#trials of Loki
batwynn · 7 months
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Don’t speak of the other side till you’re there.
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So you know how Loki went and lived as a milkmaid for a couple years and had a bunch of kids? Who do you think would be funniest to find out they have Loki for an ancestor?
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springmagpies · 6 months
Leo: What can I say, I’m a mischievous scamp.
Apollo: *noticing his keys are missing* Mischievous scamp.
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icedgarlic · 6 months
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misformillie · 7 months
I have found Trials of Apollo but it’s Loki
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Book summary:
“After one trick too many, Loki is banished to live on Earth as a "normal" school boy. Forbidden from using his AWESOME godly powers, Loki must show moral improvement. As he records his lies THE TRUTH in his magical (judgemental) diary”
And the opening line:
“My name is Loki and I am a god.”
In all honesty it seems to be a mix of ToA, Norse mythology and Tom Gates so my hopes are high.
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abby118 · 10 days
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Inside Out 2 if it was set inside my head
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yourlocalsuperstar · 3 months
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Hello, I am Beryl Grace, but you probably already know me, so I won't bother to present myself. Ok, bye
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NAME: Beryl Grace
PARENT OF: Thalia Grace, Jason Grace
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@all-time-alt-country-singer : Will Solace's mother
@i-sell-seashells-by-the-seashore : Percy Jackson's mother
@that-one-lover-of-hades : Nico di angelo's mother
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This blog is ran by @lokiwiiiiiii .
irp tag: #shut up beryls talking
ooc tag: #lokis local yappin
credits to @saradika-graphics for the banners
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autumn0689 · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!!!! Here’s some of my favorite canon LGBTIA+ characters!!!!
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
Trials of Loki AU Chapter 1
@parrotxx I did it!
Well atleast the first Chapter. I'm still not sure how i'll get him to earn his place back to godhood. And it was a little rushed near the end. Also havent proof read.
Hi, I'm Loki Laufeyjarson. I used to be a god—err, Jotun. My 'godly membership' was revoked two thousand and sixteen years ago.
In my many, many years of living (if you can call most of it life), the Aesir have punished me in lots of creative ways. They've forced me to go get new golden hair for Sif. Let my mouth get stitched up. Murdered my sons and defiled their corpses to chain me to a rock. Put a snake over the aforementioned rock to drip venom on my face until Ragnarok.
But never in my immortal existence have they done something like this.
And I'm not even sure how they did it.
The last thing I remember was making an err...tactical retreat after a flyting with Magnus Chase. Being in a walnut that I definitely chose to be in, then sitting on a table surrounded by very angry Aesir, and then falling. Buildings spiralling in and out of my view. I tried to shapeshift into a bird, a dragon, or maybe even a butterfly—something that, as a Jotun, should come naturally to me, but I just kept falling, still humanoid. Which is very...uncomfortable.
Thankfully, I had a soft landing.
I sat up, groaning in a pile of leaves, spitting out a red leaf, and glaring at the park groundskeeper, who was staring at me bewildered. My ribs ached, and I was pretty sure were broken.
"What?" I snapped, "Never seen a guy fall from the sky?"
The groundskeeper's jaw dropped, and he fled, leaving his rake behind. Pretty sure he needed that.
The very annoying voice of Odin rang in my mind: YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF, LOKI.
"Very helpful, Odin. Now, how do I fix it? Do I have to watch one of your stupid PowerPoints?" I asked, "Get you a new raven?"
Odin's shrill voice boomed in my head like he was yelling too close into a microphone: FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF.
I rolled my eyes, massaging my temples. Great. Just great. Not only do I get—
—AND MY POWERPOINTS AREN'T STUPID, Odin bellowed before going completely silent.
Well, they are, old man, I thought before attempting to pick myself up from the leaf pile. My ribs cracked and throbbed in protest, and my stomach clenched. I barely managed to stand up before I wanted to sit back down again.
My vision blurred. I was in some sort of park. Blobs that I assumed were mortal children were playing loudly on a bigger blob—a playground of some sort, maybe?— nearby. Another grey blob stood in front of me—A statue, sadly probably not of me. I could hear running water, a fountain?
I took a deep breath, which was a mistake.
"Owwwweee!" I hissed through my teeth, "Yep. Yep, ribs definetly broken!"
My entire body screamed at me to lie back down. This mortal form was so... fragile. Every movement felt like snake venom dripping on my face, only this time it was my entire body. Everything was so soft and painful — How do you humans live like this? How do you deal with being so, so...weak? So fragile? Broken that easily? I hated it!
I managed to —painfully— drag myself to a bench, which proved to me once again that my ribs were definitely broken.
On the bright side: my vision finally decided to stop pretending it's a funhouse mirror and I could properly take in my surroundings.
I was right about the statue, it was not of me. Very sad. It was of that one guy—Leaf I think his name was. Seriously you mortals should get a statute of me erected (haha) instead of that nobody.
The sound of wolves howling rudely broke me out of my thoughts.
Which meant Fenris' pups were on the prowl.
Now usually I'm fine with wolves, my own son Fenris was born a wolf after all and these were his children—my grandchildren. But, I knew well enough to tell the difference between an 'I'm hungry let's go hunt, guys' howl and an 'Oh my gods guys. I love you all so much' howl.
This howl was the former.
And I'm not sticking around for it. Not because I think they'll attack me. They wouldn't dare try that. But because watching my grandchildren tear apart a mortal or the odd demigod brings back some very um.... unpleasant memories.
With a very painful protest from my squishy, broken, weak mortal body, I got up from the bench and started hobbling out of the park.
As I trudged out of the park and up the street, It started pouring rain because I clearly hadn't been humiliated enough. Thor decided to soak me.
"Really?" I yelled at the sky, slightly regretting it at the sharp sting of my ribs.
YES REALLY, Odin's voice boomed in my head. Though that could have been my imagination or delirium from the broken ribs.
"I'd never do this to you!" I retorted, pointing angrily at my head. Earning some weird looks from passing mortals.
YES YOU WOULD, several Aesir said in unison before going silent once more.
It's true I would. But that was beside the point! 
I am once again asking how you mortals deal with this? THIS IS TORTURE! And I should know! I've been tortured! Many times!
A car driving past decided I wasn't soaked and miserable enough and lovingly gave me a splash of muddy water, soaking my clothes, causing them to cling to my body.
I snarled before shivering.
I have to get out of here fast, I thought bitterly. I couldn't stay in one place for too long, not unarmed and injured anyway; I have too many enemies. All of which want me dead. Can't imagine why, I'm a delight!
But the problem with having as many enemies as I have is that I don't have many allies. There's my wife Sigyn, she's the only person I truly trust to not stab me in the back—mostly cause her hands are full from holding the bowl over my face but I digress.
But that opens up a whole other problem: I don't know where she is. She could be across the country ceramic bowl shopping for all I know!
So that kinda leaves me only one option, and I know neither one of us is going to like it. But I am really starting to feel woozy and I don't have a choice.
I stood outside Randolph Chase's mansion—well more Magnus Chase's mansion. I think Randy died, pretty sure I killed him. Not too sure about that, some of my memories are a bit foggy. Hope that's not a permanent thing.
Despite our rocky history of me trying to kill him and possibly killing his uncle, the son of Frey has proven himself to be somewhat sympathetic to me in the past. So maybe, I could appeal to his sense of compassion.
And if that doesn't work then I'll just convince one of my children to let me in. Because my children just cannot say no to me.
Because if they say no I'll make them say yes because they owe it to me for their powers and creating them.
Yay, parenting! 
The snarling wolf knocker rattled as I knocked on the door. Seriously what was it with Randy and wolves? Like, dude your sister got mauled by wolves have some decency...oh right he worked with me. He doesn't have that.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Why did I feel so tired all of a sudden? Why am I even doing this?
The door swung open and I had to dodge to avoid being hit in the face, something my broken ribs enjoyed very much.
It was in fact not Magnus that made an attempt on my life through door. It was the green-headed menace that I called my child.
Alex Fierro.
He—she? I couldn't tell, guess Odin didn't just take my immortality—didn't react to me in her/his usual hateful face. Which was a good sign. What wasn't a good sign was the fact that my vision was starting to swim again.
"Hey, Alex!" I chirped, before promptly passing out.
Oh for fuck sake.
Chapter 2: Will be written soon.
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tangyyrine · 13 days
Spotify Character Playlists
I made a few character playlists!! I plan to update the playlists over time and make more playlists for different characters/fandoms, so I’ll keep track of them all here c:
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rayssion · 10 months
You know what? I'm suddenly mad that Kayla doesn't call Apollo mom, Rick what are doing???
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lizzstarkiller · 4 months
Rereading The Trials of Mairon and once again in awe bc this is just a masterpiece.
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andauril · 1 month
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
As another queer person. Will being bi makes me feel odd partially due to how I didn't feel the representation was handled well. But also... its a little weird to me that Apollo's (famously bisexual) only outright LGBT child is bisexual. Maybe it wouldn't feel as weird if it weren't for the fact that literally the only gender fluid demigod we've met is the child of an explicitly gender fluid god. Apollo and Loki are, at this point, the only outright LGBT gods and coincidentally their kids identify the exact same way they do. I don't know if that makes sense as a reason to not like bi Will in this book though?
You don't need any specific reason to not like something, anon. Sometimes you just can't vibe with things and that's okay. Love's free doesn't mean you must always have/accept it.
Anyway. I haven't read MCGA but I know a little about Alex as the genderfluid demigod. And I only realized the parallels now LMAO. Frankly? I don't know how to react to this.
On one hand, I do feel it's a little weird... as in, what a coincidence! you know? Maybe the representation would feel a little more... natural (?) if it doesn't appear like calculated.
But on the other hand, I don't think it's something severe. Like, what's wrong if it was intentional? Well maybe Rick thinks it's fun... I think it's quite harmless, that's all. Apollo has many other children and not all of them are bisexuals, aren't they?
As long as no one starts spluttering about sexual orientation being heritable...
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abby118 · 2 months
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me being unwell on Discord again
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