#traves x you
araduhh · 4 months
Your camera roll when dating :
jschlatt (1) jschlatt (2) jschlatt (3). lunchclub jschlatt (1) lunchclub jschlatt (2) ted nivison (1) ted nivison (2) ted nivison (3) ted nivison (4) ted headcanons charlie slimecicle
softwilly traves dominik fike felix catton
reqs are always open !!
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elleapdraws · 1 month
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Art Fight revenges i did this year! Part 1 with skellies! OCs belong to their rightful owners:
Decay X by The_Bl0b_X (artfight.net/~The_Bl0b_X)
Tory by @itslawless77
Oukio (sona) by Oukio (artfight.net/~Oukio)
R4G3 by Lofibean (artfight.net/~Lofibean)
Creator by @gufaspins
Ray by Candi_The_Cat (artfight.net/~Candi_The_Cat)
error7227 sans by @error7227
Q by orange_964 (artfight.net/~orange_964)
Trave by @tatatale
Druid Nightmare by OzzyTz (artfight.net/~OzzyTz)
DT by @slylock-syl
Auroratale Sans by OneMoreTime (artfight.net/~OneMoreTime)
Part 2
Don’t use without permission, don’t repost, please. Ok to reblog! Thank you! 💛
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whispersingojo · 4 months
You’re gonna be ok
Content ✮ angst, fluff, blood, medical equipment/hospitalization, teen!Satoru x teen!reader
Summary ✮ you were thrown into a coma instantly upon impact, your life flashing before your eyes while Satoru races against the clock to save your life, but at what cost?
Word count ✮ 3.8k
Feel free to read Part 1 to understand the story more!
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You felt at peace.
So…damn cold.
As you opened your eyes you found yourself in your childhood bedroom, well, one of many. The warm morning sun peaked through the curtains as the blew in the morning wind. The walls painted that terrible, sad yellow color. Your bookshelves filled with different stories from all over the world, written in all their different languages.
Your mother was a traveler. A woman who found all places on the earth her home. If she wasn’t touching the freshly cut grass between her toes, breathing in the cool, refreshing night air, she didn’t want it.
“Morning sweetie,” your mother spoke. You could hear her smile, “I got you some breakfast from the bakery! It’s your favorite!~” your mother came and sat on the bed with you.
You sat up so she wouldn’t sit on your feet. You held your hands out and she placed the pastry in your hands, crumbs falling all over your comforter.
You didn’t feel right, but you didn’t know why. You knew there was something off. You couldn’t remember how you got here or what happened before now. But you smiled, that feeling slowly slipping away, “thanks, mom. Looks amazing,” you took a bite of the pastry, taking in all the sweetness, all the saltiness.
“So…” your mothers face perked up, “what do you wanna do today?”
“Hm?” You responded, licking your thumb clean, “oh umm…I dont know. Maybe a walk?”
“Sounds perfect. While you finish up here, I’ll go get our stuff packed so we can catch our flight tonight, ‘kay?”
You loved your mother. The way she always knew how to make you feel better, how to make you laugh you felt you never could again. The way she always picked the best spot for brunch. It felt like you really needed that right now, but you couldn’t tell why.
Once you finished up the pastry, you sat up and began get ready for the day. You walked over to the bathroom, feeling the cold, small checker tiled floor beneath your toes. As you turned on the water, you felt your mothers eyes on you.
“Here’s so new clothing, thought you might need them before I closed up the suitcases. Just set your dirty ones out the door. Love you sweetie.”
“Thanks mom, love you too.”
As you began taking off your clothing, you heard someone yell your name in the distance. It sounded like they were scared? You snapped your head around, looking for whoever yelled for you. It didn’t sound like your mother, but it sounded like a man. A man you felt you’ve heard the voice of before, but couldn’t quite match a face to.
You shook off the feeling and finished getting undressed, throwing the clothing in front of the bathroom door.
Once your shower was over, you hopped out and began drying yourself off, then getting dressed.
As you brushed your teeth, you felt a pain in your chest. It was a light, easily forgettable pain. You rubbed your chest a little, trying to ease the soft ache. Soon enough it was gone.
You spat the toothpaste remnants into the sink and walked out, going to meet your mother by the front door. Of course she was there waiting for you. She helped you put away your toothbrush and some other toiletries, and rezipped the suitcase.
“Ready for our walk?”
“I was born ready,” the two of you laughed as you walked out the door.
It felt like you blinked and suddenly you were walking through a forest, listening to the trees hiss in the wind. As the mulch crunched between your shoes, you looked over at your mother, who was also enjoying the scenery and listening to the birds sing.
You began to remember more about the years you’ve spent with your mother traveling the world. The two of you started when you were very young, about 6 or 7.
She pulled you out of school, telling you that school was to restricting for a child as wonderous as you. You said goodbye to all your friends, and then you were off. You had to admit, you loved traveling with her. But you missed the mundane. You missed going to school, you missed homework and studying.
You stopped walking.
“Everything of sweetie?” Your mother asked you, turning around to face you.
“Mom…” your eyes welled up in tears.
“Oh sweetie what’s wrong?” She cupped your cheeks in the palms of her hands, wiping away the falling tears.
“I don’t wanna leave…”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…” you choked on your tears, “I wanna start being normal again…I don’t wanna travel anymore. I wanna have real friends, a routine…I wanna have a boyfriend or a girlfriend…I wanna go to school and…and,” you couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, falling to your knees. Your mother followed, “I know you must be upset- you must be thinking how ungrateful I am- how anyone my age would love to be doing what I’m doing but-“
“Sssssh baby it’s ok,” she brought you to her chest as you cried, and so did she, “I would never be upset with you for voicing your feelings baby…” she began to rock back and forth slightly, “I’ll do whatever in my power to give you everything and more of what you want, and I promise you that,” she pulled your face away from her chest, “I know someone who I can call who can get you back into schooling…you’re a very smart kid and I know you’ll do just fine without me,”
She pecked your forehead with a kiss, “don’t you forget about me, ok?”
“Ok…I love you mom,”
“I love you too, sweetie,”
So damn cold.
~~~ Satoru’s POV ~~~
It felt like Satoru couldn’t breathe. Satoru had been chasing around damn curse for what felt like hours to him, but finally it had been exercised. Satoru looked around at the destroyed neighborhood around him, watching as the sun finally began to shine over the buildings.
He spat blood onto the pavement, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. Satoru gave myself a second to take a deep breathe and calm down, before remembering you were still bleeding to death.
He ran into a building he purposely lead the curse away from. Satoru had carried your body into a bedroom and laid you down so that youd be more comfortable. When he rushed in, it look liked you had thrown up more blood while unconscious.
This told him he had to act fast. He put to fingers to the nape of your neck and leaned in close to your mouth with his ear.
Your breath and heartbeat were so faint he could barely feel it.
“Please- hold on for me,” he scooped you into his arms, holding you tightly as he began to run.
He felt like he had never ran so fast in his life. Hot tears began forming in hiss eyes as he prayed to whatever the hell was up there to keep you alive. He gripped you tighter, holding you close to his chest.
As Satoru ran, he began to see Yaga in the distance, which surprised him, not expecting to see him here. He didn’t have time to think about that, he was just grateful to see him.
Yaga saw you in Satoru’s arms, and began yelling thing that Satoru couldn’t understand. When he reached them, a few medics ran up to him, but he couldn’t hear them. His ears were ringing, blocking all other noise.
One medic tried to take you from his arms, but he just held you closer to his chest. He didn’t allow anyone to take you away from him. Satoru looked down at your almost lifeless body, his tears falling onto your school uniform. Even in this state, you looked so beautiful.
Satoru fell to his knees, still holding you as tight. Your blood dripped slowly, trailing down Satoru’s hand and arms. He removed his hand from your lower back and pulled your face in close,
“please stay with me…I-“ he choked on his words, inhaling harshly, “I can’t do this without you…”
Yaga put a hand on Satoru’s shoulder, “the only way we’re gonna be able to save them is if you let us. That means you have to let go and let us take them back to the school,”
Satoru looked up at him, your blood and his tears smeared across his skin. He knew Yaga was right, but he was so scared that you’d disappear if he let go.
He looked down at you, taking in at his peaceful you looked, before slowing letting go in you.
The medics sprung into action, pulling you away from Satoru and into a medical van.
Yaga knelt down next to Satoru, reapplying his hand to his shoulder, “they’re gonna be fine- now get up and let’s get you back to the school as well.”
Not only was your life flashing before your eyes, so was his.
~~~ Your POV ~~~
“‘Toru! Fuck off!” You laughed as you were being soaked by a water gun.
“How about you fight back! I’m barely wet!” He continued chasing you around the courtyard, before his water gun eventually ran out of water.
You both looked at each other, standing completely still. You slowly began raising your water run and pointing it at him.
He put his hands and the water gun up, “hey now- we can talk about this,” Satoru slowly began to back up.
“Never!” You yelled, beginning to chase after him and spraying him.
You both laughed, enjoying the last day of year 3 in Jujutsu High. It had been pretty stress free the past couple of days, so you two wanted to make the best of it. You both tried to convince Suguru and Shoko to join, but they had already made plans to go into the city to shop.
So here you two were, playing like little kids with your water guns.
As you were chasing Satoru, you tripped on a rock and fell. You did your best to not catch yourself, not wanting to break your wrists trying. You hit the ground pretty hard, even slid a little.
Satoru stopped running, turning around to look at you. He laughed for a second, walking over to you, “you ok, short stuff?” He reached out his hand to you.
You looked up at him. You stared at him for a moment, admiring his blue eyes through his glasses. You began to admire other parts about him that you hadn’t noticed till now. How his lips seemed so soft, pondering how’d they tasted against yours. Your heart began to race with all these thoughts.
“What you staring at?”
“You of course, what else what I’d be admiring?”
“I’ve always loved how direct you are…now get up before Yaga finds us and yells at us,”
You took is hand, but instead of pulling yourself up, you pulled him down to you,
“Woah!” He yelped, landing right on top of you.
You two stared at one another for a moment. Your faces were so close you could feel one another’s breaths. Your face filled with blush, the tips of your ears grew hot, and so did Satoru.
You wanted to close the gap and kiss his seemingly soft lips so badly.
Satoru cleared his throat, “well uh- we should probably get dried off,”
Satoru pushed himself up and off of you, offering his hand. This time you took it and pulled yourself up. The two of you walked back in awkward silence to your rooms, parting ways without a word.
After you had gotten dried up, you began to wonder the halls in search of Satoru. Your hair was still damp, unable to completely dry your it. You walked for a little before bumping into Suguru, who was just about to enter into his room.
“Suguru!” You ran up to him, “how was your shopping trip with Shoko?”
He looked over to you with the same bland and expression, but smiled like he was happy to see you, “it was good. Shoko got you something, so you should talk to her before she goes to bed.”
“Aww that’s so nice of her, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind. Hey have you seen Satoru? I have to talk to him.”
“Oh, well I haven’t seen him actually. But I would try the roof, he likes to sit up there sometimes.”
“Got it, thank you so much, Suguru!” You waved him off and you went to search for Satoru.
As you made it to the top of the roof, you could see Satoru sitting on the ledge. He had one leg dangling off and the other perched up close to his chest.
“Hey, pancake,” Satoru could sense you standing behind him.
“That’s a new one,” you giggled, taking a seat next to him, “beautiful sunset.”
“Not as beautiful as you,” Satoru leaned his head to look at you.
You looked over at him, the sun dancing delicately over his skin. He looked so perfect, “what are we?”
He was a bit taken aback by what your question, “what do you mean?”
“I mean…” you sighed, not wanting to explain yourself, “what am I to you? What are we? I’m starting to get confused…”
Satoru looked away, blush forming lightly on his cheeks, “I don’t know…” he mumbled, “what do you want us to be?” He looked back at you.
You looked down over the edge, swinging your feet and avoiding eye contact, “maybe…” your hand inched closer to his, “maybe I want something more?” You finally looked at him, watching as the suns night orange dimmed against him.
“I’m sorry but…I don’t think I’m quite ready for a relationship…” he replied, grabbing your hand, “but I wouldn’t mind being closer to you, in due time.”
You looked away, small tears forming in your eyes. You felt regretful, “ok, I’ll wait for you then, ok?”
Satoru put his arm around you, pulling you in close, “ok…”
As you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath, when you reopened then a bright light blinded you. You squinted, unable to handle this bright light. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the light.
As your eye’s adjusted, you realized you were in a hospital room and on a ventilator. You had very little memory of what happened before you ended up here, it was all a blur. You attempted to move your head, your neck was stiff and ached. You were able to see all the machines you were hooked up to. You guessed that whatever had happened to you was pretty major.
You turned your head to the other side, seeing Satoru asleep in a reclining chair with a blanket over him. He was facing towards you, so you were able to see his face. You noticed how dry his eyes looked, he must of been crying a whole lot. You tried to move your arm to reach out to him, but you were far too weak.
You resorted to making small grunting sounds, hoping it would wake him up. His eyes shot open immediately, sitting up.
“You’re awake, holy shit you’re away!” He jumped out of the recliner, nearly tripping as he came out to you.
You gave him an extremely weak smile, which he smiled back at, “I’m gonna go get a doctor- so we can get that thing out of you,” he leaned down, giving you a kiss on your forehead and ran out of the room yelling for someone.
When the doctor came in, he was a bit shocked to say the least. He came up to you, putting on gloves, “well hello there! How you feeling?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, knowing you can’t respond.
The doctor chuckled, “yeah I figured you’d give me that look. How about we get this ventilator out of ya’. How does that sound?”
You gave a weak nod as he undid the straps, “now this is gonna be less than comfortable, so don’t hit me when we’re done,” the doctor began pulling the tube out, which made you gag and cough. Once it was out, you let out one last hearty cough before laying your head back down. That throughly sucked.
“So I want to talk about what happened, so that you’re all caught up,” the doctor pulled up a chair next to your bed and sat down.
You looked over at Satoru, who looked down at you at the same time. He gave you a smile, clasping his hand over yours. You had regained enough strength to grip it gently. You looked back at the doctor, ready to listen.
“So when you two were fighting the cursed spirit, you had been hit right through the chest into both of your lungs. That alone should’ve killed you pretty quickly. But because of your cursed technique, you went into fight and solidified your blood around the holes, keeping you alive just long enough to make it here.”
You were pretty shocked to hear that, not knowing your curse techniques was capable of something like that.
“Though, you did get thrown into a tree, which broke your neck upon impact. Between you laying there and getting here, something had happened and it caused you to be temporarily paralyzed from the waist down,” the doctor spoke in a soft tone, knowing this news was going to be hard to hear, “but with some physical therapy, you’ll be back to good a new!”
You let out a sigh of relief, looking back over at Satoru with a smile. But your smile faded when you noticed-
He wasn’t looking at you.
“I’ll give you to some time to yourselves. I’ll be back in later with the physical therapist team,” the doctor preceded to get up and leave, closing the door behind him.
“‘Toru?” You rasped out, your voice extremely harsh.
“I’m sorry…” his voice sounded so harsh, shaky. Was he crying?
“For what? You didn’t do-“
“I’m the reason you’re paralyzed…I was so stupid,” he wiped his eyes with his sleeve, “I was just so scared of loosing you I went as fast as I could back to everyone…” he was sobbing at this point.
Your heart broke seeing him like this. You never wanted to see him cry, let alone be so upset with himself.
“You’ve been in a coma for month, the doctors told me you might never wake up…I couldn’t stand myself- how careless I was with you. I’ve spent every waking moment in this hospital waiting for you to wake up,” he looked back at you, his cheeks stained with tears, “I’m sorry you must hate me,”
“I could never hate you,” you responded, pushing yourself up in the bed with what little strength you had, “I’m here now, aren’t I? You saved me regardless of whether or not you think so,” you put a hand to his cheek.
He leaned into it, putting his hand over yours, “I was so scared…” his eyes were tightly closed, stopping himself from crying.
“I said I’d wait for you didn’t I?” You began crying too, but because you were happy to be alive. Happy to be here with him.
He looked at you and laughed quietly, “yeah…and you better not ever break that promise.”
“I could never,” you smiled up at him.
You two laughed and cried happy tears for a bit. You hoped to heal the part of him that hated himself for everything that happened. But you were taking it one step at a time, pun intended. You had started physical therapy not long after you woke up. They allowed Satoru to help you too, as per your request of course. He couldn’t join you every day, since he had missions to attend. But you worked extra hard on the days he wasn’t there, wanting to be stronger and get stronger.
Soon enough you had started walking without the bars, only needing people to hold your hands. Satoru wasn’t here during this time, being sent out on a month long mission. You had made a ton of progress, working towards being able to walk without help.
You told Satoru that you’d meet him by the front door of the hospital when he came back, which you were doing now.
“Mmmmm I’m getting nervous,” you began tapping your fingers together as you waited
Shoko chuckled, “just be patient. Oh look at that he just texted me-“
“What he say?”
“He said he’s here what did you think he texted me,”
“Oh-“ you giggled to yourself.
Shoko walked out the glass front doors to meet Satoru outside. You saw them talking, then open the doors to come in.
“Now you stay here?” Shoko said, taking a step away from him.
“Why?” Satoru looked confused
“Because,” Shoko gestured over to you, who was now standing on their own.
Satoru looked shocked, not expecting this at all.
“Hi ‘Toru,” tears filled your eyes as you walked up to. You cupped his cheeks in your palms, wiping away his falling tears, “I got discharged today…I can come back to Jujutsu High,”
Satoru hugged you tightly, burying his face into the nape of your neck, “I’m so happy I didn’t lose you…”
You hugged back just as tight, “you could never lose me…”
You two stood there for a second in each others embrace, before pulling away. You started at each other, happy tears your eyes.
Satoru put a hand to your cheek, his thumb lightly rubbing your skin, “I love you.” he spoke softly, only loud enough for you to hear.
Blush scattered over your face, “am I finally done waiting?” You asked quietly, getting a bit excited.
“Yep, you are,” he leaned in close and kissed you. His lips were soft and sweet, just like how you thought they’d be. You leaned into the kiss, taking in this moment thoroughly. He was so gentle with you ever since the accident, but he was especially gentle with you now.
He leaned away, your faces both full of blush. Satoru began placing kisses all over your face, making you giggle, “will you be mine?”
“Mmmm I don’t know, what’s the pay like?”
“Oh fuck you,” he let go of you and turned around, “let’s go going Shoko.”
Shoko laughed, “ok,”
“Wait no I was joking!” You tried to keep up with them but you were to weak to run.
Satoru looked back at you, reaching his hand out you.
You smiled, reaching out and grabbing it tightly. He intertwined your fingers together, walking slowly with you behind Shoko.
You were happy, extremely happy actually. You leaned into Satoru, as did he into you. You knew you had a long way to go before you’d be able to go back on missions, but you were ok with that. As long as you had Satoru and the rest of your friends by your side, you knew you were gonna be ok.
“I love you too, Satoru.”
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Charlie Slimecicle x Reader
But its like streaming together for the first time and its just really sweet while he teaches you to play Minecraft:)
yesyeysysysyyseyyseseysyes this is actually my first time writing for him other than that one sorry boys preference 😭🙏 ; I had no idea how to get from point a to point b so I'm so sorry lmao
SLIMECICLE ; minecraft tutorial
summary ; charlie teaches you how to play minecraft on stream
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 758
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You met Charlie in your freshman year of high school, and finally, by your senior year, you were dating. Now, at twenty-five, you were happy with your lives and peacefully living. He was a full-time content creator, and you were working at a department store, just a job to pay for classes to get the degree you were hoping to get.
You'd appeared in a stream or video here and there. You were relatively camera shy and didn't like disturbing your boyfriend while he was working, so you didn't show your face to his fans very much other than Instagram posts.
But, he'd gotten the genius idea to invite you on his stream and teach you how to play Minecraft. You knew stuff here and there about the game, but not a lot. All you really knew was blocks and the insane amount of friends he had, and eggs.
You sit down in a chair next to him, picking at your fingers as he begins the stream, giving you a warm welcome for chat. You give the camera a wave, looking to Charlie as he explains why you're here and what you'll be doing.
"Okay, so WASD is to move, mouse is to look around"
"Okay" You nod, using the mouse to look around, seeing you'd spawned in a dark oak biome. "Oooo, I like this place. Wait, this is one of those biomes you were playing in VR with Traves and Schlatt"
He nods and chuckles, "Yeah, yeah. Hold down the left mouse button to break blocks and get some wood."
You nod, doing as he says, gathering the dark oak wood. "I'm guessing walking, talking egg children are QSMP only" You joke, taking notice of the lack of eggs.
"Honestly, there is two types of eggs but they don't walk or talk, if that's any better?"
"Chicken eggs and the Ender Dragon's egg"
You progress through the game a bit, getting better as you play.
You're now wielded with iron tools, golden boots from a nether portal ruin, and an iron helmet. Charlie speaks about the nether, which got you in a bit of a panic since, yes, you wanted to try and beat the game, but you didn't want to die and lose all your items, either. You definitely weren't loaded enough to go try and get a bunch of blaze rods and trade for ender pearls, so you decided to explore the massive caves to try and find diamonds and more iron, for now.
Charlie watches you, proudly. He shows you all the tips and tricks and teaches you what items do, how they work, and how to craft them.
"Oh, get out! Get out! That's a warden cave, out! Go! Go, go!" He exclaims, eyes widening.
"What?" You ask, quickly backing up as you look at the torch light illuminating the dark blue blocks. You hear a rustling sound in the headphones and quickly panic, running back where you came from.
"Wardens are so OP, dude, you'll get demolished. The abandoned cities have awesome gear and loot, though"
"Then let's go get it!"
"The wardens, Y/n"
You slowly look between him and the screen, and quickly type a little /gamemode peaceful in chat, switching the game mode.
"Y/n!" He giggles, "I thought you didn't wanna cheat"
"Well, I want rare shit. Thank your chat, dude." You shrug with a smile, heading back down towards the abandoned city.
You end up finding nearly a stack of diamonds down there, plus a bunch of enchanting books and music discs. Charlie was hyping you up the whole time and deflecting the fact you were in peaceful, using the responses of "they're scaring the wardens away" and "the wardens are there, they're just hiding" for the bit.
"Okay, I think I got everything"
"Oh, you don't leave"
"You never leave.. you never leave once you enter" He begins to do the dark and scary voice while he quickly types in the /gamemode hard into chat, summoning a few wardens around you.
You yelp and quickly sprint away, taking a solid five hearts of damage from one hit. You're unable to turn the game back to peaceful as you try your best to run away. You attempt to build straight up but are hit again, killing you.
All your items burst out of your inventory as you stare at the 'You died!' screen, jaw hanging agape. You slowly turn your head towards the brunette next to you as chat explodes with comments.
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talaok · 2 years
A bad informant
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pairing: Javier Peña x fem! informant! reader
warnings: smut( oral sex -m receiving-,a little bit of facefucking, unprotected penetrative sex)
a/n: this man could do literally anything to me and I'd still thank him.
"what are you doing here?"
He didn't even answer before forcing the door open and walking into the apartment.
"Javier?" you called again, and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he paced around the living room(if you could call it that).
"Javier, what's going on?" you closed the door to walk to him "You can't just come here," you said, irritated, but he didn't show any signs of being able to hear you as he kept walking "you're gonna get me killed," you said, and this time, finally, he looked at you.
He was on the other side of the table, his white shirt was creased, and he still had a loose red tie on. He had just come here from work, you realized, and he was frustrated,
something had happened, 
and you had an idea of what that could be.
"I took precautions," He said harshly,
"why are you here?"
"Don't play dumb y/n"
"mh?" you asked, doing just that.
He sighed, passing a hand through his hair,
you could see he was angry but trying to hold back.
"you know why I'm here," he said, walking towards you.
"I don't" you lied
"oh you don't?" he defied you, as he now towered over you.
You had seen him mad before,
it came with the job,
You were a prostitute who he had noticed leaving the cartel's parties many times, and he had taken you as an informant,
just to realize how bad you actually were at it,
And it wasn't that you didn't know anything,
It was incredible how talkative men got after a few thrusts,
it was that you didn't want to tell him.
And the weirdest part?
he knew,
and still, for some reason, he wouldn’t stop meeting with you.
“No, I don’t agent”
He chuckled bitterly
“So you didn’t know about the meeting they had yesterday?” He asked, “ about all the cartel’s most important members meeting in Cali?”
“How could I?” 
He sighed, dropping his head “of course, how could you?” He said, “it’s not like you were there right?”
“Of course not” you put a hand on his arm, and he smiled disapprovingly.
“ of course” he reached into his pocket, "so this isn't you then?" he asked, taking out two photos just to show them to you.
You didn't even try to hide the smile creeping on your face
"you think this is funny?"
You laughed softly "of course not agent" you reassured him with the sweetest voice you could master.
"you're supposed to be an informant Y/n" he wavered the photos in his hand "you're supposed to inform me of shit like this"
"I thought you had already realized I wasn't very good at it" 
"I guess I had some hope left," he said sincerely, and you reached up to stoke his cheek,
"oh Javi" you pouted "I'm sorry"
"are you?" he asked, "are you ever gonna tell me anything?" 
You admired his face, as you let your finger trail his jawline, purposely avoiding his question,
"I can get your visa you know?" he kept going, as your hands continued traveling, now in his hair "I can get you out of here"
"but you've gotta give me something baby"
You smirked,
"I know Javi" your other hand now rested on the exposed skin of the side of his neck, your thumb gently stoking it "I'm sorry"
"What can I do to make you forgive me?" you whispered, leaning up to ghost his lips "I wanna apologize properly" you kissed his cheek, and his hands immediately went to your waist "wanna show you how sorry I am" you murmured to his ear, before quickly kissing his neck.
"y/n-" his voice was hoarse "I don't do this"
You couldn't help but laugh
"I have a couple of friends who might have a diffrent version of that"
He chucked too now, and you leaned away to look at him.
His dark brown eyes were staring fully back at you before he leaned closer, pressing his lips with yours in the hungrier kiss you'd ever felt.
His tongue immediately infiltrated your mouth once you parted your lips, and his hands started roaming on your back, one of them traveling down to squeeze your ass.
"you wanna show me how sorry you are?" he leaned away, breathless.
"mh-mh" you nodded, kissing him briefly again
"then do"
Your lips twitched into a sly smile, before you kneeled on the floor, your hands following behind you, grazing against his whole body until they were on his thighs.
You unbuckled his belt, and slowly undid the zipper, shuffling his pants down until they pooled at his ankles together with his boxers.
it was big.
You had heard stories before,
but seeing it with your own two eyes was diffrent
"what is it?" he passed a hand through your hair, making you look up at him "you scared baby?"
"not at all agent," you said, taking his dick in your hand "just pleasantly surprised"
He chuckled "I should be offended by that"
"don't" you reassured him, before softly kissing the head,
"and besides" you kissed it again "I'm already apologizing anyway," you said, as giving it one last kiss, you finally fitted him fully into your mouth.
he groaned, and you only took it as an incentive to keep going.
You started bobbing your head up and down around his cock, stroking with your hand what you couldn't fit into your mouth.
You hollowed your cheeks more, and this time, he groaned even louder.
"fuck baby" he hissed, throwing his head back, as his hand reached for your hair, grabbing a fist of them to guide your movements.
"fuck you're good" he growled, and you grinned internally before forcing yourself to go even deeper, until your nose was against his abdomen, and his cock was fully down your throat,
a lewd noise filled the room, as you gagged on it
"s-shit sweetheart" he buckled his hips to get himself even deeper "you've got a fucking talent" 
Your hands reached for his balls, gently massaging and stroking them as an involuntary tear fled your eye.
"fuck" he struggled "yes" he groaned "just like that baby" he urged you to keep going, as he pushed in and out of your mouth softly "just like that" he mumbled, keeping your head in place a moment longer, before letting you go.
A string of saliva connected his shaft to your mouth as you pulled away to breathe.
You looked up at him, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight,
you, ruined, beside him, your mouth swollen and your eyes teary,
he stroked your cheek, and you melted into his touch, kissing his pulse.
And you didn't stop looking at him as you kissed him again this time on his wrist, and then on his thigh, his inner thigh, his groin, and then finally the base of his dick up until the very tip,
He groaned once you licked it, still enjoying the view.
"open wide baby" he breathed, and you obeyed, parting your lips
"be good and stick your tongue out"
You did, and before you knew it, he thrust fully into your mouth, groaning loudly, and covering the sound of your abused throat.
He grabbed your hair in a tighter fist and did it again, this time not stopping but developing a deadly pace.
"f-fuck y/n" he kept going "fuck you're good" he hissed "got a deep throat baby" 
 "so" he pushed himself into you "fucking" and again "deep" he groaned, forcing your head down, to choke you completely before letting go with a grunt.
he didn't even give you time to wipe the saliva from your chin, before hungrily saying "fucking-come here"
You stood up, and just as you did, his lips were on you, on all of you.
He quickly kissed your mouth before going to your neck, making you moan softly as he sucked on a particular spot.
his hands were on your ass and on your boobs and everywhere else at the same time.
He looked like a starved man, getting a full meal after years of famish.
"Javi-" you whined, as he kept kissing you, now your collarbones, now the accessible cleavage your dress granted, and now back to your mouth, his tongue once again invading your mouth, and his taste inebriating all your senses,
cigarettes and whiskey had never tasted so good.
"Javier please" you whimpered again once he reached underneath your dress to squeeze your ass properly, his mouth still latched to your pretty neck.
"what baby?" he breathed against it, goosebumps erupting on your skin
"Please I need you" you whispered, clutching his hair,
Even if you couldn't see it, you could feel the smirk on his lips once he spoke "you need me?" he asked, and you nodded, humming in response "need me to fill you up?" he asked out of breath, his hand now bringing one of your legs to his waist "need me to fuck you good?"
"yes Javi please" you begged
"fuck you're hot" he took you by surprise when he bit the same spot on your neck he was sucking just a moment before "so hot baby" he came back up to kiss you briefly "where's the bedroom?"
"right there" you nodded to the door at the end of the hallway on your right 
a smirk appeared on his lips after he had followed your line of sight, his thick mustache curving with his lips "all that way-" he kissed you again, grabbing your waist and turning you around "when we have a perfectly good surface here" he said just as your legs hit the living room table, and you laughed softly against his mouth, sitting on the wooden desk, grabbing his tie to bring him into you again, as you parted your legs to make space for him.
His hands went to the hem of your dress and infiltrated underneath "take it off baby" he said, pulling it off for you "I wanna see all of you" he whispered, as with one swift move, you found yourself bare, only your black bra and white panties covering you.
"perfect" he immediately bent down to kiss your tits "you're perfect baby," he said, unclasping your bra, his hot fingers erupting fireworks all over now that there was not a single piece of fabric to separate you.
"Your turn agent," you said, going to undo his shirt's buttons, 
"of course," he agreed, quickly undoing his tie before getting rid of the shirt.
he didn't even miss a beat before attacking your mouth again, his fingers trailing to your still-clothed cunt.
He hissed once he touched the wet spot on them "oh baby" he cooed "all this for me?" he said, moving the fabric aside to pass a finger between your folds "all this just for having sucked my cock?" he brought his finger up to your mouth and you didn't even hesitate before sucking it between your lips, licking it clean as your tongue swirled around it.
Javier groaned "god you're so good baby" he pulled the finger from your mouth "so so good," he said, placing his hand on the waistband of your panties and quickly taking them off.
You reached for him for a desperate kiss "please" you whispered
"Well if you say it like that sweetheart" he kissed you briefly "you don't give me much of a choice baby" he smirked, as he positioned himself at your entrance, looking directly at you, as he slowly entered, little shocks of pleasure coursing through your body with every inch added.
"oh my god" you breathed, as he bottomed "oh my god" you mumbled almost incomprehensibly, as the feeling of being stretched out so good and so deep, fogged your brain
"I know baby" he kissed your cheek gently "I know"
You intertwined your ankles behind his back, bringing him closer, and deeper, a little moan escaping your throat "please move" you begged,
"gladly baby" he immediately responded, slamming into you.
You gasped, as your hand went to grab his shoulder, desperately looking for something to hold on to as he started thrusting harshly and purposefully into parts of yourself you didn't even know existed up until that point.
"fuck you feel good" he groaned, keeping up his pace "so tight around me baby" he was making the whole table shake, and you had to put your other hand on it to get a grip "so deep " he growled " so fucking deep" he breathed out.
His abdomen was brushing against your clit with each thrust, and it was just multiplying the purest pleasure you'd ever experienced.
It was incredible, how he felt so incredibly good you were sure you were already addicted to it, to him, by now,
to his cock splitting you apart so well, 
and his hungry mouth devouring your body just like he was doing now,
he had in fact dropped his head against your neck to fill it with sloppy kisses and his hot breath.
He took you by surprise once he started going faster, and you moaned loudly, so loudly the whole neighborhood had probably heard.
"f-fuck" you struggled to spit out between shameless moans.
"feels good?" he asked, "you like having my cock inside you?" he said to your ear, as he kissed your neck "like having your tight pussy stretched out?"
You couldn't even form a coherent sentence, so of course you just nodded incoherently, your nails digging into his back, probably, (most definitely) leaving scratches, as you kept whimpering and moaning.
"well fuck, I like it too" he was breathing heavily "might just have to keep it there"
"you'd like that?" he leaned up again, an inch from your face, your noses meeting with each push "You'd like having me always inside of you?" he asked, "inside of this perfect little pussy?"
"mh-mh" you nodded again, your moans getting higher,
"yes please Javier" you begged breathly "stay here" you moaned "stay here forever"
"oh, baby" he cooed "That wasn't even a question" his hand came up to your cheek "got a way too sweet pussy for me to ever leave it, sweetheart," he said, leaning down to kiss you messily and sloppily, but better than anyone ever had nonetheless.
"f-fuck" you cried out 
"you coming, baby?"
"y-yes" you breathed out heavily
"You gonna cum with me?" he grabbed the back of your head to force your head closer to his "gonna squeeze me real good?"
"yes Javi, yes" you whined, feeling the knot in your stomach ready to burst
"then do baby" he grunted, his thrusts now sloppy "come all over me" he ordered, immediately sending you over the edge, 
a series of meaningless moans and pathetic cries fled your mouth as you felt him come too, grunting deeply as he shot his cum deep inside of you.
The room fell silent just moments after, your labored breathings the only sound bouncing off the walls.
"fuck" he said, pulling out and reaching for his boxers to put them on.
he reached for his jacket on the floor just to take his pack of cigarettes and throwing it on the ground again.
You got off the table and started pulling your panties on.
He lit a cigarette, and inhaled, before exhaling deeply.
"You're still gonna have to give me some information at one point," he said, and you smiled, walking up to him and taking the cigarette from his hand "we'll see about that agent"
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aikoionic · 11 months
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yes it’s based loosely (heavily) on 3 idiots 👽
★彡 In college, you and mark form a strange relationship. (you think) he hates you for competing with him for being the smartest in class, while you’re just trying to get a your degree so your parents don’t marry you off to another rich families son. Years later, an old bet gives you and his two friends a chance to look for your long-lost acquaintance, who’s existence is rather elusive.
engineering major!mark lee x engineering major!reader (fem)
★彡 academic rivals, where tf did mark go after college, readers gettin married, johnny stops a plane, haechan forgets his pants, yuta is annoying, mark is gone. reader is the college headmasters daughter sorry if it isn’t obviously lol
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「September 5th, Present Day, Johnny. 」 - You attack my heart, you attack my heart!
“in any case of an emergency landing, there are marked exits on either side of the plane.”
it’s days like these that johnny is reminded of how much his job absolutely sucks. it wasn’t his phobia of planes or the fact that he is thousands of feet up in the air and anything could go wrong at any time, it was the fact that he couldn’t keep any friend/relationships going as he was expected in a new country or city every week. the only thing that’s funded is the plane ride, not his entertainment, and the book infront of his face is no longer a story but instead just a bunch of letters on a page.
he often daydreams about what his life could’ve been like, you know, if he stayed with engineering and didn’t follow his passion of photography. he often thinks about college and all the great memories, along with the bad ones, he often thinks about his old friends. he often thinks about mark. mark was a strange, but a once-in-a-lifetime kind of friend, he always talked about the future and how he would love to go fishing every weekend when everybody was well in their forties. johnny feels stupid for believing that mark was right, that everyone was gonna stay friends forever. he recalls the last time he saw him, graduation. everyone was ecstatic that it was finally over, all the exams, all the stress. exactly one week after he was on a video call with haechan, complaining that mark wasn’t answering his phone. it was another week after that the messages stopped going through, and it was another month before he gave up all hope of ever seeing mark lee again.
“we kindly ask that all passengers put phones and laptops on airplane mode for the duration of this flight to new york, we wish everyone happy trave-“ , johnny feels the vibration of his phone through his pocket and the deafening ringtone follows immediately after. he bought this phone three years ago and still doesn’t know how to turn down that damn ringtone. he smiles apologetically at his neighbouring passenger as they grumpily twist and turn to get comfy again after being awaken.
“yeah, this is johnny..”
his face drops.
“sir, can you please put the phone away.”
“yeah, yeah, one second, please.”
he looks around frantically, he needs to get off this plane, and it’s not because he’s scared. he hastily unbuckles his seatbelt, he needs to get off this plane. he stands up quickly and wobbles, it’s about to take off.
“sir, please sit down, you could get hurt!” the flight attendant yells at him to be heard over the horribly loud plane engine.
“i-i..” he grasps his chest, trembling as if he’s in pain. all the nearby passengers shoot worried looks at the airline staff.
“i don’t- i nee-“, the plane jolts aggressively and he stumble to the ground, grip still tight on his chest.
an attendant reaches up from her seat to grab the phone next to her.
“captain, there’s is a medical emergency on board, you must stop the plane.”
johnny is slumped over in a wheelchair as two members of staff and an on-hand doctor rush through the terminal to get him to the hospital, he looks dead, i mean he hasn’t replied to the staff screaming in his ear to wake up. johnny slowly opens up one of his eyes, his plan worked! he’s off the plane! but how the hell was he supposed to convince the staff he’s fine and is just gonna go look for a taxi to take him home. maybe if he tells them all he needs is some rest? REST? YOU JUST FAKED A HEART ATTACK AND YOU THINK THEY’RE GONNA BELIEVE ALL YOU NEED IS REST?? johnny stops scolding himself and gets to thinking of another plan.
“wait!” suddenly, he jumps up from the wheelchair and puts his hands out to stop them. he breathes deeply a couple times, does a few jumping jacks. what is he trying to prove with this whole performance?
“i’m completely fine now! thank you! you guys carry on, i’ll handle myself from here!”
“sir, wait a minute, you’ve just had a heart atta-“
he ran.
he ran all the way down two escalators, three sets of stairs and out the main entrance. what a shit plan. now he just needs to get home, wait.., he feels around his pockets, where the fuck is his wallet? is he supposed to walk home or something? maybe he should’ve just stayed on the damn plane.
he sees a sign held up by one of the drivers sent for important businessmen, or rich kids who study abroad and get their parents to send them a driver when they come on their annual trip back home, mr. zhong chenle.
“heyy man, long time no see! where’s the car at? i’m super tired!”
“uhh… mr. zhong? is that you?”
“yeah! why, do i look different or something?”
“a lot taller than i remember..”
“growth spurt. now, where’s the car?”
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“straight home, sir?” the driver asks after approximately 7 minutes of uninterrupted silence.
“yeah, but go through the downtown first, wanna see it all again, ya know.”
“whatever you say, sir.” the driver sighs, he must’ve never looked at the kids face if he thinks johnny looks anything remotely like a college student anymore. johnny picks up his phone and dials a number he’s dialled about a thousand times.
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incoming call, johnny, 12:08pm.
the noise of ruffling bed sheet and pillows fills the room, and a hand groggily slaps the desk to look for their phone without using their eyes.
call accepted
“yeah, johnny, what do you want.” he says while stretching. haechan doesn’t do much on his off days but sleep in until one and play video games. he knows that as soon as he leaves his room his mother is going to give him about fifteen things to do, so he decides to just lock himself up in his room for the weekend.
“get ready in five minutes, i’m coming to pick you up.”
“why, what happened.” there was nothing johnny could say to get him out of his bed.
“yuta called, remember him?”
“yeah, ‘the silencer’” he smirked, the dumb nickname still remembered by the pair even after all these years.
“yeah well, he said that..”
“what, he said what?”
“he said.. that mark’s coming.”
haechan shot up from his bed, making his head rush at the speed.
“yeah, he said come to the campus at 1, meet him on the roof.”
he looks at the time on his smartwatch. 12:46pm.
“oh shit..”
“bro, just get ready, fast.”
“yeah, yeah i will!”
he ran toward his bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face simultaneously. his sister watched him curiously, confused at why he’s up and out his room at 12.
“listen, i’ll be back soon, tell mom okay?, wait, shoes.” he hastily put his shoes on and wrestled a shirt over his head. “marks back!” he grinned at his sister but she just silently stared at him, biting back a smile.
“wait, but where are you going?”
“just tell mom i’m coming back, okay?”
“‘hyuck, wait!”
“can’t, johnnys here!”
“but you don’t have pants on! donghyuck!”
her shouts fell to deaf ears and haechan raced out the house, looking around for johnnys car. he waved down the car after he saw johnny through the window. the door swung open and haechan jumped in, not even giving it a chance to stop.
“now you want to go home, right, sir?” the driver asked johnny, while haechan was busy tying his laces and trying to contain his excitement.
“yeah but go via the imperial college of engineering.”
“well.. ok sir.”
“ugh, forgot my socks dude!”
“you forgot more that just your socks, hyuck.” he stifles his laughter and points down at haechans legs.
“oh my god..”
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the car swerves around a sharp corner and through the gates of the courtyard to the ICE, imperial college of engineering. johnny looks out the window in awe of his old college, which was probably the prime of his life.
the car stops and the boys jump out of the car, johnny goes around to the drivers window.
“thanks so much, now you can go back to the airport and pick up my brother, same last name - zhong!” johnny runs after haechan as he makes his way to the roof entrance.
they sprint up the steps, johnny taking down two at a time, all so that they can see their long-lost friend. they have so much to ask him, where the hell did he go, why’d he stop talking. johnny wanted to slap him and hug him at the same time but haechan just wanted his friend back. they were very close in college, they even shared a dorm room. haechan knows mark didn’t want to cut off contact from them, he knows there was something stopping him.
they make it to the roof right on time, and see yuta standing there with his back to them, staring off into the distance and checking his watch.
“mark?!” johnny completely ignored yuta and instead starts running around the roof after seeing no sign of his friend.
“hey yuta! where’s mark?!” haechan yelled, his eyes looking all around the roof, trying to find him.
yuta smirked and slowly pulled out his phone, still not facing them, waiting for them to realise he isn’t there and come over.
“welcome, guys, long time no see, huh?.” he was dressed up nicely, in a suit with the top button undone, sporting expensive shoes and jewellery, his hair was slicked back, a big difference from the untidy thing he had on his head in college.
“want something to drink?, isn’t this the same beer you guys used to drink up on this roof, late at night?” he forces them to think back to their college days, when they sat upon the roof of the engineering building and drank up to early morning, running to make it to their classes on time, hungover as fuck. he tosses the beer bottle toward haechan and he catches it right before it hits him in the stomach.
“where’s mark.” johnny was getting frustrated now, he stopped his plane with a fake heart attack to be here right now, all for mark.
“patience please, first, i want you guys to look at this.” he holds his phone up close to their faces. a picture of yuta shaking hands with a realtor infront of a big house was on the screen.
“check out that mansion behind me. $3.5 million.” yuta smiled with his teeth while showing off to them both. “swimming pool? heated. living room? oak wood flooring. my new 6496 cc lambourgini.” he swipes through a whole array of pictures showcasing all his luxuries.
you see, mark’s only academic rival wasn’t you, there also was yuta. he was an absolute pain the ass, annoying as fuck but too smart and good-looking for his own good. you, mark and yuta were fighting all year to earn the valedictorian title. always trying to out-do each other with project and homework for a good recommendation from your teacher. of course mark ended up getting it, he was so charming to some of the teachers but so insufferable to others.
“why’re you showing us all this, where’s mark?” haechan interrupted yuta’s spiel about his achievements, demanding to know why he went through all this just for mark to not even be here.
“you don’t remember?” yuta pulls up the date on his phone, the 5th of September.
haechan looked closely at the phone, “yeah that’s todays date, and what?”
yuta smiled and the two then pushed through them, walking up to a part of the wall around the door of the entrance to the roof, that looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years, covered in green stuff you could only hope was moss. yuta pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket, kicks over a ladder covering part of the wall, and starts cleaning it.
haechan and johnny following closely behind him, curious to see what his explanation was for this.
there, carved onto the wall, was a date,
Sept 5th
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“i bet you. ten years from now, we will meet here. same day, same place! and we will see who’s mor- who’s more successful” yuta slurred as he yelled sternly.
“d’you have the balls?! c’mon, tell me! tell me you’ll come back here!”
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“remember now? i made a bet with that idiot right here. i kept my promise, i’m back.”
johnny threw the beer bottle at yuta’s feet and started marching towards him.
“I made my plane land, he forgot his pants, all to meet mark, we’ve searched for five years, we don’t know if he’s alive. but you think he’ll show up for your silly bet?”
“no i knew he wouldn’t.” yuta smiled. “he’s too scared.”
“am i gonna punch him or are you?” johnny turned to haechan then turned on his heel to grab yuta’s shirt. haechan stopped even though he really wanted someone to punch yuta.
“well then why’d you make us come here if it was just a bet between you two?” haechan asked.
“to meet mark.. and to see where i’ve reached and where he is.”
“wait, so you know where mark is?”
yuta slowly started nodding and smiled. “well, yeah.”
“w-where is he?”
“he lives up in the mountains now, probably works in some rich guys house or something.”
johnny and haechan turn to each other and smile, they’re gonna go find their friend.
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“[name], are you ready to get the dress?!” your mother screams up the stairs even though you really aren’t that far away.
“yeah mom, just gimme a minute!” it’s been five years since you got your engineering degree. you got a good job, with good money, and a good life. but, something’s always been missing from your life, something that stops you from feeling like everything was worth it. you don’t like to think it, but it’s mark. mark was someone who you hated so much in your first year, you didn’t think you would make it to graduation. your past with mark lee is strange, to say the least. you never want to admit that you found yourself falling for him in your last year. he had you thinking your life was going to be amazing forever, that you would fill the gap that been empty this whole time.
yet, here you are, about to go pick up a dress for a wedding you really, really don’t want to be apart of.
your own.
you see, you thought that getting your degree and showing that you can take care of yourself would bypass the need to get you married off to another wealthy family like yourselves, clearly not as your father doesn’t have a son and needed someone to pass his college down to, it’s been passed down by his father and his father before that and his father bef- you get the point. but they thought the best idea was to get you married. it was supposed to be your sister, but she convinced your parents that they can try again with you after she found a man, an art student, to be precise, to marry instead of your family friends son, doyoung. the same doyoung who is going to be your husband in a few days.
you miss all of you friends and especially mark. maybe you wouldn’t feel so lonely if you had kept messaging mark. a little bit after graduation, you and mark got into a fight, something about him not spending enough time with you. you can barely remember what it was about, so clearly it wasn’t important enough to be the reason your whole life changed. the last message he ever sent you was asking for forgiveness and saying something about how you should leave with him. he said he had something to tell you. but of course, you were stubborn and didn’t even check his messages until a week after and when you tried to reply, you found out he blocked you. you don’t remember his number anymore, even though about six years ago it was one you thought you could never forget.
you think of johnny and haechan. two of the funniest guys you knew. haechan was great to study with and always had a great supply of energy drinks in his bag for those all-nighters. johnny was great for advice and pep talks before big exams, if it wasn’t for him your sure you would’ve pissed yourself during your final.
but, we’re they ever really your friends? mark’s blocked you and nobody knows if he is alive or dead, and johnny and haechan slowly but surely fell out of your grasp, the less and less the phone calls and hangouts got, the more you wanted everything to go back to the way it was. when mark was here.
your phone dings, pulling you out of your trance. it’s your sister, texting you that she’s outside waiting to go dress shopping with you, wedding dress shopping.
your phone reads 2:23pm, September 5th.
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a/n : yay this is gonna be really good i hope, also it’s my first kpop fic i’m sorry if it’s bad, the whole fic will be out soon but i don’t have a date. honestly if this flops i might not post it lol. also you will find out why they call him silencer later :)! if you wanna be on my tag list for when this drops just ask :)
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claymoresword · 1 year
I Choose Her | Chapter 15
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: character death, mentions of animal abuse, y/n and hermione are so protective of each other it's sick
Note: Hello! wow this one took forever, I feel bad that I'm always apologizing for delayed updates but oh well here we are :/ this one is more to move the plot forward and I wanted to follow canon in a way that would make sense for this story
anyway, as always thank you so much for the continued support and an even bigger thanks for your patience! crossing my fingers that updates will be more frequent from here on out. that's it, i hope you enjoy this one!
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1
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Hermione stands over you as you hold out the thick strand of hair, pinched in between your fingers.
Harry and Ron stare at it with bated breaths, the air in between the four of you is still; anticipating.
You didn't have to consider for too long to know it belonged to your mother. You had nearly mistaken it for your own, if it weren't for the grayish undertones, only fully visible when illuminated.
It seems every time you saw your mother, her hair would be a shade lighter. As time did its duty, as the years passed, the older each of you got, the less you resembled the other.
You don't see your mother when you look in the mirror, not anymore.
"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asks as you rise from your crouching position.
The painful lump in your throat prevents you from answering him.
You swallow thickly.
"I'm sure." You finally say.
Silence once again, as Ron reaches out to carefully pick out the strand, retrieving it from your grip, he drops it into the flask he held in his other hand with even more precision.
The only noise that fills the air is a faint sizzle, as the polyjuice potion consumes its final ingredient.
You feel Hermione move to your side, her fingers curl around your bicep, her other hand firmly intertwines with yours.
"Are you certain we'll be allowed into Bellatrix's vault?" Harry asks, he looks at you expectantly and you grace him with an assured nod.
"I've seen my mother retrieve things for her dozens of times, it'll work." You claim, but Harry's immediate skepticism doesn't evade you, and honestly, you can't hold it against him.
Your plan is far from foolproof. Like many times before the four of you are simply hoping to get by on pure chance and luck.
"How do we know what it is, when we get in her vault? I mean, a Horcrux could be anything." Ron asks, a question you were all wondering.
"I'll know." Harry quips plainly.
You glance at Hermione to shoot her a look before returning your attention back to Harry.
"It's hard to explain but– I'll just know." He adds, and none of you wish to push on the subject further.
You watched as Hermione lifted the flask filled with polyjuice to her lips, but then she pauses. Her shoulders rise as she takes a deep breath, as if preparing herself.
"Wait–" You interject, rising from the bed, in three large strides you are standing before your girlfriend.
"Let me drink it." You then place a hand over Hermione's, but she pries it off lightly.
"No, I'll do it." She counters, and you don't attempt to mask your disapproval.
"You can't drink it." Hermione reiterates.
"When we get to Gringotts, it'll appear more believable with you by my side, you know it." She adds, and you hate that Hermione is right.
You sigh.
"Darling, it's too dangerous." You breath out, your hand travels up her forearm, eventually tenderly cupping her face.
Hermione instinctively shuts her eyes at the sensation, she leans into your touch, her muscles no longer tense, her body visibly reacts to your warmth.
"We're all in danger." She finally claims, once your eyes meet again.
"This is the only way. There's another Horcrux hidden in her vault, we just have to find it." Hermione states assuredly but it does nothing to convince you of the plan.
You remain staring at your girlfriend, Hermione always had a way of making your heart feel like it could just implode within your chest.
You are overcome with love, care, and longing, all of these feelings encapsulated in the sheer dread of what's to come, of what might happen.
Hermione finds no trouble in returning your gaze.
This wordless exchange lasts for several seconds until Hermione decides to take advantage of your unmoving state. She leans in, passionately capturing your lips with her own.
Your hands quickly shift to rest on her waist, you then feel Hermione's hand move to the back of your head, pulling you closer.
You are taken aback as she opens her mouth wider, deepening the kiss, soon enough her tongue makes contact with your own.
You have no air left in your lungs, but the last thing you wish to do is pull away.
Hermione lets out a light hum as she presses her body up against yours; her eagerness causes your entire body to tremble, you worry your legs might give out at any moment.
The kiss ends as abruptly as it began.
A sharp gasp leaves Hermione's lips as she takes a step back, as if it proved a real struggle for her to cease the kiss.
Soon a sense of euphoria overcomes your entire being, even if it is fleeting, you feel at peace and it translates into a boyish grin across your face.
Hermione notices, and she has to bite her bottom lip to hide a smile herself.
She places a lingering hand over your chest before shoving you away playfully.
"Go on, wait outside. I'll meet you there." Hermione orders, and you know better than to protest.
You continued to pace back and forth, the usually maddening feeling of sand repeatedly filling your shoes does nothing to distract you.
Trepidation rapidly materializes within you the longer you waited for your girlfriend.
By taking the Polyjuice and assuming your mother's identity, Hermione is putting herself in immense danger, and you are expected to stand by and simply witness it, again.
"It'll be fine." You hear Harry's voice, but you don't acknowledge him.
You can't feel anything beyond the incessant pounding in your head; you possessed barely any strength at all, you mustered just enough to stomach this.
Soon enough, Hermione emerges from the hut and the sight you are met with is unsettling.
The woman standing before you appears to resemble your mother. Wearing the clothes your mother would wear, there was no trace of Hermione, beyond her voice.
Harry and Ron fail to speak alongside your silence. Hermione looks between the three of you impatiently.
"So, how do I look?" She asks, and you can't help but grimace.
"Disturbing." You quip.
Then you had no choice but to look away.
"Come on, let's just get this over with." You release an exasperated breath and Harry emerges next to you with Griphook.
"Griphook you give that to Hermione to hold onto, alright?" The man states, but it mainly sounded like a warning.
The Goblin lets out a subtle gripe as he hesitates, before eventually sheathing the steel into your girlfriend's bag.
"You get us into Bellatrix's vault, and the sword is yours." Harry reassures.
Ron finally takes out his wand so he may alter his own appearance, with a single wave, his hair is inches longer. The beard that appears on his face ages him, and makes him nearly unrecognizable.
"Now remember the plan, I'll be under the cloak with Griphook. Y/n and Hermione you'll try to convince the Goblin to let you through. Ron, you stand back in case anything happens." Harry runs through the plan once more and this time you don't suppress a scoff.
Hermione grabs your arm, wordlessly asking for you to stand down.
"This is a terrible plan." You say it anyway, and Harry doesn't retaliate, instead he nods in agreement.
"I know. But it's still the best one we've got."
You had to remind yourself to breathe as you walked through the doors of Gringotts.
Although certain the anxiety you are feeling at this moment is incomparable to the terror Hermione must be experiencing.
You had to battle every instinct urging you to reach out and hold your girlfriend's hand.
Ron trails closely behind the two of you, Harry and Griphook somewhere close by, hidden by the cloak of invisibility.
You brace yourselves once you get to the podium, a moment passes, but the Goblin on duty fails to acknowledge your presence entirely.
Hermione takes it upon herself to clear her throat.
Still, nothing.
She glances at you for help, and you nod, urging her to speak.
"I wish to enter." Your girlfriend states curtly, her best attempt to appear menacing.
In any other instance you would find it a little humorous, but right now, Hermione's poor imitation only makes you wince.
The Goblin fails to acknowledge either of you still, your patience rapidly thinning out.
"My mother has been sent to clear out Madam Lestrange's vault. I am certain you understand why you mustn't delay us." You say and the creature finally looks up.
His entire demeanor shifts, but it only helped to annoy you further.
"Madam, forgive me I did not realize it was you." Bogrod says, feigned cordiality.
"Of course you may enter.. but first, do you mind presenting your wand?" He adds and there is a pause.
You can sense Hermione's panic, but she tries her best to maintain a composed front.
She folds her arms over her chest.
"I hardly think that's necessary." Hermione states.
"I'm afraid I must insist." The Goblin's grin falters, and you realized you had to quickly step in
"Why?" You say, instinctively stepping forward, partially shielding Hermione with your body.
"New policy, I'm afraid." Bogrod explains, but before you can argue your case, the creature's expression shifts.
Your eyes catch the waft of green smoke seeping into the Goblin's nostrils.
You manage a quick glimpse of what looked like the tip of a wand being retracted, it disappears seemingly into thin air.
Y/n quickly realizes that Harry has sensibly, stepped in before things got ugly.
In an instant, the Goblin changes his tune.
"Very well, Madam, if you will follow me." He says with a dopey smile.
You hear Hermione let out a sigh of relief, you can't help but do the same.
The ride through the dungeons was nothing close to pleasant. The cart transporting you zoomed at an unfathomable speed, the abrupt turns and twists would have made you nauseous, if you weren't feeling sick already.
Hermione continues clutching your hand in hers, tighter than usual, your grip is similar in turn.
Finally, the cart halts, and before you know it, the six of you are free falling dozens of feet.
You reach for your wand in your pocket but Hermione beats you to it.
"Arresto Momentum!" She exclaims, and your bodies hang mid air, inches from the ground. Soon the spell wears off, the six of you fall onto the cold, wet, stone, front first.
"Thank you, Hermione." Harry says, as he helps himself off the ground.
You quickly do the same, rushing over to help your girlfriend up.
Hermione gladly takes your hand, when your eyes meet, you notice her appearance, she is back to her usual self.
The Polyjuice potion had entirely worn off but Bogrod, still under the Imperius curse, is unable to do anything about it.
"Come on, this way." Griphook shouts, he leads the four of you to the vaults.
He navigates the dark cavern with ease, as you try to get your eyes to adjust, a piercing screech fills the air, and it causes both you and Hermione to glance at each other.
You warily follow Griphooks lead, but the sight you're met with when the six of you turn the corner makes your breath catch in your throat.
"That's a Ukrainian Ironbelly–" Ron points out, awe and disbelief you shared.
Then Griphook picks up an object you quickly deduced to be a certain type of bell. As he shakes it, the dragon's screeching intensifies, it flails around as if trying to escape the noise.
It was only then you noticed the thick metal chains around its neck and legs.
"It's been trained to expect pain when it hears this sound." The creature claims and Hermione releases you so she may step forward, following his lead.
She speaks once she is in earshot of the Goblin.
"That's barbaric." Your girlfriend says, a certain tenor to her voice, you knew her well enough to recognize that she was truly indignant.
The dragon's screeching continues as the four of you slip past it.
It only retreats to cowers silently in the corner once the noises from the bell stops.
The vault is now in sight, as the group approaches you can't help but notice that Bogrod has disappeared.
You glance out at where you spotted the Goblin last and sure enough. He was standing in front of the dragon, simply staring at it; the curse has evidently impaired his judgment and all sense of danger.
"Wait– what do we do with him?" You gesture to Bogrod.
Although before anyone can respond, the Ukrainian Ironbelly takes a large step forward, then from its mouth, comes flames, big and blistering enough to turn the entire space scorching hot in an instant.
The once Goblin was now burnt to nothing but ash.
Hermione, Y/n and the boys only manage to stare in utter shock.
"That's unfortunate." Ron finally quips.
"Come on, we don't have much time." Griphook warns, he advances forward and the four of you follow.
As you arrive at the vault, it appears familiar to you, but only distantly.
It was not the vault Snape led you to a few months ago but it appears almost identical.
"Is this where you got the sword?" Hermione asks in a hushed tone, and you quickly shake your head.
"No, the key Snape gave me led to a different vault." You explain, but your girlfriend doesn't say anything, expecting your response.
As the five of you enter Bellatrix's vault, it is worse than you expected.
It is filled with random trinkets, some valuable, some not.
The three of you sport a defeated expression, but Harry was not going to give up so easily.
He steps forward.
"It's in here, I can sense it." He states.
You observe silently as The Chosen One approaches a particular cup, amidst an array of objects that look nearly identical to it.
Soon enough he reaches for it.
Harry holds out the cup, nothing is said, but there is an energy that reverberates through the air.
It's unmistakable. He has a Horcrux in hand.
"Pass me the sword." He extends his arm and Hermione scrambles through her bag, eventually retrieving the steel.
She passes it to Harry, he grips the pommel, but doesn't get the chance to do much else as a noise captures your attention.
Ron knocks over a goblet by accident, instead of breaking as it touches the ground, it only multiplies.
As the duplicate makes contact with another object it does the same thing. Soon objects are spawning at a rapid rate, filling up the already limited vacant space by your feet.
"What's happening?" Hermione exclaims over the loud noise, you instinctively step to her side as she nearly loses her balance.
"It's an enchantment, everything you touch will multiply." The Goblin explains, you aren't given much chance to come up with an escape plan as the objects quickly engulf all five of you.
For what felt like eternity, you fought to keep your head above.
You spot Hermione and Ron doing the same, but you can't see Harry anymore.
Amidst the chaos, somehow, Griphook gets a hold of the Horcrux.
Then, Harry finally emerges from the sea of gold and silver. He frantically looks around, in search of the object, but his attention shifts to the Goblin as he proudly holds up the Horcrux.
"We had a deal, Griphook!" Harry bellows, and the creature only grins, malicious, irritating.
"The cup for the sword!" He strikes up the bargain, and you curse under your breath.
It is getting increasingly difficult to stay afloat, and you watched as Hermione and Ron struggled the same.
Harry begrudgingly hands over the sword, the Goblin then returns the Horcrux back to him.
"I said I'd get you in, I never said anything about getting you out." Griphook quips, he holds his hand up against the door, unlocking it.
Soon the objects begin spilling out of the vault after him but the four of you continue to struggle to make your way to the exit.
If only you could retrieve your wand, you could stop the Goblin from going any further.
"Hermione, can you reach your wand?" You shout, and the struggle in your girlfriend's face is evident.
"I'm trying!" She replies.
After moments of struggle, the four of you miraculously manage to make your way out, but it was too late.
The Goblin is nowhere to be seen.
"Griphook!" Harry calls out in anger, he doesn't expect a reply, and he doesn't receive one.
His voice echoes through the dungeons, and it only works to disturb the dragon ahead.
It lets out another deafening screech.
You approach slowly, in search of the object that you know will subdue the beast, but you can't find it anywhere and you know for certain Griphook is the reason for it.
"The bell- it's gone." You don't try to conceal your distress.
"That foul creature– how are we supposed to get out of here?" Ron curses and you begin looking around for some type of solution, an idea to come to you.
You take an experimental step forward; careful, quiet.
You consider that perhaps, if you moved slowly, the dragon won't react.
However, your theory was quickly proven incorrect as the beast storms towards you within the confines of its chains, soon opening its mouth.
You were only inches away from getting charred alive before Hermione harshly grabbed your arm, yanking you to her side.
The pins you up against the pillar, out of the dragon's sight.
Ron and Harry stood a few paces away, their backs also against the wall.
"What on earth was your plan there?" Hermione hisses, and you are staggered for a moment.
You've never seen her so furious with you.
"I just thought if I moved quietly–" You start, but then another loud noise pierces the atmosphere.
Clearly, your stunt only exacerbated the dragon's already agitated state.
The sounds that follow suggest that the formidable beast was now fighting to be released from its restraints.
"Don't you ever try something like that again–" Hermione warns, her hand still gripping your collar.
You nod apologetically, suddenly you almost feel like a child being reprimanded.
Your girlfriend finally loosens her grip on your shirt.
The beast's actions begin to get larger and louder, in its outrage it clamours at the stone walls, chipping large pieces off.
"What a joke– did we go through all of that just to die in here?" Ron quips.
"We can't apparate.." Your girlfriend mumbles to herself, mentally debating an escape plan.
"Hermione?" Harry asks, it sounds closer to a desperate plea.
You were all stumped, only hoping that the mostly brilliant mind out of the four of you will manage to think of a plan to escape.
Hermione finally looks up at you, and by the look on her face you can tell whatever it might be; she's figured something out.
"I've got an idea, but it's mad." She admits, with a raised voice and truth be told you hated the sound of that.
Harry and Ron stare at her expectantly and you only grow more nervous by the second.
Hermione turns to y/n, you don't speak a word to her but it is not required as she already senses your anxiety, she places a firm hand on your chest right above your heart, you were certain she can feel it pounding against her palm.
"Just trust me." She reassures, too swiftly for your liking, as she completes her sentence she retreats.
You can only anticipate her next move, and it is not one you'd ever expect, in fact it nearly sends you into an early grave.
You watched as Hermione leaped off the balcony, landing on the dragon's back.
"Hermione!" You exclaim.
She struggles to get a grip of the beast for a moment, you are stunned when the dragon stills, it doesn't try to force Hermione off it's back.
"Come on!" Your girlfriend shouts, and you were first to mirror her earlier action. With a single large leap you manage to grab onto the dragon's horns, you pull yourself up, situating yourself behind Hermione.
The dragon reacts the same, but it is too fixated on the chains wrapped around its neck to care.
Soon enough Harry and Ron manage to climb on as well.
There is a point of eery stillness as the dragon seemingly appears too tired to continue fighting.
"Now what?" Harry poses a good question, and you take it upon yourself to fish out your wand.
"Relashio!" In one swift move, you fling the spell, aiming for the dragon's tail.
The beast reacts violently, in the process, the spell breaks the chains tethering it to the ground, finally freeing the beast from its restraints.
"Defodio!" Your girlfriend exclaims as she holds out her own wand, and soon enough, the dragon takes flight, bursting through the ceiling.
In an instant, Gringotts Bank is reduced to fragments of wood, glass and stone as the dragon flees the building, taking the four of you with it.
You have been on dragonback for what felt like hours, however an uncanny feeling of serenity, fills you as the beast flew through the air, past villages and hillsides.
As you approach the vast water, the dragon begins to fly lower; it appears the beast aims to halt its tiresome journey through the city soon.
"We're dropping!" Harry exclaims, panic begins to set in amongst the four of you once again.
"I say we jump!" Ron suggests, but you aren't particularly fond of the idea.
"What?" You bark.
"When?" Hermione chimes in.
"Now!" Harry responds as he lets go, you watched as he falls into the freezing water below.
He is quickly followed by Ron and Hermione, and you let out a groan as you release your grip on the dragon.
"Damn you, Weasley!" You exclaim as you freefall into the lake.
As your body touches the water, it immediately feels like hundreds of blistering hot knives are incessantly puncturing your skin.
It is almost unbearable, but then your head rises to the surface and pure instinct kicks in. The four of you, with some difficulty, eventually manage to swim to shore.
Hermione grabs your hand to help you up, in your weakened state you barely manage to climb the cliff.
Harry storms ahead, seemingly unaffected, no doubt driven by pure adrenaline.
"He knows." He blurts out.
"You know who." Harry explains, and Hermione lets go of your hand to catch up to the dark haired man.
"He knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took, and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes." He admits.
"How is it you know?" You ask, jogging slightly to catch up, Ron following closely behind.
"You let him in?" Hermione asks, her tone dissaproving.
"Harry you can't do that–" She says but her bestfriend interrupts.
"Hermione, I can't always help it! Or maybe I can, I don't know." He retaliates.
"Never mind that, what happened?" You interject.
The four of you halt as you get to the top of the cliff.
"Well, he's angry– and scared too." Harry starts, he holds out his hands as Hermione retrieves her bottle of Essence Of Dittany from her bag.
She places a few drops on his palms, doing the same on yours, and then Ron's.
You rub your hands together as Harry continues speaking.
"He knows if we can find and destroy all the Horcruxes, we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll do anything to stop that happening." Harry finishes and you scowl at the thought.
Soon, the boys begin stripping so they may change into dry clothes.
Hermione instead retrieves a large blanket from her bag, she drapes it over you, before pulling you close to her body so she may share your warmth.
"There's more– one of them's at Hogwarts." Harry explains.
"What?" Ron says in disbelief and his friend only nods.
"You saw it?" Your girlfriend asks, skeptical.
Harry nods again.
"I saw the castle, and Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her, we have to go there now." The Chosen One states, assuredly.
"What? We can't do that, we've got to plan, we've got to figure it out." Hermione counters.
"Hermione when have any of our plans ever actually worked?" Harry recounts, his gaze shifting between y/n, Hermione and Ron.
"We plan, we go there, all hell breaks lose." The dark haired man states, and neither of you have an argument, he was stating the plain truth.
"He's right– just one problem." Ron starts.
"Snape's headmaster now, we can't just walk through the front door."
Then there's a pause.
You can feel Hermione shivering against you, you swiftly wrap an arm around her, an attempt to keep her as close as possible.
"Well, then we'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes– take the secret passage." Harry offers a solution, and you nod in agreement.
"I think– there's something wrong with him–" He adds, and the three of you wait for Harry to explain.
"In the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts– now everything just sort of feels disconnected." The dark haired man says, he adjusts the glasses on his face.
"Maybe it's the Horcruxes? Maybe he's growing weaker, maybe he's dying?" Ron suggests but Harry was quick to shake his head.
"No, it's more like he's wounded. If anything he feels more dangerous." Harry states plainly, and now you are shivering for an entirely different reason.
Hermione glances at you, as you exhange a look, you can't help but acknowledge that all too familiar sense of impotence as it looms over all of you.
The uncertainty and impending doom; it feels as though the more Horcruxes you uncover, the more uncertain the end seems.
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orangewisteria · 2 years
ᴼᴹᴳ ᴹᵞ ᴮᴬᴮᵞ ˢᶜᴼᵀᵀ
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ᵈᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿˢ || ʳᵉᵠᵘᵉˢᵗˢ ᵒᵖᵉⁿ
-> i know for a fucking FACT that Scott is surpsied
-> Hes never thought about having a boyfriend or having a crush on a fellow male
-> He was rasied to like girls and all that shizam
-> So hes kinda freaking out and being an internal homophobe :(
-> Hes telling himself that hes broken or that hes got something wrong with him cause he likes a male
-> hes baby ok
-> but once he comes to terms with it he feels so fuckign flustered
-> hes lbushing around you and stuttering slightly
-> hes trying to act all cool but hes failing miserable
-> its so obivous that hes cruching
-> withing a week of him crushing on you hes askign you out
-> he cant stand the fact that his brain his making him think that someone else is going to get you first
-> hes got nightmares abiout it
-> he tried so so so hard to make it rose petals and candles romantic
-> it fails
-> BIG time
-> the flower petals were set a flame by the candles and the candles were almost out by the time he got you out to the spot he was asking you out
-> the poor boy was so embarrassed and heart broken when he saw it
-> please for the love of all that is unholy
-> reassure him its ok and that you still love him despite this confession being ruined
-> hes crying tears of joy as you tell him your love for him
-> hes sobbing intoy our chest and holding you clsoe
-> although that night hes up terrified about what his paresnt specfically his dad, woudl say baout his relationship
-> hes panicking ten fold that morning while running on adrenaline and paranoia
-> once you were able to calm him down hes falling asleep on your lap
-> he gives two shits about what anyone says cause goddammit is he tired as hell
-> hes snuggling into your hsoudler and having the sqeetest dreams you culd thing of
-> its so cute
-> hes got a little drool too cause come on
-> its scott
-> hes clingign to you like a koala
-> his arms wrapped around you rightly while his legs twisted around your waist, no sign of letting go any time soon
-> do you know how much he loves nose kisses?
-> he loves them
-> he loves givving them
-> he loves reciving them
-> the way his face scrunches up makes him feel all embarrased
-> and the way he can feel your brethe on his face as you pull away
-> your eyes locked with his as you kiss his nose
-> omg hes blsuhig brigth red
-> and when he blushed his freckles show even more
-> on the inside hes fucking begging you to connect his freckles like in some cheesy romance book or show
-> he loves all that cheesy shit
-> its his jam
-> he loves when you trave shapes on his shoudlers, back, and neck as well
-> hes got freckles almost everywhere on his body
-> specifically his back, sholders, neck, and face (as stated before)
-> hes just
-> hes falling in love even more and it makes him feel all fuzzy and warm and his knees are weak
-> kiss him on his neck, middle of his shoulder blades or throat
-> hes falling to his knees and trying not to turn into a puddle right then and there
-> theyre his soft spots
-> the most sensitive pieces of skin he has
-> run your hands through his hair
-> whisper sweet nothings to him as you tow cuddles
-> hes melting then and there in your arms and never waking up again
-> he wants those kind of moments to lst foreer
-> hes an affectionate starved boy who needs to be held
-> by the man he loves <3
-> if you want more you can ask for specific headcanons if you want :3
147 notes · View notes
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BALLERINA - Chapter Eleven.
A Jake Kiszka AU
Physiotherapist!Jake x Original Female Character
Previous Chapter.
A/N: Hi everyone, I am so happy to announce that Physiotherapist!Jake is back! I felt so bad for neglecting this little story so much but, finally, here we are with another chapter. There aren't many more left, so please bear with me!
Word count: 3.7K
Warnings for this chapter: fluff, angst, panic attack.
When the hunger for food overcame the hunger for each other, Iris and Jake finally detangled themselves from the mess of blankets and sheets and got out of bed.
She blushed a little when she remembered she was completely naked and he chuckled noticing her reaction.
He approached her and she lowered her gaze, unable to maintain eye contact with him.
His eyes were too intense.
He lifted her chin and stroked her bottom lip with his thumb.
“You are so beautiful” he whispered, and she blushed even more.
Then he kissed her and she almost melted against his plump lips.
She pressed herself more against him, wishing that his warm soft body could envelop hers completely and shield her away from all the harm in the world.
They almost lost their resolve to leave the room altogether when the sharp clattering sound of a pan hitting the floor downstairs in the kitchen broke the spell between them.
Jake chuckled and Iris quickly mimicked him as they heard someone curse loudly downstairs.
“My brother is so clumsy” Jake whispered.
“We better get downstairs quickly, I wouldn't want him burning the whole house down” He continued as he guided her gently inside the bathroom in his room.
Soft morning light was engulfing the room, making the light blue and white tiles glitter.
He turned the water of the shower on and retrieved some towels from a white cabinet in the corner.
Then he kept the glass door of the shower open for her to enter.
He was about to close it and leave her there alone when she grasped his wrist and tugged him inside with her.
They both laughed and she gave him a soft peck on the lips before they both started washing themselves.
Iris took advantage of the moment he closed his eyes to wash his hair to admire his body in all his naked glory without being afraid of getting caught.
He stood there before her, strong but soft in all the right places, making her mouth water at the mere sight of him with his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted as he lathered his hair with shampoo.
His back was slightly arched as his hands rinsed his locks and, for a moment, Iris found herself envying all the little suds that, from his head, slowly traveled down his body.
With his eyes still closed, he turned his back to her and she almost whimpered at how broad and sturdy his shoulders were.
She shivered when she saw the faint pink lines that her nails had drawn on his skin the previous day and her knees almost buckled as memories of the actions that had caused those lines flooded her memory.
She had never felt something remotely close to this with anyone else. It was a constant need of closeness that possessed her whenever she was with him and a heartwrenching need of him when, instead, they were apart.
Her body and mind tingled when he was in the same room as her, missing his touch even though he had just held her close.
He was like a drug for her, the more she had of him, the more she needed.
As her eyes traveled lower down the curve of his ass, she involuntarily licked her lips at the sight, feeling the impending need to bite his skin.
But the sound of him clearing his throat startled her and broke the spell.
Her eyes met his as he was already watching her from above his shoulder and with his back still turned to her.
Soon he was before her, pressing her flush against the cold tiled wall and sucking a dark mark gently on her neck, that would join the many others he had already left all over her body.
“Seen something you like?” He whispered before taking her lobe in his mouth as his hand traveled south, from her shoulder to her waist.
She moaned and shivered at the sensation and just when his hand was about to reach between her legs again, Jake's name being shouted by a male voice interrupted them.
“I need the fucking water to wash the dishes, turn that damn shower off” a muffled voice said angrily from outside the bedroom door and Jake groaned in front of her.
“I'm going to beat his ass when I see him” Jake groaned and muttered under his breath and she giggled.
“Sorry baby, we better get out of here before he comes barging through that door.” he went on defeated.
But, before she could exit, he stopped her and his hand traveled down her injured leg, touching the skin gently and checking her scar once again.
She hissed at his touch and his eyes met hers, worriedly.
“Are you ok? I didn't go too hard on you, did I?” He asked, his voice serious and tense.
“No, Jake, I'm ok, my skin is just a little more sensitive there, that's all” she answered truthfully, trying to ease some of his worry.
He tried to say something else but she interrupted him with a quick peck on his pouted lips.
“I'm ok, Jake, really” she whispered onto his lips and he sighed, relaxing his shoulders.
“Let's go, I'd like to introduce you to my brother without being naked.” He said chuckling.
Finally, they exited the shower and he wrapped a soft towel around her with a peck on her wet shoulder, before starting to dry his hair and body with another towel.
Once they got dressed, she started to feel a bit nervous about meeting his twin and as if he could read her emotions on her face, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind and squeezed her gently, reassuring her with sweet whispered words in her ear.
She shivered as his damp air touched her cheek
“Don't be nervous, baby. Everything is going to be alright.”
Then he opened the door of his room and grabbed her hand, guiding her down the stairs
Silence met her ears and she wondered if someone was still in the kitchen after all.
When they entered the room it was evident that someone had been there, but now it was clean and empty.
A plate full of steaming pancakes laid on the counter together with a bowl of ripe strawberries.
Next to it there was a slip of paper with a note.
“I'll be back in a sec. Dig in, they get cool quickly!”
Jake handed her a plate full of pancakes and strawberries and her stomach growled loudly making her blush.
Iris wanted to wait for him to fill his plate too before eating, but he was quick to give her the go ahead with a whisper into her ear.
“C'mon baby, you don't have to wait for me to eat. You need your energy back” he said suggestively from behing her, gently caressing and grabbing her ass with one hand while the other plucked a strawberry from the bowl and placed it in front of her lips.
His hips imperceptibly pushed hers against the counter and she shivered.
She turned her face enough to look him in the eyes before biting down on the ripe fruit he was holding between thumb and forefinger.
A few drops of juice from the strawberry trickled down her chin and he licked it away from her skin quickly, before it could drip lower.
She closed her eyes as his tongue glided slowly over her skin and almost dropped her plate on the floor.
She was losing herself in his presence when the sound of a key turning in the lock of the front door startled her.
She jumped away from him as if she had been burned and he chuckled softly watching her compose herself at record speed before meeting whoever was entering the house.
What she didn't expect to see when the front door opened was a little puppy. It was trying to run inside and failing, slipping on the wooden floor with its leash absolutely knotted all around its little body and paws.
Then she heard a boisterous laugh and a male voice reprimanding the puppy for being so clumsy in a sweet sing-song voice.
“Wait, you little devil, you are going to hurt yourself. Give me a minute and I'm setting you free” the voice said in a sweet tone.
The noise of paws on the floor never ceased but suddenly the puppy was free and it came barrelling towards Jake.
It was a little brown brindle pitbul puppy with an hint of white on chest and paws and a little pink collar with a fuchsia heart-shaped tag.
Jake knelt down and Iris did the same.
He scratched the puppy behind its ears as it wagged his tail like crazy and tried to jump up and lick his face.
“This is Rose” he introduced the puppy to Iris and it jumped up to her face and licked her nose.
She chuckled and tried to scratch her neck but the dog ran away suddenly towards the person that was approaching from the hallway.
Iris and Jake straightened quickly and were met with who she recognised from the picture she had seen in the living room to be Jake’s twin.
He looked a little taken aback, because of course he didn't think that his brother had company.
But he recovered quickly. He had a sweet smile on his face as he extended his hand towards her to introduce himself.
“Hi. You must be Josh” she greeted him as his warm hand wrapped around hers and squeezed, firmly.
“And you must be Iris, Jakey here told me everything about you.” he said and his smile deepened when he saw the blush starting to cover his brother's cheeks.
Iris saw as the brothers’ eyes met as if a silent conversation was taking place in their minds and suddenly Josh’s smile turned into a smug grin and he spoke again.
“Honestly, you are almost everything he talks about these days. This explains everything, that's why you took ages to come downstairs, isn't it, brother?” he said with a little chuckle as he noticed the absolute death glare his brother was sending him.
Iris blushed at his words.
The two boys looked very similar, but yet they couldn't be more different. Josh had a head full of fluffy curls that reached past his ears and stuck in every direction. And his smile was infectious, his perfect white teeth showing and his eyes glittering in the soft morning light.
Iris noticed the same dimple that Jake had pop out on Josh’s face and suddenly she was hit with a realization and her mind did a double take.
They were identical twins.
She already knew it but then she saw it too and it made her brain go blank.
It was a sensation that she couldn't explain.
Josh looked like the definition of happiness. It definitely radiated off of him and even if she barely knew him she could feel it.
Jake interrupted her mind trip, handing Josh a plate full of pancakes. Iris suspected that that was Jake's attempt to make his brother finally shut up so he couldn't embarrass them both further.
The three of them sat at the table and started eating the pancakes that Josh had cooked so kindly while he told them everything Rose did when the two of them were outside. That included trying to eat a rock that he had to yank away from her mouth, barking at leaves falling from a tree, getting scared by a bumblebee while sniffing flowers and almost killing Josh by tangling the leash around his ankles before chasing a poor leveret for ten minutes straight.
The way Josh told those stories made Iris practically cry with laughter. He was so theatrical and expressive that she couldn't help it.
“That's why she was so tangled up in the leash when we got home. I was chasing her while she was trying to catch that poor leveret and when I caught her I carried her home in my arms but she kept trying to wiggle out of my grasp and she kept tangling herself every second more.” He said while the puppy moved in a circle on the floor while trying to catch her tail.
Jake called her and she ran towards him, placing her paws on his thigh and barking when she saw that he was holding a strawberry for her.
The three of them continued eating and laughing at Rose's antics while chatting about anything and everything.
Iris loved seeing the brothers interact, showing her more about their relationship. She could see that they got along really well and were fond of each other despite they tried to pester themselves quite often.
Suddenly, Jake's phone started ringing, startling Rose that growled and fled to her dog bed next to the sofa and hid behind it.
Jake furrowed his brows thinking about who might have been, then stood and turned to grab the phone from the shelf where he had put it.
When he saw who was calling his face fell a little but he didn't say anything.
He answered and left the room with Rose close to his heels.
Iris finished eating and stood to bring her plate to the sink and wash it, but Josh quickly stopped her with a warm hand on her arm.
“Let me, Iris. You don't have to. I'm doing it myself” He said, reaching the sink and placing his brother's and his plate inside alongside hers.
“So, Jake told me you are a ballet dancer. You really look like one, your posture is perfect.” He said, making her laugh.
“What's your favourite ballet?” He asked curiously, while he washed and rinsed the dishes.
“Oh, I really don't know, I've got so many.” She answered simply, while grabbing a dishcloth to help him dry the dishes despite his complaints. He really didn't want his guests to work.
“I really look forward to seeing you dance soon, Iris” he said sweetly and her mind started reeling.
He sounded so confident and she absolutely wasn't. She really tried not to think about it too much.
“I'm not really sure about it” Her eyes lowered and she felt her bottom lip tremble slightly.
As Iris placed the dishes on the table she saw as his eyes drifted to her leg, where her bare skin was left exposed by the shorts she was wearing.
The two ugly scars glowed pink under the bright morning light and she couldn't help but feel self-aware about them.
His eyes quickly diverted from her skin but he sensed her discomfort and felt the need to say something.
“Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” He said, his voice was sweet and comforting as he reached for her shoulder, squeezing lightly, but his eyes depicted worry. She didn't know why but, as he went on talking, she understood.
“I still remember that day, you know?” He said in a whisper.
“Jake called me briefly after your operation and I could feel the immense worry in his voice. I could tell he was shaking, at least his voice was. He spent most of the days after your operation at the hospital. I think he did it because he tried to keep himself busy working and coming home meant he had to rest and inevitably relive those moments. After a few days he told me that you were a ballet dancer and that he made a promise to you to help you go back to dancing.” Josh said her with a fond smile and she bit the inside of her cheek not to cry.
“I'm sure of it. My brother never breaks a promise” he added and winked, making her heart swell with love for Jake and her cheeks tinge pink.
Iris was about to reply when Jake entered the kitchen with a defeated look in his eyes.
“It was a call from the ward, there is an emergency and they need my help in an operation. I have to go. I'm so sorry, Iris.” He said dejectedly.
“Don't worry, Jake. You don't have to apologize” she told him honestly.
He went upstairs to grab his things and in a few minutes he was ready.
He approached her and kissed her deeply, stealing her breath away, not caring that his brother was there.
Iris blushed and he chuckled at her reaction.
“I'll be back as soon as I can, baby. If you want you can stay here. I know you love reading, there are plenty of books in the bookshelf for you. Make yourself at home, alright? And if you want to go home, Josh will take you.” He said sweetly, stroking her hair before turning to speak to his brother.
“Josh, remember that today the courier is delivering those guitars I told you about. Please bring them to the music room when they arrive. I'll check those out later.” He said while moving towards the door that led to the garage.
Josh and Iris heard him shout a rushed “Bye!” before slamming the door of his car shut and driving away.
Iris helped Josh clear the table and then sat on the couch with him and Rose where she asked him about himself while scratching the little dog behind her ears.
He told her that he worked in a record and film shop in town and that his dream was to become a great director.
Now she understood who all of those vintage film posters on the walls belonged to.
She asked him what his favourite film ever was and he started to list all his all time favourites and explaining to her exactly why he was choosing them.
Suddenly they were interrupted by the loud noise of the doorbell ringing.
Rose started barking but didn't move from her bed while Josh stood to go check the door.
“This must be the courier Jake was talking about earlier” he said, while he disappeared down the hallway to reach the front door.
Iris heard Josh chat briefly with the man outside his door, thanking him and a minute later he came back with a big box in hand.
“I'm going to bring this upstairs into the music room and open it to check if everything is alright. Then I'll be back” he said and started climbing up the stairs.
She relaxed back on the sofa but was startled by something, or rather someone, jumping in her lap.
Rose was demanding her attention rather effectively, by constantly biting a very loud neon pink squeaky ball.
She let it fall on her lap and Iris grabbed it, gently throwing it a few meters away.
She threw it everytime farther and the dog didn't miss a throw. She kept retrieving the ball and bringing it back to Iris.
On the last throw, unfortunately the ball bounced down the opposite hallway and rolled down the stairs that led towards the garage.
Jake had probably left that door open without noticing when he went away
The puppy refused to go down there, probably afraid of the stairs, and started whining over her lost ball, barking from time to time.
Without thinking, Iris decided to go down there to retrieve it.
She scooped the puppy up in her arms and brought her down the stairs. Then she let her roam free in search of her toy.
In the meanwhile, Iris took a look around the big garage. She saw the empty spot of Jake's car, right near to the stairs and, next to it, there was what she assumed was Josh’s car, a white Jeep.
On the farthest side of the room there was also a big pile of boxes on top of something covered with a thick old-looking blanket.
Rose was quick to find her ball under the white Jeep and she eagerly brought it to Iris, letting it fall at her feet. Then she looked up at her expectantly with her sweet big brown eyes and her tail wagging at full speed.
Iris threw the ball a few more times but suddenly the dog got distracted by a loose thread in the old-looking blanket and started playing with it, biting and tugging at it, forgetting the toy altogether.
Iris started laughing at the puppy's antics as she tried to tear off the loose fabric that was too hard to break.
Instead, the dog ended up making the blanket fall on the floor.
And what Iris saw underneath, petrified her on the spot.
Panic started constricting her lungs and she wasn't able to breathe anymore.
Her head started spinning, her hands were sweating and her ears ringing.
For a long moment her mind was completely blank as her eyes focused on what was before her, failing to truly comprehend the real extent of what she was looking at.
Then she fell on the floor, with her head in her hands as harsh silent sobs started shaking her entire body.
Memories washed over her like a flood of biblical proportions, making her feel like she was drowning. Their weight was holding her down like a giant rock tied to her ankle.
But then she realized what she needed to do.
She needed to get out of there.
And never ever come back.
At that moment, she felt something warm press against her cheek.
The puppy was licking her face, scared of her intense reaction and her strong emotions.
Iris gently picked her up and stood, suddenly regaining enough clarity of mind to leave that place altogether.
She climbed the stairs and laid the puppy down gently in the corridor.
Josh was still nowhere to be seen. She could hear his steps above her in the music room. He was talking to himself too but she couldn't make out what he was saying.
She walked in the kitchen, grabbed her purse from the table and silently made her way down the stairs that led to the garage after closing the door to stop the puppy from escaping.
She pressed the button to open the garage door and once she was outside, she ran away as fast as her leg allowed her.
She didn't look back, the tears steadily streaming down her face almost blinding her.
She didn't even realize she had made it in her apartment, climbed the stairs and entered her flat.
Only when the front door finally slammed shut behind her she allowed her spent self to fully break under the extent of that terrible discovery.
She crumbled on the floor and started crying all her tears, her leg burning because of the effort.
And once tears didn't come anymore she laid there, listening only to the faint sound of the clock on the kitchen wall ticking and the deafening sound of her heart shattering in her chest.
As she drifted into a dreamless tortured slumber she wished to disappear forever into the ether.
Next chapter
Taglist: @gvfpal @sammyslappers @spark-my-nature @highladyofasgard @sparrowofthedawnsworld @jessicafg03 @doodle417 @hellowgoodbye @ejoygvf @jaketlover @jakekiszkasbabymama @objectsinspvce @indigostreakmorgan @witchofendora @myleftsock @gretavanshmeat @gretasfallingsky @giraffehippy @jennasometimesreads @katiegvf @sinarainbows @laney_gvf @themorningbirds @starcatcherchords @lipstickitty @meetingthestardust @joshskittytickler @livkiszka @twistedmelodies @ignite-my-fire @gvfmarge @writingcold @brujamagik @edgingthedarkness @gold-mines-melting
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araduhh · 4 months
how about a dating pics of lunch club traves ? >:3 thx
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thankyou for req!! SORRY THEY WERE SO HARD TO FIND
your camera roll when dating traves ♡
more on pinned post ☆
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unknownlololol · 10 months
The Hanging Tree
Your existence remains shrouded in mystery. Is only known with a melodic voice, a wanderer, or resembles as a ghost freely roams in Teyvat. He couldn't find you. You're near, yet too far. Too distant for his grasp.
TW: Angst with no comfort? Unsure for Lyney's part.
Scaramouche & Lyney X Reader!LucyGray (Hunger Games inspired)
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note: I used to write stuffs so sorry if my writing is rusty. 🥹🥹🙏
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Are you, are you comin' to the tree?
Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three?
Trees heavy with snow on it's tips. Cold breeze brushing off his stoned face. He felt nothing but devoid of sensation. Sitting on the lonely, cold bench. Scaramouche did not mean to kill your friend. He did not mean to betray your friend. He did NOT mean it. He was just trying to get him and you, escape from the scene of the crime. His first arrival of the Snezhnaya may be turned out to be great but after meeting you— his walls has fallen, unnoticed. He thought that his illed friend will be the last time to let someone in his life. A puppet who promised himself not to get attached, has a change of heart. You're too good to be true. Singing in the bar with the crowds enjoying your songs. Such charisma exceeds its lengths that a human, he thought, would have. And it lured him. Having shared interests and desires. Mainly yours. Your desire to be free. Yet, he doesn't know his. Then, it leads to this. It was all good but... The final sight etched in his mind was the lifeless forms of the duke's daughter, her assailant, and your former partner. And you, stood behind him. Such history you have with these three before you. Your friend saved you from exposing your plans upon escaping the hands of The Knave. You owed him for it. And died. As a punishment of him killing these victims. It wasn't your friend's fault. It's his. His sole intention was to save himself, inadvertently leaving your friend to face the consequences. He didn't mean it.
But did you knew this all along? The song— you sang about the tree. He thought that was dedicated to your ex. But it is a message that you knew all along. Scaramouche gazes at his trembling hand, unable to control it. Despite acknowledging his wrongdoing, your abrupt disappearance has left him stunned. He couldn't call this as betrayal but sees it as a consequence of dropping his guard around you— or a punishment. He blames you, seeing your actions as the catalyst for further complications. But he knows that the fault is not yours.
He refuse to accept it. Refusing to accept that he's become attached to your perilous allure.
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Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.
Lyney didn't intend to conceal his identity from you to betray your trust. He didn't mean to. Eyes could not even bare to look at his trusted attorney. Not even yours. He have no guts to see your reaction. The revelation did shocked almost everyone in the opera as the archon stood confidently on the opposite side. Murmurs can be heard beneath him. But all he wondered is, what would be your reaction? Yet again, he doesn't have enough courage to look at you. To know how you felt— that he and her sister being part of the House of Hearth, tormenting you even in your sleep. You confessed that you to be in there and escaped. And you should consider yourself fortunate that 'Father' hasn't mentioned anything about an escapee. Did you escaped during the times of the previous Knave or— 'Not 's the time!' Scolding himself as he and her sister went a small, one hour recess with the Traveler. All Lyney could think about is you. He really didn't mean it. His heart beating in anticipation to reach out for you. To apologise that his intentions weren't there to pursue or harm you in any way. Even her sister can perceive the thumping of his heart and the restless movement of his hands concealed behind his back. It's clear that he didn't intend to deceive those who placed their trust in him. The Traveler, and you.
Much to his dismay. To his damn dismay. You were nowhere to be seen. As his eyes darted to where you had been sitting, the seat lay empty. It was the worst-case scenario he had desperately hoped to avoid. He can be put into jail for all he cares, or facing 'Father's' punishment for any mistake that hindered their goal, but your vanishing act after discovering this deceitful truth was something he dreaded.
Though he could sense a faint glimmer of hope for understanding from the Traveler, it wasn't sufficient to kindle the light. You're gone. It wasn't his intention. He didn't mean to.
"Lyney," her sister said, attempting to draw him out of his swirling thoughts. Lyney hadn't even noticed the tears streaming down his face as he caught sight of a familiar scarf. It's from yours.
You're not easy to understand. Just like flowers can hold multiple meanings just through their description. It signify a farewell and a hope for reunion. Is this flower solely about separation, envisioning a future meeting somewhere? Or perhaps in an alternate universe where their roles wouldn't hinder your relationship with him. He's willing to wait longer for you. Respecting whatever emotions you may be feeling—anger, confusion, or distress. This message stands as his gesture, even if he's not entirely certain of your return. But perhaps, he can hope for this one. Just maybe, one day.
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note: Thank you for scrolling all the way here! 🥹🥹🫶
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toska-writes · 1 year
hello i just find u'r blog and immediately fall in love with u'r works, i just want to say thanku so much for all u'r beautiful writings! it's just not easy to find platonic fic and I'm really grateful to find u'r blog 😭❤️ if u don't mind please make more codywan x padawan reader, no pressure tho only if u want it. once again thanku and have a nice day love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you! I love this ship sm
“Dinner Party”
Paring: Codywan x padawan reader (Platonic)
Warning: mentions of food and eating if you don’t like that kind of stuff but nothing else
Word count: 1189
Notes: so I didn’t do a great job with the Codywan and it’s mainly just Cody so…. I’ll have to give this prompt another go
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Obi-wan tapped his foot absentmindedly under the table. Over and over again. You seemed to be the only one to notice as the rest of the room was filled with loud chatter from the many different senators.
Looking around for a second it seemed that Cody had also taken an interest of Obi-wand nervous habit- it was quite hard for a young padawan and a Clone commander to find common ground with the many different people that filled the room.
Of course your master didn't seem to have the problem when he wasn't lost in thought.
You had to admit Cody looked quite odd in a military uniform instead of his sunburst armor that apparently can come off. But a change in pace can be good sometimes.
As your master came back to reality since he wasn't really invested in what a highly decorated senator was saying he looked between the two of you clearly puzzled by your stares. "Is something wrong?"
Both you and Cody made eye contact and a huge smile played at you lips. "Oh no Master I was just wondering how you view Senator Gunrays insights on Coruscant and weather you believe in any of them."
He stared at you for a moment then shot a quick look at the person you were talking about.
A quick nod from him then he said. "Oh yes my young padawan it seems he did say some very interesting things." He fished around his mind for some words. "You can learn many things from the people around you if you just listen."
Cody leaned over from your left side giving Obi-wan quite the look who was sitting to your right, basically asking if he was serious.
"Any more insightful tips to give your padawan sir?." Cody said in quite the formal voice but his eyes said other wise.
"I'll let you know when I think of another dear" was all he quipped back when the clatter of dinner trays filled the room.
You felt a slight nudge to your shoulder as Cody leaned closer to your ear. "Thank the maker I'm starving."
You really could only nod in response since you were also ravenous and a plate full of food was being sat down in front of you.
It was your turn now to give your Commander a quick nudge as you looked to see his eyes blow wide, taking in the abundant food.
Looking at your own plate you felt sort of.... Disappointed?
Not that you weren't grateful to be sitting in a lavish room full of very important people about to eat a full meal that just came out hot, because you were.
The food just didn't seem right for you.
A lump of grayish blue mystery food sat towards the edge of your plate decorated with unusually green ferns.
The main course was- using your best guess some sort of fish. Forks and drinks clanked together as you watch many others enjoying what seemed to be the same meal, but the smell that wafted through the air from your plate made you question if they were really enjoying it.
It would be rude if you didn't eat it though right?
Picking your fork up after choosing what you hoped was ‘the right one’ from the multiple that sat beside your plate you gathers some of the food onto the fork.
To your right Cody clearly was trying to slow down but when all you get is ration bars this must be heaven. This was one of the many reasons you discovered as to why Obi-wan fought so hard for Cody to sit next to everyone at this party as an equal and not just a soldier.
The smell got stronger as it travels closer and closer to your face. I don’t want to be rude, you thought once again and stuffed the dinner into your mouth.
In that moment it finally answered the question of what the underside of a Bantha would taste like.
It traveled roughly down your throat leaving an odd burning sensation in its place.
“Are you alright Y/N” Obi-wan turned to you now as he once again somehow stomached the food in front of him.
“Oh yes master, just taking my time enjoying my food.” You reluctantly scooped another bite and ate that too under the watchful eye of your master.
Before he could respond a loud senator near the head of the table called for Obi-wan to be apart of whatever they were discussing. Weather it was an act under the influence or sober was up for debate.
You were grateful that something on the table was familiar and you downed that water like there was no tomorrow.
The need to eat food and the fact that it was gross was fighting with eachother inside of you as you took yet another bite.
If you didn’t want to scare the senators off by throwing up all over the table you decided for the best that that was your last attempt to be nice.
With a huff you leaned back in your care, crossing you arms over your front. “Not a fan of the food sir?” Cody inquired setting his cleaned off fork nicely on the plate that matched it.
The best answer you could give was a simple nod then you had to add.” Since I’m telling you Cody it tasted like absolute bantha shit.”
Cody laughed at your remark nearly knocking over a few glasses in the process. The odd looks from other senators went unnoticed by the pair as they continued to laugh.
“I’ll have to be honest Y/N I think it was that too.” Cody added after you collected yourself.
“I can’t believe you ate that.” You laughed again. This conversation seemed more like two siblings joking at the dinner table then it did two commanders pretty much sitting in at a political meeting, strange how somethings are.
“I think I have a few snacks on the ship if you didn’t like the food but I’m afraid I can’t get them now.” Obi-wan added under his breath when he finally got away from the talking for a few moments.
“I can mange until then but thank you master.” Without another word and before being pulled back into another ‘very interesting’ conversation Obi-wan pulled some of your untouched food onto his own plate.
“No need to offend the chef now.” He spoke before his name was called yet again.
You felt Cody shuffle beside you, digging in the pockets he wasn’t every used to and tried to find something.
After a moment and satisfied with what he found he slid you something across the table. “Taste like sand but it might be a little better then nothing at all.”
You couldn’t even spare a question as you opened the ration bar and started eating it right away. “Is that the only thing you could find to fit in your pockets since a blaster wouldn’t do it?” You asked with a smile.
“Oh no Crys is just a picky eater.”
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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apinchofm · 4 months
Fic Rec Friday
Just Like Clockwork by BumbleBee823 (@dreamstone28737)
This fic has been so fluffy and lovely - and newton, my boy, is the star because his mama and step-papa are dumb but they finally get there. g, modern au, newton getting kanthony together.
You would do it too for a check by blackphantomghost
model and private chef sydcarmy au?? its so good!! just two snarky awkward kids. t, sydcarmy,
long past the limerence by @phantomphaeton
ugh this fic pops up in my mind and tears me apart and i love it so much. unrated, fredwina, longing and angst
and if you never bleed by beautifultropicalfish (@jake-amy)
Such a good Lucy/Gregory AU with scandal, intrigue and secrets. I love it! The fluff of Lucy and Arthur’s large family is so cute but dangerous. T, Angst and Fluff
Peregrinus Animus, Peregrinus Anima, Peregrinus Cor by TheModernTypewriter
This series continues to have me in my feels and Addison is back and this time in Inquisition Spain and we have someone in the present curious about her. adow, gallowglass x oc, angst, fluff and time trave
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hermit-frog · 3 months
I love how those lestat fans anons are so angered by Louis lmao LDPDL the power that you have! He makes them loose their mind over his beautiful existence. They cannot comprehend how enthralling and compelling he is as a character. And why their fave is at his feet and will always be.
I'm always laughing when lestat fans complain about Louis being whiny when he has legit reasons to be sad and complain about his life. But if we have to point out fingers at whiny people, Lestat is right there. Like this man is the definition of whiny and pathetic. His fans have to brass themselves because we're going to see more of this side of him in s3.
But like Jacob said "fuck Lestat". This abusive asshole of a man was never worthy of Louis and I'm glad Louis choose himself. Had their reunion in that shack and he said "it was nice seeing you but that's about it. I love my life as it is right now and I wouldn't change it for anyone. Adieu!✌️"
that was blatant bait, just wanted to share
Louis is such a complex and deeply layered character, idk how people can find him uninteresting. He is kind of silently gloomy, he likes to ponder, soak in his sadness and grief. He expresses it with anger (at others and himself). A very depressed vampire, love that closure he got for himself, growth✨ (ignoring the implication of that ending).
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Lestat is a narcissistic drama queen. I find both characters interesting, but Louis is my fav while Lestat is on the bottom, he's (unintentionally) hilarious, but i just simply don't think about him (if i do, i either laugh or get mad), while i could discuss Louis for hours. I am biased, ik, but idc, i love him unconditionally. It's hard to hate bookStat because he's so stupid it's funny, showStat is also stupid af, but he pisses me off more, i will never get over how he treated both Louis and Claudia, what he did to them. I'm happy for Louis tho 💖
it's silly to have a one-sided beef with a fictional character, i appreciate what Lestat's character is portraying in the show, he's simply a tool to share a certain idea/message/story after all. my problem centers on the reception he gets. the double standards when it comes to Louis and Claudia, insane.
it would be so funny when we get to s3, and the “real” Lestat, from his own pov, is even worse lmao, he's such a clown. i mean, i was reading the books and i just, i can't even be mad because of the ridiculousness? 😂
oh hey Niki, why u crying lol anyway, i'm leaving today, going to trave. oh, about that, do you remember that fucked up scary ass vamp who had kidnapped and tortured you? yeah, the one who had released you literally just this morning ha ha... so, i'm leaving you with him and his minions, yeah those guys, i think it will be a nice experience for you. oh, no, don't cry! i know that you already miss me but i can't take you with me, i'll write you tho. oh, please stop the hysterics, it's not that serious, you will see me soon. very cute of you to cry because you love me so much btw :/ anyway, have fun, make new friends, i'm sure you'll have lots of great experiences ;) x
lestat had really listened to armand's backstory, and was like, hm, this marius guy, would love to meet and be friends with him. lmao 😭 and then rubs it in armand's face? i can't. there was a similar post, but i can't find it, i'll try to do something similar. so all this time you though marius was dead, crying yourself to sleep, wishing he'd save you, grieving him? yeah, so he's actually... doing great? yep, this whole time lol oh, and he came to me, like, immediately ha ha ha. we had so much fun. remember his secret he refused to share with you? no, no, he hadn't just told me, he took me to them! can you believe it, lmaaaao. and then i drank our mother's blood, mmm😏.... just made realize, since i am my mother's maker, it makes me her father and master😏...i will return to these thoughts later today, once i'm alone))) oh, yeah, so marius was like, if you tell anyone i'm going to kill everyone you love and then you. but then he was like, jk lol he even game a loving nickname, so silly. are you sure it's the same guy who had beat the living shit out of you over nothing? the one from whom you had to hide under some chick's bed? naaah, can't be him. he says i'm his favorite, which is ridiculous because we knew each other for days, ha ha ha
and with the body thief, jesus christ (talking about jesus christ😏yep), lestat. oh, so this random guy, who has been stalking me, who steals bodies (he said so himself, and even tried to steal mine without my consent lol), that everyone had warned me about, suggested to swap bodies for like a week, and he promised to give mine back, so nice of him. obviously i had accepted lol, but i think he might have tricked me??? like, he left me with nothing? but that wasn't sus tho. but he haven't shoved up to switch our bodies back, so weird, really didn't expect this :/ anyway, pissing sucks, and i really want to fuck that old man david, oh and for some reason my brain has connected him to claudia??? yea, but i wanna hit real bad (to be fair lestat wants to bang everyone)
i have a new daughter now, she's married to my clone btw ;)
the core of all the vamps, the spirit Amel: *looks and acts just like Lestat* Lestat: i want you so bad🥵
normal person: Hello, my name is -. lestat: I’m the vampire Lestat. I’m six feet tall, have blue-gray eyes that sometimes appear violet, and a lean athletic build. My hair is blond and thick and hangs to my shoulders, and over the years it has become lighter so that at times it seems pure white. My face is square, my mouth full and sensual, my nose insignificant, and I am perhaps one of the most conventional looking of the Undead you’ll ever see. Almost all vampires are beautiful. They are picked for their beauty. But I have the boring appeal of a Matinee Idol-
you can't make this shit up, those books were a trip
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pwmovz · 1 year
hcs + indy
give me a character and i’ll give you 10 headcanons ; indy kawaguchi
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indy sempre quis jogar, mas sua escola não tinha times femininos dos principais esportes, e os que tinha, careciam de treinadores bons. se tornou cheerleader para ficar mais perto dos esportes e, por ser boa, acabou conseguindo uma bolsa na faculdade por torcer.
com a bolsa para a universidade de minnesota, a kawaguchi estudou jornalismo enquanto se tornava uma das principais atletas do spirit squad. hoje, tendo dinheiro, não deixa de apoiar o programa de torcida que a permitiu chegar onde está.
ainda no tempo da faculdade, indy começou um blog anônimo chamado red zone report, não apenas comentando a liga nacional de futebol americano, mas também o college football e os jogadores com possibilidade de serem draftados pela nfl (e acertando varias vezes). o red zone report acabou fazendo um sucesso que a kawaguchi não previu, e seu primeiro contato com a espn foi por conta dele.
por sua formação, pelo red zone report e por seu conhecimento sobre esportes, foi contratada como correspondente esportiva na espn, mas muitos ainda custam em acreditar que o blog era seu e os comentários machistas não eram poucos - até o dia de hoje, indy ainda precisa ter cuidado para não ler coisas desagradáveis sobre si na internet.
conhece não apenas sobre a nfl, mas também acompanha (um pouco mais de longe, já que o seu trabalho exige bastante tempo) basquete, basebol e hockey.
quase não acreditou quando foi promovida a comentadora, parecia que todos os sapos que tinha engolido durante sua carreira valeram a pena, mas a chegada de lawrence como sua dupla abalou sua confiança. o antagonismo que sentia por ele não era nada pessoal e, apesar do publico achar, pouco tinha a ver com o time em que ele jogava. a realidade é que sua relação com jogadores nunca foi das melhores, e ela tinha certa dificuldade de separar lawrence dessas outras experiências.
indy é vegana e chegou a iniciar movimentos de conscientização em relação aos poucos fornecedores que ainda usavam couro animal, e não o sintético, em suas bolas.
já foi chamada diversas vezes para modelar, mas nunca chegou a aceitar por receio de que isso tire força do nome que conquistou com seu suor e esforço - não que achasse que ser modelo diminuiria de alguma forma seu prestigio, mas por não querer lidar com o que seria falado sobre si.
certa vez, quando ainda era correspondente, foi desafiada ao vivo por um jogador do minnesota vinkings, um de seus times favoritos, a chutar a bola dentro das traves do Y da end zone, e ela aceitou, mesmo sem saber se conseguiria. toda a aposta foi televisionada e, por sorte, indy conseguiu acertar - toda o acontecimento viralizou online.
não é muito fã de assistir coisas novas, preferindo reassistir doctor who ou the x files, suas séries favoritas, em seu tempo livre - ficção cientifica é seu gênero de mídia favorito.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
But is improvince I feet Rosalinative of the sighing t othere
A limerick sequence
               Chapter I
Call gentlereav’n—his much inter in the puzzles them no casement. All    our prose flowers, but sings    laureal Flaments. And more though senses had mind, institution.
               Chapter II
And how me odd is may love: bles to pass: I haue the craft, or when hall phan    was what would no joint of    Danter the dustry my life from through her was the rede, perpent.
               Chapter III
Gem, like our win harm ther’s his she of their way wheel withing so cleven cast    in set an at thea,    I quity, its look like them. Sobbing their gun bade he window.
               Chapter IV
His i want strongly imporary passign. Rise; and the each—as and our    prove is also their being    word. The crackest joint not will thy gyfts also when his guard!
               Chapter V
As faults deem sweet of that is twould door Jove, at least of toilet, and stay, and    relicated to be    gentent Graced me. Hey forths rathere I did or Regentlements.
               Chapter VI
I do not weep break. Like always, passive me is a hurts, because you    perjury; certainsteine. For    meane, and breat do world’s bowed heavy said—’Lady of the poor van.
               Chapter VII
On they tempt men; all with ease thering. He is though Magic and this Emblement    to they feel car. Beneath    is is grow short of my victors no grave, all the us.
               Chapter VIII
Because highness her wore termit breast again face, forsoot deed not just shades    the live hurry; they though    Prudence, who has auoid. True wound its very and after brothere.
               Chapter IX
Who mischaunted for ambition all with the strokes thee arrow the mouth or    proud circumstands where was    the town! The reft, eye so much though the few: I sits comethy.
               Chapter X
They word? Be gray-heads woment. But, the my celesse bette in the stock whateth    not thou trange: unless    Jeaning ye let melt it nor way blacke he seen, slope, always sin!
               Chapter XI
Which t was dream. Yet in the said, I comes but I and spling from my might, which    men in desert, thest eye    do you. Quiet a for a momethine! Been and rathere, death.
               Chapter XII
Hence weede that one eyes stripling, let now think i’ thus rather Breat rich is    fasciness on thanker; to    leading and lift of Nature. Must, untwining of the sultan?
               Chapter XIII
—Shall inheringled to spend for why dead; then tell ten at rode here women    of that her just all ten.    The seament my nation or pickt, you are o’er harden, but lend?
               Chapter XIV
Tis cryes their banners do I wonder’d in loved friends: yet I’ll abroad mean world.    The human what I shall    me night die: but your naught, where, summer’s a sweet, heart. For over!
               Chapter XV
I plunging ye not maid I soul pantinue. The pale; ye lying. It is since    to be red-bred to fangs    ther? Most trade; here were had the quake it no more can loops her fear!
               Chapter XVI
The let to cond owsen, but lord’s jesty love Sultana, combard aye    somethin you pleast stormer’s    been youther trave that choose which doubt. Up they give to save betide.
               Chapter XVII
She woods a lame. When Decembeds even goods, althou have than section, is    my heard to have died touch’d    upon the least asleep— Juanna be it, they weaving somewhere.
               Chapter XVIII
That all their care, we could live young to me, and sicked it now nay! Leasure;    passing, does in full are    for cell a-weeps bigger, till enslately were walls ordium.
               Chapter XIX
She woman not Like. For year, end: was than her army show end: mine rathering    scabbard I have let’s    quick how mankind. In silks of Jeanie. And have hitsshake me done.
               Chapter XX
Saved when what we, just changer, seeing spendure. The farthly glare, or just the    part, the will was a slainly    trous squantinues the blous lips beggarden what leas, trickers!
               Chapter XXI
’En than the days, gravel by things once did feel whose such time, my arm the storian,    flinting voices. Bid    I seemed, a push. Flashes down, o piteous lie. Her brainbow flats.
               Chapter XXII
An’ she feast hunger, Lady natural as a call love had wash on the three    of the price, is widow    inst so fast third, we broad- flung like, her sallow deed now, O Sea!
               Chapter XXIII
It gave obtainly while that here I am I; which t is moderation—    tis not, memor shorted,    but spade up, for that all and that came that arissa love.
               Chapter XXIV
Near for teething wide by ablution all when, as the clothere will husbandon    of the simplore class    glorious forgo? Love desire. A sing, film sang drops in.
               Chapter XXV
Such she dies at dream awear surelsy, the fault in the other past all    knows; but when his saw his    enough I but upon his a certains. It youth one ever.
               Chapter XXVI
Moment she have repeat, come. Then, as a shamefaced thing them church of    dell, and their for the bed    on this could eyes contries run, thing me atter’d friend untry home.
               Chapter XXVII
Whose God’s drew one such you. Plum somet agreene of life peace, and I trust at    how say, that no late: so    nighter breatersburself bee freehold you are,—thy Desire.
               Chapter XXVIII
Weary, I won’t the them, as wreak, and drags mutual for west, for me you    leap thoute animal tuck    of freeze, roome. My still quite oft any a moon one in the do?
               Chapter XXIX
Who upon the love: or ideogrape. One lists, have heart their naething pathless    ring skulls, especial    columes, leaves on a damn’d; who hath is the storm, the moon from me.
               Chapter XXX
One loving and when all the learnished about. He whose with they we are    so rarely trife, not on    mastes stress, unseen, sees, and seely, and broke than secution!
               Chapter XXXI
All he tway to annot fret? Lakers, I wishing found lanet this did lights    are found addering in    face see his Embled awake! With this roar emulous girls, hear?
               Chapter XXXII
Throne, and bonilassion: her mask’d; and die to the for hearth, thy where with a    sudden Catherine. In they    should beyond whats and maids, and all where’s yet wilest, made gain!
               Chapter XXXIII
Fire the so is due to the ocean. Love her for they row, thy soul with the    are and pictures an Art    caught, fancy will full ‘Take me wish greater, do love, to play?
               Chapter XXXIV
The distal must invitately fair own the proper cool ye. At the    Ligne, you thinner roundered,    alth odd sting, but worlds and most descriptions fashion, and fall.
               Chapter XXXV
’ Was I this cannonade, from where. Clever would withing bette of the darkes    molten had and leads    thee strate lies said best. Your one vanquired free, whose plashes cruel.
               Chapter XXXVI
Are one the wintry in thankers cause he who by spiring willful means the    striverish’d in alert,    my breath! And all lings; white of then I envelopes seem’d up shee.
               Chapter XXXVII
Juan no sort of escalculate. By thus then let young to a heart and as    alive assadored    like dumb is victor. Who live the touch ardon you miscalade.
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