#transin my gender
First appointment complete!
And literally everything went so much better than I'd expected. The staff were all extremely open and friendly, they went out of their way to make me feel safe and accepted, and were very patient and understanding with my nervousness and questions.
Even the blood test was nowhere near as bad as I'd been bracing for - instead of the huge vein-piercing monstrosity of a needle I'd been thinking was going to be stuck into my arm, all they needed was a drop of blood from a pricked finger - which I barely felt, and my fingertip healed up before I even left the exam room.
There was a very slight abnormality with my blood (turns out I'm slightly anemic, oops!), but the effects of the testosterone, as it turns out, will balance that out! (A side-effect of testosterone is increased red blood cell production, which carries a risk of potential blood clots - but also can counteract the deficiency present in someone who's anemic!)
The nurse practitioner drew up a prescription for me before I left the exam room, and made sure I'd been instructed on how to handle things safely once I get said prescription filled. (The nurse who'd given me all the warnings/procedure overview was very thorough, and showed me via demonstration multiple times, PLUS gave me resources for videos if I should want them.)
And although the pharmacy wasn't quite able to fill my prescription today, I'll be notified once my prescription is ready to be picked up. (And even the people at the pharmacy were super helpful, advising me to grab some over-the-counter alternatives to more expensive ...accessories... [??? I dunno what else to call them haha] that were kept behind the pharmacy counter itself, so they helped me to save a fair bit on some safe disposal equipment!)
Suffice it to say - I'm EXTREMELY happy with how things went, even without the prescription itself in hand. I'm still jittering a bit from all the excitement (and I'm pretty sure I'll sleep VERY deeply once my head hits the pillow), and it feels like a few pounds of pressure have dissolved from my shoulders. It's a strange and wonderful feeling - I haven't felt this excited in years...~
SO. Once my prescription gets filled, I take the prescribed dosage once a week - and then in three months, I go in for my first follow-up (to make sure I'm reacting to the testosterone well, and to possibly change the dosage depending on my blood tests at that time). I'll probably call them to double-check that the next appointment is three months after my first injection - or if it's three months from today. For now though, I'm going to see about trying to calm down a little after I finish screaming at my friends about stuff, I mean.
I'm so exciteddddd ♥
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lynkss · 7 months
it's my transiversary 🥳
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genderstarbucks · 11 months
Adjusted Transine Flags!!
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Transine (pronounced trans-see-nay) is a specific term for transgender individuals or those who fall under the non-binary or anonbinary umbrellas who do not wish to medically transition. An example includes a transgender man who does not wish to have testosterone, top surgery, or bottom surgery however they may socially present as a man and do masculine-related things. The term is important as cisn't individuals are often looked down on or told they are "faking" if they do not desire a medical transition. This is untrue, as gender identity doesnt have to align with ones body, and not all cisn't individuals experience body dysphoria (or dysphoria at all) which is towards their genitals and/or breasts.
Transine flag not made by me ^
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Transine Feminine | Transine Neutral | Transine Masculine
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Transine Androgyne | Transine Aporine | Transine Outherine
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Transine Xenine | Transine Null
I had to make my own transine androgyne, aporine and outherine because I didn't like how the androgyne and neutral was combined, how the xenine and outherine was combined and there was no transine aporine
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pastelvillaines11 · 1 year
Shout to early 2000’s/2010’s media for giving me earliest gender goals/envy & helping transinate my gender since at least 2003/4 🙌 💙 💖 🤍 💖 💙
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trans-detector · 2 months
he transin my gender till i she
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The offense I sometimes feel when someone makes the wrong character trans in their fic - sometimes even when they headcanon the wrong character as trans - is so weird. It’s like, by making my gender-blorbo cis while transing your gender-blorbo, you made mine extra cis somehow? And I’m hissing and spitting and pulling them behind me. But that makes no sense. Conservation of transness is not, as far as I’m aware, a thing. When you pointed your transinating ray at your gender-blorbo it did not suck the ambient transness out of mine. I don’t think.
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pcktknife · 2 years
when i first played pokemon at the tender age of 8 i had heart gold and my first starter was a cyndaquil and i named her kalix after the protag of my favorite book at the time and i didnt realize until years later that the pokemon had assigned genders so she was "male" but. naur kalix is my daughter this pokemon is trans now
let kalix know i said congrats on transin her gender!!!
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backfromotterspace · 2 years
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10/10 would trans again
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kaijubluu · 3 years
literally What is stopping me from making all of these characters trans?
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aweirdbugcreature · 3 years
*in an evil voice*
Finally, after all this time.
The transification process will succeed!!!
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IT TOOK MORE THAN A MONTH but finally, the full prescription was ready as of this morning - and I've now taken my first dose of testosterone!
I wound up making myself incredibly nervous (because of course I did), and was fully trembling when I was starting the process of setting up the needles and syringe, and had to force myself to calm down quite a bit.
In a weird way, the process of drawing up the fluid into the syringe itself wound up taking a bit longer than I'd thought (both because of the viscosity of the liquid [it's quite thick] and the fact that there was a big scary bubble in it that I wanted to get the heck out of there first) - but this turned out to be just what I needed to focus on, instead of the idea of a needle about to go into me, and it weirdly helped me calm down quite a fair bit.
Although every video I looked up reassured the audience that "it's okay if there are a few small bubbles in the syringe," I took my time and made sure that there was absolutely zero air in the syringe (to the point of pressing a bead of the solution from the needle), and was almost fully calm by the time I had the injector needle ready to go.
The injection itself was almost entirely painless - I barely felt the needle go in, and most of the discomfort came as I withdrew the needle and let go of the pinched skin. The site is still a little sore, but from what I understand, that's fairly normal; there's no redness or swelling that I can see, no raised temperature, or anything like that.
I feel a touch woozy, but I honestly think that's a combination of a) me waking up way earlier than I'd meant to, b) me working myself into an anxious mess leading up to the injection, and c) me not having really eaten anything since very very early this morning.
I'm planning to call the clinic in the morning (as they're closed today), and I'll ask them if I should put in a request for a refill this early out - if only because of the delays that happened with this first round, so as to hopefully keep things steady and consistent from here on out.~
For now, I'm going to see about getting something to eat, and hopefully that'll take care of this weird wooziness I'm feeling.
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variant-archive · 3 years
Hello! You can call me Roswell, or Ros for short. I collect variant terms as a special interest. For a more literal archival blog with tags and stuff I recommend @radiomogai. My main blog is @pastelroswell (cw for posts about adult topics and politics, blog is 80% memes, shitposts, positivity and aesthetic stuff though) and 18+ LIOM blog is @xemboy (WIP. If you're a minor and interact there I'll block you there AND here).
Check out my notion if you'd like. It has my term collection and other stuff about me. Please share your term collections with me so I can add to mine, it really helps! /nf
Synnimchro/Altechro (bodily 27). I'm spiritual alterhuman (autocosm, divinekin, dogkin, foxkin, fictionkin, +more). Godshard (of my metasoul). Furry/Postfurry.
I've been in the neolabel community for over a decade! I was here when MOGAI was coined. I'm also the creator of the queer, omni, xenogender, ficto, and altersex flags along with many other flags and terms. I've collaborated on many too. I feel that gender education is my life's calling and I hope to do much more work for the community in the future! ☆
My primary overall gender descriptor is xemboy. I'm an ambiguous, xenic, genderqueer, femme nymboy. I only use boy/dude/guy etc. and not man/male (including "mlm" even though I'm a guy gay for guys). My xenogenders mostly relate to love, divinity, space, and various cute things.
I'm an aroallo bi gay. I also use gai, binotrix, floric, rosaen, queer, and homo. I'm POSIC and objectum. My primary attraction and relationship type is queerotic. I do not experience platonic or romantic attraction, but what I experience is indeed love and I'm polyamorous and happily partnered. ♡
I'm altersex (morphisex, phantasex). Atypically hormonally transitioned, paraphoric, and comfortably non-op/transine. AGAB nonconforming.
I use he/him, ae/aer, and ne/nym/nys pronouns and I dabble in others on occasion.
I'm autistic + ADHD-I, and I also have C-PTSD, DPD, dysthymia, and multiple OCD-spectrum disorders. I have other ambiguous or subclinical issues too. I'm also diagnosed with fibromyalgia/FMS. I am legally recognized as being disabled and I can't work.
Check my notion (linked above) for my full term/identity collection. This is a summary.
Special interests are psychology, philosophy, spirituality, nature, aesthetics, and identity of course. Always down to talk about them.
I am an anti-radqueer radinclus.
bigots in regards to any marginalized group. For example, sexist, ableist, racist, transphobic, classist, biphobic, etc.
exclusionist (anti-endo, transmeds, anti-mspec gay/lesbian, aspec exclus, microlabel exclus, xeno exclus, objectum exclus, etc.)
against the use of femboy, androgyne, genderfae, or queer as identities.
against the use of neoAGAB labels and other forms of AGAB nonconformity.
condone or participate in harassment or bullying or abuse towards anyone. Criticism is totally fine of course, there's a difference.
if the blog you're interacting from is primarily a discourse blog. I just don't want to see it, it's bad for my mind.
MAP/pedo, zoophile, necrophile, incest/consang, or create/condone/consume content supporting or catering to these things (including in fiction and ships).
Radqueer. Transspecies, harmless things like transvoice etc. and all consensual paraphilas are ok though! :)
anti-informed selfdx.
anti-leftism or pro-capitalism.
are a cop apologist/sympathizer.
anti-drug user. This includes stigmatized medications, illegal drugs, and vaccines. I use cannabis and will tag any mention with "drugs cw".
anti-furry (SFW or NSFW).
you can interact if you're a minor but please don't try to befriend me. You can ask questions, ask for advice, ask for help coining something or making a flag, and we can chat about terms/identity/special interests and stuff. I care about y'all but please understand I'm paranoid about this because I have some trouble with boundaries and I overcompensate by being overcautious. Socializing publicly (in asks/replies/reblogs) is fine and welcomed!
Minors can (and should) ignore under the cut as it is specific about adult topics.
- practice kinks in harmful or irresponsible ways, or allow this (for example, not ensuring informed consent among all involved, practicing kinks while being unaware or heedless of the risks and safety protocols putting others in danger, spreading harmful misinformation, discussing kink with minors, posting kink content in non-kink tags or not mature filtering your kink account/content).
- are anti-kink, especially if you are intent on severing the kink and queer communities from one another's shared history. You may have an opposition to certain specific kinks for your own reasons, I'm fine-ish with that I guess, but you can't be against *most or all* kinks or against the concept, practice, or the kink community itself, or if you think that a person who is queer and sees their kink identity as part of their queerness isn't allowed to do so. Kink pride is valid af.
- if you're against kink at pride (when it's just people wearing their gear to show pride, obviously not sexual activity in public unless it's a space/event specifically for doing that).
- are anti-sex work(er) or think that being a sex worker makes you "tainted" or a walking NSFW entity. Your job isn't who you are.
- if you are against kink/sex related identity terms such as genders, alderns, allions etc
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double--cross-d · 4 years
My LOS headcannons
Colored Pencils, Jean-Pierre
In a QPR with Rubber Band
He was the one who decided to have the Earth Vellumental raise the Overlook Tower. The plan? "Ok, I am your average bigender taking my giant folded turtle dog on a walk. Yep. Totally not sus."
Has ADHD and needs to be reminded at times to take a break from drawing and eat something/sleep
The reticle eye? He can't see shit out of it.
Fluent in French and will be insulted if you make fun of it being too hard.
French is his second language.
Eats lots of weird shit that could possibly kill him if he were a human.
Has photocopied his art just to eat it before.
Ate a ton of crayons when he was little and now talks in them. Oh no.
Also has rainbow teeth, but that wasn't from the crayon incident
Likes teasing Tape about their height because what're they gonna do? Punch him in the face? Yes actually. On several occasions, but it's still funny because they had to get a chair for a few of those times.
Scissors is his older sister
Trans-femme, but it rarely comes up because, again, bigender.
Very eager to show off art. If you so much as mention wanting to see it he lights up.
Has a tooth gap and is pretty self conscious about it.
Mainly goes by Jean
Rubber band, Ruby
QPR with Jean
Has a giant hole in its torso. Jean's the only one who's seen it.
Its body is actually made of the electric paint from Sunshine. It has to be careful dolling out hugs.
Has been able to do that twirl clothes change thing on several occasions. Its secret has yet to be revealed...
Big cuddle bug. Body is perfect for hugs when covered.
May or may not have a hand in its brother, Hole Punch, looking halfway decent on occasion.
Can't walk in heels for shit. Concerned that Punch can wear 2 inch platformer heeled boots and wide bottomed jeans.
Your average nonbinary drama student. Lord help us.
Actually doesn't like performing alone. It always has a bit of stage fright, but have at least one other person on stage and it's fine.
Probably doesn't know that gender exists TBH
Can freeze if it gets too cold. It also hates the cold.
Hole Punch, P-Punch
I wasn't creative when choosing xeir name, I know.
The dude at the party that just sits in the least populated room and pets the dog.
Dating Tape, surprisingly.
Honestly hella shy. Xey got that social anxiety. Only really comfortable around the rest of the LoS. Anyone else and xey become really defensive and standoffish.
Punched xeir own face out when xey were twelve. Because xey did it to xemself, nothing changed other than xem becoming very self conscious and getting an LED mask.
Tape is the only one whose not related to xem who has seen xeir missing face. Advice: Keep the mask on.
X3y l1t3r4lly t4lk l1k3 th15.
You don't hear it that way, it sounds like they talk normally, albeit autotuned, but you just know. It can cause migraines if left unchecked whuch sucks because Autism and infodumping.
Mainly uses xeir tail to punch out objects thicker than xeir claws can handle, and faces.
If you have your face punched out by xem, you might as well be dead. Xey have full control over your body like a puppeteer and if xey aren't in the same room as you, you basically become a disco zombie.
The best way to avoid this fate? Keep xem in a good mood, don't make direct eye contact, and if you see what's under the mask without xem noticing don't say anything about it.
Has an exoskeleton about the consistency of rubber mixed with plastic bottles. Xeir back had a fuck ton of scars on it, but when it got ripped off Scissors gave xem a 'transplant'. It still hurts to touch.
Tape, Frankie
Gangster with a big soft spot.
Dating Punch.
The shortest LOS member that is not a dog and constantly gets teased about it.
When they do cut their hair they do it with a knife. Not to be tough or anything, it just turns into adhesive the second it's not attached to their body and it's easier to clean off a knife than a pair of scissors
Their arms are tape prosthetic at the elbow down to their hand and can be torn off. It hurts like hell, but at least their hands are disembodied.
The prosthetics naturally grow back.
Their tougue is also tape. Their mouth is just a weird tape dispenser that's constantly full
Has probably said, "Ey! I'm transin' my gender 'ere!" At some point.
Can extend the fucking pompadour like an extra stretchy limb and grab things with it. They don't do this often but it has happened.
Only wears a shirt under the jacket if it's really cold out. Otherwise, there's no shirt because it make them dysphoric and the transitioning scars are on full display
Yes I am implying they had sniddies at one point. Shut up.
Likes the look of smoking, but can't stand cigarette smoke or the taste of candy sticks. They constantly have a bag of suckers on them at all times.
Their teeth have always been made of metal. Literal. Fucking. Metal. And they're fucking sharp too.
Scissors, Eddie
Romance Repulsed Aro/Ace
Is a surgeon, and sometimes makes highly unethical experiments because she can. She sewed a eye into a hand and sewed that onto an anaconda and called it her pet.
Her blades are her arms. Her sheathes are also working arms with hands attached.
Eats bugs.
*looks at a literal cryptid* "I'm adopting that."
The tallest of the LOS. She can launch Frankie across the room.
Got the scar on her eye from messing with her blades when she was younger and putting way it too close to her face.
How this happened is up for interpretation as both she and Jean-Pierre are robots
Would probably put a kid in a blender if her moral code wasn't stopping her.
Major Overbite.
Favorite song is ironically The Dismemberment Song. Everyone is concerned about this.
Calls herself Eddie Von Scissorfingers because even her sheathed hands are sharp. She has murder on the mind 24/7 and she wants you to know that.
Really susceptible to frostbite.
Most definitely has those sarcastic coffee mugs and constantly drinks out of them.
Sevice dog! Because whoever said that a literal child can run a kingdom without stress is a damn liar.
Very aloof.
Probably a German Shepard/Great Dane Mix.
That's it.
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terminallywerde · 3 years
We met at Yamacon like a million years ago and you were so cool and chill and everytime I see you on my dash I remember that time. :) I've transed my gender since then.
YamaCon was such a good time ahhh I miss those vibes.
Congrats on Transin your Gender tho!!! thats some good shit
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space-for-brains · 4 years
Hey watch it I'm transin my gender here
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tickflea2 · 5 years
ey im transin my genders over heah
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