#trans hate
zenosanalytic · 1 month
This is really good, please watch it.
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chrissy-kaos · 18 days
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And the loser for today is this guy..
Yea bro I’ll get right on that one 😂😂😂
Pathetic excuse for a human
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artartery · 3 months
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Oh, Einar what a disgrace you are...
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diablo1776 · 4 months
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As someone that LOVES Harry Potter and, I am Dutch, actually learned English from reading them(I read them in Dutch then in English) as well as developing a love for reading in general, I genuinely don't get why she started to bash trans people. She is talented and was so loved by everyone, she had successful books, movies, a theme park, a game like ???
Doesn't she know a lot of her fans are 'weird' kids that related to her weird kid characters like Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and even the older ones like Snape or Remus?
And that these 'weird' kids also include trans kids who are now adults
Like... it's so sad. I'm not trans, I'm a female autistic, but it's similar to Benedict Cumberbatch playing all these great autistic-coded characters and then going and comparing autistic kids to monsters in that one interview
Like??? You benefit from portraying outsiders but then hate on REAL outsiders
It's so messed up to me
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maniackllrr · 3 months
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“Nex Benedict & Brianna Ghey, 3-year-old toddlers attacked at a park for having a trans parent, 14 year old trans girl dismembered in Pennsylvania, a 17 year old trans gorl gets her jaw broken at school, another 17 year old, Tayy Dior Thomas, who was shot in Alabama, Jazzlyn Johnson, 18 year old trans girl, shot in Las Vegas, another 18 year old, Jacob Williamson, was stabbed 37 times….I could keep going. Y’all can stop saying you care about the kids now.”
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isawthismeme · 3 months
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macwantspeace · 1 year
"First they came for the Jews....then it all got fucked." If the link works, it's worth a couple minutes. The current prime victim is trans folks. Runner up is endorsement of gay folks. Oh, and no uppity folks in the military. "white people" was never an actual thing. It was PR for slavery. "Of course it is their due place as slaves because they are inferior." So back up the bus. Why are they so fucking mad? Got to do all these bans? It's fear that some sepia print fuzzy memory of a wonderful past can never be re-instated. My only hope is that the kids will swarm out to vote in overwhelming numbers.
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melodymunson · 1 year
stop womyn are born womyn festival
stand up against hate and this TERF festival trying to make a comeback and sign my petition please
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astrologicaldiary · 1 year
Saturn transit in Pisces : New age of spirituality
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I want to talk about this Saturn transit in Pisces. When I first heard the astrologers from TikTok about this transit, I didn't actually care for it... Maybe because I was consumed and overstimulated, but I didn't quite listen carefully of what is the meaning of this transit. But I remember when I was scrolling on Twitter, I saw a post of another Twitter user who screenshots of an Instagram post of Kalis Uchis saying that we as a collective should be careful of how much alcohol we are consuming in our bodies, then I think she said that she stopped drinking alcohol... This is just a summary of what she said, and if you don't know who she is... my friend, you are missing out
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Then I followed an astrologer on Twitter, and they captioned the post as the embodiment of Saturn in Pisces... I wasn't quite confused about this, but I know I'm seeing the pattern and seeing the waves of people shifting their beliefs surrounding religion.
Literally today, I watched a video of Kelly Stamps. She's a popular YouTuber, and I love her channel and her vibes. Believe it or not, she had helped me to be comfortable being alone and she made me laugh while we were all quarantined at home. But anyways, she posted a clip of her celebrating Easter, and I guess it made some of her followers pissed.
She created a new channel called " whataburgerqueen" ( just love her sense of humor), and she went on a rant about how her followers on the Youtube space were calling her conservative and shocked to see that she's a Christian... That really lost me because the United States' main religion is Christianity, so I usually assume everyone is Christian especially for me being a Muslim. So when I hear people saying that they didn't she was a Christian, as a Muslim, I don't usually share my religion with anybody because to be honest *some* people are weird and they asked too many questions. I'm like go google and leave me out of it! So I usually keep it to myself, but now you know. To get to the point, Kelly was saying that we are living in a world with no grace and a low vibrational society. And she also stated we are living in a society that cares about money, getting things fast, and not trying to reflect more on certain things. I agree with her too!
She also said that this will be her new era embracing her Christian values and other things that truly matter without worry about clicks and followers...
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With this transit, I predict the collective especially the influencers, celebs, and other public figures are going to praise their faith out loud, and there's nothing wrong with it! But I fear there could some religious supremacy happening or people thinking that they are better worshippers than others. Mind you, my sister who doesn't pray and doesn't fast as often, she is listening Islam podcasts and she's working on repairing her faith in Allah ( it means God before you panic!).
I feel like we are going to be seeing a rise in people working on their faith. Now the negative side of this, there are going to be evil people who use religion as their power source to shame other people who are not as traditional as the holy book. For example, we are seeing white Republicans trying to ban drag shows and controlling and alienating transpeople...
I'm curious how this will impact the society we live in, but these are all my opinions and I ain't no professional astrologer ( maybe I should....but we will never know).
I'll talk to you soon.
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zenosanalytic · 7 months
When a trans-hater says "I'm an LGBT Ally!" what they're implying is "Drop the T"
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harrybathtub · 2 years
Not trans problems
these are human problems
We are humans
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polandwithoutla · 2 years
The narrative of “trans people need to be understanding and patient with people during their transition, especially with their parents” is completely unfair.
How come I need to be understanding and patient when my parents refuse to call me their son, but it’s okay that I’ve thought about it being easier to END MY LlFE then continue it being their daughter.
I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for them to accept that I’m not who they believe I am. How is that hurting them??
How is me being trans hurting them, when me being trans hurts me so much more???
I have to deal with so much pain everyday. Pain that not only come from dysphoria, but also from seeing that so many people hate me for being me. There are people who want we dead simply for being trans. I’ve been harassed. I’ve been assaulted. I’ve seen others KILLED.
So why is it so atrocious that I ask people to call me a different name???
It’s not fair.
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houseofpurplestars · 2 years
So, I Watched The Harder They Fall… – Stitch's Media Mix
This movie traumatized me fr
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starberrywander · 1 year
PSA for “Logic” bros
Something can be composed completely of facts and still be 100% opinion.
You can make the biggest collection of facts, but your interpretation of those facts is always an opinion. The only facts are the facts themselves. Everything that you extrapolate from facts is an opinion. 
For example: 
People born with a vagina and people born with a penis will, in the majority of cases, develop bone structures that can be differentiated by archaeologists.
People born with ovaries will, in the majority of cases, have a different hormone composition than people born with testicles. 
Sex chromosomes determine how a fetus will develop and, in the majority of cases, what sex hormones a person’s body will produce.
People are, in the majority of cases, born with either a penis or a vagina.
Doctors assign people with the label of “male” if they have a penis, and “female” if they have a vagina. (Cultural changes could change this fact in the future)
People who have been assigned “Male” at birth usually use He/him pronouns, and people who have been assigned “Female” at birth usually use She/her pronouns. (Cultural or linguistic changes could change this fact in the future) 
Using appearance alone, many people would have quite a high accuracy when guessing what genitals a randomly selected person was born with. (Cultural, scientific, and technological changes could change this fact it the future)
People who are capable of getting pregnant and giving birth were, in the majority of cases, assigned Female at birth.  (Technological and cultural changes could change this fact in the future)
People who were assigned Male at birth, in most cases, are not able to get pregnant or give birth. (Technological and cultural changes could change this fact in the future)
Any claims about the existence or validity of trans people based on any of the above facts
It doesn’t matter how many facts you list about the biological differences between people, every extrapolation you make and conclusion you draw about trans people is your opinion. Having facts that make you more confident in it doesn’t make it a fact. 
Facts don’t prove anything but the things they directly measure. 
Of course this applies to things other than trans people, but that is the topic that is on my mind at the moment. I don’t care how smart or logical you think you are, if you list a bunch of facts and then make a claim about how they are connected and what they collectively “prove” and think that claim is a fact, you’re wrong. You don’t understand the difference between fact and opinion. 
If you’ve ever listed a bunch of facts and science and felt like you were being objective and oh so smart by dunking on those idiots, and people were repeatedly telling you that you were wrong and that it was just your opinion, they were probably right. Because most people who think they are objective and completely correct have more confidence than knowledge, and there is a very good chance that you do not understand the difference between fact and opinion as well as you think you do. 
If your “facts” are consistently pissing people off, the reason probably isn’t that they are dogmatic and hate facts, especially if they are engaging and trying to explain why you’re wrong and especially if they are also presenting facts. The reason they are mad is, 9 times out of 10, that you are trying to dress up opinions as facts and parade them around in people’s faces. Chances are, you are a dick who is trying to act smarter than you are while completely missing the point. 
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jerrycummblr · 2 months
It's really simple. If you're born with a vagina and you naturally have elevated testosterone levels, you're a man. If you have a vagina and you take testosterone, you're a woman. But also if you have a vagina, you'll never be a man. But also if you have higher testosterone then you were never a woman. Woman never yes man a vagina testosterone no was an elevated. Vagina man.
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