#true seals do not
hylianengineer · 2 months
New favorite thing to write: mythical creature AUs. Especially with shapeshifting. I have fallen down the rabbit hole that is seal biology and behavior and I'm having so much fun.
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Me thinking about 1x05 Calabash’s repeated use of the word perfect (ending with MK picking up his staff like in 3x14), while showing that MK views his friends as “perfect” despite their flaws even though he doesn’t extend that same kindness towards himself, or not “judging things by their worst quality”
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despair-tea · 27 days
Aim to kill. Don't imagine defeat. What point is there in picturing it? You're going to find the line that takes you to certain victory in mortal combat - only a fool would entertain the shadow of death that far.
Aim to kill. You play with your food too much. Don't just play to sate your bloodthirst. Cool that blood of yours - you need to view things more objectively. Always thinking about what you want to do - predictable, laughable, a liability.
Aim to kill. Your opponent will not hesitate.
Will you keep growing, or will you die on this hill?
I don't want to die. I don't want to die.
I don't want to die, so I'm going to surpass my limits, right now.
...Wishful thinking. Start again. From the beginning this time. Clearly you've still got the heart of a novice.
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vote2 · 1 month
playing so much eo luminous the last few days i tetris effecting fish swimming in the corners of my vision at all times.
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akkivee · 9 months
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‘what might happen were it to affect ichiro’s ability’ is inchresting because if kuukou successfully used his ability on ichiro it should just be sealed right??? so this is a question wwwwwwwhy—
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chaotictomtom · 9 months
left a bit my stand at an event cos a friend was doing an aïkido presentation.....of course he told the dude who was inviting people on stage to try it out to call for me. got my ass beaten in public and on stage. felt right
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one thing that’s helping me today is believing that I exist on a different plane than everyone else. sometimes our worlds overlap, like, say, when I have to talk to someone, but otherwise it’s like there’s this bubble that separates me from everyone else. I can see and hear them and they can see and hear me but if you were to turn off the filter that overlays my world with theirs, I would be alone in the room. it makes me feel less like I’m at school and care less about what everyone thinks of me. it makes it easier to be productive and somehow helps me remember that other people have their own lives and that I’m not the center of the universe.
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sweetheartsaturn · 1 year
Realising almost all of Taylor swifts songs are about men
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Me 5 minutes later screaming to cruel summer
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vaugarde · 1 year
morphogala is a yuri tragedy. to me
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
i just realized how hilarious it is that seemingly someone decided to just. build a gachapon machine in front of the entrance to the yo-kai world. imagine trapping a bunch of ghosts like right in front of their home jfc-
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aeide-thea · 2 years
the thing is, right
say i were to give up on claiming nonbinaryness—
(i almost said ‘claiming inherent nonbinaryness’ but like. honestly i’ve never necessarily claimed that—i mean, i think there’s some truth in it although also other lenses are possible, i just have found value in this one—but i feel like it’s a fiercely-held political stance as much as it’s an identity thing? but then also political stances are an identity thing)
(anyway i reserve the right as always to say something different abt this tomorrow)
i still would desire/require genderless pronouns/descriptors
i still would conceptualize myself in ways that aren’t straightforwardly aligned with normative social notions of Womanhood or normative physical configurations of same
i still would be deeply alienated by binarism
etc etc
like really ‘nonbinary’ is an assertion and an organizing label, and i could take it back but i couldn’t take back the various types of conviction/alignment/alienation that it’s shorthand for, like, those are real and organically inbuilt and so this label that’s ultimately just the sum of them must necessarily be too
(i think i do wish ‘genderqueer’ hadn’t gotten SO drowned out tho—which further has me thinking abt, like, using multiple labels to stake out a positionality somewhere between them, or else flicker between multiple positionalities—like i’ve let myself get tied to this one Nonbinary concept and squeezed into ever-narrower conceptual confines by it and actually i think that’s nuts! we none of us are just one thing!)
(like ultimately nonbinary is also an umbrella just as genderqueer is but i have more trouble feeling that with nonbinary, i guess bc there’s a clearer single stereotype—which is worth pushing back at, but like. possible to push back sometimes and just duck other times. multiple strategies. situation-dependent and feelings-dependent. etc.)
(like i could just say ‘i’m genderqueer and i decline to be gendered except in contra-agab ways that are sexy or sexily-textured to me.’ end of.)
(anyway yeah this IS just the eternal ‘do you like microlabels’ debate but like. language is SUCH an important arena for me that i DO have to keep litigating these questions and can’t just cede the field. so like. new angles on the problem helpful bc rejecting it wholly not possible.)
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apelcini · 2 years
every serial killer’s methods may be unique but if you look at all you’ll see that they’re actually all the same monster in different bodies. the same cycle of abuse that warps them, the same monstrosity in their head that makes them look at a person and see a tool, the same trail of devastated families and crater of grief left in their impact. but no victim is truly faceless. even a skeletal jane or john doe has a face to be estimated and redrawn and redrawn, friends and family who miss them, a story that led them to where they crossed paths with their killer. a unique set of potential futures that were all wiped into the same empty, static eternity by the same monster in a different skin.
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the-13th-rose · 2 years
sorry to say but if you're not okay with people making nsfw media of your characters your only options are to get over it and learn not to look at it or to just not make anything. because no matter how hard you try you are not going to get people to stop doing it, and you're only gonna make yourself look like an asshole in the process
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crocodilenjoyer · 3 months
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are the pacifistas lunarians.
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devilmass · 4 months
❛ are you telling me you spent your summer reading the bible? ❜ . from eric northman (:
❝ that'n every other summer since a'could read. ❞
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his fingers are still wet from the dew on his true blood that sits next to him on the marble bench. the pages stick to his fingers & rodrick pauses so that he could crane his neck back. ❝ ain'tchu got anything else t'do than skulk 'round my graveyard, eric ? ❞ @luminescenc1e
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cryptotheism · 2 months
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I love when modern horror movies do this.
I was watching The Autopsy of Jane Doe. Let's play a game. If a coroner approached me with this symbol, what would I tell him?
Two big flags: That's a woven textile, and those are Roman letters. Most surviving Roman spells were written on stone or metal stele. Roman characters on papyrus practically screams North Africa, 1st-4th century AD.
Given, there is no textile on earth that could survive the stomach acid like this, so I'm assuming something supernatural is happening.
So north Africa, 1-4th century AD. That specific type of circle is clearly remineacent of Solomoic magic. The thing is. Solomonic seals were usually produced in an Egyptian milieu. Authentic North african magical characters usually have little loops on the end, because they're trying to imitate the ankh. Or they look noticably Greek.
Whats interesting to me, is that the symbol inside the circle is more Greek-Pythagorean than Egyptian. It's got that square capped with triangles. That's a neoplatonist sacred geometry thing.
Also, I have the movie paused, but I would bet money those numerals on the edges are supposed to correspond to bible verses. I would bet money one of them is supposed to be EX 22:18.
Which, if that's true, would mean that this isn't 1-4th century, but more like a post-golden-dawn reprint from the 1850s.
Official prediction: This bitch is supposed to be an 1850s American frontier witch. The prop designers get extra points if they want me to think she was part of the Salem witch trials, or some other sensational event like that.
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