#traveling the states really expands your mind
lafrexniere · 22 days
You Deserve an Oscar - OP81 & LN4
Note: Impulsively wrote this last night before bed and realized I was writing this while listening to "You Deserve an Oscar - Matt Maltese" so figured I could fit that phrase in here somewhere and make a cute title. Anyway I really like this one 😁 Summary: Landos best friend since school dating Oscar, but keeps it a secret from Lando because you were not sure how he would react
Warnings: Light details of a makeout session (he is in a mood 😉😏), and stuff is implied but not explicitly stated
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"Lando, I'm just going out for a bit it's not a big deal," you said. He was always so protective of you since moving back in together. You had known each other since you were 13, your family had moved from the United States due to your parents' jobs expanding to the UK leaving you an anxiety-ridden teenager in a place with no friends and having an accent that would stand out. It was your first day, a student had been assigned to give you a tour of the school, and there he was, Lando. From that moment on the two of you were inseparable even when he was traveling for races, nothing more than a platonic friendship, you had gone to races as your younger brother had wanted to start karting, but your parents refused. Lando was the cool sibling your brother had wanted, but he was the best friend you had been waiting for, and now here you were arguing over driving your car at night. 
"Be careful, and I want you to text me whenever you get to where you are going," he said pointing his finger.
"You're not gonna ask- you know what never mind, Bye Lan," you grabbed your keys skipping out the door. After you closed it behind you making your way down to your parked car you saw the beam of light from the door light up the sidewalk. 
"Why would I need to ask? You hiding something from me?" His eyes narrowed. 
"Nope, just hanging out at a friend's, bye," you said just before hopping in the car. Oh, it was more than a friend, in fact, his teammate you were going to see, you two had been talking back and forth for about a month and had gone on a few dates, somehow getting past Lando. You both weren't really sure what you were yet, were you boyfriend and girlfriend or friends with benefits which is why you didn't want to let Lando know. You wanted to be more, there were so many times you wanted to tell Lando. After your first date, he teased you about your dress wondering who you were getting fancy for. 
You had arrived at Oscar's for the first time, he was waiting outside on his front step. You quickly texted Lando saying you had arrived and put the car in park.
"There you are!" He exclaimed as you got out of the car. 
"Yeah sorry I'm late, Lando kept me held up a bit," you apologized, "he was just being protective."
"Did you tell him it was me" he said opening the door.
"No, no I didn't," you followed him inside. 
"He's going to find out eventually you know, now that you are going to start coming over here," he said sitting on the couch holding out his arm for you to join him. You sat resting your head on his shoulder. 
"I know he's going to find out Osc," you said, "I will tell him eventually, well when we are 'us'." You dropped the subtle hint of wanting to put a label on your relationship. You two had some great dates, that led to great nights in your car.
"Us? You want to be an 'us'?" He asked sitting up straight. 
"Well yeah," you smiled as you slid your hands up to his shoulders and to the back of his neck. 
"Yeah?" He smirked matching your energy as his hands found your waist pulling you closer. 
"Yeah" you said leaning in, closing your eyes, feeling your heartbeat elevate, as your lips found his. Your fingers moved up into the waves of his hair, pushing them out of his face. His hand found the back of your neck, pulling you closer. 
Moments later you both took a breath, 
"So is this official," you said slowly scraping his scalp as he nuzzled into your neck placing gentle kisses, giving you goosebumps. He gave no response,
"Oscar?" You said pushing his forehead back for you to see his face. 
"Yes, Y/N, yes I want you to be my girlfriend," he said taking a breath before leaning in again to lock his lips with yours. You pulled away, 
"You're serious?" You smiled.
"Yes, Y/N I want to be your boyfriend, I want to call you my girlfriend, please let me be that to you!" He begged. You smirked, kissing his forehead as he pushed you back laying his weight on top of you, falling into the comfort of the couch.
"My boyfriend Oscar," you smiled before pecking his cheek. 
"I like that," he grinned. 
The two of you had lost track of time, after one movie, one container of ice cream shared, and many deep breaths later. You two had begun drifting off when you felt your phone buzz on your lap, it was not Lando, however, it was a nice indicator to see that it was almost midnight when you had gotten there at 8pm, remembering your promise to Lando you would be back by 12:30 the latest.
"Oh shit, Oscar I gotta go, Lando's probably asleep thinking I'm home already! Or he's freaking out!" You jumped off the couch jolting him out of his tired state. 
"Come on get up Osc," you pulled his arm. He pulled you back towards him.
"A few more minutes," he pleaded rubbing his eyes.
"No." You said sternly. He stood up looking through the blanket for his shirt, stretching, making it harder for you to leave.
"Please," he smiled holding his shirt.
"No no no," you rushed to put your shoes on, he followed quickly behind you knowing you were serious this time. You ran out to your car fumbling for your keys, with Oscar right behind.
"Text me when you get home," he said leaving you with one last goodbye kiss. 
"I will," you smiled as he shut your door. You waved and drove off once you had seen he got back inside. 
There you were speeding home to your best friend and roommate's place. The panic filled you on what you would have to tell Lando. It made you drive even faster. You pulled up in front of your home, looking in your mirror making sure there was no evidence of what had happened. You were scrambling to get your key and go inside quietly. The place was dark, one light on in your kitchen, you moved towards the light, finding a grinning Lando waiting. 
"Well well well," he smirked. 
"I'm so sorry I'm late, please go to bed I know you're tired." You said trying to shoo him upstairs. 
"Not until I found out what's going on with you and Oscar," all the color from your face disappeared with that statement. How did he know?
"I can see your location Y/N, I know you were over there." Busted. 
"Lan I was gonna tell you, we were gonna tell you once we knew," you said ashamed, and embarrassed forgetting that one small safety detail. 
"Well seeing as you almost stayed the night, I'm assuming you know," he said. You sat down across from him with your head in your hands. 
"Okay Okay I get it," you rolled your eyes. 
"Y/N and Oscar" he teased, "You know I knew something was up in the paddock."
"Lando stop it!" you blushed
"I always know," he chuckled, "You deserve an Oscar for your acting on hiding this from me,"
"Ha ha very funny," you rolled your eyes sarcastically. 
"You and Oscar, it was very obvious" he teased again.
"Me and Oscah!" You said making fun of his accent. He pushed your shoulder as you got up, and you stuck your tongue out at him. The two of you headed upstairs to your rooms. He knocked on the wall once you had turned the light off, you glanced at your phone to see messages waiting.
Land hoe 🙄: He texted me, wow great start telling him you would text him and you didn't, he's just like you with the worrying, you two are a perfect match 😍🤢
Osc 🧡: Did you make it?
Please tell me you made it?
I'm assuming you did.
Well Y/N Lando is going to find out cause I'm going to ask if you made it home. 
Oh you were telling him, sorry 😘
"Sorry," you called through the wall. You answered Oscar's messages drifting off to sleep smiling as your eyes could barely stay open any longer. You were at peace knowing that you didn't have to hide this from your best friend anymore, and knowing that Oscar was your boyfriend, and you were his girlfriend. 
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slickchickchocolatier · 11 months
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Warnings: Unprotected smut, slight voyeurism, secret smut, secret love, heart break, Y/N is a rich girl, not at all spoiled, slight Cinderella vibes, stepmom and sisters, they don't really like y/n, and death. MDNI content is for 18+ only.
Something for you guys as I finish the last chapter of DT. I started this a while ago but finally decided to finish it, as you can see, I was inspired by the release of "Criminal Love" so enjoy. I enjoyed this piece quite a bit. Part of this is proofread, so sorry if the ending of it seems a little sloppy.
“Oh! She’s here sir!”
The house nanny calls out, informing your father of your expectant arrival. Your mother and stepfather told you that this was a great opportunity to travel overseas, leave home, and expand your horizons as a prospective student. And lucky for you, your father’s work as the country’s Ambassador afforded you said opportunity, and you wish you could be just as excited about it as everyone else. Truth of the matter was, it devastated you to leave. 
Of course, growing up in a proper household, one with many manners and strict etiquettes in place, only meant that naturally, you were groomed to put on a mask to conceal your true emotions, among other things. 
You loved your family, and respected your father dearly, even when only seeing him every summer. Yet there was something back at home that caused this change of pace; something that you knew you had to get away from, even at the cost of your goals and happiness. 
It was hard for anyone to understand, since you and your former companion had only known each other for a year. To others, it appeared only as a fling, a swift love that left as fast as it came, but for you, it was a whole other matter. Unbeknownst to everyone around you, promises of a tight future we’re made, all initiated by him. He told you he loved you, cherished you, and that you both would be together forever. So was it a surprise to you, or him, that you fell into the abyss of depression and had clammed up after he exposed how he didn’t think much of your relationship;  that it was just something to look back on, as “experience” for real love. 
“Real love?….”
How could he use those words put together? How dare he? After all the times that you gave up to be with him; the sacrifices you made, and not to mention, the countless hours you made up to maintain your grades while still being there for him whenever he needed you. Such as the time when he lost a beloved family member, and you were the only one there to console him. One thing led to another and in a blink of an eye, you were no longer a virgin. You never minded, after all, he did tell you that he saw a future with you as his wife, and you responded each time by giving him your flesh and sweat….you did all of that, yet he didn’t see it as real love. 
Your mother and stepfather could never know the degree of your breakdown. How could they? They probably suspected it, but never confirmed that you lost your virginity to the man. After he told you that he no longer wanted you, he moved on to another girl, one that you used to call ‘friend’. How despicable. Guess that was college life for you, though you would have never braced for something so heartbreaking to happen, even at a prestigious university. 
After all that, you stopped talking and dropped all of your classes. You fell lower than ever before, and perhaps your mothers words, “It's not a big deal, he’s not worth it. You’ve only known him for a year, forget about him.” Was said, only to try and bring you back from the ground you found yourself graveling on. You know your mother better than anyone else, she loved you more than the world and would do, and say, anything to bring you back to a sound mental state of mind. She always did before, only this time….it didn’t work. 
That’s when the idea of sending you to live at your fathers estate came to discussion. Your father was a very noble man, not in a literal sense of course; the man had built himself up from nothing, growing up from such a poor family. Through his elaborate military career and his continued service in politics, he earned his lavish lifestyle. The driver opens the door and gives you a hand, helping you out of the backseat as you are immediately greeted by the house nanny, and your father following suit. 
“There’s my girl! Come here, it’s been too long since I last saw you. Look at you, just as pretty as always.” 
Holding you in a warm embrace, you felt free from the pain of heartbreak as you hugged your father; you missed him so much and it was always good to see him. Aside from being with him, his estate was something that you always cherished. He had acres of land, manicured with a few guest homes on the property. There were large floral gardens and orchards that decorated the entire estate with the main house stationed at the center of the acreage. Maybe coming to live here for a while wasn’t such a bad idea after all. And who knows, if you had ever found a reason to go back, you could always get up and go ... .just as much as you could settle down and stay, so long as you had found meaning behind that decision. 
During your embrace, you caught the eye of the trio that made their way over, though they seemed less excited in greeting you. 
“Well, you could have called when you were nearby. We were just about to have lunch. It would have been embarrassing to begin eating and to take a pause because of your arrival.” 
When it came to your father, mother, and stepfather, they were all a delight and you couldn’t have asked for better parents. However, when it came to your stepmother, that was an entirely different story. Of course, your fathers marriage to her wouldn’t be complete without your two stepsisters…
“Oh my gosh! Look at her hair! See mom! I want my extensions to be as long as her hair, the same length.”
“Y/n, where did you get your outfit? It’s so pretty, I want one just like it but in pink. Don’t I look good in pink?” 
Your father takes a moment to jest, yet you had a feeling by the tone he took with your stepmom and sisters, that he was more on the serious side at hinting on their lack of manners. The ‘joke’ was him remaining tactful, as always. 
“Well, usually it’s customary to say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you?’ whenever you’re greeting family, but I guess talking about lunch, hair, and outfits is just as welcoming.”
Looking up at your father, he gives you a small wink before placing a kiss on your head, much to the obvious dismay of your stepmom. “I was only trying to point out that it would have been more considerate of her to call, that’s all. But, I guess you do have a point.” 
Your stepmom quickly took the hint, and rendered obedience in her own manner, before ushering the girls to come up and greet you properly. Pushing boundaries with your father is never a smart idea, for anyone. The man was rich, had close connections with the government, and didn’t feel the ‘need’ to have a wife as much as he merely enjoyed having one for companionship. Your stepmom knew that, just needed a reminder from time to time that he would drop her quickly, along with your stepsisters. You’re not entirely sure what had gone wrong, you never did anything to your stepmom nor did you ever go out of your way to offend her. Yet somehow, she acted somewhat distasteful to you. As for your stepsiblings, it wasn’t quite their fault. They were spoiled, had everything beyond the world given to them, and only acted out based on the initiative of their mother. Nevertheless, you were always pleasant and did your best to make them feel welcomed. You even gave up your room, the largest suite of the household, all to accommodate their ‘needs’ shortly after your father married and brought them in. Since you previously had only come for long visits in the summer during your college breaks, it wasn’t a huge deal to give up your room, or your favorite guesthouse, which was once your getaway for whenever you wanted to paint and do pottery. What was once your soaring heaven had now become a playhouse for the girls…to depreciate and throw their large parties for whenever they wanted to have their friends over. Guess that is what it means to be the elder and the matured one out of the brunch. 
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you fed. I imagine you’re tired and hungry from that long flight, did you have any trouble finding Bitterman?” 
“No Sir, I found her with no trouble. It’s quite easy to find a girl as pretty as her.” Bitterman, your fathers driver, chimes in, earning a chuckle from the latter. “Thank you my friend, be sure to get yourself fed as well, Louis has the kitchen smelling delightful.” 
Your father was always admired and loved by the staff, and it wasn’t hard to see why. He wasn’t just wise, rational, and a thoughtful type, he was also benevolent and selfless. Indeed, he was just as good of a master as he was a father and husband. 
“Oh, Bitterman, no need to get the bags, I’ll get them.” Your father exclaims as he goes to pick up one of your luggage. “Oh um….I can get that Papa, it’s actually kind of heavy—“ 
You were cut off when a shadowed figure appeared out of nowhere and grabbed hold of the leather strap, just before your father completed his reach for it. “I got it sir, please allow me.” 
The tall figure was dressed in a black suit with a fitted designer trench coat to match, paired with fine leather gloves; the right one being fingerless. His hair was swiftly combed to the side, with a few pieces dangling above his eye and brow, yet it only enhanced his suave appeal. There was a slight bit of royal purple hue to his strands, yet it was tasteful and neat. He effortlessly picks up the luggage and swings it over a shoulder, and picks up another large carry-on before making his way inside the house. “The Nénuphar suite, correct?” 
“Yes, thank you Ethan.” 
Confused, you looked at your father as he took note that you hadn’t been properly introduced to his newly acquired staff member. “Oh! Ethan, this is y/n.” Turning back to you, your father completed the introduction as he took your hand and guided you closer to the mysterious man in black. “Y/n, this is Ethan. I’ve told him all about your arrival and if you need anything in my absence, come to him. He is the head of my household staff and is my personal butler, second to no one, except myself.” 
“B-butler?” You were caught off guard at the label, the man did not carry the appearance of a butler. That was when your father somewhat clarified. “Well, butler in an abstruse sense. All you need to know is that he is my right hand man. So if you ever need anything, come to me or Ethan.” 
‘Abstruse? What is that supposed to mean—‘
“It’s nice to meet you y/n.” 
“Oh…it's nice to meet you too. Thank you...for taking my bags, I can get the rest of them.”
“No need, I’ll have it taken care of.” Turning his head to the side, he raises a hand and snaps his fingers. Upon the crisp sound echoing among the grand entrance of the estate, a series of maids and butlers come in and grab the remaining of your belongings. You raised a brow before peaking a questionable gaze at your father, in which he replied with…
“I told you, he is my right hand man.” 
The next morning, you awoke in your beautifully furnished room. After carrying out your hygiene routine and dressing yourself, you walk down the lengthy staircase to find the girls at the base, dressed primply with jewels and broaches decorating their hair and outfits. 
“I want to re-do my nails.”
“You just got yours done yesterday, it’s been three days since I got mine. I want to add more jewels.”
“I want more flowers.” 
“I wanted them with a sharper point.”
“I wanted them longer.”
Walking through the foyer, Ethan takes stride with his hands clasped behind his back, as if he was taking a walk of leisure. Breaching the girls, they immediately dropped their topic of nail decor and called out to the handsome butler. “Oh Ethan!” One of the girls calls out. “I just got this dress yesterday, what do you think? Do you like it? Doesn’t pink look good on me?” 
Ethan gave a faint, side smirk as he paused in his steps. His hands remained behind his stature as he stood comfortably, not responding. Your other sister butts in, trying to vye for the man’s attention as she shows off her manicure. Again, he remained silent, yet the girls seemed to be used to it. 
“Oh, trying to be silent like always?”
“That’s so hot.” 
“Come on, won’t you say anything about my outfit for once?”
“Or my nails?” 
Pouting their faces rather flirtatiously, the girls flutter their lashes as they bite their lip, only to get nothing out of the man. You continued walking down during the entire entourage and once you reached the base, Ethan’s eyes sparked up. He glanced up and beyond their heads, watching as you made your way down. You pause as your sisters remained standing on the last step, seemingly oblivious to what the man was staring at. 
“Ah, young lady, you’re just in time. Your dad wanted to see you first thing this morning.” 
Extending his hand and shooting it between your sisters, the girls part ways as they watch you take Ethan’s hand as he guides you down the last step of the staircase. “I’ll take you to his study.” You felt his fingers subtly pinch your hand as he firmly established his grip. As he started to take you away, he suddenly paused with you remaining closely behind. His masculine scent was befitting with the dashing designer suit he had on; he looked more like a businessman than a butler, perhaps that was what your father meant from yesterday's conversation. Turning his head halfway, he glanced over to the girls and spoke in a low tone, all with a dashing smirk decorating his side profile. 
“Oh…about your outfit and nails….it is not in my place or station to remark on such matters. Please consult your designers and seamstresses if you ever feel confused.” With a slight tug, he pulls your hand and leads you away while the girls stood confused with hurt feelings. There hadn’t been many interactions between Ethan and the girls, but from what you heard by the house nanny, the few times he did exchange words with the two, it was far from what they ever expected or trying to achieve. Aside from his laconic smirks, the man was stone cold towards the two. 
Reaching the double doors of your father’s private office, another butler stands by. “Please inform the master that his daughter is here to see him.” Ethan calmly states. The other butler nods before knocking on the glazed wooden doors, before peeking in upon hearing your father responding from inside. The elder butler steps aside and gives a slight bow towards Ethan as the latter bars the doors wide open, gently dragging you behind. 
“Sweetheart, did you sleep well?” Your father immediately speaks out, while Ethan takes you over to a tea table, surrounded by lounge seats. Pulling the seat back for you, he guides you over and pushes you in towards the table, where a lovely tea set and tiered tray filled with all sorts of snacks and finger sandwiches were nicely laid out as your father makes his way to join in. “I got all of your favorites.” Your father says proudly, shooting another wink over to you. 
Ethan finishes scooting you into the table, his hands gently caressing the back of the seat. Before pulling away, his hands gently graze over your arms and shoulders as he walks out with one hand in his pocket. The man certainly walked with a sense of authority and carried out a superior presence, more so than even your father, even though he was the master. 
“I am sorry for how your stepmom and sisters behaved yesterday, that shouldn’t have happened.” 
Your fathers words caught your attention, causing you to turn your head away from Ethan’s backside, making eye contact with your sympathetic parent. “I had words with them yesterday and will make sure that doesn’t happen again, they need to be more mindful especially since you’re going to be here for a while.” 
You shook your head and waved off his concern. “It’s fine, I’m not worried about it.” 
Your father smiles at your reassurance and chuckles. “Good.” Adjusting in his seat, he takes a cup of tea and begins to sip on it while carrying the conversation to a different direction. “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded as you took your own cup and delicately sipped from it. Your father kept adjusting in his seat, appearing to find it difficult to gain comfort within the chair, not that it wasn’t hard to see why. The chairs were beautiful and carried a regal vintage design, but were very much too stiff for someone like your father, who required more softness to accommodate his back. No doubt he had so many strains from all the years he served in the military. 
Just as you were about to ask him if he needed something for his chair, you hear the doors from behind open. Turning halfway in your own seat, you watched as Ethan entered with a silk and plush pillow in hand; he didn't say a word, instead, he walked directly over to your father and handed it over to him, obviously flaring his familiar knowledge of your father and his routines. 
“Oh thank you so much Ethan, you do know me too well.” your father chuckles out as Ethan smirks. “Sweetheart, you want a pillow for your chair?” Your father asks you while Ethan stands by his side. He crosses his arms and gives a slight tilt of his head, establishing a rather dominant and assertive stance, yet your father seemed to be quite used to and didn’t mind at all, in fact, he seemed to embrace that wholeheartedly. You shook your head and politely declined the offer, to which Ethan issued a slight nod before exiting the study, turning back once more to pull the doors shut. 
“I like Ethan, he’s super cool. Good guy too.” Your father spoke rather comfortably. You furrowed your brows confusingly, while nodding in agreement, sort of. “Is he…really your butler?” You asked as your father took a finger sandwich from the tier stand. 
“Mmhmm.” Your father issues his response as he bites into the sandwich, and chews it while sipping on his tea. Looking back up, he gives you another wink. You chuckle and take one of the finger snacks and enjoyed it, along with a conversation that took up the entire morning as you caught up with your father and told him about college, your mother, stepfather, and even the young man that broke your heart, though one day at your father’s estate seemed to have done a lot of healing, more than you expected. You didn’t know why, but that would unfold as the days continued to swing by. 
A couple of weeks had passed, and you didn’t see much of your sisters or stepmom, they weren’t really around at the house so much, instead, they liked their constant outings and partook in continuous shopping trips. You laughed and cringed internally as you watched the girls make their attempts in gaining Ethan’s affection, much less his attention. Half the time, the man would ignore their teasing and flirting words, but the times when he did entertain small talk, it was always a major shutdown, at least that’s what it looked like to you. But to the girls, it was something else. 
‘Oh that’s just how he is, trust me, Ethan likes it when I talk to him.’
‘I think he likes talking with me more.’
‘Shut the fuck up! He likes me more, bitch!’
‘You’re the bitch! You fucking rude bitch, who the fuck do you think you are?’
Now you were by no means a saint, but for the most part, using vulgar language was something you considered to perform only when the situation called for it. An outburst of anger perhaps, or…when you had your heart broken. A flashback of when the man informed you that you were just ‘practice’ for his real and true love came to mind, and the image of you screaming out and lashing every cursing you could imagine in his direction. Yet the girls were using it so freely, over a man that didn’t seem to take interest in anything other than his duties. 
You politely excuse yourself from the room, allowing for the girls to bicker in peace while the seamstresses customized their designer gowns for the upcoming event. You gently shut the doors behind as you take your stroll outside, loving the sound of the doves that hummed their tune in a nearby Magnolia tree. You walked over to the massive gazebo, lavished with wisteria vines and overlooking the flat fields that extended past the lines of the property. A stone rail surrounding the gazebo stands at chest height, it was perfect for you to rest your forearms on as you leaned in and took in the beautiful sight of nature and tranquility. You watched as the staff members from afar tended to the private livestock, and harvested the fruits from your father’s orchard. In a peaceful state, you stare off with nothing in mind other than the happiness you witnessed as the staff members conducted their duties from afar, not at all realizing that you were watching them with a smile on your face. 
“Enjoying the view?” 
You turned your head and saw Ethan entering through the hanging vines of purple flowers from the Wisteria plant. “Oh–yeah…sorry, you caught me off guard.” Chuckling, you turn your attention back to the staff members. Ethan comes by your side, and as you had done, he leans against the stone rail while resting his forearms on the smoothed top surface. “Yeah, I seem to have a habit of doing that from time to time.” He calmly tells you, it almost seemed like it was his way of joking, yet you didn't really know whether to laugh or stay silent, so you gave a delicate chuckle instead. 
“How are you enjoying being back? It's been the previous summer since you’ve last visited, correct?” 
You nodded. “Yes, last summer was the last time I came over. At first, I’m not sure if I was thrilled about living here, not that I don't love my father, I do. I just…it was an abrupt decision and I didn’t really have a whole lot of say in the matter. But I’m glad I did…I miss my dad so much and I always did like this place.” 
You confide as Ethan stares off at the orchard, nodding gently at your words. “When did you start working for my dad?” 
Ethan lets out a light and airy chuckle of his own, dashing a side smirk as he continues to stare off at the fields. His hands were decorated with the leather gloves, with the right one being fingerless, as always. “Next week makes it six months.” 
“You like it here too?” 
“I do.” He pauses as he clasps his hands together before him. “Your dad is a good man.” 
“Yeah he is.” you chuckle out, flattered by the compliment. 
“Did you finish with the seamstresses?” he inquires. You turn to glance over to him with a faint, sweet smirk before looking back over to the distant orchard. “No, not yet. I figured I’d let my sisters do their thing and I’ll get my dress made after.” 
“Hm. So you’re just wanting to get away and enjoy solitude in the meantime then.” his voice was deep, calm, and soothing. There was a tone in him that brought the image of a placid lake and  gentle wind to mind. You could side with your father’s opinion on Ethan, he was a gentle and good man, and he was very fond of your father. 
“Yeah…I love to get away.” you responded back, lifting your nose into the air as you relished the soothing wind blowing against your skin and through your hair. Ethan tilts his head over. “You love to get away?”
“Yeah.” you chuckle out as you flinch a quick glance over his way. He smiles in return. 
“What do you like to get away from?” 
“Everything. Sometimes I just like to get away from people, and be only in the presence of nature and wind.” 
“What else?” Drawing your secrets out, he inquires for you to continue, and you confide fully without giving it a second thought. “I like to get away from responsibility and duties, and experience freedom, even if it's just for a second.” 
Remaining in his leaned state, Ethan adjusts, shifting his weight over to one arm as he turns to fully face your direction. “So, you’re an escape artist, in a sense.” He smirks out. 
“Yeah.” you chuckled, loving the feel of the wind picking up pace, roaring through your hair. 
“You’re a runner?” his voice peaking a sense of interest as he remarks your habit of ‘running away’ or getting away from the things that burden you.
“I am.” 
“You’re a runaway that likes to daydream?”
“I am.”
You both laugh in sync. He licks and bites his lip as he turns his face away and stares back off at the orchard. “Neat.” is all he says. Just as you were going to inquire about his unusual leather gloves, a dainty voice comes in from behind. “Y/N, we’re ready for you now.” You turn to see the personal seamstress. You smile and bid Ethan a goodbye before leaving him at the gazebo, not realizing that your smile flashed a charming sense that became permanently ingrained in the man’s memory. 
The night of the event, you sat in your room for a while before deciding to finally make your appearance at the ballroom. Your father’s residence was massive, with four floor levels and a grand ballroom on the main floor; despite frequently visiting every summer, it took you a while to remember your way around. Now, you know the entire house like the back of your hand. 
You walk down the staircase, listening in on the laughter and small talk of the large crowd residing in the ballroom. The tail of your dress slinks down each step behind as you drag your hand against the smooth rail. You opted for a simple, plain and form fitting gown, with a high slit reaching your upper thigh; you’re not entirely too sure why you felt the need to look sexy, but why not? You only live once. 
Your sisters also opted for a sexy look, though their plunging necklines screamed of desperation rather than seduction, but you kept your opinions to yourself. Tonight was a night for celebration, not for bickering. 
You enter the grand room and earn a wave of stares. Your father stands at a distance and smiles proudly as he watches you make your way to one of the floor length windows. You gaze off at the moon, it looked so full and pretty tonight, shame you had to be inside. 
The lights dim down, and the band plays a gentle piece that initiates the guest to slow dance. That was your que, one that you always looked out for, so you could…
“Get away…” 
Snaking through the crowd, you make your way over to one of the outer doors that lead to a stone corridor that wraps around the entire base level of the mansion. You found solace in a secluded corner that overlooked the moon and stars, and was closed off to guests. The area wasn’t at all separated distinctively; it didn't have any walls, yet the four large pillars that surrounded it provided enough cover and seclusion for you to remain undisturbed, at least from the guests…
“Getting away again?” You turn to the side and notice Ethan entering the outdoor sitting area. 
“Yeah…just for a little bit.” 
He walks over and just as he did before, he stands by your side and admires the view of the full moon. His appearance wasn’t anything out of normal; he had on a fine black suit and tie, his leather gloves, and black shined shoes. His hair was styled just the same, and roared out a purple hue under the moonlight. In all actuality, he looked like one of the prestigious male guests inside the ballroom. Taking note of the privacy you both shared, you finally had the courage to ask him about his unusual choice of gloves. 
“I was wanting to ask you…”
“Your gloves…I dont think I’ve ever seen anyone wear gloves like yours, especially a butler.” 
“Oh, these? It’s just for comfort when I carry out some of my tasks.” He puts out nonchalantly, pretty much in the same manner as your father responded whenever you breached the topic of Ethan. 
“Oh, I see. A butler that just likes to wear leather gloves then.” you chuckled out, with his own laughter following closely behind. 
“Yeah, just a butler who likes to wear leather gloves.” he gently repeats as he switches his gaze from the moon, and looks over to you. Had you not been admiring the moon yourself, you would have taken notice of his unyielding stare. His eyes travel up and down, noting that this was the first time since your arrival to your father’s estate that he got to see the reality of your form. It was beautiful. 
Admiring the curves of your body, the length of your hair traveling down your backside, and the complexion of your glowing skin, the man found himself in awe….again. 
“So what made you want to get away this time? The people? The politics?”
“The moon.” you jest, slightly biting down on your lip, though you did so harmlessly. Yet Ethan couldn’t help but see the sultry beauty behind it. “I like the moon.” You claim. 
“Oh yeah? What else do you like?” he punctures your way, unbeknownst to you, he takes a step closer by your side. 
“I like animals. I like food, and the stars, and–”
“To run away…” he finishes, earning your sudden attention, allowing for you to see that he had migrated closer. 
“...Yes. I like to run away.” You calmly state, issuing a faint nervous chuckle upon noticing the feasting hunger that glared in his eye. It scared you…but you were liking it….and you wanted more of it. 
Reaching up, he takes a bit of your hair and glides his fingers through the length of it, allowing it to fall back on your spine. “Now tell me again…what else do you like, pretty girl.” 
Your breathing was less steady and deep, you suddenly found the tone of his voice so alluring, and the way he ran his fingers through your hair brought out a tight feeling from within your gut. Tingling and numbness chimes in your womanhood, it was a sensation you were familiar with, yet this time it was much stronger and vivid. You whisper out your response, taking the plunge and the chance to tell him, without being so direct…
“I like….you…” 
So much for not being too direct. At least you could say you tried to keep it somewhat discreet, which was much more than what you could say about your stepsisters. 
“Yeeeah…I  like you too…” his voice grew deeper and the shine in his eyes grew fierce as the hungry sense raged wildly, he looked different. He looked almost frightening, with how starving his eyes looked, yet the moment he gripped a handful of your hair while saying his piece, you could care less that he had the look of a hungry killer or a sadistic maniac, you were willing to feed him, and he sensed it. 
With the grip of your silk strands, he pulls you in, sucking in your breath as he fully envelops your lips in a deep kiss. Oh to be kissed by this man….it was something else. 
He explores your body and rubbed your hips, his fingers digging into your waist as a hand rides up your back and cradles the back of your scalp while taking in the sensation of your soft strands. The first moan you release against his tongue, he instantaneously rushes you against the pillar nearby, the force of his weight pushing you back until your shoulders meet the cold marble. Your rear and spine is plastered against the surface, yet he continues to push as his body melts into you. Without breaking the kiss, he keeps pushing, rubbing, and grinding, feeding off those sweet moans you let out. 
Finally, he allows for the both of you to take a breath as he abruptly breaks his lips away. Softly gripping your neck, the fine leather squeezing against your skin, he whispers before placing a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose, his eyes staring down at you and never breaking contact. “Be a good pretty thing…and try to stay quiet for me.” 
“Mm..mmhmm…” you moaned. 
“Yeah? Can you do that?”
“Yeah?” he lowers his head and buries his face into your neck, ravishing you with kisses as he smothers his saliva on your smooth skin. “Say you’ll be good for me.” 
“I-I’ll….I’ll be good…I’ll try to be good…mmm…Ethan.” 
You moaned out of both, pleasure and confusion as you winced your eyes shut upon feeling his kisses becoming rougher, his teeth nibbling on your neck. “H-Heeseung?” 
“Mmhmm…my real name.” He lets out just before he gives you a sharp bite. “Ah! Uggghhhhh!!’ you jerked up upon feeling the stinging sensation, with him easing it out as he licked over his teeth mark. “Shhhh….you gotta be good, remember?” he mocks as he gives you another bite.
“Ugh! Fffffffffuck….ugh!” you lengthen out your moans as you feel your body tremble. You really thought you could be quiet, that wasn’t hard to do with the last guy…but with Ethan…no, Heeseung….it was impossible. 
“I…I can’t…I can’t….please…please let me scream….oh God I wanna scream…” 
Looping his hand under your thigh, he lifts your weight as your back drags against the pillar, his lips sucking and kissing your breasts, which have now become exposed as he pulls the straps down from over your shoulders. With a mouthful of your plump areola, his free hand trails upwards and makes its way to gently cover your mouth. “Then scream baby.” 
His finger digs into the skin of your upper leg as he sustains your weight, while his free hand shoots up and gently holds you by your neck. It was all happening so fast, you hadn’t realized that he had already snaked his member out from his trousers until you felt the warm skin of his hard bulge probing your clothed entrance. He fingers your panties and scoots them off to the side, where the probing became more intense as you felt his hips bucking upward. He enjoyed teasing you with it, poking you a few more times as he wasn't focusing on entering, until you let out a whine that indicates your desire for him to do it to you. “Please…..” you moaned out. He kisses you as he finds himself, slipping through your tight walls. The both of you breathed out deeply and simultaneously upon feeling the initial penetration. He breaks the distance just slightly between your lips, so that he could take a better look at you while he continued to thrust all the way in, slowly. Sloooooowly. 
There was so much friction, roughness, and pressure, but it was all divine. He stared down at you, looking directly into your eyes with his feasting ones, while his grip on your neck tightened ever so slightly. His thumb reaches up, and grazes over our gasping lips as you pant out your moans. 
“Shh…” he waves his index over your lips, hushing you tenderly before the base of his groin meets with yours. You felt full, stuffed, and complete. He gives a slight nudge, imploring for you to respond that you were ready, and you were. With a slight nod, your eyes glistened as you gave him his que, to which he took, along with a kiss on the tip of your nose before he started to pull out. He didn’t have to say it, you could hear it within his growl that you were tight. Your walls squeezed every ounce of precum out of his throbbing length as he drew it out from the immense pressure your cavity created for him. Your squelching walls squeezing him, cradling him with a tight ring of muscle that made it almost seemed impossible for him to penetrate a second time. His breathing escalates yet each exhale becomes prolonged as he groans out the pleasure he felt upon breaching you. He exits out fully, his bulbous tip barely lays nestled in your cavity, with only the very tip that carried his exit laying inside, but it wasn’t for long. You clenched uncontrollably when you felt him plunge back in, harder, deeper, and faster. He bellows out in the depths of your gut while shoving his nose and mouth against your skin, still holding you by the thigh and neck. His hips thrust, starting off at a slow tempo, but taking no time to pick up the pace. In just a few seconds, you found yourself being lunged upwards in a jolting motion, all at high tempo. 
In and out, his thrusts were graceful yet demeaning as he goes in each time with the intent on tearing you apart, feeding you the immense thickness of his length and girth. The sound of the bustling guests exiting and mingling outside of the house could be heard, all unaware of what was happening behind the large pillar that Heeseung had you pinned against. You so badly wanted to scream, it all felt too good. The way he had you bouncing upwards at high momentum, your hair draping and decorating the marble backing as he continued to shove and lift you to accommodate each thrust. Biting your lip, you couldn’t take it anymore and yelp out in desperation, only for him to shoot his hand up and cover your mouth as he did before. 
“Shh….that’s my good girl.” Whispering against your forehead, his thrusts become harder and tighter as he reaches the areas of your body that you never knew could be obtained by a man. His length repeatedly hits a spot that causes you to yell out into his palm in a repeated motion as he goes in with so much ferocity. Your body goes limp, and you could barely contain yourself. Sensing that, he flings your thigh upwards and catches it, adjusting his grip as he scoots in closer while penetrating deep inside, leaving absolutely no distance between your heated bodies. 
“Good girl…good girl…take it….keep taking it…..fuck!” 
Feeling your walls pulsate did him in. You felt his cock throb with violent twitches as he buried it deep inside, releasing his warm, silky seed into you. The way you felt his length bend and flicker against your muscles, with the hot temperature of his children entering invigorated you, causing you to experience your orgasm. Your walls leak, vibrating out your ecstasy while he stays put for a few minutes; leaning back, he stares down at you with fulfillment in his eyes, they are no longer hungry. Satisfied under heavy lids, he reaches up and takes from his internal breast pocket of his suit, a silkened handkerchief. He pinches the corner, before whiplashing it to unfold as he slides out, inch by inch. Once you felt hollow, you felt the warm ooze of his labor dripping down your thigh. It was thick and white, mixed with the clarity of your body’s own solution produced from your orgasmic high. Keeping your thigh elevated, he takes a knee and  drags the smooth silk against your skin as he delicately wipes up the residue, leaving a trail of kisses against your inner thigh upon cleaning you up. Dragging his tongue upwards, he leaves your skin spotless before standing straight up, placing a tender kiss on your lips. No words were exchanged, just acts of affection and softness to conclude the lovemaking. Throughout the night, Heeseung danced and kept you company, flashing a smile your way every so often, much to the dismay of your sisters. 
“Why is Ethan dancing with her? I want to dance with him too!” 
“After me first.” 
Your stepmom subtly scolds the girls under her breath, pressuring them to focus on the more eligible bachelors that roamed the ballroom, no doubt heirs with big money behind their names. Yet the girls had a hard time shaking off the handsome Ethan from their minds, and only grew more frustrated as they watched him court you. Your father sips from his fine glass, and reassures your sisters as he issues a firm look over to your stepmom. “I’m sure it’s nothing girls. Go and mingle with all these other handsome fellas, I’m sure they’d love to dance with you two.” 
“But dad! I’ve been telling you how long I’ve had a crush on Ethan, it’s not fair!”
Your father slides his stern look over to the girls; “I’m sure Ethan is being polite, after all, it's the first time your sister attended this event, he’s more than likely trying to make her feel welcomed since she doesn’t know anyone here. I’m sure it’s nothing.” 
Glancing over to you and Ethan, your father smiles softly upon admiring the way you both flowed with the course of the musical piece being played. Whispering to himself, he quietly tells himself, “I’m sure it’s nothing…but love.” 
The following week, you spent more time with Ethan. For a butler, he didn’t seem to be as busy as you would expect, especially considering the house was massive. Then again, your father did mention that he was the head of the house staff, and second to only him as the master of the household, so perhaps his duties were strictly supervisory with high authority. Either way, you didn’t mind that he was free to be with you the majority of the days, it was exactly what you had needed to recover from your previous partner. Ethan had heard about him, yet never brought him up, he never felt the need to. As far as he was concerned, you had him now, and that was all that mattered. 
One day, you went out with your sisters to do some shopping. You took interest in the local food vendors that sold fresh produce, while your sisters were enchanted by the local boutique of their favorite designer brand and the release of the new collection. You interacted with the sellers, buying simple ingredients to prepare a nice meal tonight, for you and Ethan. You were surprised that your father hadn’t become curious as to your frequent absence at dinner, since you were spending each evening in private with Ethan, dining at the gazebo or at one of the guest houses. Perhaps he knew? Or maybe he just trusted you to care for yourself, after all, he never restricted you to a strict schedule, allowing you the freedom to provide for yourself whenever you needed. 
As you walked the row of street vendors, a mysterious figure from afar eyeballs your movements. Stationed at the peak of a nearby tower, he aims and observes through a scope, attached to a sniper rifle. Being the only legitimate daughter of the Ambassador came with some ups and downs, and it would appear that your father had enemies that intended to cause you harm, perhaps as a warning for money or secured and private information that would affect national security. Blindly unaware, you continued on with your shopping, just seconds away from getting pierced through the chest with a stray bullet. A bullet…that was shot in silence, not a sound heard by the crowds. 
Hunched over, bleeding, and choking out his last breath, the mysterious assassin slowly fades out over his rifle; a single hole in his chest leaks out the last of his vigor as his vision blackens. Across the tower, on the roof of a neighboring hotel, another rifleman kneels perched with his own weapon and silencer. Ejecting the casing out from the ejection port, a leather gloved hand catches the steaming hot brass; with his trigger finger is exposed, he releases and activates the safety switch on the weapon. Peeking through the scope, he watches the mysterious figure die out, then switches his aim over to you. Watching over you, his scope follows your every move, until Bittmerman pulls up. 
“Miss y/n, it's time to get back. Your sisters are already in the car.” 
You nod and smile happily. “Okay, thank you.” 
Taking Bitterman’s hand, he guides you in the backseat where you are reunited with your spoiled sisters. He shuts the door and looks up to meet the eye of the scope, emitting a nod that implies your safety behind bullet proof glass and steel. Smirking, the rifleman lowers the gun and takes it apart. Chuckling to himself, he places the components of his rifle in a fine case before standing and watching Bitterman’s car drive off. 
Taking his index, he bites the tip of the leather glove and pulls it off his left hand. Taking the brass casing, he flicks it up in the air before catching it with his strong hand, adorned with the fingerless leather glove. Rolling the brass in between his fingers, he admires it for a second before he preps to take his leave. Chuckling once more, he whispers under his breath, growing excited in seeing you upon his return home, knowing you'll be waiting for him.
“I’m just a butler… who likes to wear leather gloves, pretty girl.”
Taglist: aiden2001 , heeseung-min , lathan1510 , rayofsunshineeee
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snailsagere · 8 months
Please read my dni in my bio before interacting
I made a computer games to play when regressed so here's phone games to play when regressed!
Phone games to play when regressed!
All of these games are free unless stated otherwise and I will give content warnings if needed! If I miss anything and you think I should include it then feel free to tell me!
🌸= personal favourites
Monster girl maker 1 and 2
Description- it's a cute dress up game where you design monster girls, it's really really cute!
CW- I think it's got some medically stuff and general stuff that may be scary
My little pony pocket ponies
Description- it's a game where you get through enemies using the mlp characters it's quite tricky so I recommend this more for anyone who regresses to older ages but it's still really fun!
CW- none :3
🌸My little pony colour by magic
Description- it's a colour by number game where you colour in scenes and decorate a friendship museum!
CW- none :3
🌸My little pony magic princess
Description- you rebuild equestria and complete quests as well as little in game competitions!
CW- none :3
🌸My little pony celebration
Description- you celebrate loads of different parties hosted by the my little pony characters!
CW- none :3
Toca world
Description- pretty much like a doll house but on your phone, make characters, make them a house and explore the world etc, there are also dlc's you can pay for which add stuff like new locations etc
CW- none :3
Toca hair salon 3
Description- this is a paid game where you cut and style different people's hair!
CW- cartoon scissors, hair cutting equipment etc
🌸Hello kitty around the world
Description- you travel to different countries as hello kitty, learn facts about them and where they are in world! you also earn traditional outfits and food to dress hello kitty and feed her!
CW- none! :3
Hello kitty educational games
Description- play a variety of different games to earn outfits and furniture for hello kitty!
CW- none! :3
🌸Hello kitty fashion star
Description- dress up girls in sanrio clothes!
CW- none! :3
Hello kitty cafe
Description- own a cafe! And play as sanrio characters! This games a bit tricky so I recommend it for older kids! Aswell as that there used to be in app purchases to make it easier but they do not work anymore so keep that in mind!
CW- none! :3
Hello kitty goodnight
Description- you play little mini games to get the hello kitty family to sleep!
CW- none! :3
🌸Littlest pet shop your world
Description- play loads and loads of littlest pet shop mini games and if you have the lps with the rubbery heads you can even scan them into the game!
CW- none! (I haven't played every mini game but it seems fine)
Cats and soup
Description- this is a clicky game where you unlock cats for them to make soup
CW- drawings of cartoony knives (to cut veggies)
Description- you play as a bunny making food for customers based on hints they give you
CW- none (I don't remember if they use kitchen equipment but I think they don't, not certain though!)
My talking Angela 2
Description- look after a cat called angela, play mini games etc
CW- none! :3
🌸Virtual families 3
Description- I grew up play virtual families 2!this is the same premise we're you look after a family on your phone!
CW- none! :3
Tsuki odyssey
Description- similar to tsuki adventure but now you're in a new location, you can fish, buy things, decorate your house and see what tsuki gets up to
CW- I think burglary is mentioned at the start
Cats are cute
Description- expand a town of cats, pet them, feed them and play with them!
CW- none! :3
Adorable home
Description- play as a couple and adopt loads and loads of cats, look after them and decorate and expand your house!
CW- none! :3
Any papa's game
Description- cook food for customers! All the papa's games are paid for but they're only £1-£3! My personal recommendation is papa's pancakeria!
CW- some of the games have knives in them
🌸Pokemon playhouse
Description- you collect pokemon and play cute mini games with them! This is a good game for little kids who like pokemon!
CW- none! :3
Pokemon smile
Description- brush your teeth to catch pokemon!
CW- none! :3
Pokemon go
Description- walk around outside and catch pokemon! Definitely recommend doing this when it's less cold hehe
CW- none! :3
Pokemon cafe
Description- a match three gand where you make food and drinks fir pokemon customers!
CW- cartoony knife+kitchen equipment maybe
Description- raise eggs until they hatch into cute creatures! I loved this game when I was little
CW- none! :3
🌸My school-learning game
Description- be a teacher in a school and teach characters basic maths and English (it has a few different language options depending on where you're from) you can unlock things but you have to pay for them but what is free is fun
CW- none! :3
Colouring games
Description- colour in pictures!
CW- none! :3
🌸Jungle floof
Description- raise jungle animals and play mini games!
CW- none! :3
Description- a kinder egg toy game! Loads of different activities to do and you can unlock characters by scanning your kinder toys!
CW- none! :3
🌸Duo abc
Description- learn the alphabet and basic words (only English), disclaimer? Maybe? not the same as duolingo, this app is made for children
CW- none! :3
Extras! (games I found while making this list)
Plants vs Zombies 1, 2 and 3
Description- fight zombies by setting up plants with different abilities! I recommend this for older kids, I had pvz 1 and 2 when I was younger and I was very bad at it haha
CW- zombies, ungorey violence (no blood etc)
Sundae picnic
Description- make ice cream for cats and dogs! (please don't actually give cats or dogs ice cream)
CW- none! :3
Pokemon sleep
Description- collect pokemon by sleeping (sometimes the app doesn't record your sleep properly but usually it's ok, still fun either way)
CW- none! :3
Khan kids
Description- I haven't played it yet but it looks like it has little mini games for younger kids on it!
CW- idk :c
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thewertsearch · 4 months
@manorinthewoods asked: Vriska and Eridan have now killed one person each. Tavros and Feferi's respective moons have been destroyed; as such, they cannot be revived via dream selves or the moon-crypt slabs. What do you think will happen now? ~LOSS (18/5/24) @manorinthewoods asked: Welcome to Murderstuck, aka Homestuck's version of Canaan House. Who do you think's going to survive this? ~LOSS (22/5/24) Anonymous asked: tavros and feferi are D----EAD! do you think they'll stay dead? you've already stated your opinion that there are death flags like crazy all over vriska, so do you think anyone else will die? if so, who? Anonymous asked: Now that the bodies have started to hit the floor, what's your prediction for who's gonna survive to meet the humans?
I'm actually doing to do something a little different this time, and analyze the situation primarily from an author's perspective, rather than an in-universe one. I had a lot of fun doing that with yesterday's Kanaya post, so I want to try it again.
Let's enumerate the remaining trolls, in ascending order of how likely I think they are to kick the bucket (😳) during Murderstuck.
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There's no chance whatsoever that Sollux will die. His Doom prophecy is fulfilled, and if he were to die a third time, it would break his long-established duality theme. Plus, he'd have predicted it, and would have been complaining about it since Hivebent. He's fine.
Death flag score: 0/10.
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We just got Aradia back. She's not even involved in Murderstuck, seemingly travelling to the Furthest Ring after being resurrected, so none of the murderers can touch her anyway.
Aradia is a powerful time manipulator who can freeze even the most dangerous enemies. It would take a lot more than Eridan and Gamzee to defeat someone who can stalemate Perfect Jack, and I predict that she'll survive the rest of the Act with ease.
Plus, killing her again so soon would feel really cheap. Been there, done that.
Death flag score = 0.5/10
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Karkat and Terezi are too important to die.
This doesn't always guarantee a character's survival - A Song of Ice and Fire comes to mind - but ASOIAF kind of proves my point, doesn't it? Martin can throw all the Red Weddings he likes at us, but everyone still kind of knows that the really important characters aren't going to die until their arcs are complete. If A Dream of Spring ever actually comes out, Daenerys will still be around, and you can take that to the bank.
So no, I don't think Karkat and Terezi will be going anywhere. Now that Kanaya appears to be dead, they're undeniably the most important trolls remaining, alongside Vriska. And we'll get to Vriska.
Death flag score: 1/10.
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I know it's weird to predict that an already deceased character won't die, but I wrote an entire post last night about why I believe this to be the case.
tl;dr: it doesn't make narrative sense for Kanaya to stay dead.
Death flag score: 2/10.
Now, we're onto the characters who I think might actually die.
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Gamzee's still alive at the end of the countdown, so he'll at least survive the next couple of hours.
Certainly, his position seems rather precarious. His stated intent to wipe out the entire Veil will make him a lot of enemies very quickly - and based on the image above, he clearly gets into some sort of trouble. That scratch almost looks like it could be the work of Jack's sword.
However, I have a hard time believing the Most Important Character In Homestuck is going to die less than halfway through Homestuck. He's been saying all sorts of cryptic nonsense lately, and he strikes me as someone whose role in the story will expand even more than it already has. Gamzee is the one character on this list we know will stay relevant for the entire comic.
I don't think he's going to achieve his murder mission, of course. I think he'll probably be 'defeated' somehow, and expelled from the Veil by the surviving trolls, only to pop up again sometime later. There's still a chance that he'll be killed - but if he is, I'm 100% sure that he'll return in some form. Gamzeesprite would be even worse than Calsprite, in my opinion.
Death flag score: 3/10.
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Yes, I still believe Vriska will die - but I don't know if she'll die in Murderstuck.
Scratch positioned her as someone who will perpetuate a monumental, large-scale mistake, and I don't think there's anything she could do on the Veil that fits the bill.
However, Vriska is more imaginative than I am. She could easily pull a trick out from up her sleeve that I didn't see coming - some terrible, horrible idea that earns all of Scratch's foreshadowing in one fell swoop. Vriska is known for her Incidents, and you never know when the next one is on the horizon.
Death flag score: 4/10.
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There's not a lot tying Equius and Nepeta to the Veil, is there?
They don't have strong relationships any of the remaining trolls, and even among the B-team, they've barely had any prominence since we've left Alternia. Killing one or both of them would up the stakes of Murderstuck without introducing the narrative issues that, say, a dead Karkat would cause.
Plus, if one of them dies, then the other would immediately gain an incredibly strong motivation, and become a more prominent character overnight. I already like Nepeta - but a heartbroken, vengeful Nepeta hunting Eridan down across time and space? That's a fucking arc.
They could also both die, and return to the story from another direction. It hasn't escaped my notice that almost all the 'important' trolls are Prospit Dreamers, and the two Furthest Ring explorers are Derse girls. I've been wondering for a while now if the solution to the Veil's bloated cast is to split the trolls back into the Red and Blue Teams, with the Red Team joining the kids outside the session, and the Blue Team joining Aradia in the Ring for some secondary mission. I guess that implies Tavros will be resurrected, but there do seem to be hints that that might happen.
I don't want either of these two to die, but... well, killing them would raise a lot of interesting possibilities.
Death flag score (both of them together): 6/10
Death flag score (one of them) : 7.5/10.
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Eridan is screwed.
Neither the story nor the trolls can allow him to ally with Jack and lead him to the Veil, and they'll do anything they can to stop him. I don't think anyone's inclined to show him mercy, either - Kanaya and Feferi were very popular.
I don't really see any way out for him. He has no allies, he can't Hopesplode everyone at once, and he's never shown himself to be particularly resourceful. I think if there's one troll practically guaranteed to be Murderstucked, it's him.
Death flag score: 9/10.
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ravenwriter16 · 3 months
Hello EVERYONE!!!! This is part one of my new series, 'Creative Minds Think Alike!'
In these small snippets I will highlight some of the coolest (at least in my mind) DCA (or other, who knows) content creators!
SO think of these as a HUGE thanks to these creators for all their cool art, stories, and little worlds that they decided to share with all of us! You guys are awesome and I hope to get to your level of talent one day!
You can tell I'm not that good because this is not beta-read!
If you don't like my writing or story idea, then don't read Just a heads up, I will edit or straight up delete a fic episode if the creator I featured took offensive with how I presented them and their AUs. My intent isn't to mock or belittle them or their works
So here you are my fellow void travelers! The pilot fic episode to the series 'Creative Minds Think Alike!'. Featuring the amazing @missterious-figure! Enjoy!
The castle halls at night were truly a gorgeously horrific sight to behold. A person first trekking into this old and magnificent place would surely run away at the first shadow that seemed to move. At least the large windows allowed the moon to grace the hall with its ghostly glow.
Directly across from the windows are rows of doors, each one different from the last and never exactly the same as its neighbors. Each of these doors has a small plaque located either right next to the door, above the door, or on the door itself.
Currently walking down this strange hall is me. Good dawn, morning, afternoon, evening or night (or all of the above). I'm Ravenwriter Archivist number 16. But you can call me Raven if you want!
My boss calls me Ravenwriter16 because he doesn't want to waste breath on my title (His words not mine). I'm one of the many protecters of this castle. A Castle Archivist if you so will. I was given this title and job by none other than the Aligned Society of Creative Minds.
Not by my choice. They were short on time and randomly selected me, basically uprooting my life. For a time I was angry (and can you blame me?) but then I looked into the specifics of my duties and now I'm ready to work.
I'm no expert mind you. I'd just graduated from the academy and starting to get some control over my powers when I was shoved into this. But I love a good challenge!
But enough of this, I'm stalling.
I eye the plaques, scanning them intently. In my hands are two envelopes with containing letters I wrote earlier this week. They were for two of the millions of warriors living in the castle.
Two that I hand selected after spending hours scouring the resident scrolls (there are so MANY). I hope these two were as friendly as their scrolls stated.
After a few minutes of walking this ever-expanding hall, I finally find the door to the first warrior from my two chosen.
The door itself was made from a black natural material, not really wood, not really rock, not really metal. It seemed to morph between those three. It did have gold trimming woven into the strange surface. Above the door was a golden plaque with silver and bronze writing.
I take in a shaky inhale, rolling my shoulders and in turn shaking my wings. My black feathers bristling before settling back down as my wings fold into my back.
I tug at my black hood, making sure it was secured over my head. My eyes dart to my boots and I lift my feet up one by one to inspect them for mud and dirt.
phew...not even a speck.
Steeling my resolve (and accepting my possible death wish) I place my gloved hand on the door. I push the surprisingly heavy door open.
It creaks o it's hinges as it swings inward. the sounds of birds flying and water crashing startles me. I look into the room in awe. It was like someone took every biome known to man and mixed it all together to harmonize in this relm.
There was a desert in the distance to my left and a...a FROZEN WASTE LAND to my right?! Forest and grassy plains, hills and mountains?! This place seems to have it all.
I step inside and gently close the door behind me. To protect my letters I place them in my side pouch as I journey deeper into this world.
While trekking further and further into the room, my surroundings start to shift. Jungle recedes into moss covered, vine strangled stone. I could see stone arches and tapestries that have aged and withered over time.
I reach a clearing. The temple's main room. There was no ceiling exclude for the tree leaves. To my left was more ancient stone that opened up to the jungle more and to my right was a magnificent waterfall.
in front of me was a giant tree. It's roots weaved into a seat, a throne if you will. Carvings grace the wood, but they don't look man made.
My wings spread out in alarm when something brushes against them. Something smooth and cold. Whipping my head to my wings, I freeze and gasp.
A floating glowing orb floats in the air. Bobbing up and down in small movements. It moves closer to my face and boops my nose. My eyes widen and I laugh.
"Well hello there little one." I greet, cupping my hands underneath it. It flies down and rests in my palms. it glows a tad brighter and its color changes to a neon green.
It vibrates in my hand, a sign of its content. I laugh, "Wow. I've read about Relm Holders, but seeing one in real life is-,"
I spin on my heels and face the throne. My checks grow warm and my wings puff up in embarrassment.
Sitting on the throne was an all-black, and I mean pitch BLACK, person with a...a uhm...
"I'm so SO sorry if this comes across as rude but uhm..." I tilt my head pointing at theirs, "Do you have a...square as a head?"
A single white eye with a white line over said eye (acting as the eyebrow) appears on the left side of their face. the eye widens.
"Oh, yeah..." the voice was feminine and held power.
I let go of the Relm holder and it zooms over to the stranger. No not a stranger...this was-
"How do you know my name?" she asks, standing up. She holds the Relm Holder in her hand and I watch as scenes of hooves, horns, antlers, fairy wings (?) swamps, metalic colors shimmering with different color eyes, pass through the orb.
She blows on the Relm Holder and the orb evaporates into millions of fireflies. I follow some of them as they fly in spirals up towards the sky.
I snap my gaze up to her's and nervously laugh. "S-sorry. Allow me to introduce myself..."
I get down on my knee and put a hand on my chest as i bow y head, "I am Ravenwriter Archivist 16. I'm the-,"
"New watcher of the castle?" she asks with a tilt of her head. "What happened to Mr. Honer?"
"He was uhm...dismissed by the council." I risk a glance up at the. i yelp and fall on my bottom when I find how close they are. They look down at me with a raised brow.
"You are jumpy." she states calmly while i try to steady my heart. She offers her hand to help me up and I take it with a small smile.
"Thank you-AAAAAA!"
Hands grab me from behind and lift me up by my armpits. My wings flap in agitation as I'm turned around to face a golden feathered face. small blue feathers and long beautiful red feathers. White eyes shine in delight and mischief as they take in my face.
I stare in shock, mouth open. the being holding me laughs, "A new harpy from our beloved ruler~? Miss you shouldn't have!"
I yelp as I'm shoved into a very fluffy and warm chest. I try to pull away but the being, male I think, was too strong, keeping me in place with ease.
"Sun! Put her down!"
"But you made her for us, my queen! Why would I let go of such a lovely gift~?"
"She's not mine! She's the new Watcher-,"
I'm dropped immediately. I yelp and my wings spread out in pain. I stand up and rub my hip, "Oww..."
"I wish you told me that before I touched the dirty thing." Sun tsks, crossing his arms and swiveling his head to the side with his nose up.
"I'm not that dirty--YOUR TAIL!" My mumbling morphs into awe.
'What?" Sun glances at me with a raised brow. His eyes drift to his GORGEOUS golden tail feathers. "Did you get them dirty?"
I let his insult breeze over, too star-struck by his beauty. He smirks smugly and I hear Missterious-Figuren groan and roll her eye.
When she clears her throat, I shake my head, snapping out of my stupor. I face her, eyes averted and rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment.
"Please don't feed his ego. It's already too big..." she sighs.
"I'm your creation, darling~." Sun croons, sauntering over to Missterious-figure and draping himself over her. He nuzzles into her neck, his feathers around his neck bristling.
"Uhm," I hold up my two index fingers, "Should I come back later-,"
"No. No this is probably a good time to talk. Peacock Eclipse is out checking in on my smaller boys, and Peacock Moon is trying to get the jump on Centaur Moon...Again..."
I snort but I cover my mouth when Missterious-figure tilts her head. "You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry. That's just hilarious to me...I mean after reading about your inclusive world and all." I nervously chuckle.,
"Cool." She pets Sun's head and he leans into her touch even kissing her palm. "Sooooo, did you come here to introduce yourself or-,"
"OH! Right..." I turn my attention to my side pouch. Some of items clinking together while I search for her envelope.
Sun perks up with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He leans forward to get closer but Missterious-figure slaps him. He gasps and holds his throbbing cheek as he gives her puppy-dog eyes.
She returns his look with a pointed look.
"Here we are!" I pull out the envelope and hold it out to her "This is an introduction letter from me with more of my contact information in case you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about the castle. And there's also some papers that need your signature."
She takes it from my hand and turns to her left. She looks at me and smiles, "I take it you need these back by a certain date?"
My wings puff up as I nod my head, "Yes, but I can convince the council for more time if you're busy-,"
"You don't have to do that...If you'll follow me to my lounge, I can sign these papers and send you on your way..."
"That would be great, thank you." I return her smile with a small one of my own. I go to follow her when she starts walking but a towel flies at me, smacking me in the face.
I pull it off and glare at Sun. He harrumphs and points to the towel, his silver glove shining in the sunlight as well as his feathers. "Clean yourself. I don't want any of your filth getting on the carpet."
With that he turns his back to me and walks after Missterious-figure. I can't help but stare as he swishes his hips, his tail feathers glittering as he walks.
I smack myself in the face with my wings. I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek. FOCUS!
I wipe my face with the towel to appease the giant...handsome bird man, then follow after the two.
I try not to look around that much. I didn't want to impose more than I already have.
I was happy that Missterious-figure was so opened minded towards this whole...'New Castle Archivist' stuff. But I know I shouldn't take her kindness for passiveness. Her form I saw her in was her...calmer form so to speak. At least that's what I assume.
If she saw me as a threat though...I would be dead in seconds. She was one of the Head Defenders for a reason...
I was too deep in my head that the walk to the lounge blurred by. It was still a ruin temple theme, but now there are couches, plush chairs, red carpet, and even some hammocks.
A small desk was pushed to the side and that's were Missterious-figure was looking over the papers. Sun was draped over a couch, pulling at her pants, trying to coax her into paying attention to her.
I stand awkwardly in the doorway, crossing and uncrossing my arms. My eyes lock onto the window that gave a spectacular view of the grassy planes. I see a herd grazing and is that a yellow unicorn-,
"Sun stop...Alright! This looks fine to me."
I turn my head to her. My eyes widen when she uses a bronze peacock tail feather as a quill. She dips the tip into a golden inkwell then leaves her signature on all the dotted lines the papers required.
She places the quill back into the inkwell and pats the papers so that they were evenly stacked. She turns around and walks towards me, Sun whining that she was out of range of hold.
She holds out the papers for me to take. "I'm impressed with how these all fit in that tiny envelope."
I take the papers with a small thank you, "Yeah, nothing a little compact spell could fix. Thank you again for signing these. I know paperwork isn't the greatest of things to do...."
Missterious-figure shrugs then groans when Sun whines for her again. She looks over her shoulder at the dramatic harpy. "Behave or I'll cut your time short and hand out with Reptile you."
"No~!" Sun whines giving her puppy eyes.
She rolls her eye and looks back at me with a tired smile. I smile back and turn to leave, "Thank you so much for your time."
"Don't mention it."
"If you need anything, feel free to stop by my mushroom."
"M-mushroom?" she blinks at me and I give her a confused stare. "What happened to the Archivist office?"
"Oh that!...I destroyed it...It was too cramped for me..."
"Thank you again, I'll see myself out."
"Stay safe. Some creations are known to sneak out." She sighs, "Especially my moon..."
"Got it." I give her a small bow and make my way out of her room. I wave at the fireflies as they flutter around me. I take one last long look at this magnificent room.
'Maybe working here won't be as bad as I thought..."
I sigh, chuckling to myself as I leave. The doors closing behind me in a soft thud.
That's the end of part 1!
Episode Two is HERE
Episode Three is HERE
Episode Four is HERE
Episode Five is HERE
Episode Six is HERE
Hope you've all enjoyed! Part two will be coming soon to a Tumblr near you!
Thank you @missterious-figure for letting me use you and your boys for this. Please contact me if you are unsatisfied with how I represented you in this episode!
Hope you all have a fantastic day/night! Stay awesome!
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intuitivemoonbaby · 2 years
What don’t you see about yourself?
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Hi Moonbabies!! Welcome or welcome back to another pick a card reading ❤︎ Today I will inquire my tarot cards about “what you don’t see about yourself.” This was the highest on the poll I did a few days ago.
Remember, to pick the pile you most resonate with. Ground yourself, take a few deep breaths and pick your pile. Trust your intuition! Don’t second guess yourself. Please just take what resonates and leave the rest :) If pile(s) don’t resonate, then this reading may not be for you. Now scroll for your reading.
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Pile One
You are self aware. Constantly going through rebirths to grow into your best self. You’re always coming up with new ideas and having major realizations. You seem to get a lot of downloads from the universe. You’re a hard worker. When you hit rock bottom, you expand your mind and look for a new perspective. You’re independent and really don’t care what others think. You’re self love and self worth is very high. You don’t take any bullshit. You’re picky with the people you let into your life. You also value your freedom and individuality. I feel like money comes easily to you, like you’re meant to be financially stable/free in this lifetime. Okay this is off topic but… an air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) could be coming towards you. This seems like a wish fulfillment. This person wants to give you a gift and offer you a commitment. It also doesn’t have to be romantic, could be platonic.
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Pile Two
You know how to heal and transmute negative/low energies into positive ones. You’re balanced and at peace with yourself. You like to take your time on things. You’re efficient and hardworking (maybe even a bit of a perfectionist). You also love to give to others. Gift giving could be one of your love languages. You could volunteer at a shelter. New opportunities are always flowing to you. It’s giving master manifester. You write down what you want, you know you can have it, and it comes to you with ease. You could want to travel or move out of your country/state. Travel vlogger?? Your intuition is strong! You might be into spirituality/tarot/astrology. You trust yourself and the universe. You also like change and moving onto the next thing. You’re adaptable.
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Pile Three
You are persistent! Even when you want to give up, you keep going! You can be a bit indecisive at times. You know how to balance dreams/daydreaming and reality. At least you try to. You’re a go-getter! When you want something, you chase it. Are you a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)? You love freedom and adventures. You’re very optimistic about life. You seem closely connected with your inner child. You are one of the lights in this world. Even though you can be impulsive at times, people love to be around you. You naturally gravitate people to you. When you go through a hard time or heartbreak, you Taylor Swift that shit. You transmute your sadness into inspiration. It’s healing for you.
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Thank you so much for reading!! Honestly you probably know these things about you… but you don’t necessarily believe them. I need you to believe in yourself a bit more. Put yourself on a pedestal!
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arteastica · 8 months
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (22)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2.9k
Your lips were usually the first part of your body his greeted, but when his teeth took the tender skin of your neck between them instead, you knew that the look in his eyes wasn’t the only thing that had changed that night.
He sank his teeth into the soft flesh, a little below your jaw, and it didn’t hurt. The first night you were together he promised that would never happen, and being the upstanding, dependable Commander of the Survey Corps, you knew he was a man of his word. That’s why, even when your body was trembling against his, chest so tight it was hard for your lungs to expand, you trusted him. You trusted the warm breath on your neck that announced the path he was following, a path that led him to a specially sensitive patch of skin below your throat, where his lips started to suck on a little harder than they ever had. But then again, it didn’t hurt.
Not knowing if your lips were allowed to say as much, you ran your fingers through his hair, letting them tell him instead, in their gentle, silent way that you missed him.
A lot.
However, unsure if that was something he wanted to hear, and fearing he wouldn’t return the words, you settled for intertwining your fingers with his golden locks, head thrown back and eyes closed as you let his lips have his way with you. Lips that, by now, had traveled all the way down to your collarbones, slightly visible despite your closed shirt. And, when he nipped the delicate skin, a soft whimper escaped your lips.
A small, innocent sound that proved to be enough to make him want to bury his face between your breasts, which he promptly did after undoing the top buttons of your shirt in one single motion of his hand.
“Erwin.” You called out timidly, his name becoming a combination of pleasure and pain on your lips. Pain that wasn’t exactly physical.
On one hand, you were happy he was touching you again. You were glad to be someone he still wanted to kiss, to hold, to fuck maybe; even after you had told him you loved him. His lips on you, feasting on the tender, plump flesh of your breasts were enough confirmation that you still existed in his mind; that he still craved your body, just as much as your pussy, hungrily rubbing against the hard muscle of his thigh, told him you craved his.
Another part of you, however, was lost in uncertainty; constantly asking herself if it was all worth it. If this pleasure was worth the risk. The risk of ending up feeling used.
Because, the more he sank his teeth into you, the more you realized how impersonal it all felt, much like his voice had just moments ago. There was something you couldn’t explain, something about his kisses choosing your neck and breasts over your lips. There was something unsettling about not being able to see his eyes. It scared you. Not being able to find, in their gentle gaze, the reassurance you needed in such vulnerable, intimate state; with your heart threatening to break your ribcage, your shallow breaths suffocating you more than helping you, and your pussy throbbing even harder with every lap of his tongue against your skin. But then again, that’s how your body reacted whenever he was around.
That’s how it reacted whenever you had the warm palm of his hand under your shirt, a subtle way of announcing that the fabric had become an obstacle that needed to be disposed of soon; which he promptly did, tugging at the front so suddenly and so forcefully it left you wondering if you’d find yourself sewing the bottoms back later in your room. But honestly you didn’t care, not when his hand skillfully unclasped your bra, revealing how impatient your nipples were to become the next target of his attention.
But, when time passed passed and his tongue never showed, you looked down to find him undoing your pants, not even bothering to look up to give any sort of explanation as he pulled down your boots, before throwing everything together to the pile of fabric only your panties were yet to join.
Only, they never did.
They remained in their place, quietly waiting around your hips for their turn, the cotton desperately clinging to the wet skin between your legs. A place that was leaking with want, throbbing with desire, clenching in anticipation.
Silently crying for him.
So much so that, for a moment, you considered removing them yourself. But that was before he stood up and his midnight eyes met yours, making you understand that taking your panties off wasn’t an order your commander had given.
“Comman- ah-” You moaned when his arm found its way around your waist; his body, still fully, and rather unfairly clothed, pressed hard against your bare skin as he lifted you up like a doll. A doll he wanted sitting on his desk, her legs slightly parted, just enough so he could stand in between.
His eyes bore into yours, telling you his plans in a language you were yet to learn, and maybe it was the gelid blue of his stare, or the fact that your panties were the only item of clothing you had been allowed to keep, but you started to shiver. Unsheltered, forsaken, and uncertain. Like a toy that was brought out of the attic one last time, just so its owner could decide if they would keep it or give it away.
“I’m scared.” The words left your lips in a whisper. A whisper so feeble you were unsure he had even heard.
Yes, you were scared. Scared that he didn’t believe you. Scared that he thought you were seeing Leon behind his back, kissing him in secret corners, letting him touch you in the late hours while you called his name, a name that wasn’t your Commander’s. And most importantly, you were scared of what a misunderstanding of that magnitude could mean for the two of you. For your future together, assuming there was even as much as a future to be scared about.
“I can stop if this is not what you want.” He said, and this time his voice sounded a little like it had back then, that unforgettable night when the winter was just starting and you had his naked body hovering over yours, glistening with sweat as he promised he would never hurt you.
It all seemed so far away now.
You knew, however, that his promise remained the same, despite his eyes and the way they looked at you changing so abruptly. And like so, you shook your head promptly, not knowing what was going to happen but wanting to see it happen regardless.
But despite your consent, he didn’t move a finger, choosing to stare at you instead. With those hazy blue eyes, disorienting and mystifying in an enticing, calming way; like morning mist hovering over the mountain lake on a chilly autumn day. And you got the feeling that maybe, just maybe, if you waited long enough it would clear up. Along with all the misunderstandings separating the two of you.
Because, maybe, all you needed was to stare into each other’s eyes, let them talk to each other before your lips could complicate everything with words. Because the more you stared into the blue, the more you saw, the more you understood, and the more visible the truth became.
What was hiding under the surface, below all that fog? What wasn’t he telling you? And, why he didn’t want to tell you?
You held all those questions in the trembling hand you lifted to his cheek, finding in his stillness the courage to run a gentle thumb against his skin, which was warm and comfortable, and slowly leaning against your palm. And for a moment, you thought he would close his eyes and let you hold him like you used to, not too long ago. But if there was something about the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps, something you should be familiar with after working 8 months under him, was his unpredictability. The patterns that his thoughts followed were a mystery, and that is assuming they followed a pattern at all.
Because unpredictability was in everything he did. From the way his hunter green cloak would dance in the wind as he rode his white horse across fields of green, to the way he would lead his men and their lives into uncharted territories with a single flare of his gun, or the way he turned you around in one swift motion of his arm. Big, commanding hand flat against your back, holding you down, a whimper escaping your lips the exact moment your breasts landed on the cold, hard wood of his desk, left cheek squeezed against the papers he had just been working on; which you confirmed were indeed the reports on the new horses. And, as useless as that information seemed now, it was the only thing your eyes were allowed to see from the position you now found yourself in.
You squirmed under his hand, your naked toes barely touching the floor, the delicate clinking of trembling porcelain the only thing you could hear as you tried to adjust your position in an attempt to see him. But the only thing you managed to see from the corner of your eye was the sturdy, menacing frame silently standing behind you, observing you. And you didn’t need to see his face to know where his attention was, because his eyes were burning your skin, visually devouring the flesh between your legs, where your famished hole throbbed, greedily consuming the fabric as it stuck to your wet slit.
And a minute could have passed, or a year perhaps, before you finally heard the rattle of his belt, announcing the plans he had for you. An excited shiver ran down your spine just mere seconds before you felt his warm hand between your legs, furtively pushing your panties to the side with a flick of his finger, not even bothering to pull them down before running the thick, delicious tip of his cock up and down your slit. And something about his unhurried, leisurely movements reminded you of a wolf circling its prey before going in for the kill.
It was relaxing, in a dangerous way. Comforting in the problematic sense. So comforting that pleased hums started leaving your lips every time you exhaled. His generous, hard cock and the soft, moist tip running along your slick folds, reassuring you that he was finally there at your door, as if he had just come home after the longest of missions.
You let your eyes fall shut and your mind get flooded with all the pleasant imagery. Summer, him coming home to you after a long day at work, warm dinner served on the table much like your body was now on his desk, the pantry cabinet now standing sturdy and foursquare after you asked him to fix it; glass holding the lemonade you just prepared for him, and the peach rhubarb pie waiting respectfully in the oven as your clothes dried quietly in the backyard. A lovely repetition you wished to be stuck in for the rest of your days together.
A short lived fantasy that made your lips curve into a smile, a smile that turned into an open mouth the moment he pushed his fat cock inside, all of a sudden and without warning. All the way to the hilt. And then, just as unexpectedly, he pulled out, allowing you to taste nothing but the overwhelming emptiness for a brief second before slamming back in, harder this time, making you release a pained and very audible moan that you were certain someone, at least one person, somewhere in the castle must have heard.
“Comman- ahh-” You gasped when he pulled out again before slipping back inside, his pace growing more aggressive with every thrust. “Erwin- mmmh~”
It was so different today. He seemed so eager to claim you as his, not holding back at all when it came to the rhythm of his hips, and neither were you when it came to your moans. You heard yourself making sounds that had never come out of your mouth before.
“Erwin!” You heard yourself chant his name in notes you didn’t know you were able to reach. “A-ah!”
You were practically screaming and he didn’t seem to care if someone heard you. In fact, it was as if the louder you screamed, the deeper his dick would go as a compliment. Almost as if he was announcing, with every thrust of his hips, that you belonged to him.
As if he wanted the whole castle to know what he was doing to you, the things he was making you feel.
As if he wanted everyone, including you, to know that nobody else could fuck you like this.
As if he was belligerently asking, with every violent thrust of his hips, if a metaphorical someone could make you scream like this.
And who were you to refuse answering your commander’s questions?
“I promise I’m only yours hnngh~” You moaned as his heavy balls hit your dripping folds. “But, if you feel I’m not, then make me a-ahh~!” Your fist held the report he had been working on, now nothing but a crumpled up paper; your brow locked in a tight frown as you did your best to speak through the overwhelming pleasure. “Please, Erwin, fuck me until you feel I’m yours enough.”
And you knew he was about to do just that the moment he removed the flat palm he had been pressing against your back, and placed it on your hips instead, gripping the flesh with such force it made you think he was never going to let go. And you were completely fine with that.
His thrusts grew even more animalistic as time went on, and maybe it was the spice of the cedar desk against your nose or the vanilla of the white oak burning on the other end of the room, but it all made you think of an ax chopping wood in the middle of a forest clear, splitting it in half like a broken heart, yet oddly satisfying like gliding a hot knife through fresh butter, very early in the morning. In the kitchen of some cabin. Hidden in some faraway woods.
As he pounded into you, all you saw was the kettle and the teacup, forgotten on the opposite end of the desk, and all you heard was the rattling of the porcelain, as its contents threatened to jump out of the cup, taking excited leaps every time he thrusted into you.
“Yes, yes, just like that.” You couldn’t help but smile, feeling like a flower, starved of sunlight, after the sky finally cleared up. “Erwin, I’m yours mmmhh~” Every inch of your body belonged to him, and you wanted him to know. To know that he had complete control over every single muscle of your body, down to the smallest one. Hence why they all tensed up when his grip tightened and more desperate, filthy sounds started to leave your lips in appreciation of how deep he was. “Only yours. Do you understand?”
You asked, but didn’t really expect an answer to come out of his lips. He was so silent today, and that was fine. Because you were being vocal for the two of you. You were screaming so he didn’t have to speak, moaning so he could focus all his attention in fucking you, in sliding that fulfilling, indulgent cock of his in and out of you, over and over again.
In your office, and maybe outside too, nothing else could be heard that evening, nothing but your sweet little cries and the lewd, wet sound of his dick as it entered your tight hole, repeatedly and relentlessly. So relentlessly you soon felt it building up inside, like a cork popping out of a bottle, the foam menacingly filling the glass to the brim; like milk dangerously approaching its boiling point, threatening to spill everywhere and cause a mess.
A beautiful one.
“Yes! Please, I-I’m almost there, Erwin. Please make me c-come.” You clenched tighter against his cock, your body squirming so much his hand had to return to its former position flat against your back. “I want to come for you.” Bending you over. “All over you.” Holding you down so you wouldn’t escape. “Because of you.”
Perfection. No, even that word fell short. Artistic. No, you couldn’t arrange it prettily into words. Aromatic. Yes, you could smell it. The freshly brewed ginger, the zesty lemon, and the intoxicating sweetness of the honey. An infusion you would never be able to drink again without thinking about him. Fucking you like this. On his desk. His hand folding you over. The sky all those ambiguous colors. His heavy, velvety balls slapping against your drenched pussy, his swollen cock buried all the way down to the hilt. You. Completely vulnerable, entirely owned by him. And even though his swollen cock relentlessly pounding into you reminded you of a knife stabbing an open wound, ironically, you felt safe. Safe enough to let your eyes close and your smile widen, as you prepared to come for him.
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @mchlist @apts2000 @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis @goddessinsweats @nube55 @jeanboyjean @crazychaoticizzy @braunsbabe @erwinawesomeness @lucifers-nipple-piercing
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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Hello, just wanted to do a quick pile reading and wanting to share what messages im getting for the collective.
So 1111 has the ability to make our wishes come true, but what does it really entail? How can one work with a number when they're not sure how to even understand what is telling them?
I'll start by explaining the numerological value below:
1111 in numerology adds up to a 4.
1+1+1+1 = 4
In numerology, the 4 is the foundation. it is the blueprint. its the small steps we take to get to the reality that we want.
4 is the creator that took the blue print, played the waiting game, and allowed things to grow when necessary.
With the number 1111 its self, its connection to spirituality is intensified.
When working with 1111, one must understand that it is you that creates your reality. We are co-creators walking amongst each other and the universe propels us forward to our highest destination.
There are 3 piles to pick from. Trust your gut and flow with the divine message of 1111. Lets see what it has in store for those who see this number often!
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If you chose pile 1, you're vibration carries a cartoon character(s) waiting for you in the imaginational realms. Your story telling skills will sky rocket if you just let your inner child soar. Be creative, let your mind wonder. You cannot control how these people energies come out. Just dance and let it play out. You could be a artist of some sort if you picked this group, and was already painting that beautiful canvas. Now its time to expand your horizons and start using this gift to create things to let that inner child bloom in a thousand ways.
This group has abilities in story telling, painting, crafting, poetry, and so much more.. Art is a calling for you.
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Go travel. Its time for you to explore the different worlds. Have you been letting yourself stay in doors too much? Or maybe going to the same places in your hometown. Its time for a change of scenery babes. Get up, get out, do something! It doesn't hurt to try, if you have to go alone dont hesitate. Make the most out of your reality babe.
This group has an eccentric quality to them. The more you go out, the more you can explore with your mind, your looks, style, personality. Everything.
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Embrace joy. Live a little. Its time to get that depressed state out of that mind and body of yours puddin'. Be open to what the world wants to show you through your connections with other people. Your inner world will be taking a step back so that the outer world can get a shape up. You have the confidence to go and do that thing, so dont make up excuses as to why you cant go! Just do it. And promise yourself you'll do great.
This group has a joyous spirit to them that magnetizes the world with its healing qualities. You have ancient knowledge in the power of peace, calmness, and serendipity. So dont take lightly on this, be you and whoever tries to disturb that piece dont be ashamed to give them the boot.
Happy weekend!
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moon8th · 2 years
Thoughts on Sagittarius Risings 💭
Spreading their Truth
The Ultimate Rebel placement, there are literally too many forms of pictures/music/art in general I can’t fit on this 1 post about these expansive Jupiter natives
Sagittarius is tapped into the higher chakras, (knowing, thinking, speaking) acting as “The Teacher” archetype, some able to touch the world 🌍!! don’t get too self righteous about that saggy, stay grounded, honestly I think life naturally humbles us anyway
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~Bob Marley ~Jimi Hendrix
Rockstar Lifestyle!! Bc of there Gemini 7th house ong these natives want to learn about anything they deem will expand their minds for the best! Most Sag Risings desire to travel the world!! Explore and experience, they deeply impact there partners life by expanding their psyche and expanding their own
Aries 5th house,, these natives are most creative when they are just expressing themselves, (Aries is the self) so whatever fires them up emotionally and makes them passionate is wholeheartedly what you’ll see them lean into!
Humanitarians! Every single person I list on this post is/was for the people, Libra 11th house makes them see “the other, the partner” on a societal level. They really do care and want to help the world as much as they can
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~Jhene Aiko ~Erykah Badu
“I am Alice, I’m in Wonderland” ~Jhene Aiko Bc of their Pisces 4th house, ooof these people come from such a confusing upbringing! As they grow, they wake up from their dream-like state and feel the extreme need to bring big truth and healing to the world (Virgo 10th house)
Sag 1st house, something is always big about them lol, it most likely is their presence in general (aura) but added to that it can also be their huge smile/muscle prominence/really tall/ really short/eyes/voice/etc.
Aquarius 3rd house, our mouths are slliiiicckk lmaaoo fast and sharp🔪, maybe we should check ourselves before we speak 😭😭, but some ppl need to hear the truth 🗣️🗣️
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~Bruce Lee ~Wiz Khalifa
They are heartthrobs. please just look @ them broo 😭 too unique
But fr bc of their stubborn Taurus 6th house, they should build a healthy everyday routine, they can really benefit from doing some form of spiritual/traditional/body centering workout such as martial arts/yoga/kickboxing/swimming/weightlifting/etc.
Tattoos for us can be spiritual af, I have very sentimental ones, but look up Jhenes fr
As a Sag Rising, I always get called “spiritual” by ppl whether they mean it in a nice way or not.. which is fine when ppl are being nice🫶🏽 , but the people that are judgmental, they’re just trying to tame me, it backfires- I dare someone to try to tame a Sag Rising 😭😭✌🏽🖕🏽
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~Nelson Mandela ~Princess Diana
Wellllll I feel as though these 2 don’t need an intro lmaoo, I forgot that they even knew each other!! Big Humanitarian Energy!!
Scorpio 12th house.. tbh it’s hard for me to fully grasp this placement bc it’s mine, however I do know it can make someone very intuitive- you can literally look at Diana in old videos and tell by her eyes she was reading everyone correctly
Tropical Sagittarius in Vedic can be the nakshatras Anuradha, Jyeshta, and Mula, which one is your ascendant?
All I can say is wHAT a line up! I tried not to be too bias, but I love us fr lol 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 lmk what y’all think
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heliianth · 10 months
actually bc im never gonna shut up abt it while im still on this im gonna ramble abt botw and totk and maybe how i wouldve written a sequel . & i will pay u money to listen i promise
my favoritest of totks ideas are what it expands from botw. botws whole atmosphere is drowned in quiet mourning. something bad has happened but it was a long time ago. it still hurts but theres nothing to be done now but move forward. something is still missing but all you can do is find something else. nobody has resources to rebuild and you can hear deafening echoes of better times but the alternative is giving up. you are in this frozen state of not quite moving on and not quite in despair. like the numbness stage of grief. and the pivotal element of all of that is that link is alone. like, oppressively alone. its the primary vehicle of conveying this mood. and its interesting because this can be read not only as what link is experiencing through the player but what zelda is feeling as she holds back ganon. its an interesting contrast to have zelda mature faster than link in the flashbacks, only for link to pull her the rest of the way by growing himself
and the reason why i so strongly adore the light dragon aspect of the plot is because it shows how attached to everything zelda has gotten. arguably, zelda held back ganon in botw because she loved link. in totk, she becomes the light dragon because she loves hyrule, which had previously been so unimaginably cruel to her. the crux of her character is learning that attachment is good. loving is good. you deserve to leave an imprint on the world in a shape of Your choosing instead of being another factory print on a paper. on a surface level, shes making the same choice, but the motivation and growth behind it is really powerful
i could waffle for literally ever about all that and the point is that totk takes these ideas and implements them really well through in-game worldbuilding and specifically zelda turning into the light dragon. i would occasionally get extremely emotional just seeing how things have expanded because it feels like the world is finally moving on. theres a catharsis in seeing hyrule finally heal after knowing its desolation so intimately, especially because the state of the land itself is such a strong parallel to the arcs of the two main characters, so you get the sense that not only can people move on, link and zelda specifically have started to as well. thats my favorite part
thats why i think its an odd choice that they decided on a time travel plot. if zelda HAS to be the one getting saved, if she cant be a companion in some way either via sheikah facetime or spirit tracks shenanigans or whatever, there are lots of ways to do this without her being magic fruit snacked ten bajillion years into the past. why spend all this effort intertwining her and link with the land, only to remove her from the equation and have no further growth? in botw its understandable that hyrule is stagnant and only changes when link does because zelda is stagnant and link is doing the one changing during the game. in totk its the opposite. there are lots of ways to do this with out Having to play as zelda (though honestly that would be the way id go about it)
also a lot of my own ideas have to do with the wasted potential of a place like the depths???? what the hell do you mean theres this mind bogglingly big cavern underneath the entirety of hyrule which mysterious people used to live in and it has almost no story relevance beside being a cool setpiece???????? I FEEL INSANE?!?!??!?!? there are so many good ideas in totk that never get expanded dude FUCK
i think no matter how much i speculate and draft my own preferences of how i wouldve liked totk to elaborate on the things it introduces i cant ever bring myself to present them like they couldve realistically happened and gotten thru the nintendo writing room simply bc of the games format. if it were up to me doing certain story missions would radically change the open world as events happened in real time and thats not the MO of the game's design philosophy. honestly totk's biggest enemy is the memory system and i need to kill it with fire
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aurora1040 · 6 months
Life with Chronic Fatigue
Your brain wakes up. Your eyes are still closed and the mere thought of opening them is too much to really consider- but you've been asleep the whole day already, and thats why you even try thinking about how you need to open your eyes.
Eyes still shut, you take inventory of your body. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you need to expell bodily waste? So far, not hungry. Mouth is dry, so probably thirsty. And you probably need to pee, but its not an emergency- and you count that last one a good thing because you are already taking stock of the rest of your body.
How do your arms feel? Like lead. Too heavy and almost feels vaguely swollen- actually, that feeling extends to your wrists- hands- fingers... and apparently to your shoulders, too. Hmm.
What about your legs? The leadened feeling here starts at the base of your hips, right where the tailbone is, amd it travels down. The vague swollen feeling starts at the top of your calf.
The thought of even twitching a muscle is like an up hill battle, so you switch to the only thing that is moving: Your chest and lungs. Even here, its as if there is a weight om your chest. Breaths are shallow. Steady. Sleep is calling to drag you back under, but you, as tempted to by its siren call as you are, resist. Remaining as aware of the sensations in you and the feel of your breathing and the sounds of what is beyond yourself as you can be.
You lay there, still unable to bring yourself to move, still trying to convince your body to breathe even a little more deeply than it has been.
Who knows how much times passes before, finally, you feel your chest expand a little more- finally, a sign that that the body might actually let you win the war against the siren of sleep... but you still have a long way to go. You still havent achieved even one full breath of air yet. Those breaths, tho expanded, are still very shallow. You still feel that weight on your chest and your eyes are still unwilling to open for you. Who knows how much more time will pass in this state as you continue to fight to just exist.
Eventually, air fills your lungs. You are in full control of your breathing in this moment. The weight that was on your chest has finally lifted and suddenly you find, yes, your eyes are ready to be flickered open. A glimmer of hope of winning this fight shows itself- but its still a mere glimmer.
You still feel your extremities feel too heavy and still slightly swollen. You still cant make yourself twitch a muscle yet. But with each deep, air filled breath, you can feel that heaviness begin its slow retreat.
First, the heaviness begins to leave your shoulders. Another sign that you are turning the tide of the war in your favor- but the heaviness still holds your arms and hands hostage. You cannot yet move them despite winning your shoulders back.
More unspecified time passes until, suddenly, the air filled lungs have managed to awaken a deep seated mechanism- suddenly you can feel your muscles awaken almost all at once, followed by an involuntary stretch of them all at once.
The last thing to awake are your fingers amd neck. But waking those up is suddenly so much easier to do, to fathom. Now if you had to, you can finally turn over. Or pulls the blanket back up over your shoulder. Or check your phone.
And yet..... despite being finally physically awake.... sitting up is still too hard a task to do. All you can do is either wait it out or hope for an emergency response to something outside yourself. The important thing is that you are finally in control of the body again. You can do something, however small it may be. And for a lot of us, that something is checking our phone, scrolling social media, maybe texting. But its something to stimulate our minds, to keep us conscious, to keep us awake lest we fall back to sleep before we can function beyond the bed we lay on.
You pass hours in this state before you are finally able to consider sitting up not too impossible a task to do.... its a task just to do, so you rest sitting on the side of your bed, idly wondering if your feet are awake enough to handle being stood upon. You arent even looking at your phone or anything. All you do is just stare past the floor and breathe as you re-evaluate your condition every passing second to see if you are ready to stand.
Minutes pass. it's probably been 15 before you finally decide if youre too fatigued to try this or not. On your bad days, this is the point where you just lay back down and resign yourself to more hours in bed. On a good day, you finally convinced yourself you can handle standing up.
Once youre standing, you can finally care for your physical needs- food, water, bathroom. Which order depends on its pressing importance. It also depends on how foggy your brain is to successfully complete more than one of these tasks.
God forbid if you have an appointment on a bad day. Wrangling enough energy to call and cancel an appointment when you cant even sit up or get something to eat or drink is like pulling teeth. And God forbid you have an actual job you have to go to every day with no breaks for hours om emd- no, 15 minutes does not count as a break. No, an hour lunch does not count as a break. Not when you have chronic fatigue. You need at LEAST two hours, minimum, just to recover and function at the minimum- not even at work functional, just to be functional enough to exist at all.
That. Is what chronic fatigue is. Its not laziness or sleep all day. Its a daily fight just to exist at the barest minimum. Social media isnt a time waster, its our only real way of connecting with the world beyond ourselves. It is our life line. It is necessary appointments that keep getting canceled or rescheduled or pushed back because we physically could not make ourselves get there in the first place to even get the medicine or treatments we need to improve. Its being physically incapable of getting outside to exercise or get vitamin D to get stronger or happier in the first place. Its being physically incapable of making yourself prepare a meal and so when you do get up, all you can eat are chips or cheese or crackers or peanut butter. Never together. just the one ingredient, because putting ingredients together is also a task too difficult to do.
Chronic Fatigue is more than exhaustion. Its more than depression. Its physical as much as it is mental. It is hard work and battling it only makes you more fatigued in a vicious, vicious cycle.
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bbimharuuu · 2 years
Hi! Your reader transported to hotd in dream was a really great concept, have reader ever meet the previous king such as jaehaerys and Aenys?
The concept was greatly inspired by the works of @anxiousnerdwritings , although the concept I had in mind is a bit different than hers.
I thought about what if not only the reader that could "travel" through dreams, but it's more of a family thing, you know? Like maybe the readers great-great-grandmother was the one who first met Aegon The Conqueror, thus making a chain reaction of meeting readers family members as a sign of good luck. They always seemed to be full of knowledge, patience, and kindness; that it's passed down from generation to generation about the Targaryen blood always meeting someone related to reader.
But one of my drafts actually had an idea I had in mind, where if the reader is scared or anxious to the point of of them having a nervous breakdown or a panic attack; they'll go back to their own world. Sort of like an escape button if needed. I would say the reader would not go back to the world for some time (a few months, maybe years if it's really bad).
So I had in mind that when Maegor ruled over the seven kingdoms, one of the family member would experience such a horrible experience that it made them scared to even go to sleep. Reader has heard about the stories of one family member going crazy because of not enough sleep, stating that they would not want to meet him again.
Imagine reader just listening to the stories but the family member who went crazy didn't get any help because no one believed them 🧍
I would say readers parents would be the one meeting young! Viserys with young! Daemon. While not meeting as often as before like with Aegon I, after the catastrophe of Maegor The Cruel; I would say those meetings are really special to both of them. Especially after hearing that even Jaehaerys didn't even met them once.
Therefore when reader was born, the parents would introduce them to the family (maybe with a picture or stories about reader). But when your parents soon vanish into thin air, not appearing once again but it changed into reader appearing more in turn. Maybe when they were a child not knowing where they are, but the family noticed some resemblance to your parents that they would welcome you with open arms.
But dreams don't always happen if we fall asleep (at least for me), and you can't really remember or recount dreams perfectly. So readers interaction with the family would fade away after a few days, but maybe reader could have a dejavu moment when they see certain family members or places in The Red Keep.
A/N: If you'd like for me to expand more on this specific reader, send request or ask! It would help me imagine some scenarios or concepts that would go great with this.
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sithqueenkat · 1 year
Late night training sessions: Maul x female reader
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Warnings: slight fluff and angst but really nothing serious
Summary: Maul is home from a mission and the female reader decides to have a little fun training session with him to distract him for a while.
Word count: 813
It wasn’t often that you caught him at a quiet moment. Between your job at a local cantina and his traveling around the galaxy, you rarely spent nights together anymore. This is why you were shocked to find him sprawled out on a chair reading a book in your combined living space.
“You’re home early,” you marveled as you made your way over to where he sat.
He let out a soft grunt as you moved to sit on his lap.
“Most missions lead to dead ends for now,” he replied, planting a kiss on your forehead as he pulled you in closer. You enjoyed these small moments. They somehow felt more intimate than anything done in the bedroom which was often aggressive and rushed. 
“You’ll find him someday,” you said softly as you buried yourself deeper into his chest. He was off searching for some fallen Jedi most weeks. You weren’t sure why this one was so important, not being force sensitive yourself, but you supported him nonetheless.
“For now, I get to spend time with you, and that is enough.”
You knew he enjoyed these smaller and quieter moments as well. 
“Yet you’re spending it reading?” you asked with a huff. This was one of his more tame hobbies, but it didn’t change the fact that you wanted his attention.
“This book is important,” he replied, showing you the cover. It was littered in ancient runes and a text you could almost understand. “It’s full of ancient powers that can be obtained through the force. For good and for malicious intent.”
Something no one talked about was how intelligent he was. Reading ancient tongues. Expanding his knowledge. These were all things no one would expect from a normally brute being.
You stood up from where you had been perched on his lap and walked over to the dinner table. It was here he had put his lightsaber, his most prized possession. He didn’t mind you being around such a powerful weapon, and you knew he could summon it into his hand in a moment's notice.
You picked it up and ignited it, marveling at the heat and buzz that radiated from it.
“That is not a toy,” he remarked, not even bothering to look up from his book.
You began waving it around, barely listening to a thing he said. For a moment you were on the battlefield, fighting good and bad.
Suddenly an invisible force began tugging at your waist, and you were being pulled across the room against your will. You stopped right in front of Maul, where he steadied you by placing one hand on your hip, holding the other one out for you to put the saber in.
“I don’t want you hurting yourself,” he said sternly. His eyes shone with fear at the thought of losing you.
“Then teach me how to wield it,” you replied, barely an inch from his face. You enjoyed being so close to him.
He grunted again before setting his book down. He knew he wasn’t getting out of this one so easily. He cleared his throat before standing up.
He placed both his hands on your core, not bothered in the slightest at the ignited lightsaber you still held. You knew he could disarm you in a moment.
“Your strength and balance come from here,” he stated. You tried to contain the blush forming on your cheeks at his hand placement. “When someone comes at you, full force, you want to have a steady base. It is harder to fight if you’re knocked off balance.”
You listened to his words and stiffened up slightly, holding the saber with two hands now. 
“Good girl,” he purred, pushing on you slightly to check your balance.
Your knees went weak at his words. 
“You need only hold the lightsaber with one hand,” he instructed. “You could use your other for calling on the force.”
You immediately broke form and scowled at him. “You know I can’t do that,” you whined.
He took this opportunity to knock you over, probably in the most gentle way he could, disarming you entirely. You heard the saber hiss off behind you as he braced himself with both arms over top of you.
“Never lose your balance,” he reminded you with a smile on his face.
You leaned back on the ground, bracing yourself on your elbows, and let out a laugh. You enjoyed the weight of him on top of you and couldn’t begin to complain about the heat growing inside of you. He leaned in to kiss you before standing up where he pulled you up beside him. The kiss was soft and tender and full of passion, but you could sense a growing desperation from him. He then picked you up and carried you off to your bedroom, and well, you know the rest ;)
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drawsdenfiles · 2 months
I apologize for the length of this in advance, but you did recently ask about objections to Trump getting back into office, so I made a lil list.
Some real objections I have towards former president Trump that make me worry what would happen if he was re-elected:
Relaxed EPA regulations (Most if not all were reversed during President Biden's Term):
An almost immediate ban on people from predominantly Muslim nations [Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen] entering the US (overturned by the Supreme Court at the time):
His discomforting closeness with Vladimir Putin, especially due to the invasion of Ukraine:
The "11,780 votes" call with Georgia Secretary of State, where he pressured Brad Raffensperger to find him more votes in favor of Trump:
His lack of immediate response to Covid-19, and multiple occasions where he pushed unproven cures to people:
I think the thing I most personally dislike is his behavior: From the way you have written about him in your earlier responses, you seem to find entertaining if nothing else.
I'll admit when I was watching the debates back in '16, it was kind of funny watching him insult Hillary and lash out at people in a very unpolitical way. As I've gotten older I've really thought about what his behavior has caused in his base of followers, and it scares me.
Every time I watch the former president do something, or hear about something, etc. I am blown away by his behavior. Comepletely unapologetic for the way he has acted, regardless of who or what his behavior hurt.
Mind you, do I think that he should have been shot? No! He might be an ass and likely a danger to the nation to re-elect, but he shouldn't be shot. People that wish Trump had died in that attempt don't realize how bad having a man like him as a martyr would be. Giving MAGA Republicans an actual justification for their persecution complex is foolish.
I hope you change your mind about voting for Trump. I know Biden is an aging fop that we all have many concerns about, but he's done real good, and I would like to see that good expanded.
I hope you take the time to read this, sorry if everyone else is being a jackass.
Hello and thank you for this message! Yes, I was asked in a previous post about what issues I had with Trump, answered it, and asked if anyone else could come up with anything I didn't mention. No need to apologize for a long ask like this! Your tone all throughout it was very kind and very respectful, and you added all these sources that I can look into!
Thank you, anonymous!
"Relaxed EPA regulations (Most if not all were reversed during President Biden's Term)." Source.
First, I feel it's always important to note whether the source of our information tends to lean left or right, and unsurprisingly, the New York Times does appear to be a left-leaning source. That being said, it's not like they've never endorsed Republican candidates, but the numbers are a tiny bit uneven. From a quick search, I can see that NY Times as so far endorsed 30 Democratic candidates and only 12 Republican candidates.
I also have to add that I've already sort of touched upon how I personally feel about Trump's environmental policies in this post- I don't hate the environment or anything, but with the feeling that I have about what's on around the corner, I just think there's more important things to worry about.
For example, I would like America to be self-sufficient. I can kind of comprehend what resources we depend on that come from countries such as Iran and China, and if they were to pull it all away over night, then I'd like the chance for us to be able to take care of ourselves.
When Trump says, "Drill, baby, drill," that's what he's talking about. He doesn't want to do it to destroy the environment because he's a villain from a cartoon, he wants to do it so that we don't need anyone else to keep our heads above the water especially, say, during a world war if that should ever, I don't know, take place maybe one day, maybe. I believe it would also hugely benefit the economy, and I won't have to gnaw off a finger every time I need to put gas in my car.
I believe Trump carries with him the desire to find a balance between protecting the environment and protecting the United States. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was interested in nuclear energy- I don't know a lot about it yet, but while nuclear energy is not renewable, it's clean. Clean! How cool is that, I need to learn more about it because people I listen to keep dropping hints here and there.
Also, I want to note that I think we need to completely reorganize our budget. I'm one of those people who really don't like what's happening in the public education system, and I think our agricultural industry, our farmers, have been hit really hard over the last few years and no one's really talking about it. I'm sure I don't have to bring up how we're handling healthcare, and no, I'm not actually into the whole "free healthcare for all," thing.
In a perfect world, or in a world where I didn't pay as much attention to things, then yes, I'd probably be down. Uh, but no, I'm not down. I'd rather it all be handled more like how they're handling LASIK eye surgeries- I hate the insurance companies for how they so easily like to dictate what you do and don't need. God, sorry. Anyway.
That's just how I feel. Again, I do care about the environment, but I have other priorities right now.
You gave me a left-leaning source that was in favor of Biden, so I'm going to return with a right-leaning source that's in favor of Trump. The Heritage Foundation posted an article back in 2017, titled "4 Reasons Trump was Right to Pull Out of Paris Agreement."
1. The Paris Agreement was costly and ineffective.
"The Paris Agreement is highly costly and would do close to nil to address climate change. If carried out, the energy regulations agreed to in Paris by the Obama administration would destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs, harm American manufacturing, and destroy $2.5 trillion in gross domestic product by the year 2035."
"In terms of climate benefits produced by Paris, there are practically none. Even if every country met its commitments—a big “if” considering China has already underreported its carbon dioxide emissions, and there are no repercussions for failing to meet the pledges—the changes in the earth’s temperature would be almost undetectable."
2. The agreement wasted taxpayer money.
"In climate negotiations leading up to the Paris conference, participants called for a Green Climate Fund that would collect $100 billion per year by 2020."
"The Obama administration ended up shipping $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to this fund without authorization from Congress."
"Some of the top recipients of these government-funded climate programs have in the past been some of the most corrupt, which means corrupt governments collect the funds, not those who actually need it."
A funny side effect that comes with learning more and more about Trump, by the way, is learning more and more about Obama. I won't get into it here, but... Jeez. The things this guy did that the American people weren't aware of...
3. Withdrawal is a demonstration of leadership.
"The media is making a big to-do about the fact that the only countries not participating in the Paris Agreement are Syria and Nicaragua. "But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a bad deal. Misery loves company, including North Korea and Iran, who are signatories of the deal."
My first impression of "it's a demonstration of leadership" was, "that's stupid, who cares." Except that I go on to read the entire passage and then I'm like, "Hell yeah, it's a demonstration of leadership!" China's in the Paris Agreement too, except they're lying about how horrible they actually are in terms of handling the environment and when it's proven, there's no repercussions, so like. What's the point?
4. Withdrawal is good for American energy competitiveness.
Whether it is conventional fuel companies or renewable ones, the best way for American energy companies to be competitive is to be innovative and competitive in the marketplace, not build their business models around international agreements.
International agreements that others, like China for example, aren't even following. They're not following the Paris Agreements, they're lying about how poorly they're actually doing, and they don't even get a slap on the hand for it.
America should be self-sufficient, that's what I think. Okay, next!
An almost immediate ban on people from predominantly Muslim nations [Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen] entering the US (overturned by the Supreme Court at the time). Source.
Yeeeeah, you're talking about the "Muslim Ban," right? I've seen some sources say that's what Trump called it and I've seen sources that say that some other group called it that as a hit against Trump, so that they can say it's religious discrimination wheeeen..... mmmm.... I don't think that's it.
I feel I don't have to talk too much about the history of this ban, rather I can just point to the countries who have taken in the people from those countries- the refugees, the immigrants, and the extremists alike- and just see how they're doing right now. Look at these protests, man. I'm not saying all the people they've taken in from these countries are out protesting, but enough of them are that it's causing some serious problems.
We can't just accept every single person into our country- into our homes- and expect them to be totally cool and grateful for it. I honestly don't think Trump signed this ban to discriminate against all Muslims everywhere, rather I think he did it to keep some of these people who are on literal, active terror watch lists, out of here.
I... wish it hadn't been overturned, rather, if there were some legitimate issues within the ban, then maybe instead of it being fully canceled, they could have looked for compromises.
His discomforting closeness with Vladimir Putin, especially due to the invasion of Ukraine: Source, source, source, source.
I've said this before, and it's very unfortunate, but I don't know as much about the Russa vs. Ukraine war, as I do about the several wars that Israel is currently fighting. I know that's bad, but it is what is it. Thank you for your sources- I've read as much as I could and I learned plenty. To summarize my feelings about Trump and Putin, as well as the things Trump has said in regard Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un...
I personally think that he's trying to get along with them as best as he can, while also standing his ground and calling them out on the pretty horrible things they're doing. I would rather a leader who wants to try and get along with these other major players rather than start wars with them all. I want to vote for a man who wants to get along with the world while also protecting the United States, and who wants to take out organizations like Hamas, Hezzbollah, Houthis, Isis, and the Taliban.
That being said, I'm still careful about all of that. I don't like blindly following people, so I don't do it.
The "11,780 votes" call with Georgia Secretary of State, where he pressured Brad Raffensperger to find him more votes in favor of Trump: source.
Oh god, hahaha, well. There's some... not very good stuff that's come out about the election between Trump and Hillary that like, says some pretty freaky things in terms of the votes that either have or haven't come in. I don't know, this ventures into the "do you think the election was rigged" territory with both Hillary and Biden, and my stance on that is... Whether the voting stuff did or didn't happen in the past, I just want the presidential election of this year, 2024, to be fair.
His lack of immediate response to Covid-19, and multiple occasions where he pushed unproven cures to people: source, source.
I think everyone we were supposed to trust back then really dropped the ball. At the end of the day, we were mostly able to keep our heads above the water during that global crisis, and I think a lot of the economical work Trump did before the pandemic took place was partly the reason for that.
That was awful, though...
What I'm upset about from the pandemic was how hospitals were... I just got this impression that hospitals were really trying to discourage you from going in if you had a problem that wasn't covid-related. I would personally like to know how many Americans over that period of time were experiencing some kind of odd, internal pain, but were so discouraged from going to get it checked out that they just didn't go.... only to then find out later on that they had cancer and it was then too late to do anything about it.
There was a lot that went on during the lockdowns, but I'm not going to put the blame entirely on one man. If nothing else, the work he put into restoring the economy before that helped keep our heads above the water.
Anyway, I think I've hit all your points...
Yeah, I do find Trump to be very entertaining- this video is one of my favorites right now just because of how he reacted to the situation. Just totally improvised on the spot. I love how he just goes totally off-script, gets the crowd going, gets what he wants, and then goes into how he'll negotiate things once it's over.
Yay, I'm glad you didn't want him to get shot, haha. I also think that this "persecution complex" you say the MAGA Republicans have... well, yeah, I think that's justified. Their guy was almost assassinated during a rally, they tried to put him in jail, they lied about him colluding with Russians, and they're saying almost nonstop that the guy they'd like to vote for is Hitler. Hitler.
I haven't yet changed my mind about voting for Trump, but I do appreciate the time you've taken to write this message and to include your sources. Thank you for being respectful. ♡
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pearlprincess02 · 2 years
shoto' s big 6 
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birthday: january 11th
capricorn sun: capricorn suns are very sociable. they know what to say and even enjoy going out with people they find tolerable (that means not stupid). the idea that capricorns are antisocial hermits is not accurate. it’s just that at the end of the day capricorns want to return to a peaceful home. i know several capricorn suns that make friends so easily, and they have really good social etiquette. they actually open up quite quickly and are easy to talk to. HOWEVER! that doesn’t mean they’re going to share their sob story on the first interaction. they’re comfortable sharing things that aren’t too personal with almost anyone, but it will take a lot longer to get to see that deeper more personal level.
sun in 8th house: 8th house suns are usually interested in self analysis, they often seek out the darkest parts of their psyches, they have a deep desire to find the deeply buried wounds in the subconscious and heal them. this often leads them into the world of mystics and the occult. because there is a natural tendency to understand and be interested in topics that seem taboo to the public, these individuals keep a lot of who they are to themselves and have a hard time sharing themselves with the public. 
aquarius moon: compassionate fascination, ability to view the scenario with a clear emotional head, does the inner work to respond better in the future, intellectualises emotions to a state of numbness, rejects advice of others, withdraws and blames the world
moon in 9th house: you are a dreamer and muse often about the higher aspects of life. since you may not be content with the way your life currently is going, you have the desire to search for fresh fields. this search may take you on many long travels, both physically and mentally. security may be found in a religious or philosophical ideal. your philosophy of life is what nurtures you and gives you security. you have a variety of interests, in sports, hobbies and studies. you make a stimulating teacher because of your personal interest in the subjects you teach. they are really a part of you and that comes across to those who listen to you. you may have precognitive dreams. concerning vocation: the emphasis is placed upon the higher mind, the dimensions of philosophy, public mores, religion, law or sharing the reasoning of the public. Issues regarding foreign travel, relocation, even citizenship change are important dimensions to consider in the quest for work conditions that will bring personal success.
rising/1st house:
gemini rising: you approach situations with a heightened mental awareness. you naturally gather large amounts of information, and you innately alchemize your ideas into applicable, relevant topics for discussion. you likely feel very connected to the world, and this placement also may denote a connection to transit. going places, exchanging words with people, and expanding your network of contacts. this placement feels almost metropolitan. you are attentive, alert, engaging, and interested in the intellectual element of ordinary things that surround you. you take it upon yourself to learn topics, but you take the perspectives of others very seriously as well. there is a connection to duality, and you recognize the versatility of all things. as above, so below. truth and trickery fascinate you. you may feel you adapt to the reason and values of others naturally, but you still shield your own learnings stored safely in your active mental sphere. acute curiosity. sharp-witted reactions. enjoying problem-solving. clarity through conversation. words. air. latin motto: i think
capricorn mercury: learning through construction and completion. growing through restrictions and overcoming limitations. this placement is not afraid to knock down any mental wall in their way and build a new one…twice as high and ten times as strong. they are sharp learners, dedicated seekers, and natural leaders. they will often choose a field that is known to have several barriers between them and their end goal simply to blaze a trail that did not exist before. excels in entrepreneurship and logistics.
mercury in 7th house: mercury represents the way our mind works and the way we communicate. those with mercury in the seventh house may be very diplomatic with their words. they may be careful about what they say and who they say it to. they may do a lot more active thinking about their words and way of thinking than they let on. everything they say has meaning and is intentional to their speech. they may be very particular about grammar! they may not have just one way of learning but instead do well when having a mix of tactics. for example, instead of learning well through just music, seventh house mercuries may learn well through music and repetition. seventh house mercuries are very well-versed in their communication.
capricorn venus: you do right by them and they do right by you. nothing complicated, nothing extra. just straight simple rules and that’s it. nothing needs to be too extreme. the small things matter most of all. none of the theatrics are needed. are you in this for the long term or not?
venus in 7th house: likes to relate, feel the need to be in a commitment (marriage). they like to dedicate themselves to relationships. they can attract someone beautiful and recognizable. express love and romance. loves to make deals. they seek balance in life. wants to please their partner. it may indicate an improvement in material life after marriage. the big question of life involves partnerships, if the relationship (marriage, society) is disturbed it is affected. it has many partners and mediators. they like peace and love. seeks to make the other happy. attracts pleasure and fun.
sagittarius mars: these individuals are not known for their patience; they are restless and adventurous. physical activity is the best way to deal with anger and they always like to be busy, so they are constantly working on many projects at once. however, they don't tend to finish their products. they get much more excited about starting something new than finishing something old. they love to engage in friendly debates... even though they can get annoyed if you don't agree with them. they are warm, fun, friendly, outgoing, loving and easy-going people. they like open spaces and do not like to feel confined. if things get serious or boring, they disappear. mars in sagittarius are very enthusiastic people, but not very practical. they are optimists and love philosophy, even though they have a short attention span. when in love, these people seek variety. they like the chase, but once the conquest is done, they may lose interest. they also don't want to feel restricted by commitment. they will stay with someone who can entertain them intellectually and s3xually.
mars in 6th house: with this placement you'll be the most at ease with a stable routine and living a healthy lifestyle. having a good work-life balance and taking time to reflect for healing can help raise your energy. being of service to others and being appreciated for the work you do also add to this...so listen here hardworking peoples, i appreciate you. also, if you have a pet then pls cuddle them because not only do they deserve it, but this is another way for you to just build up a bit more of your physical energy so you can continue being your wonderful hardworking self.
₊˚ʚ 🧊 ₊˚✧ ゚.
shoto' s masterlist
sun sun 2.
moon moon 2.
mercury mercury 2.
venus venus 2.
mars mars 2.
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astersoul · 11 months
a joongdok au where kdj is convinced he's being haunted by a handsome ghost so he invites hsy to a ghost hunt
hsy visits him one day to check the authenticity of this claim all the while being certain herself that this was indeed likely to happen in such an absurdly massive manor inherited from a distant relative her dear friend was only made aware of having a few months ago
the will had appeared in his mail in a really fancy scented envelope that the both of them immediately thought it had been misplaced, but the fact that there was no one else that had been blessed by the same name as kdj- he later finds himself moving into the manor right away
hsy turns down the offer of living there for the nth time, as she is met by her friend by the door along with a long row of servants to greet her
the carriage takes almost two days for them to reach the property from the common town that she is striken by exhaustion and her impatience to tolerate such a travel for her to consider welcoming that as her new life
however, the manor still never fails to amaze her every time she visits. the creative mind behind it was clearly aiming for a beautiful proportion of a masterpiece that every room, every corner, and every hall carefully forms a flawless symmetry
this intricate design soon clashed with the ambition and excessive wealth of the previous owner as these symmetrical rooms had been connected to the chaotic extensions of the manor
the owner, as stated in his will, had been so bored with his ridiculous amount of money that he decided to add more rooms, more winding halls, and more secret passages that the manor became even more of a labyrinth than one to live in
"so where's this handsome ghost of yours?" hsy asks without looking away from the collection of what looked like eggs- huge ones, probably taller than her- painted in gold and littered with shimmering stones (oh constellations, it hurts to understand the rich)
"he only appears at night, he's been haunting one of the extensions of this manor"
"uh-huh, and how exactly did you find him?"
kdj recalls that fateful night as if describing a scene from his favorite novels while hsy works with the image of him taking a midnight walk alone through this labyrinth of unnecessary display of wealth then stumbling upon a secret door in their greenhouse and finding himself in a room completely different to the symmetrical madness of the manor
"it's like stepping into an entirely different world, sooyoung! much more different than all this!! you'll see"
hsy has lost count of the number of rooms and halls they passed through that she no longer wants to waste her breath asking how many more until they finally reach the place where the ghost is haunting
instead, she finds herself getting lost in kdj's most enthusiastic description of the portrait he's found of the said handsome ghost
"-and his BROWS sooyoung-ah, it's like they're drawn by a single uninterrupted stroke of a famed artist's brush"
hsy lets out a low whistle at that specific line and at the magnificent sight of camellias in perfect bloom
they are now in a moonlit greenhouse kdj introduced as the source of their family tea business which, according to the will, is now to be ran by kdj himself who so happens to have read numerous books on teas and business management so now they've expanded into larger regions all the while beating the record of their family's long-time rival
hsy silently praises her friend for immediately being able to adjust to such a life despite it being eons of what his previous situation had been
right through this hauntingly beautiful wonderland, kdj leads her to a door that definitely felt like a portal to an 'entirely different world'
the georgian symmetry of kdj's manor feels so underwhelming now seeing a room with a high painted ceiling (how on earth-), and walls adorned with golden swirls connecting different shapes of leaves, birds, and flowers that hsy is curious to see it under the light if only the chandeliers are lit
while hsy's eyes followed the expensive collection displayed back at the parlor, this room feels like one majestic artifact itself that she cannot take her eyes off the movement of the swirls on the wall to the carefully placed furnitures on the floor to the intriguing ornaments on top of them
"kim dokja, are you for certain this is still part of your house?"
"ive been asking myself the same thing," kdj says as he lets hsy marvel at the details of the room "clearly, this is a huge change of style from the initial blueprint- but i never met the previous owner in person so perhaps this room was a change of heart?"
hsy considers this then shrugs, "damn, it really hurts to understand the rich. this too might be another one of his ridiculous ways of flaunting his wealth"
they both proceed to a long windowless hall with different portraits of men in fancy tight pants and women with the same pearled necks
"is this the portrait?" hsy starts, disrupting the eerie rhythm of their steps on the marble floor and the fact that she's been having eye contact with each portrait they pass by
she ignores the shudder that comes as the thought of these portraits looking back passes her
"no" kdj answers after a moment
"is thiiis the portrait?" hsy continues while pointing at an old man who seems to have lived a hundred years when his portrait was done
"is thiiiiis the portrait?"
kdj stops. hsy follows
"you've been quiet for a while now," hsy takes note of his expression, "what, are you scared to meet your ghost?"
"...not exactly."
"then what's on your mind?"
with a sigh, kdj reveals a small tired smile
"do you think it's possible that im losing my mind, sooyoung-ah?"
that is not what she's expecting
but they've been laughing at the insanity of this whole situation for months now that she should've prepared herself more for something like this to happen soon
"well, i don't think losing one's mind from an overwhelming wealth can be genetic, dokja-ya," hsy quietly takes a deep breath, cursing this ignorant fool of a relative kdj had. they're lucky he's been doing amazingly well these past few months, if kdj does lose his mind someday, they would be the one to blame, including this ghost of his.
"what i do think is that ghost of yours deserve some beating for making you think of such things"
kdj immediately turns to her, waving his hands "ah no no, he's not at fault here."
hsy raises a brow at him. how /handsome/ is this man for her friend to react like this?
"you do know you're defending a dead person here, right?"
kdj considers this for a moment, then sighs in defeat
"let's just go see him…"
it turns out kdj's description were all on point that hsy felt an instant chill and an immediate understanding the moment her eyes landed on the huge portrait of the handsome ghost
the young man has a stern look on his face, one that annoys hsy the longer she stares at it, yet she cannot deny the fact that this person's beauty is indeed a rarity. the kind that only exists within the pages of a romance novel- the kind that belongs to a protagonist.
everything in this man perfectly fits kdj's preference
"i think the constellations are playing with your fate" hsy remarks after a moment of considering a consultation with a rumored witch. maybe she can help her bring back this man to life or something just so her friend would no longer feel miserable in this manor
"tell me about it" kdj replies as he stands next to her, his eyes never leaving the flawless strokes on the young man's face
"ive been looking for books or records that might tell him who he is but there's nothing"
"im most certain he's not related to you, i can assure you that" hsy snickers
kdj only rolls his eyes, yet agrees with the statement. he's scanned through books of their family lineage yet not one of them had been graced with these handsome features. not even the oldest servant here has a recollection of serving such a person
hsy lets out a gasp, as if an epiphany has occurred to her "do you think your relative had been obsessed with anything beautiful that they acquired this portrait of someone they probably weren't even acquainted with?"
"that's a bit… that's insane."
"it's a possibility to consider"
another silent staring session at the portrait, and hsy takes it as her cue to open her mouth again
"how do you think this poor fellow die-"
"who died?" a deep unfamiliar voice interrupts them and the duo immediately turns to see the ghost from the portrait standing there, breathing, his arms crossed, definitely breathing, his tall figure looming over them, BREATHING-
"OH SHIT" hsy screams as she throws her fist at the ghost's face
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