#translation: that like killed me twice in a row
totkdaily · 6 months
Day 67: The Mark of the King
It takes me most of the day to find a small crack in the rock below Lulu Lake which seems to lead to the king's hideaway. This can't be how King Dorephan got in here - there's no way he'd fit. 
Muzu is angry with me for breathing near him, as always. It's good to see him.
Dorephan… does not look well.
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Muzu suggests that I'm lying about Zelda's disappearance, and I resist reacting. He says he saw the Princess here right after the Upheaval. I have a bad feeling about this… 
Dorephan says Zelda came from the sky with a sludge monster - and attacked him?? I am hit with thundering certainty that I was right - there is an imposter. Zelda would never even dream of such a thing. In any case, whoever or whatever this is was seen in multiple places at once. Is it a network? A collection of… wait. Who do I know who can disguise themselves, and works to bring down Hyrule?
The Yiga.
Could they have done this? Maybe this isn't an effect of the Upheaval at all, maybe they're just taking advantage of it - or maybe they're somehow working with the Demon King?
I remember that map of their bases I found at Robbie's lab. Maybe I should seek them out once I'm finished here and find out what they're up to. 
King Dorephan, bless him, is in hiding to save both his own reputation and Zelda's. Wounded as he is, he's considering handing the crown over to Sidon. In the meantime, he gives me some of his scales, the Mark of the King, to help with the riddle. 
Before I leave I look for another entrance - I was right. There's a much larger entrance behind the large waterfall into Mikau Lake. That's how the king got in. 
I return to Sidon to tell him the truth about his father. He agrees we must look skyward for answers. Now we just need to find the land of the sky fish. 
On a hunch, I glide across to a nearby waterfall emerging from a sky island. Murky brown as it is, it's still swimmable.
Floating Scales Island is shaped like a fish on my map - good enough. Now, a droplet. Maybe I'm looking for something like the dragon tears? The island is just covered in sludge, but I'm loathe to use splash fruit unless I need it…
The glowing floating rocks around the island are unusual - are they anything? I climb to the centre for a good view… wait, there is something. From here, some of the floating rocks form a teardrop.
"Through this droplet, shoot an arrow with the mark of the King."
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Here we go. 
The scale flies into the reservoir, and emits a green beacon.
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Well, here goes nothing. I glide across into the golden sunset, and drop into the brown lakewater. 
Nothing happens. Hmm. I tread water for a moment, thinking. 
I wonder if it needs to be a Zora who does the dive? I should go and find Sidon.
I take the easy route - Purah Pad to the tower and glide - to reach Mipha's Court again. It's only then that I realise I could probably clear the sludge on the shrine with splash fruit. 
Anyway. Chroma and Khira have taken over purifying the water so Sidon and Yona can talk.
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I join them, and Yona says Sidon should come with me to investigate the beacon of light. Sidon hesitates - is he reluctant to leave his people in this time of crisis? That's fair, but there really is no-one else.
Before he can say, we're ambushed by a monster- a sludge like. Is this what ambushed King Dorephan? 
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The sludge makes movement difficult, and it's a tough battle even with Sidon's water shield. Twice, I think it's all over. But we defeat the beast together. 
Yona resumes her conversation with Sidon as if there had been no interruption, encouraging him to investigate the beacon with me. He's reluctant to leave her. She says: "You are yielding to the fear of losing someone you love again." 
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Wow. She and him must trust each other very deeply. He's clearly shared much with her. I'm glad he has her support. He's so worried to lose her, but she argues she can protect herself - and I'm minded to agree. She's formidable. He heads to the beacon. 
But before I follow him, I must see to this shrine. 
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twilightknight17 · 3 months
The Promised Day - Part 2
Man, I meant to get the rest of this written up sooner, but I’ve started a new job and it’s tiring. I wanna talk about the final boss so badly, though, because Atlus has personally attacked me again, so here we go.
We ascend to the top of the stairs, where we arrive at the shrine to humanity’s desire for the end. It’s kind of beautiful, actually, even if I don’t know if the mosaics are meant to mean anything.
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But now we finally get to see our final foe.
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He’s really cool. The upgraded graphics really emphasize all the glowing details and colors.
Yukari calls him Ryoji, and he responds that he almost misses the name he used to be called. But now he’s not even the harbinger of the Fall. He says there’s no longer a distinction between Nyx and himself.
Not sure I believe that, considering he admits to missing his name and he still recognizes us.
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...so… I get the logic behind re-translating things to make them more accurate and stuff. But something as iconic as the final boss’s speech? Especially when all you’ve really done is reword it to make it more… grandiose? Like, before, it was simple and to the point.
“What people fear most, what they try to ignore… that is what I am.”
He's not some villain that needs to be dramatic. Sure, calling himself “wretched” proves that it’s definitely still Ryoji in there and he’s definitely still upset about this, but I dunno. He’s always been Death. He didn’t ‘become’ it; he’s just changed forms. And somehow, the idea that he’s still that much of himself right now, rather than being almost entirely overwritten by Nyx’s will… I don’t think I like that as much?? It doesn’t fit.
It’s like how the movie handled the reveal in December. Was him oneshotting everyone’s personas while hovering in front of the full moon cool as hell? Yes. But does it suit his character to pull out the “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you” monologue? Not really. Ryoji’s not like that. Passing out on the bridge while apologizing for what he is fits his character a lot more.
Either way, we might be afraid, but we have to do this.
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……maybe hitting the Reaper with Armageddon twice was a bad idea. Because these first rounds have been… not very hard. Level 90 Minato and level 86ish everyone else is a little too much. X’D
It still took time, though. We had to fight through twelve rounds, after all. But now it’s time for the Death Arcana.
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…again, why change lines like this when you’re basically just making them a frillier version of the same thing. “It matters not who you are. Death awaits you.” There was nothing wrong with that?? Spend your time on other things. X’D
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I do absolutely love how the final Arcana adds the watching eyes and the red veins. It’s so cool. My boy is so good.
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So they’ve given the Avatar a new almighty attack called “Apocalypse” that takes everyone down to 1% of their HP, which had the potential to be a LOT worse if he’d used it during one of the sections where he was getting 3 or 4 turns in a row. I don’t know if I just got lucky with having time to heal, but it wasn’t actually that scary after the first time.
It’s got a world-cracking animation that makes me think of Armageddon, though, so that’s cool.
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And the animation for Night Queen is awesome! He summons all the Arcana cards for it. ^_^
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But… they’ve taken away Moonless Gown.
It’s not even that he didn’t use it. It’s just gone entirely. The spell I specifically associate with Ryoji.
I guess they thought it made the boss too hard? But… it’s the final boss. You’re fighting Death Incarnate at the end of the world. It SHOULD be hard. I was looking forward to having to claw my way through this fight to the bitter end. But it wasn’t really bitter at all.
...there was a point I could have used Armageddon to end it, and didn’t, just because I wanted to keep going and see what happened.
I know I keep making fun of Atlus for the whole “core P3 experience” thing, but in this case, I DID want the core P3 experience, and I didn’t get it. So I’m actually disappointed. X’D
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Nope, sorry Mitsuru.
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The moon is coming to kill us, whether we like it or not.
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People on the streets are being freed from their coffins, and are beginning to panic and collapse into lesser shadows. It’s mayhem.
Takaya manages to stagger to the roof and laugh about how great this all is, right before crushing gravity smashes all of us to the ground. No one can move; no one can do anything, and Minato is blacking out.
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Igor tells Minato that it’s time to draw on all the bonds we’ve forged and harness their strength. I do not have all my social links maxed, so I suppose it’s lucky that I still have enough power. X’D
Igor also says he never dreamed of seeing this card with his own eyes, so… yeah. This is a one-of-a-kind miracle.
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And on that note, I like, “No miracle is beyond your reach” better. X’D
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The elevator reaches its destination, the doors open to a blaze of light, and like I said last time, I like the movie’s element of summoning Messiah as a fusion on the rooftop a lot better. Feels more climactic. But Minato pushes himself to his feet, pushes forward, and goes to confront Nyx on his own.
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The inside of Nyx is trippy as hell, and leads to the core, which is a big glowing egg.
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She tries to kill Minato with an ability that is literally just “death”, but Minato keeps one HP and takes a swing at her. His teammates all chime in to give him strength, even Shinji, and not only does he return to full health, but he can no longer be hit by the death spell at all. It does nothing to him.
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And thus we come to the endgame.
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I’ve always liked the gameplay representation of the Great Seal. The fact that it costs exactly how much health you have. The fact that you’re not casting it through a persona, you’re drawing entirely from yourself, empowered by your ultimate arcana. The fact that this is your only option, after attacking directly proves useless.
And from a story perspective, it hurts. It hurts so much to see this boy who had nothing gain friends, family, a life that he loves… and he has to give it all up to keep the people he cares for safe.
Makes you wonder if Philemon knew what it would take, when he blessed his chosen one with the Wild Card this time.
I could go on about that sort of thing for a while, so we’ll just leave it at that, with the casting of the Great Seal.
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All that’s left is the ending, now. And yeah. I really like the Avatar fight, but I expected it to be a lot harder. So I am, somehow, both content and disappointed.
It’s an interesting feeling. XD
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bestiarium · 2 years
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Yannig An Od [Celtic/Breton mythology]
Imagine you’re taking a stroll on the bank of a river. In the distance, you see an elderly man rowing a little boat. Suddenly, you hear a strange bird calling once, twice, and a third time. It sounds like ‘Iouhou!’ If you answered or yelled something back, the enigmatic man on the boat suddenly takes a giant leap and devours you.
This is the Yannig An Od – a mysterious creature from Breton folktales. There are a bunch of different names and retellings of the story: Yann-an-Ord, Iannic-ann-ôd, Yannig an Aod, etc. But the basics are always the same: the spirit resides near a riverbank or seashore and calls out three times, and kills those who answer or return its calls. ‘An od’ and its variations mean ‘of the shore’ while Iannic, Yann and Yannig are given names (often translated as ‘John’ or ‘Johnny’).
Collectively, these similar folk monsters are often called ‘Yannig’ and they are sometimes likened to fairies or sirens.
The spirit was said to rule over the Odet River in Breton. It was the undead ghost of a drowned man and dwelt on the riverbanks and let out its strange cry three times in succession, which was somewhat similar to that of an owl, and to leap at and devour anyone who was foolish enough to answer or mock the cries. Eventually, it was defeated by the wit of a local folk hero, Konan Ruz.
As legend has it, Konan was on an errand for flour to bake bread when he heard the three owl-like hoots. Not knowing their origin but annoyed at the noise, he hooted back in a mocking tone. Suddenly, Yannig An Od appeared and threw the man on his side. Konan however was a physically strong lad and managed to overpower his assailant by hitting the creature’s feet and causing it to fall on the ground. Konan put his knee on the being’s throat and held it down. The creature, now struggling to breathe, begged Konan to release it since apparently he came out of the water too early (before midnight). The man agreed to release his captive but only on the condition that the spirit would tell him some secrets about the world it came from: not the afterlife, but the place between the plane of the dead and the world of the living. This did not please the spirit, who warned that this information was not meant for the ears of a baptized man.
Yannig An Od told Konan that the ocean is a living being who sent wrinkles/waves across its skin every day, to counteract aging. At sunset, the sun descends into the ocean, warming its heart and waking it. The sea then makes a loud noise with its bowels, and in that hour the morgans and other mythical creatures from the depths sound the bells of their underwater towers. At that hour, Yannig An Od rises from between the rocks of the riverside, as these rocks contain the souls of the drowned.
Konan remembered that fishermen sometimes see thousands of human corpses in the ocean and asked Yannig what this means. The creature replied that these were the spirits of drowned people who remain in the ocean. When they reach a certain age, drowned corpses can freely move around in the ocean and wander beneath the waves in great numbers. Yannig also told his captor about the green sun, which is the source of the unnatural power that he and the drowned ones have. This sun can be seen underwater at night and has a connection with the afterlife, though the details are not entirely clear to me. When daytime comes, the drowned dead retake their places among the rocks of the seafloor and wait until the green sun rises once again.
Konan did not realize the creature’s trickery until it was too late: Yannig An Od was buying time with his stories until the clock struck midnight and the green sun arose under the sea. Now back at full power, he fought and killed his enemy. Konan died but managed to scare the spirit and to this day, the creature is too afraid to let out its cry near Konan’s side of the river it inhabits.
That being said though, Yannig An Od is still a dangerous entity and should you hear its cry, take care not to mock it, for this will entice the ghost to attack you. It is said that if you encounter this spirit, you have to remove your shoes and run barefoot across the beach or riverbank with your shoes in your hands.
In addition, Yannig An Od may also come to peoples’ houses. He will knock on the door and ask for a small piece of burning or smouldering wood from the fireplace. You should never give in to this strange request, though it isn’t entirely clear to me what will happen if you do or what the ghost plans to use the wood for.
Sources: Garnett, L. M. J., 1896, New Folklore Researches: Folk-Prose. Modern Revolution. Historical Introductions. University of Michigan. Monaghan, P., 2004, The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore, Facts on File, 512 pp. (image source: Cherryheart on Wattpad)
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astoldbyaja · 2 months
The Pink Blossom- Ch.19
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As soon as the samurai were out of sight, Nathan and I looked at each other and he nodded.
“Stay close to me.” he said, and I nodded.
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” I replied.
“Oh my god, Nathan! Nathan!”
We turned to see British translator Simon Graham approaching us with his hand waving wide at us. We both smiled in his direction.
“Simon!” Nathan said, hugging him and Simon took my hands in his own kissing them.
“Ms. Grace, Nathan, you both are safe and sound from the hostile samurai. Come you will want to see the new weapons and soldiers that have come into Tokyo.” he said and began to lead us through the town. He led us atop of a field and my eyes widened as I looked down to see numerous soldiers firing large canon like weapons. They had such power to them, and I was very much used to seeing this in America. Things were truly very different from when we were first here months ago.
“Very aggressive wouldn’t you say?” Simon asked, and he then suddenly cleared his throat. “Well, I shan’t crowd you both. I will be back at the hotel taking pictures. If there is anything you need, I will not be too far.” We nodded, and the short man separated from us. I stepped closer over the hill.
“Nathan, those guns can slaughter hundreds.” I said with worry. Nathan nodded slowly eyeing the row of weapons before looking at me.
“We will do what we have to.” he said. I looked at him even more afraid.
“Nathan?” I heard the cool voice of Nathan’s former commanding officer. We both turned to see the snake approaching us. I did not forget my place and let my head fall as I backed away behind Nathan and remained quiet. “My god it’s true you are alive.” Nathan gave a short nod.
“Still standing.” he said, and Bagley nodded.
“I thought the savages had killed you for sure.” he said now looking over his shoulder at me. “And I see your slave is still intact. I hope they didn’t have their way with her too much and ruin her.” I now glanced up at the man and tensed some. His face I would never forget. Even during the Indian wars, when Nathan fought under him, he always watched me. Always wanting to get too close. I knew he wanted me; he just never had the opportunity thank god.
“She’s fine.” Nathan said coldly, bringing the attention back to himself. The colonel nodded and looked back to the army.
“Look at them. All properly trained and ready to slaughter those vermin samurai. All they need is a leader.” he said looking at Nathan again. “You’ve survived them it’s only fair you get to be the one to lead us to victory against them.” Nathan stared at the army and looked up at the man.
“I’ve just gotten back from being held hostage. I think that deserves a drink. Don’t you think, Grace?” he said now turning and leaving, and I immediately followed. I wasn’t sure if we were actually going to go to a bar as Nathan hadn’t had a drop since we were with Katsumoto. But I didn’t get to find out as a soldier confronted us on our way back into town. Immediately we were tense. He said something, fast and I couldn’t understand him. I still had much to learn with the Japanese language. Nathan leaned into me.
“He says the emperor wants to see us both in the palace.” he said. I was stunned, but I assumed he meant mostly Nathan. So, we followed the soldier to the large palace. As I remember it was big and grand and was guarded heavily. We were led inside, and the walls were still beautiful as ever. I noticed the men were walking quickly, so I raised my dress some so I could keep up and not fall over. As we came to two large doors, the soldiers raised his hand right up to me saying something else now. Nathan looked at me.
“Stay here.” he said, and I looked at him worriedly and he touched my face lightly. “It’ll be okay.” And I nodded holding his hand gently and he separated from me.
 Normal POV
Katsumoto had been given safe passage into Tokyo in order to speak with Emperor Meiji on possible peace. But he knew with Omura speaking his poison into the emperor’s ear, peace would never be achieved.
Emperor Meiji was sitting calmly on his throne looking down on his teacher and two of the samurai’s men. One he was familiar with. Ujio. He was quite taken with Ujio due to his skill and knowledge of battle. Emperor Meiji had watched from his room’s balcony as the samurai entered the town once more.
But what silently intrigued him was the fact that the American and African slave were back and unharmed. He was quite happy to see the woman alive and well. She was his first African and he wanted to learn from her more and had plans to buy her from the American and have her stay in his palace. But what really caught his eye is the interaction between Ujio and the African as they returned. Meiji looked at the samurai before him as he was lost in thought. Omura spoke up as he did most of the talking for the emperor.
“You stand before his excellency after being granted permission and yet you have not the decency to remove your swords from this holy court!” he snapped. Katsumoto stared at the round man before looking at the emperor.
“The all mighty, has come to speak of peace. My restraint on not drawing my sword shows I have no intent on using violence, but only furthers my goal of showing I want peace in Japan as well.” Katsumoto said, and Omura huffed.
“If you really want to show peaceful intentions, you and your “samurai” will remove your swords!” he demanded.
‘Over my dead body’. Ujio thought to himself as he scowled to Omura. He didn’t like how this man spoke to his lord and was happily ready to cut him down. His bodyguard caught the glare the samurai was giving his boss immediately and grew mildly tensed. Meiji cleared his throat as if reminding Omura that other company was supposed to be here. He wanted to hear from the two captives that Katsumoto had taken. He needed direction for he didn’t want to kill his teacher, but he had to do what was right for his people and country. Omura glanced back at the young emperor and nodded.
“Bring in the American!” he called, out and the doors slid open. Nathan walked in looking around with mild awkwardness as he walked toward the middle of the room and stood a few feet from Katsumoto and bowed to the emperor. Meiji’s brows pushed together in confusion before slightly frowning.
“I demanded for both hostages to stand before me.” he said suddenly with mild broken English, but his words were clear and now both Ujio and Nathan were tensed at the command. Omura cleared his throat some and nodded.
“Bring in the African!” he called out.
Ujio’s eyes widened, and he quickly glanced back toward the doors as they slid open again. Within seconds, Grace was gently walking in with such poise. She was confused and nervous as to why she was being brought in. Now Emperor Meiji lifted his gloved hand and demanded the girl step closer. Grace glanced at Ujio, but slowly walked toward the throne, passing an even more annoyed Omura. Grace stopped at the bottom of the steps that was beneath the throne and she curtsied as was a custom to American culture.
“African dog you will show the proper respect for the emperor and bow!” Omura yelled angrily stepping close to her. Ujio glared heavily and took a very visible step closer almost passing Katsumoto, but his lord stopped him quickly with his arm on his chest, hoping his action could go unnoticed. But the emperor and everyone in the room noticed the samurai’s strange hostile actions. Emperor Meiji suddenly stood up and now everyone looked at him wondering what he would do bowing immediately. He looked down at Omura and frowned.
“Mr. Omura… you will not insult my guest in my presence ever again. You have dishonored me.” he said, and now Omura’s eyes widened, and he began to bow numerous times. Grace was stunned that the emperor had even bothered to defend her. It brought her mild happiness to be defended by a king. She remembered how he would not always speak for himself.
“Forgive me your holiness. I did not mean to offend! I would never do this intentionally.” he said. Nathan didn’t like this. He whispered for Grace to come to him, and Grace really wanted to, but the emperor raised his hand.
“You will bow to our guest and then you will all leave me to speak with her. Alone! And then I will speak with my teacher with his sword.” he commanded softly and Grace just stood there in utter shock.
Grace’s POV
I couldn’t believe the emperor wanted to even look at me after our last talk. At first, he was offensive asking me questions about slavery and if we were beasts like he had heard. I couldn’t believe he wanted to call me into this large palace after telling him the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear about my people.
I was amazed at how he defended me against the apparent insult Omura had spat at me. Omura looked at me with hidden disgust before bowing slowly at me. I just stared at him not knowing what to do. So, I did nothing.
As the room began to clear I looked at Nathan and then Ujio as he was being escorted out. This time he looked back at me, and I wished he didn’t have to leave as I was now alone with the emperor. He was stepping down from the stairs and as he did, I backed away giving him space to descend. Once he was on the final step, I bowed with respect toward him. He just stared at me with the same surprised stare he had given me the first time, he had wanted to speak with me, as if I was some exotic creature that he had never thought he would see in his lifetime. He then began to walk around me and toward a side hall that led outside.
“Come.” Was his only response.
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laikaflash · 2 years
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I posted 7,276 times in 2022
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#something about the idealized image of an armored warrior elite class and the reality of them being opportunistic bastards in war-torn times
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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Where’s a covered bridge when you need one?
Definitely my favorite of this year’s new omen encounters. It looks best at night.
13 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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Scan from the Soul Edge Original Soundtrack - Khan Super Session booklet, featuring a render of Siegfried sitting on the ground, leaning against his sword. This was retrieved by Daily Siegfried Schtauffen on Twitter. I'd be even more thrilled to find scans of the rest of this booklet.
Courtesy link to the Darkness of Fate theme.
[Top row] Composition/Arrangement*: Taku Iwasaki Drums: Kinosuke**
“It wasn’t me... It wasn’t me... I wasn’t the one who took Father’s life... Father was killed by someone...” Without accepting the truth, he wanders around in search of the invincible sword Soul Edge in order to defeat his “father’s bitter enemy”.
[At right] Siegfried Schtauffen - Immature Darkside***
*Since his name is listed twice, I took the liberty of putting of the two together.
**For some reason, this person’s name (希之輔) isn’t transliterated where I can find the soundtrack listed, so this is my best guess. I’m afraid I can’t find much about KHAN as a whole. I thought “Dr.” was short for “director” at first, but as best as I can tell, he was a drummer. (Source: VGMdb.net)’
***Osanaki (幼) can also be translated as “very young” or “childish”. Either way, the English localization went with “Innocent Darkside”.
13 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
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14 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Next time I watch Defunctland, I need to stop scrolling through the comment section before the video finishes. There are so many good lines in the ones I’ve seen so far that a lot of the comments read like spoilers.
20 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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37 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
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casmybelovedass · 3 years
Supernatural italian dub highs and lows:
Rai airing the Featurette episode before the actual season thus spoiling spn to non live watchers
Jack's VA sounding older than Dean's
Dean: "He was almost... like a son"
✨Trastullarci ✨
5 different assbutts:
rotto in culo = "broken in the ass" / piece of shit
bastardo = bastard
gran culone = fatass
faccia da culo = ass face
damerino = ✨ Dandy ✨
Dean: "Fanta apocalisse di merda"
Vessels = conteiners
Pugnale di demone & pugnale d'angelo
The Equalizer = The AVENGER
Sam's message chat to Cas changed to Cas messaging Sam from Sam's phone?????
The Lee-orgy triplets were all girls
Dean's VA dubbing directly over Jensen's "You son of a bitch", which can perfectly be still heard
Lee muttering "We..." before dying in Dean's arms. THAT WAS NOT IN THE EPISODE???
Rowena gave Napoleon a short STATUE instead of STATURE
The common italian saying "You have a broomstick up your ass" changed to "You have a broomstick down your throat" WHAT IS THE PARENTAL CONTROL FOR RAI?????
Dean's "I had to bury [Cas] in the box" was stressed so that it ment there was no other way if not throw Cas in the ocean
Cas: "Dean, you made it" Dean: "You did too!"
Guest star = ✨extraordinary participation✨
Dean's VA Stefano giving Dean a lil gay voice from time to time :)
Sam's VA David's performance being better that j*red's
VA Andrea Lavignino being used in 3 episodes in a row for 3 different characters (and I'm convinced he was Mike's VA as well)
Chuck is very excitable
Bad luck = literally bad luck (we say sfortuna not cattiva fortuna)
Claire x Kaia romantically confirmed by Jodi's "She loved her"
deaf!Dean truthing shut down by Cas saying Dean "Hears thing stronger than any other human". Not actually but the way it was worded sounded like this
Cas and Dean's VAs meta-making fun of the "sexually intimate" adaption
Dean to Cas: "Wake up my friend!" WELP
HunterCorp!Dean calling j*hn PAPI
Dean's swears in 15x14: accidentino, accidenti, acciderbola
Stussy, Vussy & Dussy
Dean has a penetrating smell to amara
Guy: "You're an angel?" Cas: "Yes, but not the good kind" BITE BITE KILL KILL
Sam asking Dean if him and Cas had ✨bickered✨
Dean's VA being extremely soft when Cas is leaving to find another way 🥺🥺
Dean: "I love that kid too" 🥺🥺
Jack is a dolce confettino 🥺🥺 (sweet little candy/sugared almond)
You made it loud = It was so loud???
"Let's go reap a reaper" sucked
Vulgar toilet translation cesso used twice. This is actually why the show had parental control suggested
"Being at your side changed me"
Italy once again proves to be THEE homophobic country by keeping Cas' monologue exactly like it was meant to be, until the "I love you", which was made to be a platonic "Ti voglio bene"
Misha Hero Collins imbruttisce the Rai by saying Ti amo both on Instagram and Twitter
What a couple of weeks
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no-droids · 4 years
Just the Translator
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Part Ten of the Rough Day Series
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.6K
Warnings:  There is rough sex in this.  THERE IS ROUGH SEX IN THIS.  Do NOT read if that offends you.  There is also more anal stuff—NO FUCKING (not yet).  Uh, canon-typical violence, grumpy Din Djarin, some fluffy moments, Baby Yoda being a little troublemaker, bit of a cliffhanger ending BUT NOT TO WORRY PALS I ALREADY GOT QUITE A BIT OF THE NEXT PART WRITTEN
A/N: ***Please take a second to visit this googledoc, in it are useful links regarding the BLM protests and what we can do to help. Here is a separate link to where I originally addressed this and shared more thoughts***
Whelp.  At least you’re in a good mood. 
In contrast, Din and the kid have been causing problems all morning, the both of them.  Like two… two annoying, middle-aged children competing to see which one is less mature.
The smaller of the two, and older (most likely) is bouncing with energy.  Acting a complete fool.  Ready and willing to launch out of his restricting little sphere at any second, a bright green bundle of energy that slept way too well last night and is just rubbing it in at this point.  He was fine earlier—checking out of the inn, picking up some food at a local market, riding in the Crest as it navigated towards the most isolated sector on this planet—but the hike to this field has been like pulling teeth.
In fact, Din is currently wearing a singular gauntlet on his left hand for that very reason—so this child’s hyper ass could be contained within the hovering, reflective prison.  He’s restless, though, continuing to act out.  At one point you suggest just letting him walk to let some energy out like yesterday, even if he slows the group down with his tiny little legs.  Once you let the little menace out on parole though, he just continues to veer off in his own direction and irritate his dad even further.
And, oh stars—his dad.
Din has barely said a word, only answering with short responses when directly prompted and spending most of his energy just silently stewing inside his own little grumpy teapot on his head.  The helmet is the only other piece of armor he’s donning besides the lone vambrace, and you’re surprised steam hasn’t started whistling through the top of it with how frustrated he is, how many times you’ve seen him curl his hands with impatience. At first it was amusing, though you know better than to tease him about it right now.  You keep your mouth shut and try your best to wrangle the kid, doing everything you can to be helpful while also steering clear of unintentionally exacerbating his silent irritation, knowing Din isn’t in the mood for jokes after being interrupted at a very crucial moment last night.  The sun shines directly on the front of his helmet and blinds you with every single annoyed step, so you follow just far enough behind him and try to use his enormous refrigerator of a body to shield your eyes.
At first it was amusing.  But then the baby catches sight of a gorgeously patterned butterfly floating through the field that he probably wants to snack on for breakfast, and he breaks off from your entourage once more with a quiet little coo that should strike pure terror into the hearts of small animals everywhere.
Immediately you’re turning to go get him—but then a large hand quickly snatches the front of your shirt before you can take a single step, pulling until you’re colliding with an unarmored chest with an oof.  
A bare hand catches your jaw and tightens until you’re staring deep into the thin blade of his visor, before Din whispers rough through the modulator, “As soon as he falls asleep.”
That’s all he says.  And then he’s releasing you and letting you stumble back towards his wayward son a whole lot less amused than you were before, and a whole lot more achy.  The baby shenanigans are far less amusing too.
“You’re killing me here, kiddo,” you breathe after quickly catching up with him, having to bend in half to lead him back towards his impatient dad. 
His hot, moody… incredibly well endowed dad, thick arms crossed tight over his chest as he waits for your return.
The monster’s hand lifts high above him as his three fingers cling to just one of yours, the baggy brown sack exposing his pudgy little green elbow as he follows next to you with a waddle.  It’s slow going, but at some point he decides to pull himself up onto your wrist and you catch him, cradling him in your arms before quickly hurrying back to Din.
Thankfully he begins to calm down a little after that.  As you three eventually find a spot in the endlessly breezy field to settle into, the kid clamors back into his shield while Din carelessly drops the dark bag of supplies he carried from the Crest into the tall grass.  You twist your back to let some of the stiffness out, rotating your arms to encourage more movement as he approaches.
“Same thing as yesterday,” he gruffs when he’s in reach, patting his chest again with a bare hand.  “Hard as you can.”
“My… My hands hurt,” you eventually admit, not wanting to frustrate him even more and hoping you would be able to work on blocking today instead, but Din just nods while you gently brush your thumb along your sore knuckles.
“That’ll happen until it doesn’t,” he tells you quietly, reaching out to touch your elbow in a quick, awkward gesture of comfort and then dropping his arm to his side.  Short, but not unkind.  “Push through.  You can do it.”
You nod, knowing that’s probably the very best motivation you’ll get from him.  His beliefs, condensed down to quick, stunted sentences, presented with such unwavering surety that they must be truths.  Weirdly, it works wonders for you.  Maybe it’s just the person it’s coming from.
You drop into stance and then slam your fist into his chest before he’s ready, and Din steps back on impact with a small grunt while you bite your lip to silence your own noise from the pain reverberating up your arm. 
“Good,” he huffs nonetheless, rubbing the spot on his chest he’s historically designated as target practice.  “Good.  You’re… hitting harder than yesterday.  That’s… fuck.  Good.”
“Good?”  You ask lowly, chancing a quick look over at the kid.  Who blinks directly back at you, wide-eyed and staring purposefully from his crib.  You deflate just a little bit at the sight of him still wide awake, and Din’s fists are clenched by his sides when you turn back to him.
He doesn’t say anything, but you can feel the pent up tightness in his body as you spend the next couple hours throwing more hits at him, different types.  Left hooks, right hooks, crosses, jabs, elbow strikes, palm heels.  He was absolutely right though—the more you make contact with him, the less you begin to feel the pain, until it eventually feels like nothing at all to you.
But then, at one point, you pull your hardened fist back, aimed and focused directly on that same spot on his chest once more—when suddenly his hand flashes up and he flicks his finger against the lower part of your open ribcage. 
He barely puts any strength into it at all—it’s the pressure you’d use to tap someone on the shoulder if you were trying to get their attention, but for some reason the incredibly well-placed reminder throws you.  A little fucking touch like that shouldn’t hurt nearly as much as it does, but you nearly tip sideways and have to catch your footing with how dizzy it makes you.
“That’s what’s called a liver shot,” Din tells you calmly, watching you wrap your hand around your ribcage and wince at the lingering pain through gritted teeth.  “Keep your arm down like I told you.  That’ll happen every time you wanna get lazy with me, little chicken wing.”
You hiss and shake your head a little bit, trying to clear the fog, and then purposefully tuck both arms tight to your sides.  But then—
His hand flashes up again and taps the side of your face this time—not hard enough to hurt but enough to make you flinch on instinct and take a step back.  “That arm stays up.”
Your quick huff of air is suppressed.  Somewhat censored—it doesn’t duly portray the sharp flare of annoyance you experience.  You do exactly what he says, however, and keep your arms in position in front of you.
But then you jerk back and sputter angrily when the tips of his fingers lightly connect with your cheek once more.  “Stop that!  My hands are up!”
“Then why’d you let me do it?”  He asks, stepping up as you retreat to poke you square in your chest.  “Stop letting me do it.”
He goes to tap your face again, but this time your forearm comes up to swat his away before he can make contact, and he seems pleased for the moment.  Din steps back and hits his chest again.  “Come on.”
He lets you get in just a few more blows before coming at you again.  You smack his hand away and then go to throw another punch, but he’s quick.  He cheats—goes for you twice in a row when you’re not expecting it, and taps the vulnerable spot on your side for the second time today.  It hits you like a bullet and takes you a second to snap out of the abrupt shot of pain.
“Come on,” Din taunts once more, curling his mismatched fingers at you—one hand leathered and the other tan and bare.  He sounds like he’s grinning under the helmet, starting to enjoy this way too fucking much.  It makes your blood boil, makes you just stand there like an idiot for a few seconds and fume at his audacity.
Apparently you take too long getting pissed off at him.  He comes at you first, going for your side again, but you shove his arm out of the way with a growl.  Except his other arm flashes and you react instantly, ducking under the wide, careful swipe aimed for your cheek and then zeroing in on the same exact spot below his ribs he’s been torturing you with all day, the one left wide open while his arm misses its mark.
Except—yours isn’t a tap, or a flick.  It’s a hard uppercut.
Air rushes through the modulator as he groans and stumbles sideways, gasping and trying to steady himself.  Triumph surges through your veins as you watch him, shaking your hand out at your side to quickly encourage the numbness away, your knuckles not yet used to hitting bone.  He clutches his side and shakes the helmet violently in an effort to regain himself, breathing hard through the filter and—
The visor instantly jerks to you and you’re already taking a step back on instinct, adrenaline roaring.  He snaps upright as you continue to retreat—until you trip over yourself and plunge to the grass.
A reflection catches in your peripheral, and you whip your head to the side to see the kid completely passed out in his metallic cradle, eyes closed and mouth drooping a bit.  The sight shoots pure exhilaration through you, but it’s nothing compared to the thrill of only seeing him there for a split second before chrome shields instantly slide shut over his head.
You look back to Din just in time to see him dropping his gloved hand back down to his side and taking quick steps towards you—and you react without thinking.  You scramble over on your hands and knees and then launch forwards before you’re even halfway off the ground, finding your feet as you stumble into a run and hearing footsteps pick up behind you.
Maker, it’s been ages since you’ve run like this.  You don’t even know why you’re running—you just do, it just feels like you should.  Your body barrels through tall grass and your heart thunders faster than the sound of your pumping legs, louder than the wind whipping through your ears.  You don’t know if he purposefully allows you to get this far or if you’re genuinely quick—
—nope.  Nope, you’re not quick, because he suddenly bursts into a sprint behind you and gains way too much ground way too quickly.  You try to break left as soon as you realize what’s happening, but he’s too fast and hooks an arm around your stomach just before you’re out of reach.  Din yanks you back to his chest as he twists around and takes you both to the ground, his shoulder blades slamming down first and softening your landing with his whole body and a grunt, skidding you both to a halt in the endlessly wavy field.
The wind is knocked out of you regardless.  You try and struggle off of him but the positioning makes it almost impossible—your abdominal muscles are no match for the strength of his arms wrapped around your stomach, keeping your body pinned tight to his as you wrestle to lift against him in the grass.
“Fight harder,” Din growls raggedly in your ear, and your pussy seizes with need when you feel how rock hard he is against your ass.  It encourages you—you make a rough sound towards the sky and then lift against him with all your strength, and your elbow comes down hard into his ribcage.  Air whooshes out of him and his arms loosen just slightly.  You’re able to wiggle off him and start crawling away, but then he heaves over and snatches at your pant leg—
Which means you pull them down yourself as you keep clawing yourself forward by your arms, raw excitement coursing through your veins, the fabric pulling tight over your ass and then bunching around your thighs.  You squeal and flounder and kick at him—but Din just grabs at your ankle and then pins your leg to the ground, pushing up and using your calves to clamor on top of you with brute strength, catching your underwear and ripping them down too.  Your heart pounds and your pussy just about floods itself hearing him dig in his pants to pull his cock out, his breath coming heavy through the helmet.
Maker, you’re so fucking ready for it.  You keep struggling just because your body is telling you to, but nothing close to the word ‘stop’ ever leaves your mouth, never even comes to mind.  You feel wetness slicking your inner thighs as Din grunts and plants an arm next to your head, his bare hand shooting out to hover in front of your face.  You flinch—but he keeps it there, palm open in front of your lips in silent expectation.
“Wet or dry,” he snarls when you don’t immediately react.  “I don’t give a shit.”
Still, his hand stays right in front of your face long enough to let you make up your mind.
And… not lick it.
After a moment, Din makes a sound that drops another wave of white hot arousal down through your stomach—a furious, growly noise that resembles distorted static passing through the filter.  He angles his cock against your opening and when you hear him muttering angrily, you think he’s scolding you for it.  Calling you dirty under his breath, promising you you’ll regret saying that in a second.  But no—he’s—
“Perfect.  Perfect little girl, fucking perfect,” Din hisses darkly, pushing into your soaking entrance without anything but your slick to ease his way.  “H-How are you—s-so fuck—ing—”
Oh Maker, you turn your head into the grass and cry out through the delicious, blissful intrusion, pushing your hips back against his—and Din curses as he quickly bottoms out, making sure he lurches fully into you before his hands find out exactly where they want to be.  They land on your lower back and he mounts up, pinning your body hard to the ground with almost his full weight.  It means you can rip out as much grass with your useless arms as you want—he doesn’t even give you a single moment now that he’s successfully rooted you to the crushed greenery.  You bloom for him all the same, as soon as Din pulls out with a wet sound and then starts fucking you strong and steady.
It’s sharp.  Biting.  Even the pleasure has a hard edge to it, completely paralyzing you even if you could struggle in this position.  His hands are pushing down so hard that the ground digs into your tummy and makes his cock angle and slam right into your g-spot each and every time.  You want to moan out your ecstasy but he’s wringing the air from your lungs with every shattering swing of his hips back and forth, quickly speeding up as he goes and taking out a full night’s worth of deprivation on you.
“Ngh.  Take.  Cock.  So.  Fucking.  Good—” Din grits with every mean thrust, the staccato growls of praise getting lost in the echoing, rhythmic clap of his hips.  You can’t fucking breathe—the pleasure is too overwhelming, your face is pressed into the grass, he’s got almost all his weight on you.  You’re helpless to do anything besides close your eyes, furrow your brows, drop your jaw, and just let him own your body in the middle of this beautiful oasis.  The heavy, wild thrusts steal every sense away from you, any ability to think beyond the fractured piece of heaven he’s striking inside you over and over.  You don’t even feel him grabbing your asscheeks and spreading them—
Somebody makes a pitiful, breathless whine—it’s you, you realize.  You make that sound, because worn leather lands right on the entrance he was denied last night and shamelessly breaches it before anything else can interrupt him.
“Tight,” he hisses, slowly sinking his thumb all the way down to the knuckle while you clench your eyes shut and choke out his name, “—f-fucking tight—”
His cock pulses inside you and you bear down as hard as you can on it in return, trying to get accustomed to being penetrated in two places at once.  He doesn’t move his thumb after that—he just keeps it there, deep inside you while he continues wrecking you with the brutal hammering of his hips from behind. 
Still—the impropriety of it starts to burn you up, how… dirty it is.  Getting the life fucked out of you in broad daylight, in the middle of a wide open field, the thickest finger he has buried deep in your ass, helpless to do anything else besides lay here and let him—you feel yourself start to clamp down, steadily getting tighter and tighter around the intrusions while he grits out hard curses and keeps giving it to you through the rapid build.
His name—you start repeating it into the ground like it’s the only thing you’ve ever known.  The word scrapes from your throat over and over, and you try to pull at the grass but your hands are clenched into fists and you can’t seem to remember which muscles to use to open them.
“You like this?”  You’re able to hear him grit from above you.  “Like when I—fuck—when I fuck you l-like this?  When I just.  H-Hold you down and take—” he chokes, “—take what I w-want—”
You can’t respond, but fuck yes, you do.  The kindling spark inside you suddenly flares up and starts to spread through your body like wildfire, tightening, tightening, tightening, but then—
He’s so pent up—Din cums.
Devastatingly early.
The savage thrusts suddenly stutter to a halt and the gasp he takes in sounds like it physically hurts him.  Like the orgasm is just ripped out of him.  His hold turns to steel on you, as if he thinks you can somehow get away right now, and Din cums deep inside your spasming cunt with a shuddering, desperate groan of your name. 
It’s like it drains everything from him—he slumps, just conscious enough to slowly ease his thumb out of your tight asshole, and then he collapses in the grass next to you.  You stay there for just a second and shake next to him, muscles feeling like they’re creaking even while just laying on the ground like this, completely motionless.
“Shit—was that—”  Din pants, turning and scooting over to you to brush your hair out of your face with his bare hand, “was that… okay?  Do you… do you need…?”
You’re still so submissive, still so high on the overwhelming rush of pleasure, your mouth opens and croaks out a response without your permission.  “It was good.”
“Yeah?”  He huffs, dropping back on the grass and trying to catch his breath.  “Good.”
And… it’s true.  It was good, it was absolutely fucking amazing.  So overpowering, such a hard fuck that you almost don’t think about the fact that you didn’t actually cum from it.  The thought doesn’t really even register with you fully, not yet.
Eventually you both push yourselves up, each of you equally lacking in energy, just in different ways.  Din looks like he’s drunk—unbalanced and dizzy while he removes his glove and stuffs it into one of his pockets, before carefully tucking his spent cock back in his trousers.  In contrast, you’re nothing more than another trembling blade of grass in an enormous landscape of them, flimsy and yielding to the powerful, rippling wind as you attempt to adjust your clothing.
It’s fine, you tell yourself on the slow, quiet walk back.  Sex doesn’t always need to end in a fiery orgasm.  Sometimes a rough pounding hits the spot, scratches that itch.  You feel like you’re a newborn blurg trying to balance your oddly proportioned weight on two noodle legs as Din’s hand patiently guides you from your lower back, and a bright flare of arousal arcs through you feeling how gentle his hold is compared to the way his cum is steadily leaking from your throbbing, aching cunt.
You don’t need to cum every single time he fucks you.  It’s fine.
Upon returning to the sight of the unbothered, napping kid, you both decide to walk a bit more, and you learn your lesson this time.  The sun glints bright against Din’s left side while traveling in this direction, so you stick purposefully to his right the entire time.
In the meantime, you share easy conversation and attempt to regain some semblance of control over your still slightly… restless body.  Slowly but surely, your feverish arousal for him dims and fades to the backburner, replaced instead by… softer, quieter feelings.  There’s not a solid word for it, not really.  If you were mixing on a palette, you’d start out with a base of gentle contentment and then add a big dollop of affection, diluted with silence until it’s a swirling, pastel… color you don’t have a name for, but cherish all the same.
The baby wakes up about halfway through the afternoon hike, and he’s better now too.  Eventually your ragtag party finds a place to settle for the night—a small clearing in the field at the edge of a thick forest.  There’s a sizable log and boulder situated relatively close together, with a wide open space to make a fire in the center.
Din disappears for a bit to go get some firewood from the looming forest while you entertain the kid; the log is tilted perfectly to allow you both to watch the sunset, and you easily converse with the riveting baby talk as if he’s an absolute genius.
“I’m not so sure about that, honestly,” you tell him diplomatically, receiving nothing but unintelligible babbles in response as he climbs all over you.  “Well, no actually, because there’s two major schools of thought concerning that, the first being—”
He pops up in front of your face to interrupt you heatedly and you scoff, rolling your eyes over the loud gibberish.  “Look, I’d appreciate it if we could tone down the passive-aggressiveness, okay?  If we can’t have a respectful discussi—”
Three green fingers settle over your lips and you gasp at the nerve of him, forced to let him continue to ramble on your lap about absolutely nothing at all, the size of his ego soon growing to match the size of his ears.
“Hear that, shiny?”  You turn your head and ask his father upon his eventual return, and Din grunts distractedly as he dumps the firewood down and rummages around in the bag for a lighter.  Tilting your head back towards the kid, you prompt him with a raised brow.  “Tell him what you just told me.”
The baby bursts into more nonsense, encouraged by your attention, and Din crouches down to set the wood into position in the dusky twilight glow while saying nothing at all, and it somehow manages to pass as listening intently.
It continues to go on like that far longer than you expected it would, the baby apparently having quite the bone to pick about something that’s been on his mind, and one point you have to rest your hand over his mouth so he finally stops babbling.  “Hey, that’s not very nice,” you scold him quietly.  “I’m sure his face is perfectly normal under there.”
The helmet turns just slightly towards you, unamused while you snort at your own joke for a little bit. 
“I didn’t say it,” you remind him after far too long of just celebrating your own hilarity, clearing your throat through the stifled chuckles.  “I’m just translating.”
“Oh yeah?”  He eventually murmurs, beginning to ignite some of the crumpled twigs at the center of the pile, and if you worked at it, you could probably convince yourself he’s sharing your gentle smile.  More muted than yours perhaps, but beautiful and easy on his face, fitting him simply and perfectly.  “What did… What did he say I look like?”
You would’ve shot something ridiculous back at him, something snarky and facetious, but you stop short.  You catch it—underneath his voice, it sounds… timid, almost.  Uncertain.  It makes you take just a second in responding.
“Brown eyes,” you tell him after a moment, and Din doesn’t visibly react, just continues to slowly add small branches to kindle the flame.  It’s so quiet out here, but it’s different from hyperspace quiet.  This quiet is… natural.  Warm, and.  Free.  Fleeting, allowed to roam.  In a way that hyperspace just feels compact, stifling.  “He said you have… brown eyes.  And a… a strong bone structure, striking features.  A sharp, chiseled jaw, dark facial hair.  And, uh.  He also said…”
Din keeps silently feeding the fire until it’s crackling and bright, and then he settles back on his butt next to it, both elbows resting on his knees, not moving the visor towards you but waiting for you to finish regardless. 
The stunning backdrop gives way to a stunning surge of bravery.
“He said you make a bunch of faces under there that nobody ever sees,” you say softly, blinking at Din in the fading twilight while the kid sits silently in your lap.  “That you’re an open book.  Behind a metal wall.  And you have a really nice smile, I bet—he bets… he bets you probably do it more often than anyone realizes.  And your… your hair starts to curl when you let it grow long, and.  And you’re almost guaranteed to be drop dead gorgeous under there, and it’s a real fucking shame that you’ve probably never had anyone tell you it.”
Din tilts his helmet at you, looks at you for a long time—long enough for blood to rush to your cheeks and for you to get fidgety.  But when he finally does respond, his voice is gentle through the modulator.  “He said that.”
You mhm at him quickly, nodding your head and turning away as casually as you can, heart beating incredibly fast for some reason.  “Just the translator.”
A lovely silence soon blankets the both of you, a warmth permeating through to your bones that has nothing to do with the steadily growing fire.
A little while later, the kid has retired to his reflective cradle and the dancing flames are the only source of light besides the bright moon hanging directly overhead.  Din sits with his back to the large boulder and digs through the bag, pulling out all sorts of food you picked up before leaving the village this morning and handing them to you.  Something red and unfocused flashes oddly against the curve of his helmet when he reaches his hand back in, but it’s only for a second—he’s already pushing more food at you and filling your arms with bags of dried meats, fresh fruit, and loaves of bread.
“Stars,” you whisper under your breath, examining the feast in the flickering firelight.  “Here, take—take some of this, it’s too much.”
“There’s more in here,” he counters lowly, zipping the bag and dropping it somewhere on the other side of his body.  “The kid hasn’t eaten all day.  Might crawl away and catch himself a Gungan later if you don’t feed him soon.”
“No, I mean—” you let all the food drop into your lap and start sorting the items, “—you need to eat.  What do you want?  There’s plenty.”
“I’m not hungry,” he answers, far too quickly to have actually taken a moment to check.  “Just give me whatever you two don’t eat when you’re finished, I’ll put it back in the bag.”
Okay, if he’s gonna play it like this, you’ll just have to choose for him.  You’ve already dedicated at least two bags of dried meat to the kid, which takes care of him.  So, you take an extended moment to methodically find the ripest fruit in the bunch, the one with the most squish to it, and then search for the softest loaf of bread, not caring that Din is silently watching you.  You gather both of them in your arms and then pluck three bags of meat from the pile, before depositing all of them back into his lap.
“Eat,” you urge quietly, grabbing another portion of food for yourself, heavy on the fruit.  “Don’t inhale it.  Please.”
With that, you grab the kid’s food and then scoop the little guy up from his shield with your free arm, standing and walking to the other side of the fire.  You carefully plop yourself down with your back purposefully to Din, the kid happily finding a place on your lap with his back to you and reaching six little fingers out for the food.
You start eating, and after a moment, you smile around the large bites of fruit at the sound of metal clinking against stone.  The baby, of course, refuses to even open the bag of dried meat you set in front of him, so you roll your eyes and do it yourself, hoping he’ll at least eat like an adult and give you some time to feed yourself.  But no—the fifty year old creep demands to be hand fed, and any other day, you wouldn’t have let him get away with it.
Today, you’re just really fucking.  Happy.
You’re unbelievably happy.  Having spent a few days on this gorgeous planet, your two favorite people in the galaxy with you.  It fills your heart with air.
You start out quiet, praying you aren’t bothering Din as he (hopefully) continues to relax and enjoy his food behind you.  You begin humming your favorite melody under the sound of the crackling flames, the source of heat burning pleasantly against the curve of your lower back, setting another piece of dried meat into the kid’s cute little mouth and only just slightly annoyed that he refuses to do this himself.  Admittedly though, you do love babying him, especially when he shows you his adorable little chompers.
One bite for him, two bites for you.  That’s the deal, even though you’re hungry and you deserve way more than double his food intake rate.  You try to be quiet enough that your gentle humming will get lost with the fire between you and Din, and he never says anything or tells you to cut it out, so you just continue to let your cheerful mood provide a quiet soundtrack to the moonlit evening.
Even better, you and the kid actually finish snacking before he does, and you’re more than willing to wait for him, thrilled that this is actually happening.  It’s so simple, such a throwaway thing, but.  Knowing he used to eat his meals as quick as he can and now he’s comfortable enough to just take a second and enjoy it… you don’t know, there’s something inherently meaningful about it, something that you specifically notice.  Something about this, about sitting around a fire and sharing a meal together for the first time—even with your back turned to him, it just feels… familial.  In a way.  More than it’s ever felt before.
You have a little moment.  It’s nice.  You drop your head back and gaze up at the night sky, in awe of how different the stars look from this side of the galaxy and remembering how far you’ve come.  The kid follows suit, leaning back against your tummy and blinking silently at the universe, the star-speckled sky reflecting in his gigantic dark eyes.
He starts to doze after awhile, listening to you hum softly to yourself, but the noise of a helmet finally lifting from the boulder and most likely fitting itself back in its rightful place snaps him awake just enough.  The kid pushes off you and waddles over to his dad, and you scoot yourself back over to your little log while he unceremoniously clamors up onto Din’s thighs.
Admittedly, it’s really fucking cute.  The visor moves just enough to watch him plop his little green butt down and find a comfy position on his lap, not helping but not preventing the movement either.  A heartwarming, silent kind of tolerance hardened men have for innocent little creatures that makes you bite your lip to hide your smile.  What a softie.
You sit there in companionable quiet, staring deep into the dancing firelight and losing track of time just a bit.  They’re hypnotic, the flames.  Crackling and popping, warming just the forward-facing parts of you and nearly burning your cheeks, but you love it.  Breathing in the woodsy campfire air, hearing the gentle breeze float through the field surrounding you, the quiet forest waving dark and deep in the distance.  The midnight sky stretches long above you and the stars seem… brighter than they were on Arvala-7.  They probably aren’t—that planet is practically abandoned and has almost no light pollution whatsoever compared to Naboo, but… maybe it’s because now they feel… in reach.  Something you can touch.  Interact with.  Something you can cover your eyes, blindly point at, and then say—that one.  That’s where we should go next.
After awhile—you have no idea how long—you blink your gaze over to Din and startle to find the helmet facing you directly, shamelessly, the kid completely passed out on his lap as the flames reflect in the visor.
Without intending to, you’re already thinking back to earlier today.  How quickly he bolted after you, how strong he was bringing you to the ground, pinning you under him and taking what was so rudely denied to him last night.
You didn’t actually finish, and you can still feel it simmering down low.  Din’s cum has been steadily leaking from you all day, and while you eventually became successful at blocking out the sensation, it suddenly slams to the forefront of your mind again.  The visor pierces deep into you while you start to squirm just a bit against the rough log pressed into your back.  You can still feel him when you flex your lower muscles, and you bite your lip and do it repeatedly while blinking at him, waiting, squeezing your thighs together and loving the reminder.
He still hasn’t said anything to you, and you start to get antsy under his stare.  Your body works itself up even more, fueled by the flames reflecting in his helmet.  After a few more moments of silent tension, you’ve finally had enough.
“Din,” you whisper, trying not to make it sound like a whine and his head quickly lifts when you didn’t even realize it was slightly tipped forward.  The helmet rolls back in a drowsy little circle, as if his neck is suddenly remembering the weight burdening it.  Embarrassment instantly floods you.  “Oh.  Shit.  I’m so stupid.  I’m sor—”
Only he’s already pushing himself up with his free arm, lethargic and drunk with exhaustion, not saying a single word as he sets the conked out kid in the cradle and closes the shield over his sleepy little head with the push of a button.
You bite your lip as he drags himself over to you, swinging a leg behind you and then dropping down without any ceremony, firmly inserting himself between the uncomfortable log and your back.  Your butt is shoved forward from the sudden displacement but he’s not done.  Din wraps both his arms around you and pulls, dragging you up onto his long torso while his legs close under you and you’re off the ground completely.
Oh Maker, he’s already thousands of times more comfortable than sleeping up against the log would be.  He makes the best bed in the galaxy, big and warm and firm under you, letting you stretch out long on him.  You lounge on his lap and drop your head to his shoulder, resting your arms on top of his as they drape heavy across your belly.
“Sorry,” he gruffs, voice low and rough through the modulator.  The filter rings sharp through your ear when it’s pressed up against his helmet like this.  “Just need a few hours.  Didn’t… didn't sleep great last night.”
You close your eyes and internally scold yourself, now taking responsibility for his lack of rest for the past two days.  Shit.  You don’t actively respond, feeling slightly put out, but your body is of another mind altogether.  It still continues trundling down the steep slope you shoved it towards earlier, when you stupidly thought he was giving you eyes under the helmet instead of him being passed out cold.  You wiggle against him just slightly under the guise of finding a comfortable position, but it has unintentional consequences.
You breathe out a soft sigh when your hips move over his cock, biting your lip at the sensation but trying so hard to stop it in its tracks.  He’s exhausted, and he already fucked the life out of you today, there’s no way he’ll want to go again this soon.  Except—then he shifts and mmms low in his throat.
“And you,” Din murmurs quietly, reaching a hand down to slowly push under your pants, “need to start being more honest with me.”
“What are you t—oh, stars,” you whisper, your body shuddering as one of his thick fingers slowly dips into your slit.
“Shit, you’re wet,” he groans, sinking his hand down lower to feel remnants of himself still easing its way out of you.  Your lashes flutter as your jaw drops, and his cock gets hard against your spine almost immediately.  “You’re fucking… soaked.  I—I asked if you came and you said yeah,” he whispers low to you, but you shake your head.  “Why’d you lie to me abo—”
“No, no—” you protest breathlessly, “—you asked if it was okay, and then I said—”
“You said it was good.  It’s not good if you didn’t cum,” he grunts quietly, and the tip of his finger now drawing tight circles over your clit makes it damn near impossible to argue.  “I didn’t fuck you right if you didn’t cum.  You should be fucked right.”
“Maker, you fuck me exactly how I need to be fucked,” you whimper, tilting your head until your lips are pressed against the curve of his helmet while his hand steadily works under your pants.  “And—oh, fuck, that’s… h-however you need to fuck me.”
“Fuck—obedient little thing…” he huffs, starting to rub harder over your clit.  “What I need is for you to cum.  From now on, you’ll tell me.  Say yes.”
“Yes,” you moan into the beskar, your eyes fluttering back at the slowly building pressure.
“Say, ‘yes, Din,’” he breathes.
“Yes, Din,” you dutifully repeat, lifting your hips up against his hand, and he groans softly through the modulator.
“Say, ‘Din, I need something to cum on’,” he whispers.
You’re delirious, you don’t even catch it before most of it is already out of your mouth.  “Din, I need something to c—” you cut off but he’s already reaching down between your bodies to ease his cock out, before yanking your pants down your ass just enough to position himself up against your entrance.
He rocks his hips up and he slides in easier than ever before, and you… don’t know what you’re expecting, but he surprises you nonetheless.  He doesn’t start thrusting into you at all.  Even though he’s rock hard inside you, thick and pulsing and breaking you open, he doesn’t move a single inch.  He just keeps himself there, continuing to rub circles around your clit and giving you exactly what he prompted you to ask for.
Something to cum on.
Your body tenses and squeezes him, and Din shushes you before you realize you were making noise.  His free hand comes up to settle tight over your mouth and guide you turn your head away from his helmet.  At first you think it’s because your heavy breathing was probably fogging the visor up, but no—his fingers leave your pussy for a split second and you hear him maneuver himself out of it.  The hollow noise it makes thunking to the ground is beginning to become your favorite sound in this universe.
But then of course, Din buries his face into your neck and starts talking again, whispering low praises behind your ear with that bassy, dark chocolate rasp, and you have to remind yourself to keep breathing.  His fingers return to your cunt to slowly rub your clit and his cock throbs hotter than sin inside you, building your pleasure into a strong, slow crescendo.
You start to whimper unintentionally, but his hand is wrapped tight around your mouth, muting and confining the desperate sounds to your throat.  His finger presses down harder on your clit and his cock flexes inside you.
“That’s it, sw—sweet girl,” Din mutters, his voice interrupted by his own staccato breaths and tight gasps the longer he talks you through it, the longer he keeps himself perfectly still while engulfed in your drenched, fluttering cunt.  “That’s—that’s it, I can feel it c-coming.  Fuck—make it good for me, give me a good one—”
His words shove you right over a cliff you didn’t even realize was there until you were dangling over the steep drop for an extended moment like a cartoon.  Everything squeezes around him unbearably tight—your hands dig into his forearms, your back arches up against him, your pussy constricts his thick cock until you feel like you’re hurting the both of you with it, and Din’s breath catches next to your ear while you’re both suspended in thin air for a split second—
—before you’re convulsing in pure bliss, flooding his cock with cum while he rasps out, “good girl,” into the crook of your neck and rocks his hips up into yours.  The few heavenly inches of movement hits something jaw-dropping inside you and nearly makes you scream against his palm, launching your body even higher into mind-bending rapture.  Fucking Maker, you cum hard for him, on him, around him.  You downright drown his cock in your pleasure, suffocate it and work out the aching tightness in your pussy all over him until you feel like you can’t breathe anymore.
“Mmm…” Din murmurs quietly, continuing to circle your swollen clit hard through the shattering aftershocks.  His voice is deep and sinful and vibrates your whole back with its frequency, but something underneath it also sounds as if he’s considering, before he seems to land on an answer to a wordless question he just asked himself.  “…One more.”
And, like the fucking Maker himself commanded it, another blazing hot wave of fire suddenly rips you apart and sends you spasming rhythmically around the throbbing cock buried inside you once again.  This one wrings you completely dry, robbing you of every sense.  The ragged whine you make behind his hand must be too loud—his fingers quickly tighten around your jaw and lock down, keeping you as still as possible while you give him everything you have to give.
Eventually the sparks die out and you’re left a shell of what you once were, clamping down hard on him and shuddering your bliss at the night sky.  He lays there silently under you, holding you as you fall back down to reality.  Your breathing is a mess and so is everything below your waist, and your whole body jerks when Din carefully slides his hand from your pussy and rubs gently over your thighs, your tummy, your chest.
“That was…” you croak out, trying to remember how to speak, “ … g-good.”
“Go to sleep,” he whispers, pressing soft kisses against the side of your neck.  You can hear the gentle grin he’s hiding from you, knowing he completely incapacitated you.
“But what about—” you start to protest, when Din’s teeth sink into your flesh and your pussy seizes up tight around him, making him choke a hoarse little groan into your skin.
After a moment, he eases his throbbing cock out of you, and he resets your clothing while you whimper in distress.  “Go to sleep,” Din murmurs, before softly kissing your neck once more, and your eyes slowly droop against your will.  Fuck, his body beats a king size mattress any day of the week.  “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He isn’t.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Cheater III
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Summary: You found out Max cheated on you part 3.
Warnings: angst and fluff by the end
Word count: 2.5k
Part 1 and Part 2
Cheating in a relationship is the saddest thing. It can kill the personality from the inside. Bring changes a lot mentally. These situations turn into you to be good or bad. Some may be helpful to be stronger.
It feels bad when our loved one cheated, cause we are well connected to our partners. We had a lot of plans for that person to spend a most valuable time of ours. When it isn't going to happen then it feels unsuccessful or bad. Expecting something from another person is common in humans. When it turns down we feel such pain, like stabbing with words, The words have the power to kill or to give life to the opponent's mind. The reason why people say 'think before you talk'.
True love doesn't involve multiple people... You knew that.
When you are in love with someone, you don't cheat and you're not talking about just finding others attractive. You just don't desire to be sexually intimate with other people when you are truly "in love" with one person. You're not talking about caring for someone or loving in general.
You're talking about the head over heels, you're soulmates, the stars have aligned and nobody else has what you have, a type of love that consumes your whole being and makes you want to give that person the world. And that includes giving them the greatest physical pleasure that they can possibly experience. Cheating takes that away from you and that is why it hurts.
The person you are in love with and desire, who you thought felt the same way is revealing to you that intimacy with you is meaningless when you thought it was special. They do not desire you in the same way that you desire them. They are not "in love" with you in the way that you thought. All of your love is in vain.
“Why do we feel bad, even horrible, when our partner cheats on us?"
A trust, expectation, a promise was broken. This type of violation hits you closer to the heart because you have let that person through all your external defenses. Because you fear the loneliness that you are going to face. Nobody wants to end alone. When you put in so much for your relationship, you want it to last. But when your partner cheats you think that you would end alone, gradually realize this happens and life doesn't end here and someone else is going to come into your life.
Why do guys cheat on girls?
Both men and women cheat. In some cases, the reasons are simple: humans are animals with sex drives. We are biologically programmed to "spread our seeds." We have other instincts, such as loyalty, honesty, and guilt feelings. Those drives duke it out with lust in our brains. Sometimes, lust wins. It's more complicated than that because we tend to associate sex with so many other things: youth, freedom, adventure, personal attractiveness, you name it.
You know people make all sorts of excuses like, “I wasn’t happy in my relationship” or “I didn’t know what I was doing” or “I don’t find my partner attractive anymore” or “someone convinced me to do it.” You’ve heard these. But it’s funny to you.
A cheater can never have any excuse. They do not deserve to have that say after cheating on someone.
If you weren’t happy in the relationship, then why didn’t you break up first and had sex with someone else? Why didn’t you say that you needed a break and then had sex? Also, how can someone even convince you to cheat on your partner? It’s nonsense.
Some people will even go as far as to say that the other person made them feel loved, so they got swayed away. If you are not feeling loved by your partner and someone else is doing that job, then aren’t you supposed to figure out your feelings first, maybe break up with your partner and then be with someone else? That’s common sense.
Nobody deserves to be cheated on. The blame is ALWAYS on the cheater. Nowadays people even try to justify cheaters. It’s insane. To you, all the answers to “why” are simply just excuses trying to justify their unacceptable behavior. You know, how they always say that a person who cheats once will cheat again.
Since you found out that Max cheated on you and until this moment, so many months have passed that you have the impression that you have started to heal. You were with a man who made you feel fulfilled, happy, and loved. There were days in a row when you didn't think about Max, but even when you thought, you had in mind only the beautiful moments. Like when, for your first date, he rented your entire favorite restaurant and he cooked for both of you, even though he didn't know how to cook more than just one egg. Or when you first visited him at a Grand Prix for the first time and he won and came to you and kissed you in front of all the cameras, telling everyone that you are his lucky talisman. Or, your favorite memory, when you were at his house after you met his family and heard him talking to his father about you. Sure, you didn't understand a word they said, but Victoria translated to you what was most important about that conversation: Max loves you so much and if he doesn't get to marry you, he'll never marry anyone else.
As dear as your last memory may be, it is also painful because it is like a slap in the face to the fact that there was a time in your life when you were in love and now you were no longer together.
When you told your family that you started seeing another man, more than 6 months after you and Max broke up, your mother asked you how you could get into a relationship so quickly. relationship.
To be honest, you weren't ready yet. You were damn scared but Stephen, your boyfriend now, went after you a lot and you decided that if you don't give him a chance now it will be many years before you think about going on a date with someone else. You knew it wasn't going to be a long relationship. You didn't have much in common with Stephen, but he was a good, sweet boy, and you needed someone who wouldn't make you hate all the men in the world.
"Look, I'm not saying you didn't go through something traumatic, but it's been almost a year since then and I think it's time to come and show everyone that you're not afraid of anyone or anything," says Anthony who called you on facetime one Sunday night after the race.
"But I'm afraid."
"Just shut up, no one needs to know. You just come here, you smile, you laugh, you act friendly with everyone and you're going to look like you're better of without him."
You sigh and get out of bed, and go to the kitchen to get a pill for your headache.
"But he will be there..."
"Okay, so? Who cares about him? I'll always be by your side, I promise he won't talk to you."
"Can I come with Stephen?"
"You know I can't stand him, Y/N. Take him with you to the next Grand Prix, I don't feel like seeing him now, okay?"
"I'll think about it."
You have decided, however, to go to the last Grand Prix of the season, in Abu Dhabi. No one but Anthony knew you were coming to the race.
You forgot what a busy atmosphere it was on Sunday. However, everyone who saw you came to you to talk a little and to tell you that you missed them. You smiled and answered that you missed them as well.
The road to Red Bull Racing was long and short at the same time.
"Do my eyes see well? Y/F/N Y/L/N!" says Christian Horner, who comes to you and hugs you.
You first see Sergio Perez who waves at you, happy to see you, then you see Max who comes from somewhere in the back. Had he just heard your name?
"Hey, guys! I'm so glad to see you again. I missed you all."
"And we missed you, Y/N!" Christian answers on behalf of all Red Bull Racing employees. "Welcome home."
You giggle.
"Thank you."
In less than 10 minutes since you got there, Anthony broke his promise. He promised not to leave you alone so that Max could not come and talk to you.
"Hey," Max says softly, coming behind you.
You shivered at his voice, a voice you've dreamed of every night since you broke up. You turn to him and analyze his facial features. He was the way you remembered him, maybe even more handsome.
You look left and right for Anthony but you can't see him.
"Hey." You answer Max and your heart starts beating much harder.
"I'm so glad to see you... I missed you."
The desire to take him in your arms and kiss him was so strong that you felt dizzy. You couldn't focus on anything, not even a few words to say.
"Do you think that we... We could see each other after the race to... Talk?" he asks, moving his weight from one foot to the other.
"Okay," you say and regret it the next second.
"How stupid am I for wanting to get back together with Max after he cheated on me?" you asked Anthony.
"First of all, you're not stupid for wanting to get back with your boyfriend. Relationships are the most real things anyone can experience. We're growing while we're together. As we grow, we also go through many different behaviors in life. Behavior does not make that person. Behaviors come and go as we grow into who we are. No one is perfect. You cannot name one person you know to be 100% perfect, right?" you shake your head and he continues. "We all grow organically, and the best thing about being in a relationship is that you get to watch each other grow. You get to experience the person you care about to develop. Relationships are like walking through a door that you don't know what's on the other side. But you go through the door without any fear, doubt, or unbelief. Relationships are the livest-realest- life experience. He is a man. A man can only love once or twice. Just because Max has sex with a woman, doesn't mean he loves her. He just wanted to get his rocks off for a moment. When it is all said and done, he loves you. It may sound strange but just think of all the men you knew. Think about all the relationships you knew about. Think those who have been together for years on out. So, no you're not stupid for wanting to embrace your boyfriend's "only temporary behavior". You're smart for wanting to have the courage to walk through the next door. You're smart for being optimistic and knowing that things will get better with time. You realize the importance of maintaining a companion."
You blink several times.
"Why do I feel like you've practiced this speech in front of the mirror several times?"
He laughs and runs his arm over your shoulder.
"Maybe because that's what I did?"
You laugh and you hug him.
"Thank you for being my friend. So you're saying I should give Max another chance?"
"You don't have to give him a chance if you don't want to. But listen to your heart. Don't just do it because I'm saying so because you might regret it and you'll blame me. If you want to give him another chance, just do it. He's not the kind of man to cheat. I don't know what was on his mind when he did it with Kelly. But something tells me he regrets what he did and he will never cheat again."
"Hey, can we talk now?"
"Sure. Congrats on the win!"
"Yeah, thanks."
You both went to his room to talk. You were scared and your palms were sweating. You didn't want to start the conversation because you had different scenarios in mind, all different, depending on what Max would tell you the first time. You swallowed hard when you entered his room. The last time you were there, you two broke up.
“I’m truly sorry for hurting you.” he started saying after he closed the door behind you. "I care for you more than anything. I’m deeply sorry for hurting you… Hurting you is the most painful thing I have ever done. With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with a sad soul and a head hung low, I apologize to you. An apology is nothing to what I’ve done; but still, I know you have a forgiving and understanding heart and won’t let resentment destroy our love. I have shown you what an idiot I can be by making that mistake. Now it is your turn to show me what a darling you can be by giving your anger a break. Without you I feel lonely, I never want to lose you in my life. I am sorry and I’ll work hard on changing my behavior. I know that I caused you a lot of pain. Whatever happens, remember that I am the guy, who will always be there for you in good and bad times. I know you’re angry now, but I want you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry for hurting you. I am ready to make amends. If I could, I would have wiped your memories about all the terrible things that I have caused you, but all I can do is to promise you that I’ll create only happy memories for you. I hope when you feel ready you can forgive me."
His words took you by surprise. You knew he would try to apologize, but in your mind, you weren't crying. You knew before you came to the room with him that you would forgive him.
"I forgive you. To be honest, I think I forgave you before we broke up but my ego was hurt and I couldn't forgive you so quickly. What you did was horrible and I hated you for so many months for making me feel so small and insignificant. But I love you. And I want to give ourselves another chance."
tag: hellolipoops, taina-eny
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could you pretty please write something like... 👉🏻👈🏻
(streamer Geralt au) years later, geralt is playing, suddenly he is killed by an enemy and screams (everyone thinks it's funny how geralt gets so involved when he is playing)
then the baby starts crying and geralt soon gets up in a hurry and grabs him in his arms, laughing a lot and feeling guilty because he forgot that jaskier left their son sleeping next to him before going to take a shower
(I'm sorry if this is confusing, I used the translator)
me: I’m stressed af and probably not going to be posting as much also me: posts ficlets two days in a row me: Never did I promise consistency
Nonie this is a fucking delightful prompt and I'm so glad you sent it to me.
Warnings: swearing and a crying baby that is quickly soothed. its pretty soft if I do say so myself
“Nah, guys. No new merch yet. I’m still looking for something other than “Hi fuckers” to put on a sweatshirt,” Geralt laughed as he responded to the chat box on his stream, “Shit, you’re right. “I don’t get paid enough for that” could work. Just not sure the merch company would be cool with insinuating porn? I’ll check though.” 
He continued setting up his game and responding to whichever messages caught his eye as he went, throwing a, “I’m too damn old for this,” out to the few trolls before he blocked them. As he started the main quest Jaskier ducked in the room, carrying their three-month-old baby boy. Jask could just barely be seen in the frame but being a regular fixture he was on the channel, Geralt’s fans instantly picked him up. Geralt had reached a difficult section though and was thoroughly ignoring the chat in favor of not dying. 
“Babe, I have to shower. Eric is sleeping, I’m just going to set him in the bassinet for a bit, m’kay?”
Geralt looked over at Jaskier setting the baby down, a disgustingly sweet and fond look on his face, “M’kay. Love you.” 
Jaskier made a little detour to place a kiss on the top of his head before he left, mumbling a little, “Love you too,” that the mic couldn’t pick up. 
Geralt watched him go and was only reminded of his game when a monster came right up and attacked, making his controller vibrate in his hand.
“Oh, fuck,” he muttered before getting back to the task at hand. 
Minutes passed and he was completely engrossed in the game, getting grumbly as things got more difficult and his character nearly died twice. When he finally got snuck up on and the screen cut to black he shouted and swore. There was about a two-second delay where Geralt knew he fucked up before the crying started.
Eric made a few confused whimpers before he all-out wailed. 
Geralt tossed his controller onto his desk and launched out of his chair to scoop him up, “Hey buddy, Papa’s sorry. Oh, I know you were sleeping so well too, weren’t you? I’m sorry, baby boy. I’m sorry.”
He walked in little bouncy circles and rubbed Eric’s back until he stopped whimpering and was snoring on Geralt’s shoulder. 
“Hey guys, I gotta go. We’re still trying to get him back on a sleep schedule after the trip to Dad’s. I’ll post on twitter when the make-up stream will be,” he whispered as he settled back into his chair and save & quit his game. Before he signed off he caught a couple comments about playing with the baby on his chest. Something about how cute it would be and how sweet he was, “No, my brother’s a biopsychologist. No screens or video games for the little tyke, even asleep. Eskel would kill me. But he’s pretty fuckin cute isn’t he?” 
Geralt beamed as he turned sideways so the viewers could see Eric’s chubby little cheek squished against Geralt’s collar bone before whispering, “Bye fuckers,” and ending the stream. 
He gingerly stood and picked up the baby blanket out of the bassinet with his foot, a move he learned came in handy with a little one, and bundled Eric up as he walked down the hall to their usual nap spot. Settling into the recliner was a production when he had to move slowly and keep the spring from popping too loud, but he was soon laying back with Eric centered over his breast bone so he wouldn’t fall one way or the other. 
When Jaskier finished with his shower both Eric and Geralt were snoring away. 
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crimsonrose-monika · 3 years
[Tokyo Revengers Fanfic] By Your Side, Always
If you prefer AO3 format, here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33160153
Title: By Your Side, Always
Pairing: Mikey & Takemitchy, Implied Mikey / Takemitchy, Takemichi / Hinata, Open to interpretation.
Tags: Manila Future Timeline Mikey, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Study, Tenjiku Arc, Mikey Needs a Hug, Song-Inspired Fanfic
If Toman had gone bad, again and again, then it meant that Mikey’s heart had been corrupted, again and again. No one could reach Mikey. Takemichi could. He was by Mikey’s side, so why?
Only that he wasn’t. Takemichi wasn’t by Mikey’s side.
Realization slammed into him, fast and so unexpected that it almost knocked the breath out of his lungs.
Witnessing the dark future that awaited Mikey and the rest of Toman, Takemichi took a leap. He desperately wanted to save the invincible Mikey from himself. This time, he decided to stay.
This fanfic is inspired by a song 歩いていこう by いきものがかり. Parts of the song was inserted in the story. I translated the song and polish the translation myself to fit the English phrasing. (Putting my rusty Japanese to work here.) Feel free to listen while reading.
By Your Side, Always
“All my life, I’ve been suffering.” Mikey whispered, tears pooling in his eyes, but he smiled, as if his death was the best outcome he could ever wish for.
Takemichi felt his heart smashed into pieces as he watched life rapidly seeping out of his dear friend. Tears didn’t suit Mikey. A smile did, but not like this. Not the small tilt of his lips that amplified the crushed hope that lurked behind his deep, dark eyes. The best smile for Mikey was the full, satisfied one that smoothed the cease of his brows and made him shine brighter than anyone.
Without thinking, words rushed from Takemichi’s mouth. He didn’t care that he had been trying his hardest to not reveal his ability to anyone. He didn’t care what side effects admitting to time leap could cause. All he could think of was Mikey’s resignation. He wanted to erase that look from his eyes. He was to give this man hope.
What could have happened that made the invincible Mikey, who had faced down an overwhelmingly outnumbered fight with his back straight and his shoulders squared, felt like his death was the only happiness?
“Thanks, Takemitchy. Your words comforted me.” Mikey’s voice was calm. He stared up at the man whose eyes reminded him of sunlight hitting the sea surface, committing them to his last memory. Takemichi was crying again, ever the crybaby. Even when Mikey had held him at gunpoint, Takemichi still cried for him. “Even if you’re telling me lies...I’m happy.”
Blood from his head wound flowed into his eyes, but Mikey paid it no mind. In his last moment, he wanted to treasure the last member of Toman who didn’t lose their life by Mikey’s hands.
Takemichi’s tears fell onto Mikey’s shoulder blade. As his body slowly lost its heat, the warmth of Takemichi’s touch became clear. How long had it been since he had felt another person’s gentle heat on his skin? When was the last time Mikey had any kind of physical contact that lasted for more than a few seconds that it took his feet and fists to take down opponents? He had forgotten what it felt like to be close to someone.
“Your hands are so warm.”
Mikey’s eyes clouded over. All awareness escaped him as his breathing slowed to a stop. Feeling like the battered floor under his knees gave away, Takemichi brought Mikey close. As light shone through the time-worn holes in the ceiling, illuminating Mikey’s lifeless form like a silent eulogy, Takemichi’s memory of the man played behind his eyes.
“From now on, you’re my bitch!” Mikey had confidently declared the first time they had met, after he and Draken defeated Kiyomasa with ease.
“I’m going to create an era for delinquents,” Mikey had proclaimed his dream with determination alight in his eyes. At that moment, Mikey had stood with his feet planted firmly, ready for anything the world would throw his way.
“Boo!” In the bath house, after the fight with Mobius’ remnants at the festival, Mikey had smiled widely and played like a kid.
“You’re strong, Takemitchy,” Mikey, who was stronger than anyone, had acknowledged his respect for the crybaby.
Reliving the memories of Mikey brought a different kind of resolution to Takemichi. He clenched his fist to steel himself and plunged into the stream of time.
Takemichi hated funerals. As an adult, he understood that death was an inevitable state of humans. But recently, he had attended too many funerals—had seen too many deaths—in all timelines.
Hinata, Atsushi, Baji, Mitsuya, Mikey, Emma, Izana, and even Kisaki, whose death Takemichi had thought wouldn’t make him feel anything. How wrong he was.
Why did people keep dying despite his best effort?
During the entirety of Emma’s funeral, Mikey didn’t cry. He stared at Emma’s portrait, where she laughed brightly without a care in the world, lost in his own thoughts. Sometimes Takemichi caught a glimpse of silent despair and anguish that he had seen swirling behind the future Mikey’s eyes.
It scared him.
Emma’s death wasn’t the trigger to Mikey’s darkness, Takemichi knew, because the leader of Toman was strong. Mikey would be sad. He would grieve, he would see the world crumbling to dust before him, and he would be lost, but he would come back. Just like he had come back to face Izana with a heart that was still bleeding, ready to love another brother despite the fresh pain that was etched into his soul.
But even the strongest man could fall once the loss of his precious people piled up in such a short time. In the span of Mikey’s teenage life, he had lost three out of four family members and half of the starting members of Toman, all of them sudden, without time to prepare or make peace. Some people would come back—Pah-chin and Kazutora—but the rest were gone forever.
Even to Takemichi, a somewhat outsider-turned-friend—because they were all his friends, but he would never compare his care for them to Mikey’s—who took in the situation with great shock that clung to every fiber of his body, Mikey’s life was like a cruel, heartless joke.
How could a person experience so much pain so young?
It was already a miracle that Mikey retained his sense of self this long.
After the funeral, Takemichi walked with Hinata, but they couldn’t seem to go anywhere. In the end, they continued walking mindlessly across the town. He registered the same store that they had walked past twice before, but he couldn’t bring himself to think. Hinata didn’t say anything either. She walked beside him wordlessly, offering her presence to Takemichi’s fleeting awareness.
They stopped at an empty park, where they sat on the swings as silence stretched. The sky already turned dark when Takemichi spoke.
“I couldn’t change Emma’s death. I was right there, but I still couldn’t do anything.”
Hinata listened intently, like she always did. Takemichi could feel her patient gaze on the side of his face even as he stared down at his hands that clasped together on his lap.
“In the future, Mikey-kun lost himself. After Emma died, Mikey-kun fell into darkness. He told me that he’d been suffering all his life.” Takemichi’s voice shook at the end as he remembered the future Mikey’s existence that screamed out to him in misery, begging him to put his own life to an end. “I knew all that, but I still failed.”
His breath stuttered as the beginning of a sob formed behind his throat. His eyes were hot.
At this rate, Mikey is going to end up the same. Toman members would all die. Nothing would change.
“I’m tired, Hina-chan. I’m tired of going back to find out that it is another bad future once again. They deserve to be happy, but the world keeps throwing pain at them. It’s not fair.”
Even as he blabbered on, Takemichi berated himself for talking like a child. It wasn’t fair? The world was never fair, but it was being particularly cruel to all his loved ones.
Takemichi roughly wiped his tears with the sleeves of his shirt.
He had been thinking. He had been changing the past. He had prevented Draken’s death that would change Mikey, but then Hinata and Atsushi died. Draken was on a death row. He had conveyed Baji’s intention to Mikey and stopped him from killing Kazutora, but Hinata and Chifuyu still died. Even worse, it was him who ordered her death. Then, he made sure that Hakkai didn’t join Black Dragons. It should have been the best future yet, but everyone died, and Mikey was living a life he would rather not have.
No matter how many times Takemichi changed the past, there still wasn’t a single future where everyone was happy. In the face of repeated failures, he started to think that maybe he had been looking at it from the wrong point of view.
When he was lost in his head, Hinata spoke up for the first time.
“Takemichi-kun, what do you think you are to Mikey-kun?”
What a strange question.
Takemichi lifted his head and looked at his girlfriend. Hinata smiled at him even though her eyes were red from crying at Emma’s funeral. She had grown quite close to Mikey’s sister.
When he didn’t say anything, she looked away and spoke what had been on her mind. “Hina might not know the people from Toman as well as Takemichi-kun, but Hina has been watching when you’re with them. Mikey-kun cares about you. There are many times when you said ridiculous things, Takemichi-kun, but he listened to you.”
Hinata started pushing her feet into the ground, propelling herself gently back and forth on the swing absentmindedly as she organized her thoughts. When she spoke next, she seemed like she knew something about Mikey that Takemichi didn’t. Her big round eyes looked straight ahead, away from Takemichi, but her voice made its way into his heart.
“Your voice reached Mikey-kun, again and again. You brought him back. You mean more to Mikey-kun than you think, Takemichi-kun. Maybe there is something you can say to him that will remind him to not give in to his darkness?”
Takemichi remembered. When he had said that he would become Toman’s top member to Mikey’s face, he was serious and determined. But deep down, he knew how ridiculous it had sounded. If it had been anyone else, Takemichi would surely get a jeer in the face. He wasn’t good at fighting. He got more punches in his face than he had landed. Anyone would have thought that he was a pushover.
But not Mikey. He had taken Takemichi’s words seriously and never once laughed at him for aiming high. The invincible Mikey had said that Takemichi was stronger even though Mikey could defeat him with one kick. Every time that Mikey almost lost himself in grief and impulse, Takemichi’s sincere words brought him back to sense.
If Toman had gone bad, again and again, then it meant that Mikey’s heart had been corrupted, again and again. No one could reach Mikey. Takemichi could. He was by Mikey’s side, so why?
Only that he wasn’t. Takemichi wasn’t by Mikey’s side.
Realization slammed into him, fast and so unexpected that it almost knocked the breath out of his lungs.
“Could it be that no matter what I did, Toman still went bad because I wasn’t there?”
When Takemichi jumped back to the future, what was left in this timeline was the young Takemichi who didn’t intimately know Mikey’s suffering. He didn’t want to admit the cowardice of his younger self, ashamed at how weak he had been until Hinata’s death in the first timeline had opened his eyes, but the young Takemichi wouldn’t be able to scold Mikey like he had been asked to. Only the future Takemichi could, but he wasn’t here when Mikey needed him.
That must be why. There was no one to pull Mikey back from the brink because Takemichi who could wasn’t there with him.
If that was true, then he could just stay to make sure that Mikey wouldn’t go down the wrong path. He would act as Mikey’s moral pillar, like he had been asked to after the fight on Christmas Day. That way, instead of jumping back to find that one or all of his friends met their premature ends, he could be with them and make sure that they were okay.
When Hinata tore her eyes from the park to look back at Takemichi’s face, she knew that her boyfriend had come to some form of conclusion. She wasn’t sure what that decision was, but she knew him. Takemichi was the crybaby hero. His determination to protect was more fierce than anyone. So she waited.
“Hina-chan, this time, I’m not going back to the future.”
Hinata wouldn’t say that what she heard was anything she had expected, but at the same time, now that it was said out loud, it was the most Takemichi-like answer.
“Will it be okay not to go back?” She asked, a little worried about what would happen to the body of the future Takemichi if his consciousness was here. Takemichi had told her that he came from the future to fix things and go back when whatever he was here for was corrected, but he didn’t go into how the time leap worked.
“It should be fine,” Takemichi replied. He seemed a little unsure as he spoke, but then he pressed his lips together and held his head up high. His blue eyes that were illuminated under the street light shone brightly. “When I’m here, my body in the future was on autopilot. Even if something happens, I’m still alive here. I can continue to make changes so that nothing bad will happen to any of us in the future.”
“Is that how it works?”
“I’m not sure, but I think it is my best option.”
Hinata watched Takemichi in silence. Time passed, and Takemichi was starting to think that maybe he got something wrong and Hinata didn’t agree when she nodded to herself and gave him a sparkling smile.
“Hina will support Takemichi-kun no matter what you choose,” she said with finality, as if it had been predetermined.
Takemichi felt incredibly lucky to have Tachibana Hinata, a girl whose heart was unmovable and understanding, in his life. “Thank you, Hina-chan.”
“Also, please work out your feelings.” At that very moment, Hinata looked like someone who held the secret of the world. She seemed to know Takemichi better than he knew himself. “Hina will be waiting okay?”
Again, Hinata said a cryptic message that Takemichi didn’t quite understand. But he nodded.
歩いていこう 歩いていこう
Let’s walk forward. Let’s walk forward.
I will continue to live in the “present.”
The words that you told me are right here with me.
そうだよ 歩いていこう
Yes, let’s walk forward.
A few days later, Mikey called Takemichi to meet at the Musashi Shrine. He told Takemichi to wear his Toman black uniform, which Takemichi easily complied. March temperature had warmed up a bit from the freezing February, on its way to welcome spring, but it still wasn’t anywhere near warm enough to go out without bundling up. Good thing that Toman’s long sleeves and baggy pants uniform made it simple to slip another layer or two underneath.
When Takemichi arrived, Mikey was already there, playing with the puff of his breath that the cold, humid air produced. He wore his usual white long-sleeve shirt underneath his coat uniform that draped over his shoulders. Takemichi wondered if Mikey didn’t feel cold in this kind of weather.
Takemichi told Mikey all about the future, from the very beginning when he was pushed onto the train rails. What he had changed up until now and its result in each timeline. He sobbed when he apologized for failing to save Baji and Emma, and broke into a cry when he told Mikey what had happened to his future self in Manila.
Mikey’s face was carefully blank as he listened. Takemichi couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but there was something that had been bothering him since he took his first step onto the stone paved path of the shrine. Mikey’s posture was taut, like a string that was stretched to the point of snapping. His words and his every move seemed calculated.
Takemichi didn’t like it. So when he finished the story and Mikey fell silent, eyes trained somewhere faraway, he announced his intention.
“Mikey-kun, I’m not going back.”
Mikey’s dark eyes snapped to him, surprised. His brows ceased as he contemplated. “If you’re worrying about everyone, I give you my words, Takemitchy. I’ll definitely protect everyone’s future. Hina too. I’ll make sure that the same future won’t happen, so you don’t have to be so reluctant to part ways.”
Mikey smiled, the same smile as that time when he said Toman would never lose because he was here. The one that was both confident in the outcome and self-assured in his own abilities. But Takemichi saw it, a hint of deep emotion that Mikey tried desperately not to show others. Takemichi would never have noticed before, but after witnessing the future in Manila, he became aware of little clues and changes in expressions that Mikey’s body couldn’t hide.
Toman’s invincible leader always smiled when faced with difficulties. But that wasn’t the smile that Takemichi wanted.
歩道橋の向こうに 冬のまちが見えたよ
On the other side of the overpass, I could see the city in the winter.
ひとかけらの孤独を手に 僕は明日をつないでいる
With the fragments of loneliness in my hands, I am reaching toward tomorrow.
“Can you smile with all your heart?” I heard a voice from some day.
The breath vapor disappears into the sky.
寂しくはない 駅へ急ぐよ
I’m not lonely. I’m rushing to the station.
Takemichi knew that Mikey would keep his promise. As a leader and as a friend, Mikey treasured the trust that Toman had put in him and would do his best to respond in kind. He wouldn’t break his promise.
But protecting everyone alone was a task that even adults struggled to accomplish. No matter how powerful Mikey was, he still needed a place or a person whom he could fall onto when he needed a break. Takemichi was determined to be that person. He would help Mikey protect everyone and carry parts of his burden. He didn’t want to see the hopelessness in Mikey ever again.
“I know, Mikey-kun. But I want to stay. I want to be with you and the rest of Toman.” He explained, staring at the deep dark eyes to convey the force of his sincerity. “I want to help you. Please let me help you protect everyone’s future. Please let me protect your future.”
Although Mikey didn’t act like he needed it, his future was also important and deserved to be protected.
Takemichi hoped that his expressive eyes would persuade Mikey for him, to let him know that Takemichi wouldn’t back down. Like it had played out when Takemichi had announced his intention to become one of Toman’s top leaders, Mikey would have to acknowledge it.
Takemichi could see Mikey’s resolution wavered. He reeled in his weakness a heartbeat later, but that short moment was enough for Takemichi to catch on.
“What about Hina?” Mikey pressed, resorting to bringing up a girl whom he knew Takemichi would throw his life away for if it meant she would live well. “She’s waiting for you in the future.”
Despite the reminder, Takemichi didn’t back down. “I have Hina-chan here too. I told her my decision, and Hina-chan said she would support me.”
Mikey bit his lips, his eyes straying sideways. It seemed like he had his plan, but whatever that plan was, it was being shaken by Takemichi’s words.
“I have everyone I ever want here with me, Mikey-kun. I want to stay. Not just for you and for Toman, but for myself too.”
It was as if the wall that Mikey had built around himself crumbled down like glass. In the first place, Mikey objected to Takemichi staying because he felt that the other was putting others before himself. He didn’t want Takemichi to throw away his chance to live as he wanted just because he was worried about the people in the past.
But Takemichi had said that he was staying for himself too.
The stubbornness that lined Mikey’s lips eased into a soft smile. “You already made up your mind even before I said anything.”
Takemichi grinned at his Toman leader. “I’m sorry,” he offered without really feeling sorry.
There was the sound of motorcycle engines at the edge of Takemichi’s hearing, a sound that had wormed its way into Takemichi’s heart and oddly assured him of belonging and comfort. It got louder by the seconds, until it stopped somewhere to his right, in the shrine’s parking lot that was obscured by a row of trees. Dull marching steps replaced the engine sound as a crowd of black-cladded people strode up to the stairs where Takemichi and Mikey were standing.
Something cold fell on the tip of Takemichi’s nose, before another one planted itself on his forehead. He looked up at the darkened sky and saw white flakes falling down in fluttering dances.
“It’s snowing...” Takemichi muttered.
“Strange, isn’t it? The weather forecast said it wouldn’t snow.” Holding his palm up to collect a small puff of white frozen water in his hand, Mikey gazed at it as the hundred members of Toman fell into neat rows behind their respective captains. Mitsuya and Smiley were still in their wheelchair, but they grinned widely.
“I have decided to not go back.”
はじまりを 告げるように 雪が降り始めた
As if to mark the beginning, snow started to fall.
“Thank you, Takemitchy. I have decided.” Mikey straightened his back and squared his shoulders, the very picture of Tokyo Manji Kai’s invincible leader. There was a gleam in his eyes that made Takemichi nodded and went down to his place right in front of Chifuyu and the rest of the first division.
Mikey looked over them confidently as he grinned. “Listen up, everyone!”
The entirety of Toman snapped to attention as the voice of their leader carried through the air. Soft snow continued to fall gently to the ground.
“We have faced a lot of hardship in our fight with Tenjiku, but we overcame them and emerged victorious. Toman is now Japan’s top gang!”
As he listened, Takemichi felt his chest puffed up in pride, and he was certain that every single person who carried Toman’s manji on the back of their uniform felt the same.
“We’ve created an era that will be handed down to generations to come, an era for delinquents that we have dreamed of! Thank you everyone for sticking with me and making Toman the best gang out there. But our dream doesn't end here. Toman will continue to show the world the way of delinquents we uphold! I hope that you all will be with me on this journey.”
Then, Mikey relaxed his posture and spoke a little more comfortably. “To let you all recover from the fight, there won’t be a gang meeting for a while. I will end the meeting here. Be careful while you go home and rest well.”
They bowed, deeply and respectfully, to the leader who had led them through many hardships and who had lost so much, before the crowd slowly receded along with the booming sound of bike roars.
The captains and vice-captains stayed for a while longer, discussing among themselves the outcome of the Kanto Incident and speculating about the future that awaited Toman, but gradually, they bid farewell one by one until the only occupants on the shrine ground were Takemichi and Mikey.
“Today, I called everyone here to announce the disbandment of Toman.” Mikey confessed, a slight smile still on his lips as he scanned the spacious ground that was fully occupied a mere moment ago. “I thought about it, the future you told me. No matter what timelines, something always goes badly. The root of it all is me. Toman goes bad because I go bad. I thought that by disbanding Toman, everyone will still be able to live a happy life even when I inevitably fall into darkness.”
Takemichi almost stopped breathing. He had a hard time believing his ears. Mikey loved Toman. This gang was his pride and dream, but he was ready to throw all that hard work and passion away to ensure that everyone he cared about would have a good life.
“But you give me hope. You changed my mind,” he continued, tearing his focus from the ground beneath the steps, and looked at Takemichi with pleading eyes. “That’s why, Takemitchy, when you think I am losing myself. You definitely have to scold me and bring me back, okay?”
Mikey’s stability was his responsibility now, but Takemichi was up to the task. He clasped his hands behind his back and looked straight at his leader and friend. “I will, Mikey-kun! Definitely!” He yelled confidently, putting all his determination into the sentence that he uttered.
Takemichi was rewarded with a big, wide smile that he had been longing to see on Mikey’s face. Mikey’s eyebrows smoothened, losing the sharpness that had permanently been etched onto them for a few seconds as the corner of his eyes relaxed with the movement of his cheeks. This Mikey was glowing, moonlight reflecting on the snow in his hair.
“You’re my hero, Takemitchy.”
歩いていこう 歩いていこう
Let’s walk forward. Let’s walk forward.
I will continue to live in the “present.”
傷ついても 何度も 信じたいよ
Even if I get hurt, I want to believe, no matter how many times.
この手を この日々を 君と泣いて 君と笑って 僕は強くなれたんだろう
Within these hands, within these days, crying with you, laughing with you, has made me stronger.
The words that you told me are right here with me.
そうだよ 歩いていこう
Yes, let’s walk forward.
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st-just · 4 years
Semi-coherent Thoughts on the Poppy War Series
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(Because I really need to start forcing myself to write semi-consistently again)
So I’ll say outright that I actually liked the series quite a bit, which does mean I actually got engaged and invested enough to start turning it over and picking it apart in my head after I finished it. So, like, this is probably going to come across as more negative overall than my actual opinions of the books.
Anyway, first off I really do adore Rin as a protagonist (I’d say ‘heroine’, but, well, no). Now partially this is because I always love even minimally sympathetic morally grey (..grey like coal soot, in this case) protagonists. But she’s just also such a complete garbage fire of a person, it’s kind of endearing. Well, that’s a bit callous – her entire personality is more or less a conflict between different kinds of unhealthy responses to powerlessness and trauma. Be she’s also just such a mess, and when she really starts leaning into delusions of grandeur you can’t help but root for her and hope things do actually turn out okay, regardless of how many fivers of blood she’s currently fantasizing about creating.
A big part of that is just how thoroughly awful the entire setting is, and how terrible everyone in it are, of course. Like, there are basically exactly three developed character in the entire trilogy who are unambiguously at least mostly good people (Chen, probably Venka, specifically the amnesiac and semi-delusional version of Jiang, but that’s being generous), and the fact that they stick around with Rin right to the end kind of puts that into doubt, honestly. Beyond that – almost every family has negligent or abusive parents, and literally every political figure is a bloody-handed tyrant ruling through violence and fear. The Hesperians are racist imperialists convinced they have a divine mandate to conquer the world, the Mugenese are every horror story from the IJA during WW2 translated to a pre-industrial fantasy setting, the ruling elite of Nikara are so many racist, scheming, power-hungry snakes with no concerns except their own position....
And, part and parcel with how terrible the setting is, Kuang does an incredible job of making all the worst things Rin does (until the final act, anyway) incredibly cathartic and badass and fun-in-a-fucked-up-way to read. There’s a terrible sort of awe while she turns the main islands of not!Japan into a pyroclastic hellscape. And whenever she gets a chance to enact any of her numerous revenges on some of the many people who abused and betrayed her it’s always poetic, in a Count-of-Monte-Cristo sort of way, and so kind of sickly compelling, even beyond it being some of the only times Rin’s really hopeful and happy. (Also, there are fun villainous monologues and quippy post-murder one-liners!)
Also, all forms of love are a terrible idea 100% of the time and is only going to end in at least one of the parties dead, abused, or (more or less literally) killing themselves in order to keep up with the other/earn their approval/try to keep them together. (I mean, Rin mostly had horrible taste in men, but Chen wasn’t able to stay mad at her for longer than a few months even after the whole ‘genocide’ thing, which he’s just about the only person to react to with any horror whatsoever. And look at how that ended up working out for him, so-)
I’m sure comparing grimdark fantasy to A Song of Ice And Fire is thoroughly out of fashion by now, but the overall perspective really did strike me as incredibly similar to Martin’s, a lot of the time. ‘Legitimate’ power and ‘lawful’ authority are ultimately nothing but polite fictions maintained by violence, terror and brutal oppression. War is a hell suffered most keenly by civilians with the misfortune to live and die in the middle of it, and least of all by the people with the power who actually start and end them. A flawed and unequal peace is very often preferable to dragging everything to hell with you as you die for the sake of freedom. And so on.
Now, to start the nitpicking – this is entirely personal and aesthetic, but it was kind of annoying how each of the first two books ended in moments of megalomaniac grandeur and terrifying empowerment, and then the next book started with a timeskip of things having gone to shit and her back under someone else’s thumb, and then a solid majority of the text is spent getting manipulated, betrayed, and finally crawling and clawing her way back out to the same point (both emotionally and in terms of independence/vision) that she had been at the previous book’s climax.
This isn’t anything even close to unique to TPW, of course – everything going to shit between the end of one story and the start of the sequel is kind of endemic to a lot of genres, really. And it is frankly incredibly in character for Rin to go through cycles flipping between resentment at being manipulated and used, and desperately craving authority figures to tell her what she should do and give her validation as valuable or useful. Still a bit annoying to read, though.
I’m sure it’s more me than the books – not like they didn’t put in the effort – but I could just never get really invested in the whole enemies-to-almost-lovers-to-enemies-again-to-? Thing with Nezha. Like, he’s interesting in that you can do a 180 perspective flip and he’d clearly be just as suitable a protagonist as Rin is, and his life’s very sad and everything. But, like, we get a front row seat to Rin’s internal monologue, and she gets thirsty for plenty of terrible men (and one awful woman), the only thing that makes Nezha special is that he’s not at least twice her age. So I never really got nearly as emotionally invested in them as the books seemed to expect me to. Which does kind of hurt the whole final act of book three.
Speaking of – okay, the ending isn’t awful or anything, but it is kind of disappointing in being exactly what you would expect it to be, as far as Rin’s character arc goes? Which might be just because I was already primed to compare this to ASOIF and she just literally pulls a Daenerys (fire-aligned vengeance/justice character with revolutionary impulses and an autocratic sensibility is willing to burn down the world in the process of freeing it, goes mad with power and paranoia, needs to be put down for the good of the country), but still. Her reading Venka throwing her to the ground to avoid an assassination attempt as a betrayal and burning her to death before she realized what was happening was just really heavy handed, you know? Same with turning on Kitay, who at this point is her actual literal soulmate. (Also sad in a broader sense, because those two are like literally two of the only characters in the entire series I’d actually peg as worthy of/capable of being trusted with political power.)
The specifics aside, I’m a miserable enough person to appreciate how unsatisfying the actual resolution at the end of the book is – imperialism wins! Literally no choice but to sign those unequal treaties and hope you’re eventually able to grow strong enough to force them out! Everything is the same as before this forty-year cycle of wars except much, much worse! - but yeah, I really just don’t actually care about Nezha enough as a character for it to really land. Also Kitay and Venka deserved better, even if literally no one else did.
Anyway, yeah, good series. Would recommend if you like the genre and can stomach all the, well, everything.
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myohmine · 3 years
Tag nine people to learn more about their interests! Thank you for tagging me @bitnotgood28 Sorry it took me so long to do this 🥲
Fav genre? country, rock, folk, r&b, pop, bossa nova, classical, musical, movies soundtracks. I CAN’T CHOOSE.
Fav artist? Louis Tomlinson & Taylor Swift
Fav song? It’s a tie for Ronan by Taylor Swift & Two of Us by Louis Tomlinson.
Most listened to song recently? To Us It Did by Mitchell Tenpenny
Song currently stuck in your head? Always You by Liz Huett (Sorry, Louis. But this is the superior Always You. Please don’t kill me.)
5 fav lyrics?
“The high’s too high and the low’s too low when you love someone and they let you go. Don’t you let it kill you even when it hurts like hell.” (Don’t Let It Break Your Heart by Louis Tomlinson)
“And I’m back for the first time since then. I’m standing on your street. And there’s a letter left on your doorstep and the first thing that you’ll read…” (Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift)
“Remember me. Don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.” (Remember Me, from Pixar’s “Coco” by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez)
“Circle me and the needle moves gracefully back and forth. If my heart was a compass, you'd be north. Risk it all, 'cause I'll catch you if you fall. Wherever you go, if my heart was a house, you'd be home.” (If My Heart Was a House by Owl City)
“ความหวานในใจฉันเหมือนมันต่ำไป กลับมารักกันทีได้ไหม ขาดเธอแล้วฉันอยู่ไม่ไหว คิดถึงเวลาที่มีเธออยู่ใกล้ กลับมาหาฉันทีได้ไหม เติมความหวานให้ใจฉันที” (ความหวาน/Sweetness by LULA. Translation: the sweetness in my heart seems too low. Please come back and love me. I can’t live without you. I miss when you’re near. Please come back to me. Add on the sweetness in my heart, please.)
“กี่ปีแสงจะผ่าน จะกี่ความทรมาน จะอย่างไรก็คุ้ม ถ้าปลายทาง ตรงนั้นฉันมีเธอ จะรอฉันรึเปล่า ที่สุดขอบจักรวาล หากมีเธอที่รัก ที่รออยู่ จะทำทุกๆ ทาง ไกลกว่านั้นก็จะไปให้ถึง ฉันขอแค่เพียงอย่างหนึ่ง แค่ยังรักฉันก็พอ” (กว่าจักรวาล/Than Universe by Atom Chanakan. Translation: No matter how many light years has passed, or how painful it is, it will be worth it if I have you at my destination. Will you wait for me at the edge of the universe? If you’re waiting for me, darling, I’ll do anything to get there. Even if it’s further than that, I’ll reach you. I have only one request. Just still love me the same.)
Oh wait that’s six. AHHHH. What is wrong with me? Math, man.
radio or and your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? Fantasy, Adventure, Mystery, True Crime, Psychology, Romance, Fanfic, Comics/Manga
fav writer? Arthur Conan Doyle, Malcolm Gladwell, Enid Blyton, Jennifer Rowe
fav book? Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
fav book series? Sherlock Holmes, Doraemon, Detective Conan, Deltora Quest, The Famous Five
comfort book? Dr Seuss’s Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
perfect book to read on rainy days? I used to live in Seattle where it rains ALL THE DAMN TIME. And I’m easily bored, so I don’t like to read the same thing twice. But textbooks = SO EXPENSIVE & I couldn’t afford to buy more books for entertainment. So THANK YOU to fanfic writers. You were my lifelines. Please excuse the long list, here are incredible fanfic writers I adore & remember by username: Dysonrules, Faithwood, Reiya, Ars_Matron, alykapedia, Anonymous1313, AL_KILLER, persephoneggsy, thehoyden, astolat, whatsup_buttercup, marguerite_26, dia_dove, ajwolf, Adrianna99, cuttlemefish, CreativeSweets, Pangea, and many more who share their talent for FREE. Currently, their works are up on AO3 ;)
fav characters? Draco Malfoy, Hattori Heiji, Hermione Granger.
5 quotes from your fav books that you know by heart? I’m surprised to realise just now that I don’t have any. Every quotes I know by heart are from what I’ve HEARD, not read. Interesting…
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first, depend on each story premise | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre ? Sci-Fi, Sitcom, Cartoon, Documentary (Space/Ocean/Nature/Technology/Historical Inaccuracy lol).
fav movie ? Harry Potter. PIXAR anything. STUDIO GHIBI anything. MCU. Disney princesses.
comfort movie ? Coco
movie you watch every year ? none.
fav tv show ? Last Week Tonight, Doctor Who, Yuri!!! On ICE
comfort tv show ? Brooklyn 99
most rewatched tv show ? BBC Merlin
ultimate otp ? AMY AND RORY. “I specifically remember not noticing them.” “Great. The one time you can’t manage it.” “Together or not at all.” “It’s called marriage.” “Raggedy man, goodbye.” There. Five quotes I remember by heart from Amelia Pond & Rory Williams to make up for none from any books. Lol.
5 fav characters ? Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle, Makkachin from Yuri!!! On ICE, Merlin from BBC Merlin (Colin Morgan), Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who (Matt Smith), Terry Jeffords from Brooklyn 99 (Terry Crews)
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging |one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
@the-soul-in-the-sixth-sense @mushroomlouu @karou-livesineroda @vintageumbroshirt @smellofrainn @allmytales @just-a-donut-who-reads @destieliscanonnow @thecarnivorouskitten @boobearlarry please consider yourself tagged!💗
8 notes · View notes
the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[ Alien vs Predator Batarou AU - Part 1 ]
by: Little1993lamb
for: Temperans-sama / @the-goddessfighter Word count: 7252 Warning: Background characters' death. Some violence and gore mentions, but not too explicit.
Not exactly a fanfic but more of a long scenario AU headcanon. Caution for bad English and very limited vocabulary as I'm not native English speaker and still not fluent enough, OOC characterizations, and lots of inaccurate concepts compared from the movie plotline as this headcanon is just loosely inspired by it, so please forgive me if this not so good I'm so sorry 🙇💦
This AU headcanon was based on my weird "Alien vs Predator" movie-like dream I had weeks ago. But for this AU, the story has slightly modificated to fit Batarou situation:
• Badd as a Spaceman, working for the extraterrestrial research scientists organization, unexpectedly met Garou in one of his mission.
• Garou as one of the Yautja/Predator warriors, aiding Badd on fighting against the Xenomorphs Aliens.
The other headcanon concepts, like Garou's concept designs for the AU, are written on the notes at the end of story below.
As I promised before, this is my present for you to begin the year 2021, Temperans-sama (and of course also everyone in the fandom). I hope you enjoyed this AU headcanon!
Let's get started! 😊😉👌💖
Badd was working for Space and Extraterrestrial Research Organization as their Spaceman. Not as the researcher because he hates to work in a lab, he rather to do some actions in the field or outdoor works. There were several divisions for Spacemen jobs in the Organization, but what Badd specialized was the ones who could do fighting or combat. Basically like security guard to ensure the safety of Research Organization members. Sometimes he also being included in a rescue team when there was something life-threatening emergency situation happens.
One day, he got a mission along with his other coworkers in rescue team to save their crewmates, who previously were sent to investigate an unknown spaceship that was approaching Earth's orbit but then they were trapped in there.
Just after arriving on the ship and navigating their crewmates' location, they found a bunch of terrifying monstrous Xenomorph aliens attacking them. Battle was ensued, many of them died because they weren't expected these creatures' presence in the spaceship. None of the hostages crewmates informed them because turned out either they were already dead or incapable to send complete information to the base.
In the middle of fighting inside an alien spaceship, Badd finally met one of the hostage crewmates who is also one of his bestfriend and he joined to fight along with his friend against the creatures.
At the end of exhausting battle, Badd and that one friend survived on escaping from the ship along with some few other crewmates. When Badd asked him on a private room, "Why didn't you send help request more sooner?", the friend just answered, "Because I was waiting for this moment".
Badd saw his friend's appearance changing into an unknown stranger figure: a spiky white haired humanoid alien with heavily intricate armored body. Surprisingly, he is not so hideous like the other alien creatures but still has an otherworldly figure.
Badd was stunned when the stranger alien explained his intention using some language translator device on his helmet armor,
"Initially, my warrior troops were gonna invade your precious Earth but unexpectedly our spaceship was infested by those creatures you've seen before. I'm the Leader and the only survivor during the ambush and that's when your naive crewmates coming to our already wrecked ship. They sent SOS signal to your base when they were under attack. Because I want a chance for long-term survival, I borrowed your dead friend's appearance by shapeshifted as him".
He continued, "Luckily, you found me and think of me as your friend! I must gained your trust by playing along as your crewmate the whole time so I could hop into your ship together with you, thus fulfilling my intention to invade the Earth. Thanks for bringing me along, tiny human..".
The alien warrior ended his speech with a growling voice into the still stunned Badd's ear. Then he reached on his armor helmet mask and slowly took them off, revealing the true face of him:
A humanoid monster-like face with wide ridged forehead, intimidating-looked narrow hollowed eyes in which have round big golden-coloured irises, no nose, has these huge mandibles complete with two sets of long pointed tusks on them, and when they opened a bit Badd could see rows of sharp teeth inside. This alien warrior also has swept-back long spiky white hair, it was the most eye-catching feature on him.
Realizing Badd was observing his unmasked face, the white-haired alien suddenly snarled by opened his mandibles up in front of Badd's face to scare him. He wanted to test if this human would weirded out or cowering in fear from seeing his real appearance or not. But Badd only jolted back in reflex from getting surprised, without any hints of fear detected in his eyes. "You.. aren't scared by me?"
Badd was taken aback by the question, "Huh? Nah. I've seen much worse and it wasn't you, obviously".
"Not for a little bit? Nothing at all?", the alien didn't convinced by Badd's statement at all.
"Yep. 'Sides, I rather looked at your face than have to witness those Lovecraftian abominable creatures in that spaceship before. Hey what are you trying to do, by the way, huhh??", Badd could swears this white-haired alien just wanted to make fun of him. 
The white-haired alien just humming and nodding to himself, "Hmm.. You're indeed an interesting one.", as he placed his hand under his chin and rubbing it, it seems like he found some amusement in Badd.
Although he was indeed caught off-guard by the surprise snarl, Badd didn't afraid of him on a slightest, instead he actually was mesmerized by the alien's charm. Badd blurted out, "Are you gonna eat me?".
The white-haired alien just giving a funny look for a second and then grinning widely after hearing that silly question, showing all of his sharp teeth and fangs inside his mandibles, "No, not yet. Not until I know you better..", a chuckling sounds like a cat's purr was heard from him as he caressed the human's soft cheek with his long claws.
Badd frowned on what the alien had said, 'So in the end he will devours me if I'm not useful anymore?'. He didn't wanna think what he should explain to Zenko when the time has come.
When Badd said he didn't afraid to die, it doesn't mean he wanted to leave his beloved little sister alone, not when she hasn't finished her education in college and reaching her dream! Also, sure as hell not by being eaten by this strange alien!
Seeing Badd was slightly affected by the threatening words, he retreated his hand back. "Well I'm just joking, I never and wont eat humans, don't worry. They make a good prey but totally not good for consumption at all". Then he laughed loudly at Badd's dumb-strucked face. Badd started to feel pissed off: they both had just met and this alien already have the guts for teasing him twice??
The laughing finally ceased, "I think we should cooperating from now on. What is your name, little human?", the alien curiously asked, those bright yellow irises staring deep into Badd's rich dark chocolate eyes, searching for any hints of fear emotions but instead found some fire ablaze in them.
"Badd. My name's Badd, just remember whose human who had saved your sorry ass", he answered while removing the clawed hand that caressed his cheek, boldly swatting it away from him.
The charming white-haired alien quickly caught Badd's hand and clasped it with his palm, "Ooh a feisty one! Seems like I was right for choosing to fight along with you minutes ago, you're quite strong for a mere human. I like that. And you can call me 'Garou'. Nice to meet you, Badd..".
From the corner of his eye, Badd saw 'Garou' took something from his pocket. It was a small piece of the Xenomorph's sliced finger. He squished it a bit until the green-ish blood residue leaked out from the cut, then slowly moved it closer towards Badd's face.
"Stay still, Badd", the warrior instructed him.
"WHOAA NONO NO NO, GET IT AWAY FROM MY FACE!!", the young spaceman tried to swat that finger thing from Garou's hand and moved away as far as possible, refusing Garou's request.
"I said stay still! Calm down it's just a quick little brush", Garou insisted as he keeps holding Badd's hand to prevent Badd from swatting and moving too much.
The moment Badd's forehead being brushed by the blood as Garou carved a symbol on him, his skin sizzled from the contact of corrosive acid fluid and those left red scratched marks as the result.
"OUCH OW THAT HURTS! IT BURNED MY SKIN, JACKASS!!", Badd shouted then grimaced at the burned sensation on his forehead, he let out pained moaning. "Uuh.. What's that for?"
"I'm 'marking' you. You fight along with me, you even managed to kill those creatures despite being a human. Therefore, you earned my respect to bear an honourable mark from me," Garou smiled proudly at Badd, genuinely happy to find such a strong fierce human at the first meeting.
Badd didn't know how he should reacted at the explanation, but after seeing Garou's genuine proud expression he thought maybe it was actually a very rare honourable thing to be given outside his clan. From the spaceship window glass reflection, Badd could see the fresh carved scratched-like mark. He was admiring how neat the mark Garou has carved onto his forehead. An honour mark.
"Umm.. Honestly I didn't expected it, but.. Thank you, I guess?", Badd muttered while caressing his freshly marked skin.
"You're welcome, tiny human. So, right now we are heading towards your precious Earth, right? Do you have any spare room in your house for me, hmm?", Garou grinning confidenty, expecting for more interesting things from Badd after they live together.
Badd felt an impending huge migrane forming in his head, as well as the sudden urge to facepalm so hard, "... Goddamnit."
This would changed his normal daily life.
As the consequence of accidentally helping Garou, Badd must hide his existence from the Research Organization. So, after arrived back to the Earth, Badd must gives false-report for the base that their rescue mission was failed and only a few of team members were survived.
During that time, Garou made himself invisible but also could shapeshift into anyone for more advanced stealth tactics. Badd allowed Garou to live temporarily in his house, as long as Garou wont harming his beloved little sister Zenko and his cute cats.
At first, Garou forgot to shift into his human form in front of Zenko when Badd sneakily brought him into his house at late night. He didn't know Zenko was still awake at that hour because she was waiting for his comeback.
Badd wanted to smack himself after noticed Garou's big mistake, but after staring intensely at Garou for a full minute, Zenko just nonchalantly said,
"So you've got back from the space and you're bringing an alien boyfriend home? Hmm.. Not bad. Nice choice by the way, I always know your type, big bro", and she gives Badd thumbs up of approval.
Garou takes a liking on Zenko's bravery, maybe he could get along with her more easier later. On the other hand, despite his attempt at correcting Zenko that Garou isn't his alien boyfriend (yet), it makes Badd feels relieved that his little sister doesn't really mind of him bringing an extraterrestrial being as a new roommate in their house.
Garou spending most of his time at Badd's home by trying to learn human's behaviour and any other knickknack Earth-y things out of curiousity, that he slowly forgetting his original intentions and getting more interested on building a newfound relationship with Badd.
Badd also slowly growing fond of this charming alien, especially when Garou becomes more protective to him and his family, not to mention Garou actually learning humanity better than actual human. He was actually surprised that Garou had decided to develop a new "adaptive" form, in which a mix between his real form and human form, to help him communicate better with Badd while still maintaining most of his real appearance. Especially when it requires him speaking by human language more fluently.
Sometimes when Badd wasn't working or taking a day-off, they would spending time together at home and exchanged stories of their life. After Badd promised Garou that he wont tell any information to the higher up in the Organization, Garou explaining his life as a Warrior from his own planet, the secret history behind the invasion mission toward Earth and the super advanced technologies they owned compared with what human have currently.
It's kinda fun to have someone from another world to talk casually with, since Garou himself didn't have many close friends in his own troops. Not even to the old Elder warrior, Bang, who Garou regards as his adoptive father and his former trainer.
In return, Badd telling Garou about his favorite things, his childhood stories, his family including his late parents, everything about Zenko as he adores her so much, also about the reason why he took such adventurous yet dangerous job as Spaceman for the Research Organization. If Garou ever curious for some Earth-y stuff that he still didn't understand (as he called those things "outdated ancient stuff"), Badd will also explaining about them to him.
On special occasion, Badd would brings Garou and Zenko out to go shopping together or having fun on amusement park. He thinks it's good idea to take Garou with him and introducing many fun things humans usually do in daily life. It feels good to have a sense of having a full family again after he lost his own parents years ago. Besides, seeing how adorable Garou trying to enjoy human's entertaintments or bonding with Zenko was amusing.
To blending himself in public when they're going outside together, Garou usually shifted onto his "human-persona" so he wont attracts unwanted attention from people. But when he's around Badd's house, Garou just shifted back to his original form or his adaptive form since Badd loves it so much and wants Garou to be comfortable as himself at home.
Fortunately, it seems Badd's neighbourhood was inhabited by chill people. They never questioned further or suspicious about who Garou really is, especially after Zenko purposely introduced him as "her big brother's new boyfriend who just moved in from another city". Badd immediately blushed or flustered everytime they mentioned his "handsome boyfriend", as they also greet Garou warmly and saying that Badd was so lucky to have this gorgeous man as his lover.
Garou persistently asking Badd what is this "boyfriend" supposed to meant and why did Badd always deflecting his genuine questions while being all bright red faced with higher heart rate. Despite never got the answer, Garou likes to tease the cute little spaceman that he adores so much.
After staying on Earth for months in Badd's home, Garou started to questioning himself.
Garou wondered if his original mission is really worthy or not, because in truth what he had said to Badd about the reason why he comes to Earth is not entirely true.
The real story was, Garou was just wanna visit the Earth for sportmanship and training himself to become the best hunter warrior. He was going to prove the Elites that he is worthy enough to get more superior rank that the one he currently is. That's why he also brought the Young Blood packs along with him to train them once they arrived on the Earth.
Until that accident happened because of a miscalculation: the Xenomorph alien larvaes that supposed to be used on humans, the supposed hosts, for initiation and hunting ritual were infesting his packs when they were still in the middle of their journey towards the Earth. Garou's plan was destroyed spectacularly, he lost all his pack members before he reached their destination. At least on the better side, because of that accident he could meet Badd along the way, so it feels not too bad.
On the other hand for personal fulfillment, he wanted to seek different challenges in another planets to polish his hunting skills and adding new experiences. So, the invasion plan was actually just his secondary mission, in fact it was actually just a bluffing. But it sounds like a more cooler way to threatened Badd back then. 
Not that he ever cares about human civilization and the entire human population in Earth, as he remains indifferent for them and regards them as mere weak prey for hunting sport. But he found out this one particular human is very fascinating to him: Badd. The more he interacted with Badd, the more he gets attached.
Not to mention lately Garou sensed something wrong with himself that only occured everytime they spend time or hanging out together, like there's warm feeling in his chest or sudden protective instinct whenever he is near Badd.
And while Garou considers humans are ugly, for some unknown reason he thinks Badd, in human's expressive language, is "beautiful". Inside his fierce hot-headed appearance, Badd has the kindness and all the sweet personality package in his heart. Which is total opposite with Garou, who is ruthless and cunning. Those contrasts has really melted Garou's own cold heart, surprised that he could managed to find such special human being.
Badd was supposed to be his prey, not a companion. If only Badd were born as the same kind like him, without doubt Garou was 100% sure Badd would be a perfect Warrior partner to fight along with, as he had already seen Badd's remarkable strength as a human. Such the best dream-like scenario ever that will never happens to them, but still very good 'what-if' situation.
The moment Garou saw Badd could kill the Xenomorph aliens alongside him in a combat and capable to defend himself, he respects Badd so much. It made Garou wanted to initiate Badd as one of his kind, a honourable strong Warrior. Or taking Badd with him to train as his personal human Apprentice.
For his bravery and incredible fighting abilities, Garou presented Badd a gift as a sign of respect for him. It was one of his exotic Yautja warrior's weapon collections that he managed to bring along in last expedition: an unbreakable metal bat.
Garou thinks it suited Badd's brawler fighting style, and because the bat made from special metal from his planet it can't be destroyed with anything on Earth. Except if it was smeared with corrosive acidic Xenomorph alien's blood, it would slightly melt. Whoopsie. But anyways, still an honourable thoughtful gift! Garou hopes he can witness the day Badd will using the metal bat in a combat.
Maybe it's not really bad he prolonged his stay on Earth for the sake of Badd and Zenko, although just for a bit. Garou wanted to have more "connection" with Badd before he continued the original plan. He wanted to know more about this special human, always being near him and protected him.
At least before the old man Bang realizing Garou has been missing for awhile after last Xenomorph attack and doing some search party for him by sending reinforcement army towards the Earth. 
At the same time on his workplace at the Research Organization, Badd was contemplating his life decision.
Badd was thinking why should he still insisted to hide Garou's existence? He could just secretly reported the truth to the Organization behind his back, handed him to them as new research subject and thus ended the Earth's next possible threat.
But that's so wrong!
Just thinking about Garou being treated as a test subject like some lab guinea pig made Badd's blood boil. Not that they can ever catch Garou and managed to survive from him, though, as he knows how strong Garou is. Surely Garou is an extra-terresterial being, but in reality he's not so different from human. There's also alot things that separated him from another Alien species he had encountered before.
Garou has a good heart and moral despite being an asshole sometimes. He's super intelligent and quick to learning something new, willing to cooperate once they're bonded over mutually trust.
Speaking of morality, Garou has better grasp of humanity than most people. Although he is a ruthless warrior, he wont bringing harm to those who are already weak or sickly people, unarmed opponents, childrens, or females especially the pregnant ones. Those are basically the Yautja Clans' Warrior Rules, as they only do fair fights. Badd thinks Garou's own kind are very cultured people, that's cool.
One thing Badd didn't expect before was the fact Garou is kind of "nerdy guy". He thought Garou was a ruthless jock-type warrior who only likes hunting or chaotic things, but in reality he is just the biggest nerd Badd ever known. Garou has always been curious about anything he deemed interesting enough, like human's lifestyle, social classes, education, or even the cuisine. Currently Garou is obsessed with martial arts and his homemade food, also when they're going out together he always asked for buying some fast food preferably with Cola for the drink. Truly an example of alien with unique taste.
The more Garou learned from Badd and observing people around them, the more he understand what human and their "humanity" is, both good side and bad side. Garou said he considered himself on grey area. But he would try to be on the good side, just for Badd.
About Garou's appearance, Badd never got scared of Garou's real form. In fact, he finds Garou in his full warrior armory looks charming and kinda handsome. He had seen Garou in the middle of daily training to sharpen his instincts during his stay at home, surely Garou got a lots of cool fighting techniques and movements, both bare-handed or with weaponry. Truly showing a professional experienced Warrior skills. Or when Garou shifted into the adaptive form so he can spar with Badd more comfortably without really hurting him.
Not to mention his unusually bright golden irises when Garou stares intensely at him, the way Garou tilted his chin up with those long slender clawed hand, that teasing smug grin with those sharp teeth show-off, and those surprisingly soft slicked back spiky white hair..
Yeaah okay, Zenko was totally right about him being into monsters. Fortunately to Badd, she wont and never judges his taste on men.
And Garou is actually a very good friend.. Or maybe more, if only his feeling ever reciprocated. Badd wondered if he could asks Garou to just stay forever on Earth together with him.. 
Badd was just coming home early in the afternoon from the work, as he only finishing yesterday's home paperworks and delivering it to the office. Time to get some rest after working the whole night filling the mountain pile of papers, Zenko still in school at this hour anyways so he would take a brief nap before picking her up.
Strangely, the house was too quiet. He usually hear some noises from across the room, whether it was Garou watching some tv programs or news or movies, or sneaking around the kitchen as he attempted to raid Badd's fridge contents (nowadays he often found out all the meat stocks or even any of homecooking leftovers in his fridge vanished thanks to Garou's huge appetite).
Badd tried to calling for Garou and checking on his room upstairs but there still no sign of him. He guessed maybe Garou went to their sparring place in the woods, training by himself to polish his hunting skill. Or maybe Garou was lurking on city downtown again?
Badd wished it was the former, he doesn't want Garou to make some trouble with humans when Badd was not with him. Even if Garou indeed goes to town he hoped he just do sightseeing or observing people from afar. Whatever, Badd will take a nap while waiting for Garou.
Just as Badd started to sleep, he heard the bedroom window clicked open suddenly. He immediately jumped out of the bed and grabbing his metal bat, ready to whack anyone who dared to sneak into his house like this. Nothing on sight, though, until some invicible force putting down Badd's metal bat and revealing it was Garou in his "adaptive" form, who just deactivated his invisibility cloak after entering his room from the window.
"Yo Badd!", he grinned widely, happy for successfully surprising Badd again. 
"Oh for fuck's sake Garou, please just use the front door! I already gave you my spare key, right? What if someone sees you and thinks you're a robber- Forget that, you were in invisible mode nobody could ever see you anyways, Mr. Ninja Warrior". Badd flomped down on the bed again, feeling ridiculously tired by Garou's antic yet relieved that his favorite alien is back. "Where did you go?"
Garou sets his knapsack down while explaining his disappearance, "I was so bored doing nothing in your house and my instincts will slowly dulled if I don't practice my routines, so I sneak out to nearby forest hoping to get some good prey for hunting practice. But it seems like Earth's creatures are not challenging enough to become my prey. It's either too small, too tame, too weak, or too pitiful it can't satisfy my hunting urge".
Garou sat beside Badd on the bed and stared at him, "Why can't I fight your people? It would makes alot things more interesting..", he whispered the last sentence with a naughty shit-eating grin on his face.
Badd propped himself up from the bed to grab Garou's arm and pointing his index finger in front of Garou's face, "No, I wont allowed you to do that! No hunting on humans, not on my watch. If you want some fight you can spar with me like what we always do. I'll take you on in a fair fight. Was that still not enough?". Was I'm not enough for you, Badd left it unsaid. He frowned at the though of Garou not satisfied with his effort.
"Ugh, what a let down, I would love to add human skulls on my trophy room when I get back to my planet soon. But your wish is my command, Badd. I promise not doing that for your sake", Garou huffed and rolled his eyes, but his tone softened. "About our sparring, while yes we can still spar with eachother, it doesn't fullfil my hunger for hunt. That's different", he shifted closer to Badd and gazing deeply into his rich dark chocolate eyes.
He continued, "You're not a prey anymore and I hate to see you getting hurt everytime I went overboard in our fights. You're my human companion, I only wish to protect you. But thank you for letting me spar with you every week, it was really fun", Garou touched Badd's forehead, where an initiation mark as fellow Warrior was given by him after their first encounter. Then slowly he put his clawed hand on Badd's cheek, caressing the soft skin gently while looking at Badd with much tenderness.
Badd just averted his eyes from Garou's uncharacteristically tender gaze, face heating from blushing too much as his heart-rate spiked. Of course Garou would know he was flustered by his touching words, he could see it by his vision, by the way. Not that Badd hated to be treated like this, in fact he felt so happy that Garou considered him as a human companion, a "someone special" for Garou.
"Umm yeah you're welcome, then.. Don't worry I know you will never really hurt me. Besides, I'm a tough guy, y'know? I can totally revive through fighting spirit and have another go with you", Badd placed his own hand on top of Garou's, letting the charming alien caress his face more. It's very comforting he loves it when Garou showing some rare affection to him.
They enjoyed the heartwarming moment until suddenly Garou moved away from Badd, "Oh I just remember something! Wait here", he let go his touch on Badd as he rushed to get his knapsack on the floor, picking its content and shoved it in front of Badd's face. "Here I got this for you, accept it!".
It was a flower bouquet. A simple makeshift one, but what made Badd astounished was Garou's choice of flowers: all of them were rare exotic flowers, which only grows on mountain or on the deepest part in forest. All of the flowers were wrapped by a wide green leaf as replacement for plastic wrap ('is that a banana leaf??'), and tied together by a thin rope.
"Wow.. Thanks, Garou, these are very pretty ones", Badd carefully took the beautiful bouquet from Garou's hand, still mesmerized by the exotic colourful flowers. He cradled it close on his chest. "Where and how the hell you get these flowers? I didn't even know that they grow or ever existed around our sparring place??"
Garou scratched his head, "After I got bored by pitiful failed attempt of hunting and start heading back to your house, I saw one kind of wild flower plant growing at hidden small valley near our sparring place. I though you would like it so I took some then continued searching for more wild flowers in the middle of forest until on the top of hills. Worth it for a passing time aside from going hunting", he shrugged like it was no big deal.
"But why?? What's the real reason?", Badd was honestly baffled by Garou's whole effort to flatter him.
"I saw from TV or on the street when we were going outside that you humans like to giving and receiving flower present as, what is that, "courting attempt"? Also you always go 'Aww that was so sweet~" or swooning like a fool everytime you and Zenko watched that scenes in some sappy drama movies. I don't understand why humans feel an enjoyment from getting a reproductive part of plant. Is that something meaningful behind that?", Garou raised his non-existed eyebrows in honest wonderment.
Badd tried to answer him, "Well.. It was--".
Garou continued his rants, effectively cutting Badd's explanation, "On my planet everyone courting their companion with a head or remnants of deadly dangerous prey, showing how great their hunting skills are. The more kill count the better. While your people giving a flower bouquet, a plant, really? You humans are just weird", he was shaking his head.
"So.. You didn't deny that you were courting me, right? You realized what I like and tried to do it for me even though you didn't understand the meaning of it, so that you can make me happy. Was that true, Garou..?", Badd slowly connecting the dots and stated the conclusion to Garou. He clutched the flower bouquet tighter, as once again he feels warmth in his heart. Not expecting the ruthless alien warrior has a soft spot.
So this meant his feeling is reciprocated? Garou feels the same as him? 
"What-- I'm-- Okay, you're right I was! There you have it now. Happy? Damn, this still weird to say..", Garou awkwardly confessed to Badd, not sure what should he says next. If he were in human form at that time, Badd was sure he was flustered heavily.
"Mmhm..", Badd hummed in agreement, as he placed the pretty flower bouquet on the nightstand carefully. Then Badd clung his arms around Garou's neck and pulling him down together with him on the bed, so now Garou was on top of Badd.
"Whoaa what are you doing?!", Garou propped on his elbows not to crush Badd directly with his weight. He wanted to protest but stopped himself when he saw Badd smiling softly full of fondness at him.
From very close distance, Garou could see how Badd's eyes are twinkling and the pinkish blush on his cheeks made Badd looked more prettier than usual. Those are something that made Garou was at lost of words when he tried to describe how beautiful this human is. His own companion.
Without saying anything, Badd released his hold around Garou's neck. He was caressing Garou's jaws and then cupping his face gently, before pulling Garou down towards him to peck his forehead. Looking briefly at Garou's softened eyes, Badd smiling again then finally kissing his lips. It was a light kiss but also a lingering one.
After a minute that feels like eternity, Garou released himself from the kiss and asking Badd in a soft whisper, "What was that for?". Not with the tone of rejection but instead searching for confirmation.
Beside the "human's courting", Garou also had seen this kind of acts on TV dramas or in real life, where a couple of "lovers" touching their lips onto eachother's for the purpose of showing their affection. So, he wanted to know if Badd was also meant it.
"Do y'know, when someone accepting the other's courting attempt, they would hug or kiss them. To show how much they loved and appreciated the other. I was doing the same to you, Garou.. You don't understand how long I was waiting for this moment", the raven-haired human answered while caressing Garou's face, the adoring smile still haven't leaving his face.
"Huh, I guess this proved what Zenko told me weeks ago was right, you have the hots for monster guy", Garou was smirking in victory, glad he was the one who captured Badd's heart.
"Don't be such a bighead, you silly alien warrior", chuckled Badd while he ruffled Garou's spiky hair. "You were the one who fell so hard on me, as far as making me your companion, swore to protect me in the name of warrior honour and do the whole 'weird human courting' for me. While noone ever dared to do the same as you. Admit it, you're a dork".
"What did you say?! A dork?? How dare you--", Garou offended complaint was halted as he processed Badd's entire words. "Wait, you said noone ever trying to court you before? Why? You seems more than average people in appearance or attitude", he showed pure confused look to Badd.
Badd gladly took Garou's appreciation remark before answering, "Have you seen my temper? Or listening on my way of speech? Or knowing my habit on ditching someone for Zenko if I'm not very interested in them? Nobody could handle that, Garou. Maybe except you, you're the only one who ever wanted me..", he pulled Garou down again for more soft kisses.
Garou hummed in their kiss, "Hmm, then it was their loss. For not considering you an amazing person". He swept the wild strands of Badd's hair away from his forehead, peppering kisses on it gently. Garou has learned it from Badd and now he tried to do the same for him.
"Aww thank you, Garou. Besides, I like my man being tall, strong, dangerous, loyal, and have lots of adorable soft spots behind the whole cocky bravado", Badd purred in bliss from Garou's affection.
"Says the one who said he hates skyscraper-like tall man. Which was the truth, hmm, Short-stack?", Garou lifted one of his non-existed eyebrow in amusement. He likes to tease Badd with that endearment term.
"Sssh it was for the public, lemme have my preference in secret. And don't call me a Short-stack, say that once more I'll bash your head using your metal bat gift!", he pushed Garou aside then hit his sternum hard enough before closing his eyes and snuggling his head on Garou's chest.
Garou just let himself being pushed aside while chuckling, "Whoa okay Short-stack, I wont call you with that name again-- Badd?", he found his companion looked sleepy.
"Mmmh lemme take a nap for awhile, there's still 2 more hours before I have to pick Zenko up at her school. Please staaayyy with meee..", Badd slurred the last line from sleepiness, he curled his body against Garou's own big body, snuggled even more closer to him.
Garou just taking Badd into his embrace, made sure his human companion feels comfortable in his sleep. He caressed Badd's soft silky raven hair, "So, are we 'boyfriends' now?".
"Whut are you talkin' 'bout? I already introduced ya as mah 'boyfriend' to our neighbours, right? Always has been..", Badd tried to answer despite getting more sleepier.
"Oh right", Garou nodded at the memory. So Badd was really meant it that way? Glad to know.
Badd purring at Garou's caresses on his head, "Mmhm.. Love ya, Garou". After the unconsciously big declaration of love, he finally went to sleep, peaceful smile still plastered on his beautiful face.
Garou was at lost on words again. He heard the Love word and his mind just exploded. Badd loves him. The human loves him, an extraterrestrial being.
Thinking about it again, is that even allowed? To love someone from different world and different species? He wasn't sure if the Warrior code would let him taking a human as anything else outside as a prey, an apprentice, or a companion.
Honestly this is the first time Garou received a romantic love, not a friendly love or familial love. Because as a warrior who dedicated himself to be the best hunter, romance is not even listed on his priority list. He can't say for other fellow Elites who seek love interests by charmed them with their hunting abilities, but for himself Garou doesn't even interested on that thing back then.
But with Badd? How can he rejects his love, not when this special kind of human is compassionate, wonderful and not to mention worthy of his full respect. Badd is also the only human who doesn't cower in fear in front of him at their first meeting. Even as far telling him that he adores his soft side.
Him, a ruthless hunter, a "monster", was loved by a kindhearted human.
"... I love you, too, Badd."
Garou whispered it softly into Badd's ear, he embraced the sleeping boyfriend's body tighter before following him into the dreamland.
Both were smiling in their sleep.
-Few months later-
There was another new exploration mission from the Research Organization to obtain alien egg or larvae samples from the same wrecked spaceship on the previous expedition, so they could studying and observing the newfound alien species.
The newest mission was successful as the researchers team bringing the samples with them and be able to come back with minimal casualty. Thus Badd didn't need to join because he is working in rescue team.
At first week, everything was okay according to the plan. It seems the autopsy of larvae samples was successful as the Organization researchers have gotten some new informations from it.
Until an unexpected accidents occured during the second week of research.
The alien eggs samples in the special laboratory room were suddenly hatched and bursting out the new "facehugger" larvaes. Some of the lab staff were infested by it, while the other larvae strays were killed on the spot to prevent any infestation happening on more victims. Therefore the research was cancelled and the lab staff who became its alive hosts were quarantined until further notice.
The higher-ups were tried to keep it down so nobody outside The Organization know about this accidents. All the scientists and other staff members also tirelessly forced themself to solve this emergency situations. They tried to save the victims who currently become the alien's host, as far as preparing extraction operation for them hopefully it will have successful result.
But just a few days after that incident happened, all of the matured embrios inside the alive hosts bursted out from their body when they were still in the middle of intensive body examinations. The victims were died immediately, leaving a bunch of terrifying creatures that emerged from the wounds and crawling out attacking people in the laboratory.
Everyone was shocked by those horrible gorey sight, some of them were panickly calling for help while the others trying to escape from the room but stopped by the juvenile aliens' quick attack. When the security team came to rescue, most people in the room were either already dead from fatal wounds or barely alive still struggling to avoid getting attacked by the creatures.
The team quickly eliminate the rest of juvenile aliens by shooting it all, ensuring it wont leave past the entrance door. After ensuring no more alive aliens detected, they immediately sent the survivors to the hospital while the dead ones were sent to the Organization's morgue.
By this horrifying incident, the Organization executives hold the emergency meeting on that day They discussing how to solve this unexpected catastrophe during the research, how they should tell to the victims' family about the incident, or if this research are really worth it with these casualties. The higher-ups commanded them to call or reaching everyone who were involved on the newest expeditition mission, to make sure if there is nobody else got infested among the crew members.
Someone reported that most of expedition members along with other spaceship passengers on that mission have gone missing for days, and a few of them were found dead at their home with the same wide gaping hole wound on their chest. Two recordings from CCTVs on one dead victim's home clearly showed 3-4 Xenomorph alien younglings that just born or bursted from the victim's body, crawling outside the house towards neighbourhood area.
From those reports and evidences, it was confirmed that the crew members who participated on the newest exploration mission actually contained alive Xenomorph larvaes before they landed back on Earth, and somehow the infestation itself couldn't be detected because it was still on very early stage at that time. By the calculation of every "chestburster" larvaes that would be born into juvenile Xenomorph aliens from the total 30 suspected victims, it could be up to 120 individuals. And one of the juvenile aliens could be the next Queen that will reproducing new batch of eggs on somewhere else right now.
The plan has failed. This accident has shaken the Research Organization to the core as they prepared for worst scenario: the Xenomorph alien has already reproduced and multiplied itself inside or outside the Organization building complex. Not to mention they haven't managed to supervise the suspected victims current whereabouts prior the incident. Thus, as for the first step action to prevent bigger fatalities happens, they alerted all of the Research Organization members.
At home, Badd got the emergency messages from his higher-ups as he also explaining Garou about what was happened at the moment, that there was infestation of Xenomorph aliens among the researchers in the Research Organization. The higher-ups already deployed all of their hunter squads towards several different locations based on victims' last sighting or their home address. The higher-ups also instructed him to join the hunter squad for outside building complex area or near the suburban area to search the rogue Xenomorph aliens or at least for any survived suspected victims.
Garou suggested that he will also doing the hunt with Badd as it's the Warrior's duty to banish those alien species' existence, as it was their main prey. He asked Badd to always stay near him during the hunt so he wont get hurt by those beasts. Garou promised Badd that he will protect him, no matter what. But he wont promised to do the same for the others, no guaranteed he will helped them. Mostly they will be on their own. 
Both had agreed to eachother, they set their own combat gears. Garou wore his warrior armor and brought all his hunting weapons. Badd also did his part, not forgetting to bring Garou's metal bat gift, he couldn't wait to finally trying it out to smash those aliens' head off. He strapped it on his backpack, shoving all of other combat equipments on his car trunk, then driving his car out along with Garou towards their destination.
Before they go to the mission location, Badd dropping Zenko first to their neighbour family house to make sure someone watching over her and keeping her safe during dangerous situation. Garou shifted into invisible stealthy mode on their way to the squad assembly point, secretly blending with the rest of Badd's hunter squad members.
They started to investigate the forest near the suburban area which was previously has been reported for most recent Xenomorph alien sighting.
----- ⭐To Be Continued⭐ -----
So I made this headcanon because I had a dream which was strangely similar like the movie's plot, although not exactly same. Still don't know why and how I got that kind of dream since I haven't watch the movie again for so long 😅
The dream was about where I was accidentally saving the Queen of Xenomorph who infested my friend and took control of her mind, then turned out I must ensured the Queen's next survival 😱😰
But the difference between my dream and this Batarou AU is that I met a Queen of Xenomorph alien, while in the AU story Badd met one of Yautja warriors as I've decided to make Garou as The Predator instead. I thought it would be cooler than him being a Xenomorph alien, lmao! ✌😁
Coincidentally, besides getting an inspiration from my own dream, this AU especially for Garou as Predator also inspired by the fact we getting his Awakened Monster form from Murata 😳✨
Combining both the ideas, his Murata-styled Monster form and the amazing Predator figure appearance, WHAM, we got badass concept of Predator Warrior Garou! 👏👏😤
By the way, because I've made Predator Garou and his entire clans can do some shapeshifting as the more advanced hunting skill, he has 3 forms in this story:
1. Original form:
Exactly like the Predator in the movie, but the differences are the hairstyle, body build, and the ability to speak human language. Instead of dreadlocks, his hair is swept-back long spiky white hair. His body is more on slender-built than buff as Garou is an agile-type warrior, but he is so much taller than his canon-self, approximally 200 cm, unless he was shapeshifting into another form. He can speak human language in original form, but a little bit difficult to do it because of his mouth's structure so whatever he spouted when he talks would sounds like either growling or hissing. 
It's Garou's default form when he was among his own kind. Showed this form the first time he met Badd in rescue ship to threatened him (but failed as Badd didn't afraid of him at all), or when he was facing off some Xenomorph aliens in combat during the research organization's incident catastrophe.
When Garou revealed himself in front of the Organization executives at the next part (spoiler!), he refused to show his true face as they aren't worthy enough to see it, unlike Badd and Zenko. Hence he only shifted into adaptive form at that moment before Badd comes to defend him.
2. Adaptive form:
After living together with Badd for months, he has adapted into a new hybrid form, a mix between his own original Yautja form and human form. The result is like Monster Garou in Murata's style! No more arthropod-like mandibles with tusks, but instead human-like jaws with rows of sharp teeth and fangs (just imagine it like Murata's Awakened Garou). His hair is just like his canon-self with the iconic long horns-like spiky white hair, but at some point Badd cuts his hair shorter for more easier maintenance, so it now looks like Awakened Garou with short hair-style.
Mostly Garou showed this adaptive form when he was around Badd and Zenko at home. He knows Badd likes it so much thus alot of teasing, so he decided to make this adaptive form as a new default appearance during his stay on Earth. More practical to use as he doesn't do much hunting at that time, also the new set of jaws makes him easier to communicate by human language with Badd without his tech-armor helmet mask.
In this form, Garou still in his super tall self even though the height can vary around 185-190 cm, depends on the situation, ex: sleeping as he's a big boy Badd's bed or couch wont fit, so he'd shrink a bit. Sometimes Garou and Badd would spar at their secret place in the middle of woods using this form.
Despite the adaptive form is not quite suitable for hunting strong prey like Xenomorph aliens, Garou prefers to use it whenever he was training with Badd. Also, he can kiss Badd while in this form. Actually even more easier when he was in human form, it's just Badd loves this form more. Don't kinkshame Badd, he is one of monsterfucker, lmao. 
3. Human form:
Because he has shapeshifting ability, Garou can create his "human persona" everytime he blends into human crowds, especially when Badd asked Garou to go outside with him, occasionally also along with Zenko. Exactly like Garou in canon, but now with short-hairstyle as Badd said it suits him more. Garou interpreted it as a way to say "You look more handsome" but denied profusely by Badd.
He still maintained his lean-muscled physique like his other forms, but Garou shrink his height down into 177 cm because not only being too tall would catch many attention from people (Garou: "It's not my fault you all humans are just so goddamned short!"), Badd hated it when he was being towered by his own "boyfriend" when they're walking together in public. Although Badd accepted his tall monstrous height when they're only with eachother.
Badd's neighbours were successfully charmed by this "camouflage" appearance, Garou in a very cocky way tried it on Badd but it seems Badd only tolerates Garou's human form. Honestly, Badd loves his adaptive form as it shows Garou's own will to connect more with Badd while still maintained personal aspects of himself. Badd also totally didn't mind his original form as it was Garou's true face, and to be shown the real Warrior's face behind the mask is a great honour for Badd.
I just remember that I've been in Batarou fandom for a whole year since January 2020, so you can think this headcanon AU as a new year gift and a thankful gift for the fandom 😆😚🎂🎁🎉🎊
Special thanks for:
🌸 @kaincuro​ and @the-goddessfighter​
Thank you so much for being huge inspirations! You guys introduced me about the beautiful side of Batarou ship via your awesome blogs and encourage me to also participating by sharing ideas to the fandom. Because of you, I managed to stay in this fandom for 1 year full despite 2020 being a hard year.
Thank you Cain, for being a wonderful person and providing us the Good Quality™ Batarou contents, both headcanons and arts! Whenever I'm on bad days and want to read Batarou stuff, I always go to your blog, it never fails to makes me feels alot better! Seeing your fluffy Batarou drawings and your amazing explanation on headcanon about them are absolute mood booster, it really helped me going through my hard days, seriously. So I wanna thank you from the deepest pit of my heart, because of you I could passed a difficult year more easier.
Please keep running your amazing blog, you're great and we love you! 😉👍❤🌸
Thank you Temperans-sama, for being one of greatest Batarou artists I've ever known in the OPM fandom and for your dedication on always working hard making many beautiful Batarou drawings to deliver to the fandom! Everything you've made are PERFECTION, really a God-tier artstyle. Not to mention your Batarou art always the Softest and Fluffiest! 😚👌💖💖
Thank you for kindheartedly willing to listening my super random headcanons or AUs, even as far liking it and drawing the illustrations for it, all of the arts are magnificent I'm so grateful for that AAAAA thank youuuu- *sobbing happily* 😭🙏💕💖 I feel so happy for being able to talk and sharing ideas with an incredible artist like you waaah THANK YOUUU!! Please accept my promised thankful gift for this year, I hope you like it 😚💕🎁♥
Biggest respect, support, and neverending love for you~ 😘❤💜💙💖💝💐👏
🌸 @lovelybutnot-ablankcanvas​ and @guby1620​
You guys are such very good friends during my stay in the Batarou fandom throughout the year, thaaaank youuu! Both of you deserved the best! *hugs tightly and never let go*
Thank you Eir, for being one of the most talented Batarou fanfic writers and most supportive understanding friend! I feel blessed to ever know you through your first Batarou fic a year ago, I still remember being one of your first reviewer and we shared alot of new ideas or random stuff. Now you already become a multitalented artist on both as fic writer and art drawing I'm so proud of you! 👏👏😤✨
Also, thank you for writing so many Batarou fic gifts last year, all of them are my favorite stories until now I really appreciate them! Keep being awesome, Eir, and yes you have my endless supports~ 😉💖✨
Thank you Ruby, for being a very talented Batarou artist with the most loveliest artsyle and I really admired you for that! You always have fluffiest ideas for arts and I love your handsome Garou + adorably sweet Badd drawings. I always enjoyed our interactions whenever we talk about our HCs, you're very easygoing and fun person to talk with, also you always successfully cheer me up with your cutest Batarou art 😉👍💯✨
I should thank you for liking my AU stories, even making one of them into a Doujin THANK YOU SO MUCH I didn't expected you would included the Reincarnated Demon/Angel AU into your long project I feel both grateful and honoured AAAA THANKS A LOT! *died from happiness* 😭💞💖💝
Undying supports and greatest appreciation for youuu, Ruby! I will always waiting for your new creations 👏💝🌸🌻💐
🌸 @garous-nipple​
I wanna say thank you for being one of the most talented Garou-centric fanartists in the fandom, you're amazing and I always love seeing your progress on evolving your artstyle throughout the time. You have great drawing skill and trust me you have already on the path to become next Murata! May this year will becomes Garou year as his inevitable comeback in the manga is near, so you will get loads of new art inspirations 😤👍💯🌟
Thanks alot for always accepting my requests or art idea suggestions! You absolutely deserved all of the best appreciation for your hardworks, we the OPM fandom are loving you 😉👌💖
I hope you enjoyed Garou's "the Predator" concept design headcanon as a humble new year gift from me 😆💝🎁🎉
And lastly for special mention:
🌸 @himbo-in-limbo​
I know we haven't interacted yet, but knowing that you love both Garou and AvP after stumbling into your lovely blog, I've decided to include you, too! As someone who only saw AvP once and not too familiar with the story, I honestly kinda embarassed of myself and afraid if my headcanon wont makes any sense so I apologized if there's alot mistakes and inaccuracy in here or if it's too OOC, please forgive me 🙇💦
I realized it's not perfect but I hope you like my concept design of Garou being a Yautja! Also sorry for the Batarou hints I hope you wouldn't really mind about it 😅😉💕💝🎁
(btw, all of your OCs are fantastic and very thoughtful-made! ❤)
Once again I'm so sorry if my writing sucks, I wanted to share the idea but I don't have good writing skill at all please forgive me.. 😭🙇
I hope I can continue for the second part which is also the last part, it's currently on 1/4 way of completion. I'm currently stuck on the action scene why does it so hard to write battle scenes heeeelpp! 😫💦
So please wait for me, yeah? Wish me luck I could finished the story 😅🙏
Thank you so much, we will see again on the final part! 💖
Anon! Thank you very much for sharing another fantastic fic for this fandom! Sorry for taking time to post it here. You know? My vacation will be over soon and I'm getting ready for TuT school
I would like to have dreams as interesting as yours, I hardly dream anymore, and it is nice that you can capture an idea from that. Honestly I've been a bit off these days, I miss our guys a lot and the way the webcomic is unfolding really distresses me (I'm so scared for Badd X'C). But your fic lifts my spirits every time I read it! So I wanted to reward your hard work with a drawing. I really like H. R. Giger's art and I tried to give that vibe to my art (I tried X'D). Thank you anon for always being there to support the fandom unconditionally! I hope you have a better year and health! 😘❤💜💙💖💝
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blankdblank · 4 years
Ridikulus Pt 31
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With Regulus claiming the week for Em’s care in a sort of acclimation period for him and Lindir to see how their jobs would handle a child between them you were more than able to catch up on some sleep. Free periods at school before lunch you spent in your office focusing on the supplements you were sending off to Rohan to help with the condition so many seemed to suffer from including their Queen. Between shipments your eager owl carried off in enchanted pouches for each afflicted your eyes kept turning to the potion nearly ready for Thorin’s change.
Humming to yourself you were off to stop in at Erebor. Using the door attaching the mountain to Dale you entered and were on the verge of skipping lost in the tune mid snack on a chocolate orange resting in your palm. Weaving through the curious Dwarves you caught sight of Ori who grinned and hurried over halting momentarily from his path to state, “Thorin is in the meeting room just off the Throne Room.”
“Thank you,” you said offering him a slice he grinned in taking and hurried off with a soft thanks of his own while you turned towards the Throne Room. Peering all around at the marvel of a hall you crossed the rail-less bridge following the echoes of low voices to another walkway, at the end of which the guards outside the door opened them and your lips parted. “Oh, you-..”
Peering inside with a tinge of yellow at your roots you eyed the table with Thengel, the Durin men who all glanced up at you catching your brief wave when Thorin stated, “Miss Black, this is a surprise. Is anything wrong?”
Shaking your head you stepped inside stating, “No, um, I didn’t mean to intrude.”
Thorin shook his head, “Not at all. You are always welcome here.”
“Well, I won’t take long, just wanted to say your potion should be ready tomorrow. Around six after classes should do it if that’s good for you?”
His lips parted in a relieved chuckle, “That, would be perfect. Thank you again.”
You shook your head, “Not a problem at all.”
Thengel smirked asking, “Queen Jaqi is assisting you with potions as well? Surely I’d have lost my Queen and our little ones had she not offered us aid.”
Thorin chuckled again unable to keep from grinning, “The potion is to turn me into a Dam so I may carry heirs of my own.”
Thengel’s lips parted, “You are forgoing your throne?”
Dain answered for Thorin, “Our kin would never abandon him in his path to having bairns of his own.”
Thengel grinned at you stating, “Impressive feat discovering such a potion.” He turned his eyes back to Thorin, “Whenever you find the change successful we would be grateful to show our respects to your future heirs.”
Thorin nodded and looked to you, “I do hope this will not interfere with the planning for your celebration, if it would interfere-,”
You shook your head, “Thranduil is the one who settled on throwing the celebration all on his own and insists he has it all covered. This will not interfere with anything, just prepare yourself, it will be quite painful.”
Thorin rumbled back, “A tolerable pain for bairns. I will manage.”
You nodded and said, “I’ll leave you to it, I’ve been charged with taking Tuo out and then told to nap again,” When you looked to Thengel you said, “I hope your people take to the medicine quickly and find some relief.”
Thengel chuckled, “It has aided us greatly already. We thank you heartily and cannot wait to see our gift outshine that of Gondor’s.”
“I haven’t met anyone from Gondor yet,” making his brow arch up, “Tonks mentioned traveling there and Thranduil said something about a coat they might make me.”
Thengel, “Nothing compared to our gift.”
Making you smirk and say, “Well, if their men are as troublesome as Tonks described I may end up returning their gift for a few black eyes.” You nodded your head in his loud laugh echoed by his Men around him including his cousin Halmar greatly relieved taking your momentary grin his way as a sign you were off on a better footing from the first meeting when you had punched him. “Don’t go warning them. I want them honest.” Out again you strolled allowing the now antsy Dwarves just bursting to explode the news all through the mountain to conclude the meeting with the Dwarves to lay the groundwork for a rebirth of their former trade agreements by establishing a friendship and trust.
Back in the heart of the Throne Room you zapped back to the archway in Pumpernickel you used to head straight for Northern Greenwood. Ginny was on a late lunch with Haldir to hear about his day. While Taule claimed another evening with the boys, and Legolas through your duo focusing on your party plans leaving you to go and find Tuo. A long ride found you next eating as filling a dinner as you could muster before heading off to bed early hoping to have some time to get up early to prep some things for the big change the following day.
Giggles however woke you in the crawling of the silvery white curly haired twins crossing from the foot of your bed to your side with Estel behind you already leaned over your shoulder. His wavy brown hair pooling into your face in a peck on your cheek, “We picked berries, Naneth.”
Inhaling deeply your arms circled the trio you kissed the heads on and hummed out, “Berries are nice.” Behind them Legolas came into the doorway and you flashed him a sleepy grin, “Leg, did you pick berries too?” Over his shoulder you saw Thranduil and Glorfindel.
Legolas replied, “I just returned from my rounds and they were gone.”
Glancing at Estel you sighed out, “They are very tall you know,” he nodded, “I do hope you remember what it felt like to be this small when you reach their size.”
Elurin giggled saying, “We will.”
His brother nodded and you combed your fingers through his hair removing a brewing knot there, “We didn’t mean to scare them.”
You shook your head, “They’re still used to only having one little one around. It’ll calm down, they’ll adjust.” Up you slid and sat up in Estel’s path to Legolas who picked him up.
Glorfindel came closer to grab the twins asking, “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded brushing your hair out of your face changing its shade from a burnt orange to silvery blue again, “Have to check on my rainbow spear viper though, I think she laid her eggs.” Curling your legs up your shorts were revealed under your baggy quidditch jersey from your father’s school days.
When your doorway popped up Thranduil asked, “Is that a bad thing?”
Turning around still walking backwards you replied, “No, just have to make sure she’s got enough coal or she likes to spark up and that agitates the Lemurtelba in the habitat next to hers.” Smirking at the men you nodded your head to the side, “Come and see. They love to brag on their nests.”
Elured, “Are they birds?”
“No, snakes.” In his momentary flinch of fear in his eyes you stopped and moved closer to him stroking his cheek with a curled finger, “Snakes are not evil creatures, they speak a different language and are afraid of those who can’t understand them. All they have is their teeth and their bodies. I’ll show you if you like when you’re older, they are friendly and docile when treated with respect, like horses or Tuo and his herd. Their venom could kill or cure, if you know how to use them. My snakes won’t hurt you. They wouldn’t dare.” He nodded and you turned to show them through the Chamber of Secrets snake room parting their lips at the various habitats holding your snakes who all peered out at you hissing greetings to the children you translated for them.
A large pitch black habitat revealed to be a cave with a stepping stone path across a dark river was what the group stared into watching you reach the tree on the other side with a silver slithering snake that parted their lips. The head nearly two feet around on a body that filled the tree seemingly holding this cave up with its endless woven branches looked you over and melted into your palms as you greeted her. At the roots of the tree you pulled back a pile of black leaves revealing golden eggs lighting up you and the tree in your counting the eggs she had laid. Covering the eggs again you summoned a basket of mangoes for her accepting her thanks in her move to eat while you trotted across the river again.
Legolas asked, “How large was she when you found her?”
“Few feet shorter. Found her on one of the last missions I had before landing here. Some idiot from R thought they could use her venom as a weapon.”
Thranduil, “Is that not possible?”
“They are constrictors.” His brow inched up, “There are snakes that poison their prey and those that squeeze them with their bodies. She feeds on mountain goats twice a year and mangoes the rest of it.”
Glorfindel, “Snakes eat fruit?”
You nodded, “A great many things varying with each breed. The meat is for her clutches of eggs, the mangoes help her grow and helps her coat shimmer.”
Estel asked about while pointing at the rainbow colored snake slithering out of its habitat towards you that rose to rest on your shoulders to allow you to show the boys, “This is Dilby, he loves to meet people.” Moving closer you allowed them to reach out and stroke his sides making his coat shift colors stirring giggles from them that triggered his webbed ridges down his back rise. “Only thing you have to worry about with this guy is when he gets cranky in their mating season, they like to bite. Non venomous, but,” he opened his jaws at the stroke of your finger under his head parting their lips seeing the five rows of teeth and four large fold out fangs that extended dripping with blue droplets. “It is not comfortable, but their venom helps re-grow bones. Used it plenty of times myself.”
Glorfindel, “What reason would there possibly be to need to re-grow a bone?”
“You can only break a bone so many times. If it’s bad enough of a break it’s healthier to vanish the bone and grow another.”
Estel, “Does it hurt?”
“Yes, and the potion tastes, well, let’s hope you won’t need it. Certainly not pumpkin juice.” Making them giggle as he slithered down to head for the open pantry for a snack, “Don’t mind him, just off to find a cantaloupe.”
Thranduil, “Does Tulip eat melons?”
“She prefers vegetables. Can go through a whole cart of cabbages a week if you let her.”
Elured, “Who is Tulip?”
You smirked guiding them into her chamber saying, “That is my ancestor’s head,” answering their unspoken question of whose head they next saw Tulip slithering out of the mouth of.
Estel gasped, “I’ve seen her.”
“Yes you have, she is a Basilisk.” The boys awed at her large fangs nearly the size of their bodies and stole strokes on her scales. In her path out to head out to the gardens outside your home you walked into your office to peek in at the simmering cauldron, the boys stayed to inspect more while Glorfindel and Thranduil came up behind you curious what you were doing.
Wetting their lips they eyed your fingers trailing along an open page on a manual beside the small cauldron in the center of a counter Glorfindel peered into beside Thranduil as he asked, “Is that, fur?”
You nodded, “Yes, a lovely shade of puce, should be done in a couple hours now.”
Thranduil, “This is Thorin’s potion?”
“Yup.” A glance at the clock had their eyes follow yours.
Glorfindel, “We should feed you.”
“That would be lovely.” He smirked and leaned in claiming a kiss and turned to gather the twins while Thranduil’s arm circled your back and you leaned into his chest accepting his kiss.
Thranduil, “You did sleep well?”
You nodded, “Feeling better.”
Lowly he asked, “When is the change?”
“Told them six.”
He nodded, “I will clear my meetings for later.”
He shook his head leaning in to claim a second kiss, humming against your lips, “This is an incredible gift, we will be there to witness it, because you do understand our people would wish to use it as well. It would be easier to explain the process to possible couples.”
“It’s painful, not much of a process.” You said leading the way to join the others off to the breakfast prepared with the jam from the berries the boys had picked for you through the night.
Soft clicks and dings sounded in your typing up the copy of your practice OWL and NEWT exams while your students sat going through their monthly exams. You weren’t known for pulling punches, it was a more hands on and entertaining process for your students but the sheer volume of what you covered gave each of them ample topics and history in each lesson for them to fully absorb each. Countless extra tidbits were added to keep things interesting and fill in all the gaps in what the main textbooks covered.
200 pages would be witted down later to edit but sat in the box you had locked it into before the final class before your lunch. Back down in the Chamber you checked on the potion and turned to the selection of books you had pulled together listed for the usual pack given to patients. With Hedwig came a note from Hermione confirming the six o’clock meeting time with a warning that you would have an audience making you groan. “Of course..”
The rest of your classes also had tests leaving your classroom mostly silent, while you readied some more pregnancy supplements for Mrs Granger drawing the eyes of the class when the liquid turned to gel and each scoop you settled on the tray hardening into circles you added to a jar. When all the tests were completed you had finished filling a second jar and a girl asked, “Medicine for your store?”
“No, prenatal supplements. A few relatives are expecting.” A few moments later the clock chimed another hour and you said, “Alright, off to freedom.” Off they did go and turning to your desk you tied a bow around the top of the jar you slipped into a pouch you passed to your owl that flew off hearing who he was flying off to.
It was all planned a brief snack before the trip to Erebor, in the main garden where you found your cushioned stool open between Fred and George who raised their glasses, “Heard from Hermi, we’ve got an audience.”
Chuckling to yourself you took a sip of your tea and looked to Legolas in his asking, “Would an audience not aid in the process?”
Grinning at him you said, “Not much of a process. Just painful. Most don’t want one.”
Beside you Fred spoke as you eyed the trio of boys greeting you in their climb onto their seats claiming their helpings of the snacks, the puzzling gaze wondering how much of their lives they remembered past the burned in day they lost it all including their lives. “Usually it’s just the couple and the one administering the potion.”
George, “Some times the one taking it prefers to be alone with the one administering the potion. All personal preference really.”
A pulsing crystal appeared in front of you as you and the boys were snacking on more of the fruit slices you mumbled, “Mmm, Thorin.”
Glorfindel chuckled as Taule stated, “You go, I will watch the Princes.”
You nodded once on your feet, strolling around the table and crouched down kissing their stuffed cheeks that rose in creeping grins, then you rose and turned to lead your group through your doorway after sending the crystal to Hermione.
Around you the Chamber of Secrets grew and you led the pair back to your office where you collected a small stack of books and levitated the cauldron with the bright pink fur over the top waving as the mixture gurgled underneath. Along the way to the now changed doorway Fred collected a pack of tools from the desk and made for the door that closed and opened revealing the rushing Durins flooding into Thorin and Bilbo’s apartment.
Smiles grew on their faces as they all peered into the odd mixture in the cauldron in your path into Thorin’s bedroom. Anxiously Thorin was rubbing his palms together then met your eyes as you said, “You’ll want to remove your belt and boots if possible.”
He nodded and followed your suggestion as Fred and George popped up into their view helping to unroll the set of tools while you set the books on the table beside Thorin’s bed. Dis eyed the books asking, “You require manuals for this”
You shook your head, “No. These are for Thorin.” Your eyes locked with his, “One for basic anatomy, tips on proper hygiene and the final one is mainly for reproduction and sexual responses.”
Thorin timidly repeated, “Sexual, responses?”
You grinned at him claiming the first tool, a hook with a slotted spoon in your other hand. You peeled the top layer of fur back Fred eased with another hook into a jar then capped it before it started giving off a pink gas leaving the fur melting into a layer of shimmering slime as you raised an avocado looking ball and swapped the hook for a scalpel George handed you to slice around the middle of it. “Our anatomies are vastly different. I am not certain if you have manuals on sexual responses in your culture or if yours match ours, but if they do then that book would help you get better acquainted with your new body and its responses.” He wet his lips, “You being intimate with Bilbo in this body will be vastly different as a Dam, the way we feel things the way or bodies respond are different. Even when you’re alone, self pleasure is a bit different than your current grip and tug situation.”
A blush grew on his cheeks and Dis opened the final manual, “Thank you. It was getting a bit difficult to explain that subject to them.”
“Oh, I will warn you, they are Wizard books, so the illustrations might move.” As you said that Dis gasped at one of them and closed the book tilting it out of Fili and Kili’s sight. “I assure you it is all scientific, not lewd.” Her eyes moved to the cup George slid the top half of the kiwi appearing assumed fruit giving off a scent of pears into a small bowl as you took a small spoon to scoop out the apparent skinless grape then offered it to Thorin, “This will taste bitter, try to chew it ten times then swallow.”
He nodded following the order only to pucker almost instantly at the taste, chewing painfully slowly he got to ten then swallowed watching as you held out the lower half to add to the bowl from George that shifted to a liquid as well you offered to him, “Swish it around in your mouth then swallow.” He nodded and drew in a deep breath and raised the bowl to his lips and clamped his eyes shut emptying the bowl to begrudgingly swish the mixture around then swallow it in as large gulps as he could manage.
Wetting your lips you set the bowl in George’s palm then led Thorin to bed where you sat down and acted as his pillow folding your arms across his chest saying softly, “Just remember, deep breaths as often as you can manage and squeeze my hands and arms as hard as you need to.”
Around you Fred and George summoned the chairs from the other room to set on either side of the bed simply stating, “You’ll need them.”
Everyone settled into them as Bilbo sat beside the bed in the closest ones while Thorin mumbled, “My skin is tingling.”
You nodded, “That’s the first sign it’s working properly.”
He nodded and closed his eyes for a deep breath as he felt his chest tightening only to have his eyes shoot open with a groan at the loud crack of his breastbone cracking that made Bilbo flinch while the others couldn’t help but glance away. Instantly his hands gripped your forearms tightly as the cracks spread over his shoulders visibly contorting them under his shirt as you mentally whispered, “Muffliato,” silencing his pained sounds from the group with only the Twins, Thranduil and Glorfindel looking on still bearing pained expressions.
Each bone seemed to be breaking while his muscles tore then melded back together into their new shapes as Fred eyed Dain at his asking, “Does she feel that much pain when she shifts?”
Fred shook his head, “No. Morpher’s bones, well they shift to a near jelly and then harden into their new shapes.”
George, “For the rest of us there are a few options, all temporary but no less painful. The bones have to be broken, muscles reformed into the new shapes.” His hand settled on Bilbo’s shoulder to crouch down beside him peering up at you softly whispering to Thorin, “It only lasts a couple minutes. Well worth it.”
Bilbo’s teary eyes fell on his, “I, can’t-..”
George grinned at him patting his hands wringing on his lap, “Honestly first time Fred and I made a polyjuice potion we took it in turns. I nearly passed out seeing him shift and he threw up seeing me change. But we got used to it after the fifth time or so.” Bilbo sniffled as he smiled saying, “It hurts watching our loved ones in pain. Even more so when it could easily have been avoided.”
Fred joined him adding his hand to theirs, “You are going to have a baby. Possibly dozens. Trust me, this pain will fade the moment it’s confirmed he’s expecting.”
They turned again to see Thorin breathing steadily in your arms far more relaxed as the shift ended, and you whispered, “Another deep breath.” He inhaled, “Through the worst of it now.”
His hands released your arms now bearing red patches freeing you to ease them over his shoulders in testing squeezes down his arms while Thorin inspected his hands seeming a bit less meaty. Lowering your cone of silence you shifted out from behind him freeing Bilbo to sit behind him to cuddle with and kiss him and you to move between Thorin’s legs you raised up one at a time inspecting each of his joints noting his sturdier hips, knees and ankles. In a peek under the neck of his shirt he grinned then peered up at you as you felt the realignment of his hips bringing his attention to the shift below his waist, “Hmm.”
You giggled grinning up at him, “It’ll feel different for a while.” He nodded, “I think we’ll give you a week to relax to it before we start on the fertility potions, if you still want them.”
He nodded, “Yes.”
You wet your lips accepting his hands to test his movement in those as well, “Oh, I wanted to tell you. Those potions with our people do tend to drastically cut pregnancies down.”
His brow rose, “I don’t understand.”
“We normally carry nine months but with the potions the longest we’ve had was five months.”
Thorin let out a stunned breath as Bilbo said, “Well Dwarves are pregnant for up to four years, so if it cuts it in half then we’ll still have two years to prep.”
“I just wanted you to know. We aren’t certain with our own people so we prep quickly, usually before taking the potion, and with the differences in our races it would be best to do the same possibly.”
Thorin nodded then grinned again claiming your hand, “I can never thank you enough. We, never can. First our home, now this.” Wetting his lips he shifted his legs to the end of the bed where Dis, Diaa and Niro grinned nearing him claiming hugs stealing a feel of his hidden figure.
Diaa, “Now, we have to get you into better fitting clothes to show off the shift.” Thorin nodded then turned to claim a kiss from Bilbo then turned excitedly to redress with the females of his line in his closet as Thranduil chuckled offering Bilbo a wrapped packet matching the one Glorfindel handed him, bringing a curious grin to his face accepting and opening it.
Thranduil, “It is tradition with our people to give seeds in hopes of a fruitful union.”
Bilbo’s grin grew and he nodded his head eyeing the paintings of the flowers on each of the inner packets holding rare flowers, “Thank you. Our kin share that tradition.”
A few moments later as you sent your cauldron back to your office and within a few minutes all turned to see Thorin proudly exiting his closet. Fully crowned in better fitting pants and a deep blue golden edged shirt under a hugging vest with a sash around his waist accentuating his pronounced bust and wider hips then added his boots again offering his hand to Bilbo. “My Love, now we show off the results.”
Bilbo couldn’t help but grin at the seeming glistening dark hair and beard on his Love’s face that seemed a bit more slender but not that much changed. He hopped up accepting help into his fur vest from Frerin then folded his hand in Thorin’s as you eased off their bed to Thranduil and Glorfindel’s sides where they eyed the bruises starting to form on your arms in your walk after the Durins.
Atop an overlooking balcony you watched the Durins pass through the crowding Dwarves with an easy smile at the excited compliments on his successful change between eager glances up at you from couples wishing for the same aid. Blindly Fred opened the cylinder he pulled from his pocket he held in front of you, with two fingers you claimed a swipe and smoothed it over the bruises before he pocketed it again then joined George in popping off to check in on Dudley on the end his first shift with Ginny.
Glorfindel muttered, “That was-,”
“Painful. But he is going to have some very handsome babies.”
Thranduil grinned asking, “Durins have always been fruitful, that is not an unfair assumption.”
“Not an assumption.” The pair glanced at you and you said, “I can feel it, people’s family trees sort of, I can feel them expanding. He’ll be quick to carry, even without the fertility potions.”
Glorfindel, “That is good to hear your gift is quite extraordinary.”
“It has its moments.”
Thranduil’s hand smoothed across your back, “Come, back to the food then we can have our Healers ready a session for you. Your arms must be in pain with those bruises.”
Pt 32
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nicriverswriting · 3 years
Fights and Forming Friendships (Oneshot)
Pairing: Hanako Fukushima [OC] x Li-Wei [@flipnegg’s KNY OC] (non-ship)
Words: 4,323
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 
Warnings: semi-graphic violence, (slight) angst
Notes: This is another oneshot from my upcoming Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba oneshot book, Beyond the Wisteria Trees. Quite honestly, this is probably my favorite oneshot that I’ve written (thus far). Li-Wei is my best friend @flipnegg ‘s OC. His storyline is that he’s the Ice Pillar, mute, and turns into a demon while trying to protect his tsuguko and boyfriend, Xiao-Li. Hanako and Li-Wei don’t exactly see eye-to-eye at first, but as the story progresses, their friendship changes...
The lively estate of Tengen Uzui was filled with laughter and the loud boom of Tengen’s voice as he recounted the tale of what occurred on his Red Light District mission to Hanako. Hanako and Tengen’s three wives, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru chuckled as the Sound Pillar “flamboyantly” recounted defeating not one, but two Upper Moons, losing a hand and an eye in the process. Hanako thought it was sweet how the normally stuck-up and egotistical man was giving a huge amount of credit to the three Demon Slayers (and one demon) that accompanied him on the mission.
“Yeah, if it weren’t for those four,” Tengen stopped, turning to face his wives. “And these three, I’d be dead.”
“I’m glad you made it out alive, Uzui,” Hanako grinned, taking a sip of the tea that Makio had provided them with. “But are you sure about retiring? We’ll all miss you a lot.”
He quickly nodded, a lock of his loose hair falling over the eyepatch that now adorned his face. “Yep, I’m done. I’m getting too old for this shit.”
As the five continued to talk, a distant cawing noise could be heard. Hanako snapped her head up to see Arisu land on the floor, hopping towards her. In her beak was a little scroll of parchment, rolled up neatly. Hanako sighed, beckoning Arisu over with a wave of her hand. After taking the scroll and unravelling it, she read the message laid upon it:
New mission.
Meet Li-Wei at the village of Baman.
Possible Upper Moon activity. 
Proceed cautiously. 
Hanako scoffed, crumbling the paper in a clenched fist. Tengen and his wives were alarmed at her sudden mood change. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
She looked up to them. “I’ve gotta go. Thanks for the tea, Makio. I’ll see you all later.” 
The village of Baman was a small one, filled with little houses row by row and a small hotel for wary travellers at the entrance of the village. Hanako had sent Arisu off with a note to be delivered to Li-Wei, telling him she’d meet him outside of the hotel.
She was now standing here, arms crossed and back against a wall as pedestrians crossed in front of her. A soft wind blew, making the tail of Hanako’s long braid flow in the breeze. The sun was setting, lighting the sky on fire -- Hanako figured that Li-Wei would arrive at dusk, or sometime after dark. A frown came across Hanako’s face as she thought of the mission at hand. The fact that she was going to be completing it with a demon Demon Slayer made her blood boil with hot rage. Though, even begrudgingly, Hanako would do whatever Oyakata-sama wished. 
A soft pressure on her shoulders snapped her out of her trance. Arisu had landed on her shoulder. Hanako looked up at the sky, seeing that the sun was pretty much hidden. Looking back across the horizon, she was met with the sight of a single figure shuffling towards her. 
Li-Wei was wearing his straw hat, his long white hair peeking out from underneath. The skin of his forearms, neck, and hands were covered in fabric, protecting it from the harsh rays of the dying sun. His sword was sheathed at his side and Toji, his crow, was perched on his shoulder. Seeing Hanako standing there, Li-Wei gave a small wave of his hand. 
Hanako arched an eyebrow. “Took you long enough to get here.”
Rolling his eyes, Li-Wei moved his hands to sign. Yeah, whatever. Let’s just get moving. 
As Toji was about to speak for Li-Wei, Hanako nodded, pushing herself off of the wall. “Yeah, I agree. We can’t be sure where the demon will be.”
Li-Wei was shocked by the fact that Hanako seemed to have understood his signing without Toji translating for him. He pressed on as the two began to walk forward. Do you understand sign language?
Hanako, who was busy scanning the town in front of them with nimble eyes, gave a nod, glancing at him slightly. “My brother, Daisuke, was deaf.” She left it at that. 
The town didn’t hold much. Though, there was a small restaurant up ahead, and Hanako’s stomach was growling. Li-Wei heard this and nudged Hanako’s shoulder, nudging his head at the ramen house. Let’s get some food before we scout the village out. It’s only dusk.
Hanako frowned, but reluctantly replied, “Alright.”
The two Hashira entered the ramen house and waited to be seated. Upon sitting at a table and ordering food, waiting for it to arrive, an awkward silence fell between the two. Hanako didn’t know how to talk to Li-Wei without taunting or insulting him, so she thought it’d be better not to say anything at all. 
After what seemed like an eternity of avoiding eye contact and fiddling with their own hands, Li-Wei cleared his throat to get Hanako’s attention. He lifted his hands to sign. Where do you think the demon could be?
She considered him. “It could be anywhere in the town. Or, honestly, it could be at the outskirts of the town, as well. It’s hard to say. There wasn’t much information.”
He nodded. Right. But I believe the two of us can do it. Though, like you said, it’s hard to tell where it will be.
“What, do demons not have a radar sense? Like, can you not tell when one is near?” Hanako teased, trying to fight a smirk. Li-Wei only rolled his eyes. 
Thankfully, their meal arrived, breaking the tension that was slowly building between them. Li-Wei had never been more thankful for ramen -- even as a demon. He just pushed the bowl towards Hanako and watched her eat.
After leaving the ramen house, Li-Wei and Hanako began to scout the town. Even after dark, the town was bustling with travellers and stragglers. The two had already scanned the town twice over and the outside of the town once over, not finding anything the least bit suspicious. It had at least been an hour or two -- Hanako was growing frustrated.
Li-Wei noticed this and got her attention with a hand tugging on the sleeve on her haori. It’ll be okay. We just need to be calm.
“And let it continue to harm people? I want to find this demon tonight,” Hanako snapped, making Li-Wei flinch slightly. “You may not care about it as much, but I do. If you want to be left in the dust, then so be it. Just don’t get in my way.”
Hanako stormed off, her braid whipping behind her. Li-Wei had to jog to catch up with her, even though he didn’t want to. He tried to push down the sting he felt from the Flower Pillar’s harsh words. It was something he was unfortunately used to being a demon Demon Slayer; yet, it never seemed to get any easier. 
The pair walked by a building with an open door. Hanako glanced inside, only to lock eyes with a peculiar figure sitting on the floor of whatever establishment it was. An oddly shaped hat covered his pale, blonde-ish hair. A red shirt stretched over a toned body, pants flaring out at his crossed legs. The most striking were his eyes -- it seemed as if every color imaginable was present in them. He was surrounded by a few women, all who seemed to be fawning over him. At the last second, he shot a grin at Hanako, revealing something that made her gut turn in anxiousness.
The glint of fanged canines. 
Hanako quickly turned her head, wide eyes aimed at the ground. “Li-Wei,” she said slowly, getting his attention. “I think I found our demon.”
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “Besides you, of course.”
He gave her the most annoyed look he could muster. Is now the time to be joking?
“It helps me to calm down,” Hanako replied nonchalantly. “The demon was in that building, surrounded by people. We can’t let him attack anyone. Let’s split up and corner him.”
I’ll go around to the back. You take the front, Li-Wei signed, nodding. Within a blink of an eye, Li-Wei was gone, the sound of his sword being unsheathed following him. Hanako gripped the hilt of her sword with a shaky hand, beginning to run back to the building where she had locked eyes with the demon. What if this is an Upper Moon? she thought. What if it’s the same one who killed Kyojuro?
Arriving at the entrance of the building, Hanako subtly peeked in to see it empty. The demon and the people who had once surrounded him were gone, the lanterns unlit. Had she missed him? Did the demon realize the presence of Demon Slayers? Was she too late?
“Hello there, gorgeous.”
A deep voice behind her froze her heart in uneasiness. Whipping around, Hanako was greeted with the same person she had seen earlier; except, this time, he had shed his stupid hat, revealing an odd blood-looking stain at the crown of his head. He was holding a closed fan. The worst of all had to be the change in his rainbow pupils -- kanji for upper two was etched on both of his eyes.
“I’m Doma,” he said in a flirty tone, that same grin he had shot her earlier making its way across his face. “You seem to be a Hashira. That’s unfortunate. You’re cute.”
Hanako sneered, unsheathing her sword. The purple blade glowed in the darkness, enticing the demon in front of her. “You’re disgusting.”
So, this isn’t the demon who killed Kyojuro, Hanako thought, gripping the sword hilt tighter, placing the blade in front of her body. But it’s one even more dangerous. I have to weigh my options carefully here.
Doma pursed his lips in a fake pout, considering Hanako. “Aren’t you at least going to tell me your name before I kill you?”
“You want to know my name, asshole?” she yelled. “Hanako Fukushima. The Flower Hashira. Your demise, if you prefer. Gods, you’re annoying.”
The look on Doma’s face turned from flirty to deadly in an instant. He flicked his fan open. “What a pity. I thought we would be friends.”
The speed with which Doma moved next was nothing less than disturbing; before Hanako knew it, he was coming down on her, war fan ready to strike. If she didn’t act quickly, the war fan would go straight into her skull.
“Total Concentration Breathing… First Form: Sakura!” An upward slash of Hanako’s sword met the edge of the war fan, the collision making the edge of it narrowly miss her face. The impact sent Doma stumbling back. 
Before Doma could think to make a snarky quip at her, Hanako ran at him, attacking once again. “Sixth Form: Flame Nettle!”
With a jump, Hanako slashed vertically at Doma, managing to get in a thick slice on his face. While he was distracted, she cut through his abdomen -- at least, she thought she did. Her sword got stuck on his thick skin, allowing Doma to retaliate. 
A rogue hand easily snatched the sword out of his side, the strength of his movements knocking Hanako to the ground. Her sword clattered on the ground. She watched as Doma pulled out a second war fan from seemingly nowhere and flicked it open. 
“You know, I’m really disappointed…” Doma watched as Hanako scrambled for her sword. “For someone as cute as you are, you’re a real pain in my neck.”
Finally finding her footing, Hanako stood up, sword back in her hands. “Do you ever shut up?!”
The deadly look returned to Doma’s gaze. It seemed as if a fire lit his rainbow eyes as he drew out his fans in front of him, flicking them. “Freezing Clouds.”
A gust of extremely cold air washed over Hanako, making her limbs feel heavy and useless. It felt like she couldn’t move at all. Doma used this advantage to attack, his war fan coming down in a sharp and painful slice across Hanako’s face. The Pillar fell to the ground, her sword once again clattering to the ground -- except, this time, it was out of her reach. 
Doma stood over her, enjoying the terrified look that her face held. As he was about to speak (again), Hanako gave him a swift kick to the groin, swiftly pushing herself off of the ground and going for her sword. Though, Doma noticed, and prepared himself to launch another attack. 
As Hanako grabbed her sword, she couldn’t help the thoughts racing through her head. Where the hell is Li-Wei? Did he get killed? Was there another demon? Am I going to die?
Facing each other once more, Hanako and Doma released their assault at the same time. 
“Eighth Form: Flame Azalea!”
“Wintry Icicles.”
A rampage of sharpened icicles came flying at Hanako, ready for the kill. She managed to block several of them -- though, those that hit her cut up her face, her arms, her legs. Ignoring the stinging feeling present throughout her body, Hanako went in for the kill, jumping and swinging a wide arc. Her sword was aimed directly for Doma’s neck, and she saw an opening. I can do this... I can kill him!
Hanako saw red as her sword came down on Doma’s neck, ready to make the kill-
The sword’s blade snapping in half broke her out of her hate-fueled stupor. The broken blade clattered to the ground, leaving the sword’s hilt in the hands of a baffled Hashira. Seeing her predicament, Doma gave a malevolent grin and backhanded Hanako across the face, sending her flying back due to his incredible strength. The hard ground was unforgiving on her back as it made contact. Hanako tasted copper in her mouth.
A raspy and distasteful cackle came from Doma. He picked the broken blade off of the ground and menacingly paced towards Hanako. “What a shame,” he mused. “You’re a Hashira, yet it didn’t take long for your sword to break. I didn’t even have to use my Blood Demon Art!”
Once again, Doma was looming over Hanako. With the hilt of her broken sword, a part of the blade still attached, Hanako jabbed into his calf muscle with an intense force -- yet, all he did was laugh at her futile attempts, pulling the hilt out and throwing it off to the side. The wound healed almost instantly.
Doma eyed the piece of metal in his hand, licking his lips. Hanako watched him with gut-wrenching anticipation of his next moves. “It really pains me to kill someone as cute as you are,” Doma said, the same fake pout from earlier forming on his lips. His gaze returned to her. 
Hanako caught sight of a blur in the corner of her eye. She thought she saw the same blue that colored Li-Wei’s haori. A spark of hope lit inside of Hanako. Finally.
She met Doma’s gaze, rolling her eyes. “Girls must have hated you when you were a human.”
Hanako watched as a sword was driven through Doma’s chest from the back. He gasped, obviously taken by surprise. Li-Wei stood behind him, straw hat missing from his head, the fabric once covering his skin now gone. He quickly took the sword out from where it had been plunged into Doma, delivering another slash across the back of his neck.
Doma dropped the piece of the blade he was holding, war fans materializing in his hands. He flicked them open, ready for another fight. Though, when he turned around, seeing Li-Wei, he had to do a double take. 
He cocked his head to the side. “A demon… wearing a Hashira uniform?” Doma chuckled. “Well, now I’ve seen everything! How did you manage to escape?”
Li-Wei was alarmed that Doma had picked out his true form so quickly. Though, it was harder for him to maintain his “human” appearance while in battle. It must have slipped through without him noticing. 
Hanako watched as Li-Wei and Doma relentlessly attacked each other, war fans and sword hitting against each other with vigor. She furiously searched the ground for her broken sword hilt; upon finding the floral guard, a piece of broken metal sticking out from it, she sighed. If she lived through this, she’d need to get this fixed. The swordsmiths wouldn’t be happy about this. 
When her attention turned back to the two demons, Li-Wei’s sword had been abandoned on the ground, now using his fists to defend himself. There was a huge gash across the lower part of his face that looked to be -- slowly -- healing itself. Li-Wei was defending himself with incredible strength and speed against Doma. 
“I’m really curious as to how you’ve avoided the Master for so long!” Doma yelled almost giddily, his war fans striking Li-Wei’s upper arm, ripping his haori and making him grunt. “What’s your name, traitor? At least tell me before I kill you.”
He can’t talk, dumbass, Hanako thought, watching the two. She tried to get up, wanting to help in some way, but the pain inflicted upon her by Doma’s icicles shot through her body forced her back down. 
“You should answer when someone talks to you, Hashira,” the Upper Moon taunted, the teasing tone in his voice diminished. “Especially when your superior is speaking to you.” Li-Wei had a panicked look on his face, his moves becoming sluggish and sloppy. He aimed a roundhouse kick for Doma’s face, the satisfying crunch of cartilage following. Both of Doma’s war fans dropped to the ground. 
He leaned over, hands on his knees as blood dripped from his face. A glint of silver on the ground caught his attention. In a flash, Doma grabbed the broken part of Hanako’s blade from the ground, plunging it into Li-Wei’s abdomen. Li-Wei let out a broken gasp, his eyes going wide.
“Li-Wei!” Hanako yelled, her face contorting in fear. She couldn’t see the entry wound from where she was, but the end of the blade was sticking out of Li-Wei’s back. Crimson blood formed around it, staining his light-blue haori.
Doma, who had both hands on the end of the blade, leaned in close to Li-Wei’s face. “You disgust me. You shouldn’t be alive at all, you traitor.”
The way that Doma was speaking to Li-Wei caused a fury in her that was equivalent to what she felt when thinking about the demon who killed Kyojuro. Looking to her left and seeing Li-Wei’s discarded sword, Hanako used what little strength she had left to pick herself off the ground, grabbing the sword and running over to where the two were standing, ready to strike.
“Get off him, you bitch!” Hanako yelled, gritting her teeth. “Seventh Form: Firethorn!”
While it was a bit odd using a sword that wasn’t her own with breaths that she had developed, Hanako worked with what she had. This particular form released a floral scent that distracted her opponent, allowing her to strike. It was something she had formed with the help of Kyojuro. 
Please, Kyojuro. Be with me. Guide me. 
Doma fell for the bait, his face relaxing at the scent of flowers around him. His hands let go of the blade stuck in Li-Wei, allowing him to rip it out. Hanako sliced down on the demon, managing to completely remove his left arm. Li-Wei, who was still bleeding heavily and stumbling, took the piece of metal and cut across Doma’s throat while he was distracted. 
Hanako gave Li-Wei a raised eyebrow look that asked him if he was okay. Li-Wei nodded back, but the Flower Pillar was worried for him.
Doma glared at Li-Wei, completely ignoring Hanako. “You’re a filthy, good-for-nothing traitor! I’ll make sure to take your goddamn head to the Master myself!”
As the two Hashira prepared to take down the Upper Moon, the sight of Doma looking at something behind them with wide eyes confused them. Li-Wei turned around to see the sun peeking through the clouds. He too grew panicked.
Doma sprouted a new arm in no time, the cut on his throat closing up. “Well, this was fun, but I’m going to have to go now!”
He snatched his war fans off of the ground below him and began to run off, making Hanako limp after him.
“Get the hell back here! You hurt my friend, I’m not going to let you get away! You bastard!” But Doma was long gone, his incredible speed allowing him to be gone from their sight within a few seconds. “If I ever see you again, I’m going to kill you! You hear me? I’ll kill you!”
When she was sure that Doma was gone for sure, she turned around to see Li-Wei on his knees, cringing due to the rays of the sun hitting his skin. Hanako gasped. “C’mon, Li-Wei, we need to get you inside.”
She moved over to him, putting his sword back into the sheath at his hip. Hanako then put one of his arms around her shoulders, picking him up and supporting him as they made their way to the hotel at the end of the village. 
The hotel room that they had rented was dim, protecting Li-Wei from the sun. It was mid-morning now, and Li-Wei was laying on the futon, fast asleep. Hanako sat cross-legged, watching the white-haired boy in front of her slumber. She had tended to his wounds before he fell asleep, wanting him to rest as soon as possible. 
Li-Wei had told her as she was cleaning him up that there had been another demon at the back entrance of the building that Doma was in, and that he had to take care of it. He had profusely apologized for not being there sooner, which Hanako felt bad that he even felt the need to apologize; it wasn’t his fault. Though, she couldn’t get over the fact that Li-Wei had saved her life. A wave of gratitude washed over her everytime she thought of the image of Li-Wei’s sword being driven into Doma from behind.
As she was deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed, a small noise got her attention. Hanako looked up to see Li-Wei waking up. He frantically looked around the room until he met her gaze, slightly calming down once his grey eyes met her purple ones. 
“You feeling okay?” Hanako asked.
Li-Wei sat up, wincing. He had shed his ripped up and bloody haori, leaving him in his Hashira uniform. Yes. It takes me longer to regenerate than other demons, but I’ll be okay. Thank you for your help.
“Of course.” Hanako looked down at her hands, fiddling with them in her lap. “You… you saved me.”
He gave her an incredulous look. Of course I did. He would have killed you.
“But you got hurt. I just…” she sighed. “I’m sorry. For how I’ve acted towards you up until now. You’re not a bad person just because you’re a demon, and I should’ve had that mindset from the beginning.”
I understand, Li-Wei signed, giving a small smile. I mean, you’re a Demon Slayer. It’s your job to hate demons. I do too.
Hanako couldn’t help but feel overwhelming guilt at how nonchalantly Li-Wei was taking this. She had been awful to him, but he still took the time to be kind to her, and even save her. Hanako didn’t understand it.
“Can I ask you something?”
Li-Wei considered her before answering. You want to know how I became a demon. She nodded.
He took a small breath in. Hanako could see the pain in his eyes before he even started to sign. 
I was trying to protect my boyfriend. Hanako watched as he spelled out the name Xiao-Li. From the king of demons. His blood transferred to my wounds. It was an accident. I was already a Demon Slayer at the time.
Hanako felt tears well up in her eyes. He didn’t want to be turned into a demon, and had lost someone close to him. “I’m so sorry.”
Li-Wei frowned, waving a hand. It was a long time ago. Though, she heard him sniffle after he turned his head. It made her heart ache. 
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Hanako spoke up. “My family was killed by demons.”
Li-Wei returned his gaze to her. Hanako was looking at her hands again. “We were about to go to sleep, and my dad heard something outside, so he went to go check it out. He was the first to be killed,” she said. Hands laid on her lap were clenching in and out of fists. 
“The demon came into the house, and uh… it got my mother first. My brother, Daisuke, was weak. He had a lot of issues. I tried protecting him, but one hit from the demon killed him. The demon would’ve killed me too if Kyojuro didn’t come to kill it.”
The boy in front of her frowned. Rengoku?
Hanako nodded. “Yes. He saved me, and took me in as his tsuguko. I owe my life to him.” 
Studying her, Li-Wei recognized the look on her face. He got Hanako’s attention with a grunt. You loved him, didn’t you?
Hanako’s mouth formed an o at Li-Wei figuring her out so quickly. Though, it was evident to anyone how she felt about Kyojuro Rengoku with the way she talked about him. “Yes, I did.”
Li-Wei gave a small and playful smirk. I can tell. It’s the way you talk about him.
The purple-haired girl rolled her eyes, smiling genuinely for the first time in what seemed like forever. “Alright, alright, you got me there.”
Hanako watched as Li-Wei gave a big smile. It almost made her heart ache because it was just so pure, seeing this boy who had everything taken from him smile so brightly. She returned the gesture, giggling a bit.
Li-Wei lifted his hands to sign. Can we be friends?
This time, there was no hesitation left in Hanako’s heart. “Of course, Li-Wei.”
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flipomatic · 4 years
Shortcuts Chapter 12
Author Note: Time to focus.
First Chapter Previous Chapter
Emira didn’t get much sleep that night; her mind was too restless to relax. Whenever she managed to calm it, she would hear Viney’s words in her head again. She would remember how she harmed Viney, how much her rejection hurt. She’d remember the sound of her voice, telling her to leave.
Despite barely sleeping and feeling like she’d been attacked by a slitherbeast, Emira still got up at the usual time to go to school. She wanted to find Viney before class and talk to her, though she wasn’t sure if Viney would be willing to listen. She probably wouldn’t, but Emira still wanted to try.
After walking to school, trying not to yawn while she did, Emira swapped the library books for her school textbooks at her locker. Then, since she had plenty of time until class would start, she walked around to see if she could find Viney.
As she passed through the wing of the school where Viney’s locker was, Emira didn’t see her. It was still early though. Emira kept walking, looking in another set of hallways without success. Maybe Viney had stayed home, or hadn’t arrived at school yet?
Those guesses turned out to be incorrect. Emira passed by Viney’s locker one more time on her way to class. This time the other teen was there, putting something in her locker. Emira’s heart squeezed painfully at the sight of her, bringing back all of the feelings she dwelt on the night before.
“Viney.” Emira called out her name as she approached. Viney tightened her grip on the book she was putting in her bag, but otherwise didn’t react.
Emira stopped to Viney’s right, trying to look at her face. Now that she was closer, Emira could see that she was scowling, her whole body tense. Her hair, which was usually in some state of disorder, was even more disheveled than usual. “I need to apologize, for ev-“
“Don’t talk to me.” Viney cut her off, still not looking at her. Her voice was slightly hoarse, sounding strained. She closed her locker and turned away from Emira, starting to walk away without another word.
Emira mustered her courage and trailed after her. “Please, let me explain.” She tried again, keeping her voice down to not attract the attention of bystanders.
Viney spun on her heel, finally looking at Emira. Her eyes were red, like she’d been crying recently. “I said, leave me alone.” She didn’t way for a reply, turning to again walk down the hallway.
This time Emira let her go. It was a familiar feeling, being rejected like this. It was one of the first things Viney did when they met. That didn’t make it hurt any less.
Already feeling drained, Emira went to class; there was no reason to stay in the hallway any longer that morning. When class started she tried to focus, but it was hard to do. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had been lost, how things could never go back to how they were.
If Viney refused to listen, there wasn’t anything she could do. Maybe she would just have to accept it, accept that their friendship was over.
At least for now, she had no choice.
A little over a week had passed since the incident. Emira spent that week alternating between moping and trying to convince herself to snap out of it. Moping was winning. Even playing pranks would only improve her mood for a short while.
She hadn’t tried to talk to Viney again in that time, though she wasn’t sure how long she should wait before trying again.
The closest she got to Viney was walking past her in the hallway. At the time, Viney had been talking with her multi track friends. Viney had her back to Emira so she didn’t see Emira pass by, but the teen boy and dog both did. If looks could kill, Emira would’ve died twice.
It was Friday, the last day of the school week. Emira was going to try one more time, give herself one last chance to apologize and make things right. If it didn’t work, at least she’d have the weekend to start trying to figure out how to move on.
She suspected that Viney would stay after school to work on her healing spell, as she had for the last month. She would probably be in the usual healing track room, still translating the same book. She’d be trying to find a replacement for the spell Emira had used to enhance her healing spell. Emira tried not to dwell on that when she went there after school.
From outside the door, she couldn’t tell if Viney was inside. The window was too small to see the part of the room Viney liked to sit in. Emira knew this, but she tried to look in anyway.
As expected, she couldn’t see if Viney was there. She would have to go in to find out.
Emira took a deep breath, then entered the room. Viney was sitting with her books, in the same spot as usual. Her eyes flicked up towards the sound of the opening door, but immediately went back down when she saw who it was. She looked irritated as she wrote in her notes, a deep frown on her face.
Emira approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her. “Hey,” Emira said. Viney didn’t respond, but she did stop writing, pressing her pen harder against the paper. “I know you don’t want to talk to me.” Emira said as she reached the table Viney was at. She stood in front of her, with only the table and books between them. “But I need to talk to you.” She paused, giving Viney a chance to say something.
Viney didn’t move, didn’t speak. She also didn’t get up to leave, which was a plus. Emira took a chair from the next row of tables and turned it so she could sit down. Viney still didn’t look at her.
Emira cleared her throat, and then continued. “I know you might not forgive me, and I understand why. If you don’t want to, you won’t have to see me again.” She took a deep breath. “I hurt you, and I’m sorry. I never wanted to, but I did.” Emira tried to keep her voice steady as she spoke, which was difficult to achieve. She had been waiting to say these things all week, but that didn’t stop the pangs of pain in her heart as she spoke. “Yes, at first I was only thinking about the passages, but my feelings changed. I had so much fun getting to know you, being your friend.” Her voice was shaking now, wavering despite her best efforts. “The passages don’t matter, only you.”
This finally drew a reaction from Viney. She looked up slowly, still holding her pen against the paper. She locked eyes with Emira, her gaze clear. She was still frowning, with gritted teeth. “Then why did your brother say they did?” Viney asked, her words firm.
“I…” Emira’s voice trailed off after the first word, trying to figure out how to say it. This was a question she’d asked herself over the last week, why hadn’t she just told him the truth? This whole situation could’ve been averted if she had. She was starting to figure it out though, no more holding back. “It was easier to lie to him.” Emira admitted, bringing her hands together on the table.
Viney scoffed, putting down her pen and crossing her arms. “That doesn’t make any sense. Aren’t you twins?”
“Yeah but,” Emira paused mid-sentence to consider her words. “I didn’t think he’d understand.”
Again, Viney didn’t buy it. “What’s so hard to understand?” Her eyebrows were furrowed, her tone biting.
Emira had earned her criticism, but she tried to keep it on track. “It was too embarrassing.”
“Do Blights not make friends like everybody else?” Viney mocked her, clearly irritated with the conversation. She had raised her voice, increasing the tension in the room.
Emira’s emotions spiked and she slipped up, words coming out that were true, but she never intended to say. “I couldn’t admit I was falling for you.” Oh no, Emira cursed in her head, she hadn’t meant to say that.
Viney eyes widened at the statement, looking shocked. Her arms gradually fell away from her chest. “What did you say?” She asked, as if she couldn’t believe what she heard. She looked at Emira like she had grown a second head, confused with a hint of something else. Emira couldn’t tell. Her cheeks were slowly turning red.
“That is… I just…” Emira was absolutely mortified at what she just said. Somehow, despite everything, she had made everything worse. She had to get out of there. “Nothing, I have to go.” She stood abruptly, the legs of the chair making a loud scraping noise as it was pushed back.
Emira tore her eyes away from Viney and bolted for the door, not looking back. She couldn’t bear to see when Viney’s expression would change to the inevitable next step, disgust.
She practically slammed the door to the classroom, trying to look composed as she walked through the school. Almost all of the students were gone by then, but there could still be a few around.
She had just gone to apologize and explain herself, how had she ended up confessing? In the heat of the moment, the words just slipped out. What she had been thinking for the last few weeks, that she was slowly falling for this girl, couldn’t be kept in any longer.
The way Viney reacted though, her stare and confusion, she clearly didn’t return Emira’s feelings.
At least Emira had already designated the weekend to recover from heartbreak.
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