#triwazard tournament
Me seeing a bunch of tiktoks about Americans bringing guns to hogwarts:
That’s so unrealistic most Americans don’t even like guns and definitely wouldn’t need one if they had a wand why is every conversation about Americans about guns
The American on the set of Harry Potter:
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sayafics · 1 year
Her Muse - Masterlist
After Ophelia's name was chosen to compete in the Triwazard Tournament, she is left to battle her way through harrowing challenges she had never dreamt of facing before.
She is sure she will die, and she knows she doesn't want to.
In her desperation, the Room of Requirements provides her exactly what she needs.
A teacher? An acquaintance? A confidant? A friend? A lover?
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
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My coins must have been traded in at the vaultage, and I was let into the royal mines of outer space. So, triwazard tournament must have happened as a teenager and the Hermetic Order of the golden dawn hosted my presence at hogwarts until i was transfered to a durmstrang satellite
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pupvivi · 4 years
pls momo being all reckless and shit during the triwazard tournament because she's confident she'll be fine since she's a dRaGOn and mina getting heart attacks everytime especially when momo gets hurt
Momo kinda having an unfair advantage with how quickly she heals so she's willing to take more risks. She's seen sporting a broken arm and nose, also with a black eye and Mina won't talk to her for 2 days because of how reckless she is.
But she ends up breaking her own rule when Momo mentions that she'll heal faster with her mate near her, so now Mina won't leave her side until she's satisfied with how much shes healed up.
Just another excuse for Mimo not to be seen for days at a time
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pocmuzings · 4 years
lbr the only house combination that matters and is relatable the most is a ravenpuff ,,, intelligent procrastinators who are selfless and even though they might forget to take care of themselves most of the time, they'll always pay attention to others and care about them
look i fuck with ravenclaws too , don’t get me wrong  . i wish we’d been given MORE ravenclaws and they were Seen and Represented more in like , normal rps . everyone always froths over how their character will do an alignment quiz and be a slytherin . . .  tbh i’m  just  SICK of the attention always being on slytherins   dfjkndfnjfj . they’ve overdone  . ur RIGHT ravenclaws are selfless and intelligent and QUICK WITTED . kinda always gave me the Vibe of being lowkey snobby and Elitist but thats MY business . . but like COME ON ? ur saying the oNLY house that matters is ravenclaw ???  . . for the triwazard tournament  . . who was picked ?? cedric diggory . . A HUFFLEPUFF !!!! 
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REVIEW: Dan Disgrace - Nightmare Music (EP review)
Introducing the EP, like a really calming version of the thriller voice over guy, is a disembodied voice. Spacey echoic and distorted vocals, spiralling noises and nightmarish pianos jolt us toward the first song; Twisted Sister.
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Lo fi drums and spacey vocals warp around a trebling bass line. The vocals low and high making way for each other, dancing around the headphones like Neville Longbottom at the Triwazard tournament ball. 
I feel like I’m at a very low-key Halloween disco, dancing with Frankenstein’s monster and some ghouls. 
Hello, Shades Away. Released prior to this EP, it shows off Mr Disgrace’s euphoric, organ-fuelled chorus and rattling percussions. His vocals buried and soft, and the saxophone solo is smooth and spacious. A tumbling-down-the-hill sort of song.  As the tumbling gets out of control, the ending shifts up a gear for a moment until it helter-skelters back to normality. 
In My Own World explores the melodic sweetness, and unique lofi arrangements that I haven’t heard in many other songs. This juxtaposition of large arrangements but a lo fidelity sound is really interesting and unlike any other artist releasing music right now.  
Hello, to you too, Commission. A timeless alt-pop banger that we were treated to before this release. 
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It seems fitting to close the EP on How Was Your Day? A question that reflects what you thought on the meal you’ve just indulged. It was quite terrifying, lovely, and interesting to actively listen to. The whole release is a complex and varied collection of hidden sounds and unusual structures that begs you to listen again. 
The first indulgence is thrilling; you’re just not sure where you’ll be in 20 seconds. 
This closing song completely encapsulates a spiralling and wholesome wave goodbye. As with any Eggy Records release, you need to trust the craftsmanship and dive in. 
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tommyspeakycap · 8 years
Pairing- Cedric Diggory X reader
Word count- 4,062 
Summary- When Cedric Diggory died, he left behind his loving girlfriend, the daughter of Severus Snape, to mourn him.
Warnings- Lot’s of sadness, loss of a loved one, just lot’s of death. (Flashbacks are in italics)
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You were cheering at first, clapping your hands in joy when you saw Harry and Cedric had both made it back alive, though, in a mere few seconds your happiness was washed over and replaced with horror when you noticed Harry was sobbing and Cedric had not moved from his place on the ground.
You had Hermione on your left and Ron on your right. Cedric’ father stood in the row in front of you. As People’s cheers began to die, loud murmurs took over, the kind of murmurs where you couldn’t hear what anyone was talking about, just a loud rumble to voices.
You began pushing your way through people to the front, tears blurring your vision as you feared the worst for the boy you loved.
Cedric’s father was behind you in an instant, helping you push through people. He loved you like a daughter already and he, along with many others, thought you and Cedric would be together forever.
Funny thing forever is, because people my say forever, but does one ever know when forever is going to end, you didn’t expect to loose Cedric today, you didn’t think your love story would be cut so short so sudden, you didn’t even get a taste of the future, so forever didn’t mean anything in your situation.
You saw your father, Professor Snape, trying to move everyone quickly back to their seats. He was unaware of you dating your fellow hufflepuff. It truly was a surprise to everyone that the daughter of Severus Snape was a hufflepuff, you were almost the complete opposite of your father and it was rather obvious in your soft nature and protective instincts.
 You continued to try to push through people, hearing different parts of different peoples conversations, but above all the murmurs you heard five words. “A boys just been killed”
Tears began began plummeting down your cheeks, your threw yourself onto the ground next to Cedric, sobbing against his lifeless body.
Cedric’s father had fallen to his knees, shouting. He had just lost his son, but you had drowned out his pain filled shouts and cries, only hearing the soft sound of Cedric's voice, him telling you he loved you just hours ago, it filled your senses until the thoughts of your imagination were broken by the sound of someone saying your name.
“Y/n” you heard Snape say, looking down at you. You ignored him as you held onto your lover.
“Y/n, you need to get up, we must move his body” he urged, but you wouldn’t move. You continued to sob against Cedric’s lifeless body, his eyes were wide open, he might’ve died scared but you knew he died proudly an courageously, your continues streak of tears began wetting his black and yellow shirt, identical to the one you were wearing, his name printed across the back, he gave it to you so people knew you were his at the beginning of the triwazard tournament.
Of course, when wearing it you had previously avoided your father, scared of what he would think about your relationship with the hufflepuff Quidditch captain, but in this moment, you obviously didn’t care. It still smelled of him.
Your father then sighed, bending down to haul you up from around your stomach. Tugging you along as he tried to take you inside the castle.
Your pain-filled screams and shrieks tore through your body and ripped out your throat as you tried to get back to him, your cries turned heads, people’s sympathetic stares fell onto you as tears plummeted down your cheeks.
“NO” you roared, escaping from his arms and almost throwing yourself back to Cedric.
He caught you first, pulling you against your will as you yelled and tried to throw yourself out of his arms.
“CEDRIC… please….NO….” you were screaming, you couldn’t breathe. Your sobs racked your body in tremendous shakes. You were heaving outside the gates of the castle, your father rubbing your back as you finally emptied the contents of your stomach onto the old stone ground.
He couldn’t even tell you it would be okay, because, with word that he who’s name shall not be said, was back, he wasn’t sure it really would be okay, and of course, Cedric is dead.
Normally when you got upset, Cedric would take your hand and the invisibility cloak and the room of requirements would open up to you and he hold you while you cried, he loved you just as much as you loved him.
But now, there was no Cedric to comfort you, he was gone.
You sat alone in the silence of Snape’s office, you hadn’t uttered a word to your father, or anyone for that matter, since just an hour ago.
“I’m so sorry” he said as he entered the office again, his long black cloak flowing behind him.
“I know there’s truly nothing I could say to make you fell better, but you must know I’m always here, I might be your teacher but I’m your father first” he said. It was was hard for Snape to be sentimental, with his life prior to you he never had to be nor wanted to be, but he knew you needed him now and he had to be the shoulder to lean on.
“I just wan… I just- just want him b..b-back” you whimpered, your head falling to your hands, your knees buckling. You curled into yourself in a ball on the floor, it hurt your father knowing that in this moment, Cedric was the only one who could make you feel better and he wasn’t here.
“Evening baby” Cedric cooed in your ear after literally throwing himself onto the overly stuffed couch next to you in the hufflepuff common room, everyone was just lounging around after dinner and he decided he wanted to cuddle.
“Evening Cedric” you replied, closing your book and turning to face him with a large beaming smile on your face.
He stood up abruptly, grabbing a price of paper and rapidly scribbling things down. “Cedric, what are you doing” you asked, your eyebrows furrowed as you watched your adorable boyfriend.
“I’ve done some calculations and I just can’t seem to discover how you are so beautiful when you do absolutely nothing at all, so please darling, enlighten me” he  explained,  his face lighting up in a smile when you giggled. “God I love that laugh” he mumbled seconds before his lips pressed to yours.
You were both so in love.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you” you croaked, your tears seeming to have no end. “I figured out today actually. A few hours before the final task I saw you in that shirt your wearing, his name on the back, then I remembered back to the Yule Ball, you danced with him the whole time, so I kept my eyes peeled for any other signs the rest of the day  and I saw the long held eye contact right before the task commenced, I was planning on confronting you tonight..” he trailed off, not knowing what to say or how to help. “How long” he asked softly, watching as you pushed your self up and sat against the stone wall, wrapping your arms around your legs and letting your tears drip down your rosy cheeks.
“A little over a year” you mumbled back guiltily. Snape almost exploded, but he held back to prevent upsetting you more. “A lot of sneaking around I presume” he affirmed, still cautious for touchy subjects and trying not to press you when you were in so much emotional pain.
“Sometimes” you whispered. “Most of the time we used the invisibility cloak Cedric’s father gave him and we’d go to the room of requirements, we’d hide together there, we’d be alone for a while, no one would disturb us there and every time you turned your back during classes, he’d send notes to me or-or he’d blow me a kiss. When he wasn’t around, I felt like a piece of me was missing and it kills me to know that the emptiness and aching pain that I feel right now is one that I’m gonna face for the rest of my life” you whimpered, your sobs finding their way back to echo in the room, bouncing off the wall, each cry hitting your father in the gut with a sharp blow
It was beginning to add up, why you and Cedric studied together, why he asked to be seated with you in potions class because ‘you were amazing and he was failing so maybe you could help him out’ when really it was because he wanted to be next to you.
Where Cedric’s 'lost’ Quidditch sweater really went.
Every memory you had of him haunted you, his loving eyes, his soft hair, everything.
“You sure you’re ready princess” he asked cautiously yet again. He was leaning over you, his elbows propping his body above your own. “Ready if you are” you mumbled in response. So he continued to leave a trail of kisses down your neck until he reached the clothed area of your chest, your wild eyes caught his and he knew you were the one, he knew he wasn’t going to regret this.
That night was spent making passionate love to each other. He discovered every inch of your body and you his, heard the stories of every scar, kissed every insecurity, discovered likes and dislikes, what made the other weak at the knees. As you lay there that night, a tangled mess of sweaty limbs, Cedric knew he’d never forgot the spot behind your ear and just down a little, it made you putty in his hands. And you never forgot, and never would forget his weak spot, barely a few centimetres above his collar bone.
The height difference was perfect. When he hugged you, your head rested on his chest, his cheek or chin resting on your hair, his arms tight around you. Perfect for comfort when you needed it.
“Everyone said it’d last forever” you lamented, clutching your chest as if it would make your heart hurt less. “He promised me….” you sobbed, trying to compose yourself before you continued. “He promised we’d buy a nice house in a safe town, where our future kids could grow up and be safe and happy. WHY DID HE HAVE TO LEAVE” you wailed, screaming those last few words.
You stood up, smashing some empty glass bottles and bolting out the room with your father shouting after you as you sobbed, running down the empty halls.
You slept in Cedric’s bed, clutching and picture of him, his scent making you feel safe, warm. Made you feel like he was there, holding you like he had so many times, only this time, he wasn’t there to calm you cries.
“Y/n” Draco taunted. You sighed and tried to keep your head down.  “Don’t ignore me” he spat, grabbing the back of your cloak, you mentally sighed. “Draco, please just let me go, I haven’t done anything"  you begged, keeping your eyes on the floor. "Please Draco” he mimicked, causing laughs from his friends.
He smacked your books from your hands and pushed you back, grabbing one of your note books. “Ah, filled with lover boy I see” he sniggered, making you flush a deep crimson red as you tried to grab it out of the taller boys grasp.
Cedric was laughing with his friends, about to turn the corner into the hallway leading to the great hall when he caught sight of you, surrounded by Draco and his 'friends’. He squinted and stopped, telling his friend to go on.
“Cedric’s a perfect, don’t think he loves you, of all people” he hissed, his gang of bullies finding it hilarious to watch you jump for your notebook. “You’re just a filthy-”
“Problem, Malfoy?” Cedric’s voice came, cutting Draco’s off, sounding harsh. Draco was tall, but Cedric was taller and stood over Draco to intimidate him. “Give her the book Malfoy, then move along"  he hissed, waiting until Draco had picked up all your books and given them back to you. "And if I ever catch you talking to my girlfriend like that again, I’ll make you regret it” he growled in the smaller boy’s ear as he walked past him.
Cedric wasn’t intimidating or violent until it came to someone over stepping the line with the people he loved, especially you.
He wiped your eyes and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and began leading you to the great hall.“I suggest dinner then straight to the room of requirements and cuddles” he spoke softly, kissing the side of your head gently. “I think that is a very valid suggestion, I think I’ll take you up on that.” You giggled, making Cedric smile. “Good, then its settled my love, now let’s eat”
Your dad left the great hall for what you did not know but he was gone and Cedric was now adamant on being lovey dovey.
“Come on babe, I need to give you food from my from because I can, here” he gushed, trying to feed you food from his plate. “Cedric, in a big girl, I can use my own fork” you giggled, pushing his hand away. “But where’s the fun in that” he whined, pouting and giving you the puppy eyes he knew you couldn’t resist.
“Fine, fine” you gave in, letting him give you a price of delicious chicken from his fork. “Happy now” you smiled, watching him nod and kiss you on the cheek.
When the time came for everyone to get up and go to classes the day after the final task, everything was quiet, people walked the halls without a word, it felt necessary.
You stayed in bed the whole day, never left the dormitory once, only got up to pee.
But you knew you had to keep going, go to your classes, that’s what Cedric would’ve wanted for you, but you didn’t know how to go on without him, the love of your life.
And then Harry came up to you, handing you a piece of paper. “Cedric told me to give this to you if he didn’t make it out, I’m really sorry” Harry said softly, looking at you sympathetically.
Many people say they hate the sympathetic gazes, but in all honesty you hadn’t noticed until now and you agreed, you hated it. You didn’t want sympathy, you didn’t care for people feeling sorry for you, their sympathetic gazes and mumbles of 'I’m so sorry for your loss’ wasn’t going to bring his back or make you feel any better.
On The piece of paper that Harry had handed you, you noticed Cedric’s hand writing and began to read it.
Dear y/n,
If your reading this then I’m dead. I’m not going to bother sugar coating that, I had a feeling I wouldn’t come back Alive, so I need to get this off my chest.
I love you, I always have. You were the absolute light of my life and right now, even now, while you may feel alone, I’m right here, I’m standing next to you loving you.
Please don’t be afraid to move on, my love. I beg you do not forget me, however please live the life we always wanted, let someone else make you happy.
When you think of me, do not remember me lying dead. Remember me laughing, loving and living. Do not remember the dead look on my face, but remember the look I held when I saw you on the day of the Yule ball.
But most of all, remember how much I loved you, how much I will always love you, that you were my whole world, that I am watching over you, still stunned by your beauty every second of every day.
I love you, Y/n and My death does not change that. You were my first and only love.
All the love in the world,
Cedric Diggory.
P.S, In my dormitory, you’ll find all my things that I’ve left for you behind the picture frame on the wall, the picture of us. There’s a hole in the wall and there lies photos of us, letters and poems I wrote but never sent to you and some sweaters of mine I want you to have. There is also a ring, I’m sorry it’s not as expensive as it could be but I did what I could, It’s a promise ring, a promise that I’ll always love you. There may be some other things, take it all, it’s all yours, I love you darling, I love you so much"
You cried and cried every night as you clutched his sweater and read his letters over and over again.
People denied for a while that Voldemort was back, and it enraged you. They insulted Dumbledore. They wouldn’t believe a word Harry was saying and you were offended, you were offended because Cedric, the love of your life died  at his hands and they wouldn’t believe you. You were told, by the minister of Magic himself that you were lying, that your boyfriend was the victim of a freak accident.
You knew that wasn’t true, Cedric was murdered and the lies those people told to cover that up, to brush him under the rug, sickened you. They only held a small funeral, trying not to draw attention to the fact a boy was murdered, and by god did you cry. You had only seen him In a suit once before, it was the night of the Yule Ball.
“I don’t know” you hesitated, standing infront of the mirror in the girls bathroom next to your friend. “Come on Y/n, Cedric loves you, he wouldn’t care is you wore pyjama’s to this ball, but no you’re wearing a beautiful dress and you look amazing"  she told you, trying to convince you to believe Cedric wouldn’t think you looked horrible in your dress.
"Cedric says If you don’t come out he’ll come in, so we better hurry up” she added, giggling slightly. “I’ll see you out there” she said when she saw Cedric peak his head in.
“This makes me severely  uncomfortable” he admitted, his eyes cast downwards as if the floor was of his upmost interest. He looked up at you and his jaw dropped, his eyes widening as he admired your beauty. “Wow..” he trailed off, he was speechless. Your hair was in loose curls and your dress was the perfect mix of fitting and flowing. 
“You look… amazing” he said, baffled and unable to form any proper sentences. His cheeks were tinted red as he lifted his hand to run through  his hair. “Don’t do that, you’ll ruin your hair” you giggled, bringing his hand away from his hair and lacing your fingers through it.
“You look pretty handsome too by the way” you said shyly, ducking your head for only a few seconds before he gently lifted your chin and cupped your cheek, pressing his soft lips to yours, letting them move perfectly together.
He pulled away and held out his arm for you to take.
“Care to dance, M'lady” he said, beaming at you. “I’d love to dance"  you giggled, the two of you leaving the bathroom and entering the great hall, transformed into a beautiful ball room. You knew you were going to have a great night
But most importantly, you knew you were in love with Cedric Diggory
That’s why you fought. You fought against the dark lord and his army as part of Dumbledore’s army. You wouldn’t back down, you were going to do as Cedric did. Be kind, be brave and be strong right to the very end if need be, because Cedric would’ve done anything for the people he loved, he wanted to defend Harry in that grave yard and no matter what, his end was going to be met that night, he was a spare in the eyes of Voldemort and that alone got him killed.
You were fighting for Cedric Diggory.
You were standing face to face the dark lord himself. You honestly didn’t know how you made it this far. You held one of Cedric’s letters tightly in your hand, a letter that simply read, "I love you always and forever, a whole big lot- Cedric.”. The dark lord sighed when he noticed you. "You had potential, though it was never noticed as you distanced yourself from the world after his death, am I correct" he hissed, his wand in his hand at his side. You growled at him, your eyes dark and vengeful. Filled with so much hatred and disgust for the dark wizard.
“Quiet one I see. Your father wasn’t a man of many words either” he added. “Nice boy, Cedric was-”
“Don’t you dare” you barked, your eyes burning with a passionate fire to avenge Cedric. “ah, ah, ahh” he tutted, shaking his head at you when you outstretched your wand. “I just want to talk” he sniggered. “Like I said, you’re a strong witch, very powerful. Might even be able to give the likes of Harry Potter a run for his money. Then again, without the awareness of who your mother is, we could never know. However, your father is a smart man, you have that in you and with me, we could enhance that, you could be like us, you could rule the wizarding world one day, all you have to do is come with me” he bargained, trying to convince you to join him, to become a death eater.
“Why would I come with you? You killed the love of my life! I’d never want to be like you” you spat with such venom he was surprised. “I really did like you Y/n, pity you don’t know what’s best for you” he said, shaking his head and he raised his wand.
“Avada Kedavra” he shouted, the green burst of light hitting you and killing you instantly. You lay there, your free hand still clutching one of Cedric’s letter while your other held your wand. You eyes wide open as your body was discarded on the ground. “Sad loss, that one” the dark lord sighed, putting his wand away and simply walking away.
Severus Snape had only wished he could’ve been seconds to minuets earlier when he saw his daughter, the only person he’s ever loved this much, lying stone cold on the floor. Dead at the hands of the same man and the same curse that had taken Lily from him and Cedric from you.
He scooped you into his arms, sobbing worse than he ever had. The letting fell from your grasp and he picked it up, his eyes flickering to the crumpled piece of parchment. It was then that he realised you were in a better place, a safer and more loving place than anywhere on earth at this current time.
He remembered your heart breaking cries on the night of Cedric’s death, how hurt and broken you were and that you were with him now, you were with the boy you loved and it hurt a tiny bit less to know that you were probably happier where you were now than you ever would be, because he knew you’d love Cedric forever, even a fool could see it.
Though it didn’t stop his cries, it didn’t stop the pain of losing a child, the little girl left simply on his doorstep with a note telling him you were his daughter and whomever sent you had died. He fell in love with you almost immediately, sure you kept him awake with your cries and screams for the first year or so of your life but he loved you nonetheless. He kept you shielded from people like Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy.
He was at loss for what to do, so he sat there and he sobbed with his daughter in his arms and he did nothing, there was nothing he could do, other than cry for his loss, and a tiny bit of him was happy you were no longer in harms way, you couldn’t be in hurt anymore, you could never be in pain again and he was thankful for just that.  
Maybe you and Cedric could be together forever after all.
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aroacehogwarts · 10 years
An ace student competing in the Triwizard tournament and having a special affinity with dragons because of their sexuality and so being able to just get the dragon to give them an egg -R
I love headcanons involving dragons, I like how we've just claimed this mythical creature as our own. As a community, I think we're all pretty united in our love for them.1 point to Ravenclaw!~ Gryffindor mod
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sexforcookie · 13 years
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will someone please do a hedge maze with me sometime? we can pretend it's the triwizard tournament and fight over who gets to lose.
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