neointeractives · 4 months
Neo-Twiny Jam 2024
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The Neo Twiny Jam is an Interactive Fiction Jam with one rule:
Don't write more than 500 words.
Any type of Interactive Fiction is welcome, from any kind of IF system/format, regardless of genre/theme.
You are not limited to Twine only. You can choose any program you want as long as the output is interactive fiction.
NSFW content is acceptable (NSFW themes must be clearly indicated in the submission).
Sounds, graphics and code are not included in the word count.
No AI/LLM generated content, No Hate/Spam submissions.
You must credit any asset used.
The Neo Twiny Jam will run from June 1st 2024 (12:00 AM/00:00 EST) to June 30th 2024 (12:00 AM/00:00 EST).
This Jam is unranked.
The inspiration for this jam comes from Porpentine's Twiny jam, which ran in 2015. During the original three-week jam, creators were asked to submit a Twine game with no more than 300 words.
Like last year, we will be matching the number of entries into a donation to an LGBTQ+ charity - TransEquality. You can find more about this in the announcement here. Please contact us if you would like to donate as well.
[Join here]
Last year's edition - Join the Neo-Interactive Discord 
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neo-twiny-jam · 4 months
Neo Twiny Jam will come back!
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It's Manon (@manonamora-if) again. And with June coming up soon, so will the Neo Twiny Jam return. Full details about the jam will be announced at @neointeractives in a few weeks. The main constraint is still the same.
The jam won't be the only thing returning this year.
Once more, I will be matching the number of submitted entries* into a donation for an LGBTQ+ charity. *only valid entries following the rules will count as submitted. Spam/Hateful content will be removed.
Last year, we raised $523.00- for Equality Florida, thanks to all the entries submitted and individual donators.
This year, I will be donating to the National Center for Transgender Equality (or TransEquality).
If you would like to participate in this charity drive, consider participating in this year's Neo Twiny Jam! And if you are thinking of matching a donation to TransEquality or any other LGBTQ+ charity, please let us (@neo-twiny-jam/@neointeractives) know so we can coordinate our efforts!
The Neo Twiny Jam is an interactive fiction game jam commemorating the Twiny Jam, organised in 2015 by Porpentine, an influential trans voice in the medium whose games helped popularised the use of Twine as a game developing tool.
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tscherrywillz · 3 months
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tssteph · 2 months
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tuckevr · 2 years
A lot of people think the biden-harris administration is doing nothing for the lgbtq+ community. It is completely untrue. This administration has done more for lgbt equality than any president in the past. Yet, the media refuses to cover any good things happening to us. Apparently, we're only worth attention if we die in a horrible circumstance. Biden and Harris are running again in 2024 and it is in our best interest to reelect them. Right now the only confirmed republican running again is Trump. And he's running on even more dangerous plans than before. For the safety and equality of the lgbtq+ community and, frankly, anyone who isn't an able bodied, cisgender, white man, spread this message. Our president and vice president are on our side, but the state representatives and media want us to think we're alone. We refuse to be bullied. We refuse to be silent. We refuse to stand down.
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therealmattnappo · 7 months
Trans Comedy Embracing Trans Identity with Hilarious Jokes #shorts
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northern-passage · 1 year
i'm sure a lot of you in the states are aware of what's been happening down in florida with Ron DeSantis and his wave of anti-trans bills he's trying to push through. there have been over 400 anti-trans/lgbt bills advanced in the united states in 2023 alone, but the good news is that not all of them are making it through into law.
if you're a florida resident, i implore you to contact your representatives (find them here) and there are various scripts available online if you need help figuring out what to say. if you click through to TransEquality you can submit your information and it will send a message through for you.
Transformations Project is also tracking legislation across the country, at the state & national level, and can help you contact your representatives as well. (they are also on tumblr @transformationsproject)
and if you're able, here are some organizations helping trans people and lgbt youth in florida that you can donate to:
onePULSE Foundation
Equality Florida
Aqua Foundation
Zebra Youth
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if-whats-new · 3 months
What's New In IF? Issue 10 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io. - Keep Reading below
Due to Internal things, the June and July issues will only update on events and games. We hope to resume regular activities and include more pages by August. Note: while Axelle is mentioned, they are currently on a break.
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Happening every June, the Neo-Twiny Jam is a jam with a simple restriction: you are only allowed 500 words to create a game!
Even though the wordcount is tiny, it is still larger than the one given by Porpentine's original and pivotal 2015 jam, the Twiny Jam.
With 200 more words (still excl. code and non-story screens), and the possibility of using any program (not just Twine), the jam is meant as a commemoration of Porpentine's influence.
Not just looking to make people think creatively about the restriction, the Neo-Twiny Jam is using its platform to raise money for charity!
Every submitted entry (up to 3 per creator) is matched for a donation to TransEquality, an LBGTQ+ organisation.
If you have 500 words in your IF pocket, come and submit it for a good cause! From kinetic to parser, experimental to conventional, and even visual novels, the Neo-Twiny Jam accepts all IF! The organisers are also looking for donors (matching or set donation). @neo-twiny-jam/@neointeractives
Looking for inspiration? Check out last edition!
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The registration for the Narrascope ended last week, as the talks are currently happening. If you didn't manage to snatch an ticket, don't worry, they will be uploaded on YouTube down the line.
The Rayuela (Spanish IFComp) is also still in their voting period. If you are Spanish speaking, come support the entries!
Only a week left to submit to the ParserComp! Whether it's classic or more experimental, there is still time to submit a parser!
If you are looking to make a Visual Novel, the Otome Jam will be looking for entries until July 1st. There is also the Josei jam running parallel to it.
While it is not IF-focused, the Anti-Romance Jam is once again looking for anti-romance submissions!
Love/Violence is another unranked game jam looking for entries dealing with Love and Violence and all the things in between (also accepts non IF)
Only a week left to register an intent to participate in the IntroComp, a yearly competition where you can submit unreleased WIP and compete for cash prize… if you finish the game within a year!
From now until the start of July, you can participate in the Fix the Worst Visual Novels Jam.
Can you write something in French? Or use Google Translate? The annual Nouvim3000 is an unranked francophone IF jam where you need to write between 500 and 3k words. This year's theme is “INCOMBUSTIBLE”.
The Narrascope Jam has also ended this week, with 6 entries. Check them out here! They will be played at the conference too!
While the RAFFLE FOR PALESTINE has closed their ticket submission (the winners being contacted shortly), you can still help donate and boost GSM!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running! If you have completed an IF piece this year, consider submitting it! It is happening only on itch!
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We didn't find new fully released game outside of jams and competitions. So you should check the events mentioned in previous pages!
There were a lot of really cool games!
Court of the Gilded Roses (CScript) is a harem court intrigue project inpired by the Sassanid dynasty and Persian mythology. @crazerk
Where We End (Twine) is a dark fantasy project, a prequel to To Death, I Embrace. @to-death-i-embrace
Brain Death - An Oracle’s End (CScript) is a sci-fi psychological horror project where you play as an Oracle.
Dark Justice (CScript) is superhero project where you play as a vigilante.
9.1.1. (Twine) is a romance medical drama.
As Gods Fall (CScript) has updated their Patreon demo build. @asgodsfall-if
The Night Market (Twine)'s last update is now available to all. @night-market-if
Drink Your Villain Juice (CScript) has completed Chapter 6 for the Patreon demo. @drinkyourvillainjuice
College Tennis: Origin Story (CScript) has updated the Ko-Fi demo again, as well as the Public one. @collegetennisoriginstory
The Operative (CScript) has updated the Public demo and looking for beta testers for the next update. @theoperativeif
Meteoric (CScript) has added Chapter 3 to the demo.
The Ultimate Magic Student (CScript) updated the demo on Patreon.
Thicker Than (CScript) updated the demo with new scenes for Chapter 10. @barbwritesstuff
Last Dream (CScript) is now complete. The game will be available until CoG approval.
Saturnine (CScript)'s demo received a short update.
Dawn of Heroes (CScript) added Chapter 24 to the demo.
The Queer Games Bundle (@queergamesbundle) is live on itch.io. Support a bunch of queer creators (including Interactive Fiction authors!) by purchasing the bundle!
The new edition of the Choicebeat zine has been released this week. Check it out here!
Twine game makers beware: Twine updated for the new version of Chapbook.
We apologize if we missed an update or a release. We are but volunteers trying to find as much info as possible, but sometimes news pass through the cracks.
Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
Oh my god what happened to Brianna is disgusting I’m so sorry to hear that I hope she rests in peace.
I’m sure this very hard on you so take all the time you need to mourn her and don’t tire yourself out and stay hydrated <3
thank you💗
i want to use this time to spread awareness about what happened to Brianna and offer support to anyone struggling to cope with what happened
below will be a video explaining what happened, the aftermath, and how the UK media is treating it. as well as links to support those struggling to deal with the loss
as the video states, her deadname is being used in news outlets.
Do not search for it. Do not use it. Her name is Brianna Ghey.
for transgender people struggling with the loss of brianna/struggling to cope with the hate crime that has just occurred:
Transgender resources
LGBT Foundation trans resources
Support line for gender identity
for anyone feeling alone, suicidal, or grieving:
Marie Curie: Dealing with grief and loss
NHS inform: bereavement and coping with grief
MIND: Guides to support and crisis services
Samaritans (UK suicide helpline)
Find a helpline for your area/country
how to be an ally:
TransEquality: Supporting the trans people in your life
Stonewall: Supporting young trans people
HRC: Resources to be an ally
You are always, always safe and supported on my page. I do not allow bigotry or hate. Love is the only way.
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valkyries-things · 5 months
“She was a Latina transgender advocate, author, artist, and actress. Born in Argentina, she came to the United States for a safer life as a transgender woman and lived in the country undocumented for 10 years. During this time Cecilia gained her living through sex work; her experience surviving this time in her life impassions her desire to ensure that all people living on the margins are provided with access to the dignity and respect deserved in all spaces. Among her many accomplishments, Ms. Gentili was the Director of Policy at the GMHC, a New York City-based AIDS service organization, and was one of the hardest fighters for the passage of GENDA (Gender Non-Discrimination Act). She is also the founder of Decrim NY and Trans Equity Consulting (@transequity). Ms. Gentili spent her life fighting for the rights of undocumented immigrants, sex workers, and LGBTQIA+ people. Ms. Gentili is the author of Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn't My Rapist (2022) and her autobiographical one-woman off-Broadway show Red Ink (2023). As an actress, she also performed The Knife Cuts Both Ways and appeared as Ms. Orlando on Pose, the FX drama about the experiences of trans women of color set against the backdrop of the AIDS crisis in 1980s New York. She passed away as a result of a drug overdose in February 2024.”
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anarkittyy · 7 months
Posted @withregram • @callenlorde Yesterday, the world lost a true icon and all of us at Callen-Lorde are heartbroken. 💔
Cecilia was a fierce, fearless advocate and a leader, who spoke candidly about her own experiences as a sex worker, a trans woman of color, and an undocumented immigrant. She was the true embodiment of turning your pain into purpose, inspiring countless others, and paving the way for our communities to access high-quality and judgment-free healthcare.
Callen-Lorde started a groundbreaking free healthcare program for sex workers along with Cecilia, named Cecilia’s Occupational Inclusion Network or COIN. In 2019, Cecilia was honored with a Community Health Award in recognition of her leadership and deep partnership with Callen-Lorde. Here is a clip from her acceptance speech where she talks candidly about finding the help she needed at the time, at Callen-Lorde and urging others to support our mission. We were fortunate to have Cecilia as one of our biggest, most impassioned cheerleaders, and we will continue to honor her spirit and keep her legacy alive through our work and beyond.
We love you so much, Cecilia. Thank you for sharing your light and joy with us. May you rest in power.
@ceciliagentili72 #ceciliagentili #lgbtq #transactivist #transicon #queericon #transequity #restinpower
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neo-twiny-jam · 3 months
Thank You!
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It is that time of year again, where we need to end this very fun event, and wrap-up the last little threads into a neat gratifying bow.
With this post, we mark the official end of this second edition of the Neo-Twiny Jam. Another successful edition, with a record breaking number of entries AND of donations!
But first...
A huge thank you to our lovely donors! Abundant thanks to every single participants who submitted an entry (or two or three!) to the jam! A big thank you to every player, commenter, reviewer, who interacted with this year's entries! And thanks of course to everyone who shared the entries, the call posts, and the jam altogether everywhere!
Thanks to all of you, we were able to make this event a reality and a tremendous success!
Thanks to all your efforts, and the record breaking 146 submissions, we managed to...
... raise ~$618 for LGBT organisations!
This includes donations to A4TE*:
from an anonymous donor with $150.00-
Sarah Wilson (Passerine) with $146.00-
from an anonymous donor with $50.00-
(and my personal donation of $147.00-)
*The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE - TransEquality) and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF) recently became Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE).
to the Trevor Project:
from Jacqueline A. Lott (web) with $50.00-
(and my personal donation of $50.00-)
to MermaidsUK:
from KA Tan (itch) with £25.00-
You can find all confirmations of these donations under the break.
It was a pleasure once again to bring this event to life, and we hope to see you all again next year!
Until then, the Neo-Interactives (@neointeractives) are organising monthly unranked game jams, with other constraints or themes. If you would be interested in that, consider joining our Discord!
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Trevor Project:
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tea-and-guyliner · 4 years
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i made sth today because i am tired. share around if you want! 📸 picsart
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tscherrywillz · 3 months
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tssteph · 2 months
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erisis · 3 years
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I’m very nearly out of steam for this very visible Trans Day of Visibility 2021. And I have a lot more photos that maybe I’ll have to share another time. But I’ll wind up the day as I began, with another series of photos of some of the incredible trans humans who came out to lend the voices and their visibility to the National Trans Visibility March in Washington D.C. in 2019. I love you all! Stay strong! Stay visible!!! #tdov #trans #transvisibility #transgender #transdayofvisibility #nationaltransvisibilitymarch #transisbeautiful #transwomen #transmen #nonbinary #activism #visibility #newsphotographer #activists #transequality #blacktranslivesmatter #transyouth #transelders (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNG257BHwGm/?igshid=7wwpsbor9bg2
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