#typed on my phone
amongsnot · 18 days
the first thing jimmy ever learned how to do was to tie his shoes.
his father had sat him down on the living room carpet one evening, placing a pair of his new kindergarten big-boy shoes in between the two of them, and he had told jimmy that they were going to learn how to tie them.
he grabbed the ends of the laces and held them in between his pointer and his thumb, letting the rope fall and tighten as he pulled sightly, hissing like a snake. jimmy laughed when his father rubbed the aglet against the skin on his ankle, and his mother laughed from the hallway when his father tackled him in a tickle fight.
and his father gave him a pair of his brand new shoes and taught him how to tie a know. and then his father gave him a pair of his brand new shoes and showed him how to make bunny-ears. and then his father slipped a pair of his brand new shoes onto his feet and taught him how to tighten and tie his shoes.
it was the first thing that jimmy had ever really learned how to do. it was the first thing that made jimmy realize that he wanted to learn more.
his parents just looked so happy.
they cooed and clapped their hands as he walked down the hallway, boastfully taking large steps in order to show off the way his shoes stuck to his heel and the arch’s blended willingly with his foot.
they continued to compliment his knot-work for the next month before they left the house, praising the tightness and the perfectly round loops. his parents told jimmy that they were so proud of him, and jimmy went to bed happy.
he wanted his parents to always look happy. especially when they were looking at him.
the second thing jimmy learned how to do was his multiplication tables; and it only grew from there.
the third thing jimmy learned how to do was fix the family’s ac after an especially hot winter. the fourth thing jimmy learned how to do was create his own self-functioning flight device. the fifth thing he learned how to do was build a fresh water filter, which he sold to the government in hopes that they could help people he couldn’t.
and after the second thing (third thing, fourth thing, fifth thing) jimmy’s parents twirled him around in the air and gushed over the way that he was “their perfect little boy.”
and jimmy was.
he was the perfect little boy who got college letters from ivy league colleges while the rest of his classmates made pasta art. he was the perfect little boy who joined his parents for their perfect little meal as they talked about their day. he was the perfect little boy who tied perfect little knots on his perfect little shoes.
maybe if he was a different person, with different parents, he would have a different life.
he would have looked at the difficult puzzle that were his unknotted laces and would have looked at his parents, who has left him alone with his shoes to go do other things, and he would have tucked his laces inside his shoes and dealt with the blisters on his heel and the pain in the arch of his foot.
(there is a boy that is a different person, with different parents, who had a different life, who still walks the planet with his laces tucked inside his shoes and goes to bed while massaging blood red feet)
but he is not a different person, and jimmy’s parents look happy.
a myriad of positive feedback and different inventions later, and jimmy has found that he throws himself head first into his makeshift lab because he wants to.
he doesn’t want to make his parents happy (though that’s a cool side effect). he doesn’t want to boastfully show off his tied knots (though he probably still will). he doesn’t want to receive things from colleges or receive keys to the city.
he throws himself headfirst into his lab because he wants to. because he’s been raised to be curious.
and a myriad of new discoveries later, jimmy meets a boy his age.
the boy reminds him of his father, with the way that he grabs onto jimmys inventions and pretends that they’re snakes. with his stupidly humorous wit and sharp brown hair.
the boy reminds him of his mother, with the way that he sees the way that jimmys in danger and stupidly jumps in to save him. with his aura of power and magical ability to summon anything jimmy’s looking for.
the boy reminds him of—well—jimmy. with the way that he curiously pokes at the way that the machine buzzes in his lab. with his odd physical features and his loving relationship with his parents. the way he hugs the hologram with pink hair and mooches off the hologram with green hair’s food.
(the boy reminds him of jimmy in the way that his laces are tucked loosely inside his shoe.)
jimmy asks him about this, because he’s curious, and his curiosity had only ever been met with a positive response.
(“why are your laced untied?” jimmy asks. they’re older then they were when they first met: they met friends and they came close to dying and they lost friends.
“what do you mean?” the boy asks, running a tongue against his large front teeth.
they’re sitting in the back of the boys truck, which he got from his holograms as soon as he turned sixteen. they got take out from the mexican restaurant they went to and are sharing a place of chips while staring at the stars. jimmy has already told the boy that the stars are more impressive when you look at them from space. the boy agrees.
“your laces,” jimmy repeats, gesturing towards the end of the truck, where their feet lie. “they’re untied. why?”
“never learned how to tie them,” the boy says with a shrug. it’s not a big deal to him—he’s a different person, with different parents, and a different life.
“really?” jimmy asks, eyes wide.
“why didn’t you ever replace them, then?” jimmy continues, even though he’s known the boy for almost five years, and he knows the way that his voice is curt and end on a high note. he knows that the boy would rather drop it, but jimmy is too curious for his own good.
hes always been too curious for his own good.
“replace them?” the boy asks, his eyes going wide. “with what?”
“velcro exists for a reason,” jimmy says, shrugging his shoulders again. “so do slip-ons.”
“huh.” the other boy responds with.
and that is the end of their conversation)
and a myriad of late nights jimmy spends laughing until his side aches later, and the boy comes to him with a pair of shoes in his hand.
he tells jimmy that he never learned how to tie his shoes. he tells jimmy that he just got used to the constant blisters of his feet while jimmy looks through his closet for his old pair of big boy shoes. he tells jimmy that he never really thought that he could learn how to tie his shoes past the age of ten after jimmy sits him down in his living room.
jimmy is patient with him—he tells him about the snakebite of the smooth aglets and the knots in his memory. he tackles him when he manages to finally pull the loops tight, and he laughs when the boy slides them onto his feet and tries again.
the boy does is again and again throughout the day. he makes excuses to take off his shoes just so he can tie them again. he sits down on the ground and he slowly mumbles the steps to himself before he finishes and looks up at jimmy with an expectant smile.
jimmy applauds every single time.
later, the boy will sit on jimmys bed as he shows jimmy the places on his heel where he bled so bad it scarred. jimmy runs a finger against the white mark and looks at the boy with a concerned frown.
the boy tells him not to worry.
the boy tells him that he never has to worry about bleeding heels again now that jimmys here.
and the boy looks so happy.
just like jimmys parents.
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minjimunji · 1 month
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bi 4 bi percabeth,,,,, 👉👈
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
This is a subject that really interests me because I (28 years old) had computer classes in grade school where learning how to efficiently type was a big focus. As a result I have a very high WPM (words per minute) count and am an excellent touch typer.
However, I've heard that they started phasing out computer classes in a lot of schools because it's assumed that kids/teenagers already know how to use a computer in this day and age. But smartphones are more popular than computers now, and as result a lot of Gen Z/Gen Alpha kids are able to text very quickly but their typing skills aren't as good.
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kiyoramen · 1 month
cw: suggestive
its the third time that suna stayed over your place that he noticed a little habit of yours.
he runs his hand down your back until he can feel the hem of your panties. he presses a kiss against your jaw before asking, "do you match your underwear with all your outfits?"
you open your eyes to look at him before closing it again and snuggling your face against your chest, "mhm i do."
he traces the lace across the hem, "its really cute" he teasingly pinches the skin at your waist, "i can make it a guessing game."
"thats weird" your voice comes out muffled, "you're such a perv."
"this is totally innocent babe," he chuckles before lifting your leg to lay it on his.
"that's just an excuse to see my undies everyday."
suna clicks his tongue playfully, "ah you got me."
the next day he comes up to you and lazily wraps his arms around your waist. he rests his chin against your shoulder looking down at what you're writing but not actually paying attention to what's in front of him.
after a couple of seconds he stands up straight, "is it navy blue or just blue?"
you tilt your head, "huh?"
"your panties babe," he pulls away from you, "but either way i think its blue"
you look at him exasperatedly, "its pink, too match my top."
he gasps softly and reaches for your hips, "no way let me check."
you roll your eyes but let him check anyway, "pervert."
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niteshade925 · 12 days
Saw these tags in a reblog of my Chinese museum posts, and thought I have to make a response just so everyone is clear on how archaeological studies are carried out in China:
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^Well, the Shaanxi Archaeology Museum is a Chinese museum displaying artifacts found in China, it's not the British Museum lol.
But anyway just so everyone knows, modern Chinese archaeology has a rule, which is that unless it's absolutely necessary, an ancient tomb/mausoleum should not be disturbed. This means that many of these artifacts in the museums are found in a few main ways:
Tombs that absolutely had to be excavated because there were clear signs of grave robbing present, for example when tunnels left by grave robbers were found near a known tomb. This is called "excavating to rescue" (抢救性发掘), it's done by teams of archaeologists, the artifacts found will then be studied and eventually find a home in museums in China. In comparison, actual grave robbers would steal artifacts and sell them for money; many stolen artifacts would end up in auctions, mostly outside of mainland China. This is why there is no "general positive sense" in the phrase "grave robbing with grant money" when it comes to archaeology in China. Modern Chinese archaeology and grave robbing are simply not comparable in any way whatsoever.
Tombs that absolutely had to be excavated because new infrastructure will be built in that location. Such exacavations are also included in excavating to rescue. Examples include tombs in Xi'an city that had to be excavated because a metro was being built. Since Chinese people and Chinese culture are native to China, there are no ethical problems whatsoever, this simply a question of what matters more, the welfare of living Chinese people or the abstract afterlives of ancient Chinese people. Obviously, the welfare of living Chinese people is a more important matter. As for the argument of "but this goes against traditional culture", first, a culture is only alive if the people of that culture is alive and doing well, otherwise that culture is as good as dead; second, a major part of traditional Chinese culture IS focused on the welfare of descendants (ex: the belief that the spirits of ancestors will protect their descendants), so I'm sure our ancestors would be proud to see us doing well.
Tombs that were excavated because archaeologists were absolutely sure that artifacts discovered within would make major contributions to the study of Chinese history. This is pretty much the only exception to the rule of "excavating to rescue", and it is very rarely allowed. An example is the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project (夏商周断代工程), where the main focus is to gain a clearer picture of the timeline of ancient Chinese history, when dynasties began/ended, when major events may have happened, etc.
Artifacts that were found when arresting grave robbers. These are called "recovered artifacts" (追回文物).
Artifacts that returned to China from foreign countries, these are called "returned artifacts" (回归文物). A big portion of these artifacts ended up in foreign countries precisely because of grave robbers, and another big portion were and are still lost for the same reason as why the British Museum has so many artifacts from around the world.
Artifacts that were discovered scattered throughout China. There are three facts to consider here: 1) China has a long history and as a result, there are vast amounts of existing artifacts; 2) tombs are material things and thus are subject to the elements; 3) not everyone is an archaeologist. Combine these, and you have situations were valuable artifacts were found in places like the chicken coop of a farmer (this is how the eagle-shaped pottery ding was found).
Donations. Some artifacts were family heirlooms that were donated to museums.
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vee-lociraptor · 27 days
diversity win! the woman from another timeline with unclear intentions is pansexual!
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crumbsispoggers · 3 months
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Guardian on a Minecraft hat
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braxiatel · 6 months
Enough grumbo AUs where Mumbo is a diehard Ariana Griande fan. More grumbo AUs where global musical sensation Ariana Griande is absolutely obsessed with this little freak of a man she found under a rock one time
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sukunasweetheart · 2 days
Sukuna, a middle aged man jaded by the harsh realities of his life. He steps outside for a smoke nearby a convenience store, completely bored out of his mind.
A lady is handing out flyers nearby, although nobody is bothering to look her way, including sukuna himself.
You approach the man who's getting irritated by the lighter that refuses to work in his hand.
"Hello there, sir. Would you be interested in taking up classes for arts and craft?" You offer the cute flyer up.
Sukuna scoffs. Is she serious?
"No thanks."
"Are you sure? You look like you could use a bit more colour in your life."
He's too exhausted at this point to get angry at a random woman on the street.
"...You're not too far off, i suppose," sukuna mutters, still trying to get the spark to stay on his lighter. "Even so, I'm not interested in the likes of arts and craft. Do i look like a child to you?"
You withdraw your offer of your flyer, and inspect him for a moment.
"Arts and craft can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age. But moving past that... you seem a bit down. If you'd like to confide in a stranger for a night, I'm happy to listen."
What a strange, persistent woman. Sukuna gives up on his lighter, and takes out the unlit cigarette in his mouth to think back for a moment. One thing does come to mind.
"I'm not feeling down. But i remembered something, now that i think about it..." he confesses, feeling weirdly compelled to tell you about it.
"Today is supposed to be my birthday."
Birthdays have never been special to him. Nobody celebrated his birth as a child, and in turn, he's never paid attention to the birthdays of others.
"Oh, happy birthday. Are you doing anything special for yourself today?"
"No. I've never cared for birthdays. And I'm getting too old for that anyway."
"Well, that won't do... Hold on for a second."
Puzzled, sukuna looks back at you but you've already gone inside the convenience store. Whatever you're up to now, couldn't possibly be more enticing than getting in a proper smoke right now. Sukuna begins to zone out.
He only snaps out of it when something mildly cold grazes past his cheek, leaving a ticklish and moist sensation on his skin as it disappears upon impact.
Bubbles. Bubbles are flying past him, and floating away into the sky.
For a moment, he gets mesmerised by the swirl of colours that are harboured in each one. Even just from the light of this dingy street, they fly up while holding a multitude of different colours inside them. Time seems to slow for a split second, and he doesn't understand why.
His gaze follows the trail to identify it's source. And unsurprisingly, it's you, standing behind him. You blow a couple more out, and then grin at him childishly. He finally looks at your face properly for the first time.
"Birthday bubbles. For the birthday man," you chuckle sheepishly, knowing that you probably look a bit silly right now. You put the bubble wand back into the small bottle of the soapy mixture, and screw it tightly.
"Here, you can have it. Next time you're feeling a bit antsy, why don't you try blowing some yourself? They're pretty, aren't they?"
You also hand him a different small item.
"And i also threw in a little something else, while i was at it."
He looks down, and sees that it's a new lighter. He slowly pulls his hand out of his pocket to take both of them from your hands.
"I hope you get to do something more special next year. Birthdays are supposed to be joyful, after all," you comment.
"Thanks for putting up with my nosiness. Farewell."
And then you leave him after a quick wave.
Sukuna stares wordlessly as you walk off, wondering what to name this ticklish feeling rising in the pit of his stomach.
The small bottle in his palm reminds him of a moment in his childhood. Kids in the park bragging about their bubble wands that were gifted to them. the laughs that resounded as they all ran off to catch the fragile spheres as they blew away in the wind. The tiny feelings of envy in his heart.
The item he tucks away into his pocket is the lighter. And when nobody is watching, he blows a couple more bubbles into the night sky.
Every time he passes by that convenience store, the thought of you comes to his mind. A flashback of your smile in the back of his mind. Every so often, he comes to this particular store. Despite having closer options, he comes to this specific one.
At times, sukuna regrets not taking one of the flyers that you were handing out. He wouldn't have had to mope around a convenience store in hopes of running into you again.
Today is a rainy day, and this calls for a hot piping cup of instant ramen. He doesn't usually enjoy convenience store food, but he wants a reason to stay around inside for a bit longer.
He needs to wait five minutes for the noodles to soften. In this time, he stares out the glass frame of the store, and watches the various rows of people walking past with their umbrellas opened.
There appears to be one anomaly in the crowd, however. Running without shelter from the rain, clutching her bag as if it contains something important in there. Sukuna realises that it's you.
Forgetting about his instant ramen, sukuna grabs his umbrella and dashes out the door.
You're mildly panicking about being stuck behind the red light at the zebra crossing without anything to save you from the rain, but the sensation of the droplets hitting your body come to a stop all too suddenly.
You look up, and there's a black umbrella sheltering you, big and strong looking. You spin around and recognise the stranger with pink hair and sharp eyes. Seemingly out of breath.
He signals to the light that has now turned green behind you, and ushers you forward to cross the road before you can say anything to him.
Now safely on the other side of the road, you begin to converse with him.
"It's you! Hello. Thank you for sheltering me. How have you been?"
"... So-so. Nothing's changed since the last time we met."
"I see. You look better than last time, though." You get the feeling that his eyes have a little more light in them.
Sukuna doesn't really get what you mean, but he moves on.
"What’s in your bag that's so important for you to be protecting it like that?" He asks, effectively changing the topic.
"Oh, this? I literally just bought some brand new origami paper... i can't risk getting them wet and unusable. The children would be disappointed."
"Origami, huh? How original."
"Hey! That's not all... there's a lot of options i offer them. They voted on origami this time."
"You got a lot of people signed up?"
"Not really... but I'm sure it'll start picking up soon. Slowly, one at a time."
You smile up at him hopefully.
"...is the offer still open?"
You cock your head to the side slightly, confused. Sukuna grits his teeth, feeling a little bashful about having to ask more specifically.
"You know. Lessons for grown adults."
"Oh! Of course, anytime! Would you like to come sign up today?"
"Do you offer one-on-one sessions too?"
"Yes, I do."
"Alright. Let’s go."
Sukuna can't fathom the words that are coming out of his own mouth. But fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? You've somehow intriged him, and he can't think of a better way to approach you.
You chatter his ears off along the way, and he nods along while his shoulder gets wet from the way he leans his umbrella closer to your side.
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catastrothy · 5 months
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went to the game store today and had a bad experience
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napping-sapphic · 7 months
Women are so attractive actually i love women so much it’s actually insane
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localapparently · 9 months
/ orv epilogue + sp identity spoilers , cw blood
!! Please do NOT reupload my comics / works anywhere !!
(Read right to left)
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aplpaca · 2 years
thinking about how I've seen OCD get talked about now, but haven't really seen many posts that actually explain what it is. And like, obviously people shouldn't get all their info about mental conditions from posts, but u can't deny that internet communities and stuff play a major role in people recognizing and putting names to their own experiences.
But like since the general public has like absolutely no idea of what OCD actually is (no thanks to popular media), and a lot of things I see talking about intrusive thoughts don't mention OCD (either bc they originated in OCD circles or bc intrusive thoughts aren't Exclusive to OCD or for some other reason), there should prob be more explanation put out on what OCD actually consists of.
Which is kinda hard in some ways, bc there are so many ways OCD can present in terms of what "themes" a person experiences, so someone talking about what their themes are might not ring a bell with someone who experiences different ones. But like, the core thing with OCD isn't the presence of certain themes, it's a specific pattern of spiraling thoughts and reactions.
Like. OCD is a mental condition/illness where people experience stressful, unwanted, repetitive thoughts. These are intrusive thoughts are what make up the "obsessions" part of the disorder. In response to these intrusive thoughts, a lot of people will perform certain actions or think certain things in an attempt to neutralize or disprove the threat they represent. These are the "compulsions" part of the condition.
For a more "traditional" example, someone experiencing intrusive thoughts that they might catch a communicable disease may obsessively wash their hands or google their symptoms to try to lessen the anxiety. While someone who is worried they might hurt someone (even though they very much do not want to hurt someone) may avoid being near sharp objects or may avoid the people they're afraid of hurting.
One of the issues with OCD is that performing the compulsions provides short term relief, but in the long term it only strengthens the stress caused by the intrusive thoughts, thus furthering the thought spiral and actively making it worse, to the point where, depending on your themes, you may be (almost) convinced that your intrusive thoughts represent the truth or the inevitable or something permanent.
Intrusive thought themes cam be literally anything, but some of the common ones are stuff like
Questioning your sexuality, gender, etc (what if I'm actually straight/gay/bi/trans/cis/etc?)
Being worried about losing control and hurting yourself or others physically, sexually, emotionally, basically any way (what if I want to kill someone? What if I'm a pedophile? What if I'm an abuser? What if I want to stab myself? Etc)
Fear of becoming or being sick
Worrying something bad will happen to you or people you care about
Worrying about your spiritual beliefs or lack thereof (what if I'm actually Christian? What if I'm actually atheist? What if i don't believe in the faith i ascribe to? Etc)
Worrying about relationship status (what if I don't actually love them? What if they're not "the one"? What if they're cheating? What if *I'm* cheating? Etc)
What if I'm a bad person?
Fear of losing things
Fear of things not feeling right (this is often be related to other themes via magical thinking. ex: if I don't have my things organized Just Right then something bad will happen)
Fear of unreality
Compulsions vary by theme a lot obviously, but some common ones include
Hand washing
Organizing things until they Feel Right
Checking and double checking and triple checking to make sure you did something correctly
Obsessively reviewing your memories to disprove a thoughtor make sure you don't believe something
Arguing against the thoughts in an attempt to disprove them
Testing your mental reactions to a thought or to certain kinds of content, to show yourself you don't actually believe or feel something
Obsessively googling symptoms, testimonies, things related to your thoughts
Obsessive prayer
Repeating phrases, mantras, affirmations, etc in an attempt to make thoughts go away
Avoiding things and situations that set off your intrusive thoughts
Repeatedly asking for reassurance from others ("I'm not being xyz, right?")
But yeah this obviously isn't exhaustive but, just, if this kind of thing sounds familiar, you should probably do some research on OCD, bc while intrusive thoughts can occur with other conditions, the intrusive thought-compulsion spiral is the core of OCD and isn't really a subaspect of depression/anxiety/ptsd/etc. and the treatment and management of OCD can look different from other stuff, so its a good thing to look into.
(Also it's important to keep in mind, esp if you're someone that doesn't have it, that someone's intrusive thoughts Are Not "secret desires" or "repressed urges" or anything the person even remotely wants to act on. Someone having harm-related intrusive thoughts is not at risk of actually acting on them, no matter how worried they are of doing so.)
Anyway this was a long post and I don't have a neat way to wrap it up and also I accidentally added a poll and now can't get rid of it so here's free poll. I'm running on nyquil and a small amount of straight gin (which works very well at numbing a sore throat) rn gnite
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siverfanweedo · 1 month
Actually my last point on trans masc and transphobia + erasure.
I will never ever be okay with people leaving out how jkr treats transman. She wrote an essay, she agreed with and followed a terf who wrote a book about how trans men are girls who are mutilating their bodies but was lying and acted stole photos from trans men. And I'll never ever be okay with people who don't realize her 2020 tweet was attacking language used for trans masc who still menstruate.
I'll never be okay with how trans men are left out of the conversation of reproductive rights. I know trans men who have given birth. I've heard stories of trans men who face the same road blocks to hysterectomies as cis women.
By dismissing or ignoring the issues trans men face you are actually making the world less safe for us.
Like I'm not here saying I have it worse or trans men have it worse we don't. But I can't describe how I feel when people gloss over trans masc discrimination.
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spidehpig · 3 months
my fever induced thoughts about bird is horny & ovulating x mean bastard ghost
mostly just rambling, didn’t check for coherency or grammar. i’ve been plagued by these thoughts and just had to get them out sorry.
ghost x reader
mean bastard ghost with a bird who’s been so needy and clingy all day long. he’s not really sure what’s got her panting and gagging for his cock like a whore, must be a cycle thing. either way he doesn’t mind, in fact he finds it amusing. he’s so used to just indulging himself, parting her thighs with his meaty hands and swiping his tongue along her folds as her little squeals and protests fall on deaf ears.
it’s not everyday that he’s the one to wake up to her trying to take what she needs from him. her pretty moans shaking away the last tendrils of sleep from him as the wet cotton of her panties rut against his thigh and her other hand gropes at his cock straining against his boxers. he has half a mind to push the greedy brat onto her belly and just mount her right there. but this unashamed desperation radiating from his bird is a rarity he’ll indulge in.
he feels a little sick satisfaction when her sweet moans break off into a frustrated little cries as his fist clamps around her waist, halting the desperate little grind of her hips. ignores her begging and pleading as he slips from the sheets. leaves her aching and wanting as she trails into the shower after him with a cute little pout.
keeps his face stoic as he pinches and flicks at her swollen nipples, his other hand pawing at her ass. working her up into a frenzy again, makes sure she can feel his heavy cock throb against her thigh as he cups her dripping cunt. thick fingers bullying their way between her lips under the guise of washing her clean. likes the way she shivers and bucks against him when his knuckle brushes across her clit. he quickly twists the rusty shower handle when she reaches for his cock again and huffs out a raspy laugh when she squawks at him as the shower water turns to ice. doesn’t look back as he steps out and tosses a towel at her.
maybe he shouldn’t punish his little bird’s confidence and needy demands. it’s not every day he wakes up to her wet and willing, so eager to milk his cock. but he has the time and patience today. maybe it’s boredom from such a long leave or maybe he’s just a bastard he thinks as he pulls her onto his lap later as he watches the game. fingers sneaking under the fabric of her tank top to pinch and twist at her nipples until she’s squirming in his lap searching for the friction of his hard cock. waits until she’s panting and whining again before pushing her off his lap a grunting at her to go fix dinner. gives his cock a couple of lazy tugs as she shoots him a dirty look and stumbles into the kitchen on unsteady legs.
later ducks his head under the kitchen doorframe to corner her against the counter to paw and grope at her pretty hips, feels the soft skin of her inner thighs are still slick. pulls back the second she sighs and arches back against him. he ignores the way she glares at him across the table as he shovels the dinner she made him into his mouth. and just to be a prick, finishes his game after dinner while she angrily slams the dirty dishes around in the kitchen.
waits until she’s finished until he prowls off into the bedroom and lights a cigarette as he settles against the pillows. sprawled out across the center of the bed, he finally shoves the waistband of his sweats under his balls to let his heavy cock spring free. precum already leaking onto his thigh as he barks at his bird to come take care of this.
can’t help but smirk as she hesitates in the doorway. unsure if this is just another one of his cruel tricks after he had spent all day teasing her. fists his cock and tells her to come take what she needs. almost barks out a laugh as her eyes widen and she quickly wiggles out of her panties and scrambles up onto the bed. licks his lips when he gets a glimpse of her already glistening cunt as she crawls up over his hulking body. has half a mind to stub his smoke out and sit her over his hungry mouth. instead he takes another drag as her thighs stretch wide on either side of his thick waist to hump her slick cunt along the underside of his cock.
he makes no move to touch her as she ruts and humps against his cock, the bed already creaking with her frantic movements. only pausing to grit his teeth as the tip of his cock catches on her warm hole as she rocks backwards again. lights up another smoke as she leans back onto her haunches to bury two fingers into her cunt when it becomes apparent he won’t be doing anything to help satiate her needs. pupils blown as he watches her sloppy cunt swallow her little fingers. not at all enough to prep her for his cock.
she doesn’t seem to care as she lurches forward and her nails dig into the fat of his chest as she rises up onto her knees, reaching back as she pathetically tries to line his leaking cock up with her cunt. her little grunts of frustration are music to his ears as she struggles to catch the tip on her hole again. movements faltering and sputtering a little when he blows smoke in her face. sweat glistening along her brow when she glares at him and finally manages to sink down a few inches.
his eyes roll back with how tight she is, half expects her to stop and beg him to finger her open. instead she grunts in pain and tries to bounce and wiggle her way down onto his prick. barely any leverage with the way she’s already risen so far up onto her knees just to straddle his thick waist, the cushioned mattress does nothing to ease her struggle. and fuck, watching her buck and bounce just to bully his fat cock into her greedy cunt is tearing at the remains of his control.
it’s not until her walls finally relax and she sinks down onto his cock with a yowl that he finally acknowledges her. cooing and taunting her for being such a needy slag, drooling over his cock all day long. watches the way a sob wracks through her body as her hands grip at the fat of his stomach trying to get some leverage to push herself up on his cock. barely manages to rise up a few inches before she’s letting out a frustrated sob and instead just grinds back and forth on his lap with his cock buried in her cunt, so pathetic.
she yelps when he slaps her tit and growls at her to ride him proper. sniveling after his cock all day long and she can’t even take it right? he decides he’ll let her whine and mewl and beg him to just take her as she grinds on top him. she can’t even take what she needs. maybe when she finally collapses from exhaustion will he flip her over and breed her pretty cunt. seems like he’s the only one that can give her what she needs after all.
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dinoserious · 3 months
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