#trigger warnings for ts
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Waiting for you.
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sprnklersplashes · 4 months
fucking mad that I'm seeing next to normal with my brother. I'm gonna be full scale sobbing to superboy and the invisible girl and he'll be beside me the entire time.
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violet-phoenix-nebula · 5 months
Just now realizing that Cassandra really hits different if you've ever tried to report abuse/assault/etc to the police and not been believed.
So they killed Cassandra first
'Cause she feared the worst
And tried to tell the town
So they filled my cell with snakes, I regret to say
Do you believe me now?
I was in my tower weaving nightmares
Twisting all my smiles into snarls
So they set my life in flames, I regret to say
Do you believe me now?
They knew, they knew, they knew the whole time
That I was onto somethin'
Blood's thick, but nothin' like a payroll
So.... that's where my head is at tonight.
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bunnybeansowo · 1 year
Dear Tadashi, Chapter One
Page one
March 8th
Dear Tadashi
Hey, it’s been a while, huh? Baymax said I have to vent in this journal like I’m talking to you. I feel stupid, this is dumb. I mean, who writes on paper these days, right? I bet I look really pathetic right now. I guess I should start somewhere, huh? Well, today I tried to talk to the others about Karmi and her “fanfiction”. They said I should be grateful that she likes me, and that she put a lot of work into it so I shouldn’t ruin this for her. I feel like they don’t appreciate me, that they only want me as a prop for their own stories. It’s getting late. I’m tired. Goodnight.
March 9th
Sorry for the abrupt goodbye, I couldn’t keep thinking about it. I say as if there’s actually anybody to apologize to. I regret joining SFIT. It’s brought nothing but pain to me. First you died, then Karmi, and now everyone. Even Baymax is saying I should put up with it! Okay, maybe he didn’t say that specifically, but somewhat. I dunno, I’m tired. I should get up or I’m gonna be late for school. Bye, I guess.
Hey. I’m on lunch break, so I can talk for a bit. I guess I never really told you who Karmi is, did I? It all started a few months ago. Professor Granville -she’s the new dean of the school- called me over the weekend, said she wanted me to meet someone. That’s when I met Karmi. At first, she was really nice, albeit somewhat crazy. You know, like Honey-Lemon. But when Granville left, she told me, quote, “You think you are a rare, white blood cell. But you are nothing but a common red blood cell.” I guess that’s her own, biochem way of telling me “Fuck you”? I dunno. Like I said, crazy. I gotta go, the bell rang. Bye.
March 10th
You know, I somehow always find the worst time to write stuff to you. Convenient, huh? If you were here. I’d never hear the end of it. “Hiro, are you writing in the middle of the night? You should be asleep right now! Knucklehead!” Is what you would say. I know it’s not like me to say sappy shit, but I really miss you. Maybe if I held on to you longer, If I had never gone out bot-fighting that night, you would still be alive. That’s what they all say, anyway…
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March 15th
Dear Tadashi
You know, I never really explained who “they” were, did I? I have no idea how to say this. I guess… I’ve been hearing voices lately. I’ve never really told anyone. I’ve gotten so used to them now, I can’t even remember what life was like before them. Not even Baymax knows. I guess I’ve gotten better at lying, huh?
March 16th
The voices are getting louder. I can’t ignore them any longer. They’re telling me bad things, to do bad things. Saying that I’m the reason you died. Telling me to kill people. Karmi, specifically. They’re so loud, I can barely sleep at night. I can’t ignore them anymore. I don’t know what to do. Everything is awful right now.
March 17th
Todays new favorite voice. It just laughed at me, like it knew everything. It told me to cut my throat and go start a fire somewhere. We’ll burn it all to the ground. The red hot ashes will rain down and sing songs of glory, and everyone will bow down to us. I want to. I want to burn everything to the ground. Then everyone will be singing our praises forever. Everyone will love us and praise us for the beautiful and wonderful mess we’ve made. Nothing good ever happens without chaos. Without destruction. No, this will be glorious.
March 18th
Sorry about that last entry, I don’t even remember writing it. I’ve been pretty sleep-deprived lately. I don’t know how I’m gonna tell Aunt Cass. She’s been so busy with the cafe; I don’t wanna add more to her stress. I really wish you were here; you’d know what to do. You’d knock some sense into me.
March 19th
The voices told me to go bot-fighting tonight… So I did. I went to Good-Luck Alley and won around ¥272,380. Yeah, that was awesome. I got my ass handed to me, obviously. But I was able to keep the money to myself. That was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I’m definitely going back tomorrow.
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March 21st
Dear Tadashi
Baymax found out. It was the middle of the night, and I was hearing the voices again. I tried covering my ears to make it stop, and my nails dug into my skin. He came out and diagnosed me with something, I don’t remember. I wasn’t paying attention. I begged him not to tell anyone, I felt so awful. After insisting on at least telling Aunt Cass, he went back to his charging station. I didn’t know what to do, so I hacked into his programming and deleted that conversation from his memories. I am so, so sorry. I don’t want to hurt anyone.
March 22nd.
The voices keep telling me to do stuff. Sometimes I listen, just to make them go away. I never do anything that hurts anyone, just small things. Go bot-fighting, shoplift the occasional tangerine, etc. You’d be pretty disappointed in me, huh? It satisfies them, at least. Only for an hour or so, but at least I get some quiet.
March 23rd
I don’t know how to say this. I’m… hurting myself. I can’t feel anything anymore; no emotions, no pain, nothing. They keep telling me to hurt myself, so I can finally feel something again. So I do. And I do feel something. It’s the most I’ve felt in so long. I like how it looks, too. The blood dripping down my arms, onto the mattress. The first time, my curiosity overtook me and I tasted it. Tasted like metal; or that one time I kept my binder on too long and broke a rib, and it punctured my lungs. Those were fun times.
March 24th
Today was weird. Baymax didn’t come home last night, so Aunt Cass and I put together a search party of his most recent patients. Sophia, Mrs. Kiko, Mbita, and a cat named Yachi. He was in an abandoned factory with his battery fully drained. The place was about to be demolished, but Yachi managed to stop it because one of the employees loves cats and didn’t want him to die. Fun day.
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March 26th
Dear Tadashi
Karmi is at it again. Called me ugly. Told me I will never have friends. I hate her. I hate her so much. I want to just end it all, to make it stop. I want to kill her. I want to kill myself. And I just want it to stop.
I’m scared. I’m so scared. The voices are even louder. Telling me even more terrible things. Repeating what Karmi says. I’m starting to believe it now. I really, really need your help. I need your comfort. You always knew what to say to make me feel better.
March 27th.
I went bot-fighting again. It was fun, until some guys kicked my ass. I have a black eye now. I’m scared for Aunt Cass to find out. I’ve already caused her so much pain. She doesn’t deserve this. On the other hand, they stole megabot. They’re idiots though, so I just pressed the self-destruct button when I got home. I imagine they’re gonna kick my ass harder the next time I see them.
March 28th
I think I have an eating disorder now. I haven’t eaten all day. Heck, I haven’t eaten in a few days. Aunt Cass is starting to worry, so I have to force it down to make her happy. I have to vomit afterwards. It’s getting so, so much worse. This is all Karmi’s fault. All her fault. All YOUR fault. If you hadn’t committed suicide like a fucking moron, I wouldn’t be like this today. But no, you just had to be a selfish piece of shit.
March 29th.
I’m sorry about what I said yesterday. I didn’t mean it. The voices convinced me about that stuff. I don’t actually hate you, and I don’t blame you either. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. If I hadn’t been so addicted to gambling, then you would be here. I’m the selfish one, not you. I’m the fucking moron here. It’s just what they made me into. I’m terrified to talk to you anymore. This has taken over my life.
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March 30th
Dear Tadashi
I woke up today feeling horrible. Like every single part of my body ached. My head throbbed. I looked at my phone and realized I hadn’t showered in a while. A shower sounded great. It reminded me of being seven years old again. There was nothing else I wanted to do except relax and enjoy a nice, warm bath. What kind of life is this, anyway? Every minute of every day feels like torture. I just want this nightmare to end. Can I fix this somehow? Please tell me yes. I know that sounds dumb, but it’s the only thing keeping me sane right now.
March 31st.
Just… Please, please… Stop talking to me. Don’t let me hear your voice. I promise I’ll behave. Just give me this one chance. You could never trust me, but please, just stop talking. I don’t want to hear it. Please. Just stay silent and leave me alone.
April 1st
Seriously, where do these entries come from? I don’t understand. Where does the madness end? Why isn’t it ever making sense? Am I insane? Is that possible?
I took a bath. Hot water, good, relaxing bubbles, and soothe all those aches. It helps. But only for a little while. The voices aren’t satisfied yet. I thought about cutting myself with a knife. One of those cheap knives you get at the store. Cheap ones break easily. I want to draw blood, but that would take too long. Besides, blood isn’t satisfying enough. Do I even want blood? Or should I use something else? I shouldn’t torture myself like this. I’m better than this. Why am I doing this?
It doesn’t matter.
April 2nd
This might sound ridiculous, but the voices started whispering something a few minutes ago. Some nonsense words. A bunch of nonsensical ideas. Ideas I could never possibly agree with, and ideas that don’t even make sense. At first I thought it was maybe an accident, like a car driving by and shattering my window. I listened for a moment longer and noticed that it was coming from somewhere deep within me. Where do they come from? What the hell is happening?
It doesn’t matter.
Thank you guys so much for your patience! I haven’t had any motivation/inspiration to write these past few months. I don’t have any excuses, but here’s chapter one re-written! Big thanks to writeholo.com for the help!
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updownlately · 1 year
to the one person that so far has said they listen to 'we three'....i love you 🫶 good taste amigo.
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rinyo · 2 years
god knows I've tried to get into the taylor swift lore but it looks so much work, I feel like to understand one lyric I should know about which ex of hers ate her pussy right in 2014 AND was left handed and I just don't have the energy, sorry.....
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sleepyagent · 5 months
people using anything else but taylor swift to talk about taylor swift is like tiktok ppl saying "unalive" or "k1ll3d" or "su1c1d3" or whatever
You cant avoid the topic
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Safe and Sound - Jacaerys Velaryon
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A/N: Hi, hi! The hotd brain rot is REAL. All I can think about is this beautiful prince above. I'm working on a longer story for him, but in the meantime, enjoy is blurb. This was jointly inspired by a genuine bad dream I had (the brain rot!!), and the Taylor Swift song that was playing when I was writing this at work. Hope you enjoy!
TS Prompt #7: Safe and Sound
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader Word Count: 1.3k Synopsis: Jace comforts the reader after they wake up from a terrible nightmare.
Warning: This does not follow the canon, but I do base the nightmare off of real events that have yet to happen in the show. Do not read if you don't want spoilers.
Sweat drenches your brow. Swords clash, arrows whistle through the air, and dragon fire paints the sky orange.
Your heart thuds as you spin around amid the chaos, searching for a green dragon or for a head of dark, curly hair. For any trace of Jace.
An ear-splitting scream rattles the sky, and before you can make sense of what you are seeing, Vermax's body crashes into the water, sending up a raucous wave.
Panic flows through your body. Searching, searching, searching. You need to see any sign that he made it, that he is alive. The water is riotous, making it impossible to figure out where he landed.
You nearly fall to your knees in relief when you see him crawl up onto floating wreckage, injured badly, but still breathing. You know you need to get to him, need to do whatever it takes to get him out of enemy-infested water.
As you move towards the coast, you have no plan in mind. Out of the corner of your eye, you see an approaching ship, making its way towards Jace. You run, wanting to scream his name, but also not wanting to give away his location.
You reach the shoreline and the water laps at your feet. Jace spots you the moment the approaching ship spots him.
You know he won't be able to get to the shore in time. You wade into the water, watching as he struggles to swim towards you. He's too far away, too weak, and you're not strong enough to pull him back.
The sound of a crossbow trigger pierces through the crash of waves. Jace's eyes widen - looking into yours - as the arrow speeds towards his chest.
"Jace!" you scream.
You tear out of your dream in a cold sweat, waking to your dark bedroom.
Jace wakes when you scream, crying out his name. His eyes adjust too slowly to the darkness, so he grabs for you blindly. He needs to know you're alright, needs to feel your warmth, your pulse. It thunders beneath his thumb as his hand wraps around your wrist.
His eyes finally adjust and he sees you sitting up in bed, your night gown wet with sweat.
"What is it?" he asks, sitting up next to you. "What happened?" He does a quick scan of the room, confirming his first guess. The room is unchanged from the evening before. There is no danger within its walls, just within your head.
You've had another nightmare.
He brushes the hair off your forehead as you put a hand to your pounding heart, clearly coming to the same realization. Jace leans closer and kisses your shoulder gently.
"It was just a dream," he says lowly, his lips still pressed to your skin. You take deep breaths as you try to relax. You have yet to look at him.
"Y/N," he says, "It was just a dream." He tugs on your arm and finally, you look at him. Even in the dark room, he can tell your skin has paled.
"It didn't feel like just a dream," you say. He frowns and rubs soft circles on your back.
This has become your miserable routine. You wake up in the middle of the night, screaming, and he sits next to you, feeling useless to change anything.
"Tell me about it," he says quietly.
"It's the same dream I always have," you say, looking at him sadly, trembling. He pulls you into his arms, holding your shaking hands in his. His gaze focuses on the Valyrian steel ring he put on your finger a year ago. The promises he made to you that day flash in his mind.
"The Battle of the Gullet," he says in response.
"I regret ever telling you about that day," he says with a shake of his head. The movement jostles his hair, and you tuck it behind his ear gently, your hand linger on his face. "I'm fine, Y/N."
"I watched you die."
"What do you see now?" he asks, taking the hand cupping his cheek, pressing a loving kiss to the palm. He moves it down to his bare chest, to the beating heart beneath his warm skin. "I am alive and well."
You continue to frown at him, but your hand presses to his chest. You take a few more deep breaths.
"I'm sorry," you say, tears forming in your eyes as you look up at him. He shakes his head, his heart hurting that you would ever think that your pain was an inconvenience to him.
"Hey," he says, pulling you into his chest, your tears falling onto his skin. "You don't ever have to be sorry."
"I know that we are safe now. That war is over. But I am still so scared," you say, and on the last word your voice breaks. Jace holds you tighter.
"I know. I am, too, sometimes."
"Really," he says, "You think I don't have nightmares about that day? Or any from the past year."
"You don't ever tell me about them," you say, pulling away to look him in the eye.
"That's because I don't want to worry you," he says, smiling shyly, playing with your hands. "There are memories I have that I wouldn't dream of sharing with you, that I don't want you to carry."
"That doesn't seem fair," you say, "You get to worry about me but I don't get to worry about you?"
"It's hard," he says, his eyes still focused on your hands. "Sometimes I still see the dying dragons. Still remember when I'd look outside and see everything on fire. Still see the war raging."
"But you don't seem like any of it haunts you," you say, leaning in so he'll look at you. He gives you a soft smile, his thumb tracing circles on your hand.
"Guess I've gotten good at hiding it."
"Tell me how," you say quietly. He hates that he can hear the longing in your voice. He notices the dark circles under your eyes. How many nights in a row have you woken from your sleep like this?
"I just try to remember everything good that I still have. Vermax is alive. My mother is alive. You are alive," he says. "Safe and sound."
"Safe and sound," you say disbelievingly.
"You are, I swear it. I won't let anything happen to you," he says. "Ever again."
"I know," you say, touching his cheek softly. "I love you."
"I love you," he says. He draws you in close and kisses your lips slowly, his movements languid, like he's got all the time in the world. He hopes you feel it. Hopes you realize that this is what the rest of your existence together looks like. No wars, no death, just the pair of you in this room, reminding each other what you fought for.
"Let's get some sleep," he says as he lays the two of you down. He adjusts the sheets around you, keeping you close to his body. You run a hand over his chest, humming softly.
"I'm not sure I'll be able to," you say.
"Just close your eyes," he says, kissing your forehead, feeling the pull of sleep wash over him. "You're alright, Y/N. No one can hurt you or I now."
"Promise?" you ask.
"I do."
"You'll never leave me here alone," you say. It's not a question.
"I'll never let you go," he says, tucking you in tighter. "You and I are safe and sound."
"Safe and sound," you mumble. Jace waits a few moments for your breathing to fall into a slow rhythm. When he knows you're asleep he lets himself close his eyes. He vows to himself that he'll do whatever it takes to make sure you never feel so scared again. He vows that you'll never feel ashamed to talk to him when you do. And he vows to have more moments like this, with you asleep on his chest, his hand in your hair, and less like the one he jerked out of sleep to.
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totheblood · 2 months
say yes. (masterlist)
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PAIRING: childhood best friend!ellie williams x influencer!reader
SUMMARY: you and ellie used to be childhood best friends, but you stopped talking to her once you became semi-famous. now, cryptic posts, linking you and ellie, start showing up on your instagram account and you need to figure out whos doing it
WARNINGS: cursing, mentions of drinking/drugs, mentions of s*x, there will/may be se*ts so thats a warning.. dark themes in later chapters (will be trigger warned)
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part i.
part ii.
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rotten-whispers · 2 months
Do YOU like queer protagonists in books? Dystopian horror? Silly sci-fi novels?
Or supporting your local queer indie author?
THEN consider delving into Tales from a Mall, a wacky sci-fi novel where ferrets have mechanical attachments, snails have legs, and there is something sinister going on in the 22nd century Fresh Malls. Perhaps something to do with the rats. Lots and lots of rats...
Only $10!
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Or consider exploring the dark world of Boxes, a sci-fi horror novel following the journey of nonbinary Baxley through the Complex. Monsters roam the halls, stairs descend endlessly into the earth, and a sweet madness has overcome the denizens, turning them into something else entirely. See trigger warnings if necessary!
Only $16!
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Not into novels? Try one of my silly sticker designs on Redbubble!!
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Please check out a copy or reblog this post to support my work :)
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2knightt · 1 year
the gangs love languages<3
1.GN!reader-mentions of reader being ‘pretty’
2.minor swearing
3.i did NAWT proofread ts. we die like men.
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Johnny Cade ;
I’m getting strong physical touch and words of affirmation vibes.
do not even try to lie to me he would TOTALLY be holding your hand 24/7.
with the gang? you guys have your pinkies intertwined! on a walk? holding hands! cuddling? holding both hands, scandalous!
he hugs you so much. he doesn’t get it, you don’t get it, nobody does.
he just, likes hugging for some reason???
but YOU have to hug him first, he will NOT hug first.
absolutely LOVES being the little spoon. may hurt his ego a little bit, but ykw, it’s worth it in the long run🙏.
he’s so touch starved. he doesn’t know what the loving touch of anyone feels like. so PLEASE, treat johnnycake nicely.
he will CONSTANTLY tell you look look gorgeous. constantly.
“you look stunning today. n-not sayin’ you don’t look good everyday! i mean you’re a real looker ya know and-“
he doesn’t know how to function because he thinks he messes up everytime he tries to speak to you :(
homies that whipped fr…
ANYWAYS, back onto track🙏
when you two are alone he’s actually so sweet with his words i can’t.
“dunno how i got this lucky. huh? i didn’t say anything.”
“you look real good in that shirt, babe.”
“love you so much. so, so, so much.”
Dallas Winston ;
it’s physical touch and acts of service. do not play with me right now, i know i’m right.
i don’t really think dally’s good at expressing how he feels in any shape or form.
so he shows you love by having his hand on your hip, kissing you, stealing cute accessories for you, holding the door open etc.
if you’re expecting him to go on rants on how he loves you, you’re in the wrong place. that’s all sodapop but we aren’t on his section, are we?
anywhere and everywhere you guys go he will have his hand on you. not just because he’s protective but i think it gives him a sense of security and calmness.
like, dallas knowing you’re safe, makes him happy.
SPEAKING OF HIM BEING PROTECTIVE— he will intimidate someone by having his arm around your shoulder and staring right into their eyes.
kisses are his favourite thing💆‍♂️ he told me himself.
he steals shit for you. i know he does, we both know.
dally ain’t well off so, he’s gonna do what he does best. steal.
want that necklace? SNATCHED! want cigarettes? ALREADY IN HIS HAND! pepsi? YOURS ALREADY!
“you want some chips, doll? i’ll get ya some. don’t you worry your pretty little head over it, eh?”
“but you’re broke, dall.”
“what did i just say?”
Ponyboy Curtis ;
words of affirmation too ig.
ponyboy definitely finds so much comfort in just sitting in silence with you.
he thinks it’s a nice break from the loud bumbling idiots in his house.
like you could be napping in his room and he’d come in if the gang got too loud and sit next to your sleeping body and just read.
he reads out loud to you. now, i don’t know which category that falls under but he does. like, a lot.
“ ‘To the soldiers and me it's all worth it. Risking life, dodging or taking bullets, and pulling triggers. It’s all worth it.’ “
“what?! that’s so sad pony!!”
“well, that’s what the book says y/n.”
he’s another one that finds comfort in knowing your safe. actually, most if not all of the gang feels like that.
you’re definitely his first relationship so i can see him being hesitant on physical touch, but he can and will write you a cute lil note with 0 shame.
“dear y/n, i just wanted to let you know that you looked really cute today—well, you look cute everyday. but you get what i mean, right? anyways, meet me at the dingo at 4PM. I’ll treat you this time.”
expect notes like that to just randomly fall out of your locker.
ponyboy quotes corny romance books in those notes. i just KNOW he does.
at the end of your note one day there will be a;
“ ‘so no, he didn’t give me flowers or candy. he gave me the moon and the stars. infinity.’ — reminded me of us.”
Sodapop Curtis ;
HE IS WHIPPED FOR YOU so it’s probably something like, lovesick-ish.
it’s definitely physical touch and words of affirmation to the maximum.
he is ALWAYS bragging about you to EVERYONE and ANYONE.
he talks about you to steve
“i think i’m gonna marry ‘em steve. i can see the wedding now!”
“you said that last tim-“
and even to customers!!
“they’re just so sweet! they’re the most beautiful person ever!”
“thats great kid. can you ring up my fucking chocolate bar now?”
he’s always smothering you in affection.
he just loves you so much he just needs to squeeze you with love!!
when he sees you just standing around or cooking he’ll come up from behind and hug you. he might pick you up n swing you around a little but ykw that’s what makes it special.
he ain’t afraid to sweet talk you bro.
“there you are! my pretty little lover, huh?”
“you’re so cute, you know that right?…right babe?”
you guys cuddle all the time it’s SICKENING.
you’re always in his arms and he has this grin on his face like he just won the goddamn lottery.
if you guys were to walk around town, he’d have his arm around your waist the whole time. like, the whole time.
he’s so in love it makes me sick just writing about it.
Darry Curtis ;
darry is a simple man dare i say.
he definitely shows love by spending as much time with you as he can.
he works two jobs so he doesn’t have all the time in the world to hang out with you, but when he does? he LIVES for it.
he’ll cook supper with you and teach you a new recipe his mom used to make, he’ll sit on his chair while reading the newspaper as you rant about your day, ANYTHING.
no matter what he’s doing, he will ALWAYS listen to you. it’s like a super power.
“that’s great baby.”
“you aren’t listening are you, darry?”
“yeah i am. you said you got tipped 10$ by one customer.”
you ain’t hear this from me but, sometimes when darrys in a real good mood he’ll give you gifts.
he has a jar separate just for you! it’s got money for dates, anniversary gifts, presents, all of it!
sometimes he’ll go take out some of that money and buy you something sweet<3
darry, also, isn’t one to tell the whole world on how he loves you. but, you do understand how he shows love.
even you cherish the minutes that pass by as you sit next to darry on the couch with your head on his shoulder and his arm around your shoulders, sitting in silence.
silence that speaks a thousand words when it comes to sir darry curtis.
Steve Randle ;
just like his best friend, he’s shouting to the world about you too. just, not as loud.
he respects his own privacy, so i can see his being physical touch and acts of service.
he’s a man of respect, obviously. he is one to throw his arm around you to show you off every once and awhile, but not much.
he’ll mostly hold your hand. when i say mostly, i mean all the time btw.
it’s all he does.
“steve, you can let go now. i’m home and you know you can’t come in!”
he acts like he’s in debt to you for no fucking reason???
like you need something fixed around the house? DONE. grocery shopping needs to be done? ALREADY BOUGHT AND PUT AWAY.
he holds car doors open for you. he does, i can see it now. i’m just delulu
sometimes he acts annoyed with you when you ask him to do a simple task, while he’s doing it.
“steve, can you get me a water?”
*sighs and gets up*
“you have legs you can do it.”
he says that while he’s pouring the water into a glass cup with a lemon slice on the side with ice cubes already in the drink.
he loves you, he really does.
and he will say it, just not often.
he has too much pride for that….
no he doesnt.
he rants to sodapop about you while he fixes cars like a teenage girl talking about her crush.
Two-Bit Matthews ;
homie just wants to show you off to the world😭😭
he’s so proud of you he goes down the streets yelling that he’s officially dating you not literally…he isn’t that insane LMFAO
he gives off physical touch and..oddly enough quality time.
i feel like two-bit really likes the both of you at the curtis house sitting on the floor, your head on his lap while his hand sits on top of your head as you two watch whatever cartoon is on.
two-bit DEFINITELY wants to spend every waking moment with you.
“c’mon angel, let’s go get beer!”
“two, i don’t drink.”
“well, i do. so, lets go!!”
he will definitely walk everywhere with his arm draped around your shoulder.
instead of you being the trophy wife, HE’S the trophy wife fr.
he’s such a pretty princess and he expects to be treated like one!
he gives you all his time so it’s only faire you give him all of yours.
“what does math have that i don’t y/n?!”
“i need to pass this class, baby. you know i suck at math.”
“well, thats even more of a reason not to do it! why bust your ass over it?! come over here and let me LOVE YOU!! JEEZ.”
all two-bit does is brag about you..like, its all he does.
“yeah, sorry your hamster died. but did you know that i’m dating y/n?-“
author notes;
2.pulled this out of my ass LMFAO
3. hope it aint too bad tho💔💔
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may 2nd, 2023. 11:57PM.
1K notes · View notes
srslyscary · 1 month
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contents/warnings: SFW, slightly ooc, lowercase intended, angst, graphic scenery of death, just too graphic, mafia!ateez
including: ateez x reader
w.c: 2.5k
note: let’s bfr… I went all out with this. while I was gone I was coming up with stuff to write and lately I’ve been stuck on ateez sooo… ya! you a bad mf in this YUH! we eating ts up! also just to be clear.. you’re the oldest in this. I love making the oc the oldest when I write abt groups, it’s just bc I see the oc either being in the middle or the youngest. I’m holding out on the yunho fic rn bc this idea popped up . this is like SUPER long. but anyway enjoy!
the moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the city. the wind whispered through the abandoned buildings, carrying with it the tension that filled the air.
"everyone in position?" hongjoong’s voice crackled through the earpiece, his tone commanding and calm. "affirmative," YN responded, her voice clipped and focused as she settled into her sniper's nest on the rooftop of an old slanted building. her eyes scanned the horizon, the heavy sniper rifle steady in her hands. "i’ve got eyes on the target."
"yeosang, san, jongho?" hongjoong’s voice continued.
"we’re in position," yeosang replied. his voice was soft but laced with a dangerous edge as he and the other two infiltrated the rival group's headquarters. their mission was simple: ambush and neutralize the enemy soldiers inside while YN took out their boss from a distance.
"remember, this has to be clean and quick," seonghwa, the second in command, reminded them, his voice firm. "no mistakes."
a chorus of affirmatives followed, and the operation began in earnest. YN's breathing slowed as she focused on the distant figure of the rival boss, a man who had caused them endless trouble. her finger hovered over the trigger, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
as the minutes ticked by, the tension grew thicker. the team communicated in short bursts, updating each other on their progress. YN's eyes never left her target, but something about the situation didn't sit right with her.
the rival boss was too calm, too collected, as if he was waiting for something-or someone.
"everything okay, YN? eun-hyuk is right in your view." yunho’s voice crackled through her earpiece, a slight hint of concern in his tone.
"yeah, just a feeling, I got him though." she muttered back, her instincts screaming that something was wrong. her finger twitched on the trigger, but she held back, waiting.
suddenly, the feeling of something cold pressed against the back of her head made her freeze. the unmistakable click of a gun being cocked echoed in her ear, and a voice, low and menacing, whispered, "drop your weapons, or I'll blow your brains out."
silence fell over the communication line as YN remained perfectly still, her mind racing. she was trained for moments like these, but that didn't make them any less terrifying. her breathing hitched as she assessed her options, knowing that time was not on her side.
"YN? YN, what's going on? why haven’t you taken the shot yet?" seonghwa’s voice came through the earpiece, laced with urgency and concern.
but she couldn't respond. instead, she acted. with a sharp twist of her body, she slammed her elbow into the gunman's side, knocking him off balance. the gun went off, the bullet whizzing past her ear, and she quickly slapped the weapon out of his hand. in one fluid motion, she pulled out a knife from her boot and thrust it into his neck. the man gurgled, his hands clawing at the blade as he collapsed to the ground, blood pooling around him.
panting, YN grabbed her rifle and slung it over her shoulder. she needed to move, and fast. her cover was blown. she bolted toward the edge of the building, heart pounding in her chest. the boys were calling out to her through the earpiece, frantic, but she couldn't answer them. she needed to focus.
without hesitation, she jumped out of the broken window, plummeting toward the construction site below. her body hit the sand-filled truck with a heavy thud, the impact jarring her bones, but she forced herself to move. she rolled off the truck, hitting the ground and sprinting toward cover as bullets rained down around her.
"i’m surrounded," she finally managed to gasp into the earpiece, her voice strained. "I need to get out quickly."
"YN, what the hell are you doing?" wooyoung’s voice was sharp, but there was a hint of fear behind his words.
"i’m improvising," she snapped back, her temper flaring as she fired back at her pursuers. she ducked behind a stack of crates, reloading her weapon with practiced ease. her mind raced, trying to figure out her next move.
the enemy soldiers were closing in, their footsteps echoing in the night. she couldn't stay here. she had to keep moving. but the realization that she was drawing further away from her team gnawed at her. she was getting too far away, too isolated.
and then, they were on her. a group of men with blades, their eyes gleaming with malice, rushed at her. YN didn't hesitate. she fired, taking down the first few, but then her gun clicked empty. “shit. i’m fucking out!”
she huffed, no time to reload. she dropped it and pulled out her throwing knives, launching them with deadly precision.
the men fell one by one, but more kept coming. she fought like a demon, her body a whirlwind of violence, but they overwhelmed her. blades sliced into her skin, drawing blood, but she didn't stop. she couldn't stop.
finally, with a desperate lunge, she broke through their ranks, barely escaping with her life. her body screamed in pain, but she forced herself to keep going. she needed to get inside the headquarters. she needed to finish the mission.
staggering, she made her way to the building, using every ounce of strength she had left. when she finally reached the entrance, she paused, leaning heavily against the wall, trying to catch her breath. blood dripped from her wounds, staining the ground beneath her.
"i’m inside," she whispered into the earpiece, her voice barely audible.
"YN, what happened to you?" san’s voice was filled with worry, and she could hear the panic in the background as the others tried to make sense of the situation.
but she ignored them. there was no time for explanations. she needed to find the boss and end this.
the corridors of the rival headquarters were dimly lit, the shadows playing tricks on YN's vision as she stumbled through the halls. her blood left a trail behind her, marking her path. she clutched a gun she had picked up from a fallen henchman, her grip tight despite the pain coursing through her body.
she pushed open a door, revealing a lavish office. and there he was, the rival boss, sitting calmly at his desk as if he had been expecting her all along. his lips curled into a smirk as he saw her, his eyes gleaming with malice.
"you look worse for wear, YN," he sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "I must admit, i’m impressed you made it this far. but it ends here."
"shut the hell up," YN growled, raising her gun. but before she could pull the trigger, her eyes caught something on his desk—a bomb, its timer ticking down with only five minutes left.
she cursed under her breath. this was a trap, and she had walked right into it.
the boss chuckled, clearly amused by her predicament. "you really thought you could take me down? you’re just a pawn in this game. and in every life, i’ll enjoy killing you and your pathetic friends."
the timer ticked down ominously, each second feeling like an eternity. YN's mind raced, trying to figure out how to defuse the bomb, but she wasn't a demolitions expert. wooyoung was. but he was outside watching with mingi. there was no way she could stop the bomb in time.
but she could still save her team.
without a word, she grabbed the bomb and ran, bursting out of the office and down the hallway. "get out of the building!" she screamed into the earpiece, her voice frantic.
"there’s a bomb! you need to get out now!"
"what the hell!? no! we’re not leaving you behind!" san’s voice was filled with desperation, but YN couldn't afford to let them stay.
"go!" she yelled, her voice breaking. "that’s an order!"
she could hear their protests, their refusal to abandon her, but there was no time to argue. she knew what she had to do. she reached the exit, her hand hovering over the door handle. for a brief moment, she hesitated, her heart aching at the thought of leaving her family behind.
but then she remembered their faces, their smiles, their laughter.
and she knew she couldn't let them die. anyone of them.
meeting hongjoong was the best thing that ever happened to me. he made all of this happen. he made us a family. he made me feel welcomed. he made all of us feel welcomed.
“yah! hong! smile for the camera you big idiot!” she called to her younger brother, ruffling his hair. “quit touching my head!” he huffed, before chuckling.
“i’ll take the picture. give it here.”
“i’m gonna keep this—“
“no. I want it. give it here!”
“nuh uh it’s mine!”
meeting seonghwa meant the world to me. he cared for me. he loved me. he made me feel at home, even when I knew I didn’t belong. he made things we wouldn’t do, normal activities.
“hwa, I know you said you don’t do this type of stuff.. but I got a lego set to build. I was hoping maybe you would build one with me?”
“let me think— sure, cmon silly.”
“sweet! it’s star wars themed! with the little lightsabers and everything!”
“you’re too cute. alright it’s a pretty big box so let’s start.”
meeting yunho was exciting, it was a fresh start to my boring and sad life. he taught me to be sneaky, smart, and he cared for me. he made me laugh everyday.
“okay but check this out!”
“sure is!”
“yunho how did you even take this picture without waking him up?!”
“I have my ways..”
“you fucking-“
“time to go!”
meeting yeosang felt refreshing, he gave me a whole new perspective on life, on the decisions I should make, on being a better person to myself, even if our work was the most horrible thing ever. he always made sure I was taken care of and wasn’t going overboard.
“you know you don’t have to stay up so late researching about those guys. I already got that covered..”
“I just feel like I should help you out. my only job is to kill and clean. I hate it sometimes.”
“listen sis. I promise you I have it under control. just relax. you went on a mission today and none of us need our best asset to crumble into herself.”
“you’re right. sorry yeosang.”
“you’re lucky I caught you. if it was hwa or joong they would have lectured you until you died.”
“pfft- yeah I know.”
meeting san was special, I always felt I had a special connection with him. i treated him like blood from day one, as did he with me. he followed me everywhere and always protected me no matter the costs.
“san have you seen my drink?”
I threw it out. someone put something in it.
“no, but I can get you a new one if you want it.”
“please? I swear I just had the drink on the table.”
i’m gonna kill that guy.
“i’ll go get you a new one sis.”
meeting wooyoung was fun, he always did the silliest things to brighten my mood. he bothered me on a daily basis just to see how I was feeling. and although he was horrible on the field, he was the sweetest when it came to affection.
“knock knock, are you busy?”
“a little. i’m working on some reports for the captain. why what’s up?”
“im bored. cuddle sesh?”
“woo I have to finish this..”
“you’ve been doing that for hours. I’m pretty sure he would care less. you’re always up to par with your work anyway.”
“okay fine.. just an hour.”
“make it two and we have a deal!”
meeting jongho was the greatest gift I could ever receive. he made me feel worthy for the team, even more than seonghwa and hongjoong did. he quietly cared, he nudged me to keep going, kept me from falling back.
“y’know.. sometimes I wonder where the rest of us would be if you weren’t here.”
“what does that mean?”
“I guess what i’m saying is… like.. what if it was just the eight of us? what if we weren’t nine?”
“I’m pretty sure if it was only the eight of you, you’d go on just the same without me.”
“it wouldn’t feel the same though. we’ve always been nine, no matter how you look at it.”
“hey.. if anything happened to me, I don’t want you to think of what it would be like if I was there. I want you to keep going with the boys.”
“yeah. but still. I care too much to let something actually happen to you. so we’ll be nine forever.”
“nine forever.”
nine forever.
nine forever.
nine forever.
nineeight forever
eight forever.
"i’m sorry," she whispered, her voice filled with regret. "take care of each other. I love you all."
and with that, she turned and ran back into the building, determined to get the bomb as far away from them as possible. she sprinted down the hallway, ignoring the pain in her body, ignoring the fear gnawing at her heart.
but she knew it was too late. the timer ticked down, the seconds slipping away like sand through her fingers. she reached the last hallway just as the timer hit zero, far away from the boys. and with a deafening roar, the world exploded around her.
the explosion rocked the entire block, sending debris flying into the night sky. the rival headquarters crumbled to the ground, reduced to a smoking pile of rubble in an instant. the shockwave knocked the boys off their feet as they stumbled out of the building, the force of the blast ringing in their ears.
"YN!" jongho screamed, his voice raw with anguish as he struggled to get back on his feet. but the building was gone, and with it, YN.
"no... no..." san muttered, his hands shaking as he clutched his head, tears streaming down his face. "this is my fault... I should have been there... I should have protected her..."
seonghwa stood frozen, his mind unable to process what had just happened. his sister, the one he had sworn to protect, was gone.
he had failed her. he had failed them all.
hongjoong’s face was pale, his eyes hollow as he stared at the smoking ruins. from a few feet away. the weight of his responsibilities crushed him, the guilt tearing at his soul. this was his fault. He had sent her in there.
he had let her die.
yunho, yeosang, mingi, and wooyoung were in shock, unable to move, unable to speak. the reality of what had just happened was too much to bear. their sister, their best friend, was gone. and there was nothing they could do to bring her back.
as the dust settled, the full extent of their loss began to sink in. YN was gone. the one who had always protected them, always been there for them, was no more. they had lost their best asset, and with her, they had lost a part of themselves.
days passed, but the pain didn't lessen. the members of ateez were a shell of their former selves, each one consumed by their grief and guilt.
san was the most affected, his mind replaying the events of that night over and over again. he couldn't forgive himself. he couldn't accept that she was gone. every night, he would sit by her empty bed, clutching her belongings, tears streaming down his face. he had loved her more than anyone, and now she was gone.
seonghwa withdrew into himself, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he had failed her. he avoided the others, unable to face them, unable to bear the weight of their shared loss. he had always been the strong one, the reliable one, but now he felt like a fraud, a failure.
hongjoong buried himself in work, trying to numb the pain, but it was no use. everytime he closed his eyes, he saw her face, heard her voice, remembered her smile. and it broke him.
yunho, yeosang, mingi, and wooyoung struggled to keep the group together, but it was an uphill battle. the bond that had held them together was fractured, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't fix it.
the world felt emptier without her, the light that she had brought into their lives snuffed out forever. and the knowledge that they could do nothing to bring her back was a torment they couldn't escape. they visited her grave often, each time bringing flowers, each time hoping that it would somehow make the pain go away. but it never did.
as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the members of ateez slowly began to piece themselves back together. they knew they couldn't stay broken forever. YN wouldn't have wanted that. she would have wanted them to keep fighting, to keep living.
but the pain never really went away. It lingered, a constant reminder of what they had lost.
and it fueled them, drove them to become stronger, to honor her memory.
they knew they couldn't undo the past, but they could make sure that her sacrifice wasn't in vain.
they would take down every rival group, every enemy, and they would make them pay for what they had done.
for YN.
the team came together, their bond stronger than ever, forged in the fires of loss and pain.
seonghwa stepped up, taking on more responsibilities, guiding the group with a steady hand.
san became a force of nature, his grief turning into a cold fury that he unleashed on their enemies. he trained harder than ever before, pushing himself to the brink, determined to never let anyone else he loved die.
yunho, yeosang, mingi, wooyoung, and jongho each found their own ways to cope, their own ways to honor YN's memory. they worked together, fought together, and slowly but surely, they began to heal.
but they never forgot. they carried her with them, in their hearts, in their minds, in every mission they undertook. and as they stood on the precipice of their next battle, they knew that they were not alone.
she was with them, watching over them, guiding them.
and they would make sure that her legacy lived on, no matter what.
a small, unmarked grave stood in a secluded part of the city, a single white flower resting on the cold stone. the members of ateez gathered around it, their faces solemn as they paid their respects.
"YN," seonghwa whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "we miss you."
san knelt down, placing his hand on the grave, his eyes wet with tears. "i’m sorry... I should have been there... I should have protected you..."
hongjoong placed a hand on san’s shoulder, his own eyes filled with sadness. "she knew the risks, san. she made her choice. we have to honor that."
yunho, yeosang, mingi, wooyoung, and jongho stood in silence, their hearts heavy as they remembered the one they had lost. the one who had been their strength, their protector, their sister.
but as they stood there, they knew that she was still with them.
in their hearts, in their memories, in everything they did.
and they would never forget.
YN was more than just a member of ateez. she was their family.
and she would always be a part of them, forever and always.
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zikkytheblicky · 8 months
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ofcc!! srry this is late.
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☆ for my ml, angel anon.
⊹content warnings⊹
(don't scroll past this, it's important since i changed up gojo n’ geto + readers attitude 😃)
- both gojo and geto blasian so dont be surprised if you hear suguru’s racist comments and satoru and suguru js speaking ghetto ☠️..
-feminine male reader- anon didnt specify but id they want me to change this i will make a separate post for them 🫶🏾!!
-black reader cuz angel anon is black.
-not smut nor fluff.. i forgot if this type of stuff is called lemon or lime! sorry 😭💓.
-reader gets kinda aggressive im ngl to you like he did not take gojos little antic lightly
-kinda made reader gojo n suguru ghetto. idk i didnt think ts with much thought
-gojo tries to get his lick back, forgetting you were a real 🥷🏾 despite being feminine. he needs to stop playing with m!reader fr
-you’re very spoiled because i’m a SUCKERERR for spoiled reader x jjk character.
-this is not proofread i’m so sorry 😭!! + i did this like at 11-4 or sum
-sadly anon didn’t specify if they wanted top surgery reader or not so to be safe i’m just gonna say he does!!
-use of you/your pronouns except for when gojo is yapping/complaining to you’re brattiness to getou.
-no sourcerer au.
-rich gojo (SHOCKING 😨)
a/n: i hate this piece it sounds so tacky 😭..
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to say you weren’t usually bratty is an understatement— it rarely happens unless you’re joking or you’re being bratty towards someone else not gojo.
it all happened first, when gojo took you to get your nails done and you didn’t give him your signature move for when he gives you something you want— pulling on his collar/tie and kissing on his cheek along with a sweet, “thank you satoru ! i love you! see you later!” or something along those lines— you instead give him a mere glance and a dry, bored “bye, gojo.” before walking over to your bestfriend(s) who were also getting their nails done. and by the way you were giggling into your palm when you thought satoru left shows you were trying to get him riled up.
satoru thought it was cute ,
at first. then it started getting him annoyed and a bit triggered.
and what does he do when he doesn’t agree with something you do?
obviously don’t tell you about it and instead goes to bother his best friend- suguru- about it instead.
“he’s been acting so bratty suguru. i remember when i got him his favorite color of glittery roses and all he did was say a dry response like, “oh thanks, gojo.” HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY SATORU OR A PET NAME RAGGHH” satoru screamed out into his phone microphone, his eyes puffy from all the fake crying he did earlier.
“don’t you have work to do? also he’s just going through a phase satoru, you’ll live.” suguru said dryly, the sound of the clicking of a keyboard and the sounds of a pen being smoothly dragged across a paper filling satoru’s apple headphones.
“you wouldn’t understand suguru..” satoru whined, blinking his bright blue eyes at the camera. His pouting lips sucking up the last bit of juice from his drink.
“all you have to do is punish him y’know?” suguru muttered, he shuts his book staring at satoru with a disgusted face. “Ew . stop pouting your lips while making fuckin sucking motions you look like a monk.” suguru sniffed, grabbing his bonnet and putting his hair up.
“i dont wanna hurt himmmm-“ satoru whined, ignoring suguru’s racist comment.
“not like that, durdur.”
satoru could practically hear the roll of geto’s eyes as he saw the younger dark skinned man pick up his phone and turn off his camera- most likely about to get ready for bed- it was 11 am after all.
“in a sexual way, nigga.” suguru mumbled out, the sounds of crinkling sheets flowing in and out of satoru’s ears nicely.
“oh my god… suguru you mastermind.” gojo smirked, grabbing his macbook and opening it swiftly.
“jesus christ what are you gonna do, satoru?” suguru asked with a sigh, rubbing his temple soothingly- he sounded so tired of gojo’s antics.
“ight so the plan is..”
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it is late. you just got home from an interview of what life is like being satoru gojo’s husband— you hate those types of reporters. instead of worrying about what the content of your creator was, they worried about your status. oh, how annoying they are.
you kick off your jordans, rubbing your eyes gently- thankfully you didn’t put on any eyeliner.
you head into the first kitchen on the first floor, went into the pantry and took out a fruit snack before you head upstairs- when you were pulling up into your driveway all of gojo’s cars were in his drive so you know he is home.
i’m surprised he isn’t cuddling up on me already.. You thought with a snort, twisting your curls in boredom.
your curls bounce as you skip your way up the carpeted stairs, entering you and gojo’s shared room.
there, you say your husband in a thin, silky robe, nike pro boxers on, his 24 carat gold stud earrings glistening in the low light the seeped into the room, a thin 24 carat gold necklace, and slides on. he was at his desk, typing away on his phone, he didn’t even notice you until you cleared your throat, crossing your arms over your chest.
the albino haired man lazily turned over to you, a bored look on his face though you could see a faint smirk on your husband’s face.
what is this nigga smirking for ? you thought with a scoff, your slippers making loud noises as you walk over to him.
“oh. hi, ‘mn’.” satoru’s tone was bored and disinterested, he went back onto his phone and started typing quickly. and he had such an excited expression, a ghost of a smile on his lips like he was trying to hide the fact that he was more interested in whoever he was texting instead of you.
and that pissed you off. like who the fuck is this nigga talkin too that catches his attention more than you? his boyfriend ?
that damn phone i'm about to throw that shit.
no answer.
no answer again. who the fuck was this negro on the phone with?
“SATORU-“ you yelled, pulling his ear out from his bonnet- being careful not to pull his earring out. sure, you were annoyed at him but you aren’t going to hurt him.
“what the fuck- what? damn.” gojo groaned, putting his phone screen to his chest with an annoyed glare.
who the fuck does he think hes talking too?
“nigga who do you think you’re talking to? i’m not the one stop trippin’.” you crossed your arms, releasing satoru’s ear.
“what did i even do?” satoru responded too calmly- the fucker had a visible smirk on his face too.
silence .
silence is what you “responded” with before smashing your lips with satoru’s, grabbing his white dreads and rubbing his scalp gently- completely opposite from your prior action.
satoru’s tongue licked almost every corner of your mouth, tasting the bitter vodka taste left in your mouth.
you both pulled away with a string of spit following each other's mouths.
“don’t dish out the heat if you cannot take the heat back, darling~!” satoru purred out, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you into his lap.
you tsked in response, resting your head on his neck.
and maybe later that night satoru punishes you by forcing you to cockwarm him for an hour straight.
(you failed after 10 minutes.)
ts is short asl ik but like 🙁
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tiredmamaissy · 2 years
Make Your Choice: Part II
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Part I
Characters: Neteyam Sully (21) x Fem Na’vi Reader (20) x Lo’ak Sully (20)
Warnings: NSFW, filthiest, grimiest smut I’ve ever written, profanity, jealous/territorial behaviour, rough sex, rough oral sex, dom lo’ak, dom nete, overstimulation, degradation, see warning re incest
❗️I don’t see this as incest because they are not engaging with each other - only with the reader. They take turns, and don’t touch each other in any sexual way. However, this does involve them both sexually engaging with the same person. Do with this info as you will. Do not engage if this is may be a trigger for you.❗️
Word Count: 4k
Author’s Note: I need therapy. Enjoy, besties
Synopsis: Lo’ak and Neteyam take turns fucking you to show you who would make a better mate.
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Previously on ‘Make Your Choice’:
“I – I think I need to try you both first.” You moan softly, flickering your eyes between the two of them.
They both look at you and grin, dropping their gaze down to the slick pooling on the table.
“Let’s get it done, my love.” Neteyam says in a husky voice, sliding his hand over your cunt.
“Let’s do it, y/n.” Lo’ak adds, taking your nipple into his mouth.
For a while, you allow both of them to have their way with you, touching every inch of your body.
Neteyam is so fixated on your pussy – fingering and eating you out again, determined to finish what he started. Whilst Lo’ak is sucking your nipples and brushing his cock against your outer thigh.
How did it get this far? How did you even get into this position? When did Lo’ak take off your top? Why is Neteyam gulping so loudly? All you were supposed to do was give them each a turn and make your final decision. But you can’t.
You can’t decide – because you want them both.
“Neteyam... Lo’ak...” you moan their names, feeling dazed. “I thought we were playing fair.”
You can barely catch your breath from them both sucking away at you. Grunting and mumbling into your most sensitive areas, they ignore your whimpers as they’re too busy tasting all the succulent flavours that your body has to offer. It’s all too overstimulating – you can’t even think properly.
“Guys... ugh, fuck. Guys!” you moan loudly, bowing your back against the table. “Please... ‘ts too much!”
Neteyam is the first to unlatch, yanking his fingers out of your cunt, frustrated yet again that he wasn’t allowed to make you cum. Lo’ak lingers for some time, chasing his high from dry humping the softness of your thigh. The closer he gets to cumming, the harder he sucks your raw nipples. Its like he can’t decide which nipple he wants the most, switching between them hungrily. You look down at the sight, watching him try to squeeze your breasts together, close enough so that he could suck both your nipples at once.
“Neteyam...” you breathe, hoping he’ll rip his brother off you.
Neteyam does just that – pulling Lo’ak off you. His mouth makes a loud popping noise as he’s tugged off your chest.
“Behave, Lo’ak.” Neteyam growls, shooting him a look as you sit up.
Eventually, your eyes fall on the two raging erections before you. How the fuck are you going to take them inside of you?
“I need to be stretched...” you gulp, feeling nervous. “...you guys are too big for me.”
It seems like everyone in the room, including you, forgot that this is your first time with a real cock. Sure, you’ve finger fucked yourself before, using a toy here and there during your heat, but never something this massive. Seeing how out of control Lo’ak is, you look to Neteyam to do the job.
He grins, making his way back over to you. “I am going to make you cum. Don’t push me away, understood?” he warns you, kneeling before you, taking your hot clit into his wet mouth.
With no time to refuse you dip your head back as he sucks your clit, sliding two fingers into you, scissoring your pussy open. Your eyes roll back slightly, as you turn your head to look at Lo’ak, who’s stroking himself to the sight of your erotic expression. You let loose pants as you watch him pleasure himself while he watches you shudder under his brother’s touches. He’s staring deeply into your eyes, desperately trying to restrain himself from having his way with you.
Soon the pants turn into whines, as Neteyam rubs the spongey part of your heat, lapping up the juices that flow out of you. You can see Lo’ak practically begging you with his eyes –  he wants in on the action. You smile and shake your head, reminding him that it’s not his turn yet. Neteyam drives his third and final finger inside of your cunt, bending them towards him and thrusting them into you roughly – his way of telling you to keep your eyes on him.
“Look at me.” He mumbles into your clit, peering up at you.
You bite back a moan, staring down at the face between your legs that’s devouring your cunt greedily. His hot breaths blow against your lower stomach as he pushes his face into your pussy even harder. Lo’ak’s husky voice is heard directly next to your ear.
“Eyes on me, princess.” He whispers, running his fingers through your hair.
You glance at him quickly, afraid to look away from the dark golden eyes that peer up at you between your glossy thighs.
“You know I have 4 fingers, right?” he wiggles them, now licking the base of your ear. “I’d stretch you out, so much better.” He growls lowly, placing your dainty hand around his girthy cock.
It’s something about his throaty voice in your ear, talking to you in that way, that sends your hips into a frenzy. You grab a fist full of Neteyam’s braids with your free hand and thrust into his face until the heat pooling in your womb spills out of your cunt.
“Ngh. Fuck! Nete...” you moan loudly, closing your legs around Neteyam’s face as you shove his mouth harder against your cunt.
“Hurry up and cum, so I can have my way with you, sweet girl.” Lo’ak whispers in your ear, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
“Oh.. o- oh my... Eywa, ugh!” you blabber, crossing your legs, trapping his face into your cunt. “Neteyam! Cumming... cumming!” your walls pulsate feverishly around his fingers, gripping and releasing them the more he laps up your sweet nectar that’s flowing directly down his throat. He gulps loudly, drinking your cum willingly. You unwrap your legs, allowing him to breathe. He drops back into the dip of his feet, frantically gasping for air.
“Good girl.” Neteyam breathes, licking his lips clean.
“...such a good girl.” Lo’ak sighs into your ear, planting rough, wet kisses along your neck. “Now, let me stretch you out properly.”
Denying you the chance to come down from your high, he slides his hand from your breast, down your stomach, and cups your pulsing pussy. You jolt from the pressure of his palm against you.
“Ready for me?” he mumbles into your collarbone, asking for your permission.
“Mmnn... mhm.” You purr, feeling feverish and hot.
Lo’ak shoves all four of his fingers deep inside you, hooking them right against your sweet spot. You let loose a loud whimper from the hint of pain that comes from his fingers stretching you to inexplicable lengths. He fists you roughly, moving his arm up and down causing your body to jerk from his ruthless movements. He can feel the swell of your sweet spot, as it becomes hotter and hotter – ready to burst all over again.
“It’s my turn, right? Cum for me, now.” he mumbles, sucking on your shoulder, leaving behind bruise-like marks.
You feel Neteyam at your feet, planting wet kisses up your leg as he touches himself, listening intently to the filthy noises coming from your throat.
“Haah... ah... Ngh – f-fuck!” You cry out. Just like that, you were convulsing uncontrollably again, with the walls of your cunt throbbing excitedly around Lo’ak’s fingers. 
“That’s it... that’s right, cum on my fingers. Fuck.” He growls into your neck, bucking his hips into your hand.
At this point, Neteyam’s made his way up to your hips, nuzzling into them, breathing in your scent. He brushes his tongue against your skin, working his way up to your breast, where he takes your stiff nipple into his mouth and sucks rhythmically. He, too, is now bucking his hips, rubbing his aching cock against your thigh.
You’re so fucked out that you can’t even form a coherent thought, much less make a sound decision. You just want to be yanked onto all fours and plunged into, by any of them. Neteyam pops off your nipple, listening closely to your needy body language, he flips you onto your stomach, and yanks you towards him. Your legs tremble beneath you, trying to hold up your body weight as Neteyam quickly positions himself behind you.
“Tell me what you want... who, you want” Neteyam growls behind you, pressing his warm, rock-hard cock against your slit.
“Ugh, fuck. F-fuck. I want you... to fuck me.” You stutter, backing yourself onto him.
He crouches over you, pushing his thumping cock even harder between your plump pussy lips. “Say my fucking name. Say who you want to fuck this pretty, little pussy.”
“Neteyam! Neteyam... please. Please fuck me already!” you beg and plead with him.
“That’s it. Spread your legs for me.” He demands, kicking your legs apart.
You open your trembling legs, unintentionally rubbing your slit against the length of his shaft.
“Fuck. Look at you, listening so well.” he praises you, wrapping your tail around his forearm as he positions the head of cock against your quivering hole.
Neteyam pushes his cock into you slowly, watching as every single inch of him disappears in your soft, tight, cunt. A high-pitched whimper escapes your throat as you fling your head back from the mixture of pleasure and pain. This is the first time his cock has gotten any real attention; the feeling is like pure bliss to him – making him slip even deeper into the thick of his territorial urges.
His throbbing erection is engulfed by your heat, gripping him tightly and refusing to let go. He can’t even find it within himself to allow you to adjust to his profound size. Drawn out whines make their way into the air as you feel his pelvis smack into you repeatedly, as he sets a pitiless rhythm. He dips his head forward, taking in the sight of you sucking in his entire length.
“You feel so good, gripping my cock like this, y/n.” he grunts, breaking the rhythm already. He pulls your hips all the day down onto him, holding them there for some time, allowing you to feel every thick vein and curve of his bulging cock inside you.
“Feel that?” he moves his free hand under you and caresses the bump protruding from your lower abdomen. “That’s me, right here.” He kisses your shoulder, brushing his fangs against it.
All you can do is make needy, filthy noises as he teases you. You just need him to fuck the sense back into you. “Please... please. Please Neteyam.” You hiccup, trying to rock your hips back and forth on his cock.
“So fucking needy.” He spits, pulling his cock all the way out, and slamming it back into you.
He’s giving you the pounding of your life, slipping deeper into the foggy haze, when Lo’ak moves around to the other side of the table. He’s now standing directly in front of your face. He grits his teeth, trying his best to keep his calm as he watches you get fucked by a cock that isn’t his. Noticing your pelvis pushing back against his brother’s insistent thrusts, he kneels in front of you, coming face to face with you.
He looks deeply into your watery, drunk, eyes. “Gonna cum again like the little slut you are? Hmm? From taking another man’s cock in front of me like this?” he growls, gritting his teeth. “Cum quickly. So I can fuck you silly and make you cum even harder.”
“Y-yes, Lo’ak!” you let out a sweet, little cry. Neteyam jerks your tail towards him, pulling it even more taut around his arm. “Ugh - fuck! Neteyam, Neteyam! I’m sorry!” you sob loudly, feeling yourself dissolve in pleasure.
You bury your face into your arms as your body pushes Neteyam’s out of you, cumming violently on his cock. Your cunt is pulsating feverishly while you try to hold back your moans. They come out as squeals, muffled by your arms. He rubs his cockhead against your clit, desperate to plunge right back inside of you and make you cum again.
“Oh Eywa. I love these little noises you are making for me.” Neteyam grins. “Make them louder.”
Hearing your strained whines, Neteyam does just that – he slams the entirety of his cock back inside of you, angling his pelvis to fuck right into the swollen, spongey part of your cunt. After a few deep, and hard thrusts, you cum again, throbbing around his cock.
“Yes, my sweet girl. Cum as many times as you need.” Neteyam encourages you, feeling your walls clench around him for second time.
Forcefully pushing him out of your cunt, your legs shake uncontrollably, giving out beneath you. Neteyam holds you up by your hips, releasing your tail from his grip, just relishing in the feeling of your pussy pulsing against his length.
“No fair. What about me?” Lo’ak huffs, jealous and unable to control himself anymore. He stands up and rests his heavy cock against your face that rests on your arm.
“You better fucking cum for me like that.” He bucks his hips against your face, sliding his wet cock against your cheek – anything for a bit of friction.
Neteyam wastes no time and stuffs his cock back inside of you, slamming his pelvic bone right into you. Your face reddens from the immense pressure you feel as your muscles tighten, cumming for a third time – just from his singular thrust.
“Neteyammm. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You moan lengthily, pulsing around his cock yet again.
“I love hearing my name come out this pretty mouth of yours while you cum all over this mighty warrior’s cock.” Neteyam moans, praising you by tapping your thigh.  
“Well, I don’t. This filthy mouth of yours needs to be stuffed.” Lo’ak growls, shoving his cock inside of your mouth.
The corners of your mouth sting due to the sheer size of his girth. Your lips stretch to their limit just to accommodate his thickness, which is now muffling your moans. You grunt helplessly into Lo’ak’s raging cock, brushing against it with your teeth as Neteyam fucks into you. He grabs a fistful of your hair and moves your head to a better position.
“Easy with the teeth, pretty girl.” Tears are streaming down your face as Lo’ak’s cock hits the back of your throat, causing you to gag. He’s fucking your face, as if it were your needly little cunt, jolting your body against Neteyam with each shove. Each time Neteyam thrusts into you, it drives Lo’ak’s cock further down your throat, making you gag around his girth even more.
“Mmm - fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum in your throat if you keep gagging on me like that. Open wider.” Lo’ak pulls out of you momentarily, patting your cheek and moving your hair out of your face. You gasp for air, taking a deep, sharp breath through your gaping mouth before Lo’ak fills your throat again.
“Yes, just like that. See? Not so hard to listen to me.” Lo’ak moans, fucking into the back of your throat.
Saliva runs down your neck as you struggle to take his cock, choking at every thrust. The two brothers shift their focus to each other, looking at what the other has and wanting it for themselves. Neteyam wanted to shove his entire length down your throat, and Lo’ak wanted to fuck you into comatose. They communicate with their eyes, and nod slightly, and both pull out of you at the same time.
You gasp for air, wheezing loudly. Strings of saliva hang down your mouth, while tears stream down your flushed cheeks. You’ve never felt so empty in your life. They flip you onto your back and each grab an arm and leg and pull you towards themselves – completely spinning you around. Lo’ak is now pressing against your cunt and Neteyam is brushing against your cheek.
“Guys... Please!” You sob, looking through blurred vision to see the two bothers hovering over you, positioning themselves to fuck both your holes numb.
Neteyam yanks you towards him by the shoulders, causing your head to hang freely off the edge of the table. All you can see in your direct line of sight is Neteyam’s monstrous cock, looming over your face – his tip poking into your breastbone. At the base you see his growing knot, purple and veiny – begging to be buried inside you.
“Oh, fuck no.” you mumble as he rubs his slippery cock between your breasts, smothering your face with his knot and balls.
Lo’ak lifts your leg over his shoulder, lining up his stiff cock with your used hole. He rubs his mushroom-like tip against your abused hole, before plunging his entire length into you in one, quick, hard thrust.
“Ah! Wait, Lo’ak... ‘ts too fucking big! Take it out!” you scream, as your cunt stretches to accommodate his extreme thickness.
The bend in his cock makes it so that his swollen cockhead is driving directly into your sweet spot. Your screams quiet down into muffled sobs – everything is so raw and tender that you feel like you’re burning up. Your hands frantically search for something to hold. Lo’ak grabs your hand, and intertwines his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand tightly.
“Shh... you’re alright.” He reassures you, looking down at your cunt swallowing his cock avidly, using his free thumb to rub circles into your throbbing clit. He waits for you to adjust to his girth before moving his hips.
Neteyam holds your other hand, bringing it to his thigh for you to squeeze. “Relax, baby. Take a deep breath for me.” You breathe in deeply, filling your lungs with cool air. “Good girl, keep these pretty lips open for me.”
Neteyam slides his cock slowly into your mouth, watching it vanish down your throat – inch by inch. You squeeze his thigh as your feel his cockhead burrow its way past the back of your throat. Lo’ak starts moving his hips erratically – feeling the ecstasy that your now-pulsing cunt brings to his chest. He fucks directly into your sweet spot, hard. The sheer force of his thrusts make the table beneath you rock back and forth, shoving Neteyam’s length down your throat even more.
They were both on the verge of cumming from denying themselves the pleasure this entire time. You can tell from their insistent, merciless movements, ramming their cocks in and out of you for survival. All you can hear are the squelching noises coming from your sopping pussy, their low, guttural grunts and groans, and the sound of skin slapping against skin.  
“Come on.” He grits his teeth, rutting into you. “Cum *slam* for *slam* me *slam*.” Lo’ak demands of you, wanting to make you cum before he does. It’s like your body listens to his commands, spasming your muscles as you try to push his cock out of you.
“Yeah? Right here?” he pounds directly into the swelling, spongey part of your heat. “Don’t push me out. Cum for me like a good little slut.”
You let out choked mewls, thrashing your head from side to side as Neteyam grinds into the back of your throat. You slap his thigh repeatedly while throaty whimpers vibrate around his cock. Neteyam pulls out of your mouth to let you breathe.
Taking a huge breath, you lift your head up, watching his cock pop out of you. “Ugh Lo’ak! Cumming, cumming!” you rasp, as your entire body shakes, squirting your essence all over Lo’ak.
Lo’ak looks down at the mess you made on him, with wide eyes, surprised that you could do that. “That’s what I’m fucking talking about, y/n.” he pats your trembling thigh, still bucking his hips against your slippery clit.
He sees the daze in your eyes, and takes your other leg over his shoulder, and squeezes them together – now fucking the softness of your thighs.  
You hear a loud growl behind you and feel a pair of hands grip your face, pulling it back over the edge of the table. “Why didn’t you squirt for me like that? Hmm?” Neteyam growls, eyes green from jealousy.
“I... I-I didn’t know I c-could –” You stutter, being cut off by him ramming his entire cock back down your throat.
He flings his head back, relishing in the warmth of your mouth. He snaps his back down, to see a bulge in your throat.
“Shit. Another one?” he rests his hand on the bulge jutting out of your neck, caressing it ever so slightly. “Such a good girl, taking me so well.” he praises you by driving his cock into you as hard as he can.
“Look at me down your throat, my love. Your filthy little mouth was made to take my cock.” You start to gag as he bottoms out in your mouth. His eyes squeeze shut, and he clenches his jaw, trying his hardest not to cum.
“Oh, fuck. Brother, you were being serious about her gagging like this.” His knot pushes against the entrance of your mouth. He grips a fist full of your hair at the back of your head and holds your face down on it as you gag repeatedly.
“Shh... shh... take it baby. Ugh – Ngh. You can take it - you’re okay. You’re okay.” He comforts you, allowing his hand to slide from your throat bulge down to your breast.
He pulls out suddenly, allowing you to breathe. You make loud, choked gasps, desperately trying to fill your lungs. “Netey –” you choke out, cut off by his cock plunging back inside of your mouth, holding you firmly against the beginning of his knot by the back of your head. You gag repeatedly, seeing stars in your vision.
“Yes, just like that. F-fuck!” he lets loose a guttural groan.
Suddenly, you feel his cock throb and pulsate in your throat. You let go of Lo’ak’s hand and grab your neck, feeling the bulge jump as he empties his seed directly into your stomach.
“Swallow... swallow it, baby.” He hums, rocking into you as he supports the back of your head with his hand.
Lo’ak is pounding in between your thighs, chasing his climax, too. His head is dipped back form utter bliss, sliding his slippery cock between your swollen, plump pussy lips. He’s holding onto your legs that are now wrapped tightly around his neck, as he gives you two, long, hard thrusts, covering your entire torso in his hot, sticky seed.
“Oh – oh shit. Shit. Shit. Yes, y/n.” he moans loudly, rocking into you as his throbbing cock paints your stomach and chest.
Neteyam steps back, pulling roughly out of you. You gulp down his salty cum, feeling it fill up your stomach. You can practically hear his huge load slosh around in your tummy as Lo’ak is still bucking his hips into you as he calms down from his high.
You vision fades to black, and the boys’ voices turn into echoes. You focus on breathing between your violent coughs – trying you best to stay awake. Your efforts prove to be futile as you drift in and out of consciousness. They quickly realise that they may have taken things too far with you, looking down at your condition.
“y/n? y/n?” Neteyam kneels down next to your face, tapping your cheek gently, trying to wake you up.
Lo’ak crouches over you, trying to look into your eyes. “Shit. Y/n?” he shakes your limp legs on his shoulders.
“Nete – neteyam. Lo – lo’ak...” you blabber softly, not knowing what you’re saying.
“Yes, y/n?” Lo’ak lowers your limp legs down, rushing to your side.
“I’m right here, y/n. What is it?” Neteyam supports your head on his shoulder, brushing his cheek against yours.
All that comes out your mouth are soft whimpers and mewls, shaking your head side to side as you try to fight the urge to sleep. It seems like this is the only way you’ll be able to make a choice – if you’re so fucked out that you don’t have any common sense left to stop you from overthinking.
“y/n?” they say in unison, both of their faces nestled next to your cheeks.
“Who do you want? Who are you calling for?” they both whisper in your ears.
“I – I want...”
“... ma’ ‘teyam.”
“... ma’ Lo’ak.”
“... b-both.”
Tags: @jakexneytiri @sweethoneycn @deadgirl02 @keijis-wifey @pandorxx @swiftielivvie @teyamfangirl @bl-lover-yaoii @sooebear @vanillawhales @bxnnywriting @athenachu @trashboat-the-raccoon @avaixe @itssiaaax @qweq-6802 @rodeosayu @girlpostingsposts @jakesullysbabygirl @rinloversworld @agelsully @zetey @boooogieman @jiafeimagic @eywascall @yawneneteyam @weirdomcu @pandxrastars @eichenhouseproperty @camgod78 @kibiscribbles @bedofpearls @kurtsworld096 @audrinawf @otukirey @deexdeez @c78r
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cyber97luts · 5 months
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 ∞༺♥︎༻✧𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
˚✧❨✧˚—✞—°Warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive joke, accidentally saying too instead of to (ts is so triggering), a lil playful changbin bullying (i love him sm dont fight me), one kay why ess joke, mistakes
.•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•..•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•..•*¨`*•. ☆
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☆this took a bit longer than the end of the week, but i've officially figured everything out so i hope to begin posting more regularly :)
ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕...
:;loading. . .
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey - Chapter 11
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Song Lyrics; State Of Grace - Red(TV) TS "And I never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same"
♡ Summary: Carm goes to see Winnie after a long day at work, Winnie discovers that famous chefs like Carmy have fans & she introduces him to the world of fandom. They have a chat about BDSM and possibly exploring it more.
♡ W/C: 8,384
♡ Posted Date: 03/07/2024
♡ A/N: Helloooo all!! FIRST Just so y'all know for the story - Winnie is like 4'11 on a good day, Carmy/JAW is like 5'7/5'8 - so that's why Winnie seems so 'small' , they really have a normal height difference for a couple lol JAW is a short king. Anywho I saw a post abt. how there are actually fanfics for famous chefs and stuff and I looked it up- it is totally true!!! Loves it, So of course it inspired this chapter hehehe I feel like Carm would totally be an old man and not even KNOW what fanfic is but Winnie is a professional fangirl. Also - I am currently watching TS in Singapore & DBATCxBabe?!?!?!? IM SCREAMING!! Dead dead gone!! I predicted thissss heheheheh
♡ Warnings for BTC: Smutsmutsmut, BDSM talk, OH period sex (sowwy ik some people don't like that but u can skip and winniexcarm will be back next week with some fluffy goodness) getting lazy w these warnings but if you've made it this far in the fic nothing will trigger you i've already gotten most the triggering shit outta the way.
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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𝒲𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝒫.𝒪.𝒱. 🍯
When I heard a light knock at my door, I giddily jumped up from my comfy nest in bed I’d created for myself and dashed over, opening the door right away and Carmy dropped his hand away from the peephole, smirking. 
“And what if I was a killer this time, did you even look?” he stepped in the doorway, wrapping his arms around my waist and his hands sliding down to squeeze my bum gently.
I laughed a bit, wrapping my arms around his middle, crossing my fingers, and draping my arms around him lightly. “I guess I was so excited to see you I’d have been dead, kisses now” I puckered my lips up and closed my eyes expectantly. 
“Mmm…I’m expecting my test to be aced next time I come over yeah?” he pecks my lips sweetly and I open my eyes, furrowing my brows a bit before giggling.
“Test” I repeated, “You’re testing me?” I rested my forehead against his, gazing into the blue eyes I’d missed so much even though it’d only been 8 hours since I’d seen him last. 
“Y’can’t open up the door without checkin’, baby. This is a decent area- but Chicago is fuckin’ nuts” he nudged the door closed with his foot and tightened his grip on my waist slightly, the feeling of the calouses over his fingers causing goosebumps to rise over my flesh..
“Fine, but only cause I’m sooo obedient..for you” I pulled him into another kiss, wrapping my fingers in his frizzy curls and humming happily. I ran my tongue over his, enjoying the taste of tobacco and the minty gum he must have gotten rid of just before he got here. I feel his tense muscles relax slightly under my touch as I gently scratched my nails against his scalp. We made out for a few heavenly minutes, our noses bumping sweetly, him running his hands up my waist to my lower back, rubbing soft, soothing strokes back and forth.
He pulled away slightly, causing my eyes to flutter open and find his gaze. “Hm?” I questioned and he smiled a bit.
“I uh- I smell like work, I need to shower, honey” he kissed my forehead tenderly, his lips lingering for a sweet moment. 
I buried my face in his neck, inhaling deep and dramatically, letting out a satisfied hum which made him laugh, his chest shaking with movement.. “Mmmm…you smell soo good I love the way you smell Carmy, a little kitcheny, but still you,” I mumble into his shirt and he rubs up my back, his nails brushing over my ribs..
“You are fuckin’ weird babe,” he said, causing me to giggle and look up at him, resting my chin where it met his sternum and gazing up at him with a cheeky grin.
“Better get used to it, go and shower, pretty-boy- I can give you a massage after and everything if ya want. And I promise I’ll control myself this time” I said, pulling away with a step back. “Maybe” I added and he chuckled, grabbing his backpack from where he dropped it on the floor and heading to the bathroom.
“We both know you have shown little self-control around me while shirtless” he nudged it open, zipping open his backpack and dropping his usual grey sweatpants and boxers on the bathroom counter before tossing the bag on the floor. 
I gasp playfully at his accusation, “I’m Sorry- are you calling me thirsty?” I stood in the doorway, arms crossed with a playful grin.
He hummed and shrugged, turning on the shower and tugging his hoodie off, and undershirt as well. Of course, I watched- what male-attracted person wouldn’t watch him undress if given the chance? 
He brushes his hair back from the ruffling of the fabric, turning to pull the shower curtain open and I got the stellar show of watching his toned muscles flex beneath his skin as he does so. 
He reached down, unbuckling his belt, the metal buckle jingling as he pulled it off with one long tug, an action that had me readjusting my stance in the doorway to ease the now pulsing ache between my thighs. 
He unbuttoned his jeans, pulling the zipper down casually, and stepped towards the door, breaking my trance. “Mmhm…thirsty” he said softly with a smirk, pecking my lips before shutting the door in my face.I scoffed, blinking a few times in surprise and my cheeks going hot at the very true accusation. 
“Oh wow! Wow! A girl can’t enjoy free eye candy in her own damn house in which she pays the bills!?” I called through the door as I headed to my room with a smile, hearing him chuckle a bit. 
I laid back on my bed, opening my phone and going back to my scrolling on Tik Tok. It was about 10 minutes of senseless scrolling while listening to the water run- before, for some strange reason, I had the urge to click the search button and type in Carmy’s name. 
It felt…a little creepy. But- I pushed the shame off telling myself its normal to want to see someone you’re seeing’s social media, so I decided to feed that little voice in my mind telling me it was a good idea. 
And boy was it a great idea. 
The first 20 or so videos were absolute fan-cams of Carmen from different interviews he’d done for different events, award shows, etc. and the comments were absolutely filthy- and also spoke to my very soul for the way he made me feel..
‘Oh- I KNOW it’s big- FS fs!!’
‘I need him in a way thats concerning to feminism- like..strip my rights away’
‘He seems SO unhinged&crazy abt his craft…I NEED him’
‘Chef- more like DADDY’
‘You KNOW he's ripped, look at the armsss- and the HANDS?! NEED EM AROUND MY MF THROAT!!!’
Each comment i’d read I was giggling more, but then- an even better thought popped into my mind, if theres fancams… There has to be fanfiction.
 I nearly sprained a thumb opening my Tumblr app and typing in his name in the search bar. I giggled maniacally as if I just struck gold about 5 minutes later of digging through reposts of photoshoots he’d done fore magazines that I was amazed he didnt post on his personal instagram- when I struck the first one. 
Little gasps and giggles left my lips as I continued to read through the post. Being honest with myself, I wasn’t giggling at the people posting- I was giggling because I knew Carm doesn’t have a clue about this- and I can not wait to see the look on his face when I tell him about it.
I was so engulfed in the story of some fantasy someone had about Carm roughly fucking them in over the counter in the kitchen, giggling at the idea, that I hadn’t even heard the shower water cut off.
 I wish we could do that in the kitchen after everything was closed - but truth be told, Carmy is way too shy for public stuff, at least right now. But damn- after he leaves me in the mornings? I should be reading up on his tumblr tag for ideas because holy fuck- these bitches are filthy whores in the best way.
The bathroom door clicks open and he flicked off the bathroom light. “What’s all the gigglin’ out here missy?” he asked amusedly, coming over to now his side of the bed. I looked up to see him shirtless, clad in the light grey sweatpants I’d come to love so much that hung low off of his toned hips. 
“Uh-” I said, the meer view of him completely erasing all previous thoughts from my brain. Fuck his curls are so much more pronounced when they’re wet, it drives me nuts. No wonder his chest is so curly…
“TikTok?” he asks when I don’t reply, instead just admiring his frame, kneeling on the mattress and getting in bed next to me and he sees the Tumblr app open with a screen full of text. “Readin’ then, baby?” he asks now, and I realize I still hadn’t said anything, my focus on the little curly patch of hair that adorned the middle of his chest.
“Everyone wants to fuck you” I said the first thing that came to my mind, my eyes flickering to his finally, and he laughed. His head fell back on the headboard, eyes crinkling up in amusement adorably. 
“What?” he asked, poking my side playfully. “Who wants to fuck me? I haven’t gotten any offers as of late other than you, of course” he snorts and pushed his wet curls back off his forehead.
“N-no you’re like…famous, Carm, like- alot of people want to fuck famous chef’s.. I didn’t realize it before but it’s like..a kink? I guess? Like.. how I wanna fuck winged dudes, but some girls ultimate kink is a super sexy, awarded, top of the line chef ” I giggled and his eyebrows raised, a smirk forming on his lips.
“A kink?” he shakes his head amusedly, rolling his eyes lightly. “And who told you this baby. Sadie?” he asked and it was my turn to laugh.
“No! No, It was me, I figured it out… have- have you not looked yourself up on TikTok? People like, they make fancams with the interviews you’ve done at those um- the James Beard award things for the last few years? And the other interviews about how you’ve come up that you did back in New York..they’re like- people want you, Carm, really- like, you have these bitches pussys meowing.” I said with a giggle, smiling wide as a blush crept to his cheeks.
“The fuck is a fancam?” he asks, causing me to giggle.
“You are such an old man sometimes, you know that right?” I pecked his lips and he squeezed my cheeks when I try to pull away, smushing my lips into a dramatic pout.
“I’m only three years older than you, you know that right?” he said and kissed my lips once more before letting me go.
I laugh at his firmness on the matter. “Three years closer to 30, mister 27 and 24, 2 very different check points” I teased and went back to my tik tok likes. His eyebrows raised as he leaned in, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer when he saw my last 13 likes in the previews contained his face.
“Should I be scared?” He mumbled into my neck with a soft chuckle, his minty breath hitting my senses.
“Mmm…Knowing you you’re gonna be all flustered, especially by the comments” I said, clicking on the first one. I smiled as I watched, “Look at that sexy little chef” I teased and he pinched my waist playfully as ‘Serpentine’ by The Gorillaz played in the background.
“S’what- people just like, look at me with music? Wait- why-why does it keep cutting to pictures of my hands from that article?” he questions, causing me to laugh and bury my face in the pillow at his pure obliviousness. “Hey! Tell me do I have weird hands?” he asks causing me to giggle harder. 
“Carmen oh my god!” I catch my breath. “You are so oblivious to your hotness, its adorable. No babe, no. Everyone is turned on by your hands, your hands are like…girlporn.” I explained, and his eyebrows raised in confusion, his cheeks bright pink.
“Girlporn.” he repeats, and I nodded enthusiastically with an amused smile.
 “I don’t believe that- I think y’re all makin’ fun of my hands, open the comments” he said and I roll my eyes playfully, obliging and reading some of my favorites out loud.
“Wow- these girls get me, Carm. ‘I know its big’ , ‘I need those hands around my neck-oops.’, ‘do you think he’s as passionate in bed as he is about the kitchen?’ oooo- I wanna reply and say yes to that one” I giggle and he takes my phone from my hand, scrolling. The light on his face accentuated his blush and he bit his lip in concentration as he scrolls.
“Who are all these people” he muttered to himself, causing me to laugh a bit. 
“Your fanclub baby, I told you - people love you, and they love what you do and the passion you have for it” I kiss his shoulder gently. “You haven't even read the fanfiction yet” I giggled into his skin and he looks down at me, offering the phone back quickly. 
“Show” he ordered, and I laughed. “Seriously, honey! Show! I’m frankly a little freaked out.” he said and I took the phone, going back to Tumblr.
“Babe, its nothing to be afraid of, they’re just horny 20-somethings like we are. And you’re like- mega famous? You’re like….Like- the Harry Styles of chefs! Of course like every bitch in culinary school is gonna be after your dick” I said, causing him to laugh.
“Oh my god- you really are something. C’mon, Read to me, about me- er how people think I am?” he chuckled and got comfy in bed, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling me into his chest. 
“Mmm so I’m your personal book slash fanfiction reader now?” I said teasingly, resting my head back against his chest and he kissed the top of my head sweetly. 
“Mhmm, and we can stay up as late as we want, I have tomorrow off” he said and I gasped happily, looking up at him with stars of pure joy in my eyes.
“You are?” I squeak with a broad smile and he beamed at my excitement, kissing my lips tenderly and resting his forehead on mine. 
“Mmmhmm, all y’rs t’morrow babygirl, you workin’?” he asked and I withered a bit, realizing I did, in fact, have obligations tomorrow.
“No- well…kinda, I have therapy at 1, and then I have the rest of the day, but my sessions are 3 hours.” I said my eyes fluttering to his lips before meeting his again. 
“Good girl” he said softly before kissing my lips dearly. My tummy flutters, and I feel warmth rush to my core at the name. He doesn’t know how much praise like that does to me. 
I delicately run my fingers through his damp curls, opening my mouth for him and humming in satisfaction at the minty taste that flares across my tongue almost instantly. I looped a curl around my finger absentmindedly, relishing in the taste of him. 
I interlaced our legs together, so every bit of possible flesh was being touched by him, soothingly running my calf along his. He huffs a small laugh into my mouth before pulling away. 
“Are we close enough now baby?” He kissed my jaw gently and nuzzled his face in my neck. I smiled wide, interlocking the fingers of my free hand with his. 
“Nope” I respond jokingly. Abruptly, I was being rolled over on top of him with one swift motion, only needing one of his arms to flip me like a ragdoll. I squeak in surprise, catching myself by straddling his hips with my thighs tightly and wrapping my arms around his middle, my phone lost someplace in the mass disarray of the blankets. 
“There we go angel, can’t be closer.” he said, pleased at his work. He wrapped his arms around my back and tucked his hands under my shirt, rubbing long strokes over my skin. 
“Mmm” I said happily, comfortably tucking my icy hands between his warm muscular back and the mattress “sooo warm” I said, giggling a bit when I sense him shiver slightly at the contact. 
“Jesus babe. Why the fuck are y’r hands so cold” he murmured, gently grazing my back with his short nails causing my eyes to flutter shut in ecstasy
I sighed softly in appreciation “keep doin’ that bear, it feels really good” I expressed, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck comfortably. 
“Course babygirl” he said tranquily, causing a small smile to form on my lips. 
“I love it when you call me names…” I said calmly into his skin, gently kissing his neck. 
“I love it when you call me Bear” he replied lightly, squeezing my hip with the free hand that wasn’t doing the scratching. 
 “Good cause I love calling you Bear, it fits you, baby.” I kissed his jaw adoringly before sitting up slightly, resting my hands on his chest for support. 
“Alexa, lights out bitch.” I said loud enough for the speaker to pick up, before laying back down. 
“Okay, lights out, bitch.” The speaker replied before my tv shut off, as well as my lamps, the only glow in the room being my soft fairy lights. I feel Carms chuckle beneath me and I look down at him. 
“I can’t with you..Y’re not gettin’ out of reading that to me, y’know. I wanna know what people think I’m like” he said and I roll my eyes with a smile. 
“Fine- but I was only sparing you, a lot of the stuff they wrote is really filthy and I know you’re kinda shy” I settle back on his chest, holding my phone to the right of his shoulder where I could see. 
“Now I’m really interested” he snorts and I roll my eyes. 
“This one, is called Yes, Chef” I whispered the title in his ear seductively and nibbled at his earlobe, giggling when I felt his palm come down on my ass in a gentle spank. 
“Cut it with the theatrics and read, honey” he said with a smile 
“Okay! Ok fine. Here’s the summary; ‘Valerie is a 20 year old college student, who got a summer job as a food runner at Chicagos finest restaurant- The Bear, with world famous chef prodigy Carmen Berzatto, things got hot and heavy on her first day in the kitchen.’ ”
I read and he snorts a laugh. “Wow ok so firstly- she can’t even drink, way too young for me, and second- her first day?! Jesus people must think I’m a fuckin’ douchebag. The prodigy thing was a nice touch though.” he said simply and I giggled. 
“Just wait. It’s not supposed to be like…realistic. It’s only a fantasy.” I explained and started reading. A few paragraphs in when it started to hit the plot point, he interrupts. 
“Okay- what?” He laughs and I look up at him, an amused smile on his lips.
“Have you ever seen me wear rings in the kitchen? Ever?” He questions, raising his eyebrows. 
“Oh my godddd” I groaned dramatically, giggling into his chest. “Carmy! Fantasy. The rings have purpose, just wait.” I said and he rolled his eyes, leaning down and kissing the top of my head. 
“Fine. Continue, but this isn’t realistic. Rings are so unsanitary baby I’d never wear them in the kitchen” he rubs over my back gently. 
I continued on getting through a few more paragraphs before my sneaky eyes betrayed me, reading slightly ahead “ooo this is where it gets really good babe. ‘I could barely reply, and he must’ve known that because he lets out an almost mocking laugh, and growls in my ear “like that mm? Little slut loves getting filled out by her boss on her first day?” he spanks me so hard the sound bounces off the walls, and I’m sure there will be a bruise-“ 
“Okay woah- I’d never hit you that hard what the fuck” he said, a bit shocked causing me to giggle. 
“Why not?” I look up at him and his eyebrows furrow in concern. 
“You want me to hit you during sex?” He questioned, his hands going still on my back. I shrug a bit, thinking it over. 
“I’m more of a praise person, but if degradation like that gets you off- I think it’s hot. But…scenes like that where it’s all rough- it’s pretty emotionally draining. I’d just need more aftercare.” I said softly, gently tracing over the triangle on his chest with my forefinger absentmindedly as I spoke. 
“Like…BDSM? You’re into that?” He asked and I put my phone down, nodding a bit. 
“Yeah..I mean- yeah. You aren’t?” I asked, slightly anxious for the answer. 
It didn’t bother me if Carm only wanted to have the same vanilla-esc sex we’d been having, but I would be much more fulfilled sexually if he would try more daring things out with me. 
“I-I’ve never um…done it. Like- not…not anything real like- spanking, sure- but I’ve heard it’s like a whole…culture of stuff, and I don’t- I don’t really understand it.” He said quietly, his cheeks going pink. 
I smiled a bit, leaning in and kissing his lips tenderly, gently cupping his cheeks and rubbing my thumbs along his stubble. Had he even went home, or did he come straight back here? My heart fluttered at the idea of him being so excited to get back to me, he didn’t even bother stopping at home.
“We can learn what you like, together baby.” I said softly when I pulled away, gently stroking his cheekbone with my thumb. 
“What do you like?” He asked, equally as quiet as he gazed into my eyes. I could see all the curiosity behind his icy blues, and it almost made me giddy that I was the one who got to properly introduce him to this world. 
“The part of BDSM I like, is more psychological control than physical. I do like bondage, I love breath play, impact play is a maybe. I like being spanked, I’ve thought about belt play for sure - but I do not want you to slap me across the face or shove me around in like… a mean way. But what really turns me on is the dom-sub dynamic outside the bedroom. I’ve never had like- a real dom but I’ve wanted one. A soft dom... But I don’t do like…hookups, or friends with benefits. I want it intertwined in to my actual romantic life..which can be kinda hard to find. But…I could see you being really good at the soft dom thing.” I expressed, playing with his curls gently as I talked with my cheek flush to his chest. 
“I know what Dom and sub is..but what’s soft Dom? Like- a Dom that isn’t good enough er- like.. Strong enough to be a full dominant?” He questions and I sit up from his chest, my gaze meeting his one more quickly. 
“Baby, no…no. Absolutely not. You are fucking amazing. A soft dom is a preference. Just like I said how I love praises, soft doms use rewards more then punishments. Instead of demanding something out of a sub, like- forcing it out of them, they’ll give an order a precise order, and patiently wait for their submissive to follow it, and then they reward their sub, instead of punishing because they were made to wait or something... That’s an attitude I think you’d take on really effortlessly, just cause of your job and the tolerance it requires” I explained and he nodded a bit, his hands once more continuing to rub soothing strokes along my skin. 
“So…you like being told what to do, but in a nice way?” He questioned, and I nodded with a smile. 
“Exactly. And I love praises when I’m doing something you like. Soft dom’s aren’t about humiliation or degradation, which I don’t think you are. Just from what we’ve done…but- do you like degrading?” I asked and he bit his lip for a moment as he thought. 
“No…no- I dunno…I don’t wanna hurt your feelings baby, isn’t the point of sex to feel good?” He questioned and I gently stroke his cheek, my heart turning to goop at his honesty in the question. 
“Mmhmm, some people feel good when they’re being mean like that though. It’s all consensual, I think if I was into that it would be because I want to take back control, y’know? In a way, being slapped around as a woman- I guess in a situation that you’re controlling it can help us feel…safer?” I shrug a bit “but you aren’t a sadist Carm, we don’t have to do that.” I rest my cheek back on his chest, continuing to rub my fingers over the little curly patch of hair in the middle of his pecs. 
“Well t’me it would just feel…wrong? Like..to call you a slut or something.” I giggled a bit, resting my chin on his chest again to look at him. 
“You can do it in a nice way y’know? I’m talking about like- for instance ‘all you’re good for is being a slut’ I don’t like that. But if you were like ‘That’s it my good little slut you’re doing such a great job for me’ I’d probably love it. Because to me it’s like- If I’m your slut, if I belong to you.. it’s different than being just a slut- I guess I probably have a bit of an ownership kink.” I giggled and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. 
“Where’d you learn how to talk like that Jesus” he muttered, his hands sliding down and squeezing my ass firmly. “I…” he trails off for a moment. 
“What baby? Tell me” I said encouragingly.
“I think..” he clears his throat. “I think I like praise too?” He said his cheeks going flaming red at the admission. “I-is that normal f’r guys t’like that?” He asked quietly, clearly anxious that he’d possibly said something wrong. 
“Yes, yes baby, thank you for telling me, what kind of praise do you like?” I asked, gently tracing the veins along his neck with a feather-light touch. 
He swallows thickly, goosebumps covering his skin. “Um..I- I dunno…but it- I-I guess the idea sounds nice? C-can you give me some examples..maybe?” He asked nervously, his thumbs rubbing circles into the flesh of my bum that he was still holding on to firmly. 
“Mm..well it’s not so much of an example as it is a real thought I just haven’t said out loud.. when we were in the shower and you were all bossy telling me to bend over, that was so fucking hot. I think about it all the time when I’m getting off, it always gets me there.” I smirk, gently playing with his chain between my fingers, tugging lightly. 
His pupils dilated, drinking in my words and I could see that he was contemplating something behind his gaze. “So…you like it when I give you orders like that? Like..Bossin’ you around? I honestly felt kinda bad after” he said softly and I nodded. 
“I love it. Also when you praised me for how well I take your huge cock, that was so good baby.” I kiss his neck, gently nipping the sweet spot below his pulse point and he groans softly, his grip on my ass tightening. 
“Fine… Then get on your back.” He said lowly, his voice husky with lust. Without a second thought, I plop on my back, spreading my legs to make space for him. 
“As you wish.” I said with a satisfied smile and he straddled me, his weight pushing me into the bed and he held himself up by his muscular arms on either side of me, caging me in. His chain dangled in front of my face teasingly, and I took it between my teeth. 
“Fuck you look so hot like that baby” he said softly, causing my proud smile to grow. 
I dropped it from my teeth “I want you to own me Carmy” I said softly, my hands trailing up his muscled chest. 
“Ye’ baby? You wanna be mine?” He kissed my neck with hot, open-mouthed kisses, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. My eyes fluttered shut, my stomach full of a swarm of butterflies, and my core on fire. I gasp in pleasure as he nips the spot on my neck that drives me wild, my chest arching up and becoming flush with his. 
Suddenly, I’m reminded of my current situation. 
“Wait” I said softly and he immediately stopped, pulling away and sitting up slightly. 
“Did I do something?” He asked nervously, carefully pulling down my shirt that had been pushed up in the heat of the moment. 
“No…it’s…” I blushed, covering my face in embarrassment. “It’s my fault- We can’t t’night I’m sorry,” I said shame lacing my voice. I feel his hand around my wrist, gently tugging. 
“Honey, look at me- what’s wrong?” He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. 
“I’m- I’m on my period and…I don’t wanna disgust you so- so no.” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest, staring at the ceiling more annoyed with myself than anything. 
“If it’s a me thing baby- I don’t care. I’ll wear a condom if you want, we can put down a towel. I’m definitely not afraid of a little blood.” He said sweetly, gently resting his hands on my hips and squeezing affirmingly. 
I felt a hard lump in my throat, and tears began pooling at the back of my eyes as my lip begins to quiver. He noticed and his lips curled into a small frown “we- we don’t have to angel, I’m just telling you that I don’t care if you’re bleeding- It’s- it’s fine, princess, we can just cuddle” he said gently and I nodded. 
“I know-“ I whisper, the tears making their way to my lash line and threatening to spill over. 
“Then why’re you cryin’, pretty girl?” He gently swipes his thumb under my eye, collecting the tears that had gathered. 
“Cause” I sniffled. “Cause you’re perfect Carmen.” I cup his cheeks and pull him into a deep kiss, my eyes squeezing shut and more tears falling down my cheeks.
He pulled away gently “don’t cry Angel, please don’t cry” he whispers, brushing away my residual tears and kissing my damp cheeks before resting his forehead on mine. “Do you want to? I want to, baby. But what I want more is what you want.” He whispered, looking in to my eyes honestly. 
I smiled a bit, nodding slightly against him. “Yes” I whisper. “But I just feel…all mushy now- and…I don’t wanna fuck” I said and I saw the disappointment behind his eyes, but of course he didn’t let it show otherwise. 
“I want you to make love to me.” I whispered, kissing his jaw tenderly in a line up to his lips. He smiled softly against my lips, humming softly. 
“Anything you want, princess.” He said softly before kissing my forehead tenderly. 
I smile warmly, my hands trailing up his sides, “let me go get a towel..” I said softly, and he shifted onto his side of the bed, sitting up against the headboard. I sit up and looked at him before getting up, grabbing his hand and squeezing gently. 
“Promise if you get grossed out- we’ll stop? A-and…and that you won’t see me differently.” I said meekly, in frantic need of reassurance. 
“I told you, honey, you could never gross me out, and being intimate while you’re on your cycle won’t change my feelings for you. I love being close to you, nothing could change that” he conveyed sincerely, before bringing my fingers to his lips and kissing gently. 
I nod, “ok,” I said quietly. I got up and padded off to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I used the restroom quickly and prepared myself by wiping down with some baby wipes, even though I’d just showered a few hours prior (you could never be too careful) - and washed my hands before grabbing an old towel from the bathroom closet. I took a deep breath to settle my nerves before opening up the door again. 
“I just- don’t um…finger me. You can touch me but- no- no fingers..please” I said shyly and sat on the bed, plopping the folded towel on the edge. 
“You got it, honey, thanks f’r tellin’ me- now c’mere” he patted his lap gently. I shuffle over on my knees, straddling him and sitting on his thighs gently. 
“Can we…can we turn off the lights?” I ask softly and he nodded. 
“Whatever will make you most comfortable baby, I’m fine with whatever you want.” He kissed my jaw sweetly. 
I leaned down and kissed his neck gently, leaving soft, lingering kisses down and around his throat, trailing down, grazing my teeth along his skin as I did so and kissing his collarbones gently. “You have such a nice chest Carmy” I said softly, kissing the base of his throat sweetly. 
“I could say the same thing about you, can I take this off honey?” He tugged the hem of my shirt gently, and in response I sit up and lifted my arms. He slips the fabric off, throwing it somewhere on the floor and sat back, eyes racking over my frame causing my cheeks to heat. 
“So fuckin’ perfect.” He mutters, his large hands cupping my breasts and thumbs rubbing over my nipples causing them to perk up almost immediately. 
“Do you like my piercings?” I asked softly, one of my hands coming up and cupping his gently. He looked at me as if he was shocked I'd even ask the question. 
“Babe- y’re so fuckin’ hot. You have the nicest tits I’ve ever seen. I’m obsessed with these” he squeezes them together for emphasis, causing me to giggle and I felt all of my tension and insecurity melt away. 
“Yeah? What do you like about ‘em?” I asked with a smirk, amused at his boyish affinity for breasts, running my hand down his forearm and squeezing gently. 
“Fuck yes. So many things. I love how they’re the perfect handful for me, like they fit fuckin’ perfect in my hands honey. And they’re so soft, and so perky, and fuckin’ bouncy- c’mere I need ‘em” he pulls me to him, kissing over my flesh with hot, wet smooches before taking one of my nipples in his mouth and suckling gently, his tongue playing with my jewelry causing me to moan out loudly in pleasure. 
I’d never been ravished this time of the month before- and to be quite honest, it was slightly overwhelming just how sensitive I was. 
I gasped slightly at the feeling of his teeth gazing at the sensitive bud, my chest arching into him and pathetic whimpers falling from my lips. “Carmy - fuck I love your mouth s’much” I grind my hips into his, feeling his length already rock hard beneath me. He moaned slightly into my skin, the vibrations against my nipple sending a crashing wave of pleasure to my core that caused my hips to buck into his and my hand to fall flat to his chest to try and ground myself, his thumping heart resting beneath my palm. 
“Fuck - take these off” I said, tugging at his sweatpants. “I- I don’t wanna ruin them with a stain they’re my favorites” I breathe out, pulling at the waistband more. He chuckles into my skin, pulling away from my nipple with a pop and gazing up at me with dark, lust filled eyes, the blue almost completely swallowed by the black saucers of his pupils. 
“How do you want me angel?” He asked, resting his chin on my breast and not breaking my gaze. His lips were puffy and swollen from the assault on my nipple, glistening with saliva. 
“I-“ I felt my cheeks heat, my stomach flipping with anxiety at the realization of the intimacy I really wanted. I swallowed thickly before continuing. “I- I want you to be on top of me…like…like earlier? When you were pressing me into the bed it…it made me feel safe” I brushed a hand through his curls. 
A small blush heated his cheeks and he smiled a bit. “Yeah princess? Ok..I liked that too. I wanna see y’re pretty face” he said softly, brushing my fringe away from where it had hidden my eyes slightly. 
I kissed his lips tenderly before grabbing the towel, laying it down on my side and smoothing it out. I realized, without the glow of the moonlight pouring in that was cut off by the curtains, it was pitch black on my half of the bed. “Can you- um…open the shade a little?” I ask him when he got up to slip his sweatpants off. 
“Course baby, no one can see us right?” He joked, going over and pulling open the curtain and soft moonlight flooded the whole room, just enough. 
“I think it’s dark enough in here for no one to get a free show” I giggled, laying back and making sure my hips were fully on the towel so I wouldn’t stain my silk sheets. I sat up a bit, pushing my hair behind me so I or he wouldn’t pull it by accident before settling back down, spreading my legs once more for him. 
He stood at the end of the bed, like me, in nothing but his underwear. His large hands curled over his hips as he admired my frame. I blushed, suddenly feeling as naked as I was, and I resisted the urge to cover up my breasts with my hands. “You are so fuckin’ beautiful, Winnie” he said softly, kneeling on the bed and coming up to me, wrapping my thighs around his middle and kissing up from my navel to my neck in long, open mouth kisses, marking me with his saliva. The chill of the air conditioning after each kiss eventually brought on a small shiver that turned into raised goosebumps. 
 “You make me feel so beautiful” I said softly, my eyes fluttering shut and head falling back to the pillow in bliss as he ravished me with adoring kisses over every inch of bare skin. 
“Mm well that’s because you are, you’re the most captivating girl I’ve ever seen” he whispered in my ear gently, his voice laced with a certainty that he believed what he was telling me. 
I swallowed thickly, my breath hitching when he bites down on my neck gently, sucking on the sensitive skin. “I want to be yours Carm. Only yours- please” I breathe out, my arms curling around his back and fingers drawing little patterns over his muscles lightly. He bit down on my skin harder, sucking roughly. 
There will surely be a bruise. 
I moaned softly, one of my hands trailing up to wrap in his soft curls and play with them between my fingers. “Yeah?” He mumbled into my skin, peppering kisses down my jaw “Y’want me to own you, baby? Mmm? Y’want everyone to know that you belong t’me?” He asked gently in my ear, his hot breath and husky voice laced with desire hurling waves of warmth to my core. 
“Please-please own me Carmy. Make love to me” I begged quietly, my voice trembling with want and anticipation. He rested his forehead on mine, nuzzling the tip of his nose against mine sweetly. 
“You’re the only person I’d ever want to make love to, honey” he whispered into my lips before kissing me hungrily. I moan at his words, opening my mouth for him and dragging my tongue across his, needing more of him.
 I lifted my hips when I feel hip pat my bum, and he pulls my panties down to my knees, breaking our kiss to trail kisses up my leg before he drapes it over his side to peel off the barely-there fabric, flinging it to the floor before wrapping my leg securely back around his waist. 
“I need you” I voiced softly, my fingers trailing down his chest to his happy trail, delicately hooking my fingers in his waistband and pulling him free. His length eagerly pops out and slaps against his stomach, making me smile proudly.
 “Do you need me?” I ask quietly, wrapping my fist around his length and stroking him gently, giving him the firm tug he loved. 
He groans, his head falling back slightly and eyes fluttering shut as I run my thumb over his slit, spreading the precum all over his rosy head. “Fuck baby- so bad. I miss your pussy so fuckin much” he breathes out, whimpering and grabbing my wrist when I started massaging his tip firmly with my thumb. 
“Ah-ah-mmm-baby” he whines, gripping my wrist tighter “fuuck- shit Y’re gonna make me cum, s-stop- please- I-I still wanna fuck you” he whimpered and I gently lowered my hand, continuing to do slow languid strokes over the bottom half of his length and I see his muscles relax as if I’d just taken him right off the edge. 
“That’s how it feels when you rub my clit- more or less.” I said and he gently pushes me to lay back, causing me to lose my grip on him. 
“I’d say less considering-“ he spread my lips with his ring and forefinger, dragging his middle finger just barely brushing over my clit causing my hips to buck into his palm and a soft moan to escape my lips. “Takes barely anything t’get you worked up baby, you were chokin my cock- not a fair comparison” he teased with a smirk, leaning in and kissing me warmly. 
I cry out in his mouth when he flicks his finger over the extremely sensitive bud, “see baby? Y’re already so worked up… I love those sexy little noises you make” he hums in my ear, rubbing me in achingly slow circles. 
“Oh- fuck yes- yes-yes Carmy just like that” I whine out, tightening my heels in his back to pull myself closer. He adds more pressure and I gasp out, grinding my hips against his hand, so aching for more friction he barely had to move his fingers to get me off at this point. 
“That’s it honey” he leans down, taking my nipple back in his mouth and my core clenches around nothing which he feels beneath his hand causing him to smile lightly, his tongue flicking over the nipple.
I let out a breathy “ahh” at the wave of pleasure that washes over my core at the action.
“Mmm you’re humpin’ my hand like a horny little bunny right now baby, it’s adorable” he mutters into my skin and I smiled lazily, opening my eyes to look at him. 
“Not my fault your hands are better at the job then mine are” I circled my hips, and he took back over, rubbing quicker but lighter circles into my heat that made my stomach tighten and head fall back on the pillow with a breathy “oh”. My breathing quickens, my core tightening, that familiar building beginning to wash over me and my eyes twisting shut, nose scruching in focus. 
“Y’gonna cum f’me, bunny? Mmm? I know that adorable face baby, you close? Y’gonna cum f’me angel?” He cooed teasingly, kissing my collar bones and nipping gently. I whimper at the use of the new name, my eyebrows furrowed together in pleasure. 
“Ah! mm-mmhmm” I managed to ramble out, my mind going blank other than the overwhelming tightness in every muscle. 
“Hey, hey, lemme see those pretty eyes, princess” he kisses the corner of my mouth sweetly. “Mm? Please Baby? Can I see those pretty eyes while you cum for me?” my eyes fluttered open and met his, seeing him smiling sweetly. “Oh you are such a mess and we’ve barely started angel, such a good girl- my good girl” he said, and with that- I was thrown over the edge into my orgasm full force. 
My hips bucked up, my clit pulsing, warmth flooding every inch of my body as the pleasure overtook me. “Yesyesyesyes” was all that I could manage to get out of my mouth, my breathing ragged. I pulled him to me, kissing him feverishly, the sound of lips the only audible while I rode out my high.
 “I need you” I mumbled between hot, wet kisses. “I need you inside me,” I said, before kissing him again. 
He adjusted my hips, pulling away briefly and ripping open a condom with his teeth that he blindly grabbed from my nightstand he’d left out for us a while ago, and rolled the latex over his throbbing member. “Ribbed huh?” He raised his eyebrows teasingly and I giggled. 
“More fun f’me- especially with a huge cock like yours” I pull him back to me with my legs and chuckled as he lines himself up, holding himself up with one arm. 
“I’m honestly surprised you can take all of it.” He said, nudging his tip in and I moaned, dropping my head back and eyes fluttering shut.  “Fuck” he grunted, pushing in deeper. “Y’re fuckin tight babe- are you sure y’re ok?” He looks up at me and in response I nod, my jaw dropped wide in pleasure and eyes shut lightly, breathing heavy.
“Fuck- oh my god please- please- more” I begged him, grabbing his hand and interlacing our fingers. He gently kissed my forehead as he pushed himself into me to the point our pelvises were flush and I let out a loud whiny cry at the sudden pressure. 
“Yes fuck- I feel so full-s’good” I whine out. He moaned softly as he thrusts out to the tip before going all the way back in, the ribbed tip of his cock brushing right up against my g-spot in a way that makes my hips jerk and I let out a soft “ah”, stars forming behind my eyes. He wrapped his forearms around my thighs, pulling me higher up in his lap and wrapping his arms around my back, holding me over the bed with his hands on my shoulderblades as he started a quick snap of his hips, moaning out as his head fell back. 
“Fuckkk baby. Y’re so fuckin’ good t’me letting me have you like this- shiiit- s’fuckin’ tight baby y’re swallowing my fuckin’ cock right now” he grunted out in absolute ecstasy.
But it fell on deaf ears because this new position he had us in had me swimming through an ocean of pleasure and I couldn’t think of anything other then how deep he was, and how he was hitting spots I’d yet to discover myself or with any other partner. I could feel him in my stomach - and I’d have thought before now, someone so big would hurt, but it was as if we were molded for each other's bodies, he filled me up like a fucking puzzle piece.
“Mm? How’s it feel baby? You ok?” He slows down his movements,  breaking me from my trance and I cupped his cheeks, resting my forehead on his. 
“Carmen” I whisper, my hands trembling with pleasure. 
“What? What- baby, am I hurting you?” He asks his voice laced with worry. 
“No- no. I need you- I- I need you to keep fucking going. Don’t stop. Unless I tell you. To stop. Understand me? I’ve never felt so fucking amazing- I can’t even think baby- I can’t even fucking cum right now- i’m trying to process this level of pleasure, you’re fucking me dumb right now- please, please don’t fuckin’ stop.” I rambled out and stroke his jaw gently and he continues his slow pace. “F-Faster, and harder. Please” I said, kissing him deeply and moaning into his mouth when he did so. 
I pulled away, gasping in pleasure as he thrusted into my gspot, my hand gripping his shoulder and the nails digging in to the skin, causing half moon shapes “there” I squeaked, my eyes screwing shut. He rested my back against the headboard for support, before snapping his hips faste straight into that spot. The only sounds in the room were now his soft satisfied grunts, wet sounds of him drilling into me, the clapping of skin, and short sweet little ‘ah…ah…ah…’ noises spilling from my lips unintentionally at the force of his every thrust. 
Before I could even warn him, my walls are pulsing and fluttering around him wildly as one of the most intense orgasms of my life crashed over me like a tsunami, my hips bucking wildly and thighs quivering uncontrollably. I cry out, my back arching up and my fists white from grabbing the sheets so hard. I could have sworn I felt one of my nails crack under the pressure of my grip.
“Mmmm- cumming- cumming!!” I muttered urgently between heaving breaths when I could finally get a coherent word out, causing him to whimper softly as he continued on the same pace to his release.
 He grips my hips tight enough to bruise, his head falling forward as he chases his own release “fuck- gah- me too babe- ah” he grunted as he spilled into the condom, laying me on the bed gentle as he could in his exhaustion and limply collapsing over my frame as he catches his own breath. 
He lets out a breathy moan as my walls continue pulsing around him as I come down from my own release “holy fuck babe.” He breathes in to my skin, “fuuuuck” he sits up slightly, pulling me in to a heated kiss. I hum softly, my mind still fuzzy but happy he didn’t pull out right away. 
Once he pulled away from the kiss I smiled lazily, utterly fucked out from one round. “That was so amazing Carmy. I’ve never came like that before- like- that was a round three kinda orgasm, you did sooo good Bear, thank you” I said sweetly, playing with his chain gently and adjusting the pendant. 
“It was perfect honey, ‘took me so well” he kisses down my jaw and neck, I hummed in satisfaction. 
“Don’t pull out yet, I wanna stay like this, please” I said softly, running my fingers over his back. He chuckled softly into my skin 
“Okay babygirl, whatever you need” he gently brushed my hair out of my face and cups my cheek. “I like it when we get to be so close like that…when we have sex” he said quietly, bringing a smile to my lips.  “Me too” I whispered, leaning in and kissing him tenderly.
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫
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