#trink watches ^^
qjaiden · 1 year
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baby look at all the people who fought for you
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It's really fun being pampered and treated like a princess wearing pretty dresses. Never using the evil potty because you a well diapered. Drinking from a bottle and when it's empty just throw it any old were leaving for your mommy to find it and pick it up . Cry out when you need changed or new a fresh bottle. Being feed is a fun and messy experience even with a bib your mommy will probably have to change you clothes not unless the strip you down to your diaper and feeds you. Then after being feed you usually play or watch cartoons sucking on your binky until you past out where you are taking a nap only to wake ready to go again after you been changed. I love being an adult baby weather it's for an hour or all day i have no worries in the world.
Es macht wirklich Spaß, verwöhnt und wie eine Prinzessin in hübschen Kleidern behandelt zu werden. Benutze nie das böse Töpfchen, nur weil du gut gewickelt bist. Trinke aus einer Flasche und wirf sie, wenn sie leer ist, einfach irgendwo hin, damit deine Mami sie findet und aufhebt. Schreie, wenn du gewickelt werden musst oder eine frische Flasche brauchst. Füttern ist eine lustige und chaotische Erfahrung, sogar mit einem Lätzchen muss deine Mami dich wahrscheinlich umziehen, es sei denn, sie zieht dich bis auf die Windel aus und füttert dich. Nach dem Füttern spielst du normalerweise oder siehst dir Zeichentrickfilme an und nuckelst an deinem Schnuller, bis du einschläfst, nur um nach dem Wickeln aufzuwachen und wieder aufstehen zu können. Ich liebe es, ein erwachsenes Baby zu sein, egal ob für eine Stunde oder den ganzen Tag, ich habe keine Sorgen auf der Welt.
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stockie-der-stock · 11 months
My mum finished the Lockwood&CO books yesterday (I'm only on book 3, but I'm reading) and she's miserable because we don't have Netflix and she can't watch the show. So every coversation between us today was basically: "Hey mum, I'm gonna make some tea, want some too?" "THE THING THEY TRINK IN THE LOCKWOOD BOOKS? I FINISHED THEM AND I MISS LUCY AND LOCKWOOD AND THEIR DYNAMIC AND EVERYTHING"
So I learned that my mum is way to attached to the Locklyle ship and the l&co universe.
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starsh1ne-va1ly · 9 months
Christmas with him
Character :Rei furuya x gn!Reader
It's really just a headcanon about what you do around Christmas together 😅
@amvro @what-the-stories-have-foretold (please Tell me what you think! And how i could make my Blog better If you can <3 )
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Christmas cookies baking!!! Baking those cute little Cookies and gettig all dirty but its all worth it because theyre so cute and taste Wonderfull 🙇🏽‍♀️PICTURE (from Pinterest) —
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you baked TOO much so you gave a few to the old lady who visitis the Poirot often (Zero's tea time) and gave some to kogoro and the detectiv Boys.
Visiting the Christmasmarket, seeing the pretty lights, eating food, listening to the Songs and stuff 💕
Trinking hot chocolate/ Tea <333
Watching Christmas movies, for examaple.... Yeah idk but definitely watching movies (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
Going Ski driving(???Broke english sorry–) SUDDENLY YOURE COLD AND HE GIVES YOU HIS JACKET/SCARF OR HOLDS YOURE HANDS ‼️‼️‼️‼️ marriage when???
Also he would definitely read books out to you Just saying —
Hes not short on Money so he CAN afford a good Christmas Dinner! And he's the best Cook so 💁🏽‍♀️
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Work belongs to @fishyfyo
Tell me what you think and if there is any way how i can make my work better? Or make my Blog pretty :D Or even this post prettyer :(
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makriiii · 1 year
Caught Ⅱ (Arthur Morgan × f!reader)
Word count: 3k
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Author's notes: This is going to be more of a slow burn than I initially set out for. Also, sorry for the slow update!
Warnings: 18+, angst, slightly nsfw, cursing, mentions of blood.
Pt3! Or pt1
Wattpad or Ao3
Caught Ⅱ
The further you got, once again, the colder it was, both you and your horse now having slowed to a nervous walk. Far from anything that could resemble a road or life beyond yourself and your mount.
You were lost. If that were any descriptor. Lost, cold, and tired. You could only hope Van Der Linde's gang was just as lost as you too, but much further, desirably completely headed in a different direction.
Thankfully, the rabbit you saved from earlier kept you from needing to hunt again. Hunting now would certainly only draw attention where attention was not needed, a fire too. Options were limited, to say the least.
The sky above was as dark as could be, yet sparkled with so many lights. The contrast calmed you amidst the just now subsiding adrenaline.
You blew your condensated breath into the air, watching it fade away with the seconds that passed. Bringing yourself to think on how you'd find your way back seemed impossible. The thought of laying your head into a motel bed completely dominated your mind.
You'd have to try to stop somewhere, soon at least, to rest your horse if you didn't want to run the risk of the both of you collapsing. It'd been hours since you got away with a bit of cash and some measly train bonds.
All of it didn't seem so worth it now for a few stacks of paper. But, at least it'd calm Colm some knowing that the score he'd set up wasn't for naught.
A loud crack rang out.
Your mare jumps beneath you, spooking into a quick canter.
Your whole body seized up as you clutched your saddles horn, only a second did it take for you to glance down to where you felt an impact.
A sudden, deep, burning heat spread through your left arm like the blood that seeped from the open wound.
When you finally realized what had just happened, you whipped your head around, and there he was.
That man in the navy union coat. The barrel of his pistol staring you down as he did.
Adrenaline and shock pushed you into action as you unholstered your revolver, aiming it the best you could at him through the darkness.
Each time you barely clipped him, the bullets ricocheting off the nearby pines as he crouched down at your fire, trying to avoid looking like the trees.
You couldn't meet his eye. His hat nearly covered the whole of his face as he spurred his paint after yours.
He shot again, narrowly missing you, to your relief. Your gun clicked empty, quickly realizing you had already used your whole round.
You clutched your arm to your side, beginning to get weary as you rode. The blood from your arm didn't let up.
You grabbed for your second revolver, knowing you'd most likely have another bullet find you if you reloaded now.
You'd been in situations like these before, though only once did you actually get shot, once that didn't disable you as badly as this.
The terrible aching started to really bother you now, but you couldn't focus on your arm, riding and shooting all at once.
Pivoting in your saddle the best you could, you pointed and shot again, but now he was further. Taken a path left that granted him more cover by the evergreens thick trinks.
There was no use wasting your bullets now while he stalked you like prey, waiting for you to drop. The frustration and fear with this man kept you out of the daze you felt approaching.
You made quick glances around, making sure there were no more of his members also out here for your head as well.
He would be the only manageable option.
Every time you turned and aimed, it proved more and more difficult to aim. Like he kept getting further out. The pain in your arm started getting worse, making you clutch it closer to your chest.
Your mind came back to you once you hit the ground. You had fallen off and into the snow, which at least padded your fall.
Everything around you started becoming more fuzzy, the details in the land blurry. You had to do something about your arm and the man, but probably the man first.
You stared back up through the trees, squinting and trying to focus in the darkness that shrouded your surroundings. Wherever he was, he wasn't close enough for you to see.
Heaving in breath after breath, you propped yourself up against a nearby tree, weakly pointing your shaky gun as you waited for the blue blob to get closer.
When you figured he was close enough - too close - you hit the trigger.
There was nothing after that but ringing. It looked like you hit him, you thought so. So you dragged your knife out, cutting your shirt to wrap your arm and put much needed pressure on it.
You winced with every poke and prod, and with your torn shirt quickly soaking up the blood, it gave you barely enough time to turn for your chap, slicing a piece long enough to tie around your bicep.
You dropped your knife as soon as you finished and lifted your arm as best you could to apply your make-shift tourniquet above the bullet wound.
All you could do now was hope the bleeding would stop long enough to get your bearings and get out of here.
Your head bobbed up and down on hardwood, enough to wake you with a deep groan. Your whole body ached like mad once you slowly regained consciousness.
"She's awake." Stated a deep silvery voice, which made you shoot your eyes open.
"Really?" Replied a man farther away.
"Pretty sure."
Everything that was happening just now started to overwhelm you in your state of being barely cognizant. You stayed silent trying to recall just last night.
From what you could muster, it seemed like death had caught up to you after all, yet you were here.
You'd been shot. That much you could feel. Your bicep burned and tingled with the puncture wounds that had penetrated each side.
When you cocked your head up enough to look at your blood-stained jacket, an actual bandage peaked through the bullet holes.
You remembered falling off your horse, but much beyond that was still hard to recall.
Trying to sit upright, you found yourself tugging at binds, which set off a swift onset of panic as you started to jerk at them, your arm nearly screaming at you to stop.
"Easy." The first man mumbled. He moved closer for you, grasping for your shoulder that didn't have a terrible stabbing pain in it. You met his eye as he pulled you up with ease to a sit.
He stayed crouched in front of you, got a moment before returning to his seat. A soft and hardly discernible look of concern across his face. Tough but gentle, and he didn't seem to mean you much harm despite the situation you found yourself in.
Upon your upright position, you found your ammo and gun belts vanished, and the only semblance of your items, your hat, crumpled on the floor next to you.
You took a better look around when something - someone - caught your eye, nonetheless like a month to a flame.
That man. His union coat still covered him, his black hat sitting on top of his head. You could never forget that attire. The clothes he wore while he gunned you down in the forest.
You knew exactly what you did to the last man who got a lucky shot in on you, only this time you had to find a way around your limbs being bound together.
You stared daggers at him from behind, desperately wishing he'd at least glance back so you could finally see his face. The face of the first man who had gotten an upper hand on you, the thought filling you with contempt.
You cleared your throat before you spoke. "Look at me, you bastard." Your voice still sounded hoarse over the anger that lined your words, still trying to gain full functionality over your body.
Even though you didn't call him by name or any of his noticeable features, he seemed to know exactly who you were addressing.
He gave the driving reins to the older man that sat next to him, who had his head turned to inspect you momentarily.
"I'm lookin'." He announced, smug as could be.
He was intimidating, more so than what you initially expected. That wasn't enough wane your aggravated attitude, though you did tread with more caution.
He stood slightly bent over to hold his balance before jumping into the back where the other man sat with you.
You eyed him with such malice, yet the expression on his face only twisted into a small smirk.
"You gonna untie me or what?" It was worth the ask, unlikely he'd relent anyway.
"You gonna behave?"
"Sure, if you give me back all my shit. My horse as well, preferably, or one of yours."
A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest at your ridiculous request. "I might've considered it had you left it at 'sure'." He drew out a cigarette and lit it just to puff the smoke at you.
Your eyebrows pulled together in annoyance. "Ask me again then."
He snickers at your second most ridiculous request, playing into it. "You gonna behave, girl?"
"Wouldn't dream of misbehaving." You granted, it didn't reach him, though. His expression of pure amusement gave it away.
"Never been much of a genie, so I can't grant any your wishes." He sat relaxed and aloof next to the first man you weren't sure of yet.
"You already shot me. Untying me is the least you could do. I reckon you could just poke my arm if I start actin' unruly." Reasoning with him was difficult, though you were confident you wouldn't try to fight off three full grown men. He wasn't.
"I'll think about it. If you talk nice."
"I talk nice when I'm not tied up."
"And I untie people who talk nice beforehand." He retorts, infuriating you further. "What's a girl like you doing Colm's dirty work anyway?"
"It's none the different than what you'd do for your boss."
"A train robbery alone? I think that's funny."
"Would it have been if you hadn't caught me last night?" The edges of your mouth curl up in a slight smirk at the thought of being so close to remaining victorious.
"What's even in it for you? You Colm's special girl or somethin'?" His accusation made the small smile that lined your lips vanish in place of shock.
He scanned you all the while, his eyes lighting up when his insult hit where he intended.
You knew why he'd say something so ludicrous, no doubt. Not many of the yellow bellied half-wits in this gang would attempt something like this, for good reason too. Colm didn't give a rats ass for his men, yet you liked to think you brought more value to the gang.
"No." You replied, scorned.
"Really?" He emphasized, hammering down on the nerve he already hit. "Seems more from your end than his."
You wanted to defend yourself, but you were limited in knowing what he'd take your word for. Clearly.
"Doubt he'll even come lookin' for you. Nor your buddy I caught a few days ago."
"We'll see." Your patience, what little you even had of it, kept you at bay, still clinging on to the prayer that he'd undo your ropes.
"Tell you what? You tell us where he's at and we'll go lookin' for him instead."
"I know exactly the same amount as you." That much was true. You hadn't seen him since he made his way up to Colter. But whether they saw it as the truth was beyond you.
He turned his head to the man whose company you preferred. "What do you think' Charles? She bullshitting us?"
"Couldn't tell you," He took a moment to think you over. "Haven't had enough time to tell."
Charles. You had the name of one of the three men that rode on this carriage with you.
"I ain't lyin', you'd have to bury yourself into the man's skin to always know his whereabouts."
"Yeah?" I'm sure there's more you can tell us than that." He stops, staring straight into you. "What's your name, anyways?"
"I can tell you about my ma and pop, but anything else? You'll have to untie me." A small laugh escapes your lips at your own joke, at the absurdity of this all.
He mumbled something under his breath, giving you a dark look. Getting up, he makes his way closer to you and to your horror, he was reaching out for your shoulder that belonged to your wounded side.
You winced at the pain when he clutched you, moving you so your back faced him to reach your binds.
He cut through the strings he tied you with, involuntarily getting jittery each time you felt his blade touch your wrists or palms.
Finally, the ropes that clasped you had released their tension, much to your relief letting out automatic sigh.
"That ain't gonna last for long, so enjoy it."
You blew him off, rolling your one shoulder as you rubbed your wrists. "You gonna do my legs too? Or are you gonna make the poor little lady do it herself?"
"Gonna make the 'poor little lady' do it herself." He agreed, returning back to his seat.
You grunted with each movement too harsh you made with your arm while you slowly undid the ropes, bitter at this man and his yapping.
Glancing up every so often, you met his eye each time. His never left you as you sat there.
He flicked his cigarette off the carriage, placing his full attention on to you. "Alright," He chimes, leaning in. "Where's he at?" Some of his initial aloofness replaced with more serious tone.
"Have you considered asking my associate?" You reply, taking off your jacket to examine your wound closer, daggers running down your arm with each minor touch.
"No. We invited him in by the fire to eat with us." He mocked you with each word that left his mouth. You could tell he was starting to lose his patience.
"I would've told you all about Colm if you had done that instead of shooting me." You quickly filled with regret, your sentence sounding more like an admission rather than a jab at him.
He raised his brows, contemplating for a moment. He took it as an admission as you feared, scolding yourself for it.
"It's not going to get easier for you. Just tell us where he's at and we'll let you go. Maybe."
"And what if I don't know where he's at? You gonna maybe let me go, or shoot me again?"
He groans, realizing he's not getting anywhere with you. You could tell he hadn't slept much - served him right for hunting you down in the forest.
-Arthur's pov-
Upon his initial meeting of you in the forest, he felt slick that he tracked you down through the snow and got a shot in. Yet, he had felt conflicted on whether or not he should kill you.
Sneaking around like you did and just about getting away with robbing them blind entirely alone, he had to admit, was impressive.
It led him to have some level of respect for you, despite being an O'Driscoll.
After Arthur shot at you again, he finally stopped long enough to give it some thought, if he should take you in. Watching and thinking you until you finally fell off, subduing yourself, effectively.
Only when he finally caught up to you at did he realize, you were a woman.
You pointed weakly at him, but your grip on the gun was so meek. You couldn't aim properly. Your bullet sent whizzing past a good few feet to his right.
He stared at you as you tried to stop the bleeding, seemingly not even noticing you hadn't hit him.
Only when you slumped over did he finally walk over to you, crouching down and looking at the wound he just caused.
Arthur took in a deep exasperated breath. Taking in another O'Driscoll didn't fill him with much glee. The rest of the gang would detest it too, he could already feel their ornery.
He called a few times to you, patting your cheek with his glove, but you were out cold.
He'd have to make it quick, looking at your wound, it was still bleeding, though your efforts did help.
Removing your jacket, he reluctantly unbuttoned your shirt to get to the wound properly, getting into his satchel and pulling out gauze.
Once he finished, he returned your clothes to their appropriate place, picking you up and tucking you on the back of his horse.
He took a quick glance to find your horse, mounting and kicking up to collect it when he saw it a few yards off, knowing thats where you kept your claims from the train.
Arthur could already tell in what ways you differed from Keiran, the one who was an O'Driscoll, yet so vehemently claimed he detested them.
You seemed to entirely skip begging for your life, screaming, or crying. You spoke to the one who shot you like there was a guarantee he wouldn't do it again.
It intrigued him. Were you just dumb? Being fearful never seemed to cross your mind. He questioned why someone like you was running with a gang like Colm's. Too much loyalty and ambition for a group like his.
But despite his curiosity, you were just as reluctant to speak as Keiran. Just as annoying but in a different way. His patience wore thin and he didn't want to kill you just yet, considering you might have a higher level in the gang.
If that were the case, Dutch would be mighty pleased with what information they could pry out of you with the right motivators.
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weekly tag wednesday !
thank you for the tags:
@softmick @lee-ow @thepupperino @mybrainismelted @spookygingerr
Name: dean
Where do you call home? anywhere with a coast or beach <3 but also the woods and farms.
How many pets do you have? one, a cat who i love dearly
What do you do for work? technically nothing. its a work in progress shhh abt to be a full time student. starting an etsy. other odds and ends.
Do you believe in aliens? yes
Do you believe in ghosts? absolutely. ive seen and heard too much weird shit to not believe. i have so many stories
Favorite subject in school? math !! i love math and science i could go on and on abt it
What are you currently reading? book wise: nothing (still debating between a little life or the death of ivan ilyich. i cant choose). fic wise: since we're alone im going through hockey withdrawls
What are you currently watching? supernatural reruns. about to start 911.
What kind of laptop do you have (+ describe it to me): an uh unspecific HP i cannot remember the name of it. it is my best friend even if the battery dies quickly (i should probably get it replaced). i have SO many stickers almost the entire back is covered. my favorites: college sticker w/ mascot, "fuck suicide" with a heart around it in blue and purple, dj kk from animal crossing playing a guitar, anti suicide "there is help" with 988 helpline, gulliver from animal crossing sleeping, i cant remember her name but the turnip lady from animal crossing <3, limited life hourglass that came with my sweatshirt, "i voted", record player, watercolor sunflowers in a vase, and many many others
What kind of phone do you have (+ describe it to me) iphone SE and i love it. i have a clear case with a cutoff of a sunflower from a patterned paper print from idk michaels, cartoon bee and flowers, fortune from a fortune cookie saying "a real friend spends time with you, not money), a piece of dog hair from my friends dog before he got put down
No-show socks, ankle socks, or crew socks? crew socks. i wear boots and hightops so anything else feels weird
What kind of headphones do you use? i have a pair of airpods (they live on a carabiner on my belt loop) if i need something, quick, casual, or to still be aware, (or discrete! saved me during boring classes), and a pair of phillips over the head headphones (bluetooth) for long periods of time or less distractions
How do you consume caffeine? in any form i cant get it, im not picky. i like energy drinks for when im doing things, a nice coffee in the morning (hot or cold, i dont care), and i dont trink tea often but ill still drink it if i need more caffeine. i even got these like idk flavored caffeine additives for my water in a pinch (a kid accused me of making lean at 9 in the morning)
And finally, what are you wearing today? i am wearing dark green shorts and an idk dusty purple tanktop bc i didnt feel like doing much today !
@transmickey @transmurderbug @especially-fuk-u @stocious @sam-loves-seb
@atthedugouts @onthepyre @thirstyvampyr @sleepyheadgallavich @mickittotheman
@mickeym4ndy @em-harlsnow @jrooc
@roryonic @blue-disco-lights @jademickian @mmmichyyy @burninface
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lostmyremembrall · 2 years
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𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓻𝓴
𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑥 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑒𝑢𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑙! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑑𝑦, 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑀𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑈
Summary: Your name is known worldwide as a bard with a voice of an angel. Your freedom, however, is taken away when you realise you've been kidnapped by an arrogant king.
Warning: Toxic relationship. Kidnapping. Manipulation. Possessive!Tom Charming!Tom
Inspired by: Wolven Storm from the Witcher 3
It was dark when you came to your senses. In fact, everything was pitch black.
You slowly blinked a few times. The darkness remained.
You raised your hands, ready to brush away whatever was covering your sight.
But, the hands did not budge against a thick rope coiled around them.
Fear started gnawing at your stomach. What were you doing before you got here? Where was this place?
Knowing full well it was to no avail, you pulled at the ropes and shook your chair back and forth.
You gasped and snapped your head to the left. A creek of the door. A heavy gait. A soft murmur. Within a second, your sight was restored as bright mimosa yellow filled your vision. Heat engulfed the surface of your skin, signalling that the room was suddenly filled with the light from the fireplace.
The heavy gait turned to you, step by step, casting a large shadow over your vision. Shallow puffs of air escaped your parted lips, as if afraid even the sound of your breathing was enough to agitate this vagrant kidnapper.
Your breath hitched, however, when a pair of hands brushed against your ears, tugging at the knot behind your head.
Silently, the yellow cloth fell, sliding down your skin to the floor.
You gasped at what welcomed you.
The man that crouched in front of you was the most beautiful creature you have ever seen.
His curious eyes telling of sincere intelligence as they looked up to you. His brows telling of a honest heart. His regal, chiselled jaws befitting of a bejewelled golden ring that crowned his head. His pale skin reminding you of a story you’ve heard from a faraway land, of a poor prince who hasn’t seen a daylight, captured in a tower by an evil uncle. His tender lips enough to make anyone trust him wholeheartedly with just a crack of a smile.
It was enough to make you forget your place, your fear, your place. He was the kind of a man any bard would flock over from all over the world to write about.
You watched as the man continued to untie the ropes, releasing your hands from the arms of the chair. Despite the myriads of emotions the eyes spoke, he remained silent.
Your eyes, for the first time, explored your surroundings. The room was illuminated by a fireplace. The cold stone walls and floors were decorated with layers of tapestries, carpets, and paintings, making for a warm impression of the room, shielded from the billowing cold outside. The details and the craftsmanship of these tapestries and trinks were impressive, collected from all over the world, from the east to the west. Books lay scattered across the room, from the bedside table, reading alcove, to the chaise lounge by the fireplace. A luxurious four-poster bed stood tall in the corner. The king clearly had funds to spare.
You massaged your wrists, anxiety clouding your eyes as you came to notice that you were in a man’s bedroom at night.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, now.”
His voice was exactly as you had expected him to sound. Silky and a deep green velvet that coiled around you.
Your eyes flickered anxiously to the bed.
The man chuckled, showing his perfect white teeth.
“No, no, this is not mine,” the man wiped away a single tear, “this is a room I had prepared for you.”
You blinked a few times, still confused about the man’s intentions. Nonetheless, you stood up, testing out the waters. Your feet carried you over to the bookshelf, your fingers glided across the spine, taking you only a moment to realise that they were all sonnets, poems, and fairytales you’d heard in your childhood. On the cushioned chair sat your ever-loyal companion: the lute.
“I hope it is to your liking.” Your eyes followed the bookshelves to the candle chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, to the man, now standing in the middle of the room, looking at you expectantly.
Your eyes trailed across to the windows. The snow had accumulated on the windowsill outside, glowing white behind iron bars. Your heart sunk as realisation dawned on you. It was clear that he was not the imprisoned prince. Instead, the selfish king that stood in front of you was a man willing to do anything to keep a bard all to himself.
The man was now sitting languidly in one of the chairs. His bright eyes, no longer shone in sincerity and honesty, but greed. His lips told stories of an arrogant king that has always got his way.
“Come now, you haven’t spoken a word.” the king crossed his legs, stretching his arms behind his head, “I’m here for your voice.”
You knew why you were here. This wasn’t the first time an arrogant prince or a noble demanded a private performance, you recollected as you watched the man’s lips twist in an attempt at an inviting smile. But, this was the first time for being kidnapped.
Agitated, you snatched your lute at the neck and sat on a writing desk facing him, knowing that, based on your experience, self-centred men were best dealt by appeasing them, and hoping, that this age-old lesson applied to the man in front of you as well.
“Any request, my lord?”
The king dropped his head backwards, his eyes closing in pleasure. “Your voice is enough to calm my nerves,” he murmured with a smile.
“But,” his eyes cracked open into slits, “I shall request the piece written about me.”
Your eyes furrowed in confusion. “My Lord?”
“One of the raven locks,” the king whistled the tune.
Your mouth fell aghast. The king that sat in front of you had a head big enough to believe that you had written your best-selling tune based on him. Regretting the shameful moments when you wished to write about him, you bit your tongue and nodded.
The lute was slightly out of tune, unaccustomed to the cold climate, and your voice was slightly coarse from the dehydration. Yet, the moment you opened your mouth, it seemed that your voice became everything to this man. He leaned forward to you, holding his chin as he listened to your every note. His eyes grew softer and ponderous.
Your eyes carefully flickered to him from the corner of your eyes. Indeed, he had raven soft locks that were perfectly combed, and his eyes shimmered in amber, perhaps from the light of the fire. The song seemed to have an incredulous effect on the man. He drew out a long breath. His eyes grew morose as water started to pool at the corner of his eye.
Many compliments you’d received for your voice. The voice of an angel, enough to stop a war, you’ve been told. But, as your voice seemed to quell and rouse something deep within him simultaneously, he looked up to you with such longing that you were certain your cheeks burned with fiery heat. Never had you elicited such a reaction in a man.
You breathed out the last word, and with the last strum of the lute disappearing into the dead of night, the king seemed to wake from the spell.
He shook his head and wiped away a single tear from his eyes. “I’ve been longing to hear your voice again,” his voice slightly rugged. “Ever since I heard you at the court of King Remus.”
You remembered that night. A wedding celebration for King Remus and his new Queen Nymphadora. It was a wonder that you did not remember whoever the man in front of you was. Such a handsome man would have left a deep impression. Perhaps enough to distract you from your performance.
“King Thomas of Yaruga,” the man stood up and announced himself. Cautiously, you took a bow, knowing full well what would await you if you were to ignore your manners.
So, Yaruga… that explained the seemingly never-ending snow. You were so far from home.
Your eyes turned to the barred window, “I will take my leave tomorrow morning.”
King Thomas waved away the proposition, a carefree demeanour back on his face. “The storm is bound to last at least a week.”
“Surely this is your first time in Yaruga. Enjoy our warm welcome,” King Thomas flashed the most playful, charming smile you had ever seen, promising only warmth, food, and all in all a great time at his castle.
King Thomas headed towards the door, stopping to turn around before leaving.
“Stay a while.”
And just like that, the enticing offer was forgotten as a shiver ran down your spine.
“Thank you for your beautiful performance,” King Thomas murmured before casting a soft smile. With a thud, he closed the door behind him, leaving you alone in a foreign land, in a foreign man’s castle, with only your lute as your company.
It was not long before you heard the click of the lock.
A/N: I haven't been writing as much, and it really shows :'( This is the first one in months where I'm happy with the quality enough to post. But hopefully the words will come back to me soon!
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ticklishbeans4 · 1 year
Since requests are open, I was thinking maybe some Ler!Vex and Lee!Percy? (with maybe some Ler!Trinket thrown in) Her telling him to not be so serious?
Requests are closed now, but they were open when you made this request, so I've written the thing! Sorry it took so long anon!
Vex’ahlia was a patient woman. …Most of the time. She really did her best to keep a level head and not let all the bullshit her team brought up get to her. But she was just one woman, and she could only take so much at the end of the day.
Right now, what was getting her down was a certain white haired dumbass with glasses and a penance for moping. Seriously, he’d been locked up in his little dungeon in the keep for literal fucking days. They’d all tried to check on him, bring him food and water; which he took thank fuck. She’d tried to catch him when she left food, but he’d wait her out, like he knew she was there. It pissed her off.
Today she was done. A full week of this bullshit was more than enough, it ended now. She stood outside his door, Trinket next to her ready to bash the door down if it came to that.
“PERCY! GET YOUR PASTY ASS OUT HERE OR TRINKET AND I ARE COMING IN!” she called, kicking the door for good measure, and biting her hand to muffle the cry of pain that it produced. “Motherfucking doors!” she hissed angrily. She might have Trinket tear it down just out of spite.
But Percy did the last thing she ever expected, he listened to her, THE FIRST TIME! “Well. Color me shocked, you actually did as I told you too. Keep that up and our next excretion might not turn into a full on shit show.”
“Can I help you Vex’halia?” he asked with a tired sigh. She regarded him for a moment, he looked disheveled, like he hadn’t slept in days, and he smelled awful.
“You can take a fucking bath.” she scoffed, holding her nose to drive her point home, Trink even covered his nose to help. “And you can get some sunlight, fuck know you could use some. You’d blend into the fucking snow at this rate.” He sighed and fixed his glasses, “I have a lot of work to do, Vex. I’ll do all of… that, at a later time.” he gestured vaguely with his hand as he started to close the door. She narrowed her eyes and held it open with a hand, she was a bit surprised by how little resistance he gave to it. He must be exhausted.
“Percy.” she said, softer and more understanding than before. “You need to rest. I’ll concede to you taking the bath and such later, but you need to sleep. The bags under your eyes have bags.”
He looked like he was about to argue, but a perfectly timed yawn interrupted him. Still, his stubbornness knew no bounds. “I’m fine Vex’halia. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Then who else will?” she asked, putting a gentle hand on his arm. “Please Percy. I worry about you. Can you at the very very least, tell me why you’re not sleeping?”
She watched his reactions, the micro expressions she’d become so good at reading. The slight twitch of an eyebrow, the subtle widening of his eyes, how his stance tense just a bit, the twitch of his hands. She knew him well. “Nightmares?” she guessed.
All at once, the little fight he had in him was gone. He slumped and his face fell, hell even his hair seemed to sag. “They’ve been worse than ever.”
She frowned in concern, rubbing his arm in a way she hoped was comforting. “I’m sorry Percy… Is there anything that helps? Maybe we can go to Gilmores and see if he has any spells, or maybe Pike?”
He shook his head, walking heavily to his desk and all but flopping into the chair. Vex followed, closing the door once Trinket was in there with them. He rubbed his face with a groan, “No… That would require speaking of the nightmares and… I’d rather avoid that conversation for the time being.”
“I understand.” She hugged Trinket, trying not to think of her own struggles with bad dreams. “I obviously won’t make you talk, but… if you ever feel the need or the want, I’m right here.”
“I know. Thank you Vex’halia.” he managed a small smile her way, but it fell quickly. “Everytime I close my eyes… I see it. So you can probably guess that sleep isn’t really an option right now.”
Vex wished she knew how to help. With Grog, you get Pike, with Pike you get Grog. With Keyleth you take her on a walk through nature. Scanlan you… ok she didn’t know about Scanlan since he never seemed to have nightmares, lucky bastard, though she could assume what the little pervert did. And with Vax-
She paused, and a mischievous smile came over her face. “Well… There’s something that’s worked on Vax in the past when he had nightmares. Not sure how well it’ll work on you, but we can try. If you’re open to it.”
Percy raised a brow, “That… depends on what it is. If it’s drinking or fighting or something like that, I’d rather not.”
She chuckled and slid up to him, innocently putting a hand on his knee as she leaned against his desk casually. “No no, nothing like that. I know you well enough. It’s something else, it’ll tire you out, and if it’s done right, you’ll enjoy it. What do you say?”
“...Oh god it’s not sex is it?” he looked aghast, “That sounds more like something Scanlan would do, not Vax.”
“No you idiot! It’s this!” she cried in exasperation, squeezing his knees quickly. The reaction was… a tad unexpected, though not unwelcomed.
Percy immediately shrieked like a child and shot up, tumbling back just as quickly and scooting away from her. “Do NOT! I mean that Vex!”
She breathed out a laugh and advanced towards him, “Oh? So I was right, our dear Percy is sensitive~”
“Vex! Vex stay back! Vex’halia!” he warned. Or… tried to warn, it sounded more like pleading really. He yelped as he hit something solid and fuzzy.
“Good boy Trinket!” Vex cooed, beaming as her beloved bear got his arms around Percy, pinning him quite effectively. She was sure that even if Percy were at full strength he’d be trapped. “Now Percy, don’t be so worried, I promise to be gentle~”
“Stay back!” he cried, trying to kick her away. She simply grabbed his ankles, pinning them down and sitting on his legs.
She chuckled, tracing a hand down his shirt. “Now now, I’m not going to hurt you love. It’s just going to… tickle~”
Percy looked like he’d been doomed to death by a thousand cuts. And as her hand stopped on his stomach, slowly curling into a clawed form, he closed his eyes, succumbing to his fate.
Vex did as she usually did, struck fast, and left no prisoners. She clawed at his stomach, smirking as he tried to resist. “Let it out Percy~ It’ll do you good to laugh! It’s just you, me, and Trinket, the doors closed, no one will hear you darling.” That seemed to do the trick as Percy quickly burst into laughter, practically cackling under her touch. It was a welcome change really. Vex rarely saw him laugh, and she’d never seen him laugh like this! So loud, so bright, so… silly! His laughter was silly, down right fucking goofy! “You’ve been holding out on me! I’m going to have to do this more often if you make these noises!”
“FUHUHHUCK YOU!” he shrieked, squealing as she pinched his hips.
“Don’t get sassy with me, I can make this much worse.” she smirked, squeezing up and down his sides, making him squirm and cackle.
Trinket seemed to want to get in on the action too, her fuzzy snout nuzzling into his neck. Percy straight up squealed and tried to shrug his shoulders up to protect himself, but to no avail.
“So? Are you feeling better? Are you all happy now?” she teased, spidering along his ribs as he doubled over as best he could in Trinkets hold. “Just tell me when you’re feeling better and I’ll stop.”
He didn’t say a word, just kept laughing his little head off, squirming and wriggling about as much as he could.
Vex smiled warmly, even through all his wiggling and such, she could tell he wasn’t really trying to get away. Nothing about his body language, or the sound of his laughter, gave away that he was uncomfortable. He seemed perfectly content even, it made her wonder… How often did this sort of thing happen to him growing up? How often would his family play these kinds of games with him? Did he enjoy it then? Was it another way to cheer him up? She’d have to ask him at some point.
“Coochie coo~” she crooned, digging her thumbs into his hips, making him buck and even let out a loud snort. “Oh aren’t you the cutest right now! I could do this forever!”
“NOHOHOHOHO! VEHEHEHEX! AHAHAAHAHAHAH! I F-FEHEHEHEHEHEEL BEHEHEHETTER! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” he shrieked, prompting her to stop her playful attack and for Trinket to let him go.
Percy hugged himself, giggling still, but there was a clear air around him. The heavy melancholy that had been hanging around him like some poison miasma was gone. Now it felt like… a lightness, a warmth like a tavern's hearth in winter.
“Feeling better love? Truly?” she asked with a smile, tilting his head up to look at her.
He nodded, leaning forward to rest his head on her shoulder. “Yes…  I am… But I am also absolutely exhausted. Would you mind helping me to my room?”
She smiled, helping him up and wrapping her arm around his waist, only poking it a little to make him smile. “Not at all darling, not at all.”
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munamania · 9 months
vibrating with excitement at the prospect of watching kickin it together soon (<- sentence that's never been said before)
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LOOOLLLLLL!!!!!! ummm… maybe it hasn’t been said but if it helps i let out an eeeeeee that turned into something like a garbage disposal sound when i saw these pics i miss them sooooooo much. we might have to coordinate one more ep before we get back… but if we don’t… it’ll be even MORE epic…!!!!!!! i literally feel like ich trinke cola und spiele fortnite yipppeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! 📣📣📣
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qjaiden · 1 year
“i miss him i wish i could’ve said so much more when we were saying goodbye i wish i got to spend so much more time with him” jaiden please
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miraelith · 2 years
How to start a fitness journey
You always wanted to start moving your body but you always say "tomorrow" and end up on the couch again?
I will tell you some tips how to start your own personal fitness journey.
1. Find movement you enjoy
Find something that you truly enjoy! You will be able to motivate yourself a lot more if you like what you do. It has to be nothing extreme, just try different forms of movement for your body.
Here are some examples:
Walking, Yoga, Home workouts (Dance workouts, HIIT, Pilates, ...), Gym, Running, Stretching, Ice skating, Dancing, Cycling, Swimming, Boxing, Tennis, Hiking, Playing soccer, Zumba, ...
2. Start slow
For me it was very difficult to start. I always used to do some kind of sport and then always for an hour straight away. And then of course I didn't feel like doing this anymore because it was just too exhausting. Then I always quitted doing sports.
The key here is to just be consistent at the beginning! Try to find 2-3 days a week where you can do any form of movement you enjoy. Don't be too hard on yourself and start for example with a 20 minute workout on these days.
After a certain time you can increase your workout time. Just start slow and try to create the habit of moving your body a few days a week. You will find time to do a 20 minute workout two days a week, I am sure!
3. Find a workout buddy
Some people can motivate themselves better if they have a workout buddy (at the beginning). Maybe you can ask a friend that goes to the gym regularly if you can join in for a workout. Or you want to go on a daily walk with your best friend?
4. Think about how you will feel afterwards
This point is very important, because that gives me the most motivation when I don't feel like working out.
I always think about how good I will feel if I move my body. I am be so proud of myself, gain a lot of energy from the workout and always feel so fresh after my shower.
5. Consume motivating content
I personally prefer using social media for motivation and inspiration. Surround yourself with positive vibes and manifest yourself into the lifestyle you want to achieve!
You can watch YouTube videos about fitness, nutrition or Gymshark hauls. 😛 Follow people on Instagram that motivate you, do the same type of exercise that you prefer, spread healthy habits!
At this point I just want to emphasize, that please make sure you don't overdo it and consume toxic content (for example "what I eat in a days"), be careful that you follow people that have a healthy relationship with food and exercise.
6. Sportswear
Treat yourself to nice sportswear that benefits your exercise and looks and fits good for you.
It's so motivating to workout in cute fits, I always enjoy it so much more. And new sportswear is also a huge motivator!
7. Find the right time to workout
Everyone you know works out first thing in the morning. But you have no time for movement before going to work and you are also not a morning person. That is completely fine! Find your right time. Not everyone can workout on an empty stomach at 6 a.m., and you don't need to.
Try to workout during different times/days of the week and find your perfect exercising schedule.
8. Nutrition
I personally have had problems with food in the past. Let me tell you that nutrition is very important when it comes to exercise.
You don't need to trink a protein shake pre workout if you don't like it. You don't need to eat a salad for dinner that doesn't fill you up.
Instead try to include more vegetables and fruit in your diet and find out which food contains a lot of protein. You don't need a strict diet in your life, you need nutrition that fills you up and gives you energy to smash your workouts!
Find out if you prefer to exercise sober or if you need something to eat before working out.
Just try not to train immediately after eating, you need a few hours to digest.
Pre-workout meals could be for example: Bananas, Oatmeal, Chicken and vegetables, Cereal with Protein shake and banana, Smoothies, Protein bars/shakes, Eggs and toast, Pasta, Wraps, ...
Don't be too hard on yourself and please still enjoy the food you like.
Thank you so much if you read till here, I hope this helps. <3
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inanchfe · 1 year
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What an impressive architecture! I could have spend hours in the so-called Trink- und Wandelhalle in Bad Kissingen. Just to watch how the light changes from one moment to another. So fascinating!
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zarysa-of-zorcai · 2 years
Ch 1: Tough Times at the Tavern
It was a nice night in the kingdom of Tal'Dorei. Wispy clouds glided along the star laden sky, casting shadows that danced along the cobblestone streets below. There were merry sounds echoing from behind closed doors. Drunken dares and devious delights being prompted and accepted all around. Chattering people filled the rooms inside the bustling inns and taverns. Outside one such tavern sat a woman with eyes so beautiful that they could be mistaken for a set of amethysts. She had skin made of stone, and would have blended into the shadows of the wall if not for the tavern window bathing her in its box of light.
"...It sounds real fun in there huh, Trink?" The woman pet the head of the armored bear who laid at her side. Her gloves soft as a flowers petals against the large creatures fur.
He rested his large head upon the woman's outstretched legs, getting a bit of slober on the lilac cloth of her dress. He made a growling grunt and rubbed his snout against the upper edge of the thigh high boot she wore.
"Yeah, you're right." The woman smiled, brushing a hand up his warm furry shoulder. Her gaze cast upwards to the stars above. "This has to be better..."
Her gloved hand wandered up behind the bears ear and she scratched lightly there. The bear all but crooned shutting its eyes in bliss.
A sudden light creak cut through the sound of the bears obvious delight.
"Zia," A level voice called from the window above. She twisted to face who had spoken. Amethyst eyes settling upon the man with white hair and round glasses. He did not lean on the sill, he actually wasn't even fully facing her, preferring to watch whatever chug fest was happening inside, but it was definitely her he was speaking to. "Are you certain you wouldn't like a drink? Even Keyleth is being a bit heavy handed tonight. She's practically drunk her whole tankard."
"Ale's...not my thing." Zia denied, with a small shake of her head. She looked down at Trinkets head in her lap. She resumed her petting. "Really, I'm okay."
"Hm," Percy angled his head, "If you're sure, but..." He lightly swirled the wine in his glass. "I could always get you a glass of this instead. It's quite smooth. Not too strong. In truth, I don't really like the hard stuff either.You'd enjoy it...I think..."
Zia's momentary silence spoke to her hesitance. The man's attention shifted to her fully as he turned his head to look down at her. With her head tilted down he could only see her purple hair shimmering in the warmth of the inn's projected light.
"...You won't even have to come inside."
Zia's hand stilled. "Percy..."
Her head lifted. Their eyes met. She hesitated.
"It's alright. You don't have to say anything. I can understand wanting some distance after how the last job panned out."
"It's not that I want to stay away from you guys. I just...I don't know." Zia struggled to find the right words. "I'm just not in the mood to be in that rowdy atmosphere or to get drunk or anything like that." She gripped Trinkets fur. "Besides, the sky's rather pretty tonight."
"And so you'd prefer to watch the stars." Percy surmised. "Still hoping for a shooting one to grant your wish?"
"Always." Zia admitted, casting her eyes back to the sky. It was unheard of for a wish to be stronger than a curse, or even of one truly breaking a curse like the one she was born with, but Zia could hope. She could hope that one night she'd make a wish and then the next morning she would wake up with normal skin, soft hair and eyes that wouldn't blind her companions if they caught the sunlight just right. Yes, she could hope.
"I'll leave you to your gazing then. But If you change your mind about wanting anything just tap on the window and let me know."
"Will do...thanks." She murmured.
As she heard the window click shut again Zia sighed deeply. She carded her fingers through trinkets fur once more. "Why am I like this, Trinket? Hm? Do you know?" The bear didn't give much of a reply. "Yeah..." Zia sighed. "...I don't know either."
She watched the stars for a great while and pet Trinket some more. The noise inside the tavern grew louder overtime. A ruckus broke out inside, and the window above her head was blown out without warning. Small sharp shards spraying down from above.
"Ah...!" Zia raised her arms and curled her torso over trinkets great big head as the shards of glass fell upon her. The bear made a concerned disgruntled sort of sound. The glass shards dusting over her hair. A few larger pieces cracking against her stone skin before they shattered completely on the street.
"Oh gods, not again. Stay down, Trinkie." Zia ordered straightening up. She got to her feet and she peered in through the broken window. She caught sight of Percy holding his pepperbox to someone's chin. "Another brawl? Seriously?"
"Hm, seems that way." Percy didn't so much as spare her a glance. His eyes kept trained on the barbaric man in front of him.
"I'm coming Percy!" Grog's heroic cry could be heard as the giant leapt into the air. Clearly misjudging that his friend needed his help.
"Oh no." Percy paled, not having time to move as grog tackled their foe. The result of which landed the one on the receiving end of his gun directly on top of the poor de rolo.
Zia winced. That had to have seriously hurt.
"Oops." Grog looked bored with what he'd done. A wolf guy broke a chair over his head. Zia ducked with a yelp as more wood pieces flew her way. Just because her skin was durable didn't mean that it didn't hurt to get hit with things.
Grog's head swiveled at the high pitched sound and grinned broadly as he caught sight of Zia.  He clamored over to the window momentarily forgetting the animal man behind him. "Oh hey Zizi, where you been hiding? Come join the party!"
"Huh, oh no Grog don't-no oh shit!"Zia cursed as the drunken giant grabbed her and pulled her through the window like she didn't weigh a thing. He set her down just as quick. His large hands were gentle as he brushed the debris of glass and wood splinters from her shoulders.
"There we go." Grog grinned proudly. "Now you can have some fun too!"
Zia's eyes widened as the dog man growled.
"Uh...Grog...?" Zia pointed at the snarling dog man. She took a nervous step back. He did not look happy.
"Oh right. Don't worry your pretty little head about that overgrown pooch. I've got this." He then proceeded to scream in the creature's face and tackled it to the ground. The dog escaped from Grog's deadly hug and went to find a new target. Zia lost track of it in the commotion. There was too much going on. She did not want to be in here. They'd just gotten out of a big fight before coming to this damned tavern.
"Zia," Percy's voice sounded somewhat strained as it sounded from the floor. "Would you mind helping me? This behemoth smells like he hasn't bathed in weeks."
"Oh, right, sorry Perc." Zia apologized. She bent down and pushed the guy up so that Percy could shimmy his way out. "Better?"
"Much." He sighed in relief once he was free. He adjusted his glasses turning his attention to her. "Thank you."
Zia smiled at him, possibly for a bit too long- and they were attacked again. Right. Zia remembered. Tavern Brawl. Well, she was here, might as well help.
She pulled out her twin obsidian swords with great care. Though they were deadly weapons they were also gifts which she greatly cherished. Handcrafted from the ore of fallen stars they could cut through almost anything with ease.
The arced handles were laden with spikes. A feature that Zia utilized to keep her gloves guarded.
She took up a fighting stance, eyes flicking around to find a mark. Before she could someone else chose her as theirs. That of course turned out to be a mistake for them.
Her attacker was already wounded twice over with two gaping holes in his chest but those wounds didn't seem to be slowing him down much. They must not have been deep enough to do real damage.
She twirled out of the raging wounded cat man's angered slash and flipped up onto a cluttered table top. She danced upon the table, keeping out of his short swords reach. She kicked an empty cask at him and the cat man yowled at her as she nailed him in the eye with the ale mug. Now even more furious the wounded cat man charged at her intent on flipping the table and her right along with it, but he didn't get the chance. In one swift move she knelt and spun round on the table top, her arms out stretched, one in front and just behind her. The cat man's throat was slashed in an instant. He dropped to the ground in a puddle of blood.
Zia twirled her swords in her grip a single time. The blood flew off and splattered against the walls as she rose to her full height. She startled momentarily as Trinket crashed into the room, but she calmed as the bear had merely arrived to drag a guy out on Vex'ahlia order. Zia smirked at the bears retreating back. Good. Trink deserved a treat for being such a good boy.
"Grog step aside!" Percy's voice caught her attention. Zia's eyes widened as a pitiful puff of smoke escaped his pepperbox. Her smile fell away. Percy was out of bullets. Before she, or even poor Percy could react, A muscular blonde woman grabbed Percy by the coat and flung him as harshly as one would a bag of shit.
"Percy!" Zia yelled his name as she watched him sail through the air and crash into a back room. She glared at the muscled woman who'd thrown him. Her grip on her swords tightened.
That bitch threw the wrong fucking person.
She sprinted across the table tops, and pounced upon the muscular woman with an untamable ferocity. She jammed the spiked handles of her sword into her back as she slid down her tall frame ripping not only the back of her dress but her skin as well. Two bright red streaks marked Zia's descent.
The woman cried out and reached directly behind her blindly searching for her attacker, but Zia was already crouched low and she slashed at back of the muscled woman's knees with her swords. Blood gushed from the wounds and the woman cried out. Zia didn't stop there. She pushed harder, cut further, until she was slicing through the muscled woman's bones as if she was doing nothing more than severing a dangling branch from a tree. Zia was right about to wound the woman further, sword raised to finish the job when-
"Stop!" A violent roar tore through the air as the tavern owner let their more boorish side show. Everyone froze stopping to stare at them.
"First you people drink me dry. Then you destroy my tavern." The tavern keeper relaxed to a more normal appearance. "And-and-and what is that gnome doing to my daughter!?"
Zia's eyes flicked over to the room Percy had been flung into. He'd created a nice hole in the wall upon impact. There Scanlon was pleasuring a pink skinned woman under the sheets.
Zia looked away from the sight feeling uncomfortable at the display. Sex wasn't something she participated in. No one was really interested in having sex with the equivalence of a walking, talking, statue like her. That woman's skin was soft, supple-hers was not. Hers couldn't be touched and even if it could not even the likes of Scanlan would want to fuck her she was sure. It was best not to dwell on any sort of love making when she herself would likely never get to experience such pleasures.
Speaking of not experiencing pleasure Vox Machina was promptly kicked out of the tavern when the tavern keeper realized they couldn't pay for anything which put quite the damper on each of their nights to say the least.
Zia sighed. What were they going to do?
Okay guys! This was chapter 1!!! I am so excited for this I cannot even begin to tell you ahhh! I love Zia so freaking much and I'm so happy I can share her with you all! I haven't loved an oc this much since Clarity. But anyways, here are some questions for you guys! Cause I'm both indecisive and insecure in my writing and I value your guys thoughts and opinions! Be honest!
1.So what did you guys think of chapter 1? Any favorite moments thus far?
2. What member of Vox should Zia end up with? Who would be a good match for her? Probably a bit early to ask but hey I like talking ships with people. It's fun.
3. Thoughts on Zia's fight scene?
4. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!
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365dayschallengee · 4 days
Day 1
-Kokosöl ziehen
-Zähne geputzt
-Creatine + Aminosäuren eingenommen
-10 Seiten gelesen
-Apple Watch
-Müll raus gebracht
-sally telefoniert
-Waschmaschine repariert, Wäsche wäscht
-Mama ignoriert, Lösung gefunden
-essen bestellt
-trinke Proteinpulver
-gelernt jede Person zu akzeptieren wie sie ist. Wird schon ihre Gründe haben warum sie so ist
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sharkboy-starmites · 10 months
Oki doki. I just finished watching the new starmites. I have thoughts, it was good. The rest of my thoughts are spoilers, so don't read further if you haven't seen it
Okay so. Thoughts in no order.
Spacepunk is so the best. He learns about consent and then is normal the rest of the show.
Eleanor is deranged. (I'm scared)
Diva should go to jail right now.
Spacepunk should get a restraining order against diva.
She kinda sorta assulted him a little bit.
Diva is upsetting
She was cooler in the 80s
Shak graa looked like a Satan cosplayer. I'm a fan of that.
THE CRUELTY IS A KEYTAUR!!! I love keytaurs.
Idk how to spell that
Spacepunks dad gets to die in a new fun way
He is eaten alive by diva
Spacepunk had to watch that
And the last thing his dad ever did was give him the starmite danger whistle.
Diva never apologizes for this
She directly threatens spacepunk and calls him "delicious" and at one point says "I bet your delicious like your daddy"
I will die right now
MOVING ON bizzarbra is boy crazy but respectful
She questions tricking spacepunk but eventually is talked into the clonestar chambers.
Bizzarbra politely respects punks option not to marry her but is still sad and runs away
The banshees repeatedly threaten to cut off the mites dicks
Everyone talks about dicks too much
And that's coming from me
It's just weird to see my sweet baby boys say such adult words
I say this like a grieving father but like
Spacepunk fucking dies
People greive for like 2 seconds and then move one
Luckily he's revived
First thing he does is kiss milady and then get a erection I think
Dazzle is mean
I'm sad
He is supposed to be silly
They switched the mites personalities
I'm not happy about that
Trink is bad and awful
He looks like a fucked up dog
Spacepunk is kinda hot but I always think that so
He's got a crop top with his name on it
Hello sir.
Anyway uh. I have the shirt that dazzle has. I have the same shirt
I wear it often.
I'm gonna start wearing it unbuttoned like that lol
Punks pants looked like they were going to fall down the whole time. I wanted him to pull up his fucking pants.
Why was punk chained to divas chair by his neck. All the other mites got handcuffs but no.
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hanabeeri · 1 year
my mind has been in dark places recently. so im trying to pull myself out, by planning some stuff that i want to do soon.
i would like to continue a painting that ive started roughly a year ago. i havent worked on it in a long while, partially because i cant decide on the dress that i want to paint. ive been thinking about something with a lot of lace in pure white. i want to continue watching one piece and oshi no ko. i want to work on an old thesis of mine i wrote when i was still doing my alevels. it wrote about the experiences of transgender people throughout history; back then, i remember there was this big issue (and still is in many parts of the world) whether transwomen should be allowed to go to female bathrooms (answer: of course!!!), which lead me to pick this topic. i would like to meet up with my childhood friends because i didnt see them in awhile. maybe we could go on a picknick near a lake, go for a swim and maybe play some drinking games, as always. i would like to finish two books im currently actively reading. maybe ill pick up jjk and reread it, because yesterday i talked to someone about it and today i saw a video of sukuna, so perhaps its a sign. oh and i want to pass my exams. im not sure what ill do next semester if i do, because i still have to take some seminars for my other major in order to finish it. im not good with handling stress TT
i learned from yesterdays experience that drinking on my own really isnt my thing. als der rausch dann auch kam war mir einfach sehr langweilig. normalerweise trinke ich nur mit freunden und dann unternehmen wir auch dinge, die spaß machen. i just laid on my bed, feeling a bit woozy but not woozy enough. and usually my mind is so full of thoughts and sounds but when i drink it gets really quiet haha. so while i may have had a nice time not thinking, it was quite boring.
also recently i was studying with a friend and another student and sometimes i would write kanji out with my finger in air and it was so strange to me when they couldnt see what i was writing. people say drawing is a skill not a talent but in moments like these i beg to differ. because when i do things like that around fellow artists they always get it jgfhsjdkgh like, wdym your eyes only follow my finger but your mind doesnt picture the image i am drawing in the air. look harder.
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