even like Helaena as lover at all😭,he would fuck any random person any time
so why this white haired girl was bought for aegon or mysaria thought that he is a targ so he might like targ girls also but don't mysaria knows aegon's doing very well ? If we remember S1 ?
now only person who is fond of fucking white haired girls is Daemon and else who--
Now what if Aegon got this girl as gift for Aemond to fuck as Aegon knows Aemond very well and what he likes - what my theory is that initially Aemond is gonna hesitate to celebrate with whores but when Aegon and mysaria present this targ girl infront of him then👀👁️👁️ we might see some action from him. She keeps up Aemond busy. This might led to path that -
Aemond loves to be someone who looks more targ or looks more like Helaena. Just connect the dots now.... Because what was this by hbo itself when shared their pic with all couples ,what was this fr. It really looked sus..... I wasn't a helaemond shipper at all--
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I am not saying Helaena's children are of Aemond but aemond might have desire for Helaena or to be with someone like Helaena.
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And this girl was really supposed to be helaena from S1😶. So just connect the dots, there are slight chances for helaemond and yes scene with Aemond can be different episodes. My ass connecting all dots but I know in show it might be different.
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lindendragon · 2 years
Okay I wanna talk about two of the trailer panels here
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So they might be talking about grimwalkers here, though how they got a book about them is unclear. Maybe they need something from a grimwalker for the portal.
But what intrigues me the most is this.
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The grimwalker's hand reach.
This is likely the basement ceiling where Hunter and Gus hung up stars, since they canonicaly like Star trek. So what if this is Hunter having another crisis about his heritage while trying to sleep, perhaps even unlocking repressed memories of his own birth in the process?
Whatever the case may be, this undoubtedly means more grimwalker lore and I am here for it.
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sockenpuppe · 4 days
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robotlcangel · 1 month
(Link to og post)
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Cant say I like starscream being the villain I really was hoping that the main conflict of season two would be the mia autobots and newly released cons struggling to assimilate with humans and the non mia autobots, like there’s a real big disconnect between the two groups, and the Terrans are just in the middle of it, especially if the mia autobots sympathize with the decepticons and have an aversion to the active autobots, I really thought we would finally have a tf piece of media that would finally stop the “starscream is always destined for being evil” especially with how he has a connection with hashtag and genuinely cares for her, but no starscream is a probably gonna be a mid villain, the ONLY role where it would be interesting if star was the villain is if his schemes are against the autobots and especially megatron how how heavily persecuted the cons are and that they had to fight to barely survive especially if they didn’t want to be in jail, I just hope they do something interesting, like humans having civil unrest because cons are being “accepted” in to society and them protesting it, I would be even better if this persecution and fear mongering affected the autobots and Terrans. Also it literally make no sense for them to be attacking the maltos THEY LITERALLY JUST HELPED THEM FIGHT MANDROID, maybe starscream is having a manic episode or megatron did something to really piss him off
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But if the evildoings of the cons is just them doing childish bs then I’ll gladly watch that
Also nightshade is not mentioned once all the rest of the malto kids are but not them
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which if their by the wayside that will be really disappointing because imo they are like the most interesting Terran and the one who has the most opportunity for character growth, especially with how open minded they are, this either mean they become a minor character (which would just be bad writing and a wasted opportunity) or the become a decepticon, AND THEY TOTALLY SHOULD IT WOULD BE SO INTERESTING IF THEY WERE ISOLATED EVEN MORE FROM THEIR FAMILY BECAUSE THEY ARE A DECEPTCON, please con nightshade 🙏🙏🙏
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(This will be them in season two)
Also also this seems like a very hashtag heavy season which I am very excited about especially because she’s has cool ass powers and she’s my second fav (nightshade will always be my number one ☝️☝️☝️🔥🔥🦅🦅) and I think why it’s hashtag centric season is because starscream is the main villain, and she’s one of like 5? People he likes and seeing someone she’s close too be all evil and shit will probably fuck her up even more.
So in conclusion all I wish for is for lesbian and decepticon nightshades, windblade(PLEASE), and for starscreams motivations to be interesting
The only thing I can do is be hopeful 🙏🙏
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groenendaelfic · 5 months
PSA: don't listen to the Young Royals season 3 trailer in German if you don't want your mind irrevocably broken.
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