#treatment options’
the-trans-dragon · 1 year
Damn, that was not normal lol.
It was not normal to have a favorite order to rotate my ice packs, because it’s not normal to use ice packs so much that you develop a preferred order.
It was not normal to maintain constant tabs on “surfaces I can use to help me hobble around” and “things that work as canes” and “preferable places to aim for if I fall.”
It wasn’t normal to have four canes around the house strategically placed so I wouldn’t get stranded if I forgot my cane and got to the kitchen and then realize I needed it to get back to the bedroom.
Grocery shopping isn’t painful normally. Walking to the bathroom isn’t supposed to bring you face to face with your own fragility and mortality.
It came so gradually, it wasn’t obvious to me that it wasn’t normal. Recognizing how abnormal it was helped me realize I could seek a life without them.
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release-the-hound · 4 months
Look at me. In the eyes. Lookatmeintheeyes. You're gonna train your dog to be comfortable in kennels. You're gonna teach them to tolerate strangers. You will do this for me. Because your dog will get sick. And it will go to the vet. And I will have to interact with your dog. And if it howls for twelve hours straight and tries to eat me whenever I touch it. Well I'll still be nice to it. But I would prefer if it was kennel trained at the very least.
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thehappyvet · 8 months
Where do people get this misconception that every single wildlife case at a vet clinic is euthanased so it's better to not take them in even if they're obviously hurt or sick and in need of treatment?!?!
Friendly reminder that a member of the public should not be able to easily pick up or catch a wild animal. We are not in a disney movie. If you can pick it up*, 80% of the time its extremely hurt or sick.
Wildlife, and most animals for that matter, do not show pain as humans do. That does not mean they are not in pain and suffering.
Veterinarians only euthanase wild animals that are suffering from extreme injury or illness, or animals that would stress themselves to death in a hospital setting that cannot be released and survive in the wild with their issue.
We do euthanase some animals, but that's because it's the best welfare decision for that animal and its specific problem.
Maybe trust the professionals trained in providing treatment to animals instead of some Karen on Facebook who demonises vets because she can't understand a bird with multiple wing and shoulder fractures is very unlikely to regain flight and return to the wild and her plan of keeping it means it will live a life of chronic pain and suffering.
*Disclaimer: If you live in a country where diseases such as rabies are endemic, you should not handle wildlife at all if you are not trained or vaccinated. This post is not recommending members of the public handle wildlife in any country.
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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gee i wonder if the issue could be at all related to the fact that the current treatment plan for his chronic pain consists solely of FUCKING IBUPROFEN
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jeyumi · 2 years
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Have to say, watching Donkey Kong beat the living hell out of Chris Pratt Mario was incredibly cathartic.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
the jaiden-roier-cellbit dynamic is so important to me because like. cellbit treats jaiden and roier's relationship with the same level of respect and importance that jaiden treats roier and cellbit's marriage. which may not seem like that big of a thing but like. platonic relationships are often seen as "lesser" than romantic ones, and that your romantic partner should come first before all other bonds in your life. and seeing cellbit treat jaiden and roier's bond and relationship with the same respect that jaiden treats his marriage. as an arospec person it genuinely makes me want to sob
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slaygentford · 4 months
a five year old vampire whose brain ages normally is fucked up enough but the thing is a five year old vampire whose brain ages normally doesn’t know what she doesn’t know, eg when she asks louis in the books what sex is like when she’s like in her forties. the worst thing about a teenage vampire is she knows what she doesn’t know and she knows exactly all the ways she’ll never have it. yk i was worried when I first started this show that the age up would lessen the wrongness of the character but actually being a “forever swing of wild opposites at play” or w/e that line is is the only possible way claudia’s life could’ve become worse and they sure pulled it off
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kirby-the-gorb · 8 months
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preacherboyd · 2 years
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House M.D. | 3x21 Family
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asharaks · 7 months
okay so a large part of my issue with halsin is that his character feels inconsistent, right. like larian wanted him to be a wise older man mentor character but then they wanted him to be fuckable, and they wanted him to be a nontraditional/nonmonogamous romance, so they made him sexually experienced and confident and casual, but he's also a romance option, so he talks about having Feelings for the player character. and then he needed to be a quest-giver, so he needed to ask for help. and what we ended up with is "guy who up and abandoned his responsibilities at the first chance of adventure, got captured and needed rescuing, makes all sorts of comments about his sexual experience but loses all self control and wildshapes at the first glimpse of ass, tells you he has feelings for you to get you in bed then leaves at the end of the game, and makes inappropriately sexual comments abt the sexual abuse victim if you're romancing him" - all of which reads as an uncomfortable, unlikeable mess of a guy.
halsin suffers from a lack of focus - he's neither a full romance on the level of the origin companions, nor is he a fling or sub-romance; he got more care and attention than wyll, in some ways, but the writing is flaky and weak and makes him look, frankly, like an incompetent, immature manchild. the bear scene is grossly pubescent (it should've been player choice to initiate that, not have it dropped on you that if he gets too horny there's a risk he'll CAST A SPELL and turn into a literal animal. by mistake. and if that's his reaction to seeing tits what's gonna happen when he cums) and the way he pushes for astarion to join you if you tell him you're in a relationship feels wildly inappropriate.
I know halsin has a history of sexual abuse himself (and I've seen good analyses/critiques of the way that's handled) but again I find it weird that finding out about that is locked behind not just a sex scene but a threesome+ scene - the writers really wanted to drive home that This Guy Fucks to the point where he comes across as pushy, and his trauma is reduced to background noise in a scene where he is essentially a sex object. he is simultaneously objectified by the writers, and in-universe by himself and those around him, but instead of exploring that we're just supposed to go with it; likewise, his lack of commitment and emotional immaturity aren't problems in and of themselves, but it feels like the writers aren't aware that that's the character they've written, and so these things are never appropriately addressed, and his arc and romance don't match up with the other characters' stories about growth and development.
not rly sure where I'm going with this, but it bothers me!! I think it's a nasty mix of the writers' intentions at a cross purpose with the push for fanservice, and the whole thing leaves a sour taste in my mouth t b h.
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faeriekit · 7 months
Okay I put this in the tags and everything but no one is allowed to be rude about real irl medical procedures in my notes, okay? Look me in the eyes. You know not to be rude about real life medical procedures in my silly body horror fic, right? You know not to make fun of or act all grossed out about medical things people live with for possibly the rest of their lives, right? 👀 You can do that? You can be polite? Have manners??
Okay. Just checking.
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cordeliawhohung · 23 days
i've officially decided i deserve none of you.
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aw-tysm · 8 months
If an autistic wants a cure for their autism or treatment options for their symptoms then they are perfectly within their rights to want that.
Autism can be an incredibly disabling disorder/condition. We should not be judging others for wanting to not have to experience that.
I'm not going to judge any autistic for wanting a cure or treatment options for themselves.
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irlplasticlamb · 1 year
i’m so sorry if i seem a bit off or post less in the next week or so — i just found out my beloved 17 years old soulmate cat got diagnosed with bone cancer and he doesn’t have much time left. he lives in my family home with my parents still whilst i’m abroad so it’s double tough because i can’t be with him. i just need some time to calm down and make my peace with everything
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ink-asunder · 1 month
The worst thing about burnout is that you have to abstain from "optional" practoces that are necessary for your recover and mental health (hanging out with friends, playing games, going out on walks, leaving the house to do things you like), but you still have to do the essential, exhausting drivel that made you burn out in the first place. Go to work. Go to school. Go to one million doctor's appointments. Because if you don't, you either die or lose access to a vital thing keeping you alive (money, healthcare, etc).
(Btw this post is about physical chronic illness/physical disability related burn out and health crashes. I'm eating once a day. There is no accessibility tip you can give me that will enable me to rest and recoup more effectively. I am having a health crisis.)
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