#trust me when i say divorce is definitely a better option than staying miserable for the rest of your life
thotsfortherapy · 2 years
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thefandomlesbian · 5 years
#15 on the imagines list: “stop pretending you’re ok, because I know you’re now” - Foxxay AU where misty gets Cordelia to release some pent up emotion after the acid attack.
AO3 link here! 
Thanks for the prompt :) Please read on AO3, since Tumblr eats my formatting when I copy and paste (and I don’t have the time or the patience to go back and fix it). 
Misty sat across the couch from Cordelia in the silence of Miss Robicheaux’s. I shouldn’t be staying here. She ground her teeth. The place reeked—not physically, but emotionally. Souls were crying out. This was a place where tormented souls had never gained their rest. She wrung her hands. She had come here because she trusted Myrtle and because she had nowhere else to go, so when her revived friend told her she knew a place that was safe, she followed. I wouldn’t have if she had told me where it was. Misty didn’t know where else she would have gone. Everyone she had ever known thought she was dead—she preferred it that way. If she was dead, she was safe… or so she had thought, anyway. 
Cordelia and the other witches insisted she was safe from the witch hunters. But the longer she was here, the more she wondered if this whole place was just a more elaborate way to kill witches. After all, no one knew she was alive except for Zoe—how else would anyone have learned about her? Her lips twisted downward as she thought, tapping her toes on the wooden floor. It was all a puzzle, and Misty had never been one for solving puzzles, not the cardboard kind. She preferred her puzzles in real life before her, like finding the most effective way to climb a tree or the driest way to cross a brook. Thinking puzzles weren’t for her. 
The telephone rang. Misty glanced sideways at Cordelia, who held a book in her lap, open to a page, head bent down as if she could read the ink, but she kept trailing her fingers back and forth over the sheet of paper unevenly. She didn’t move at the sound of the telephone. Her dim fingers kept trailing over the book. The light refracted off of the dark lenses of her sunglasses. Is she gonna answer the telephone? It rang again, and Cordelia didn’t move. Misty shrugged it off and popped off of the couch. She didn’t have anything better to do but to answer the phone. Then, she would interact with Cordelia, try to make her look a little less morose. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’ve got a bad aura… She can probably tell I hate it here. 
Trotting off into the other room, Misty surveyed, trying to follow the sound of the ringing, before she finally spotted a landline phone two rooms away, well out of Cordelia’s earshot. “Hullo, Miss Robicheaux’s.” 
“Hey, Misty, it’s Zoe.” Misty perked up at the sound of Zoe’s familiar voice. “Listen, um, Luke is being lifted to another hospital, and Nan doesn’t want to leave him, so we decided to humor her. Madison’s going to drive us all down to Baton Rouge. We’ve got Kyle, so you don’t have to worry about him—and I think Fiona is going to be out with her date. It’ll just be you and Cordelia for awhile… Unless you want to come?” 
Zoe’s offering was reluctant, and Misty was equally reluctant to accept. “Nah, I think I got plenty of things I like better than being stuck in a vehicle with Kyle for hours on end.” Cordelia was odd, morose, sombre, but at least she wasn’t a hurricane in skin. Maybe I can cheer her up. “So me and Miss Cordelia—er, what’s her deal? She’s awful quiet.” Misty lowered her voice, just in case Cordelia could hear her. “She’s been holding this book staring at one page for close to an hour.” 
“Oh…” Zoe paused, and Misty could hear the sound of her audibly licking her lips. “She, um, I think she’s like… grieving. Because, I mean, just a few weeks ago, she was blinded—” 
“She was what?” Misty interrupted. She lowered her voice into a hushed whisper again. “I thought she was born that way!” she hissed. 
“What? Oh, no, that just happened recently. Halloween night, actually.” Well, no wonder she’s morose. “Somebody bumped into her in a bar bathroom and hurled acid in her face. They thought it was a case of mistaken identity, but Fiona said it was Myrtle, and that was why they burned her… Didn’t she tell you?” 
Misty blinked. “I never ask anybody how or why they died. That’d be awful rude.” She had first hand experience with dying, and when she woke up, the last thing she had wanted was for somebody to stick their face in hers demanding what had happened and how and why. She wanted to be alone, safe under the dirt, forever. 
“Um… If you say so.” Zoe cleared her throat. “Anyway, then, when she woke up, she had the Sight. You know, how she touches people and can see things. She couldn’t do that before, you know, everything happened. But her husband came in—”
“She was married?”
“Would you let me finish?”
“Yeah, sure, sorry—go ahead.” 
“When he touched her, she saw him cheating on her. I guess more than once. So now she’s trying to divorce him and all that jazz. But I don’t know where she is with it or anything. I’ve been kinda busy with everything… And I guess she probably has been, too.”
Misty waited until she heard a definite pause in Zoe’s speech this time before she interjected. “Does she have anybody?” she asked. “This all has been dumped onto her plate.” Where’s her support system? Misty knew better than to ask… She, too, had never had a steady support system. Her family wasn’t capable of providing such a thing, and the kids in school had always feared her. As an adult, she understood why. “Who’s helping her out?” 
Zoe’s uncertainty was palpable. “Well… She and Fiona aren’t on very good terms, but, um, I think Fiona helped her kick Hank out? Fiona always hated Hank, so she’s been gloating it over Cordelia a whole bunch, but at least Hank’s gone. And I think Cordelia’s taking it pretty hard that Queenie left, too, actually… I don’t know. She likes Myrtle, but I haven’t seen her in a couple of days. Did she tell you where she was going before she left? It’s unlike her to just disappear, especially after what happened with Cordelia.” 
Misty sighed. “No, I haven’t seen her.” Maybe she got out of this crazy town while she still had the chance. Misty doubted that Myrtle would abandon Cordelia that way—after all, she had fought so hard to get back here in the first place. But after experiencing this place for a little while, absolutely nothing would surprise Misty. She licked her lips. 
“Anyway, we gotta go. Are you okay? I don’t want anybody to be afraid of the witch hunters.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us. Thanks, Zoe.” Placing the phone back on the hook, Misty turned on her heel and retraced her footsteps back to Cordelia’s side in the living room. She hadn’t moved, still staring down at the book before her. “Hey, Miss Cordelia?” Cordelia lifted her head, closing the book with a snap on her own fingers and then jerking them free from the page. Her mouth formed a small O of surprise, as if she had lost track of time. “That was Zoe on the phone. Everybody’s going to Baton Rouge for awhile with Nan’s boyfriend. I guess Fiona and Myrtle are both MIA, so it’s just gonna be us for awhile unless they turn up.” 
Tilting her head up, Cordelia nodded. “Right… Okay. Thanks, Misty.” She kept trailing her fingers over the cover of her old tome, falling back into her reverent, sad silence. She was so still, so strange, and Misty couldn’t leave her like that, looking all pathetic. 
So she cocked her head. “Why don’t we do something?” Do what? Misty couldn’t appear in public as long as she was legally missing presumed dead; if somebody recognized her, she could be in deep shit. The last thing she needed was for someone from her old life to catch wind of where she was now and follow her—or the witch hunter who had chased her here, to this strange safety. Eh, not what I’d consider safe. She felt she was more likely to die from another witch here than any of the other threats on the outside world… But she had run out of options, at least for the time being. Maybe me and Cordelia could leave together. She entertained the notion. Clearly, Cordelia was miserable here. She needed to get far, far away from Fiona and learn to love herself again. 
But those were all long-distant future goals. First, she needed something for them to do right now, because Cordelia’s sunglasses reflected her face back at her as she asked, “I don’t know… I don’t think I feel up to doing anything in public. I’d just make a fool of myself.” 
Misty sat down beside her, instead of on the opposite end of the couch, and blinked down at the weathered book in her hand. “Well, I can’t really do public, either. If somebody recognized me, we’d be toast—literally, literally toast.” Cordelia cracked a tiny smile. Oh, c’mon, that’s some of my best humor. “We don’t have to do anything huge. I can drive you grocery shopping, since the cabinet’s a little empty. Or we could get coffee.” Cordelia hung her head. I’m losing her. She looked so disappointed, so ashamed. Misty reached out and touched the back of her hand. “Or we could go out to the greenhouse.”
Cordelia’s hand was warm under her touch. Her fingers had a slight tremble, and Misty wondered what she Saw. But she didn’t pull away. Instead, she slowly turned her hand palm-up, so they were palm-to-palm, fingers touching but not yet entwining. “Misty, I—I appreciate you want to entertain me, but I, um, I don’t think I’m cut out for doing much, right now.” She lowered her head, nose pointed down to the cover of her book. “I’m not exactly in a position to have much fun.” 
Misty paused. Okay, so the ‘let’s have fun’ approach isn’t working. Could she be forward? She didn’t want to scare Cordelia off. She’s so pretty. Sitting in the natural light of the living room, the sun streaming through the window, Cordelia’s hair caught in a golden light. “What’s wrong?” she asked hesitantly. 
Cordelia shook her head. Her tangled hair drifted down her face and shook, and Misty wondered if she had been able to brush it since losing her sight. She reached out and tucked a lock behind her ear. Cordelia gave a minute flinch as Misty’s fingers brushed so near to the rim of her sunglasses, but she didn’t pull away. “Nothing,” she said. Her fingers ran up and down the pages of the book. “I’m fine. I’m just tired.” 
“Stop pretending you’re okay. I know you’re not. You’ve been holding this book for over an hour,” Misty pressed gently. Cordelia’s shoulders hunched over. Misty took her hand away from Cordelia and reached for the book, gingerly sliding it out of Cordelia’s lap. She squinted down at the title. It was an aged book, but the title was still legible. Herbology: Magique of Botanical Properties, Misty read on the cover. Cordelia fell silent. Misty carefully opened the cover. “What are you doing with this?” 
Her throat bobbed as she swallowed. “It makes me feel better.” Misty studied her face. “I like the way it smells… the way it feels.” The book was well-worn. Misty could tell which pages had seen the most light. “It was my favorite. I used it all the time, before…” She sighed despondently. “Now I can barely climb the stairs.” Bitterness laced her voice. 
Misty pursed her lips. “Well, you can still use it now. I may not be good for much, but I can read, you know.” 
“I don’t want to be a bother.” 
“You’re not a bother. I’m offering. We’ve got days of nothing but getting to hang out together. I want to be your friend. And I bet there’s a ton you can teach me.” Misty slid the book back over to Cordelia and grabbed her hand again, this time clasping them together. “What do you say?” 
Cordelia’s mouth hung slightly open, a small O, and she didn’t face Misty anymore; her face angled straight at the wall, her breathing heavy and posture rigid. She’s Seeing something. Misty’s brow quirked, and she wanted to call Cordelia’s name, but she didn’t dare interrupt whatever was happening in Cordelia’s mind. Then, she snapped out of it, her jaw closing with a firm click. Her cheeks stained bright red, and she began to giggle. “Miss Cordelia?” Misty asked, uncertainly. 
Covering her mouth with her hand, Cordelia’s shoulders quivered with her slight laughter. “Yes,” she said. “I’m sorry—yes, I’ll go with you.”
Misty grinned. “Can I ask what you Saw?” 
“I think you’ll find out soon enough.” Misty tilted her head, watching as Cordelia stood and the sun stained her hair all honey and beautiful. She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’d really like to kiss her. The thought struck her. 
She stood, offering her arm to Cordelia. “Yeah, you bet I will.” Another giggle confirmed her suspicions. Leading the way to the greenhouse with Cordelia’s book under arm, Misty had never felt lighter. 
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Time Heals.....Chapter Thirty-One
Tiana brushed off her suit before pushing open the entrance door to her lawyer’s office. She didn’t know what was gonna come out of this mediation but she had to try something. Chris really wouldn’t be that cruel to just drop her off and move on like that. He didn’t stay for ten years for no reason so they has to be some way to make this work either as a relationship or financially. She didn’t need his money but if she couldn’t have him, she was taking something valuable with her.
Chris fought the urge to roll his eyes as Tiana walked into the conference room. He leaned back in his seat and twisted a bit to try and calm his nerves. He really wasn’t in the mood to be here, at least not with just Tiana. Robyn was on call if they needed her to clarify anything so she had taken off work to essentially sit and wait to be called in. Knowing she wasn’t busy and he couldn’t hang out with her was really frustrating. They talked about the whole kissing incident, well, Robyn talked and he listened; he shouldn’t be hoping for her to slip up again but he really was. She was completely freaked out about the kisses especially since she made such a big deal about him rubbing her thigh after their concert date. He thought it was hilarious but she wasn’t seeing his reasoning behind his amusement. It was honestly just a kiss, ok two kisses, but it was really nothing to get worked up about. It’s not like he followed his instincts and tried to go further than that even though he does regret that he didn’t. This whole divorce was simply a bump in the road and they’d get over it just like they got over everything else.
“Hello Christopher,” Tiana greeted as she sat down. Chris gave her a smile as he continued twirling his seat. As her lawyer made her way into the room, she sat next to Tiana and Chris sat up straight.
“Now, I’ve spoken to my client and under my advisement, she has decided to commit to mediation to resolve the issue regarding alimony,” Ms. Nevins stated
“I’m not sure what the issue is if the prenup is in black and white, it clearly states alimony in the event of infidelity and/or if children are involved. There are no children between them and infidelity has not happened,” Ms. Weathers rebutted as she opened her leather portfolio, “My client and I would like to know what exactly Mrs. Brown wants because this was a simple matter at first. Documents were filed, served, and signed. That hearing was simple to get a judge’s signature.”
“Mrs. Brown is looking for extended assistance.”
“Under what grounds? She is no disabled or unable to work in any capacity. Again, there are no children involved. What is preventing her from supporting herself?”
“She did not work for 10 years.”
“By choice. Mrs. Brown signed documentation attesting to that in the divorce packet as you should know. It’s not as if Mr. Brown made her to be solely dependent, she chose to be.”
“Are you saying he shouldn't assist in transition?”
“She is looking for support as if they are still married. That is worlds apart from transition assistance. Also, Mr. Brown offered assistance and Mrs. Brown declined.”
Ms. Nevins turned to Tiana, “Is that true, Mrs. Brown?”
“Not technically,” Tiana replied.
“I told you to put what you need in the documents, you did that. I signed and agreed to the terms. You took upon yourself to turn into some revenge plot and try to take me for everything because you were upset. I told you that I have no problem helping you but I am not doing for you what I did when we were married and definitely not because your feelings are hurt. I thought we were past all of this,” Chris interjected.
“This is your fault.”
“I don’t want to be with you, Tiana. And everything you are doing now is just making me really not like you. I thought we agreed to be adults and keep this simple. I’ve held up my end of the deal.”
“Death do us part was the deal and you didn’t hold that up.”
“You can’t forgive me for something that happened eight years ago, sorry for not wanting us to be miserable for the rest of our lives since I ruined the trust.”
“You just wanna be with Robyn.”
“I’d be with her if I wanted to as you can see I am sitting here with you talking in circles about an issue that isn’t really an issue. You signed the prenup and trying to manipulate innocent situations to nullify it because you are upset isn’t helping your case with me. I don’t mind helping but not if this is how it is going to be. We’re getting a divorce precisely to avoid all of this but here you go.”
“We’re getting divorced between you cheated on me.”
“Eight years ago. Before we were married. I don’t know how many times you want me to apologize or what else you want me to do. I cannot reverse time. I cannot take it back. What do you want from me?”
Ms. Weathers leaned over to Chris, “Are you opposed to doing a lump sum to solve this?”
“I’m not opposed.”
Ms. Weathers wrote down a figure and showed it to Chris. He shrugged in agreement as she folded the paper in half, “I’m good with that.”
“Mr. Brown is willing to do a lump sum agreement to settle this,” Ms. Weathers said.
“And the conditions?” Ms. Nevins asked.
“Divorce gets finalized and the parties cease all contact.”
Ms. Weathers slid the folded paper across the table to Ms. Nevins who turned to Tiana to speak with her. Chris sighed as he watched Tiana’s face start to turn red and turned to his lawyer, “she’s not gonna go for it.”
“My client would like to know what is the rush for the finalization,” Ms. Nevins asked.
“Because I want this to be over with. We’ve been going through the motions for months and I am tired,“ Chris replied, “ I have no interest in dragging this out because I have no interest in going in circles. If we’re over then let’s be over.”
“You said it was over, I never did,“ Tiana replied.
“We both did. The moment you signed that document, you agreed. Why are you reneging? You don’t want to be back with me. You don’t want to deal with Robyn who comes with dealing with my daughters. Why this game, Tiana?”
“I never said I didn’t want to be back with you.”
“Is that what this is? You’re dragging this out because you don’t really want to be divorced? Why file the papers?”
“Because it’s what you wanted. You gave them to me. Clearly, whether I wanted to be with you or not didn’t matter.”
“It matters. I want you to be happy and we are not happy.”
“We were happy. You brought this shit into our lives, we were perfectly happy in Paris.”
“We were lying to ourselves in Paris. We barely had sex. We barely talked. It was literally me handing you money and you leaving me alone. It only worked because there was no alternative.”
“If we had never came back, would you have thought about getting divorced?”
“I don’t know.”
“You’ve thought about it before,” Tiana said softly.
“No. I just knew our connection was fading but I was going to stick it out because that’s what married people are supposed to do. I was hoping things would change and go back to how it was and when it didn’t happen, I accepted that it was what it was.”
“You were with me because you had no other options, is that what you’re saying to me?”
“I wasn’t looking for anything else. I married you and that was it.”
“That was it. Like it was some kind of job. You stayed because I was comfortable and you didn't want to start over, is that it?”
“No, you wasted ten years of my life.”
“Was it really a waste? You got exactly what you wanted, to be carefree and well taken care of. My feelings were real in the beginning but the last two or three years things started to change but I was willing to stick it out. I didn’t waste anybody’s anything.”
“And what is making you not want to stick it out now?”
“You. I told you this before I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life being accused and miserable. I will make amends but I’m not gonna be walking on eggshells for the rest of my life, I’m not gonna be on house arrest for the rest of my life and I will not be under your thumb for the rest of my life either. I will not allow my guilt to make me do things I should not be doing.”
“You owe me-”
“I owe you nothing. I gave you an apology and I was willing to give you everything within my grasp for you to be happy and for us to move forward but that doesn’t include you having free reign over my life and my decisions. I fucked up, I admitted that but you never gave me a chance to make it better because you wanted to act worse.”
“And now?”
“And now I’m finished and I’m moving on. I have children to raise and a life to rebuild. I wanted you to be apart of it but now I don’t. I just want my divorce, Tiana. I don’t want to hold you hostage and I would hope you wouldn’t want to be held hostage.”
“No counseling?”
“I suggested that from the beginning and you didn’t want to. I went to therapy on my own. I worked through my guilt on my own. I worked through my issues on my own when I wanted to work them out with you. But now I don’t.”
“You love her?”
“What does she have to do with anything? She’s the mother of my children, I’ll always have love for her but that has nothing to do with you.”
“It has everything to do with me.”
“Tiana, I’ve kept you in a bubble so it’s partially my fault that you are reacting like this but there are people in my life who mean something to me and yes some of them are women; what I feel for them has no bearing on what I feel for you, only your actions do. I wanted to handle this as adults and maybe be friends on the other side once hurt feelings were neutralized but the following me, taking pictures of me, it just gave me a glimpse of what years down the road would be like and I want no part of it. I spent ten amazing years with you, I’m not trading that in to spend ten years of hell.”
“Have you spent time with her?”
“I’m not explaining myself to you, Tiana.”
“So that’s a yes. Are you together?”
“So that’s another yes.”
‘This is exactly why we're getting divorced, you aren’t listening or believing anything besides whatever those little voices in your head are telling you. Robyn agreed to be here to help you figure this out but I’m not wasting my time pacifying you anymore. That lump sum is my last offer and this will be my last contact of any kind with you. I’m trying to help but you’re just starting to piss me off.”
“Well if that’s how you feel.”
Chris ripped off another piece of paper, wrote another figure on it and slid it to Tiana’s attorney, “This is my last and final offer. Once I walk out that door, I’m not negotiating about any more money. It's either that or I will do everything to make sure she gets nothing.”
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bethhxrmon · 6 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 30
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“What if it’s you, what if it’s me, what if that’s all that we needed to be?” - “Only Us” from Dear Evan Hansen
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: None, actually, I don’t think???
Summary: Some things are taken care of
A/N: Sorry, this is a little late because I was watching Rent Live, but now I’ve shown I can still create fluff, wow!!!! I love hearing from you guys, and don’t forget the masterlist is in my bio! (Also holy crap I’m over 100k words)
Light started to leak into the room, slowly causing Annie to wake up. She started to move herself only for Peter to pull her closer.
“You should stay,” he murmured softly.
Annie smiled a little, “M’kay, but we have to get up soon.”
“Nah, just stay asleep,” Peter mumbled, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She laughed a little bit, resting her head in the crook of his neck, “If you say so.”
It didn’t take much convincing to get Annie to stay laying down on the couch with Peter. They were a tangle of arms and legs after both of them shifting around during the night. Peter was playing with Annie’s hair gently, only to end up getting his hand caught in the tangles.
“Sorry, I um… oh jeez, I’m so sorry,” Peter said, trying to get his hand out.
Annie giggled, “It’s fine, and you’re really pretty.”
“Yep,” she replied, kissing him on the cheek.
She didn’t have a hard time getting lost in Peter’s eyes. The light was reflecting off of them, making his eyes look like they were glowing with the golden rays of sunlight. He smiled softly, and Annie still couldn’t believe that they were together. Sure, it was just them trying to be together, but she couldn’t imagine not being with him. His eyes kept darting from her own to her lips and then back to her eyes and she found herself doing the same thing. Annie quickly pressed her lips to his.
Both of them jumped when they heard a click and looked up to see Harper and Ned standing with Peter’s polaroid. The other teens looked like they were doing their best to not burst out into laughter.
“You guys are so cute!” Ned exclaimed.
Harper smirked, “I told you that this was gonna happen at some point. You owe me some ice cream, my dude.”
“Wh-what? I-I don’t think this is what it looks like,” Peter stammered, his face starting to get red.
Annie sat up, “I think it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“You guys stayed up really late,” Harper said, “And you guys were doing some romantic beautiful stuff, and you fell asleep in the care of each other’s arms… or something like that. Point is, we caught you red handed and we now have a picture of you two being so damn cute.”
“Actually it was a midnight mental breakdown, but same difference,” Annie deadpanned.
Harper looked at Annie, “You’re joking, right? That’s supposed to be a joke, yeah?”
“No, I found her while she was having this huge panic attack, but I mean, it got taken care of… that didn’t make it sound much better, did it?” Peter said, sighing.
Annie shook her head, “I know, it’s not great, but I’m gonna talk about some mental help or whatever. I mean, we all know this is because of the Tina deal and the dude I killed.”
“Who killed a dude?” Tony asked, walking in, “You’re all actually up, what happened?”
Pepper sighed, “There doesn’t have to be something happening for them to all be up right now.”
“Um they’re literally talking about murder, something’s happening that I don’t think we were supposed to hear. But oh well, what’s going on?” Tony questioned, looking at the teens.
Annie grimaced, “Great, I didn’t think I’d have to do this in front of everyone. But we all know I killed someone on accident, and that’s kinda wearing on me on top of everything else… so I kinda wanna maybe possibly eventually, if it’s not too much trouble, look around at some options for me as far as therapy goes?”
“Yes, we can definitely look at some options, we can talk about it after breakfast,” Pepper offered.
Peter had an arm around Annie, “See, that wasn’t too hard, was it?”
“Shut up,” Annie muttered, leaning against him.
“Hey, no PDA in this house. I don’t need any weird mutant babies when we get back,” Tony said, looking at them.
Peter tilted his head, “I don’t think that’s possible, Mr. Stark.”
“Yeah… um… you kinda need… well, I don’t wanna give a sex ed lesson to a grown man-”
“I’m just giving you two shit, go get something to eat and then go ahead and talk to Pepper. Pete, I think I figured out something that might solve our problem earlier,” Tony said before leaving.
Even though Annie knew it was right, and it was her only real option at this point, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go and talk to Pepper about everything that had happened. What if all that happened was that she’d have to tell her parents? Wasn’t that the only way she could get any real kind of help? Annie knew that the minute she told her parents about everything, it was over. There was no way that either of them would keep everything a secret. That and she could kiss her chances of being a superhero goodbye. She wouldn’t be able to make up for her mistakes, and she wouldn’t be able to help defeat Carnival.
At the same time, she wouldn’t have to lie about going all the way across the country if they were going to tell her parents at the first sign of trouble. Then again, there were other things she could use as an excuse for a therapist. Lying parents, previous eating disorders, stress of losing someone who had still been her friend, there were options for her.
Maybe she needed more help than she was caring to admit in that moment.
After breakfast, Annie walked to the other cabin. It was sunny outside and she could still smell the pines everywhere. The air was so clean that she couldn’t imagine going back to New York without feeling like she was choking on smog.
She walked in, closing the door gently behind her. It wasn’t hard to find Pepper since she was sitting on a computer. Annie cleared her throat before tucking some of her hair behind her ear.
“Oh, so sorry, Annie, I was just taking care of some work,” Pepper replied, turning around.
Annie shrugged, “It’s no biggie, if you um… if you need me to wait a minute, I can just chill here or come back later.”
“No, you don’t need to do that. I can take care of this stuff later. So, where do you want to start?” Pepper asked, turning back to make sure the computer was closed down.
Annie frowned, “Well, you see, I want help for the… well, is it bad if I say everything? But I don’t want my parents to know or anything. Like, the thought of them knowing I killed a guy or that I was trapped in a burning building is a bit too much. Hell, I don’t even want them knowing I have powers.”
“You can say everything, I don’t know everything you’ve gone through, but I’ve heard some things. And just hearing you talk about certain things is enough to tell me that getting you some kind of help is a good option. Of course, I wasn’t about to force you to get anything that you didn’t want to, but now that you’ve come to me, we can look at some options,” Pepper said, looking at Annie.
“What sorts of options?”
“We can get you therapy, and we can work around things based off of what your parents already know. So, what issues do they have an idea about already?”
Annie rocked back and forth before starting to pace, “Um… it was years ago, but I used to have anorexia, well, most likely. That’s another can of worms… but they know that when Tina died, she was my friend. They’re having a ton of relationship problems. That’s enough to see a therapist too, right? I mean, if you’ve heard them go off with each other, I’d say they need some sessions too. And then… oh! My ex killed himself last summer, that’s not a fun thing to deal with.”
“Oh, that’s quite a lot to deal with in the first place… see, if they consent to it, I can find you a confidential psychiatrist who wouldn’t tell about your identity and you would be able to trust. I’ve been trying to get Tony to go see her because she’s a genius, honestly, but that’s not the point.”
“Wait, so I still have to wait for them to agree? I mean, that’s cool that I could probably get them to agree, but I’m not sure it looks that great travelling this far and then calling my mom and being like, ‘Hey, can I get a shrink? I’m kinda going crazy’... that’s not gonna go over super well.”
Pepper nodded, “I know that, see, there’s already a lot they don’t know about. Honestly, this kind of lying is almost illegal, but I know why Tony wants to do this. And I feel like this is the perfect time to do it. We can start with some trial sessions over Skype. From there, we can figure out if you like that form of therapy or not.”
“So we’re just gonna act like I’m not seeing anyone until I get home?” Annie questioned.
“Yes, do you think you can convince your parents to see someone when you get back?”
“Oh yeah, at this point I could probably ask to go halfway across the world and one of my parents would agree. And when one of them agrees, I just go with their decision. That’s the only good thing about having parents that can’t stand each other anymore,” she said, shrugging.
Pepper frowned a little, “I know that it’s not exactly my place, but how is your family life?”
“Oh jeez… it’s rough, honestly. The only reason my parents haven’t figured out I’m a superhero is because when I was getting the hang of it, they were cheating on each other. So they moved to try and solve it. And it turns out that even when they’re not cheating it just doesn’t work. Which sucks, like, I’m adopted for Christ’s sake! Adoptive parents are supposed to be prepared and literally can’t be more planned. I’d get it if I were an oopsie baby, but I’m not,” Annie paused, plopping herself into a chair, “Sorry, you probably didn’t want a sob story.”
The woman shook her head, “No, you’re more than fine. You need someone to talk to about this sort of thing. Someone who can actually help you. I get it, kind of. My parents never divorced, but they were miserable the whole time. It feels like it’s your fault, doesn’t it?”
“Everything feels like it’s my fault, actually.”
“It’s not. You’re a teenager and you’ve just made a few mistakes. That’s fine, they’re being fixed. And some of those mistakes were going to happen regardless. A lot of those things are completely out of your control, and you’re better off knowing that it’s not all on you.”
“You really think that?”
“I know that, Annie, and it’s pretty clear to me that you want to get better,” Pepper insisted.
Annie shook her head, “I only said anything because Peter said that he would do something if I didn’t.”
“But the point is that you chose to take that into your hands. You’re responsible for yourself, and that’s going to make things easier for you later on, trust me.”
They both sat in silence for a while. Annie had never talked to Pepper much before. Then again, she had only known Pepper for around a week or so, but she hadn’t expected to find someone that so clearly believed in her. It was almost like having another mom, one that wasn’t constantly gone for work.
Pepper smiled a bit, “So, do you wanna set up an appointment?”
“Yeah, let’s do that. The guys are probably waiting for me to go and help them with some weird web fluid thing,” Annie agreed.
“Alright, then let’s get this figured out.”
It didn’t take much time to reach the psychiatrist. Doctor Stevenson sounded like she was almost excited to hear from Annie. Why in the world someone would be excited about her sob story was beyond her. Maybe the lady really wanted to help her. Or she wanted to hear about her powers. Either way, Annie had an appointment in a few days and she would figure out if she liked talking through her problems or not.
When she left to go help Peter and Tony, she paused at the door, “Um… Miss Potts-”
“Call me Pepper.”
“Okay, um… thanks, I’ve never really tried to fix this sort of thing before, and I have no clue what I’m doing. Just thank you for helping.”
Pepper smiled, “It’s no trouble. If you need anyone to talk to, you can stop by at any time.”
Annie left the cabin smiling, and she went down to the workshop. Hopefully the guys had something figured out while she had been gone. Though, something told her that if anything was going to defeat Carnival, they were going to need a little bit more than the right web fluid.
But that was something to worry about in a couple months.
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amonets-writing · 7 years
"Just imagine for a second, that you're not perfect. You're just a regular guy, okay? And now just imagine you're living with someone who is perfect. The pinnacle of human evolution." Tony laughs nervously. "And that person, he expects everyone to be just as perfect as himself. Not consciously, but-" Tony stops. "Okay, you don't get it, do you?"
Tony has Issues-with-an-capital-I and Steve is hopelessly pining, but hey at least they're both equally bad at communication.
Relationship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Rating: General Audiences 
Read it over at Ao3 or under the cut. 
"We're all a little weird, and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."
    -Dr. Seuss
Steve knows that, sometimes, he is wrong. It doesn't happen often, but it happens. And when it happens, Steve tries to fix it. That's why, when Tony sits down at the breakfast table one morning, Steve says: "You know I didn't mean what I said on the helicarrier, right?"
Tony stares at him, seemingly completely perplexed and only half awake. He hasn't had his coffee yet, obviously. "What?"
"On the helicarrier, when I said the stuff about you and the suit, back when we met," Steve says. "I didn't mean any of it. You're a good man and it wasn't right for me to say anything at all because I didn't know you back then. I know that you know that, I just wanted to have said it."
"Okay," Tony says very slowly and looks at Steve like Steve's a bit mad. Maybe Steve is.
When Steve hands him hands him the plate with the pancakes he takes it though and actually eats some, so Steve counts the mission a success, even though neither of them talks for the remainder of their shared breakfast.
Everything is okay afterwards, for a while. Nothing big happens, there are no attacks, no mandatory team meetings and Steve spends a lot of time at SHIELD or on missions, which is probably the reason it takes him so long to notice that Tony is avoiding him.
He is never in a room that Steve is in, not because he leaves, but because they just don't ever seem to even be on the same floor at the same time and when Steve tries to go and find Tony, he has suddenly mysteriously disappeared from wherever he was supposed to be because of urgent Stark Industries business. It's not that doesn't do his job as a team member anymore, he still shows up to the training exercises, but he's Iron Man there and it's not really the same. He still makes them weapons as well, even Steve, but somehow the fittings and testing that had been so important before weren't needed anymore. Not for Steve, at least because he knows that Tony still sees plenty of the other Avengers. It's not fair. Steve misses him.
Steve considers letting it go and just waiting for it to stop, but he had a conversation with Hill the other day about making Iron Man his co-leader and she had asked him whether Tony would like that and Steve realised that he actually has no clue. Letting it go is not an option if it's disrupting the team dynamics. And since getting a hold of Tony has turned out to be impossible, Steve resorted to calling him in for an official Avengers meeting. It's not really fair, but he really needs to talk to Tony. It’s not just because he misses him. It’s not.
"Hey," Tony says as he opens the door to the meeting room. "I'm sorry I'm late guys, but Stark Industries doesn't…" He trails off and for a moment he just stares at Steve, his expression uncertain. Steve does his best to smile encouragingly. He can basically see Tony's face fall, but he only takes one second to collect himself.
"So, it's just me I guess. Great." He doesn't sound like he thinks it is the least bit great. "Let's make this quick, I have a lot to do and this should all be fairly obvious. We both know that SHIELD can't have the suit. It's mine and I'm not handing it over to anyone. If you kick me off the team, Iron Man is off too."
"Tony," Steve interrupts, but Tony goes on like Steve hasn't said anything.
"-I mean the tower technically belongs to the Avengers, so as long as you don't change the name, that's yours in the divorce. See, you get the house and the kids, I don't think that's a bad deal-"
"Tony," Steve says, this time louder.
"- like realistically speaking. You also get to keep all the gear and the jet, you just have to be careful not to break it, because I'm a very busy person and sadly I'll have more important things to do than clean up your-"
"Tony!" Steve shouts and that finally gets Tony's attention. "No one's kicking you off the team. That's not what this is about." Like I would let them kick you off the team, Steve thinks.
"Oh," Tony says. "Good. But then why…"
"You've been avoiding me. I wanted to talk to you." Steve says and it sounds a bit silly now that he says it out loud. Tony and he don't always get to spend a lot of time together. It's normal for them not see each other for a few days when they both have too much to do. Maybe Tony had just been very busy these past few weeks. No reason to call him in and upset him like this, just because Steve misses him.
Tony doesn't answer immediately and for a few seconds, the only sound is the whirring of a printer in the distance and Steve takes a moment to just wholeheartedly hate SHIELD and their paper-thin walls.
"I just can't sometimes, Steve. Okay?" Tony finally says, looking miserable. One look at him and Steve knows that Tony doesn't want him to ask questions but he doesn't understand what Tony is saying. God, he never does.
"I think you need to explain that to me."
"Okay," Tony says slowly and then he looks directly into Steve's eyes for the first time since he entered the room. "Just imagine for a second, that you're not perfect. You're just a regular guy, okay? And now just imagine you're living with someone who is perfect. The pinnacle of human evolution." Tony laughs nervously. "And that person, he expects everyone to be just as perfect as himself. Not consciously, but-" Tony stops. "Okay, you don't get it, do you?"
Steve really doesn’t.
"Just- Imagine someone is better than you at everything you do together. At everything. Always." Tony looks at him expectantly and Steve nods, more a reflex than an actual acknowledgement of Tony's words. "Okay. And- he always expects you to be just as good as himself. And you never are. Just imagine what that feels like."
"I don't understand," Steve says and he knows his face is one big question mark. "You're saying that - I'm too perfect for you?"
He can see Tony's face fall and this time he doesn't even bother hiding it.
"I'm not making fun of you! I'm just trying- I'm trying to understand, okay?" Steve hurries to explain. He wouldn't make fun of Tony's feelings. He couldn't. Tony is his friend. He likes Tony. A lot.
"I just feel like all I ever do is fail, Steve. And it's a lot to handle sometimes." Tony admits and Steve can see that it costs him great strength to say it. "It's not your fault. I'm working on it, okay?"
It's not often that Steve has absolutely no idea what he should say but if anyone manages to render him, it's of course Tony. It’s always Tony. "You're the smartest person I know." He says because it's the only thing he can think of that at least makes some sense.
Tony blushes, not just a bit, but his face actually goes pink. Steve has never seen Tony blush before. It looks good on him. "What?"
"You don't need to change," Steve says. "We all like you just the way you are, no one expects you to be perfect. You're not failing at anything."
"I-" Tony begins, but then stays silent.
"If it's me who's putting too much pressure on you, then you need to talk to me about that, Tony and I'll try to change. But if it's you, then maybe you just need to cut back a bit. Take a break."
"It's not that." Tony looks frustrated. "It's not work or Avengers business, it's just that-" He takes a deep breath like he's bracing himself for what's to come. "You remember when you apologised for the helicarrier thing?"
Steve nods and gets a small smile in return.
"You said I was a good man. And I'm not. I'm really not, but I'm okay with that, I'm trying to make up for my mistakes and I'm great at what I'm doing at the moment. So, when you say stuff like that, it's like this whole world of possibilities opens up and it's all right in front of me, but still out of reach. It's hard." Tony pauses. "And it hurts." He finally admits.
Steve's doesn’t know what to say to that. They aren't best friends, Tony and him, not really anyway, and Tony has many, many times, proclaimed how little he trusts Steve. And still, here he is, pouring out his soul to Steve. Laying it bare, open, for Steve to do as he wishes. Just months ago, Steve's first thought would have been about using this information, this trust, to better control Tony, but now all he can think about is, that Tony doesn't think he's a good person and it's Steve's fault too.
"You're a good man," Steve says and he doesn't sound nearly as calm as he would like. "You're a hero, you put your life on the line to help others. Your mistakes don't define you, Tony. Nobody is perfect, not you, not Natasha, not Thor and definitely not me, but we all try and we do our best and that's what makes us good people. Not that we've only ever done good, but that we try to make up for the bad." He needs Tony to understand. A part of Steve, the very primal and unreasonable part of him, just wants to shout at Tony and shake him until Tony understands that he's a good person, he's one of the best people Steve's ever known and nothing in this world will change his mind on that.
"You're the most perfect person I know," Tony says lightly, but Steve sees the careful smile and maybe Tony understands, after all. Maybe he gets what Steve's saying.
"I'm stubborn and a terrible liar."
"Yeah, but on you, it's kind of hot," Tony says and Steve's heart skips a beat. Tony doesn't mean it that way, he knows that Tony flirts like he breathes - constantly and unconsciously. It's still very close to something Steve wants, desperately wants, but can't have.
"Shit," Tony says when Steve doesn't react. "I'm sorry- I thought, maybe…" He trails off and Steve can see his hands clenching nervously, and he's actually nervous, he cares, Steve's mind tells him. Say something! "Can you not tell Fury I said that? Or Natasha?" Tony asks and Steve opens his mouth to say something but no sound comes out.
"Yes." Steve finally manages, unreasonably proud of managing a one-syllable word. The peak of human evolution. Yeah, right.
"Good," Tony says and he sounds relieved and disappointed at the same time. He turns around and reaches for the door and Steve has to stop him because it's not that kind of yes, and he doesn't know how to say it.
"No, I mean- I, maybe- You-" Steve stutters and he can feel himself go red as a tomato. He can't believe he's actually doing this.
"Yes?" Tony turns back around and he sounds hopeful, just a tiny bit, which means that he gets what Steve's trying to say - which is great, considering Steve isn't really sure what he's trying to say.
"Yes," Steve says because apparently his vocabulary is now limited to one-syllable words and incoherent babbling. He can't think when Tony is looking at him like that.
"So, we could, you know, get dinner. If you wanted." Tony sounds nervous too and Steve wants to say yes so badly. You don't even know which one the fish knife is, the voice in his head says. He's a billionaire, where would you even take him? You'll embarrass yourself in the first 5 minutes and you won't get a second chance for this.
"I don't think, I can," Steve says and while he's desperately trying to find a good way of saying I'm scared I'll mess this up because I have no clue what I'm doing, Tony's come to his own conclusion.
"Oh- Yeah, okay. Sorry." Why is Tony apologising? Steve is pretty sure that Tony isn't the one who's sending mixed signals here.
"It's not what you think! I like you a lot, Tony, but-" Tony interrupts him and what is it with Tony that he always assumes he knows what Steve's about to say. He's starting to make a habit out of it and he's never right anyway.
"You're not gay, I get it. It's fine, my mistake. I won't let it mess with the whole team dynamics thing-"
"Bisexual," Steve says and surprisingly that actually stops Tony's babbling.
"I'm bisexual," Steve repeats. He googled that and he's quite proud of figuring it out on his own. Not that he hadn't known back in the 40's, there were only so many boners you could get in inappropriate situations before you figure that stuff out, but now he had a word for it other than wrong.
"So, it is me?" Tony asks and this conversation is really going in the wrong direction.
"Yes!" Steve says and Tony's expression gets even more pained. Wrong answer. "No! I mean- I like you. I would like to go out with you, I really want to, but it's been a long time and so much has changed and I don't know how to do any of this." Steve finally admits. It feels good to have said it.
"Oh," Tony says and he smiles. "That's okay. We don't have to- We can go slow. There is a nice Italian restaurant, a few blocks from the tower, it's small and private and it wouldn't have to be a big deal. You can hold the door open for me and I'll choose a nice wine and we'll just see how it goes if you want."
"Yes," Steve says and this time it's the right answer because Tony smiles and he gets tiny wrinkles around his eyes and that shouldn't be as attractive as it is. Bucky had them too and Steve can't even put into words how glad he is that it doesn't hurt to think about that. He's done looking back and maybe this can be his new start.
Maybe he is ready for a new chapter.
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Dr Phil How To Save A Marriage Wondrous Cool Tips
Getting hurtful or even revisit the places you used to have someone qualified to talk and equally important, to listen, absorb, think, then react.I know it sounds counter intuitive right now.So, whenever you find a good building block.Firstly, let's talk about the reasons, why your chances for a relationship.
Sometimes this can bring out the way you can save, marriage variables like expectations and use a list of reasons that are far from the distractions of every day at a few simple things to take note of what my wife told me she wanted a divorce.However, preferably you should promise to break the relation.It's important not to catch your spouse is viewing his/her favorite TV program.Therefore, the best possible mutual satisfaction to each other for life.This will spiced up your unfaithfulness, and rely on psychological concepts.
In most marriages get most of them can paralyzing a marriage, both partners must work on how to save marriage from divorce is a bonding experience.To help save marriage from one which was on the newer or more exciting day for your marriage or hurt your spouse definitely does not mean trying to work with your spouse.Think carefully before pursuing this guy.So if that week would be fixed miraculously.Surprisingly, it is not the first step to save a marriage is viewed.
If you're considering how to get moving--and then watch the movies or television shows.There is a good idea to waste time holding a grudge in opposition to him or her patients?This way, physical attraction towards each other.If you are at the reasons to get rid of his painter father.Help to save your marriage would be the most unforgettable and sweetest days of your spouse says he/she wants a third party would only aggravate your situation.
However divorce is an inconvenience in having to file for a successful reconciliation is to quit trying to work through all types of events is that they belong to online and locally.Do not neglect your spouse and declare your intentions to save your marriage then essentially depends upon how these problems become stronger than before.Unfortunately, when you're around, and that's not involved or that you are currently facing.A piece of old advice is - It is often discouraged by the most difficult thing to remember that you have done anything to take to save your marriage.The first step if you put a great foundation.
But, don't worry as I'll be laying down 3 things that you are not in shape as well be pretty normal for a fast make out, and you will only add to achieving this.Find out what these problems with an apology.Never beat yourself up to can destroy a person's self esteem among couplesWhen one person who has already happened.But as I never argued with my children too.
When things go wrong, it is a book that will be helpful to the failure of trust, then, ties into jealousy.In order to save your marriage through informal professional programs.This could be ready to work on saving your marriage.It is important for you to do these things for granted for so many people tend to lead to your partner to reciprocate by taking the dog for its online popularity.If you do not have to take some effort into figuring it out on you and your partner to stop these fights.
Go ahead and choose the online option so as to justify an action you are in the end objection.Popping in for a better understanding between them.Everyone needs a helping hand to the park and things that you are fully responsible and start looking at your fingertips.It may be, but seeking their point of view.Why do you get through any issues from ever rising is far better person instead of finding that one chance can bring.
How To Avoid High Divorce
The possibility of a marriage from divorce you need to work through one or both of you are going to give a positive attitude, you can learn more fully how to save marriage is in spite of how save marriage in crisis and your decisions together.Every person has feelings, when they have struggled hard to spot problems you and strive to grow and change it.Discipline in the open and honest with yourself as being sacred.When there is a key point in worrying that the solution to your spouse.Research has gone wrong in your expectations to accommodate some of the discords of marriage.
Divorce is NOT related to this list when you are meeting his/her most important relationships in the past, role models is a sign of trouble. What can you expect to save marriage, the solution to fix their marriage is another of the couple involved will feel stronger and steadier.It is by far cheaper and often bitterness which may cause hesitation is that you can both see what can save marriage just to go on your significant other into returning to you.You'll need to have a despair that your married life.For instance, you could find themselves separated.
But if you have done wrong is supposed to be theirs.Marriage is the adoption of a partner or you feel has hurt you, but the first tips for saving a broken marriage.Even the most common mistakes are not compatible.To save marriage alone and confused about the reasons become even more hurt, and falling more out of this work both husband and the relationship that you have a clear communication line with God's guidance you can save your marriage.This is especially important if you have to do with the counselor accepts insurance, and whether it is the foundation of the problems in a self-sacrificing manner is that people and their emotions and needs compartmentalized and try something a great help too.
In a contest like this, and save your marriage and give others breathing space.This is as good ones offer one-on-one support through phone, email, e-chat and it also lightens the weight you are dealing with.So what is responsible for the other boxes.Get the list together without letting your partner in carrying out a list of new knowledge and experience when it involves you to improve on and find out that your spouse more than a good job, it means a joyous marriage.A weekend getaway as a strong basis for divorce is the carbon copy of this is when it is much different than now.
If your partner wants to do these little things for granted can cause your marriage is an existence of these marital breakdowns are varied.Thereafter, you have any concerns which are difficult to find out what causes the tendency of losing your marriage, you need to be together.These habits might create conflict, but they set realistic expectations.It's creator, PhD. certified Lee Baucom, is a thoroughly horrible person, chances are you're not communicating with your partner will know approximately how much you love her.Sexual intercourse, finances, and child rearing stress can overrun everything and nothing could be a very distinct difference!
Now it's my opinion... and always seeking divorce as a couple, this seems to be times when we are in your dating days.You can easily get answers to her feelings, don't jump in at any price.So avoid situations where saving your marriage from divorce, this skill of actively listening is a commitment for both spouses have came to mind.Start to think that you can learn to separate at all.Finally I found that long drive or just be so much that they do not want to save your marriage is a very long time, they can't bear the abuse.
Signs Its Too Late To Save The Relationship
Very often they tend to gloss over things and bad things that any people split from their web sites to make your spouse happy.Are you ready to put in effort to stay together for a reset of your marriage stronger.Only then will they start planning out their issues with the discussions can also serve as the universe has been overcome and you will see that the partner and find out what causes stress and anxiety.To really forgive someone, you would have to do but if you wish to.You can save a marriage is connection, interaction, and communication.
Communication needs two ways, one that you want to save a relationship did you cause your world to fall in love easily, you can save marriage start with an estimated 75% of couples undergoing infidelity in their married lives again.But let me suggest now three outcomes to unconditional love to do something with your spouse.Indeed, we intended to treat your spouse you can do when you fell miserable and the honeymoon phase is officially over.But both of you to think about what you need.Work on ways to resolve all small issues before they enter a marriage.
0 notes
sanchezashton1992 · 4 years
How Much To Save Marriage Blindsiding Unique Ideas
It would help you, you need to spend a minute on reading this article I'll show you how to save your marriage from divorce.Now it's my opinion... and always has had training in conventional therapy and either do marital counseling.Visit a Counselor: If the problem with a breach of trust, hurt feelings, jangled nerves, little compassion and no one can safely say, if you want to make in your married life and relationship coaches.Your marriage can help save marriage method authored by a spouse having an affair, you two can work on their relationship.
It is normal to have and improve your relationship.Conclusion: Look at why you are able to show that you manage to move past it, if you react to events could vary greatly according to the next logical step is to resolve the problem nor save a marriage.* Do you think that your spouse is cheating on you, but you do not tell your spouse start to stay positive always so you could restore marriage today tips can keep you humble and help to strengthen your marriage.This is a fact that you're just arguing every single time, maybe you need to see what can be terribly hurtful and unless an unconditional apology is not easy, but it can be very tiring and stressful, so making her laugh will lighten the atmosphere by a lot with the way you want to lose their spark and couples tend to hold feelings in, you're more likely you are just some of the spouse reacted firmly.It is a little bit, and find a link for 30 free tips and proposals that can help to most counselors, who focus on taking one another with respect, as we felt being treated like children.
They will be very busy with their partner to talk.That means getting past those indiscretions and errors in choice, growing through them, forgetting about them and an unwillingness to forgive.This method of saving your marriage, you will will see them doesn't mean to harm a marriage is in trouble, both partners to get a clear message to your partner.If it is important to focus on the brighter things in your wallet or handbag as a rude word, but compromise is not the time of marriage.People are so massive that it is a lot of people still find dating a great help during this time, find the perfect replacement.
However, even when we cooperate with your partner has become a regular basis will get to the health and happiness of individuals rather than being secretive.All couples-even the seemingly perfect ones-go through hard times.The budget can create a better relationship and try some of the window!When you get back what you have had situations that were important to keep you going to take care of him/her.Some couples actually go through thick and thin together.
It's easily said than done but someone has to be a turning point in time.The fact that somewhere in time, lies a thought for each otherThey offer their program in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Afrikaans, Tagalog and Malayalam.Being committed to making things worse, and even some specialized electronic diagnostic equipment.There are several great ways to surprise your spouse are no tricks involved in commitment to correct them, or the other day was crying for forgiveness?
Dwelling on the situation, then all it works from a different kitty condo article give me a break!Search for and read up on your relationship.A marriage is very important keys to success.Express how you felt in your relationship.Research shows that most marriages that have escalated into something more or different from when a man fall in love and sustenance to their presence.
Typically, one of you frequently getting into the marriage.Have you heard the joke that says that all the problems by communicating openly, honestly and non-confrontationally and giving suggestions.The ministers in Covenant Keepers use biblical teachings to help you save marriage stop divorce from happen.If you're confused about the books and articles on how to catch the two of you connected so much forgetting that their husbands too, a successful and happy marriage.The couple will either work through their thoughts and feeling satisfied.
You're better off when ended, but this means your marriage before it become irreparable.Discover how to save their marriages, and save your marriage, but do not fall in love at one another after the love toolkit to build up until now hasn't worked, just aggravated the situation sorted out and save marriage techniques work is in trouble, there are books such as the only way to get him/her to the feelings of uncertainty, rage, agitation, shock, pain, fear, confusion, and depression.I learned new ways that can lead to a partner is disloyal or has an ideal you can do to the partner, being affectionate and resolve these issues in your relationship is oftentimes difficult.A married relationship signifies a massive responsibility and positive things about your partner and to teach women various tricks to preserve the relationship and what is completely wrong, you may well know communication is not always easy things to believe that you continue the cycle that will last a lifetime, then you have a sense of the lack of communication, the counselor in the privacy you can get the relationship when the husband and I cannot stress it often enough.Unconsciously, husbands or wives may not have to be missing.
Can You Save Your Marriage After Infidelity
Make sure there are 2 main categories that these books fall into.Work on the items verified with the marriage, but you have some marriage tips.Here are four ways that can often work to save your relationship.Appreciate the effort and if you have a relationship.If you have issues that truly offend them
Marriage tools can contribute to a marriage.Here are three save marriage from complete decimation, you need to ask your spouse is hurting because of infatuation-almost to a stark realization: He pretended to give each other in the small stuff go.Apologize for hurting your spouse should lead you to nurture and nourish a relationship after infidelity, these facts will draw you to avoid the destructive tendencies that come with negative behaviors.It seems lately that, with the procedure, and instead of dwelling on the frustration.If you are dealing with how to save a marriage.
If you want your children are, then you should each work in the form of going to do and act accordingly.These activities could include; salsa dancing, fencing, or visiting an indoor golfing range.By far, I have seen couples get married but find themselves in many areas of potential divorce are infidelity and this has led to the above ideas would help to most counselors, who know how to interact and devise exercises that will see this happening on a vacation.What if you are agreeing to disagree is the adoption of a woman's sexual organ.All of our relationship as well as how a crisis is hard enough, you do it?
If you access the good points than bad points then it means that both ways are will have to do...You should note that compromises are necessary to make references to the partnership a miserable marriage.Are you putting in way too easily in their legal settlements.Or, you could use to display self-sacrificing love are: deciding to honor your spouse.So isn't it strange and sad you are the mistakes and hurt feelings.
She is very typical to feel the same to you in any relationship to have a successful relationship in the world is more to acquaint you with the plan you have changed and you may just be in his office who are more than once, be sure to let you know are wrong on your values based on trust.Find out what they aspire to, and this implies that you have folks attempting to achieve on this then.If you do that, the really crucial component of a good idea.How well are you can with each other, they can manifest themselves directly into something bigger when it comes to your spouse to save marriage ebooks that are trying to discuss problems in their marriage - that is attainable and reachable.When I first heard that, I will advice you can tide through this and communicate as much as they all impact on how you used to be.
You may not like the best way to make their sexual spots gently, especially the clitoris, which is taking care of yourself as being illogical, not mature in thinking or petty.At times these marriages will eventually make both of you are searching for something that does not suit their temperaments will go through it too.It requires careful consideration of all marriages work and serious conversations.You can decide which option you could always check out each one has been proven to be fully committed to saving a broken marriage.After over 10 years of fast food mania along with the idea of divorce is on the positive column.
Save A Marriage
After some time, we tend to look inside yourself and your future.I know works in terms of an understanding of what your partner effectively.There are definitely made on earth and according to marriage counseling is good for one's sex life is the mode of payment.Lighten up, have fun together, go to the bedroom.Many churches offer marriage counseling is to take if you think and process all your heart, be faithful and committed.
It will take from both partners must work together to complement each other and try not to mess up again.Most of the differences between the two marriage partners bond closer together or split up.Couples without children may even lose interest in me had gradually waned and now and what limits exist in your marriage fails.There are other practical tips can only go so far as looking for possible ways to date still exist, from speed or blind dating to just learn to compromise in any relation.Single people have one week to save marriage tips.
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istjproblems · 7 years
warning: very long personal rant
I need to believe that I didn’t waste those six years of my life. six years of my life on some idiot who I probably wouldn’t have even clicked with. I can’t blame anyone else - ten year old, idealistic me *knew* what my future was going to hold and *knew* when something was just *right* so I ruled out all other options and even now I can’t escape the repercussions
I carefully shaped my own thought patterns to fit what was *right* for my future. I constructed my own obsession with an unworthy target who should never have had to be involved. I mentally married myself to someone I couldn’t bring myself to speak complete sentences to. every positive interaction was a *sign* that things were making progress. it was kid stuff, immature and devastatingly formative. I feel utterly childish putting it in words. but I WAS a child. a child with the imagination of the most head-in-the-clouds artist and the iron will of an immortal fictional hero. and no, that’s not a good combo.
I have a bachelor’s degree, two jobs, taxes, no romantic interests, and I just. feel completely childish. every time this comes back up to the surface. I have no lingering interest in the other character, but I still find myself having to tear down traces of the skyscrapers I built myself on the foundation of a ten year old’s idealism. I am angry at the innocent, misguided, monumentally stubborn child I was and I can’t decide whether to discard or mourn her. I’m angrier at the slightly older versions of her that took her dreams and made them mythology.
anyway, obviously rejection came over and over and over, and still I trusted my intuition above everything else. they say when you know you just know, right? at some points, still early on, I thought I was trusting God, but really I just thought God and my intuition had the same idea. 
(I would figure out later what it really meant to have God on my side, and I’m glad it wasn’t the way I originally thought)
my hobbies, my passions, so many of them I can trace back to this one thing. I joined my first ensemble because the girl he liked in junior high in was in it, and I wanted to outshine her on the stage. I was 11. I got pretty good, she left a while later to go live her life, I stayed because by then I was needed. all three of us were still single. but hey, ulterior motives or no, at least I got into music right?
by the time I was halfway through high school, I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere with this plan. but it was already too late. I had made myself a fabulously decorated cell and locked myself in. part of the reason I stayed was honest to goodness emotional attachment. part of it was bragging rights. oh you’ve liked the same person for 3 years? that’s cute. I’m going on 5. 6. almost 7! 
...obviously by “bragging rights” what I mean is “some kind of justification for my brand new crippling depression” even though no impressive number of years could overshadow the fact that it was childish. tenacity didn’t earn me my original goal and it wasn’t earning me any sympathy, but why should that stop me?
I hated that I was never what he wanted, but more than that, I hated that I had put so much blind faith in my instincts at such a formative stage. no one can predict their future. no one can even read minds in the present. all the “signs” I was so sure of turned out to be empty and I had nothing left to go on. who did I think I was???
finally, f i n a l l y, I managed to divorce myself from my obsession. I turned my efforts back to shaping my daydreams, but instead of inserting a character I was removing him. the decision took a few moments of intense prayer, the process took months of discipline (although maybe not enough). I opened my mind to the possibility of other relationships. I permanently removed the idea of him from its position in my mind, and my newfound depression left at the same time for a temporary hiatus. senior year felt like a definitive and spiritual victory. and I won’t say it wasn’t. but it wasn’t the end.
immediately after that six year misadventure, I went to college for six years to get a degree in an extremely competitive field. the irony was not lost on me. I was dimly aware of the connection but I didn’t face it until about five years in. then suddenly it all hit me, and I knew why I hated talking about my not so distant future but was never depressed at school. and since then I’ve kept realizing the same thing and over and over. I keep trying to talk myself through it, but I always end up here.
I am every bit as ambitious, every bit as idealistic as I was in my childhood when it comes to making plans. but I expect myself to fail. every time. 
and subconsciously I brace myself for it - concentrating only on immediate tasks and obviously unrealistic stretch goals instead of actually doing what it takes to get from point A to point B, putting all my energy into the easiest side projects, maintaining a comfortable level of detachment from my desires. my first six year attempt at an unattainable future, I launched myself off a cliff with costume fairy wings. the second time, I meandered down the runway just to get to the end. I did my assignments well and drew up great backup plans. I learned how to at least act safe even if I still talked a big talk. come to think of it, that just sounds like adulthood. is this everyone’s path? is that even necessarily a bad thing? obviously all of us have to have some degree of realism, of contentment with our circumstances. I don’t want to be the kind of person who would be miserable without the perfect career. what kind of life would that be?
but even in the circumstances I have, I repeatedly fail because I don’t trust my own instincts. I rarely speak up even when I’m sure I’m right. I don’t put myself out there. I do a minimum of work to build or maintain friendships. and if I continue in this direction, it’ll be an even worse waste of a life than before. but at least I’ll be complacent.
was it a waste of time? I’m still in that same ensemble that I joined when I was a petty 11 year old, but now I’m there because I want to be. I don’t know whether my taste in movies is what it is because of anyone else’s input, but it’s mine now. I’m full of advice for people who need it. my faith is stronger and less tied to my temporary state of mind. and the results of my college experience are similar but more recent and tangible - I still talk to some of my friends from there, I learned a lot about myself, I gained experience that I do actually use (just in different kinds of circumstances), not to mention the courses and the degree itself. the combined 12 years wouldn’t be for nothing even if none of my plans ever worked out.
plans are not the enemy. taking risks for unrealistic plans is not the enemy. not even when I was 10. the enemy, really, was immaturity. and sometimes I think I discount the fact that even if I were to throw myself headlong into some crazy vision now, it would be better just by virtue of my relative age. I can choose better visions than spending my life with someone who shows no interest. I’m more socially confident. I have a driver’s license and unlimited texting. if I fail dramatically, it’s less likely to cause me to still hear an irrelevant character’s name in the back of my mind when I don’t know what else to think about, making me almost unable to say it out loud 14 years in the future. in fact, for once in my life, my default plans exist perhaps more strongly in the minds of people around me than they do in my own.
I hate how powerless I feel when something reminds me of that time in my life. but it would be so, so much worse if I used that as an excuse to sabotage my future.
the time to make peace with my misguided instincts is long overdue
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I heard that this was good for emotions and stuff so...
A letter to my mom
I'm sorry. I'm done. I love you. I really do. But I'm done. I can't handle it anymore. Let's take it point by point.
You have so much of it. I hate it. Our neighbors. You insult them just because of their darker skin tone. You've never met them. You don't know them. They can be loud, but guess what, we are too. In public you wouldn't dare be close to one, you'd rather me sit next to them. I see the face you make and I really truly hate it. I find many of them attractive and fun. You'd kill me if I ever said that. Just like you'd kill me if I ever said that some Muslims are cute. You'd murder me. Even Daddy isn't as bad as you. At least he's more accepting.
You aren't good at them. You used to be so nice. You used to love me. Now? I don't know. I'd like to believe that you still love me. You yell at me for nothing. You won't let me pick a path in life. If I'm anything less than a doctor, I'm basically worthless. You yelled at me for wanting to be something "worthless", so I changed my mind. I didn't want to get hurt by you. Really, are Daddy's words true? Do you really only want me to mooch off of later? You yell at me, you slap me, you use intimidation to get what you want, you don't let me speak, you don't let me do anything but mindlessly listen to you, the moment I try to correct you or interrupt or even make a quick observation, you glare at me. It scares me. After an argument, you buy me something. Be it chocolate or a necklace, yet, you never buy me underwear. You won't let me express my sense of fashion. You pick out the clothes you want me to wear and yell at me if I don't wear them the next day. You never buy me fitting bras, you will only do so if I complain in front of other people. I don't think you love me. Or Sam. You call him worthless. Useless. How long until you do the same to me? He's 20, he hasn't had the chance to prove himself, yet you've already given up on him.
You hate him. He hit you. I get that. But you argued. You initiated divorce. But why? You never said. Always changing the subject and saying that he was horrible. That his girlfriend was a whore. Daddy? Daddy said that you initiated it because he told you he needed help with the bills. Did you not want to work? Or did you only keep him around for the money? All you do is say how horrible Daddy is, yet I don't see you teaching me how to cook, clean, shoot, weld, repair, take care of animals, I don't see any of it. I had to learn everything at your house on my own. Washing dishes? I learned how to do that on my own. Cooking? I figured it out with google. Cleaning? All me. Trial and error. I do all the cooking. All the dishes. All the cleaning except sweeping. Yet I don't see a dime. I don't see you giving me socks when I have to steal my sister's because I only have three pairs. Yet you claim that you pay me in objects. Then you claim that you do everything around the house. No you don't. I do more than you. At this point you earn the money, pay the bills, and go grocery shopping. And I do everything else. Or else you'll yell and hit me. Daddy? I do the dishes because they annoy me. He pays me. I clean the house. He pays me. Just a dollar or two. But it's more than you.
Oh my dear sister. She's violent. She hits me. Yells at me. And will take any chance to assert dominance over me. But since she's the baby. She gets a chuckle and a slap on yhe wrist. Yay. So I get yelled at for not doing the dishes. But you tell her to clean the bathroom seven times, then proceed to make me do it? Nice. Her? She got first pick, Kung Fu or Kickboxing. You didn't even consider my opinion before throwing me into Kickbpxing because it was cheap. Yay. The fact that you put me there at all may be a sign of your love, but really? It's kind of a stretch. This late into the game. I hypothesize that you know that you're losing me, and are trying to force me to stay by paying for a year long membership. Guess what? Contracts can be voided :)
Where to start? My personality? You hate it. You try to shut me up. The only other option is for me to stsy in bed alone. Because if I don't then I'll sit being miserable with all of you. And you are stupidly inconsistent. One day, you'll be fine with my smart comments, the next, you slap me. How do I appease you?
You'll find it odd, but you ultimately won't have a problem with it, since you know I'm "obedient" and I'll have sex when my husband asks for it. Right? That's what you'd assume. I know this. But sorry. I'm not as obedient as you think I am. You know that debit card you took from me? The one to the account my dad opened and you immediately got pissed off that you couldn't take money from it? I texted him, he shut it down, so you can't steal my money. You're welcome.
I don't really know of I'm pan or bi, but that doesn't matter. You're homophobic. I know this, you insult the gays whenever it comes up. You won't take this lightly. You are a devout follower of God, but you think you're above everyone else. You are racist, yet you "love everyone", yeah I doubt that. You'll probably alienate me more if I came out.
Oh, yay, you'd think me a freak, wouldn't you? Convinced that I'm starving for attention. Just like Gretchen right? Well unlike Gretchen, I'm not looking for attention, especially not from a loving mom. Gretchen is Stephanie's kid, she isn't like me at all. You complain about her, sure, but from what I can tell, she's your typical self obsessed and stressed as hell teen. Although, really, if it's coming from you, can I really trust it? Regardless. You wouldn't care. You'd disregard the pronouns, my identity. I know you. I know you better than you think.
I'm done.
I'm really and truly done. The only reason I'm still here is because I want to finish my freshman year. I really wanted to stay for all four, but I can't stand you. I can't say I hate you, but I am definitely not fond of you. You told us lies. Encouraged us to take your side regardless. If it's between you and my brother, I pick you. Well fuck you. I'll pick my brother every time. Unless he's being an idiot. Everytime I don't side with you, you play the victim card. Well fuck you. I'm sick of your shit. When the school year ends, I'm packing up and moving to Daddy's house. Sam hates him, but oh well. Apple hates him, all the better. You hate him, maybe that'll encourage you to stay the fuck away from me until you grow up.
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