#treeni writes
candied-peach · 9 months
i am supposed to be finishing my prinxiety story
why instead am i eyeing the line "you are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great" for roceit instead?
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edupunkn00b · 2 years
Tumblr Ate My Draft
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Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Ask, Nici! (the Moxiety answer is here.) You're right, I don't think I have written DLAMPR.
Ship It—I started a different answer to this and then I suddenly remembered the endgame of Smoke, Snakes, and Soulmates, a story I was lucky enough to get to write with @typically-untypical, @thecrowslullaby, and @vexelore as a gift for the incomparable @treeni. It features artwork by Crow, as well, so definitely check it out if you haven't seen it!
What made you ship it? - Honestly, I was sold by the amazing story idea and outline Raven wrote! There truly is no better way to get into a ship than by writing it.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - There's a little something for each of them in it, especially when it's a blend of romantic and platonic. And I absolutely adore a brotherly Remus and Roman—real brothers, working through their issues, teasing each other but God help anyone else who tries.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - There's one hiding in the story and it's about Logan :D.
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Snippet: Soft Serve
Ship: Intruality
Takes place at the same time as: "Sore"-bet
Close, but not close enough.
Janus had already retired that night. Something about early to bed and early to rise self-care. Logan was the next to follow in the middle of movie three to abide his strict schedule. He side-eyed Patton as he walked away… they still weren’t on speaking terms.
At the end of movie three, Roman and Virgil left together and Patton wasn’t at all jealous of the way they leaned against each other throughout the movies, just like they always were now and he definitely didn’t notice that neither of them reached toward him for a goodnight hug like they used to do every night.
He shouldn’t have expected anything else really.
This was his own fault.
And now he was alone.
Patton wrapped another blanket around his shoulders as movie night tapered off. Everyone had joined tonight and it was… it was nice. To have everyone around, even if… even if no one really forgave him yet. The only person talking to him recently was Janus He apparently didn’t notice or didn’t care about the tension in the room, almost floating above it all with a smile on his face as he sat close to Patton throughout the first two movies as if everything was fine. At least, until the feeling of the couch sinking next to him drew his attention away from the light show.
He had almost forgotten Remus was there. Remus made an appearance with Janus and Patton had both surprised he was in clothes at all and enamored by his kraken onesie with extra pose-able limbs he mainly used that night to poke Virgil or Logan at random increments. Most surprising of all however was how quiet Remus was throughout the whole night, only occasionally throwing in the occasional inappropriate quip that only drew attention for seconds at a time at most. Otherwise he kept to himself, staying at the edge of the group as he sat on the floor next to the couch rather than on it.
“Well Patootie, what’s next?”
“You’re still up and I’m still up, so how about another one?”
“Uh sure thing-“ Patton said, trying to bite down the pet name that had become turn of phrase. He didn’t have any kiddos. They were all adults and didn’t need him to tell them what to do.
Remus rose an eyebrow when Patton passed him the remote. He had a funny look on his face as he did it too, almost amused, but there was something more in there. Still, he pressed some buttons, flipping through to something and surprised Patton all over again. It wasn’t horror or lewd, just something that looked like a crappy off-brand D grade super hero movie with terrible acting and even worse effects.
Honestly it was exactly the kind of thing Patton would have chosen by himself when the others weren’t around to judge him for it. The pack bonding instinct was strong and Patton felt the need to watch the movies that no one else would. Still, there was something almost charming about things that were such terrible quality, they didn’t take themselves quiet so seriously. It was easy to laugh when the production was laughing at itself.
It was true that night too. For the first time that night, Patton felt light. Giggles and chortles and snorts came freely between them as they mutually commented and cooed at the earnest attempts of the actors and were surprised into laughing fits all over again at the downright awful props and costuming. Their budget must have been mainly rubber bands and chewed bubble gum from the way they pulled things together.
Still, with the atmosphere relaxing, Patton found himself relaxing with it as everything got a little fuzzy.
“Need a cuddle?” Remus asked, surprising Patton for the third time that evening while opening his arms in invitation.
He was beginning to realize that maybe he didn’t know much about the duke at all.
“You give cuddles?”
He shrugged. “Janny gets cold too. We do this all the time.”
“You do?”
“You don’t?”
“I…” Patton let the sentence trail off, not sure how to answer.
It used to be common place to share hugs and cuddles and touches between them, but that had been happening less and less recently as things became more serious. Everyone was angry, everyone was tense. In his own odd way, Remus was a breath of fresh air every time he entered the room. Patton had watched more than once as he made a lewd or dark joke in the middle of the others fighting and completely sidetracked whatever hurtful thing someone was about to say.
“How’d you know I’m still cold?” Patton asked, his fingers playing with the hem of one of his blankets.
“Call it an educated guess,” Remus said with a smirk. “Well?”
Patton hesitated, but only a moment more before he scooted closer and leaned into Remus’ open arms. He was so warm. The duke began to run warm hands up and down Patton’s arms and he found himself melting.
“Careful or I’ll fall asleep,” Patton said, feeling himself lean more and more against the warm body behind him.
“It’s alright Patsy, I gotcha.”
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treeni · 3 years
I'd like to ask about all your WIPs, but I suppose that's a bit much lol. Curious about The Lesser Known Job, Be Gay Do Crime, and Omelas, what's going on there?
"Be Gay Do Crime" is my half finished sequel to "For Your Entertainment." Since it's taken so long, I've been determined to get the whole thing finished before I post it. But It's basically gives some background into Janus and Virgil (and Logan)'s side of things. I mean, there was a *reason* Virgil knew how to pick locks and Janus was so good with knives.
"The Lesser Known Job" and "Omelas" are related. The Lesser Known Job is a remus-centric conjunctive story to what I'm currently working on called "One." Essentially, Remus doesn't just hear Thomas' intrusive thoughts, but the others as well. He makes a point to visit the others and "bother" them through various methods until they don't focus on them anymore. He's taking care of them in a quiet way, but they either don't admit it or don't realize it.
Omelas is a follow up story to both "The Lesser Known Job" and "One" inspired by the short story "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin. Where Janus realizes that he's failed at his job of self-preservation. He thought only Remus needed his protection, because he was cast aside for his "bad" thoughts. He thought Roman was the "golden child" and didn't need him. It didn't occur to him how much pressure was then put on Roman to be perfect, to constantly take the other's criticism and just accept it because he was the one that Thomas is most reliant on. It essentially implies that Roman's the sacrificial child in the lightsides little pretend utopia.
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mikeys-thighs · 2 years
Somethin’ Wrong Here
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Bishop x Reader
Summary: Bishop’s fiancee’s reaction to some the events in Season 4, Episode 4.
Warnings: language, mentions of alcohol consumption, arguing/yelling
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: This has been taking up space in my head since I watched the episode and I just had to write it out. No use of y/n or gender pronouns. Hope y’all like it despite it being an all hurt/no comfort...
Part 1 | Part 2
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A text from Cielo had you angrily driving to the clubhouse. How dare that asshole you called a fiancé pull this kind of shit. All that drama with Canche and Yuma had caused a small rift in between you and Obispo; it was actually a bigger issue than either of you wanted to admit. You had been fighting constantly since the attack at the clubhouse, but you were patient and hoped things would work out soon. Well you were trying to but it seemed Bishop thought it was easier to drink his problems away. The wedding had even been pushed back a couple of months in the wait for things to calm down. Unfortunately things just seemed to be getting worse and not better, but as his old lady that is what you signed up for. You knew what you were getting into when you first fell in love with him. But you never expected this.
Your car all but screeched to a halt once inside the club gates. You took a second to calm down a little before leaving the car. It was important that you did not cause a scene until you confirmed what Cielo texted was true. If some random puta was actually putting the moves on him and he wasn’t shutting it down, there was going to be hell to pay. One more deep breath and then you were walking through the main door. 5 seconds. All it took was five seconds for your world to flip upside down. There was your old man doing shots with some woman you had never seen before. He was too wrapped up in telling her how he could keep up with her all night to even notice that someone had walked into the clubhouse. It was obvious to anyone breathing that those two were flirting and it instantly made your blood boil. The fucking audacity of this man.
You slammed the door loudly, finally gaining his attention. Bishop was also too far gone to even register that he was in some deep shit. You stomped over to where he was sitting with that bitch, and you were almost positive that there was actual steam coming out of your ears.
“Obispo Losa, you got a lot of fucking nerve.” You started not caring that you were drawing attention.
“Cariño! Sit down, have a drink.” He drunkenly smiled at you.
“Really that’s all you have to say to me! This is the first time I have seen you in DAYS and I find you flirting with some skank. But you want me to have a drink. Sure makes sense.” You were fuming at this point.
The rando chose to jump in “Seems like you could use one, sweetheart. Might help get that stick out your ass.”
Your eyebrows shot up your forehead. Who the hell did she think she was? Was she part of the reason you were here right now? Yes, but you would deal with her afterwards.
“Excuse me. I don’t even know you gringita, Also I wasn't fucking talking to you, so mind ya business,” You snapped, “And you,” you turned to Bishop ready to give him a piece of your mind.
“Hey! Watch it. Treenie is a nice girl. She enjoys my company unlike somebody.” He cut you off. He no longer looked happy to see you; he was scowling now
“Fuck you. I love spending time with you. I don’t particularly like this version of you though.” You gestured to his current state. “I also don’t like receiving texts from Cielo about your drinking and flirting.” He went to defend himself, but your intense glare stopped him. “Don’t try to deny it, pendejo. I heard the little innuendo you both made just now. Not to mention the way you were looking at her. It is a look I am very familiar with.”
“I’m sorry, isn't he a grown man? He can do whatever he wants.” Treenie interrupted, a stupid smirk on her face.
“I thought I told you to mind your business. Butt in again and I’ll break your nose.” You threatened turning your gaze on her. A threat all the Santo Padre members knew you would act on and probably soon.
Bishop slammed his hand on the table,and you jumped at the noise. If he was mad at you before he was downright infuriated now.A shot glass shattered as it rolled off the table and you slowly met Bish’s eyes. There was nothing but rage and hate swirling in them, not even a smidge of their usual adoration. Even during your worst fights he had never looked at you with such contempt. He sternly pointed a finger at you.
“I told you to watch the attitude. Now I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you lately, but it ends now.”
You started to argue back but he stopped you.
“No! I’m talking, you’re listening. You don’t get to come in here and act like a fucking brat. This is my sanctuary where I come to find peace from all your fucking nagging. Except now I gotta deal with shit here, and at home.”
You could feel your face getting hot with embarrassment. It was one thing for you to argue in private, but something else entirely to do it in public. You could feel everyone’s gazes on the two of you. It was probably like watching a car accident . They knew they should probably look away but couldn’t.
This was not how you saw this going. Honestly you had no idea how it was going to turn out when you got here. You figured you would yell at him and maybe fight the bitch for trying to sleep with your fiancé. Then Bishop would’ve dragged to a secluded part of the clubhouse for a round of make up sex. So what happened next caught you completely off guard.
“Did you ever stop to think that maybe there was a reason I haven’t been home? Huh? Well, I’ll tell you why. It is because I can’t fucking stand to be around you. All you do is bitch and complain about everything. The dirty dishes, the neighbors dog shitting in our lawn, picking the cake flavor for a wedding I DON’T EVEN FUCKING WANT!” He continued on but you stopped listening.
He didn’t want to marry you… That had opened the floodgates and you were quick to wipe the tears away. Was all that planning and how excited he seemed to spend the rest of your lives together a lie? An act he put on to keep you happy? Well if that was what he wanted then fine.
You swiftly took off the ring on your left ring finger and chucked it as his stupid head. It was enough to shut him up. The clatter of the ring seemed to echo in the dead quiet clubhouse. It also caused everyone in the room to unfreeze and turn away. You didn’t bother to wipe your tears as you stepped closer to him. With a gentle tug of his beard, that he didn’t deserve, you forced him to make eye contact with you. He had to know you meant what you were about to say.
“I hate you Obispo and I never want to see you again.” You turn on your heel and leave the clubhouse.
You had made it all the way to your car before somebody followed you. As you looked over your shoulder you saw it was Gilly. He didn’t say anything, just held his hand for your keys. You had no energy to argue, so you handed them over and got in the passenger seat. He sent you a small smile before driving away. Thankfully he didn’t try to start a conversation, you were too busy crying anyway.. After dropping him off, you drove to the closest hotel. There was no way you could actually return to the home you used to share with Bishop tonight. It would hurt too much. Although the hotel room didn’t do much to dull the ache in your heart either.
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shapa-likes-art · 3 years
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[ID: A digital drawing of Roman. He has tan skin, hazel eyes, and curly Auburn hair. He is wearing a leather jacket with metal studs and a red button-up underneath along with rose earrings that has silver chains hanging from it. He has his arms out almost as if he were spinning. He has a grin on his face. There is faint red writing on a dark background, the word "Phantom" written across his arms behind him in a prominent red. /end ID]
Woo! Here is the thing I was crying (not really) about earlier haha!
Despite the pain it caused to my wrist, It was really fun! Especially the hair :D.
Who knew doing this rendering thing was kinda relaxing?
Taglist: @roseianxiety @royals-and-monarchs @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @Why-is-everyone-pretty @angstysunshine @downton-not-downtown-smh @some-fander @treeni @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @gattonero17 @anxious-chaos-art @your-local-crackhead-gremlin @parksthefrog
Click for better resolution!
Reblogs appreciated!
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Title: Six Wordless Ways To Say I Love You
Ships: Moceit, Moxiety, Loceit, Logince, Royality, Dukexiety. 
Summary: Snippets of soft moments between randomized pairings, featuring random prompts from this list. Mostly could be platonic or romantic, whatever floats your personal boat. aka I’m gradually training myself to write again.
Note To Self: Greatly expand on how Janus is so pretty that a single sleepy smile turns Logan into a melted puddle of a man. @treeni 
26. Doing a chore for them that you know they aren't fond of.
Janus pauses halfway down the stairs as the rumble of the vacuum stops suddenly, and is followed by the softest murmur of pain. Patton rubs his wrists and wiggles his fingers, a faint grimace on his face. Janus waits for Patton to start wheeling the vacuum away before he continues down the stairs. Next Thursday, Patton walks into the living room to find Janus already vacuuming. His protests are easily brushed off; Janus insists that he’s more than capable of handling a few chores. They’re all supposed to be working and living together now, are they not? He rather enjoys vacuuming, anyway, and he simply won’t be persuaded from it. He finds it horrible tedious, actually, but the warmth and appreciate in Patton’s smile make it more than worth the trouble.
17. Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
Virgil tries his best to keep his room put together. He doesn’t like leaving it messy or cluttered; he worries about tripping, worries about losing something important, worries about what the others will think. But some days he just can’t. He tells himself for every day for nearly a week that he’s going to fold that pile of clothes on his chair, but each night he sleeps a little less, his anxiety spikes a bit more, and the task seems more and more daunting. The inevitable crash hits; he sleeps well into the afternoon, and when he finally hauled himself upright, he found the looming pile of clothing mysteriously missing, and his room smelling strongly of fresh baked cookies. He finds the plate of sweets and a sticky note on his nightstand. Hey there, kiddo! You seemed kinda down lately so I made you Patton’s Patented Pick Me Up Cookies! I also folded your laundry for you, I hope that’s okay! I just thought you could use a break from chores. He even signed it with a doodle of his logo. Virgil smiles as he reaches for his cookie, the weight on his shoulders suddenly feeling a bit lighter. 
18. Sharing a soft smile across the room.
Logan stands in the kitchen, looking out on the aftermath of movie night. Popcorn still litters the couch from a jump scare that shook Patton particularly hard. The coffee table is pushed against the far wall, to make space for the honestly absurd amount of mismatched blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals that the rest of the sides are sprawled across - a tangled mess of limbs that Logan had so carefully extracted himself from only minutes before. His chest almost ached with fondness, but it was tinged, as it often was, with regret. They had wasted so many years fighting and hiding from each other. Could it have always been like this, if they’d done things just a little differently ... ? Janus stirs, awakening with a wide yawn. His eyes drift lazily across the room, until they land on Logan, and Janus gifts him with a rare soft, unguarded smile. His train of thought is chased away by the sudden drumming of his heart, and his regrets are forgotten. What they have now is perfect, and he wouldn’t risk changing it for the world. Logan smiles back.
28. Sharing a drink with them from the same straw. 
Roman sits cross legged in his chair, swaying from side to side. He frequently glanced up at Logan, checking for signs of frustration, and occasionally he remembered to take a sip from the caramel latte in his hand. He very much didn’t want to annoy Logan, but he also very much didn’t feel like being alone right now, and he was already using all of his willpower to keep from humming or drumming his fingers on anything. Logan barely seemed to know he was there, for the most part, aside from the rare glance. It was quiet, but not in the stifling the way Roman often found silence to be. It was ... companionable. Nice. Logan reaches for his coffee cup, only to frown when he realizes it’s empty. Without really thinking about it, Roman holds out his latte. Equally without thought, Logan leans over and takes a sip, offering a quiet “thank you” as he returns to his work. Roman resumes his fidgeting with a smile. 
45. Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb. 
Patton is trying. He knows that he’s only doing harm by keeping his emotions wound so tightly in his chest, and he know it will only get better if he shares them. But thirty years of repression is a hard habit to break, and sometimes it takes him a few days of building up to it before he can admit out loud that he’s sad or angry or hurt. Roman picks up on the signs of distress quickly now that he knows to look for them. When Patton startles a little at his entrance, gives him a smile that’s just a little too wide, and his cheerful tone comes out sharp-edged, Roman sits next to him and takes his hand in his. The tension gradually leaves Patton’s shoulders as Roman rubs calming circles on the back of his hand. He doesn’t ask yet, because he knows Patton still needs a little more time. They’ll talk when he’s ready; Roman doesn’t mind waiting it out with him. 
Virgil’s never really understood Remus’ fascination with Rube Goldberg machines. Like yeah, sure, they’re kind of cool to look at, and they are really impressive feats of engineering. It’s not like he doesn’t appreciate Remus’ ingenuity, because he does. He’s an unsung genius, even if Virgil would never say so to his face, because Remus hates “mushy stuff.” What Virgil doesn’t get is how making them is any kind of fun. It’s so much hard work for such little payoff, and they make him so anxious, because what if he does something just slightly wrong and ruins the whole damn thing? Again? None of that stops from agreeing any time Remus asks him to help build one, though, because he isn’t really there for the machine. Virgil’s there for the way Remus’ eyes light up when he says yes, for the passion in his voice as he rambles about what each makeshift mechanism will do, and for the way he laughs with delight whenever something either works perfectly or fails spectacularly. For the way he winks when he catches Virgil watching him with open awe. Maybe Remus knows he doesn’t really care all that much about building machines, but Virgil knows he doesn’t actually need help building them at all. 
9. Participating in their hobby even if it doesn't personally interest you.
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so i decided to make a blog for my own content & leave this blog to promoting other’s content via reblogs. if you were a fan of my personal content updates & stuff, you can follow me on @clearlynotjanus
taglist: @whatishappeningrightnow @catalinaacosta @varthandi @1023075 @a-formless-entity @despite-everything-exe @8-writes @mouse2004 @shadowsofrowan @ohhoneato @the-panwitch @rsitb-second-account @angelofthedark2005 @wisecolorthing @imma-potatoo @catolicabuena @friskthefallenmonster @treeni
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chocococo16 · 3 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! 🌘
1. My cat, Cookie.
2. Reading/books
3. Food
4. My friends
5. Writing
Instead of sending this I’m just going to tag people. Feel free to ignore this.
@mxcrowe @treeni @sevencrashing @queer-and-longing @julia-loves-cupcakes @birbtails @crowleyplantmother @insemzandtaya @hauntedspacerock @thegreenpea
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vexelore · 3 years
You are the sweetest and I’m really thankful to have met you! It’s always nice talking theories with you! I read through your responses and tags every time you reblog cause you’re also hilarious and your brand of humor brings a smile to my face. 😃
gosh, you’re making me blush! this is one of the nicest things anyone has said to me 🥺 but also same! your writing and theories, your comments and thoughts on reblogs are great to read and i’m always interested in what you have to say!
so thanks, treeni, you’re a real cool cat 😎💗
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candied-peach · 11 months
i got tagged by @naminethewriter
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
588 as of today
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
762,746 words as of right now
3: What fandoms do you write for?
just sanders sides at the moment, though i've written for undertale, six the musical, encanto, valdemar, and hp before
4: What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"disturbance of the peace"
"preserve the self"
"stitched shut"
"line of sight" (abandoned hp fic rip)
5: Do you respond to comments?
i try to but i have a Backlog rip, i read them all and appreciate them so much though!
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm that's hard because i really like happy endings lmao
maybe "the tears in my cake were gourmet" or "routine?" very different stories but o:
7: What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i have no idea, i like writing happy endings, so...that's hard to tell, there's tons of fluff and angst with a happy ending!
8: Do you get hate on fics?
not really
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i've written smut before but i don't very often, idk just random kinks or something lmao
10: Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do not
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i'm not aware of it so? i have no idea?
Question 12 has been lost to the ether...
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes i have, and it was really fun! i want to do it more, and i believe that i have that coming up soon! XD
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
15: What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
"scared of me" tbh i'm sorry i just...i want to finish it at some point but idk ;_;
16: What are your writing strengths?
short stories, dialogue, writing a story condensed and highlighting important details (not getting lost in over-filling in the world)
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions ;_; using all the senses, hurt no comfort
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
sounds good to me, as long as you include a translation somewhere
19: First fandom you wrote for?
20: Favorite fic you've written?
either "disturbance of the peace" or "stitched shut," i like both of them very, very much!
No pressure tags: @treeni @edupunkn00b @thecrowslullaby and anyone else who wants to!
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
The next four writing/publishing months are all planned out along with a little prep for what comes next!
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💙❤️ Publishing the final four chapters of The Uses of Adversity 🩵❤️ @royalityweek 🏳️‍⚧️ @transsidesweek 💙💚 @intrulogicalweek
10/22: Publishing Train Cars for the @tss-storytime Big Bang
9/12-9/19 (date tbd) Publishing Meus ex Machina for the @sandersidesbigbang
10/2-11/5 (date tbd) Publishing Thrall for @halloweenhorrorfest
Both Meus ex Machina and Thrall (plus my stories for Royality Week and Trans Sides Week) play in other universes, so links to all are below the cut:
Royality Week will explore Werewolf/Hunter Patton and Roman from Beside Me and Dee, and Thrall will conclude the story.
Meus ex Machina is the Intrulogical we were all waiting for in Out of the Machine.
The subtext becomes text when we follow up with The Tutor and A Rough Start at Camp Croft for Trans Sides Week.
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idk if this is a good prompt but maybe roman and remus shenanigans? like them actually working together for something?
Roman was pacing again, back and forth and back and forth across the room like a metronome… or a man being hung out by his ankles…or Logan and Virgil when Thomas is supposed to start researching a new topic for his videos. 
Remus had come to bug his brother hours ago, just as his brother’s creative block crisis was starting to take him from frustration into spiral. Not that Remus needed a reason to bother the other sides. But as Roman’s voice began to bounce around his side of the imagination like an echo around a cave, well, suddenly the serial killer Battle Royale he set up in his section of the imagination didn’t seem quite so fun anymore. 
Even if there was something grimly satisfying about watching fictional depictions of terrible people tear each other apart. It was cathartic. Remus’ brand of gruesome emotional support imagination, a reminder that even if the world out there was unfair, even if his own thoughts were unfair, he could make it fair in here. In the imagination, bad things happened to bad people. 
The familiar bang of a fist hitting wood, drew Remus’ attention away from his own musings. Roman had finally stopped pacing, but Remus found he grimace that had overtaken Roman’s features was basically the worst possible thing. 
Roman was the good one. 
He deserved good feelings. 
“I just don’t understand!” Roman proclaimed, running a hand through his hair for the umpteenth time, until it was almost as messy as Remus’ own. “It’s been ages since I’ve been stuck like this! What use is a Creativity that’s not creative?!”
“I think you’re giving yourself a little too much credit there Ro-bro,” Remus said, pushing up from his spot on the floor. “You are only half of Creativity after all.” 
Take the bait. Take the bait. Take the bait….
Roman looked surprised at Remus’ presence for a moment, like he had forgotten his brother was even there. Surprise rapidly morphed into ire as Roman stomped furiously toward him and moved into his personal space, pushing an angry finger against his chest. “You think you could do better?” 
“Absativelyposalutely,” Remus said, letting himself casually roll through a cartwheel while he waited for Roman to compose himself enough to stop gaping at him like a fish.
“Fine! Then you come up with an idea!”
“Simple, Zombies in space.”
“That-” Roman started and scoffed at him. “If you took that idea to Logan, he wouldn’t even reject it, he’d shut the door on your face.”
Remus just blinked, wondering how many times that may have already happened to Roman for him to know that. Maybe Logan needed a talking to… with his mace. Maybe the others needed another reminder why they were working with Roman and not him.
“Screw logic.”
“I hope you don’t mean that literally.” 
“I could,” Remus said teasingly with a devilish grin as Roman scrunched his nose in disgust. 
It was just like when they were kids and Remus would stick out a tongue full of chewed up food in his brother’s face. 
 “Look,” Roman started, pulling his ‘I’m in charge here’ voice. “No one needs any more post-apocalyptic junk. Really though, Space Zombies invading earth? That sounds like a b-movie knock-”
“Who said anything about earth?” Remus asked and Roman went suddenly silent. 
He blinked once. 
And then his eyes met Remus’ own. 
“I have an idea,” Roman stated, only waiting long enough for a grin to grow across his face before he practically zoomed to his plush velvet desk chair. “Space exploration! A new planet ravaged! For the planet to be useable, a team has to figure out why! The ruins of the civilization are slowly pieced together by the explorers and they have to adapt to the new environment-” 
Roman cut himself off to quickly scrawl down bullets of all his new ideas with a fancy fountain pen that Remus didn’t totally understand why Roman insisted on using considering how often the thing exploded ink. 
“-and I bet Logan would help in making puzzles!”
Remus smiled taking a step backwards and then another, quietly and unnoticed. Remus’ entrances were loud, obtrusive, and often frustrated those around him, but he left quietly, letting the others enjoy their glow of happiness once it overtook them, once they were able to get past all of the negative thoughts that drew him toward them in the first place. 
Roman was happy. He had an idea to work from and Remus was proud. Proud of his brother’s work and proud to even be the tiniest of help to him. 
But now Remus’ job was done.
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treeni · 3 years
I want to know about Spider Dance! Because it reminds me of an undertale song XD
Oh! I know the one you're talking about. With Muffet right?
Ya'll happen to be getting the Remus-centric fics tonight, man. This one's Patton's pov though. Patton finds out about Virgil's spider traits and get's spooked. Virgil takes it hard and won't come out of his room. Patton feels awful about it and wants to be better. Logan suggests desensitization, but he can't do it with Virgil cause Virgil's avoiding him, so he goes to Roman. Roman summons the tiniest of spiders and Patton cries and Roman quickly realizes he *cannot* deal with that. So, Patton eventually goes to Remus. In the beginning, Remus tries to make him literally fight back against his fears, but that doesn't work because Patton doesn't want to hurt anything, so Remus realizes, even if he can't arm Patton into bravery, he *can* make Patton laugh into fearlessness.
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rabidbehemoth · 4 years
on motivation and productivity (i.e. how i trick my brain into writing a whole lot)
Irony that I’m the one posting this aside, since @treeni​ asked about motivation I thought I might as well share my magic link:
Not to rhapsodize, but this blog post turned me, someone with a deep sense of failure/guilt complex over countless WIPs that sat for years and were never ever ever going to be finished, into a productive writer. I’ve been able to write almost daily because of it. I always meet my weekly goal.
Long story short, persistent failure to meet small writing goals (daily goals, specific word counts, whatever) added up over time and convinced my brain I would fail to meet big writing goals, i.e. finishing the damn fic. Believing I would never finish made it impossible to meet small daily goals (at least not for long). It was a self-fulfilling prophecy that kept me stagnant for years.
This post breaks down motivation in a way that convinced me I needed to trick my brain into seeing success instead of failure by setting achievable goals. Not reasonable ones, I mean goals that I am *literally guaranteed* to meet on a weekly basis. No rigid schedule needed, no strict requirements at all. I used to set goals on the basis of arbitrary standards: how much others write, how often, what counts as writing (planning vs. new words, etc.), how productive I wanted to be or thought I should be. I finally piled all those expectations into the trash fire they belong in and freed myself.
No matter how stupid or small the goal, as long as I can consistently meet it on a weekly basis I will trick my brain into believing I am succeeding. 500 words a day, three days a week, can be any day of the week. 10 words a week. 30 minutes of planning one day a week. The goal doesn’t matter and the amount produced doesn’t matter, knowing I will definitely meet the goal this week is the only thing that matters, so I make it as small as needed to ensure that happens. 
Repeat for several weeks. Then gradually scale up once my confidence is ironclad. Eventually it becomes another self-fulfilling prophecy, just a positive one with the results I want. And I avoid the crushing guilt that was holding me back. I enjoy writing again, and that further motivates me. I will finish my current fic because I *know* I will finish it. Look at my progress, how could I not finish? it’s been six years i s2g
I also love reinforcing my success using WriteTrack: https://writetrack.davidsgale.com/ It helps me track my word counts, so as long as I change the settings to be really easy to meet my goals on paper, I see myself progressing every week. And it feels fucking awesome and makes me want to continue.
I’m still working on my system, and I think I’ll always be ironing out kinks and changing things. Schedules change and goals change. But now I know that the one and only thing that works for me is feeling successful. Maybe that’s you. If you’re struggling to find motivation to write and you’ve tried negative reinforcement, productivity apps, self-shaming, whatever, and none of it’s worked...try this.  Read the article. Shrink your ambitions. Set yourself up to be satisfied no matter what and maybe this will work for you, too.
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typically-untypical · 3 years
WIP title tag game
(Repost, do not reblog)
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WiPs.
@treeni tagged me in this. Rude /jk. You know I have so many. We are just going to ignore the 18 I still have to write for the may flowers event and just got with what's left over.
The Logistics of Love
Changing for the Worse
Flaws of a Pearl
Friends Forever
A Dragon's Treasure
The Story of Us
The Legality of Experimentation
Behind the Screen
The Return of Curiosity
Janus Angst Song Fic
The Fall of Rome
Pre-Split Song Fic
The Hero Dies
Arsenic and Old Lace type AU
A New Start Part 2
Haunting Melody Part 2
Why They Didn't Come
A Phone Call Away
BNHA - Actor AU
Logan's Lost Love
Dimension of Silence Part 2
Tales From the Kingdom Part 2
Self-Preservation Part 2
The King and the Snake Part 2
Remus Trapped Roman in a Dog Crate
I think that's all of them... yeah, that plus the 18 for this month... oof. I'm not going to tag that many people. Tagging people makes me anxious, but I will tag one person @arya-skywalker! What's in your WIP folders?
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