#treasure tech
knightpunks · 9 months
a bizarro treasure hunter, an italian chef, a destruction worker, a paramilitary battle treasurem’n, and an overworked office worker walk into a bar
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tokiro07 · 4 months
It was kind of a huge hassle, but I figured out how to install the Treasure Tech mod for Doom, and truth in advertising, it was like playing Wario Land in first-person
I think my experience was mostly hampered by one simple, yet prominent issue: I kept having to wrestle with the settings to figure out a good button layout!
For someone who doesn't like WASD, are there any recommendations for good ways to keymap an XBX controller for Doom? Preferably for Treasure Tech specifically, if anyone's familiar?
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baddest-batchers · 9 days
Dearest interviewer, you are all of us Tech girlies and we thank you for repping our love for Tech.
Also, absolutely sobbing over DBB’s words about him 😭
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CROSSHAIR GIRLIES STAY WINNING‼️‼️ I am first and foremost a Tech girlie, but second to that I am a Crosshair girlie and I loved him from the start.
In conclusion @ this entire interview
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mooonjin · 1 month
"perhaps, one day, we all will find a new path."
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pixelfireplace · 5 months
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Treasure Island - Mr. Micro Ltd. - Commodore Plus/4 - 1985
source: Commodore Plus/4 World
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artfulacrostic · 1 year
memes for The Bad Batch 2x05 "Entombed"
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
listen i am a weak weak woman
if at ANY point two characters have a moment where character a is holding onto something that they are going to be lifted up to someplace higher, and they pull character b close and say "hold on", i am automatically gone
and the fucking newest episode???? are you kidding me????
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like wtf is this romantic shit these two are NERDS and they are MADE FOR EACH OTHER and i will NOT be hearing any arguments
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elfsyellowflowerzart · 2 months
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hey this is a long shot but ill draw a one character fullbody flat colored cleaned up sketch like the things above for anyone who wants to give me 15,000 treasure in flight rising i need to expand my lair, i can finish the art today 👍
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therockfashionbook · 30 days
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Shana wearing a stardust print lavender and yellow-orange matched top and bottom set, as first appears in The Treasure Hunt.
This outfit appears to be based on this outfit that appears in this Hi-Tech by Dina ad circa 1986.
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heyclickadee · 1 year
I’ve said before that I don’t really get shipping and therefore don’t, and that is true, but if I see much more of people complaining about Phee having the audacity to exist in Tech’s general vicinity I’m going to start shipping them out of spite.
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gateway-2000 · 2 years
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i wanna watch treasure planet SO BAD rn
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dndtreasury · 11 months
Wristband of Time by Timmi's Treasure Vault
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universestreasures · 4 days
Shadow Checkmate (Drabble)
For @shachou
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Chess. It was the first game Nii-sama ever taught me, the one that made me really love gaming. I'm not very good at it. Nowhere near as good as my brother. But...when I play it with him, it makes me so happy! It's a lot of fun to try and beat him, even if I always lose.
It used to be something we'd do every day, with other kids at the orphanage watching us. But...we don't play chess anymore. We haven't since we moved into this house.
Our stepfather says Nii-sama has more important things to do than to play with me, something about needing to work hard. That's why I don't see him most days. I only see him at dinner once in a while or at a fancy party I get to go to. Other times, I'm told he's too busy studying with his teachers, even if I ask nicely.
I miss him. I miss him a lot. I miss the days when he read me stories about dragons and wizards. I miss the days when he'd tuck me into bed. I miss the days when we played chess for fun all day. I miss the days we were together.
With him not around, I've gotten lonely and bored. That means I've had to make new ways to have fun, like Nii-sama and I always used to do. That's why I made a new game, a new game I can play that makes me feel like I'm playing it with him.
It's called Shadow Checkmate.
The rules are the same as regular chess, except you don't need a second person to play. All you need is yourself and your shadow. Though, I don't have any chess pieces. I've had to use things in my room, like buttons or pencils, instead. I drew the board out on a piece of paper, one side for the 'white' pieces and one side for the 'black'. I use the black ones like I always do, and my shadow uses the white.
I take my turns, and then I move my shadow's pieces for it. Though, when I play, I don't see or hear my shadow playing with me. I hear and see my brother. For he is always by my side, like a shadow, even if he isn't here.
"Good move, Mokie!" I'd hear him say, my brother's voice echoing in my head.
"Better luck next time, kiddo." He'd tell me after he'd win, like he always does.
"Let's play again!" That is what he'd say after each game, always wanting to play more.
I'd play Shadow Checkmate for hours and hours. I'd play so much to the point I'd fall asleep right there on the floor. It was fun and made me feel like, even just for a while, that I wasn't trapped in this stupid house. When I was back home with Nii-sama, smiling and playing together like we always did.
I find myself coming back to that little game I made rather recently, playing it wherever Nii-sama happens to be. In his hospital room. In his bedroom. Even outside in the mansion's garden when the doctors allow me to take him out. Wherever he is, and we'd have a moment, we'd play, just like we used to.
I'd set up the pieces, proper chess pieces his time. His were white, and mine were black. And since I long since memorized all of his moves, I gently guide his hands to the pieces, helping him move them into place. Of course, I always lose. But...unlike the last time I lost a game, I don't get yelled at or punished for losing, even if I somehow always get a little shaken when his voice in my mind echos "checkmate."
It was nice to have him here, not looking at me so coldly, at least physically. For he can't move or can't talk right now. Like this, he really had become my shadow, always there next to me, but unable to react to anything I say, outside of what I make up in my head. The real him was off rebuilding the puzzle of his heart, according to Yugi, whatever that meant.
But I promised to wait for him, and wait for him I did. Each and every day for over half a year. I played many games with him, maybe in hopes that by doing so he'd come back, but nothing had changed. And unlike when I was little, I wasn't smiling as much during these games. It didn't help ease my loneliness. If anything, it made me feel sadder. For my Nii-sama was right in front of me, and yet...it still wasn't who I was waiting for. It wasn't who I wanted to be with more than anything. It wasn't who I wanted to say "I love you, Mokuba" for real instead of in my head.
It wasn't my big brother, the person I wanted to play chess for real with.
I played a lot of chess with my friends while I've been at Tasuku's place. All four of them took turns playing with me, me winning against Gao and Akatsuki and me losing to Suzuha and Tasuku. I tried my best to put my all into these games, but...my heart just wasn't in. It was like I was zoning out most of the time, stuck in my own head and unable to focus on what was in front of me.
Whoever I played against, I would always see Nii-sama instead. Instead of their voices, I'd hear his, encouraging me or congratulating me on a win. It was no different than playing Shadow Checkmate all over again, except this time I didn't have to move the other pieces.
The more we played as the weeks went on, the more I kept thinking. Will I get to play chess with the real Nii-sama ever again? Will I get to ever see him again? Will he ever want to see me again? Will he...will he send me back to the orphanage, since I liked it there so much? Will I be forced to play with shadows of him made by my mind, something i did when I had no choice, forever?
My fears engulfed my shadows, transforming the images of my brother I saw during these games now, just like how he appeared in my nightmares. His voice changed too, encouraging words now distorted into the anger-filled rage he experienced that night that had been echoing in my mind since they happened as if they'd never shut up.
"I will not entertain this nonsense any longer!"
"You want no part of this ? Fine. Do as you wish."
" This conversation is over."
I put my hands over my ears as they get louder, dropping my chess pieces in the process as my eyes shut tight and tears start to flow. Tasuku and my friends come to my side to comfort me, but I can't hear them. All I can hear and see is my shadow growing into my brother, towering over me like his dragon, before detaching himself from me and leaving me alone.
All alone.
Here I am. Sitting alone inside a room in this mansion, this time my brother's room, playing Shadow Checkmate once again with the makeshift pieces I made when I was five. I know I don't have to play this anymore. I had friends I could play with. I had employees I could play with. Hell, if I wanted to, I could make an AI version of my brother to play with.
But...for some reason, I chose this way instead. Maybe it was because it felt nostalgic. Maybe it was because it had worked in the past into fooling myself he was actually here. For unlike all the other times before, my brother isn't here in this dimension. He's off somewhere I can't get to. Somewhere, I don't know if he'll ever return from.
As I move my pieces into place, following suit by moving my shadows, I try to not think so hard. I want to lose myself in my fantasies. I want to escape for even just a moment, to remind myself that everything is okay and that my brother is still with me!
And yet...this time, there was nothing. No voice. No sound. No image. It was just me. Me, myself, and I. The reality of it all was too real to suppress, for no trace of my brother was left in this world other than his cards, his possessions, and my memories and mementos. I wasn't a little kid anymore who could distract myself with self-made images of what I wanted to see.
I had grown up, meaning this game...was no longer what I needed it to be anymore.
I threw all of the game pieces to the side in a swipe, gritting my teeth in frustration as I huffed and puffed. I hate this! Why wasn't it working anymore? Can't I just have a moment, even just a second of peace? The peace I thought would always be there?!
We promised each other we wouldn't ever be separated. We promised we'd always stick together. We promised we'd always be a team. And yet, just like in my visions from the past, he's left my side, my shadow seemingly nonexistent as I turn my back to look.
For there was no light to guide me. No light to warm me. No light to guide me. Nii-sama is my light. He always has been, and without him...I feel...
I feel incomplete, like part of my soul is missing; a part I need to live lest I be cast down back into the sea of despair that had almost drowned me so many times again and again. I feel worthless, knowing I can never fill his shoes. I feel numb, knowing I might never get to play another game with him....ever again.
It was suffocating as I cried my eyes out over him, left in nothing but the rubble of my childhood escape that could no longer stop me from drowning...
It was a miracle. A miracle I thought one day might never come. But it did. The light that protects my brother's soul, his dragons, along with a priest who resembled him, led me back to my brother. We were together at last, his light returning my shadow to me after a painful two months of separation.
Naturally, everyone celebrated his return. Kaiba Corporation was glad to have him back, a weight being taken off my shoulders. Despite doing my best, no one ran the company quite like my brother. He had a light that lead everyone to doing their jobs well and to the best of their ability, a light I sadly don't have just yet but that I hope I one day will have!
However, that wasn't what I was concerned about. I was worried about one thing and one thing only: spending time with him, good quality time outside of work. I wasn't about to let him become a workaholic again. At least...not right away. For there was something important I just had to do, a thought that had been on my mind since he first left.
I come into his lab with a box under my arms, one I had to dig around in Seto's room for. My entrance gets his attention, him turning his chair to face me. I greet him with a smile, as I always do, before I do what I have been wanting to do for so long; finally putting a nail in the coffin to my old game
"Niisama...?" I ask, holding up a box containing his personal set of a certain game, a game we haven't played together in ages that I was ready to play with him for real this time.
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"Can we...play some chess? I think...I think I'm finally ready to beat you!"
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My biggest worry for the Batch is if they stay on Pabu, how could Tech continue his racing career???
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snackugaki · 2 years
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thinking thoughts about some turtles
why yes i’ll elaborate, of course, because i wouldn’t be able to fit the commentary in tags like I usually would have done.
fucking 4th time typing this, is2g i’m just gonna bullet point this 
- donnie in his 30s today would be a fucking BEAST, a whole force unto himself
- the little gremlin was probably head deep in Usenet, collecting information on whatever rabbit holes he’d nose around in and then everything within the proverbial 100 ft. radius.
- (I say Usenet because to me, the turtles (disambiguation) are elder millenials, born in the 80s, growing up in the 90s and it seems ‘right’, almost destiny adjacent for Donnie to have been born right at the time technology was going to grow and shift as much as it has between the mid-80s to now)
-he most definitely used his genius intellect to project potential tech applications and come up with Symmetra level “hard light”/Iron Man helmet-integrated HUD 
- but scrounging for spare parts for computer application in the 90s was pretty scarce, marginally better when he and Raph started visiting the underground and black markets. so he made do with what he could get his little hands on. was he a heavy, clunky noisy mess? yes and Leo was so disappointed. (he eventually just tried to trim down what he would bring out on patrols)
- then one fateful night when Mikey lockpicked one of the corner magazine stands, he saw this sweater (twitter link) and OBVIOUSLY, DUH, WEAR the tech! but still! the tools and materials weren’t easily acquired
- then the 2000s started and OH BOY, lots of exciting things were beginning to happen: patents on 3D printers were expiring, the arduino project, and raspberry pi were starting to circulate (Donnie learned Italian just so he could keep up with the Arduino project when he first heard news of it), internet shopping was becoming more of a thing (how did Donnie pay for stuff? ethically... adjacent. I’m fully on the train that having been perusing Usenet and being a mutant in NYC has Donnie’s moral compass.... not gray but something ‘87 Leo would make PSA commercial break pep talks about; which is tl;dr Donnie WOULD download a car [and has, just to see if he could] )
- Then he saw Lexington become That™ in the “Future Tense” episode from Gargoyles scared him straight, he’s morally eggshell - pewter now
- April absolutely found a way to sneak the boys into a few NYFWs with her press pass just ‘cuz they wanted to see; Donnie took one look at Rick Owens and independently came up with his own take on ‘techwear’, and he’s been a menace in LEDs and neoprene ever since.
- he has a tech goggles problem, he is both the enabler and the addict
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