#trying to get a feel for him and cayde
emmster · 4 months
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Hey look it’s Andal Brask
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a-driftamongopenstars · 4 months
pettiness is a dish always best served hot; guardian x crow and cayde :)
after getting that ask about Cayde being a third-wheel in this situation, I just had to write something for the Wild Card mission :) I hope this is as funny as it is in my mind :D also on ao3
Cayde hates stake outs. 
Getting into the fray, guns blazing, is where his true approach lies. A knife here, a bullet there, everyone who should be dead is dead, and he gets to eat ramen right on the dinner clock. 
Yet here they are, former Hunter Vanguard, his little Guardian protege and their formerly of the Awoken royalty boyfriend. Slash killer. Slash no, not anymore. Slash, unsure. What a crew!
“Cayde, stop moving!” Crow chastises him, kicking him lightly in the shin. 
Cayde narrows his eyes but obliges by sitting down on the ground, watching Crow. Now that one was made for scouting. Patient to a Hunter appropriate degree, wicked with a sniper, if Cayde were to judge. Knows his stuff. And according to the few conversations they shared, not even mildly scared by bureaucracy. Good, Cayde thinks.
A multitude of feelings swarm inside him. Curiosity, jealousy, a little bit of anger for the spice. Resentment, pride, appreciation.
But above all those warm and fuzzy feelings, there is one more. One that Cayde has made sure to nurture over his long long life. One that feeds into his very psyche.
“Guardian?” Crow calls on the comms. “I have you in my sights. There is a swarm of Scorn approaching your location. Wait, what? Uh…”
Whatever the reply is, Cayde doesn’t get to hear as the channel switches to private but for a second. And so he gives in to that feeling instead.
A wave of playful and unyielding pettiness.
And so Cayde-6 forms a plan. 
They sit around a small fire, celebrating one of the many latest victories of their hunt. Crow reenacts a shoot-out with a horde of war beasts, accidentally sending one of the bottles flying at the wall, covering the rock side with rich red. The Guardian is laughing, while the two Ghosts watch with a mixture of disapproval and parental condescension. 
Crow thoughtfully rubs his nape and reaches for another wine bottle, offering it to the Guardian. But before the bottle can make contact, Cayde smiles and swipes it from Crow's hand. 
“Oh, that's my favourite!” he exclaims. “Not vintage enough, but that will do.”
He lets the cool liquid pour down his mechanical throat, watching from the corner of the eye as Crow can't find any more wine in their supplies. The Guardian is smiling at Crow's quiet frustration and reassures him that it's fine and they can transmat in some more if need be. Their hands brush against each other as Crow sits next to the Guardian, and Cayde wonders if they don’t see him notice.
“Good wine?” Crow asks with a mocking tone, to which Cayde wipes his mouth and sighs with great content.
“Good enough, kid.”
Crow huffs and turns his attention to stoking the fire.
A warm feeling spreads in Cayde's chest. He oh so loves being up to no good. 
In-between the many battles within the Pale Heart, they take a moment of respite to take care of their weapons and ammunition. The Guardian is trying to get screeb stuff out of their armour to no avail. Rookie mistake to run straight into the thick of the horde and serves them right.
Crow polishes the feather-etched barrel of his gun. Cayde watches, proud that the kid has already figured out the important business of having a signature gun. Cayde tucks away a thought about a signature cloak, one step a time, but that's a done deal. He's decided, it’s just that no one else needs to know for now. 
Cayde looks at his own weapon, the Ace of Spades glowing with Light through cracks. Shabby, but trusty. His thumb runs over the white spade. Even here in this strange version of the afterlife, a memory of something distant and unattainable is haunting him.
When he raises his eyes, he finds that Crow has joined the Guardian in a fruitless attempt to wipe off the Scorn ether, yet the more they both try, the more the stain seems to eat into the armour.
Lovebirds, Cayde thinks. Oh how the tables have turned.
The hunt for the ether-thieves goes on for a few more days. In that time Cayde thinks he and Crow have discussed every possible facet of things he would rather never talk about again. Good thing the kid is easily distracted with a healthy bit of competition, which they indulge in by shooting distant targets while the Guardian spots them both. 
At night they take turns to meditate and rest, another taking watch.
On one of the nights, Cayde wanders off from the camp. An excuse is easy, a strange noise nearby he wants to investigate, as if there isn't something strange happening every minute anyway. They are inside the Traveler, after all.
Cayde walks down a narrow trodden path and contemplates the ridiculous lip locking happening right around the corner. It doesn’t particularly bother him, but oh, amuse him it does. His favourite Guardian, all tangled up with this Crow. He wonders how it happened. Actually, he doesn’t, the more he thinks about it, the stranger it seems.
When Cayde makes it back to the camp, the kiss is still ongoing, with the two lovebirds none the wiser to his presence. Dangerous, could get shot like this, so they should be happy it’s just him.
Cayde pushes between the Guardian and Crow, plopping himself down on the ground. The Guardian is looking away flushed, while Crow crosses his arms.
“Found anything suspicious?” he asks, moving to make space.
“Nah, false alarm. There was this pair of love birds though…”
The Guardian chokes on a small hidden laugh.
“...that’s when Zavala punched him right. In. The. Face!”
As the Guardian laughs, Crow rubs his forehead with tired fingers. Cayde rummages through his memories to grapple onto a new story - and good thing that not all of them have to be true - when the Guardian stretches their arms. After a few pops, a glance at Crow and a ridiculously tired yawn, they begin to rise from the chair.
“Hold on, I’ve got one more!” Cayde exclaims. “Just one more, and off you go to see your sweet dreams. Promise!”
The Guardian sits right back, and Crow watches Cayde with eyes narrowed, only two brightly coloured irises glowing in the dark. He means to say something, and Cayde eggs him on with a prolonged pause, just to talk as Crow’s mouth opens.
“Okay, there was this one time I sat in a bar, and in came a titan, a hunter and a warlock…”
One story turns into a couple more. A wine bottle is fished from the supplies, and the Guardian is doing all in their power to not let their eyes closed, when Cayde puts a final flourish on the story.
“And that’s why you don’t play cards with Ikora.”
“Good to know,” Crow says with an amused grin. “I think I’m going to catch some sleep. How… about you, Guardian?”
They rise from the chair and dust off their armour, even though it has now been made pristine.
As the Guardian heads to the tent, Crow turns to Cayde. Their eyes meet, some kind of momentary agreement or understanding. He doesn’t want to talk about it now, but he has learnt the importance of well-timed words. It may always be that you would not get a chance to say them.
“Come on,” Cayde ushers Crow with a flick of his hand. “Go get that sleep.”
Crow crosses his arms and arches his eyebrow.
“What, not another story? Or sleeping right in the middle of the tent like the last time?”
“Nope,” Cayde responds. “Let’s just say, I got my retaliation. Now go, shoo. The Guardian is going to fall asleep if you don’t get all cuddly and snuggly.”
Crow’s lips stretch into a wild grind.
“What in the Light’s name are those words?”
“No idea, hope I don’t get to repeat them ever again. Now go, kid. And… look after them, yeah? They are my favourite.”
Crow looks at the tent where the Guardian is fumbling with a light blanket.
“I will. They are my favourite, too.”
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what-did-you-just-say · 2 months
Hello, can I get Shaxx, Cayde, Drifter, and maybe Crow with a reader who is really shy, and timid but if there tired or angry they just couldn't care less, they'll just pop people's heads off practically.
HELLOOOO! Hi, sorry I didn't react sooner but I saw your request and kinda forgot about writing it! I'm so sorry!
So here it is!! Well, I tried to be as close to the characters as possible without them being OOC. I hope you like it!
(I know they're a little short, I tried my best)
Lord Shaxx
- he'd be...surprised, honestly. Shaxx is the kind of man who encourages your might in the Crucible but he came to terms with your shy and timid nature.
- he finds it cute if we're being honest here, it just goes to show how well your characters go together.
‐ Shaxx is loud and not at all embarrassed by his words while you're a little off to the side and rather not interact with many people you don't know that well.
- So to see you in the Arena, feeling a little off with that tinge of tiredness, not wanting to actually do much except get the match over with, worried him a little.
- Well, that was until you got angry at some hunter taunting you across the map. He's been an irritating thorn in your side this whole time with his arrogant cockiness and that stupid shit eating grin you swore you saw through his helmet.
- Now, Shaxx being the man he is and encouraging your might in his matches, practically thrives off your newfound determination to bring the enemy team down.
‐ He gushes about it aswell, flexing that his S/O was crushing the enemy team and brought the win for their own.
- but he comforts you afterwards, truly. He'll be all over you with affection that same night and tell you how well you did and coo in your ear about your achievements and your victory over that damn hunter.
- oh jeez...well, okay, Cayde isn't that bad but he'd also be a big encourager on his part.
- he loves the fact he can coddle you and tease you for your shyness and timid nature, finding it incredibly endearing when you blush and try to hide from him.
- he's your voice in moments it really counts in, speaking for you when something bothers you or whatnot.
- but when he (surprisingly enough) managed to get out of the tower and "aid" you on patrol on Mars, he really didn't expect you to start popping Cabal heads with little to no care!
- all because they scratched your armour too! You've been feeling tired already, not wanting to go on patrol in the first place but being tasked by Commander Zavala himself to simply take a look around the perimeter.
- now your new armour has been scratched, you were already tired and these Cabal weren't letting up either!
- Cayde just simply stood off to the side and gawked at you like you were a completely different person!
- his sweet and cute S/O, as shy and timid as they are most of the time, is casually killing Cabal with headshots left and right like they were nothing!
- (he was a little turned on, let's be fair)
- to say everybody in the Tower knew of your little outburst would be an understatement, that loveable Exo of yours could not keep his damn mouth shut.
- he might be the damn reason you're so nagged in the first place, honestly.
- so we all know Drifter and how he is, always that bravado he puts on for a rogue lightbearer. He's got an image to uphold.
- so this man would also be an absolute tease, cracking jokes and cooing right in your ear on a private comms channel just to see you get flustered and all.
- but he knows when to stop aswell, don't get me wrong.
- that instance would be when you both were on a mission on Europa. He had perched himself onto a vantage point where he could observe and cover your back if needed.
- you two were just casually chatting around, talking about the most mundane things while you were walking the perimeter.
‐ until...you suddenly got ambushed. You were already tired and these Fallen constantly crawling out of their hiding spots and caves and whatnot just irritated you further. It was supposed to be a simple Intel mission.
- so Drifter, being the good boyfriend he is, covered your back and shot Eliksni after Eliksni while making sure you weren't too overwhelmed.
- yet he did feel baffled when you just popped their head like nothing, like they were flies.
- for him it felt like you and that person sporting your armour were two different people.
- don't get him wrong, he liked you this way. Unbothered and uncaring but it was a stark contrast to your usually sweet personality.
- he did tease you after everything had calmed down and you two managed to meet up but he did make sure to at least try and get you to calm down.
- oh my god– are you trying to give this man a heart attack?
- not only was he worried because you were already feeling tired, which made you so easily agitated, but you also had to go on a patrol WITHOUT him nearby.
- he knows of your act of....not being bothered with anything at all but he was still worried, he knows you can take care of yourself
- Crow loves your shy behaviour, it complimented his own well. Your timidness making his heart soften.
- he was...shocked? To say the least the first time he caught you in that state of "You breathe at all? Bullet to the head." and it did worry him a little.
- (even a little turned on, dare I say? He's a sucker okay for badass partners imo)
- he tries his best to calm you down if you reach that state of anger or try and convince Zavala to send someone else when you're feeling tired but got handed another mission.
- Crow just wants to care for you</3
(Hope you enjoyed reading it and send in requests if you want something specific! Have a great day/night!)
(Love, creator hihi)
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demiclar · 2 months
Glint and Ghost talk about the Light and the Traveler.
--I wrote this for a writing challenge last month and realized I didn't share it here. I just love some Ghosts <3
When Glint finds Ghost a few dozen yards from the Young Wolf and Crow’s camp, he’s hovering over a fissure of Light, his shell thrown wide, his optic dim. Glint hovers back for a few moments, watching, worried he might be interrupting, but Ghost doesn’t move. Eventually, his curiosity—and his concern—get the better of him.
“Glint!” Ghost jumps, shooting a foot into the air, his shell snapping shut. “Sorry, I, uh, thought you were back at camp.”
“I didn’t mean to disturb you, I can go if you–”
“No, no, that’s okay. It’s fine.”
Glint glances down at the fissure of Light below Ghost. Their Guardians are both back at their camp, tucked away in a protected cave in the Impasse, fortified by a few trip mines at the entrance, as well as the Ghosts’s attention. Still acclimated to the Last City’s time after the celebrations in the wake of their victory, their Guardians are asleep within their tent. He and Ghost had left to give them a little privacy, agreeing to keep watch. When they’d left, Crow and the Young Wolf had lay back to back, sharing body heat in the cool recreation of Old Russia. Glint knows that sometime during the night, his Guardian will roll over to face the Young Wolf. Crow’s hand will rest on their hip, or over their waist, and either consciously or unconsciously, the Guardian will press their body into his and the pair will wake up in the morning curled together. It’s happened before. It will happen again. He’s glad Crow has someone to spend his cold nights with, and he’s especially glad that person is as nice to Crow as the Guardian is. 
For now though, he pushes the Guardians from his mind. He can feel through his bond with Crow that they’re safe, Crow still deep in sleep, and he can see the entrance to the cave off behind them, with no enemies in sight. 
“What were you doing with that?” he asks Ghost, feeling the front half of his shell rotate slightly as he looks over Ghost and the fissure.
“Nothing,” Ghost answers, a tad too quickly, and Glint rights his shell, trying to look neutral. “I was just…scanning it.” 
Again, Glint glances down at the fissure below. Unless Ghost scans things with his shell wide open, unmoving, he isn’t telling Glint the whole truth. Glint has spent enough time with him to know he scans the way they all scan, with a beam of Light, or a few quick pulses.
“Did you find anything?”
He watches Ghost’s shell deflate, a beam of light now tracing over the fissure. 
“No,” he answers. “I wasn’t scanning it. I was…I was trying to use it to commune with the Traveler.”
The front half of Glint’s shell rotates again, this time a full circle counterclockwise, then forty-five degrees clockwise. Ghost’s shell pinches around his eye, and it reminds Glint of the way Crow used to hunch over while they lived with Spider, making himself small as if to hide from view.
“I wanted to know if everything we’ve been doing to heal it is really helping,” Ghost tells him, though he avoids Glint’s gaze. “And, I was looking for guidance. I wanted to see if I could speak with it. If it would give me a vision like it gave Cayde, because I–” he stumbles over his words. “Because when I–”
“Because you died, and the Traveler didn’t bring you back,” Glint guesses quietly, and Ghost’s shell relaxes around his frame but seems to fall downwards, like he’s being pulled down by gravity.
“Yeah,” Ghost murmurs. “That.”
Glint sweeps his own beam of light over the fissure. Their scans are the closest thing he can really approximate to how their Guardians touch things. Glint imagines his beams of Light are the same as Crow running his fingers over something, the tactile sense feeding information through Crow’s nerves, into his brain. Through his scans, Glint can feel the composition of the stone below them, the Traveler’s recreation of Old Russia’s dirt and rocks, the mix of rust and old glass, particles from the graveyard of cars littering the space around them. He can also feel the Traveler’s Light, raw and unfiltered, bubbling up from the fissure and filling the air around it. 
While Ghost had his shell open when Glint had first spotted him, he’d have been able to feel the Light around him like he was breathing it in, a sensation Glint only knows from Crow, but one that feels rich with meaning. Ghost would have been able to feel the Light pouring over him, seeping into his core and tangling with his own being. He’d have felt the composition of the air and molecules of dust and dirt within it. He’d have been able to smell the flavor of the wind and taste the makeup of the Pale Heart around them.
But despite all that, despite opening his very being to the Traveler, Glint knows it wouldn’t have spoken back. He knows it would have remained silent. He knows that’s what the Traveler does, and he knows why, but he also knows Ghost does not need silence now.
“The Traveler might not be much of a conversationalist,” Glint admits, tilting his shell down to look at the fissure. Ghost avoids his eye contact the way Crow does when he’s feeling particularly raw, but Glint knows enough to understand that he’s not trying to ignore him. “But I’m here, if you want to talk.”
“I–” Ghost stops, and he lets out a quiet sigh the way that their Guardians do, a deep breath that makes their shoulders drop, the stress in their bodies diminishing just slightly. “I don’t know. I know it probably sounds crazy, but I think dying for my Guardian was easier than being controlled by the Witness. Every time it spoke through me–”
Ghost shakes his shell sharply, letting out another sigh.
“That’s what sticks with me more. I just can’t stop thinking about it. Even after it’s gone, I’m still–”
“It does sound a little crazy,” Glint interrupts him, though his voice is soft and gentle, “but it also makes a lot of sense.”
Ghost lifts his eye finally, looking over at Glint, and Glint shrugs his shell.
“When you killed the Witness, you chose to die for your Guardian. You knew what you wanted and you decided to do it. When the Witness took control of you, in the Pale Heart, or back on Neptune, it took control of your body. You didn’t get a choice.” It’s Glint’s turn to look away from their eye contact, sweeping another beam of light over the fissure. “When Crow and I were living with Spider, when he put a bomb in my shell, Spider was using me to keep Crow with him. He was using me to keep Crow around so he could hurt him. That was terrible, and I still had control of my body, at least when Spider wasn’t electrocuting me but–” Glint pushes off the memory, rotating his shell like he needs to refocus his mind. “I know I can’t understand how it felt–”
“But you probably understand a lot more than most,” Ghost finishes for him, meeting Glint’s eye when Glint looks at him. Glint bobs his shell in a nod.
“Can I ask what it was like?” he murmurs, “when you died?”
Ghost sinks a little lower, and Glint follows him down to hover just above the fissure of Light.
“If that’s too personal you don’t have to–I didn’t mean to pry–”
“No, it’s okay, Glint,” Ghost promises, looking over at him. His shell lifts in a tense smile. “It’s been hard to figure out. Cayde talked about feeling at peace, and I did feel that, but I knew a piece of me was missing. A huge part of me. I might not have had my Guardian as long as most other Ghosts, but ever since I found them they’ve been everything to me. Maybe it would have gotten easier over time but I could hardly think past how much I missed them, how much I knew we were meant to be together. But at the same time, I didn’t want them to come to me. I didn’t want them to die, I would never want them to. Not until they’re ready, that is.”
Glint feels himself nod. He knows Crow won’t live forever, neither of them will, but Glint would rather destroy himself than let Crow meet his end before his time. 
“Did you feel the others? The way that Sundance said? That we’re all connected?”
“I did.” Ghost’s smile is a little brighter now, a little less sad. “I felt everyone. Targe, and Sundance, I felt Sagira, and Brya, I felt Guardians, too. I felt people I’d never known and more than I could comprehend. I know they felt me, too, but I think they also knew it wasn’t my time yet. I don’t know how long I spent with them, but eventually I felt Cayde and my Guardian. I could feel them both pulling me back, and then I woke up in my Guardian’s hands.”
Glint watches Ghost sweep a beam of Light over the fissure. “I can still feel them, now. I think Cayde’s Light kept me connected to them. I can feel him and Sundance, they’re closest, but I can feel the others, too.” He nods to Glint. “We’re all connected, just like she said.”
They look over the fissure in silence for a long moment, listening to the wind blowing over the landscape, the hum as it catches in pockets of cars and caverns.
“What were you hoping the Traveler might say, if you could commune with it?”
Ghost’s shell pinches again, his eye down. “I knew my time was coming, I think since the moment the Witness first cut into me, when we first got here. I didn’t think to ask the Traveler to heal me, I didn’t think it could, even when we were healing the other Ghosts. But when I died, my Guardian asked it to bring me back, and it didn’t.” Ghost is silent for a long moment, his optic flitting over the fissure. “I wanted to know whether or not it was right for Cayde to have brought me back, or if the Traveler didn’t heal me because it wanted me to stay dead.”
“I don’t think the Traveler wanted that.” Glint flits closer, until he can press one of his fins against Ghost’s, the way their Guardians bump shoulders or lean into one another. “The Traveler wants us to make our own fates. Being a Ghost, and being a Guardian are both hard lives, I think you and I know that pretty well. If the Traveler brought you back, it would be subjecting you to the same violence that killed you, when you could’ve finally had peace. But,” Glint spins the front half of his shell clockwise forty-five degrees, the back half rotating a full circle. “At the same time, I think that like Crow’s wish did with Cayde, you wouldn’t have been able to come back if the Traveler hadn’t been alright with you going, and if it hadn’t been something you wanted. You and Cayde made your fate, but the Traveler hasn’t abandoned you, either.”
Ghost looks at him like he’s daring to be hopeful.
“You think so?”
Glint bobs his shell in a nod. “It’s like you said, you can feel them, can’t you? We’re all connected. Always.”
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
okay so i've had an idea, and my destiny 2/cayde-6 brain worms are too strong so i'm never personally going to write this BUT. had a thought. about civilian specialist!reader, an ethical hacker that works with agencies of all sorts to nab cyber criminals, with a specialty in trafficking. SO, the idea is that she's been working in a little hacker pod of primarily women and LGBT folks. basically has formed a queer little social bubble where there is nary a cis-man in sight.
enter the 141.
they're after some guy that's difficult to pin down. too tech savvy for their usual intel gathering techniques. so, reader gets called in. referred. price is told, "top of their field, a true professional, won't find anyone better." so, when a tattooed, green haired girl with an attitude and a mouth for back sassing shows up, he's flummoxed.
but soap, dear johnny boy, is smitten. head over fucking heels puppy boy love.
she passes all the tests, proves to be every bit of the professional while on a job that was promised. so she gets added, temporarily, to the team. has to be on site with 'em too, something about needing direct access to a closed network, who knows none of them really understand what she's saying anyway.
so they're on the job, out in the field, and reader has been trapped in testosterone soaked HELL for weeks now. it's getting to her. the belches, Ghost's crass jokes, the Horrible Feet Smell. the bulldoze ahead without consideration attitude of self assured, confident men that haven't really been told 'no' enough in their lives.
and johnny, poor johnny, overhears her say to gaz (cause lets be honest, he's the only one of them that'd have a skin care routine and regularly moisturize so she's bonded with him the most), "i can feel this experience actively turning me into a lesbian" after watching price flick a still lit cigar into the dirt and hock up a smokers lung loogie to finish it off. johnny panics.
from then on he is Desperately trying to get the lads to clean up their act because "no. no, no, no, she cannae be a lesbian i havenae asked her out yet." (─‿‿─)♡
i'm gonna keep it a stack , i think i've seen some like hacker girl who's got a whip for a tongue and attitude for days on here somewhere, alTHOUGH i think she pulled in price, i can't really remember.
she was all tatted up too i think?
it's out there, i just know it.
johnny nagging behind the guys like please god stop being disgusting i need her number is killing me though
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unlucky-phantom · 9 months
Cayde-6 x Guardian reader SFW alphabet relationship headcanons.
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So, first post, it's a long one I will say but I tried my best to be as accurate as I think it would be. hope you'll enjoy x
um...warning for swearing i guess. Could be read as gender-neutral, there is a mention of periods but it's barely there so I'll tag it as both. other than that have some good old fluff.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, Cayde is slightly reluctant to show affection in front of people he doesn't trust wholeheartedly, mostly because he's worried you might become a target, not wanting another Taniks and Andal situation. When he sees you can more than hold your own in combat, he is happy to relax a little. (Just a little)
Afterwards, when you two are in public he's not afraid to let people know you're his, he's actually very proud of the fact that he won you over however there's no over-the-top PDA. A stolen kiss here and there, holding your hand, a hand on your lower back or waist, maybe the odd steamy moment somewhere in a dark corner of the hanger as you both giggle like teenagers.
Privately he's incredibly affectionate, wanting to make the most of the very slim amount of downtime the 2 of you have together. He'll follow you around your home like a cat, eager to simply be in your presence. He's always finding an excuse to touch you, sitting together on the sofa? He's got his head laid in your lap. Cooking in the kitchen? He's got his chin resting on your shoulder, watching you, arms wrapped around your waist from behind.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship with Cayde would likely start after he tells you to take him with him because he hates his job. Much to his delight and surprise you try and sneak him out onto your ship, however Zavala has eyes everywhere and catches you both in the act. After a slap on the wrist, Cayde takes you out to ramen when he's next able to, to apologise for being a "bad influence" or so Zavala says. (he tooootally didn't sneak out a 2nd time to do this).
As your best friend, he's ride or die. He's incredibly loyal, maybe a little brash but you know both of you have each other’s 6, on and off the field. After a while, he's not afraid to show up (normally unannounced) at your home at stupid o'clock in the morning. He claims it's just because he's an early riser, or he was just awake, or some other ridiculous excuse, it's actually because you're the only thing that can calm him after the nightmares that more often than not plague him during the night.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh god yes. This man is the exo equivalent of a limpet. He loves the feeling of your skin under his fingers, your warmth pressed against him. He loves them for a lot of reasons. They're comfy, and deep down he misses the warmth of a human body.
If you're hunkered down, cuddled up in one of his many hideouts, stashes or one of your homes, he likes to make shapes on your skin. He likes to be big spoon 90% of the time, wrapping himself around you, arms around your waist securely, a protective gesture, it'll take a lot to coax out of him that he partially does this because if shit hits the fan while you're sleeping, he knows exactly where you are. You can feel the hum of his internal workings against your back, a soothing melody, the gentle vibrations seeming to mimic a heartbeat and breathing.
There are the odd days that cayde isn't big spoon. The nights his nightmares get too much, or he arrives home battered and exhausted, he'll crawl into bed with you without a word, kick off his boots and lay his head on your chest. You let him stay there a while before coaxing him into removing his armour and getting into something more comfortable. Afterwards, it's straight back to nestling his head into your chest, listening to your heart, legs tangled together. He's particularly fond when you gently stroke the back of his head and hum some soft tune.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Deep down cayde would like the idea of settling down, he knows the likelihood of that is slim. It's a dangerous and volatile world and he knows he'll probably never stop fighting. But he fights for the life he could have, someday. He also loves the wilds too much, out on the bleak expanse of Mars, the cold snows of Europa or the various golden age ruins on Earth, the call of adventure is something cayde will always answer, an adrenaline junky at heart.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
There are few reasons I can think cayde would break up with you, your safety being the main one. Maybe an argument broke out about how reckless you were being or how reckless he was being, he isn't known for his sense of self-preservation. Maybe he thinks you deserve better, better than he can give and no matter how much you plead and beg it's hard to change his mind. He would talk to you; he'd at least have the nerve to break up with you face to face. He'd make a point of avoiding you as much as possible after.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is a tricky one, cayde but he's an all-or-nothing guy. Once he knows you're the one, the one he can trust, the one that can keep up with him, the one he can confide him, then he's there. Cayde wouldn't want to get married soon, the tower is a hectic place and there's always a new threat on the horizon, but he'd promise you one day, when the fighting stops, then, then you can tie the knot. It's a bittersweet promise that you often doubt will ever come to light but right now you have each other, facing the dangers of the system together.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The first time cayde went to hug you, he accidentally bashed you with his horn, a bright red and sore mark on your cheek. After that, he's a little more cautious with his enthusiasm...a little.
When you’re hanging out together in your private space cayde isn't opposed to the occasional tickle fight and rough and tumble. (He will never admit that he, an exo, has a ticklish spot but you know the truth. Tickle a sensitive patch of silicone by his hip and he's a mess)
But when you're feeling down, the pressures of the tower getting to you, your injured or it's that time of month, he treats you like glass. Like you're the most precious thing he's laid his hands on, swaddling you in blankets and wrapping his arms around you. He speaks in low soothing tones and rocks you gently, he’ll likely order you both ramen and put on your favourite holotape.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Cayde is a big hugger when it comes to those he truly cares about. Most times he plays it off as a joke when he opens his arms and says "Hugs?" But he'll never admit the glee it brings when someone (especially you) steps into his outstretched arms.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Cayde definitely overthinks it. He spends nights losing sleep questioning if he truly feels love or just a ghost of what his human consciousness thought as love. He overthinks saying it to you, it’s only when you're about to do some stupid and possibly self-sacrificing thing on a mission that it's blurted out in desperate panic at the thought of never being able to tell you again. He’ll be grabbing you by the shoulders and you can see the desperation in his face.
After the mission cayde won't mention it unless you do. If you ignore it he'll become a little more reclusive, not as touchy-feely any more.
 But if you do, and you reciprocate his feelings, a stupid grin will grow on his face and no matter where or who is watching he's grabbing your face and kissing you with all the pent-up emotion he's been bottling since the friendship morphed into more confusing feelings, feelings of wanting…well, more.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Cayde is a very self-assured guardian, and he trusts you. He knows that you'd never do anything to betray him...Its other people he doesn't trust. Not that he doesn't think you can't stick up for yourself or know when someone is getting a little TOO cosy, but he will step in now and again. He’d saunter over with his usual charm, an arm winding around your waist. "Who’s this, dollface?" he'd ask sweetly while eyeing the other guardian, a clear message. she’s mine. back off
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
At first, Cayde was slightly worried about kissing you for the first time. Had you ever kissed an Exo before? Would you want to? When he begins to develop feelings for you, he often finds himself thinking about what it would be like if it finally happens, your soft lips against his.... Lips? Face plates? Whatever people choose to call them.
Your first kiss likely happens in the heat of the moment, relieved after a high-stakes mission together and unable to contain himself anymore, his leather-gloved hands find your cheeks, pulling you up into a passionate kiss. It was a new experience, his 'lips' were softer, smoother than you imagined an exos to be. When the kiss finally breaks you are both breathless, gazing at one another.
After this cayde would steal kisses occasionally. He was surprisingly good at sneaking kisses while you were both out and about the tower. Pulling you into hidden alcoves, sneaky chaste kisses while Zavala is turned away giving long speeches about.... something neither of you remembers.
When the pair of you are in the privacy of your homes cayde will take his time, he loves kissing any bit of you he can get to. lips, cheeks, neck, anywhere. Likewise, he loves feeling your lips on him, when you swoop in to kiss his cheek when you're busy in the kitchen, his chest when you're curled up in bed, he's addicted to the feel of your lips on him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Cayde doesn't get many opportunities to be around children. Often his interactions are fleeting waves as he walks the last city on patrol or when disaster has struck and he's ushering frightened families to safety, trying to treasure them. When you see these rare moments, you don't miss how his demeanour softens slightly but there's a ... melancholy beneath it.
however every month or so cayde gets plenty of time to spend with children..he has to coach his dodgeball team after all. it is very early on that cayde tells you about how he beat Shaxx and convinced the titan to play dodgeball with the children of the Last City. Cayde cant help but laugh when the children he's coaching meet you for the first time and start singing teasing songs about kissing in trees. these are usually followed up by cayde with an over-exaggerated eyebrow wiggle and "you know... I know some pretty good trees" whispered between barely held-back giggles.
Cayde's little team love you and the Hunter Vanguard totally hasn't gotten everyone team shirts. yours may or may not say property of cayde somewhere either hidden or in massive letters on the back, hell say its a printing error...it totally wasnt.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you're not both on some sort of mission or patrol, you normally wake up in an empty bed, cayde likely already off to perform his vanguard duties.
If you’re both up bright and early, he’ll wake you with a gentle shake and soft words. His voice is not warmed, up its lower, a little staticky and it sends shivers through you. Once you’re both dressed he’ll make you coffee and ask about your jobs for the day before wishing you a safe day and kissing you softly.
If both of you have a rare day when neither of you has morning commitments, it's the sun peaking lazily through the blinds that wakes you, Caydes arms around you securely. If you try to get up and escape the cocoon of warmth, the response from him will be a groan of protest as he pulls you back towards him, nuzzling into you and murmuring "Stay" and how could you resist such a request?
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights where you can stay up late with no commitments the next morning are spent either in a bar somewhere in the last city, hidden away in a corner. or you would spend it in your room. drinking, playing cards, or just cuddling while some old golden-age holotapes play.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes a long time. There are some things even Zavala and Ikora aren't privy to. One of those things being Cayde's journal and ace. He very slowly begins opening up, the charismatic and charming mask slipping slightly to show you the vulnerable and scarred exo beneath. Eventually, after a few years, cayde will tell you about Ace and his journals over a quiet drink away from other prying ears. It's a few years after this that he actually lets you read them.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Cayde inwardly is a patient man. He'll make jokes about how long things are taking, and pester people, normally Zavala but part of being a hunter is control and knowing when to wait for the best moment to strike.
That doesn't mean people don't push his buttons sometimes. He doesn't take kindly to threats or things bothering those he holds dear, namely you. Cayde is quick to shut it down.
You rarely see cayde truly angry, pissed yes, irritated also yes. But angry, that's a rare 'treat'. He's not a loud angry person but the type who when they go silent you know shit is about to hit the fan. A quiet cayde is a dangerous cayde.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Cayde remembers most things, his position as hunter vanguard means he's under a lot of pressure to remember things such as patrols, Bounties and planning the next missions but he'll make an effort to remember dates. Anniversaries, birthdays, and other important dates he comics to memory. He tries to remember your favourite foods so he can surprise you with dinner sometimes.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You were both so tired. Tried, worn out and stressed. You were returning from a mission that had gone south quickly and from your seat behind him you could hear his leather gloves creak in protest at his tight grip on the controls as he piloted the ship. You'd both been in foul moods, sleep-deprived and aching, the mission had been filled with snappy retorts and growled orders. You hadn't spoken since getting on the ship. The silence was broken by Zavala on the coms ordering for your return, Cayde interrupts, slamming a finger on the disconnect button. "Fuck this" he grows and turns the ship around.
Minutes later you finally touch down somewhere and neither of you moves, he slumps back into his seat. " 'm sorry" he murmurs, not turning to look at you. His voice is quiet, remorseful. You ask where you are, and he signals to the exit of the ship. Once you disembark you find yourself in a forest clearing, a lean-to was haphazardly built against a tree, filled with a few caches, chairs and supply boxes. "Little private hideaway. Sometimes I just...need somewhere" he says leading you to a chair.
He pours you a glass of something, it's strong and warms your throat on the way down. You stay there that night, laid out on a blanket drinking and just talking. Wrapped up in one another under the stars. That's the night he tells you about Andal, about Ace and his journals. The night he truly realises how much you mean to him and how much he can't let you go.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Cayde outwardly is about what you would expect when someone's in a relationship. He's cool and collected and shows he knows you can handle yourself. But inside that exo brain is a totally different story. He knows every mission you're going on location and time. He's committing your ship, sparrow and every detail of your armour to memory, God forbid he ever have to look for it, wreckage or otherwise.
If you're on a mission with him, he's first through every doorway, round every corner and in every room. He plays it off as being the leader of the fire team and thus leading. But really, it's to make sure if there's a trap, a hidden danger or an enemy and you’re both caught unaware it's not you who gets the hit.
If he's having particularly bad days after nightmares about Andal and other lost friends, he might slip a tracker into your gear in case something happens to you. When you found it, you were livid at first. You let him explain, panicked words tumbling out promising it wasn’t out of worry of you being unfaithful but fear of actually losing you in that big expanse outside your cosy apartment. After that, you Make sure your ghost sends cayde frequent updates on your location while you're on missions to cayde.
You've saved Caydes ass more times than either of you can count. Every time you do there's a look in his eye. One that took you a while to decipher but when you did you realised it was a mix of pride and trust. He knows you have his 6. And he'll never admit how hot it is when you get angry at whatever it is threatening his life and subsequently beating it into a pulp just for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Caydes' love langue is acts of service and physical touch.
Cayde would try, bless him. He'd try so hard but in the chaos, it would be difficult. Your odd and often full schedules rarely match up but when they do he's making plans, and dates, he's buying you flowers, and gifts.
Everyday tasks like making your coffee, and running you a bath when you return from a long day among others are a regular when it comes to cayde.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s incredibly self-sacrificing when it comes to fighting the good fight. Even if it means him stumbling in at 3 am, beaten and tired. This also manifests in your relationship sometimes taking a backseat, you understood of course but that doesn't mean you didn't miss him.
Other than that he is terrible at taking care of himself unless its initiated by you, eating, sleeping and sometimes bathing taking a back seat in order to do his job.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
While he’s not too concerned too much with his looks, he does like to keep looking good. He uses wax on his metal plating and makes sure his armour is in good spec. When the two of you began getting closer cayde began to care a little more. At first, it was subconscious, you were his friend, and he didn't want to look like a scruff. But then he found himself fussing over his cloak in his reflection before he would go to see you and maybe he had even bought a new cologne and hoped you'd get close enough to notice.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first no. cayde was certain about that. Until long missions felt longer, when you were away the bed felt emptier. His hand felt barren without his queen of hearts and he realises that you are his safe space, his respite and he wants to be that for you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cayde will never admit this out loud, but he loves a little pampering now and again. You heard him mention offhand to another exo about a little place in the bazaar that does an exo wax that he swears by. That evening you surprised him with a home-cooked meal and candles. After you led him to the bed and helped him out of his armour. He was surprised when you pulled out the exo wax, he hadn't directly told you and he won't admit how much it meant. By the time you finished gently massaging the wax onto him, he was asleep, blissed out from the attention and much-needed care.
Sundance ADORES you. Cayde's little light had liked you the moment they witnessed the two of you meet and cayde loves hates it. You and Sundance are little sass machines sometimes and cayde is often the object of your laughter. Sundance loves that you take care of cayde, especially when he won't. Cayde confided in Sundance when he began feeling feelings more than friendship and the little ghost was thrilled. Often when cayde is busy pouring over maps and reports, Sundance will float by you, or perch on your shoulder or lap to keep you company.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Cayde isn't a fan of people who put others down, especially if those people are guardians who were resurrected recently. He has a protective streak when it comes to new lights and finds people who actively put them down or treat them with disdain to be unlikeable.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Cayde is a light sleeper. When you’re out on missions constantly God knows where you need to be alert and ready. This twinned with occasional nightmares and his vanguard duties means his sleep schedule is horrible. Some nights you wake to rustling covers, a bleary-eyed cayde slipping into bed at 3 am, some mornings you find him where you had left him the night before, awake and pouring over maps or reports and some nights the bad coupling in his leg gives him spasms keeping him awake.
He appreciates any attachments at helping him sleep, hot cocoa in the evening as you coax him to bed, holding him close, white noise and even reading to him, he just likes the sound of your voice. And every night after he sleeps soundly.
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 2 months
Request: The Guardian has a slight breakdown shortly before the final battle of TFS so Crow and Cayde help them prepare.
Thank you for the request! I had a long rough day but knowing someone wanted to read something I wrote helped make it a little better!
The Young Wolf paced along the perimeter of the camp thoughts racing and twisting and falling over themselves as they tried to prepare themselves for what was coming. After all they had already killed gods before right? What was some merged consciousness with an obsession with triangles compared to them? Beside powerful beyond understanding, giant and able to swat them like a fly with one of its thousands of giant hands? If it could do all this to the Traveler what was one Guardian? Even if they were The Guardian? Everyone was looking at them to fix this, just like they fixed everything else.
"Hey Kiddo? You doing alright there?" Cayde's voice broke through and building panic and the Young Wolf shook their head words once again failing them.
"I see... Well I was about to teach Crow the proper way to make s'mores. Why don't you join us? You look like you need the chocolate and ooey gooey marshmallows even more than I do." He said gently grabbing onto their arm and the Young Wolf let him drag them over to where Crow was glaring at a bag of gummy worms with a look normally saved for the likes of Savathun or the hive.
"Damn, what did the gummies do to piss you off?" Cayde asked snatching the bag before Crow decided to act on his feelings and set them ablaze.
"Why are they here Cayde? We're making s'mores." Crow said pointedly and Cayde grinned shaking the bag.
"Haven't you ever tried to live life creatively my finely plumaged friend? Chocolate and gummies are great together! Why not add them to a s'more! Guardian back me up on this!" Cayde said and the Young Wolf took the open seat and shrugged.
"See! Even they know it's weird. He's just trying to trick me into doing things the wrong way so everyone will laugh at me." Crow complained and the two of them bickering caused a smile to twitch up their lips.
At least this came out of the whole mess. Cayde and Crow becoming friends meant the world to them.
"I don't think I can do it." The Guardian murmured interrupting the argument that was still going.
"Do what? Roast a marshmallow? You never roasted marshmallows before?! Guardian, I assure you that taking your 'mellow roasting virginity is a great hon-" Cayde started until Crow punched him in the arm gesturing the Guardian that was now crying while staring at them both.
"Okay, okay... I get it. You have the universe on your shoulders but you're not alone. You got me and Crow and Ikora, Zavala, hell you even have the Fallen and Cabal on our side now for this! Kiddo, we're all going to be right there with you the whole time. This isn't the dreadnought where I was stupid and sent you in alone, though you kicked ass and succeeded there too might I remind you." Cayde said and Crow nodded.
"We're all in this together and that's why we're going to win. The Witness? It's trying to perfect everything but... Perfection is not only boring, it's weak. So... Put some gummy worms on yoyr s'more and be a little less than perfect over here with us. Then tomorrow we'll all finish this, together." He said and Cayde cheered while the Young Wolf snorted though they did feel better.
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eosofspades · 1 year
Something always confused me about the messages Cayde left to his 'killers'. Like, while he could be annoying at times, I just don't see, say, Ikora or the Guardian killing him. Could you clear it up for me?
not sure what prompted this ask, but i would LOVE to talk about Cayde let's go
to me, the thing about Cayde that a shockingly small amount of people seem to understand is that this guy is deeply self-loathing. the best way i've ever seen it summed up is "he was a terrified man who was mostly terrified of himself." (you can read that post here btw.)
Cayde blames and guilts himself for so much. Andal becoming the Vanguard, Andal dying, Taniks not staying dead, making up Ace and his Queen, not remembering Ace and his Queen, probably the Red Legion attack on the Last City (i think it might have been written somewhere that satellites/security was his job, but don't quote me on that) - he's constantly running away from his problems and responsibilities, and when he isn't, he's doing everything he can to try and fix them himself (e.g., one-man suicide mission plan to kill Ghaul.)
moreover, his entire jokester persona is so deeply ingrained into his identity that he genuinely doesn't know if anyone even knows him. in his message to Ikora he says he wasn't even sure if she ever liked him, and Ikora confides to the Guardian that she considered him one of her closest friends.
as such, i think it's completely reasonable within his character for him to assume, somehow, that there could be a reason for Ikora or the Guardian to kill him. he doesn't consider himself integral to the Vanguard "team," and, by extension, to the City. he would like them to like him, of course, but even if they like the lax, aloof, jokester persona he puts on - he doesn't know if they like him. he doesn't even seem confident that anyone would like the real him.
so, if they had to kill him for whatever reason - "the good of the City," because he messed something up, because he did something terrible, some kind of Darkness-corruption (him or them), maybe even if he was just that insufferable and they'd finally had enough - he thinks of himself so lowly that he wouldn't really be able to blame them. (in most of his audios he even sort of has a reason planned - he pissed off Eris badly enough, Zavala had to kill him for the good of the City, the Guardian saved him on Nessus so he "owed it to them anyway" - i think that he carries so much guilt and exhaustion, especially with regards to everything that happened to Andal, that, on some level, he feels like he deserves it.)
so, in regards to your question, sure, WE can't imagine Ikora or the Guardian killing him, but we are the audience, and Cayde doesn't have any idea as to how anyone else might feel about him when the chips are down.
(in fact, life on the line, if someone had to die, i doubt Cayde would even let it be anyone in the City but him. i have a whole post planned about Forsaken + themes of sacrifice, but his whole "Not if I get there first," followed by personally sailing down into a deadly explosion (even with a Ghost) is very indicative of this and a much broader sort of self-sacrificial-ness, but that's... a much longer post.)
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keesdarlin · 9 months
☆// the night market
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info! cayde-6 / fluff, ambiguous relationship + gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
notes! first draft on this account - kinda nerve-wracking! also my first time ever writing for cayde -- just a lot of firsts going on. i hope that this is a good way to get this account started. feel free to drop any requests into my inbox! (listen i'm also writing this like cayde never died just for my own peace of mind. i just can't really do that right now just pretend along with me. lil vaguely christmas-themed piece)
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it's chilly. the cold bites right through the thinnest layers of your clothes - the ends of your sleeves that cover your knuckles. no armor tonight. it's nice, if you're being honest.
the atmosphere is bright, more festive than you're used to. old string lights hang overhead, swaying as people move about the tents, looking through wares for sale. people chatter away at stalls, haggling without too much seriousness. music plays from somewhere -- wherever it's coming from, you can't see it, but it sounds nice and calm and live. you can't remember the song exactly, but it's familiar. it puts you at ease in the crowd. you just stand in the middle of the hustle and bustle, watching. it's nice to disappear into the crowd every once in a while, to be an observer rather than a protector for just a moment. a reminder of what you're fighting for.
you hum to yourself, your ghost hovering over your shoulder as you watch the motion of the crowd. then you yelp, feeling a purposeful yet awkward nudge against your shoulder. you turn to confront whoever it is with one hand over your chest, the other flying to the carefully concealed holster at your hip, to be met with none other than cayde-6. you force your eyes shut for a second and focus on the exhale that follows, hand falling away from your holster. "you scared the light out of us, cayde!" your ghost cries, shell spinning anxiously.
when you open your eyes, your expression is fairly deadpan, unamused at the slight smile he cracks. "since when are you so jumpy?" he teases, holding a mug in each hand. "i got us some, uh, hot chocolates. isn't that what you do at these things?"
he hands you one awkwardly, twisting his wrist so that you would be able to grab it from the handle. the mugs are metal, well-worn and dented, but just the right temperature to warm your reddening fingertips. "since i'm not wearing any gear," you mutter, holding your mug close to your chest. "and you might wanna be a little more careful with scaring me. i could've shot you." you really did scare us, you know.
cayde scoffs, stuffing one of his hands in his pocket. "seriously? you're packing heat at this little christmas fair?"
silently, you lean into him with your hip leading, just enough for him to feel the pressure of your holster against his leg.
his eyebrows raise in realization. "oh. i stand corrected."
you shake your head, hiding a grin by sipping at your drink. you nod in approval, humming your thanks.
then it's quiet for a beat. your ghost dissipates back to wherever they go when they're not hovering over your shoulder (you try not to think about it too much; the rationalizations can get kind of freaky), and you and cayde are left people watching in the center of the hustle and bustle.
"what are you doing here anyways?" you ask over the edge of your cup, opting to watch a group of friends flit from stall to stall instead of looking over at him. "i thought you weren't coming."
"well, i wouldn't be a very good, uhm..." it's a strong start, but when he turns to look at you as he speaks it's like the wheels in his head start to struggle a little bit. he clears his throat, trying to get himself back on track. "i wouldn't be a very good friend if i let you come by yourself, would i?"
you laugh softly, and the sound is bright, cutting through the buzzing noise of the crowd. "so he does have honor," you tease, finally smiling at him. for a second it doesn't feel quite so cold outside. then your gaze aims straight again and the rest of the atmosphere comes back into focus. "no, you wouldn't be. i would have taken it very personally."
"that so?" cayde looks down at you, amused. his voice rumbles deep and hearty in his chest, like the crackling of a campfire. it feels safe, has you wondering why you thought to bring your sidearm in the first place. but then you remember that he's looking at you, waiting for your response.
"oh, absolutely," you chuckle, and it comes out just a touch too fast, but if he notices he doesn't say anything. just laughs along with you.
the air settles again, both of you sighing into your mugs. "would you like to walk a little bit?" he asks, pulling his free hand out of his pocket and gesturing down the aisle.
you smile, fully this time with teeth and all, and take a step forward. "sure, i'd love to."
so you go, weaving through people and looking through trinkets and laughing at little lighthearted incidents occurring on the periphery of the market, humming along to the music, one of you always close behind the other. and the part of you that thought this would probably be awkward falls silent.
"you know what would go great with this hot chocolate?" you ask over your shoulder, and the brush of his cape against yours tells you that he's coming around the corner of the tent after you.
"what would?"
"some cookies," you say, smiling even though he can't see you. "on me, of course, since you bought the hot chocolate." you turn back into the aisle, deciding that the tent's wares no longer interest you.
cayde scoffs, sounding almost shocked. "listen, kid, you don't have to-"
you glare playfully over your shoulder, following your nose down the aisle to a vendor selling sweet treats. "if it makes you feel better, we can say that i'm only getting you one so that i don't feel bad about getting two for myself. deal?"
and cayde laughs again, breath coming out in wispy puffs. "okay, sure. deal."
the line goes fairly quickly and in no time you hold three chocolate chip cookies, carefully handing one off to the exo man. "thanks," he says awkwardly.
you shake your head. "no problem."
both of you munch on your cookies for a moment before you abruptly look up at him again. "we've never hung out outside of work before," you say as though you're just realizing it.
cayde straightens up at the though. "oh... i guess we haven't really, huh?"
you shake your head.
"guess that makes sense seeing as we're both... always working..." he says shoulders slumping. gosh, how boring.
"do you want to do something?" you ask. "like do something, not just hang out at the market?"
"i, uhm. sure. yeah," he stammers.
you nod to yourself, starting off into the crowd. he scrambles to follow after you.
soon enough he finds the both of you in a bustling field a tiny bit away from the market. it's much more calm out here than in the market even in spite of the number of people around.
"you do this often?" he asks uncertainly, watching over your shoulder as you sit hunched over on the ground, decorating a paper lamp.
"do what often?" you reply, not looking up from whatever it is that you're drawing.
cayde gestures vaguely, floundering for a moment. "this whole night market thing."
"oh." you look up from what you're drawing for a just a moment, staring at the sky. "not really. mostly just for the dawning."
cayde smiles. "so are you a dawning fanatic? do you do the outfits and the presents and the themed parties and all that?"
you wrinkle your nose, laughing lightly. "no, not really. i just like the market. don't have much to decorate with at home."
he nods. "fair enough."
then you turn to him, holding out your pencil. "you draw something on there too."
"oh, i'm not much of an artist."
you roll your eyes. "who cares? just put something on there, anything. it'll make things more fun."
cayde hums a disagreement but starts drawing anyways. once he's done he hands the pencil back to you. you hold the paper lantern up to the light, playfully analyzing it. "it's beautiful," you coo teasingly. he only bumps you with his shoulder in response.
"okay, so now what?" he asks, hands clasped together.
"now," you start, fluffing the lantern open, "we send it off."
cayde nods his head. "and how do we do that?"
you smile and pull a tea candle and a lighter out of your pocket. "with these. see you light it and you put it in the little holder in there, and then it floats. you wanna see?"
cayde smiles down at you and something about how bright the expression is makes you forget that you're out in a field, away from all of the light and holiday chaos of the night market. "sure," he says like it's simple. and you guess it is as you flight your lighter and light the little candle.
he watches as you place the candle in it's little structure. then he helps you lift it above your head, both of you giving it the tiniest boost as it goes on its journey in the sky. you sit in silence together as you watch it float off into space, into the smattering of stars across the sky.
"thanks for coming." you let yourself lean into the warmth of his side. he doesn't protest. it's comfortable there, in this moment, in the air trapped between the both of you. "i normally do this by myself, but it was nice to have company this year."
finally, he peels his eyes off of your little lantern in the sky to look down at you. "i had a great time. 'd love to do it again."
your expression melts into a cozy smile as your brain processes the words. i'd love to do it again sometime. you grin up at him. "deal."
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vlassk · 3 months
False God
A/N lots of dialog. I was very tired writing this and keeping to with timelines after most of them were deleted it only small Strikes is hard. The tabs i have open oml. But i hope you like this one!! Its a small slow burn as i do want to acknowledge Amanda and her inpact on the story as a whole. 
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian
You eventually get some time off. After having an alliance with Caitles forces, fixing the endless night, finding out Osiris was involved with the endless night. Savathun is taking Osiris as a form...
A deep sigh leaves your lips. Your helmet is set on the war table. Osiris was released from Savathuns hold. He was forever asleep.
   You had walked in on Crows Meeting with Savathun right before. Their argument was heated. The words twist his mind, and he leans forward in their conversation.  Before you realized what was happening, he touched her statue. You leap forward, landing incorrectly and falling down. Crow groans
"Dont!.... Don't come any closer." You slowly get up on your knees
"What did you show him!?" Ghost pulls himself out. Yelling at Savathun.
"Y/n get up...please" crow pleads. Remember how Cayde looked...what he did...
He runs off as glint pleads 
"You hurt him!"
"Someone had to.. better for it to come from a friend... you know how it is Guardian" 
You snap back to reality. Getting up and walking towards crow. He just leans against the door.
"Uldren Sov...Awoken Prince, brother to a Queen...murderer"
"Now i know the man i was... and you... you... im so sorry... you did what you had to do.i don't think i would have told me either." He takes a big sigh. 
"Savathuns' visions were like a waking dream. I could feel the heat of the flames, taste of blood in my mouth..."
"I saw everything he did... through his eyes"  
"Crow, please let me jus -" You try to explain. 
"You're afraid of who i used to be. That he'll come back... I am too... so I've asked ikora to put me on another assignment...tell mara... tell mara... tell her whatever you want. I'll see you again when I'm ready. " Crow begins to walk away. You grab his arm, making him turn around 
"Let's just talk. Have a conversation, birdie?"
"How can you even look at me the way you do?!"
"I know.. i know crow ive been there!"
"How!? How have YOU, Vanguards most Prized Guardian, been there? How do you understand whats going on with me!" Crow yells back. He stops pausing for a second and looking away. 
  "I feel... like him, " he sighs. Leaning back against the wall
"Cmon...lets talk crow please" You grab a hold of his hands. 
"Please," you squeeze his hands slightly. He looks at you and nods. 
  You both head to a small spot in the helm. You sitting down and him hesitantly following after you. 
Silence sits between you two. The awkwardness almost hurts 
"You aren't like him, crow." You sigh. Leaning back in your seat
"How do you know y/n" Crow looks at you. Concerned. 
"Because i have to...if you can't change, then what does that make of me?" Looking down at your hands. 
"But you're perfect, you are Vanguards Finest..i don't understand you." Crow leans down, trying to look at you. 
" When i found out who i was, i felt the same as you... My past self wasn't ever something to be proud of Crow." You look at him. The blue man is going from Curious to Sad again.
"Who...were you?" 
"I... i was a False God, a face for a misguided church..."
"I don't understand how that's so horrible. I'm sure you did well... Gave Faith?"
"I did not. I sent my followers to Burn small towns that were left after the collapse. I listened so blindly like an idiot child even though i should have known better. " You shake your head, getting up and walking in front of Crow. You sigh and lean to look at him. Both hands rested on his shoulders.
"Do not believe that you are him! Dont let that Old part of you mess up what you have now!" You shake him off a bit and stand up completely. 
"Y/n, i didn't know..." Crow mumbles. Not having an idea on what to say. 
"Thank you for trusting me.. thanks for listening, too... i think i should still go.. I need space from others. " Crow stands up as well, looking at your slightly disappointed face. He grabs your hands in his
"Please visit me? If that's something you're okay doing?" 
  You smile and squeeze his hands 
"Of course I will, ikora can set you on a new path. Of course Ghost will miss Glint but we are going to get busy here soon..."
"Your ghost? Glint?" Crow chuckles a bit at the thought. Folding his arms. 
"Oh please... you haven't noticed? Why do you think i visit you so often? " You poke his chest, pushing him back slightly.
"You only visit me because our ghosts have interest in eachother?" He hides his smile, pouting his lips. 
"Well... no, maybe not the only reason, i mean its nice they talk in person, you kno-"You panic thinking you made the already sad man even more distraught.
"I'm kidding y/n... gosh seeing you panic like that was honestly humoring" crows smile only grows. He watches as you roll your eyes. 
"Yeah, whatever, bird boy... I'm getting my helmet... then I'll fly you to the Tower?"
"Maybe i can fly us?" Crow raises an eyebrow. Hoping its a yes.
"Fine, but we take Your ship." You agree walking off to receive your helmet. 
You know you started gaining feelings for crow a while ago. You also knew he had started liking Amanda Holliday. It hurt, seeing Caydes killer walk as a new man. It hurt when you realized you liked him.  It hurt knowing he liked someone else.
 You finally retrieved your helmet. Heading to Crows ship and sitting down.
"When will you tell him about your feelings?" Your ghost floats by.
"Shh Ghost...he might hear you." You push away your ghost.
"Oh please, you know glint, and i talk about you both." Ghost only floats closer, around your face.
"And im sure glint brings up Amanda" You push them back again. 
"Glint talks about you more though," the ghost stays beside you happily.
You roll your eyes leaning back in the chair.
Crow finally shows up. There was small talk but you both were too exhausted from everything. Glint and Ghost going back to talking behind you both.  During a break Crow goes into the back of the ship.  You hear his pleads with Ikora. Until he comes back to you and sits down at the pilots seat. 
   "Did she agree to reassign you?" You turn to look at Crow.
"Yeah, I'll be working with Caital..." he begins to fly again. Heading to the tower. You two finally get off the ship. Heading towards Ikora. You both pass by Amanda. He turns away when he sees her look at you both. He quickly grabs your hand and pulls you with him. You turn to see Amanda's face. There is slight disappointment on her face. As you get pulled from out of her sight. 
 You walk up the stairs and slants. Crow speed is getting quicker as you try keeping up. You see all the faces in the tower staring at you both. Before going down the stairs to get to Ikora, you stop. Getting tugged slightly as crow keeps going. He stops, too.
   You look at him. His hood up to hide from the faces in the Tower. You dont say anything. You don't even know what to say. 
Crow takes a deep sigh. Making sure no ones around before pulling his hood down. He looks at your face. You look at him the same as you always do, no resentment, no hate, not even pity. And he just stares at you.
    He opens his mouth about to say something. But you shut him up.  You simply pull him into a tight hug.  He slowly rises his arms, Hugging you back. 
Another silent moment between you both.  Another moment that makes crow think of you in a romantic way. You both let each other go. Crow silently walks down the stairs as you lean against the railing watching him.  As he gets to the bottom about to leave the area, he turns to look at you. Both waving a small goodbye. Not forever, but for now.
You leave to do your own thing. Knowing Crow is in good hands. Also, knowing you have to defeat the Witch Queen.. a fight you're not ready to do.  
"What was that about?" You turn to see Amanda behind you. Folded arms and a questioning look. 
"What was what about?" You ask
"The running away from me... i wanted to say hello but didn't get the chance you both Just ran off" Amanda looks around trying to find Crow.
"Oh yes, sorry. I wanted to stop, but Crow kinda just dragged me off..."
"For what?" 
"Oh, uhm. He's just going through it.  I thought i could help him out. I think he just needs to be alone. " You let your ghost roam around needing some backup if needed.
"He could have gone to me... no offense to you, but i thought we were getting closer. " Amanda leans against the door. Sighing to herself.
"No, i get it.  I think me and him just have some things in common" You point to ghost who was floating by some flowers. She nods her head. She begins to walk back to her stationed area.
 Months pass. You defeated the witch queen, Lord Saladin, convinced Caital to Spare Crows life. You sat at the Helm quietly, sitting on a couple of boxes quietly. 
  You hear someone stumbling around. Knocking over some things. You sit up quickly and look around, pulling out your gun and keeping an eye out. You see Crow stumble in tripping on a box and falling. Quickly, you put away your weapon and stumble to him as well. The randomness of the whole situation makes you unstable. 
  "Are you alright?!" 
"Birdie, are you alright?!" You sit on the floor next to him.  Hugging him close, glint popping out. 
"Amanda found out..."Glint hovers over crow. You look down at the blue man. He's still recovering from his fall. You can tell he's drank and cried. He slowly gets up to sit on his knees. His head hanging low. 
" she said she never wants to see me again... i thought i could fix things, and then she comforted me. Held a gun to my head... said that im a murderer, said I'm the same as Uldr-"
"She's wrong. You are not the same as him. Cayde was my Fiance, i knew him, she saw me trust you every day and to do that to you?!" You stand up quickly. going for your helmet and weapons on a box. 
  Crow grabs at the cloth on your clothes. Still on his knees
"Dont leave me..." he looks up at you. You sigh and begin to drag him up. You pull him towards where you were sitting as he slumped down. You sit next to him, looking at Glint and Ghost. 
He's hurt. But not in a way i can fix. " Glint sighs. You shoo them both away. Looking at Crow. You lift your arm up behind him. He slowly falls onto your lap. Passing out into a deep slumber. You sit in silence, stroking his hair. As the hours go by, you also fall asleep.
"Guardian...wake up" You hear your ghost speak. But you keep your eyes closed.
"Ghost leave her be... she's tired, let her sleep. " You can hear crow. You fall back asleep  leaning to one side.
"Okay, but she's falling down, and im not strong enough to catch her.." 
Crow rushes to catch you,  you wake up finally and look around. Seeing Crow hold you.  
   "Wakey wakey Guardian" crow smiles as he lifts you up.  
"Ew don't call me that..." you sit up again rubbing your tiredness away. 
"I'm sorry...y/n"
Crow laughs and sits next to you. He looks sober, thankfully.
"I'm sorry for just walking in on you yesterday. I had drank at the bar Amanda, and i used to go to... and... well, i glint took me to you."
It's fine, I'm glad you could come to me. How are you?" 
"I'm okay. I just disappointed her so bad. I should have told her when i found out. Maybe we could have figured it out together" crow sighs and looks at you. You were already looking at him.  
"But i am happy that im here with you. She could have had the same reaction, too. "
Crow looks at your weapons on the table. You see that hes looking at them, and you move them down to the floor.
"Id never do something like that to you... even when i first saw you, i never thought of pulling my weapon on you" 
Crow looks away. Recounting his conversation with Amanda. Thinking of her anger and hatred. He then recounts you.  Your face when you saw him,  how it changed from that moment on. How you had always been there. Sure, Amanda had more free time. It's time to go out to a bar to have fun. But he remembers how you were always there when it mattered. Even when it didn't. He looks towards you slowly. You turn your head to see him. He raises his arms to grab your face. Like you did once before. 
   "Crow?" You look into his eyes once more. 
He says nothing, just looking at you. Taking in all your features. Crows face starts to blush as he pulls himself closer to you. 
"What about manda..." You whisper as he gets closer. He stops for a moment. Looking at your lips, then back to your eyes. He closes his eyes and brings you closer. Finally kissing you. You kiss back as he pulls you closer. His cheeks blushed more and more. His heart sparks. His stomach feels like moths flying around.
 He pulls his legs onto the boxes you both are on. You sit on top of him. A small is heard from the side. Crow stops and looks back, seeing Glint and Ghost floating behind. 
  "Please stop.." Crow begs watching as Glint stays still.
"We have been waiting for this moment for years!" Ghost flies closer, scanning both of our faces. You sigh and get up, crow reaching out for you. 
"Yeah, no moment ruined."You turn back to look at crow, who's still lying down. 
"Cmon, don't let them ruin it," he pleads with you
"Crow...i-i like you a lot. But you're vulnerable right now. I can't do this, Amanda will come around. "  You sigh. I'm going to grab your gear. Crows eyes widen at your confession. He turns to the ghost. As they slowly float away to give you space.
"Amanda has hurt me. Her friendship meant a lot and i didn't like how it happened... but just now, y/n ive never felt a spark like that ever! Even in Uldrens life i feel it!" Crow gets up. Following after you. Tugging at your arm. 
You try to walk away still, He pulls you back, turning you around and into his chest.
"What about Amanda, i know she started feeling a way towards you... i know it'll return. I can't do that to her..." You let your limbs go weak. Your head aches from all the emotions.
" she doesn't even want to see me... but i understand you have your hesitations.. I'll give you time, but i won't forget about today, though. " Crow lets you go. You hesitate to walk away. Getting your things slowly. 
"Ill see you crow..." you put Ghost away, walking away. 
Crow watches you. Sitting back down.
"Did we ruin it?" Glint flys by
"Yes, yes glint you did," crow sighs, facepalming.
"Shes got a point... you were so focused on Amanda you didnt see Guardians feelings for you"  glint flys around crows head.
"She doesn't like being called Guardian...and  why would she have liked me after what i did?"
"Well, you stayed after she told you who she was. She stayed throught it all for you though.  It's a mutual respect.." glint goes on.
"It's different.  I took away her Lover...why would she like me?"
"Only she knows that, im sure she's confused. It was wrong of you to make a move on her, especially when last night you were too drunk to fly here yourself" 
"You're right, Glint. I'll give her the space she needs... she's just so perfect,i won't let her go. " Crow grabs his things, heading out of the helm as well.
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x-galactic-star-x · 1 year
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Cayde 6 x civilian!reader
im just a big fan of how a mortal and immortal can love eachother uwu
just cuddle fluff idea of our poor hunter vanguard need of hugs and cuddles.
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After a long day, Cayde comes home, mentaly drained as he rubbed at his metalic face with his gloved hand.
honestly, if he could go out into the wildernes he wouldnt conplain so much or try to sneak out, but apparently its too dangerus to go out.
at least he have someone to come home to. He walked over to the kitchen as he took of his gloves and let his hood fall back on his shoulder. he went to grab some snacks, and grab a bag of sesame seed muesli, and a purified spring water and a spring of parsley.
walking over to the little nesting place for Colonel, he poured some of her favorite seeds in a bowl and get her the spring water.
said chicken cooes and dug in and helped herself.
with a small pet over her soft feathers Cayde stood up and went to get into something comfortable. taking off his vanguard armor he placed them neatly onto the couch lazily and grabbed a hoodie and baggy pants.
after eating a little snack and drink something in the kitchen he let Sundance clean up after him for he is just too tired at the moment and said goodnight to her going to his room.
opening the door he wish he could still smile as he saw his beloved curled up on his bed. She have a bit of a bed hair as some decided to cover her beautiful face. her beautiful skin, looking soft and comfortable.
he still wonders sometimes if he isnt too hard to cuddle up to but she never complained.
with a soft sigh he quietly closed the door and walked over ever so slowly and quietly for an exo, most likely his hunter skills. He let himself lie down on the bed and moved a few stray of hair out of her face and sighed happily.
he let his thumb softly run over her cheek then to her lips then let his hand fall onto his chest looking at her.
it might sound creepy but to him its calming to watch her sleep.. his precious (Y/N)... just watching her breath, eyelashed fluttering ever so slightly, her soft cheeks.
he moved a little closer and let his metal plated mouth rest on her forehead as a kiss and wrapprd his arms around her.
it feels nice to hold her in his arms.. his slightly cold metal frame against her warm skin, warmed his metalic frame, and his heart.
"I'm home."
he softly spoke and he felt her shift a bit making him stay still, did he woke her up? or is she just fixing herself up?
he felt one of her arm wrap around his waist and lightly grip onto his hoodie. His glowing blue eyes shines in the darkened room as he glances down to look at her, and all he saw is a smiling face of his beloved with sleepy gaze looking into his tired one.
"Welcome home."
im not really confident in writing fanfics lately but i can always give it a try fpr one shot moments , lemme know what yall think
also i dont rly have much of a screenshot collection of cayde much so i used my pic i made in vrc, hope ita not cringe ♠️❤️
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kb1301 · 1 month
Though most of my focus in D2 is with my Exo Warlock Maximus-12 (or Max), I have two other Exo OCs for Titan and Hunter.
Just earlier, I made something for them!
So meet...
Tatag-9 - Titan
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Named as such due to some faint remembrance of his past culture pre-Exo. Giving himself the name Tatag, meaning stalwart/firm in Filipino.
Gave his Ghost a name which is Kislap, which means spark/twinkle/flash in Filipino.
A complete grump and a recluse, and does not like company (unless he's forced to especially on any activities, which means he's just gonna have to stomach it down and tolerate it). The only company he truly likes is with Kislap, and a few friends he completely trusts.
All for quiet and solitude, you'll always find him away from the hustle and bustle.
Despite his dislike for being social, he isn't someone that is antisocial.
Friendships are rare with him, and one can get his friendship when he says the words, "I trust you."
In battles, he's completely selfless and will have a martyr-like persona when fighting. Whether or not you've become his friend, if you fought with him, rest assured he will die first before letting anyone else dies, including you.
Admires Lord Saladin and the Iron Lords. Would research a lot about them.
Demiromantic and demisexual. He needs to form an emotional connection before getting into such relationships.
Shard-3 - Hunter
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Was given the name Shard as he has recurring dreams and memories of his past life, before he came to be an Exo (much like Cayde). He is a shard of the past.
His Ghost is named Relic, a Ghost that has been looking for his own Guardian for so long, hence the name.
Happy-go-lucky, reckless, and a risk-taker. Has that whole "all or nothing" personality that infuriates many, but most of the times, luck is on his side. Constantly scolded by Relic.
Adventurous, curious and has eyes bright with wonder and awe. He loves to explore and is always fascinated by the many environments he comes across.
Always wears a genuine smile and loves friends! He's just happy to be here.
Hides a difficult life that he has to wrestle beneath him. With his lingering memories even through the previous two reboots he had faced, it gets him feeling troubled. Exacerbated by the fact that he even remembers his notorious past before getting to Europa., which makes him wonder more and more about the past he's trying to connect from the present.
Admires Hunters, especially Cayde and Crow.
Aromantic-Pansexual. He has no time for romantic attachments (though he has wishes to do so but it's not sparking up in reality). Though he will have relationships with about anyone at all.
Max is the oldest, Tatag is the middle, and Shard is the youngest. In terms of reboots and age since becoming resurrected by their Ghosts.
Tatag is the most stable (and rightfully and aptly so) mentally and emotionally. Max is in second place, finding some struggles here and there that can be worked with with his friends and loved ones. Shard is the most troubled, given his nightmares and difficulties that are existing from his memories and his past.
Max is the nurturing older brother to them, and will allot his time to them when given the chance. Tatag meanwhile is an "I don't care at all about this family so leave me be please" middle child, though he does secretly care. As for Shard, he is as if, the youngest one that needs to be protected because he is a danger to himself (hint: recklessness). Max is adamant for his safety but Tatag would be reluctant (though still follows through). They aren't actually a family, even a found family. They'd just be a group of friends that found each other somehow... and strangely stuck to each other.
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haldenlith · 4 months
I've started The Final Shape and got a silly little bitty idea upon hearing on of the radio messages. Don't know if I'll put this on AO3 or not, but figured I'd share it. Spoilers are minimal outside of the radio messages.
Crossing his arms over his broad chest, the Warlock took to what had become a favorite little item of intrigue.
Listening in on other people’s comms. Though, unlike outside of The Pale Heart, there weren’t exactly a lot of people that would be on the line. This time, it was Cayde and Crow. If anyone had told Hal that the two of them would be getting along as relatively well as they were, he wouldn’t have believed it. And yet…
“No, don’t apologize, dummy. Just listen to what I’m trying to tell you.” The whisper of a smirk touched Hal’s lips. It did feel good to hear Cayde’s voice again. Weird, but good. It felt better to hear someone else trying to further instill some sense into Crow, especially if it was the Cayde’s Pep Talks variety.
Hal had gotten a few of those, back in the day.
“Listen, kid, none of us around here are mind readers. Except maybe ol’ three eyes. You… never really know with her. My point is that you have GOT to start speaking up.”
Something picked at the old scars on his heart, scars he was told shouldn’t be there. A guilt that shouldn’t ache. “Some of us make stupid choices, and die stupid deaths.”
Hal still felt guilty.
A guilt that ached and consumed, that spread. If it wasn’t Cayde’s death, it was the woman that was the topic of discussion – Amanda. Old aches twisting their way into new ones.
“Will you at least let me be sorry about that?” Crow’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. A welcome distraction. He’d rather listen to his lover get berated than get twisted up in his own head.
“Shut up!” A blue brow arched up. Oh. Not often someone tells Crow to shut up. Well, not and have him not fire a rebuttal. Crow had a tongue like a sword, and he was adept at wielding it. “Life ain’t about drawing out the living part. It’s about making what you do while you’re alive matter.” A familiar lesson, intertwined with with a wish he had once worried had been granted. The lesson remained important, even if the relevance of the wish had faded. “So grow a spine and make her proud.”
Whatever Hal felt in that moment was swiftly interrupted with shock at what came next. “AND AS FOR YOU.” Oh. Cayde knows he’s listening. “Yeah, I know you’re there, you little… big blue weasel. What the hell do they feed you? I swear you’re taller than when I last saw you. Anyway, that goes doubly for you, Mr. Silent Protagonist. You might think that act is all mysterious, but let me tell you, it is plain as day you’re still doing the same song and dance. And by song and dance, I mean you’re not saying anything. To anyone. Probably not even twinkle-toes over here.” Hal glanced to the side and caught Ikora’s side-eye from afar. She could hear the radio. She was (somewhat) pretending she couldn’t.
For Hal’s sake.
“Live your damn life with the people around you. I bet you’re blaming yourself for her death, too. Stop it. Both of you. Light help me, how did I get stuck with two idiots?”
The part that made the lecture worse was Ghost staring him down.
All of The Witness’s tricks and minions were no match for the combination of Cayde’s lectures and Ghost’s judging stare.
Hal vaguely wondered how he was going to survive.
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aceofcaydes01 · 1 year
I started this all the way back at the end of Season of the Lost and just now finished it.
Inspired by @a-driftamongopenstars' Old Light, New Light series.
“Are you sure?” Ace asked, looking to where her right hand was extended and her Ghost floated in her palm. He vibrated gently in a reassuring manner. “I’ve spoken with Glint, he needs you right now.” Ghost says to you through your telepathic connection. You nodded and you were instantly transmatted to the loading bay of the Radiant Accipiter.
“Crow?” You ask softly as you approach, both he and Glint looked up at the sound of your voice. You stood there for a second, trying to assess whether or not he wanted your company, only moving when you felt the gentle prod of Glint between your shoulders, urging you forward. Your armor and weapons disappeared as you stepped forward, and out of the corner of your eye you saw Ghost vanish with Glint.
“Are these eyes the ones that haunt you at night?” Crow asks, leveling you with his gaze as you approach him fully.
For years whenever you tried to sleep, all you could see in your dreams was Uldren’s glowing glare as he pulled Ace of Spades’ trigger and shattered your life.
As weird as it was, you’d found comfort in Crow. Your anger at seeing him risen as a Guardian slowly faded as you’d seen first hand how earnest he was, how innocent. He was the opposite of Uldren, the fact that he was a fellow Hunter was just cruel irony. A tentative friendship had developed after you’d saved him and Glint from Spider’s employ. Ghost urged you to tell Crow in the early stages of your friendship, you hadn’t, and were now regretting not taking his counsel.
You gaze into the warm glow of his amber eyes, and to his surprise, you smile. “No. I don’t see any trace of Uldren in your eyes, Crow.” You say, holding his gaze, and you feel his body relax slightly next to yours.
“Now I know why you always looked at me that way.” He says softly as he looks down to the knife in his hand, the one you’d given him last Dawning. He looks back up into your eyes as you speak.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t know how.” You say quietly, knowing his mind must be reeling from whatever Savathûn said or showed him of his past life.
You put on a brave face, but you still carried the weight of Cayde’s death. The fact that you had feelings for who was once his killer wasn’t helping your guilt any. You knew that Cayde would want you to be happy, and Crow made you so so happy.
“If it were me, I wouldn’t have known what to say either, Guardian.” Crow replies, reaching out for your hand, your fingers entwine and you stand there looking out at the Dreaming City. Crow had already been in orbit there when you joined him.
“Were you going to go down there and see your sister?” You ask after a comfortable silence, hoping it isn’t a sensitive topic.
“No. I returned here to see if I would feel anything. I don’t, and it seems strange that I was on the Tangled Shore for so long and I had no idea that my former home was right there all along.” Crow replies with a shrug, turning away from the window and going to an overhead compartment, pulling you with him by your entwined fingers. “This is for you.” Crow says, holding out a blue box with white and gold stars on it and a gold ribbon.
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” You reply as you accept it, feeling a blush start to color your cheeks.
“I know. I wanted to.” Crow replies, and you share a smile before you ease off the top and push away the tissue paper. Inside is a black knife with a white spade on the blade and the wings of a crow on the handle. It was an obviously expensive Eververse commission and you were speechless.
“Crow- Thank you, it’s beautiful.” You manage, turning to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a hug.
“You’re welcome. Now you can take us both with you, always.” Crow replies, squeezing you gently as his arms wrap around you.
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phantomwarrior12 · 2 years
See Red
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Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence
"We should grab a drink tonight. Celebrate."
Crow had been smiling when he suggested it on their walk through the H.E.L.M. He never really clarified what it was they were celebrating and admittedly, there hadn't been much to celebrate the last few months.
But the Guardian agreed, as they always did.
They'd parted ways with the intention to meet later after the Young Wolf's briefing with Zavala.
Of course, that meeting went later than anticipated and they had Ghost relay a message to the Hunter about their circumstances and let him know they were on their way.
They didn't anticipate walking in on Crow being surrounded by a few other Guardians, one of which - a Hunter - was leaning on the table, harassing the New Light.
Crow's eyes were down, his hood had been jerked down onto his shoulders, his hair a tousled mess both doubt from the motion, but he remained still. His arms rested on the table, his drink sitting untouched before him.
"We don't want murdering princes in here." The Hunter jeers but there's an edge to it. Hateful. Enraged. Danger. For a moment the Young Wolf stands motionless until the offending Hunter seems to notice the drink for the first time and snatches it up.
That's when the Guardian moves. They shoulder through the crowd and as the Hunter makes a move to raise it over Crow's head, their hand has found his wrist and holds it firm.
Crow's eyes snap up and the other Guardians go silent. All eyes are fixed on the helmet of the Young Wolf and there's an immediate air of unease.
They reach up, taking the glass from his hand and sets it back on the table before roughly shoving the Hunter away from Crow. Then, they place themselves between the New Light and the Hunter.
"The fuck do you think–" Recognition dawns and his jaw sets.
The Guardian’s shoulders square, their hands clenched into fists at their side. Anger flares with a dangerous show of Light as their gaze snaps to those who aided the Hunter and they all quickly retreat, leaving Crow along behind the Young Wolf.
The Hunter laughs harshly, taking a step closer despite the Guardian's wordless warning. "Wow…you of all people would defend that piece of shit?"
Light flares along their forearms, gathering in their palm.
"That fucker is responsible for Cayde! You can't possibly–"
"Uldren Sov is dead." They interrupt sharply, taking a step forward and those behind the Hunter shy away, practically stumbling a few steps back.
But not the Hunter. No. That bastard holds his insolent ground and sneers.
"You sure about that? He's sitting behind you, alive and well. He killed our Vanguard, you carry around Cayde's gun like you think you deserve it," the Guardian bristles. "But then you come in here to drink with the monster that killed him!" He all but roars, "The fuck kind of justice is that for Cayde?!"
"Guardian," Crow rises behind them, "Let's just go. He's drunk, he doesn't know what he's saying."
"Oh, I know what I'm saying. Just like I know what you've done, you traitorous, Vanguard-murdering motherfu–"
He doesn't get to finish.
The Young Wolf crosses the space between them and the next instant, he's been slammed against the wall. Rage rolls off of them in waves, Light igniting against the Hunter's chest as he strains against their hold.
He won't break it.
They should break him.
"Say it. Again." There's a warning in their tone, a dangerous drop to their voice that leaves little to the imagination as to what will happen if the Hunter does just that.
"Guardian–" Crow steps closer, they can feel his presence off to their right but their gaze does not falter.
The Hunter struggles, his own Light flaring, "Get off–"
They add more pressure and there's a sickening crack of one of the Hunter's ribs. He grits out a cry, pushing against their arm in a vain effort to escape.
"Apologize to Crow," They seethe, threatening with a fragment more of pressure.
"Go to hell!" The Hunter bites out, making an effort to try and kick out their knee.
The Young Wolf's footing shifts and they slam their weight forward.
Three more ribs shatter and the Hunter screams.
"That's enough!" Crow grips their shoulder firmly and their head turns toward him a fraction. Their Light lessens a little, their hold follows suit and Crow gives them a gentle tug.
"It's fine. We'll go somewhere else." He coaxes with a gentle tone.
They consider it. In essence, they've made their point. No one else will torment Crow and word will travel fast.
An apology can wait.
Their gaze shifts back to the Hunter and add more pressure for a second in warning before releasing him. He crumbles to the ground, cradling his torso with a whimper of pain
The Guardian turns, scanning the crowd. Their faces are a myriad of emotions; most are shock, some anger, others indifference as they return to their drinks. Finally, the Young Wolf’s gaze finds Crow's and he gives an encouraging nod.
They go to step away but the Hunter behind them roars. They turn in time to see he's drawn a hand canon and leveled it on Crow.
They move as he squeezes the trigger, the bullet piercing their side but they don't stop. They knock the gun from his hand, gripping him by the cloak and punch him hard enough to knock him out. They let him drop, crumbling limply onto the floor before the pain registers on the edges of their senses.
They straighten up and Crow is at their side in an instant. He curses under his breath when he sees their state and quickly loops their arm across his shoulders.
"Come on, let's get you out of here." He says softly, helping the Young Wolf toward the door. Behind them, there's a shuffle of Guardians trying to get the Hunter up and straighten out the situation.
Crow gets them outside before their Ghost appears and mends their side. They start to recoil from Crow, rubbing at the dull ache in their knuckles when their Hunter takes their hand.
He gently works their glove off, inspecting the battered state of their hand. Ghost moves forward to heal them but they shake their head.
He looks confused for a minute, looking between the two Guardians before resigning himself to their wishes and transmats away.
Crow presses a soft kiss to the back of their hand, tracing his thumb over their palm.
"You didn't have to step in." He says at last, sunset flickering up their visor.
They don't answer beyond closing their hand around Crow's despite the faint pain singing along nerves.
Of course I did.
It's a wordless response that their Hunter deciphers by the tilt of their head and the squeeze to his hand.
"You're going to get in trouble for that."
They shrug.
"Guardian, you can't just fight people for harassing me." Crow sighs.
Their head tilts the opposite direction with a degree of sass. A skeptical, annoyed: Watch me.
He groans in frustration but there's a soft tint of rose to his cheeks. He's appreciative and touched whether he wants to admit it or not.
The Guardian steps closer, crowding his space as their other hand grips his chin and tilts his head up. There, they find surprise, warmth, even affection as he interlaces his fingers with theirs.
They'd do anything to keep that look in his eyes.
I'll always protect you, Crow.
Their head lowers, the cool metal of their helmet settling against the warmth of Crow's lips. He presses a kiss against biting steel before guiding them into an embrace.
His hold is steady and firm. His form pressed flush against their own as their arms bind around the Hunter.
"Thank you…"
They squeeze for an instant. A silent reassurance. A tender affection.
You're welcome.
They press their helmet against the side of Crow's neck and no other words are exchanged.
Another location is forgotten as they return home, breaking into a bottle of wine Shaxx had insisted came from the Dark Ages.
And it did the trick.
A more tame celebration than it would have been otherwise. More peaceful than the events at the bar. Just good company, good wine and an evening of serene dialog.
Eventually, the Guardian finds themselves with their head in Crow's lap. His hand smoothing along the top of their head as they talk. Eventually, the question strikes them.
"What are we celebrating?" They ask softly, bordering on uncertainty.
"Us." Crow answers as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
He must see the confusion in their eyes because a smile settles into place along his lips before he speaks.
"Today marks a year since we've met. Do you remember?"
The Guardian nods thoughtfully, reaching up to trace a finger along the underside of Crow's jaw. "How could I forget?" They murmur, shifting their hand up to cradle the Hunter’s cheek tenderly.
It had been both the most jarring and unexpected meeting to date.
But now? Now, they’re grateful for that bizarre introduction. The battles they shouldered just to get Crow out and free. Then, there were no feelings involved. Then, it was a matter of principle that Crow be freed. But now? Now they thank the Traveler they’d fought so hard to bring him to the City.
Because without it, they wouldn’t be lazily drinking wine in their shared apartment at midnight. They wouldn’t share a bed. They would be alone.
And so would Crow.
He’d still be dying to Guardians in the field. Tormented over the man they’d put in the ground in the Dreaming City.
But they can protect him now.
They will always protect him.
Because you’re a Guardian.
No. No, they’ll protect him because they love him.
And nothing will change that.
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Forevers: @halo-2​ @reaped-winnower​ @forgotten-by-the-stars @sugarcoated44​ @cayde-6​ @aetosavros​​ @niemands-bibliothek​ @paracausal-hunter​ @florence-and-the-machinegun​ @orbdotexe ​
Crow’s Guardians: @thejediassassingirl​
133 notes · View notes
a-driftamongopenstars · 4 months
initial Final Shape thoughts, spoilers below! i only did the first two missions, but boi do i have things to say
this is probably the best dlc bungie has released to this date. i played only two missions but i feel like there has already been SO much happening and I've seen so much. and all of it is GOOD.
this dlc feels so intimate. it's about our connection to the Light, which is our Ghost. but it's also about our journey! we've come so far. now we get to see it all come to fruition. we are strong, emboldened and unbreakable. our bonds, gains and losses, they all come into play.
the new location is so beautiful, i was actually speechless. the transformation as you walk took my breath away. the green, the flowers, the sounds but no... life. the waterfalls. and the corruption...
the witness is terrifying. it may try to possess your Ghost, to tempt your companions, you cannot get it out of your head no matter what. it's so violating.
cayde and crow situation is very interesting to me. there is a lot of grief between them and a lot to get used to and to learn. but i feel like cayde is stepping into his boots of a mentor for crow, offering that much needed guidance. and i think he's preparing him to be the new hunter vanguard proper, if the vanguard were to remain.
the new subclass is gorgeous, and it's so good that we get to play with it right off, no waiting for unlocking. i mean we do need to unlock some aspects and such, but we can already experiment!
i like the new 'linear' feel of the campaign, that it advises you to stick to it.
i'm going to play more later today and i can't wait. i feel like i barely scratched the surface. i'm so in love with it.
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