#train theme cafe
starreo · 5 months
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multi-character drabble.
includes insecure! reader w glasses, adult themes so, mdni.
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he doesn't understand why you take off your glasses right before stepping out. you're squinting at absolutely everything, struggling to even read the types of boba on the menu behind the counter. your eyebrows are furrowed and you're biting your lips, so he reads out the menu, emphasizing your go-to. as you walk out of the cafe with your usual boba in one hand, and his arm in the other, he asks you. "do you not feel pretty in your glasses?" and you almost choke on the chewy tapioca. you ask him to elaborate with wide eyes, does he too, think you're prettier without your glasses?
"they add character to your appearance. to me, they enhance your beauty, instead. dunno why you don't like 'em. my entire body gets hot when i see you in 'em. like, the urge to just drop everything and fuck-" noticing your amused expression, he immediately stops himself. he was never good with words...so maybe, he'll just show you with actions.
and staying true to his internal promise, he did.
his hands trained on your waist, gripping tightly as he tries to keep his eyes open despite the overwhelming pleasure.
his large, veiny cock pacing in and out of you so quickly, hitting all the right spots, making such a mess that you can't register anything in that brain of yours before you're cumming all over the sheets again. your glasses getting crooked as you try to bury the back of your head into the pillow, because your brain just could not handle the amount of pleasure being received by your body. "s-so hot....f-fuck...y'er so hot..."
gojo, reo, eren, bakugo, nagi, barou, atsumu, kunigami, suna rintaro + your favs <3
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© starreo 2024. do not copy, translate or repost .
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koolades-world · 3 months
Could you do the brothers + Dia with a mc who has young nieces/nephew that view them as another parent and mc views them as their own kids at times and acts as such to them?
Take care!!
aww hi!! yes of course this is so cute
Mc with nieces/nephews that treats them like their kids
sorry, they're not your niece anymore, his now
he gives off such dad energy so he's fit for the role of uncle
he's already seen you act like a tired parent to his brothers, but seeing you around an actual child and the tenderness you treat them with makes him feel warm and fuzzy
for someone who’s so busy, he suspiciously always has time to play family with you and your niece
your nephew is obsessed with him and thinks he's so cool
he would never admit it, but he would die for your nephew and he seems you in him <3
this kid gets everything he wants from him
the parental side of you only makes him fall more for you <33
at first, he's freaked out
he knows nothing about kids and his limited knowledge comes from anime, which he knows isn't helpful
eventually, once he gets to know your niece, and sees the close relationship the two of you has, he tries his best to warm up
after all, he needs the approval of your favorite person to remain by your side
is so relieved your nephew is of the age to read and respect books
he’s actually so excited since children are usually afraid of him, but not your nephew! he was quick to hug him once you introduced them to each other
he’s absolutely obsessed with going out in public with the two of you and acting as a family
he secretly wants someone to mistake you as a family just so he can have the privilege of playing father and husband, if only for a while
takes lots and lots of pictures of you guys but posts almost none
those are treasures for him and him alone, and because he doesn't want to post your nieces' face online <3
he loves to play dress up with the two of you! he knows your niece is enjoying it too since he's the king of fashion and never misses
whenever you and her are over, he finds an excuse to bring you both of a cute themed cafe that he knows she's going to find amazing
100% your nephew looks up to him like he looks up to you
at first your nephew was a little intimidated, but beel’s welcoming nature and kindness drew him in just like it did you
despite being young, your nephew wants to follow him and accompany him everywhere when he can
he even wanted to lift weights like beel so you got some foam ones and it became a fun family activity
tbh at first, they both think the other is boring
belphie mostly sleeps and toddlers hate naps, and your niece does kid things obviously which he thinks is awfully boring
however, they have one common love: you
eventually once they both realize this, he takes your niece under his wing and is training her to be just like him
he's absolutely enchanted with you and your parent vibes
the relationship you have with your nephew is something he could only dream of having and he wants to be hands on so bad
the two of you are this kid's parents now sorry i dont make the rules
your nephew thinks he's so cool and is always asking for the three of you to spend time together
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maapllee · 2 months
All The Stars~ PT.3
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A/N: I love this part n I love writing for y'all, you guys are so sweet. I know I said this part would come out a few weeks ago, but my kitten contacted parvo virus. I hope you guys understand :<
P.S: I'd like to add that one of the next parts will have slightly suggestive themes, nothing too descriptive.
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You groaned, jolting awake from what you thought was a short nap. The sun was blazing, hot on your skin now. Your head and throat throbbed- you were dehydrated and miserable. Propping yourself up on your elbows, you took in your surroundings.
Bakugou shut the door to his dorm so hard the walls shook. His muscular back rested against the wooden door. He closed his eyes, panting. The book in his hands felt like concrete, heavy and cold. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself down. Opening the book, he took in the pages- pages and pages of sketches of himself sitting idly in class. He had to admit, you had some real talent there. He looked so calm, taking notes while resting his chin on his palm.
Meanwhile, you pulled your knees towards yourself, taking a minute to recall the past few hours. Eyes widening, you frantically searched around as you remembered you had set your sketchbook down- it would be no short of a disaster if anyone opened that book. Maybe it wasn't THAT great of an idea to carry said book out of your dorm room. Shit. Bakugou pulled Kirishima into his dorm room, his heart beating in his temples now. "Woah, I didn't think L/N would be the one who was putting those gifts in your locker! I can't say I'm surprised though, you guys are so thoughtful with each other." Kirishima nodded. "Thoughtful with wHO, I can't fuckin stand her. She's so annoying and dumb and stupid, almost stupider than Deku." Bakugou shouted, hands on his cheeks.
"Yeah, totes bro." Kirishima deadpanned, patting Bakugou's back. "So, when're ya asking her out? There are a couple good movies in the theatre or that new cafe down the street... We should ask Denki, he looks like the kinda dude to have this kinda experience", Kirishima rambled on and on, which all went over the blond's head, too busy calming the thumping in his chest, his head steaming.
Shaking his head, Bakugou took a deep breath in. "Fuck that, We have training at Ground Beta in half an hour. We'd better start heading over and warming up." Bakugou said, ushering Kirishima out of his room. Closing the door shut, He put his forehead to the cool wood at the thought of facing you at the Ground- knowing you, you must be having a panic attack at the mere thought of your sketchbook being missing- fuck- now that he thought of it, that was fucking selfish of him to do. He wondered if he could slip it into your dorm room while you were on the ground- he could fake an injury or a fever or something, he'd just have to convince Aizawa Sensei. A tough task in itself.
You stood next to Uraraka at Ground Beta. You shifted your weight from one foot to another as your fingers fiddled with your hair, still anxious over how you couldn't find your sketchbook this morning. Bakugou was stretching with the boys in some distance, taking note of how you couldn't hide how anxious you were. Almost in tears, you thought about the possible scenarios. What if someone had taken your book? What if they'd shown Bakugou? What if they'd leaked it all around UA? Your hero career was as good as over.
Aizawa Sensei walked onto the ground, patting your back as he took notice of how down you were. Aizawa Sensei started reading off the pairings for training. You shook your head, taking in deep breaths while steadying yourself to get your head in the game. UA wasn't for the weak and you weren't going to let something as small as this drag you down- they were just sketches and you could always claim the book wasn't yours, un-named as the book was.
"YN/LN and Bakugou Katsuki, please make your way to the centre of Ground Beta."
You physically flinched as you grimaced at the pairing. Uraraka gave you a small push, urging you to step forward. Aizawa Sensei gave you the side eye, wondering what kind of argument you and Bakugou had again, prompting this kind of reaction from you. Little did he know, huh?
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TAGLIST: @lovra974 Thanks so much for keeping up with the series~
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✶ DEMO (TBA) ✶
It's always the picture-perfect days that end the shittiest...
You had finally been having a good day after a horrible week-- nice weather, good company, and you got your manager off your ass-- but you should have known that was only the calm before the storm. A storm that completely rips apart not only your life but that of your family-- not the ones related by blood, you had given up on them long ago, but the people that had taken you in and given you a home. The Vipers, the most reputable gang in the Northside of Riverwood, and the only family you had left.
The boss is dead... We have no leads.
A single message had completely turned your life on its head. The man that had singlehandedly saved you from yourself, from ending up face down in a gutter, was dead. You don't hesitate in volunteering to help hunt down his killer-- not if it meant protecting your family and avenging his death. Even if it means calling on your biggest rivals for help or getting assisted by an over-eager detective.
Desperate times called for desperate measures...
Desperate Measures is rated 18+ for explicit language, sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, violence, intense interrogations, blood, questionable behavior, and more.
✶ Features ✶ Character Intros (WIP) ✶
Customize your MC: appearance, parts of your personality, segments of your background, hobbies, vices, and more! Do you have what it takes to avenge the death of your mentor? Do you have a nickname that's specific to the Vipers?
While you're investigating make sure you maintain contact with your gang, and don't forget that you have a job. Even if it is just at a shitty cafe.
Romance is definitely something that is offered and will bring insightful moments to characters that may otherwise remain an enigma to you. Or, of course, you can strike up a friendship with them!
Find a killer and either take justice into your own hands, allow someone else to do it, or follow the law!
✶ The ROs ✶
Heather Grant ✶ She/Her ✶ 29 ✶
The Heiress of Riverwood Royalty, the Grant Family, and one of the only people that could offer assistance with the investigation-- with her limitless amount of resources and the fact that the Grant Family seemed to own all of Riverwood. The only problem? She absolutely hates the Vipers. Will you be able to come to some sort of middle ground?
Special Aspects: Enemies-to-Lovers, but will you be able even to blame her for her hatred in the end?
Damien Frost ✶ He/Him ✶ 29 ✶
A recently promoted detective within the RPD. A man that's been assigned the case, either out of pity or malevolence, you aren't quite sure, but Detective Frost isn't one to give up, even when all the odds seem to be stacked against him. In fact, he seems to have a penchant to appear wherever you are, and he doesn't seem to mind at all that he's working alongside criminals. He simply wants to get the crime solved. Is it only because he wishes to prove himself? Or is it something more?
Special Aspects: Law Enforcement Officer with a Gangster... Need I say more?
Stephen/Stephanie Matthews ✶ He/Him or She/Her ✶ 27 ✶
Stephen/Stephanie, or simply Stevie, is someone you know you can count on no matter what. They'd as easily offer you their last beer as they would knife someone in the gut to protect you. Your best friend since you joined the Vipers, being the one that had trained you after your initiation, it's no surprise that they join you on the hunt for the killer.
Special Aspects: Best Friends to Lovers
Gabriel/Gabriella DeLuca ✶ He/Him or She/Her ✶ 28 ✶
The other half of your motley crew within the Vipers. Gabby is known for a multitude of things within the Northside, being a jack of all trades when it comes to their skills, but their true trademark is the sea of broken hearts they've left in their wake. With a disarming smile and devil-may-care attitude, it isn't hard to understand how someone could be pulled into their axis. It's just escaping it unscathed that's the challenge.
Special Aspects: Have the option to be friends with benefits, or simply friends, and see how that could influence the possible romance to come.
Leon/Lena Prince ✶ He/Him or She/Her ✶ 28 ✶
The one person you wouldn't wish to run into within Riverwood-- having completely destroyed your relationship with them; possibly breaking their heart in the process. You haven't heard much about them since you left the Southside, but learning about them taking over the rival gang of the Vipers? Your week just couldn't get any better, could it?
Special Aspects: Exes-to-Rivals-to-Friends-to-Lovers (once more). Will you be able to build back the trust you lost?
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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It's finally done cooking, my sims gameplay ideas list! After scouring all types of sites, generators, lists, and my brain for ingredients, I've come up with a list stew that hopefully will spark some inspiration for your sims gameplays!
This non exhaustive list consists of ideas that are applicable to sims gameplay/things to do in-game. AKA things that can be played out in the sims or half pretended. If you're looking for less-gameplay story ideas, I recommend my story/conflict idea list. Most of the conflict and love ideas are on that list. Please feel free to send asks to add to the gumbo! Just note in your ask that it's for the gumbo and keep it applicable/feasible for gameplay. (To keep the post from getting too long I'll make a contributor list into a compressed image later on for those who send off-anon.)
If you are looking for more complex, in-game story ideas check out the Story Soup list here!
🍲 Gumbo below the cut! ⬇
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Single Sim Gameplay:
Learn an instrument
Learn a new skill
Start a seashell collection (Island Living)
Have a sim get a bad haircut
Enroll an Adult/Elder sim in university
Use a skill you don’t usually play with
Become a mountain climber
Build a Servo
Take care of local strays
Use more likes/dislikes
Drop out of or fail university
Drop out or fail out of highschool
Talk badly about another sim in your house to other sims
Sim loses their job
Failed retail business
Foster a child
Parties for children
Have a baby shower
Have a slumber party
A grandparent/other family member moves in with your main household
Have a specific family holiday tradition besides the in-game ones
Family bike rides
Game night
Parent trains child in their sport
Family hikes at Granite Falls
Family volunteering
Bake sale (entrepreneur table)
Have a family photoshoot
Have teens study at the library
Have your teen go through a bad fashion phase
Host an exchange student
Make school picture day photos (Teen poses, children poses)
Have an arts & crafts day
Go fishing as a family
Have a specific weekly meal (spaghetti night, a fancy meal)
Make ice cream together (Cool Kitchen Stuff)
Wear matching pajamas for holidays
Have a bake off
Play with voidcritters (Kids Room Stuff)
Granola family (camping, hiking, low tech, simple living)
Play in a multi-generational household
Family reunion
Unexpected baby
Have siblings share a room
Sports party night (e.g. watching the superbowl, world cup, etc)
Start a book club (with clubs)
Have a themed kids birthday party (Here’s a helpful website for ideas)
Have a potluck (buffet tables)
Garden party
Neighborhood party
Neighborhood holiday decorating contest
Host a haunted house in your home
Barbeque party
Go to the arcade
Go regularly to restaurants (Dine Out Reloaded Mod to make restaurants tolerable)
Have an out of control party (maybe a teen party)
Go camping
Go to an Ice skating rink/roller skating rink
Spa day (at home or at a spa)
Make an army of snowpals
Movie night
Stargazing night/camp out in the backyard
Weekly bowling night
Museum trip
Karaoke night at home
Campfire night
Pool day
Weekly meetups with friends at a cafe
Try on wedding dresses with a bridal party
Have someone stay over (Growing Together)
Hook up with a service sim
Have a vacation romance
Have a “meet the parents” moment
Have an affair
Marital fight
Rejected proposal
Throuple/Open Relationship (Open Love Life Mod)
Left at the altar
Use fear of commitment, jealous, or unflirty trait
Create a rocky marriage
Spend too much money on a vacation
Play with lot challenges
Use simple living (only cook with ingredients and do grocery orders)
Don’t clean up after sims (don’t drag plates, laundry, trash)
Use the Reduce and Recyle lot challenge for realism
Use the Filthy lot challenge to make cleaning harder
Lose a large sum of money
Randomize your sims’ traits as they age up
Have puppies and kittens
A serious house fire (either with cheating or with fireworks. There is also a mod for more intense fires here
Spring cleaning
Garage sale
Visit houses before you move into them
Create a storage room/attic (Eco Living boxes, Discover University chest, toy chest, treasure chest etc) Use this for old heir’s items if you are playing a legacy
Start a garden (herb, vegetables)
Renovate the house
Watch what your pets are doing
Adopt a stray animal
Teach your pets tricks
Upgrade objects
Have a home bar/rec room
Go on a vacation
Play with roommates (additionally have them be odd, difficult, or a romance option)
Have an always messy home
Hire a live-in butler
Hire a regular maid
Play in a sustainable community on one of the islands/isolated areas. (community farm, community space, homes)
Play in a tiny home (Tiny Living)
Play in a haunted house residential (Paranormal Stuff)
Become an Archaeologist. Live in Sulani and regularly visit Selvadorado for work
Art gallery: sell your paintings or buy them off Plopsy/Buy Mode
Play a career you don’t usually play
Winter sports store in Mt. Komorebi
Own a farmstand for your produce (Eco Lifestyle entrepreneur table) You can even build a small building for it on your property!
Pet supplies store 
Plant store
Tourist gift shop
Mattress/Bed   store
Florist shop (Flower Arranging Skill)
Juicery (Juice Fizzing Skill)
Yoga studio (host classes at a retail business or at a home studio)
Start a Bed and Breakfast/AirBnB with the roommate system
Become a celebrity in a path besides Actor/Actress (Author, Chef, Video Creator, Skier, etc.)
Food truck (Restaurant)
Fish stall (Entrepreneur table)
Make a living on Plopsy
Wool store (Cottage Living)
Natural health store (Herbalism)
Resources Used
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porcelainseashore · 9 days
Into the Ether (9)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death, RE ensemble, VtM concepts.
Authors' Note: Implied child kidnapping ahead.
Taglist: @admirxation @angelstargel @miss-oranje-disco-dancer ❤️‍🔥
AO3 Link
Chapter 9: Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Another night, another part of the mystery to solve. But first, you had agreed to go into work. Nothing was going to stop you, not even the ‘Prince’s orders’. Something about having a nightly routine kept you sane and grounded you in reality. Not that what you were experiencing wasn’t real, but you didn’t want to lose touch with the living. You didn’t want to become like… Leon?
You heaved a disheartened sigh thinking about it. You’d been giving the man the silent treatment ever since returning from the Spencer Mansion, and you didn’t like it one bit. Hurting people wasn’t something you enjoyed — be it ignoring them out of spite or acting in a way that would lead to someone’s unfair demise. It didn’t help that you were constantly being reminded of how powerless and insignificant you were. Was this the best you could do when taking a stand? Or was there something more?
Working felt like walking. You went through the motions: socializing with your colleagues, pandering to customers, planning out the next month’s events program, making a couple of calls along the way, and your personal favorite — sorting out the cafe’s finances. Even the Redfields showed up, informing you and by extension, Leon, that they were still on the suitor’s case and would have something juicy for you soon.
“Do you ever miss the sun?” you wondered out loud. 
It had barely been a week since you turned, but you were already bemoaning the fact that you wouldn’t be able to live to see it. Although the nights were longer now that the year had entered into its colder period, you had thought ahead, speculating how it would be like when summer returned again. That was depressing.
“Always,” Claire responded, patting your shoulder empathetically.
“Best not to think about it,” Chris chimed in, taking a swig from his beer bottle. “You’ll get used to it at some point, and besides, there’s always YouTube.”
“Very helpful, Chris,” his sister huffed in disdain, forcefully backhanding her brother so that he choked on a bit of his beer.
“What the fuck, sis?” he groaned, wiping the beer stains off his clothes with his bare hands in annoyance. “On my nice shirt as well.”
For some reason the constant bickering between the siblings caused you to double over in laughter and they looked at you in amusement. After you recovered from your giggling fit, you pointed to Chris' bottle, asking, “So you can do that thing of actually enjoying what you eat and drink?”
“Uh huh.”
“Maybe you can teach me?” you tested the waters. “Leon was supposed to, but—” You stopped yourself in your tracks, realizing that you’d have to share a lot more than you would be comfortable with.
Unfortunately, Claire was perceptive enough. “Trouble in Paradise?” she suggested, only to continue on her train of thought when you didn’t answer, “Whatever it is, you don’t have to tell me. He may be a prick who needs a nudge in the right direction, but he’ll come around.”
She pressed her arm against the wall and leaned forward with a mischievous grin. “And I hate to say this, but he’s actually a good guy.”
The expression on your face must’ve given away how you felt when Claire had uttered those last words. She quickly peppered it with, “He must’ve screwed up pretty bad, huh?”
“Let’s just say it’s one screw up after the other,” you finally replied.
Chris gave a low chuckle, “Sounds like him alright.” He shrugged. “Can’t blame the guy for trying though.”
“Alright, I’ll let you in on something,” Claire began, only to be interrupted by her brother.
“Oh man, not again! Can’t ever keep your goddamn mouth shut, can you?” he scolded.
“Shut up, Chris! She’s cool with us, you know that,” she retorted and he conceded, though you could still hear him grumbling in the background.
Turning towards you triumphantly, she continued, “I’ll keep it short. He saved my brother's skin; I owed him a life boon, and Chris probably did too, but he turned it down in the end.”
“Yeah, said something about not wanting to take advantage,” Chris piped up, shaking his head in disbelief. “To this night, it still floors me.”
What they had said gave you some pause. It seemed as though Leon had a bunch of demons to confront, and there was always an internal battle waging. You just hadn’t been able to break through. But did you want to in the end? Or would you just leave him to rot in his own misdoings? You weren’t anyone’s savior and you didn’t want to be. You simply wanted to do what felt right to you.
“Guess there’s a lot more to him that I don’t know about,” you mused.
Chris’ wide palm met your back with a loud thump that reverberated across your chest. “Hey, chin up, kid. It’ll take a while, but you’ll get there. Us Brujahs don’t give up without a fight.” His brown eyes lit up and crinkled, fine lines of crow’s feet fanning out from the corners. “And no matter what anyone says, I still think you’re one at heart.”
“Brujah, huh? I like the sound of that.” A crooked smile played across your lips as you laid your cards out on the table. “I’ve heard you’re fierce fighters. Mind showing me a few tricks? Just so I know how to fend for myself.”
Chris stood taller, eyeing you with curiosity as a sense of pride visibly swelled in his chest.
“I could throw in a supply of beers on the house to sweeten the deal,” you added, pointing at the empty bottle he was clutching at his side.
He barked out a laugh before responding, “Well, now that you put it that way, you’ve got my hands tied.” Placing his bottle down on a table beside him, he agreed, “Sure, I’ll give you some tips, but a word of warning: I don’t go easy.”
The rest of your shift went by without event, until Leon dropped by to pick you up for the next meeting planned that night. Since neither of you had gotten any real leads on the case yet, he thought it best to visit the Bakers first before heading back to NEST, where the Primogens' offices were and where Jill would be waiting impatiently for answers. 
In the jeep, the atmosphere was thick with tension, though along the way, he tried to cut through it with some advice. “I know you’re still upset and don’t want to talk, but I need to prepare you for this.” 
He tapped on the steering wheel nervously. “As Malkavians, the Bakers all suffer from some form of affliction following their Embrace. In this case, they believe a little girl called Eveline is part of the family, except no one else can see her.”
“You mean she’s invisible?”
The car swerved off-center as Leon glanced over at you, startled by your response. It was the first time you had spoken to him in a while. You clung onto the grab handle and yelled, “Keep your fucking eyes on the road!”
“Shit, um, sorry!” He focused his attention back to his driving, quickly stabilizing the vehicle before he spoke up again. “And, uh, no. I mean, we don’t think she actually exists.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Okay, and is that going to be a problem?”
“Not if you pretend she does,” he stated plainly. “Otherwise, they’ll get really provoked if you don’t interact with Eveline.”
“Right, thanks for the heads up.” You nodded curtly. “Anything else I should know?”
“Yeah, well, uh, just be—”
“Careful. Got it,” you finished the sentence for him.
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” he emphasized. “These folks have always been rather isolated from the Camarilla. Last I heard, they don’t take kindly to strangers sticking their noses where they don’t belong. So, if all hell breaks loose in there, I want you to book it and run, alright?”
You frowned, shifting your gaze in his direction. If his intention was to allay your fears, he had done nothing but heighten them. “What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me.” He flashed you a reassuring smile, but you could make out the hint of unease in the curl of his lips. “Take the car keys when we reach the place, so you have your escape route if needed.”
You let his words linger in the air as you kept quiet throughout the rest of the ride.
Reaching the outskirts of Raccoon City, you were traveling along Stone-Ville Road, where there was nothing but open land. The trees had been cleared from the forest, and multiple estuaries flowed from the Raccoon Dam. The area was sparsely populated, with only a smattering of houses spread out from each other in the distance. At some point, Leon made a left turn into a side road, heading towards a decrepit-looking estate that was slightly off the beaten track. It appeared to bear some similarities to the Spencer Mansion back in Arklay Forest, causing a spine-tingling shiver to sweep through your body.
“Designed by the same architect from the Trevor & Chamberlain fame,” Leon pointed out, seemingly able to read your mind.
“That guy from New York?” You remembered reading about him in magazine articles and the mystery of his disappearance as people mourned the loss of a genius.
“Yeah, so expect surrealist stuff, including puzzles and secret passageways,” he cautioned.
You balked at the thought of having to enter yet another labyrinth like the one at the Tremere Chantry.
“It’s just for a friendly chat,” he asserted, his calming blue gaze meeting yours. “I doubt there’s any need for us to explore the house, unless they make things difficult.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” you muttered, tucking the car keys into your pocket as you stepped in front of a formidable, rusty gate.
It was unlocked, and as Leon pushed it open, it screeched on its hinges like a dead woman's wail, beckoning you towards the crumbling building before you, which was long past its heyday. The refurbished plantation house, where you assumed the Baker family lived, was part of a larger ranch estate, and it looked like something straight out of a slasher flick.
Leon pressed the doorbell, waiting to see if there was any sign of life. A light switched on, its mellow rays filtered through the window shades, and you heard hurried footsteps on the wooden floorboards until the door swung open. An older lady with her dark hair tied back in a loose ponytail peered at both of you in confusion. She wore a tattered, sweat-stained button-up blouse and a brown skirt. Her coarse and wrinkled skin still carried an unfaded tan, suggesting a life of manual labor, where she had tended to the animals and fields under the sweltering sun.
“Can I help you, miss, mister?” she asked in a heavy Southern drawl. “We weren’t expecting anyone at this time.”
“Ma’am,” he dipped his head politely in acknowledgement. “Sorry for intruding on you like this, but there wasn’t any other way to contact you.”
“Well, we don’t want no trouble, young man. Just mindin’ our own business, that’s all.” Shifting nervously from foot to foot, she fiddled with the hem of her cotton blouse, glancing over her shoulder every now and then at a blank space behind her.
Your attention was drawn to the area she kept looking at, and as you concentrated on it, the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. You had the strangest sense that someone was there, but you couldn’t make out any shape or figure, just an energy. An icy chill gripped your head, as if cold hands were feeling along the grooves of your brain. You shuddered, realizing that whoever it was knew that you were aware of its presence.
“We don’t want any trouble either,” Leon assured, raising his palms slightly to indicate a truce. “We just have some questions we could use your help on, regarding an attack a couple of nights ago.”
The woman still clutched onto the door apprehensively. “Why? Who sent you?”
“The Prince put us on the investigation,” he disclosed warily.
At that moment, a shadowy figure materialized behind the woman, taking a few seconds before you could make out his features in the dim light. He was an older man, around the same age as her, balding and wearing spectacles. Likewise, his yellow striped shirt and beige pants were worn and filthy, as though he hadn’t changed out of it for decades.
“Prince?” he questioned defensively, placing his hand on the small of the woman’s back. “What does the Prince want? We didn’t do nothing wrong, son.”
“No, you didn’t,” Leon agreed, quickly following up with an explanation to assuage the man. “We have the assailants in custody, but it appears they’ve been brainwashed and manipulated through Dementation — a skill that you’re well-versed in.”
The man eyed him like a hawk as Leon continued, treading on thin ice. “We thought we could use your expertise, and if you might’ve picked up on anything out of the ordinary in the vicinity.”
There was a pregnant pause before the man relented, “Fine, you got 5 minutes to ask us anything you wanna know, son.” Pushing the door wide open, he gestured for you to enter. “Come on in.”
As you stepped into the gloomy premises, he pointed at you, flashing a warning glance in your direction. “And no more snoopin’ around, young lady.”
Oh, right. You must’ve unwittingly activated one of your powers earlier to sense his presence, when he had relied on his Obfuscate Discipline to remain hidden. “Sorry, my bad,” you mumbled. “It was an accident.”
He nodded, turning around to make his way into the living room where a dining table was situated. “You girls can come out now,” he hollered. 
You saw a younger woman with jagged, short hair emerge in a similar fashion to how the man did before, sitting at one of the chairs at the table. Despite that, you greeted two people as Leon had instructed, and he followed suit. A round of introductions followed, where you learnt that the older couple were Jack and Marguerite and their two daughters, Zoe and Eveline, with the latter being the youngest at 10 years old.
Marguerite disappeared into the kitchen for a bit, only to return with a tray of crockery. She handed out cups to everyone and poured a red, viscous liquid from a teapot. Jack grumbled in the corner that it was meant to be a short meeting, but at the same time, couldn’t help but appreciate his wife’s hospitality. Bringing the cup to your nose, the liquid smelled musky, like earth, and you wondered where it came from.
“It’s the best I can offer at such last minute notice,” she apologized, wiping her hands on her blouse as she sat herself down. Twisting her head in the direction of the empty seat next to Zoe, she cooed, “But Evie likes it, don’t ya, sweetheart? That’s it, drink up now. Little piggy’s blood is good for you.”
You watched as the cup on the table remained motionless, while Marguerite bombarded the invisible entity with sweet words of encouragement. Trying to ease the awkwardness in such a situation, you took a mouthful of the liquid from your cup. It was the first time you tasted animal blood and as much as you hated to admit it, it was incredibly bland compared to human blood. Like a simple gruel versus a gourmet meal. Then again, neither could bagged blood beat the real thing, though you tried not to dwell on it. You smiled politely over at Zoe, who threw you a sympathetic look.
“You’re new, huh?” she asked shyly, cocking her head as she gazed at you.
“Mm hm, about a week.” You took another sip and pursed your lips, swallowing the liquid like a chore that had to be done.
“Ooh, a baby!” Marguerite interjected, suddenly interested in the conversation between you and Zoe. You imagined she was the social butterfly of the group. “Maybe Evie can show you a few tricks.”
At this, Leon rested his hand over your arm protectively, forcing a strained smile. “Perhaps another time? We really should get down to business.”
“Ah, city boys and their ‘business’,” Jack remarked, stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. “Well, what can we do for ya?”
You heard Leon speak, but his voice seemed to drone on with the others, and out of nowhere you started to enter a tunnel vision. In your line of sight, you spotted a framed photo of the Baker family, though something was amiss. There was a young man in the picture you hadn’t met yet. He was thin and lanky, and had a hoodie on that obscured part of his face. Leaning back on the couch, he stared directly back at you with a bored look in his hollowed eyes.
It took you a while, but you managed to snap out of it, uttering the first thought that came to your mind, “Is that your son, mister?”
All at once, the mood in the room shifted, taking a dramatic turn for the worse. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on you as Jack ordered ominously, “Get the hell out.”
You opened your mouth in protest, but Leon beat you to it, rising up from his seat as he contended, “Look, she didn’t mean anything by it. We’re sorry, alright? Could we just—”
“Shut your goddamn mouth, boy!” Jack bellowed, his command resonating across the room.
Leon’s body grew rigid and he remained mute. Dread seeped into your bones as you observed the previous scene of peace and tranquility descend into an utter nightmare.
“Mama, Evie’s getting upset,” Zoe announced in a tiny voice.
“Argh! See what you’ve done now?” Marguerite shrieked as she stomped around the room in a temper tantrum. “This is your fault!” she accused, glaring at you and Leon.
“You barge into our house and threaten my family? This won’t do!” Jack shook his head menacingly as his eyes glowered. “I’m just gonna have to teach you a lesson.”
His eyes changed into an otherworldly shade and Marguerite joined him, speaking in tongues. They gazed at Leon as if engaged in a séance. However, Zoe remained separate from their antics, looking on in fright. You stood rooted to where you were, bracing for the worst, but nothing happened. It was only when you saw Leon sink to the ground on his knees, his face pale as a sheet, that you realized he was bearing the brunt of your transgression.
He was taken back to years ago, at the height of his blood bond, where he would do anything to win Ada’s affection. Her interest in him had begun to wane and he was sure she was seeing another lover. But this time, he would bring her the vessel that would change her mind about him and guarantee her everlasting love.
There he was, at that godforsaken group home, the one linked to the Catholic church he had frequented when he was still alive, and where he would sell his damned soul for a second time to the Devil. All it took was a flash of his police credentials and a charm or two from his arsenal of skills he had honed to entrance the nuns keeping watch over the children.
“Sherry, are you ready to go?” He extended a hand towards her. 
This wasn’t his first rodeo. Ada and him had been noticing the little girl for a while, testing to see if she would be a worthy vessel for the Prince himself. After all, Ventrues were extremely fussy drinkers and Wesker expected a Michelin star meal every single time. The only thing stopping him from delivering the girl over was a vague sense of morality he still had within him. But he was desperate enough now to dash it to the ground for a chance at his sire’s approval again.
The girl had dressed into her school uniform, a hairband holding her blond tresses out of her face as she peered up excitedly at him. “Yes, let’s go!”
She would have done anything to get away from the home where she never slept well and felt alone despite being in a room full of kids around her age. Where Leon was taking her sounded like a glorious fairytale. A palace with a prince, she imagined, a place where she would be treated to all the luxuries her current life could never afford her.
“Oh god, no!” he cried out, doubling over on the grimy floor of the Baker House. 
Sherry was haunting him again. Everywhere he looked, he saw multiple copies of her like a cracked mirror reflecting her ghost on its uneven surface. He heard layer upon layer of her laughter, jumbled and out of sync, mocking and taunting him. Paranoia sank in and he curled himself into a fetal position, pleading for no one in particular to forgive him.
“Sherry, please, we have to go!” he urged. 
This was years later, when he had some sense knocked into him from the time he hung out with the Anarchs. He wanted to right his wrongs, and free the girl who was never meant to be trapped in the underworld in the first place.
But she had changed. She was older and wiser, and knew exactly what she wanted — it was definitely not to leave.
Yanking her hand back, she kicked her feet, stamping on the ground as she yelled, “No! I want to stay!”
He was shocked by her absolute conviction in remaining within the prison where she was held, like a pretty songbird for the rest of the Kindred to gawk at. “But…”
“You can’t make me!” she screamed, red in the face.
Rendered speechless, he didn’t know what else to do than stare at the crying child before him with his jaw hanging open. He thought he was saving her, like a knight in shining armor, but she didn’t need any saving. She was perfectly happy where she was.
“One day, I’ll get you out of there. I promise,” he babbled on repeatedly, reduced to nothing but a trembling mess before the Malkavians.
During the entire period when Leon appeared to be suffering from a mental breakdown, you were torn about what to do. He had told you to bolt the minute something like this took place, but you couldn’t leave him to fend for himself in this state. You didn’t understand what he was blabbering on about. Was Sherry his sister? Where was she? What happened to her?
A million thoughts raced through your mind, but you shut them down. You needed to pry Leon away from the family’s cold clutches and keep him safe. Mustering your courage, you approached the one who seemed to be the most reasonable of the lot. She still sat in her chair, gazing upon the scene with a vacant yet troubled expression.
“Zoe?” you called out softly, hoping it wouldn’t escalate the situation. “Please, we don’t mean any harm.”
Her eyes darted towards you.
“I know you’re just trying to protect your family,” you deduced, especially from the way they had been on edge the moment you stepped onto their property and inadvertently brought up one of their own.
“We need the information, but I swear to you we will keep whoever it is you’re trying to protect safe,” you promised.
Her breath hitched, and she looked at you with glassy eyes. In the background, you could hear Leon’s gut-wrenching whines of pain.
“Zoe, please!” you begged, your brows furrowing and tears on the verge of spilling from your eyes. You couldn’t bear to witness him in such agony any longer. It felt like your heart was shattering into pieces, though you couldn’t explain why.
“Eveline, stop,” her calm voice sliced through the air and the buzzing energy died down. 
Her parents came out of their hypnotic state and Leon stopped shaking uncontrollably, though he backed himself into a corner in fear. You rushed to his side, holding him in your arms as you checked his eyes to see if he had fully returned to the present.
“You stayed…” he whispered, reaching out to touch your face, as though he was trying to ascertain if you were real.
In an instant, you pulled him into an embrace, rocking him gently as you stroked his hair. “You’re okay, Leon. You’re safe.”
After a while, he relaxed into your arms and his breathing returned to its normal tempo. The Bakers exchanged worried looks but said nothing as they gave him time to recover. Finally, Jack broke the silence. “I-I’m sorry about what happened there, son. Just been a lot going on these days.”
You turned around, deciding to take the reins as you spoke for the two of you, “I understand, and as I promised your daughter, we’ll make sure that, um—”
“Lucas,” Marguerite offered.
“—Lucas won’t get hurt.”
Jack nodded, taking off his glasses as he wiped the sweat off his brow. “You see, how we work is through what others call premonitions or clairvoyance, and all that mumbo-jumbo.” 
Clearing his throat, he continued, “Well, lately we’ve been sensing a bunch of Sabbat activity in the city. Their symbols are everywhere, like little red hotspots across the center. They’re planning more of these attacks for sure, just heading down along the river.”
“Circular River?” you probed.
“Uh huh, the one closest to town,” he concurred. “And, uh, I’m guessing you were also here about the Cobweb?”
He swallowed anxiously as Marguerite took over. “It don’t always speak to us, and sometimes it’s hard to make out what it says. But we heard somethin’ the other night.”
She paused, adjusting her hair restlessly before she divulged, “It was Lucas’ voice, carried like a wave by a thousand voices, saying his name is nobody. That stood out, but we don’t know why.”
Nobody said they were nobody…
You caught a flicker of recognition in Leon’s eyes as you recalled what the man had said during Jill’s interrogation. Was Lucas responsible for all of this?
“Where’s Lucas now?” Leon asked, his voice still a little unsteady.
“He don’t want to be found.” Jack shrugged dejectedly. “My boy’s always been a real firecracker. Left home one day and never came back. We think he’s with them — the Sabbat.”
“But he’s a good boy,” his wife insisted. “Please don’t hurt him.”
“We just want him to come home,” Zoe added. “Evie wants her big brother back.”
The joy and curse of familial bonds. You could get behind that.
“We won’t breathe a word about Lucas,” you pledged, overriding your sire’s authority as you answered on behalf of him as well. “Right, Leon?”
You could see the discomfort in his expression, though he grunted an affirmative reply.
As Jack showed you out of the house, you thanked him and his family for their assistance, though a final question came to your mind. “Can Dementation have long-lasting effects?”
“With the right choice of words, it can.”
To play it safe, you took over the driving on the way back as you and Leon discussed the information you had gleaned from the Bakers.
“You think Lucas is the one?” you asked as you stopped at a red light.
“No, I don’t think he worked alone,” he opined. “It took two of the Bakers to bring me to my knees.”
There was a momentary pause as he clenched his fist at the memory, exhaling another deep breath of air. “I know we are talking about manipulating a group of lesser vampires, but unless he’s a prodigy we’ve never discovered, there were most likely others involved at the same time.”
“Makes sense,” you agreed, easing off on the brake pedal to switch over to the accelerator as the lights went green again.
“You still want to protect the guy, even after what he did?”
Your grip tightened on the steering wheel, causing your knuckles to turn white. A promise was a promise, and there was more than enough bloodshed these nights.
“Yes,” you forced the answer out through gritted teeth. “Got a problem with that?”
“I admire you,” he murmured, dispelling your misgivings. “Your compassion.”
You felt your anger dissolve as you followed up with a suggestion. “It’s never too late, you know?”
He gave you a weak smile but remained silent for the ride home.
Back at his apartment, you noticed that he still seemed shaken by the night's events as he kicked off his shoes and sat on the couch, gazing blankly into space. Was he going to doze off in that position? You had already changed into a loose muslin nightdress and gone through the usual bedtime preparations.
Strolling over, you sat down beside him, trying to strike up a conversation. “They spooked you real bad, huh?”
He didn’t laugh at your joke, though he acknowledged it. “You can say that again.”
This wasn’t like him at all. You grabbed his shoulder in concern. “Hey, you don't seem okay.”
“I’ll be fine,” he sighed, looking away from you to his lap. “And… thank you for back there.”
“I would never abandon you like that,” you stressed, even if you hadn’t forgiven him for turning you… yet. 
He glanced at you with his watery blue eyes in appreciation, but you could tell that his mind was in a distant place elsewhere. Even though he tried to hide it, you saw his hands quivering, and you hoped that what the Bakers had done wasn’t permanent. You knew he was trying to put on a brave front, but a part of you felt uneasy about leaving him on his own.
“Um, why don’t you sleep next to me today?” you offered hesitantly.
He peered at you quizzically. “You sure?”
“Yeah, just get dressed, alright?” You made your way up the stairs and waited for him by the bed before he could argue any further.
He joined you later, clad in a plain t-shirt and sweatpants, keeping a respectable distance as he lay beside you. There was a nervous energy to him.
You drew nearer, caressing his arm tenderly. “We don’t have to talk about whatever you saw in there,” you affirmed. “I’m here if you need me.”
He tucked your hair behind your ear as a stray tear fell onto his face. Wrapping your arms around him, you closed the gap, breathing in his scent as you felt his hands along your waist. It seemed as if an eternity had passed before you released each other. His nose nudged against yours as his warm breath grazed your cheek. When his gaze lowered to your lips, you didn’t have to think or doubt what would come next. 
Leaning in, he placed his soft lips over your own, kissing you intimately as he savored your taste in his mouth. Instinctively, you kissed back, running your fingers through his messy locks as your tongue licked across the seam of his lips. A low moan escaped his throat as he pressed up against you, claiming your lips again and again. It was the last thing you remembered as daysleep enveloped you like a cocoon, lulling you into a temporary hibernation.
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Together Again | JJK *part 1*
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Pairings: Jungkook/Reader
Genre: Mature themes. Romance. Angst. Arranged marriage AU. Childhood best friends to lovers AU.
Warnings: cheating, reader is a rope bunny (ALLEGEDLY), hard!dom JK, switch!reader, reader likes to be slutted out, drunken sex, unplanned pregnancy(this is in the end dw😅), cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), fighting (talk shit get hit) daddy!kink, praise!kink, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling. Just all around nasty y’all.
Summary: After reader finds her long-term boyfriend in bed with their mutual friend. She moves back into her family home, but under one condition. She has to marry her childhood friend that has been arranged since their childhood. For a wedding gift they go to a mountainous getaway with a group of friends, reader is told that ex and mutual friend get invited, so reader and jk decide to pretend not to know each other to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
Authors note: Hi! Sorry it’s so late but here it is. I hope you guys enjoy. I’m making this into a series. I feel like it’s a little unprofessional not to have a masterlist but I’m working on that too. Just bare with me please in new to this lol. Also feel free to ask me any questions, or express your honest opinions Im all ears good or bad. Should I make a tag list?
‘How the fuck did I get here’
You thought as you sat in you car, filled with you things. You had just left the home YOU bought after catching your boyfriend Yunwoo cheating one you.. With your supposedly best friend. Sitting there thinking, you should’ve saw the signs. They were there right in front of your face. You felt like a fool. Luckily you’ve always kept a cool head, or else you would’ve done something you’d regret. You honestly wished you did. You wanted them to hurt just as much as they hurt you, but you knew if wouldn’t change anything so why stress yourself out about it. But silence is the best way to get under someone’s skin isn’t it. No matter how much he cried and apologized. You didn’t turn back, you’ll never go back to him. That a promise you made to yourself on you journey back home.
Earlier that day:
“Hey y/n what can I get you” the barista, you’ve gotten to know over the years asks, “Let me have my usual please Janine, oh! And can you serve it really hot please, thank you.” You were making you your normal daily rounds that day, which normally started out with a hot coffee at your favorite cafe when you realized you forgot you wallet back at the house. “Ah actually scratch that. I seem to have left my wallet at home.” You say, making the sudden realization. “You know what don’t walruses about it it’s on the house,” Janine says with a smile. “That you so much I appreciate the generosity, but I have to go back home anyway. I’ll come back and pay for the coffee.” You just couldn’t shake this strange feeling telling you to go back home. Your boyfriend of 5 years seemed was acting strange this morning. Being overly sweet all of a sudden, waking you up, making you breakfast. It just seemed like he was trying to get you out of the house.
when you pull into the driveway you see his car still out front, but you didn’t find that as strange as you best friend, Cristal car along side his. “Strange,” you say to yourself as you pull into the driveway. She never texted that she was coming over, but you check you phone to be safe. But you still can’t shake the uneasy feeling you have in your gut that something fishy is going on inside your home without you knowing. The calm rational you is telling you to just walk in your home as if it’s nothing, but the bad bitch part of you is telling you to unlock your fence and sneak in though the back door. So that’s just what you do. As you’re sneaking inside your house you notice clothes spread all across you living room floor training up the stairs to your bedroom. “Oh hell nah I know these motherfuckers ain’t- okay.” You whisper to yourself as you tiptoe up the stairs.
As you reach your bedroom you hear the faint sound of laughter behind the door. You decide to listen in on the conversation before letting your presence known. “Why don’t you just leave her already. She can’t make you happy the way I do.” You hear Cristal say. “I’m just waiting for the right time Cristal you know how she can be. She so clingy, she acts like she can’t live without me,” Yunwoo explains to Cristal. You scoff to yourself as head this. “Mmcht yeah right like this isn’t my house you’re freeloading it.” You number to yourself as you lean in closer to get a better listen. No one knew that you were he one that made all the money between you two. Yunwoo didn’t have a job and was too embarrée to move back in with his parents after he dropped out of college. So you bought this home for the both of you to stay in. You on the other hand were and heiress to one of the most biggest, prestigious designing companies in the world. In other words you’re the 1 percent of the q percent. But you’ve always kept it a secret, because it is taboo to mention your wealth in front of other people who are less fortunate.
“well I just don’t see how it’s right to keep pretending and leading her on like this. Im starting to get annoyed just looking at her. She’s so pathetic.” At this point you e already opened the door. They look at you in shock to see you home this early. “Y/n-“ you hold up your hand. Not trying to hear a single word coming out of yunwoo’s mouth, already disgusted. You don’t speak of give them the time of day. Of course you have lots to say, say you listened to their conversation you realized that these people were below you. These people betrayed your trust, and defiled your home. They’re worth less than the dirt on a dog’s paw. And what do you look like speaking to those who aren’t even worthy enough to lick the dirt off of your dogs feet? “Y/n please let’s talk about this like adults.” Yunwoo pleads. All you can do is scoff ass you go around the room and gather your things.
“Yunwoo baby just let her go. You don’t need something like that anyways. She’s not worth the time,” Cristal says picking through her nails. “You know what Cristal you’re right. I don’t need this. I deserve better and y/n baby you can’t give that to me. I’m on to better things in life. While you’re going to be stuck a sad, lonely, bitter, insignificant, bitch no one can stand. So go on. Leave.” Yunwoo, who has more than audacity says to you. You, the classy person you are smile at him, gather your clothes, jewelry, and dog walk away. Leaving everything behind.
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gomapda · 12 days
sidewalks we crossed [side B: him.] (pt. 2)
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this is broken into parts because tumblr has a limit of 1000 blocks.
side A found here! | side B (part 1) found here!
author's note:
part two of side b!
the final installment.
it's been a long journey to get here, and any messages or words i read in the tags of the reblogs were a source of comfort for me during these times. i'm glad that my words resonated with even just one of you.
and of course, thank you for being here.
✧⋆°。☾☼꙳ ੭ * ‧ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ‧ ⨯ ς(>‿<.). ⁺ ✦ * . ˚ ⨯ ੭ * ‧☼☽⋆。°✧
pairing: lee jihoon/woozi (seventeen) x f!reader
genre: romance, fluff
summary: an accidental like, an off-chance comment, a purposeful message. you were in an unrequited love with your childhood best friend and decided to run away from him and your feelings and years later you find yourself in the same city with the same feelings when he stalks your instagram.
rating: 13+
length: 30k (bro WHAT LOL)
tags: idol!jihoon, childhood friend!reader, unrequited love (but not really), reconnection through instagram, this is just different scenes pieced together (including a ton of flashbacks), reader’s nicknames are all bug-themed, reader has depression and it manifests as suicidal ideation sometimes, this is basically real life (aka seventeen exists and debuted 150526), but the years are a little bit off for the trainee period, jihoon left busan later and trained for shorter for the sake of my story hehe, cursing, pining, mamamoo + ateez are the besties of reader, member x member pairings, jihoon and reader are both dumbasses, reader is extremely book smart but has one brain cell when it comes to romantic feelings, jihoon writes music like he’s been divorced 12x, word genius lee jihoon, idk how doctoral degrees work, i only got my masters and it was a non-thesis track lol, also idk how trainee auditions work either, miss communication is a lady we all know too well, super cute soft shit too tho tbh, no beta we die like men, i spent 5 hours trying to format this for tumblr and i’m still unsure
inspired by “drivers license” by olivia rodrigo and “what kind of future?” by woozi
inspo spotify playlist found here!
“Noona, I need help.”
Immediately, the older girl closed the book she was reading, a young adult romance novel and turned her attention to him. “You never ask for my help. What’s going on?”
“I… I like Y/N.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”
Jihoon balked. “What? Does everyone know this already?”
“Y/N doesn’t.”
He groaned loudly.
“Are you finally wanting to tell her?”
“I mean, yeah. I—I just don’t know what to do.”
“Well, I got just the thing for you, Jihoonie.”
Jihoon spent his time trying to come up with some elaborate and dramatic confession (per the advice of his noona). They sat in cafes, picking out different foods that the two of them knew you’d enjoy, scoping out different restaurants, going to the library and her handing him too many romance novels.
After a few weeks, “Noona, you sure this is going to work?”
“What?! Then why am I doing this?”
“I was just curious to see how much you were willing to do for her. She deserves nothing less than the best, you know,” the girl grinned, now revealing her mischievous side, one that he has never seen before. “Jihoon, you really think that she’s going to want anything that’s a grand gesture?”
“Well. No, but I thought you would know her—”
“Jihoonie, there’s no one that knows her better than you, I think. You probably know her and see her for how she really is. More than she can see herself. All you have to do is just tell her the truth. That’s it.”
“…this was a waste of time.”
She hummed. “Hm, nothing came up for you?”
“What do you mean?”
He could see that she was fidgeting with her fingers. She let out a nervous laugh as she said, “I actually wanted to see whether you still liked me. Whether spending time with me was going to change your mind. Not that I wanted it to! But I didn’t want you to be wishy-washy. She needs stability. She’s already chaotic on her own.”
“You knew I liked you?”
“Just a tiny bit.”
He let out a dry laugh. “Would you have given me a chance?”
“Would you have tried?”
The two of them sat there for a moment, mulling over the weight of the words said between them. But they both knew that there was someone else in their lives who mattered more, who they truly yearned for. If Jihoon and his noona ever pursued something, it would’ve just been them trying to find comfort in each other because they couldn’t have who they wished for. They would’ve tried to shape each other to fit the missing puzzle piece, losing the essence of themselves.
Jihoon and his noona were only mere reflections of who they actually wanted, the illusion created because of how much time was spent together. And that image would’ve faded fast.
“No, I don’t think I would have.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Good luck with him.”
“Yeah… good luck with her. It’ll work out.”
Plenty of people could say that his noona was childish, that she should have picked another route to go down. That it all could’ve been left unsaid. But Jihoon was grateful for her choice to do what she did. Because you didn’t deserve that “what if?”. Neither did he. You both needed to be sure.
And he felt it, walking into the restaurant.
He immediately recognized you, even with your head down. He was so used to seeing you from afar that this was a sight that was unfortunately so familiar to him. He walked forward in hopes of closing the distance between the two of you.
“Jihoon! Hey!” Your cousin said, frantically.
Jihoon held back his laughter, the sight of his hyung flustered a rare occurrence. “Hey, hyung.”
“Oh my goodness, it’s our Jihoonie! Hi!”
He could see that her eyes were screaming: save us. Jihoon wondered if he’d be able to. “Hi, noona.”
Ah, there you went.
Your eyes finally met his.
God, so beautiful.
“Hey, firefly.”
“Holy fuck.”
Jihoon was startled. Since when did you curse? And the fuck word too? But it must be a new development considering the other two were making a huge commotion over it. But even in the midst of chastising, you didn’t break eye contact.
“It’s been a while.”
You blinked. “Um. Yes.”
He couldn’t help but smile. This was happening.
His brilliant and warm and fiery sun.
The reason behind why his own light exists.
His guide, his inspiration, his hope.
His firefly.
Close enough to reach out and catch.
But not quite yet.
“So, are you all done eating?”
“No, not even close! Only ordered one pajeon, but feel free to order anything that you want! Oppa will be covering,” his noona responded as she motioned for him to take the seat next to you. He did and immediately felt you tense up beside him. Jihoon mentally cursed at himself. He should’ve asked.
He decided to lean back in his chair to try to mimic the body language he hoped from you: relaxed. “Hyung’s the best.”
“One day, I’ll make you spend that idol money of yours.”
“Alright, it’s a deal.”
You must have recovered from your shock, since you piped up with a, “Wait. Shouldn’t you be careful about eating out? What if someone sees you here? Couldn’t something happen?”
Aw, you were worried for him. “This is a restaurant that’s frequented by SEVENTEEN. This specific table is so far removed in the corner that it’d be hard to get a good look at my face, especially since my back’s to them.”
You looked around and scanned the area, probably noticing the boisterous environment of hweshiks overpowering the casual dining you were partaking in. “Hm. Okay…”
“You worried about me?”
“No, I’m worried I’m going to end up in Dispatch with message requests from sasaeng fans.”
Jihoon felt the color drain from his face. “If you’re uncomfortable with me being here—”
You immediately shook your head. “That was a joke, I guess it was too serious of a reality for it to seem like one. Jihoon, thanks, really. But I’m scary good at ignoring people. Uh… I’m… I’m glad that you’re here. Seriously.” You paused for a moment, probably noticing the tension that he was too aware of. “Because we’re with two weakass eaters so it’s up to us to finish the job. Will you join me on our noble mission?”
He snorted out a ‘yes’ and the table laughed. Your cousin brought up a time where you were crying because you hated wasting food but the dish was too spicy but you were too stubborn to stop eating. You quickly reminded him that he was the one who tapped out first and left a 9-year-old to solve the issue (“Wouldn’t have been a problem for me if you didn’t create one, oppa!”). The four of you spent more time catching up than thinking about what to order until you were all brought back into the reality that you were at a restaurant and ordered nothing but a pajeon and drinks.
The older two let you and Jihoon decide, as you were both pickier eaters than they were. Once the food arrived, you fell into a rhythm of years’ practice. You pushed your portion of fish and beef onto his plate and he pushed his portion of bean sprouts and japchae onto yours. You both split the pork belly serving evenly between the two of you.
His arm would (accidentally) brush against yours but none of the tension remained from earlier. You didn’t retract, you didn’t run away. In fact, you poked his arm for his attention midway in the conversation and he never thought such a small thing could evoke such happiness.
Physical touch was never something that Jihoon craved. In fact, in most cases, he felt negatively towards it. So, the experience of being touch-starved was not something he knew anything about.
That is, until you were gone for two weeks at an academic competition.
Why the hell was an academic competition half a month? And during summer break? What did they expect middle schoolers to do? Solve world hunger with pi? (The number, not the food.)
You were spending your school vacation for the sake of more school.
What a stupid concept.
And you were on the same team as Baek Yunho, the star player of the baseball team and chemistry league. Jihoon saw the way that Yunho would try to come up to you after a game, but you only ever made a beeline towards Jihoon.
He didn’t realize just how much the two of you gravitated towards each other. Between class periods, he’d pinch your nose or flick your forehead or you would attempt to bring him to his knees by pushing your own into the back of his and fail miserably and he would roundhouse kick you in response. If the two of you had the time, you would go over to his house and dig your toes into his ribcage when he totally owned you during a game of Super Smash Bros. And during the summer, usually, you would be sprawled over him, back to back, as he would watch anime or play games on his phone and you would read your summer reading list.
But normal people wouldn’t consider that physical touch.
And yet here he was, genuinely touch-starved, because you were in Daegu with a whole seven days left.
He grumbled under his breath. Another day has gone by without seeing Baek Yunho during practice which meant another day that you were gone. Something that occupied his mind, as he opened the door to his bedroom, swinging his baseball bag onto his bed.
And he heard a loud, “ow!”
He saw you rubbing your knee on his bed, with a pout on your face. “What the hell are you doing here?”
That’s one way to say he missed you.
“I came back from my competition today to apparently get assaulted by my best friend.”
“I thought it was two weeks long.”
“The whole thing is, but I opted out of the award ceremony. Plus, I only competed in the writing and foreign language portion because that’s all they needed me for, which all happened in the first week.”
Jihoon’s mind didn’t catch up with his body as he reached for you. You yelped and threw a pillow at him, “Ew. No, you just got back from practice and you’re sweaty!”
“Firefly, you’re missing out on a rare opportunity.”
You paused for a moment, possibly recalling all the times he’s rejected a hug from you and realizing this indeed was very rare. “Can you at least wipe off your sweat?”
“Nope, not at all,” Jihoon snickered.
It was now a competition to see who would be the faster one, you rushing for the door or his arms. And of course, the athlete that he is, Jihoon won.
“You smell like the sun! Stop!”
He decidedly rubbed his neck into the shoulder of your shirt and you did your best to wiggle away, but failed. Your look of disdain was met with Jihoon’s satisfied one. “Lee Jihoon, you’re the worst.”
“I’m glad my punching bag is back.”
You pushed his hair back only to immediately retract. “Ugh! How does so much sweat just come out of you?”
“Does it matter when I have a towel right here?”
You pinched his ear as he pushed his sweaty forehead against the other shoulder of your shirt. You burst into a fit of giggles when he found your ticklish spot in the middle of your thigh, but soon enough, your ankle found purchase around his and pushed him onto the ground as you clambered away and into his closet, probably to find a shirt to change into.
He was left there on his bedroom floor, listening to your ramblings about his sweat, almost deliriously happy.
He was satisfied, no longer a starving man.
After the food was finished (thanks to the two of you), the four of you walked out of the restaurant, the couple saying they were so full they wanted to walk it off on the way to their hotel. They offered for the two of you to join them but you declined, saying the hotel was in the opposite direction of your home.
Your cousin felt uneasy leaving you to walk home on your own. But you pointed at Jihoon with your thumb and said, “Jihoonie can walk me home, if you’re so worried. But even if he can’t, I’ve lived here long enough. This isn’t anything new.”
As if your cousin completely ignored the latter half of what you said, he glanced at Jihoon who gave a quick nod. “I’ll walk her home. Don’t worry. Then I’ll take a taxi back myself.”
After much long-winded convincing, the two headed off to the hotel while you and him were left walking down the street, his own face masked up and covered with a baseball hat in case of anything.
“You know, you don’t have to walk me home.”
“I’d like to, if that’s alright with you.”
He noticed you adjusting the hem of your shirt. “Okay. It’s a little bit of a walk from here. Maybe 30 to 40 minutes or so.”
“That’s 30 to 40 minutes I’d like to spend with you.”
“…yeah. I’d like that too.”
This felt almost surreal. You by his side.
But also so natural, almost inevitable.
As if this was all just waiting to happen.
After a moment’s pause, you asked him what he was doing for the coming months, if there were any plans.
“There’s a concert that Bumzu’s holding in Busan, and he’s asking some SEVENTEEN members to perform, so I’ll be doing a solo piece for that one.”
You immediately made a face as if you got caught admitting something embarrassing and Jihoon grinned. “Ah, you know my solo song?”
“Hm. Maybe…” You trailed off, looking everywhere but at him.
“It might’ve possibly made it as my top song of the year in 2016.”
Agh, even cuter. “I’ll tell Yoon Jeonghan that he’s not actually your bias and you’re actually a Woozidan.”
“You can call me a Woozidan, you’d just be exceedingly and astronomically incorrect, like always. Unlike me, who is right, quite literally 100% of the time.”
Jihoon laughed. “Hey, I’ll have you know I’m one of the brains in SEVENTEEN, alright?”
“That’s because you were forged in the fire that was your friendship with me. Of having to deal with my illogical thinking.”
“Ain’t that the damn truth.”
The mood between the two of you was solid and Jihoon felt his resolve flare up within him, gathering the courage to ask, “If I invited you to Bumzu’s concert, would you go?”
“Oh. The one in Busan?”
“Uh. When is it? I’m supposed to start work in three weeks.”
He wondered how big of a Carat you were because he knew that most would jump at the opportunity, but he felt oddly reassured that you weren’t a fan who would shirk on your responsibilities. “It’s in two weeks. You can… uh, bring Hyejin?”
You blinked up at him. “You know her?”
“She, uh, is always on your Instagram.”
“That’s very sweet of you and she’s gonna freak out that you know her, but she’s actually going to be in Jeonju that entire week with Wheein-unnie because they’re visiting their family. And then none of my other friends know about me knowing you. But. You know what? What kind of Carat would I be if I turned down this offer?”
Great minds think alike. “So… I’ll see you there?”
“Yeah. Yeah, you will. I’ll sing the chorus of SIMPLE so loud I’ll overpower even your vocals.”
“You know, I never said I was singing SIMPLE.”
“Oh, what? What are you singing then?”
Jihoon grinned. “Guess you’ll have to come and find out.”
You let out a low whistle. “Wow, what an idol. Using your charm to convince me to use up my time and money.”
“You think I’m charming?”
“Enough that my wallet is in constant danger.”
“You know, I can always give you free things.”
“It’s okay. Buying your albums and merchandise and concert tickets have been the only way I can support you. And, well, I did promise I would be your number one fan.”
“‘S alright. That’s all in the past.”
Jihoon noticed you flinching at those words. Your voice was barely above a whisper, “…Is it really all in the past? It’s not that simple, is it, Jihoonie?”
He remained silent.
So did you.
You both walked, the evening stroll accompanied only by the artificial lights of the city, the sun having long since gone to rest and the light of the moon nowhere to be found.
You reached the doorstep of your apartment and you turned back to face him. “I think… We probably have a lot to talk about. But maybe the timing is off right now. I know I need to sort myself out, if that’s okay? I’m trying to do this thing where I think before I talk instead of just diving in and regretting something, you know?”
Jihoon nodded. He was all too familiar with that.
“But I just want to let you know that I still want to be a part of your life. And we can navigate how that will look like when we’re both not caught up in living our lives. Is… is that okay?”
He wanted to cry. “More than that.”
You smiled. “I’ll see you at the concert, Jihoonie.”
“I’ll see you, firefly.”
After that night, he was thrown back into his and SEVENTEEN’s work. Outside of Bumzu’s concert, they were working on their next album, aiming to release it in just two months, the theme centered around a youthful infatuation blossoming into a mature love.
He wondered what you would think of it.
One night, he was in his studio with Soonyoung again who looked over Jihoon’s latest solo for Bumzu’s concert.
“Jihoon, this is the saddest shit I’ve ever read.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Are you sure that this is what you’re wanting to perform? That this is what you want her to hear? In front of hundreds of people?”
“It’s… the most honest I can be. Yeah, it could scare her off. But I don’t think we can keep moving forward without addressing what happened between us. But I didn’t make this song to make her feel bad. I made it so I could let go of the pain I associate with the old her to be able to make space for the new her, you know what I mean?”
Soonyoung spared no expression. “Whatever you think is best, Hoon.”
“I’m just going to take a leap of faith,” Jihoon sighed. There really was no predicting exactly how things would turn out. You were different, he was different. There were too many unknown variables with the situation. “Hopefully she’ll be there to catch me.”
“What’s up?”
“I’m thinking about how you’re going to be singing a ballad, pouring your true and genuine feelings, and I’ll be performing Hurricane in a tiger print shirt.”
Jihoon paused for a moment. “Duality of SEVENTEEN.”
You must have also been busy, as the only notification he got from you was on the day of the concert. It was a selfie of you at a gas station in the wee hours of the morning, no doubt filling your tank before your 4 and a half hour car ride, with a message saying, “i’m on my way to you! fueled by overpriced gas and cheap snacks!”
You were on your way. To him.
There was an electricity that was coursing through him that went beyond just nerves before a show. No, there was so much more riding on this, and as much as he wants to believe and trust that everything would work out in some way or another, there is the deep part of him that yearns for it to work out for the best. The most ideal cut.
He pressed his hands against his chest, as he tried to mimic compression.
But there was just too much bursting out of him to truly contain.
“Jihoon-ah, you alright?”
He must have looked like a crazed man to Jeonghan because the latter had an incredulous look on his face as soon as they made eye contact. “Do I not seem alright?”
Jeonghan let out a low chuckle and moved behind him to squeeze the shoulders of the stressed man. “It’s okay to hope, you know.”
“It feels like hope is the reason I can’t breathe right now. If it weren’t for hope, I wouldn’t care this much. If it weren’t for hope, I wouldn’t be in this position.”
“You’re right. You wouldn’t be. Without hope, you wouldn’t be in SEVENTEEN. You wouldn't have become an idol, be our unit’s leader, become a producer, written songs, or even had the chance to reconcile with her. All of what you are would’ve been impossible without hope”
Jihoon bit his lip. “I feel like I’m going crazy, hyung. I keep going back and forth between whether it’s worth it. I haven’t felt anxiety like this in years. I know that lo–love–” Jihoon realized he never said that word so directly about her. He always found more poetic ways to dance around the word. “–can be a lot of work. But this? It makes me think that it’s not meant to be. When I see her and when I’m with her, it feels so right. But when she’s not in front of me, I feel like the best thing to do is to just run away.”
“Yeah, but you ran away last time, right?”
“And I wouldn’t be in SEVENTEEN if I hadn’t.”
“But you’ve still pined after her for all these years.”
“Maybe that’s just me being stubborn.”
“Yeah, and? What about it?”
“What happens if I’m pining after her because I regret hurting someone I cared about, my best friend. What if I don’t actually love her–”
Jihoon’s voice caught in his throat.
Jeonghan answered in a low whisper, and Jihoon is sure that if he turned around, he would see pity in his older member’s eyes. “Jihoon–”
“No, I know,” he quickly cut him off, sighing. “Ridiculous notion. Hyung, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I don’t understand myself at all. Just yesterday, I was talking a big game about how I needed to trust her and take a leap of faith and now it feels like I’m going back on it.”
“So, you don’t trust her?”
“That’s… not it.”
“Then what is it, Jihoon?”
“I… I can’t…”
“It’s just you and me here.”
Lee Jihoon and Yoon Jeonghan.
The very two people who were in that room together when that fateful encounter on social media occurred.
Yoon Jeonghan, the island of SEVENTEEN.
“What if she doesn’t love me back?”
Jeonghan felt Jihoon’s shoulders tremble underneath his grip. The older began to rub gentle circles and stood there in silence as the younger buried his face in his hands. “...She could.”
“What if she doesn’t?”
“What if she does?”
“That’s not–”
“–How it works? Why are your worries more likely than your hope? Are they more logical? More based in reality? Listen, they’re all just thoughts driven by feelings. They both have an equal chance of happening, and yet you are convinced your worries are true. And maybe that’s your fault. Your fault because you keep suppressing your hope in fear of pain and rejection. So that later down the line, you can tell yourself that you knew it anyway. But guess what? This isn’t a game where you’re trying to come out of this as the least hurt.”
Jihoon felt lucky that Jeonghan couldn’t see his face.
“Just think of it as finally being able to let out the entire truth that you’ve been hiding for years, the truth that has been found in your lyrics, but is now finally going to reach the person you’ve hoped for so long that it would. She’ll be right there, listening to you. You’ve wanted it for so long. Don’t try to convince yourself all of a sudden that it’s not.”
“Plus, they already have the line-up and backing vocals set up, so. It’s not like you can change it now. Go put your in-ear in. We’ll be in the audience. All of us.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
“...I’m not sure if it means anything, but you’re a good man, Lee Jihoon. I’m proud of you.”
Jeonghan patted the younger’s shoulder before exiting the small space, leaving Jihoon to his own thoughts. Ones that no longer swirled over the possibility of pain or even the potential of reciprocation. Instead, he thought about his members. The ones he’s told he’s loved, both in teasing ways and genuine utterances.
And then he thought of you.
He’d like you to hear the same from him.
At least once.
(And hopefully more.)
Busan’s driving laws were nothing like the rest of Korea. 
Luckily growing up in Busan, you were aware of the way that the drivers swerved in and out of lanes, making illegal (?) turns any chance they got. The flow of traffic in Busan is so aggressively different from Seoul, that it felt as though you had to flip a switch to reorient yourself into the version of you that learned how to first drive in Busan.
Not long after the person you were driving to see had stormed out of your home.
You sighed.
You weren’t sure what to expect at the concert.
It felt almost embarrassing how much you daydreamed over him potentially singing a song to you. The reality is dangerously close to overlapping with the delusion that you found yourself trying to literally shake away the thoughts.
But how could you not be a little hopeful?
The love of your life invited you to a concert, with him singing a solo song.
Maybe he’d confess–
The honk of the car behind you pulled you out of your thoughts. You groaned loudly, slapping your forehead. “Get it together, Y/N!”
Jihoon had told you to enter the concert hall through a certain entrance, and that you wouldn’t need to wait amongst the lines. He recommended waiting until everyone else was seated, so you would still have 20 minutes to kill before entering the venue.
You drove, mentally fighting yourself every kilometer of the way, until you finally reached the venue. You showed the badge that Jihoon had given you and was directed towards the back lot where staff parked. You cut the engine and sat there, attempting to calm yourself down.
You immediately get a request for FaceTime on your phone.
You answer it.
“Unnie, I can feel myself eroding away.”
Hyejin rolled her eyes. “You’ll be fine.”
You heard Wheein’s voice in the background. “Is that Y/N?”
Hyejin answered, “Yeah. Wanna say something?”
Wheein popped into frame. You gave a weak wave. “Are you gonna confess today?”
“What? No. That wasn’t in the plan.”
“Okay? Then change the plan,” Wheein said, as though it was the most obvious thing.
“I just want to be friends.”
“Forever?” Wheein asked.
“For now,” Hyejin supplied.
You rolled your eyes. “Listen. All I know is that I want to be in his life, and whatever that looks like is still to be determined, alright?”
“But what do you want in the long run?”
“You know I can’t plan for the long-term. Let’s just take things day by day, alright?”
“Okay, but what if he confesses today?” Wheein asked.
“He won’t.”
“What if he does?”
Hyejin tapped Wheein’s thigh off-camera. “She’ll handle it if it comes up. No matter what happens, we’ll be here to pick up your call, okay? Whether it be to sort out your feelings or to just fangirl about the concert. We’ll be here to listen to whatever you’re willing to share. There’s not much to do here in Jeonju anyway, so. Just hit us up.”
“Go eat Jeonju bibimbap.”
“We did,” they answered in unison.
You let out a short laugh. “Alright. Well. Regardless of everything, time will continue to pass. I’m going to just bask in the fact that I was invited by a member of my favorite idol group to watch his performance.”
“And that’s already cool as hell,” Wheein nodded.
The three of you chatted about their plans for the week while you did your best to focus on the conversation while still paying attention to the time left until the concert. Not long after, you bid them farewell to once again sit in silence in your car, pressing your hands against your chest.
It was time.
Bumzu’s concert started off as nothing less than spectacular.
You always admired his musical prowess, knowing that he was the one who helped Jihoon form his own identity as a producer and songwriter. Bumzu was a titan in his own right, his lyricism and musicality rivaling plenty of others in the field.
Although his talent is impeccable, the venue itself was small. His transition from performing towards writing and producing had a hand in influencing the number of tickets sold. You also realized belatedly that the concert wasn’t advertised to include the SEVENTEEN members that you were promised.
Regardless, it felt like such an intimate space, you were thankful for it.
You were in the upper gallery, away from the rest of the concert attendees. There wasn’t anyone else nearby you, and you assumed that would stay the case.
That is, until you heard someone sit right next to you.
You glanced over, not wanting to be overt in noticing them (although, Korean culture lends itself to staring at others outside of Seoul and Busan), and you felt your breath hitch.
“Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I recorded a video for you for your graduation,” the most beautifully ethereal man on this side of existence said. “Do you remember?”
He flashed a brilliant grin. “Yoon Jeonghan.”
“Congratulations on graduating.”
“I–” This time, his voice overlapped yours. “Yeah.”
You flushed. “Sorry. I’m just– I’m kind of taken aback.”
“I heard I was your favorite member, your bias.”
“Mm. That’s true.”
“Why is that the case?”
You paused for a moment, the vocals of Bumzu drowning out the sounds of your conversation. “They say that your bias is the one who’s most similar to you. And your bias wrecker is the one that you’d most likely want to date or be romantically involved with.”
“Oh, so, we’re similar?”
“In the way that we love others, I think? From what other members have said about you, the way that you love is both wide and deep. You love others in a way where you can be a home for them during times of hardship,” you said, sheepishly. It felt almost strange to claim you were as loving as you were, but. You knew yourself. You knew your heart. Even the bad parts. “Also, we both would cheat at games.”
“It’s the only way to play.”
“Winning is too easy otherwise,” you added.
“Exactly,” he chuckled. “Well. That makes me feel better.”
“That I cheat at games?”
“No. That you love in the same way that I do. Because if you love Jihoonie as much as I love him, I think I have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
“I do.”
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow at you. “I’m sorry?”
“I do love him,” you said, unhesitantly. Perhaps it wasn’t the wisest decision to tell one of Jihoon’s closest confidants this information. But, it wasn’t a secret. It wasn’t ever meant to be a secret. It was simply a fact. “There’s no way that I wouldn’t.”
“You… You haven’t doubted your feelings?”
This time you raised an eyebrow at him. “Why would I? He’s easy to love.”
Jeonghan laughed. “You’re so right, Y/N. So. Is he your bias wrecker?”
“You mean the one that I want to date?”
“The very same.”
You saw the mischief in his eyes, and you felt yours bubble up inside. “I wonder.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m surprised you cheat at games, you don’t seem like a great liar.”
“Who said I was trying to?” You flashed him a toothy grin.
“It’s rather strange to see just how different the two of you are. And also, how human you seem. The way that he talks about you, you’d think otherwise.”
“Unfortunately, being human is all I know,” you said, trying to shove down the feeling of butterflies in your stomach at the mention of Jihoon speaking of you to his precious brothers.
Bumzu was now giving a ment, but you were still so focused on the man next to you.
He crossed his legs and looked out at the stage. He pursed his lips. “Y/N. He’s a bit of a handful sometimes, you know.”
“I’ve got two hands.”
He smirked at that. “Right. That you do. And if you and I really are similar, then. Well. I hope you really listen to what he has to say to you, even if it can be hard to hear. I hope you try to understand him even when he doesn’t make sense. And, of course, I hope you enjoy the rest of your life loving him.”
You felt some tears well up in your eyes. “I’ll try my best.”
Jeonghan looked at you softly and patted your knee. “That’s all I ask.”
He stood up and you gave a slight bow. He smiled and said, “Enjoy the show.”
Bumzu’s voice rang out: “And now, a special guest: WOOZI from SEVENTEEN.”
Your eyes snapped back towards the stage, barely noticing the figure of your bias move back out into the shadows of the concert hall. You were transfixed by the man walking out on stage, his pale skin glowing underneath the stage lights, his black collared shirt hanging loosely on his frame. The cheers could not distract you from the way he gripped and ungripped the microphone in his hand as he sat down on the stool.
He lifted the microphone to his lips and began speaking.
“Hello, everyone. I am SEVENTEEN’s WOOZI.”
His eyes were darting around, but only looking downwards, barely looking at the crowd. “Today, I’m going to sing a song that I’ve only ever sang once. Um. And that was by myself, in my studio. Not even the other members have heard it.”
The crowd were wowed at the prospect of hearing an entirely new song from a genius producer. Seeing the spotlight shine on him, you realize how bare he looked without his other members surrounding him. His vulnerability was amplified by the closer proximity of the space.
You knew he was the kind of person that would lessen the amount of lines he had solely to allow others to shine more. He wasn’t like the sun, the blazing fire that consumed the day. No, he was so much more like the moon, the one that would reflect others’ light, but in such a way that was never accosting.
Even on the stage in front of you, he glowed so ethereally, you wondered if he was always the fae that you believed lived near the winding tree at Old Man Park’s home. He was the guiding light in the midst of night, always present, but in a less overt way than its celestial partner.
The sun was stunning in its own right, life-giving, even, but the moon provided comfort to those who tread in the darkness.
And you’ve seen the way he has done just that.
Not just for you, but for millions around the world.
“This is, uh. A very personal song,” you couldn’t help but notice the way that his grip around his microphone tightened. “I’m not sure if many of you out there have been unsure about what the future holds. But, this song… captures that, I think. This is ‘What Kind of Future’.”
Your reaction to grab your phone to record was immediately cut off by the piano playing.
This… melody?
Your throat tightened. It sounded so similar to the lullaby he would sing–
As if nothing happened I told myself that it was all a dream. When I closed my eyes and opened them again, I wanted to wake up with a relief.
The melody was so familiar, but because of that, you could focus solely on the lyrics he sang. 
Was this song… about you?
No, your mind supplied. Don’t be delusional.
But what if it was?
Your heart began to pound loudly in your ears, and you had to take deep breaths so as to not miss anything that he had to say.
Our past that didn't line up If I could go back in time Rather than roughly, but warmly Would I be able to let you go?
Your eyes widened.
You thought back to that moment in your house.
Could it be–?
When we weren't over As I held onto whatever was left You let go of me as I refused Although I don't wanna see you, I miss you Although I hate you, I miss you I don't understand myself so well
You immediately recall the desperation on his face and the hurt in his voice that you couldn’t see until it was too late. It was shrouded by his anger and your desire to look away. To run away. Because, to a teen on the cusp of adulthood, that was easier than being honest.
This waiting It's not easy to endure If I forget that someday As if nothing is wrong Our future will be empty and It's not that I want to forget you
You never wanted to forget him. 
You couldn’t.
He surrounded you at every turn.
The best parts of you were things that you learned from him.
He softened your rough edges, quieted the inner criticisms, pacified the burning flames.
The idea of him never being a part of your life again was one that you could not fathom, even with all of your imagination. Because there was no way for the current you to exist without him. Not in a way that deemed him necessary, but in a way that his friendship, his love, for you shaped you into becoming someone you, yourself, learned to love as well.
Your future might have been filled with joy and happiness.
His, just as likely to.
But yours and his, as he said, our future, would be empty.
We were happy about us You, who isn't me anymore Although I don't wanna see you, I miss you Although I hate you, I miss you I don't understand myself so well
You tried to quell your tears as much as you could, in fear of missing even another moment with him. Because you realize now that the feelings you had were not one-sided. Of course, they couldn’t have been. The way that the two of you stuck by each other through thick and thin.
Why were you so adamant that it couldn’t be true?
What kind of future is coming before us? Even if the Heavens don't give us an answer I'm too stupid until the end So I don't know the answer
The love you had for each other was so simple.
It was so direct, so straight-forward.
But the two of you made it complicated.
You also didn’t have an answer.
The both of you, burdened by the decisions of the past, anxious about the potential of the future.
As his vocals rang out, as he cried out, the tears finally streamed down your warm cheeks. You buried your face into your hands, listening to his voice, but unable to withstand the sight of him holding his microphone with such gentle, yet firm, hands. The same ones that trembled at his side that fateful day. Your breath staggered as you wept for the past versions of you.
The ones who struggled and constantly questioned whether you were loved by the person you longed for. The ones who somehow convinced themselves that you weren’t, rather than trusting in the obvious truth that you always had been.
And still are.
As the song concluded with his smooth vocals, the crowd erupted into cheers. You raised your head and found him looking longingly up in your direction, and if you weren’t mistaken, at you. 
But how could he? 
The stage lights were so bright, you were sure it was impossible to see beyond the stage.
But with the way his gaze softened as your bottom lip trembled.
Maybe, just maybe.
As soon as the crowd settled down to a reasonable level, he began speaking again. “Thank you all for attending tonight. Bumzu-hyung is an artist that I admire a lot, so I feel really honored that I was able to share my music here. This song is… both personal and special. And I hope that, maybe, someone out there can understand what I was trying to convey.
“Carats, thank you always for your support. Remember to stay healthy; I’m always wishing for your happiness. We hope that you continue to love and support SEVENTEEN. I’m always humbled by Carat’s love for us, and I really wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”
He began to fiddle with the microphone in his hands. 
“Did you know that…” He trailed off for a moment before he glanced up in your direction. Your breath hitched. “...If you dream of fireflies, they’re supposed to represent guidance and inspiration? Because they’re kind of like a beacon of light in the dark. And according to some, they’re also meant to represent taking a chance at an opportunity that’s right in front of you. And I, uh. I’ve been dreaming of fireflies for a long time. So, I think… that means that it’s time to try and take that chance. I’m not sure what it’ll look like, but…”
He shut his eyes for a moment, tilting his head backwards, looking as though he was allowing the weight of his words to really sink into him. He brought the microphone back up to his lips.
“Thank you again. I hope our future together is one of happiness.”
He gave a slight bow to the audience who cheered loudly for him. He, once again, looked up in your direction. You weren’t sure whether he could see your expression, so instead you lifted your phone screen at its highest brightness, open to the phone dial screen.
If he gave any semblance of acknowledgement, it was imperceptible.
Bumzu was welcomed back to the stage and squeezed Jihoon’s shoulder before the latter excused himself off of the stage.
Almost possessed, you followed suit, leaving the upper gallery to rush towards the restroom, out of earshot and view of anyone else.
Not even a minute later, your phone starts vibrating.
You answer immediately. “That was fast.”
“We’ve wasted enough time, don’t you think?”
“Are you… running? You sound like you’re out of breath.”
“Meet me outside. Staff parking lot.”
“Security cleared it out.”
“Jihoon, I’m not fit like you! I’m not a runner.”
“I’m not asking you to be. I’ll wait for you as long as you need.”
Your heart swelled. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“I’ll see you soon, firefly.”
The sound of his smile filled your senses as the call ended.
Despite your complaints earlier, your feet were carrying you at a pace you haven’t attempted since your required physical education class. Your eyes were darting around, searching, searching, searching. The adrenaline rushing through your body was enough to keep up your strides. You were rushing forward, and then–
You saw him.
He pushed his hair back, his chest rising up and down, attempting to catch his breath. He was definitely winded from the running. But there was no rest for the weary as your eyes locked. You found yourself barreling forward, not even really thinking of anything other than: him.
And his arms caught you with ease as you slammed yourself into his chest. He spun you around to lessen the impact, but tightened his grip on you. “Firefly–”
You held each other for a while.
Long enough for both of your breathing to even, for your heart rates to synchronize.
As though making up for lost time.
He adjusted his face just slightly away from the crook of your neck to speak. “Let’s go.”
“Anywhere you want.”
“Yeah, well. I’m the driver, so no shit.”
Jihoon laughed and squeezed you closer to him. You let out a grunt. “You call the shots, firefly.”
You disentangled yourself from him and pulled out your car keys from your person. “Alright, get in, my passenger prince. Let’s take a trip down memory lane, hm?”
“Hi! My name is Y/N. Here’s a seashell!”
The young boy’s expression contorted into one of confusion. You were completely unaffected. He looked around at the empty playground, save for a few pigeons here and there, before pointing to himself. “Are you talking to me?”
You knew for a fact that he was someone that the CU convenience store auntie would call a ‘cutie’. You’d agree! “I’d like to!”
“I’m… I’m Lee Jihoon.”
“Okay, Jihoon! Can we be friends?”
“Awesome!” You clapped your hands together. “I don’t really know what friends do together, but let’s go on the swings! You can sit first and I’ll push you. I’m very strong.”
“No, it’s okay! I can push you—”
“You don’t think I’m strong enough?”
“No, no. That’s not what I said—”
“Get on the swing, Lee Jihoon!”
“Do you remember when I pushed you on the swing so hard that you lurched forward and got a nosebleed from falling onto your face?”
“That was the first day we met, firefly.”
“Well, I wanted to know if you remembered.”
“To the point that it haunts me.”
“You were so small and cute back then. So shy.”
You half expected that the two of you were going to drive in silence, just basking in each other’s presence. But, remaining true to the dynamic you two always had, there was still so much to talk about. You told him about the drive down from Seoul and how Busan really needed to up its driving laws to match the rest of the country. He told you about how Soonyoung just finished performing “Hurricane” on stage and Jeonghan sent him the video.
You told him about how Jeonghan actually approached you.
You couldn’t turn to see his expression, so you asked, “Why? Is that a bad thing?”
“He, uh. Might’ve witnessed me have a bit of a mental breakdown backstage, so.”
You took his nervous laughter as a sign to not push further. “Honestly, me on any given Tuesday.”
“What, your grad program?”
“Oh, man, I gotta tell you.”
And so the two of you exchanged both stories and banter until you finally saw the shoreline coming into view. Just a couple of moments later, you parked your car along the sidewalk at the edge of the beach. This was a more local area, far away from tourist spots.
“Ah, this place.”
“Lotta memories here,” you said. You shot him a big smile as you turned off the engine. “Let’s go make a new one.”
The two of you exited your car and threw your socks and shoes into the trunk of your car, just like you did with his parents’ car, when you were children.
As you both walked towards the edge of the water, you were very aware of the silence that had fallen onto the two of you.
There was an instinct in you that told you to remain quiet.
“You know,” Jihoon broke the silence. You smiled to yourself. “I’ve always admired how you were able to be so honest about your feelings, without worrying about what other people think.”
“That’s the nice way of saying that I don’t think before I speak.”
He laughed and you relished in it. “Maybe.”
You skipped forward a bit more, letting your toes dig into the now cooled sand, the sun long set. You had your back turned to him as you waited for him to continue speaking.
“I was always someone who kept to himself. Who never really shared my heart with anyone.”
You hummed as you turned to face him directly. “You did in your own way, I think. You just needed people who knew how to read between the lines.”
“I was never honest about the hard stuff though.”
“What do you mean?”
“I constantly asked myself if I was worthy enough to love you.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but he continued.
“You loved me in such loud ways. You honestly left no room for doubt, and yet my brain managed to squeeze in some anyway. But… you know what I eventually realized?”
“I realized that if I were to give myself to anyone, to be safe with anyone in the world, it would be okay if it was you. You’ve always been honest. Your sadness. Your joy. I know I can trust it. Maybe that’s naive considering how long we’ve spent apart. But you’ve never been anything but honest. So this is me trying to do the same. Y/N, my light, my firefly, I love you.”
In his eyes you saw him searching for something, anything. He might’ve not been able to interpret the expression on your face, but there was no need to. You pulled the collar of your shirt down to reveal the ink forever etched into your skin, placed over your heart.
Art that was drawn on a paper towel a decade ago.
You knew even in the dim light of the street lamps high above you, he could see it.
His jaw dropped. “Wait. That’s—”
“I broke one promise in my life. Just one. And I told myself I would never do it again. No matter how stupid the promises were, no matter how mundane, no matter how old they were. I would never break another promise. Because breaking that one promise ended up breaking me. The promise that I’d always be by your side.”
“What are you—?”
“Because it’s you, it’s always been you. Ever since I gave you that stupid seashell from this very beach,” you gestured at your surroundings. “And it was stupid because you could easily get your own, but you kept it. Like it was a precious treasure.”
The rampant beating in your chest matched the rhythm of your words.
“I don’t know what the future holds, Jihoon. I have no idea and I’m terrified. I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know anything. Years at Yale, years at Seoul National, years spent in higher academia only taught me that I know so little. But you, oh, you were the worst reminder. I don’t get how you can make me feel so empty and filled at the same time. I don’t understand how you can make me feel at home with just a smile. I don’t know how you have such a hold on me. You’re just this strange enigma that I can’t seem to place, a riddle with no way to solve. But God, I so badly want to try. You’re a question I want to spend the rest of my life trying to answer. Because it’s you.”
He bit his lip and you wondered if you overwhelmed him.
“I’ve spent years, you know,” his voice barely above a whisper.
“Doing what?”
“Hoping that you would hear me. That my words would reach you,” he breathed out. His eyes softened as he recalled, “‘If a second life that’s different from now is to come to me, will I be by your side? Will you be by my side? I imagine things like this. Even if they’re words I mentioned as a joke. Will you believe me? Even if it’s a funny imagination. On a sudden day when I’m left alone, I’ll take my steps towards you again.’”
He stepped forward, hands reaching for yours, and you immediately took them, as soon as he was an arm’s length away. Physically, this wasn’t the closest he’s ever been, but it was the closest you’ve ever felt.
“‘You did this once before. Only by looking in your eyes I can tell. Whatever may happen, I want to know this emotion. When walking by my side, I don’t even want to let go of your hands. That flattering feeling is because of you, everything is so good.’”
He took another step forward, his voice dropped to barely above a whisper, hoping you could hear his words above his heart hammering in his chest.
“‘What can I do? Without you, my heart stops and it’s always cold. What can we do? Without me, you’ll struggle just as much, so what can we do?’” He paused, before recalling later lyrics. “‘I don’t wanna let you go like this. I don’t want to be scared with a broken heart. I’m the place you can come to. You’re the place I can go to.”
Tears formed in your eyes, but he brushed them away easily, now cupping your face within his hands, the tips of your noses brushing against each other, and you could have sworn he felt the fluttering of your eyelashes against him, dampened slightly by your watery eyes.
“‘I couldn’t express my feelings because I was too young. I wanted to be your tomorrow, so I lived today. Ever since the first day I saw you. In my heart, it’s always been you. These typical words, I’m only saying them now, but I hope these typical words will reach you.’”
You looked at him, your entire being filled and your senses flooded.
With him.
It was only him, him, him.
How could you not have realized?
His words, his feelings were so clear.
He had the kind of love for you that brings forth a melody.
His gentle voice drew you away from your own thoughts, “Thank you, firefly. For choosing me.”
“Always, Jihoonie. Always.”
He leaned in to close the distance.
You met him halfway.
Your hands were intertwined with his as you swung them lightly, back and forth, ebbing and flowing, like the waves almost reaching your feet on the coastline of the local beach where you would laze away during your adolescence and find adventure during your childhood.
The two of you fell into a comfortable rhythm, the sounds of the ocean and lull of the town around you, just basking in what felt like the stars finally aligning.
Jihoon squeezed your hand for a moment. “You know, I thought you left because you realized that I had feelings for you and didn’t want anything to do with me.”
“I’m sorry, what?” You stopped in your tracks and turned to face him, still not letting go of his hand, the sea breeze weaving itself between his and your hair.
He raised an eyebrow. “I thought I was pretty obvious. Hyung and noona thought the same. They figured it out pretty early on.”
He blinked. “You had no idea?”
“I—I thought you were in love with noona—”
“Hey, I might’ve thought she was pretty, but you were the one that turned that into something it wasn’t.”
“What! What about the times we went to try and find out whether the mini golf place was fun enough for a date idea? Or whether the food stand near the beach was romantic enough?”
“Please tell me you’re hearing yourself.”
“Jesus, firefly. Are you serious? Did I end up ever taking her there? Did I even try? All of those places, all of those times, those were meant for you. You were the one who kept bringing up noona and what she would like while I was trying to figure out whether it would’ve been weird to reach out and hold your hand.” His grip tightened on yours.
You flushed at that. “Okay, but like—you spent so much time with noona before I left.”
“Because she was trying to help me plan something to get it through your thick skull just how in love I was because obviously none of the other things I did was enough.”
“I—you—she’s better than me.”
“I just confessed that I was in love with you, and you’re focusing on her right now?”
You blabbered out incoherent sounds and he merely laughed in your face at your reaction.
(Or maybe at himself.)
“Dozens of songs of writing my feelings for you into the lyrics, and you still didn’t get it. So. I’ll try and say it as clearly as possible. I love you, Y/N. What can I do to get you to notice me? Because I’ll do it, firefly. I swear I will.”
You bit your lip.
“I got my driver’s license.”
He wasn’t expecting that. “Uh… recently?”
“No. A month after you left, a month before I did. I got my driver’s license and I so badly wanted to call you to tell you. Because we talked about late night diner specials and how uncrowded the park was at six in the morning and you said I’d be your chauffeur forever.”
“Yeah, why should I have to learn?”
“I’m doing alright without one, thanks.”
You rolled your eyes, but continued, “I drove around the neighborhood several times, passing by the mailboxes we used to Sharpie, the stop signs we tried to run up and slap, the sidewalks we crossed after hagwon, the sewer where we were convinced a clown lived.”
“That was a you thing, don’t drag me into it.”
“And I realized that none of it mattered if you weren’t in the passenger seat.”
“So, what are you saying? That I’m just good company?”
You eyed him and knew he was teasing, but there was a hint of insecurity underneath it. Because he said those words you had yet to acknowledge, let alone, respond to. The corner of your lips upturned. “Yeah, that’s it. And if it’s alright with you, I’d like to be in said company for at least one lifetime. I love you, Lee Jihoon.”
“You’re missing the ‘too,’ since I said it first.”
“You’re annoying.”
“It’s been one of the only ways to get you to look at me, firefly.”
“Mm. I’m always looking.”
“Most times. Have you seen the ‘Good to Me’ choreo?”
He bumped your shoulder as you burst into a fit of giggles, choosing to let go of his hand to wrap your arms around his waist as he pretended to stomp off. He stuck his tongue out at you, calling you a pervert, and you said, “Hey, you’re the one that’s in love with me, alright?”
He swept you up into his arms and rather than carrying you princess-style or even in a piggy-back ride, he threw you over his shoulder and you yelped loudly. 
“Let me go!”
“Nope. Never again.”
You made a gagging noise. Who is this shameless kid?
“I’ll put you down though, my shoulder hurts.”
You smacked it once you were on your own two feet and ran as much as you could with the weight of your feet sinking into the wet sand with each step. He quickly closed the distance between the two of you and tackled you to the ground. You fell back, with his hand behind your head, ensuring no damage to your person. You giggled up at him.
The edge of the waves were mere centimeters from you, but seeing him against the endless night sky, with glittering stars, him, your moon, you could not bring yourself to care.
You had so many questions you wanted to ask him, about his life as an idol, about his pursuits and his struggles and his hopes and his dreams. You were so excited to fall in love with him again. You hoped that he would be just as excited to love the person that you’ve become, the one that is so wholly you, but has been transformed by him.
Leaving things left unsaid was a burden the two of you beared for far too many years, believing that you deserved the painful yearning of each other, to make up for the choices made as teenagers.
You breathed in the salt of the sea, as you thought about how, years ago, you were in the same city, letting this very person walk away from you. Shame washed over you, as it has for years, like the waves that were ebbing and flowing right beside you, and tears began to form in your eyes. It was almost embarrassing, how easily you let him slip away. He deserved so much.
“I’m a lot,” you choked out.
He smiled softly as he cupped your face gently, not moving to brush away tears that were threatening to fall. He simply held you, wordlessly accepting all that you were.
“Never too much, and always enough, firefly.”
You wanted to thank whatever higher power was out there.
Whatever one compelled Jihoon to search your Instagram page and accidentally like a post from years ago, a notification that could have been swiped away accidentally in the middle of the night by a bleary-eyed and half-awake you.
Because what kind of future would’ve come otherwise?
Would you have reconnected in some other way, more purposeful and intentional?
Or would you have convinced yourselves that living apart was something that was inevitable and it was better to have simply let the past be the past?
Or would you have yearned for each other in ways that even the potential of running into each other would lead to an eruption of nerves?
You breathed in slowly as you wrapped your arms around his middle, breathing him in, letting his heartbeat drown out even the sound of the crashing ocean beside you.
It didn’t really matter.
This future will be one that you build.
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etherealyoungk · 8 months
—⟡ covert desires (teaser)
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summary:  the mission is simple - infiltrate a high-stakes auction that the top leaders, businessmen, women, and politicians of the world attend every year and steal one of the most highly guarded and hidden-away paintings from the target’s collection. the only downside, you had to work with kim mingyu, whom you absolutely hated. and to make it even worse, you had to pretend to be his wife for this mission to work.
pairing: spy!mingyu x assasin!reader (fem!reader)
themes: spy au, mafia, enemies to lovers, fake marriage, mutual pining, spies, angst, fluff, killing
warnings: suggestive, kissing, use of curse words, weapons, guns, knives, violence, use of drugs/painkillers, blood, gore, killing, death
wordcount: 750 words for the teaser (17.8k full fic)
a/n: i had so much fun writing this! please note that this is purely a work of fiction! 
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i'll be posting the full fic when i hit 3.5k to celebrate! teaser under the cut!
you wipe the last of the blood off your hands and carefully move the body, manipulating the crime scene to make it look like it was a suicide. with a carefully crafted suicide scene, the police wouldn’t even blink an eye and just close the case as a suicide, not wanting to bother investigating further.
you just had to leave around the right clues and bait them. once they’d find it, they’d conclude the case without thinking any further and your job was done. you were sure no one would even miss the bastard that you had just sent to hell anyways. after scanning the room, you make sure everything is in place before exiting quietly and disappearing into the shadows. 
when you reach home to your apartment, you swiftly change out of your soiled and bloody clothes. the idiot decided had put up a fight, making things harder for himself really. you planned on killing him quietly, but the fight he put up was unnecessary and he wasn’t going to stand a chance against you regardless. you would have finished earlier and your clothes would have been significantly less bloody. sighing, you peel off the clothes and they fall to the floor in a heap as you step into the shower. the warm water offers some sort of relief and relaxation, your muscles relaxing under the hot water. wrapping a towel around yourself, you step out and hear the faint ring of your burner phone fill the room.
“hello?”, you say as you put the phone to your ear.
“did you get the job done?”, the voice on the other side asks.
“yes, you didn’t hire the best for no reason, did you?”, you scoff back, offended he’d have a sliver of doubt in your skills. 
“good. we have another urgent matter on hand and it has to be discussed in person. you know where to meet me”, the voice adds.
“i swear if it’s another-“
 “you’ll love this one, trust me”, the voice says, cutting you short and hanging up as you begin to say something. you curse under your breath; that idiot never had manners. you huff,  throwing the phone on the bed, changing into something comfortable before you crash into bed, too tired to complain or think about anything else. 
you were an assassin or a hired killer you could say. but you liked to call yourself an assassin - because let’s be real, it sounds cooler. you were trained, skilled, and good at what you did – which was killing people, bad people specifically. when you weren’t out hunting people down, you were working as a barista at a local cafe. it was somewhat therapeutic compared to your other occupation. but you had to if you wanted to survive in this world. if you wanted your life to have some semblance of normalcy. the world was a cruel place and somehow you ended up doing this for a living but hey, at least it paid well.
the next morning you’re sitting in the hall of seungcheol’s fancy office, or what you liked to call the safehouse. “you’re here! let me tell seungcheol”, dino says upon seeing you, flashing you a friendly smile. you give him a small smile as he retreats, making his way to look for seungcheol.
seungcheol walks in a few moments later, and his presence can be felt in the room immediately. no one messes with him – everyone knew that. he was the most feared man in the underground mafia and a threat to the government as well. his connections and dirt on powerful people ran too deep with secrets only he knew and used as leverage. hell, even the government would hire him to do their dirty work so he was practically untouchable.
“what’s this urgent matter that needs to be discussed in person?”, you ask, once he sits down opposite you.
“no hi?”, he prompts, raising his brow as he looks at you.
“no thank you for yesterday?”, you prod back, challenging him. you were really the only person seungcheol let speak to him like that. he’d pretty much raised you and he didn’t seem to mind, especially since you did most of his dirty work.
“we seem to have gotten ourselves another lucrative mission”, he starts off, treading carefuly with his words. “it’s something worth millions if not billions, so this is a really high-stakes operation.”, he tells, observing you. “and we’re getting paid handsomely for it and so will you if it goes well”, he says.
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taglist: @daisycheols @naaaaafla @weird-bookworm @fairyhaos @icyminghao @kyeomyun @joshuaahong @idubiluv @slytherinshua @wheeboo
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Vanilla Latte
Same pairing as Double Espresso and Farmer's Market and yeah, I guess this is becoming a fic. thing. something. It's becoming something.
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Simon Riley/reader 1.8k words Warnings-tags: 18+ Minors DNI, no smut but this fic has mature themes. There is a man staring at you in the cafe.
There is a monster in your life.
It is a shapeshifter, a horrible creature that no one else seems to be able to see. During the day, it is fairly unsuspecting and blends in with its surroundings, but at night, it sheds its skin and rears its ugly head, exposing it’s true nature when it drags itself up the stairs of your apartment complex to bang on your door, its rage filled voice calling your name over and over, forcing you into your bedroom closet, where you sit in the dark with your hands clamped over your ears. Sometimes, it hurls its entire body against your door to break it down, and you hide in your locked bathroom, knees to your chest in your tub, little pocketknife handle digging into the skin of your palm.
No one seems to know your monster exists.
No one cares that the monster followed you across an entire ocean when you tried to run away from it.
Your neighbors have turned a blind eye. Those who do see, have fallen to the bystander effect. 
The ones who were organized to protect people like you from monsters say they can’t do anything unless you have proof, or it gets worse.
You don’t bother to tell them that if it does get worse, you’ll probably just be dead.
Sometimes, you see it on the street during your walk home from work, standing with its hands in its pockets, dark eyes tracking your every step, waiting for its chance to strike. Sometimes, it follows you onto the train, a car ahead, watching you between the shoulders of the people that separate you from it, their presence the only thing preventing it from making you disappear.
You tell yourself that eventually it will get bored and move on, that it’ll go away, leave you alone for good. But days pass, and it still drags itself up your apartment stairs to torment you, still stands on the sidewalk across from your building.
Sometimes, when it’s really bad, you wonder if you should just open the door and let it kill you. Let it take what it wants, let it make you disappear forever. You think it might not be so bad, not living, if it meant you were free of the monster.
But then, the sun rises. The monster leaves and the day begins. The air is warm, and the birds chirp, and the breeze is just right, and it’s enough. It’s enough to remind you that you can feel something other than despair. It’s enough to keep you going.
And right now, that’s really all you can ask for.
“Oh good. Was starting to worry.” Your boss, Tiana, or just Tee as she constantly reminded you, breathes a sigh of relief when you come through the back door. Your apron comes off the hook easily, and then over your head before the waist ties wrap around your middle. It’s even still got some flour caked on it from yesterday. You shoot her a pointed look.
“You know, if you want to take large orders, just schedule me ahead of time, that way we’re not running around like chickens with our heads cut off.”
“It was last minute, and I couldn’t really say no. But! I am here and will help you with whatever you need.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You pull the laptop that’s sitting on the prep table towards you and scan the typed-out numbers. “Forty-five people?” you raise an eyebrow. You called me in for this? She gives you a helpless look, and you roll your eyes affectionately while she puts a mug of coffee down in front of you, heat pulsing off of it like it’s practically boiling. “Alright, let’s get to it I guess.”
Steam floats in the air from the ceramic mug that’s cradled between your fingers. You’re sitting in the back, leaned against the stainless-steel sink, sipping your fifth cup of coffee, waiting for the dishwasher to finish while Tee rings up and helps load the order that you just cranked out.
You don’t do any of that. You don’t even talk to customers unless you absolutely have to, and even then, it’s less than enticing. You leave it for Alex, who works the counter, and puts up with everyone’s bullshit with charm and grace.
You yawn, trying not to melt into the floor, wrists sore from rolling dough for the last three hours. Outside, traffic on the street hums, busses and cars and bikes all moving in the same direction down the little one-way avenue, horns honking and music occasionally blaring out someone’s window. Usually, this was your favorite time of day. After you’ve finished the afternoon rush, the prep table has been scraped and scrubbed, most of the dishes are washed, and there’s one left over croissant with your name on it. It was in these kinds of small moments, that you still felt like yourself, felt like you could enjoy things. Like you were still just a baker, just the pastry chef, just another person, out there living their life. Not a husk of a human, always looking over your shoulder, hiding from a monster.  
The back door chimes, jolting you from your spiral, and Tee hands you a folded over banknote.
“They tipped. Generously.” You frown. You don’t take tips because you’re a full wage hourly, and she knows this.
“Give it to Alex.”
“They get one too. We all do… By the way, the new scones? Orange vanilla?”
“They’re vegan.”
“I know. They’re amazing. You’ve outdone yourself.”
“Thanks, Tee.” You want to sound enthusiastic about the praise, but you’re too exhausted to get the inflection right. Instead, you just sound like a deflated balloon. Or Eeyore. Sympathy flickers across her face. You turn before she can watch your expression shift into annoyance. It’s not her fault. “Dishes are almost done.” You tell her, pulling yourself free of the apron and shrugging on your knit sweater. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
Every day after work, you walk the six blocks to the corner café to sit by the window with your book and a decaf latte. Vanilla, usually, or caramel if you’re feeling like it. You settle at the little table that’s almost always open because it’s rickety, balancing on three legs because the fourth one is missing a foot. You have an exchange worked out here since you bake their pastries, they give you all you can drink espresso, and you get to curl up with your book like you’re a cat every day after work. You feel safe here. You’ve never felt exposed, the café is off a side street, and as far as you knew, you’ve never been followed. You’ve never seen your monster outside here, or in this area really at all. Never seen it on Sunday mornings at the farmer’s market, or at the cramped, darkly lit bar that you sometimes stop at to grab a pint when you’re feeling up to it.
You hope that means it doesn’t know too much about your routines, but you can’t be too sure. Even so, your monster isn’t a danger to other people, just to you, never approaching you when there are others around, and that small fact brings you small slivers of relief. At least when it finally gets you, no one else will have to watch. No one else will have to suffer.
You’re reading page three hundred and two of The Name of the Wind and drinking your second decaf vanilla latte of the day, when the incident (which is what you’re calling it, in your mind) happens. The girl behind the counter is calling a name, her voice pitched with irritation, and the change in her tone immediately puts you on red alert. You scan the shop, eyes landing on a massive man with a mask and a hoodie on who’s standing by the counter, oblivious to Clarissa, who's just trying to get him to pick up his order. 
He’s oblivious, because he’s staring at you. His gaze never falters, the intensity of his eyes kicking your nervous system into high gear, and you physically clamp down on yourself, so you don’t sprint out of the coffee shop right then and there.
It’s not the monster. That is a man. This man is not your monster. 
Clarissa gives you a helpless look and gestures to the queue that’s quickly forming in front of her register. You give her a nod in return, and stride over to where the behemoth of a man stands frozen, Patrick Rothfuss still in your hand. You take a closer look at him, and swallow when you see his eyes, their amber reflection gorgeous in the afternoon sun. Something hot stirs in you, prickles across your skin and you take a sharp inhale. It’s been so long since you’ve felt the pull of attraction, felt the presence of butterflies in your stomach, that you almost mistake what you’re feeling for fear. 
Something pulls you closer to him, like you're tethered together on an invisible string. 
“Sir?” the man in the mask doesn’t respond. He just… stares at you. Okay… weird? Is this dude on drugs? “Sir.” You drop the question at the end of your statement adding a little more authority, trying to get his attention, and it seems to work, because his spine straightens, and then he nearly stumbles backwards, away from you like you’ve struck him. You blink in confusion. “I think that’s yours.” You point to the white cup that Clarissa was gesturing to, but he still ignores you. “The uh, double espresso?” Something is off here. You pull the tiny cup from the counter and hold it out to him, imagining he’ll just take it from you and be on his way but when he doesn’t move, worry starts to build in your mind. What if he can’t hear? What if he’s having a stroke? What if something is wrong? “Sir? Are you… is everything okay?” You take a tiny step closer to him.
He steps back quickly, banging into the glass side door, and it swings out behind him. A second passes, and then he’s gone, turning on his heel in the breeze, disappearing down the corner while you stand in the café, a double espresso in your outstretched hand.
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bokubear · 2 years
Haikyuu!! — he has baby fever
❥ including ; ( timeskip! ) kiyoomi sakusa, osamu miya, akaashi keiji, daichi sawamura
❥ genre ; fluff, suggestive themes, mentions of pregnancy
❥ notes ; ahhh!! baby fever hits so hard in september :(
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Sakusa isn’t one to leave notes all over, or hint at it. At least.. not where you can see. You’ll most likely notice him taking a little bit longer to stare at the baby clothes, or perhaps the cribs. That’s until he finds a MSBY onesie with his number on it that he rushes to you—urgently shoving it in your face with unfiltered happiness. It was enough to make your heart stop beating from how cute he was. “Kiyoomi.. Do you want to be a dad?” You whisper, glancing at the nearly bouncing Sakusa as he shows you to onesie which makes him stop in his tracks. His face flushed, the familiar fiddle with his fingers appearing. “Maybe..” he mumbles, pulling his mask further up his face. You giggle, receiving a betrayed expression from the opposite. And out of pettiness, you take it upon yourself to bug him about all the way home. “Boy or girl?” — “Hush.”
Osamu keeps you from doing anything. and by that i mean he becomes convinced you are pregnant ( in other words, he treats you like royalty. before you’d despised it and his sly smile, but being a princess wasn’t as bad as you thought not like you weren’t always treated like that. “ah ah, no lifting that it’s not good on your back.” the grey haired twin tutted, prying the box from your hands. “i’m not pregnant ‘samu…” you whined, osamu responding with that exact sly smile. “not yet.” you practically hiss at him, despite this still letting him feed you onigiri’s. Except for the one instance where you find a fantastic way to get revenge. Slipping into your shared bedroom, you lean against the doorframe—watching the unnecessarily hot cook laying on the bed give you a curious glance. “Since you were talking about a baby and all.” You begin, the man’s eyes bulging. “Really-“‘Joking joking.” He pouts as you laugh at his disappointed face, not anticipating for him to pick you up and drag you to the bedroom instead. “C’mon baby!” — “Hey!”
Akaashi mentions having a baby whilst his heads stuck in a parenting book. You hadn’t paid any attention to what he was reading until he said, “What do you think about a little girl?” You cocked a brow, tilting your head to read the title as the pieces for together. “I’d hope she has your eyes.” You chuckled, soaking up the way the editor’s cheeks progressively grow redder. It all started there. Little, settle things. It was precious. More than that. Simple train rides where he points out the places he’d want take her. Cafes the both of you visit daily where he’d buy her a hot chocolate in the cold Tokyo winters. Utterly heart-shattering. And the best is while you’re laying in bed, hearing a loud sigh from your lover. “Keiji?” You whisper, voice leaking concern. “I don’t know how I’ll handle two of you. Two of my worlds. I think my heart may just fail me.” God, he’s adorable.
Daichi hit the baby fever rampage on a peculiar day where it seemed the world dropped unlimited hints. In easier words, as a policeman the first moment struck while helping an expecting woman cross the road to her significant other—and his eyes it was you. Stomach swollen with child. And it ruined him. But as if that wasn’t enough, there were tons of families. Young children walking hand in hand with their parents, perhaps even asking him innocent wonderings and things. The world most definitely had it out for him. Daichi threw his hat off the second he stepped through the door, enveloping you in his scent in his daily hug. “I don’t have much time. I want my baby with a baby.” He mumbled, head buried in your hair. “What was that Dai..?” You piqued, the man speaking louder this time. “‘Want my baby with a baby.” You giggled, his warm cheeks molding into your hands—comfortable. “..I think we can arrange that.”
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plagiarism, repost, and editing is prohibited
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pearbunny · 1 year
the bucket list ✘ [one]
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series masterlist | prev | next [ ❀ spotify playlist ]
summary: Fly to Korea. Check. Buy a bouquet of flowers for a stranger. Check. Have said stranger come along with you to accomplish your bucket list? Well that wasn’t on the list, but falling in love was. 
pairing: han jisung x afab!reader
genre: 18+ [MDNI] strangers to lovers, non idol au, crack, mostly fluff, later chapters to include: angst, comfort, smut.
general warnings:  tourist!mc, adult themes including but not limited to: suggestive content, nudity, cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of death in later chapters, overarching theme of mental health, eventual smut.
word count: ~3.6k 
chapter content: mentions of food, excessive lip biting as a nervous habit, cafe employee!seungmin, stranger danger tbh don’t be like o/c, Lee Know mentioned, but not present. 
author’s note: I've never written for stray kids and most of what i write is typically on the sadder side so fluff isn't my strongest point but i've had this in my head for awhile. feedback, reblogs, likes, v much appreciated. :) updates will be sporadic, but i'm aiming for once every two weeks.
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You shield your eyes from the beating sun above, pupils unadjusted from being on a plane for the past 12 plus hours with the window shut. You let go of the suitcase you had been dragging along behind you to fish your phone out of your back pocket. Humming to yourself, you check the map, trying to find your way to Seoul. “Ah!” You say into the air, which grants you a couple of curious and annoyed stares. You duck your head in an attempt to be unseen, embarrassed by the attention. You make your way to the train station and purchase a ticket. It doesn’t take long for the train to arrive, and soon you’re sitting with your backpack in your lap and your suitcase between your legs.
According to the tourist guide you had pulled up on your phone, the train ride would take around 40 minutes. In the meantime, you rummage through your backpack to look for an old loosely bound book. You find it after digging past your makeup bag and some snacks you had saved from the flight. With a hum, you search through the pages, and after some flipping, you land on the correct one. Your index finger traces down a list, and randomly you stop it. “Buy a bouquet for a stranger.” 
You chew on your lip, a habit you picked up whenever you found yourself feeling uneasy. You may not bethe most outgoing person, but you aren't completely against socializing. 
It’s just … going up to a stranger in a town– let alone country– you’ve never been in was 1000% terrifying. 
Before you know it, the intercom announces your stop and you're scrambling to gather your belongings. You make your way out of the station and suddenly, you hold your breath in awe at the scene in front of you. There were so many people, walking in every direction. You hear little tidbits of their conversations: where they were planning to go for lunch, the new restaurant that opened up in Itaewon, what someone’s boyfriend had given them for their 100 days. The sounds of a city fill your ears. 
If you're being honest, it was a little overwhelming. For a moment, you have doubts of why you had gotten on that plane. You shut your eyes and count down from 7. There, your breathing is even, your head’s a little clearer, and you realize that you had a goal to accomplish. You couldn't back out now, you refuse to be stuck in your old ways.
‘Flowers first,’ you think to yourself. 
After a couple of blocks of lugging your suitcase behind you, you find a quaint little flower stand. A young woman and what seem to be her grandfather were the owners of the stall. You stand there, staring at all the options. The young woman approaches you, her hands placed inside the pockets of her green apron, “Hi, do you need help picking something out?” 
“Hi, yes!” you quickly blurt out. “I just wanted a bouquet that would make someone’s day.” You give the woman a meek smile. You recognize the characters on her apron to read Minji.
“Is this for anyone special? Your mom, maybe?” She starts to pull at a couple of arrangements, one bouquet made of mostly carnations. 
You shake your head, “No…” You hesitate as you wondered to yourself, ‘Do I tell her it’s for someone I don’t even know?’ You chuckle at the thought absentmindedly.
Minji takes that to mean something else, “A boy perhaps then?” There's something a little suggestive in her tone, complemented by the raise of her brow in your direction. 
“Oh, no no!” You shake your head for emphasis, furiously denying it. “Absolutely nothing like that.” You find yourself laughing at the predicament. “I’m actually going to give the flowers to a stranger.”
“Oh–” Minji looks pleasantly surprised, “That’s very kind of you. I have just the thing then.” 
You stay in place while Minji goes to the other side of the flower stall to wrap up the bouquet she hand picked. Soon, she comes back and you make an expression of gratitude. “Minji, you really didn’t have to do that! I could have just gotten one of the premade ones.” You pout, looking through the flowers as you take the bouquet from her. It was very simple, three medium sunflowers, some Queen Anne’s lace, and a few branches of baby blue eucalyptus.
“No, don’t worry about it. What was your name again?”
“Y/N”, You give her the appropriate amount of money. 
“Well, Y/N, I hope you brighten someone’s day!” Minji smiles at you and bids you farewell as you turn and leave. 
“Now who do I give this to?” You hold the bouquet in one hand while you pull your luggage, the sound of its wheels on the concrete trailing behind you. 
You stop at an intersection, scanning the crowd for someone that seems approachable. Will it be the middle aged woman holding the hand of a small boy while they cross the street? Maybe it would be the man in a suit that was on the phone, oh he was looking in your direction. He glared at you. 
Okay, so not that guy. 
You were about to give up until you spot a young man, about your age give or take a few, walking in your direction. He was still crossing the street, but he had a certain pep to his step, like he was listening to a really good song in his headphones– which given the fact that he did have headphones on, he probably was. He seems approachable, even down to his outfit: white tee loosely tucked into black jeans a black belt to match his shoes, and gold metal thinly rimmed glasses. 
“Um, excuse me!” You step towards him, holding the bouquet of flowers to your chest at first. 
“Yes?” The man stops in front of you and stretches one side of his headphones away from his ear to hear you better. 
“These are for you.” You extend the sunflowers towards him. 
He looks around, a bit confused, then takes his headphones off fully, letting them hang around his neck. He takes a step towards the side, which you follow, so you’re out of the way of the traffic of people. “F-For me?!” He seems surprised. You can't blame him, you’re a total stranger. He gestures to himself, placing his palm on his chest. “I think you have the wrong guy!” 
You shake your head, the corners of your lips turn up in a slight smile, mostly out of embarrassment. “No, definitely for you”. 
The stranger takes the bouquet in his hand, examining it. “Who put you up to this? Was it Lee Know Hyung?” He looked back at you, raising a brow. 
 “I don’t even know who that is, I promise they’re for you!” 
You notice his shoulders relaxing and he pinches at one of the blue eucalyptus leaves, feeling its texture. “But… why?” 
You also relax and release the breath inside your lungs you didn’t know you were holding. He seems to at least be open to accepting the gift now. “It’s just something I wanted to cross off my bucket list: give a bouquet of flowers to a stranger.” You smile up at him and you hope that the man in front of you can sense how sincere you are and didn’t think you were an absolute lunatic. 
“Well, thanks.” He slowly starts to smile and suddenly his eyes notice your bag and your suitcase. “Oh, are you visiting?” 
You nod your head yes, “I am! I’m actually here because visiting Korea is also on my bucket list!” 
His eyes grow wide, surprised by your seemingly adventurous personality. “You must have come a long way then, your accent is definitely not from around here.” He motions over to a bench a short walk away and the both of you make your way there. 
“I will take that as a compliment.” Momentarily, you check your phone for the time. He must have noticed you doing so, because he motions to get up. 
“Oh no, did I keep you?” 
“Not at all, I’m just realizing what time it is back home.”  
“Oh, you must be jet lagged, do you need help getting to your hotel?” 
“I don’t have to check in until later,” you lie. You don't even have a hotel yet.
"Well, in that case...." He seems nervous as he stands up, very subtly back and forth on the tips of his toes to the back of his heels. If that isn't enough, he rubs the back of his neck before he clears his throat and looks down at your sitting form. You look up at him as if you hadn’t been watching him the entire time. “Is grabbing coffee with a stranger on your bucket list too, then?” 
You can't help but smile, a smile that pulled at your lips wide enough that it made the corner of your eyes crinkle. “It’s not, but I’m sure I could add it in.” 
“Great, then I’ll make sure it’s an extra good café with instagrammable latte art!”  He extends out his hand to help you up. 
Once you stand up, you reach for your suitcase, but he beats you to it. Instead, he places the bouquet of flowers into your hands.  “You carry that, and I’ll take these.” He slings your backpack over his shoulder. 
“No, please let me. It’s really no problem for me!” You hold the bouquet of flowers to him, as if it's a trade off. 
“It might be no problem for you, but what about me? You’re gonna slow us down carrying these things and the café spot gets busy in the afternoon!” He starts to walk away, looking back at you with a smirk after a couple of large strides. 
Well, at least the stranger you picked had a sense of humor and wasn’t some asshole who would have rejected the flowers. Snapping out of your thoughts, you realize he really isn't going to wait for you and hurry after him. 
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The stranger— you still don't know his name, by the way; you've had no opportunity to ask—wasn’t kidding when he said that the café got busy. You were both lucky to grab a table on the outside of the establishment all thanks to your hovering and his remarkably subtle ability to place your suitcase in the way of other hopeful individuals looking for a seat.  
Your eyes wander around the place, looking for a waiter or waitress to come and take your order. You desperately don't want to be the one to start conversation. You feel a little awkward sitting down with a guy you just met.
“I’m Han Jisung, by the way.” His voice cuts through the clinking of mugs, the soft hum of the people waiting for a table, and the occasional sound of the cars driving past. 
You bring your eyes back to him, a little caught off guard. He smiles in a way that shows the gums and it's kind of cute, while his eyes crinkle into half crescents. You can't help but smile right back at him. “I’m Y/N.”
Jisung leans forward, into the table with his arms crossed. “So, what brings you to Korea, Y/N?” 
You reach for the old beaten notebook in your bag and place it on the table. “I have this bucket list,” you open the pages and start flipping through it. There were a bunch of pages with cursive scrawls in paragraphs, some doodles, and eventually you stop on the page with the bucket list on it. “Just a bunch of things I wanna do before I die…” You give him a lopsided smile. 
Jisung’s eyes look through the list, then he point at one half way down the page. “Well, you can now cross going to Korea off. “ His index finger drags across the page at another item, “And the bouquet one.” 
“You’re right, thanks.” You take a pen from the front pouch of your backpack and cross those off. 
“How long is your visit?” 
You peer up at him, chewing on your bottom lip. He has an innocently curious expression on his face and you can't help but thank whoever's in charge of fate. Jisung is nice and welcoming, which is just what you need in a country you had never been to before. “About two weeks.” 
“Do you plan on doing more of those here?” 
You nod with a smile. “I do! As many as I can anyway.”  Talking to him isn't as awkward as you think it would be. He's definitely to thank for carrying the conversation so naturally.
“Hi can I take yo—“ a young man, probably around Jisung’s age comes to your table with a small notepad in hand. He has medium brown hair pushed back, a wide smile, and kind eyes. He's wearing a pair of khaki slacks and a nicely pressed dress shirt underneath his navy blue apron. “Oh, Hannie! Hey!” 
Jisung stands and pulls the newcomer into a short hug. “Seungmin!” Jisung motions to you at the table. “This is Y/N. A new friend of mine.” 
You smile at Seungmin and stand, bowing your head slightly. “Hi, nice to meet you.” 
Seungmin motions for you both to sit back down after introductions. “Ah, order whatever you guys want, it’s on the house! I hope you guys didn’t wait too long for a table.” 
Jisung shook his head, sitting back down only after you did. “It didn’t take too long, but this place is crowded! You guys must be doing really well lately.” 
Seungmin nodded with a sort of  crooked grin, “Yeah, well ever since those KPOP idols were seen here, this place has been swamped.” He raised his brows up and down mischievously, looking at the both of you together. “We’re looking for help!” 
Jisung scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. “No thanks. Y/N is just visiting.” He leaned closer to you, as if the next part was only meant to be heard by you, though he was definitely talking loud enough for Seungmin to hear. “Besides, the last time I helped out he yelled at me for eating a pastry.” 
Seungmin playfully hit Jisung’s arm with his notepad. “It wasn’t a pastry, it was your seventh one of the day.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, what will you be ordering?”
You looked around, unsure of what was good there. You wanted to get an idea from what others had ordered around you. Everyone seemed to have an iced drink… and they were all really dark coffees “A vanilla iced latte?” Your sweet tooth would never let you have coffee without some kind of creamer in it. 
Seungmin nodded and scribbled it down. Then, without looking at Jisung, he said, “Americano, iced. And a slice of cheesecake.” 
Jisung feigned a look of offense. “Am I that predictable?” 
Seungmin laughed. “Honestly, no. But your orders are.” Seungmin placed his notepad in his apron pocket and went back into the cafe to fetch your orders. 
“Ah, that was Seungmin. He and I go way back. Now he helps run this place!” 
“That must be difficult, but this place looks great.” 
“Yea, he’s always been a caffeine addict. One day, he decided that if he was going to be making coffee everyday, he might as well make money off of it.” Jisung chuckled to himself, then glanced your way from across the table. “Are you staying close by? I could walk you to your hotel after If you’d like” 
You laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact, “Well.. actually…” your voice trailed off, catching a glimpse at his expression before spitting it out, “I don’t have one… yet.” 
“You don’t have one?!” He had raised his voice slightly, startling a couple of people at nearby tables. 
“Yet! I said yet!” You nervously played with the pen in your hands. 
“You came to Korea without a place to stay!?” 
“I literally bought my tickets two hours before the flight took off!” 
Seungmin came back with your orders, just in time to catch the last bit of your conversation. His eyes widened in shock. 
“TWO HOURS?” Both Jisung and Seungmin echoed you simultaneously. 
You grabbed your iced vanilla latte and started chewing on the straw. “I mean… it probably sounds a lot worse than it is...” 
Seungmin bent down at his knees to rest his arms on the table, head tilted. In that position, he really reminded you of a puppy. “Are you rich?” 
“Umm, definitely not." You placed your free drink on the table and chuckled at the thought.
Jisung raised a brow in your direction, “So you’re broke.”  
You grabbed your phone and checked your bank app. There was a silence that passed, the boys watching you carefully. You exhaled slowly and put your phone on the table, screen down. “Not like broke broke.”
Seungmin stood back up and forcefully put his hands on Jisung’s shoulders from behind him, giving them a squeeze for emphasis, “Well it’s a good thing that Hannie has a spare room, yea?” 
The two of you exchanged looks until he finally said something, “I mean… Yeah… I guess I do.” 
Jisung shot Seungmin a glare as he went back into the cafe then looked back you. You were still staring at him blankly, not saying a word. You were going through the logistics of it all in your head. It would be a free place to stay, but he was a complete stranger. This whole thing was a spontaneous trip, it was supposed to be a way for to come out of your comfortable way of living. You had been complacent, and quite honestly, staying in one place wasn’t going to help your mental health. But neither was staying with a stranger. 
“It’s not like I’m an ax murderer or anything.” 
Your silence was met with Jisung shrugging and grabbing his pastry off the plate in front of him. He broke it up into smaller pieces before stuffing it into his cheeks. He looked a little silly, reminding you of a squirrel with puffed up cheeks. “Or you can find a hotel room with all the money you still have saved up.” 
You were quickly reminded of the lack of money in your bank account. “Okay yea,” you mumbled under your breath, “lead the way.” 
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Jisung gave you a short tour of his place. It was on the seventh floor, two bedrooms, one bathroom. A small kitchen with an equally as small island, enough for two people to eat at. He had a black couch facing a TV that was hooked up to a play station, probably the newest one. 
You came out of the bathroom after showering in an over sized gray shirt and navy blue shorts underneath. You were towel drying your hair when you noticed he was at the sink. You sat at the island, his back to you.  “Thanks for letting me stay with you.” 
He seemed busy with something, but he looked over his shoulder at you. “Yea, no problem. Don’t worry about it.” 
Seeing as he was a bit busy, you went into the spare room you were staying in and grabbed your notebook. You decided to bring it back to the island; if you were going to stay with Jisung for at least a couple of days, you were going to get to know him. He definitely seemed and had proven himself nice enough.
“Is that the list again?” Jisung asked you when you sat back down, still focused on whatever it was he was doing. 
“Yeah, it is.” 
“Cool!” He threw something away in the trash under the sink. Whatever it was he was working on, he placed it in the counter next to the sink. 
“What kind of stuff do you think you could cross off?” He turned around and leaned on the island across from you. His head tilted, curious as he looked at you with warm round brown eyes. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. “Let’s see.” You opened up to the page, looking over the list and reading off a few at random.
“Paint a portrait. Sing at a karaoke bar. Fall asleep under the stars. Watch the sun rise—“
“Those are easy! You traveled all the way to korea for that? Where are the fun spontaneous ones?” 
You sighed and ran your hands down your face. “I have those too, but they’re embarrassing!” 
“Try me.” 
You held your head in your hands, looking down at the book to avoid looking at him. “Crash a wedding.” 
“Ooo that sounds fun. What else you got?” 
“I booked a flight to Korea in two hours isn't that spontaneous enough?!” 
He shook his head, still smiling. 
You looked back down. “Goskinnydipping...” You mumbled very quietly and quickly, then cleared your throat trying to glaze over that bit, hoping he didn’t hear. When he didn't react, you continued. “Get a tattoo.” Slowly, you looked at him through your damp hair that fell over your eyes. 
“Okay. Let’s do it.” He smiled at you, mischievous one. 
“Get a tattoo?” You panicked and you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. Had he heard you? 
“Let’s accomplish as many things on your list as we can while you’re here.” 
You looked at him with a brow raised. You didn’t even know what to say. “Like… together?” 
Jisung nodded simply. “Yes. Together. Why not?” 
“More like why? Why would you do that with someone you just met?” 
He mimicked your raised brow, but the smirk remained. “You bought me flowers, remember? We’re basically dating now.” 
Huh? He was joking, right? 
“Just kidding. But come on, think about it! It’ll be fun! Plus… do you know how to get around Seoul?” 
Again, he had a point. 
You bit your lower lip and scanned the room trying to avoid eye contact. It was then you noticed that the thing he was working on was the bouquet of flowers that you bought, stems cut and placed in a tall glass. 
You smiled and finally nodded, “Okay.” 
“Okay?” He looked at you with wide eyes, smirk growing into a smile, excited that you had agreed. 
“Yea. Let’s do this.” 
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author's notes: if for whatever you want to be added to a taglist, let me know :)
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hauntedhokage · 3 months
word count: 1.7k
summary: he's seeing you everywhere, and has to combat his own internal struggle of whether or not it's creepy to live across the hall from you.
warnings: mature themes, Bakugou overthinks everything, mentions of sexual content, reader is a sexworker and this is a sw positive space!!, no explicit sexual content tho.
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He can’t get over the fact that you’re the one. You, his neighbor that he knew existed but had never seen, was the girl he paid a monthly fee to for affirmations of varying levels of erotic undertones. He would be laying in bed, eyes closed as he listened to your voice, while you were across the hall recording more content. What doesn’t help is that he sees you everywhere now. 
The mailboxes, the grocery store, coming in as he’s leaving and vis versa. Every now and then you’d strike up a conversation with him, clearly flirting and he was happy to flirt back, but he was terrified of you knowing that he subscribed to your content. Would you want to keep talking to him if you knew your neighbor paid for your nudes? Regardless of whether or not he looked at them often (he’d looked at maybe three in the eight months he’d been a subscriber), that was still weird wasn’t it? He was a customer, an active consumer of the content you produced, and now he knew where you lived. Would that make you uncomfortable?
When you ask him if he wants to go to a cafe with you one morning since you were both headed in the same direction, he has to say yes. And he notices the way you look at him, it wasn’t much different from how women looked at him in general, but there was something in your eyes that was different. You were clearly analyzing him, eyes carefully trained on him as he orders then obviously surprised by him when he buys your drink. 
The following night, your weekly audio surrounds how appreciative you are when someone takes care of you. How even picking up the tab on little things like coffee makes you so appreciative and how you’d like to show your appreciation by getting on your knees and undoing their belt for them to take care of them in return. He doesn’t feel guilty when he listens to it, he likes that he thinks you’re talking about him specifically. It could have just been inspired by him, but to think that you want him like that is quite the ego boost. 
He doesn’t see you for a few days, but the next time he does it’s at the mailboxes. You were closing yours up with a couple envelopes in hand, keyring dangling from your finger when you turned to see him approaching his own mailbox. He makes some idle conversation as you wait for him to finish up at the mailbox, noticing the way you practically rock on your heels in his peripheral vision. 
And then you start on about plans for the evening, asking if he was going to watch anything special. He doesn’t watch a lot of TV, so it’s an honest answer when he says he doesn’t have anything like that planned - just dinner and then reading a bit before he went to bed. 
“If you need some entertainment, one of these nights you can connect to my vibe,” you suggest, and he has to tilt his head a bit as he tries to figure out what that meant. Was that like Twitter or something? He’d have to ask the intern at the agency in the morning because he definitely wanted to do whatever that was for you - he just didn’t know what the hell it was. 
“Yeah, possibly. I don’t really do social media though.” And he’s watching as your shoulders drop a bit, confusion ghosting across your features for a moment before you smile at him while leaning against the wall of the elevator. It’s then that he noticed you’re wearing an oversized All Might shirt that was long enough to cover the shorts he’s hoping you’re wearing underneath. “Do you like any other heroes?”
“Dynamight is alright, I think he’s the cutest in the top ten.” You’re obviously trying to flatter him, smirk on your face as the elevator doors open and he’s gesturing for you to exit first. “But let me know about the vibe thing. I’d be happy to send you a link to the app for free.”
“You pay for it?”
“Other people do. You wouldn’t have to.”
“Because I’m a pro?” And you’re giggling as you open your door, forcing a pink to bloom along his cheeks at how stupid he feels for clearly not understanding something you were trying to tell him. “It’s rude to laugh at people!”
“Not laughing at you, I promise. You’re just very cute, Katsuki. I like talking to you.”
You pause, looking up at him through your lashes as you murmur a soft, “Yeah.” 
His face is hot now, and he’s fumbling with his keys as you tell him that you need to take your dinner out of the oven but want to see him again soon. He wants to have dinner with you, and then some, but the thought of asking you out when he was subscribing to you felt weird. It had to be creepy, so he swallows his want and drowns himself in the sound of your soft moans and affirmations as he ruts pathetically into his hand to alleviate the stiffness in his jeans that he’d been dealing with since he got a glimpse of your bare legs. 
But when you ask him if he wants to come over for dinner a couple weeks later, he doesn’t say no. In fact, he’s saying yes before you can even finish the question completely. He wanted to get to know you not just in passing and outside of what he paid for. He has to cash in on a favor Kirishima owed him, but it's more than just worth it to be sitting in your apartment eating the dinner you’d cooked. 
And it was a lovely dinner, followed by him helping you wash the dishes before sitting with you on your couch. You’re telling him how you hated only seeing him in passing and wanted to take the time to actually get to know him better since he’s your neighbor, and he’s agreeing with you wholeheartedly while the weight sits on his shoulders about the fact that he knows what you look like naked and you don’t know that he knows. 
He can’t stop wondering if it’s weird for him to be sitting on your couch while knowing what was beneath the sweater and leggings you wore. Would it be made weird when you found out? Would you be upset - he hoped not, considering it was your job. But he was your neighbor, and it wasn’t like he knew that when he initially subscribed - but he didn’t unsubscribe after finding out, so would that make it weird? Was he overthinking it? He had to be, considering you were still talking and he’d tuned most of it out. 
“...and I’d like to spend more time with you.”
Oh, god. This was when he had to tell you, so you could make a clear decision about wanting to spend time with him now instead of finding out later that he’d been a subscriber and then thinking he was some creep trying to get closer to an idol or something. Your comfort was so much more important than his ego.
“I want to spend more time with you, too. But I gotta tell ya that-”
“I know you’re a subscriber.” And then you’re giggling at the loud shriek he lets out in shock at the information, leaning against the back of your couch as his face turns bright red. So you didn’t think he was creepy, just fucking stupid. He could live with stupid. “I can see your shipping and billing address on every commission, even if the delivery is digital. But I think it’s very cute and honorable for you to try and act like you didn’t initially.”
“I didn’t want you thinking I was creepy.”
“Not creepy, just very cute.” You even pinch his still hot cheek, and his nose scrunches up at your touch on instinct as you grin at him. “I wouldn’t have invited you over if I thought it was creepy.”
The weight is lifted with the reassurance that he wasn’t creepy, that you knew he subscribed and still invited him into your home. You scoot to sit a bit closer to him now that he’d visibly relaxed, and he lets his hand seek out yours and revels in your smile at the contact. You didn’t think he was creepy at all, and he gets to kiss you a few times while lounging on your couch with you. He’d always wondered if your lips were as soft as they looked, and now he knew that they were softer and the soft moans you made when his hands grazed over more sensitive spots of your body sounded so much sweeter live than they did recorded. 
It’s when he gets home he sees that you’d sent him a special thank you for being a top supporter. There’s an audio file and a zipped folder, and he opens the audio file first since that’s of more interest to him. 
“I know you mostly watch the audio content, so I wanted to record something special that fits your style. Thank you so much for being a continued supporter, it truly means the world to me. I hope to continue providing content for you for the foreseeable future, and I’d love to hear from you if you have any special requests. I hope you enjoy the photos, I took them just for you.”
God, he just loved your voice. It was like you knew just how to talk to him despite having such limited interactions. The fact that you wanted to date him seriously was unreal but he’d keep you for as long as he could. 
When he opens the photo folder he truly knows that those were taken just for him. In the first you’re wearing what appears to be only one of the shirts he’d seen sold online that said ‘Dynamight makes my pussy explode!’, with a replica of one of his gauntlets intentionally placed between your spread legs to cover your crotch. The other was just a picture of you, fully clothed and smiling for a selfie with a caption on it that said ‘hyping myself up to ask my cute neighbor out’.
Then he notices the date stamp: you’d sent that email to him two days ago - which was the day that you’d invited him over for dinner. 
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isoobie · 2 months
moots and what they remind you of!
omg sorry this took so long 😢
@boyfhee / she reminds me of cats, bubble tea (even though she hates it), webtoons, kdramas, video calls, late night walks, shared playlists, making food together, baking, bsf tiktoks, sharing airpods, album unboxing, badminton, enoclock, heejay, mirror selfies, best friend dates, cute cafes & big fat HUGS
@weoris / she reminds me of cherry blossoms, spring, rain on a sunny day, ice creams, jungwon (of course 🤞🏻) & train rides !!!
@urszn / she reminds me of jelly 🫰🏻, dyed hair, field trips, sports day, filming funny tiktoks, mark lee n riki & curly haired guys
@voikiraz / mari reminds me of love hearts (the sweet), summer time, park sunghoon ur bf, the word pookie & funny reels
@hoonvrs / saint reminds me of coca cola, funny memes, relatable tiktoks, uncontrollable laughter, accidental voice calls (iykyk 🤞🏻) & HOON
@yeokii / hana reminds me of anyone but heeseung (jokes u remind me of hanni sm), the colour baby pink, angst fics 💔, discord, gaming, cheese corn dogs & floral perfume
@hysgf / mika reminds me of kiss of life, chaeryeong & heeseung, nude colours like beige grey n black, pinterest 👏🏻, black cats & madison beer
@okwonyo / jiji reminds me of mochi, pretty pink bows, compact mirrors, soft makeup, the colour pink <3, wonyoungism, pilates, wonyo & jake OF COURSE
@tyunni / may reminds me of skittles, riki obviously, yuqi + minnie, vintage cameras, sneaking out of lessons together 🙉 & theme park rides
@wonryllis / she reminds me of sweet drinks like milkshakes, halloween, late nights, tulips, the colour beige + purple, fantasy and historical webtoons, cyberpunk core, jungkook (your loml 🙈) & the city tokyo
@wvnkoi / seol reminds me of dancing competitions, fun days out, r&b rap music, mark lee n jaemin, the whole of zb1 n boys planet & the colour deep blue !!
@seongclb / kat reminds me of jayhoon SO MUCH, kdramas, big chunky black glasses, rap music, fluffy blankets 🤲🏻, teddy bears & an older sister!
@atrirose / seiu reminds of a pink girly, milkshakes, strawberries n cream, MINGYU, being a passenger princess 😾, barbie, banana bread & anything coquette !!!
@yenqa / yen reminds me of yunjin, nayeon + jay all combined into one, pretty nature, the colour lilac and sage, vanilla, bows, coquette fashion & stars
@100203s / chae reminds me of tall green plants, all the riize members, the colour green (a nice one like emerald) & wave to earth 🙈🙈
@jjunae / she reminds me of mocktails, summery fruits like watermelons and grapes, leehi the singer, yunjin n jongseob :D, cute decorative lamps & silly diy projects 🙌🏻
@bywons / sru reminds me of coffee, the colours light pink and light brown, seashells, quiet music, daffodils 🔥, JUNG WON (more than hee i think and maybe bc of ur user) & poetry
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spacexseven · 1 year
ohhhhh tuna you minx now im thinking about wet and pathetic subordinate au dazai.
it honestly never occured to him that he'd actually miss you if you were gone, you were nothing- less than nothing. just a rowdy grunt barely worth glancing at, destined to become nothing more than a forgotten name at the bottom of a filing cabinet and a bouquet of flowers anonymously sent to your family, if you even had any. you were just fun for him to play around with, that was all. he didn't even remember your name! or blood type! or favorite color or the way you pronounce certain words or your exact height or your eye color or your entire dating history or the fact that certain herbs (herbs that his book of dark magic SWORE were foolproof for love spells!!!) made you sneeze. none of this was information that he retained. nope. none of it at all.
but to be quite frank, the idea of suddenly no longer having unfettered access to you wasnt something he ever thought of before. in the port mafia's eyes, he pretty much owned you- you were officially packaged and licensed as a tool he could use as he wished, you leaving was never a worry! until it was. doesnt matter the reason- maybe mori picked you up for his own training or just moved you to a different unit, or you could've had to go on leave for a while and everyone is mean and wont give dazai your address, or maybe youve recently had a brush with death- as soon as the idea that you actually ARENT his property and its very possible that he could lose you sets in he FUCKING. PANICS. you cant go! youre HIS!
like you said, it goes from just a desire to get you back under his thumb to an overwhelming desperation for your love and acceptance. a mixture of overanalzying every single time you were ever kind to him and stalking you to the point where he knows everything there is to know about you makes him realize he's HOPELESSLY in love with you. he needs you more than he needs air. he'll DIE if you don't come back to him! he loves you more than anything! he'll do a lot of things to get even a second of your attention, even if its negative, he just needs you to talk to him, have your eyes on him. he'll cut it with the bullying at this point tho. as much as it hurts to be ignored, you being afraid of him makes him feel like hes imploding. if you instinctively move away when he reaches out for you he might actually tear up. speaking of which, falling to the floor in sobs and reaching for you like a child is not beyond him, he has absolutely no shame when it comes to you.
he'll only escalate the more you try to push him off or let him down easy, so honestly caving and giving him a chance might be your best bet. sure, he's incredibly unstable, dangerous, and you have absolutely no fond memories of him at this point- but on the plus side, you have an executive at your beck and call! hes FINALLY gotten into your good graces, and hell do just about anything to stay there- and hes actually pretty sweet when hes all lovey like this. I mean its less of a worshipping thing than you might want, hes still VERY certain he knows better than you and needs to take care of you now that you're officially his which causes some. issues. but oh well! better than letting him run rampant.
- 🩹
hello again!! so sorry it took me Forever to get to this im very very sorry
cw: yandere themes
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when he hears that you might be shifted off elsewhere, dazai only pretends not to care, convinced that nobody would dare take you away from him. after all, who would want to make an enemy out of dazai? and even if you're gone, who cares?? he has tons of other people to pick on, tons of other things to do than mourn your absence.
it doesn't matter that the car he takes out is starting to look very empty with just him, doesn't matter that the driver's seat feels foreign to him after being accustomed to your presence. it doesn't matter that he has to start sitting on tables with just one chair in cafe's, doesn't matter that he still asks for your order as well and it definitely doesn't matter that the cat outside the base you always feed stops coming by anymore. it's not like he feels lonely, too used to another person by his side, not like you were of any use to him, anyway—all you did was drag him down!
you weren't anything special, nothing memorable about you, not the scars you earned after months in the pm, not the way disdain painted your face when dazai entered the room, not the way you said his name, and definitely, nothing stood out about you! he definitely didn't have a whole list of things written down about you, which included your favorite games and what groceries you got and what hobbies you had or even the number of interactions you had with each pm member (he also definitely did not cap the limit at 10 in a week, after which that person wouldn't be seen around you again).
but then it occurs to him that nobody else had the right to do that to him. regardless if you're in critical condition or sent off on some secret investigation, dazai is furious by the implications. the idea that you weren't ultimately under his direct command, the fact that someone else thought to meddle, it frustrates and infuriates him to no end. he panics, he throws a tantrum, but in the end, dazai's still not sated.
as dazai finally gains a crumb of self-perception, it finally occurs to him that he's in love with you, and he has no shame in letting the world know about it. he panics, wondering if you'd ever like him, but he pushes that to the back and focuses on what he can do. which ranges from stalking you to clinging onto your leg when you ignore him to even breaking into your home and nursing you. there comes a point where he is genuinely convinced that he might drop down dead if you ignore him any longer, mostly because he doesn't know how to deal with the pain of heartbreak and the guilt and the depression all sinking onto him at once. he has no shame in this situation, and no care for self-preservation, unlike chuuya. nothing matters more to him than you, and he won't stop at anything until you give in. and i agree that the more you reject him the crazier his attempts are going to get. the next thing you know, all of yokohama is going to wake up to him screaming about how much he loves you.
a lovesick dazai is an unstoppable dazai. while he appears like a fool in his attempts to win you over, he still maintains a cruel demeanor towards anyone else. if it makes you happy, he's ready to wipe out yokohama, or even just the person who cut ahead of you in line. just as long as you promise to stay by his side, of course. he's finally found a semblance of happiness, and he's willing to do anything to keep it. for the most part, if you're able to deal with him as a boyfriend despite his past with you, he's surprisingly not that bad. since it's dazai, there are still some glaring problems with the whole relationship, but for the most part, he takes on the role of an extremely doting boyfriend who just wants to keep you safe. and unlike chuuya, dazai doesn't ever let you know what dirty work he does to keep your relationship going—all his hard work would be for nothing if you were scared of him again, after all.
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bleach-your-panties · 4 months
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I've hit 1500+ followers after making a miraculous comeback from my 2019-22 slump, lol. So I'd like to celebrate with a fun little event for you all!
The theme of this event is getting sexy in unusual/inappropriate places.
Think of any place where you've done the do (that you probably shouldn't have!)
Keep reading for how to participate:
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pick your fav character (fandoms i write for here) + a location + a sexy category (only choose from ONE sexy category).
your chosen sexy category does not limit you to just that action but it will be the main focus of the post.
1 request per person please, as i'm only doing a limited number of these.
i will close the event when i have enough to work on.
specify your reader type. keep in mind that i usually write female readers and i do not write trans-readers due to lack of adequate knowledge. i do not want to offend anyone.
i age up characters.
i will queue this post so everyone in different time zones will have a chance to see it and submit a request.
any questions, please ask!
have fun xoxo🫶🏽
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best friend's house, public bathroom, dressing room, classroom/clubroom (university au), bike shop/mechanic, club, restaurant, parent's house, bedroom/dorm room, outside, beach, park, work, cafe-bakery-ice cream shop, car, boat, airplane, alleyway, train/subway, concert, sports event, church, meeting/zoom meeting, other - specify
sexy actsᰔ (choose only one of these from either category!)
handjob, fingering, blowjob/eat-out, footjob, titjob, french-kiss/makeout, facesitting/throatfucking, dry-humping, thigh-fucking, facial/cumshot, other - specify
mating press, missionary, doggy style, against wall/chair/surface, full nelson, prone bone, upside down/in the air/standing, cowgirl/reverse cowgirl, spooning/from the side, other - specify
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let's get it poppin' with...💋💄
↷gojo satoru ...on an airplane
↷nanami kento ....during a zoom call
↷kurotsuchi mayuri ...in the bedroom
↷abarai renji ...during a zoom call
↷zaraki kenpachi ...in an alleyway
↷urahara kisuke ....in a dressing room
↷baji keisuke ....at the bar
↷kuchiki byakuya ....in a public bathroom
↷onyankopon ....on a balcony
↷tomioka giyuu ....at the mechanic shop
↷kyouraku shunsui ....against a cherry blossom tree
↷kurosaki ichigo ....in the classroom
↷kira izuru ....outside
↷muguruma kensei ....at the bike shop
↷kurosaki ichigo....in his dorm room
↷kaibara sen ....in the garage
↷abarai renji ....at a concert
↷haitani ran ....during a zoom meeting
↷ryuguji ken ....on the train
↷roy mustang & maes hughes ....in the office
↷amajiki tamaki ....against a wall
↷connie springer & sasha brauss ....at a dinner party
↷hanma shuji ....in the parking lot
↷higuruma hiromi ....on his private balcony
↷haitani rindou ....at the club
↷geto suguru ....at a bakery
↷haitani rindou ....at his parents' house
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dividers by @/hitobaby💗🫶🏽
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