#clone force m
the-starry-seas · 4 months
behold, my stuff
aka Snack Squad picrews, so named because I was hungry at the time and also they're all snacks
Bee, CT-2881, he/they. Honeycomb-and-bee tattoo on the back of his neck, with the honeycomb pattern extending down across the back of his shoulders to about halfway down his waist, and a smaller bee for each of his squadmates. Wears reading glasses and has a mole under his right eye.
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Indigo, CT-3717, he/him.
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Jewel, CT-4322, zhi/zhir. Battalion number and squad name tattooed at zhir left temple, and painted on zhir helmet in the same place. Dyes zhir hair brown.
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Nebula, CS-4642, xy/xyr. A small red heart tattoo outlined in black behind xyr right ear. The tattoo is replicated in the same place on xyr helmet.
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Silver, CT-7293, he/him. Has his name written across the back of his helmet in glittery silver cursive and a flame pattern along the breath filters. Has Sky's name tattooed on the back of his neck in sky blue letters.
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Sky, CT-7292, he/him. Has his name written across the back of his helmet in sky blue cursive and a flame pattern in the same colour along the breath filters. Has Silver's name tattoed on the back of his neck in silver letters.
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Star, CT-7145, he/him. Small scar up the left side of his nose. Small yellow star painted on the buckle of his belt. Don't mind the Sith eyes.
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Sunny, CT-6778, xe/xer. Xeir hair is dyed neon orange. A small line of stylized suns (orange outlined in red) tattooed in a line from xeir chin to the hollow of xeir throat, and to either side just above xeir collarbones, as well as a black outline of the same sun tattooed over xeir left eye. A stylized sun is painted on xeir helmet in the same place that the outline tattoo is.
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Winter, CC-1404, he/him. Greying hair and grey beard. Seven small dots tattooed down the back of his neck in the colours of the agender flag. A line of white snowflakes tattooed down each of his shoulders, five on each side, one for each of them including Winter himself.
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Zenith, CT-5640, ey/em. The braid is dyed brown for eir squad and tied with a bright orange hair tie to match Sunny. Jaig eyes tattooed over eir heart. Usually found wearing a green vest that has a million pockets. Jaig eyes on eir helmet in the same green as eir vest.
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moriaarts · 3 months
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CC-if i give a fuck or the Bombastic-Side-eye Batch
This is a psa for the buckets working overtime to conceal the scathing looks that would be thrown in their absence.
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amandamadeathing · 5 months
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I can't find the original image to reboot and credit, but here you go.
TECH: When I analyzed Omega's DNA, I noticed an anomaly in her blood. Upon further research, she has a high volume of midichlorians."
WRECKER: What does that mean?
TECH: There was a correlation between a "high M-Count" and a Jedi's abilities using the Force.
OMEGA: Does this mean I'm a Jedi?!
TECH: Possibly. You would need extra training by a Jedi to use those skills.
ECHO: I've never noticed she has Force skills.
TECH: I thought her ability to connect with animals was an obvious manifestation of such abilities.
HUNTER: I am sensitive to vibrations. Do I have the Force?
TECH: It seems of the Kaminoans' experimental Clones, only Omega was specifically given a high M-count, which probably explains why she is so valuable to Nala Se and the Empire.
ECHO: Now we know what we're up against. Thankfully, we don't need to collaborate with any suspicious women to get this information. We must find a more secure location to hide. I will contact Rex immediately.
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and-loth-cat · 6 months
the return of the queen
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im so fucking happy we get two eps next week i need MORE
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clownbloody · 4 months
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A little sinful...
The full image satiates my hunger for MxM content. I'm a simple man who wants other men. Is that too much to ask?
Spicy Taglist: @bigbi4322 @dangraccoon @techhasmjolnir @eyecandyeoz @yeehawgeek
@ahsokastechie @bring-backup-99 @sonicrainbooms @kratosfan6632466 @lucifidious
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rexsokaficquotes · 5 months
Her throat was as dry as the Tatooine desert, and all she could managed to choke out was, “R-Rex?”
Three sets of identical brown eyes snapped to her, meeting her horrified gaze. Rex was the only one who spoke, his voice steady and resolute, despite his current life-threatening predicament.
“Commander. They sent reinforcements?” He inquired matter-o-factly as Kix immediately turned back to the injury, trying to stop the bleeding again. He swore softly under his breath as he did so.
Ahsoka ignored Rex’s question in favor of one of her own, dropping to her knees beside him. Taking his hand she asked, “Rex. What happened to you?”
— Snips2112, from Hold on to Me
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the-little-moment · 5 months
I feel a lot of ways about a lot of things after that episode, but I do finally get to be happy that Omega did NOT turn out to be Force sensitive and was still capable of kicking ass and saving everyone. Thanks to the writers for that, at least!
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queen-daya · 6 months
I don’t like this stupid “Omega is gonna have to leave you behind” talk. Shush up, Ventress! Omega is never allowed to leave her dad (Hunter)!
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robotsandramblings · 6 months
so there's a part of me that misses seeing lightsaber fights on the regular (esp in animation)
but i gotta say, i think The Bad Batch has handled it quite well. one 'lightsaber episode' per season (Caleb Dume & Depa Bilaba S1, Gungi S2, Ventress S3), and we actually get to see their lightsabers in action a fair amount.
they've given us these little tender morsels of lightsaber action without going overboard. it satisfies fans like me who love seeing lightsabers onscreen, and it keeps the "i'm glad we have a show not mainly focused on the Jedi" fans happy too! (at least, i like to think everyone's happy with this balance!?)
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nightfall-1409 · 7 months
Im mentally chewing on the fact it's now Commander Scorch on his own working for Hemlock.
Like it'd be really fucked up if the reason he stayed and the others either didn't (as in they took a path similar to the books and got out altogether, they're some of the first clones eligible for retirement after all given their service records) is Sev and having to leave him behind. Or maybe the other's have since died. and he's the only one left to keep going. hooooo
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Trans Clone Week 2024 Day 3: Clone Gender Expression vs Other's Expectations / Vod'e Cultural Gender Markers / Tattoos
“That’s when–” Raz pauses, their gaze dropping to Winter’s chestplate. “Winter and his team will flank from the right.” 
They keep talking, but Winter’s distracted by Sky nudging shoulders with him. 
“Why’d he look at you like that?” 
“Gender dots,” Winter whispers back, trying to at least half-listen to the rest of the briefing. But when Sky gives him a completely clueless look, he realises that he didn’t quite explain things. “After, okay?” 
Raz is a competent commander, and it doesn’t take long for them to wrap things up in a surprisingly efficient manner. 
And of course, as Winter leaves the briefing room with the twins in tow, it’s not long before Silver is the one with a question now. 
“They looked at Bee’s , too, and got their pronouns right. What was Raz looking for?” 
“These,” Winter says, tapping at the top of his chestplate. On his left are four dots – black, grey, white circled with black, and green. They’re a match for the tattoo on the back of his neck, though there, the white stands out on its own, without any need to make it distinct from standard-issues white plastoid. 
“Your gender,” Sky acknowledges. “But that doesn’t explain Bee.” 
“Mine are my pronouns,” Bee explains, their helmet tucked under their arm. “Four for they, five for he and she, six for he and they, and seven for she and they. The natborns don’t pick up on it, think it’s just decoration. We know what it means.” 
“Why not just say?” 
“Didn’t you ever wonder why there’s so many more trans clones out here, compared to on Kamino?” Winter asks. 
“They’re older?” Silver questions, audibly unsure of himself. 
Bee shakes their head with a little snort. 
“It’s because,” Winter says, ignoring them, “the Kaminoans don’t like it. They see this as aberrations. Like when a tubie is decanted with extra fingers or a crooked back. This, they call it a learned aberration. We were made as men, and they expect us to stay that way. They don’t like that we change what we are. They think it’s going to make us…” 
He shrugs. The Kaminoans had never really bothered explaining. Clones generally didn’t ask many questions. Especially not with the people who could get them decommissioned if they asked too many. 
“But once we get away from them,” he continues, “and meet other clones like us, we learn more. Like how Sunny changed pronouns after being assigned to us. Used to use pronouns like yours and mine, right?” 
The twins nod. 
“A lot of clones will have the same colours on their helmet cheeks,” Bee adds. “Stripes for gender, most of the time, and dots for pronouns. Sometimes armour gets dirty when we’re deployed on long missions, but we always keep our visors clean. Cleaning the rest of the helmet is a lot easier than cleaning a chestplate.” 
“Is that why your helmet has stripes?” Silver wants to know. 
“No, mine are across the top.” They hand their helmet over so he can see. “More like Jewel’s helmet stripes. You can ask zhir about those.” 
“But zhi doesn’t have dots on zhir armour. For gender or pronouns.” 
Bee shrugs. 
“Some clones don’t feel safe telling everyone they meet. So without the dots, people just say ‘he’ and ‘him’. The other clones in their squad will know their real pronouns, but use the standard issue ones around other people.” 
“That,” Winter agrees, “and there’s too many different sets of pronouns to have all of them. Sometimes, clones like that, they’ll have a black bar with white dots in the middle. Means that they have pronouns, just different ones. If it’s one circle, they don’t use pronouns at all.” 
Sky raises an eyebrow. 
“How’s that work?” 
“They just use their name. Like this – Bee is meeting me in Bee’s quarters so we can work on Bee’s flimsiwork, since Bee never does it on Bee’s own.” 
“Lies and slander,” they inform him, even though they both know it’s the truth. “But look – see that purple helmet? The stripes on the cheeks? She’s got the same ones on her blaster barrel. On the handguard where it’s not hot enough that the paint will peel off.” 
“Cool,” the twins murmur. “What if the blaster breaks?” 
“Same thing as armour. Paint the new one. The recyclers will strip the paint off before breaking down the parts. Whoever inherits a blaster won’t know what it used to have.” 
It’s kind of sad, in Winter’s opinion, but he understands. And even though it’s sad for a clone’s identity to be lost, he supports it. Otherwise inheriting someone’s pronoun marks would just get too confusing. 
“Is she not gonna grow her hair?” Sky wants to know. “The lady with the purple helmet. Natborn human girls almost always have long hair.” 
Bee shrugs. Theirs is almost to their waist, in their braid. They didn’t grow it out until they were reassigned to the task force. Before that, long missions made long hair impractical. 
“Could be that they’re low on supplies and it’s too much hassle. Could be that she doesn’t like the feeling of long hair. But a lot of girl clones won’t grow their hair out. They keep it short, like the men. Some natborns will do a lot to make sure they look like their culture’s idea of a woman. General Nima had surgery to have ear cones, like most other Twi’lek women have, and she always wears dresses. Clones can’t always do that.” 
“Because of the Kaminoans?” 
“Sometimes. But what a lot of natborns would see as masculine – we don’t see it the same way. A clone could look like Boom, and we wouldn’t have any problem calling her a girl.” 
Boom’s taller and wider than them, all muscle, with a shaved head and facial hair. He’s looked like that since before they met him, and presumably his appearance will never change much. 
“So all genders look the same, with clones, a lot of the time,” Sky repeats, waiting for Winter’s nod to confirm that he understood. “So that’s why the dots help. Bee’s got long hair but isn’t a girl. That purple helmet was a girl but she had short hair. That’s kind of cool.” 
That’s not the extent of it, Winter knows. The top padding and bottom tucking that so many natborns do, that’s not an option for them in their armour. And skintight body gloves tend to not be particularly comfortable either, when it comes to stuffing things up their shirts. Civilian clothes are fine, sometimes, if they’re loose fit – but those tend to be in short supply. 
“Natborns tend to read me as – I forget their word,” Bee says, waving a hand vaguely before reaching to take their helmet back. “Androgynous. Because a lot of them see what they think is a man with long hair, and wonder why. Other clones don’t expect things like that. It’s nice, actually. I know Jewel likes long hair so zhi can play with it, but when you two were still cadets, we had a girl named Algebra who couldn’t stand anything more than a buzzcut. She said she liked that she could be seen as a girl no matter what her hair was like. That natborns weren’t always the same way.” 
“That sucks,” Silver says with a frown. “She’s a girl, is that so hard?” 
Winter smiles. The squad might not have had the twins for long, but they’ve all tried to teach their shinies about the way things are. About how to accept people. With all of them being queer, and half of them being trans in some way, it was important to them. To Winter, especially. 
“Is there more you want to know?” 
“Yeah,” Sky cuts in, excited to be able to learn. “I thought you just liked the colours, but the tattoo on your neck, it’s for your gender, right?” 
“Right. A lot of clones have similar ones. Most of them are ones that are hidden by our clothes. Just under the neck, so a shirt can be pulled down, or on the inside of the wrist, so a sleeve can be rolled up. Being able to choose who sees is important to a lot of us.” 
“Is it always colours?” 
“No, it can be different. It can be – Maia! Can you show the shinies your tattoo?” 
“Sure thing, Win,” she agrees easily. She sets down the box she was carrying to a gravsled and rolls her right sleeve up to show a ⚥ in a dark maroon colour. “Telling the shinies about things, huh?” She smiles at his nod and holds her wrist out so the twins can see it better. “We call it two-gender. Sometimes I’m a guy, sometimes I’m a woman.” 
“Then why have pronoun dots on your chestplate?” Silver wants to know. “Don’t they change?” 
“These are marker. Put this–” she knocks on her chestplate “–through an armour wash and the dots will come right off so I can change it to what I want. Some people, their gender changes fast. Mine’s slow. I’ll be a girl for another six months, probably. Maybe five or four. But long enough that the marker works for me. 
“I have a sister whose gender changes fast between being a girl and not feeling like anything. She has a tattoo like mine, just the female symbol, or the null symbol, the one that looks like rays shooting out of the top. She does it in temporary ink so she can rub it out with her fingers. She keeps the pen for it in her belt pouches. Hey, did Win tell you about helmets?” 
She turns to the stack of crates already on the gravsled and takes it down, turning it so they can see the front. Over the visor is a pair of Mando’a letters, a pair of Ts, one above the other with one upside down. 
“This is our symbol. Flip the letter when you flip your gender, I say.” 
“And nobody else does,” Winter says dryly. 
“I’ll get it to catch on, just you wait,” she tells him. “Some people, like my sister, they’ll have it in four ways, like a compass rose. For multigender or genderfluid.” 
“Thank you for telling us, Ms Maia,” Silver says politely, and Sky echoes him. 
“Any time, kiddos. Come find me whenever, if you have questions. My squad’s bunking closest to the cargo bay. Permanent support staff, I’ll be here longer than you are. Oh, and Winter – tell Jewel I’ll be by for those pins after curfew, okay?” 
“Okay,” he agrees, and steps back as a mouse droid darts between them. “We’ll leave you to it, Maia, thank you.” 
She waves them off, and Winter guides the twins to stay along the wall, now that there’s more foot traffic than before. 
“Do you know what pins she was talking about?” Sky asks. 
“Like Nebula’s pin, with xyr pronouns on it. There’s not a lot of printers that can be used for whatever we want. Jewel’s got one, so zhi’s popular with other trans clones, when we meet them. A lot of them put it on the inside of their sleeves, around where Maia’s tattoo is. They can show it easily, and hide it easily.” 
“Oh,” Sky says, but quieter than before. 
“Oh, what?” Winter prompts, setting a hand on his shoulder for a moment. 
“You all have to hide, don’t you? Because of the Kaminoans and the natborns?” 
“Unfortunately. But when the war ends, we’ve all got plans. For surgeries and voice training and new hairstyles and tattoos.” Winter offers both twins what is, hopefully, a reassuring smile. “And if you want something – a tattoo, pin, marker pen, whatever – we’ll get it for you. Either of you. Both of you. Doesn’t matter. Okay?” 
“Can I get a marker?” Sky asks hesitantly. 
“I can go get it right now,” Bee offers, and Sky smiles. 
“I’d like that,” he says. 
Winter wraps an arm around Sky’s shoulders, and starts drawing up a mental list of the clones he knows that are around and would be willing to talk about who they are, and who Sky can be, if he wants to.
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cloneloverrrrr · 10 months
heyyyyy can i request a fic from the smut prompts you reblogged recently 👉👈 specifically Tech x m!reader with “My little slut to ruin.” and “That’s it, fuck, that’s a good boy.”
Hey my angel I’m so sorry this took slightly longer😫
I have tried my best to write for sweet Tech and this is my first M x reader fic I hope it’s ok & you are happy with it ✨❤️🥲 if I have not wrote this correct or miss said anything LMK 🫶🏻
Dividers my my best boo @idontgetanysleep 🫶🏻
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𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆- 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁 ⠀
𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀:🔞 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝟵𝟵 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵 𝘅 𝗠!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘁⠀⠀⠀⠀
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 868
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧 𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧 𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧 𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧 , 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗗𝗢𝗠, 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸 / 𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸, 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗢𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗠 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴
Tech sat at his desk in the workshop, forever wanting to keep his hands busy with repairs or upgrades, seemingly whatever he can get his hands on and your hoping it’s you, the first time had opened your eyes to something new. You now know that Tech fucks just like he thinks- fast and without pause, completely merciless. And oh maker you needed it again.
Once more you found yourself in front of the door to his private quarters eagerly awaiting his touch. A soft knock at his door.
“Enter” you hear Tech along with a buzzing sound, clearly he was engaged.
“You wanted to see me sir?” In no way are you hiding the pathetic begging in your voice that you want him, want to be ruined by him.
“Affirmative” Tech speaks but his do not move from the device in front of him.
“Remove your items of clothing” his voice low, lower than usual and maker it got you hard.
You slowly begin to remove your clothes placing them neatly by his work desk. His eyes begin to study you yet he does not speak one word however the deep desire to ruin you is taking over as each second goes by.
“You’ve been working all day Tech let me take c..”
Your words cut off by an loud over the top selfish sigh, his hand gesturing you to stop speaking.
“I suggest you play with yourself whilst I get undressed. Do not make me wait longer than needed.”
Of course you do as your told for Tech, he fucks you so good you’d be a kriffing fool to now do as he says. You spit into your hand and gently fist your length, a breath hitches in the back of your throat and you bite your bottom lip, a feeble attempt to stifle your delicate moans.
He makes quick haste of removing his armour piece by piece, his blacks unable to hide the growing bulge. He sucks in a deep breath and something primal, something hungry flashed behind his goggles. The look had you feeling weak at the knees blood rushing to your sex already so fucking hard for him leaking beads of pre cum.
Before you could even speak Tech flipped you over onto your stomach, his lean muscular thigh pushed between your legs spreading you open for him to take as his. To claim.
The harsh possessive grip on your hips tingled your flesh as he pulled your ass up aligning you just right with his throbbing length. Tech bent over slightly spitting down your ass, deft fingers massaging the wetness.
He hums his approval.
Breathy groans fell from your lips.
You whimper as he slides into you with force, stretching your hole around his cock, the aches and stings send goosebumps erupting across your skin.
“Ohh Tech - fuck “ you rasp.
His pace slow at first allowing you time to adjust to his size. Without warning his calloused hands push you right down into the mattress , face pushed into the pillows. He lays down atop of you his thighs spread yours apart allowing deeper access and he fucks into you merciless.
Skin on skin, full heavy balls slapping against you, pants and groans fill the room.
“That’s it, fuck, that’s a good boy” his voice horse , strained.
Tech has bringing you to orgasm down to a science; he is in complete control of how long you both last.
He’s in control, he likes it and won’t give up. A mindless emotionless fuck and he wants to see you come undone for him.
“My little slut to ruin” he groans as his pants become faster.
He leans forward and places kisses your bare neck, dragging his tongue across your skin and grazing his teeth down your skin , you whine and groan in response, his pace becoming harder more vehement, ripping your hole apart and it feels so good, your sweet release oh so close.
Your fingers claw into the grey covers below you, your eyes shut as your face contours into blissful pleasure. Your throbbing cock desperate to cum. One last painful thrust has your body erupting pure rapture warm cum shoots out underneath you staining the sheets. Pitiful moans and chanting Techs name over and over fill the small room.
“Mmm good boy did that feel good?” His words stutter as his pace falters.
It doesn’t take long for Tech to paint your insides with warm thick ropes of cum. His strained cries such beautiful music to your ears.
Techs lithe body collapses against yours as he holds onto your shoulders. Finally as his breathing calms he gently removes himself from you placing a tender kiss at the base of your spine. Your contented sigh brings a small smile to his lips. Tech watches as you turn over to face him a devilish glee twinkling in your eyes.
“I take it you won’t plunder our little secret?” He says with a gravely voice as you begin to take his throbbing member in your mouth.
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cloned-eyes · 1 year
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warm up studies of the 💖the boy💖
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derpymidnight · 5 months
"These Jedi are a curious cult." "Too spiritual for my taste." Nala Se you created a Force-sensitive child
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rexsokaficquotes · 1 year
Rex closes his eyes, as if in agony – and maybe he is, maybe his injuries are still like a rolling tide of pain. Echo knows how that feels.
“I tried to tell her… to cut our Bond.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Echo replies. “She never would. You wouldn’t either.”
“I don’t know how,” Rex argues.
“Could you have left her in danger? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have rushed there just like she did if it was her in your place, and there was any hope of rescuing her.”
Rex purses his lips and stares him down, sullen.
Echo wins this round.
— WildKitte, from aim for the flagstones
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tewet · 6 months
DAY 1 of getting tumblr to read my fav SW fanfics. First up we have… *drum roll*
Summary (by Watercolor_Mudhorn):
“More than a decade has passed since Order 66. You and your partner have made a life as simple ranchers on Dantooine. You thought you were safe, but a certain Admiral has been tasked with finding something thought lost all those years ago. Will you be able to navigate his Imperial scrutiny? Will Thrawn succeed where others have failed? Does the Force have a will of its own and would it kindly just tone it down a bit, please? You just want to live a peaceful life. Yeah, yeah, choices are important, but really you just want to herd nerfs and kiss your Jedi girlfriend.”
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
F/F, F/M, Multi
Thrawn/Reader, Reader/original female character
Warnings: lesbian relationship, polysexual themes (no orgies, I promise), canon typical violence, so much emotional bonding that you’ll question all of your real-life relationships (lol jk?), occasional smut (you WILL get wet on this ride)
Yes it’s a long one, and yes it’s a bit niche, BUT LISTEN. I never read the Thrawn series and Rebels honestly wasn’t my jam but this fic had me in a chokehold. The plot is the most heavenly kind of rich; it explores the Force, it shows us a new side of Thrawn (that remains accurate to his character), it builds deeply intimate and beautiful relationships from scratch. This story is so well written and satisfies that itch that every tumblr baby feels for good character moments (aka filler episodes). It absolutely deserves to be my first fanfic recommendation.
Feel free to share your thought in the comments!
All credit goes to —> Watercolor_Mudhorn
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