#tried to keep it mostly clean
sysig · 12 days
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I really like @theratpy​‘s Dr. Zo :D I like him for normal reasons don’t even worry about it don’t read into it at all haha (Patreon)
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Bonus Ratticus
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spotaus · 2 months
Thinking about Orchid and her connection to my take on Gender (because this was meant to be about her and the Crew but it just devolved into a character analysis kinda??? More trauma-dumping maybe???) This is very much an oc/personal rant so feel free to ignore it 🫡
So, Orchid started off as a character I didn't really think much of (hear me out this is going to be relevant) because I wanted to add a 'girl' character but didn't know what to *do* with her, y'know? She was always going to be the strongest one there, she had the odds stacked in her favor with her parents. She was always going to be the gloomy side-character to match Reset's energy. But I think she's gone through every stage of Generic Woman I could possibly find.
At first she was angry and abrasive (think Fell!Sans) where every other word was a curse and she was likely to throw the first punch then laugh as she kicks her enemy while they're down. This was when Reset was a cartoonishly self-centered villain whose goal was simply to prove others wrong. Then Orchid became a sort of sisterly figure. This was short-lived, but she was the one comforting people who Reset would torment, but would ultimately follow his orders, because at this point he was actually a danger and sadistic. And then there was the phase where the story mellowed out and she became the token Goth Girl who, yes she was strong, but was heavy on the 'whatever' energy. Then there was her Era of deep self-loathing and anxiety about her worth that held her back and made her a much more timid and meek character who would only lash out on occasion.
Now, Orchid is the best of those iterations I've written yet. She's calm, level-headed, and a natural leader. Her father raised those traits into her. But she's very reactive, and can be silly, and when she's comfortable it's likely that air of importance transforms into something more comfortable and familiar. She laughs loudly and grins wide, she likes loud video-games but loves to read in the quiet. She's extremely disciplined, and normally no one can get through her tough exterior besides her best friend, Reset. She does what she does for her own enjoyment, sure, but she's thought of every angle and makes her choice to help Reset and control the others with her whole chest. She still worries she won't live up to her invisible expectations, and that and her loyalty are her two driving forces.
I know that Orchid is important to me because she's the longest-running female oc I've had. I have a rough relationship with womanhood/girlhood and I know looking back that Orchid recieved every ounce of my distaste for being a woman that I could shovel into her. That never made her less of a character, she was actually always one of my favorites, and rarely was she a 'punching bag oc'. I just... projected onto her a lot. And she's a good sign of how I've learned who I am. I've decided that my own femininity is something I could live without. I'd rather not associate myself with it, and I'd like to leave it in my past, focusing on a future where I'm not tied down with any gender roles or expectations. That won't happen, but I've come to terms with it myself. Orchid though? I figured out through her that I don't have to hate women characters. My own distaste for my circumstances doesn't mean I have to push it onto my characters (on God I've never expressed anything rude to actual people, that'd be rude as hell and uncalled for, but I have a bad habit of disliking fictional women in media). So, Orchid is a well-roubded character finally. She has motivations abd goals and a *lot* more depth than I ever expected her to. She's happy with being a woman, she's content. She's not treated differently for it in unfair ways by those she cares about, so she doesn't mind it. She likes to wear pretty outfits and lets Reset add bows to her ribbons. She doesn't let being a woman hold her back in the slightest.
So, yeah. Orchid is one of my babies. If I ever leave this Fandom behind for good, she's one that's coming with (Ichor, Orchid, and Pretender all have human designs I can use elsewhere lol-) but in the meantime I'll just rotate her around in my brain for a while longer.
If I'm right, she's been with me for nearly 5-6 years and I went through a *lot* with her as an outlet. So, she's kinda just like an old stuffed animal. A lil ripped, matted fur, maybe a stain or two, but there's a story there and that makes it important beyond belief.
#spotatalk#i'm just gonna drop this in the queue I guess?#but I'm writing this on the last day of june so....#whenever this rolls around will be a jumpscare abd a half I guess?#I think honestly I coukd do a full breakdown of the Crew and why they're all expressions of me but like#quick summary is#Reset: Wants approval from people but mostly clings to the past. is afraid of losing his brother and acts on it to bring him back. i#<- I lack that conviction to do whatever you have to to get your way. i worry my brother and I have a weird gap between us we wont repair#Orchid: Uhhh woman. lots of pressure that she had at one time that's now no being pressed but she still tries to live up to it also.#<- I don't like the pressure of being a woman. also gifted-kid who cannot move past the pressures imposed to be 'perfect' and it's screwed#Stereo: Pulled into a situation he doesn't want to be in initially. it's bad for him but he likes the people so he decides to stay#<- I see the good in people. even when they hurt others around me. I was a bystander often and should've left the situations. paralelling.#Monochrome: Afraid. No purpose or preperation in life. soneone offers to guide him and he takes that offer because it's better than home.#<- Kinda self-explanitory but I've got little direction and feel lost a lot of the time. If I'm given a path I usually walk it no hesitation#and... for fun let's do some others!#Haphazard: Cleaning up after others since childhood. he's never really gotten a break and sees any sort of mess as an enemy#-> He's fixing rifts in universes I gotta patch relationships. there's so much conflict and I'm always so overwhelmed by it#Lost: He's got amnesia. no clue where he is. where he's from. who you are. who he is. he'll know when he gets there. he's sure.#-> I've been hsving minor issues with my memory for years. i coukd be forgetful but sometimes it just escapes me and that's spooky#Teddy: Isolated in her universe for years. she self-mutilated until she liked herself. when she finally met people she compulsively lied#-> Much more extreme version of how isolated I sonetines feel. hobbies can't replace human interaction but it's hard#oh and Ichor: God who loves mortals but cannot seem to find ones who will prove hin right for his trust and care#<- I've got a big heart. i express it often but the sentinent is scoffed off a lot. I get beat down about it and just keep moving forward#Pretender: Knows who he is. however the world doesn't like it much so he acts how they expect him to or isolates away#<- I still present femme when I'm nb/agender. i bend and break to people's perception of me. if I can't solve something I run.#okay I feel more insane than when ai started but these stupid skeletons have helped me through so many mental health problems it's only a#little bit funny 🙏
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goldiipond · 2 years
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thinking about. goldy ponds
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"Why does autism seem more common in males?
Being female does appear to protect the brain from many developmental disabilities, not just autism. There is emerging evidence that girls with autism need more extreme genetic mutations than boys to develop autism.
However, there is a growing body of work that indicates that autism just presents differently in girls and therefore often goes unrecognised, especially in verbally fluent girls with normal intelligence. Girls with autism also appear to be better at ‘camouflaging’ their symptoms in order to fit in.
With the diagnostic criteria for ASD based largely in how autism presents in males, girls can often ‘slip under the radar’ or get misdiagnosed. Girls with ASD seem to have less restricted and repetitive behaviours than boys, but it’s also possible that some of these behaviours go unrecognised — for example, an obsessive interest in collecting dolls may be misinterpreted as pretend play.
What does autism look like in girls?
Although every child with autism is different, here are some common characteristics in girls with autism:
A special interest in animals, music, art, and literature
A strong imagination (might escape into the worlds of nature or fiction)
A desire to arrange and organise objects
Not wanting to play cooperatively with female peers (for example, wanting to dictate the rules of play or preferring to play alone to maintain control)
A tendency to ‘mimic’ others in social situations in order to blend in
An ability to hold their emotions in check at school, but be prone to meltdowns or explosive behaviour at home
Strong sensory sensitivities, especially to sounds and touch (for example; clothing tags, socks or even deodorant).
For autistic girls to thrive, it’s important they have access to a timely and accurate diagnosis, and the informed supports that come with it. A delayed or missed diagnosis can impede their education and development, as well as their social and community participation.
While boys with autism are more likely to have outwardly challenging behaviours, (indicating underlying issues, such as anxiety) girls with autism are more vulnerable to internalising problems.
As our understanding of how autism affects females is still emerging, it is important parents and professionals alike stay updated on the best ways to specifically support girls and women on the spectrum."
#autism#special interests#masking#actuallyautistic#my first special interest was Ariel The Little Mermaid and mermaids in general#I presently love dolls although I didn't as a very tomboyish child who loved to play in dirt and draw and learn about animals#I still feel calmest outside or even just watching the sky and birds and exploring gardens or flowers (weeds) breaking through concrete#my special interest then became the Pokemon anime and Team Rocket trio and Rocketshipping for years...#then finally Shootie (Trip) from the Pokemon anime too and this last one definitely puts people off because they don't understand it#I only used to one repetitive imaginative play and it was one plush dying while another plush or my single doll back then wept over it ^^;;#not social play generally... I played alone and mostly only very carefully collected toys#kept them clean wouldn't touch them except with clean hands wouldn't sleep cuddling them so they don't get sweat on them#didn't get the concept of a well-loved toy because my love was keeping them in as perfect condition as possible#(I have some toys I did play with especially now that I love to do toy photography)#carrying plushies around and stuff can get them a bit stressed looking... ^^;;;#but I still try to keep them as neat as possible#and mostly just collect and keep them around#I used to draw every single day of my life#if I just wait for something slow to load I'd open Paint and doodle#I thought I'd be dead before I could let a day pass without drawing UNTIL I tried to stop myself from ever drawing Trip#inspiration went DEAD AND DRY days without drawing anything#so weird..... not healthy for me#drawing was how I expressed my emotions even when I had no one to talk to or who would listen#also I hate perfume so much PFFT there are very very few light scents I like#long post#if somebody is going to be a moron like the the two in the replies please read that for proof my being very visibly not neurotypical nearly#cost my career twice and led to bullying even as an adult#and discrimination#and my sensory issues while beneficial for hearing say heart murmurs#also led to bullies trying to expose me because how ableist and
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redbean-nom · 8 months
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redesign of the Vespa Kids from book of boba fett
thoughts & closeups under cut
so i tried to keep their general appearances/colors intact while adding some actual personality (because i think the main problem with the original designs is that they feel like extras, not side characters).
Red: Zabrak orphan who grew up on Tatooine. 18 years old, was a member of the local insurgent group around the end of the empire era. Has a combo blaster/interrogation droid arm. Speeder is a repurposed version of Maul's speeder from phantom menace.
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Blue: Human raised in the non-Tatooine parts of the Outer Rim. 23 years old, known assassin who worked for Jabba. Uses a scavenged magnaguard-type electrostaff. Has basically a version of the mandalorian helmet visors built into his face. Speeder is an abandoned scout trooper speeder.
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Yellow: Tusken orphan from the clans around the podrace area. 19 years old, became a bounty hunter after his tribe (and bantha) were killed by the Pikes to expand spice routes. Has a Vader-style chest panel and rocket feet. Speeder is a custom pod attached to one of Sebulba's engines, with attached rancor teeth and horns from his late bantha.
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Green: Human who grew up on Coruscant, but family fled the Empire to Tatooine around A New Hope. 21 years old, originally worked as a local enforcer for various Hutts. Has super battle droid arm & leg attachments. Speeder is stolen from local nikto gang.
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original designs for reference:
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#star wars#bobf#tbobf#book of boba fett#redbean art#vespa kids#i tried to keep at least one original design element completely intact for each of them#so Red has the same hair and similar vest#Blue has the grey slacks and similar shirt#Yellow changed a bit more because i couldnt find a full reference for yellow or green but he still has the grey jacket with orange shoulder#and Green kept the green ombre hair#the podracer speeder is mostly because i wish they had more salvaged podracer part stuff#like. those things crash a LOT. obviously local people are going to pick up whatever still works#Yellow definitely has the most distinct speeder silhouette#and Greens cybernetics turned out well#the original design for her looked a little too star trekky so i just gave her a flightsuit#but yeah part of the problem is that they originally looked too clean#not just shiny but also no scratches or dents or scorch marks#so for this i was going for something like the esb boba armor#and design wise something like krayts claw but dustier#so funny how pretty much everyone from tatooine tries to leave as soon as possible because its dry and sandy and full of criminals)#but then boba (career criminal who grew up on kamino) goes to tatooine once and is like I LIVE HERE NOW#also they originally didnt really have clear motives?#so for my redesigns Red is kind of ezra-like and sees bobas crime gang as sort of family (the rancor is their dog)#Blue is there because boba (and fennec) are famous and hes hoping to get recognized as an established assassin#Yellow respects boba's tusken family and wants revenge on the pikes#Green is there because she's getting paid
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munch-mumbles · 6 months
ive been a little upset about it all night so i need to write out all the things that happened at work today and are bugging me so i can TRY to get it out of my head and actually RELAX bc i just keep pacing in circles around it instead of just accepting it and moving on
#for context i was working frying chicken today. ok so i arrive and literally all the chicken out expires within ten minutes of each other#meanwhile to remake everything takes about an hour 20#tried my best to get everything out and replaced and make sure i have enough of everything and then take my break bc with chicken there are#few narrow windows to take your break in you have very little control over when it is#get back and while im getting ready for my next fry one of the assistant leaders comes back and passive aggressively asks 'everything ok?'#and when i say yeah shes starts saying how shes 'just checking' because apparently i didnt have enough chicken out for her liking and went#on about how we're in a chicken drive (I KNOW. I WORK CHICKEN SHE NEVER HAS.)#etc etc. i just say ok and she leaves#like 20 minutes later she comes fucking back to rag on me again about how i need to choose my break times better and i need to have more#chicken out there as back up (extremely difficult bc there is literally only so much room in the fryers. the batches i usually make already#nearly completely fill them up) blah blah and then when i try to explain how i WAS making pretty big batches people are just snatching them#up fast she keeps trying to walk out the door right away and keeps stopping and looking over her shoulder to just stare at me while i try t#finish my sentence#and she just. doesnt say anything in response when i do finish she just leaves#so clearly she didnt want a conversation she just wanted to rag on me#then later for cleanup the timing of everything just kept lining up inconveniently so i kept having to get in and out of raw cleaning gear#and slowing myself down and i end up having to stay almost 15 minutes late to finish cleaning#during cleaning i have to go grab a key to the back door to take out my trash and this one coworker i have was standing in the way of the#door. i say excuse me and she just stares at me and goes huh?#and i say i need a key and she barely moves out of the way without responding and she has a look like im bothering her#why are you acting like im being douchey. i just need a key. thats something she does a lot she acts like im inconveniencing her by asking#basic favors . ive stopped asking her to help me open the back door (sometimes needed if i also have raw garbage to take out and therefore#cant touch the key myself) for some reason she takes it upon herself to almost completely close the door after i walk out so when i come#back i have to awkwardly use my foot to reach around and pull the door open#ive asked her before not to do it and she just ignored me#GRAH GRAH. and then like i said in my last rb i realized while i was drivign home i forgot to wash a damn pan#im mostly worried about it because ive forgotten a couple times in the past too . in my defense its a pan i personally dont use but it just#gets left behind from first shift sometimes and then second shifters end up having to make sure its clean#im just irritateddd and im mad im worried about it all. its all little things piling up on each other#LOL I WROTE A LOT MORE BUT THE REST GOT CUT OUT IG I HIT A TAG LIMIT. tumblr voice ok dude quit your bitching !!
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sesamenom · 8 months
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redesign of the Vespa Kids from book of boba fett
thoughts & closeups under cut
so i tried to keep their general appearances/colors intact while adding some actual personality (because i think the main problem with the original designs is that they feel like extras, not side characters).
Red: Zabrak orphan who grew up on Tatooine. 18 years old, was a member of the local insurgent group around the end of the empire era. Has a combo blaster/interrogation droid arm. Speeder is a repurposed version of Maul's speeder from phantom menace.
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Blue: Human raised in the non-Tatooine parts of the Outer Rim. 23 years old, known assassin who worked for Jabba. Uses a scavenged magnaguard-type electrostaff. Has basically a version of the mandalorian helmet visors built into his face. Speeder is an abandoned scout trooper speeder.
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Yellow: Tusken orphan from the clans around the podrace area. 19 years old, became a bounty hunter after his tribe (and bantha) were killed by the Pikes to expand spice routes. Has a Vader-style chest panel and rocket feet. Speeder is a custom pod attached to one of Sebulba's engines, with attached rancor teeth and horns from his late bantha.
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Green: Human who grew up on Coruscant, but family fled the Empire to Tatooine around A New Hope. 21 years old, originally worked as a local enforcer for various Hutts. Has super battle droid arm & leg attachments. Speeder is stolen from local nikto gang.
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original designs for reference:
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#not silm#star wars#bobf#tbobf#book of boba fett#vespa kids#i tried to keep at least one original design element completely intact for each of them#so Red has the same hair and similar vest#Blue has the grey slacks and similar shirt#Yellow changed a bit more because i couldnt find a full reference for yellow or green but he still has the grey jacket with orange shoulder#and Green kept the green ombre hair#the podracer speeder is mostly because i wish they had more salvaged podracer part stuff#like. those things crash a LOT. obviously local people are going to pick up whatever still works#Yellow definitely has the most distinct speeder silhouette#and Greens cybernetics turned out well#the original design for her looked a little too star trekky so i just gave her a flightsuit#but yeah part of the problem is that they originally looked too clean#not just shiny but also no scratches or dents or scorch marks#so for this i was going for something like the esb boba armor#and design wise something like krayts claw but dustier#so funny how pretty much everyone from tatooine tries to leave as soon as possible because its dry and sandy and full of criminals)#but then boba (career criminal who grew up on kamino) goes to tatooine once and is like I LIVE HERE NOW#also they originally didnt really have clear motives?#so for my redesigns Red is kind of ezra-like and sees bobas crime gang as sort of family (the rancor is their dog)#Blue is there because boba (and fennec) are famous and hes hoping to get recognized as an established assassin#Yellow respects boba's tusken family and wants revenge on the pikes#Green is there because she's getting paid
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me, finally going back to watch the pilot of TNG after watching a fair few episodes from the second season first: oh hey! there's Riker! this is gonna be his introduction scene I guess! :D
me, as soon as the camera pans around and shows him from the front: uuuHhhHHHHHH SIR??? WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE???! D: D: D:
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quillyfied · 2 years
Hey hi if anyone figures out some way to defeat revenge bedtime procrastination, preferably without me having to do much or change much, let me know. Maybe stuff some more hours in a day. How hard could that be???
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blueshykitsune-blog · 3 months
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It was a very long animation I made and I'm not gonna be able to show all images and I don't know if I got a video but if I do I may post it.
So you got my fox with two tails, clay that I didn't know was air dry until too late, the one without back legs is also that air dry clay and still has no back legs and no tail, then blue blob that might've been play dough or one of the remodeling clays I lost. Then there is the weird thing I made and... I did break that one so I can't retake photos.
I might go take a picture of some other clay I've worked with. I've messed with air dry teo different kinds, remolding, baking, ceramic, that might be all. Yes I keep most my clay stuff even if it breaks. I mean I got one I never fully fixed yet because I dunno where I put it at the moment and I don't think I took a photo before it broke (was one of the air drying clays I messed with). Oh I also glazed clay in two ways too which was cool.
I like 3d art okay? I just don't got the money for them nor the time (sometimes just mental time.)
Like I've sewn stuff and have projects of needle felting started... I lost most parts of one started sadly.
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arolesbianism · 3 months
I am thinking up ideas for one of the ancients I drew and while I'm very much still in the brainstorming phase I am going to need to design a new iterator oc now because doomed toxic yuri is real
#rat rambles#rain posting#anyways my ancient girl is named moment's thoughts unbound and shes just some lady who got caught up in some unfortunate circumstances#her iterator sort of gf is also experiencing the horros and clings to moment super duper hard because of that#the iterator used to send out an overseer to watch moment paint and moment eventually started having mostly one sided conversations with#her because she thought is was cute that an iterator kept regularly coming to hang out#long story short tho moment ended up getting fucked over and having to serve time doing hard labor#this would often place her to doing cleaning around the iterator's facility and the iterator was so exited by this that they did everything#they could to keep moment there for as long as possible#moment was initially glad to be able to meet her lil fan but things quickly got complicated as she got a lot of mixed signals#because the iterator was still scared of being punished for being so friendly towards moment so theyd often place her in dangerous#situations and be strict with her work and would force her to basically grovel for them#but then theyd seemingly at random just turn around and become super friendly and loving and kind towards her#moment tried rly hard to be understanding and did love their positive moments together but as time went on she started to get homesick and#just wanted to go home and have some semblance of freedom again but the iterator just kept finding ways to keep her there#and when she tried to ask them abt it they freaked the fuck out and basically begged her to stay with them because they couldn't stand the#thought of being left alone again and while seeing moment suffer so much hurt them it didnt hurt as much as being left to suffer here alone#so yeah they have a very bad relationship and moment knows this and it is slowly killing her#and eventually she does indeed die and the iterator has a breakdown over it#moment died before the mass ascension tho it was a void fluid pipe rupture incident
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sysig · 1 year
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Greenhouse (Patreon)
Also featuring a couple scary bonuses from NEJ’s nightmare, specifically to do with Sterling (P1 | P2 | P3 | B)
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I wanted to find somewhere I could pan back to him and he’d have a VUX eyehole (really it’s just cut from his face) but the comic was already going long :P Cavernous!
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I also really wanted to do all of the panels with Sterling in colour but I figured that might be a bit too much so I restrained myself - plus I’m still not sure what colour VUX bleed! I’m glad I did it once tho, my blood pen is the most fun <3
#Doodles#SCII#NEJ#Warnings for under the cut:#Blood#Body horror#Captain Sterling#Mostly leftovers/spacefillers that ended up turning out nicely :D#The first one's silly lol - anyone know the plant guarana? The fruits look like a big cluster of eyes and can be quite unnerving at a glance#NEJ loves plants but hates eye contact how will he reconcile this!#Also didn't feel like drawing a big cluster so just one ominously floating behind him lol poor lad pursued by plant-eye#I also considered these weird eye-succulents I saw not too long ago but figured I'd be nice since succulents are his favourite#Notes :D I love visual notes!#He's only got the one pouch but he makes sure to keep it clean - especially when changing out plants!#He doesn't very often unless there's someone new in the nursery that needs his more direct attention - otherwise he keeps his fave on him#It's a pretty green-blue-purple iridescent succulent :) He tried for a while to layer them/keep them in separate pockets#But sharing that much space and movement and the heat of his body wasn't good for the plants so he pared (pruned? Lol) down to one#A hardy little thing! :D Pretty and resilient!#Quick sidetrack into the VUX design I mentioned around making KUP! I decided not to co-opt him lol he's his own VUX still#I don't know who he is but he's not KUP I can tell you that haha ♪ He's very cute! I like him! I just wish I had a proper use for him#I mean other than Be Pretty lol but VUX are admittedly quite good for that so I mean#Speaking of I'm so pleased with how that last one of NEJ turned out ah <3 Handsome lad#I haven't done the bumpity skin texture in too long and ah! It's fun and pretty! I enjoy it! Especially the detail work on his tendrils :D#And then last two haha poor Sterling got so much grimdark about him so soon after returning#Didn't take long to start being mean to him but I mean he's got a big smile about it! Lol#The big middle eye with a mouth is giving me Announcer from IZ and I'm not sure why - it's not like I don't have human-based cyclops :0#And then my blood pen/red pencil finally got some time to shine <3#It's amazing how in all the years since I still absolutely lose my mind over blood dripping down the channels of teeth to a slight offset#Blood pooling is just so satisfying to draw! Blood dripping is fun but blood pooling is on a completely other level I swear#It's edgy and that's what makes it fun ♪♫
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tokyoteddywolf · 5 months
It sucks so much once you realize how entwined someone is in your life, then it just sucks more when you have to scrub away the traces it existed. That it was there, and it was good, until it wasn't anymore.
(Ignore my angry venting it's 3am I'm cranky and want chocolate.)
#vent#i feel like my hands are soaked in blood that soap cant clean#'blood is thicker than water' they say but that just makes it all the harder to scrub away once it goes bad#i loved you so much and i still do but now everything is just bitter and rotting and i hate it so much#and im just ranting to myself about how unfair it is that im doing so much better but i still miss what i had#that it wasnt your fault i didnt get help sooner- i believed so badly that i didnt deserve help.#that if i just waited long enough id rot away and be done with it all.#and i never got to say 'thank you for loving me when i couldnt love myself' at the worst time of my life.#you tried to help me. i can appreciate that#but i can be bitter that you still abandoned me. i have that right. i am going to be better and do better but you dont get to have that.#im still learning how to be a proper human. one that can learn to love herself and not distrust any form of affection.#but im going to do that on my own and when im better i hope you see it. i really hope you do.#you both still abandoned me though so fuck you both for that. im not gonna be nice about it anymore.#i didnt wanna hurt feelings even though mine were CONSTANTLY trampled over. so yeah. fuck you. that feels good to say.#fuck you for never apologizing. fuck you for abandoning me in a city i had no place else to go in. fuck you for giving me false hope.#fuck you for making promises you couldnt keep. fuck you for all the times i felt alone or excluded or just plain unwanted.#fuck you for constantly picking each other over me. fuck you for all the times i had to swallow how i felt because it was 'mean'.#fuck you for making your love conditional. fuck you for never even trying to understand how i felt. fuck you for taking years of my life.#and mostly just- fuck you for making me think i was worth it.#i felt like i had to do all the work in that friendship. starting convos and game days and INTERACTING.#the friends i have now dont do that shit. they COMMUNICATE WITH ME. Fuck you for that too by the way! not communicating!#rant over. fuck you. im gonna sleep now knowing you wont see this cuz ya BLOCKED ME.
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roturo · 10 months
⋆⭒˚。⋆ SHE'S BACK!
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GUESS HE COULDN'T KEEP IT IN, SO HE HAD TO KEEP IT INSIDE! ₊˚⊹♡ dilf!gojo satoru x teacher!reader
tags: smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink, exhibitionism, getting caught, he fucks you while he's on the phone, overstimulation, dumbfication, fluff, gojo has an ex-wife, yuuji is gojo's son, age-gap.
A/N: well, this was surely and adventure and maybe self-indulgent title because guess what?, i'm back baby.
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It was a nice morning, he felt clean. Like his life was finally steadying. Even after some stressful weeks trying to get rid of his now ex-wife, he won the trial and kept Yuuji. Poor little boy, just turning 5 years old and he’s already facing all this type of stress. But thankfully he will not be experiencing enduring his crazy mother behavior. Which basically was a gold digger, and a bitch– Not that he would ever say that outloud, maybe with other words? Bastard? Witch? Not that it really matters right now.
He could finally take a break now, just focusing on raising his little boy, and being an old boring 31 year old dad. Life doesn’t sound that bad.
“Daddy! Daddy!,” His son went running to his arms, almost stumbling by himself- clear happiness shown on his face. Quickly, Gojo opened his arms ready to lift the young kid. “Miss Y/N congratulated me on my homework! She was pretty amazed!”
Your name wasn’t unknown to him, Yuuji was very open when talking about his favorite teacher, even though he hasn’t seen you yet- from what he’s been told you’re the kid’s favorite, including Yuuji’s. “I had to talk about who’s my hero, and I chose you!” If this day wasn’t going great, it was now. Because his son's comment just made his whole week, life even.
“Oh look dad!” The little boy pointed towards your moving frame, each time getting clñoser towards them. “Daddy, this is Miss Y/N!” Yuuji kept presenting the both of you. He was really excited to present his two favorite persons to each other- but all Gojo could think of what’s how young and beautiful you looked. He expected someone older, maybe even an old lady with wrinkles and that loving grandma vibes, but what he saw made his heart beat in a way he never thought he would feel ever more.
“Daddy? Are you paying attention?” The little boy gained Gojo’s attention back, face now looking at him again. “I’m sorry kiddo, kinda just zoned out there. What did you just say?”
“Uhh, what was it? Oh! Did I tell you Miss Y/N told me you were a very handsome man?”
“Yuuji!” His gaze moved towards your blushed face, a hand covering part of your face. “I’m so sorry Mr.Gojo, I didn’t intend to say-”
Gojo cut you off before you could continue apologizing “It’s okay, I also think Ms.Y/N is a very beautiful woman.” 
Uh, well. So this is how kinda you found yourself in this situation right now.
You swear it wasn’t your intention! You really tried, you really did, but how could someone say no to Mr.Gojo? And mostly because he really showed his attraction towards you. Sending Yuuji with a rose for you every day, and the little boy was rooting for his dad, because dear god- he did not shut up about him, and how happy he would be with a new girlfriend and maybe one he could call ‘mommy’ and give him a sister. 
That made you blush. 
Not only because the little boy commented on it, and was agreeing- but because it was his dad’s idea.
“You’re so wet, s-shit.” Loud thrusts filled the room, he was fucking you raw on his sofa– waiting for Yuuji’s mom to bring him back, the little boy was eager to come back and ‘see Ms.Y/N and his daddy finally starting to fall in love’
Kids being kids. But, he was right- the both of you were falling in love with eachother.
Gojo throws back his head, immersed in the warmth radiating off your walls and he lets your moans take him to another world. In a haste decision, he slips your dress over your head before tossing it. He mouths at your tits, plump and stiff between his lips, and he hurdles a deeper round of thrusts inside you. 
When you get a little too loud, his hand comes over to clamp your mouth, wolf like eyes staring back at you, “Shut it. You don’t deserve to speak.”
His thin white tee that stays a barrier between you and him does not hide the rippling body underneath that seemed to be sculpted by gods. He presses into you, grunting, using you like his personal sex doll and you embrace it, thrive from it, come to it. Your hips contract, slewing in perfect circles, before having your legs fall gradually lifeless as you arousal drip down your thighs.
“Ffffucckkk- oh baby, would you like that? Be full of me and my baby? Make me a daddy again?”
“yesyesyesyes, make me yours Mr.Gojo-” 
He pays your climax no mind,a smirk clearly showing on his face while he fucks you on his sofa- You could muffle your screams of pleasure easier here. Turning your head back to face him, you notice now he’s shirtless–taut and shiny from sweat like a large set of Hawaiian rolls–before seeing how quick he is to fit back inside you.
“Good girl.” His husky voice resonates and pushes you back into the sheets. “Good girls get rewards, don’t they?” Your poor fucked up mind couldn’t think clearly now. The way your abused and overstimulated pussy was still taking his rock hard cock gratefully inside you was making every feel giddy. A sudden noise bringing back a little part of your senses, Gojo clearly grunting grabbed his what you suppose phone, and answered. Not bothering to stop his thrusts.
“Yeah?,” His voice sounded almost like a whisper because of how breathy it was. “Gojo? I’m almost at your house- Yuuji wanted some ice-cream and bought some for you and… your new girlfriend?” His chuckle interrupted his ex-wife’s conversation, accompanied with a whimper at the feeling of you clenching on him- overstimulation clearly bringing you back to climax soon again.
A slap was heard from his part of the line, an unbelievable laugh coming from his ex-wife line, clearly noticing what was going on and then she finally heard you moan. You couldn’t keep it in anymore, and you were too fucked out to feel embarrased about it right now.
“Finish before I leave Yuuji- Enjoy yourself.” Gojo was so lost in pleasure that he didn’t even realize she hung up before he even processed what happened.
His grunts and sounds of skins slapping are all you hear as he pounds you back into the sofa. It feels like heaven beneath his weight. You were feeling flushed to the touch, but making contact with his skin was like an inferno. He was the embodiment of heat and as suffocating as that could’ve been, it melts you like it’s how it always should’ve been.
His pace eventually falters, followed by a hushed “fuck,” and he empties out into your used hole. The moment he pulled out, a knock was heard. 
“Shit. Can you walk?”
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velvrei · 1 month
request: can you do nsfw alphabet with logan howlett?
yes i can! accidentally deleted the request but i’ll just do it here :3
logan howlett nsfw alphabet (18+)
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smut alphabet below the cut!! read at your own risk lovelies!!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
logan is secretly a big teddy bear when it comes to you. call me unrealistic i don’t care. he loves you, and will take care of you until his last breath. after sex, he loves to make sure you’re all cleaned up and satisfied with everything before you fall asleep.
he never falls asleep first. him being older, he still believes in certain gentlemanly rules when it comes to you and the main one is him taking care of you after sex. like GOOD care. getting a wash cloth to clean you up, making you food if you’re hungry, getting you water, some new comfy clothes, watching a show after. all of it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
logan is a big thigh guy. he loves every thing about you but if you were to ask him straight up, he’d say your thighs. he loves using them as pillows, smacking them, grabbing them, everything. he especially loves when they’re around his head.
his favorite thing about himself is probably either his abs or his arms. that was what he always liked about himself the most, but when you came along, and he noticied how much you loved his physique, it only motivated him to keep it that way.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
okay so logan is actually FILTHY when it cums to cum (ha). when you cum on his face, he will lick every last drop. no matter where you cum, he will taste it any chance he can.
he loves to cum inside of you (if allowed) otherwise like the fucking filthy dog he is he loves to see his cum all over you, especially on your face. he loves to cum on your thighs too. and your stomach. and ass. and back. basically anywhere.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
god logan had quite a few dirty secrets. he loves using things during sex. like handcuffs, whether you cuff him or he cuffs you, blindfolds. (he loves to be blindfolded but also loves when you are too)
he would never actually admit this but the thought of you taking care of him every once in a while makes him so desperate for you. every once in a while he just wants to be taken care of. he’s mostly dominant but sometimes wants to be taken care of like a sub.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
this man is on the older side so it’s no secret that he has experience. bring up anything he’s never heard before though, he will definitely research it.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
logan is a SUCKER when he gets to see your face during sex. he lives missionary, cowgirl, anything where he can see your pretty face and how good he’s making you feel. he absolutely loves the affect he has on you and wants to see it any chance it can.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
logan is a goofy guy but not when it comes to sex. when you guys make love, he tries to keep it intimate and serious. obviously, if something happens, like he accidentally slides out of you, or something falls, he’ll chuckle when necessary. but he loves the intimate nature and will keep it that way if he is able to.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
yeah everybody saw that shirt rip off scene. he’s obviously not clean shaven, but he definitely keeps himself trimmed. he has hair almost everywhere though, we’ve seen most places, but when it comes to his dick, he has a good amount of hair at the base, and if he were to shave it it would grow back within a few days, so he kind of gave up on fully shaving and just decided to trim it. hair is normal anyway, he just always makes sure it’s clean & trimmed so it’s not long at all.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
god logan is such a sucker for intimacy. he loves fucking you slow, just to make eye contact with you, and watch you fall apart for him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
logan is a bit of a perv when it comes to you. before the two of you first had sex, he would be jerking off every other day to the thought of you because he didn’t want to rush your pace on when you wanted to have sex.
now that you’ve had sex, he only jerks off when he’s not physically around you. like he would be more than willing to walk to you if it’s within a mile if that meant having sex with you. however, if you’re farther, he grabs his polaroid of you he keeps in his wallet and jerks off to it.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
there’s so many it’s probably just better for me to list them.
- if you’re into it, he wouldn’t mind being called daddy but it’s not something that NEEDS to happen for him to get off
- he honestly had a bit of a choking kink, mostly him choking you, but if one night you were in control and you choked him? he’s cumming instantly
- he secretly loves handcuffs and when you use them on him. he loves using them on you as well, but he prefers for you to use them on him.!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
literally anywhere. wherever you guys are. it does not matter. his favorite is the bed however he loves the idea of getting caught and the thrill makes him hard.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
literally anything you do gets him going. because it’s you. you’re his woman.
he loves when you take care of him even if it’s the smallest thing such as cooking or cleaning. he fucking loves it. he often gets off to the thought of you being the mom to his kids one day.!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t see logan doing anything with another person. whether it’s a 3sum or polyamory. what’s his is his. you’re his and he doesn’t want to share that, let alone let someone else fuck you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
logan loves both. he loves the sight of you on your knees for him, so he can cum on your face or in your mouth. he has no preference.
logan is a god a pussy eating lemme tell you. hands wrapped around your thighs, loving how you’re squirming, he’ll occasionally throw in “where you going, baby?” when you try to squirm.
eating you out gets him off and he loves it. he’s such a messy eater too. he’ll use his nose, tongue, lips, anything he has to to get you off from his touch.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
logan is usually fast and rough; perhaps this is how he displays his sincere love for you. when he fucks you really hard, prepare to be unable to walk the next day. when he is slow and sensuous, it is usually to torment and punish you slowly, while the heat between your thighs spreads more and faster. "slower? what did you say? speak up bub?”
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
logan doesn’t mind quickies but he prefers slow and sexual sex with you rather than rushing it. however, his mindset is you gotta do what you gotta do.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
god the idea of getting caught turns logan on SO MUCH. he has literally jerked off to the thought before. he imagines, some guy he’s jealous of walking in on the two of you fucking. then imagines you moaning extra loud so that way the guy KNOWS you’re his. logan is an animal.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
hey so this man is actually over 200 years old basically so he can last as long as he really wants to!
he will never push your limits though (unless it’s a consensual punishment) but if you’re done, you’re done. except for the occasional overstimulation which you both love but, if you’re really tapped out for the night he can tell and he will listen and do whatever you need.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
logan doesn’t own any toys aside from handcuffs and blindfolded if they even count. he wouldn’t be opposed to using a toy on you though if you had one. using the vibrator on you and talking you through it is definitely something he could get behind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s SUCH A TEASE. logan absolutely loves teasing you, just so when he pulls down your underwear to see how wet you got just from his teasing. he’ll purposely tease you to the max, rub you through your underwear, all of that. he absolutely loves teasing you and something it has you in tears. when he sees that he will either keep going with your consent or stop and finally give you what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
logan is very vocal in the talking aspect. he loves telling you filthy words during sex, when it comes to moans and grunts, he’s decently loud too. maybe the occasional whimper if he’s close to his climax. when you’re in charge though, on the very rare occasion, he’s a whiny mess.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
as i mentioned before, logan loves the idea of you being in charge every once in a while. not only does it give him a break but you take care of him and he always struggles not to fall fast asleep right after.
you taking care of him is something that has always turned him on, another various thing he’s: jerked off to.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
logan is the type of guy, if asked about his dick size, he’d be the one who would just brush off the question and secretly have a huge dick under those pants. it’s not something he boasts about, but he loves seeing how crazy it makes you especially the first time you see it.
he’s probably a good 7 inches soft, little over 8 inches when he’s hard. when he’s hard he has veins prominent in his dick, and there’s a little bit of hair followed by his happy trail.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
his sex drive is extremely high. however, he will match yours regardless. whenever you’re horny, he’s probably horny too. if not it doesn’t take much for him to get there.
his drive mostly depends on you, because you’re the thing he cares about most.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
as i said at the beginning, he doesn’t fall asleep until you’re asleep and comfortable. he makes sure everything is good with you before he can comfortably doze off.
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gyuzgrl · 5 months
sixth sense //jww//
anon req- yandere/stalker Wonwoo
summary- when watching you wasn't enough, he'd sneak into your house to get himself off. what happens when Wonwoo realizes he might be able to get something more tonight?
wc- 6k
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Wonwoo swore this would be the last time. As his feet carried him further and further, across the street into private property, he promised himself that this was it.
No more.
You see, no matter how hard he tried, Wonwoo just couldn't stop watching you. Where you walked around on campus, the way you spoke to just about everyone so sweetly, how you secretly drifted off in class- he saw it all.
He'd spend hours and hours staring at your face, observing the way your features would morph into all sorts of expressions- so much so he now knows them by heart.
What started as something innocent, however, turned much darker when he realised that you lived in the house opposite his.
Night upon night, Wonwoo would sit by his window, watching, observing as you went about your life, completely unaware.
Your curtains were open- always were.
He knew when you studied, when you slept, when you touched yourself. You were so naive, so innocent, he really just couldn't help himself.
You made it so easy.
And now he's here, inside your house- with an hour to spend and a filthy, filthy imagination.
He's been here a couple of times before. Once when you'd left to go study at the library, another time when Somi and you went out for brunch, last week when your mother and you went shopping.
This time was different, though.
This time, you'd left him a little present on your bed.
As he walks into your room with practiced ease, Wonwoo's breath catches at the sight of pretty pink lingerie and a matching vibrator, laying exposed on your duvet.
'oh you have plans tonight, don't you?'
His thoughts show so clearly on his face- that signature Wonwoo smirk, corners of his lips just barely tilting up, head tipping to one side as his eyes linger over the pink lacey fabric.
Tentatively, he takes hold of the toy, clasping it in his palm, feeling the smooth, shiny plastic against his skin. Wonwoo's thoughts drift to how you'd use it in a few hours, completely unaware that he's been touching it- in turn, indirectly touching you.
'didn't know you liked this kinda stuff,'
'dirty girl'
Your room's mostly clean, usually is, save for the tangle of wires under your desk and a few odd clothes tossed at the foot of your closet. The laundry bin's full; a lid keeps it under control, but fails to hide the silky red fabric of your panties- the ones he saw you take off earlier this morning.
His eyes light up. The vibrator is long forgotten.
Time is of the essence here- there's not a lot of it left- so he grabs the red fabric in a haste and holds it to his face, inhaling deeply to take in your scent.
"fuck-" he groans softly, knees weakening at how goddamn good you smell. There's a hint of that fabric softener you use, clean and floral, but there's also the intoxicating scent of you.
The most intimate part of you.
Wonwoo settles on your duvet, nose still buried into your panties, and his eyes flutter closed as an evil hand snakes it's way into his sweatpants.
His cock jumps at the contact, and he hisses, taking his lower lip in between his teeth. Thoughts of you flood his mind, and he replays the image of you from two nights ago, with your naked body on full display as you lay in this exact spot, touching that pretty cunt of yours.
Slowly, Wonwoo begins to pump himself, squeezing hard around his girth, trying to satiate that red hot pit of desire screaming within.
He takes in a shaky breath, letting you flood his senses, and he feels himself grow in his fist, now moving faster.
Wonwoo thinks of you- of your voice, of your face, of your body. How you'd sound, whimpering, sobbing under him, how your features would settle so perfectly into utter bliss, how your skin; soft to the touch, would jump under his fingertips.
Within minutes, he feels his cock throb. It's hot and heavy in his hand, the tip burns a fiery shade of red as he works himself up to his release pumping faster as he takes you in desperately.
"f-fuck y/n" he chokes out, head falling back into your pillows.
His fist tightens around the width of his dick, trying to mimic what he thinks you'll feel like, and in seconds he tips over the edge. Hot, white ropes stream out of his cock, dribbling out of the tip, and he hunches over quickly to your nightstand to pluck out a tissue or two.
As he cleans himself off, the guilt hits, like it always does.
This is wrong, he knows it is, but he really just can't bring himself to stop. It's as though you've cast a spell on him and now he's become your very own moon- chasing after you, endlessly.
Wonwoo tidies up the bed, fixing your sheets, fluffing up your duvet, and he deposits- albeit reluctantly- your panties back to their assigned spot in the laundry bin.
15 minutes till you come back home.
He heads to your kitchen and discards his soiled tissues into the garbage shoot, destroying all the evidence that he was ever here.
There's still a bit of time left for him, so he looks through your pantry, face falling when he sees the endless sea of instant-meal cartons and ramen packets.
'you really should take better care of yourself,'
Just as he's about to close the cabinet, something catches him eye.
A hand blender- rather, the hand blender you borrowed from him last week. In a sudden burst of genius, Wonwoo comes up with a plan.
It's hasty, definitely reckless, but he has a shot at getting to touch you.
step 1- hide the blender inside the highest shelf of your pantry.
step 2- head back home, shower, put on the cologne you seem you like, change into loose grey sweats and a fitted white wife beater.
step 3- wait till you get home and watch as you settle into bed, ready to play.
step 4- once you begin to work yourself up, almost on the verge of release, that's when he'll strike, ringing your doorbell to ask for his blender.
Wonwoo's heart thuds against his chest as he presses your doorbell. The sound echoes around in his head and he swears he can feel his heart in his throat. Scuffling footsteps draw his attention back to you, and he smirks, imaging what you look like right now; scrambling around to cover yourself up, frustrated that you've been interrupted.
The distinct slap of your house slippers against wooden floors grows louder and louder, in time with Wonwoo's speeding heart, and he feels his mouth go dry.
This is happening.
Creaking your door open, you pop your head out, eyes widening when you see Wonwoo at your doorstep.
"this a bad time?" he asks, tilting his head to the side as his eyes rake over your body, observing the loosely tied robe you've covered up with.
"uh n-no, what's up Won?"
Fuck there was that petname you used all the time. He hated petnames, hated when people called him stuff like that, but with you? God, there was something so cute about it when you said his name like that. Makes him want to push you down and fuck you senseless right here on your doorstep.
"you remember that blender you borrowed? I kinda need it right now," his voice is deep as he speaks, and you notice his apperance.
Tight white vest, baggy grey sweatpants, wet hair- fuck he's your very own wet dream, delivered right to your doorstep. A deep blush spreads across your cheeks and you wonder if he knows what you've been up to.
"y-yeah, come in I've got it around here somewhere," you stutter, stepping back to let him in. Wonwoo steps forward, his long legs closing the distance between your bodies, and you gasp, eyes flicking over to his as he towers over you, barely an inch between your frame and his.
Once again, he let's his eyes skim over you, taking note of the way your cheeks heat up under his stare.
'oh? you like this, don't you?'
There's that smirk again, the knowing twitch of his lips, the condescending look in his eye. He's assured, you're far too desperate to turn him down when he makes his move.
Despite the rambling thoughts inside him, Wonwoo appears composed. He quirks a brow at you, looking almost unimpressed, and you scramble around for words..
"you w- you walk really um, really fast,"
"you don't," he states, bemused, "I really do need that blender, though."
Embarrassed, your skin burns crimson and your lips part, forming an 'o' shape.
"o-oh uh yeah that. it should be in here," you mutter, sauntering your way over to the kitchen with him trailing right behind.
Wonwoo has to physically restrain himself from reaching out to run his palm over the curve of your ass, swaying enticingly as you walk.
'fuck you made this so hard-'
You slip behind the kitchen island, throwing a quick glance his way over your shoulder, before opening up the first cabinet- the one that originally did have Wonwoo's blender.
Clumsy hands, pat around the surface of the shelf in vain, and you turn around, pouting. Wonwoo thinks this is his breaking point (it isn't, but still).
"not here, sorry this might take a while Won"
His heart swells at the petname, and inside he's got fireworks going off. On the outside, however, he remains unmoved.
"yeah take your time, baby, I've got all evening"
You flush.
He called you baby.
Turning to face him, you offer a watery, nervous smile.
"m'sorry Wonnie"
'oh fuck me-'
You turn back around pulling open another cabinet, and then another and another. Moving from the ones at eye level, you kneel down, digging through the shelves under your counter top. The angle makes Wonwoo dizzy.
'you're doing this on purpose, I swear'
On your knees, eyes a little teary from embarrassment, you look up at him, shaking your head. This is the sixth shelf.
"you're good, here- I'll help you look"
Wonwoo's voice soothes through you, it's low timbre running along your nerves like guitar strings. He steps beside you, eyes scanning over the counter top as you stand up and open your highest cabinet.
You stand on your tip toes, arm fully outstretched, and you begin to search around; this time in the right cabinet. As your fingertips glaze over something that feels like a blender, your eyes light up, and Wonwoo, standing behind you, takes notice.
"think it's here"
The only issue now, is that you can't reach it. It's too high up for you to grasp properly. You stretch as far as you can, straining your body as you try to reach the little plastic device, and before you know what's happening, you feel a presence directly behind you.
His chest pushes flush against your back as his arm extends out far beyond yours, and you let out a surprised squeak.
He grins.
The hard muscle of his torso has your mouth watering, only adding to your desperation. Sure, having your orgasm so rudely ripped away is one thing, but to have Jeon Wonwoo of all people, dressed the way he is, pushing up against you, all while you're defenseless and unable to satisfy yourself? Oh this is just pure torture.
"found it" he whispers right above your ear, his breath tickling the shell of it. You shudder.
Wonwoo brings his arm back down, setting the item down on the counter. You turn around, caged between his arms, and your knees go weak at the sight in front of you.
The thick muscles of his arms are on full display, veins jutting out deliciously right beside you. Wonwoo's eyes stay trained on your own, a dark desire, a hunger, running wild in them.
Suddenly, you realise, your little bullet vibrator won't be enough for you tonight.
You gulp noticing the proximity of your bodies, of your faces, and Wonwoo smirks.
"you're all red,"
"s-shut up"
"but you are, I mean look at these" he grins, bringing his fingers up to press your cheeks together. "so fuckin' cute when you blush,"
You're stunned into silence.
"and this-" he motions to your robe, now loose, falling apart at your cleavage, revealing the delicate pink lace of your bra, "who's this for?"
Your eyes almost double in size when you glance down, and you scramble to adjust yourself.
"it's nothing! I was just- I was just um,"
"just what?"
Your brows scrunch up as you bite your lip, suddenly conscious of your surroundings, and you avoid his gaze, opting to look down at the fabric of his vest.
"were you playing with yourself?"
You shake your head furiously, tears welling in your eyes. God, this is embarrassing but for some reason, you find yourself growing hotter, wetter by the second, with your body pressed up against his.
"dirty girl,"
Wonwoo's voice is sultry and low, he's practically purring at you, eyes glazed over with desire. The way he calls you has your cunt clenching down around empty space, and you know you need this. You need him.
"if I was t-touching myself, would you be upset?"
'hook, line, and sinker.'
"oh princess, you were just trynna feel good, of course I won't be upset" he coos, stroking your hair.
"a-and if I say that I was thinking of y-"
"if I say that I was thinking of you, while I was... y'know, would you be mad?"
Oh he wasn't expecting that.
Not one bit.
The stoic, unmoving persona dissipates within seconds and Wonwoo let's out a shaky breath, bringing his face closer to yours, leaving barely an inch of space.
"not at all,"
There's a short pause as you both share understanding glances- a wordless confession.
"this is my mess to fix, isn't it?" he whispers, breath fanning over your face, burning hot against your cheeks.
You nod, desperately, and he leans his forehead against yours.
"and you want me to fix it, baby?"
"please," you whimper, pressing your thighs together helplessly.
Wasting not a second more, rather, unable to wait a second more, Wonwoo pushes his lips to yours, enveloping them in a hungry, needy kiss.
Hot, wet skin greets your mouth, cradling your lower lip as he sucks feverishly at the tender flesh. Wonwoo slides a hand up to your chin, tilting your face up between his thumb and forefinger, and you gasp when he prods his tongue into your mouth.
A pathetic whimper escapes you, and you give in to his body.
"you want this?" he pants, his breath hot, meshing with your own.
"I do- fuck I really do Wonnie"
Your voice is whiny, your eyes gloss over, Wonwoo curses under his breath.
Without warning, he slides his hands under your thighs, and hoists your body up, moving you to sit on the counter. You gasp at how easily he manages to lift you- like you're a fragile little doll, completely at his mercy.
As your thighs spill out from under the robe, they make contact with the cool, hard marble below, and you jump at the sudden sensation.
The fabric of your robe rides up, giving Wonwoo access to the hem of your panties, and his eyes flick down, darkening considerably when he looks at your pink lingerie.
"oh? what's this you're wearing?" There's a smirk in his voice, plain as day. His hands smooth over the front of your thighs, stopping right at the edge of the robe.
"may I?"
His eyes draw back up to yours, and he looks at you, the question genuine in his gaze.
"yes," you breathe, swallowing at the thick lump in your throat.
Eager hands slide up, disappearing momentarily under your robe to feel you first, before pulling the loose fabric apart completely.
Wonwoo slips the silky fabric over your shoulders, letting it pool around your thighs on the counter, and it's as though life presses pause for a while.
He stares at you in awe, in wonder, eyes tracing over every curve, every contour of your body and the lace against it.
"you're so beautiful-" he shudders, unable to stop himself from looking.
"I am?"
Wonwoo rolls his eyes.
"what, you didn't know?"
"uh uh," you shake your head, staring up at him through thick lashes, "nobody's called me that before"
There's a pause. You can practically hear the gears twisting and turning in Wonwoo's head, with his brow set in a frown.
'you really didn't know'
'how do I show yo-'
His lips twitch up, revelation written all over his face.
"as much as I'd love to fuck you into this counter, there's something better in store upstairs,"
"u-upstairs? but how do-"
"shh, princess, don't bother your pretty head about silly things, hm?" he cooes, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
In a swift motion, you feel the surface beneath you shift away as Wonwoo lifts you into his arms, hands hooked under the flesh of your ass.
You yelp, eyes wide with panic, but the adoring grin painted on his face calms you down. He walks up the stairs, turning to the right, unlocking your door.
"but how do you kno-"
"patience, pretty- we'll talk when I'm done with you" his voice takes on a darker tone, and you feel your arousal seep through the flimsy lace of your panties. Feeling the tip of his fingers dampen, Wonwoo smirks knowingly.
"someone's eager"
You blush, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, but Wonwoo's quick to pull you back.
"don't you dare hide from me."
The familiar, plush mattress of your bed greets your thighs as he sets you down gently, eyes practically glued to your face, scanning for discomfort.
"if you wanna stop you're gonna tell me, kay? if you can't use your words, tap twice" he says, bringing your hand to his bicep.
"uhuh" Your eyes are hazy, staring into his, as you marvel at how breathtaking he looks crouched down towards you, watching, observing.
Your hand smoothes over his muscles, dipping into the ridges, feeling how firm and strong he really is. Wonwoo shivers under your touch, revelling in how soft your fingers feel tracing over his skin.
"keep touching me and this is gonna go a lot different than how I planned,"
"oh yeah? what did you have planned?"
"you see that mirror there?" he tips his head to the side, angling it toward the mirror standing opposite your bed,
"I'm gonna make you watch."
Wonwoo crawls his way up the mattress, shifting himself to sit up against the head board. His legs are folded at the knees, spread just enough to fit you in between, and he smirks.
An arm moves to rest on his knee, and he crooks two fingers at you, a dangerous smirk playing at his lips.
Wordlessly, you obey, moving shyly into his embrace, facing him so innocently, Wonwoo can barely bring himself to tell you that you need to turn around.
You shuffle onto your shins, awaiting his next command, and he sighs.
"so fuckin' eager- god I bet you're soaking"
Bashfully, you nod your head, eyes lowered.
"turn around for me, hm?" he ushers, his voice gentle yet firm, and you comply once again, turning in between his knees.
The sight before you has your face flaming. Right there on the wall sits a painting of you and Wonwoo, exposing your most intimate moments, bringing them to view. Your eyes meet in the mirror, and his own shine knowingly at the blush searing across your cheeks.
"keep your eyes on us, sweetheart" he mumbles into your ear, breath ghosting over the sensitive flesh, leaving a trail of goosebumps spreading over your neck and shoulder. "don't you dare look away"
A soft whimper escapes you as Wonwoo's lips attach themselves to the skin just below your ear, kissing so gently it raises the tiny hairs on your neck. Your eyes narrow in on the spot connecting your bodies- his lips, your neck- and you feel yourself grow hotter, needier, just from the sight alone.
Leaving wet, dull red marks as he moves to the side, Wonwoo reaches a sensitive spot just above your collar bone, grinning against your skin when you gasp.
"see how pretty you look right now? all marked up for me- all mine,"
"a-all yours," you breathe, head lopping to the side, giving him better access to your neck.
His hands grasp your shoulders, smoothing down your arms slowly before settling at your stomach, essentially caging you into himself.
The sharp sting of his teeth nipping at your skin, the way he holds you so secure, how his voice- sensual and deep like the ocean- resonates deep inside you; it's simultaneously soothing and exciting.
While one part of you wants to melt into him, let yourself drown in the ebb and flow of his voice, the other part is on fire, raging within you, begging to be quenched.
"can I take this off?" he murmurs into your skin, hands grazing over the hem of your bra.
Tantalisingly slow, Wonwoo rakes his nails lightly along the width of your bra, until they find your clasp.
Deftly, he clicks you free, ridding your body of the fitted fabric.
"oh would you just- just look at yourself, christ-"
Feverish hands slide under your arms, cupping your breasts, toying with your nipples, as your eyes remain trained on yourself and on the way he handles you.
Wonwoo kneads the flesh of your breasts, squeezing the supple flesh in his grasp, feeling how you fill up his palm so perfectly.
"Wonnie-" you whimper, watching how he manhandles your body, doing as he pleases with you.
"that's right, baby, Wonnie's right here"
His lips resume their work on your neck, pressing sloppy, heated kisses along your skin, occassionally nibbling at a particularly sensitive spot.
The hardened peaks of your breasts poke out enticingly, and Wonwoo knows it'll be criminal to leave them untouched. He pinches each one between his forefinger and thumb, rolling, tugging, squeezing the dark nubs, giving you a different kind of pleasure.
"oh my god-" you gasp, back arching when he tweaks one of your nipples with more pressure than before.
The motion sends a jolt of light all over your body, and you feel yourself yearning for more.
"didn't know you were such a dirty girl," he mumbles into your skin, "letting me touch you like this- must've needed a cock inside you really fucking bad, yeah?"
"uh uh- wanted you for so long Wonnie, just you"
Your voice is embarrassingly whiny and breathy, but Wonwoo hears you loud and clear. He looks at your reflection, meeting your eyes.
"just me, huh?"
You nod, biting your lip, suddenly embarrassed of your sudden confession-
"I- I like you,"
Wonwoo let's out a quivering breath, hands leaving your chest to pull you into a hug. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent as he leaves you with a muffled- "I like you too, god I really like you"
He sighs into your skin, relaxing as he doesn't have to hold his cards so close to his chest anymore. His feelings, your feelings, were out in the open. You feel for him the way he feels for you and that's enough.
The moment you share is almost sweet enough to let you forget the ache deep in your cunt.
You need him.
"yeah baby?"
"need you to touch me" Your voice is a mere whimper, you sound pathetic, but you can't bring yourself to care.
The corners of his lips turn up into a sly smirk, and you feel it against your skin. Wonwoo lifts his head, eyes finding yours, and you note a dangerous fire dancing behind his gaze.
His ankles hook over your own, trapping your legs under his as he spreads you open, completely at his mercy. You gasp, feeling your limbs move without your command, and Wonwoo mimics you, mocking your naive surprise.
"oh look at how pretty-" he mirrors your gasp, your wide-eyed expression, "all spread out for me, hm?"
For some reason, you can't bring yourself to bite back. Insults and snarky remarks flood your mind, and you chastise him internally, calling him an asshole, a cocky, arrogant idiot; but the sight in front of you brings you back to reality.
You like this- you like being mocked and ridiculed. You like being at his mercy, unable to control your body. The flush on your cheeks, the rapid rise and fall of your chest, tells you all you need to know.
Curse him in your head all you want, your body likes this.
Wonwoo let's his hand trail down, snaking past your collarbones, your tummy, just above the hem of your panties. You watch, transfixed, as his touch raises the tiny hairs on your body, creating a path of goosebumps.
A thick lump forms in your throat when he reaches where you need him most, and Wonwoo notices how your eyes are narrowed in on his hand.
"good girl, keep looking at yourself baby-" he breathes into your hair, sending a shudder down your spine.
Your heart swells at his praise, and you look at him, wide-eyed.
"hey," he warns, sliding a finger along your clothed slit before pressing down on your clit, "here. keep your eyes right here- you're gonna watch me fuck you,"
Your hips jerk up, jolting at the sudden stimulation, but his legs force you back down, pushing your body further against him.
Words escape you, your mouth feels dry, and your eyes snap back to the image of your clothed sex. The way his finger toys with your clit, teasing just enough, has you growing so desperate, you're willing to do just about anything to get him to touch you.
"Wonnie p-please," you shudder as his finger presses into you again, "please just- oh," Your voice breaks off into a broken moan when Wonwoo begins to rub firm circles into your clit.
The textured fabric of your lingerie adds an additional layer of stimulation to your nerves, sending sparks flying all over your skin like scattered fireworks.
"please?" he echoes, his tone mocking your own.
His fingers move faster, pushing down on your most sensitive spot, and you can't help but stare shamelessly at how effortlessly he plays with you.
Wonwoo reads the silent language of your body like no other, watching each crease in your forehead, each stutter of your hips to see what you need. Those long, slender fingers flick at you so easily, so deftly, it's as though he knows you better than you know yourself.
Soon enough, your clit throbs under his touch, and he knows you're close.
"oh sweetheart-" he coos, "I haven't even touched you yet-"
Your cunt clenches down at his condescending tone, anticipation building to a shocking crescendo. Just how far is he going to push you?
"m'gonna- fuck m'gonna cum-" you moan, head tipping back. Your legs twitch under his, and your thighs work tirelessly to press together, but in vain.
You're trapped.
"aw baby look," Wonwoo brings his free hand up to clasp your neck, forcibly turning your head straight. "so pretty like this- fuck you're shaking,"
Your eyes flick over your reflection, hazy as ever, and you feel your orgasm coming on. There's something so sexy about watching yourself come undone, watching Wonwoo spread you apart and use you like a little toy.
A wave of pleasure, approaching fast, washes over you as he works you up to your orgasm. The rough texture of your panties has you drooling, and soon enough, you're nerves ache from overstimulation.
"that's it, princess- so good for me,"
Wonwoo pushes the crotch of your panties aside, without warning, and dips two fingers into your cunt, pushing deep inside to collect your essence. Your body jolts in his embrace, thighs tensing with effort to squirm away from him, but again, there's no escaping.
"oh you taste like heaven," he groans, slipping his fingers into his mouth, licking up every drop he collected.
You find yourself entranced by the sight, watching him clean off his fingers, slipping his tongue so deftly between each digit, you can't help but wonder what it would feel like inside you.
Noticing the fascination with which you observe him, Wonwoo shoots you a sly smirk, letting your legs slip free.
'I know what you're thinking,'
"turn around,"
Your body moves on its own, following his voice, and you shift in his arms with your back to the mirror.
"now c'mere," he licks his lips, moving his hands to your waist, pulling you onto his thigh.
Within seconds, his lips are on yours, pressing needy, hungry kisses to your mouth. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it makes you dizzy, in dire need of more.
Air escapes you quicker than water in a broken dam, and you find yourself growing light-headed, pulling away for breath despite Wonwoo's grumbling.
When you draw back for the third time, he's beyond frustrated, groaning as his lips chase yours.
"get back here." he seethes, hands gripping the flesh of your waist, "right. fucking. now"
Your body, unfortunately, is slow to respond.
Wonwoo curses under his breath before flipping you over, arms straining as he lays you down as gently as he can.
You yelp, clutching onto his biceps like your very own safety belt, and your eyes widen at how easily he moves you.
"what are y-"
"can't have you running away," he smirks, tongue running along his lower lip.
Balancing his weight on one arm while bringing your hand to touch the other, Wonwoo repeats himself-
"if you want to stop, tell me. if that isn't possible-"
"tap twice, got it" you interrupt hastily, impatient as ever. He smiles fondly at you, a soft huff of laughter spilling past his lips.
"that's my girl,"
Your nails run over a thick vein jutting out from under his skin, and he swallows thickly, Adam's apple dipping low into his throat.
"you're really fucking distracting, y'know that?" he tuts, grabbing your hand and pinning it up above your head.
Before you can respond, Wonwoo captures your lips in a sloppy kiss, shoving his tongue past your lips, and exploring the expanse of your mouth fervently as if he's trying to memorize the way you feel, the way you taste.
The hand on your wrist loosens its grip and Wonwoo runs his fingers down the inside of your arm- ghosting a feathery touch over the sensitive skin.
"Won-" you whimper into his mouth, desperate for air, but he doubles down, pushing his lips closer to yours. Your helpless, muffled whines fill his ears and he can't help but grin against your lips.
'you make the prettiest sounds,'
Finally showing mercy, Wonwoo lets you breathe, moving from your lips to your chest, kissing his way down to your soaked panties.
"made a mess of these-" You can practically hear the smirk in his voice and you want nothing more than to smack it off, but you know he's right.
"you'll clean me up though, won't you?"
Wonwoo sucks in a deep, composing inhale. His eyes meet yours, and your breath hitches. There's a deep, dark desire, an untameable lust behind the browns of his eyes, one that sends a shiver down your spine.
His fingers hook into your panties, tugging them off firmly, and his jaw clenches at the sight of your bare cunt.
As if under a spell, Wonwoo finds himself drawn to you, placing his lips to your sex. He sticks a kiss to your slit before running his tongue along your folds and you know you're done for when your legs begin to twitch.
"oh please-" you whimper, hips bucking up into his tongue, and his lips twitch up. He brings his tongue to your hole, prodding it inside you, flicking in and out as his hand splays over your lower belly, thumbing your puffy clit.
Your jaw falls slack, hanging open, and your head lolls over to the side in pure ecstasy.
Wonwoo moves inside you with ease, pressing into every spot you need, rubbing lazy circles into your sensitive nerves. A choked moan claws its way up your throat, flooding the room, and Wonwoo knows he's doing something right.
All those nights studying you, the way you touched yourself, the things you seemed to like- they paid off in the end.
Your breathing grows unsteady and rapid, and he moves faster, pushes deeper into you, coaxing your orgasm out of you.
"f-fu- Wonnie m'gon-" you stutter, breathlessly, and he hums an affirmation, his voice sending waves reverberating through your nerves. The added stimulation of his voice, buzzing through you, is just enough to send you over the edge, and you cum on his tongue, back arching off the bed.
Unable to control the sounds escaping you, you're a whimpering, moaning jumble of nerves.
"that's it, baby-" he soothes, easing his tongue over your cunt, lapping up the remnants of arousal as you shudder uncontrollably. "taste so fuckin' good,"
Wonwoo kisses up your torso, settling on his knees to take his clothes off.
The white tank goes first, revealing his chiseled upper body, and your jaw drops. He looks unreal. The sweatpants are next, leaving him in a pair of fitted black boxers that cling to the width of his thighs and do little to hide his size.
"you're still okay with this?" he asks one last time, fingers halting at his boxers.
Stunned by the view, you nod dumbly, lips still parted in surprise.
"baby- I need wor-"
"yes! yes- yes I'm o-okay with this" you blurt out, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"do you hav-"
"I'm on the pill" The boxers are shucked off.
Oh my God.
The mattress dips under his weight, dimples forming under his knees and elbows as he hovers over you. Wonwoo places a chaste kiss to your forehead, aligning himself with your entrance before easing into you.
"you-you're so big-" you breathe, feeling the wind knocked out of your lungs. "Wonnie- oh my god"
Your eyes widen, brows knitting together as he pushes further and further, until he bottoms out inside you.
"shi-shit that's it- takin' me so good-" he hisses, clenching his teeth.
The girth of his cock has your walls stretching wide, trying desperately to accommodate him, and your eyes roll back. Wonwoo finds himself in a bit of a dilemma, unable to figure out whether to keep his eyes on your face, contorting in undeniable pleasure, or on your cunt being stuffed full by his cock.
With each thrust of his hips, you feel him move further, reaching deeper inside you until his tip nudges your cervix, coaxing out strangled moans on your part. The thick, pulsating vein running along the underside of his cock drags against your walls, and you feel him grow inside you- getting even bigger than before.
"W-onnie-" you mewl, words cut off by sharp gasps every time he slams back into you. "too big oh my g-"
"shh, you're takin' me so good doll, doin' so fucking good for me-" His voice is tainted with effort, each consonant ringing sharp and breathy as his lips ghost over yours.
Every fiber in your body buzzes with electricity, sweat glistens off of you like gold- you're on top of the world right now. The pleasure you feel in this moment is simply unparalleled. Nobody has, or ever will, come close.
Wonwoo's motions pick up speed, as he hooks his arm under your thigh, pulling it over his back- angling himself deeper into you, reaching spots you don't even know exist.
The first thrust with this newfound angle has both of your lips parting, breathing out shaky "oh"s against each other. Tears well in your eyes and you shake your head, breathing ragged and fast.
Wonwoo lets out a huff, smirking like he isn't gasping for breath the same way your are-
"that's it- I know you're close baby"
His hand leaves your thigh, rubbing zig-zag patterns into your clit, just enough to steal that orgasm out of you. The calloused pads of his fingers show no mercy, pressing directly on your nerves, and your hole spasms around him. You're certain you can feel your heartbeat where his finger presses, you can feel his too with the way his cock throbs inside you.
"so goddamn tight-" Wonwoo seethes, now feeling his own high approaching. He continues his motions on your clit, rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves from left to right, until you finally give in with a sob.
"m'cumming oh fuc- oh fuck"
The muscles of your thighs tense momentarily, cunt clenching down hard around his cock, before you let go completely. A warm, prickly relaxation washes over you, and Wonwoo grunts, releasing himself inside you.
His thrusts slow to a halt, and he lets out an airy laugh, in disbelief. He stares down at your disheveled frame- flushed, sweaty skin, blown pupils, hair tangled up around your head.
"you're beautiful," he breathes, unable to hold his tongue, and you giggle, turning away bashfully.
Wonwoo tilts your chin back, pulling you to face him-
"I really like you, y/n,"
You smile, eyes shimmering up at him. "I like you more"
There's a brief pause as you gaze into each other's eyes, before you realise something.
"wait- how'd you know wh-"
"sixth sense" he grins, eyes carrying just a touch of madness. "I know everything."
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