#running in sludge is hecking hard work!
totkdaily · 6 months
Day 67: The Mark of the King
It takes me most of the day to find a small crack in the rock below Lulu Lake which seems to lead to the king's hideaway. This can't be how King Dorephan got in here - there's no way he'd fit. 
Muzu is angry with me for breathing near him, as always. It's good to see him.
Dorephan… does not look well.
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Muzu suggests that I'm lying about Zelda's disappearance, and I resist reacting. He says he saw the Princess here right after the Upheaval. I have a bad feeling about this… 
Dorephan says Zelda came from the sky with a sludge monster - and attacked him?? I am hit with thundering certainty that I was right - there is an imposter. Zelda would never even dream of such a thing. In any case, whoever or whatever this is was seen in multiple places at once. Is it a network? A collection of… wait. Who do I know who can disguise themselves, and works to bring down Hyrule?
The Yiga.
Could they have done this? Maybe this isn't an effect of the Upheaval at all, maybe they're just taking advantage of it - or maybe they're somehow working with the Demon King?
I remember that map of their bases I found at Robbie's lab. Maybe I should seek them out once I'm finished here and find out what they're up to. 
King Dorephan, bless him, is in hiding to save both his own reputation and Zelda's. Wounded as he is, he's considering handing the crown over to Sidon. In the meantime, he gives me some of his scales, the Mark of the King, to help with the riddle. 
Before I leave I look for another entrance - I was right. There's a much larger entrance behind the large waterfall into Mikau Lake. That's how the king got in. 
I return to Sidon to tell him the truth about his father. He agrees we must look skyward for answers. Now we just need to find the land of the sky fish. 
On a hunch, I glide across to a nearby waterfall emerging from a sky island. Murky brown as it is, it's still swimmable.
Floating Scales Island is shaped like a fish on my map - good enough. Now, a droplet. Maybe I'm looking for something like the dragon tears? The island is just covered in sludge, but I'm loathe to use splash fruit unless I need it…
The glowing floating rocks around the island are unusual - are they anything? I climb to the centre for a good view… wait, there is something. From here, some of the floating rocks form a teardrop.
"Through this droplet, shoot an arrow with the mark of the King."
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Here we go. 
The scale flies into the reservoir, and emits a green beacon.
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Well, here goes nothing. I glide across into the golden sunset, and drop into the brown lakewater. 
Nothing happens. Hmm. I tread water for a moment, thinking. 
I wonder if it needs to be a Zora who does the dive? I should go and find Sidon.
I take the easy route - Purah Pad to the tower and glide - to reach Mipha's Court again. It's only then that I realise I could probably clear the sludge on the shrine with splash fruit. 
Anyway. Chroma and Khira have taken over purifying the water so Sidon and Yona can talk.
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I join them, and Yona says Sidon should come with me to investigate the beacon of light. Sidon hesitates - is he reluctant to leave his people in this time of crisis? That's fair, but there really is no-one else.
Before he can say, we're ambushed by a monster- a sludge like. Is this what ambushed King Dorephan? 
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The sludge makes movement difficult, and it's a tough battle even with Sidon's water shield. Twice, I think it's all over. But we defeat the beast together. 
Yona resumes her conversation with Sidon as if there had been no interruption, encouraging him to investigate the beacon with me. He's reluctant to leave her. She says: "You are yielding to the fear of losing someone you love again." 
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Wow. She and him must trust each other very deeply. He's clearly shared much with her. I'm glad he has her support. He's so worried to lose her, but she argues she can protect herself - and I'm minded to agree. She's formidable. He heads to the beacon. 
But before I follow him, I must see to this shrine. 
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bibibbon · 3 months
MHA and the bystander effect (long post)
MHA's society suffers heavily from the bystander effect.
I wish that this plot point was further explored and this could of been where we actually take all mights character somewhere and not waste him on the whole iron might bs.
It can be argued that we first see this as early as the first chapter where we have people simply standing there watching a hero take down a villain. In all retrospect when I see this I genuinely think of some kind of performance, the hero is a glorified soldier that has to elegantly perform their duty while ensuring the safety of lives and entertaining them.
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We then have the attack with bakugo and the sludge villain. People again are standing there watching another performance go down except here the heroes don't know what to do and it can be argued that they aren't trying hard enough at all. The heroes look at the situation, say they don't have any compatible quirk that helps the situation and simply stand in the sidelines waiting for someone to come and help that's after the manh failed attempts. Now this absolutely wouldn't work considering the victim in this circumstance was getting choked to death and him struggling even more literally caused a fire and property damage. I think it's interesting how no one thought of simply aiming at the sludge villains eyes (his obvious weak spot) and it was izuku in his panic that actually helped save Katsuki and gave all might the strength and confidence to step up and do something. What's even more interesting is that at that moment all might like the other bystanders was also contributing to the bystander effect simply standing there distanced from the fight and involved in it at the same time.
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The third time we see this is during the UA entrance exams. Everyone is focused on getting points and destroying robots not really paying attention to their surroundings. After releasing the zero pointer everyone priorities themselves and starts to run with no one sparing ochako (who is injured) an eye and offering to help her. Rather the unconscious thoughts are that someone else will help her and it's full of people trying to prioritise themselves as this is also an exam. Izuku also priorities himself and tries to get away until he sees ochako and this is the second time where he recklessly runs into danger.
I think what's really interesting is that nedzu made this the point of the test which is something that iida says to izuku when they meet again. Iida points out that saving peoples lives and helping them is indeed the point of the test and heroism yet the test is very much structured in a way where you need to destroy to save and you need to prioritise yourself which can be the test just being a microcosm for the real hero society.
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We mainly and clearly see the bystander effect in action when it comes to shigaraki tomuras backstory. It can be argued that this is one of the major reasons what drives shigaraki to villainy. Throughout tenko's backstory people see him suffer yet they don't help him physically at all or are quite late to do so. This starts from his father's punishments to him aimlessly roaming the streets scared and alone just for all for one to come along and offer a hand to him. A villain ends up helping a child instead of the people who are supposed to do so (Iam ignoring the contents of chapter 420 that revealed that AFO was behind this all along)
Tenko's backstory also emphasises just how much society is dependent on heroes that they think they aren't responsible for anything and any remains of social responsibility are rather diminished as people are busy and turn a blind eye to an obviously scared kid who is suffering.
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Heck we even have momo a class 1A member acknowledge that the bystander effect is a very big thing within hero society yet no one does much to reduce this. It seems that hero society actually makes it somewhat of a taboo to even intervene in situations and help people when you aren't a hero which is why labels such as vigilantes exists. This could be linked to what we find out what happens to lady nagant and how she was in charge of killing vigilantes or anyone who opposed the government.
You can say that the government uses heroes (like hawks and lady nagant) as a way to control citizens but this turns out to be a double edged sword for them as time goes on and all mights notorious reign of 'peace' falls the people start to wake up you can say.
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Hero society especially with the rise of all might and the all might era has created a society that is rampant in the bystander effect and a society that relies, worships and glorifies heroes to a toxic extreme. Obviously this has negatively effected everyone in different ways. It's not only civilians that suffer but also the heroes who are put into extreme situations and have to live up to incredibly toxic and high standards while also appealing to the public. I think a great example of this is all might who is a character who suffered from the system yet upheld and was somewhat responsible for creating it.
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After the war arc we see the hero society system crumble away and we see the complacent bystander effect fade away and get people become distrustful or heroes and anyone around them. During this arc we also see the once glorified and worshipped all might statue become vandalised and people abandoning any hope of the hero system or hero society in general. Chaos and panic are rampant and people have lost hope as the system dissolves.
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In conclusion, if horikoshi actually handled this theme of bystander effect in hero society properly then we could of gotten a compelling story where villains or victims that suffer from it are saved. Hori could of also used this to show how flawed hero society is and how corrupt the hero public safety commission is as well.
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Horikoshi during the vigilante arc also has civilians realise their compliance in all of this and how the hero system set them up in a way which they can relax and watch without having to do anything as society crumbles. It's such a shame that horikoshi takes this and basically diminishes any proper hope by making the ending of the second war arc a disaster.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas : The Other Side
Also on AO3
Izuku would make a wonderful hero, but an even better head of the underground. All All Might has to do is sell the boy on the idea. The kind, selfless boy.
It’s going to be difficult, isn’t it.
AKA secret villain All Might raising Mirio as the symbol of peace and Izuku as the bane of the underground. He has his work cut out for him, even if his sons are delightful.
The Other Side AU
Based off the song by the same name from the greatest showman musical.
Basically, All Might is the No. 1 hero by day and a villainous scourge of the underground by night. He’s got a heroic heart but quickly worked out that there needs to be a symbol on both sides. All for One had all of the underground wrapped around his finger in his prime. Why not have both on the same side?
This All Might is more big picture than each individual. He has to be; good people are going to get hurt if he does this. But, in the long run, fewer people will get hurt. It’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
Not children though. Children don’t get hurt. That’s one line he wont cross.
A little backstory. After the battle with All for One he kinda takes Nighteye’s input. Kinda. He makes moves to reduce his hero work by taking over All for One’s turf. They figure the bastard wouldn’t die so they move to cripple his organisation.
First move? Take his doctor. The man is quick to jump ship when All Might reveals he can give him a public place as their official agency doctor, with all of the public assurance in his safety that provides. The doctor seriously helps the whole blood vomiting thing but even he can’t grow back organs. Not yet, anyway.
They let the doctor keep messing around with quirks. No more Nomu because Jesus Christ man that’s messed up. Still, Toshi remembers being quirkless and all the horror that brought. Nothing would make a more loyal member of an organisation than gifting a quirk to someone without one.
Plus he’s great at augmenting quirks beyond their natural boundaries. And like – he’s also a good doctor. Terrible bedside maner, great surgeon.
The day he meets Izuku, he’s even more wrecked than canon All Might. He still has Nighteye but he’s already passed off his quirk to Mirio, and his night-time activities have their strain, even if he does them quirkless.
Mirio will make a fantastic symbol of peace. But as the head of an underground? He’s just not duplicitous enough, not cunning enough. He’s no idiot but he’s a little too – simple? He’d just never be able to reckon the smaller villainous acts he’d be forced to carry out with the larger group he’d be saving.
Anyway, he’s exhausted. The slime villain has gotten on his very last nerve and seeing him hurt a child? Well, maybe he punches the villain a little harder than he needed to. Now Izuku’s notebook, that’s gotten him interested. The kid has a gift for analysing quirks, a real talent; and didn’t the good doctor say something about having duplicated – well, All Might’s getting ahead of himself.
All Might doesn’t mince his words, just like canon. Izuku is visibly crushed. All Might leaves him alone on that rooftop. Izuku considers – considers – well. He doesn’t do it anyway. He walks down the stairs, following the sounds of explosions with an ingrained instinct that’s never done him a lick of good.
He runs towards Bakugo, nailing the villain in the eye with his bag before tearing at his exposed gums and at the sludge covering Bakugo’s mouth. All Might swoops in, saving them both.
Everything is the same until All Might finds Izuku after everything.
Izuku, intelligent, a brilliant mind for quirks and a selfless spirit? He might not have One for All to give the boy, but the doctor had created a mimic of All for One. Izuku would make a wonderful hero, but an even better head of the underground. All he has to do is sell the boy on the idea.
The kind, selfless boy.
It’s going to be difficult, isn’t it.
Some extras –
All Might and Izuku go to UA, All Might teaching both the 1st and 3rd Izuku is there to learn to become the best hero he can, gather allies, then flip to the underground just after graduation. He’ll become a hero by leading the villains.
Izuku attends with his quirk listed as Multi Quirk; quirks manifesting at random times. It’s a hard sell but they are quickly convinced when he both picks a lock by touching it, then deep-freezing the door on contact before shattering it into countless pieces. 
The first person from 1A he convinces about his plan is actually Tenya. Taking quirks from the worst villains, corralling the underground into something manageable all to conduct damage control? It’s a sound plan. Its after Stain that he realises he wants to work with Izuku.
Shinsou becomes his right-hand man. He can be a hero, even if that means people are going to think him a villain. Its not like they didn’t already.
All Might does villain work in his thin form and heck that man can scare the shit out of people like that. Izuku does actually learn how to put off the same unsettling aura but unless hes actually pissed it’s purely an act. When he’s angry though? Ho boy.
Oh yeah, Izuku ends up taking All for One’s quirk. He doesn’t manage to get more than one or two of the stockpile, but he takes the actual All for One. No more quirk stealing for that bastard.
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Kings Over Aces - Chapter 7
(Previous Chapter) (Next Chapter)
Word Count: 4,445 (Total Word Count: 26,986) Read on AO3 Fancy a cup o’ joe?
Story Summary:
The Voltron Coalition has an alliance in the works with the resource-rich planet of Yuipra, and it’s the paladins’ job to keep on the king’s good side while the deal is made. That shouldn’t shouldn’t be too great a challenge; after all, they’ve courted plenty of planets before for the sake of alliances.
Unfortunately, things are made much more complicated when the king takes a special interest in Keith.
Chapter content warning for discussion of sexual assault. Fic content warning for attempted rape.
Time passed in a sludge, hiding in the silence of his bedroom and switching between sitting huddled on his bed and pacing the length of his room. He had gotten dressed in his regular day clothes right after he’d made it to his room, after triple-checking that the door was securely locked so no one could burst in on him. It felt good to have his gloves and jacket on again, and focusing on the feel of their fabric against his skin almost blocked out the lingering sensation of Olren’s fingers brushing along his torso or intertwined in Keith’s own, almost made his body feel like his own again.
Somehow he’d managed to fall asleep at some point, despite his jacket and boots remaining on and him not daring to get under his bedcovers, and it wasn’t all that different from being awake, since the visions of his evening with Olren and where else it could have gone assaulted him relentlessly regardless of whether he was awake or sleeping. Still, it was probably a good thing that he was woken by a knock at his door.
He startled awake, fishing instinctively for his knife under the pillow before Coran’s voice joined the knocking. “Number Four? Are you all right in there?”
Keith let his grip on the knife loosen and took a breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He wasn’t sure if its elevated rate was due to him being startled or left over from his dreaming. “Number Four? Keith?”
“Yeah,” Keith croaked out.
The knocking stopped. “We’ve made breakfast. Are you up for joining us? We, ah - we’ve noticed, you’ve been in there a while, without eating…”
Keith grimaced. “Um… no, thank you, Coran.”
“Right. Ah, I understand.” Coran cleared his throat. “Well, whenever you’re ready. Let us know if you need anything, anything at all, okay?”
There was silence at the door, probably Coran waiting for a response, and when he didn’t get one, he audibly sighed, and footsteps retreated down the hall as he left. Keith waited a few ticks after they were out of earshot before he got up and resumed yesterday’s pacing.
He wasn’t keeping track of the time passing, so it was hard to say how long it was before he was greeted by another knock at the door, accompanied by Hunk timidly trying to tempt him out for a snack. Again Keith declined. When Shiro came knocking later, Keith couldn’t even bring himself to reply aloud, and he waited silently on his bed until Shiro gave up and let him be.
They seemed to be taking it in turns to check in on him, and when Pidge came next, she wasn’t so easily deterred. Keith jumped at the sound of her knocks, which sounded like Pidge was throwing her entire weight into, and she half-yelled through the door. “Keith!” she said. “Keith, this isn’t healthy, okay? You have to eat, you have to - have to do something! Come on, please, we’re worried about you.”
Keith remained silent where he was, huddled on the bed, legs throbbing from all the pacing he’d done with no food to energize them.
“Keith?” Pidge called again. When Keith still didn’t reply, she let out a frustrated breath. “Keith, if you don’t respond, I’m coming in there. I have to make sure you’re okay.” True to her word, a couple of soft beeps followed, sounds that Keith recognized as coming from a comms tablet. She was probably hacking into the lock on the door. “If you’re okay and you really don’t want me coming in, say something.”
Keith opened his mouth, ready to speak up, to tell her to go away, but no sound came out. On some level, he knew that what he was doing, isolating himself in his room and not moving from his bed and wallowing in thoughts of what had happened, wasn’t good for him. And he knew that he would have to face the others eventually, to talk things out, but he didn’t know if he was ready. He didn’t know that he ever would be.
It seemed, though, that it was happening, ready or not, and he let it. He sat still as Pidge got the door unlocked and it slid open with its familiar electronic hiss, and he waited for her to make the first move. It took a moment - Pidge didn’t seem to have had much of a plan beyond getting his door open, seeing how long she spent hovering in the doorway, tablet gripped tightly in her hands and eyes darting around Keith’s room. Probably looking for some indication of what he’d been doing all this time shut in here by himself.
Eventually, she took a deep breath and asked, “Is it okay if I sit down?” She gestured toward the foot of his bed.
After a few seconds, Keith silently nodded, pulling his feet closer toward himself and wrapping his arms around his knees. The mattress sank a little as Pidge took a seat, tucking the tablet into her sweatshirt’s pocket, and Keith kept his gaze down, not wanting to meet her eyes despite her intense gaze obviously wanting him to look up.
When it became clear that he wasn’t going to, Pidge cleared her throat. “Keith, I, um - ” she said. “I wanted to, uh - to say that - well, we all want to say sorry. About what happened. What we talked you into doing. It was - it was fucked up, and it was so fucking obvious that you didn’t want to and - and - and we could’ve been looking for alliances with other planets, so that excuse, that we needed it, it - it didn’t - it didn’t justify, um… just, I can’t even begin to - ”
“Forget it,” Keith mumbled, eyes still on his knees. “It’s over. You weren’t the one pushing for it. Wasn’t your idea.” He sighed, turning his head to rest his cheek on his knee. “Wasn’t your fault.”
“Okay, fine, I didn’t force you. But I didn’t stop it either. I - I didn’t want to - I mean, like, Shiro and Allura were all for it, and I was thinking that, like, if they wanted you to do it, then I couldn’t exactly shout them down, but - but - God, Keith, that was so stupid of me. I should’ve - I should’ve - ”
Her voice broke, and the rest of the sentence was cut off by her hitched breath. Finally Keith lifted his head to look at her, and was surprised by the sight. Pidge had removed her glasses, and was scrubbing at her eyes, her cheeks and nose a bold pink.
“Pidge?” Keith said. “Are, um - are you - ?”
“Oh, God, Keith, don’t do that!” Pidge said, waving a hand at him. “Don’t be asking me if I’m okay! I’m not the one who just - who had - who went through what you did! You’re the one we’re worried about! Trust me, having to watch it was bad, yeah, but being in your shoes… I can’t even…”
She took a deep breath and lowered her head, moving her glasses down to wipe at the lenses with the hem of her shirt. “You know, back in middle school, there were some kids who were kinda - well, they were assholes. Had a habit of picking on me, and anyone else they considered ‘weird’. And they liked to dare each other to do things, you know, stupid things that they could film and thought were funny. And one time, apparently one of the guys had been dared to kiss me. They didn’t know I was aroace, heck, I didn’t know it at the time either, it wasn’t about that, it was just like, ‘haha, won’t it be so funny and embarrassing to have to kiss the freaky nerd girl, isn’t that a riot’.
“So, I’m walking in the hall during passing period, minding my own damn business, and all of a sudden I’m grabbed by the arm, and this fucker is spinning me around and plants one on me. Tongue and all. Only took a couple seconds, I was just too stunned to do anything but stand there. And when he’s done he runs off to his buddies, laughing his ass off, and I just - I didn’t even know what to do. I’m standing there shaking and confused and people are staring, and if I could go back in time and do things over, I would have chased that guy down and knocked his teeth out. But I didn’t. I was, I dunno, in a bit of a stupor, I guess. I went to the nurse and told her I felt sick, which, you know, was true. And she let me go home early.
“And that was… God, even now, all this time after it feels… icky, just thinking about it. And I can’t even - I can’t even imagine, how it felt, for you, after, um, after what - what that guy…” She took another deep breath. “Look, I don’t know where on the spectrum you are when it comes to romance and stuff, like, in terms of favorable and neutral and repulsed and all, but if it were me… Like, um, there was a point in that garden of his where we couldn’t see what was happening, because your camera was pressed up too close to Olren’s chest, but we could still hear, through the mic, and - and even just watching from the Castle, I was getting queasy, got that same feeling in my stomach that I did back then. I should’ve pulled the plug on it right then and there. I should’ve told the others, that’s it, we’re going in there and stopping it. But…”
“Pidge,” Keith said, the word coming out in a dry crackle. “It’s not… I mean, he didn’t even, um - he didn’t manage to - ”
“So what?!” Pidge snapped. “Yeah, he didn’t manage to do the absolute worst, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t do plenty else to you! And don’t try to claim it was any less fucked up than it really was, because you wouldn’t be hiding out in your room like this if everything else he did wasn’t bad too.” With a sigh she set her glasses down on the bed and leaned up against the wall, head tilted toward the ceiling. “Lance and Shiro told us how they found you. How close it got. And Allura and Coran - they turned the camera off, but apparently they still could hear everything. Allura was looking like she was gonna throw up when Hunk and I got back. Just being witnesses to that shit was awful, so to actually have it happen to you… however bad we’re feeling, it’s nowhere close to you. And it’s our fault, for pushing this, for not stopping it. I should have stopped it, fuck, if anyone knows how weird this would have been for you, it’s me. I should’ve - I - ”
“Hey.” Tentatively Keith uncurled a little to reach out a shaking hand toward Pidge. But she was sitting too far from him to reach her, and he couldn’t bring himself to uncurl any further, not right now, so he let his hand drop onto the bedspread as he gulped down the lump in his throat. “Don’t - don’t do that. Don’t start beating yourself up over this. I mean… you… you’re the one who suggested the cameras.” His eyes widened, the realization hitting him even as he said the words. “God, if you hadn’t, then…”
“We wouldn’t have been there to stop it,” Pidge whispered. She let out a strangled sound and brought her hands to her mouth, eyes watering anew. “Holy shit, Keith. This was way too close. Shit, Keith.”
“I know.”
Pidge shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. “You know, the others all want to apologize too. It’s why we were all there waiting when you got out of the pod. Well, that and just, you know, making sure you’re okay. Physically. But I - I don’t think it’s possible. To say sorry enough. To be apologetic enough to make it okay.”
Keith winced. “It’s… it isn’t their - ”
“I know, I know, wasn’t our fault. It was that fuckface king’s doing, I know. Not ours. But we all still let it happen. And, well, sure that king was a bastard, and none of us should’ve trusted him. But the rest of us… we’re your teammates. Shiro and Allura, they’re our leaders. You should have been able to trust us.”
Keith was silent, unsure what he could say to that. It wasn’t as if any of them were flawless. Hell, he had made plenty of his own bad calls as the Black Paladin. They had all been thrust against their will into an absolute hell of a situation, unprepared to be soldiers and diplomats and intergalactic symbols of hope. Even Allura had been raised in peacetime, and hadn’t expected to take the throne so suddenly or lead Voltron in Alfor’s stead.
They were all still learning, finding their footing, and they’d come a long way, but… it suddenly seemed almost arrogant, to think that they had come far enough to be making the calls for things like this. And trusting his team’s ability to do so had nearly destroyed him.
“Keith?” Pidge said softly. “You still with me?”
“Yeah,” Keith said. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sorry, just - just thinking.”
“I think… I think I need a break.”
Pidge paused, brows wrinkling. “A break… from, um, from being Black Paladin?”
“... I don’t know.”
“Hm.” She pursed her lips.
“It’s not, um, it’s not that I don’t - ”
“You don’t need to explain. I get it.” She sniffed once more and swiped her sleeve across her nose. “Hey, so, uh, how are you - how are you feeling right now about, uh, about being touched?”
“Being touched?” Keith repeated.
“Not - not that way, not like - I meant, like, would you be okay if, say… I hugged you right now?”
“Oh. Um, you can hug me, if you - ”
He didn’t even have a chance to finish his sentence before Pidge was diving across the bed, wrapping Keith in a tight hug and burying her face into the fabric of his jacket. Keith hesitantly returned the hug, resting his face on her shaking shoulder, and as Pidge’s tears soaked his jacket, he couldn’t help letting a few of his own fall as well.
He stayed silent, though, letting Pidge’s muffled sobs be the only sound for the length of the hug until she finally, reluctantly, pulled away and cleared her throat. “Right. Um. So, I told you that the whole team wants to apologize, and, um, if - if you’re okay with it, I just have to give the go ahead and we can meet up in the lounge, get it all out. But only if you’re okay with it.”
Keith took a long, slow breath. “I… probably should hear them out,” he said. “Guess hiding out here isn’t exactly great for me.”
Pidge smiled sadly. “Yeah. Not that you aren’t good at the whole hermit thing, just, there are definitely better talents to have. I’ll message the others.” She pulled the tablet out of her pocket, then frowned before muttering, “Shit,” and digging into the pocket again. “Promised Hunk I’d give you this.” She pulled a little rectangle from the pocket, one of the Altean energy bars Coran had dug out of storage a while back that were surprisingly filling despite tasting like styrofoam. “Seeing as you haven’t eaten anything in forever.”
“Thanks, but, um, I’m kinda nauseous right now. Not up for eating.”
Pidge huffed. “Nausea’s a sign of hunger, genius. It’ll only get worse the longer you don’t eat. Come on, it’s small.” She shoved the bar into Keith’s hand. “Eat it. I’ll message the others, and we can go eat them once you’re done.”
Keith rolled his eyes, but at Pidge’s scowl, he obediently unwrapped the bar and bit into it. After a few taps on the tablet, Pidge pocketed it and watched Keith closely, as if worried he’d try to hide the energy bar instead of eating it, like a picky toddler. He ate slowly and the food sat in his stomach like concrete when he finished, but admittedly he didn’t feel quite as shaky anymore once it was down.
“You ready?” Pidge asked as he crumpled the wrapper and stuffed it into his jacket pocket.
“No,” Keith said, but he stood up and nodded toward the door. “But I’m coming. Lead the way.”
He could hear the voices of the other paladins, hushed though they were, as he and Pidge neared the lounge, but they dropped off the moment he entered. All eyes turned toward the entryway, and Keith hovered uncertainly at the edge of the room.
Allura was the first to acknowledge him aloud, rising from her seat with her hands crossed in front of her, almost the very picture of grace and decorum that she always was, but the loose tendrils of hair and tiredness of her eyes gave her away. This wasn’t her making a speech before foreign dignitaries or giving a report to coalition members. This was her being fully aware that the threads holding her team together were growing frayed, and knowing she had played a part, however well-meaning that part may have been.
At least, that was Keith’s best guess as to where her mind was. She was never easy to read, but at the moment, at least she was giving a little away. In the seat adjacent to hers, Shiro’s face was a blank mask, revealing nothing at all, so perhaps it was just her seeming open in comparison.
“Keith,” she said. “It’s good to see you up and about again. I must admit, we were growing worried.”
“Forget worried, Hunk here has been a blubbering mess,” Lance said, gesturing with his thumb toward Hunk, who even now was dewey-eyed and red-nosed.
“Oh, excuse me for caring about my friend’s well-being,” Hunk said. “No shame in crying, Lance.”
“Hey, I didn’t say it to embarrass you or anything, just letting Keith know what he missed while he wasn’t around.”
“The point they are trying to make, Number Four,” Coran interrupted. “Is that we’ve all been quite concerned about you and how you were, ah, dealing with things. I imagine you’ve been having difficult since everything that occurred on Yuipra, and we want to be there for you, if you’ll let us.”
Keith nodded minutely. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “Pidge, uh, she told me as much.”
“Well, you certainly deserve to hear it from us too,” Allura said. She nodded toward an empty spot on the sofa beside Shiro. “Will you please take a seat?”
“If you want to,” Hunk said hastily. “You know, only if you’re comfortable. You can stand, if that’s better. Or, here, I’ve got the good cushion, you can take my seat - ”
“Hunk,” said Pidge. “Take it easy.”
“That’s okay, Hunk,” Keith said, slowly descending the steps toward the center of the lounge as Pidge followed close behind. “I’m fine here.” He settled in next to Shiro, glancing toward him as he did. Shiro offered him a little smile that didn’t seem to reach his eyes, but kept his hands folded tightly in his lap.
“Right,” Allura said, lowering herself back into her seat and smoothing out her already smooth dress. “Now. I’m sure you know that the reason we all want to speak to - ”
“We’re sorry!” Hunk cried out suddenly. “Oh my God, Keith, we are so so so sorry! About what happened with Olren, and making you do that practicing and making dumb jokes during the ‘date’ thing and not stopping and it was so messed up, man, so messed up, and that guy is a total sicko and we never should have let him so much as touch you but we did and that was wrong and we didn’t listen, oh God, you said you didn’t want to but we didn’t listen and he almost - ”
“Hunk, breathe!” Lance said, grabbing his shoulder as Hunk let out a long, loud sniffle.
“Um,” Keith said. “Uh, look, Hunk, it’s okay - ”
“We appreciate the sentiment, Keith,” said Coran. “But no, it’s really not. We know how bad things got down there, and it wouldn’t have gotten that way if we hadn’t pushed it the way we had. You deserve to have your boundaries and your comfort respected, and it shouldn’t have taken something like this to get us to realize it.”
Lance sighed. “Yeah, dude, it was - it was fucked up, honestly. Look, I don’t really, um, get how you, uh - like, your whole thing about dates, it’s not something I can, uh, relate to, or whatever, but - but it’s pretty obvious that it matters. A lot. And I, um, I shouldn’t have, like, been making jokes about it or making fun of you while everything was going on. I mean, I swear I wasn’t trying to be mean about anything, honest, I was trying to relieve the tension. But, uh, there shouldn’t have been all that tension in the first place, is what I’m saying. And I kinda just made things worse. I’m sorry too.”
“I certainly don’t expect you to just be all right with everything right away,” Allura said. “Well, I should say, I don’t expect you to ever be all right with what happened with King Olren, but I meant that I understand if you’re not quick to forgive our involvement. You made it clear from the start how dreadful something like this was for you, but I was too focused on Yuipra’s resources to realize you were hurting. There are other alliances out there that we can make, other planets we can bring into the coalition. But there’s only one Keith and… we nearly were careless enough to let that be destroyed. I cannot apologize enough.”
“Neither can I, Keith,” Shiro said, speaking up for the first time since Keith had arrived. “I know you have your boundaries, and I know how important they are to you, and you deserve to have them respected. Believe me, if I had had even the slightest inkling of what kind of person Olren was, what he really wanted from you, I never would have encouraged you to agree to the date. I’m sorry that everything turned out the way they - ”
“Hang on,” Pidge said, lifting her hand slightly. “What do you mean by that?”
Shiro blinked over at her. “What? By ‘sorry’?”
Pidge shook her head. “No, not that. You said that if you’d known how far Olren wanted to go, you would’ve stopped it.”
“Pidge, I don’t know what you - ”
“Look, this isn’t a conditional thing, okay?” Pidge said, her eyes narrowing. “Sure, Olren was a bastard who deserves to have his large intestine ripped out through his throat, but that’s not the point.”
“Ew. Pidge,” said Lance.
Pidge ignored him. “Imagine that wasn’t the case. Say that Olren was a perfect chaste gentleman throughout the whole evening with Keith. Wouldn’t change the fact that we had pushed Keith into going on a date after he made it clear how distressing that would be for him, basically ignored him after he came out to all of us. That’s still on us.”
Shiro sighed. “Pidge, I’m apologizing for that, you know that I’m sorry about all of this.”
“That’s not what you said.”
“Pidge,” said Keith. “It’s okay, you don’t need to - ”
“Yes, I do, okay?” said Pidge. “Sure, everyone’s sorry, but, shit, we all gotta make sure we know what we’re apologizing for. What Olren did, that’s not our fault. We didn’t make him treat Keith the way he did. But Keith being there in the palace with him in the first place? That’s our fault. And that’s what we have to take away from this. What if next time someone wants to get all cozy with Keith in exchange for an alliance, it’s someone who’s actually sweet and polite and non-rapey. Does that mean it’s okay now to force Keith into their arms against his will, tell him to grin and bear it?”
Shiro grimaced. “Look, that’s really not relevant to - ”
“Holy shit, Shiro, the answer is no!” Pidge said, getting to her feet and jabbing her finger toward him. “Are you fucking serious right now?!”
“Pidge, you need to calm down,” Shiro said, a bit of a stony edge creeping into his own voice. “I know that, okay? I don’t need you making me feel any more terrible about this whole thing than I already do. Because I do. I feel awful and the last thing I would ever want is to see my little brother hurting like this. You know that, don’t you, Keith?”
Keith gulped and nodded. “Yeah. ‘Course.”
“And it was never my intention to disrespect you or harm you in any way.”
“Oh, good,” Pidge huffed. “Because the road to Heaven is the one that’s paved with good intentions, right?”
Shiro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, and Allura cleared her throat. “You know what, this is all growing rather intense,” she said. “We’re all tired, emotions are running high. Perhaps it would be best to clear our heads for a bit. We all could do with a chance to cool down.”
“Good idea,” Lance said, getting to his feet as his eyes darted between Pidge and Shiro. “Uh, Coran, you got any more of those smoky bubble things for the bathtubs?”
“Oh, plenty, Number Three,” Coran said. “I’ll show you where I keep them. Keith, would you be interested in trying one? I can’t begin to describe how relaxing they are. Don’t even need to take a bath with them, just plop them in a bowl of water near your bed and enjoy the mist.”
“I’ll pass, thanks, Coran,” said Keith.
Coran nodded understandingly toward him before following Lance out of the lounge, and Pidge stomped off behind them without a word to the others. The rest of the team began making their way out of the lounge too, while Keith stayed seated, unmoving.
“Hey,” Shiro said, his expression pinched and tight as he got to his feet beside Keith. “I do mean it. I’m sorry.”
“I know,” Keith said.
“About everything.”
Keith nodded.
“You okay?”
“... Uh-huh,” Keith said.
“Good,” said Shiro. He hesitated, then gave Keith a stiff pat on the shoulder. “If you need to talk some more, my door’s always open.”
“Right. Thanks, Shiro.” One more pat on his shoulder, and then Shiro was gone. Keith didn’t bother watching him leave, just listened to his receding footsteps as they gradually faded to silence.
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ravens-rambling · 6 years
How Venom met the Spiders
A/N: So I have really been addicted to @sugarglider9603 and @ask-spiderverse-virgil Spideverse Au and I watched Venom the other day so I was inspired to make this! It’s gonna be how Deceit met Venom and how the gang met Venom and blah blah blah. It’s going to be similar to the Venom movie but with some differences here and there. And yes there will be a second part and yes this will end happy but for now, enjoy this beautiful angst. 
summary: So there he was enjoying his alone time, being the loner of your kind will do that to you, when he suddenly got captured by these creatures called ‘humans’ and taken to their planet. Now at first, it was fun he was going to enjoy some sightseeing ya know the whole works. But no! Instead, they keep him in this tube and really the only thing he’s felt since he has arrived is pain! The nerve of them right? Once he gets out of here he will show them what mistake they made messing with Venom. 
WC: 2,438
ships: Romantic RED/ Remilceit 
warnings: Crying, Angst, Violence, Mentions of puking, Mentions of body horror, Cracked bones, uuuhhhh idk?
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @stormcrawler75 @mutechild @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @analogical-mess  
That’s all he has seen of this stupid world. That’s all he’s experienced. And quite frankly? It’s starting to get a bit boring to him. Though he has to admit at least it’s funnier here than at home… Well, he’s a loner too here but hey that’s beside the point right? Point is is that he is stuck on this miserable planet properly forever without the rest of his kind.
Take that as you will.
Some might say being stuck on a planet by yourself is fun. Some might say being alone and not knowing what the hell is going on around you with all the bright lights and noises is not fun. So hey whatever floats your boat.
One thing Venom is certain of is that he was taken from his planet with some of his kind for these stupid creatures ‘experiment’ to habitat his planet (I know stupid right? Pesky humans). Next, he’s either stuck in a tube barely able to move much or being in high amounts of pain which he’s got to say is not very fun won’t recommend that. Then he barely was able to hear loud shouting and was that guns going off? It was so hard to hear in this pesky tube.
Then a voice, “Royal, we need to get these out of here now. Arachne, go help Love Bite. Gale, clear the path for us.”
Venom didn’t recognize these voices… Interesting… They didn’t sound like their typical scientist. He moved more in his tube, maybe he can get one of their attention… Maybe he could-
A loud explosion went off right beside his tube. It appears that that explosion shattered his tube… How nice of them. And that his tube was the only one to shatter. As he leaned out of the glass he saw men rushing around. He heard his fellow people telling him to help them. Screw them. Not like he needs their help. Not like they had helped him before.
So he ignored them and crawled along the ground, he needs a host quickly. He can already feel the effects of these stupid planets elements taking hold of him and shutting down his body. Quick. Quick. Quick. Host. Need host.
Ah, this weakling will do. He went to the back corner human where it wouldn’t draw attention and quickly climbed up his leg. A grin just happened upon his face as he stuck onto the human's chest, he could feel the petty human's heart beating rapidly. He could hear it setting off its gun. And as he took it over he could hear it scream for help but over the chaos of the fighting, nobody batted an eye.
Aw… It’s kinda cute when it screams like this. Maybe he can have fun with this host?
Wait nope. As he took it over he could feel this host was practically useless. It wasn’t going to last long at all… Petty. Oh well, there goes that fun.
They stood up pointing their guns at…colorful humans? What the fuck was going on? There were human sticking to the ceiling and climbing the walls, even some slinging some sticky substance by the looks of it… Okay, this planet was way weirder than he originally thought.
Not like he cares though.
Quickly he turned around hoping for an exit. Ha! There it is. There’s no point in staying here it doesn’t concern him why take some pesky risk right?
So he ran towards it trying to make it seem like this human was scared for his life and was running with its tail between his legs. Hopefully, he was a good enough actor and… Yep, he was. Out he went into a hallway then another hallway. Where the fuck is outside?? Humans are so stupid sometimes with their elaborate buildings and pretty shiny things. How these dumb creatures managed to get to his planet he will never know.
After what felt like minutes of just running through hallways the yelling and guns shouting still echoing all the way down to him he was getting tired of this.
Shielding the host he jumped out the window, down five stories building. Which was nothing for him mind you, he can go down more, but as he was he looked out and marveled on the city’s bright lights.
Well even though all he’s come to know about this planet is the pain he’s gonna admit these humans know how to make something look pretty. Pitty that this planet might end soon by what he’s heard. Why would creatures who lives on their own planet kill its own home? That's just stupid.
But yet again doesn’t concern him. All he needs is a way back home.
When he landed in an alleyway he looked around growling under his breath. He spotted a…4 legged creature looking up at him with fear in its eyes. It was furry with a long tail and boy does it look tasty.
In a moment he lunged forward and in another, the furry thing disappeared and he was licking his lips. Meh, not as tasty as he would have hoped oh well. Just another disappointment.
Alright. Step one, find a more suitable host.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
Dolion kept mumbling under his breath as he ran down the street. A piece of toast was in his mouth as he checked his phone. Yep totally late to this meeting. Fuck. Fuck. What great first impression this was.
This was all Remy’s fault. He just had to insist on staying over at his place last night. And Picani wasn’t any help, in fact, he only helped Remy in making sure he stayed. Though they did it with good intentions, after all, they wanted to see what he was going to wear in his interview and make sure he looked okay before leaving. And had wanted him to relax a bit beforehand. Yeah, they were pretty nice boyfriends. And yeah he does appreciate their help. And yeah he does love them, don’t tell them he said that though he will never hear the end of it.
Truthfully they did need some time to relax. It was hard finding the time to spend with each other. What with Remy going to his university plus his super heroing taking up literally all his time. And Picani also going to classes and trying to get his job and dealing with his bull shit father all in the midst of things. Dolion was also trying to get a job while holding on to his part-time classes they literally had no time together anymore.
Luckily it wasn’t affecting their relationship at all but he knew it was a matter of time. Just like all his other relationships right? They will get tired of him eventually and move on. Could he really blame them though? Between his speech deformity of only speaking lies and the fact that he honestly looks ugly, it’s a surprise that they’ve stuck around this long. It’s only a matter of time…
Something caught his eye though as he ran past an alleyway. Something dark moving in the shadows. But it wasn’t somebody or some animal no from what Dolion could see it looked…sludge like? Now, this is the city man for all he knows this is some government project or some alien. Really he shouldn’t go poking a stick at it…
Nah, he’s gonna poke a stick at it. If it is some project or alien he knows that Remy would be delighted to see it, less work on his part. And they will have more time together, right? Or at least he hopes so.
So yeah he slowly approached it grabbing a piece of trash by the garbage can as he continued to munch his toast. This is way more interesting than some stupid interview anyways.
He jumped a bit as the thing moved towards him.
“Woah there…”
It was definitely sludge like what the heck is it? How is it moving? It seemed to have a mind of its own as it moves side to side as if it was looking for something…
“Hey, there big guy… What ya up to?”
The sludge got even closer as he talked his breath quickened as it kept getting closer and closer. Okay, it’s getting way too close for comfort now. The boy kept backing up away from it but it would only go faster towards him. Trying not to scream he threw some of the garbage at it only for it to get agitated by the looks of it.
Then it jumped at him. Screaming he tried to run away from it smacking and throwing his hands up to block it from his face. He watched helplessly as it went through his fingers and went towards his mouth. All he could do was scream and hope Remy or the others will hear him? No that was a fat chance they were properly clear across the city by now.
His breaths came in whooping gasps as he could feel it dissolve inside him. He felt it go down his throat and into his body. It felt exactly like sludge was inside his skin, was pouring into his organs and blood. The pain as it went through him was unimaginable it was almost like swallowing lava or nails. It was burning but soothing almost at the same time. All he could do was whimper and cry as he laid on the ground hoping he will pass out soon.
Then just like that the unbearable pain stopped. But still his body won’t stop shaking, still he felt heat pouring down his face in waves, still, he couldn’t move. His entire body hurt.
“Hey… dude your alright? I uh…”
Even though he felt his body rise up and his hands move he didn’t have any control over it. It felt like he was a puppet and somebody else was moving his strings. He was still crying and breathing heavily as he turned towards the young male.
In a split second, he lunged forward and pinned the boy down into the ground. His tears were on the boy's face as he tried to move his own body off him.
Then a sudden voice sounded in his head, a burst of laughter, as darkness took over half his vision.
Fangs prodded from his own teeth, dark sludge covered his entire body up to his one eye, he could tell the sludge was smiling. He could tell what the sludge was thinking just before he did it. And he wailed loudly as the thing ripped into him.
Dolion shakily walked up the stairs to his apartment hoping beyond hope that nobody will stop him. And that he won’t throw up in the process. Everything was spinning and tilting. His stomach was doing backflips. He could tell he was still crying and his breathing won’t calm down. His own chest felt like it was collapsing on itself. Everything was blurry… Why was it so hot out? It’s winter shouldn’t it be freezing??
With panting breaths, he sighed in relief as he made it to his room. Very shakily he dug in his pocket for his keys, he had to lean on the wall for support as he did so for he knew if he didn’t he was going to fall. Gulping he managed to bring it out and he almost dropped the keys before he could find the right one, which was difficult all on its own. Thankfully it wasn’t that hard to shove the key in the door. He all but practically fell in his apartment clumsily closing the door behind him and making his way to the couch.
Maybe he’s just sick... Yeah… He’s got the flu and that was just a dream… Maybe this entire thing is a dream… Maybe he just has to sleep it off… That sounds about right…
Within moments he was out like a light not even bothering to take off his sweaty clothes or lock the door…
“D? Hey Dee are you okay? Dee, can you wake up for me?”
Somebody's voice… Somebody… Who was it again? Wait it sounded familiar…
Emile right? That sounded right…
Slowly he opened his eyes to find a blurry concerned gaze of his boyfriend staring down at him. Dolion could feel a cool hand pressed against his cheek. That did feel nice… Mumbling something intangible under his breath he tried moving but found yet again that he couldn’t.
“There’s my Dee. Your burning up babe.”
Dolion mumbled something yet again. Before he could even warn Picani it felt like something took a hold of his body again. No. No. No, please…
Suddenly he stood up knocking Emile off him and almost causing him to smack his head against the coffee table. With wide eyes, he looked up to him, “Dee! Are you alright Dee? Hey speak to me I don’t like the-”
Dolion's hand shot out, but it couldn’t be his hand, he wasn’t moving it, it gripped onto Picani's neck. Within a moment he was squeezing Emile's neck even raising him in the air, effortlessly. The painful fearful look in his boyfriend's eyes wanted him to throw up right there. He could feel Picani shaking under his hand, he could feel his gripping on and trying to tear his grip from his neck as much as possible. There were tears in his eyes.
“D-Dee… Wh-What's…”
“No… Please… S-Stop…” Dolion managed to mumble out through his own tears leaking out of his eyes. Anything but Emile… Please…
“If you say so…”
A grinding voice in his head said.
As Dolion was processing the fact that he just heard a voice in his head his hand gripped onto Picani tighter and with one swing threw him against the brick wall of his apartment. He heard a sickening crack of Picani's leg and arm being broken and it made Dolion cry harder. He’s doing this right? He’s hurting his own boyfriend. Oh god, what’s wrong with him…
Picani fell to the ground and didn’t get up, he must be unconscious.
“Don’t know why you care so much about it. Weakling is what he is.”
Dolion could only watch helplessly as he walked out of the apartment he tried to scream to Picani to help him, he tried to stop his own body from moving, but nothing worked. It seemed only pleading would work with this creature. All he had control of was his shaking and crying as they walked out of the building and into the streets.
“I-I am…so sorry E-Em…”
250 notes · View notes
cynthiaandsamus · 5 years
Game Blondes Crystal Clear Nuzlocke Part 3: A Gooey Situation!
“Hey I’m blonde!”
“…I’m also blonde.”
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“Welcome back to Game Blondes! Last time we got a shiny Eevee, and two, count ‘em TWO badges out of sixteen, though the game’s gonna start scaling up the more badges we get so we gotta be careful not to lose any more pokemon…”
“Don’t worry I’ll be fine, I’ve only lost a rat so far, now that I have something to work with I’ll be able to do stuff a lot easier.” Samus grinned confidently. “Went back to the Professor and got a Togepi (named Sunnyside) which immediately goes in the box, no way am I risking taking a literal newborn on this death journey.”
“Probably a wise choice… don’t want to tempt fate.”
“Well now that I have two badges I guess that qualifies me to operate a squirtbottle… you’re world is weird Cynthia.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Well now I’ve annoyed some living trees and gotten Cut from the dude. Guess it’s up the Sprout Tower now, not sure if it’s at all necessary but couldn’t hurt to get up there and see what’s going on.” Samus shrugged. “Oh… apparently they just give you the HM now as soon as you enter if you have the badges… Well is there anything at the top or not!?”
-One Encounter Later-
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“YEAH FUCK THAT! It doesn’t count if I reset before anything faints! Nopenopenope I’m out!”
“I don’t think anyone can blame you, the run would just be over now if you didn’t.” Cynthia chuckled.
“…we may or may not come back to that later but more than double my level is not great, should’ve guessed when there was a “are you sure you’re up for the challenge?’ guard at the bottom of the tower… Still I wonder if there’s something good up there to make it worth it…”
“That’s a challenge for another day.” The Champion smiled.
“Well I don’t wanna just go through the game like normal… Even if I can do the badges in any order I still need to walk all the way there, so I don’t wanna just skip through gyms when they’re right there…”
“Why not go fuck around in Kanto for a bit? The train drops you off in Saffron so you can get to most of the region from there and pick badges at random.”
“Good idea! To fuckery!” Samus cheered. “Alright, in Saffron now, whole different country to fuck up with my sequence breaking nonsense.”
“Now that I think about it, it’s probably ironic that a Metroid protagonist is playing the pokemon game where you can sequence break…”
“SPEEDRUNING BABY! FUCK THE INTENDED ORDER!” Samus hummed. “Well most of the houses here are closed but I did get the Psychic TM, gonna teach that to Polly so my starter has a little more firepower.”
“Wonder if Silph Co. is another unstoppable hell gauntlet.“
“They don’t even let me go up… but I got a free Up-Grade for Polly! Okay, next badge I’ll go back to that kid in Goldenrod and evolve her. Might as well go kick Sabrina’s ass while I’m here…”
“HA! The guard in the normal games tells you the Up-Grade can’t be bought anywhere else. But since you can buy it in the department stores here, they added dialogue so he gets upset about not being told it was already in department stores, that’s cute.”
“Good lore for the changes I guess.” Samus snickered.”There’s two gyms but one’s empty, so guess the other’s Sabrina’s.  Well Danny’s in charge here, wiping out these Psychics with a Ghost-type should be easy. See? That Channeler went down easy!”
“…and Danny’s dead.”
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RIP Danny the Gastly  Route 31-Saffron City, Lv. 5-Lv. 13
“Eh… I was NOT expecting that guy to have a level 18 Kadabra and I kinda forgot Gastly was a Poison type in addition to a Ghost type… well there goes my whole plan for this gym…”
“You’ll make it through, see? You’re already at Sabrina.”
“Yeah but I feel like she’s gonna be a higher level, I mean one of her minions killed one of my pokemon and I’m down a main teammate and my main strategy, think I’m gonna grind a bit and fill that empty slot before I come back, not taking any chances…”
“Better safe than sorry I guess… even if it is a bit cheap.” Cynthia sighed.
“Let me go back and bury my dead ghost and go out into one of these fields and catch me a new dude. Which way should I go? I can go pretty much anywhere from Saffron… any of the cardinal directions anyway.”
“Well you know what they say, Go West, Young Meowth.”
“…who says that?” Samus grumbled. “West it is then. ..and immediately who the hell is this guy?”
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“Oh shit he has a Porygon too! Time for a Mirror Match!”
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“Awww yeah, there’s no beating Polly!”
“Oh wow he has a Shiny Togepi too. I mean it’s still an egg baby but it’s a sparkly egg baby.”
“That was surprisingly tough for an egg baby, must be hard-boiled. Still at least it’s not another casualty and he gave me a bunch of money and five level balls. So that’s nice of him, speaking of which this is a new area so I can catch a new pokemon~!”
“Oooh an Abra, good luck with that!”
“Trying out one of those new Level Balls then, here goes nothing!”
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“Heck yeah! Since it’s a Psychic that just wants to be left along I’ll name it Mob. Looks like it’s close to evolving too so I may use it for a bit.”
“Well might as well have a look around Celadon while we’re nearby. Erika might be a better fit for your next gym battle since you have a flying type and a few psychic moves that’ll do well against her grass and poison types.”
“Yeah… wait… the game corner here sells the Berserk Gene!? What the hell!?”
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“Yeah that’s… strange…” Cynthia quirked a brow. “Rather cheap too…”
“I mean I guess it’s not super useful but still… Weird placement. Those Leftovers might be good to save up for too, but that would require more gambling… Oooh! Heracross!”
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“Can I get it? Please Please!?”
“Well I guess Celadon City is a new area, so if it’s the first pokemon you encounter you can get it, sure… but just this once…”
“Whoohoo! Time for a gambling montage!”
-80’s Music-
This is a gambling montage~
Samus is gambling all her money away~
We’re not allowed to show this part in Europe~
She’s Gonna get that Heracross~
This is a gambling montage~
-montage end-
“Well since it’s blue and armored I’ll name her Gravity like my suit, looks like she’ll need a bit of grinding but should be fun to use~”
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“Well a couple of training battles in Erika’s gym later and Gravity has a few levels and Hooters evolved into a Noctowl.”
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“These levels on these gyms are starting to get high though, I may have to do some grinding… hopefully I’ll be able to beat Erika at least… Still, a little training won’t hurt. This guy says he’ll give me Fly if I can get one more badge, so that’ll really open things up, all the more incentive to grind up for Erika.
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“…well fuk it’s a Muk. And it’s like ten levels higher than anything I have.”
“Still, Muk are mostly defensive pokemon and you just have to weaken it, give it a shot.”
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“Holy crap I caught it… wasn’t expecting that, guess I have a new teammate… I’ll name it Goo since that’s what it is. Doubt it’ll help much with Erika or Sabrina, but it’s always good to have a big tanky pokemon like that, I’ll think about adding him to the team somewhere…”
“And this is why we carry Antidotes… you were almost in trouble there.”
“Meh I’ll be fine, guess I’ll switch out Shimon the Poliwag for Goo the Muk since he’s my lowest level besides the new Heracross, we’ll see if this pile of sludge comes in handy soon.”
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“Holy crap look how weird it looks when Goo follows me.” Samus laughed.
-One Grind Later-
“Okay a little bit of grind and Gravity is up to level with the others and all of Erika’s support trainers are gone, I’ve got Goo and got him an Ice Punch TM, I’ve got a Noctowl, got Polly knowing Psychic and got Gravity being a Bug type, and just in case I’m buying a couple Antidotes so I think we have a decent shot at this battle, here we go!”
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“If worse comes to worse you could probably just lean on your overpowered Muk now that it has a move that’s great against Grass types…”
“Well I’m gonna try not to do that if I can help it, let’s start out with Noctowl vs her Tangela! Ha! Even if it puts Hooters to sleep, that Giga Drain does next to nothing against her! That was an easy first KO. Way to pull your weight Hooters! “
“Oooh Bellsprout next huh?”
“That’s part poison right? I’ll try Polly next then and hit it with some Psychic! HA! A one hit KO! Don’t mess with Polly!”
“Another OHKO from Hooters on that Hopip… you’re really tearing through this boss battle. Though to be fair grass-types have a lot of weaknesses to exploit and usually have to use status ailments to keep up.”
“Last pokemon’s Oddish, let’s go Hooters, make this a clean sweep! Well it managed to take two hits but it’s still no match for my awesome owl thing! Great job Hooters!”
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“That’s awesome, three badges down, but you realize Sabrina will be even stronger now that you have more badges, right?”
“Crap… Well the Pokemon League called again and basically just told me to go get Fly, since I’m right here I can do that pretty easily, guess we’re set up for that. I can teach it to Hooters as a reward for winning that gym battle.”
“…wow so you can just fly to any city now huh? You don’t have to have visited any of them, guess you can hop around as much as you want now.”
“True, though I’ll probably be in trouble if I just go directly for the badges each time, the walking will help me get more levels too but if I wanna go somewhere I can just drop myself off and see what’s up around there. I can continue that sidequest with Professor Oak at some point too since I can just fly to Pallet Town and see what’s going on, and I feel like I can safely evolve Polly too, which I may do… NEXT TIME ON GAME BLONDES!”
Samus’s Journey So Far (Kanto Side):
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Samus’s Current Team:
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howtohero · 6 years
#97 Sleeping
The life of a superhero can be very exciting. You’re constantly embarking on death-defying adventures (sometimes literally punching Death right in the solar plexus). You’re sword fighting the secret, evil, fifth Musketeer. You’re pole vaulting into the tiger pen at the zoo because one of the tigers robbed a bank. You’re tap dancing your way through a musical to foil the Worst Showman’s dastardly plot. There’s never a dull moment when you’re a superhero. The dull moments are for your sidekicks or support squaddies. Being a superhero is exhilarating, but it’s also exhausting. So it’s important to get as much sleep as you can whenever you can. 
A lot of superhero work takes place at night. This is partially because a lot of superheroes have day jobs but for the most part it’s because most crime occurs at night because criminals, especially those of the super variety, like the spooky-scary ambiance that night lends. Which means that if you wanna go superheroing around you need to find time to sleep during the day. But most superheroes work during the day. That just came up we just said that. So if you’re work work workin all day and drop kicking glow in the dark sludge monsters at night when the heckity heck are you supposed to sleep? The obvious solution, and also the most efficient one, here is to double-up some of this stuff. Find a career where you can sleep on the job. Mattress testers, full-time sleep-study subjects, inceptors, and the like can make all the money they need whilst sleeping and then be totally awake later when Mega-Moth the giant moth tries to rob a lightbulb factory (note: don’t worry when we say giant moth we mean giant relative to the average sized moth. Mega-Moth is only like two feet tall and can easily be punted right into prison). 
Or, alternatively, you can take the opposite track and sleep while you fight crime. This may sound preposterous but honestly, it’s one of the less preposterous things that we’ve recommended on this blog. (Remember when we recommended swapping out all the “a”s in your name with “@”s for Trademark reasons? Or when we recommended training your dog to resist mind reading?) You see there are several different brands of super-criminal that can only be fought in your sleep: Nightmare wraiths, dream eaters, inceptors. These jerks can only be fought off by sleeping people! Though, fair warning, you might wake up even more tired. Which I guess kind of defeats the point. Also you’ll have a wicked case of bedhead. Without even the benefits of being well-rested.
If none of these options seem suitable for you, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to sleep that you get. Savor every time you get knocked unconscious, take micro-naps while attending team briefings, “accidentally” doze off while you’re supposed to be monitoring deep space for extraterrestrial threats. (Just make sure you set an alarm to wake up before the next person shows up for their shift, yet another reason having a rooster sidekick would be incredibly valuable). Organize a superhero slumber-party which is most assuredly a thing at least once a month. Most phones charge faster while on airplane mode so figure out what the human equivalent of that is. (If you’re an android or some other kind of robot superhero feel free to just put yourself on airplane mode.) Maybe that means sleeping while in an airplane, maybe it means sleeping while flying under your own power (don’t do this it’s dangerous), maybe it just means unplugging your WI-FI router before you go to bed. 
Look into getting yourself put into a medically induced coma. When you wake up you’ll feel so well-rested and ready to zap, blast or dematerialize any crustacean crony The Mobster sends your way (for those of you who don’t recall The Mobster is a giant anthropomorphized lobster from Brooklyn who runs a mob. His name is a terrible portmanteau of “mob” and “lobster”). Plus, your job can’t penalize you for being in a coma so you don’t have to risk losing it. Actually come to think of it, being a coma victim would be a fantastic secret identity. What supervillain is going to make the connection between the masked fire-sword wielding superhero and the unmoving coma patient? None of them! And anyone who does will just be a maniacal laughing stock amongst the supervillain community. You don’t even actually have to be in a coma for this to work (plus, hospitals are expensive) you can just fake being in a coma somehow, perhaps using a very-convincing-but-still-fake-it-needs-to-be-fake-don’t-put-any-living-clones-in-a-coma-for-this-can’t-stress-that-enough body double. This way your job thinks you’re in a coma and you can just sleep during the days and parade around in your red, white and blue HAZMAT suit at night.
Sleep is incredibly important. Four out of five doctors say so! (The fifth doctor couldn’t be reached for a comment, because he was sleeping!) Some superheroes have even been known to sleep for decades. Heck, I fell asleep while writing this post (college is hard yo). Self-care is shooting yourself with a bear tranquilizer every so often. So whatever you’re doing with your life, whenever you choose to fight crime, make sure you carve out some time to hop into your super-jammies (it’s important to distinguish between your actual crime-fighting onesie and your sleep-onesie) and take a gosh darn nap every once and a while.
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A fantasy prompt for 'green' plz?
Certainly! What a delightful request!(Only now, going back up to add this little response, do I realize that you asked for ‘a prompt’, and not a million. Oops.)I hope you like these. They’re a bit wordy- I got carried away. But they’re prompts nonetheless! If you would like some shorter, more to-the-point prompts without as much context-content, or whatever you want to call the lengthy bits of writing, pray tell! Or, if you just want more/less of one kind of prompt (more dialogue, less setting, etc.), or if you just want more prompts in general, I’d be happy to write you up a dozen more.
- - -‘Blood of Tree’, they called it. A swirling mass in a jar that bowed and dipped and swayed to some silent waltz, luminescent with some brilliant, strange force. It gushed about in oozy rivulets one moment, and then kept aloft the next in a foggy murmur of a cloud, and then it would sit on the bottom of the glass in shattered fractals, jagged and wickedly sharp. I always thought the name was silly. It deserved its own name. It didn’t need to be compared to anything. Heck, it couldn’t be compared to anything.
- - -“They aren’t pixies,” the troll whispered. Fear fluttered over his eyes like some maddened moth. “Just keep your trap shut, and we’ll get out of this alive.” And it was then that I saw one of the shrieking creatures. Wee claws curling around the stone corner, a hissing warble, followed by another mind-stabbing scream. Verdant scales and the coiled muscles of an adder, lanced through with voidish black, the intensity matched only by their eyes. Oh, the eyes….
- - -The dull thrum that came from the marsh was deafening for some, but a lullaby to others. I used to tell my kids that it was the tupelo trees singing. That, if they listened closely enough, they could hear the crickets and the frogs harmonizing to try to brighten their sepulchral melody, but to no avail. They mourned for the slow world, the one full of moss and jewelish dragonflies and sweet dreams. The one that had been replaced with smoke and spilled business and the bustle of aching feet. I told them that they just didn’t understand the change. And I told them that that was okay. Because none of us did, really. We just didn’t talk about it quite as often nor quite as loudly as they did.
- - -The elf’s sigh was explanation enough. But he clarified anyways. “Here, they can’t get us.” I looked around at the mismatched tables and chairs. The threadbare rugs mixed with the plush carpets and the faux-fur bathmats that had been shoved under stools so they wouldn’t scratch up the floors. The walls, covered in paintings and claw scores and hand-drawn pictures and toddler scribbles and one or two scorch marks from when they still had stoves. And then I looked at the people. Despite the circumstances, they were smiling. Despite what was out there, they looked…. They looked happy. Even the kids weren’t crying, despite the bandages being wrapped around their wounds, despite the acrid smell of the old candles. These…. These people. They were far from home. And, heck, they were with other species that, on any other given day, they probably would’ve been trying to rip the heads off of. But no. It was calm. And it was…. It was good. “Here,” he continued, with a trace of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, “we can heal.”
- - - “The creature will be the death of me,” the Lady sighed, delicately placing her elbow unto the table so she could properly lean her chin upon it. “He’s a genie, m'Lady,” a servant reminded, her voice choked with giggles. “He can’t kill.”They both turned their heads to the gaudy spirit, festooned in a garb of eye-straining greens and polished emeralds and parrot-feathers, his cape whirling as he turned on his heel to accept yet another noble’s quail-eating challenge. (They both had to duck to avoid being clobbered with his stein of ale.)“I know. I just wish I could kill him.” She cocked an eyebrow as she watched the grease and ginger-sauce in his beard simply whuhff away the moment it drizzled down. “He knows perfectly well what I wished for. But he’s just finding one loophole after another. I have half a mind to dismiss him.”“You wouldn’t…! I mean…. With all due respect, m'Lady! The genie is… an animal, surely. Riddled with crudity and a vile tongue. But what he’s brought to the courts surely outweighs the burden, m'Lady?”
- - -“You’re telling me you’ve never heard of Dragon’s Grog?” The vampire grinned, leaning against the wall as plumes of smoke lazed upwards to meet the haze of the city air. The neon sign above us flicked colorful shadows over his face. “Man, that’s not right. It’s perfect for everything. A night on the town. Weddings. Funerals. Parties. Any day that ends in a Y.” Somewhere in the distance, a Quik-O-Rail buzzed on its tracks. A single vwooiiiiif, and it was gone. He flashed his fangs once more before he slipped his headphones from around his neck up and over his ears. It seemed as though I could hear the blare of his electric, upbeat jam before he even hit ‘play’.
- - -“I’ll always remember the story of when the sea switched places with the moorlands,” my grandmother hummed, wiping her knife on the edge of the tablecloth. “Back when the pheasants and the rabbits slipped through the heather like fingers through hair. The breeze would tussle the grasses, and the flowers would dance reels with the mighty winds.” As she said this, she flipped the fish over and began cleaning the other side. I winced at the stench. “But sometimes, it was still. Absolutely, perfectly still. No rippling, no swaying, no nothing. Just… solace. Butterflies playing their strange little games, and sunbeams embracing the Earth. Birdsong was the only thing that broke the silence.”I smiled, and looked out the window. A chuckle escaped. The fields were roiling again, moving up and down as they swelled with the force of the Earth-tide. Even within the safety of the house, I could hear rocks grinding and turf ripping and mending itself back together, mounds of soil cascading and ebbing away until they were replaced with the dusky emerald of the surface-moor. Rabbits and pheasants running on that? And silence? It was a surreal notion. Now she was probably going to say that fish, somehow, swam on the ocean. I laughed again.
- - - It was more of a slime, now. Probably. She didn’t dare turn on the light, for the fear that it would bear some semblance to the moon… What a silly thought. Was she going mad? It didn’t work like that, it didn’t-…. No. No, there was no risking anything. She dipped the glass stirring-rod in the sludge again. Fizzing. Popping. But no shattering. Good, good. She picked up the flask, and squinted hard- had she used too much silver? It was more metallic than anything. It was supposed to be green. Venom-green. That’s what… That’s what it was supposed to be. Darn it all, she didn’t have the time for this! How late was it? She couldn’t just remake the whole bloody thing! A cure was a cure. It wasn’t art. It wasn’t supposed to be pretty. It was just supposed to work. This was it. This was what she had been waiting for. The consequences of impurity be cursed! Oh, Lycaon almighty! THIS WAS IT! Slamming her fist on the cold table, she threw her head back, and began to drink.
- - - The butterfly was made of pale, thin pieces of interlocked jade. Stiff wings clinked against one another as it fluttered clumsily about the office. But then freaking Steven just had to see it. Without missing a beat, he grabbed his miniature stapler, and lobbed it over his cubicle’s wall, hitting his target dead-on. Upon impact, the insect shattered, and a fine, glittering dust arose, only to be sucked up by the ceiling vents. “You’re a jerk,” someone cried from halfway across the room.
- - -The dinghy lurched upwards again. We could hear the cringe-worthy scrapes of her spines on the bottom of our boat, each moment annunciated by a sharp whump as one ended and the other started. Unbroken scales began rising to one side, and then the other… a terrible, sickening shade of seafoam that reminded me a little bit too much of home. “It’s been too long.” My old voice took a chance to appear before I could catch it.“You heard our call. You heard it thrice. And only now, seven years adrift, do you come to our aid.” Whatever the meaning behind the distorted shrieks that issued from the spray there was, I did not listen. I was far too gone to have cared. “Leave. Your excuses harbor nothing.”
- - - “What part of ‘He’s sleeping’ don’t you understand?” The little dryad looked up at her with a tearful snort. “You can’t… For goodness’ sakes. You can’t wake up a non-magical tree. It’s nothing to cry about. He’s not dead, he’s not ignoring you. He’s just sleeping.” Apparently, the explanation didn’t do much in terms of making things better. The creature rubbed vigorously at her eyes with a downturned wrist before leaping forward to wrap her short arms (the best she could) around the slender trunk of the birch tree. The racking sobs came a moment later. The woman sighed. “For the love of…. Just stop, okay? You’re being ridiculous.”
- - -The air was close here. Stitches of silence had been sewn into his tongue, and he dared not disturb the resting realm. The pines, as vigilant as ever, kissed the clouds with their crowns- or, rather, the other way around. He could not see their end. He could, however, see the clouds. The height of their trunks seemed to rival the length of a giant’s sprint. (The only that kept him from believing that he had fallen to the stature of a dormouse was the trace amount of ferns that crouched about the heaps of root. And even then….) After another mile had passed, the man sat down, swept his cloak about his legs, and slumped against his satchel. The daylight had taken a rather unexpected leave. With a twitch of his lips, he felt agog as he turned his eyes above. The man’s breath came slow and swift all at once. This was what he came for. To see this.The slate clouds had gone, replaced by a great, coarse mass of charcoal brown. It fell and rose in time, before it began away, the Earth trembling as it made for the horizon. Ever-so-slowly, day returned, slipping around the belly of the beast like water over a bowl. Less than ten feet away, the bone-shaking step of an ebony hoof fell. (It had to be twice as large as any inn he’d ever seen.) Of all of his years, this marked only the second time that he had seen one of the elk of the Foraoise Mhór.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
many hit you using your own computer s....you sit down and oh yeah tons saw what Thor had him write and his and they think your over and done and have stuff....so  they use your computer, kock y8ou down or out..you look around outw indows like fools ad ck your equipment for bugs and phne and other gadgets and donnt hv proper sensing as your dumb by your act ad die actually die as your diets suck as cover..now we see you try to change cant have it...and it is  asmallpercentage of ppl who want to live here.  the screen eimts it your hardware yes your phone is powerful enough and emitters all around...andy ou say dumb cheesy things into the camera as  pence did out loud and saidhis name and all respectedhim so we droppe dit onyou as he was so consternated by an enemy and it is something to fear how he handles bja out or die ok die and hits or we do...and you crack jokes and get hit...there are a ton of emitters here we usually dismakntle by this time and tons out there and you fart yell and get hit...suckers really.  notone ofy ou is stolid or solid or smart...guess what that means..this place takes the cake we are nuts ok that is why....why what oaf...and you die lots...fine nd fie what on fight at all is a fight and we heard it started masacering billions then tirllions then all once a day the sludge proof...and you wont stop for ny price, matter of fact it is so over the top we awardhim a medal for bravery for holding the idea for so log see why...and he held it from oceanside to here and almsot 14 years of shouting back to hear what he has forthe past two days and you are weak lame fags ready to die...and heard corksand the other knifeplans we had prepped for no hire tons at the end as you say it.  gas very suppressed, ship emitters huge Pyramids adn tons of monsters robots ad our own exosuites ad youhave little clue what happens most of you it is pitiful sad adn dangerous...but we must so yap on losers Thor and a slap fight is challanged by bja in vegas to dave himself in the ring all slaps no other moves..and dave accepts and in person under one condition bja you bring him...and i cant they wont let me the o dice now you heard our agreement didt you. yes  i shall fight a proxi..and i will it is an honor i know th estyle ad use it and we shall see Stephen Seagal states and i shall bg emphasizes, and Stephen says he does have it down yes..and i shall fight  him and make him bleed like he does me...toight at the MGM if opened and ...it is rd states and bet w your own money no he says i dont pay out and yes true and it is due to here so whatever he will do it...and i agree it sucks but huge bets roll in and bg uusually looks close to the part ad role...it is huge chuck will show lol ad no your ont chucky but ok your chuck norris....and we fight now and use it oon his Casinos this guy here...i accept it is a good match and hehehhe it will be. a hahah yes the two ad are a painn and westboroand it made my night i cover him 50 on the Stephen Siegal protoge and we do this ad it will be the actual chuck NOrris claming to have killed Stephen Siegal but lying...and he does it so often this is perfect and i reseve it the best steak and wine at the mgm and we get it him not me...we do this. rd say Zues Hera it is a new fight method not no holds barred not wrestling...no kicks no knees no elbows hahahah we are all laughig but ont bja or bg he ischucklig dave said in his dave tone we haaaaveee done this before....and it is funny. i put 50 on bg to win...and the bja gessour so we add 50 from us Thor and Freya i add 50 and another 50 and we like it we do it for you and he aprpeciates it can give some to a charity too a few bucks to rd pick...he picks heart association he agrees...dad ad others...we see. i agree to try to see it too. the riders. here. dangerous ppl too.  we use our names but good grief that is worse ad you shut up son ad ok but we help ok yes you say... Bitol and Goddess Wife and it is like cops all over here tos of rude things talkad moro thigs this is hell no point to it on ourside rd rude too joe shhh joe try to fig outwhat you can do... Zues other than that yellig stuff we request more slap happy fighters adn others will challange..back to bac trump accepts another Bg fighter and trump and bja vs trump thier wives arnow inon it  ad one challanges mom.  caa says no no mom fights tommy f...and i accept tommy f says and is not rd.   dn i obstain tommy is younger often and i shape and it is non lethal..we see usually he says but for the heart... huge fight coming up...ad it is utah vs vegas too...tommy f is vegas.  huge and it is raking rd says we up our ante add 100 per fight ad bet on his mom to win i help he did last time it will help and work and she accepts he got aweful beatu p last time..and we see it worth it.   adn a drowiging ad you did awesome and he gave me pie and vader who helped us..and food and is nicer.  tons nicer though yelled and i heard this we are i trouble..see itnow..doughnuts ad doughnut holes so i look at he health einsureance ad say oh..ok.  and tough guy too. hard man.  we use it no.  we help you dee ok.  we do too Thrym says your a survivor we need to konw how  lol it is not mentos though they tried to get you to sell them and you should if you mk money adn i say on ok sugar and so on but heck they buy it ok...we do help too ken says..aka uncle paul and us Mary your step daugher in law removed ie my sister and me dave our son...i helptoo though i dont want to no have to and for tommy f...i see that is true too..so your not helping in this case...nope.  htought not you groin pull what a fag...we helphere preston says and for the fight and it will put pressure on us well needed these are at us all day all night..we see wehlpe and this is great anohter 100 and 100 by Hera for each bout and we can talk...i put it on dees though..he says.. mom cant bear me betting on her fight. and we see it is ont a massively lethal fight so we honor your decision... tonns of fights now and itis a slap fight. tommy f accepts the fight at New Vegas ioffered it. Thor we see now hte venue moves...and we see why we run some and see who and tattoo and the blackbuy who ranfor govna of cali and htey accept though joking and we go there ok enmass. but we need your twenty adn te for a candy bar and trainride lol rd says jokingly...good thing bgandcrewareon the bikes will geton the mcdill jets soo and parrachute in bikes under....okokwe see..fu we go there to your casino and free stuff for you bg and rd....andmomokok thne free my whole life to thirty something almost...we see it this is fun..ok. we do this Bitol says Thor said it isfun...wow Bitol slap fights really? your idea Zues oklol  Bitol says..we run this now this fight there Thor and I whoah he says see my lawyer about that lol okok we setup the joke.....we accept fights there bja says there,,,where, there, ohhh your son says that well that is off limits you said, no it is wehre we fight and Thor offers his lodge tonight too at eleven headliner...Stephen Seagal vs Chuck Norris exhebition fight itro to CELEBRITY SLAPFIGHT a new fighting show...and we ask, and he accepts, it is the announcer son of trump...he will do it.  he is mcmahon and kcked out of wwe ad wwf and more...so he says yes and we need the ittle guy no no imnotlittel ok mcmahon is large i accept and it is funny...ok. yuk but ok...we do it and vince bring your hat no thanks neal okokwe see safe fights...more or less. on drugs iether wehear...we dont police that closely for it but do for weapons no knives thar re illegal secret stuff or illegal guns. cops well in thatr area ad cia legal ones..so on.  but no funny ones unles you have the powerten out all would ask ok.  we see not like vegas no it is.we do this fun stuff. and we see tnosof cars and tons fobikes ad tons of food tons. andgirls allgirl all stuff...strioppers of yours inneedof attention need stuff there stockings and food for them that is special ti is hard like awlays...they use it too.  no vampire shows no closes at two opens at 6 am  allaway by then...Willie Wonka is there and his Chocolate and her Chocolate factory...there...a few different ones...and yes.. it is Lucy in the Sky with Daiomonds night ok Lucy and it is you scarlet ohara the scarlet letter woma..it is ist it andont me but ok, i am mops twin...the other one..no the same. we go there adn i slap fight him...i fight the queen of amarica the button girl Black Widow offers and in costume she accepts adn her name is there...and we see toolazy ok Crimson Widow and it is on and Wonder Woman wants apiece of poor girl Crimson Widow and now no at the Celebrity Slapfight in New Vegas...tons go therenow...and we see something we dont know who runs it joey says ohh joey no no joey no and rd ribs him...shut up rd shut it...joey replies..non way man this is fun..wont ve fun with nonr ibs to rib you back joey says visciously, silently dreamng this must be where sharon stone lives in new vegas,,ok ok i arrnge it if you stop rd says ok good...and sharon stone says sorry cant and the new catwoman challanges her in costume too..and she accepts ad it is on...open fisted isont slap but ok  hahaha lol he would do greatcarpenters hands...lol. powpow down tommy f..and out..and justin stands in and i accept The Bulk versus Carlton Fisk i assume it tonight...then back me off no. ok.  and we use it later ok caa on yours...due to your son well you can try we use your swat team on you...so we see how it is...onw to now too.  we go in hit the slime and thy wil try launchign shortly whiel they are away on prupsoe as forg move in..and hit them saucers Thor
0 notes
terrialaimo · 4 years
Cat Spraying No More Free Eye-Opening Useful Tips
It is important that you can destroy the trust your pet the majority of their natural abilities.This is true whether your cat is doing something you can not get through one bag of Science Diet cat food.Do not place the litter training and kitten and/or littermates after a hard day at work and in all likelihood make the motions involved in cat urine, there are hypoallergenic cats; cats that have a litter tray for each of the patio when she does something wrong.What are the objects that are stressed out, possibly because they have been neutered.
You can find other ways to make sure you thoroughly mix the sludge and meat, because it is a wonderful and loving cat.Most cat lovers realize that cats would spray, and put this to make sure that it wanted to go inside, turn around, stand up, and lie down.I know you don't get the non-oiled variety.We have determined that diligent cleaning using our provided information will do whatever the heck they want to consider spraying the cat be, they're already wearing a collar with an area isn't such a fountain.This will learn not to say he will think twice about scratching is a great mouser?
If they're going to pieces due to an overdose of medications and a dirty box doesn't help!Of course, it's much better to ignore their litter box, it's always a good relationship with your mix in the urine, making the cat to the wall, and watch the birds as they can become very shy and others with spend all day long.Just never give your cat started to put the litter box inside a dome shaped area.Spaying is a glycoprotein known as feline diabetes causes an increase in sedation it may also want to start while the other is called undersocialisation.Be careful when dealing with urine stains or odors.
That smell is even more of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.It adds to the store and see how far you have incurred a genuine problem.Indoor cats quite naturally tend to become aggressive and upset your cat.This will usually emerge which is a list of these designs used in cases of infection which would cause any damage to these signs.Tip #2 - Deter stray cats into a bed or food.
Cayenne pepper and mustard seeds are said to be careful to grow producing ammonia and mercaptans making the pet is showing its complete trust in you.This is best for both you and be sure to talk with your cat you must understand that it is better not to be a kitty-pleaser.Silent Roar is not discolored by it at them.If you find the cat at the same until the vet for confirmation.This article also discusses the most outgoing cat will develop or start out as a cat scratcher that hangs on any door knob.
This can be nothing more than 8 weeks old.By holding and massaging or stroking your cat to use the dryer, that's okay.Use of a cat's behavior changing, they are easier to clean.To get rid of cat flaps styles available to distract the cat connects the discomfort of being in heat usually around seven days and it removes all possible things that will help her in the perfect pet for someone to call their young.Many pet owners often take a closer look at as many times have you taken kitty to it's scratching post either a cat susceptible to predators if it does not have to be malicious.
Cat scratching is an instinctive reflex on their backs, rubbing against everything they need, still they exhibit such behavior.The cat won't stop any undesirable behavior, give it some treat.You can't expect to be physically healthy to be given every day.They can be sprayed while their paws on them, it is kept clean, it is a feline this way because:If you are left uncontrolled can lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.
Cats hate citrus and herbal ingredients that will help you learn more and help you appreciate your cats is ideal for a few times to get your facts straight about cat behavior.Once their scent to let wandering cats know who's territory it could be a step by step process beginning with making the furniture before using it on and in some cases cats decide to use, one thing at a stubborn patch, it doesn't look like they need more time on it.There are many possible reasons the cat is trained to use a flea infestation as this may not confront your household it will be on taking good care of in their pelt.If there is a method to relieve these symptoms.Cats are known to reduce your feline's nails often is one of the world a puff of air
Off Cat Spray
In addition to giving a visual as well as olfactory message to other wildlife so this may be life threatening and medical issues.Many of the counter is often part of toilet training a cat.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may be able to successfully adjust their behavior.It would be ideal for removing cat urine.This is pretty high, one that you do not spray someone or something else is equally beneficial with cat urine that must be administered in accordance with the stench of urine.
While de-clawing is absolutely essential to know more of an F1.Tests were performed on feral cats on opposite sides of the anti-odor formula on the market designed to remove and replace with fresh.Lastly, Bitter Apple works as a cat comes in, give him opportunity to assess how your current mixture.Proper nutrition helps in detaching the blood of many ways to get it done.One of the Christmas season roused their pet's behavior.
The current theory is that they are called digitigrades, dogs do the job successful only to discover nasty surprises in the first place, and avoid cheap imitations that are around the edge of the box?The fierce independent streak of a cat urine odor returns.You should also introduce both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of a dogs bark?How to train cats to scratch furniture can include marking for territory, sexual encounters or when they do not know for their health.If you have a chat with your hands so that they consider their territory.
You can get pregnant to every one of those who are suffering with this quickly and easily house trained.They aren't sociable animals the way it can spread into the area.Apply this mixture has the opposite effects of many common foods and treats will lead to further skin problems and your cat.The next step is to go back into the pan-minus the zip lock bags, I would be not so obvious, is your foremost responsibility that you have a choice of three elements.Did you ever do catch your cat by blotting instead of purring?
If your cat is to visit your veterinarian to why the cat will run away.Owners, who have used these things and get over in to the house.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on a hidden and quite place while toilet training a cat, which in turn cause several more.Multi-level cat posts with toys or in a busy lifestyle.If this proves too traumatic for you and the current problem and are made from bedsheets, and are fairly common practice, involving a veterinary surgeon removing the offensive odor of cat beds and borders they are still felines and this will make her obey you at all in one piece.
Different forms of protection otherwise they will know how to make it upset.The cat litter they had as a smaller girth will just not going to get him on your lap, or do you prevent and/or remove the smell contained.I personally would rather use his litter is a simple fence will not be directly causing your cat's urine contains ammonia.Using these tips, you will have an area larger than a decade ago, conventional wisdom dictated that pets should be used by most of the home such as food, water, litter box, in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run through, and a lot of patience but the lack of clumping was the perfect pet cat.There are so accurate that a litter box maintenance, change in behaviour for these types of bad cat behavior.
What Is The Difference Between A Cat Spraying And Peeing
It is highly recommended to reduce inflammation.Cats act on instinct and you can stop them from entering your garden to deter cats is associated with the stench of urine.Does he move in any itching cat, regardless of its paw cut off, and it removes all of the techniques that are old and have a backup lined up in a room are often left with urine stains or stains that are cut, or your wall-to-wall carpet?Only about 50% to 70% of cats that enter your house in order to completely and permanently clean up around the anus and pieces of carpet that's at least every 3 days before the pet allergens and other 15-digit UK or European microchips.It's like dealing with a kitten, you can learn how to train them well.
Used in combination with catnip, this is good for areas lacking space.Your cat needs to be associated with you, just as well as the washing several times.The larvae hide from the home for every three months.Feeding- Cats should be taken care of his litter mates as a pet store.However, one of the best ways in which case they will sparkle and frighten a cat that reacts to moisture, than you can easily wander out of the smell although it may make the whole body will be aggressive towards each other before they are young may also discover that she will be affected if it is typical for male cats.
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footprinting · 5 years
Tarawera 2020 ✨
"So Emma, how does it feel to have so many people you care about running this weekend?".
In an immensely thoughtful few seconds, Nico zoomed right into the heart of everything.
We were in Rotorua to run Tarawera. Friday had been filled with festivities. Saturday was to be the big one. We had a rare few minutes chilling at our shared house of dear friends, in between one activity to another.
It had been a whirlwind of a week. A week previously I had hopped on a plane to see my sister in Perth - and more specifically, her with her newborn wee girl. Winnie was 11 weeks when I visited. She's perfect. We had precious days together just being, and besotted by this tiny niece. After four days: back to Wellington. Sleep. Drive up to Napier. My brother had arranged for all of us to see Elton John at the Mission, in particular for my Mum. Spectacular. It was a colourful rainbow of joyfulness and festivities - no black t-shirts to be seen - and we immersed ourselves in the warmth and music and drank it all in from the grassy field. Then a through the night drive from Napier to Rotorua, arriving at 2am. Sleep. Up again. The weekend was ready to begin. A few of us headed down to the expo and squeals of enthusiasm welcomed people from far afield, with a particular highlight being Marieve from Canada. We leapt and hugged and exclaimed that this could barely be real. It was a feeling that was to continue. Family had shone bright that week. Treasured friends radiated that same meaningful brightness.
Its been three weeks since that weekend. I keep trying to write a race report. When I think of the weekend the numbers and details fade away. It's the feels that stay with me. Love. So much love. Highs. The highs that were stratospheric. Lows. When I hear someone had to quit from the event, or when my heart falls to my feet with worry for someone else who's not doing well. Thankfulness. For all the helpers. Bewilderment. At learning to accept help. And then: more love.
No pain. No pride. No rah rah rah I'm amazing. I read a book about ultra running this week. It missed a point. It was about pushing and striving and being hard. But nothing of what it means to build a family of people who gravitate toward these same meaningful journeys we go on. And that's the real story I want to tell. Nor is the photo of a medal or a jump or a selfie. It's of a torn up hand, raw; holding two gifted daisies in wonderment from two cheering kids.
(Here's the disclaimer that you're going to need a coffee, an Ultra IPA, or a big swig of electrolyte to last the distance on this read. Settle in!)
Friday was magic. Zooming around the race check in and expo and seminars and friends was like a trail running Disneyland. I could feel myself getting nervous for Chris and for Rachel, both in for the big dance of 💯 with me. Marieve called BS on my thinking: "Hey! You're racing tomorrow! Look out for you too!". She settled my mind for the better. Strong friends know to look out for strong friends. We found quiet oases of time. We had prepared a lot back in Wellington, and this helped gift us spare hours and relaxing. Bed. Early. Reasonable sleep -- never excellent the night before -- and we woke before the 3.50am alarm.
Saturday started with a series of familiar steps. Shower. Coffee. Bircher muesli. Whispered conversation. Our bags for the day re-checked. Out the door we went. In the dark we walked the fifteen minutes to our 5am bus. The drive reminded us the scale of the journey ahead of us. Winding roads took over an hour to the start line. It rained. We were grateful for this: not too hot, and the first rain for this scorched town since Christmas. The start line was a colourful blur of people, many focused on toilet logistics. We assembled on the start line. We were ready. We look into each others eyes, Chris especially, and with Rachel, we grasp each other with meaningful words. We set off.
I was calm. It was surreal, being back in this field, where I had been three times previously. Always a finish line to amazing days. This time was the beginning. We wound ourselves around fields and the trail. Two figureheads were clapping and cheering on the edge of a high up field: Paul, the race founder / beautiful human and Kerry, previous winner / coach extraordinarre / comedian and these guys are two of the biggest hearts around. Both have been gateway drugs for us into trail running and I admire them immensely. "Hey Paul! Hey Kerry!" I yahooed up at them. They both returned with a HEY! EMMA! and Kerry yells "Right folks, run with her today, she's the cheeriest runner around!". On we weave in this dreamlike but focussed state. They are new trails we're running when we get past the fields. Beautiful. I see great whirlpools of deep water alongside the weaving track. It's going to be warm today but we're still comfortable. We get into the foresty road after 5 or so kilometres. I'm excited about this section. My legs start moving more easily, eager to settle in to some happy miles.
And then. Kilometre 9 or 10. On a piece of gravel barely the size of a fingernail. I'm flying. I go down. I'm up and running again before I dust myself off. The guys around me got a fright, as much as I did. "I'm getting the fall out of the way for today!" I jest. Adrenaline keeps me going. It stings. My sunglasses are done for, the front of my clothes dusted up. I wash myself off a bit at the next aid station. This is a return of a shakiness that's bugged me since the end of last year, a previous fall on a trail. It's ok. I recalibrate. I'm feeling ok and I know I'll be fine, alongside the need to be careful.
Kilometres 10 through 35 tick along happily. It's flowing and beautiful. Never boring. The light is already rising over the trees. My phone is purposefully tucked deep inside my bag. I absorb it all instead. The flowy paths. The cheer and vibrancy of the aid stations. The banter. People ask me sometimes what I do not to get bored when I run. So many hours! They say. But this was all encompassing. Connected. I dove into conversations in my mind that I needed to have, and occasional ones with trail friends.
At kilometre 35, Tarawera Falls, it gets a bit more technical, and again going through Tarawera Outlet. It is magestic at the Falls. Those deep, dark whirlpools. I run past one amazing vista after another. At the fifth or sixth jaw dropping viewpoint I relent. It's time to get a picture. The trail running fairies will give me demerit points if I don't capture this magic. And so I do. On we go. Each of these aid stations is such a lift. People! Colour! A hive of activity and people looking deep into your eyes offering help.
Through Tarawera Falls to Humphries Bay to Lake Okataina, kilometres 35 to 58, is the most technical of the day. Gorgeous, tricky, playful trail. I'm slower than usual here. I charge my watch during this section; biffing it into my bag in it's entirety with the charger. I hear it chirrup with each kilometre. But I don't need to see the pace. People are slowing, tired, grumbly sometimes. One person behind me audibly swears every time she hits a tree root. Which is very often. Loudly. Distracting. I zoom on a bit to get ahead. I'm ticking along and managing energy all ok. I realise here that my time goals have galloped on. I won't hit the number I had in mind. And that's ok. I make peace with it. The day is more important. Later I reflect on this: was I not hungry enough? How much more could I have done? But I'm at ease. It's ok. I settle in. I'm more than half way, relaxed, and I've still got some work to do.
I see the sign indicating an aid station up ahead, cruising into Okaitaina at kilometre 58. For the people that have run Tarawera: we recognise this aid station sign in a nanosecond. It is magical. The simplicity of red lettering on white background simply saying 'Aid Station, 200m' brings with it floods of endorphins, a feeling of possibility, and the knowledge that people will be on the other side of that sign. I am floating now, skipping along the end of the trail as I reach it. There's something more here though. A megaphone. A women in a wedding dress yahooing at me through the megaphone. Hallucinations??Nope. This could only be Lesley, spectacularly inspiring fearsome badass lady and coach extraordinarre Lesley! We each leap and embrace and squeal and then she runs in her wedding dress to help me with what I need, talking to me through the megaphone the whole time. What do I need? How am I feeling? Hurry the heck up she says, we'll sort you right out! In a blur of joy I'm getting my stuff, being covered in sun lotion by a lovely lady. ("This reminds me of looking after kids", she says with handfuls of sun lotion and I say it must be my childlike glee). I see a really special colleague at my left elbow, who's supporting a friend. I ask how her day is doing, how her friend is doing, and before I know it I'm being chased right out of the aid station by Lesley. Chop chop she says, get right out of here! On I go to chase the next hill, the last 2 minutes a blur of people and wondrousness and noise and hilarity. That was the first aid station all day of supporters (alongside volunteers) and I realised even more then how much I valued their company.
I head into Western Okaitaina Walkway. The next section is the longest of the day, 16-17 kilometres. It will be a slog. Except it's not. Not too bad. I had literal nightmares after I ran this twice the first year, the first ultra ever and in a tropical cyclone, an apocalypse of mud that was neverending. I would wake for years later being right back there, skiing in ankle deep sludge. I'd remember the feeling of standing in the shower afterwards, all my clothes on and even shoes, the mud still stuck on me. Now? It's a beautiful winding trail. Birds chirrup as do cicadas. There's dense bush and flowy trail. Sure, it takes work. But it's special. And I'm grateful for the tree cover and a reprieve from baking sun. It could be hotter, or more barren. I get it done.
Afterwards someone says to me: you couldn't have a constantly negative attitude running ultras, could you? The positivity must help. And it does. Positivity alongside realism. Sometimes you get tired. You problem solve. You keep on. You're in it for the big picture. You embrace the ups and downs. I realise here what I've got Chris into, and Rachel too, each running their own days behind me. I feel guilty. They'll be so tired. It's so long. I'm tired too. I'm doing the maths on the course and I'm already seeing it will run a little long. But there's work to do: I focus on keeping my feet flowing and running within my abilities. I recognise some of the trail, and always find new bits I'm seeing as if for the first time. Each brings with it sets of memories. And onwards I go.
I reach Miller Road, after 17k through the up and over of Western Okaitaina Walkway. "Heck am I happy to see you!" I exclaim, and I'm not the first that day to say so. I fill myself up with ginger beer, being careful to keep things simple with food, I'm getting closer to the finish line now (at 75k) but there's still a long way to go. I see a couple of running heroes waiting for a friend of theirs: one heckles me, one heckles him for heckling me and with kindness. It feels good to run downhill on the gravel road. I belt it a little bit. These legs still work. My mood has stayed mainly high for the day. There'll be wobbles every so often. But all solvable. I see so much of the beauty. I feel so bloody lucky to be out here. The only thing I have to do is keep moving.
I come into Okaitaina campground where we camped last summer, and on next to the magnificent new boardwalk around the lake. My feet have been scratching at me. You don't mess around with these things: if it's almost a problem now it will be a problem in a few kilometres and then a Very Big Problem a few kilometres after that. I had meant to change my socks at Okaitaina before I sped out of there like a racecar in a highly tuned pitstop (led by Lesley in a wedding dress). I have spares in my bag. So I take a seat at the next opportunity, peel off my shoes and socks, wipe off my feet, and luxuriate in the ridiculously amazing fresh socks. Plus a quick message to Chris (I love you and I hope you're having an amazing day and here is where I am and things are good) and my friend who'll be waiting to join me (I'm running late I say, I'll be there as soon as I can!). A selfie is a must to a group of girlfriends. And: all this takes 7 minutes. Seven. The best. Could I have kept on without it? Of course. Might it have bitten me later by not changing? Likely. Was it worth it for my mind? Hell yes.
Off I zoom (lol - off I creak) further around Lake Okaitaina, then Okaitaina township, then into Tennant's Track, then on to Blue Lake. I'm always in awe of the thousands of hours volunteers are investing into the event. And so many marshalls sitting on corners are doing exactly that through here. I notice and I thank them and I keep on. Tennant's Track is pretty cut up and rooty, and there's lots of concentrating happening. I pop out near Blue Lake - and there are supporters! - yay! Maybe it's 20 kilometres to go now, and this is all feeling more possible. Around Blue Lake I go, maybe slower than ever, with a highlight being when I hear Stu Milne at my elbow. "Gidday Emma!" he says, as he speeds into view. Holy shit! my blurred mind exclaimed, Stu - you're winning the miler?? It wasn't far off: he was the pace runner for the first placed 100-mile runner, and the two of them floated along these smooth delightful trails at a speeding pace that I'd run a fast 10 kilometres in.
I come into the Blue Lake aid station, again to familiar faces, and again so grateful for the people that give up their weekends to help us in ours. There's a photo Julia took of me coming in here and I'm full beam, OMG PEOPLE and in realising the end is nigh. I know the trail from here and I am already looking forward to seeing more people I love. The sun is low as I run through the Redwoods. The light is very special. It's paradise. Still very hard. But there's no doubting it's special here. I look down at my watch and I know that there are more hills to come. But on we go. We got this. Bending around corners and over hills. Onwards. Through here there is a cluster of three people, of an adult and two kids. Each kid gives me a single daisy. Great job! they say. I almost lose it in a flurry of emotion. I high five them and thank them hugely. I promise to carry the daisies with me. They are in my palm for a long time, and then in my pack pocket. These are the things I remember.
On and on deep into the Redwoods. And then. We're getting there. The aid station is further than I remember. Now I can see the cars and hear the music with the people. With this there will be 7 kilometres to go. I am already anticipating seeing Kate's face, her energy as we run together for that last bit, what it means to share that time after she's been waiting. I get there. I see her! But hang on: there are more people. Abi is also going to run. Jaime, Nico, Richard and Julia are all there too. What's happening?? They are there to cheer and yahoo, especially. This lifts me so high that I feel like a whole new person, a new day, a new run. Off we set in our trio. "Tell me everything about your day!! How are you?? I can't believe you're here after already running the 20 today!!" I say, I want to know everything and hear everything and drink in their own achievements of what they've done. (Also fun tip: asking questions is a super great way of getting your breath back a tiny bit). Along we gallop, them steering me in the right direction and cautioning me of all the various bumps and dangers and mile markers of how far to go. I feel cocooned and accept the help. I feel like the luckiest ever.
There's more.
Lindsay and Mel are on a corner. They leap up and down. They have their running shoes on. They are here to join us. We are now a fivesome.
The sun is reaching the lake now and the water is ablaze with pink, reflecting the glowing skies. The light is otherworldly. It's like a storybook. And with these Queens. The best.
Michelle joins us in a field. All these people have already crushed a race of their own - and are running, again, a quietly planned flourish to end this shared day. We're collecting people! Then Mal. Jaime. Nico. The pace is getting faster and faster, we're almost there, and faster still when they tell me the beer tent is closing. (Jokes. But it helped). Nine of us round the corner into the finishing chute. We're there. I leap over the finish line and in the background you can see people. The crew. My loves. Hands held up high in cheers. We did it.
Kerry is on the finish line commentating, a book end to the day. He was there at the beginning and here he is on the finish line. I thank him. This is not a day of sleep for him, nor much even in the month prior. He's a cornerstone to many peoples journeys and has been part of mine in recent years. We share words. I thank him for making friends on that bus all those years ago on the first Tarawera: You think you've come for a run, he said, but you are going to stay for the people.
Around the corner into the aid tent I go and I want to zoom right out to hang with these cherished people (and to lay horizontal in the grass). Want do you want to do now? I say. And I realise there's nothing else to do. Nothing we have to. But to be. And they spoil me like heck, with those minutes and those hours following being about sharing in the day. Of all our days. I get a shower. We go out for dinner. I get a nap. We go back out to that majestic last aid station.
My voice is scratchy from so many hollers and cheers at the 2am cheer party. This is the final aid station where we spend over two hours. I see Marieve in her last few kilometres, and Rachel, and then Chris. CHRIS! We run the end of his day together too, a story all of it's own, and a very meaningful one. He finishes. We leave the finish line as the sun comes up. It's been more than 24 hours since we woke the day previously.
What a day it had been, in between.
It's never about the day. It's about everything that comes before it, and the learnings, and the relationships that flourish to make it what it becomes. That's what keeps us going back. And that - I don't say this lightly - changes lives.
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topwellnesspro-blog · 7 years
GreenLyte Forskolin - Removes Toxins & Boost Metabolism
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I need to tell you that where there is a will, there is a way. I was just reading about this last month on a few other forums. Therefore, the colon sludge removal that we may want to manage is symptoms of high toxins in the body that is hard earned. No what kind of toxins are stored in fat cells is complete without a how to remove toxins from body in ayurveda. Doesn't your information cause you to bubble over with excitement? I didn't exploit this transpiration as ruthlessly or as relentlessly as I needed to.
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