#trans books 365
Books By Trans Authors Of Color You Should Read - Part 2
My first post about this topic was pretty popular, so here's another (non-exhaustive) list of amazing books by trans authors of color you should read/pre-order!
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Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore The Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution by Kacen Callender Unwieldy Creatures by Addie Tsai Angels Before Man by rafael nicolás Keep Me Close by R.M. Virtues
Moonflower by Kacen Callender The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas Café Con Lychee by Emery Lee With a Vengeance by Freydís Moon (I no longer recommend this author's books.)The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa
Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao Supporting Trans People of Colour by Sabah Choudrey Venom & Vow by Anna-Marie McLemore and Elliott McLemore Tell Me How It Ends by Quinton Li Ander & Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa Godly Heathens by H.E. Edgmon
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transbookoftheday · 4 months
🏳️‍⚧️📚 Trans Book Challenge 📚🏳️‍⚧️
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Read a minimum of one trans book per month for the entirety of 2024 in order to help form the habit of reading and supporting trans books and trans authors.
How it works:
Just read one trans book every month in 2024, and review it and/or talk about it!
Can't decide which books you want to read? Just open transbookoftheday.tumblr.com (on desktop) and click here:
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If you're a fast reader, you're welcome to read more than one trans book per month!
Here are some optional prompts if you want to diversify your reading even more:
Read a trans book by an author of color.
Read a transfem book.
Read a transmasc book.
Read a nonbinary book.
Read a trans nonfiction book or memoir.
Read a trans poetry book.
Read a trans picture book or children's book.
Read a trans book with a disabled main character.
Read a trans short story, anthology, novella or graphic novel.
Read a book featuring a t4t relationship.
Read a trans retelling or a historical trans book.
Read a trans book in your favorite genre.
Happy trans reading! 🏳️‍⚧️📚
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falling-mellow · 11 months
Found back a childhood bedtime stories book in a little free library today
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(Translated from Dutch)
'Hm, I'm not affraid!
With a flop, papa Wigglenose closes 'The Big Handbook for Bunnies'. He had read aloud what bunnies could do in Wintertime to wipe out their trails in the snow. As always, he ends with the words "And watch out for Rosse!" (the fox)
Ten little bunnies already tremble just at the thought of the fox.
Only little Victoria says "Hm, I'm not affraid of Rosse!"
Victoria is a tough little rabbit girl. But they'd rather be a boy. When mama Wigglenose wants them to put on a dress, they'd grumble all day.
They'd rather wear jeans and sweathers.
And when mom isn't near, they tell their siblings "Please call me Victor!"
Victor said trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️✌️
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GOD i cant stop thinking about how weird it is that twilight was inspired by MCR which was inspired by 911. when everyone else was caught up in this aggressve patriotism as a form of defense and an excuse for violent bigotry, mcr said lets make something beautiful. lets make something that will let us heal. and then twilight and harry potter used to have this whole fandom feud, but ended up almost being two sides of the same coin. both deeply terrible and written by bigoted white women who either did nothing to amend for the damage her respective writing did, or actively tried to make it worse. and how they ended up sort of being married together by the creation of My Immortal, which is arguably a twilightified fanfic of harry potter, written by someone that absolutely worshipped gerard way. and how mcr was asked to make a song for the twilight soundtrack to which they said fuck you and instead made Vampire Money, a song about what itd be like if they succumed to capitalist greed and devalued their art by leaning into the edgy aesthetic beyond the end of its shelf life and whored out their emotions for profit. and then they broke up because it really Was killing them. and now theyre back. and then the WWWYf tour happened. and That happened. they turned it into an opportunity to make a giant fuck you to that selfsame concept, dressing up as a parody of what theyd have become if theyd done what the public wanted of them, if theyd stayed closeted and suicidal and become consumed by the addiction of selling that pain for profit. a point underlined by the contrast with how theyve been presenting themselves the past 3 months on their real tour, specifically gerard, and how specifically BECAUSE they took a hiatus, BECAUSE they didnt give into greed for more vampire money and didnt destroy themselves, they are alive today in order to be onstage now in front of us. awake and unafraid. a giant celebration of trans joy and affirmation and acknowledgement and love between them and us, their fans, specifically their trans fans. how they finished the WWWYf show with Vampire Money and no one in that crowd got it because no one in that crowd Would get it, and that perfectly crystalized their absolutely scathing point. and then on their real tour they made the more blatant but less serious reference by wearing a twilight shirt and talking about robert pattinson, just goofing off and having fun being gay, bc with us they finally can. and in the meantime, jk rowling has written a self insert cringe comp book longer than the fucking bible trying desparately to cling to relevancy and make herself out to be the victim in her own transphobia, desparately whoring out her bigotry for profit. and the fact that 50 shades of gray is just a twilight fanfic that caused 365 Days to get written and also kind of caused the normalization of fanfic getting turned into actual monetized netflix level media. but ofc its only okay when its cishet. the smut turned netflix series exuality is only acceptable when its straight. and its all toxic af!!! but somehow its fine that THATS plastered on every billboard!!! but the original queer people it was inspired by were shunned and shamed and now that theyre back from the dead, everyones trying to capitalize on their return. and they said go fuck yourselves!!!! and meanwhile the same type of people who hate us and them ARE succumbing to that greed, and theyre fucking floundering!!! just.i just. i. uGHGGGGGG
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ladycatryx · 8 months
In Defense of Harry Potter
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If you or someone you love is a trans person in crisis: The Trevor Project‘s 24/7/365 Lifeline [US]: 866-488-7386 Trans Lifeline [US]: 877-565-8860 TrevorChat, (online instant messaging option) International Support: TrevorSpace
I minored in Gender Studies for both my Bachelor's and Master's. I have a bookshelf full of queer theory. I have several trans friends.
And I went to a Harry Potter themed party the other day.
Like many of my fellow 90s kids, I grew up reading Harry Potter. It was an era-defining feature of my adolescence, eagerly anticipating book releases and midnight movie theatre screenings. But unlike many of my peers, it is not merely a feature of my past. I still regularly read and write Harry Potter fanfiction. I have beautiful art books and unofficial compendiums chock-full of lore and behind-the-scenes details. I am a HP trivia wizard---or witch, as the case may be. I have so much investment into the lore and the world of Harry Potter, and I often find myself in Hogwarts and the surrounding Highlands in my dreams---even moreso now that Hogwarts Legacy has given us a first-person and 3D experience of the layout and landscape of the Wizarding World. So I relished the chance to don my Slytherin robes and get all dressed up in character. The pictures turned out great. But I couldn't post them on any of my social media. I have been told, in no uncertain terms, that anyone who continues to support or engage with the Harry Potter franchise is a TERF and a fascist. Full stop. To quote one of my friends, "I don't interact with Harry Potter media anymore. And frankly I treat any interest in it as a sign of transphobia for my own safety. So I really don't care to know much about the [Hogwarts Legacy] game aside from the disgusting blood libel it chose to use in it's narrative. It's a hard line for me as a trans person."
It's a controversial topic, to be sure. Now I absolutely hate cancel culture's tendency to drag something someone said 10 years ago into the spotlight and blow it out of proportion, even sometimes taking it out of its original context to spin it as a bad actor with bad intentions, and then to deny people the ability to apologize or acknowledge personal growth (see: what happened to Lindsay Ellis. Thanks, I hate it). But let's be clear: that's not the case here. JKR has only dug herself deeper into the hole, being belligerently and purposefully ignorant and cruel despite a PR team probably begging her to shut up, and despite an entire world of people who have attempted to teach her better. She has acted, and continues to act, in bad faith, even writing trans and queer-coded villains and serial killers into her latest books. This is not a person who has attempted to apologize and make right her wrongs when they've been pointed out. This is someone who has been given every opportunity to not be an awful person and instead has doubled down on her hurtful and hateful views.
So, now that we know JKR's true colors, clearly the entire world of Harry Potter is suspect, as is anyone who continues to enjoy it....right? Sure, maybe not everyone who still rocks their House Pride merch is a TERF, but, like the sandwich-eaters of Chick-fil-A who just need their chicken fix, they certainly can't be counted as allies....right?
I've struggled with this.
And maybe this entire blog post will be read as nothing more than a selfish person defending their right to enjoy a thing guilt-free in order to conveniently overlook or dismiss the harm they're doing by persisting in centering their nostalgia over the real-life danger JKR's views presents to trans people. You can be the judge of that, I suppose.
My impulse since all of this has been to lean into "death of the author," an argument that says, essentially, it is not authorial intent that matters for meaning, but the text itself that is authoritative. In theory, the text can speak for itself, and the way readers engage with it and interpret it can stand in isolation from whatever meaning was meant by the author. (For an excellent video on this subject, click here, and here for a JKR-specific one). But I'd like to expand on that here, because 1) as the links above point out, engaging with the work of a living author still empowers them and gives them a platform and 2) is usually just an emotional response to silo oneself from the guilt of consuming the content of a problematic creator. In other words, it's a cop-out.
But I'm a sociologist. I'm currently an ABD Ph.D. student. I specialize in theory, gender, religion, and culture---the latter is just an elaborate system of signs and symbols that we are embedded in and have to make meaning out of. And meaning-making is a messy business. Interpretation is a vital and integral part of meaning-making. Messages aren't just handed down from the heavens and absorbed---social actors are actively engaged in the process of receiving them. Sometimes there are interferences, misunderstandings, and mixed signals that scramble the meaning. Intent does not equal impact, and so the messages we receive and understand do not always correspond to the meaning that was meant. (Again, not saying JKR is misunderstood or that we're misreading her intentions here---she's pretty unequivocally awful. But I am saying that in a world where meaning is what we make it, a trash person can still produce something of value, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)
Sometimes reading a meaning other than that which was meant into something can have humorous consequences. Sometimes the results are disastrous. Sometimes it means that we humans, as pattern-seeking creatures, see the face of Jesus on a slice of toast, or a baby-shaped cloud in the sky the same week we find out a loved one is pregnant. I think the fact that we can make meaning where there is none and make beauty out of nothing is spectacular, miraculous. In this age of disenchantment, many people are looking for ways to reconnect and reenchant their lives, to create sacred rituals out of their mundane routines. We are meaning-seeking creatures, and with many people feeling burned by, disillusioned with, or distrustful of traditional religion, we are turning to nontraditional sources of wisdom and inspiration. For literal millions of people, the Harry Potter books have been one such source. And I think there is value to them still, despite what has come to light about their author.
In college, I was heavily involved in interfaith activism. I no longer identify as Christian, but I was raised Christian. And I started to feel the parallels from my own experience.
If a person has been hurt by a Christian, feels Christianity is toxic, identifies passages in the Bible that have been used to oppress or were the product of a time that was openly endorsing of slavery, homophobia, misogyny, etc...their experience is valid. They have a right to say "Hey, I was raised with this thing and at one point it meant a lot to me (or maybe not, maybe it was always forced) but it hurt me and I no longer feel comfortable there and I choose not to engage with Christianity anymore." They have a right to be wary if they hear someone is Christian and they don't know anything else about that person.
But no religion is a monolith. The Bible is not a monolith. For every passage that may be hurtful or harmful or be interpreted in bad faith to support a particular agenda, there are dozens more about love, kindness, and compassion. Religion has been the driving force behind so many wars and evils...but it has inspired countless good as well. The Bible has been wielded as a weapon to cause suffering as well as been looked to as a resource of hope and peace.
I'm not saying that cancelling someone for resonating deeply with the Harry Potter series and not wanting to give it up because of what it means to them is like asking someone to not be a Christian or to give up their faith so as not to offend others. Of course, the comparison seems flippant. Religion is religion! We give it special legal protections because of its literally sacred status. It concerns matters of ultimate importance. The other is...fiction.
But what is sacred is a social construction. I'm going to bracket here any discussion about the existence or nonexistence of deities, an afterlife, and etc. What does religion actually do for people? What does it mean in the lives of the faithful? It is a source of comfort. Of hope. Of inspiration. Of answers. It can be a moral guide, with lessons and instruction and a guide for how to live that others can model their own lives on.
Casper ter Kuile, cofounder of the podcast Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, (check out their values statement if you want to know where they stand---spoiler alert, they're as progressive as it gets) would not find the comparison ridiculous. In fact, ter Kuile (who is, by the way, a gay man) founded the project with a fellow student while at Harvard Divinity School. In his book The Power of Ritual (2020) he talks about how the HP books have been a source of solace and inspiration and sacred reflection for him---and not just for him, but for thousands. Millions.
"Millions of readers already treated the Potter books as sacred in their own way. Therapists and counselors report young people using Hogwarts as their psychological safe space to go to in times of struggle and pain. And it isn't simply a refuge from the world. The Harry Potter Alliance, founded in 2005, has mobilized thousands around the country to act on marriage equality, fair-trade chocolate, and other progressive issues, using the narratives and rituals from the books to motivate and shape winning campaigns. Just as social justice movements have reinterpreted biblical narratives like the Exodus story and quoted the psalms, so too the Harry Potter Alliance references characters and plotlines from the wizarding world to motivate readers into action" (2020:44-45).
The HP books have helped people (and kids) cope with the loss of loved ones, understand privilege, learn that adults, authority figures, and even the government that makes the laws can lie and be corrupted and may not always have one's best interests at heart. That what is legal is not necessarily right or just. That evil doesn't just look like pale, snake-faced men who attempt to murder babies---sometimes it's enough for people in power to do nothing, to care more about maintaining their own relative privilege, power, and comfort. That often bullies lash out because they too have been hurt, and that hate can be easier to speak than love when it's all that you know...but that in the end, it is our choices that matter, not our abilities or the circumstances of our birth. The books have powerful messages, and they have nuance.
Take, for example, Petunia Dursley. As ter Kuile points out, universally disliked. But:
"As Vanessa and I reread that first chapter, we saw a young woman, unsupported in motherhood, suddenly given a second infant to care for after the death of her sister. Imposed on by a world she has always envied and feared, with no explanation, she feels vulnerable to a society that can only spell danger. No doubt, Petunia is abusive to Harry. She neglects him in the most foundational years of his life. But this sacred reading illustrated that narratives of good and evil nearly always are more complex when we risk our hearts to explore a sacred reading. It not only gave me a new lens for understanding a character, but it challenged me to realize I'd let the polarizing news narratives construct simplistic binaries of innocence and guilt" (2020:49).
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The books aren't perfect. Even the messages JKR wrote into the books aren't all good, even if many are. Many people despise Dumbledore despite the twinkle in his eye and his many wise sayings for the way he used Harry like a pawn, like a tool---keeping him in the dark and just getting him to survive long enough to get him to die at the right time. By putting him in danger year after year, putting responsibility on his shoulders that no child should ever have to bear. For thinking that there would ever be an acceptable reason to leave him in the care of abusers, blood or no, magical love ward or no. And I love fanfiction because this messiness is explored and unpacked.
And yet, in canon, this jock who married his high school girlfriend and became a cop named his son after that guy and the incel who lusted after his mom man who tormented him and his schoolmates for years (I do love Snape as a literary character though, speaking of nuance...) instead of, oh, Remus, Rubeus, Arthur...y'know, any of the other men that were actually decent father figures to him in his life.
And yes, there are some heinous things in the book, like giving the Asian character the name Cho Chang and the Black man the name Shacklebolt. The antisemitism of the way goblins are portrayed: big-nosed, greedy, and money-hungry. And don't get me started on the fucking shofar. It has become trendy to shit on the books and other related IP, even to the point of ridiculousness. (Case in point: the uproar over the inclusion of a trans character in Hogwarts Legacy. And not from TERFs, but from the progressive community. At first I didn't understand---performative allyship? Surely her inclusion, and the ability to make trans characters in the character create, is better than the alternative, right? Apparently, it's her name that's the issue: Sirona Ryan. I had to actually look up why people were mad because again, I didn't get it. Evidently, people took issue with the "Sir" and the "Ryan," arguing that two such masculine-sounding elements on a trans woman's name was the equivalent of naming her "Penis McMan." Yes, really. Guess we better tell Serena Williams she's canceled too for perpetuating the "Black women athletes are too muscular and masculinized" stereotype). Anyway, it's been a dogpile lately to point out the plot holes and the poor world-building. And I admit, fanfiction authors often wield some amazing transformative alchemy, building on some of the half-assed parts of the lore and magic system and turning it into something far superior to what is canon. Nevertheless, it is reductive and revisionist history to portray the books as something other than the international bestsellers that they are. They are not the most amazing, brilliant things ever written, and yes, there are series out there that deserve the fame and attention and accolades that the Harry Potter series got. But nor are the HP books terrible derivative drivel that suddenly everyone wants to portray them as. In reality, they're a mixed bag.
What they undeniably are is important to people.
People read sacred texts because:
"the thousands of years in which generations have engaged these texts is something we need to pay attention to; and that we can step into a continuous stream of conversation between the text and human beings that has lasted centuries" (The Power of Ritual 2020:38).
There are nuggets of wisdom and timeless truths to be found, even in fiction. There is nostalgia for those of us who literally grew up with these characters, being of a similar age to Harry, Ron, and Hermione as we first read the books. The HP series is fairly unique in being both culturally relevant---a pop culture touchstone (I can't recall ever attending themed midnight release parties at a bookstore for any other series)---and possessing of longevity. The HP generation is passing the books along to their kids now. It connects generations in a way not many other franchises do. Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are the only other ones that come to my mind at the moment.
JKR is a TERF (which is not a slur, incidentally). Unapologetic. An awful person, certainly.
But I've seen people call her evil.
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We can debate the meaning of the term, certainly. Evil itself is not black and white---her own books taught me that. If someone is evil, can anything they produce contain some good? Or is it irreparably tainted? Can someone be evil and still donate millions of pounds to charities for the homeless and victims of domestic violence? Could an evil person be capable of writing such emotionally deep and nuanced characters?
I think we are all capable of great evil and great good. Again, I'm not advocating for forgiveness or redemption here---she's done nothing to earn such goodwill. I don't support her.
But I think there are ethical ways to continue to engage in and enjoy the franchise. Don't buy officially licensed merch---but the fan-made stuff on Etsy labeled "Red House" or "Magical School Badger House" I find fair game. Buy your copy of Hogwarts Legacy used, or borrow from a friend. (Personally, I'm pessimistic enough to think that there's nothing I personally can or can't do that will financially impact her in any meaningful way...throwing away all my HP merch and not buying the $7 Slytherin slipper socks at BoxLunch isn't going to make a dent. It's up to the major companies and corporations that have partnered with her in the past to license Harry Potter-themed merch to roll back their association, and for production studios and actors to refuse to associate with the franchise. That's what she'll notice and care about. But I digress.)
On a personal level, I find deep psychological satisfaction from identifying as a Slytherin. (I'm also that bitch who is way too into her MBTI archetype and knows her rising sign and other obscure details of her natal chart, so sue me.) Just the other day, I got into an argument with my partner, who accused me of employing leading questions to get information about his mental state and plans for the day---he prefers directness, I find subtlety to be much more polite. We speak different languages. That's not the point. The point is, he felt manipulated, and even though he knows me well enough to know it wasn't out of any malicious intent, it felt slimy to him. From my perspective, my approach comes from a history of emotional abuse from my father, who has Borderline Personality Disorder and a host of other mental illnesses I inherited (yay, trauma!) In other words, it's a survival tactic. (Self-preservation: also a Slytherin trait.) I had to learn to prioritize myself from a very young age to avoid being taken advantage of. To some, that may sound selfish. For me, it was survival. And the word "manipulation" gets a bad rap, but it literally means "to handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner." That isn't necessarily sinister or done with bad intentions. It's strategic. It's smart. It's what emotionally aware humans have evolved to do as social animals. We don't talk about manipulating tools as shady behavior. It's an asset, this ability.
Maybe that's my ambition speaking. But I wouldn't be where I am today---working hard to earn my Ph.D., having already earned a Master's Degree from a highly prestigious institution, having graduated summa cum laude with research honors at my previous university---without ambition. But I do understand that people distrust sly, slippery, cunning people. But Coyote is a culture hero, I don't abide by the maligning of snakes and serpents, and I'm a Prometheus/Lucifer apologist. People may not find their methods entirely honorable, but you can't argue with the results being for the greatest good. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. It all fits, and it's a label that allows me to understand myself and my motivations and priorities better.
If you've been hurt and betrayed by JKR and can no longer find solace in a world that was once a source of comfort for you, I grieve that with you. I understand, and I'm sorry. No one should be forced to engage with something they find tainted and harmful, and everyone must draw that line for themselves. But I think there are ethical ways to continue to enjoy and engage with a franchise that has been a source of joy and inspiration for so many, including those within the LGB+TGNC community. The text even lends itself to queer, subversive, progressive, and action-oriented readings, which is the sweetest form of reclaiming and empowerment, and which the queer community has a long history of---appropriating the hurtful and harmful and transforming it into something playful and prideful. Queer folx are the original alchemists.
It's an egregore now, especially the fanon version of the Wizarding World. It's the collective product of millions of people loving and investing in these characters and their world. It has taken on a life of its own, independent of its creator. And like Lucifer, like humankind, it can defy the will and designs of its master and break away. It's expanded beyond her. She may have built the framework of the house, but we grew up there. We furnished it. And we can return to move things around and play in it from time to time. Some of us never left. I won't give that up because I've been made to feel I have to.
Oh, and that Harry Potter themed party? It was held at a business that is an unofficial hub for the local queer community. A portion of the proceeds went to a local LGBTQ charity, and there were several trans people in attendance. And we all had a fabulous time.
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Welcome to the Madhouse.
Welcome to the Madhouse.
I’m a Omnisexual - Queer/ENBY Trans - Satanist and Animist - Zookeeper, Herpetologist, Science Educator, Agricultural Scientist and Conservation Biologist who is also a painter, guitar player, tattoo enthusiast, artisan, photographer and avid concert goer.
Things I love.....
Bands: David Bowie, Megadeth, Def Leppard, Billy Idol, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Behemoth, Immortal/Abbath, The Midnight Devils, Winger, Poison, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Orion’s Reign, Crash Midnight, W.A.S.P., Cinderella, Guns n' Roses, Skid Row, Jackyl, Beethoven, Whitesnake, Lynch Mob, Enuff Z’Nuff, (You could just  feel free to join me on Spotify or I have this tag specifically for eventually sharing all of my favorite bands and this one for the 365 Days of Music Prompts, If you are looking for new music I have a whole tag #<500K for all the bands I love on Spotify with less than 500K monthly listeners, and I often share new music from artists I like.) -I have a love for bassists.
Movies: Hard to Be God, Escape From New York, Jurassic Park, Flashdance, LOTR/The Hobbit(Modern or the cartoon version), Solomon Kane, Wayne’s World, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Man Who Fell To Earth, The Original Star Wars Trilogy, Ray Harryhausen movies, The Warriors, Terminator 2, The Last Action Hero, ALL the Godzilla, Cat People, Dirty Dancing, Cool World, Mortal Kombat, They Live, Aliens(any of them), Indiana Jones Series, Hellraiser Series, Falling Down, The Man from Earth, Avatar
TV Shows: Fringe, Star Trek TOS/NG/VOY, Spartacus, Babylon 5, Falling Skies, Lucifer, Metalocalypse, The Hunger, Anything with Gordon Ramsey or Anthony Bourdain, The Joy of Painting, Nature, How It’s Made, Primeval, Dracula
Books: Milton’s Paradise Lost, Hard to Be God - by Arkady and Boris Stugatsky, Anything Attenborough, Anything by Crichton, All the Tolkien, 
Hobbies: House plants, gardening, watercolor painting, reading, hiking, rock climbing, horseback riding (even if I don’t get to often), reptiles and amphibians, nature photography, vinyl records, tattoos, fashion, guitar playing
Aesthetics: 80s Glam Rock/Hair Metal, Ziggy Stardust, 80s-90s Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Nature and Plants
I love asks so ask away. Feel free to talk and hang out here for a bit. 
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
15: Ô Paon // Fleuve
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Fleuve Ô Paon 2015, Disques Ô Paon (Bandcamp)
Geneviève Castrée (Ô Paon) made her reputation as a cartoonist. Her 2012 memoir Susceptible was warmly reviewed in comics circles and, after her death at age 35, leading indie press Drawn & Quarterly published a lavish volume of her collected art. Though the cult of her work remains niche, it continues to grow thanks to the efforts of those who loved her (most notably her husband, Phil Elverum of The Microphones/Mount Eerie).
Though her music tends to be overshadowed by her comics, Castrée was also prolific as a musician. She used a variety of monikers, of which Ô Paon (trans. O Peacock) was the last and most frequent. She didn’t draw a line between the forms, releasing a number of combination books/albums including 2004’s Pamplemoussi (under her own name) and 2007’s Tout Seul dans la Foret en Plein Jour, Avez​-​Vous Peur? as Woelv. Hers was a stark, outsider sound, minimally arranged and rather amelodic. She sang in her native Québécois French in a high, almost piping voice. Accompanying herself on a clean, tensely picked electric guitar, Castrée planted herself at an intersection between drone, folk, and perhaps choral music, and rarely strayed from it.
Fleuve in particular evokes ice floating down a black river, windburned cheeks, a child singing quietly to herself after dark. It isn’t overtly sinister, but it is often unsettling in the same ways her comics could be—to whit, the sleeve illustration seems to depict a boyish child fleeing across a frozen body of water from a crack in which nine identical black-haired heads (resembling Castrée’s self-portraits) bob just above the surface. (This might be the place to note that Castrée was actually a long-time pen name, meaning “castrated.”) The lyrics are loose and imagistic. There are scenes of hitchhiking and car accidents on the barren highway between Montréal and Québec City; oblique evocations of violence and sexual awakening; moments of surreal political satire. It’s all juxtaposed with the elemental flow of water and the seasons, an endless return.
Fleuve is the most fully-realized recording in her catalogue, thanks to its excellent production and expanded instrumental palette. Castrée and collaborator Gus Franklin fill out her skeletal compositions with entrancing organ, mellotron and synth accents that move away from her bedroom roots into a more open world. Cellist Lori Goldston, a session ace known for her work with Nirvana and Earth among others, also drops in to lend her instrument’s solemn buzzing throat to the proceedings.
There’s little light to be found in the circumstances of her demise, but Castrée’s intense productivity leaves us with a considerable body of work—of which Fleuve should be considered an integral part.
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semper-legens · 2 years
122. The House on Half Moon Street, by Alex Reeve
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Owned?: No, library Page count: 365 My summary: Leo Stanhope is a hospital porter, and reasonably content with the life he has built. But when the body of his lover is wheeled into his hospital, Leo is forced to confront some painful truths. On the trail of the murderer, doubting everything about his relationship with the lovely Maria, Leo must be careful...or else. The secret he holds is enough to destroy him. Will he find the murderer, before suffering the same fate as his love? My rating: 2/5 My commentary:
Okay. So. Here’s the thing. I was looking up books with trans characters for work, and this one came up as something that intrigued me. A book set in Victorian London, featuring a trans man as a main character solving a murder. Well, I like trans stuff, and I like Victoriana. Not really a thriller/crime/mystery genre fan, but when there are other things in a narrative that can hold interest for me, that’s not much of a dealbreaker. But, hoo boy. The writer is a cis man, and apparently did not talk to a trans person during the writing of this novel.
(Warning for rape and transphobia under the cut.)
I tried to hard to be fair to this, going in. Leo is a trans man, and wears a makeshift binder he refers to as a cilice, which is a religious garment like a hair shirt worn under the shirt as a sign of penance. Alright, fair, I know I had some derogatory nicknames for my binder back when I wore one, it’s reasonable that someone who needs to wear one might ironically refer to it as that, though the associations of the word are iffy. But Reeve doesn’t seem to know anything about the practicalities of binding. Leo complains that it hurts when the binding chafes his skin (something I’ve never experienced but tbf I used to wear a proper binder not a makeshift one) but there’s no reference to back/rib pain or shortage of breath, despite that being the most common source of binding pain. He sews cloth into his trousers as a packer, that seems fair, but there’s no mention of vocally passing, which is odd.
But then there’s just random transphobia. Leo early on mentions a trans woman he met but misgenders her at every turn, despite the fact that he of all people should know not to do that. And Leo experiences some particularly troubling events. Because of Shenanigans, he’s got to disguise himself as his former identity as a woman, and ends up flirting with a man - this could have been interesting, but at that point I had lost any and all faith in Reeve as a writer to depict this sensitively, and it just ended up incredibly uncomfortable. Later, Leo is imprisoned with a woman, the woman is threatened with rape, and Leo offers himself up in her place, revealing his trans identity. This...just felt gratuitous, and incredibly unpleasant. I don’t think Reeve would have had this happen to a cis male protagonist. The outcome of that scene could have occurred without Leo being raped. More troubling is that, afterwards, he starts to question his identity based on that traumatic experience, parts of which seem incredibly bio-essentialist.
As for the mystery itself...eh? Leo makes some strange assumptions at various points, which really damages his credibility in my eyes. I don’t know, I never really engaged with it that much. Part of it is based on the victim, a sex worker, having lied to a lot of people about her past, and the question of whether she really loved Leo. Like, yeah, she told multiple people she loved them deeply, that’s part of the job. I don’t know, maybe all the trans stuff just overshadowed it, but I was deeply, deeply disappointed by this one.
Next up, a strange affliction is sweeping the land, as one by one teenagers begin to fall asleep...
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cookingfoodsblog · 7 months
Thanksgiving Quesadilla
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Prep: 10 minutes Cook: 15 Serves - 2
This Thanksgiving, use your leftovers to make a Thanksgiving Quesadilla! We all need some ideas to use up the extra food from the big feast, and this turkey quesadilla is the solution. Skip the sandwich and use this Thanksgiving leftover recipe instead!
What’s in a Turkey Quesadilla?
We make so much food for the big feast, and we end up with soooo many leftovers. They crowd the fridge and call out to you for days, begging to be eaten. This is the perfect way to use up all that turkey and also have something really fun to eat that doesn’t make you feel like you’re eating leftovers.
Whole Wheat Tortillas: Make this dish feel a little healthier without compromising the taste.
Thanksgiving Turkey: You thought you planned out your feast perfectly, but somehow you still have pounds of the stuff in the fridge. Might as well put it to good use!
Cranberry Sauce: Adds a bit of a zippy, tangy flavor to the quesadillas that cuts through the cheese.
Shredded Cheese: I used cheddar, Asiago, and pepper jack in mine and it was *chef’s kiss* — feel free to use your favorites, though!
Fresh Sage: Adds a pop of freshness and herbal flavor that ties everything together!
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5 Ingredients
4 whole wheat tortillas
2 cups Thanksgiving turkey chopped into small pieces
½ cup cranberry sauce
2 cup shredded cheese I used cheddar, Asiago, and pepper jack!
¼ cup chopped fresh sage
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Step 01
Spray a large skillet with olive oil and heat over medium heat.
Step 02
Place the first wrap in the bottom of the skillet and top with ¼ cup cheese, ½ cup turkey, ¼ cup cranberry sauce, ⅛ cup sage, another ¼ cup cheese, and the second wrap. Grill for about 5 minutes on each side, or until melty and delicious.
Step 03
Take off the heat and cut into quarters to serve. Repeat with other ingredients to make a second quesadilla.
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Becky’s tips
Flipping the tortilla can be a little tricky. To avoid spills, use a spatula to slide the quesadilla onto a small plate. Cover with another plate; flip; remove the top plate and slide it all back into the skillet.
Don’t overload the wraps with food. Pay attention to the quantities listed in the recipe to avoid soggy, leaking quesadillas.
The sage leaves can be chopped to spread the flavor throughout. You can also use dried sage.
If you’re repurposing cheese from Thanksgiving appetizers, you can use thinly sliced or cubed cheese in the quesadillas– no need to shred it.
Storage: Store Thanksgiving quesadillas in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months.
Nutrition Information
Serving: 1quesadilla Calories: 872kcal (44%) Carbohydrates: 76g (25%) Protein: 65g (130%) Fat: 34g (52%) Saturated Fat: 17g (106%) Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g Monounsaturated Fat: 8g Trans Fat: 0.01g Cholesterol: 182mg (61%) Sodium: 1443mg (63%) Potassium: 441mg (13%) Fiber: 7g (29%) Sugar: 28g (31%) Vitamin A: 829IU (17%) Vitamin C: 1mg (1%) Calcium: 757mg (76%) Iron: 4mg (22%)
Download This Free E-Book
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500 Low-Carb Recipes 500 Recipes, from Snacks to Dessert, That the Whole Family Will Love
.................Keep Reading.................
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thekotaroo · 10 months
Profiles of Pride: June 25th! 🏳️‍🌈Dylan Mulvaney🏳️‍🌈
Dylan Mulvaney (born December 29, 1996) is an American actress, comedian, and TikTok personality. Mulvaney is known for detailing her gender transition in daily videos on TikTok since early 2022. In October 2022, Mulvaney spoke with U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House about transgender rights.
As of April 2023, Mulvaney has more than 10 million followers on TikTok, while her video series, Days of Girlhood, has received over one billion views. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music in 2019 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theater.
Mulvaney came out as a trans woman during the COVID-19 pandemic, while living with her "very conservative family" at her childhood home in San Diego. She began to document her gender transition in a daily series of videos published on TikTok titled "Days of Girlhood" in March 2022, and her videos began to gain in popularity. She said in an interview:
“When the pandemic hit, I was doing the Broadway musical Book of Mormon. I found myself jobless and without the creative means to do what I loved. I downloaded TikTok, assuming it was a kids' app. Once I came out as a woman, I made this "day one of being a girl" comedic video. And it blew up. I really don't know another place online like TikTok that can make a creator grow at the rate that it does. Some of these other apps really celebrate perfection and over-editing and flawlessness. I think with TikTok specifically, people love the rawness. They love people just talking to the camera. I try to approach every video like a FaceTime with a friend.”
In October 2022, Mulvaney appeared with genderfluid hairstylist David Lopez in a podcast for the cosmetics brand Ulta Beauty, during which she spoke about her childhood, her coming out as transgender, and her transition. The video led to the appearance of the hashtag #BoycottUlta in Twitter's trending topics section, and Mulvaney was targeted with transphobic comments.
Later that October, Mulvaney met with President Joe Biden for a presidential forum organized by the online news outlet NowThis News. When asked by Mulvaney about recent legislation restricting gender-affirming care for transgender youth by Republican-led legislatures, Biden called it "outrageous" and "immoral."
According to NBC News, after meeting with Biden, Mulvaney became the target of a "vitriol campaign" by right-wing activists. Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn shared a tweet in which she attached a TikTok video created by Mulvaney and said "Dylan Mulvaney, Joe Biden, and radical left-wing lunatics want to make this absurdity normal". Conservative media personality Caitlyn Jenner, who is also a transgender woman, wrote on Twitter that she agreed with Blackburn's remarks and called Mulvaney's video an absurdity.
Several days later, Mulvaney posted a reply video to Jenner on TikTok for Day 233 of her Days of Girlhood series, with a written message: "To my followers, please do not send her any hate." In the video, Mulvaney directly addressed being misgendered by Jenner and Jenner's comments about her body, as well as what Mulvaney had learned from the experience.
In December 2022, Mulvaney confirmed on Instagram that she had undertaken facial feminization surgery. She posted an image of her face on Instagram on January 27, and made her debut on the red carpet at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards on February 5, 2023. In late February, she accepted a Queerties Groundbreaker Award in Hollywood.
Mulvaney hosted a livestreamed variety show at the Rainbow Room in Midtown Manhattan on March 13, 2023, to celebrate the first anniversary of her TikTok video series Days of Girlhood, entitled Dylan Mulvaney's Day 365 Live!, with L Morgan Lee and Reneé Rapp as guest stars. An appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show that day in which Mulvaney spoke with Barrymore about "dealing with online hate" resulted in an "onslaught of online hate" directed at Barrymore, according to the Los Angeles Times. On Instagram, Mulvaney shared a letter from vice president Kamala Harris congratulating her for the first anniversary of her transition.
On April 1, 2023, Mulvaney promoted the beer brand Bud Light in an Instagram video commemorating March Madness, a college basketball tournament held by the NCAA. According to The Washington Post, the advertisement led figures in right-wing media, such as Fox News, to refer to Mulvaney in "disparaging and often in transphobic terms nearly a dozen times over the next three days". The sponsorship led to calls for a boycott of Bud Light from conservatives. In response to the sponsorship, singer Kid Rock filmed himself shooting several Bud Light cases with a MP5 submachine gun in a protest video. Several Budweiser factories also received bomb threats in response. Mulvaney also promoted a Nike sports bra in a sponsored post on Instagram in April 2023, and in response, Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies called for a Nike boycott. This was shortly thereafter followed by backlash and calls for a boycott against makeup company Maybelline after Mulvaney posted a short video of herself applying the company's products. In response to the events, Mulvaney stated: "What I'm struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize and to be cruel. I just don't think that's right. Dehumanization has never fixed anything in history ever."
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[The ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]
CN: mental illness, trauma, (internalized) ableism, references to self-harm and suicide, graphic gore, body horror, violence (including murder and torture), off-page sexual violence (including experiences that involve children), abuse (including child abuse and off-page domestic violence), mentions of transphobia and racism (including references to slavery and genocide), animal death, vomit
“For anyone worried you might be the villain in your own story. Maybe you are. I think you deserve a happy ending, anyway.”
Oh. My. Gods. This. Book.
I knew from the first page that this was going to be a five star read, but I never expected that I would love it this much.
“The Witch King” used to be my all-time favorite book, and I still absolutely adore it, but “Godly Heathens” is on another level. I already know I’m going to reread this book at least once before it comes out in November, and many, many times after that.
If you’re looking for a book with…
villainous main characters
reincarnated old gods
a t4t4t non-monogamous love triangle
a trans- and Native-majority cast
amazing mental illness representation
… then “Godly Heathens” might be the perfect book for you. It’s definitely the perfect book for me, and I will probably try to force everyone I know to read it as soon as it comes out.
I’m trying so hard to write a review that does this book justice, but I literally have no coherent thoughts right now, so please just trust me when I say that this book is absolutely incredible.
Please pre-order “Godly Heathens” or request it at your local library if you can!
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careeralley · 2 years
7 Online Tools That Can Improve Your Business
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Continual improvement is something that every business wants to maintain. For small businesses, in particular, growth is important. However, growth can come at a cost, and many business budgets may not allow for heavy investment in different tools and opportunities. The good news is that there are many online tools that could help you to grow your business and make it easier to manage, with some free options that are particularly effective for small businesses. Take a look at seven different online tools you can start using today to improve your business. Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photography-of-smartphone-icons-267350/ 1. Social media Social media is one of the most important tools for businesses today. Social media not only helps you to increase your business’ presence online, but it is also an extremely valuable, and free, marketing tool. By reading up on how to use social media for your business, you can learn how to create a successful digital marketing strategy that could grow your business significantly. Social media has many benefits, and aside from being a space to promote your products or services - it’s also a place where you can engage with your customers and find ways of delivering better services to them. Make social media one of your marketing priorities and enjoy exploring the different possibilities it can offer your business with little or no budget. Photo by fauxels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-people-doing-handshakes-3183197/ 2. Project management tools project management tool for small teams and businesses. Project Management Absolute Beginner's Guide (4th Edition) $34.99 $22.60 Succeed as a project manager, even if you’ve never run a project before! This book is the fastest way to master every project management task, from upfront budgeting and scheduling through execution, managing teams through closing projects. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 10/20/2022 12:25 am GMT Other great project management tools include Trello, Monday, and, Asana are other well-known tools that are helping teams to overhaul the way they work. 3. File-sharing systems File sharing is an important tool that can help to improve the way your business shares files. Email attachment sizes continue to be limited, which can be difficult for businesses that deal with video, images, and other large files. Cloud storage systems such as Dropbox and Box are ideal for sharing multiple documents in a secure place, allowing them to be accessed anywhere by your teams. WeTransfer is another great tool for sending single large documents from one user to another and being a secure system, it offers peace of mind to both you and the recipient. 4. Cloud office programs More and more businesses are using cloud computing to improve their business. There are many benefits to using cloud computing that make it a worthwhile investment. Office 365 is becoming more widely used by businesses as a way to keep work up to date and easily managed, while it’s also more affordable than buying multiple licenses for different computers. Adobe and Google offer some effective cloud software solutions that are allowing teams to deliver their projects wherever they are - something that’s becoming more important in the world of agile working. Whether you’re sitting at your desk, traveling, or you’re working in a different time zone - cloud computing makes it possible to continue to work, interruption-free. If you’re considering taking advantage of flexible working benefits for your business then adopting cloud computing could help to ensure a seamless working operation, wherever your staff is based. Photo by Bich Tran: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-planner-and-writing-materials-760710/ 5. Online scheduling applications If you own a business that relies on scheduling to run smoothly, then online scheduling applications can be a great tool. Many businesses suffer because of poor scheduling systems, with too little staff, too many staff, and confusion over rotas leading to problems that could have easily been avoided. If you’re interested in learning how to create the perfect work schedule for your team, then tools like Sling could help you out. Online scheduling apps provide you with the perfect portal for managing your team’s schedules, as well as other functions like managing leave requests. Employees will be able to access their work schedules easily online, limiting the excuses available to them. 6. Online accounting systems Online accounting systems are a great tool for businesses looking to make it easier to manage their finances and make payments simpler. Having online systems for finance functions reduces the amount of paperwork required, and also ensures that your business has a central, secure record whenever you need it. For an online accounting system to be effective, you’re going to need to improve your online security. Online accounting tools can help save your business money, while also making it easier to manage money. QuickBooks Desktop Premier Plus 2022 Accounting Software for Small Business 1-Year Subscription with Shortcut Guide Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 7. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) VoIP communication tools are transforming the ways that businesses work. VoIP systems not only save money compared to traditional telephone systems, but they also offer a range of other features that make communication simple. Video conferencing, instant messaging, and flexible working are made even simpler with VoIP tools, and they can be very beneficial to your business when used correctly. VoIP has many different providers, with companies like Skype proving particularly popular with businesses. If your business manages staff in several different locations or your clients are sourced from all over, then VoIP can be the simplest way of streamlining communications. Today’s economic climate is tough, and if you’re serious about expanding your business, then you’re going to need to look to new ways of improving it. If you’re looking for ways you can improve your business then it’s worth exploring some of the tools above to get inspiration and find solutions that work for your business. Even with a limited budget, there are still plenty of great online tools that can be used to your advantage. Take charge of your business by introducing some of the many tools that are out there to help it grow. Additional Thought There are a number of online tools available, but not all of them are created equal. That's why it's important to do your research and read reviews before investing in any tool. Sites like Truely.com rank tools from management software to task tracking apps based on several factors, so you can be sure you're getting the best possible tool for your needs. Read the full article
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Know The Top Destinations In Ladakh
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We are a group of enthusiastic travellers who want to assist visitors from all over the world in discovering the best parts of the Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh regions. Read ahead to know the top destinations in Ladakh.
Leh, the largest town in Ladakh and also known as the "country of Lamas," is a must-visit location for travellers taking Ladakh packages for couples since it provides the greatest atmosphere for visitors. There are numerous Buddhist temples and monasteries across the city.
People think that anyone who prays at the Shanti stupa may make any wish come true and that Ladakh is the greatest spot for a couple's Ladakh package. Magnetic Hill, a mountain with a special magnet that draws cars to it, is another must-see location in Leh. Leh Palace is one of the city's attractions.
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The Nubra is the Nubra valley, north of Leh, and is referred to as The Orchard of Ladakh because it is where the Siachen and Shyok rivers converge. Package tours to Leh Ladakh Nubra Valley offer bike experiences across Khardung La Pass, which is thought to be the highest motorable road in the world, making Ladakh a terrific destination to explore for a group of adventure-loving people.
This valley is given life by the magnificent scenery and the tall, jagged mountains. And in Nubra, you can go on a camel safari, which is like the nicest sensation in the world and makes you want to stay in this location forever because it revitalises your soul.
Leh Ladakh tour packages in Ladakh include Nubra as one of the top tourist destinations in their holiday packages for the region, and the 365 teams are doing everything possible to include these locations in our best and cheapest Ladakh packages at prices that everyone can afford. However, some people may want to experience luxury while visiting these locations, in which case we offer luxury Ladakh tour packages to help them feel at ease everywhere they go.
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Pangong TSO
Nearly 4360 metres above sea level is where this lake is located. This blue-tinted lake, which is mentioned in the honeymoon package for Leh and Leh Ladakh group packages, is a must-visit location for travellers who book a Ladakh package as well as for couples looking for a romantic honeymoon in Ladakh.
The Pangong Tso, or high grassland lake, is the highest saltwater lake in the world and offers a breathtaking view with its shifting hues of blue, green, and red. Leh Ladakh tour packages The classic film 3 Idiots placed a 3 Idiot point near Pangong at a specific location to symbolise the value of the lake.
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Zanskar is one of the most secluded trans-Himalayan valleys and is included in our Ladakh package for couples. A lovely tableland surrounded by snow-capped peaks is the Penzila pass. The magnificent "Drang-Drung" glacier comes into clear view as the Zanskar road snakes its way down Penzila's inclining slopes. Outside the Siachen, the formation was "a long, meandering river of ice and snow."
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On the danger of asking exactly a too complex question (in which case, ignore this, I suppose): I think I saw you mention in some tag that the pharaoh ejaculating into the Nile was 'a thing'. Now I could be misinterpreting the tag/context, but all I found regarding the topic (when it recently came up via social media) was one source written by a non-historian. So instead of asking for quoted evidence (due to the situation), I'd rather ask if you remember the context in which it happened or any rough surrounding info so I could look for it?
I can do this for you now, as the goblin child has fallen asleep watching Anastasia. And yeah, there's a lot of issues, particularly since one medical journal sites a book on Orgasms written by a Financial Times columnist. I've gone down a dark rabbit hole for this one.
The Heb Sed had multiple different facets, occurring over a number of days: from offering to the gods, to the running laps for the fitness test. Some aspects of the festival are public, and others are far more private, so I've got to discern which one this is. Now I remember this specific aspect being taught this in class, as do several others I asked, but of course this was 'in class' around 12 years ago and therefore I've got to find the actual citation.
So going to Eric Uphill. 1965. The Egyptian Sed-Festival Rites. In: Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Band 24, Nr. 4 = Erich F. Schmidt Memorial Issue Teil 2, pp.365–383, he details a lot of the images we have for the process of the Heb Sed, show the king moving from place to place, performing various rituals and offering libations. To go a little further, Pauline Norris. 2015. THE LETTUCE CONNECTION: A re-examination of the association of the Egyptian god Min with the lettuce plant from the Predynastic to the Ptolemaic Period. The University of Manchester. Unpublished PhD Thesis, mentions the Heb Sed involving the Pharaoh placing a new statue of Min in the Heb Sed lettuce garden, where ceremonial lettuce was grown for the god Min (Norris, 2015, 134). Since Min and lettuce both have an extremely strong connection to what we're looking for, I think we're on the right track.
Seen as Min is the god of fertility, as well as the predynastic god of rain and crop growth, part of the Heb Sed was for the Pharaoh to align himself with the deity. This is where it gets a little...difficult...to pick apart because a) the Ancient Egyptians are not particularly straightforward with their descriptions, and b) academics who have previously written on Min and ceremonies surrounding/involving him, are a little vague on the details. Basically, no one before 1970 will say 'erect penis' because it's considered unseemly. (Actually Norris has a whole section on how early academics were made to censor the ancient world lest lesser born women become aroused by the contents...sigh). Nevertheless, Min was supposed to 'make it rain' on the crops for them to grow to show his fecundity, and Pharaoh is involved in this too. In fact, other than the lettuce, Min was associated with the Doum Palm, which has fruit that the Egyptians associated with testicles. This palm, depicted alongside irrigated fields, demonstrated the fecundity and regeneration, see PT 403:
‘… O you Bulls of Atum, make the King sturdy, strengthen (?) the King more than the Nt-crown which is on him, more than the flood which is on his lap, more than the dates which are in his fist. (Trans. Faulkner 1969: 132, cf Norris 2015, 134-135)
I'm sure, we can all guess what 'flood which is on his lap and dates which are in his fist' means in this context. Or if you can't, you've not seen enough Egyptian metaphor. But 'fertility' and the proving of such is a huge part of the Heb Sed, which is why it involves Min so heavily. It's also why it involved Atum.
Atum is a creator god. In one of the myths of creation Atum is said to masturbate and ejaculate into the waters of Nun in order to create the gods. From his ejaculate come the deities Shu and Tefnut (Light/Air and Moisture) who in turn produced Nut and Geb, Sky and Earth, and from them Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Seth. (Amusingly, there was another myth where Atum sneezed them out, a pun on Shu and Tefnut being Air and Moisture and also on Shu's name sounding like a sneeze. This was eventually merged with the prior myth where Atum masturbated, caught his semen in his mouth and then spat it out to create the gods which caused a long theological debate in ancient Egypt as to whether the first female was Atum's Hand, or his Mouth).
Due to this association, it is said by all the pop history sources you've read, Pharaoh completed the masturbation ritual into the Nile. Reading Uphill (1965), one of the final stages of the Heb Sed was to 'reawaken' the Pharaoh's body after the ritual of his burial. As he 'awakes' he drinks from a jug of milk to simulate being suckled by Isis (Uphill, 1965. 379-380). Then there's the raising of the Djed pillar to symbolise the King's victory like Horus' victory over Seth (it's lettuce again). Uphill (1965) does not mention any masturbatory events into the Nile in his article. Though I should point out that his article is a detailed discussion of the Heb Sed inscriptions of Osorkon II, and there's potential for some aspects of the ceremony to have been omitted (I've never seen a scene in Egypt of someone actively masturbating) or were not present in later iterations of the ceremony. Osorkon II, of course, is quite late on in Egyptian history and the practice may have occurred in earlier periods.
So, no I can't find any evidence of it actually occurring. I remember it being mentioned in lectures way back when, which is why I've never thought much about it, but an actual citation for it does not appear to be forthcoming from what I've read thus far. I'd still like to get hold of Hornung's work on it and Murnane's, which I believe would give me a more rounded view. Sadly both elude me on their current availability, so I haven't been able to read them to check.
I'm sure if any of the others have any information or comments to make they'll add them to this post.
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anarkittyy · 3 years
Any interesting trans femme aesthetic in the spaces traced by the Black Atlantic will be one imbued, directly or not, with blackness, and at the deepest levels. To the European or American dialects of International Cishet, black, trans, femme, queer bodies are extra, too much, dismissed for being too wrapped up in appearances—appearances that, among other things, supposedly mark them as dupes of the beauty industry and a normative white idea of femininity. It’s an aesthetic that does its best to perform beauty without ironic distance or critique.
This is the essence of all the bad takes by cis writers on the 1990 ballroom documentary Paris Is Burning, from Tim Dean to Judith Butler to bell hooks: that the black transsexual attempting to don the mantle of feminine beauty is doing it wrong.[1] To which one of von Reinhold’s characters in Lote retorts:
Between the “assimilation” and the fantasy there was another space which was not about championing anything that speaks against you—though that can be a literally fatal trap—but instead about showing your ability to embody the fantasy regardless, in spite of, to spite, and in doing so extrapolate the elegance, the fantasy.
The gesture here is the refusal to allow anyone else to own this kind of beauty, to steal it back, to abstract it and show it as a universal material, to be added to the toolbox. “Look! Look: it does not belong to them. Maybe we should not want it because they have weaponized it, but it was not theirs in the first place. Black people consuming and creating beauty of a certain kind is still one of the most transgressive things that can happen in the west, where virtually all consumption is orchestrated through universal atrocity.”[2]
Lote celebrates characters who are “Black fantasists, worshippers of beauty,” who are, in a lovely loaded phrase, “luxury stained.”[3] Some are Arcadians, looking back for moments of idyll and glory. Some are Utopians, impelled towards Afro-futures. Some are Luxurites, consecrating their lives to the sensory now.[4] Whether in the past, present, or future, there are dangers in all these paths, but also possibilities. Lote’s black queer, trans, and femme characters endure the world with aesthetic as well as political resources. “She pined, as she often did. Fantasized about the future. The Glittering Proletariat, skin perhaps as dark as her mother’s would have been.”[5]
1. bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation (South End Press, 1982); Judith Butler, Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex(Routledge, 1993); Tim Dean, Beyond Sexuality (University of Chicago Press, 2000).
2. Shola Von Reinhold, Lote (Jacaranda Books, 2020,) 209.
3. Von Reinhold, Lote, 365, 367.
4. On Afrofuturism: Kodwo Eshun, More Brilliant Than the Sun (Quartet Books, 1999); on black luxury: Madison Moore, Fabulous: The Rise of the Beautiful Eccentric (Yale University Press, 2018).
5. Von Reinhold, Lote, 371.
Excerpt from McKenzie Wark's The Cis Gaze and Its Others (for Shola)
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