luwupercal · 2 years
I am now picturing little Leman having a moment where he's just crying and in hysterics because his wolf mom told him he's adopted because he asked her why he's so different from the other members of the pack. She tried to be gentle about it, but he's still very upset
this is funny as fuck but hopefully you dont mind if i take the excuse to talk about how i find lemans whole thing kind of Theoretically fascinating
just like, being with wolves and knowing hes not quite a wolf, being with humans and knowing he's not quite a human, being with the other primarchs and not being too good at getting along with the rest of em. that's interesting to me
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In light of  the previous post i made about Rogal Dorn,
a meme:
Rogal, attempting to socialize for a change but not actually saying anything and just sort of staring at the person he’s trying to be friendly with:
“This is good. I am getting a good grade in socializing. This something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.”
and the pov of the other person is basically just this:
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
Hello, your finest thylacine images please and thank you in advance.
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Animal Kingdom, published by G.B. Whitaker, London, June 1825
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From an 1880s French illustrated journal
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The Mammals of Australia, 1871
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heresylog · 3 years
What is something that in your opinion, falls under the category of "kind of weird, but not a sin/heresy"?
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I hope you like playlists, snake boi.
Thank you so much Darling, such a lovely playlist! 
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weirdchristmas · 5 years
How about some Krampus cards, if you haven't been asked already
I post a bunch through the season. But here’s a few more.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 5 years
OK, this is gonna be long as shit and probably full of typos, but here's a cured Mortarion thought that I need to get out of my brain. Did you know that most arthropods (insects, arachnids, etc.) eat their shed skins after they molt? Now, Mortarion has wings like an arthropod, what's saying there aren't other parts of his body that are like that? What if that isn't armor anymore? What if every so often he has to crawl out of his own skin, and then just crunches into it to get his nutrients back?
Y’know, I won’t lie, a freshly-molted, moist, dripping Mortarion slowly and loudly chowing down on a crunchy, browning, decayed outer skin is my absolute favourite thing I’ve heard all dayWhat if he did it to heal injuries? Just slowly eats his own bullet-riddled skin in front of the marine that tried to shoot him. What a power move. Amazing.
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ex0skeletal-undead · 5 years
Perhaps a mothman theme, if you haven't been asked for one already?
I was asked just yesterday in fact lol. I’ve already done a mothman theme! You can find that artwork under the mothman tag.
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fanaticartisan · 5 years
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Thank you all for being kind to my crybaby birdface
his name is Bartholomew (Barty) and he is happy to be part of the tumblr plague community (probably?)
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What are some things you like and dislike about the ways you've seen fans draw you?
I just now saw this ask. I don't check my inbox that much.
Most of it is fine. I like when people draw me realistically I guess. Cartoon style is okay too but a lot of the time they tend to draw me really fat or like, with unreasonably huge shoulders and a smaller than fuck head. I'd almost say I prefer anime style over that, at least it makes me look like less of a hulking ogre. I think Murderface and I get that a lot. Generally people would rather draw Toki, Pickles and Skwisgaar because I mean - cuteness factor, pretty, and golden god. Artists live for that shit. Aesthetics. You know what I mean?
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ikkanrana · 5 years
I'm sorry but I didn't realize that you were so handsome :-) Also congrats on your top surgery my dude
i am but a pasty gerblin lad in a sea of a thousand other equally pasty gerblin lads THANK YOU!! im real satisfied with the results so ;; 
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luwupercal · 3 years
Jules my boy, I have just had the most excellent thought: what if Sanguinius sleeps on one of those heart shaped beds? It would be the perfect shape to support his wings
god thinking about sanguinius sleeping seems like such a logistical nightmare. why would you build a guy with a built-in hang glider. i feel like a heart-shaped bed would be His Aesthetic but also, he could just get like a primarch-size california king bed
Everything about sanguinius is a logistical nightmare which i think is the most fun part about him
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dethcanons · 6 years
Is this how we submit headcannons? because I've got some
For you who put this in my askbox. Yes it is, or the submit page if you want to make the image yourself.
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despazito · 7 years
For how Fahrenheit works, imagine it as a 0-100 scale of how hot it is. 32 is pretty cold, but 15 is much colder. 78 is hot, but 95 is much hotter. 70ish is about room temp, and water boils at around 218 degrees. make any sense?
thats dumb
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aside from ferrus, which of your brothers did you like the most?
While he was a feral little goblin most of the time, he was clever. He was always thinking outside of the box when it came to warfare and combat. He was also, despite everything you’ve heard, a good conversationalist and a very bright mind. 
He tried to warn all of though, and we hurt him by not trusting his visions. He told me everything and I just...ignored it. I hurt him the day I told Dorn. And I can’t honestly believe I trusted Dorn. But then again, I thought I could since He was so dependable and someone to tell someone things! But no, I tell him my concerns and he goes and beats Konrad rotten about having “false” visions. 
Dorn is as dumb as the Posts he puts up in buiildings, pass it on.
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Shout out to my brother @trukingofskeletonhell for spamming me with likes and reblogging my content. I am solely on mobile and I cannot get the notifications to go away. Much love ❤️
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