#trying to shove through my art block with meme
thedeafprophet · 9 months
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Wanted to contribute to the redraw meme so picked two of my faves i thought would be funny lmao
^^ this is my belief for the May and September dynamic
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dragonbleps · 2 years
To-Dos for making your blogging experience more pleasant for you (and others)
Note: these are the directions on desktop view from the dashboard. The options are available on mobile, too, I just couldn't include them without this getting ultra long and potentially convoluted.
Person Icon > Gear Icon/Settings (Account section) -> Enable two factor authentication. I know, I know, kind of a pain. But trust me. It helps. Less worrying about being hacked.
Person Icon > Gear Icon/Settings (Dashboard section) -> Enable timestamps on posts. Protect yourself from accidentally spreading outdated information.
Person Icon > Gear Icon/Settings > Go town to the Blogs section in the sidebar and do the rest of these steps for your main blog and any/all sideblog/s -> Enable Custom Theme. This makes it easier for both yourself and others to navigate your blog on desktop, plus you can make it look neat with free themes!
Person Icon > Gear Icon/Settings > Blogs -> DISable "Share Posts You Like" AND disable "Share Tumblrs You're Following". Allow yourself to keep things private. Prevent harassment from weirdos who think Liking certain posts makes you Satan himself.
Person Icon > Gear Icon/Settings > Blogs -> DISable "Allow asks with media". Spam bots will try to shove malicious porn videos in your askbox. Sometimes disabling this is not enough to stop them, but it greatly reduces the chances of it happening. I disable "Allow people to submit posts" as well; sometimes malicious links get sent through that, too.
Person Icon > Gear Icon/Settings > Blogs -> ENable "Only Allow Messages from Tumblrs You Follow". Spam bots will try to contact you directly at times, as well as actual people attempting to scam you in some way.
Warning signs that your new follower may be a bot/scam (not foolproof):
Profile pic hasn't been changed from a default one
Profile pic is a "sexy selfie", usually a large-breasted woman
Blog has zero reblogs
Blog has zero reblogs AND only a few likes (they always have their Likes visible because that's the default)
Blog has posts but they're ONLY links
Username is some combination of an actual name and numbers (john-smith897345)
Username is complete nonsense, a mash of letters that mean nothing
Blog description reads like a bare-bones quirky dating profile and it's one big hyperlink
Blog has commented on your post asking you to check out their profile, or says they're seeking a sugar baby, sometimes in that weird "corrupted text" font, presumably to get around spam filters.
Blog has sent an ask to you, asking for you to reblog their pinned post (usually under the guise of helping their sick dog).
What to do if you find a blog you're 99.9% sure is a bot:
Report them for spam. (Look for a three dots icon or a person-shaped icon to click and get a menu.) This sends them to staff to review. Staff is aware of the problem and working to solve it. By reporting blogs, you can help staff pinpoint bots to delete.
Block them. Prevent them from gaining any connection to your blog, through which more bots might find you
Clicking on the blog itself cannot do you any harm (that I know of), but it's important that you do not click any hyperlinks on the blog.
On desktop, reporting and blocking can be done in one step. On mobile, you must report and then block in separate steps.
If you're worried you'll get flagged as a bot, follow any of these simple tricks:
Change your profile pic to literally anything else aside from a default tumblr icon or a "sexy selfie". You can go into MSPaint and put googly eyes on the default icon. You can use a crop of a meme. A picture of a pet. You can search for free icons on tumblr (just be careful because while looking to make sure it's still a viable option, I got two porn bots in my face. And make sure the icon creator actually gives permission for people to use them without credit.)
Put something in your blog description that isn't a hyperlink to a sketchy website.
Reblog things. Reblog art. Reblog writing. Reblog memes. Reblog the post you got your free icon from.
Make your own posts. Use tumblr to ramble about things that interest you. Don't give out personal information, but if you recently read a book you liked or something, talk about it.
Ramble in tags. Bots don't use tags, or if they do it's chaotic at best. Ramble and put your own personal thoughts in the tags of things you reblog. (Just know that everyone can see those tags if they go into the notes of the post. So, you know, don't be an ass.)
This got incredibly long. Hopefully I explained this well enough. Most other settings are up to your personal preference, rather than having to do with privacy/safety. If anyone has anything to add, or correct me on, feel free.
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what-kinda-fuckery · 4 years
Hey so, I was one of the star struck falsettos stans that spent the forty dollars for the webinar, and I took notes (like a weirdo). So I decided I would share my funny moments and updates from the cast here!
- Host: Everyone should be keeping their audio off.
Christian: Oh alright!
Host: nO Christian not you
- Christians in Manhattan and his hair is back and he’s wearing a Superman t-shirt.
- Brandon is with his parents in NJ
- Stephanie and Brandon still love each other
- Brandon: Meat should be cooked just right
- Betsy: Stephanie are you in maple wood?
Stephanie: Well thank you for telling everyone where I am (she’s in NJ)
- Stephanie: Are you fucking kidding meee!!!
- Tracie is in LA, she looks like she’s in Costa Rica and I love her dog.
they’re all talking about Anthony’s clear skin
- Andy Randy is in LA with a fresh haircut his boyfriend did it and he’s watching too much TV
Andrew: I’m watching this is America
Stephanie: SO GOOD
Andrew: SO GOOD
- Everyone’s having hard days
- Christian is acting out tracies dog’s pathetic bark and everyone’s like WHAT are you doing bc it looks like he’s about to throw up
Betsy: What else do you do during a pandemic? Have a baby!
Andrew: Can I toss out another baby name? Celery.
Literally everyone: Goodnight Andrew goodbye!
- Christian is living with a girl (?) and playing board games instead of watching television
Christian: yesterday I made pork filet en croute
Stephanie: In mean girls they wear pink on wednesdays. In falsettos they make pork.
- I can’t get over Anthony’s voice
Again everyone returning to his literally perfect skin
- Stephanie: When watching four jews in a room in the beginning who’s in China?? I know the answer I just want to hear someone say it.
Andrew, with a thick accent: It was Bryna, in China, with a torn miniscus
- Christian: Did anything interesting make it on to the telecast between me and you? Andrew? Actually I dont remember I need to do my research.
Andrew: There’s been some strange comments about Christian and I- (AT THIS POINT IM WHEEZING)
Andrew: No that’s not a thing that happened
Brandon: Andrew i want you to know that it’s okay if it was. It’s a safe space just the seven of us. (Lol)
- Bill Finn would take two steps into the room: “WROONG”
Stephanie: he wanted me to sing the end of I’m breaking down up the octave and I said #notmytrina
- Tracie what did you do during act 1
Tracie: Betsy and I sat in that dressing room for like an hour and a half
- Betsy watched parts of the first act to feel like she was there
- Betsy sprained both her ankles at one point during the run and was a trooper anyways
Brandon reenacting Betsy limping during look look look look
Everyone dies laughing
Christians LAUGH makes me SO HAPPY
- Betsys screen is frozen like this: 🤨
Andrew: What if she went into labor??? (This is a common thread throughout the zoom)
- Anthony: I’m getting a lot of glitching so Stephanie is just like “HUH UH UH UH”
- Betsy comes back and everyone is like
- They bought Andrew an ice cream for his birthday from the vending machine at rehearsal
- Andrew: The Hawaii crop top
Betsy: I would give anything to have that
- Tracie: it was very hard. Very precise bringing the blocks together
Brandon: Trying to be like oh my god we’re going to a funeral
- fan question: What did the blocks weigh?
Stephanie: They were like thick yoga blocks. Not heavy but awkward shaped
Andrew: Significantly heavier when Anthony sat on them
Anthony: I just realized how much I got thrown around
Stephanie: Anthony were you proud of yourself? #proudofyou
Anthony: The one moment I was cringing was father and son
Betsy: Anthony’s like BLAH BLAH BLAH blah my line BLAH BLAH BLAH my line BLAH BLAH
Anthony: I was blinking in that number like constantly
Oh Anthony.
- Andrew: I HAVE A STORY ABOUT CHRISTIAN BORLE. Tech for what more can i say. He was laying on me. We were shirtless in underpants under the blankets.
Christian: SLOWER
Andrew: he leaned over; He sniffed his armpit and said “I hope you like France”
Christian: i haven’t worn deodorant in 10 years true story
- Christian: i seem to remember holding our pillows and blankets pretending like we were partying on fyre island and Andrew said:
Christian: No no it was something like:
Betsy: James lupine I feel like we’re ruining this show
- Andrew: The shenanigans were real but so was the sadness
Stephanie: We’re real and we’re funny what you gonna do
- Andrew talking about how hard the show was to do: Finding some liberty, It’s a hard world to live in all the time. It was a hard time especially for Christian. I would sometimes go home and cry for no reason
Brandon: Building up emotion with nowhere to put it
Betsy: then Lesbians come in and provide all the levity
Stephanie: Although Dr. Charlotte brings in horrible news
Tracie: Everything’s beautiful at what more can i say and I’m like not so fast
- Tracie always had a funny thing to say
- Who broke character the most on stage?
Anthony Stephanie and Christian
Anthony: it was when I said “I don’t want a bar mitzvah” and I spit in your face a lot and you went like *puts arms up* and someone at stage door was like very condescending like it’s not professional
Christian: Oh my bad we’re people sorry
- Stephanie wrote a line in the show “YOU HAVE PAINTINGS OF DICKS”
- James wanted her to cut off her finger during I’m breaking down
And turn around with a bandaged bloody finger
- Betsy’s nose bleeding during something bad is happening
And Tracie was like something BAD IS HAPPENING
Tracie: Christians throwing up right now
Betsy: Bloody Kleenex up the nose THE SHOW MUST GO ON
- Fan question: Stephanie how do you belt with a banana in your mouth
Christian: Practice practice practice
Stephanie: just shove it in your cheek. But Really that wasn’t supposed to happen
Anthony’s nickname in the rehearsal room was little bananas because he had to gather up all the pieces of stuff after Stephanie shoved the table over with her rear. Sometimes he didn’t have enough time to put it somewhere so he would just put the pieces of banana in his mouth and that’s where it came from
That’s why
- Andrew: Stephanie your glasses are very chic
Stephanie: Oh my gosh thank you *shocked*
- Betsy: Bill was like I’d rather DIE than change lyrics for the pbs special
FLaT aS a LaKe
- Cue everyone accidentally talking over each other and saying what at each other for 30 seconds
Christian: what? what? what?
Who is it?
What’s going on?
- If you could play anyone else in the show who would it be
Anthony said Mendel
Tracie said Mendel
Brandon said Trina
Andrew said marvin
Betsy said whizzer
Stephanie said Mendel
And I honestly couldn’t hear if Christian said anything whoops
- Brandon: If someone could at some point explain to me the Mendel eats dirt meme? People have been Asking me if Mendel eats dirt? I don’t think it’s about Trina Trina is not the dirt. I was overwhelmed. Can someone in the Q&A explain this? *A few seconds later* oh It was from a meme generator?
Christian: Greaat.
Brandon: It’s a fan fiction about Mendel eating dirt and getting aroused by it
Everyone: WHAT
- They still get fan art
Someone recreated the whole soundtrack 8bit and also with KAZOOS
- Brandon: CONGRATS CHRISTIAN ON LULOS WIN FOR LITTLE SHOP. If you haven’t seen Christian in little shop it’s revelatory I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass I have not laughed that hard in a while at the theatre
- Christian talking about little shop
Christian has a 12 inch Batman toy in his dressing room and he misses it
- Ticket prices were getting out of control before corona everyones hoping this will make a difference
Brandon and everyone think it should get more accessible
- Brandon: Hear hear I need a refill
- Stephanie: Your hair looks incredible Brandon (it did)
Christian: She’s been waiting to talk about it for 53 minutes
- Andrew: Well Betsy what I’m wondering is have you crowned yet??
Proceed everyone dying
Brandon, taking a picture of the screen: This moment will go down in history as When Betsy was asked if she was crowning
- Everyone mimicking zoom freezing by starting a sentence and freezing halfway through
- Christian: What new Steven sondheim musical are you excited about Anthony *devilish grin*
Anthony having no idea what Christian is talking about
Christian: Come on Anthony you know the answer. Ugh. The minds of the young. You’re smoking pot now aren’t you??
Christian: We have a lot of fun
- Andrew: I’m trying to get people to pay attention to me
- Christians pretending to be frozen
Cue a lot of yelling: Stephanie BRANDON STEPHANIE
Everyone accusing each other of being frozen
- Andrew: Let’s all act like we’re frozen
Steph: I see Andrew acting like hes frozen
Betsy: Watching you do that is killing me
- Listening to the cast recording for the first time together
Stephanie: Why was I the a-hole that couldn’t be there???
Christian: That’s a question only you can answer
- Betsys husband came in everyones like BETSY LOOK OUT
Christian: that scared the shit out of me
- What is marvins last name and what was his line of work
Christian: we definitely said it at some point right? (They didnt) but he was in advertising. What was the last name? Gardens? O’Malley?
- Andrew: Betsys gone oh no
Betsy: I’m right here!!!
Andrew: She’s giving birth (again)
Stephanie: Betsy Wolfe is a ceiling
- Brandon: Welcome back Anthony. You’re here now.
Anthony singing merrily we roll along over Betsy trying to tell a story
- Betsy: Steve (Steven Sondheim) comes to the door I call him steve
Into the woods is the reason Betsy is in theatre
- Betsy: Andrew was nervous singing at the tonys for Book of Mormon and he got dry mouth he sang like 😬I BELIEVE and he licked his lips so much during the song.
Brandon: Did you have a boner then too?
Stephanie: It’ll be like dry mouth, boner
Stephanie: Bets maybe we should wrap it up
EVERYONE TELLING HIM TO STOP SINGING I took a video it was beautiful might post that later
- “Tracie Thomas from Lent!”
Tracie having stage fright
Tracie: Billy porter said “oh child we all forget the words” and walked away
- Anthony said WHO SHAT THE BED in four jews once
Anthony: That’s my contribution. Steph got her line, I got who shat the bed
- Steph: We lost andrew oh no
Christian: Um, we lost andrew ten minutes ago. Yeah when Brandon started singing
- Then Betsy sang a song by Bill Finn beautiful
- Steph: Wear your masks and eat pork on wednesdays
That was it!! I hope you enjoyed and people who were there if I got anything wrong that’s my human error it was hard to note everything I wanted to. Smooches! Byee
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sootygoggles · 4 years
Parent!Paranoia Sanders Sides AU!
No explanation, but I'll probably give the backstory later. For now: memes of Paranoia being an A-class parent and a chaos gremlin. (okay it started as memes but then just ended up as fleshing the AU out)
Paranoia, worried abt his kids: I'm uhhhh gonna go to my room see ya later light sides
Paranoia, sneaking back into the subconscious to check on his now teenaged children: I'm gonna leave duke a r a t that I found and thought looked cool
Duke, waking up the next morning and yelling for 'Nesty bc "HOLY CRAP NESTY LOOK AT THIS RAT ISN'T SHE ADORABLE I WANNA HANG HER ON THE WALL": !!!!!!!!!!
Paranoia gets a habit of sitting on the fridge because his children were wild as kids and sometimes duke comin at you with a knife warrants jumping onto counters
Nesty, who doesnt get paid to deal with duke: I'm raiding dads liquor cabinet it's my due for putting up with this
Paranoia, physically manifesting: put the key to the liquor cabinet D O W N, Honesty
The lights are confused as to why he disappears at random times of the day and night and he just "leave me TF alone before I leave you a goshdarn diddly P R E S E N T while youre sleeping I'm tired"
patton: my child! my dark strange son!!
paranoia, who has children: ,,,,yea ok
Patton ticks him off so he leaves a big halloween decor spider on his bed and nobody sleeps for weeks after that bc pattons too scared to touch it and paranoia maybeperhaps glued it onto his cover
He's like one of those people you know might mean well but ooooooo boy theyre pushin buttons
Paranoia, whos fav animal/insect is spiders and whose children have tarantulas and snakes on the regular: hes not even realistic!! You need to learn to get along with mr sparkles patton!! look at him. he's fluffy!
He has googly eyes and glitter on him at all times of course hes named mr sparkles
paranoia gets to be a little petty. as a treat
Paranoia just carries bags of glitter around and whenever mr sparkles gets duller he takes mr sparkles to the kitchen counter and he dumps glitter on him
Logan and patton are tired of cleaning up bc paranoias just petty enough to make their counters eternally sparkly
"why is there glitter all over the kitchen?"
paranoia, holding mr sparkles: :)
Paranoia, after AA: I hate purple but they dont know that now do they
Paranoia is actually orange the last side is purple lol
Chaos Gremlin dark sides and nobody is surprised bc paranoia raised them
paranoia, going back to see his teen children after acting like a teen all day: what is up, fellow kids
honesty: i am going to lose it
Wrath, coming to yell at them to keep it down: why are you purple I'm purple
Paranoia, cackling bc finally I can get out of this horrible color: *snaps fingers * I'M PARANOIA MOTHERTRUCKERS HAVE FUUUNNNNN I'M GONNA BE MAKING YOUR LIVES LIVING HELL FROM THIS POINT FORWARDS
duke and nesty, pumped for halloween bc u l t i m a t e s p o o k: :D
paranoia, coming out in a traffic cone costume with a shit eating grin on his face: :D
Paranoia, decorating for halloween bc "oh I'm sorry it's just the *sniffles * homesickness and we a l w a y s decorated for halloween" knowing full well all of his decorations are spider and witch themed bc they all like the salem witch trials
He leaves ONE fake snake in romans cereal and the lights just. Lose it. Hes kicked back into the subconscious to be chaotic with his kids, no new side, just the hours upon hours of film hes gotten from the bugs hed placed around the unconscious and a plan for the next several movie nights
He gets back and honesty is w h e e z i n g bc he was watching through the cracks and they make a fail compilation of the light sides
It takes like two months for the lights to just go insane with him around not due to yknow paranoia but bc hes such a gremlin
Patton asks if he was raised by wolves and he shoves mr sparkles at patton saying "take the issue of how I was raised up with my father, a-hole!!"
He doesnt actually curse he just yells "A-HOLE" so loud his kids can hear
They dont find out he's a dad until hes summoned and hes making cookies or smt with the kids and hes in a bright orange stereotypical witch outfit,,, corset and all and an apron that says "worlds most chaotic dad" on the front
And hes talking to one of the kids like "duke you can only put dish soap in your batch nesty cant digest it like you can"
Patton has an apron that says worlds least chaotic 'dad' courtesy of paranoia he made it himself(read: he stole pattons good apron and scribbled over it in sharpie)
Paranoia is always close to cackling when around the lights bc theyre newbs to any chaos
Roman and remus are twins but roman is the kind of kid to promptly forget abt anyone and logan n patton knew remus less than a day before he "disappeared" aka ran to the subconscious to explore and theyve just kinda blocked him out
Logans fine with it and actually likes the decorations tho he has asked if they had to be so brightly coloured and if there had to be so much glitter
I say decorations but hes a secret gremlin at heart and is super close to snickering at all times bc of the pranks
Also yes paranoia mildly dads roman it's great but he dads in an older sibling type way
So pat and logan are all "hes fitting in as an older brother well" and they tell him abt their approval of his older brother chaos and hes just like "no this is how I am deal with it nothing to do with brothers" bc hes not telling them abt his kids he doesnt trust them
Hes up at like midnight complaining with logan abt how patton doesnt let him be full chaos gremlin and logan says "mmmhmm did your parents in the dark side let you go wild with the chaos" and paranoia just,,,,, looks at him, dead in the eyes, and says "I dont have parents"
Cue logan being confusion
Paranoia, who genuinely didn't have parents: my parents are mr sparkles and the cat we've had for my entire life
Logan, who doesnt know they had a cat and is now worried bc "are you taking care of it???": ???
Paranoia: it's great for keeping the Others in line tho I just say "do your chores or no snuggle time with ms peregrin" and they do their chores while I'm making dinner
logan, incredibly confused: i don't know what you mean but ok
Paranoia: yeah theyre dumb but it's the level of dumb youd expect from my idiots
Or he slips up and refers to them as his children/kids and logan, not realizing they have an Actual Father/Sons relationship/age difference(paranoias abt.late 20s early 30s, remus defies all logic and has been about 9-10 for a few years now, and dees like early teens) just says "huh how.interesting would it be to have to deal with people your age that immature" and paranoias just. "Y e a h t h e y r e t o t a l l y t h e s a m e a g e a s I a m"
Duke is very much baby and upon seeing duke eating glue paranoia and honesty the idiots decided to try it too
theyre so dumb dsdhdhdhjsdh
They AREEE and paranoia, after discovering that duke has the h a r d i e s t immune system they decide to test exactly what he can and cannot safely eat bc he may be dumb but hes also def a Dad and he just wants to take care of his kids and if that includes making sure that duke can safely consume toilet bleach then so be it
Duke can eat almost anything short of actual cyanide but cyanide just makes him sick like stomach bug sick
He somehow gets a fever,,,,, he has it for like half an hour and paranoia is amazed
Hes in bed,,,,, paranoia makes him soup,,,,,, hes all better and running around again
Paranoias parenting rules:
Dont murder your brothers pls
Do your chores or no snuggle time with ms peregrin
Glitter is always a yes
Insults are fine just make sure you dont overstep and make your brothers insecure
all of them are printed and then the last one is scrawled at the bottom in
If you get sick, tell him immediately bc he will find out and he will be the most obsessive parent to make sure you feel better ASAP
If your pronouns/name/function change, tell him immediately, he'll make sure you dont feel uncomfortable as well as he can
Duke dont put dish soap in honestys baked goods you know he cant digest it
It's a nice system for making chaos but keeping it manageable
They're all printed then the last one's scrawled in glitter gel pen and duke wrote a reply that said (I'm sorry yall dont have as good an immune system as I do)
There was a whole passive aggressive arguement on the bulletin for the next week before it got taken down to make room for dukes art
They eventually started just putting them up over each other and using magnets instead of thumbtacks
The entire bottom portion of the walls are painted in chalkboard paint so theres no unerasable drawing on the walls and the rest of the paint is magnetic so they can hang pieces everywhere
Dukes improving rapidly tho and doesnt like looking at his old art all the time so paranoia holds onto the drawings in several filing cabinets in case he ever wants to do redraws or needs his original prints to make something in the Imagination
also bc,,, sentimental
jus a little
Yeah bc "yes my child draws nothing but blood gore and new animals but hes a creative genius and I love all of his art"
Roman: anxiety I can see why you left
Paranoia: ??? What?? It's spoopy season??
Roman: there was BLOOD on the WALLS
Paranoia, internally: oh!!!! Duke perfected his blood recipe!!!!
Paranoia, externally: how did it taste?
Paranoia: if it tasted like lemons or citrus you need to stay off of most foods, stick to crackers and broth- don't eat anything heavy until you're sure you wont throw it up
Patton, who was making cereal: ????
Also!!!! @iliveinprocrasti-nation Thanks for helping me flesh this AU out!!!
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russian-romanova · 4 years
these trying times
title: these trying times
pairing: peter parker
warnings: adult language, mentions of coronavirus in new york
notes: a little quarantine something for you. 
summary: life has always been hard for peter, but somehow it’s been even worse these past few months. 
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Spiderman had taken to wearing a mask as he swung through the streets of New York City.
He didn’t really need one, both you and Peter knew that. The suit was designed in a way that air was safely filtered and there was no way germs would be getting in or out, but it was the public image of it all. Peter had called you with the idea a few weeks ago, hoping that if a superhero wore a mask to patrol the streets of New York, then maybe people would catch on and do the same.
People did notice. It made the front page of a handful of newspapers, but not with the effect Peter always wanted. Some were good, ‘Spiderman in the Time of Covid-19’ and ‘Spiderman Shows Support With a Face Mask.’ But some were twisting it into some idea that he was sick, or he was worried about the germs. Peter was scared, sure, but so was the rest of the world, and he never wanted for Spiderman to look scared. 
A few kids really took off with the idea, which made Peter happy. Really, he felt so much better about his fellow citizens when he saw them wearing masks around town. He had a few built up at this point, and he realized really quickly that he needed a ‘Spiderman stack’ and a separate ‘Peter Parker stack’ so he wasn’t wearing the same three in the newspaper and walking to grab groceries for Aunt May. 
Somehow, the worst part of it was how much he missed you.
Sure, he FaceTimed you a lot, and you had also both taken to using Zoom because there was something that seemed to cheer you both up about the picture of Joe Exotic with a tiger that Peter had put as his background. You liked to rotate out memes and pictures of Spiderman from across the internet to remember Peter how much people cared about him. Really, all he could think about was about how much you cared about him. 
But there was no more of the night time swing-bys. He knew that he was probably covered in New York’s germs and he hesitated to come anywhere near you. There was no chatting during school, no walking to get sandwiches or doing homework. Every now and then you would text him a question from a pre-calc assignment, but that wasn’t the same either. There was no wearing his Midtown pullover, not now and maybe not for a while in the future. No hugs, no kisses, just distance. 
Peter had gotten good at shoving all of that aside in front of the camera. It was lunch, or at least what you had dubbed as your lunch hour as you took a break from school. It was a good break from school as you FaceTimed, your phone propped up on your desk so you could watch Peter eat his sandwich and talk about the random shit that came to mind. 
“I got an alto recorder,” You blurted out as it came into your memory. “Last night. My mom ordered it off of Amazon.”
“Seriously? Cool. Like a fourth-grader recorder?” Peter missed the excitement that would have radiated from you in an actual face to face conversation, now lost in the screen. 
You nodded, bringing your hand up to your mouth to finish chewing your chips before adding, “Yeah, but it’s bigger and a little deeper. But essentially I’ve reverted back to my elementary school years, yeah.”
“Same! I started listening to all those old Five Nights at Freddy’s songs. Those used to be the only things I listened to in like, fifth grade.” 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! And the ones with weird animations-”
“Art! They were art!” Peter laughed, leaning forward, and having to cough to stop himself from choking.” You laughed at his cough, which made him smile, but then there was silence. You looked at Peter for a moment, debating a question you could ask him or not. He could read it on your face as clear as day, but he wouldn’t push it. Frankly, he was just as happy watching you think and look back at him cheesily. 
“Pete… You’re being safe, right? At night?” You said softly and regretted the question the moment it came out of your mouth. 
Peter froze for a moment. “Oh, um, of course. I mean, as careful as I can be.”
“Right. I know. I guess I’m just really worried about you. There’s no social distancing in the life of a superhero, right?” 
Peter laughed a little, more of a sad chuckle. “Yeah. But there are fewer people doing bad stuff. It’s a lot more chill than it used to be.” 
You nodded. “Okay, good. No, I just wanted to be sure. Forget I mentioned it.” You looked down at your sweatpants to fiddle with the string.
“Oh, okay,” Peter said. He didn’t really want to move on, he wanted to make sure that you didn’t worry about him too much. But you looked uncomfortable with the topic and-
“You done anything else fun? That I haven’t heard about?” You blurted out. 
Peter was stunned at the change of pace for a moment. “No, not much. Lots of YouTube. Unus Annus, Tik Tok compilations, the works.”
“I still don’t understand why you refuse to get the actual app instead of watching them through YouTube.” You chuckled. 
Peter shook his head. “It’s the point of it all. I refuse to do the renegade or whatever.”
“You can have the app and not renegade,” You pushed a cookie in your mouth. “I mean, I just have it for the memes. Minimal dancing.” 
“I guess we’ll see how bored I get.” Peter looked down at his sandwich. His mind lingered on the topic of his safety as Spiderman, and how it worried you. God, he knew that you were already worried about the general superhero thing, but now to be worried about the stupid virus on top of it? You shouldn’t have to worry. You had enough on your shoulders.
Any other time, he would have waited until patrolling to swing around to your place and chat with you for a while. But it wasn’t any other time, it was now. Now sucked, and he’d have to make do, and Peter hated that. He hated not being able to see you every day, and he hated not being able to hug you. If he had to give up kissing, he would (although it would be pretty hard), but your hugs were the Goddamn best. He missed them more than he missed walking without a mask, more than he missed school or normalcy. He missed you. 
That night was silent. It should have come as a relief, but he was too worried to be relieved. He hated thinking about why it could have been so quiet. 
Peter looked up at the moon and the stars and realized that he never thought it would be this quiet at night. If he had brought himself for a year ago up to this moment, he would have thought it was the coolest thing. The sky and the stars and silence. But he wasn’t in awe now. He was scared.
Peter Parker was terrified. 
And no shit, so was everyone. But there was something in him that said Spiderman shouldn’t be scared. Spiderman is tough and not like everyone else, he rises above all else with no fear and a million other things that weren’t realistic no matter who told him. 
Peter needed something to get his mind off of it. He needed to think of something other than dumb coronavirus, and he needed peace. Real peace. Hope would be nice.
He shot his arm out and swung towards your place. 
Peter -- or, Spiderman, rather -- chose a spot on the apartment buildings parallel to yours to hang from, his webs holding him so that he had a free hand and a view of your window. He was six feet away, he was distanced, and he hoped he wasn’t being creepy. God, please don’t look creepy.
Peter pulled out his cracked little phone and typed three messages to you:
(this is stupid)
(but, uh)
(open your window???)
Then he waited for a moment and put his phone away. There was a pause, filled with a noise of a breeze cooling down the block for an instant before the window to your room pushed open. 
“Holy shit, hey.” You blurted out when you noticed him hanging from the building across from you. “Nice mask, Spiderman.”
“Thanks!” He waved at you with his free hand. “I just… uh,” He cleared his throat. “I just really wanted to see you.”
You smiled softly. “Well, that works out because I wanted to see you too.”
“Oh, cool,” Peter said softly. “I have to go soon, I just wanted to see you.” He shook his head at the repeated words. 
You just laughed it off. “Clearly.”
There was a silence between you two, but a nice silence. Comfortable. You looked at each other with so much love and hope that none of the other shit mattered. It was going to be okay. 
“We’ll get through this,” Peter shouted, before adding after a moment, “I miss you.”
You beamed back. “I miss you even more.” 
And maybe you did, but maybe the amount was lost in how much everyone missed everything. You missed holding his hand and chatting as you walked home. 
“Hey, Spiderman!” You had to catch yourself from calling him Peter. “Thanks for giving me hope.” 
He smiled under his suit. 
Everyone missed something, so you supposed you were lucky to have all that you missed outshined so much by simply seeing the boy that brought you so much hope. 
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onthepyre · 5 years
the second part of this is basically what i did last night but connor is a lot braver than me. anyway.
Evan does this at least once a week.
He gets home, and for whatever reason, whether it be the smile Connor gave him during lunch that lasted a bit too long or that romantic-looking restaurant he walked by on the way home, he's feeling sappy.  And he walks straight to his room, lays down on the floor, and listens to Cavetown.
The amount of time Evan spends on the floor is directly proportional to how many times he caught Connor looking at him during science class. Sometimes he counts; the record so far is 23 times in one class period. He spent two hours on the floor that day, staring at the ceiling.  
As soon as he's home, he's settled on his carpet with the soft sounds of a guitar playing in his headphones.  It's peaceful, quiet. There are only a few things that Evan thinks about, and number one on his list is how much better it would be if Connor was here.
His heart talks about Connor a lot.  His mind objects, but Evan's heart seems to beat with his name.  Connor Murphy Connor Murphy Connor Murphy.  Evan never gets tired of it.  His heart talks about Connor's hair, his eyes, his smile, his hands-
Don't get him started on Connor's hands.
Evan has watched Connor draw before.  The style of his art matches him well.  It's sharp, fast, messy, perfect. But when he's drawing, Evan watches Connor's hands rather than the piece. 
They're fluid.  They glide.
Connor Murphy does not glide.  He stomps, he runs, he marches, but he does not glide.  But when he's drawing, his hands float. They look the same, as angular as Connor himself, but they're different.  Softer. Evan figures Connor's face is the same, but he's always been too focused to look.
Evan often considers what Connor's hands feel like.  They look strong, but Evan is certain they're lighter than they seem.  He wonders what it would be like to hold Connor's hand. Is he one of those people that would hang on too tight?  Would he barely touch Evan's hand? Would he be grossed out by Evan's sweaty palms?
Evan also, more tentatively, thinks about Connor's hands on his face.  In his hair. Looped around his waist. These thoughts, of course, are more focused on where Connor's mouth would be at the moment, but there is attention to his hands then, too.
And Connor's mouth.  Of course. His lips are always chapped and often bleeding because Connor picks at them when he gets bored and Evan knows this because he stares at Connor during French class and he knows Connor hates French.  Connor bites his lips a lot, too. It isn't meant to be nearly as swoon-worthy as it makes Evan feel, but it nearly breaks him every time Connor chews on his lip. Evan's fairly certain this is something he does when he's bored, too, although it might be a nervous habit.
Connor has a lot of nervous habits, from what Evan's seen.  He spins his pen, taps his foot, braids little strands of his hair — the list goes on.  Evan knows each and every one of them.
Connor has his own sort of ritual.  After begging Zoe to stop at Tim Hortons so they could get coffee, he sits at the window in the den and watches Law & Order SVU.  He had never seen it until Zoe showed him the John Mulaney bit about Ice-T and now he's addicted. It's a problem.
Unbeknownst to either, Connor's SVU marathons are the equivalent of Evan's Cavetown sessions.  Evan thinks about Connor and Connor thinks about Ice-T. And Evan. Mostly Evan. 
Connor has a thing for the way Evan talks.  He knows that Evan himself hates it and most of the school thinks he's annoying, but Connor thinks it's adorable.
Evan has to say exactly what he wants to say, and if he messes it up, he will start over.  He messes up a lot.  It doesn't help that sometimes his tongue catches on words and he gets stuck on a certain sound and has to go back to the beginning of the sentence.  It takes active listening to understand what he's saying but it makes Connor melt.
That's the thing that makes Connor think so hard.  He's supposed to be the mopey badass, the scary emo, the aloof rebel-without-a-cause.  He has a reputation to uphold, even if it's less punk and more school shooter (okay, less punk and more sad).  He may be openly bisexual, yes, but he shouldn't be falling for a tiny tree-obsessed nerd.  
And the fact that Evan of all people is the one his heart decided on is, well, bad.  Connor's too worried that Evan isn't into him to do anything other than stare and Evan can't take a fucking hint.  Connor may think his cluelessness is cute, but it's also really inconvenient.  Connor thinks a lot of things about Evan are cute but inconvenient.
Evan is really, really good at accidentally blocking people's paths and then moving out of the way at the same time the other person does, thus blocking them again.  Evan hates it and Connor thinks it's funny. If it goes on for long enough, Evan starts blushing, and Connor starts falling apart.
And oh my god, when Evan blushes.  It's not like it's uncommon, Evan is both awkward and incredibly aware of it, but Connor still thinks it's adorable.  It brings out his freckles and colors the tops of his ears pink. If Evan is especially embarrassed, he'll try to hide in his hands, but his fingertips are always tinged with the same rose-colored mortification. 
Connor's thoughts drift as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through instagram, but Evan is still there in the back of his mind.  He's always there, no matter what Connor is doing. He spots Evan in the shadows created by the trees in the backyard; sees Evan's worried smile on his mother's face; catches himself doodling Evan's silhouette in the background of drawings. Evan, Evan, Evan.
Connor's phone buzzes in his hand as he scrolls past a collection of Bee Movie memes.  He opens the message, noting it's from Evan.
He's still typing, but Connor replies anyway.
whats up
The typing bubble disappears for a moment, then pops back up
what r u duing
Connor takes a moment to grin at the misspelling before he responds.
watching svu
do u eanna come see cats with ne 
uhh?? no but absolutely yes im coming, what time
theres a show jn half an hour 
cool see you then
Connor tucks his phone into his pocket and pulls his hands through his hair.  He's going on a date. With Evan. But it's not a date, his mind says.  Connor ignores it.
He's out the door in no time, stopping only to grab a half-eaten bag of twix and shove it in the pocket of his hoodie.  
Evan arrives at the theater before Connor does, and sits down next to a claw machine after buying his ticket.  He thinks about texting Connor, but his energy for starting conversations is nearly gone — he barely stuttered his way through asking for a medium popcorn, so he's decided to recharge for a bit while he waits for Connor.
Connor bursts through the door a few minutes later, then stops to look around.  He breaks into a smile when he spots Evan, who lifts his hand in a tired wave. Evan watches Connor talk to the woman at the ticket booth, then the man at the concession stand.  He approaches Evan with a bag of Sprees in his hand.  
"Hey," he says.
"I know Sprees are the worst, but they're the only food that seems to last past the previews, so."  Evan nods, trying to hide the already partially eaten bag of popcorn sitting next to him. "Well, shall we?" Connor reaches down to pull Evan up from the bench.  Evan smiles as thanks, but Connor doesn't let go of his hand. His mind moves at the speed of light, even though there are only two thoughts in his head: Connor Connor Connor and hand.
Connor holds onto him all the way to the screening room, where he tugs Evan into the back row.  He drops Evan's hand as they sit. Connor drops the Sprees into the cupholder on his left and pulls out the Twix, which he starts inhaling immediately.
When the movie starts, there's only one other person in the room: an old man in the front row, who Connor insists is Andrew Lloyd Webber himself, and it's not an issue if they talk because Webber started this whole fiasco and deserves to hear their "critiques."  
The moment the first cat appears on the screen, Connor is laughing.  "Why does she have boobs?" he whispers.  
"If they're going to give her boobs, she should have six, not two."
"Connor, talk quieter!"
"Are we supposed to be attracted to the cats?"
Defeated, Evan drops his face into his hands while Connor cackles next to him.  
They make it to Rum-Tum-Tugger without any other mishaps, but as soon as the new cat starts singing, Connor loses it again.  
"Why is he wearing a fur coat?  That's terrifying!"
"You'd be scared if you saw someone wearing a coat made of skin."  Evan looks over at him with a desperate expression on his face.
"Connor, please," he begs, "let's just… let's appreciate cat Jason Derulo."
Connor nods, still wheezing, and calms down a bit.  Until cat Jason Derulo whips off his fur coat in a display of his cat muscles.
Connor drops his head onto Evan's shoulder.  "I can't do this," he says through a fit of giggles.  
But Evan is more focused on the fact that Connor's head is on his shoulder oh my god.  And Evan hears Connor's foot tap, tap, tapping on the floor.  Nervous habit. And once again, Connor's hand finds his. 
"Gotta ground myself.  Make sure we're not dead, y'know."  So Evan, with as much bravery as he can muster, squeezes Connor's hand.  And Connor squeezes back.
But Connor doesn't move.  He stays there, his head on Evan's shoulder, his hand in Evan's hand.  And Evan can't focus on the movie anymore. He eventually picks his head up to laugh at Mr. Mistoffelees, but Connor hangs onto Evan's hand for the rest of the movie.  He's soft, softer than Evan expected, and evidently doesn't mind his sweaty palms, so Evan doesn't complain.
As the credits roll, Evan gathers the bits of courage he has left and look over at Connor.  "Is, uh, was this, like a date? Or did I, um, completely misinterpret what's- did I misunderstand this? B-because-"
Connor cuts him off.  "Do you want this to be a date?" He's quiet, much quieter than normal.
Evan's voice is even smaller when he answers.  "Um. Yeah." He stares down at his free hand, trying to avoid the one Connor still has a firm grip on.
"Great.  Then it was a date."  Evan can hear the smile in Connor's voice.  He looks up, and Connor is beaming, and Evan can hear his foot tapping the floor again.  And Connor's hand is on his jaw and Evan is leaning forward and their lips are pressed together.
It's different than Evan had imagined.  Slower. Gentler. But he's kissing Connor Murphy and Connor Murphy is kissing him back.
Evan is the first to pull away.  He knows his face is a bright shade of pink, but he doesn't really care.  His phone buzzes in his pocket.
"Oh, uh, my mom's here."  He thinks he sees Connor's face fall for half a second, but he isn't sure. 
"Oh.  Alright.  See you soon."  
Evan leans over and pecks his cheek.  "Thanks."
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wind0wg0blin · 6 years
Monster kink meme for strength with a yautja please
[OKay this only vaguely fits this theme but I have had art block like a mother fucker for the last week now and its making me depressed as shit so have this starting a spicy yautja] 
You had started going to the gym in your spare time justbecause you needed a way to get out the extra energy that came with having towork a desk job. You mostly went just to walk on the treadmills and listen tosome music or watch a few episodes of a show you had fallen behind on.
It was one day where you had come in early in the morningthat you found out that this was one of the few gyms on station that was equippedto handle Yautjas, Engineers and other larger species.
Walking through the main area you had planned to head rightto the cardio center as you always did. Though things went array when animpossibly loud clank of metal on metal made you drop your phone it skiddingacross the floor to land at the feet of a large Yautja. Said Yautja stopped midcurl up to glance down at the phone then up to you as you feverishly apologizedas you reached to grab your phone.
You jumped back when he dropped his weights on to the rackin front of him and grabbed your phone looking it over in his hand.
“U-Uh Im so sorry to have bothered you Ill just take mythings and-“
“Calm down, Im just making sure its not broken.” He huffedas he held it out to you in a way that forced you to touch his hand. Albeitawkwardly you thanked him taking your phone nodding slightly as you made toleave and just never return to this gym.
Though your escape plan was immediately thwarted when heside stepped and blocked your exit looking you over with an almost judgmentalglance.
“How come you always hide in the cardio room.”
‘What the hell kind of a question is that?!’ you thoughtyour face clearly displaying your burst of emotion as the yautja recoiledattempting to back track.
“No, why do you only go in the cardio room” He tried tocorrect himself but you were already uncomfortable and upset so you just shovedpast him throwing him aside with a hard check from your hips. It wasn’t enough toput him to the ground but enough to surprise the alien as they stumbled turningand watching you storm off in a flurry of emotions.
You had avoided the gym as a whole for almost a week at thatpoint and you were starting to feel antsy.
You had attempted to do some at home workout videos in yourliving room though after almost sending a vase flying doing jumping jacks you decidedto just face the fact you kinda needed the gym and that guy could just mind hisown.
Despite this false sense of confidence, you purposefully didn’tgo until it was later at night when most places were closed and thusly mostpeople were in their rooms or at work. Stepping out of the locker room youglanced around thankful to see that no one was in there except for some girl doingyoga in the corner.
Nonetheless you kept your head down as you speed walked tothe cardio center striding into the secluded room with a sigh of relief. Thiswas short lived as you glanced up and immediately felt your self deflate.
‘You have to be fucking joking me’ you thought as the sameyautja from the other day was sat on a bench seemingly waiting for you to walkin.
You spun on your heel already leaving wanting to cry at howshit your luck had been as of late when he called out after you.
For some reason you paused glancing back to see him joggingover to you holding his hands up defensively as your eyes were most likely shootingdaggers.
“I want to apologize for how I came off when we first met, Ipromise Im not actually an asshole im just really bad at social ques.” He saidholding his hands up apologetically.
You just nodded and made to keep walking away but he yetagain called out to stop you.
“You, you don’t have to leave ya know. Theres plenty of roomfor the both of us.”
“If I can be completely honest with you, you creep me thehell out and I don’t feel comfortable working out around you let alone beingalone in this room with you.” You said coldly as you walked out into the mainarea thankful the yoga lady was still in the corner.
It was a good thing too as the guy followed you looking likeyou had just shot him.
“Im sorry you feel that way. Is there any way I can fix that?”He asked as he easily caught up to you his strides equaling about three ofyours.
“Why do you care what I think?” you asked not reallyexpecting an answer though you should’ve know that rhetorical statements don’t translatewell.
“Its because I find you very interesting and I wish to getto know you better. As that’s why I asked you why you were only ever in thereas I was hoping to convince you to join me so I could get to know you.” Headmitted making you freeze up as he looked down at you with an almost pleadingexpression.
“How about we start over? My human name is Chopper whats yours?”He said holding his hand to you hoping you would accept his apology.
You sighed heavily as you took his hand and shook itmuttering your name under your breath.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful person.”  He complimented and you nodded slightly.
“Would you care to give me some pointers on the equipment inthe cardio center?” Chopper asked stepping back towards the center smiling backat you.
You glanced over at the locker room door before deciding againstyour better judgement and joining chopper.
You both actually had a good time as chopper was much morecareful with his words and watching him try to work an elliptical that was muchto small was, a little funny.
[Thanks for reading my shit writing lol] 
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dxmxnxshxnx · 5 years
@blacktofade was talking about a sugar daddy au and uh, i couldn’t help myself so here
also this is dedicated to @pinkbergara and @yourlocalshaniac
Ryan Bergara sat, slumped over, at UCLA’s library computer, eyes widen in shock.
No way. No fucking way.
He blinked, hoping his brain, still weary from moving into the dorm, was just tricking him.
There, on the screen displaying his bank account information, still sat the total: -489.73.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Ryan bemoaned, shoving another spoonful of stolen Rocky Road ice cream into his mouth.
Kelsey, the owner of said ice cream, had her eyes trained on the TV screen. If Ryan didn’t know her better, he’d probably be irritated that she wasn’t listening.
Thankfully, he did know her, and she was listening. She was just hyper focused on winning this COD match (which he totally gets). He was in her apartment, laying on the couch and mourning his debt-free life. His feet rested in her lap, as she sat cross-legged at the other end.
“I’d apply for another loan, but it takes forever to get them approved and I’ll be over-drafted while the bank figures it out,” he sighed, brows furrowed in thought. “And I don’t really want to sell my soul for school. Not to mention I’ve just spent the whole summer trying to pay off my first loan... and I had money saved up for that from high school.” Which was completely drained first semester. “Holy shit-” 
Ryan suddenly sat up, almost knocking the ice cream off his chest. He grabbed the gallon before it could, but the panicked look in his eyes didn’t disappear. “Holy shit, Kelsey, what the fuck am I gonna do for food? I only paid for my books! I still haven’t paid for tuition or my dorm or-”
Right then, the noise signaling the end of a match played, and Ryan glanced over to see the yellow line highlighting Kelsey’s name at the top of the list.
His leg was pat and he looked back to see Kelsey giving him a sympathetic look. “We’ve all been there,” she said, “I had to ask my mom for food halfway through the first semester. You can eat at my place while you figure it out!” Kelsey gave him a sweet smile and Ryan felt very, very guilty all of a sudden, stirring the melted remnants of ice cream left in the gallon.
He knew she was struggling to pay her tuition as well and she had worse luck than he did. She had to get an apartment this semester because dorms were full. She had to get a roommate because an apartment located close to campus in LA cost an arm and a leg. And then the whole food thing... Here he was complaining about his life when she had it much, much harder.
“No, Kelse, I couldn’t do that.”
“What? Why not? Listen, we broke-ass college students gotta stick together.”
God, she was always so optimistic. Ryan admired her for that. When he heard about her not getting a dorm, she just smiled and said, “It’ll be cool to live in the city! Maybe I’ll find some fun places! Ooh! And I’ll have better Wi-Fi!”
When she was looking for a roommate, she was so excited, mentioning that she “couldn’t wait to meet a cool new friend!”
Kelsey was the strongest person he knew and he worked at LA Fitness IN L.A.
“I just feel bad about it, because I know you’re struggling too.”
“Hey, I’ll be just as poor if you come over and eat a sandwich with me once in a while.” She shrugged. “I’d rather be poor and have good company than rich and be surrounded by people I hate.”
Ryan laughed, “You romantic fucking English major.”
Kelsey said nothing in response, just gave the widest grin that Ryan had ever seen.
“Come on,” she said, pushing Ryan’s feet off her lap and reaching forward to grab another controller. She handed it to Ryan, “Play some COD with me. I’ll give you something to really cry about!”
More than a dozen lost matches later (hey, Ryan was a NBA guy), Kelsey and Ryan were dancing in the kitchen to some stupid meme song that was in Kelsey’s playlist, laughing like manics. They had abandoned COD a while ago, deciding to finally listen to their rumbling tummies and making cheap ramen, lovingly flavored with the spiciest hot sauce they could find in the house.
Despite the music being loud enough to probably annoy Kelsey’s neighbors, it wasn’t loud enough to drown out the door hitting the wall.
Kelsey’s roommate was home.
“Sara!” Kelsey greeted, spinning around immediately. There, by the door, a paint-covered woman, with curly brown and eyes that gleamed impishly. Kelsey, once again, had a wild grin on her face, one that both of her friends knew said mischief. “Show us your moves!”
Sara, despite looking a bit ragged, smiled her own grin. She watched Kelsey show off her own moves for a minute, grin just growing wider and wider, before it finally broke. She laughed, as she dropping her canvas bag by the door and kicking off her shoes. Then, she was boogieing her way over to Kelsey and Ryan, doing some cheesy disco move that had Ryan doubled over and laughing and Kelsey imitating it (again, fucking romantic, cheesy English major).
As much bad luck as Kelsey had, she had just the same amount of good luck. It was like a scale; every once in a while, one side (usually the bad luck side) got a pinch more, tipping her luck that way before the other side got a pinch more and so on.
Ryan remembers the day Kelsey was interviewing roommates. He’s sure his whole class did too, because his phone was going off non-stop during a movie they were analyzing and despite being on silent and flipped over, it kept lighting up the room because Kelsey could not stop raving about this one woman she interviewed -- which, of course, was the lovely Sara. Kelsey was head over heels for Sara from the minute they met.
Sara was a Art major and, apparently, her and Kelsey had SO much chemistry that Kelsey HAD to choose Sara. 
(It was true, though. Kelsey would write something for her class and it would inspire art-blocked Sara to draw something for her class and vice versa. Kelsey was bad at cleaning and good at cooking where Sara burnt water and was basically Marie Kondo. They both loved playing video games -- they both played DPS and had a fun time creating chaos in game. Ryan would call them soulmates, but Kelsey got too embarrassed whenever he said that, so he gave her a little bit of mercy and usually kept that to himself.)
“What is going on?” Sara shouts. She does a twirl to the beat and then holds her arm up for Kelsey, signaling her to grab her hand and twirl underneath it.
“Ryan’s in debt and his life is over!” Kelsey jokes, shouting over the music. Ryan distantly remembers the time Sara’s last class gets out -- 9:30 -- and wonders if they should turn down the music. “So we’re having a Dia De Los Muertos inspired funeral for him!” She lets go of Sara’s hand and just dances in her space. Sara does not seem to mind the close proximity at all.
“Oh shit!” Sara responds, “That fucking sucks, dude!”
“Yeah! He can’t even buy food!”
Sara glances over at Ryan, who is currently doing some shitty version of the cha-cha. “Really?” Kelsey nods and even though it looks like she’s nodding with the beat, Sara knows her better. They twirl opposite directions, almost looking choreographed, and when they come back together, Sara has a look on her face, head tilted and smile tight. 
“What is it?” Kelsey asks and Sara holds up a finger. She twirls away again, this time, going farther and farther until she reaches Kelsey’s phone on the island of the kitchen. 
Stopping the music (which Kelsey’s neighbors are probably thankful for), she spins around to give the two confused faces a bright smile. “I know how Ryan -- and us, of course -- can score some free food, if you’re up to it.”
Kelsey’s face lights up, “I love free food!”
“Didn’t we just eat?” Ryan says, he’s smiling though, because his grumbling tummy agrees with Kelsey. Hey, he’s a man who works out and has a high metabolism... and he’s “growing.” He’s always hungry.
And Kelsey... well, she’s Kelsey.
“So... how are we doing this?” Ryan says, with a lopsided smile. Ryan realizes how much they look like a pack of gremlins up to no good -- which they kinda are. Suddenly, the whole “I’m in horrible debt” thing isn’t looming over this day and he realizes that Kelsey was right -- it’s hard to be miserable in like-minded company.
“So,” Sara starts, using a voice that sounds like she’s giving Kelsey and Ryan an inside scoop. Ryan now pictures them as a group of spies, preparing to infiltrate an important ball. The two in question lean in, despite them being the only people in the house, and Sara continues, “So, in Art History today, we were learning about some art that was painted by people who were. Fucked. Up. Like they were drinking absinthe and doing coke -- I was joking with my friend, Keith, telling him how they must’ve been some WILD partiers and how it put me in a partying mood. And he told me that he and his little crew were going to this party at this bar on 6th street. And, this is the best part-” 
Sara look back and forth between Ryan and Kelsey, excitedly. “Eugene was the one who got invited, so you KNOW it’s gonna be full of people who got that mun-nay! We should hit it up and see if anyone will buy us drinks and food and stuff!”
“Hell yeah!” Kelsey exclaims, “Mooching off the rich for the win! Down with capitalism!”
“You got that right!” Sara says, “Mooch the rich!”
“Mooch the rich!” Ryan agrees. He throws his fist in the air like some French revolutionary and the look of excitement that appears on Kelsey’s face is so funny, he can’t help wheezing at it.
Kelsey and Sara carry on without him, shouting “MOOCH THE RICH!” and pounding their fists in the air, getting louder and louder with each shout.
Ryan’s tearing up from laughing so hard now, because holy shit, Kelsey’s neighbors are gonna think they’re some sort of anarchist cult doing weird cult stuff behind loud music and are Sara and Kelsey doing a picket circle in the kitchen now?? 
-- fuck, Ryan loves his friends.
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anewfreind · 6 years
Hey so, you played DeltaRune right? What was your first impression on the main cast? i.e. raslei, lancer, Susie, Kris.
Oh fucketh yes thou kindeth basterd, let thine doith this.
Alright, so imma talk about the game and new characters, and if you would like, send asks on the undertale cast, and how they changed, because i would love to talk about that! I would also love to talk about theories for both Deltarune and Undertale! Do send asks! Now lets begin:
I was NOT expecting it to be this long for what I thought was a free demo
I loved ALL the characters this time. I didn't think I'd like Susie and Lancer much, but they grew to be my favourite characters of the story this time.
Also, I knew Deltarune was an anagram of Undertale, but I went through the entire goddamn game without realizing that Ralsei was an anagram for Asriel. Yes, I'm stupid.
I really like the new party battle mechanics! I didn't use the fight option, but still.
I wasn't able to find part B of the key that would unlock that mysterious cell in the prison. Did anyone else find it?
This was a very easy game to get a Pacifist run in, and I got the good ending straightaway! Seemingly.
Still here? Cool lets go
So, some interesting points and thoughts I had about the game and characters, and other things and tropes I noticed:
Ascended Meme: Toriel mentions that Kris and Asriel enjoy playing Super Smashing Fighters, a clear Shout-Out to the Super Smash Bros. franchise. At the time of the release of Deltarune Chapter 1, a popular meme was that Sans would be confirmed as a character for the then-upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Anti-Frustration Features: Should you make at least three unsuccessful attempts to clear either timed-tile puzzle, Ralsei will offer a hint on how to solve them
Attack! Attack! Attack!: Susie's main method of fighting: She'll keep attacking enemies and won't listen to Kris. Fortunately, she gets better during the final dungeon. Perhaps this is how she was raised?
Awesome, but Impractical: The Top Cake heals your entire party for 160 HP, but your entire party only has 90, 110 and 70 HP anyway and can't be increased at all. Furthermore, giving the Top Cake back to the Top Chef makes him give you the Spin Cake, which, while only restoring 80 HP, is unlimited and any encounter that isn't a Boss fight will probably not shave off your entire HP.
One thing that annoys me with the game is that Lv can’t increase, but we will get back to that later
Bait-and-Switch: A lot of the plot details are set up in a similar fashion to the previous game, only to subvert expectations.
Susie threatens Kris early on and is a berserker who attacks monsters on sight and doesn't care about the quest she's nominally on, much like a No Mercy run from the previous game, but she refrains from killing anyone and ultimately makes a Heel–Face Turn.
Lancer is similar in both a recurring antagonist role and has a skeletal appearance with a blue color scheme, which might lead players to believe he has a connection with Sans and Papyrus from the previous game; he and his father turn out to just be Darkners who resemble skeletons and have no apparent connection with Sans and Papyrus at all.
A mysterious doorframe appears early on and savvy players (or fandom nerds) might expect them to tie into Gaster as they did in the previous game. They end up being a fast travel system (which is lame).
Lastly, there's Lancer's dad, the King, who might look like a Suspiciously Similar Substitute for Asgore, right down to one of the people close to him trying to persuade both you and him not to fight (Undyne for Asgore, Lancer for the King). However, when you actually encounter the King, not only does he threaten to throw Lancer off a roof if the Lighteners don't kneel before him, he also tricks Ralsei into bringing him to full health so he has them at their mercy again. He ends up being defeated by Ralsei putting him to sleep while Kris and Susie escape, or captured by Lancer when he turns his own troops on him.
Big Door: There's a large bunker-style door built into the landscape in the forest to the south of town. Locked, unfortunately.
One of the encounters can be resolved peacefully by getting Ralsei to sing a lullaby, which also puts Susie to sleep. This later turns out to be the key to peacefully resolving the fight with Susie and Lancer. It comes up again in the "bad" ending to the King fight, where Susie notes that while she can't take the King down, Ralsei can. Susie: “I'd never forget something I made fun of you for.”
Similarly, Susie attacks automatically during the first battle with Lancer (who can't be killed), which is an early hint to the player that Susie attacks on her own and you'll have to prevent her from doing damage if you want a pacifist run.
Cliffhanger: The chapter ends with Kris (most likely being controlled) pulling out their/the player's SOUL, shoving it in a cage, and drawing a knife, at which point Kris's eyes glow red like Frisk's do if Chara's permanently corrupted your save after a genocide playthrough back in Undertale. This ending felt like a punch to the gut, and gave me so many questions to ask. Also, in the final scene, you can control the SOUL while it's in the birdcage. It won't change the outcome.
Lancer appears to be this for most of the initially-bad guy cast of Undertale, possessing a Sans-like color scheme, Papyrus's kid-brother nature and general enthusiasm for "evil," and Alphys's emotional attachment to the Big Bad.
Kris seems to be a hybridization of Frisk and Chara: their face, skin color and silent nature lean more towards the former, while their clothes and relation to the Dreemurr family (especially Asriel) scream of the later. Of course, after what happens in the ending, who knows how the three are connected? But here is something people have forgotten about, since I haven’t seen anything on it, but Kris looks exactly like the unused Frisk sprite, besides the sweater
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Even if you go out of your way to beat encounters by force, enemies just get knocked off-screen. Contrast with Undertale and its infamous Genocide/No Mercy route.
After you beat the game and it closes itself, restarting shows Ralsei's legend as the intro and provides a new background for the file select screen.
Susie's hair is wild and covers her eyes, symbolizing her wild and violent outcast vibe. After the fight with the King, it's cut to reveal her eyes, and she becomes a lot more expressive and open with her emotions from them on.
All main characters are this, or have a Face Framed in Shadow. Them revealing their faces is usually a big deal.
Kris and Susie's outfits change when they fall into the dark world. Kris also becomes more blue in appearance, while Susie becomes more pink.
On the walk home, talking to numerous characters heavily hints that something is up with Kris. Numerous people refer to them as "creepy", or "quiet", and Noelle notes that they're usually quite distant from others. The game implies that Kris was being possessed by the player ala the first game
Ralsei makes direct reference to interface elements and controls as part of his tutorial-giver role. This leads to an amusing moment in the first block puzzle, as this trope doesn't apply to Susie.
Susie: (Who the hell is "[Z]"?)
Susie's solo fight against Lancer parallels the first game's fight against Toriel in a number of ways. In both cases, the foe is a family member of the king that guards the protagonist's way back home, and they're trying to prevent the protagonist from meeting the king in order to avoid bloodshed. Once the fight goes on for long enough, the foe starts attacking exclusively by dropping projectiles from above that are guaranteed to miss, showing their reluctance to fight someone they'd started growing close to.
This chapter has a lighter tone than all of Undertale. The game mechanics are more focused on solving puzzles and befriending enemies than fighting, and no one can die, even if you DO decide to attack all your enemies.
After returning from the World of Darkness, talking to several of the NPCs imply that Kris isn't acting like themselves. Noelle comments on how Kris is really talkative compared to normal, Noelle's dad implies Kris has forgotten things that they should know, the hospital clerk comments on how Kris isn't normally so bad at playing piano, and Kris in general seems a lot less "creepy" to the townspeople.
After arriving at the fountain, Kris and Susie find themselves back at the school, in a room with a chess board, playing cards, and some toys that look like the characters they encountered. But both of them remember what happened, and it's left ambiguous as to whether it really was just a dream or not.
If you have the Spooky Sword equipped, your "weapon" upon leaving the dark world will be the Halloween Pencil, leading to more questions.
If you follow the Jevil sidequest plot to its conclusion, mentions of The Queen are made, as well as Seam describing the event that drove Jevil insane as "Dark yet Darker" adding even heavier implications to Gaster's presence in the future story.
If one talks to Rouxls Kaard after starting his first puzzle, he will verbatim quote I. M. Meen. (Also Rouxls Kaard, thou art must marrith me)
When Burgerpants talks about his fellow pizzeria employees, he mentions a "Purple Guy" and wonders if he even works there.
Ralsei removing his hat and hood at the end, revealing that he looks exactly like Asriel. Judging by Susie's reaction, this is one both in and out of universe.
Right at the end of Chapter 1. Kris is tossing and turning in the middle of the night, when they jump out of bed and start walking around very slowly. They then stop in the middle of the room and pull their own soul out of their body, before throwing it into the birdcage from earlier. They then turn their head around slowly, revealing Chara's trademark smile and glowing red eye, before materializing a knife out of nowhere. Anyone who's played Undertale (so most of people playing this game, as it was recommended to those who already played Undertale) should have some very horrific guesses about what this mean
The King grabs Lancer's throat when he finds out that they let the heroes get away
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libraryscarf · 6 years
i had approximately One BILLION Feelings about this art by @ahshesgone, so i wrote smth to heal myself and maybe some other people. the title’s a meme. the fic is not. (thx ash for letting me write for your art, it was cathARTic haha get it hahA i’m leaking sadness onto my keyboard)
god, interrupted ( ao3 )
Hiyori didn’t feel the weight of the tiny shrine Yato had placed in her hands. Her hands were cold and numb, useless blocks of ice at the ends of her arms.
“All right,” he was saying. “Take care of this for me.”
What was he asking of her? He couldn’t think this was right. No. He couldn’t leave it like this.
He couldn’t vanish, leaving her with nothing but a shrine in her hands and an ache in her throat.
Yato was already turning away, but her cry surprised him. He looked at her, and his expression instantly shifted to one of concern. Hiyori didn’t understand why until the hot salt of tears stung her lips, and she realized she was crying. Hard.
“Hiyori.” His voice carried a hard edge of worry. “What—?”
She dropped the shrine.
It splintered on impact, sending slices of painted wood and crumbs of old glue skittering across the pavement. Yato’s eyes darted between Hiyori’s face and the wreckage, his eyes and mouth round with shock.
Hiyori stared down at the destroyed shrine. Her legs turned to water, and she sank to her knees next to it, empty hands at her sides, balling into tight fists and then releasing, balling, releasing. Her fingernails bit ruthlessly into her frozen palms.
“I broke it,” she said stupidly. Her fingers fluttered over the splinters like nervous butterflies.
Yato dropped to his knees in front of her, catching her hands in his.
“You’re going to cut yourself, Hiyori.”
He gripped her fingers between his, rubbing the raw, chapped skin. His touch was so warm; it burned straight through her icy flesh and sank into her chest, quivering like an arrow. Quickly, she realized that the heat was rising in her throat, that it tasted like bile and brass, that she was going to scream.
“You idiot!” she wailed. She snatched her hands from him and shuffled backwards on her knees. Pieces of the shrine dug splintery teeth into her legs. Yato stared at her, flabbergasted. His hands were still outstretched, cradling air.
“What do you mean, you’re leaving?” she snapped. “What would happen to Yukine?”
Yato’s mouth opened and shut several times.
“I’ve—listen, Hiyori—I have thought this through.”
She snorted loudly. “Well. Even if you have, it’s a stupid, terrible, reckless plan, and I won’t let you do it.”
His jaw dropped. “Let me?”
“You heard me.” Hiyori sat back on her heels and drew her eyebrows together. The effect of her stormy expression was somewhat undercut by the tears racing each other down her cheeks.
Yato didn’t answer. After a few seconds of silence, Hiyori’s eyes dropped to the ground, where a few of the larger pieces of the shrine lay together, jagged along their edges. Her heart ached fiercely along the same fault lines.
“But I have to,” he said, quietly. “At least, I have to try.”
“But why now? Why alone?”
He met her eyes, and a small, sad smile crossed his lips.
“I’m finally brave enough to do this on my own, Hiyori. That’s because of you.”
It was like a piece of cold iron had been shoved into one of those fault lines, wedging it brutally open. She gasped at the white, sudden agony of it. “Don’t,” she breathed.
But he was almost on his feet again. And then he would turn away from her and vanish, and there she would be still, sitting on the ground, with the brokenness of herself for company.
She lurched to her knees and reached out, blind with tears. Her fingers found the front of his zippered jersey, fisted in the cloth, and yanked. Yato yelped loudly as he crashed to the ground. Several pieces of wood snapped under his knees.
He choked off with a gasp as she threw herself against him, winding tight arms around his neck. Her nails burrowed into his shoulders, and she tucked her face against his collarbone, trying to calm the tight, gutting sobs that broke from her throat. His breath was hot and shallow on her neck.
He couldn’t leave if she didn’t let go.
“I didn’t make you that shrine so you could reincarnate,” she whispered furiously, forcing the tears back down her throat. Her fingers strangled the fabric of his jersey. “How could you think that?”
Yato stiffened at her words. He wasn’t touching her, wasn’t holding her like she held him.
Finally, he exhaled.
“But…you did make it because you knew…you knew I wanted one, right?” But he wasn’t so certain, now.
Hiyori nodded against his shoulder. “Yes.”
“Then what do you mean—”
“I made it because I love you, Yato.”
Hiyori felt it: the harsh tremor that took his whole body as he let out an involuntary whimper.
It felt so good to have said it. Every nerve was bright and alive; her heart soared with conviction.
“I love you,” she repeated, relishing the syllables on her tongue.
She gasped when his arms wrapped around her, crushing their bodies closer. There was a desperate tightness in his shoulders, in the taut arch of his back.
A shiver skipped down her spine as his lips touched her neck. “Yes?”
“What am I supposed to do?”
A breathy, half-crazed giggle burst from her. “Well. You could say it back.”
Yato let out a shaky exhale against her neck—one that could have been a laugh. “I think you know already.”
A thrill sped through her veins.
“But…would you say it?” she begged. “Please?”
One of his hands moved up to smooth over her wind-tossed hair, and then settled there, cupping the back of her neck.
“Hiyori,” he whispered, like he was praying.
As though of the two of them, she were the god.
“I love you.”
She shut her eyes. This was it: how it should be, how it was always meant to happen. There would be no mention of leaving. There would be no talk of reincarnation.
Then Yato trembled. “I love you so much, it fucking scares me.”
Hiyori flinched at the raw anguish in his voice. Like this was a bad thing. Like it was just something more to fear.
She released her grip on him, sliding her hands around to his chest and gently putting distance between them.
“Please,” she said. “Please, don’t go. At least not right now. Can you wait? Can we talk about it?”
He slowly shook his head, not meeting her eyes.
“Yato.” She reached out and took his chin. Tilting it upward, she forced his gaze to meet hers.
Though she had been too appalled to blush, the open yearning in his face was more than enough to send a hot wave of color into her face. She cleared her throat and looked away. As her hand dropped from his chin, he caught it.
“But isn’t this just all the more reason not to forget me?” he asked, stroking her thumb.
Hiyori bridled. Now that wasn’t quite fair.
“No! It’s all the more reason for you to stay put and not do something absolutely psychotic to try and look like a hero.”
Now it was Yato’s turn to bristle with defensiveness. “I wasn’t going to try and look like a hero!”
“Oh, really? So not even the smallest part of this whole idiot scheme to martyr yourself was to look cool and valiant?”
Yato’s face was completely red. His jaw worked silently for a few seconds before he sputtered:
“That’s—that’s so—such an immature—I can’t believe you would—”
Hiyori smirked in victory. Yato frowned and grumbled and stared at his knees, but he didn’t let go of her hand. Her skin tingled where it touched his.
The corner of her lip twitched.
“Besides, have you thought that without this shrine, my memory might fail me entirely? You really shouldn’t go anywhere until it’s fixed.”
He looked up, stricken. Hiyori felt a twinge of guilt at the hurt on his face, but his expression softened into fondness when he saw she wasn’t serious.
“That is a good point,” he said after a brief hesitation.
She nodded. “It is. A very good point.”
There was a long pause, inhabited by the not-quite-silence of the evening around them. Crickets sang in the long grass. Far away, a car engine coughed.
“So…can we raincheck the suicide mission?”
“It’s not a suicide mi—”
Yato choked on his words as Hiyori brought his hand suddenly to her lips. She brushed her mouth across his knuckles, her senses singing with the giddy, peculiar godsmell that clung to his skin.
“Sure, okay. Yeah, raincheck,” he wheezed.
Hiyori grinned, more than a little shocked at herself. But it had worked.
“Can we go home?” she asked.
Yato lifted his other hand and moved hair away from her face. Her eyes fluttered closed when his fingers ghosted against her temple. Before she realized he moved, he leaned toward her, and there was the softest pressure of his lips on her forehead. She squeaked, and a laugh rumbled through his chest.
“Another good idea,” he murmured. “You’re full of them tonight, Hiyori.”
This time, the blush simmering in her cheeks boiled all the way up to her scalp.
“Yes—s-sometimes,” she stammered.
Yato took hold of her elbows and helped her to her feet. She brushed bits of shattered shrine off her knees.
“Ugh, I’m going to have to start from scratch.” She plucked a splinter of wood off her skirt and flicked it away.
“Maybe you can include ‘Yato-sama’ on it somewhere?” he asked hopefully.
Hiyori’s mouth twisted. “Maybe. There might not be enough room.”
“It wouldn’t take that much space!”
“No, I meant in your huge head.”
Yato reeled dramatically from the mild insult. Hiyori giggled. Then, threading her fingers through his, she added:
“If you really want me to put Yato-sama on it somewhere, then I’ll see what I can do.”
“I love you.”
It was immediate, unhesitating, like he’d just been waiting for a reason to say it again. And again, Hiyori had the wind knocked out of her.
“I-I—” She faltered, even though she could say it—had said it.
Why did he smell so deliriously sweet? Why was his hand so warm and large and—
He was there in front of her, too close. Much, much too close. Her head swam. It felt like no matter how deep a breath she drew, it wasn’t enough.
“It’s okay,” he said, and Hiyori realized he was holding her upright.
He smiled at her. A winner’s smile, mischievous. And then leaned in.
“You don’t have to say it back.”
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rephil · 7 years
Puberty Sucks (2/?)
TW: Mentions of self loathing, cursing?? I guess Word Count: 2981 Genre: Angst, fluff Beta: @sin-phil (THANKS!! :D) Prompt: @piercedphil​
Author’s note: OH BOI this took an entire year to update didn't it? I mean not like anyone was actually waiting for this... but I'm sorry if you were.
I'm not exactly sure how British™ school works, so if you're from there please don't kill me my story line depends on the American™ school system so if it's completely off I'm so sorry.
Last Chapter
Dan usually had an alarm set up every morning to wake him up on a school day. There were three of them: 7:30 AM, 7:40 AM, and 7:50 AM. He woke up on the second alarm to grudge about not sleeping earlier then finally got up on the third. But this time, it wasn’t mechanical beeping that woke him up, but a chirpy voice.
“Good morning, Dan!”
Cold blood rushed through his veins when he recognized voice. “What the--Phil?” He sat up and covered his naked torso with the duvet. “How did you get in here?”
Phil rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and answered, “I thought we should go to school together so I stopped by. And your mum insisted that I wake you up.”
Dan yawned and rubbed his eyes slowly. When he finally adjusted to the morning sunlight peeking through the blinds, he noticed that Phil was already fully dressed and ready for school. He wore a blue plaid shirt buttoned all the way up, and skinny jeans.
Dan cursed silently, covering his face with his hands and groaned, “Okay, well turn away first.”
He couldn’t find a more eloquent way to say it, so he just blurted, “I’m not exactly wearing anything right now,” and his face heated up. Phil’s eyebrows shot up at realization and quickly turned to face the window, cupping his hands on both sides of his eyes.
Dan swung out of the bed, covering himself with a shirt discarded on the floor. He rushed to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. Dan stared at the mirror, cringing at how curly his hair was. Phil saw him asleep. Was his mouth opened the whole time? Dan probably looked gross, his face is usually pretty oily when he wakes up, his entire body is probably in some really awkward position, and the biggest issue of all, his hair.
Dan jumped into the shower immediately without turning it on first. He cursed as the cold water sprayed him. His morning showers were usually a minute or less since he wakes up too late to have enough time. Dan dried himself off and put some deodorant. He took out his hair straightener from the medicine cabinet, plugged it in and adjusted the settings so it warmed up while he brushed his teeth.
Dan was horrible working under pressure. He burned his hand twice trying to work faster than usual, knowing that Phil was outside waiting for him. When Dan finally felt satisfied with the results, he turned to look for clothes to put on, only he forgot to take any with him. He mentally slapped himself, adjusted the towel wrapped on his waist, and stepped outside.
Phil was perched on the edge of his bed, his head snapping up when he opened the door. Once he saw Dan, he averted his eyes immediately, trying to find something else interesting and ended up staring at his feet.
Dan grimaced as he made his way to his closet, blindly reaching for anything he could possibly wear. All his clothes were dark anyway; he’d look the same no matter what he chose.
“What time do you even wake up?” Dan asked to break the silence. He instructed Phil to face the window again as as he pulled on his pants.
“Around six,” Phil replied.
“Seriously? That’s when I go to bed.” Dan felt proud of himself when he heard Phil laugh.
“I sleep early because it reduces breakouts,” Phil said.
“That’s no way to refer to my children,” Dan countered, earning another laugh from him. It sounds like twelve angels singing at once, and Dan was willing to make as much jokes as possible to hear Phil laugh again.
Dan realized that he picked out the smallest shirt he owned. His arms got stuck while he tried to wear it. Dan struggled to pull it past his shoulders and groaned exasperatedly. He made a mental note to throw it out as soon as possible.
“Hey Phil?” he said, voice muffled by his shirt and arms.
“Need some help here,” Dan mumbled. Phil turned around and giggled upon seeing his situation. He walked towards Dan and tried to pull his shirt down. Phil accidentally scraped his nails on Dan’s skin, causing him to yelp. Phil managed to ease the shirt down after three drastic attempts.
Dan exhaled, “Jesus, it’s like giving birth.”
He proceeded to grab his bag, shoving his notebooks and pens scattered from around the room. Together, him and Phil left the room and went down stairs. Dan saw his brother Adrian eating cereal in the dining room. Their mother drives Adrian to school since it’s a bit further than the high school, which was only a couple of blocks down.
Dan made his way to the front door but was stopped in his tracks when Phil asked, “Aren’t you gonna eat breakfast?”
“My mum’s over there,” Dan pointed at the dining room where she was watering the plants. “I don’t need a second one.”
Phil stuck his tongue out. “Yeah, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” “No shit. But I get queasy when I eat in the morning.”
“Just eat something,” Phil insisted, taking his backpack from the sofa.
Dan huffed as he trudged to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fridge. He bit on it distastefully and said, “There, you happy?” Phil gave him a thumbs up.
After saying goodbye to his family, Dan followed Phil outside and began their trip. Phil insisted that they walk faster since they were running late, but Dan wasn’t very troubled. He’s been later than this before. It sometimes motivated him to actually run for once, and he’d be there on time.
Out of nowhere, Phil asked, “Hey, don’t we have the same lunch?” Dan nodded, busy trying to get rid of the apple skin stuck between his teeth. “Where do you go?” “I go out to the pizza place a few blocks down. Why?” Dan decided to give up and chucked his half-eaten apple at the nearest trash can.
“I was wondering if you’d like to sit with me and my friends later?”
Dan contemplated for a moment. He’s happy that Phil thought of introducing him to his friends, but Dan wasn’t really good with new people. He couldn’t think of what to say because he wasn’t sure what kind of person they were. Do they like memes? Are they a sports kind of person? Dan usually waited for people to start a conversation with him because he feared starting one himself.
Dan panicked, thinking of a way to delay it for a bit.
“Sure, but in one condition.” Phil raised his eyebrows and he continued, “You sit with me and my friends first.”
Phil grimaced. “I promised Hazel I’d help her out with homework today. Can I go tomorrow?” Dan agreed, he had to warn PJ and Chris about a newcomer after all.
When they approached the school block, they parted ways. Phil saw one of his friends by the ice cream parlor in front of school so he crossed the street while Dan went inside the building. Dan couldn’t fathom how Phil managed to be that cheerful in this time of day, usually Dan would walk away when people tried to talk to him before 10 AM.
But of course, he had the audacity to question why he had no friends.
“So, are you guys pals again? PJ questioned while pointing his fork at him.
“I guess,” Dan managed to say with a mouthful of pepperoni pizza.
“Thank god. I don’t have to keep up with you whining about him anymore.” PJ said, leaning back on his seat.
Dan laughed humorlessly. “I’m happy for you, PJ.” Dan took another huge bite off his pizza and chewed silently, watching as his friends twirl their forks into their pastas.
Dan met PJ and Chris at film club. He was under the impression that the club was about watching movies. Little did he know that the club was about making movies. It was too late for Dan to drop out so he decided to just stick around it. Both of them made the club tolerable for Dan and actually convinced him to make a few videos of his own.
“Oh yeah, Phil also asked me if I wanted to sit with him and his friends,” Dan mumbled casually.
They sat in silence for a moment before PJ asked, “Well, what are you doing here?”
Dan took the red pepper shaker and sprinkled some into his pizza. “Well, I told him that he should sit here first.”
“Negotiations, I like it!” Chris chided before taking a mouthful of pasta with a meatball.
“He’s busy today so he’s gonna come tomorrow,” Dan added.
“Good. I needed to prepare myself so I don’t humiliate you.” PJ winked.
“Thanks, I guess.”
“But honestly, I don’t trust that Phil guy.” Chris uttered solemnly, staring at his plate of pasta, as if he had a long backstory waiting to be told.
Dan tilted his head to the side and smirked, teasingly running his foot on Chris’ leg. “Why? Scared he’d sweep me off my feet and leave both your asses alone?”
Chris shook his leg to get rid of Dan’s foot rolled his eyes, “Quite the opposite, actually. Can’t wait for you to be gone.” PJ nearly choked on his food. “Anyway, it’s just that someone told me he’s kind of a dick.”
PJ finished chewing his food and turned his head to Chris and asked, “Why?”
“According to a reliable source,” Chris raised a finger with an air of mystery, “Phil turned down a fine lady because apparently she's too ugly for him.”
Dan dropped his pizza to his plate. “That’s not true. Phil wouldn’t say that.”
“He did! And it makes it even worse that he turned down Cat Valdez. She could butter my toast of you know what I mean.” Chris wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“We’re eating, Chris, shut up,” PJ protested, suddenly disinterested with the meatball he was bringing to his mouth.
“Who exactly is this ‘reliable resource’?” Dan asked, suddenly intrigued with this topic. He knew Cat from art class; they talked from time to time. They weren’t close enough to talk about these things though. Their conversations certainly weren’t about boys.
Chris leaned forward and furrowed his eyebrows. “Jack. But you did not hear it from me.”
He wasn’t sure who Jack was, but he didn’t sound like a trustworthy source. “How are you sure “Jack” is telling the truth? Maybe that's not what Phil really said. ”
“Yeah, well that's not exactly what Phil said. But he could’ve just said that! And besides, Jack’s his friend, ” Chris said with a shrug. “He knows Phil more that anyone else.”
“Well I was his friend first!” Dan snapped, dropping his fist on the table with a thud, alarming the table beside them.
PJ gave Dan a concerning look. It made Dan realize his body was tense the entire time. He slumped back on his seat and nibbled feebly on his pizza. He felt like Chris was telling a story about a completely different person. Dan knew Phil; he would probably turn someone down too nicely that they wouldn't realize it. And even so, Phil wasn't the kind of person who talked about people behind their backs.
“Maybe he’s changed Dan, it’s been a long time.” PJ stated softly. Dan thought about it for a while as he finished the pizza by biting off the toppings before eating the crust. As much as he hated to admit it, PJ was right. Maybe Dan did knew Phil, but that was in past tense.
For Algebra II, Mr. Smith instructed them to pair up and answer the worksheet he’s handing out. Dan was relieved he’s in good terms with Phil now since Louise, his usual partner, is absent today. He took the seat beside Phil’s and reached for two worksheets, handing the other to Phil and offering to split the questions between the two of them.
Their lesson is about conic sections. Dan started off hating the entire lesson, just as any other topic they’ve discussed in any class, but once he got the hang of plugging numbers into the formula, it became more tolerable. Phil had a slight difficulty with solving his share, but they managed to finish and recheck it all in ten minutes.
Dan took this opportunity to take out his sketchbook and try to overcome his art block. He stared at the blank page for quite a while and turned his head to look at Phil, who was busy playing animal crossing in his phone. Dan found inspiration and went to work.
A few minutes into the drawing, he heard, “Psst, hey Dan. What are you drawing?” He felt the tip of a pencil poking his arm, which came from Phil.
“A cactus,” he mumbled, clicking his mechanical pencil to get more lead out.
He saw Phil grin from the corner of his eye. “I love cacti!”
“Yeah,” Dan lowered his head so Phil couldn’t see him smiling. “I remember.”
Phil went through a phase where everything he ever owned had cacti in it. His bags, his pajamas, even his food, had something to do with a cactus. At the time, it was very easy to buy him a gift in special occasions since Dan knew exactly what Phil wanted. For Christmas on fourth grade, he got Phil a vial with a tiny cactus inside. Everytime he visited his room, Dan saw it by the nightstand. He wondered if Phil still has it now.
There were five minutes left in class so the teacher began giving them the answers to the exercise. People quietly packed their bags while half listening to what he was saying. Dan took out his earbuds and untangled them; it was usually a chore that took him ten minutes to finish. Once the bell rang, everyone darted out of their chairs and left.
Before Dan could plug in both earbuds into his ears, Phil said, “See you after school?”
Dan nodded. He was about to say, “See you!” but it got caught in his throat when he realized Phil was on his way out, fistbumping a friend waiting for him by the front door. Dan tried to shrug it off. They weren’t in the same classes the next period anyway, why should Phil wait for him? Dan went on to his next class, anxiety filling his gut.
Dan tried to text Phil to find out where they were going to meet up, but Phil wasn’t replying. Dan huffed and decided to wait under the huge tree by the main entrance. It wasn’t snowing outside, but all the snow that piled up from yesterday sat on the street. Whenever the wind blew, it felt like sitting in a fridge.
The crowd of students thinned the longer Dan stayed there. Dan watched friends huddle together as they walked down the street, or laughing boisterously as they entered a vehicle. He considered leaving, maybe Phil forgot about Dan and went home on his own.  Phil wasn’t even his best friend after all.
Dan realized he never actually had a solid best friend in his whole life. He used to think it was Phil, but two years of getting ignored proved Dan wrong. He wanted a friend that had him as their first priority, a friend that knew him so well that they could create their own inside jokes. Or maybe a friend that answered their damn phone.
It was Dan’s little fantasy that seemed more impossible as the years go by. He was terrible with communication and always had mood swings for no goddamn reason. Dan was probably a high maintenance friend, and people didn’t want that burden in their lives. Chris and PJ were his closest friends, but that’s just because they had the same lunch period. Film club rarely even had meetings. Perhaps they’d drift apart if they didn’t have any classes in common the next year.
Dan heard footsteps behind him, and when he turned to look, it was Phil slinging his backpack behind him and buttoning up his peacoat. “Hey, Dan! Sorry I took so long. I had to finish my test in Literature.” He took his phone out and cringed. “And sorry I didn’t see your texts.”
Dan shrugged. “It’s okay. Shall we go?”
Phil extended his arm before them and giggled, “Lead the way, sir.” Dan began walking, with Phil trailing behind him and texting on his phone. Dan wanted to take it away from him. Why did Phil bother walking with Dan if he’s just gonna text other people?
Thankfully, Phil shoved it back in his pocket and catched up with Dan, crossing his arms and beaming at him. “How was your day?”
Dan cringed. The small talk. He thought they were way past this. “It’s good. Just as uneventful as any other day I guess.” Phil leaped over a clump of snow blocking the sidewalk. “Oh, and I told PJ and Chris that you’d be sitting with us tomorrow. They’re excited to meet you.”
It was a half lie. They were excited to meet him, sure, but it shouldn’t taken positively. It was almost like they were excited to examine at a bunch of cells from under a microscope for the first time. But of course, Dan wasn’t going to say that to Phil.
Dan wanted to see how Phil handled unexpected conversations with other people, since he’d be doing it with Phil’s friends the next day. Dan envied Phil for finding it easy to start a conversation. Sometimes he would with random people he met at the store and they’d be instant friends.
How does he do it?
Next Chapter>>
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infinityhype · 8 years
Staying Gold (3/6)
Bee I finally got around to writing this next installment I didn’t forget it just...took forever to come up with something, oops. 
Part of the “Five Times” meme requested by @dezemberzwolf of “Daniel Law being happy and smiling” 
May I Buy You a Drink?
Daniel Law did not usually go drinking alone because it was, for lack of a better term, reckless.
However, his day had been so awful he decided the benefits outweighed the risks. Someone mugging him in a back alley would only make his day slightly worse at this point.
Hell, it would probably make it better to be perfectly honest. At least he would have a good reason to beat the shit out of someone.
Daniel tried not to drink when he’d had a bad day. It wasn’t a good coping mechanism, but he could only smoke so many packs a day before Kemper started leaving nicotine gum and pamphlets with titles like “Quit Smoking in a Month!” all over his desk.
He was on his first drink when a man sat down next to him (on his right, where he could see the guy), offered Daniel a pleasant smile, and ordered a drink for himself. Interest and caution prickled at the back of Daniel’s mind.
Daniel finished off his drink and asked for another. The man next to him handed the bartender a credit card and asked for a tab.
“And pick his up too,” he said, motioning to Daniel.
So he is interested, Daniel thought as he raised his second glass to the man and drained the contents. He turned so he was facing the guy and leaned on the bar. A little flirting might perk up Daniel’s ego, or ruin his night completely.
Either way, it couldn’t make the day he’d had any worse.
Well, much worse.
“If you’re gonna pick up my tab I should at least know your name,” Daniel said.
“It’s Evgeny Abrakov,” the man replied.
Evgeny  wore a gray suit with a blue vest and a yellow tie. He was roughly the same size as Daniel, give or take a couple of inches and pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. Defined cheekbones, perfectly coiffed hair, a nice voice...
Worse people had bought him drinks.
“Daniel Law. Nice to meet you.” They shook hands and nursed their drinks in silence for a while. Daniel lit up a cigarette and thought about how to proceed. He’d been so busy with work the past few months it hadn’t left him much free time, and his skills in the art of romance were passable at best.
“So what do you do, Evgeny?”
“I’m an accountant for a firm in Manhattan. I specialize in helping small businesses. I don’t do corporate tax law, because fuck--” He seemed alarmed the word slipped out of his mouth.
“You can finish your sentence,” Daniel said with a laugh. “I’m not offended.”
“--corporate loopholes, they’re terrible.” Evgeny picked up his drink in an attempt to look cool. “What do you do, Daniel?”
“I’m a detective. Organized crime, so you don’t get your hopes up for gristly Homicide stories.”
“Detective Law, then,” Evgeny said.
“Just Daniel,” he replied. “You are buying me drinks after all.”
“Well then, Daniel. I suppose it’s a good thing you’re not a homicide detective. To be honest I’m not interested in the gory details of humanity’s dark side. I can’t even watch the evening news most of the time. I want to be informed, but it’s just depressing.” Evgeny placed his right elbow on the bar and leaned on it, mirroring Daniel.
Daniel exhaled a cloud of smoke. He noticed a series of small cuts on Evgeny’s knuckles and wondered what he could have done to get those.
“The job’s absolute shit sometimes. Most of the time. But I keep going because there’s a lot of good people worth protecting out there. I dunno. I just hate to see people get hurt. I was the kid who always fought the playground bullies even if it meant getting my ass kicked. It probably helps my brother was kind of a wimp.”
Evgeny laughed. That was a sound Daniel could get used to. “Is it just you and your brother?”
“Oh no. I have—” Daniel did a quick count on his fingers. “Six siblings. One older sister, a twin brother, one younger brother, and three younger sisters.”
Evgeny’s eyebrows shot up. It was a common enough reaction Daniel didn’t even notice it most of the time. “That’s a lot of siblings!”
“Yeah. Everyone told me New York was loud and crowded. But with the house I grew up in, it doesn’t bother me in the least. I’m just glad to have my own apartment where I don’t have to fight anyone to shower in the morning. You got any siblings?”
Evgeny shook his head. “Nah. My parents adopted me and decided one was enough. I guess I was a bit of a handful when I was a kid. What’s it like, being a twin? I’m sorry, I’m sure you get asked that a lot.”
Daniel shrugged. He was starting to feel the effects of the whiskey. “It’s fine. My brother’s name is Marcus. He’s the better looking of the two of us. Nicer too. I’m the funny one. And older. That’s pretty much all I have going for me in terms of comparison.”  
“I can’t compare you two because he’s not here, but statistically a lot of people think less of their abilities when compared to others, especially a sibling close to them in age, so I’m sure you balance each other out instead of him being better than you—” Evgeny came to a hard stop in the conversation and blinked. “Sorry, once I get on something I talk a lot, especially if I’ve been drinking, and definitely when I’m trying to impress someone I think is cute.”
“You gesture a lot too,” Daniel said, making a motion with his hands. Evgeny folded them and put them in his lap. “I don’t say that to make you stop, it’s just you’re very…animated. And I like it. I like you.”
The words slipped out before Daniel could catch them. Was that all it took to disarm him? A couple of drinks and some conversation?
At this point, did he really care?
“Thanks,” Evgeny said with a smile. “I like you too.”
They closed the bar down that night, and Daniel didn't drink as much as he thought he would. If anything, he was pleasantly buzzed, his shitty day at work stored in the back of his mind. The cool, crisp air nipped at him, and he shoved his hands in the pocket of his coat.
“Where do you live? I’ll walk you home,” he said. He moved in front of Evgeny, so they were facing each other, and stopped.
Evgeny laughed, and Daniel tried not to think too much about the flash of white teeth and the flush on Evgeny’s cheeks.
“I live in Brighton Beach. I just come here because I like the atmosphere and no one I know from work hangs around here. Subway station’s a few blocks away. I can make it home.”
“Well I...I live about a block away. You can stay the night, if you want. I’d feel a lot better if you did.”
Evgeny threw his hands up. “Oh I couldn’t impose on you like that. I already talked your ear off for hours at the bar--”
“It’s not an imposition. It’s two in the morning, and it’s not safe for you to go back alone. So just.” Daniel grabbed Evgeny’s hand and began to lead him down the street.
“Oh I...okay.” Evgeny said. He caught up and laced his fingers between Daniel’s.  
“Just make sure I don’t run into a pole or something, okay? I can’t see out of my left eye anymore.”
Evgeny didn’t quite expect Daniel’s apartment to look the way it did. The place was a bit unkempt, with the desk and couch half buried in paperwork, but was otherwise spotless. Pictures were hung on the wall perfectly straight. A shadow box of Army medals caught his eye. He failed to mention he’s a war hero, Evgeny thought.  
“I’d offer you the bed but I haven’t washed my sheets in a while. I hope the couch works.”
Evgeny pulled himself away from his thoughts and nodded. “I can sleep wherever. It’s not a big deal.”
“All right.” Daniel disappeared into his room and came back with a stack of items. A pillow, a blanket, a well worn NYPD shirt, and a pair of sleep pants.
“Wouldn’t want your suit to get all rumpled.”
“Thanks.” Evgeny started the long process of getting undressed, and set everything on the back of a kitchen chair. Daniel started to walk away when he caught a glimpse of Evgeny’s back.
“Something the matter?” Evgeny asked.
“What? No, sorry. I shouldn’t stare.” Daniel berated himself, and at the same time thought what kind of accountant has a physique like that?
“I’m a boxer,” Evgeny said, almost as if he could read Daniel’s expression. “I won the championship my junior year. I still keep up with it because I like it.”
“It must get you a lot of ladies,” Daniel said.
God, this had been a bad idea. He started stacking files and putting them behind the couch, trying not to think about how long it had been since he’d had an extended conversation with someone other than his subordinates or the upper brass, much less—
“Plenty of guys who appreciate it too,” Evgeny said as he pulled the NYPD shirt on. He slipped out of his loafers and Daniel made sure to turn away while he changed pants.
Focusing on the task at hand, Daniel thought, and soon the couch was cleaned off and ready to go.
When he turned, Evgeny was a few feet away from him. Head tilted to the left, dressed in Daniel’s borrowed clothes.
“I uh…I don’t…want to do anything if you don’t want to, and I might be misreading the situation but would it…” Evgeny faltered. Daniel leaned in and kissed him.
“I went to all that effort of loaning you clothes, and you went to all that effort of putting them on, but I would really like it if you took them off and got in bed with me,” Daniel said.
“I’d be happy to oblige,” Evgeny replied.
Daniel reached over Evgeny’s sleeping form and grabbed his crumpled pack of cigarettes. The lighter took a little more effort because it was just out of Daniel’s grasp and he didn’t want to wake up his bedmate, but he eventually managed to catch it with his fingertips and pull it into his hand.
He lit up and leaned back against the headboard, breathing out smoke. He could see sunlight begin to stream through the window on the opposite wall. The smoke danced in eddies and whirls, like ink in water.
I should get up and make breakfast, Daniel thought before he remembered he hadn’t gone to the grocery store in a couple of weeks. The contents of the fridge were condiments, some leftovers from three days ago, and dubious milk. The pantry wasn’t much better.
He could make coffee. Coffee was breakfast for him on those days when everything went to shit and he had to get down to the precinct before his boss threatened to put him back on Patrol for twenty minutes.
“Hey Ev.”
“Mmmhmm?” The covers shifted and revealed Evgeny in all of his bed headed glory.
“I don’t have anything to eat around here so we’re gonna have to go out. That okay with you?”
“Yeah, that’s fine with me,” he said, rolling up in the covers.
“Ev, you’ll have to get out of the bed first. And give me back my blankets, you have literally all of them right now except the flat sheet.”
“But your bed is so comfy,” Evgeny replied. “And my nickname is Zhenya. I’m not French.”  
“Oh yes, you’re Rrrrussian,” Daniel said with an accent. Evgeny wrinkled his nose.
“Please tell me you’re not serious. That’s the worst impression I’ve ever heard.”
“If you have a problem with it, come over here and stop me,” Daniel said.
Evgeny frowned, tossed the blankets aside, and pinned Daniel’s wrists to the bed. Daniel grinned. He did not mind this view one bit.
“Is this where I read you your Miranda Rights?”
“You don’t read people their rights when you arrest them,” Daniel replied. “Just when you’re about to question them. While Law and Order makes for compelling television it’s not accurate at all.”
“All right then. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…something about an attorney…okay, what the hell was that accent?”
Daniel laughed.
Evgeny Abrakov was officially number one in the “Daniel Law’s Best Tipsy Decisions” category, right above…well, every other person he’d ever gone home with or brought home with him.  
“Should we get up and around?” Daniel asked.
“…I could stay in bed for a few more minutes, if you’re up for it,” Evgeny replied.
Daniel didn’t object in the least.
When they left Daniel’s apartment, it was close to noon. They found their way to a diner that served breakfast all day and had a booth in the back corner open.
When they got their drinks (black coffee for Daniel, tea for Evgeny) Evgeny slid into the booth beside Daniel.
“Not that I mind, but are we already at that weird “couple who sits on the same side of the table” portion of our relationship?”
Evgeny shrugged. “ I just figured three eyes were better than one when it comes to watching the exits.”
Daniel nearly choked on his coffee.
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/12/19 - Chat with GHOSTBABEL and BUP
BUP  9:39 AM: "This is  good song”
BUP  9:39 AM: "don't mind if I jack this account for a sec”
Slinky 9:40 AM: "ayyy babel”
BUP  9:40 AM: "I'm not babel”
Slinky 9:40 AM: "how you doin pal”
Slinky 9:40 AM: "wait w h a t”
BUP  9:40 AM: "I am stealin' their account without permission”
Slinky 9:40 AM: "oh shit r u sam?”
BUP  9:40 AM: "I am”
BUP  9:40 AM: "a bad guy :wink:”
Wolfcat  9:40 AM: "Sam I am”
ADULT_LINK△  9:40 AM: "you talkin bout Nouveau Life™️?”
ADULT_LINK△  9:40 AM: "good shit”
BUP  9:40 AM: "yes”
Slinky 9:41 AM: "wait wait who is jacking babels acc”
BUP  9:41 AM: "a bad guy :wink:”
Slinky 9:41 AM: "okay”
Slinky 9:41 AM: "quick, answer”
Slinky 9:41 AM: "Color or Colour”
BUP  9:43 AM: "coloour”
Slinky 9:43 AM: "okay its british”
BUP  9:43 AM: "cooolooooor”
Xenquility  9:43 AM: "Oh hi”
Slinky 9:43 AM: "too late fucker”
BUP  9:43 AM: "I used two oo's to fuck with you”
BUP  9:43 AM: "but I guess teenage intelligence is limited”
Slinky 9:44 AM: "dont say that shit”
Slinky 9:44 AM: "i only know one british hacker and that is SKM”
BUP  9:44 AM: "I never said I was British”
BUP  9:44 AM: "if you think I'm skm”
BUP  9:44 AM: "I have one thing to say to that”
Slinky 9:44 AM: "bruh you said colour”
Slinky 9:44 AM: "no one in the US says colour”
BUP  9:44 AM: "i said coloour”
BUP  9:44 AM: ":wink:”
Xenquility  9:44 AM: "He could be canadian”
Xenquility  9:44 AM: ":)”
Slinky 9:44 AM: "oh shit do canadians say that too?”
Xenquility  9:44 AM: "Yeah”
Xenquility  9:44 AM: "colour”
Xenquility  9:44 AM: "armour”
Slinky 9:45 AM: "fuck my plans”
Xenquility  9:45 AM: "inb4 jeff has hacked babel”
BUP  9:45 AM: ">when the ID thinks you're SKM but they're actually in danger”
BUP  9:45 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkYAdJHN5X4”
Xenquility  9:45 AM: "Oh”
Slinky 9:45 AM: "well if we are in danger”
Xenquility  9:45 AM: "Why are we in danger?”
BUP  9:45 AM: "Bup”
Slinky 9:45 AM: "b r u h”
Xenquility  9:46 AM: "Simpleflips is gonna blj through our wall and shove us in gbj?”
BUP  9:46 AM: "how dare you.”
ADULT_LINK△  9:46 AM: "reveal yourself”
Slinky 9:46 AM: "BUP”
ADULT_LINK△  9:46 AM: ":BUP:”
Xenquility  9:46 AM: "Could you just be easy and tell us who you are”
BUP  9:46 AM: "where's the game then”
BUP  9:46 AM: "you all want to play the game, right?”
Xenquility  9:47 AM: "I mean I guess”
Xenquility  9:47 AM: "Do we at least know who you are? (As in, do we know of your existence?)”
BUP  9:47 AM: "B U P”
Slinky 9:47 AM: "yo canadian hacker”
Xenquility  9:48 AM: "hey Thorin was the one to invite me to the simple discord”
Xenquility  9:48 AM: "he was bupping”
Slinky 9:48 AM: "help us making this logo #🎅art🎅”
ADULT_LINK△  9:48 AM: ":sBup:”
BUP  9:48 AM: "ᴇxᴄᴜsᴇ ᴍᴇ?”
Xenquility  9:48 AM: "Oh welcome back”
BUP  9:48 AM: "oh look it catches on”
BUP  9:48 AM: "hahaha”
BUP  9:48 AM: "goodbye for now I guess”
ADULT_LINK△  9:48 AM: "later bupper”
BUP  9:48 AM: "...”
Xenquility  9:49 AM: "What is it with these guys and saying "hahaha" all the time”
Slinky 9:49 AM: "The Bupper”
Slinky 9:49 AM: "new nickname”
BUP  9:49 AM: "ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴍʏ ᴛʀɪᴄᴋ. ɪ ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴀᴅᴍɪᴛ ɪᴛ's sʟɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ᴜɴɴᴇʀᴠɪɴɢ.”
Slinky 9:49 AM: "yo babel its been a while”
Xenquility  9:49 AM: "Also we kind of need you now”
BUP  9:50 AM: "ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴀɴ, xᴇɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ʜɪᴅᴇᴏᴜᴛ ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴏꜰ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛᴇʀʀɪʙʟᴇ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛʀʏ sᴏɴɢ.”
Xenquility  9:51 AM: "Which song? "Terrible country song" narrows it down to just about the entire genre”
BUP  9:51 AM: "ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ᴀʟʟ ꜰᴀᴄᴛᴏʀs ᴏꜰ ᴛʜɪs ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴀʀᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴇɴᴅɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴍᴏᴠᴇs. ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ.”
BUP  9:51 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM213aMKTHg”
BUP  9:51 AM: "ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛʜɪs ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.”
Xenquility  9:52 AM: "Oh god”
Wolfcat  9:52 AM: "ʜᴀʜᴀʜᴀ”
Slinky 9:52 AM: "s h i t”
Xenquility  9:52 AM: "What creature is listening to that”
Slinky 9:52 AM: "that song is shit”
ADULT_LINK△  9:52 AM: "ᶦ ᵃᵐ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵃ ᶫᶦᵗᵗᶫᵉ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᶜʰᵉʳ”
Slinky 9:52 AM: "yo i really hope its skm”
BUP  10:04 AM: "ɪ ᴀᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟʟʏ ʟɪsᴛᴇɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ sᴏ ᴀᴛʀᴏᴄɪᴏᴜs.”
BUP  10:04 AM: "ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴅɪsᴄᴏᴠᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴏꜰ ʀᴀᴅɪᴏ, ʏᴇs?”
Xenquility  10:04 AM: "No never heard of it”
Slinky 10:05 AM: "babel”
Slinky 10:05 AM: "listen to tame impala”
Slinky 10:05 AM: "you will probably like it”
BUP  10:06 AM: "ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴜᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇɴᴇꜰɪᴄɪᴀʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀsʜɪᴘ ᴇɴᴅs ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏ ʏᴏᴜ.”
BUP  10:06 AM: "sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ sᴜꜰꜰɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴀɴɴᴏʏ ᴍᴇ, ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ.”
Xenquility  10:06 AM: "Do you have any reason to destroy us?”
Slinky 10:07 AM: "lmao”
Wolfcat  10:07 AM: "I think you're giving him one”
Densgivin  10:33 AM: "What happened”
Slinky 10:34 AM: "someone hacked onto babels acount and he is british or canadian because he is stupid”
ADULT_LINK△  10:34 AM: "brutal”
Slinky 10:34 AM: "also his name is now BUPPER until he reveals his real name”
Densgivin  10:34 AM: "LOL”
Slinky 10:35 AM: "at least im calling he like that”
Jos  10:36 AM: "Reppub”
Jos  10:36 AM: "It's you…”
Jos  10:36 AM: "just jk” 
BUP  10:37 AM: "BUP”
BUP  10:37 AM: "will do fine”
Slinky 10:37 AM: "ay bupper”
BUP  10:37 AM: "I think that's cute & funny”
BUP  10:37 AM: "No just BUP”
Slinky 10:38 AM: "BUP”
Wolfcat  10:38 AM: "new character”
Wolfcat  10:38 AM: "Bupboy”
Slinky 10:38 AM: "sounds like another way of saying SKM”
Jos  10:38 AM: "BP”
Jos  10:38 AM: "BU”
BUP  10:38 AM: "you are not BUP slinky”
Jos  10:38 AM: "Hello”
Jos  10:38 AM: "nice to meet ya”
BUP  10:39 AM: "I truly wish I could say I was skm and fulfill your every theorizing desire but alas I am not”
BUP  10:39 AM: "I'm just a bad guy :wink:”
Slinky 10:39 AM: “then....”
Jos  10:39 AM: "hoax?”
Slinky 10:39 AM: "AO SKM”
Slinky 10:39 AM: "im not giving up buddy”
BUP  10:39 AM: "In fact I like this account”
BUP  10:39 AM: "I think I will lock out your friend”
Slinky 10:40 AM: "okay sorry”
BUP  10:40 AM: "it's funny”
Slinky 10:40 AM: "you are not SKM”
BUP  10:40 AM: "he's very frantic right now”
BUP  10:40 AM: "she's?”
Slinky 10:40 AM: "tf u mean with she's”
Slinky 10:40 AM: “babel is an alpha male”
BUP  10:40 AM: "ghostbabel”
BUP  10:40 AM: "the owner of this account”
BUP  10:40 AM: "oh well I don't like to assume”
PAKO  10:40 AM: "lost video”
BUP  10:40 AM: "anyways they seem to have great power”
ADULT_LINK△  10:41 AM: "respectable”
Slinky 10:41 AM: "okay bup”
Slinky 10:41 AM: "lemme ask you something”
BUP  10:41 AM: "but sadly it's not enough to overcome me”
BUP  10:41 AM: "I am placed higher”
Wolfcat  10:41 AM: "Dude”
Wolfcat  10:41 AM: "How HIGH do you have to be”
Slinky 10:41 AM: "are you the owner of SecretFamilly”
ADULT_LINK△  10:41 AM: ":howHigh:”
BUP  10:41 AM: ":high:”
Slinky 10:41 AM: "i probably said the name wrong”
Wolfcat  10:42 AM: "ɢʜᴏsᴛʙᴀʙᴇ”
Xenquility  10:42 AM: "Why exactly are you a bad guy?”
PAKO  10:43 AM: "what happened in the end with tyler?”
BUP  10:43 AM: "because of stuff like this right?”
Slinky 10:43 AM: "ɢʜᴏsᴛʙup”
BUP  10:43 AM: "you were collaborating with this entity”
BUP  10:43 AM: "and now you are not”
BUP  10:43 AM: ":wink:”
Slinky 10:43 AM: "Holy shit you changed name fast”
Xenquility  10:43 AM: "(To be fair the guy himself is kinda a terrible person)”
Xenquility  10:43 AM: "Have you diddled any kids?”
Jos  10:44 AM: "the real question is”
Jos  10:44 AM: "are you just blocking our access to GB and nothing else”
PAKO  10:44 AM: "start life”
BUP  10:44 AM: "i don't know”
BUP  10:44 AM: "depends on what I feel like doing”
Xenquility  10:45 AM: "I can respect that”
Jos  10:45 AM: "ah, arbitrary fun, keep going”
Xenquility  10:45 AM: "Like playing games?”
ADULT_LINK△  10:45 AM: "at the very least i respect your meme taste :sBup:”
Xenquility  10:45 AM: ":BUP:”
Jos  10:45 AM: "amborgesa”
BUP  10:45 AM: "ooh”
BUP  10:45 AM: "a game sounds fun”
BUP  10:45 AM: "what kind of game should we play”
Xenquility  10:45 AM: "Up to you”
Jos  10:45 AM: "what about destroying luna”
BUP  10:45 AM: "pfft”
BUP  10:45 AM: "pass”
Xenquility  10:46 AM: "Are you jevil lmao”
ADULT_LINK△  10:46 AM: ":Jefault:”
Jos  10:46 AM: "what about, saving the timeline?”
Slinky 10:46 AM: "BUP stands for Brad Ulcher Parker”
BUP  10:46 AM: "jevil lol”
BUP  10:46 AM: "what does that even mean”
BUP  10:46 AM: "like in a literal sense”
ADULT_LINK△  10:46 AM: "jester devil”
BUP  10:47 AM: "oh”
Slinky 10:47 AM: "lmfao”
BUP  10:47 AM: "i kinda like that”
Slinky 10:47 AM: "Toad Jester Devil”
BUP  10:47 AM: "oh hang on”
BUP  10:47 AM: "your friend is trying to use that thing you gave them”
BUP  10:47 AM: "ok back”
Slinky 10:47 AM: "huh?”
Xenquility  10:47 AM: "Welcome back”
Xenquility  10:47 AM: "Helper's hat”
Slinky 10:48 AM: "oh the hat”
Xenquility  10:48 AM: "Anyways at least you have a sense of humor”
BUP  10:48 AM: "idk i was thinking more like a flash game or sumthin”
BUP  10:48 AM: "but you guys are so bent on being serious”
Slinky 10:49 AM: "suck my weenie”
Xenquility  10:49 AM: "We can play some flash games”
BUP  10:49 AM: "fine if we play a fun game”
Xenquility  10:49 AM: "You guys up for monopoly?”
PAKO  10:49 AM: "what weeine?”
BUP  10:49 AM: "i'll make the stakes serious”
BUP  10:49 AM: "how about that”
Xenquility  10:49 AM: "Uh”
Xenquility  10:49 AM: "I'm fine with just normal games but I'm also guessing we have to chose the serious option”
BUP  10:50 AM: "the good shit”
Jos  10:50 AM: "tell me about this game”
Wolfcat  10:50 AM: ":flushed:”
Xenquility  10:50 AM: "If Ghostbabel ever comes back can we all agree to call him unit 344”
Slinky 10:50 AM: "why”
Jos  10:50 AM: “what about unit420” 
Slinky 10:50 AM: "ghostbabel is cooler”
PAKO  10:51 AM: "babel”
Xenquility  10:51 AM: "unit 344 was his wyndstrom name”
Jos  10:51 AM: "@BUP what game are we talking about”
Xenquility  10:51 AM: "and I like bupman”
Slinky 10:51 AM: "i know it was his specimen number lel”
Slinky 10:51 AM: "yo bupman”
BUP  10:51 AM: "idk”
BUP  10:51 AM: "pick a good game”
BUP  10:51 AM: "something fun”
BUP  10:51 AM: "monopoly is the most boring shit of all time”
BUP  10:51 AM: "garbage tier board game tbh”
Jos  10:52 AM: "russian monopoly”
Jos  10:52 AM: "you share everything”
Slinky 10:52 AM: "MineSweeper”
Wolfcat  10:52 AM: "captain :b:oad”
PAKO  10:52 AM: ".ussrmonopoly”
Jos  10:52 AM: "nah alright so”
ADULT_LINK△  10:52 AM: "romhacked mario64 online”
Xenquility  10:52 AM: "YES”
Xenquility  10:52 AM: "GOD YES”
Xenquility  10:52 AM: "I would kill for some mario64 online right now”
Wolfcat  10:53 AM: "Oh?”
Slinky 10:53 AM: "marioK64 is neat”
Wolfcat  10:53 AM: "Sounds like something a traitor would say”
Wolfcat  10:53 AM: “:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:”
ADULT_LINK△  10:53 AM: "oof mario kart 64 is fun”
Wolfcat  10:53 AM: "Anyone find it strange how Xen was the one who recorded the call? And in perfect GM quality?”
Wolfcat  10:53 AM: ":thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:”
Xenquility  10:54 AM: ""Perfect GM quality"”
Wolfcat  10:54 AM: "our gms arent very good”
BUP  10:54 AM: "^”
Slinky 10:54 AM: "are you guys talking about meta shit when a character is around, rude”
Xenquility  10:54 AM: "Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands”
Xenquility  10:54 AM: " -wolfjack”
Wolfcat  10:54 AM: "im kiddign dont spite me”
Xenquility  10:54 AM: ";)”
Slinky 10:54 AM: "how do you feel about that bup?”
Jos  10:55 AM: "come at me”
BUP  10:55 AM: "dude”
PAKO  10:55 AM: "ups”
BUP  10:55 AM: "the pokespam”
BUP  10:55 AM: "why”
Slinky 10:55 AM: "i like bup”
Slinky 10:55 AM: "i also hate the pokespam”
BUP  10:56 AM: "you shouldn't”
BUP  10:56 AM: "I'm thinking of erasing this mofo”
Xenquility  10:56 AM: "Hey Bup I have a question”
PAKO  10:56 AM: "idk that”
PAKO  10:56 AM: "sorry”
Slinky 10:56 AM: "dont say shit about babel”
Slinky 10:56 AM: "u wanna throw hands bitch?”
PAKO  10:56 AM: "who”
Xenquility  10:56 AM: "wait nvm”
Xenquility  10:56 AM: "Anyone got an idea for a game?”
BUP  10:58 AM: "y'all suggested it and now I'm sitting her squattin”
Slinky 10:58 AM: "AHEM whtcg AHEM”
BUP  10:58 AM: "setting up an emu for a romhack seems like a lot of effort tbh”
Xenquility  10:58 AM: "Yeah but in mario64 you might get to see your dad again”
Xenquility  10:58 AM: "He's in the castle somewhere”
BUP  10:58 AM: "what the fuck”
PAKO  10:58 AM: "uh”
Slinky 10:58 AM: "xen he is gonna kill babel the fuck”
Wolfcat  10:58 AM: "you boys seriously about to play vidya with a character”
Slinky 10:59 AM: "we are”
Slinky 10:59 AM: "well”
Wolfcat  10:59 AM: “:smh:”
Slinky 10:59 AM: "xen is”
Xenquility  10:59 AM: "I was making a joke about him being a bup lmao”
PAKO  10:59 AM: "wadafuq”
Wolfcat  10:59 AM: "i knew he was a traitor”
Xenquility  10:59 AM: "No I'm not”
Xenquility  10:59 AM: "Everything is great.”
PAKO  10:59 AM: "yes he was a fucking traitor”
BUP  10:59 AM: "yo i was talking about pako”
BUP  10:59 AM: "not babel”
Slinky 10:59 AM: "oh pako”
BUP  10:59 AM: "babel is kawaii”
Xenquility  10:59 AM: "Exactly stop yelling at me”
PAKO  11:00 AM: "i never talk with bup”
Slinky 11:00 AM: "pako ur gonna die my lad xddddd”
BUP  11:00 AM: "also i def confirmed this stupid mofo (babel) has been trollin”
PAKO  11:00 AM: "why”
Slinky 11:00 AM: "trollin who”
PAKO  11:00 AM: "why i going to die?”
Slinky 11:01 AM: "bup said he/she uwu is gonna destroy yo”
Wolfcat  11:01 AM: "i miss spingirl”
Wolfcat  11:01 AM: "welcome back spingirl”
PAKO  11:01 AM: "thank you @bup to want to destroy me”
Jos  11:02 AM: "actually if babel is here, she is already attacking you on another front you are not aware to”
BUP  11:02 AM: "im not going to kill you relax”
Jos  11:02 AM: "he*”
BUP  11:02 AM: "i was mad you were posting so much pokespam in here”
PAKO  11:02 AM: "ah ok”
BUP  11:02 AM: "babel is def a girl tho”
Xenquility  11:02 AM: "Hot”
PAKO  11:02 AM: "I did not know that sorry”
Slinky 11:02 AM: "no she isnt”
Slinky 11:02 AM: "FUCK”
BUP  11:03 AM: "ok cuck”
Xenquility  11:03 AM: "I knew the way she acted around me wasn't coincidental”
ADULT_LINK△  11:03 AM: "whore”
ADULT_LINK△  11:03 AM: "?”
Slinky 11:03 AM: "babel is my mother and she is not a girl”
Slinky 11:03 AM: "i can confirm”
BUP  11:03 AM: "i can confirm that maybe they don't identify as female”
PAKO  11:03 AM: "i've a charizard:fire: :fire”
Wolfcat  11:04 AM: "no wonder they always looked down on us”
Wolfcat  11:04 AM: "typical stacey”
Xenquility  11:04 AM: "dominatrix”
Xenquility  11:04 AM: "not exactly my cup of tea but”
Slinky 11:04 AM: ":okay:”
Slinky 11:04 AM: "how do you dare calling babel a dominatrix”
Wolfcat  11:05 AM: "is he wrong?”
Xenquility  11:05 AM: "didn't she prey on kids too?”
Wolfcat  11:05 AM: "why you always callin people pedos”
Slinky 11:05 AM: "...d-did she?...”
BUP  11:05 AM: "i don't think that factoid was ever confirmed”
PAKO  11:05 AM: "pedos:regi: :regi:”
BUP  11:05 AM: "just speculated”
Xenquility  11:06 AM: "close enough”
BUP  11:06 AM: "they are def a troll”
Xenquility  11:06 AM: "Like a literal troll or an internet troll?”
Slinky 11:06 AM: "HOMESTUCK TROLL”
PAKO  11:06 AM: ":person_walking: :dash: this are pedos”
Slinky 11:06 AM: "lmao”
PAKO  11:07 AM: "fuck”
PAKO  11:07 AM: "hahahah is that”
Wolfcat  11:07 AM: "I think "preyed on kids" means they like fucked with kids”
Wolfcat  11:07 AM: "not like literally”
Xenquility  11:07 AM: "ik”
Slinky 11:07 AM: "plot twist”
Wolfcat  11:08 AM: "but i dunno 979 deeplore”
ADULT_LINK△  11:08 AM: ":honl:”
ADULT_LINK△  11:08 AM: ":turboass:”
Slinky 11:08 AM: "bbabel is both a homestuck troll and a real troll with long nose”
PAKO  11:08 AM: "ooh”
BUP  11:08 AM: "maybe that is your prize”
BUP  11:08 AM: "for our game”
PAKO  11:08 AM: ":hando:”
PAKO  11:08 AM: ":dork:”
BUP  11:09 AM: "if you win I will discover and spill this fool's entire true deeplore”
PAKO  11:09 AM: ":grethpoint:”
Xenquility  11:09 AM: "hell yes”
BUP  11:09 AM: "but if i win”
BUP  11:09 AM: "well”
BUP  11:09 AM: "hmmm”
Slinky 11:09 AM: ".........”
BUP  11:09 AM: "what would be that good?”
Xenquility  11:09 AM: "you can smash babel”
BUP  11:09 AM: "that sounds fun!”
Xenquility  11:09 AM: "as in sexual intercourse not murder”
BUP  11:09 AM: "but i'm not sure i can”
Wolfcat  11:09 AM: "that'd piss babel off”
BUP  11:09 AM: "i did say they are pretty stronk”
Wolfcat  11:09 AM: "maybe the only winning move is not to play”
Xenquility  11:09 AM: "Just tie them down with some bdsm shit”
BUP  11:09 AM: "i know!”
Xenquility  11:09 AM: "They're a dominatrix anyways”
Wolfcat  11:10 AM: "and send pics”
BUP  11:10 AM: "I will take someone hostage”
BUP  11:10 AM: "but I won't say who”
Slinky 11:10 AM: "oh fucking nice”
Xenquility  11:10 AM: "why”
BUP  11:10 AM: "because the stakes are high”
BUP  11:10 AM: "and that makes the game interesting”
BUP  11:10 AM: "however”
PAKO  11:10 AM: ":ghost:”
BUP  11:10 AM: "in return”
Slinky 11:10 AM: "so xen, play and win bc i dont wanna play the: uh where is this dude game again”
PAKO  11:10 AM: ":ghost: babel”
BUP  11:10 AM: "if you lose, i will also let this character go”
BUP  11:10 AM: "after i spill their secrets”
ADULT_LINK△  11:10 AM: "i uh”
ADULT_LINK△  11:10 AM: i think i'm gonna go to sleep”
Slinky 11:11 AM: "oh”
ADULT_LINK△  11:11 AM: "its 8:10 AM now”
Slinky 11:11 AM: "the secrets?”
PAKO  11:11 AM: "is the shortname”
Xenquility  11:11 AM: "wait so if we win we get Babel's secrets and the guy back?”
Slinky 11:11 AM: "gm and gn thorin”
ADULT_LINK△  11:11 AM: "i stayed up a liiiiiiiitle late”
ADULT_LINK△  11:11 AM: "o/ nighto frens”
Xenquility  11:11 AM: "I AM BECOME JEFFUMS”
ADULT_LINK△  11:11 AM: "identity theft”
BUP  11:11 AM: "wait maybe i phrased that wrong”
Slinky 11:11 AM: "OH NO”
Slinky 11:11 AM: "NOW I HAVE TWO DADS”
BUP  11:12 AM: "if you lose you win you get babel back after i spill their secrets”
PAKO  11:12 AM: ":two_men_holding_hands:”
BUP  11:12 AM: "if you lose i will let them go anyway”
PAKO  11:12 AM: "our fathers slinky”
BUP  11:12 AM: "you don't get their secrets”
Slinky 11:12 AM: "so no hostage?”
BUP  11:12 AM: "but i move on somewhere else”
BUP  11:12 AM: "let's put it that way”
Xenquility  11:12 AM: "So basically if we lose you leave”
PAKO  11:12 AM: "uuhh”
BUP  11:12 AM: "not at all :wink:”
Wolfcat  11:12 AM: "sounds like a win win”
Xenquility  11:12 AM: "I am so confused but okay”
BUP  11:13 AM: "don't overthink it”
BUP  11:13 AM: "oh I have a good idea”
BUP  11:13 AM: "can anyone livestream?”
BUP  11:13 AM: "how about a speedrun”
PAKO  11:14 AM: "nop”
Xenquility  11:14 AM: "of what”
PAKO  11:14 AM: "a speedrun in what game?”
BUP  11:14 AM: "let's see, what would be appropriate?”
PAKO  11:15 AM: "minecraft”
Xenquility  11:15 AM: "Refunct”
PAKO  11:15 AM: "the world record speedrun is 0.47seconds”
BUP  11:16 AM: "pfft i don't expect any world record breaking speedruns”
BUP  11:16 AM: "I'll set a time limit of reasonable expectation”
Xenquility  11:16 AM: "Is that a yes to refunct?”
PAKO  11:16 AM: "but try at least”
BUP  11:17 AM: "refunct looks cute”
BUP  11:17 AM: "what about breath of the wild?”
BUP  11:17 AM: "i think that would be fun”
BUP  11:17 AM: "i am willing to discuss this”
BUP  11:17 AM: "I like having fun.”
BUP  11:17 AM: "it would be interesting because i could also set the parameter for completion”
BUP  11:17 AM: "like just 'killing ganon' would be kinda boring since some people can do that in like 30 mins”
Slinky 11:19 AM: "Stream in twich tho”
Slinky 11:19 AM: "I can't watch discord strens”
Wolfcat  11:19 AM: "Collect all Koroks”
BUP  11:19 AM: "I was thinking more like, acquire the Master Sword and walk to a certain point in the game”
Slinky 11:20 AM: "Yo wolf”
Wolfcat  11:20 AM: "Yo stinky”
Slinky 11:20 AM: "And btw stream the speedrun on twich pls :(“
Xenquility  11:21 AM: "k so who here is good at botw”
ARGdov  11:21 AM: "morning all”
ARGdov  11:21 AM: "have I missed much”
Xenquility  11:21 AM: "Morning Dov”
Slinky 11:21 AM: "Mornin”
Xenquility  11:21 AM: "Babel may be dying”
ARGdov  11:21 AM: "well, shitt”
Xenquility  11:21 AM: "Some guy has taken over is account named bup”
ADULT_LINK△  11:21 AM: "yall botw speedrunning is nuts”
Xenquility  11:21 AM: "Bup is probably evil but he seems cool”
Xenquility  11:21 AM: "Likes to have fun”
ARGdov  11:21 AM: "ok so bup isnt a new player, cool”
BUP  11:22 AM: "they call me the jevil”
BUP  11:22 AM: "OOoooooOOooOooOo”
ARGdov  11:22 AM: "hai”
Wolfcat  11:22 AM: "i elect”
Wolfcat  11:22 AM: "thorin”
BUP  11:22 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkYAdJHN5X4”
ARGdov  11:22 AM: "well, good to meet you BUP”
Slinky 11:22 AM: "I can do ANYTHING”
ARGdov  11:22 AM: "Im ARGdov. My one claim to fame is fucking things up for the group spectacularly one time and thats it”
ADULT_LINK△  11:22 AM: "i'd love to try to speedrun something but i hve to sleep”
ADULT_LINK△  11:22 AM: "ive been up all night”
Xenquility  11:23 AM: "Ay was it Thorin or Circle that played the hell out of botw?”
ADULT_LINK△  11:23 AM: "circo streamed it”
BUP  11:23 AM: "I assume this will take time to prepare anyways for someone”
Slinky 11:23 AM: "Yo BUP 1v1 ultrafigth kyanta”
ARGdov  11:24 AM: "holy fuck”
ADULT_LINK△  11:24 AM: "what fuckin mc speedrun is 47 seconds”
ARGdov  11:24 AM: "I just jumped up and looked at Circles new timeline thing”
ARGdov  11:24 AM: "this is a fucking headache”
PAKO  11:24 AM: "yeah 47 seconds”
Slinky 11:24 AM: "YEAH RIGHT?”
Xenquility  11:24 AM: "Idk what the hell it is”
Slinky 11:24 AM: "It hurts to watch”
ADULT_LINK△  11:24 AM: "thats 47 minutes ya doof”
Xenquility  11:24 AM: "For some reason people started assuming the mad Tyler was from ao”
Xenquility  11:24 AM: "(For literally no reason)”
PAKO  11:25 AM: "47 seconds with hacks”
PAKO  11:25 AM: "8 min is the world record without hacks”
Slinky 11:25 AM: ":hand: :hando:”
PAKO  11:25 AM: "https://youtu.be/C2uQOkrvgvs”
ARGdov  11:26 AM: "@/Mr. Circle\ you're probs busy atm but when you can maybe elaborate on this crazy diagram you made with the timelines”
PAKO  11:26 AM: "is a canadian guy”
Slinky 11:26 AM: ":hand: :jack_o_lantern: :hando:”
Slinky 11:26 AM: "Your arg, hand it over”
ARGdov  11:27 AM: "ok, so”
ARGdov  11:27 AM: "Im thinking what circles thinking is um”
ARGdov  11:27 AM: "well its complicated but I think I understand it”
Slinky 11:28 AM: "I dont”
Xenquility  11:28 AM: "COUGH That timeline is wrong COUGH”
ARGdov  11:28 AM: "I mean, I wouldnt be surprised”
ADULT_LINK△  11:28 AM: "yall just havent woken your 3rd eye”
ADULT_LINK△  11:28 AM: ":hylotl_eyes:”
ARGdov  11:28 AM: "but Im trying to grasp onto SOMETHING to make sense of everything thats gone down”
Slinky 11:29 AM: "I can't wake it up yet”
Slinky 11:29 AM: "I'm too young”
BUP  11:29 AM: "it's funny because none of it is simple and yet at the same time the entire thing makes sense and is simple”
BUP  11:29 AM: "BUP”
Slinky 11:29 AM: "BUP”
Xenquility  11:29 AM: "My understanding is: Tyler wanted to end his suffering, so the bad guys told him something like, "Hey if you get these internet detectives to fuck off we'll let you live" So then he tried to do that”
Xenquility  11:29 AM: "But they didn't kill him”
BUP  11:29 AM: ".yt bup”
Wolfcat  11:29 AM: "BUP”
Wolfcat  11:29 AM: "BUP”
Wolfcat  11:29 AM: " UP”
ARGdov  11:29 AM: "ok that would make sense”
Xenquility  11:30 AM: "And apparently Erika is canon”
Slinky 11:30 AM: "BrapBoy @Wolfcat”
ARGdov  11:30 AM: "but whats up with the video acknowledhing that this is an ARG, and acknowledging the 4th wall”
Wolfcat  11:30 AM: "You must clear your thinking”
Wolfcat  11:30 AM: "Compartamentalize”
Xenquility  11:30 AM: "I mean”
ARGdov  11:30 AM: "i.e it thanks Jad and Nintendo for "giving me so much to play with"”
ADULT_LINK△  11:30 AM: "dov”
ADULT_LINK△  11:30 AM: "dov”
ARGdov  11:30 AM: "yes”
ARGdov  11:30 AM: "yes”
Slinky 11:30 AM: "That's all Tyler trying to end the arg”
ADULT_LINK△  11:30 AM: "the video was AO tyler acting out of character”
Slinky 11:30 AM: "Btw”
Slinky 11:30 AM: "Anyone has it?”
Xenquility  11:30 AM: "In character, we're to assume everything is real. Calling all a "Stupid joke" would be the easiest way to get us off their trail”
Slinky 11:30 AM: "I need to watch it”
ARGdov  11:30 AM: "ok how do we know that?”
Slinky 11:31 AM: "The intro fog deleted”
ADULT_LINK△  11:31 AM: "meaning it was OG tyler playing the role of AO tyler breaking his character”
ADULT_LINK△  11:31 AM: "idk it seems fuckin obvious!”
ARGdov  11:31 AM: "so OG Tyler, whos been kidnapped and taken to the AO timeline”
ARGdov  11:31 AM: "was forced to pretend to be AO Tyler 'breaking character', and ending the ARG”
ADULT_LINK△  11:31 AM: "well”
ARGdov  11:31 AM: "to throw....someone off track”
ADULT_LINK△  11:32 AM: "idk about our tyler being forced to be ao tyler”
ARGdov  11:32 AM: "well I mean”
Wolfcat  11:32 AM: "Ha ha ha ha.”
Xenquility  11:32 AM: "As far as I can guess ao Tyler is dead”
ADULT_LINK△  11:32 AM: "fuck”
Xenquility  11:32 AM: "Which is why they needed ours”
ARGdov  11:32 AM: "it followed up with him being like "FUCK NO I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FREE"”
ADULT_LINK△  11:32 AM: "i need to stop and get my ass to sleep”
Wolfcat  11:32 AM: "thinkin about beans sorry”
ARGdov  11:32 AM: "so ok maybe he was coerced into it idk”
Slinky 11:32 AM: "Yo wolf”
BUP  11:32 AM: "damn so like i feel like big moments in these chats these days have accompanying music but i dont”
ARGdov  11:32 AM: "thats not the important thing”
ADULT_LINK△  11:32 AM: "o shit someone say beans”
ARGdov  11:32 AM: "beans”
BUP  11:32 AM: "BEANS”
Slinky 11:32 AM: "Beans?”
ARGdov  11:32 AM: "also how do we know Erika is canon?”
Wolfcat  11:32 AM: "what do you want slinky”
Xenquility  11:32 AM: "Beans are more important than jid”
Xenquility  11:32 AM: "Erika's tribute video”
Slinky 11:33 AM: "you archive everything rite?”
ADULT_LINK△  11:33 AM: "she posted new content”
Wolfcat  11:33 AM: "ill update the timeline later”
Xenquility  11:33 AM: "Featured all new footage”
Xenquility  11:33 AM: "With Greth”
Slinky 11:33 AM: "No wait”
ARGdov  11:33 AM: "there's footage in it we dont recognize, thats all. that doesnt have to mean anything. we could just be forgetting it exists”
Wolfcat  11:33 AM: "someone said they archived the intro to the silentdork vid”
Wolfcat  11:33 AM: "i dont have it myself”
Xenquility  11:33 AM: "And she left the discord as soon as we found her channel”
Slinky 11:33 AM: "Ahhh”
Slinky 11:33 AM: "Almost”
Slinky 11:33 AM: "I'm so close to watching it”
ADULT_LINK△  11:33 AM: "b e a n”
ADULT_LINK△  11:33 AM: "ah fuck my foots starting to hurt fuck this shit i'm goin to sleep”
ADULT_LINK△  11:33 AM: "nighto 4 real this time”
ADULT_LINK△  11:33 AM: "beans”
Wolfcat  11:34 AM: "there were some vids that arent properly archived”
Slinky 11:34 AM: "Beans!”
Wolfcat  11:34 AM: "erika is apparently a SUPERFAN”
BUP  11:35 AM: "who is that smonkin”
Xenquility  11:35 AM: "
f Erika's video doesn't have any new footage then we've missed a good 3 and a half minutes of footage” 
ADULT_LINK△  11:36 AM: "dunno just found a beans image and added it to my folder”
Wolfcat  11:36 AM: "erika”
Wolfcat  11:36 AM: "more like”
Wolfcat  11:36 AM: "hairika”
ADULT_LINK△  11:36 AM: "i keep misreading erika as etika and that makes me sad”
Slinky 11:36 AM: "
Yo is Erika the girl on her pfp?
Slinky 11:36 AM: "Like the girl on her yt pfp?”
Wolfcat  11:36 AM: ":edit1::edit2:”
PAKO  11:38 AM: "https://youtu.be/GWAlYC8NZzU”
ARGdov  11:40 AM: "I did just watch the video again cause I wasnt focusing too much on it before”
ARGdov  11:40 AM: "and yeah ok this is new”
ARGdov  11:40 AM: "this has been”
ARGdov  11:40 AM: "such a fucking mindfuck”
BUP  11:43 AM: "okay well i will retreat for now”
BUP  11:43 AM: "i hope we can play our game soon”
ARGdov  11:43 AM: "see ya BUP”
PAKO  11:44 AM: "https://youtu.be/WRzIuC2MKOU”
Jos  11:50 AM: "@Upd8”
Jos  11:50 AM: "https://youtu.be/r1w5VBYl6cc”
Jos  11:50 AM: "Wait
Jos  11:50 AM: "Why did youtube just warned me
Jos  11:50 AM: "Fuck you youtube
Eevee Reborn  11:55 AM: "There was a whole begining to that video that's gone now”
ARGdov  11:56 AM: "shit yeah what the hell”
ARGdov  11:56 AM: "the whole "out of character" bits gone”
ADULT_LINK△  6:40 PM: "yall ever do bomb boosts”
BUP  6:59 PM: "bomboost”
Xenquility  7:00 PM: "Hey bup”
ADULT_LINK△  7:01 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEtHpCfi_DE”
Wolfcat  7:01 PM: "you guys should speedrun Buphead”
BUP  7:30 PM: "no matter how hard you try”
BUP  7:30 PM: "you will never be this good”
BUP  7:30 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_n52JJpwe8”
ADULT_LINK△  7:31 PM: "damn that musta taken like. a lot of tries to get that set up and timed”
Xenquility  7:33 PM: "Thorin you willing to do the run?”
ADULT_LINK△  7:34 PM: "uhhh”
ADULT_LINK△  7:34 PM: "i havent touched botw in a while”
ADULT_LINK△  7:34 PM: "my switch still has my freinds blood on it from the car crash too”
ADULT_LINK△  7:34 PM: "i havent gotten around to cleaning that off or really touching the switch at all”
Xenquility  7:37 PM: "Does anyone here actually play botw then?”
BUP  7:38 PM: "oh well”
Xenquility  7:38 PM: "What does "oh well" mean”
0 notes
ualscout · 6 years
Captain’s Log: 16 Triggers II
The 16 prompts continued...
9: Recreate the moment after…………..…
Alright, I’m really not proud of myself for this one. I couldn’t think of anything, so I drew a picture of a shattered window from the inside looking out onto a kid with a baseball bat and a look of shock and terror. This is a universal “oh shit” moment, which I think most people can relate to on some degree even if it isn’t baseball. I used the window to frame the kid and put him at the center of attention, and by using the window as a frame I also added focal layers to the sketch.
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(The universal feeling when rolling a nat1, or a critical fail)
After I did it I thought of a ton of different ideas though. Like rolling a nat1 in a Dungeons and Dragons game when everything is on the line. Or closing out of a program/having a program crash and realizing you forgot to save. Or saving and forgetting you just saved so you save again. I dunno, I thought of better stuff but didn’t have enough time to go back and fix it because I just didn’t have time. Let’s just say the kid rolled a nat1 or something?
10: Reconfigure a newspaper
Y’all know Brexit? Yeah? Cool.
Anyways, I’ve always been encouraged to be aware of the world by my high school social studies teacher. I get news updates on my phone and all that. I gotta say, the world is depressing. When you’re constantly getting updates on the next mass shooting or stabbing or acid attack or stupid thing politics did, it’s hard to stay positive, but it’s kinda necessary to be aware and look at it with as little emotion as possible. It kinda feels like a ball and chain anchor.
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(Pics of the ball and chain hanging from door)
So I represented that feeling by making a literal ball and chain out of newspaper about Brexit. Then, on the chains, I wrote
“Calling the world from isolation, ‘cause right now that’s the ball where we be chained”
from Humility by Gorillaz, which is about Brexit. The biggest project out of the prototypes, definitely. I did the installation first then documented it in my sketchbook.
11: Apologise for a mistake (visually)
This one was really hard because in order to apologize, you need a mistake. By nature, this needs some kind of narrative behind it that you can’t use words for and ideally want in one panel. Some boring ways of doing this could be helping someone up after tripping, or patching up something that broke, or WAIT.
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I thought of something better- someone being stabbed through the heart by someone they love while being hugged by said person. Angst central… why didn’t I think of that earlier…?
Anyways, I did something kinda boring…
I made a confession box. I kept the statement vague. People could accept the apology, deny the apology, apologize for something they did and feel bad for, etc. I did it because I wanted to use the cardboard I brought lol. It ended up getting tossed by someone, so… whoops.
12: Record what another student is doing
Someone was passed out at their desk lol. I hope they’re doing alright. They seemed tired and kept sniffling. I just kinda scanned the classroom and saw them, basically taking the easy way out. Didn’t take a picture of them because that would be kinda creepy.
13: Make a path for others to follow
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(How can the thread be red if it’s invisible?)
There’s this superstition about everyone having a red thread tied around their pinky that’s connected to someone else’s pinky and that person is their soulmate. You just need to follow the thread, which is harder than it sounds… I wanted to make an animation or something based off of that. It would follow two ends of the string, winding through the city and terrain, and watch the characters pick up and manage the amounts of red string they find along the way. I’d want this to be a music video, ideally to “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men or “One Red Thread” by Blind Pilot. I did some sketches in my book- the characters and everything would be simple marker sketches while the only color is the red thread.
… but I ended up displaying a meme option. One of my favorite emotes is OwO and it looks very demonic when you fill in the eyes with darkness. So I drew the emote normally, then blinking, then opening to darkness to the words “We all have demons, and sometimes they win.” This is 100000% a meme and shouldn’t be taken seriously, despite what my tutor thinks… Anyways, the path to follow was the path to your inner demons.
14: Add something extra
Do you guys have chipotle here? Well, guac is always extra. I don’t like guac personally, but it seems like something that can be put into other food things to disgust people. For instance: an ice-cream cone, a pom pom, a snowball, etc. I didn’t really have any good ideas, just that…
15: Making a drawing without touching a pen
… Okay.
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(Fountain pen for flare and sarcasm)
I didn’t touch a pen, I did touch a pencil though. I drew a fountain pen and wrote “no” in pen because it was funny. Sometimes it be like that, chief. I think it’s funny because the pen is so carefully drawn and sketched in a pencil style, then you just have “no” there. Again, I just do things to try and be funny.
16: Make a neglected place loved
The first thing that came to mind was a grave made markless after being out and exposed to the elements for so long. 
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(Like this- creepy and generic)
And that got me thinking about how that’s the last thing holding their physical body to the mortal plane. Their body is there, there is likely evidence of their existence, but no one will ever know for sure. The memory of them and the physicality of their body are completely disconnected. Not to mention these graves are so old they’re likely not visited or cared for in the same way recent graves are, they’re not remembered. I wanted to do something to make them remember…
… but then I decided to just make haunted shit. I like the idea of fixing and renovating even if it takes away some of the personality of the house. I think it’s like a reset, like painting the walls in a rental or getting a tattoo. But what if the house didn’t want to be remembered? What if someone wanted it to stay the same…?
Enter the song “O Green World” by Gorillaz. It sounds like a person washing windows in a slasher film. I like the idea of following an unaware protagonist and following the narrative through the windows, like some of the other pieces I did in the past (see Scene Change: No Story Time and prompt #9). I kinda just drew a basic concept, but it would take place in a haunted house and the characters would interact with the different sets inside.
I swear to God when the tutors were briefing us on the zine I felt my heart beating with anticipation. I wanted SO. BADLY. To do this. Ideas started racing through my head and I felt my hands jitter as ideas raced through my head. A zine is the perfect way to tell a story and boy do I have stories to tell.
I thought through a bunch of ideas, like doing something about Mothman, explaining the story behind Haakon’s banishment, doing something about The Adventure Zone, but I realized I could tell a cohesive story by just making it like a textbook. I took from the prompt first prompt, recreating and object from my past. Again, not my past.
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This is the past of Bo Phadez and Sandman. My first long-term DND character met an elemental golem the first session of the game, shoved a handful of ash into its receptacle, and unfittingly named it Sandman. Sandman went through a whole character arc with Bo during the game, with them nearly getting blown up in the pursuit of an infinite power supply. The Game Master threatened killing him multiple times… but he knew I’d make him regret it. Sandman remains my favorite thing to have come out of my misadventures in DnD yet.
Time was short, so I had to act quick. I wrote the lines as if they were part of an SCP file or a textbook. That way, even if the reader didn’t understand the crazy world the story took place in (jumping from a desert planet to a space opera with nukes and guns in a page with characters pulled out of a Russian version of Lord of the Rings. I used a brush pen to make bold and quick lines.
As I drew, I realized I spent less and less time for each page… I just knew how to make the characters look how I wanted. I know pencil was banned, but I used it for putting down lines, and at some point I just stopped and went with the pen. I had a lot of fun considering the different blocking and ways to compose the screen, as well as making the text fit in the frame. I played with colors a bit, making sure to use them to show how Sandman was changing forms and powers without fully doing it. To make full use of the frames, I cut the paper so I could glue the backs of the pages together so I wouldn’t have to deal with creases while I drew.
Honestly, making this zine gave me an epiphany. I want to draw like this for the rest of my life. I love designing the characters and getting to know their designs well enough to do them quickly and expressively. This certainly wasn’t my best work, but it was the quickest one with the best results and the most pride in my work.
I really wanted to pursue this more.
This was the moment I decided I wanted to specialize in animation.
In conclusion, I think I make art for reactions. I.e. whenever I had trouble thinking of deep connections that I would actually care about I tried to go for comedy or sarcasm. I don’t know why, but maybe it’s because I’m an entertainer at heart. I really enjoyed doing all these miniprojects. It’s like throwing pasta at the wall and seeing what sticks. This kind of format lets me really stretch my thinking style because I didn’t care too much about making sure the end product was perfect- I just wanted good ideas and had fun with it! Some prompts came slower than others, but I always figured something out.
0 notes