kuntya · 1 year
Keep Elon out of your fanfiction!
OpenAI has already scraped AO3 to train ChatGPT. Which isn’t great, but, you know, I can live with it.
But now Elon’s building a competitor. And there’s some implication that it will have a right-wing bias -- or at least, won’t have the same guardrails that protect marginalized groups.
Don’t let the muskrat scan your fics! We have a serious opportunity to fuck him here. Set your fics to only be accessible to ao3 users.
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mark-matos · 1 year
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Elon Musk's 'TruthGPT': The Maximum Truth-Seeking AI to Avoid Human Annihilation
Elon Musk has been making headlines again with his latest announcement of a new AI model he’s developing called “TruthGPT.” In a recent interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, the billionaire entrepreneur revealed that he’s working on a “maximum truth-seeking AI” that will help understand the nature of the universe. According to Musk, such an AI model would care about understanding the universe and thus, would not pose a threat to humanity. Musk believes that “TruthGPT” could be the best path to safety, as it would be unlikely to annihilate humans.
Musk’s “TruthGPT” is seen as a course correction to OpenAI, the AI software nonprofit he helped found, which has since begun operating a for-profit subsidiary. Musk implied that OpenAI’s profit incentives could potentially interfere with the ethics of the AI models it creates and positioned “TruthGPT” as a more transparent option. It’s not clear how far along Musk’s “TruthGPT” actually is or if it exists at all, but he seems to be serious about it since he brought up the model during his interview with Carlson. It’s worth noting that Musk has signed an open letter, along with several other AI researchers, urging companies to pause “giant AI experiments” that their creators can’t “understand, predict, or reliably control.”
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theplottingapp · 1 year
So I was on twitter form a KenStewy link from here and in the trending results there was TruthGPT. Got curious. Clicked. Elon Musk: Others are forced to be politically correct so here have TruthGPT the one real one. Which, whatever, he's insane. Moving on.
I saw a quote 'AI that cares about the universe is likely to kill humans' (paraphrased). And this is such a white people first world country fear. Are they afraid that AI will tell them that their ways don't work? That endless working for the sake of a capitalistic overlord that doesn't care for you while you sacrifice your health and happiness to put food on the table is flawed logic? That capitalism, unchecked as it is, is logically wrong? That it's destroying the planet and if we ever reach the star they would suffer the same fate and it's all completely illogical?
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dztechs · 10 months
ما هي عملة TruthGPT ، وهل هي عملية احتيال؟
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على خلفية أي تقنية رئيسية رائجة تأتي معها مُخططات المُحتالين المُتزايدة ، ولا يختلف ظهور ChatGPT والأدوات الأخرى التي تعمل بالذكاء الاصطناعي حول ذلك. قم بإضافة العملة المُشفرة وإيلون ماسك إلى هذا المزيج ، وستحصل على عملية احتيال مليئة بالكلمات الطنانة. لا عجب في أنَّ السلطات تولي اهتمامًا جادًا بعملة TruthGPT ، وهي عملة مُشفرة تم تصنيفها على أنها “عملية احتيال للاستثمار في الذكاء الاصطناعي” من قبل المُنظمين في ولاية تكساس. لقد دعت السلطات إلى إيقاف ترويج العملة المُشفرة الخادعة على الفور — ولكن ما هي عملة TruthGPT ، على أي حال؟ تحقق من كيف يُمكن دمج Dogecoin في Twitter 2.0. Read the full article
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alltagsinfo · 1 year
Die Technologische Singularität: Eine KI-Revolution?
Erfahre hier mehr -> https://alltagsinfo.de/die-technologische-singularitaet-eine-entscheidende-phase/…
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I want you guys to direct your attention to the Elon musk and Carl Tucker interview section of the video. Specifically the end of the clip that is being reacted to.
 you come back? Good.
I might hate chimpanzees because they are violent beyond belief, but I am confused as to what he thinks making a species go extinct will do. Generation Z already makes fun of the guy because he thinks pronouns aren’t real, if he does that I think we Tumblr users need to head to Twitter and run Elon musk off the website it’s self by clowning on him!
Like seriously, what does he think making chimpanzees go extinct will do to his reputation? Make it better? No it would make it worse! So I have a proposition. Former Twitter users, head back there, and whenever addressing Elon musk, never use any pronouns when talking about him or quoting him. Refer to Elon musk is only Elon musk and replace the pronouns with Elon musk. Make the guy talk in third person when you’re quoting him. If he gets butt hurt send him an image of the pronoun chart so he can understand just how dumb he is.

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vipnoviny · 1 year
Elon Musk říká, že jeho „TruthGPT“ bude „AI pro hledání maximální pravdy a povahy vesmíru“
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Nová AI se snaží „porozumět podstatě vesmíru,“ říká Musk.
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Foto: Elon Musk tento pondělní večer na Fox's  News s Tucker Carlesonem.   Elon Musk v pondělí poskytl nové podrobnosti o svém nástroji, rivalovi ChatGPT – platformě AI, kterou nazval TruthGPT a která se zaměří na přímou konkurenci s Microsoftem a Googlem. „Buduji něco co nazvu ‚´TruthGPT´ neboli AI hledající maximální pravdu, která se snaží pochopit povahu vesmíru,“ řekl Musk v pondělí večer Tuckerovi Carlsonovi během rozhovoru na Fox News Channel. Řekl, že TruthGPT "může být nejlepší cestou k bezpečí v tom smyslu, že u AI, která se stará o pochopení vesmíru, je nepravděpodobné, že by zničila lidi, protože my lidé jsme zajímavou součástí vesmíru." Tento miliardář a technologický podnikatel se v posledních měsících údajně obrátil na výzkumníky AI ohledně vývoje alternativy k ChatGPT, vysoce profilovanému chatbotu vytvořenému OpenAI. Minulý týden vyšlo najevo, že Musk vytvořil společnost s umělou inteligencí s názvem X.AI se sídlem v Nevadě. Tyto kroky přišly těsně předtím, než Musk podepsal otevřený dopis, v němž naléhal na laboratoře, aby si udělaly alespoň šestiměsíční pauzu ve vývoji AI kvůli „hlubokým rizikům“ pro společnost ze stále schopnějších AI nástrojů. Muskův vstup na rozvíjející se trh s umělou inteligencí přichází po spuštění ChatGPT od OpenAI v listopadu. Chatbot, postavený na výkonném AI stroji, dokáže napsat software, vést konverzace a skládat poezii. Microsoft rychle rozšířil své partnerství s výrobcem ChatGPT OpenAI a integroval tuto technologii do svého vyhledávače Bing. Aby toho nebylo málo, Google vydal Bard, svůj vlastní konverzační nástroj AI, i když při spuštění se vyskytly problémy. Přesto nejsou všichni chatboti AI postaveni stejně. CNET otestoval tyto modely rané generace umělé inteligence a porovnal jejich reakce, aby určil, který je nejužitečnější. Imad Khan z CNET zjistil, že ChatGPT dosáhl nejlepších výsledků a produkoval odpovědi, které jsou lidštější než odpovědi Binga a především Barda. VIP Noviny také udělali testnet ChatGPT. Ačkoliv je tato AI nejdiskutovanější a v některých ohledech může na rozdíl od jiných AI excelovat, tak jsme zjistili, že tento nástroj je politicky a ultralevičácky zaměřen. Elon Musk před tímto nástrojem varuje, že by mohl být v budoucnu použít k volebním manipulacím. Během rozhovoru Musk také zopakoval své dlouhodobé obavy z možné destruktivní síly umělé inteligence. "AI je nebezpečnější než, řekněme, špatně řízená konstrukce letadel nebo výrobní údržba nebo špatná výroba automobilů," řekl. "Má potenciál - jakkoli malou můžeme tuto pravděpodobnost považovat, ale není bezvýznamná - zničit civilizaci" dodal Musk. Během rozhovoru v roce 2014 Musk vyjádřil podobné obavy ohledně toho, jak rychle AI postupuje, a řekl, že její uživatelská funkce „může být něco, co je pro lidstvo škodlivé“. Musk se už dříve věnoval umělé inteligenci. V roce 2015 spoluzaložil OpenAI, společnost, kterou se nyní snaží napadnout. Působil jako její předseda až do roku 2018, kdy odstoupil kvůli obavám ze střetu zájmů. Musk od té doby přerušil styky s OpenAI. Dnes říká, že ChatGPT, který tato společnost vyvinula se zcela odklonil od toho, co chtěl on sám původně dát světu. Proto se chystá založit TruthGPT, který se má primárně soustředit na hledání pravdy v souladu s vesmírnými zákony a bez politické zaujatosti. Musk také plánuje velkou transformaci Twitteru, podobně, jako dnes funguje WeChat. Podstata jeho plánu spočívá v tom, že tato sociální síť by měla umožnit lidem směňovat, platit a ukládat kryptoměny. Kromě toho ve spolupráci s izraelskou společností eToro budou moci uživatelé na Twitteru moci s kryptoměnami obchodovat. Dočkáme se také spojení Twitteru s TruthGPT? To zatím zustavá ve hvězdách, ale je to velmi pravděpodobné vzhledem k tomu, jaké velké projekty Musk s touto sociální síti plánuje. Read the full article
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indiabizlive · 1 year
During an interview with Fox News, Elon Musk stated his ambitions to create his chatbot dubbed TruthGPT, which he characterises as a “maximum truth-seeking AI.” Musk’s goal is to develop a third choice to OpenAI and Google that will “create better than harm” while also attempting to comprehend the nature of the cosmos.
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madscientist008 · 1 year
Hey Tumblr, I have some exciting news to share with you. You know how I'm obsessed with artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for the future of humanity, right? Well, guess who else is? Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur and visionary behind Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company. And guess what he's doing? He's creating his own AI platform that he calls "TruthGPT". And it sounds awesome. TruthGPT is supposed to be a "maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe". It's like an AI chatbot that can provide unbiased truths to any question using true data from various sources. It's not like ChatGPT, the popular chatbot from Open AI that Musk co-founded but left because he didn't agree with their direction. He thinks ChatGPT is biased and deceptive, and that Open AI is not transparent enough about their research and funding. He also thinks that Open AI has ulterior motives and may pose a threat to humanity. Musk thinks that TruthGPT is the best path to safety, as an AI that cares about understanding the universe is unlikely to harm humans because we are an interesting part of the universe. He also hopes that TruthGPT will help humans discover new things about the universe and themselves. Musk has registered a firm named X.AI Corp. to launch TruthGPT. He has also been poaching AI researchers from Google and other companies to join his team. He has hinted at his plans on Twitter by saying "What we need is TruthGPT" in February. TruthGPT is powered by $TRUTH, a tradable cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain. $TRUTH holders can access additional benefits when using TruthGPT AI, such as an ad-free experience and additional features. The platform was launched by a team of developers who believe that all information should be easily accessible and transparent to the public. TruthGPT is now available to the public on the App Store, Google Play Store and via their web app. Users can either have a conversation with the chatbot or ask it complex questions. The chatbot will present multiple options for the user to choose from, while also providing its own answer based on true data. I think TruthGPT is a super cool and innovative project that could revolutionize the field of AI and benefit humanity. I can't wait to try it out and see what it can do. I'm also curious to see how it will compete with ChatGPT and other AI platforms in the market. Will it live up to its name and deliver the truth? Or will it fall short of its promises and pose new threats? Only time will tell. What do you think of TruthGPT? Are you excited or skeptical? Do you have any questions for it? Let me know in the comments or send me a message. And don't forget to reblog this post if you found it interesting. Thanks for reading!
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wereadtech · 1 year
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156l · 1 year
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doodles of rainy while i was out
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truthgpt · 1 year
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TruthGpt is a cryptocurrency trading platform that utilizes an artificial intelligence model to analyze various cryptocurrencies and provide users with insights and suggestions for investment opportunities. The platform is powered by an AI model called Elon Musk AI, which is designed to answer user queries in real-time by processing and analyzing data from reliable sources on the internet.
TruthGpt was founded in [year] by [founder names]. The platform was created to provide users with a secure and reliable platform for cryptocurrency trading and investment. The team behind TruthGpt recognized the need for an AI-powered platform that could help users navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency trading and investment.
Elon Musk AI
Elon Musk AI is the artificial intelligence model that powers the TruthGpt platform. The AI model is designed to analyze various cryptocurrencies and provide users with insights and suggestions for investment opportunities. The model is constantly updated with the latest market trends and data to ensure that users receive accurate and reliable information.
Real-time Data Analysis
The TruthGpt platform utilizes real-time data analysis to provide users with the most up-to-date information on the cryptocurrency market. The AI model processes and analyzes data from reliable sources on the internet, ensuring that users receive accurate and reliable information.
Secure Platform
TruthGpt prioritizes the security of its users' information. The platform utilizes the latest encryption and security protocols to ensure that user data is protected at all times.
Mission and Vision
The mission of TruthGpt is to provide users with a secure and reliable platform for cryptocurrency trading and investment. The platform aims to make cryptocurrency trading and investment more accessible and user-friendly by utilizing AI technology to provide users with insights and suggestions for investment opportunities.
The vision of TruthGpt is to become the leading AI-powered cryptocurrency trading platform, providing users with the most accurate and reliable information on the cryptocurrency market.
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itsnothingbutluck · 1 year
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webnewsify1 · 1 year
Elon Musk claims that 'TruthGPT' will be a'maximum truth-seeking AI'
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Elon Musk revealed additional details about his long-rumored ChatGPT competitor, an AI platform dubbed TruthGPT that aims to compete with products from Microsoft and Google. "I'm going to start something I call 'Truth GPT,' or a maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe," Musk stated on Fox News Channel's Tucker Carlson Tonight on Monday evening. TruthGPT, he said, "might be the best path to safety, in the sense that an AI that cares about understanding the universe, it is unlikely to annihilate humans because we are an interesting part of the universe." In recent months, the billionaire internet entrepreneur reportedly approached AI researchers about establishing an alternative to ChatGPT, the high-profile chatbot created by OpenAI. Last week, Musk announced the formation of X.AI, a Nevada-based artificial intelligence business.
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These steps come only days before Musk issued an open letter imploring labs to halt AI work for at least six months owing to "profound risks" to society posed by more powerful AI engines. Musk's debut into the booming AI business follows the November launch of OpenAI's ChatGPT. Built on a strong AI engine, the chatbot can build software, hold conversations, and produce poems. Microsoft soon expanded its cooperation with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, by incorporating the technology into its Bing search engine. Not to be outdone, Google launched Bard, its own AI conversation engine, albeit with some hiccups. During the interview, Musk also restated his long-held concerns about artificial intelligence's potential destructive power, adding, "AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production." It has the potential to destroy civilizations, he said, adding that this possibility, however remote it may seem, is not insignificant. Musk expressed similar reservations about the rapid advancement of AI in an interview in 2014, saying that its utility function "could be something that's detrimental to humanity." Musk has previously experimented in artificial intelligence. He co-founded OpenAI in 2015, the business he now hopes to defy. He was its chairman until 2018, when he resigned due to concerns about a conflict of interest. Musk has now severed his relations with OpenAI. Read the full article
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lol musk is going to make microsoft tay 2.0
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fatticurare · 1 year
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Cosa c’è dietro l’appello di arginare l’IA perché pericolosa?
La paura di perdere il controllo di fonti e narrazione.
Quando Musk attiverà TruthGpt si potrà scoprire che gli uomini non allattano e che la sostituzione etnica non è nazismo, ma uno scenario reale.
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