#truly a 1-up girl that could win anyone's heart with the heart she's giving tbh.....
heartful-cake · 27 days
thinking of peach's inexplicable power to generate or find 1-up mushrooms in mario galaxy. like how much energy does that take? is this even usually possible for an inhabitant within the mushroom world? like mario and co. generate 1-up mushrooms by doing enough trick shots and comboing enemies, but i don't think peach usually is surrounded by enemies when she's captured, which means she has to generate them herself right? unless she keeps finding them on bowser's airships or wherever she's being held? is this an extension of her white magic? it definitely fits with her personality and other skill sets, but i'm just so curious how her sending mario 1-up mushrooms logically works out...
#fwaffy rambles#im on my “peach kind of actually saves mario as much as he saves her” agenda again#and those 1-up mushrooms in galaxy really prove just how much she cares about him!!!#but seriously where does she get 1-ups in space...#i'd understand more if it was bowser's castle where he probably has an established base full of supplies and stuff...#but he's only just “conquered” space by the time he kidnaps peach#and i simply don't think bowser stocks up on enough power ups for peach to send five 1-ups each time she manages to send a letter#nor does he seem like he has many troops on his air ships for this title#so getting them through trickshots seems to be out of the question#i guess she could get them through starbits and the lumalee shop? but that seems unlikely as well#so that must mean she home cooks them herself right? with whatever healing aligned powers that she has?#gahhh... tbh thinking about how much she cares about mario in order to make so many life giving mushrooms in galaxy makes me tear up a bit#like she must put so so so so much magical energy into generating these 1-ups and making sure her letter reaches mario.....#and even if it's not her making the 1-ups she still must put in so much effort into finding them which in turn puts herself at risk#and it's all out of warm loving concern for her friend... sobs... to alleviate his struggles wherever she can....#she doesn't even want him to worry about her because she says in the letter that she's alright bc she knows he's coming to rescue her....#she just hopes her gift comes in handy..... as if it isn't a big deal that she just gave mario the power to defy death five times 😭#she is just so thoughtful and sweet :(#truly a 1-up girl that could win anyone's heart with the heart she's giving tbh.....#anyways i'm getting too sappy over this minute detail in galaxy. good night!
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simply-not-an-egg · 3 years
The Next Karate Kid - A Probably Very Opinionated Commentary by Yours Truly
I really am trying to go into this with an open mind; let’s see how this goes.
Starting off with a military band? K sure, you do you sweetie, and I don’t hate it yet so that’s a positive
Aha, a military REUNION, I see. And look at Miyagi with his medal!! Sweet!
So I think if I remember from reading the plot on wikipedia that Miyagi new this guy who was married to the woman he just said hello to
Y’all they got Miyagi’s name wrong. His first name is Nariyoshi not Kesuke. That is his middle name. Although in saying that, I feel like that was more or less revealed in Cobra Kai so idk, anyway, for future reference, Miyagi’s first name is Nariyoshi
Also Louisa Pierce? I assume grandmother of Julie? That would make sense
Ooh we’re in Boston for this, and look at that big white house
Yes, Louisa is grandmother, oh and hello Julie!
Julie is unhappy, a little moody, sweetie are you okay?
Alright so Julie’s an orphan! Why does Miyagi keep picking up either somewhat or completely orphaned children?? I mean, I guess that’s good but also, why?
Ooh yay Miyagi advice about losing parents and grief!
Alright so now Louisa’s gonna fuck off to California while Miyagi takes care of the child
Said child who has now snuck into some place - OH THAT”S RIGHT THE SCHOOL AND THE BIRD
Yes I remember this from wikipedia plot
I like birdy, birdy is nice, and yes Julie talk to birdy, birdy is unjudgemental friend
Now time for the Animal Studies me to take over, that wing is NOT bandaged securly at all. Wing bandages should be wrapped around the wing and on the body, to keep the damaged wing still, thank you very much
Police have come! Julie gonna get arrested, maybe? Unless girl escapes, although that’s evading police then, and now she threw a torch, that’s attempted assault. Idk what it’s like in the USA, but in my state (Queensland, AUS) that’s a $5,500 fine and 50 days in jail (evasion), and a $5,338 - $8,007 fine and 6 - 12 months in jail (police assault, depends on severity)
Have fun in prison, Julie! Oop, nevermind she’s home again
Anyway, I wonder what Daniel’s doing at this time. Wiki says Julie was born in 1977, which is a whole ten years after Daniel, and considering she’s in high school I’d say she’s about 16/17 in this movie, which brings us to like 1993/1994. Perhaps this was around the time he met Amanda, maybe even started dating her? They got married in 1998 (I believe), so it would make sense for that to happen
Bonding moment for Louisa and Julie? No, nevermind
Miyagi’s happy! Love that! He’s going to make special birthday dinner!
Straight of the bat though like the dynamics are so different. Like the moment Daniel ever so much as raises his voice at Miyagi, the dude’s a little disheartened whereas Julie talks shit here and Miyagi’s like “haha, you’re funny, anyway, let’s talk about Japanese cuisine, yes?”
Okay but I LOVE the fucking ‘sayonara’ and dissapointed headshake like, man, Miyagi, legend
This school’s nothing compared to West Valley imo
Alos that little gang? Those coordinated outfits? Do y’all not have a personality? Feel like the Cobras get a win on being comfortable with their own skin whilst also maintaining such a well-formed group
You can see I’m biased, and I’ll probably remain biased, because, two seconds into seeing this Boston group and I’m already dissappointed by the lack of personality. Again, two seconds of Cobras and y’all know you’re in for a ride, and a good one at that
I like the little garden corner that Julie’s at it’s very nice and peaceful
Back to the group, they look like real dickheads. Also, Ned? Shit name for a ‘bad boy’. Also, please stop trying to coerce Julie
I’ve seen this fucker for, what, a minute, if that? And I absolutely hate everything about him. I also don’t like how he sorta just, enters?? Like, at least with the Cobras we knew what their intentions were right off the bat. Here, well, what does Ned want Julie for? Why does he want her with him and his friends? Like, please establish that before anything else
Also why he standing like a Roblox character
The Alpha League? Really? Y’all really tryna be cool with that aren’t ya? Do I smell some toxic masculinity? I think I do?
Ew I hate that school bell
Please get out of the girl’s bathroom sir
Not the fucking wing bandage again, jesus christ. And shot in the wing?? Y’all really gotta have that shit strapped then, STOP LETTING THE BIRD MOVE HER WING THAT IS GOING TO DAMAGE IT MORE
“I’ll call Dominos Pizza and have them deliver 48 pizzas to your house in the middle of the night” ma’am that is a dream come true, first of all, and second of all, please work on your threats, thank you
Okay but is this military training or phys ed??
Miyagi looks so nice in his checkered shirt! Anyway, I swear that’s like the only thing I love about this movie, Mr Miyagi that is
Teacher just slapped a kid and choked him, alrighty then
Oop and here comes Miyagi, defending kids since 1984!!
Love that. “Boy, you okay?” like just the delivery of this line it’s so neutral I love it
Ah yes, threatening a bastard with a story about a bull, the best
Honestly stan how passive-aggressive Miyagi is at any given time
Yeah okay but honestly it would be better for that bird to be taken away considering that god awful bandaging job
“It’s just a car” EXCUSE YOU JULIE, as a car person myself I take PERSONAL offence to that. That’s not just a car, that’s his child, his other half, his soulmate, his everything, thank you very much
That’s right tell her off for saying that, good lad
On a sidenote; my video quality is shit, like super shit, because I’m streaming on Netflix and there’s a few other people in the house using internet so like, :(
“For a while he was sending money and then one day he just stopped” ah yes, every child of divorced parents can relate to this statement very well
i’m sorry but the music is so cheesy
anyway, i was gonna say that this movie lacks something, and i remembered what it is, and that is love. Like with KK1, 2, and 3, you can tell a lot of love and heart and soul went into making those movies (maybe not as much with 2 and 3, but it was still there and in good amounts). Meanwhile, this just feels like a cashgrab (which it is, and a very failed one at that)
Like, when will people learn that well-crafted media will get you better reviews/more money/whatever? 
I hate this fucking background music so much jesus christ please kill it
Please tell someone about the hawk i am worried for its health
The fact that Miyagi has lived with Daniel so long to a point where he’s forgotten he has to actually knock on doors (because you bet your ass Daniel was and still is the type of person who really just doesn’t give a single fuck about who sees him doing what)
This poor man tbh. So ashamed of himself
“Boy is easier” 100% I will agree, hence the reason I’d like sons in the future. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d like at least 1 daughter as well but holy hell are females complicated (and I should know because I am one)
“Don’t order me around” sweetie, he isn’t ordering you, he’s making a helpful suggestion. Please stop the Miyagi slander, my man does NOT deserve this treatment
Miyagi, love you bb, but please don’t waste your advice on Julie at the moment
Speaking of, I greatly dislike Julie, but you know why that is? Because she’s really not been fleshed out as a charater, unlike the others we see in the KKU. Like her one redeeming quality is that she looks after a bird, but even that isn’t redeeming to me because she isn’t caring for it properly, like please take it to a fucking veterinarian
I feel like I’d enjoy Julie more if she was actually fleshed out but like, no, no, she’s just a whole “I’m an orphan so I’m always angsty grr” character and I just - I’m disappointed
Same goes for the other characters; again, the only thing/person I love about this movie so far is Miyagi, and with the way it’s been in these first 25 minutes, I doubt that’ll change
Yeah no I really fucking hate Julie. “You can’t even speak English” she says, even though she has understood every single word Miyagi has said thus far
Ah yes because people can definitely jump on cars and cars can definitely go unnoticed for such a long period of time in a quiet neighbourhood
I honestly feel like giving up on this movie like it’s so bad
But I want to see more Miyagi so 😬
No offence to Hilary Swank but her line delivery could do a bit more work during the ‘emotional scen’ with her and Miyagi
And again, music, hate it
I am literally willing to turn this movie off even if it means I don’t get to see more Miyagi content
Like I can not express my displeasure for this movie enough
Yes, Miyagi, same, I hate the 12am rock concert in Julie’s bedroom to. Like please, gurl, some of us have sleep schedules
Okay so now Julie’s worried about her appearance?? Y’all just made my hatred for her character rise again. When was she ever worried about that? imo this is just put in there to make people remember that she’s still “girl uwu 😙✌”
Haha, yes, pay Miyagi with the homework that’s right
Bet he did that with Daniel after the tournament like “you do homework, I teach karate”
Okay so I’ve sat through 33 minutes of this bullshit and I am going to quit for today. I’m sorry to anyone that does like this movie, but like I really don’t, it sucks in so many ways. Words cannot describe the sheer amount of dissapointment I have for this. Like, it could have been good! The idea is solid and the base of the characters is somewhat okay! And yet they made this shit instead of something actually worthwhile!
I will continue tomorrow, but for now I just need a break from this before I hit something.
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noellcfms · 4 years
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chicago’s very own noelle washington has been spotted on madison avenue driving a mclaren 720s , welcome ! your resemblance to normani kordei is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re deceitful, but being benevolent might help you . i think being a gemini explains that .  3 things that would paint  a better picture of you would be sunset picnics , fruit smoothies , and the smell of vanilla . ( cis female + she/her ) +  (  elle , 20 , she/her , cst )
my name is elle! i was here like a month ago then i left to vibe and clear my brain but i’m back and better than ever! this is my absolute BABIE noelle, most of you will remember her, and those who don’t i am so sorry this fake bitch has to enter your life, enough about me let’s talk about noelle!
* --- biography
noelle washington was born into an extremely strict Christian family, the middle child of three children. her family did everything by the bible. her dad was an extremely famous tv preacher, and her mom was a lawyer turned preacher’s wife. perfect family dynamic, no gimmicks, just wholesome family love.
her and her siblings went to church everyday, noelle grew up believing the things that her family told her.
family was very fervent in their beliefs and noelle kinda just had to stick behind them because they were family? ya know?
noelle grew up with her housewife mother! who was constantly cooking and cleaning and taking care of household tasks, so noelle followed in her footsteps
she developed a love for cooking and baking, and it became a passion to her. her parents were proud! they raised such a positive child
but she wanted more, she had bigger aspirations than being good at cooking for somebody else one day
middle child vibes are your parents forgetting that you even go to gymnastics in the first place, but that’s what she did! and she was great!
but her parents wanted her to focus on the cooking thing so she did, went on chopped junior and she won!!!! would later go on to win an actual episode of chopped but that’s different tea
ANYWAYS from that her family was offered a reality tv show because wow what wholesome family activities! and their children are so talented!! wait noelle who again? yeah she was...ignored per usual love that for her
she continued to practice gymnastics and she was heckin good at it i’m proud of my bb, she went on to by the youngest female to win three gold medals a talented queen i know
her family finally wanted to put her on their show because she was bringing in views everyone wanted to know how she was so well behaved and obedient and performed on the level that she did
she was a really good student! was valedictorian, student council president, and a bunch of other extracurriculars that would make her family proud of her
honestly she was jus tryna get into a good college ngl...as far away from her family as she could get
BUT THE WORLD DEMANDED NOELLE and so her family delivered for her, finally she graduated and phew she couldn’t wait to get as far away as possible from them
she ended up going to Stanford for...law....and although her family could pay her way and she was offered a full ride...she didn’t want to have to depend on her family for anything SIS DIDN’T EVEN WANT TO CALL HOME
she went to Stanford and worked a normal job...and everyone was so shocked! to see Noelle Washington working a normal job and being you know a fucking human but despite the gawking she continued to do so
she graduated college with her law degree and as valedictorian so she was like cool i appeased my parents time to move back...and she moved back!
she was like ‘guys i don’t wanna be a lawyer i wanna...open a bakery’ and so she did
you can catch her there literally anytime in the morning because she might own the place but she also you know works there because it’s hers....fun times!
she’s just began releasing her music! and her vc is normani
but this america’s sweetheart bitch has a secret
everything i told you was the truth! but i mean one version of the truth here’s the side of noelle nobody gets to see
* --- second biography?
noelle’s family seemed perfect one the outside but her father was a serial cheater, and her mother was a borderline alcoholic
they didn’t love her or her siblings so they often all fell to the wayside unless it was maintaining appearances in public, then it was all smiles, and how they lived by the word, a bunch of bs
noelle stopped believing in what her family force fed her early on...but she kept that shit to herself
the cooking and cleaning and literally every other responsibility fell upon noelle and her siblings, she sorta despised her parents, but still craved their validation, it was a really messed up cycle
all of her achievements are true tho! she got valedictorian, student council president, youngest person to win three gold medals, etc etc
her family really did get their own reality tv show, and put on extreme appearances for the cameras...and noelle was pushed to the wayside because middle child vibes again
she did go to Stanford for law...but let’s get into the main portion of her double life
she didn’t work a normal job! she wasn’t a waitress or a cook or even a dishwasher nope she did none of that shit
she became a stripper! but she couldn’t show everyone her face obviously...so she developed a plan!
she would go on stage in a really extravagant masquerade mask...like to the point where nothing was recognizable but her eyes
and that shit worked! she was a hit! an icon! people loved her...she made mad bank
well one day an agent approached her and was like...do you want to do porn? and this extra ass bitch said more money? hell yeah
the one condition she did have was obviously she kept the mask, but she could change it during scenes, like different colors and shit love that for her
it was amazing that this bitch managed to graduate with all the hours that she was pulling...lowkey would be proud when annoying frat boys that called her a ‘prude’ would talk about how much they wanted to fuck her
ANYWAYS she took her work with her when she moved back to new york mostly her work in the adult entertainment industry...but she continues to do porn and that’s where a big majority of her money comes from
that’s her secret lmaoooo she hasn’t told her family or even her friends because you know appearances
so when she’s not at the bakery during the day she’s usually filming a scene...and when she’s not around at night she’s stripping
* --- personality
extremely sweet
literally doesn’t have a mean bone in her body...but not nice to the point where anyone’s suspicious...just nice enough to teeter that line a little bit
fun loving young girl, or at least she tries to be, she tends to let her emotions get the best of her tbh, but despite that she’s gentle and kind and would never hurt a fly if she could help it
she always gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, believing the best in everyone and always looking for the good, you could tell her a million and one bad things about someone and she’d still only care about the one positive aspect
noelle has the biggest heart, and often thinks she’s mislabeled as naive, although in reality she truly is and is often easily lead on
not gonna lie, noelle apologizes for just about everything, even if it isn’t her fault, bam there’s another apology coming out of her mouth
she’s sorta of the mom friend in a way? like she can barely take care of herself, but she literally tries to take care of every single person there is to ever exist
is resilient and to this day there isn’t a problem that she hasn’t overcome, even if she did have a little help from alcoholic beverages
lowkey a hopeless romantic??? like she’s the kind of girl who falls in love with strangers, or sees people in coffee shops and then envisions their wedding, she’s hopeless
extremely outspoken
will fight for what she wants deadass she’ll punch you don’t play with her she doesn’t take shit from anybody
extremely comfortable with herself and her body and just embraces who she is i love that for her
she talks mad shit ngl but she’ll back that up with a punch dw
judgmental but like lowkey not about your looks or clothes or anything but she will talk about how you act and carry yourself since that’s important to her
ngl lowkey has this whole ass superiority complex
hella sociable, she loves meeting new people
if you can’t tell she do be having anger issues
* --- wanted connections
don’t feel limited by this list, italics means i’m open to more than one
best friend / ride or die
basically her son
bad influences around each other
pr romance
little brother
step siblings / ex step siblings
childhood & high school friends
awkward situation
bad terms
big heartbreak ex-fiance OR alternatively an annulled vegas marriage
will they ? have they ?
exes, on bad terms
exes, on good terms
skinny love
high school sweetheart
friends with benefits
one night stand
industry friends
* --- second biography?
noelle’s family seemed perfect one the outside but her father was a serial cheater, and her mother was a borderline alcoholic
they didn’t love her or her siblings so they often all fell to the wayside unless it was maintaining appearances in public, then it was all smiles, and how they lived by the word, a bunch of bs
noelle stopped believing in what her family force fed her early on...but she kept that shit to herself
the cooking and cleaning and literally every other responsibility fell upon noelle and her siblings, she sorta despised her parents, but still craved their validation, it was a really messed up cycle
all of her achievements are true tho! she got valedictorian, student council president, youngest person to win three gold medals, etc etc
her family really did get their own reality tv show, and put on extreme appearances for the cameras...and noelle was pushed to the wayside because middle child vibes again
she did go to Stanford for law...but let’s get into the main portion of her double life
she didn’t work a normal job! she wasn’t a waitress or a cook or even a dishwasher nope she did none of that shit
she became a stripper! but she couldn’t show everyone her face obviously...so she developed a plan!
she would go on stage in a really extravagant masquerade mask...like to the point where nothing was recognizable but her eyes
and that shit worked! she was a hit! an icon! people loved her...she made mad bank
well one day an agent approached her and was like...do you want to do porn? and this extra ass bitch said more money? hell yeah
the one condition she did have was obviously she kept the mask, but she could change it during scenes, like different colors and shit love that for her
it was amazing that this bitch managed to graduate with all the hours that she was pulling...lowkey would be proud when annoying frat boys that called her a ‘prude’ would talk about how much they wanted to fuck her
ANYWAYS she took her work with her when she moved back to new york mostly her work in the adult entertainment industry...but she continues to strip and that’s where a big majority of her money comes from
that’s her secret lmaoooo she hasn’t told her family or even her friends because you know appearances
so when she’s not at the bakery during the day she’s usually filming a scene...and when she’s not around at night she’s stripping
* --- personality
extremely sweet
literally doesn’t have a mean bone in her body...but not nice to the point where anyone’s suspicious...just nice enough to teeter that line a little bit
fun loving young girl, or at least she tries to be, she tends to let her emotions get the best of her tbh, but despite that she’s gentle and kind and would never hurt a fly if she could help it
she always gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, believing the best in everyone and always looking for the good, you could tell her a million and one bad things about someone and she’d still only care about the one positive aspect
noelle has the biggest heart, and often thinks she’s mislabeled as naive, although in reality she truly is and is often easily lead on
not gonna lie, noelle apologizes for just about everything, even if it isn’t her fault, bam there’s another apology coming out of her mouth
she’s sorta of the mom friend in a way? like she can barely take care of herself, but she literally tries to take care of every single person there is to ever exist
is resilient and to this day there isn’t a problem that she hasn’t overcome, even if she did have a little help from alcoholic beverages
lowkey a hopeless romantic??? like she’s the kind of girl who falls in love with strangers, or sees people in coffee shops and then envisions their wedding, she’s hopeless
extremely outspoken
will fight for what she wants deadass she’ll punch you don’t play with her she doesn’t take shit from anybody
extremely comfortable with herself and her body and just embraces who she is i love that for her
she talks mad shit ngl but she’ll back that up with a punch dw
judgmental but like lowkey not about your looks or clothes or anything but she will talk about how you act and carry yourself since that’s important to her
ngl lowkey has this whole ass superiority complex
hella sociable, she loves meeting new people
if you can’t tell she do be having anger issues
* --- headcanons
...i’m gonna update this as soon as possible but i wanna plot already soooooooo
* --- wanted connections
don’t feel limited by this list, italics means i’m open to more than one
best friend / ride or die
basically her son
bad influences around each other
pr romance
little brother
step siblings / ex step siblings
childhood & high school friends
awkward situation
bad terms
big heartbreak ex-fiance OR alternatively an annulled vegas marriage
will they ? have they ?
exes, on bad terms
exes, on good terms
skinny love
high school sweetheart
friends with benefits
one night stand
industry friends
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survivorbehemoth · 4 years
Episode 15: "congrats daisy for winning season 7 of celestial: behemoth!” - Jules
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congrats daisy for winning season 7 of celestial: behemoth!
anyways. let it be known this was NOT MY FAULT.
let the record show, before last night's tribal, I SAID SOMETHING WAS NOT SITTING RIGHT WITH MY SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!! AND???? what happened. look what happened.
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Vocaroo 2
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Vocaroo 2
Vocaroo 3
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still practicing my slide puzzles WJIJIEFIJWJIFIFWJEJWIEEJWIF
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this final 4 is absolutely amazing and i literally love all of them so much, but that just makes things 10x worse. i think that playing my idol on daisy was a huge risk and the fact that it is now a final 2 makes things a bit more interesting. my ideal plan was to have daisy in the final 4 with me so that i wouldnt be the next target, but now that she won immunity it just didnt work out how i intended at all!!
voting out jules and szymon is purely going to come down to which one of them will sway my way and it's going to hurt to send one of them to jury no matter what, but i just feel like i came all this way and not making top 3 would just suck so badly. so yeah, this sucks. i hate that no matter what i do im going to be upsetting people and hurting feelings but... i guess that's just the game! at this point im not even sure if i can win against daisy but it seems like she will take me, it just depends on whether or not i stay loyal to her if i win FIC or if i take whoever is with me in final 3.
much to think about, BUT I JUST CANT BELIEVE I MADE IT THIS FAR !!!!
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Jules is voted out 3-1. She becomes the 8th member of our jury.
Watch the Cast Assessment take place below:
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Szymon is voted out by Daisy. He becomes the final member of our jury.
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idk thought this would be cute to include my voting log and stuff hehe <3 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RiA0RUWX4TRpqBTgRzLJJ3fHu2jBqZ-bCJozFd3HcRs/edit?usp=sharing
Jules: https://youtu.be/6zKeJuOJKeY 
someone (zach) asked me to rank the jurors from nicest to meanest...so here we go. ily all <3 <3
1. seamus (this will def come as a surprise, but seamus was the most levelheaded and nice one on the jury. he really never made a bitter comment even though he had every right to, especially at me/daisy/dylan and really anyone who was in after him except chips. like. he was the only person to reach out in pms after and it was immediate, he really comforted me and i really admire men who can have like good relationship w/ women that are platonic??? i know he's been like terrible in the past and i did call him on some stuff in hydravivor and ill be the FIRST to admit that i called him a crackhead on a daily basis but i think he's grown a lot!!!!!! idk. i think he's also the MOST self aware!!!! im a seamus stan, what about it?)
2. brandan (while brandan was kinda irrelevant game wise this season -- but not in our hearts -- he was very objective and a peacemaker. he had good reason to be MIA too so the fact that he got as far as he did means to me that he did form some strong social connections. and he did!!! with me, i think w/ conor, so idk, he had a role like i did in the game imo. i really liked him and he really brought a fresh perspective on things!!!)
3. szymon (he's only not ranked higher bc he's pissed off rob and he stands his ground a lot more outwardly than the first two, at least in the jury chat. also he's not had as much time as a juror. but even then, i think szymon is not a bad guy like some of the ppl make him out to be. like, idk, i think he made a mistake on a game level and he even admitted it and idk he's a legend. truly. im so glad to have met him and i think he was a really nice juror to have around while he was ACTUALLY around bc he stood up for me/daisy the way seamus did)
4. lovelis (lovelis makes some pointed comments but.....he's not dumb at all and so i don't think he's been bitter. also his pointed comments have been funny and mostly radiating the energy of the other Bitter Jurors so idk. i really like him on a personal level as well and have for a while so idk. i dont KNOW KNOW him but he's never been the type to make harsh comments without them having some merit to them. so i kinda trust his judgement even though he wasnt in the game long/an early merge boot. idk i think he's open minded enough and he's also someone who admits when he's done a Lil Too Much but he's really lovely. just competitive.)
5. chips (i dont think chips is MEAN per se, in fact, i dont think he has a mean bone in his body on a personal level. like WFIJFJIFWE I DONT KNOW HOW ELSE TO SAY IT HES SO FUCKING NICE!!!!!!! but thats why it's so funny to see him in games bc he's a lil lying, a lil backstabby and sometimes he's a lil passive aggressive. but its not undeserved. its also a pisces thing WEFJIEIEJWEFJIWEF i think what i saw in the jury house was sometimes chips going along w/ things, but i dont know, i really do not know much about chips game and ill probs ask him more afterwards?? but idk he was REALLY nice to me tho so FWIJFWEWFIFW i just dont trust him in games.......i dont know whats on his mind half of the time......)
I WANNA SAY FOR THE NEXT 3 MEN THEYRE HEAVILY INFLUENCED BY THEIR FIRE SIGN PLACEMENTS SO while i know some of them do hold resentment, its a lot easier to deal with and work with and with all 3 of them we've talked it out with/are going to talk it out. only #8 has been the MOST stubborn but idk imma let him do his thing & try not to pass too much judgement u know cause i dont need to waste my braincells on that
6. conor (knowing conor's astrological placements makes this make sense to me. but i wanna say that i think he's the type of leo to like be upfront, get it out, vent, and be fine? which is why i respect him a lot and i think we do have a mutual respect for each other. some of the comments he made were kinda rude tho and him fake liking astrology for social game was SO UGLY TO ME!!!! like i'll clown him for it for as long as i know him now cause....JOKE'S ON HIM!!!!!!! WJOEFWEOWEFO but that was kinda mean but def conor's come around and seen the light / has also reached out to me to talk. he's also admitted he left a mean speech in sbbb9 and regretted it so i think he might just shoot off at the mouth a bit. but BETTER THE DEVIL U KNOW THAN THE ONE U DONT and i appreciate the transparency NOW as opposed to the fakeness of him saying he liked astrology for social game. THIS IS A HILL I WILL DIE ON!!!!! im a fan of leos tho and he's a leo moon like me. so. i think we'll be fine. )
7. rob (i actually really REALLY like rob on a personal level but i really do not know if i could play another game with him, at least survivor, id be open to playing bb. i think ill say that the best thing about rob is that he's also apologized, was one of the first to when i confronted them all, me and him have a good personal relationship tbh!! but some of the game comments he made were p harsh and he's definitely a lil bitter but again, he's admitted it, i think while he's more up front -- i dont think i ever wanna be on his bad side in a game. EVER!!! cause we didnt even have any loyalty to each other in the game but he was SO harsh on my game like it was wild bc i dont think id ever be that harsh to ANY OF THEM ABOUT THEIR GAMES LIKE THAT???? anyways. its fine bc again he's apologized and he's owned it but PHEW he got a lil bit of a sharp tongue. really eloquent tho!!!!!!!!!!! love hearing him speak)
8. gage (last but least the southern belle himself................this man an aries and i dont know his other signs but him being an aries man is enough. they POP OFF!!!!!! a lot of times there's some truth to it, sure, but sometimes they just be popping off and FOR WHAT!!!!! i do understand gage's frustrations though but even he apologized for being too mean in HIS FUTURE FUCKING CONFESSIONALSSSSSSSS TO MEEEEEE so. idk. he's got an issue with letting things go in games and miss annajane calls him on a lot of BS and it does NOT seem to really knock him down but. gage is really wht u see is what u get, doesnt really own his faults but at least u kinda know where ur at w/ him. but he's still probs the meanest one in there but i do understand from a game level why he was so fucked up about it, especially after hearing FTC. its just that. i understand his position. BUT HE NEEDS TO TAKE A XANAX SOMETIMES I S2G GAGE I WILL GIVE YOU ONE!!! girl it is NOT that serious!!!!!!)
also forgot to mention that i admitted to gage that chris from s1 was NOT actually my brother and his jaw was on the floor <3 I GOT TO DO ONE TROLL THING RIGHT!!!!!! rip me/seamus' showmance serious!!!!!!)
okay just to add onto my last confessional -- the songs i think represent me best from this playlist game wise are: - perfect for you - punchin' bag - stayin' alive - flip - femme fatale/future nostalgia (for the girls alliance that never was....rip but also me/daisy at merge vibes) - X - the shortchange - TAKE ME AS I AM!!!!! THAT SONG IS THE ONE THATS BECOME MY SONG!!!! for this game especially!!!!! - over yet (the lyrics literally speak for themselves) - tough on myself (sorry for stealing ur song vincent) - seven devils - villains pt. 1 (i dont think i was a villain but i did stuff in this game that i usually dont and would consider villainous for myself FEWIWFEJIFEW i was in my feelings!) - passion & pain taste the same when i'm weak (me coming into the jury house and realizing they'd all snatched my wig w/ the edges and the glue.....i DID cry to this song for at least 2 hours! yes i did! WIFJWJIWEIJE) - tar ('under the stars -- pull yourself from the tar'. at the end of the day, this season was fucking stacked and there wasn't one person who was a bad player at all. at all.stars, if you will. i was under a lot of stars and from all the breakdowns in my game to me actually breaking down -- i GOTTA PULL MYSELF FROM THE TAR!!!! learn!! grow!! be better!!)
TOP 5 (not 'perfect for you'): - punchin' bag - take me as i am - over yet - tough on myself - tar
good for my whole journey imo!! the last 3!!! okay this is my ACTUAL last confessional okay thank u for everything!!! bye!!!
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and here's my personal playlist for the org: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2E8KGCo1SrBgoJIQ9DycfM?si=96PWq-6ERCyisacQr3zPww
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it is literally an hour and a half until the winner reveal and i really just have no idea what's going to happen. like in the back of mind i just have a feeling that im losing bc, yeah you know self-deprecation woo! but yeah idk i think i really gave this game my all and while i dont think i played it flawlessly, i still think i played a strong game i can be proud of :,)
having it be a live final tribal for my first ever like, jury questioning was just--- ugh wild but i actually think it went really well. just based on what people were saying it definitely seemed as if some of the jurors didnt really want to see me and daisy at the end or like, really werent consider voting for me but i think i was definitely able to sway some people who were willing to listen and definitely gave some of the jurors something to think about. so whether or not i win i do think that i had a really great final tribal performance, maybe it was even enough to sway enough people into giving me their vote?? WHO'S TO SAY
anyways this has been such a wild experience and it's surreal to think that it's ending in like, a little over an hour but no matter what happens i can say confidently that i will be able to look back on this season fondly and will be leaving it with my head held high bc I REALLY DID THIS LIKE!!! I REALLY MADE IT TO THE END!! WOW I STILL CANT GET OVER IT HAHAHA!! but yeah bye forever <33
Rob’s Last Video:  https://youtu.be/X3krxxfJ3oo
Daisy wins in a 7-2 vote!
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sizzleitupwithmaria · 5 years
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the challenge is on, foolish mortal
1. how tall are you?
5 feet 7 inches
2. what is your body type?
i’m shaped like an hourglass but i’m also a lil chubby
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
i occasionally like my face and this is a little bit weird but i have pretty good tits
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
5. are you more outgoing or more shy
dude i’m shy af
6. are you more femme or butch?
i’m a pretty solid futch
7. are you tol or smol?
i’m tol bitch!!
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
i feel like i’m a vodka aunt, but i’m also 14 and don’t commit crimes
9. weird habit?
i stick my tongue out whenever i’m super focused and i used to be really self conscious about it
10. favorite meme?
my current favorite is the shen yun memes but i don’t have an all time favorite
11. do you sing in the shower?
no bc the bathroom is right next to my parent’s bedroom :):):)
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
yeah i was in girl scouts for a while
13. are you/were you a theater kid?
see basically all of my vent posts and you’ll find the answer (i’m in a weird relationship with theater right now, but we’ll have to see how sophomore year turns out)
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
yeah!! i’m also seeing another one in 112 days lol
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
some are, but that doesn’t make them bad
16. have you ever been part of a protest or a march?
yeah, i went to march for our lives last year!!
17. favorite cards against humanity card?
i don’t actually own or play CAH, but i like “Bees.”
18. last movie you watched?
newsies, but that was only to grab screenshots lol (maura will know)
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
20. favorite tv show?
uhhhhh frasier? 
21. meaning behind your url
sizzle it up with taako is a taz reference
22. reason you joined tumblr
i have no fucking idea bc it was so long ago
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
i’d say @baura-bear but i’ve also known her irl for 8 years? i don’t actually have any purely tumblr friends, feel free to hmu
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
most foods
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
considering that i had to look up what that meant, the answer is no
26. have you ever had sex?
i’m 14
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or anything bad?
nope, i lead a pretty boring life (i’d actually sneak out quite often if my bedroom wasn’t on the second floor)
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
i’ve told my dad that i love him before
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
i’m currently at a crossroads with it and it’s pretty stressful for me rn but i’m committed to getting better and not crying daily over it
30. describe your best friend
i don’t actually think i have a solid enough relationship with anyone to have a best friend lol
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows
OH UHHHH i pop my acne?? that might be obvious if you look at my face tho
32. how do you feel right now?
pretty solid, i have a little bit of a headache and i’m a bit sad but i’m doing okay
33. what is your biggest fear?
failure, but that’s probably just bc i set so high expectations for myself lol
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
breakfast in america by supertramp
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
maybe quitting band and strings in 5th grade or quitting track
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
OH YEAH but we’re not gonna talk about that right now
37. something you fantasize about
i always dream of living in a tiny nyc apartment with a beautiful wife and working at some nondescript company and shopping in my free time
38. last time you cried and why
??? i actually don’t know. i nearly cried last night bc my dad was nearly yelling at me, we’re not gonna get into that though
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
i put a stupid snapchat filter on my face
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking about anything with?
my own self?? i have trust issues lol
42. the last time you felt broken?
maybe this morning just bc i had a weird dream and was processing it lol
43. are you starting to realize anything?
44. are you more dom or sub?
sub, but just in general, i haven’t ever had sex
45. i’ll only date you if _____
you’re a woman? i don’t have many standards lol
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
okay this question is probably geared more towards adults but as a freshman, i’m fine with dating sophomores and juniors, and maybe 8th graders?? that’s a little iffy though
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail
ummm i’m not sure if it’s a crush anymore but she’s tall, skinny, had black hair that she dyes often but it never shows, she dresses similar to me, she’s a photographer, and i think she might be into me :/
48. do you have any kinks?
yes but i’ll never tell anybody even if they paid me money
49. first thing you notice in a person?
uhhh their outfit?
50. how can someone win your heart?
by loving me a lot and dealing with my weird personality
51. been rejected by a crush?
i’ve only asked a crush out once and that went pretty well so no
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
yes, who hasn’t?
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
54. is trust a big issue for you?
is the sky blue?
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
nope, we’ve been meaning to for a while though
56. is confidence cute?
sometimes, just don’t be weird to other people
57. what would you say if the person you like kissed another person?
i wouldn’t care LMAO
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
probably not
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
maybe?? my interactions with her have been a blur lmao
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
oh yeah
61. do you want to get married?
yes, but purely to flex the fact that i can get gay married
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
idk probably self harmed
63. three things that turn you on
1. women
2. women
3. women
64. who do you hate?
nobody, really
65. favorite term of endearment?
sweetheart/love GET ME EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! if i ever write some romance y’all will see
66. who was your gay awakening?
idk if you count this as a gay awakening but once when i was like four i said to my dad “if i could marry anyone, i’d marry sarah” (one of my friends) (holy shit i just got kind of sad remembering her i liked her a lot and she had a cool family i need to see if she has an ig)
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
both at the same time
68. what do you look for in a possible partner
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
tbh the only styles that are off the table for me are hyper masculine and hyper feminine, anyone else is great
70. are you good at flirting?
i don’t have the confidence to flirt lol
71. who was the first person you came out to?
my friends ellie and lilli, at the same time, on accident
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
the question is do i have friends that aren’t wlw 
73. is your crush wlw?
i believe so
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
this one junior boy who.... oh boy... he’s not hot at all but he’s so nice to literally everyone
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self?
i don’t feel like i’m attached enough to my crush to write a poem to them
76. do you fall in love easily?
i think so
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
oh hell yeah, at least i think so
79. are you a forgiving person?
depends on what the person did
80. what is your type?
i don’t really have one? being taller than me is nice
81. fall asleep in her arms or tub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
both, with a preference for the first one
82. tall girls or short girls?
83. hugs or kisses
both, especially at the same time
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
tummy!! thigh kisses are a bit too close to the pussy for my taste
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
88. making our or soft kisses
soft kisses
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
both, it just depends on the situation
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
probably 80%
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
idk if i ever blush but i have to REALLY like someone to get butterflies
92. have you ever likes a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
i have multiple times but i’ve only told someone once
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
11 or 12
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
idk, i tend to forget those things
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
i honestly don’t ship many lesbians lmao. can i count my own ocs? bc julia and emily are great
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
i don’t think i’ve actually had anything negative said about my sexuality directly to me, so i’m a bit lucky
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
i honestly have no idea
98. what is love to you?
when we make each other happy
99. ask me anything
i mean my ask is always open if anyone wants to do this
thanks for listening to me be super gay and sad for a little bit
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prkcr · 6 years
hey there demons, it’s me, ya girl...again. and if you don’t know who i am, then my name is sam, she / her, 21, est timezone and i’m so excited to be here! i wasn’t feeling very inspired with luna so i decided to switch her out with an old favorite muse of mine! ( truly i......love this garbage can SO MUCH. ) that being said, let’s look at the theories! aka i’m a buzzfeed unsolved stan and parker’s intro will be under the cut, so feel free to give that a look and message me if you would like to plot!
「 DANIEL SHARMAN, CISMALE, 27, RISE AGAINST. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on RILEY PARKER?  he is the LEAD GUITARIST in RENEGADE, one of my favorite HARDCORE PUNK groups. they’ve been releasing music for FIVE YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last MONTH. get this, i think i heard HE COULD BE FACING JAIL TIME DUE TO AN ALTERCATION WITH PAPARAZZI. they’re known as the MISFIT of the music industry, since they have a rep for being DAUNTLESS but TEMERARIOUS, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.
so, this guy right here...riley ignatius parker...will throw hands if you call him anything other than parker. it’s what everyone calls him. you gotta be really special to call him riley and not immediately get decked for it
parker was born to a wealthy family in a small but affluent village called alderley edge in cheshire, england. his family is stupid rich, hails from a long line of architects and business people. he spent his early years sheltered and pampered and homeschooled by tutors and nannies, so his parents never spent much time with him, but that’s okay because he never really got along with his parents anyway.
has an identical twin brother named rian who he never ever talks about mostly because they absolutely DESPISE each other. rian thinks parker is a disgrace to their family name, parker thinks his brother is a sheep who turned out exactly like their parents because he always did whatever they said without question. they haven’t seen each other in ages and for the longest time all their interactions have ended in ( usually physical ) fights anyway.
parker’s always been a HUGE TROUBLEMAKER with a restless nature and desire to ~be free~, so his wealthy, uptight, lowkey shady af parents who are obsessed with the family’s image could never really deal with him and eventually resorted to sending him off to boarding schools all over england, just one after the other bc ofc he kept getting kicked out for one reason or another. 
about the only thing he enjoyed about his childhood and schooling were his music lessons. he was taught to play piano, violin, and even the harp. other things like math and history and science didn’t come easily to him at all, but music? he was great at it, and he’s always loved it. during his teen years while away at boarding school was when he first procured an electric guitar and learned to play. along with that, he also discovered punk music, aka the greatest thing in the entire fucking universe if you ask him. far as music goes, he'd found his calling in his early teenage years, but it would take a while for that to really feel legitimate to parker.
he was basically that rebellious kid in all the movies who wore doc martens with his prim & proper school uniform and carried around a pocket knife and cut class to go smoke while vandalizing school property and would absolutely fuck up some prissy pretty boy’s face just for looking at him the wrong way.
literally the only reason he actually graduated rather than flunking out or getting kicked out of every fancy boarding school in the uk was because his father was able to pull some strings aka bought his very last boarding school a whole new library wing. parker did actually consider running away a few times, but there was a part of him really reaaaaally deep down that actually enjoyed some aspects of school ( though he very strongly believes many education systems across the world need a serious overhaul and blahblahblah don’t ask him unless you want a lecture ). anyway, the moment he was done with school, he did finally skip out on...well, everything and everyone and ditched the country altogether, heading out first to new york city for about two years, then california for the last seven.
he’s been completely independent of his parents since the age of 18 and hasn’t had any access to their money since they cut him off for basically running away from home and since renegade only recently hit it big, he’s probably still a little poor tbh.
and since moving to california he’s been jumping from disgusting apartment to disgusting apartment and from shitty job to shitty job. played in various bands on the side, mostly for fun and even sometimes as a frontman himself, but when he joined renegade about five years ago as the lead guitarist, he immediately knew that this was his place. parker absolutely loves being in the band and wouldn’t trade it for anything at all. that being said, the fame that’s sorta popped in out of nowhere in the past month ( ever since renegade signed with a major record label ) has been...something else. being that he’s from a prominent and wealthy family he’s quite used to attention, but he’s also one of those everyone in hollywood is so fake where’s the real people making real music types and seeing as he has a very very short temper...well, parker’s already got a reputation for being a bad boy and yeah, he actually kind of is. he’s especially not a big fan of the paparazzi and is known to be very rude with them and get into actual physical fights with them he will throw hands with a n y o n e i’m telling you. his most recent run - in with a photographer who wouldn’t leave him alone even after parker told him to fuck off a few times ended in him being charged with assault and battery. long story short, he beat the guy’s face in with his own camera. parker’s...eh about it. he doesn’t really care? if you ask him, the guy should’ve just left alone when he told him to and it’s not like parker hasn’t been to jail before. he’s a vandal, a thief, gets into fights more often than he breathes but hey he usually wins so there’s that
i think that’s all i have for backstory atm though i will update this post if i ever feel it necessary. anyway, onto personality!
looks like he could kill you and could actually kill you
that’s it that’s all you need to know
nah jk there’s actually a few more things! first off, he’s basically the living breathing personification of the jerk with a heart of gold tv trope. so, he seems like a major jerk most of the time and that’s because he kind of is. especially around hollywood people, he’s standoffish and snide and just all - around has a bad attitude. he’s very short tempered and impulsive af, but underneath all of that he’s actually an observant and caring person. like, he’s not very book smart but he’s good at reading people and WOW DOES HE FEEL EVERYTHING SO DEEPLY. he’s a ridiculously passionate person. he feels everything all the time. every emotion is felt in extremes and the one that’s usually most prominent? ANGER.
see, parker is just a very angry person because he’s seen the way things are in the world. he’s lived a life of wealth and unimaginable opulence, but then he’s also been so poor that he’s slept beside dumpsters in alleyways. there are so many people out there who need healing in so many ways and he’s seen it for himself so he knows it’s true. yet, nobody really seems to wanna help. so many people seem to be involved in activism for show or for good person points and he just he HATES it. he constantly wants to scream about all of the unfair things going on in the world and how much he wants to just make them better because he is actually a rather compassionate person when someone is in need.
like, he’s the type of guy who says thank you to waiters and janitors and average, working class people — though i imagine anyone who doesn’t know him very well would be surprised by that.
thinks robin hood was a guy with some great ideas
feminist af
extremely sarcastic
also extremely english. he talks with a very thick accent ( similar to how daniel sharman talks actually if you wanted that point of reference for some reason ) and yeah, he’s fulfilling a stereotype here but he doesn’t care — he loves a good cup of tea.
not usually one to initiate conversations but once he actually gets into talking he can be a pretty cool person to talk with. he actually has a lot to say about many different topics and if you can handle his constant like every other word swearing, then parker might just be your guy to have a deep af conversation with at 3am
along that deep af vein, he enjoys the songwriting process a lot and i imagine he’s very involved in it with renegade. he totally doesn’t seem like the type, but he’s got this old messy notebook that he takes with him everywhere and it’s just full of song ideas and other random things. it’s basically a physical manifestation of parker’s brain, so he’s probably not about to just hand it off to some random person. if you want notebook privileges then he’s gotta trust you that’s just how it is
also, a total lovesick fool when he's got a thing for someone — a soft but only for you type and it’s highkey cute af
doesn’t care much for wealth at all. he’s lived that life before, didn’t like it, and these days he’d rather wear his favorite old band shirt stained with motor oil and eat greasy diner food ( mostly french fries ) than have some grandiose celebrity experience. 
not the easiest person to befriend or be friends with, but if you do have him for a friend then guess what? you have him FOR LIFE. parker is super loyal — a true ride or die but don’t fuck it up with him because if you do he will hold a grudge forever
which reminds me: he’s got a motorcycle and HE LOVES IT. he pretty much built it himself from scratch and it’s just...it’s literally his child ok he will FREAK IF YOU TOUCH HIS MOTORCYCLE OK /F R E A K/ LIKE DON’T EVEN LOOK AT IT THE WRONG WAY
i feel like his reputation precedes him even though he hasn’t been around very long and that’s definitely thanks that messy altercation with the paparazzi. like, he literally beat this photographer up with his own fucking camera?? word has definitely gotten around and i think some people might be wary or even afraid of him?? 
though really aside from his short temper he really is and really tries to be a decent guy. anyone who knows him well would see that very clearly and honestly, that’s probably why they stick around even though he can be very difficult.
i think that’s probably enough from me for the moment, right? there’s probably some stuff i’m forgetting, but if i don’t get to a bio page then i’ll just edit this with anything else. i also don’t have a plot page yet but i definitely want all of the connections, so please do feel free to message me if you would like to plot! i’m so excited to write with you all!
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lady-zombies · 6 years
My final thoughts on Rupaul’s Drag Race All Stars 3 HEEENNNYYYYY
Hold on to you’re wigs children, it’s a long ride.
Morgan McMichaels-
I’ll admit it, I thought Morgan was a total bitch and I absolutely did not care for her.
HOWEVER, once she came back, and we got to see the other sides of her, I was like “wow, shame on me for completely and totally misjudging her”
Now I’m low key disappointed that she didn’t get more screen time
I would have loved to really see what she could bring
All in all I’m happy that she was able to get back into the spotlight and earn some hella respect from a whole new fan base ❤️
Thorgy Thor-
I absolutely love me some Thorgy Thor gurllll
I love how crazy and cucky she is, her whole vibe I totally dig it
I just wished she would believe in her self truly
I felt she spent so much time exerting so much energy into jealousy and paranoia that she didn’t really get a chance to shine for her true self.
All in all, I’ll always love me some Thorgy Thor and I can only hope that she’s able to see past her demons and become her best self ❤️❤️
Ohhh big and Milky gurlllll
I liked milk in her orginal season
I thought she was a weirdo in the best way and just totally misunderstood
That being that, I was a bit disappointed when she came in with her total holier than thou kind of thought process, which I totally called btw
Yes, you got to work with Marc Jacobs but that don’t make you the queen of England honeyyy
Tho on the other hand I think it’s never really a bad thing to be to confident in life
Milks confidence, tho it sometimes makes her head swell, will take her super far in life
Stay big, stay milky
Because honey I’m not lactose intolerant and I want alllll the Milk 🥛 🥛🥛🥛❤️❤️
Just you kno, chill sometimes 🙃
Chi Chi DeVayne-
Chi Chi is a precious baby who deserves to be protected at all cost
I love Chi Chi so much okay
It pained me to see her feel like she wasn’t up to par with the other queens
However i also admire her for her self realization that yeah, maybe she isn’t
But it’s all good baby because she had grown from her original season
And just like a beautiful blooming flower, she’s just gonna keep growing ❤️❤️🌸🌸
Sending any kind of hate her way is like stepping on puppies okay
I am so proud of Aja okay
I think for having the smallest amount of time between seasons, she grew absolutely tremendously
I was neutral about her in her original season
But when she came back I was absolutely sold heeennnyyy I love me some Aja now
I truly wish she had been chosen to come back because I felt she had the best track record of the eliminated queens and had the most to offer
I highly expect her career to take off to the stars and I wish her all the best of luck❤️❤️❤️
I literally say “heyyy yo sissss” all the time now, thanks a lot Aja
Ohhhhh miss BenDeLa !!
I did not expect her to do as well as she did at all tbh
It actually kind shook me cause I was like ohh gurl if she keeps doing well, that means she’s gonna win
And that mean Trixies not gonna win...
I’m usually really good about avoiding spoilers but I totally seen that she was going to eliminate herself
I didn’t want to believe it but when I watched it, it was like I couldn’t really feel it cause it had been spoiled
However I do truly respect her for doing what she did
When it comes to confrontation DeLa is literally me
I hate it so much, it makes my skin crawl
If she wouldn’t have eliminated herself I think it’s obvious she would have won
All in all, DeLa is truly a pure soul in the world and doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. ❤️❤️
Bebe Zahara Benet
I didn’t really know how to feel about Bebe at first tbh
I had watched season 1 once like a long time ago
And honestly I was like okay... when she won
Now that she was back, I do truly see why she was picked to be the very first winner of Drag Race
Everything she does (except maybe choreography😅) she’s great at !
I did think she was a bit divalicious but who wouldn’t be in her position
I also love her love for her home country
It goes so well with her over all “brand” and what’s better than being absolutely proud of where you come from ?
Bebe is an embodiment if that
All in all, great well polished queen
And like she said heennyyy she’ll still always be the ORGINAL Rupaul’s Drag Race winner ❤️❤️❤️
Kennedy Davenport
Kennedy is a grumpy old man who just wants some lovin
I’ll be honest I felt like Kennedy was sort of a Roxy Andrews situation
There were many times where I felt she should have went home
However I can understand the struggles she’s had and in the end yes, I do truly believe she deserved a spot in the top 4
Top 2 ?? Ehhhhh, not at first I’ll be honest
But the more the eliminated queens and Kennedy herself talked about how all the other queens are basically so much more well out than she is, and how she kinda did need the win more than the other girls, the less mad I was
In the end I was like yeah, Kennedy does need this win, and even thou I am a die hard Trixie fan, I would have been absolutely 100% okay with Kennedy winning 🙌
I hope everyone gives her the proper love she deserves at DragCon as well as any other meet and greets
She is truly an amazing dancer, she paints a beautiful mug and she’s the kind of person who will tell you the truth, and the shit you need to hear even tho you don’t wanna hear it, you know what I mean Vern
I admire Kennedy and I wish her the best of luck in her career and life ❤️❤️❤️
Like I said before, I am a die hard Trixie Mattel fan, like I would take a bullet for her
However.... I truly truly believe, Shangela was robbed and should have won !
I straight up thought she was gonna win !
You can clock my previous post about where I straight up say I think Shangela is going to win
Shangela is the epiphany of a GLO UP !!!!
I remember the days where she was that kinda ratchet, not so polished, kinda short tempered, says whatever the hell she wants kind of queen and I’ll be honest, I did not care for her like at all
When season 3 came along I was like oh great, this bitch again
And I feel like that was the over all vibe she had in her drag race career
I fucking love Shangela
I cannot describe how proud of her I truly am (word of the day: truly)
From the first episode when she came in, in her box and her cute little blue dress I was like I gurlll something is different about you in all the best ways
I can’t even describe how amazing her blossoming into a beautiful butterfly has been to experience
Shangela’s Drag is on point af now
She killed just about every challenge
I didn’t expect that
But I love it
I love Shangela
It killed me to see her reaction when she lost
She’s gonna go super far in life and I couldn’t be more excited for her ❤️❤️❤️
So apparently I ran out of text blocks so Trixie’s is going to be one long thing separated by... first of all OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG... I literally fucking cried when she won... I just about had a heart attack when she was pick for the 2nd queen... I really did not think she was going to win... but I couldn’t be happier what she did... Her as3 journey was an emotional roller coaster tbh... I thought this season was going to be kinda like season 2 how it seems like it was made for Alaska... I thought this season was going to be made for Trixie... it really thru me off when she didn’t start off so strong... I also felt bad because she would always talk about how she felt like she was letting her fans down... I wanted to do nothing but shower her with love but I didn’t even realize what kind of pressure was set on her... I was legit worried for a bit that she would be eliminated... and tbh when Ben went home, I was low key relieved because I was like there is now way Trixie is going to win with Ben out her slaying every challenge.... I don’t know what happened when she snapped out of it and finally brought it... but am I sure glad she did... obviously I think Trixie deserved to win, but I can still appreciate her fumbles and reasons on why LOTS of people are mad about it. But seriously, it’s just Drag !!! Just like anything else in the world, shit happens, and then we move on !!! Trixie is my queen, and I don’t know how that happened because all my life I’ve totally despised country music and basically any country folk stuff at all. Opposites attract heeennyyy...CONGRAULATIONS TO MY BOO, couldn’t be more happy and proud of you bb, I can only hope to be able to graze your presence at DragCon this year 💗💗💗💕💖💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💗 on a side note: I am just a simple 20 year old Bisexual girl from Colorado, and I just want to say, never in my life did I ever think that I would be so obsessed with (mostly)men in makeup. Please, please, please don’t send Trixie hate. Don’t send Morgan hate, don’t send Thorgy hate, don’t send Milk hate, don’t send Chi Chi don’t send Morgan hate, don’t send Aja hate, dont send Ben hate, don’t send Bebe hate, don’t send Kennedy hate. Drag race is this beautiful thing where all kinds of people can come together and enjoy and embrace their selves together as one. I love the LGTBQ community and it just absolutely blows my mind how quick things can get so ugly. All these queens make it a note to point out the importance of mental health, and I don’t understand why anyone in their minds would want to go to a specific queens page, be it Twitter, or Instagram or Facebook or whatever, and take time out of their day to write something with such intentions of making someone feel bad. It you have a negative thought about a specific queen, that’s cool, you’re totally obligated to have that, but believe it or not, you won’t explode or anything if you DONT post that rude ass comment. All the queens worked their asses off and it all payed off in different ways. Just be kind to each other people, because at the end of the day, it’s just drag and no matter what everyone’s lives will move on the next day. IDK I GOT KINDA RANTY Okay I’m done
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bring-me-bellarke · 6 years
The 100 Ask
Tagged by @griffinnblake ! Thanks, Lindsay! Honestly, what a blast this was.
rules: answer as many as you want if tagged and then tag three more people OR just reblog it and treat it as a regular ask meme!! have fun xoxo
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?  Probably for punching a guard or something, tbh. Maybe starting underground resistance (yikes)
2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?  Maybe. 
3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)  Probably a fist or some sort of cool resist sign. 
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?  WELLS JAHA DESERVED BETTER. (close second would be Anya) (close third would be Ilian)
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Monty, Miller.
6. Minty or Briller?  Mintyyyyyy all da way. Briller just never did anything for me. 
7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)  Jessei, Jessai, i have no idea. 
8. Thoughts on Finn? I’ll be honest, I was blind when I first started watching and thought Finn was a good guy...until Raven showed up and was like WTF ....and then he massacred a bunch of people. Then I looked back and realized how manipulative he was with Clarke, and what a shitty person he was in general.
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? I don’t think I would have. It wouldn’t really appeal to me. I could see myself giving in if someone I loved was threatened (like Clarke with Abby, I would’ve folded like a lawn chair)  
10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… I relate to Clarke and Raven the most. I’m bossy and serious like Clarke, but also sassy and passionate like Raven. The character I like the least was (don’t bring out the pitchforks) L/xa. To me, from day 1, she was too bland of a character. It’s like she was always putting on this brave facade that I just never bought into. But I truly love ADC and she’s awesome. I just didn’t believe all of L/xa’s dumb philosophies and thought she wasn’t a good leader. Also, Octavia was on my most hated from the moment she laid her hands on her brother (i will never be over that. bitter 2kforever)
11. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)  I probably would have had a patchy black leather jacket, gray t shirt that read Space Sucks, combat boots, black ripped up jeans, and the jacket would’ve had RESIST stitched onto the back in big letters (or maybe a patch). I like to think I would’ve been a total badass but who knows. 
12. Favorite type of mutant animal?  I don’t think we saw many besides two-headed deer, pauna, and maybe some panthers? Oh, wait! Glowing butterflies, those were cool.   
13. What would your job be on the Ark? Oooooh, I don’t know. Sounds weird, but I would’ve liked to work in the archives/library, making sure all the history was preserved (sounds like a Bellamy thing, I know). But tbh, I probably would be jailed for starting a resistance as a side gig. 
14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?  I’m squeamish, but I would’ve done it to save Clarke (and everyone else in turn). 
15. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, then who would make the best commander?  Hmm, good question. Well I loved Anya and think she could’ve. I think Luna might’ve if she’d given up her weird ways and NOT BEEN TOTALLY RUINED in s4. ALSO LINCOLN (RIP IM NOT OVER IT). If all 3 could’ve led as like a council, that’d be fire. 
16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? Oh god, I don’t know the tribes. Maybe Trishanakru (sp?) just cause Ilian’s such a hottie and it would’ve been cool to be friends. 
17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?  I’d probably dare everyone to go jump off a waterfall with me (but like a small one)
18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake?  Uggggghhhh, this is hard. Listen, neither method worked. Charlotte wouldn’t have survived on her own and Murphy’s dumb. Maybe like a jail or something they could’ve kept her in? Idk, there’s too many things that went wrong with all that. 
19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone?  Anyone at all? Crap, I don’t think there should just be one, it’s too much power. I like the idea of council/committee with the mains like Bellamy, Clarke, Kane, Abby, uhh idk who else. 
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?  Headphones to escape all the drama, probably. Maybe some good hiking gear because goddammit how do they all travel through all these jungles/woods? 
21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like Octavia?  I would’ve caught it probs. 
22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? I’d have just cool geo shape tattoos probably. I’d wear a high pony because how do the girls deal with humidity/sweat wearing it down???? My hair is hella thick, so no thanks. War paint would probably just be a few lines on my cheeks, maybe diagonals. 
23. Favorite quote?  I CAN’T JUST CHOOSE ONE. OH GOD MY HEART LITERALLY HURTS AT ALL THE ONES I LOVE. (this deserves its own post tbh)
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy?  Murphy’s a real pain in my side. Full offense, I hate that we move on so easily from a white boy’s VERY SIGNIFICANT MISTAKES, yet poor POC Bellamy has to keep suffering from the repercussions. Like Murphy LITERALLY permanently damaged Raven’s body yet they’re cool now? Idk, I hold grudges, and I don’t think I’d be able to let it go. Kudos to Raven, ig. Though I won’t hesitate to admit that Bellamy has royally fucked up too, from the radio to the army (which happened in a season I hate altogether). It just seems like we forgive Murphy much easier than Bellamy and it kills me. Whooo, sorry for that. 
25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? Hmm, I was gonna say Bellamy but he’s a real softie. Clarke is sneaky and sometimes heartless, so maybe her. BUT ACTUALLY Octavia would because she’s absolutely bat-shit crazy.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CLEXA OR BELLARKE  Aww crap. I didn’t like Flarke. Fave ship (that never happened) was Ice Mechanic, like imagine the chemistry/hotness. Ugh, still upset about this. Fave canon would be Kabby, I guess? They’re great, but it’s weird to think Kane had Abby tortured. Idk (Y’all know I’m ride or die Bellarke). I was conflicted for a long time about Linctavia because I loved them but when you boil it down, he was way older than her and it seemed kinda Stockholm Syndrome-y? Plus, she turns psycho and he would’ve hated it. IDK ALL SHIPS ARE PROBLEMATIC DAMMIT.
27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?  Lindsay said Home II by Dotan and I 100% agree because that song is amazing and would work so well for S5. Oooh, cameos! Um CAN YOU IMAGINE IF STEPHEN KING JUST SHOWED UP OUT OF THE BLUE? Like I would die. Or Kass Morgan, the original creator! 
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?  Honestly, I’d probably be very annoyed and want to be far away from him. BUT if we did warm up to each other, I think we’d bond over cooking (if there was any food). 
29.Opinion on Emori? Roan?  Both badasses. Kinda indifferent on them actually. Like I don’t love or hate them. 
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way?  Yeah, sure. It’d be cool if it was memorable, poignant, and really related to/impacted the storyline. High hopes, amirite? 
31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? Raven, I think. All her flashbacks were related to Finn and I hated it. WHO WAS SHE BESIDES FINN’S GIRLFRIEND? Show us her mess of a mom, how her love for science started, how she became a mechanic! God, there’s so much we don’t know. 
32. A character you’d bang?  BELLAMY FUCKING BLAKE, ladies and gents.
If you made it through all this, bless your soul! BUT THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN!! I loved having to really think about the hypotheticals and what I’d do if I was in this world/show. Side note, I’ve been totally gone from this blog and not even tagging my stuff (which is where I freak out the most). I’m slowly coming back and hope April comes soon! All right, this has been long enough. I tag @littlebellarkemix & @southsideserpentine & honestly anyone who wants to (it’s a lot of fun). 
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bigbrotherfiore · 4 years
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episode four: “power gets you got, so i just need to survive” - elise
hoh: rich
evicted: brianna
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AMANDA: https://youtu.be/YnRbNjQQLns
AMANDA: https://youtu.be/Xs-EwM8N1e4
AMANDA: https://youtu.be/LBES8nSlqN8
RICH: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oxy39TIAllP-l-lh_xgrqva8So7r-tK0/view?usp=drivesdk
AMANDA: https://youtu.be/QbtU7qP1eBI
AMANDA: https://youtu.be/LBES8nSlqN8
AMANDA: https://youtu.be/_XB2DbrrIY8
MIKKI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sop4L3aZOWU
MIKKI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoshRaBKm80&feature=youtu.be
MIKKI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZNAeadCgZc
MIKKI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh_vEZFbNgU
MIKKI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqLb_hymcZw
SZYMON: https://youtu.be/KlJC100xcQM
AMANDA: https://youtu.be/jgNo5u4oN3s
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i’m super nervous after the jared eviction. i don’t want to win hoh but i’m also scared rich or daly will win or even mazden could win. i just want brianna or sara or elise or mikki or lana or jakey to get it because those are the people i trust the most but if i got it SOMEHOW since i did not write any useful information i would probably put up mazden and rich because i talk to him the least and i feel like he’s super shady. i don’t know. maybe not mazden but i don’t know i’m SCARED i’m terrified
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I literally only talk to him about what we eat in a day sooooooooo anyways 
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THE MARCHING BAND JUST DID THAT. We have now won 3/4 HOH Competitions this season!!! 
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ok so rich wants to work together now that jared is gone. i love jared from the bottom of my heart but fuck it might benefit me now that he's gone and there aren't rumours. hes gonna nom potentially lana and brianna, unfortunate for me because nfps but she might win veto again. also people know im close with mikki, gotta stop stanning taylor swift in the VC clearly... thats all rn because im slacking on these and i cba to record 
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I can honestly say that I have not felt nervous at all in this game to date. I won the first HOH, Sara won HOH #2, Szymon won HOH #3, and Rich just won tonight's HOH. Obviously Sara and Rich are in The Marching Band Alliance and Szymon and I have a tight duo alliance so it is really nice to just sit back and relax 1/4 into the game. I also think I have been able to lay low after my 1st HOH run and allow other targets to begin to emerge! HAHA I love this game!
So Addilyn connected the dots that me and Daly are both from Manitoba and that kinda scares me. She is the only one besides Sara who would know how close we live because she also happens to be from Canada as well... Hopefully she doesn't catch on too well and pin us as a duo 
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im so fucked i'm literally so fucked.  the ONE person i didn't want to win HOH won it.  THE.  ONE.  PERSON.  i'm going up and i'm the target.  i don't talk to him like, at all.  i hate this timeline i hate it i hate it please someone take me out of here.  i'm probably gonna go up next to mikki (my CLOSEST ALLY) and go home and im so fucking scared of that.  im so scared of rich i hate how he's playing this game that little snake is playing a game that is threatening to mine and i hate it.  i hate it i hate it i hate it.  this game sucks i hate it (i love u hosts im just irritated) - made 9:27 pm, outdated, will see if anything changes 
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I am good with Rich winning HOH, he totally deserved it and I'm happy for him. I feel safe with him, and he reassured  me that I was going to be safe. So I am going to see just how honest he was with me. I honestly have a good feeling about him, and I like him. What I'm not happy about is people throwing my name out there for him to put up as a pawn...NO MA'AM, PAM, OR SAM!!! I am nobody's pawn, and I WILL remember who said it! I would have to say that I am closest to Jakey and Szymon in this game. I trust them the most and we have the JLS Alliance and hopefully we can ride this out to the end! I also like Amanda, she is someone I would like to keep close. Other than that, I am loving this game. A little chaotic at times, but I can handle it. That's that on that for now! Peace out!✌🏾
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Jared is gone, Jared who I genuinely love so much he's amazing and it fucking SUCKS and what sucks worse is that it's probably better for my game because I have options now that people aren't lumping me in with him as a duo. Worse news, looks like Mikki and Brianna will be on the block this week and that puts Mikki in SO much danger. Mikki who I really am coming to trust right but am being named as close with her. Can people stop labelling me as part of duos or... kthx. Anyway, Mikki better stay because it'd be nice to have someone I can trust. Szymon and Sara seem somewhat distant so I'm not sure how much I can trust them right now, especially after I tried to save Jared. Daly and I are closing in on a bond in the absence of Jared and I hope that fares me well. My problem really is that I think a lot of my connections are on the table. I've been working on getting closer to people but with some of the guys it's kinda hard so!!! we'll see. I've been swinging the birthday twin angle with Addilyn so let's see how that pans out!! I'm really not getting much info so then I don't have much info to give so nobody wants to give me any. It's a long long cycle. But with Mikki in danger I did casually be like "why are people so mad abt people who've played other games, like szymon has won survivor and ferg has won the challenge a couple times?" just to really get that out there and for it to come from Mikki, not me :). Byeeeeeee I'm so done with this if Mikki goes here. I don't want to have to shuffle into working with the men but I might have to. I wanna crack their alliance open but I don't want to be a big target this early, annoying.   Rich told me that he felt good with me now that Jared's gone but didn't tell me the real noms until today (told me Bri/Lana but it's Bri/Mikki) so yay fuck that shit everyone else has a closest ally/allies and mine are all LEAVING ok thats enough of that tantrum. I'll figure something out it's just awkward as hell because I'm not entirely sure how to push a vote in a smart way. I have a couple ideas of HOW but not how to do it subtlely. I'm still trying to avoid making enemies because when it comes down to it, I need to be safe from the block more than I need a ghost of power in this game. power gets you got, so i just need to survive. 
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I am sooo excited rich is HOH. I kind of went underground for a few days and forgot about DRs. Austin solidified a group with Ferg, Szymon, himself, and I while Szymon was in power. I really like that group too. I’ll do what I can to keep them safe. I feel like I’m connecting with everyone??? I mean, I’m not oblivious...I know some probably don’t like me, but I think I’m talking to everybody. Jared went home. He almost didn’t because of an emotional house meeting... the girls literally debated flipping a coin?? Mazden was on the block again but nowhere to be found. Shes Sade again but old what she is thinking. I prepped a google doc for the last hoh for like 5 hours I’m SO glad rich won. I also tried by best just in case but he kicked butt!! I talked to Amanda on the phone last night for an hour and we really connected. She’s super easy to talk to. I’m worried about Austin but we will see what comes of it in the days to come. I LOVE my groups. Rich and Sara are amazing. Szymon is so caring, and ferg is definitely putting effort in to our relationship. I’m happy because I feel like I’m doing okay! Rich joked that we are the evil alliance of the season and I just hope he’s wrong tbh... I never wanted to be the bad guy, I’ve always thought I was an underdog 😳. Sarah thanked me for putting the group together and I’m really grateful we made it. Power 3/4 times??? It’s my turn next, I really don’t wanna let them down. 
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My issue with trusting Mikki was never that I truly thought she was untrustworthy. I think it was apparent from the moment Mikki would only vote for Mazden in Week 1 because she wanted to be good to Celina showed that she's loyal. I was so worried her loyalty didn't lie with me, though, and now that I've realised Mikki is a great ally, she's on the bloody block. I'm a fucking idiot. Watch me lose two great allies in a row UGH. 
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UGH I so could have won that POV comp but of course I made a huge mistake on my submission. I could have gotten under 4 minutes... At the same time it isn't the worst thing because I would want to use it on Mikki but Rich would be absolutely pissed if I did.
It is crucial for my game for Brianna to go this week. I am getting to the point where I do not feel like anyone left in the game would nominate me based on the relationships I have built since Day 1. I do not think it would be in my best interest to win this HOH tomorrow because I genuinely wouldn't have 2 nominees that are not working with me (except maybe Mazden/Lana)
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I am feeling sooooooo conflicted. Like I wanna win hoh tomorrow...but I have absolutely NO idea who I’d nominate. Austin keeps pointing out that I’m the only person (in both of our alliances) who hasn’t won anything. But is winning really good for my game at this point?? Also, either Austin is a closet asshole to all, or he’s just really comfortable with me. He says a lot of mean things.. 😒 “you’re my little pawn who can never win a comp” ...all jokes aside...ouch.. while he’s out here telling me winning isn’t good. I like him a lot, and he tells me all the time that I’m his #1 and I do believe him because he’s putting in a lot of work with me. BUT, I think he’s getting too comfortable. He needs to step up, try to have genuine conversations, and be nice to me because I’m fragile 😂 I’m gonna try for hoh tomorrow. Then I’ll have to think about who I nominate. I actually have no clue but it’s whatever. Daly wants to talk on the phone tomorrow and I need to be super careful what I say to him. Honestly, if I won I’d love to nominate him just to shake things up and step away from the “sides” but whatever, I truly don’t think I’d make it far if I did. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING. I’m annoyed at everything. And I feel really bad that I’ve basically stepped out on my f2 with rich from night one. I fucking love him. And if it came down to him, Austin, and I in final three I guess I don’t really know what I’d do. It’s easy to say Austin because we talk constantly. But rich is nice and genuine with me. AND I believe he’s fiercely loyal. And I think if it came down to it Austin would cut me to win. The more and more we talk he’s getting comfortable and he’s playing ruthless. ...and that scares me... 
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LMAO not haley lying to me about not talking to Austin or ferg much when I know they're in an alliance together and her and Austin make it SO obvious that they are a duo. I can't help but laugh. it's cute how they think they are slick when they are literally MESSAGING ME THE SAME TIME, and like start messaging me after the other and then end at the same time it's just.....so obvious. like guys please try harder???? if you wanna be a secret duo keep it more secret??? you're literally in an alliance together I- and I know about it because you're aligned with MY secret duo. ahhhhh how cute of you to try how cute how cute. I'm so bitter and over these people like so over it every single thing out of haley and Austins mouths is FAKE and they think they are being so great at playing people but I'm sitting here playing them back it's so exhausting keeping up a fake conversation. the sad thing is I think I would love haley outside of this game. but in it she annoys the crap out of me because she's sooooo fake and boring. I'm over it. 
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we hate it here
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Click HERE to see the Goodbye Messages for Brianna.
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Episode 1.1 - This Game is Rigged Against People Who Can’t Read - Vi
The two tribes, Awashima and Hiroku were pitted against each other in a game of Hostile Harai. After a relatively close battle, Hiroku pulled ahead and won a 10% challenge multiplier in the next immunity challenge.
At the immunity challenge, the tribes battle each other in a game of Semantris that led to victory for Hiroku, beating the other tribe even without the score multiplier needed.
At Hiroku, the winning tribe, they celebrated their win and continued to form relationships, though no alliances had yet formed. Emma ventured into the expeditions and found the Awashima hidden immunity idol and was given the option between leaving the idol in place or gifting it to a member of Awashima. Emma opted to gift the idol to Adam with the note: “Can’t wait for merge! (heart) PH.”
At Awashima, bonds began to form and take control of the vote. Katie, Rachael, Rodrigo and Josh in particular began to formulate a plan to vote out Lauren for being the most inactive member of the tribe. Lauren had other plans, wanting to target Adam for similar reasons. After some discussion of idols with Rodrigo, Katie and Rachael opted to vote for Adam as well. At tribal council, Lauren was voted out 7-3 against Adam, who kept his immunity idol in his pocket.
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“im either first boot or i win no in between”
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“Omfg VI IS PLAYING I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOML. Also nikias has such a cool energy”
“All of my chats so far are with the men, I think I’m too intimidated by the pretty girls??”
“Fuuuuuck Katie is playing?!?!?! 😭😭😭😭 SHES TOO GOOD SHE GOTTA GO”
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“Minding my own business and praying these people never witnessed Svalbard🙃”
“When you rejected Katie for prom and she comes for you in your DMs”
“Katie is gr8. Josh is gr8. Really just vibing tbh”
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“I'm so glad that on my tribe I already have previous good relationships with Regan, Katie, and Vi. Marc is pretty great too. I feel good so far woooo. also prayer circle for Olivia I hope I get to see her in a tribe swap or something”
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After receiving a bonus in the immunity challenge: “guys look at me win!”
“im going to see if i can trick jay into thinking i want to work with him till f2”
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“whyyyy am I so awkward hahahahaha ha ah ha abaaghhhhhhhhh”
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“this game is rigged against people who can’t read. Someone save me”
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Olivia goes on an expedition to Mt. Ishizuchi, where she must climb 100 steps to reach the top. After 15 minutes she completes the task that reveals no reward with this to say:
“Are you fuckin kidding me 🤬 Wtf guys 😐😑”
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“I legit message every single person on this tribe and i tried to communicate with them, however nobody messaged me first which makes me low key a little paranoid. Is it the fact that i am too excited to get to know every one? or could it be that some people feeling comfortable alliance? we shall see, at thee moment i don't really believe there is one or if it is there would be of players that have play together before, but i haven't notice any one who would know someone else in my tribe. At the moment, i have 0 game talks i am trying to talk to people but i don't wanna approach people and make them feel that i am playing too hard too fast so i just wanna get to the first steps of getting to know them and then build of an alliance. I feel like the people that i would like to bring in a potential alliance at the moment would be Olivia, Abby, Zach (so hot btw) and there are people that i wanna work with based on interviews ( Cori and Ally) but they haven't give me anything yet too to make them feel that i could work with them, idk i don't really enjoy being the only one who is asking questions and try to lead a convo and that's why at the moment i haven't be able to see if i could potential work with them. My biggest concern mark is Constance, i enjoy talking with him and he seems like a gamer and i would like to work with a gamer but there is something in me that feels that he could make a move later on very unexpectenly”
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“Ok so I’m doing well with aly, nikias, em, and corinda. Abrielle too but I’m more wary of her bc of her Svalbard connections. Hopefully I can make a ladies alliance happen within the next couple of days naturally. Odd and Sam aren’t giving me anything and Constance is a wildcard bc I know his history”
“Also I forgot to say I also know jay from the other tribe I hosted an org that he won : o. Him and Vi were close so I imagine they’ll be paired up by now. So that either gives me an opportunity to join them as a third wheel or it could take away vi as my potential closest ally. Vi played my first ever org with me :’)”
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Abrielle went to Mt. Tsurumi in Kyushu where she received the voting coin for boiling water 
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Olivia goes on another expedition to the Kojima Shrine. She luckily went during low tide, and was able to claim the Protective Crystal which blocks the next vote cast against her. “Oh fuck yeah”
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“forgot about the great soybean massacre of 1586″
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“So far I feel as though I’ve made some decent connections on this tribe even if they are minimal. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know so many fresh faces but depending on how we do in this challenge, connections unfortunately can not overlook performance as a tribe unless you work it to a certain degree. I do hope that several of my tribe members can help us pull the win for this challenge because I am not doing so hot!”
“The only concerns I have on my tribe are Em and Olivia because they know me from Tumblr and didn’t really like me all that much but I won’t say anything and just let life work it’s course. If I don’t delve into the past and let it linger it’ll only fall into their blame if they use that as their leverage if they target me later down the line. My main goal is to ultimately create friendships in this game and even if they decide to speak with me (Em hasn’t) that’s all that truly matters to me. Because ultimately, I don’t dislike anyone regardless of what anyone says. 💘”
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“Honestly having immunity is really important, we get a taste of the twist be with zero affection towards us and it could allow us to be more prepare in the a future tribal council. Also you need time in this game and especially at the beginning, i am hoping for the win at the moment.”
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“Here u can start seeing Rodrigo in his natural habitat: Forming relationships, talking to people. This is what Rodrigos gameplay is about. He creates relationships strong enough quickly to be able to slip by. Now Rodrigo plans, this season, to take his game one step further and actually transition from a social game only to a strategic game too. Is it too early to rock the boat? We shall see next time in... MYTHOLOGICAL SURVIVOR NO MIKOTO!!! also I find it really funny that I already told like what 5 people I have their back: Josh, Rach, Vi, Katie, Marc. tobe honest this 5 are kind of an ideal 5 for me to align with but with Marc wanting to bring Jay and Reegan idk tbh but the way things are looking it may come down to Adam or Lauren but tribal is only on Monday so theres a lot to play out. Well something else I do feel kinda bad throwing Adam udner the bus to Katie and it really has nothing to do with our past history its just how the convo developed that led to me saying tha”
After being exiled Rodrigo sent this: 
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“I don't like who i'm with. I want to be carried but with almost all new people to me, I gotta try”
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Olivia goes on an expedition to the Sado light house, rewarding her with a 3 hour exile from her tribe. Her tribe is not notified of why she was removed from the chat, prompting speculation about what happened. 
“captain’s log #49. Fred the squirrel has crafted a boat and left the lighthouse sooner than I. I feel defeat creeping over me. I’ve been here for 10 minutes and I’ve tried every which way to let my tribe know I didn’t desert them, IM NOT A TRAITOR. I even changed my pfp in the hopes someone would catch on. Guess we shall see. IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE”
“Catch me taking down notes on who sweetly tried to contact me. That’s who imma vibe with in this game. Constance, nikias, corinda, Abby :]”
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Emma took an expedition to Honshu where she completed a challenge to find the Awashima hidden immunity idol. 
Chose to gift the idol to Adam with the note: “Can’t wait for merge (heart)! PH.”
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After being given the idol by Emma, his only response was: 
 “PH hmm”
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“also heres a thought. I'd LOVE to get rid of like Reegan next if we go to tribal but the thing is the following: with us voting Lauren this vote I kinda need to play it up for the public. I dont want people thinking I am a meninist. Because I am not. so if Lauren does go this round. I think a MAN will need to suffer the consequences. Its what they deserve to be honest. Peace.”
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“Going great! I got a little advantage and we’re immune. I think im making good connections? I’m trying not to be too much like I usually am like I’m holding back”
Olivia went on another expedition to Lake Kamo on Sado where she broke a fishermans oyster trap, resulting in her being exiled from her tribe until she had collected four buckets of oysters. 
After almost 40 minutes, Olivia completed the task and was allowed back to her tribe. 
“I don’t even get a reward for all that 😭 I’m just sad now”
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“I have really been trying to up my social game more than any other game I have been involved in. It may seem like a little too much, but at the same time, I really want to emphasize what I said I would do and that is make genuine friendships with people and do what I can in order to move myself forward in this game. Even if it may cost me my opportunity to win, I at least know that I went out of this game knowing I created a connection with each and every person in someway. 
With that said, I think that the idol searching mechanic shows how hard someone is trying to find something because it ultimately catches everyone’s attention if you get something negative like being exiled from your tribe or whatnot.
I’m not quite sure what this game has in store for me and I don’t expect to accomplish much when it comes to challenges so I hope to bring my socially adaptable techniques into my strategy for the long haul.”
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myheartsoarsforyou · 4 years
The gay asks, as many as you feel like doing. Starting at 1 stop when you feel like it
Oh, you don’t know what you’ve signed up for. I’ll put it under a readmore, lol. 
Just to note: Probably going to do most, if not all of them, so there you go. :)
how tall are you? 5′6″
what is your body type? Chubby, but curves are still there.
what is your favorite part about your body? Ehh, I don’t really like any part. My eyes, I guess?
is your current hair color your natural hair color? For now, but as soon as I’m able to get to my salon I’m dyeing it
are you more outgoing or more shy? Depends on the setting but for the most part definitely shy
are you more femme or butch? Femme I guess? I dunno, I’d argue probably somewhere in-between but leaning towards femme. 
are you tol or smol? Height wise? I guess kinda tol? Iunno I don’t think I’m either but hey! lol
wine mom or vodka aunt? Vodka aunt, but I don’t drink much anymore.
weird habit? Uhh idk?
favorite meme? Don’t talk me i angy
do you sing in the shower? Oh yes, especially if I have music going lol
ever used a bow and arrow? Not yet!
are/were you a theatre kid? Nope, 
have you ever seen a broadway musical? Not in person? 
do you think musicals are cheesy? Probably but that’s half the fun.
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march? I wish, especially right now, but I would probably break down around that many people. I support as much as I can.
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card? I don’t think I have a favorite?
last movie you watched? Silent Hill: Revelations
behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, 100%. I hate having my picture taken. i’ll make exceptions, but. 
favorite tv show? Mmmh... it used to be Supernatural but I don’t really watch TV. Maybe ATLA? I’m rewatching/finishing that sporadically.
meaning behind your url He makes my heart soar higher than ever.
reason you joined tumblr A looong time ago, because of SPN. 
who’s your closest tumblr friend? I don’t really talk to people on tumblr ?? I’m just kinda... here
what’s something most people love that you hate? Iunno o.o
have you ever taken narcotics? Technically yes I have
have you had sex? Mhmm
have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Err, yeah. I got caught with a ‘friend’ of mine when I was younger. Woops.
worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told? I don’t remember any? I don’t know. 
describe your passion without mentioning it. Escape, building something completely new with friends, making friends within a universe you help shape, seeing and doing more fantastiscal things than could be done in real life. 
describe your best friend. I have two people I consider best friends. An artist, an activist, passionate about her work, heartfelt and exciteable. Another artist, unsure of his work but talented none the less, overly critical of himself. 
give us one thing about you that no one knows. I don’t think there’s much if anything that my bf doesn’t know about me?
how do you feel right now? my tummy hurts
what is your biggest fear? Losing him. 
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Love Me - NU’EST
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far? Definitely sticking it out and staying close to my bf before we got together and persuing things when the opportunity arose. 
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end? Very often in my life rn tbh
something you fantasize about. Living with my love in a 3 bedroom house with our little domestic zoo and being happy. 
last time you cried and why Saturday, multiple times. It was a rough day and was thinking a lot about my cousin (long story short he’s no longer around)
what was the last thing that made you laugh? Probably my boyfriend. 
do you really, truly miss someone right now? I miss my bf because I haven’t seen him irl in two years and it kills me. 
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Bf
the last time you felt broken? Saturday again because of the aforementioned. 
are you starting to realize anything? That I will put up with a lot if I feel like I have to to see him. 
are you more dominant or more submissive? Definitely submissive, but I have my moments. 
i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank) Mmm, I don’t really have strict qualifications. Treat me well, tell me if something’s up, and just love me. But I have that right now, so I guess the strict qualification is if he agrees & We’re good to be a polycule. 
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older? I used to say strictly older, but honestly AS LONG AS it’s legal and moral either or. Bf’s two years younger than me and more mature than anyone older than me that I’ve been with so lol. 
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail. My height, great eyes, gorgeous to me, dyed-red hair, avid gamer, tattoo enthusiast. He’s passionate regardless of how he sees it, and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love every part of him and I will even if things change. 
do you have any kinks? Many. Lol. 
first thing you notice in a person? Depends, sometimes eyes, sometimes voice, sometimes approachability lol.
how can someone win your heart? You’d have to ask my bf
been rejected by a crush? Yep! 
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Oh yes lol
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Actual texts? No. But if discord messages count - yes. lol
is trust a big issue for you? Yes
did you hang out with the person you like recently? Yes
is confidence cute? It can be, but there’s a fine line between it and arrogance. 
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? It depends entirely on the situation. Did we agree on a romantic/sexual third? Sure. If not I’d probably be pretty upset. 
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Probably not. 
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do? I should DEFINITELY hope so lmao
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? I’ve been in high school. 
do you want to get married I do, though I never thought I’d be able to say that
worst thing you’ve ever done? Probably cheating on someone I cared about with someone I should’ve never involved myself with. 
three things that turn you on. Biting, neck kisses, making out. 
who do you hate? Eh, my boss rn.
favorite term of endearment? My bf calls me kitten c: 
who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening? Probably Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
intimidating girls or kind girls? Why not both?
what do you look for in a possible partner? If we’d work well together lol, it all depends. 
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls? Err, a little of all? I tend to go for masc in general, but I am definitely interested in all of the above. 
are you good at flirting? Not...really lol
who was the first person you came out to? My bestie
do you have any friends who are wlw? Yep!
is your crush wlw? See, this is complicated. Technically at the moment no, but there has been gender questioning in the past and it’s possible that at some point in the future yes. 
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality? That’s been a long time ago lmao, I’ve been pretty confident I am Super Queer for a long while. 
write a short love poem to your crush/self? I am not good at these and very tired so I’m gonna pass on this one
do you fall in love easily? I used to, but not anymore. Mainly cause I’m still very deeply in love with the person I think is my soul mate. 
is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Yerp.
are you good at hiding your feelings? Not really no
are you a forgiving person? I can be. Bf thinks I am too forgiving. 
what is your “type?” Uhh, it depends? And fluctuates? lol
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours? Both.
tall girls or short girls? Both, though prob tall more often than not.
hugs or kisses? Kisses
twirl her around or get twirled? Twiiiirl. 
tummy kisses or thigh kisses? Thigh
hairline kisses or neck kisses? Neck
play with her hair or stroke her tummy? I have Two Hands
making out or soft kisses? Both, but I Really Like making out
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist? Neck, but also both. 
how confident are you in your sexuality? 100%
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach? Yes, a lot lol
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them? I would not be with my bf if this wasn’t the case. 
how old were you when you realized you were into girls? I think I was 13? 
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl? Uhhh... I don’t really remember lol
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon? Yes! But it ended not great so :(
what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality? I really hate when people say I should identify in a certain way because it’s a “slur” the whole point of reclaiming things is to take the ammunition out of it. And a lot of words have been slurs in the past that seem to be fully acceptable. 
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter? I don’t really remember. 
what is love to you? It can change but at its heart it makes you feel warm and soft, and makes you feel a little bit better about the bad things in life. 
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
Besides Jon, who do you see as a candidate with a good chance of being a romantic interest for Sansa? I don't know if George Martin will even include that in an endgame but considering Sansa does want someone to love her for who she is, I'd hope he'd at least allow her some happiness in that regard.
Hey Anonny!
I am actually pretty optimistic about Sansa getting a happy ending; primarily because “no one will ever marry me for love” and “life is not a song,” and “there are no heroes, in life the monsters win” are so incredibly prevalent in her arc. Sansa’s character arc is basically a “Captive Princess in the Tower”— but deconstructed, and then reconstructed, and then ~kind of~ deconstructed again and also ~kind of~ flipped on it’s head. But regardless, a fairy tale is still a fairy tale. Honestly the entire ASoIaF series is one ridiculously long, intricately detailed fairy tale. Which leads me to believe that, for the most part, all the protagonists will get their happy (or at least bittersweet) endings.
Above everything else, Sansa wants to be loved; and through out the series she has become more and more convinced that she never will be, that she is unlovable. Aside from retuning home to Winterfell, its still her heart’s dearest desire. She does still want a loving, happy marriage, she just doesn’t think it’s possible anymore:
 But then she remembered what Dontos had told her in the godswood. Tyrell or Lannister, it makes no matter, it’s not me they want, only my claim. —Sansa, ASoS
It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love. But lying came easy to her now. “I … can scarcely wait to meet him, my lady. But he is still a child, is he not?” —Sansa, ASoS
It’s not that Sansa has given up on love, its that she thinks love has given up on her. It’s not necessarily that she’s rejecting the idea of falling in love and being happily married, she just doesn’t see it happening for her. Which breaks my gd heart oml. 
Now moving on to your actual question (I know, I ramble. It’s so terrible!)…
The Tourney at Ashford Theory
So, one of the things that I have considered possible foreshadowing for Sansa’s romantic prospects is the Tourney at Ashford Theory. It’s the story of the Tourney at Ashford Meadow, told from the perspective of Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk from Dunk & Egg) in GRRM’s short stories The Hedge Knight and The Sworn Sword. The idea is that Sansa is a parallel to Lady Ashford whose father threw her a tourney for her 13th nameday tourney. Lady Ashford’s suitors coincide perfectly with Sansa’s, in order, by last name and House. 
Lady Ashford’s suitors were:
Lyonel Baratheon
Leo Tyrell
Tybolt Lannister
Humfrey Hardyng
Prince Valarr Targaryen
And Sansa’s suitors, as of ASoS, are/were:
Joffrey Baratheon
Willas Tyrell
Tyrion Lannister
Harry Hardyng
Some people think that this is merely a coincidence; but like, come on, they line up perfectly. The surviving potential prospects of Sansa’s in the series are: Willas Tyrell, Tyrion Lannister, Harry Hardyng, and presumably whoever the Targaryen suitor will be.
In previous years when the theory began spreading, the most popular theory was that Aegon (aka f!Aegon) was going to the the Targaryen suitor and Sansa’s final prospect. However, Aegon, Arianne, and Jon C’s absence from the show has cast some doubt upon their overall importance in the end game. And at this point, I think the same could be said for Harry Hardyng. That being said, I think any of the remaining suitors could potentially be Sansa’s endgame pairing.
The details are a little fuzzy on how exactly the Tourney went down, because Dunk (the POV from which the story was narrated) gets his butt tossed in jail on the second day. It’s important to note that the tourney is canceled; there technically is no real winner, and no one receives Lady Ashford’s hand. I also think this was done intentionally so as not to give away too much. 
In my opinion, from the series so far, I think the strongest cases could probably be made for Tyrion Lannister and whoever the Targaryen suitor ends up being.
Sansa’s Baratheon suitor, Joffrey, as we all know is dead.
I think that sadly the ship has officially sailed on the Tyrell potential, which is a bummer because I think Sansa would have loved High Garden.
Humfrey Hardyng was in the final five because Aerion Targaryen was forced to forfeit to him after Dunk kicked his ass for attacking a young girl (hence, why Dunk was in jail.) I think this could maybe be foreshadowing of a reversal with Harry Hardyng having to forfeit his betrothal to Alayne Stone once her true identity is learned, but that’s just me speculating. 
Humfrey Hardyng also dies later on at the Tourney in Aerion Targaryen’s Trial. by the Seven (discussed below). So I think that also may not bode well for a Sansa/Harry endgame, again. if I’m just speculating. 
That leaves Lannister and Targaryen still standing.
The one thing I think that Sansa/Tyrion has going for it is that in the series they are ~technically~ still married. I could also see it being a classic GRRM move to have Tyrion got through a kind of ~transforming narrative journey of self actualization~ and in the end be the kind of husband that could be good for Sansa. GRRM does love a good underdog, and a good Find Yourself Story!
Although, going along with the Tyrion/Sansa note, I think the fact that they got married could also possibly be even more evidence for and Jon/Sansa canon pairing. In GRRM;s  original outline for the series, there was supposed to be a Tyrion/Arya/Jon love triangle. To me this says that 1) GRRM ain’t afraid to go there; and 2) that because Sansa ended up with that aspect of the original story line, said triangle/love story could still play out somehow.
Honestly, I have pretty much ~always~ seen Jon/Sansa as having canon potential from the time I first read the books, even before I ever got into fandom; it’s one of the things that drew me to the ship in the first place. I see so many parallels and so much potential foreshadowing that I feel like it has to be a deliberate indicator of something. These are some of the metas that I have read that really delve into a lot of detail on it for anyone who is interested. I was already curious when I first started looking around to see if anyone else had noticed Jon/Sansa, but was really @blindestspot‘s A Time for Wolves - The Case for Jon and Sansa that convinced me in the end. 
Other Possibilities
Sandor Clegane/The Hound
I could totally see this playing out. There is a lot of speculation and foreshadowing that The Hound will end up at Winterfell at some point and probably remain there. This relationship also plays into sooo many tropes (i.e. “The Princess and Her Knight,” “Beauty and the Beast,” ect.), and as I discussed earlier, GRRM loves a good trope. While I’m not necessarily sure how ~romantic~ or ~official~ it would end up being, I could see these two being devoted to each other until the end. Sandor has a really strong protective instinct when it comes to Sansa; so I feel like in any relationship they had, his role could end up being more of a protector rather than a primarily romantic partner. 
Brienne of Tarth
Speaking of the “Princess and Her Knight”… Some people argue that the real champion of The Tourney at Ashford was actually Set Duncan the Tall. An altercation occurred between Ser Duncan the Tall and Prince Aerion Targaryen when the prince assaulted a girl, Tanselle. This resulted in Duncan striking the prince, claiming that he was only following the knight’s vows to defend the weak. Prince Aerion demanded a Trial of Seven to clear his name and in the end Dunk’s side ended up winning.
Last year at Balticon GRRM actually confirmed that Brienne is is the descendent of Ser Duncan the Tall. Some people have speculated that therefore, in the end, it will be Brienne who is Sansa’s true champion. Which I am down for tbh.
So yeah, I think there is plenty of potential for Sansa to get her happy ending. Whether or not she’ll actually get it in canon though is very questionable, I guess I can see it going either way. It wouldn’t be unlike GRRM to take the most romantically minded, eager for love character in the series and never let her truly fall in love or have anyone truly fall in love with her. But like I said in the beginning, the extent to which this theme is basically beaten to death in Sansa’s arc is, for me, also evidence to the contrary. It also wouldn’t be unlike GRRM to have a character become completely disillusioned and hopeless, and then throw them a narrative curveball that makes them question everything they think they have learned. I do think Sansa wants a happy, loving marriage, and I hope she gets it because after everything she has been through I think she more than deserves it.
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pendulumprince · 7 years
Wow, Vrains is undeniably more violent than previous installments. I won't be surprised if someone from the cast will get killed later in the series. Out of everyone we have now who do you think might meet such a fate?
So I think we can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Yusaku is safe. He’ll be put through the wringer, and almost died in episode-fucking-two, but he’s the protagonist. He isn’t going to die.
Everyone else is fair game, though.
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You said ‘most likely’ but I’m going through multiple people because that’s just how I roll.
It’ll be on a scale of 1-10, 1 being unlikely (but possible) and 10 being expected.
Ignis (1/10)
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Tbh, Ignis is probably going to ‘die’ at some point. Being an AI, what this will entail is anyone’s guess, but I would imagine that it’d have something to do with his programming being rewritten/corrupted/deleted.
Thing is, though, we already have two proficient hackers/code nerds in the cast who could potentially ‘fix’ Ignis if this were to happen (Yusaku and Shoichi). More still may be coming. 
The chances of Ignis dying permanently are pretty low. YGO has never permanently killed the protagonist’s partner before, either, but… there’s a first time for everything. If this were to happen, it would for sure be either just before, or during the endgame duel. Just as Ignis was labled as a ‘savior’ both by himself and Yusaku in the first episode, I could only really see Ignis dying trying to save everyone else.
Aoi (1/10)
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YGO has also never killed off the main female lead. Doesn’t mean it can’t ever happen. 
I don’t think we know quite enough about Aoi at this point to predict how she could permadie. But if I could dictate how it went down…?
Make Aoi Zaizen a hero. If she has to die, I would want her to go down in a truly spectacular, Magical-Girl-esque fashion. As with any female character, it would be best if her death meant something aside from inspiring/enraging the dudes in her life. It would also be best if it happened in the midst of some heroic act only she could carry out.
I mean this is YGO so I’m not holding my breath, either for her permadeath or for a particularly heroic tempdeath. Still, this would be ideal.
Go (3/10)
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Slightly more likely than Ignis or Aoi. 
This past episode has me thinking that Go and Yusaku are eventually gonna develop that quasi-romantic best bro vibe, reminiscent to the one Yuya and Gongenzaka shared. 
And it’s been established that Go, despite his flaws, is pretty golden hearted. He does everything to support the orphanage where he grew up, and only really wants to be the best for their sake. This suggests selflessness, and like Ignis, i could easily see Go sacrificing himself somewhere down the line.
Maybe it’ll be for those orphans he cares so much about. Maybe it’ll be for the citizens of Den City, or to preserve Link Vrains.
Or… maybe it’ll be for Yusaku. Like I said, I feel like this duel set it up for the two of them to be allies down the line, and eventual besties. So what would be more poignant if the first person Yusaku specifically doesn’t want taking on the KoH sacrifices himself for him, in the midst of that cause?
Revolver (3/10)
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Revolver should probably be lower down on this list, if not for the fact that we know he’s going to heel-face turn at some point.
Like Aoi, I don’t think we know enough about Revolver yet to predict what his permadeath could look like. The only thing that most readily comes to mind is Specter taking him out in order to assume leadership over the KoH, or his father waking up from his coma (post Revolver’s face turn) and trying to kill his son for defecting/disbanding the KoH.
Akira (5/10)
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You know what the writers could do to 1) invoke feels, 2) give a certain big brother his heroic moment of glory, and 3) set up Aoi/Blue Angel to go on a revenge quest?
Kill Akira. 
Akira is a lowkey antag right now—he hasn’t done anything overtly evil, but he’s distant and aloof and even downright negligent (when it comes to Aoi and the safety of Link Vrains users). But we also know that by virtue of being the older brother of our female lead, the he isn’t going to stay this way.
The clearest path with Akira’s death involves him heel-face turning and going up against his bosses (all six of them). They would have reason to go after him if he did, as I’m sure that Akira knows a shitton of company secrets.
And I’m sure they know that the fastest way to make Akira bend to their will is by threatening his sister.
So the writers could have Akira duel them to protect Aoi. And he could lose…
Or if the writers wanted to put in a Pyrrhic Victory, he could win, but sustain enough injuries to kill his body in the real world. 
Ema (7/10)
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Wait, you mean the mysterious character who doesn’t have any clear ties to anyone has a high chance of being killed off? Who would’ve thunk! 
With Ema, it could be just about anything. Unless a certain theory of mine comes true, she has no association with anyone besides Akira, and that seems to be a working relationship (mostly). So I can’t see Ema heroically sacrificing herself, at least not as she is right now.
Her death could honestly be in an accident, or in order to display the prowess of a particular antagonist. To be clear, I don’t want Ema to be ‘made an example of’ in this way. It’s just most likely to happen if she doesn’t go through a certain amount of character development beforehand. 
Naoki (8/10)
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It’s very simple:
Naoki admires Playmaker because he fights for justice. In episode 1, Naoki says that he, too, wants to someday be a duelist who fights for justice.
So Naoki’s permadeath would involve him doing just that, and dying in the process. 
Shoichi (10/10)
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I am here to break hearts.
Yusaku, our mean and distant protagonist, cares about Shoichi way too much. No matter how you interpret their relationship, Shoichi is Yusaku’s rock. He’s the only person Yusaku trusts, as well as the only character thus far not to display any overtly negative traits. 
And that, right there, is why something awful is on the horizon for Shoichi. 
And I can’t say what that could be. ‘Something awful’ could be Yusaku pulling away from him once he (Yusaku) starts making friends. ‘Something awful’ could be him finding out Revolver is his brother, or that his brother is dead and has been for years. Or that awful thing could be his death. 
And like Naoki, there’s a very clear, simple path for it: he could die either protecting/saving Yusaku, or protecting/saving his brother. Extra bonus points if he saves one of them from an attack sent out by the other.
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johnnyrebuniverse · 7 years
Let’s Get Personal Challenge
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Jealousy(Robert DeLong) Genesis(Armors) Tennis Court(Lorde) Fool’s Game(This Century) Drive(Glades) Thorns(Luna Shadows)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
I would meet my Grandmother. I never truly got to know her because she was in a hospital bed and could never speak to me. So I would meet her.
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“A hero among commoners, Bacon nonetheless was an aristocrat who simmered over his lack of access to the governor’s inner circle.” (A Patriot’s History of the United States.)
4: What do you think about most?
I think about all the ways I can say hello and goodbye the next time I see her...
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“Yeah tbh…”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Depends on how depressed I am. (No judging.)
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can describe interpersonal struggles to a person’s life by merely looking into their eyes for at least 15-17 seconds.
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls make better sweaters; Boys make rocks out of feathers.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yes actually. I was touched.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
Just now. I always end up doing it when I listen to music.
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
Hmmmm, I’m terrified of holding someone's last words forever in my mind. Does that count?
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Never. Q-Tips, are totally natural objects.
13: What’s your religion?
I am a follower of The lord Jesus Christ. :)(Christian)  Religion is relative and subjective.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Running or working.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Yes. Just yes.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Gaah. Probably This Century.
17: What was the last lie you told?
That I was okay when they asked me how I felt about being stalked by my ex.
18: Do you believe in karma?
I believe in justice.
19: What does your URL mean?
It’s from the Civil War era, a common jock made by Union to Confederates soldiers.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
What kind of weakness? Okay okay...fine. W-1: Giving too many second chances, loving too hard. S-1: Singing to bring people together, people, and running fast. W-2: When she runs her fingers through my hair(imma be honest) S-2: When she smiles at me and says I’m strong enough for both of us. :)
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Oooooo! Emma Stone or Lorde(Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor.) :) #EmmaStoneandLordeisbae
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
Guitar and singing or running...for a long time. It gives me time to think of how dumb I am.
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Hmmm, I have a collection of loose leaf sketches I’ve made over the years.
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Talking on the phone.
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I’m happier with him that who he was, but still striving for better.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Sound I hate: Crying(breaks the heart) Sound I love: Laughter or piano bar jazz.
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if… I became all the things I swore to never be. Would I be loved?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I believe in certain spirits and the Holy Ghost. I like the idea of ghosts and aliens though.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Right: Nothing Left: Corkboard.
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
Book paper, wood and coffee.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
Downtown Ohio.
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Lorde. (Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor)
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
To love, live, and strive for good things and give glory to God no matter how hard life becomes.
36: Define Art.
The expression of beautiful things through poetry, music, lyrics, painting, drawing and dancing.
37: Do you believe in luck?
No… mostly because i’ve never had any. lol
38: What’s the weather like right now?
Night. Hot. Florida… hot.
39: What time is it?
9:31 pm.
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
Not legally. Lol And yes.
41: What was the last book you read?
“Strategies for Academic Success.”
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
I have a few. :)
44: What was the last film you saw?
Despicable Me. (I got bored...very very bored.)
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Broken heart. Lol (no but really) Dent in my forehead(still there) from a bike wreck.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Yup. it was kinda terrifying.
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Yes...Her… Journalism. Lorde. Making people smile(it counts)
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
Yup, it wasn’t fun...at all.
50: Do you believe in magic?
Not unless chocolate cake counts.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
No actually. I just have a lot of sadness for them.
52: What is your astrological sign?
Gemini/Virgo (I have two cause I’m special lol)
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
Mountain Dew.
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
In heart, mind and spirit.. Waiting in body.
57: How many relationships have you had?
Two “relationships.” but no real ones.
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
Heck no.
59: Where were you yesterday?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yes... There is something pink on my wrist.
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
Wolf, fox, hawk and J-raff’s. lol
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
What? None that i am aware of. Ask other people. lol
64: Where is your best friend?
I have few in many places.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
@haileyisradsauce @champasaurus @toonimated @snarkies @kuvshinov-ilya
66: What is your heritage?
40 acres of land and a beautiful sky to share with someone special one day.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Bound for hell.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
Not sure. I know me and I know my bad sides.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dang dog and show up with it to work, turning in my things and collecting my last pay check.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
Probably only a few people. B. Hold her for all of them. C. Death is afraid of what comes after it. I am not.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Love is trust.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Jealousy by Robert DeLong
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
HA! I don’t own a cell phone, ask my friends… h-hang on, let me e-mail’em real quick for you.
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Trust. And little reminders of how valued they are in your life.
77: How can I win your heart?
Pick the pieces up after it breaks. Or hold me… heck, touch my chin, with your index finger, run your fingers through my hair and whisper all kinds of stuff(if we’re being honest).
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
For her. Yes. But for me it’s driving me nuts cause i wanna just freaking love her out loud.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
10 ½ (That whole “foot size” thing isn’t true by the way *cough* living testimony.)
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
“Overrated and Underpaid.”
82: What is your favourite word?
“Lackadaisical” (Lazy)
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
Two hands holding a chipped heart over a cardboard box filled with newspaper. Huh…?
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“You right” and “I got you”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
“Holy Ghost” by BORNS. (<3)
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Whichever creates a more beautiful illustration of my thoughts.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
My working  E.P. Album cover.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
My mind.
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“Why do you love me?” Because I’d be terrified if i didn’t tell or show you enough. Having to tell or show how truly i love you would break my heart for you and me. Every kiss would be held by a tear.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Stare...drool…. Fall back asleep and hope it was a dream.
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Shape shifting.
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
July 19th 2017 11 p.m.
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
None. They’ve made who I am.
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Are we legit sleeping? Or “sleeping”? If we’re actually sleeping then I’m throwing a lock-in with Andrew Garfield. lol
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Well, I’m gonna go to her house and take her to Europe.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
Not that I know of.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
When i was like seven or so. Best pair of black corduroy overalls i ever had...ruined.
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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blushedaesthetic · 7 years
Hey my friend pls do them all!!! Love u
Thank u!! Love u too! This is gonna be so long omg. Here we go.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? from the dinning table - harry styles, old school - urban cone, feel it still - portugal. the man, gyalchester - drake, violet - hippo campus, avoiding glances - the manatees2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - harry styles or josh dun3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. - “The night grew ever colder, Aragorn and Gimli slept fit-”4: What do you think about most? - money and sex 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? - uhhh it’s too personal but it’s from monet 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? - without 7: What’s your strangest talent? - I have none 8: Girls are beautiful and i love them ; Boys are also beautiful but not 4 me 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? - no10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? - uhhh yesterday 11: Do you have any strange phobias? - holes lol12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? - yeah to make my nephew laugh13: What’s your religion? - agnostic 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? - walking around or just laying in the grass 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - depends 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? - 1d and top17: What was the last lie you told? - I don’t remember tbh18: Do you believe in karma? - yes19: What does your URL mean? - blushed pink is my aesthetic 20: What is your greatest weakness - I can be really manipulative and fake and selfish; your greatest strength - when i care about someone i’ll do whatever i can for them21: Who is your celebrity crush? - harry styles and emma watson22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? - yes23: How do you vent your anger? - isolate myself or hit stuff 24: Do you have a collection of anything? - makeup and tiny things 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - phone26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? - eh27: What’s a sound you hate - forks scratching plates; sound you love - harry’s voice and monets giggle 28: What’s your biggest “what if”? - what if I had stayed 10 minutes longer after my second top show and got to meet josh dun 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - yes to both30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? - lamp Do the same with your left arm. - coffee table 31: Smell the air. What do you smell? -raspberry vinaigrette 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? - funerals and hospitals 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? - east coast 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? - harry styles or taehyung 35: To you, what is the meaning of life? - beats me; live fast die young lol36: Define Art. - anything that impacts you emotionally 37: Do you believe in luck? - eh38: What’s the weather like right now? - warm and calm39: What time is it? - 2:25 am40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? - yes and no41: What was the last book you read? - me before you42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? - yesss43: Do you have any nicknames? - no44: What was the last film you saw? - keith lol45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? - busted jaw, cuts, and road rash when I wrecked my four wheeler  46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? - yea47: Do you have any obsessions right now? - naruto48: What’s your sexual orientation? - gay as fuck 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? - yes 50: Do you believe in magic? - no :(51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? - yes but i hide it cause in fake 52: What is your astrological sign? - libra 53: Do you save money or spend it? - spend it even when i don’t have it 54: What’s the last thing you purchased? - chicken strip basket from dairy queen55: Love or lust? - love56: In a relationship? - yes!57: How many relationships have you had? - just one 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? - no59: Where were you yesterday? - camping with monet60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? - monets shirt 61: Are you wearing socks right now? - no62: What’s your favourite animal? - polar bear or pugs63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? - um I’m just nice??64: Where is your best friend? - at home 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. - samraclaus, noshmonet, all my friends 66: What is your heritage? - scottish, irish, english, and native american 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? - talking to monet or I think68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? - trump69: Biggest turn ons? - smelling good, being funny, soft skin, and being a good kisser70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? - I think so71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? - ummm??? obviously the dog???? what kind of question is this????72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? wow um I probably wouldn’t tell anyone so they wouldn’t worry b) What do you do with your remaining days? - spend time with people I love and spend all the money in my savings on things for them c) Would you be afraid? - afraid of what happens after 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. - trust. I couldn’t love someone truly if I didn’t trust them so74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? - pimp juice by nelly lol 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? - 928676: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? - trust, love, mutual respect and communication77: How can I win your heart? - don’t take yourself too seriously, be kind, and validate me 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? - definitely 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? - choosing to surround myself with the people I love80: What size shoes do you wear? - 81/2 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? - the entire bee movie script  82: What is your favourite word? - fuck83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. - ache (yikes)84: What is a saying you say a lot? - pain is weakness leaving the body 85: What’s the last song you listened to? - new york by urban cone86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? - pastel pink87: What is your current desktop picture? - harry styles 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? - donald trump89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - anything regarding how I really feel 90: Turn offs? - bad breath, pretentious, rude to waiters, being a boy 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? - the power to turn anything I want into hundred dollar bills92: where are your parents from? - mom is from ny and dad is from indiana 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? - when my mom left my dad for awhile when I was little or when my dad took too many pain pills and told me I was gonna go to hell  94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? - amber liu95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? - somewhere with a beach96: Do you have any relatives in jail? - not currently but I’m not sure tbh. They go in and out lol97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? - yes after I saw 1d at otra I got sick in my dads truck98: Ever been on a plane? - nope99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say - being yourself is scary, especially in the world today, but be proud of who you are and always live to spread love not hate. Also fuck trump for leaving the paris accord you’re an idiot and a dick who’s gonna destroy the planet for money!!
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Episode 4 - "We get to form the narrative" - Patrick
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I lost my two closest allies I am pissed. Vilma come home (Ginger too I guess). I do NOT trust Clash and Allan those people will backstab at moment's notice I am FUCKED
So tribe split is 3-2-2. Logically if the 2 other tribes will work together and uh take us out. And uhh I have def been the biggest impression person. And uhh merge is decently soon so maybe they use that as a reason. My predictions have been correct so far but how about not this time? :) 
Goal is to beat Vilma in the scavenger hunt
hosts' mean making me doubt my life 
I really want to make merge so I'll actually get my game on I guess. I'll throw Allan and Clash under the bus if I must. I'll do my best to befriend these people as part of my game because all other friendships are fake as we know. So far I'm trying to get with the aussie gang. Yanks will burn 
I am slightly less mad about the swap now. But it's for personal reasons. Here are the power rankings of my new tribemates: - SluggyG - Stephen - Pat - Randy. Randy and I don't seem to click sadly.
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Just like our tribe predicted there was a tribe swap and i ended up being in a tribe of 7 with 2 people from my previous tribe - Stephen and me. Having Stephen here is honestly great because although we didn't look like we were a pair in the old ala mai, we actually were and made a solid 2 man alliance before tribal council. I also told him about how Jacob and Michael were playing in the middle to gain some trust and so I believe we're tight. Every step from here on out is crucial to our game. We need to take out faatasi, there's two ala mai and two salaotoga (however u spell it), we just need to make sure we are together as a 4. 
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I hate swaps, when zwooper did its first 40 person swap survival game, my social and strategic game at the first stage was perfect. I was aligned with everyone. Once the swap came all of my allies disappeared to the other tribe and I flopped BADLY ! 
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FINALLY WAS PUT ON A TRIBE WITH VILMA! I HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THE SURVIVOR GODS! hehe. anyway. for real though, love this new tribe. my analysis of each person: liana: of all my old tribe mates, I wanted to be with her the least. but it's fine I guess. she's nice, I'm just not close with her. if the tribe wants to vote her out I'd do it. vilma: amazing active queen goddess mOM she told me she's heard good things about me and was saying in her host chat that she wanted to be on a tribe with me this whole time and GIRL me too!!!!!!!! I want her to be my closest ally I adore her. she's also a great challenge help! I truly don't think we'll lose this scavenger hunt because we have some hard workers on our tribe like her ginger: very sweet!! I love her. I think we'll align. she mentioned how she liked how many girls were on this tribe and to that I say hell yeah - we love some girl power! she's somewhat of a weird texture but like a lot of emotion gets lost when typing? lots of people sound bland to me? but she's cute and been talking to me a lot today! I appreciate her tyler: I'm like low key scared of him for some reason I remember watching him in a game a while while back and he was like so mean?? so I'm hoping he's not mean anymore? or if he is mean that he isn't mean to ME like pls like me? but also he kinda gives off a I am scared of women and only like men vibe......... uh idk? jacob: okay I love him he's so sweet! interesting that he got the 1 vote from the ala mai tribal - kind of shows he's more or less in the bottom of the ala mai bunch so maybe I can infiltrate that and make him a good ally for me going forward! he said tribal was hard because everyone was pretty active and got along. so it seems he thinks the tribe is all big and happy - maybe he's not in any alliances? who knows michael: barely talked to him tbh. but idk how much I really like him? seemed really good in the w4 c9 challenge so ???? maybe he'll be good challenge help and someone to look out for at merge. I also feel like he and tyler would be good allies together. so yeah. that's just a hunch based off of their personalities overall: I have hope that my tribe won't flop and HOPEFULLY we will win these upcoming challenges!! and I'm going to pull my mother fucking weight so they know I'm good in challenges and that they should keep me if they don't want to go to tribal! I really really really do not think randy will do anything in the scavenger hunt LMAO like no tea no shade I don't think I remember him doing anything in mongolia and he's in four fucking games. also never goes out of his house. so it's like we're a tribe of seven vs a tribe of six? lmao let's hope!! 
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God I am really not photogenetic, really don't like how I come off in videos but oh well what can you do. I used to struggle with my looks but honestly I really like how I look nowadays. Issue now is manerisms :/ Slowly but surely. Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the psyche of Veni 
I am going out with friends today to go all over town in search of hopefully doing really well in the scavenger hunt. I can do almost everything, the ones that are doubtful are all the DVDs, the book, the airplane and the sandcastle. I might build a sandcastle. I wanna build a sandcastle. 
Man I really miss Vilma the more days pass. Some people are just a drag to talk to and now I can't share my determination for the challenge with anyone. It is disheartening 
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Tribe Swap: Well It was bound to happen, at least I got swapped into a tribe with possibly my 2 closest allies in Tyler and Jacob. Vilma is also on this tribe, I'm thinking we might be able to use her as a target due to how strong she is in challenges and that we wouldn't want to take her to merge. I have spent some time cultivating new relations with Emily and Vilma, Chatted a little with Ginger and now trying to chat with Liana. Need to find out where votes are going. Immunity Challenge: Why are the big challenges like this when Im at work for most of the time. I can get most of these selfies and videos, unfortunately I wont be able to get to a Zoo, Beach or Airport for some of these points :( Flags apparently don't exist in South Australia either... WTF?!?! A bit concerned with amount of black spaces in out hunt, hopefully during the night it will pick up again. Time zones are making it difficult to chat with people, but I will continue to try :D 
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So you would be thinking that with a tribe swap you'd have a breath of fresh air meeting new people and having challenges in a new environment, it's actually quite the opposite. In this challenge so far only 3 out of 7 people have pulled their weight which is why we're likely to head to tribal sooner than we think. Having NA people on your tribe is so different because I'm 12 hours ahead of them, I sleep when they wake up, they sleep when I wake up. 
I must move forward with some sort of plan even though I'm trying to take it round at a time, Stephen and I aren't going anywhere. Originally I wanted Veni gone seeing he's a threat and could go back to OG Faatasi at the merge. But after thinking about it, he's a THREAT. He's the meat shield that I need to get further in this game - if I work with him, even at the merge, the target will be on him and all the heat will be of me (unless he wins immunity). EITHER WAY (dnnyys says that a lot) there are more pros keeping Veni around till merge - doing well in challenges, having someone to talk to, plus veni is also part of the old community Michael, Jacob and I are in so if we all make it to merge something may happen? That's a maybe but the idea is keep Veni and gain his trust and his loyalty. He seems fine taking out anyone who isn't contributing so we'll just do that for the timebeing.
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I am really sweating right now hopefully my tribemates actually post points. If not hopefully they don't vote me out as a challenge threat and keep me around. 
Pat is rising in my power rankigs. Seems like a really chill dude with a heart for trying stuff. 
Allan and Clash are being kinda bad at talking to me. I want to stick with them but bleh. I don't know.. 
Pat is my #1 in the power rankings
Well I can't blame anyone specifically. And I got beat by 1 point by 2 differnet people. This is rather depressing.
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This tribe is so much more inactive than Ala Mai... also we’re gonna lose this challenge. Sluggy says he wants to work with the US guys to take out the EU guys, but I’m thinking the opposite, for several reasons. First is the europeans timezone is closer to ours, so we have more time to talk. Another is the europeans are more active and social in general, and better in challenges. Finally.... I just don’t trust Sluggy, hes hard to read, he seems to be hard to work with cause he won’t let go of ideas :/ For now I’m gonna bide my time, see what develops, but if the opportunity to work with the europeans comes up Im definitely gonna consider it.
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Um so this vote is gonna be real messy trust me I want to do sluggy but it might be Veni or randy and I honestly don’t know... I just hope whatever is done is done for the best and I stay safe 
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Winning the challenge is great, but the lack of communication coming from Ginger and Liana is a little annoying. They seem to be very inactive, whereas Emily and Vilma are amazing. I actually like this tribe more than the original Ala Mai. I feel like Vilma and Emily were a good trade for Stephen and Sluggy. Sluggy and Stephen were great and reliable, but Vilma and Emily are more active and seem to have a much more bubbly personality. 
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Things are looking alright this vote. I will have to betray someone either way so that sucks. I am bad @ Randy though for the 6 points. 
I believe the current plan is, EU and AUS/Sluggy unite against Pat and Randy. In case of idol we split the votes 3-2-2. 3 being on Randy. 
I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge I wanna make merge
So like genuinely I really like Pat Sluggy and Stephen more than the rest of tribe in terms of working together and such but like, the OG tribe lines are really bugging me. If I at some point vote out Allan or Clash then I lose potential trust from Ginger and Vilma maybe and definitely from Allan/Clash depending whoever goes. I want to tell Pat the alleged plan so I really hope it does not backfire. I am uncertain yet. 
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So we expectedly lost the challenge and now we have to go to tribal. Stephen and I are in the middle of the OG Faatasi and OG Salotaoga (is that how you spell it?). Anyways my original plan was to go for the europeans because if we get small in numbers the europeans can as a force of 3 pick us off, but now because of what happened in the challenge and Randy's performance people like Stephen and Veni wanna vote Randy off. I've made my case to Stephen and it really comes to a cost benefit analysis for him and I and I'm honestly looking at it from a long term point of view, hope it pays off.
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Getting bad vibes from the vote. I mean honestly as long as it's not me go nuts
I am really struggling with what information to give to people
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today i went to counseling then ate a biscuit for lunch. and i want to host a bachelorette org. nothing is happening in the game tho because guess what MY TRIBE WONNNNNNNN THE CHALLLLLLENGGGGEEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i love this tribe because we can actually win things and people actually talk to me :-) also i shared my idol guesses with vilma & liana and they shared back. either way i think it’s already found. i just wanna find the spot that it’s at ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just so i know know know for sure
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This week has been very interesting. Coming with randy was exactly what I wanted so that I know I could trust my old tribemate and he’ll vote with me no problem. I just hosted a game with clash in it and we clicked instantly and both had the same excited energy when coming into this tribe and seeing each other. Me him and randy have all formed an alliance and then also have another alliance including Allan, whom I enjoy a lot, we’re planning an attack on veni/sluggy tonight because Veni is playing to hard too fast and it’s super obvious. He’s also super close with vilma (who I already perceived as a massive threat) and ginger. So voting out veni prevents Veni from going back to those two and telling them everything that happened. We get to form the narrative 
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Okay so I have a lot to talk about and very little time to do so, let's get into it: So at the start of this week (after immunity) Us Europeans decided it would be a good idea to team up with the Australians and get Randy out. However, my first issue came up with Sluggy said he had to "check with Veni and Stephen". That immediately set off alarm bells with me because why would Sluggy have to check with Veni?? Then, Veni brings up some plan to split the votes in case of an idol. Splitting the votes seemed like the dumbest idea I'd heard of and everything started to sound suspicious af so Clash and I got together and decided to work with the Americans to make sure we would be safe. While we're doing all this, Veni makes about 4 alliances (All without me) promising final 2's and stuff. I'm honestly so done with him so we've all (hopefully) decided to vote him out. If I'm wrong then I guess my game is tanked but right now I feel good. 
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So the name of this round is “Is Veni a Snakey-Snake?” The answer is yes. Clash tells me he has alliances with everyone, so we’re gonna vote him out. Gonna double check my facts first tho 
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Hello this stupid european freak thinks he can outplay the greatest america player in history aka me so im just j chilling in this tribe when we swapped. and like this aussie sluggy rat comes to me and is like "american and aussies work together" and i said ok cool. and then i went on inactive mode because i didnt want to talk to anybody. then we had an immunity challenge and i didnt compete at all for it practically because i hated the challenge! but nobody else did stellar so it didnt matter. so we lost immunity, i get told real quick by pat and clash that the europeans want 3 votes on me while aussies do 2 votes on pat. we wanted to mix that up so originally we were going to vote together as 3 and just take Slugg out. But then we added Allan so we had four votes Then veni decides to heat up  his fucking crack pipe and take 4 hits before messaging me. Telling me things like "pats getting out, fix it" and "hey  i really trust you! hopefully you make merge". like stupid shady shit that doesnt look good so i g o to the alliance and i said vote veni out now we're about to go to tribal and we're going to see if the american brat gets his way. wish me luck
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For those who think I wasted an idol I technically did but remember I just woke up to hear my name that Veni, my second closest ally in the tribe wants me gone and is rallying others to vote me off, so if Veni had Pat and Randy and got one more to flip I would have definitely gone home. It was definitely scary and I'm not afraid to admit I was scared and shaking in front of my computer, but I made up my mind about playing it since half an hour before tribal so. I guess now is the real test to see if I can make it further in the game without any sort of extra protection on my back, but Veni was a sneaky guy despite being not fluent in his speaking.
Veni a huge threat is gone when I wanted to take him to the merge to use as a shield but that didn't work. That goes to show how important it is to make sure you're not playing hard in the first few parts of the game, but timing is really key in this game, and i gotta pick the right timing to strike and when to back off.
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Woooohoo! We wonn!! I'm so happy to have a night off. I am loving this tribe switch and have liked everyone I have talked to so far. I think we just got the power tribe both with challenges and socially. Emily actually shared where she has searched for an idol with me so we could cover more ground. It makes me sus of maybe her and someone else working together on Saratoga. (although maybe they were all just social flops) I'm still really happy I found an idol on the first try because I feel like I look semi inactive (always working) so no one would suspect it would be me who has the idol. My plan is to maybe blame Ruthie? Idk i haven't thought it through yet, but she definitely seems like someone who would find an idol first. Anyway my lying has already started because I told Emily how frustrating it is to have so many combinations to make it seem like I don't have it.
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Uhhhhh so we swapped. Immediately I was excited to be on a tribe with Emily, because I've heard she's super nice and people were absolutely right she really is!!!! I like everyone on my new tribe to be fair, but I'm kinda spooked because Ginger is the only og Faatasi who swapped with me and I've been performing fairly well in challenges so I'm scared I will be targeted fast if I end up going to tribal with these guys. I'm glad Ginger and I have a good relationship though, plus he is super social (unlike me) so hopefully he can help me in that regard and use his social skills to build new bonds. Obviously I'm trying my best to do that too but I'm not too convinced in my ability to succeed at that. It's just a lot. I'm too introverted all I wanna do is keep to myself and hide in my cave even though I know that's not smart. I've chatted some with everyone though and they all seem nice.... But yeah I could definitely step up my social game some. Emily and I have been sharing our idol guesses and Ginger told me he is becoming close with Tyler and Emily... We'll see how things develop from here. Personally I've enjoyed talking to Emily and Michael the most. Plus Michael seems to be quite a challenge threat as well, I'm hoping he would like to keep me in as his shield. That's what I'm gonna try to pitch for at least, if we ever end up in tribal. We won the scavenger hunt challenge which was neat because I love scavenger hunts. I went all out in the challenge ONCE AGAIN and tbh we need to talk about my threat level in a bit but first let's have a Moment of Silence for my NUMBER ONE ALLY VENI WHO GOT VOTED OUT ON FAATASI AND I'M VERY UPSETTI SPAHGETTI. :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( VENI ROBBED HE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT. I'm so shocked even Clash and Allan turned on him and I NEED SOME EXPLANATIONS. I'm dying to know what happened there. I really wonder if Faatasi threw the challenge to get rid of him, but Sluggy played his idol though, so he must have thought for real there was a chance he was going home tonight?? That's what confuses me. But it's cool to know he had the og Ala Mai idol and it confirmed my suspicions that it had already been claimed thanks to all the reward challenge clues they got. I wonder if it will be rehidden now though... Doesn't hurt to try and search anyway, I guess? But yeah let's talk about the fact how screwed I am if I ever go to tribal with this tribe. Veni going was definitely a reality check for me, and now I feel super uncertain about my own position in the game. For some reason everyone and their mother seems to think I'm a big threat and I guess it's mostly due to me performing well in challenges and that SUCKS. Because music videos and scavenger hunts happen to be my two favorite challenges and I simply don't know how to hold myself back when it comes to them. Dennis asking me the threat question at first tribal plus the judges hyping me up in the music video challenge definitely didn't help my case either ugh ily guys but I'm in TROUBLE. KAJSHDKAHF. But to be fair I've always done middle tier / poorly in flash game challenges, I feel like my challenge threat status isn't completely accurate. Most of the immunity challenges so far have been those kind where those who put in the most effort have been rewarded (Music videos, The 24 hour challenge, Scavenger hunt). I've done well in those because 1. I happen to love 66% of those challenges and 2. I have no life. But if we had skill- or luck-based challenges like flash games or puzzles I don't think I'd perform very well at those at all. Even Ginger told me I need to stop performing so well in challenges and I agree with him. But I'm just scared it might already be too late now. Also challenges are genuinely the part I enjoy the most in orgs, I hate the backstabbing and socializing, so it feels stupid to restrict myself from enjoying the game just to do better at it... Ugh. What an internal struggle. I hope the next challenge will be something I naturally suck at so I don't even have to think about it.
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